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By languages involved in translation, translation can be classified into translation from the native language into the foreign language or vice versa(cf.p.1)
What are the prerequisites for qualified translators?
Language competence
Millet made a portrait of Lady Chesterfield, which flattered her. 米勒为了逢迎柴斯特菲尔德夫人而替她画了一幅像。 (flatter=to make better looking than the reality“超过” )
Chapter One: Introduction
1. What is translation? What is the nature of translation? And what is the role of translation in our life?
2. How many types of translation and how to classify them?
By genres, translation can be classified into specialized-subject translation, literary translation and general translation.
By modes, translation can be classified into absolute translation, selective translation and translation with reconstruction (edition- translation).
钱歌川:《翻译的基本知识》中外出版社,1984年), 乔海清:《翻译新论》北京语言学院出版社,1993年), 喻云根:《英美名著翻译比较》湖北教育出版社,1996年). Assessment: Students will be assessed on class participation, four or five translation
What is translation?
Translation means “representing accurately and completely in the target language what is expressed in the source language.”(Fan Cunzhong)
Translation can help enrich our culture and language and learn foreign new things such advanced science and technology. (cf.pp.1-2)
2. How many types of translation and how to classify them?
fond of talking that his comradห้องสมุดไป่ตู้s called him “magpie”. 他多嘴多舌,同伴们给他取了个绰号叫“麻 雀”。
1)鸿运;吉利;喜庆。例子:破颜看 鹊喜,拭泪听猿啼。(唐•宋之问: 《发端州初入西江诗》)
B. a person who likes collecting and keeping objects,
Try to do all the exercises offered in the textbook and compare your versions with those supplied for reference in the back of the textbook.
Try to do as many translation exercises (passages or whole texts) outside the class.
Translation is a very important method often used in foreign language teaching;
Translation plays a very important role in comparative literature and comparative linguistics;
Referring to and focusing on the common translation standards and principles, commonly-used translation techniques;
Combing theory with practice so as to help the students acquire the translation ability as well as translation knowledge.
By medium used in translation, translation can be classified into written translation (translation), oral translation (interpretation), and machine translation (computer-aided translation, CAT).
Time Allotment: 36 periods (2 periods per week, fall semester)
Textbook:《新编大学英译汉教程》(华先发等编:上海外语教育出 版社,2005年)
Supplementary readings: 张培基等:《英汉翻译教程》(上海外语教育出版社,1999年), 陈廷佑:《英文汉译技巧》(外语教学与研究出版社,1982年), 林相周:《英语理解与翻译讲话》(上海译文出版社,1985年),
Theory and Techniques of Translation (A) (第一讲 )
Instructor: Hua Xianfa (华中师范大学外语学院)
Course Description
This course aims at
Introducing the theory and techniques of English- Chinese translation;
What is the nature of translation?
Science Art Craft/skill A matter of taste.
A comprehensive course subject
closely related to such disciplines as linguistics, literature, information theory, psychology, sociology, philosophy and education
oft. Objects which have no value or use; an informal 2)与爱情相关:柔情似水,佳期如梦,
use. E.g. …I came upon a secret stock in your room some Latin and Greek, and some tales and poetry; all old friends—I bought the last here—and you gathered
What is the role of translation
in our life?
Translation plays a very important role in the international political, economic, cultural and science and technology exchange;
改译:“米勒给柴斯特菲尔德夫人画了一幅像,该像 之美简直超过了她本人。”)(P.2 )
It was the first break in the perfect ease and harmony that reigned between them on their ideal holiday.在这理想的假日 里,他们之间保持一种极端舒适而和谐的气氛,这是 第一次裂痕。
By signs involved in translation, translation can be classified into intralingual translation, interlingual translation and intersemiotic translation.
3. What are the prerequisites for qualified translators?
4. How many types of translation standards or principles? And what are they?
5. What are the translation procedures?
exercises, mid-term exam and final exam.
How do we learn translation?
Read the Textbook carefully.
Try to digest the theories, principles and techniques
Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style (Nida, 1969:12) .
译文:后来他进了哥伦比亚商学院,在那里找 到了自己的投资指南。
Rosetta Stone是1799年在埃及罗赛塔镇附近发现 的古埃及石碑,碑文用古埃及象形文字和面俗 文字及希腊文字刻成。该物意为“提供线索”, 这儿喻指“帮助了解难题的事物”。
A. a person who chatters too much. E.g. He was so 喜鹊:
改译:在这惬意的假日里,他们之间那种舒畅而融洽 的气氛第一次出现 裂痕。
Culture competence
Then he was off to Columbia Business School, where he found his Rosetta Stone of investing. (Roger Lowenstein: An Unassuming Billionaire)
What objective must we set and reach?
Our final objective should be: The students must acquire the translation
ability that allow them to translate a passage consisting of 300 English words into acceptable Chinese with mistakes minimized to less than 10%.