3、管路走向应靠墙,遵循横平竖直;线路简短,有利于维护保养;管路尽量要隐蔽。 4、如需在墙上或橱柜打洞的,洞尽量要小,如需开挖草皮的,要先将草皮掀下来放到一边, 待施工完毕再将其种好。 5、注意:尽量不破坏业主原有的布置、格局,工作完毕后使其恢复原貌。 6、机器安装的位置,管路走向,在机器安装技术允许的情况下,尽量按客户的要求安装。 如有更好的方式、方法可以建议客户,但须征得客户的同意才可安装。 7、所用管材应根据客户要求而定,如客户无特殊要求一般使用 PPR 管材及配件。 8、如客户是已装修好的别墅,可从水表箱处开挖连接或露在外面的进水总管上寻找截点进 行连接。 9、如客户是装修好的公寓房,而且水表箱又在室外,而机器要安装到室内,需从水表箱处 连接并打洞进入室内,要考虑到墙内原有其它管路及电线等,尽量避免破坏原有装潢,尽 可能的把破损减到最小。 10、厨房机的安装位置一般在橱柜里或水池下面,需注意,要有电源插座,有排污管道, 要有操作空间,管路走向要注意隐蔽,不影响橱柜内其它原有功能的正常使用,橱柜如需 打洞的要选用合适的钻头,尽量减小损坏。安装设备的地方,地坪要平整,承重应大于 300 公斤/平方米。详见厨房机安装图。 11、估算安装所需的材料、配件、数量及费用,画好图纸,请客户确认签字。 12、勘查现场时需带上公司各机型的安装预留尺寸图,向客户讲解,既方便又一目了然, 确保勘查现场指导一次就能到位。
全屋净水 全家健康 400-661-5899
第一章:净软水机部分·················································································- 1 一、奔泰净软水机安装条件及注意事项·······················································- 1 (一)环境要求·············································································· - 1 (二)注意事项·············································································· - 1 二、安装常用材料及工具········································································ - 2 三、奔泰净软水机安装步骤····································································· - 4 (一)勘查现场·············································································· - 4 (二)设备的运输··········································································· - 5 (三)设备的安装··········································································· - 5 (四)设备的调试··········································································· - 6 四、设备的维修····················································································- 7 五、设备的保养····················································································- 7 六、采集水样送检·················································································- 8 七、净软水机常见的故障与解决方法························································· - 9 八、安装操作流程表············································································ - 10 九、调换滤料的方法和相关操作要领························································ - 12 -
全自动软化水设备操作使用手册上海华科水处理设备厂目录一、产品概述二、工作流程三、安装和运行四、设备安装示意图五、调试步骤六、故障的排除产品概述FLECK全自动控制器以闻名于世的 FLECK公司软化水技术为基础,它是将软水器的运行及再生的每一个步骤实现全自动控制,并采用时间流量或感应器等方式来启动再生。
由于 FLECK系列全自动软水设备控制系统技术成熟、操作简便、富来控制器采用了无铅黄铜阀体完全符合食品卫生要求,配以聚四氟乙烯( Teflon)涂层,活塞减小了阻力,延长了使用寿命,运行可靠。
系统技术参数进口压力:0.25 Mpa-0.6Mpa工作温度:2 ℃—50℃出水硬度:≤0.03mmol/L使用电源:220v /50Hz AC布置形式:双罐并联,一用一备再生方式:顺流再生操作程序:自动程序控制使用树脂:001×7强酸性阳离子交换树脂。
全自动软水器说明书The document was prepared on January 2, 2021一操作规范1.安装要求:1 软水器要应安放在牢固的水泥平台上,附近应设有排水道,且排水管的排水量应和软水器的排水量相配.2 储盐箱盐筒应安放在靠近树脂罐的地方,两者间距不大于200MM,并尽量缩短吸盐管的长度.3 软水器与加热设备直接相连时,应保持3米以上的管距并安装单向阀.4 储盐罐的放置应便于再生剂的补充.5 设备附近应当留有操作及检查修的空间.2.管道连接:1 管道的连接请参照当地施工规范的有关内容.2 按照控制阀口径连接进口出水管.3 进出水管应装有手动阀门,进出水管之间应装有旁通阀,出水管应安装取样阀,进水管道建议安装Y型过滤器.4 尽量缩短排水管的长度,减少弯度,控制阀与排水道距离不超过2米.5 排水管与排水道连接时,必须使排水管与排水道的水面保持一定的空间,防止活水被子虹吸返回软水器.6 排水管道中不得安装各类阀门.7 盐水管的连接一定要保持良好的密封性,否则会影响软水器的再生效果.8 在盐水罐的预留孔位上安装溢流口,并配接头塑料管用户自购,引至排水道..9 各种管道都必须设不定期独立的支架,不允将管道的重力,应力传给控制阀.3.电气连接:1 确认控制阀的电气参数与电源一致.2 将插头插入与相配插座.3 电源插座不应受附近开关的控制.4.树脂的装填:1 树脂装前应将中心管收集管带布水器放入树脂罐中央,此时应用胶带封住中心管,防止石英砂和树脂进入中心管2 将石英砂按规定的量丛中心管周围的空隙投入树脂罐,并使之在罐底埔平.3 将处理好的树脂阳树脂按照规定的装填量丛中心管周围投入树脂罐.4 上述操作应使中心管始终保持在树脂罐的中央位置.5 取下中心管的封口胶带.6 将控制阀的承插口对正中心管,小心地顺时针转动控制阀.注意:在旋转须在中心管口部涂擦润滑剂,一定要确保中心管插入阀体直至控制阀旋紧在罐体接口上.4 调试篇1 缓慢地打开进水阀至1/4开启处,注意:阀门开启过快树脂会流失此时可以听到空气从排水管排出的声音.2 待空气排净后,全部开启进水阀.3 接通电源,旋转手动再生钮,按步骤将旋钮转至盐箱补水位置给盐箱补水.注意:检查盐水水位是否符合设计要求4 加入再生用盐将盐加满.注意:严禁使用精制加碘细盐作为再生用盐再生液浓度一般在10%左右.盐箱要一直见盐1加仑水可溶解3磅盐浓度在26.4%.5 待盐溶解后一般4个小时旋转手动再生钮,启动再生一次.6 从取样阀放去水样进行水质分析,合格后即投入运行.7 按照操作要求设定时间型或流量型的再生周期.二常见问题及解决方法12356789三设备维护与保养A、检查:1.外观:是否有明显损坏处.2.电路:是否有短路或掉线.及接触不良.3.时间设定:是否有设定值偏差过大.4.零件及配件:是否有缺少或卸下.5.动作:旋转启动按钮至反洗状态,看电机是否正常动作和位置是否正确.在确定以上各项没有问题B、维护:1、外观:其本上损坏看具体情况,进行修复.2、电路:参照说明书,进行修复.3、时间设定:最小设定值为反洗和正洗是1根针8小时,吸盐是2根1.5小时.4、零件及配件:如缺少零配件,则能随便启动阀门.5、动作:在确定以上各项没有问题后,阀杆动作位置与电动机转动位置是否一致.阀杆标准动作位置为:反洗;阀芯拉出尺寸为2-15/16“,吸盐和慢冲洗;阀芯拉出为2”,正洗;阀芯拉尺寸为1-1/2“,工作正常驻出水;阀芯全部推入阀体.注意:安装中心管长度应低于桶体口平面1/8“~1/4“或3.2~6.4mm千万不要超出桶体口平面.c运行保养软化水设备运行中应做好以下几方面的维护保养工作:①、保证输入的电压电流稳定,防止电控装置烧损.电控装置外部应安装密封罩,防止受潮和水浸.②、定期向盐箱内加固体颗粒食盐严禁加精盐或加碘盐,必须保证盐箱内食盐溶液处于过饱和状态.加盐时要注意不要将固体颗粒食盐撒入到盐井内,防止在盐阀上结生盐桥,堵塞吸盐管路.由于固体颗粒食盐中含有一定量的杂质,大量的杂质会沉积在盐箱底部,堵塞盐阀,所以要定期清理盐箱底部的杂质.清洗时可打开盐箱底部的排污阀,用清水冲洗直至无杂质流出为止,盐箱的清洗周期应根据固体颗粒食盐的杂质含量来确定.③、定期检查射流器及吸盐管路的气密性,防止漏气而影响再生效果.④、每年要将软水器拆卸一次,清理上下布水器及石英砂垫层内的杂质,并检查树脂的损耗量和交换能力,更换老化严重的树脂,对于铁中毒的树脂可用盐酸溶液进行复苏.d故障维修软化水设备维修中常用的工具有:螺丝刀、尖嘴钳子、扳手、万用表等.当软水设备出现出水硬度超标时,主要有以下三方面的原因:①、软水设备机械故障,造成设备无法正常工作;②、树脂老化或失效,工作交换容量下降,应定期更换老化严重或失效的树脂;③、由于进水情况发生变化,造成软水器参数设置不正确,应定期根据进水情况,对软水器进行运行调试.。
全自动软化水设备操作说明书全自动软化水设备操作说明书目录一、产品概述二、工作流程图三、设备的系统说明四、设备的安装和运行五、设备安装示意图六、流量性型控制器调试步骤七、时间型控制器调试步骤八、故障排除一、产品概述进口压力:0.2Mp a—0.6Mpa工作温度:2℃—50℃出水硬度:≤0.03mmol/L使用电源:220V/50HzAC控制程序:全自动控制使用树脂:001×7强酸性阳离子交换树脂二、工作流程图1、工作状态硬水经过阀进入树脂罐,经树脂层处理的水通过底步的布水器,进入沿着中心升降管向上,在通过控制阀流出。
进水管阀后一般安装有Y 型过滤器,防止管道内污物堵塞阀体造成设备无法正常运行。
Sensotrol III SG03 Operating InstructionsVersionSoftware/update Date Author RemarksLastCompleted 18.12.08Jm1 20.03.09JmadditionsSomestart-uptoAdditions2 29.04.09Jm345Contents1Introduction (5)1.1 Description (5)1.2 Notational conventions (5)1.3 Intended use (5)2Identification (6)2.1 Designation of the device (6)2.2 Scope of supply (6)2.3 Accessories (6)3Assembly (7)3.1 Mounting conditions (7)3.2 Dimensions (7)4Electrical connection (8)4.1 Wiring at a glance (8)4.2 Terminal layout (8)4.2.1 Cable specifications (9)4.3 Wiring diagrams (9)5Operation (10)5.1 Operating status (10)5.2 Operating modes (10)5.2.1 Sensor mode (10)5.2.2 Unattended operation in sensor mode (11)5.2.3 Regeneration (11)5.2.4 Brine formation (12)5.2.5 Standby (12)5.2.6 Volume mode (12)5.2.7 Time mode (12)5.3 Switching action (13)6Instructions for use (14)6.1 Operation at a glance (14)6.2 Display and control elements (14)6.2.1 LEDs (14)6.2.2 Keyboard (14)6.2.3 Function keys (15)6.3 Entering text and figures (15)6.3.1 Menu items (15)6.3.2 Data editing (16)6.3.3 Numerical data (16)6.3.4 Selectable data (16)6.3.5 Alphanumerical data (16)6.3.6 Time of the day (17)6.3.7 Calendar (17)6.3.8 Confirmations (17)6.4 Passwords (17)7Parameters and settings (19)7.1 User menu (19)7.2 Parameters menu (20)7.2.1 Description of the parameters (21)7.3 Technician level (22)8Operation of the installation by personnel (25)8.1 Changing the operating mode (25)8.2 Parameterisation of the capacity (26)8.3 Parameterisation of digital outputs (28)8.4 Parameterisation of digital inputs (30)8.5 Entering the degree of hardness (33)8.6 Entering day and time (34)8.7 Entering locking times (35)8.8 Setting forced regeneration cycles (36)8.9 Carrying out a reset (37)8.10 Setting the triggering factor (40)8.11 Setting the operating mode (41)8.12 Setting the emergency supply (42)8.13 Setting the conductivity limits (43)8.14 Setting the time limits (44)8.15 Measuring and calibrating (45)8.16 Diagnosis (47)8.17 Protocol (49)8.18 Start-up (51)8.19 Brine circulation pump (53)8.20 Recirculation pump (56)8.21 Liquid brine (59)8.22 Chip card (62)9Malfunctions and their elimination (64)9.1 Indication and acknowledgement (64)9.2 Description of and search for malfunctions (64)9.2.1 Lack of brine (64)9.2.2 Lack of capacity (65)9.2.3 Sensor defect (65)9.2.4 Flow meter defective (66)9.2.5 Insufficient rinsing (66)9.2.6 Lack of salt (67)9.2.7 Brine filling time (67)9.2.8 Below min. flow (67)9.2.9 Max. flow exceeded (68)9.2.10 External stop (68)9.2.11 Ext. emergency stop (68)10 Disposal (69)11 Technical Appendices (70)11.1 Technical data (70)11.2 Overview of the menu (71)11.3 Wiring diagram / sample connection (74)1 Introduction1.1 DescriptionThe Sensotrol control is a sensor-controlled device that can exactly determine the depletion degree of the ion-exchange resin and, based on this, trigger and carry out REGENERATION. The controller can also be used for volume or time controlled regeneration.1.2 Notational conventionsThe following abbreviations are used throughout this manual:Lim LimitCD ConductivityT Temperaturet Time/Durationhigh Output or input not actuatedlow Output or input actuatedThe following representations are used throughout this manual:Type:Font:Example:Keys: capitals + bold LEFT, UP, DOWNLEDs: capitals + bold OPERATION,MALFUNCTION/FAULTInputs/outputs, inlets/outlets: capitals + bold INLET VALVEOperating parameters: italics cond.raww., water volum eOperating status: capitals + underlined SENSOR MODE, VOLUMEMODE, TIME MODE Operating modes: capitals + underlined OPERATION, REGENERATION Malfunctions:capitals + underlined SENSOR DEFECT1.3 Intended useThe device is intended to control sensor operated water softening units in non explosion-prone areas.• The device has been designed for top mounting and may only be operated if mounted accordingly.• The manufacturer is not liable for damages resulting from improper or unintended use.Improper or unintended use may turn the controller into a hazardous device.2 Identification2.1 Designation of the deviceCompare the nameplate at the right side of the device to the bill of materials and the following figure:EnthärtersteuerungTyp. Sensotrol III SG03S-Nr.: 00545377-AC38-xxxxElektrischer Anschluss: V/Hz 230/50Anschlussleistung: 25W2.2 Scope of supply• Device with terminal box• Cable glands:o 1 piece M20x1.5o 4 pieces M16x1.5o 4 pieces M12x1.5• Stopper:o 2 pieces M16x1.5o 3 pieces M12x1.5• Terminal block plan (inside the terminal box cover)• Operating instructions• Bill of materialsPlease inform your supplier if you notice that parts are missing.2.3 AccessoriesFor the Sensotrol control the following accessories are available:• PC-Visualisation• Ethernet-Interface module• Profibus-Interface module3 Assembly3.1 Mounting conditionsWorking temperature range: 0 to 35 °C (32 to 95 °F), humidity, non-condensing.Caution!• Please provide sufficient cooling of the installation in order to avoid heat accumulation. • Make sure there is sufficient distance to strong magnetic fields.• Environment according to protection category IP65.3.2 DimensionsThe controller is delivered inside a Bopla casing RCPM 2500 for top mounting (217x257x133 mm).4 Electrical connection4.1 Wiring at a glanceWarning!Note that the entire electric connection may only be carried out while the device is disconnected from the mains.Caution!• The protective earth connection must be carried out before any other connection. Danger may occur if the PE wire is interrupted.• Before performing the start-up, make sure that the supply voltage corresponds to the value indicated on the nameplate (right side of casing).• Combining low safety voltage and voltage presenting a risk of electrocution at the relays is not permitted.• For the mains line, an overcurrent protection (nominal current ≤ 16 A) is required.Note:Please also observe the terminals plan inside the terminal box cover.4.2 Terminal layoutTerminal Operation Type Comment1 230V phase 2230V neutral 3Supply voltagePESupply of the controller. (fuse: 4A)4230V phase 5 230V neutral 6Mains output PESupply of the switching outputs (fuse: 4A)7NC contact 8Root9Universal output 1 NO contact Voltage-freemax. 24VDC/1A, 250VAC/4A10PE 11No 12Operation valve of filter 1 BV1 Lo 24 VAC max. 300 mA13PE 14No 15 La 16 Lb 17 Pilot valve of filter 1 PV1 Lo 24 VAC max. 300 mA18 PE 19No 20 Operation valve of filter 2BV2 Lo 24 VAC max. 300 mA21 PE 22No 23 La 24 Lb 25 Pilot valve of filter 2PV2 Lo 24 VAC max. 300 mA26 Root27Universal output 2(Operation message) NO contact Voltage-freemax. 24VDC/1A, 250VAC/4A 28 Root29Universal output 3(Regeneration message) NO contact Voltage-freemax. 24VDC/1A, 250VAC/4A 30 Root31Universal output 4(error message) NO contactVoltage-freemax. 24VDC/1A, 250VAC/4ADistance (galv. isolation)32 Root33 Universal output 5(pulse output dosing pump) NO contact Open collector output 24 VDC max. 15 mA 34 Resin temp. 35 Resin temp.36 Resin conduct. A37 Resin conduct. B, water conduct. A38 Conduct. sensor water/resinfilter 1Water conduct. B39 Resin temp. 40 Resin temp.41 Resin conduct. A42 Resin conduct. B, water conduct. A43 Conduct. sensor water/resinfilter 2Water conduct. B44 GND45 Pulse input 46 Flow meter+24 VDC For Hall effect sensor or REED switch47 GND 48 Universal input 1 (lack of salt switch) Input For voltage-free contact 49 GND 50Universal input 2InputFor voltage-free contact4.2.1 Cable specificationsTerminalsCable min. Cable max.Cable typeSupply voltage 3x1.0 mm² 3x1.5 mm² NYM-J/Ölflex 110Mains output3x0.75 mm² 3x1.5 mm² NYM-J/Ölflex 110Universal output 13x0.75 mm² 3x1.5 mm² NYM-J/Ölflex 110Operation valve of filter 13x0.5 mm² 3x0.75 mm² Ölflex 110 Pilot valve of filter 1 5x0.5 mm² 5x1.0 mm² Ölflex 110 Operation valve of filter 23x0.5 mm² 3x0.75 mm² Ölflex 110 Pilot valve of filter 2 5x0.5 mm² 5x1.0 mm² Ölflex 110Universal output 2 2x0.5 mm² 2x1.0 mm² NYM-J/Ölflex 110Universal output 3 2x0.5 mm² 2x1.0 mm² NYM-J/Ölflex 110Universal output 4 2x0.5 mm² 2x1.0 mm² NYM-J/Ölflex 110Universal output 5 2x0.14 mm² 2x0.5 mm² LiYY/Ölflex 110 Conduct. sensor filter 1 6x0.14 mm² 6x0.34 mm² LiYCY Conduct. sensor filter 2 6x0.14 mm² 6x0.34 mm² LiYCY Flow meter3x0.14 mm² 3x0.5 mm² LiYY Universal input 1 2x0.14 mm² 2x0.75 mm² LiYY Universal input 22x0.14 mm²2x0.75 mm²LiYY4.3 Wiring diagramsIn the appendix you will find examples of the wiring configuration.5 Operation5.1 Operating statusFilters A and B can each have the following operating modes:• OPERATION• STANDBY• REGENERATION• ERROR (FAULT)The Sensotrol controller has been developed chiefly as a sensor control system which can be used to accurately establish depletion of the ion-exchange resin so that REGENERATION can be subsequently triggered and carried out. The controller can also be used for volume or time controlled regeneration.5.2 Operating modes5.2.1 Sensor modeA regenerated filter can be put into OPERATION immediately after REGENERATION. A depleted filter can not be put into OPERATION before it has been regenerated. In sensor mode, automatic adjustment takes place at the beginning of each operational phase whenever a volume of water in litres equal to three times the capacity in m³ · °d has passed through the filter. As long as the first adjustment of a filter has not been completed, the respective filter is displayed as greyed out on the screen. At the first commissioning the filters must be calibrated and the filters should be displayed normally on the screen. Conductivity in the resin bed (CDR) and in the soft water (CDW) is continuously calculated.The processor calculates the following triggering factor (TF) at short intervals:CDRTF = -------------- x 100JustCDRwhere CDRJust represents the resin conductivity during adjustment. The triggering factor during adjustment is therefore 100%. Tests have shown that conductivity decreases by about 35% when the resin changes from a regenerated to a depleted state. During complete depletion, resin conductivity is still at 65% of the level during adjustment and so the smallest possible triggering factor is TF = 65%.When water passes the filter, the control unit compares the momentary value of the triggering factor with a fixed value TF0 between 65 and 85% (generally 80%). If the triggering factor remains below the value TF0 (t-TF0) for five minutes then REGENERATION is initiated. The triggering criterion TC charts the course of the triggering factor between 100 % and the fixed value TF0 as a linear function for the range 100% to 0%, i.e. if levels go below the value TC=0%, then REGENERATION is initiated (after a five minute delay).If no water flows, the triggering criterion is no longer monitored. This means that a conductivity drift within the resin granule, caused by diffusion during stop times, cannot initiate the regeneration process. If the soft water conductivity (CDW) changes during OPERATION, then the conductivity in the resin bed (CDR) which activates regeneration must also change. The dependency CDR on the CDW has been shown in tests and is saved as a data record in the control unit. The value of CDRJust, which corresponds to the new value of CDW, can thus be calculated and used to determine the current triggering criterion.5.2.2 Unattended operation in sensor modeIn order to control the functioning of the flow meter, the last triggering criterion is kept until termination of the adjustment. If the FLOW METER is working, the new triggering criterion is applied upon termination of the adjustment.If the FLOW METER is defective, the adjustment is not completed due to the absence of the flow meter signal. When the triggering criterion is reached before termination of the adjustment, the controller recognises the FLOW METER to be defective.If the sensors are working, the installation OPERATES according to standard instructions.In case of a sensor defect, the soft water conductivity and/or the resin conductivity is not recorded. The controller recognises this and displays an error message.5.2.3 RegenerationIf the installation is run in volume or time mode, the regeneration is carried out according to an adjustable timetable for the duration of each regeneration step. The sensor mode combines a time-controlled process and monitoring of rinse water conductivity. The details of the procedure are as follows:1. Backwash (BW):This is carried out for a preset, fixed period of time (backwash t).2. Brine draw/slow rinse (BD/SR):During BRINE DRAW, there is a check to see whether the high conductivity of brine is registered on the water sensor within a preselectable time (brine wait. t). This high conductivity must then be measured for a second preselectable time (minimum time for the brine draw "min.t.brn.dr.") on the water sensor. If the criteria for this two-step brine test are not fulfilled, the LACK OF BRINE alarm is activated. The slow rinse stage continues until the rinse water conductivity lies constantly under 1,800 µS/cm (CD-SR) for a 60 second period. If this level of conductivity has not been reached once the set time (brine draw t) has come to an end, the process is stopped.3. Fast rinse:This is carried out for a preset, fixed period of time (fast rinse t). If the rinse water conductivity is still above 1,800 µS/cm (CD-FR) at the end of this time, the controls remain in fast rinse mode until the conductivity falls below this level and five more minutes have passed (LACK OF RINSING error).Once REGENERATION is completed, the regenerated filter is in STANDBY. Connecting a BRINE PUMP can reduce the time needed for brine formation (brine form t), which takes 300 minutes without a circulation pump, to about 60 minutes because of forced circulation in the brine tank. The BRINE PUMP is to be connected to the UNIVERSAL OUTPUT 1 (terminals 7, 8, 9). Set the brine formation time to 60 minutes (brine form t). During brine formation, REGENERATION can be initiated but not started. The delay (in minutes) until the start of the REGENERATION process is shown in the LCD.5.2.5 StandbyUpon termination of the REGENERATION the filter switches to STANDBY. A switch to OPERATION takes place when the other filter starts to REGENERATE.5.2.6 Volume modeREGENERATION is initiated depending on the volume, i.e., as soon as thesoft water volume (m³) = capacity (°dH x m³) / max. hardness (°dH)for the filter in operation is reached.Note!In the event that the FLOW METER is defective, it is possible that hard water enters the system. The FLOW METER is monitored in sensor mode only.5.2.7 Time modeRegardless of the depletion degree of the resin, a REGENERATION of the filter in OPERATION is initiated as soon as a defined time interval (to be defined in the technician level, forced regeneration has elapsed.Note!When the unit runs in time mode, the depletion degree of the resin is not detected. It is thus possible that hard water enters the system.Switching pointRegenerated resin Depleted resinConductivity Resin/WaterWater conductivityCD = Conductivity in the resin/water mixture Vs = soft water amount produced 80 % = triggering factor6 Instructions for use6.1 Operation at a glanceThe controller is easy to understand and allows commissioning the unit almost without the operating manual for many applications. The start-up wizard will guide you through all of the important settings as soon as the device has been switched on.It shows the setting limits and standard settings for the respective parameters on the screen. Below these you will find explanations on the controller for the elements that are not clearly described through text or by selection lists. We reserve the right to make changes that serve technical progress.6.2 Display and control elementsThe operator interface consists of a graphic display (128x64 pixel), 7 keys and an LED for OPERATION and FAULT each. It also has an acoustic alarm.6.2.1 LEDsThe LEDs show the installation's status OPERATION (green) and FAULT (red).6.2.2 KeyboardThe controller is operated by 4 cursor keys and 3 function keys (F1, F2, F3). The cursor keys have the following functions:Î (RIGHT) Selection of one decimal place within an edit fieldÍ (LEFT) Selection of one decimal place within an edit fieldÏ (UP) Menu selection, option selection, selection of one digit within an edit fieldÐ (DOWN) M enu selection, option selection, selection of one digit within an edit fieldF1 (ESC) Function key 1 (often used as ESC key)F2Function key 2F3 (ENTER) Function key 3 (often used as ENTER key)6.2.3 Function keysOperation is mainly carried out with the function keys (F1, F2, F3). The functions of the keys are indicated through the icons in the lower display section.The icons that are most frequently used are shown below:Terminate function/menu, abort setting (= ESC)Select function/menu, save setting (= ENTER)Answer "yes" to a questionAnswer "no" to a questionDisplay report menuDisplay settings menu6.3 Entering text and figures6.3.1 Menu itemsThe menu consists of several items in a list (arranged one below the other) that can be longer than the number of items displayed on the screen.A menu item is selected with the arrow on the left side of the screen. The arrow is moved with the UP and DOWN keys and moved to the menu item of your choice. The marked menu item is then selected with the F3/ENTER key. If the list of menu items is longer than the part displayed on the screen, the controller scrolls automatically.Note:• Most of the menus have a hierarchical structure, i.e., upon selection of a menu item, another submenu opens.• You can usually leave a menu by pressing the F1/ESC key (return to normal level).6.3.2 Data editingData are normally edited via a special screen, where the parameters, their admissible value range and the standard value are shown.Any editing process may be aborted without saving the changed value by pressing F1 (ESC). When editing parameters, there is differentiation between the following five data types:6.3.3 Numerical dataNumerical editing is carried out to adjust the operating parameters and to set the calibration parameters. Numerical editing works like programming a decade switch.The digit to be changed is selected with the cursor (a block in the display) and set to the desired value by pressing the UP / DOWN keys as often as necessary. By means of the LEFT / RIGHT keys, the cursor can be moved to the other digits so that these can be modified as well. The value indicated is stored using the F3 (ENTER) key.6.3.4 Selectable dataIn some cases an option can be selected (operating modes, operating statuses). Upon selection of the option, the operator can scroll through all further options with the UP / DOWN keys. The displayed selection is confirmed with the ENTER key.6.3.5 Alphanumerical dataThe message texts can be edited alphanumerically. The procedure is identical to that of numerical editing, but it is possible to select numbers and characters with the UP and DOWN keys.6.3.6 Time of the dayEditing is carried out as described for numerical data, but a time in the HH:MM format is selected. It is possible to edit any time from 00:00 to 24:00 (the 24 h mode allows definition of a complete one-day time span). .The adjustment to summertime or wintertime is carried out automatically.6.3.7 CalendarEditing is carried out as described for numerical data, but a date in the DD:MM:YY format is selected. The year is set with only two digits (20xx is assumed).6.3.8 ConfirmationsFor safety reasons and to avoid erroneous settings, some functions require confirmation. The following screen is used for this purpose.By confirming with F3/Enter the selected function is carried out. By pressing F1/Esc the function is aborted.6.4 PasswordsThe different menus, functions and settings are accessible via 4-digit, numerical passwords. The following two hierarchical access levels are differentiated.Access level Name oflevelPresetpasswordPassword necessary for...1 User level 1234 user and parameter levels3 Technicianlevel3456 technician level and sublevelsThe password for the level indicated on the screen (or superior level password) must be entered and confirmed with F3/Enter.If a wrong password is entered or if the password entry is aborted with F1/Esc, the access is denied.Note:• The passwords can be changed in the parameter menu and in the technician level.• It is possible, when a password is asked for, to enter the password of a higher level. Since the access to the superior level is granted until the menu is exited, passwords will not have to be re-entered if additional functions carried out.7 Parameters and settings7.1 User menuMenu Parameter Format/Unit Selection/LimitsDefault setting U1 InformationU1.1 Total amount filter 1 xxxx m³< Q tot filter 1 > ---U1.2 Total amount filter 2 xxxx m³< Q tot filter 2 > ---U1.3 Max. amount filter 1 xxxx m³< Q max filter 1 > ---U1.4 Max. amount filter 2 xxxx m³< Q max filter 2 > ---U1.5 Conduct. raw water filter 1 xxxx µS/cm< CDW filter 1 > ---U1.6 Conduct. raw water filter 2 xxxx µS/cm< CDW filter 2 > ---U1.7 Conduct. resin filter 1 0 - 1024< CDR filter 1 > ---U1.8 Conduct. resin filter 2 0 - 1024< CDR filter 2 > ---U1.9 Type <Sensotrol> ---U1.10 Language -Deutsch- English- Français- Italiano- Nederlands- E spañol Deutsch (German)U1.11 Audio signal - Off- OnOff U1.12 Software version < > --- U1.13 System version < > --- U1.14 Param. version < > --- U1.15 Calib. version < > ---U1.16 Autom.Summer/Wintertime - Off- OnOnU1.17 Start of summer time < > --- U1.18 Start of winter time < > --- U2 Operating modeU2.1 - Operation filter 1- Operation filter 2- Regen. filter 1- Regen. filter 2--- U3 System timeU4 Parameters Access to the parameter level7.2 Parameters menuMenu Parameter Format/unit Selection/limitsDefault setting P1 Locking time AP1.1 Start 00:00–00:0000:00–24:00 00:00P1.2 End 00:00–00:0000:00–24:00 00:00P2 Locking time BP2.1 Start 00:00–00:0000:00–24:00 00:00P2.2 End 00:00–00:0000:00–24:00 00:00P3 Forced regeneration xx d00–99 00P4 Hardness rangeP4.1 °dH min xx.x °dH0.0–99.9 5.0P4.2 °dH max xx.x °dH0.0–99.9 40.0P5 Operating mode - Sensor mode- Volume mode- Time mode Sensor operationP6 Emerg. supply - Hard water- Switch offSwitch offP7 Conduct. limits (super password will be asked for when modifying data)P7.1 cond.brine_wait xxxxµS/cm600–800 600P7.2 condct.slow rns xxxx µS/cm1000–2000 1800P7.3 condct.fast rns xxxx µS/cm1000–2000 1800P7.4 dct.sensor xxxµS/cm0–100 20P7.5 dct.sensr xxxxµS/cm2000–50005000 P8 Time limits/param.P8.1 backwash t xx min2–30 9P8.2 brine draw t xxx min60–180 120P8.3 fast rinse t. xx min5–30 19P8.4 brine form t xxx min0–500 300P8.5 brine wait. t xx min2–50 40P8.6 min.t.brn.dr. xxxmin5–50 10P8.7 cond.brine_wait xxxs5–999 60P8.8 brine fill. t xx min5–99 30P9 Technician level Access to the technician levelP10 User password 4-digit code0000–9999 12347.2.1 Description of the parameters• P7.1 brine wait. t: the scaled conductivity value of the water that must be reached for the period P8.5 during the brine draw regeneration step is displayed.• P7.2 condct.slow rns: the scaled conductivity value of the water that must be reached for the period P8.7 during the slow rinse regeneration step is displayed (downscaled).• P7.3 condct.fast rns: water conductivity value that the measured value must fall below during the regeneration phase fast rinse.• P7.4 dct.sensor and P7.5 dct.sensr: limits of the measuring range of the conductivity probe.• P8.1 backwash t: duration of the regeneration phase backwash.• P8.2 brine draw t: max. duration of the regeneration phase brine draw.• P8.3 fast rinse t.: min. duration of the regeneration phase fast rinse• P8.4 brine form t: time set for brine formation.• P8.5 brine wait. t: period of time during which the high conductivity value of the brine (P7.1) must be detected during the regeneration phase brine draw.• P8.6 min.t.brn.dr.: min. duration of the regeneration phase brine draw.• P8.7 t cd.low sl.r: min. period of time during which the conductivity must be below the limit (P7.2) during the regeneration step slow rinse• P8.8 brine fill t.: max. time for the filling of the liquid brine tank.7.3 Technician levelDefault setting Menu Parameter Format/Unit Selection/LimitsS1 InputsS1.1 pulse input xxx.xx pulse/l0.01–999.99 34.50NOCS1.2 univ.DI1 logic - NC contact- NO contactS1.3 univ.DI1 func. - permanentpermanent- pulselack of saltS1.4 univ. DI1 text Freely programmablemessage textS1.5 univ.DI1reaction - no reactionno reaction- message only (analogous to"1" in the malfunction matrix)- emerg. switch-off (NAZ)- system off- suppressionregeneration- initiationregeneration- brine fillingS1.6 univ. DI1 active - alwaysalways- stand-by- operation- backwash- brine draw/slow rinse- fast rinse- hard water production if lackof capacity- lock iflack of capacity- error stop- locking time- below min. flow- no flow- lack of brine- sensor defect- lack of cap.- lack of rinsingS1.7 univ. DI1 delay xxx s0–999 0S1.8 univ. DI2 logic analogue univ.dig. input1S1.9 univ.DI 2 func. analogue univ.dig. input1S1.10 univ. DI 2 text analogue univ.dig. input1S1.11 univ.DI2reaction analogue univ.dig. input1S1.12 univ. DI2 active analogue univ.dig. input1S1.13 univ. DI2 delay analogue univ.dig. input1Menu Parameter Format/Unit Selection/Limits Default settingS2 OutputsS2.1 univ. DO1 - stand-by F1- operation F1- backwash F1- brine draw / slow rinse F1- fast rinse F1- standby F2- operation F2- backwash F2- brine draw / slow rinse F2- fast rinse F2- error stop- system off- recirculation- brine recirc.- brine filling- lack of brine- hrd w.if low cap- l ock if low cap.- locking time- no flow- sensor defect- lack of cap.- lack of rinsing- univ.dig. input1- univ.dig. input2 0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / I0 / P / IS2.2 univ. DO2 analogous to univ. DO1S2.3 univ. DO3 analogous to univ. DO1S2.4 univ. DO4 analogous to univ. DO1S2.5 funct. univ. DO5 - 0 / P / I- pulse output/IS2.6 *pulse output/I xx.xx pulse/l0.01–99 1S2.7 °univ. DO5 analogous to univ. DO1S3 Sensor type - d32/d50- ¾"d32/d50 S4 Capacity xxxx m³ °dH20–10.000 200S5 Max. flow xx.xx m³/h0.01–99.99 20.00S6 Recirculation xx.xx m³/h0.01–99.99 0.05S7 TF0 (triggering factor) xx %65–90 80S8 t-TF0 (delay TF0) xxx s 0–999 300S9 Meas./calibr.S9.1 CDW1 µS/cm Input of actual valueS9.2 CDW2 µS/cm Input of actual valueS9.3 calibrate analogue input (super passwordrequested)Calibration of curves。
全自动软化水设备操作手册一.全自动软化水设备操作手册----安装篇1.安装要求:1) 软水器要应安放在牢固的水泥平台上,附近应设有排水道,且排水管的排水量应和软水器的排水量相配。
2) 储盐箱(盐筒)应安放在靠近树脂罐的地方,两者间距不大于200MM,并尽量缩短吸盐管的长度。
3) 软水器与加热设备直接相连时,应保持3米以上的管距并安装单向阀。
4) 储盐罐的放置应便于再生剂的补充。
5) 设备附近应当留有操作及检查修的空间。
2.管道连接:1) 管道的连接请参照当地施工规范的有关内容。
2) 按照控制阀口径连接进口出水管。
3) 进出水管应装有手动阀门,进出水管之间应装有旁通阀,出水管应安装取样阀,进水管道建议安装Y型过滤器。
4) 尽量缩短排水管的长度,减少弯度,控制阀与排水道距离不超过2米。
5) 排水管与排水道连接时,必须使排水管与排水道的水面保持一定的空间,防止活水被子虹吸返回软水器。
6) 排水管道中不得安装各类阀门。
7) 盐水管的连接一定要保持良好的密封性,否则会影响软水器的再生效果。
8) 在盐水罐的预留孔位上安装溢流口,并配接头塑料管(用户自购),引至排水道.。
9) 各种管道都必须设不定期独立的支架,不允将管道的重力,应力传给控制阀。
3.电气连接:1) 确认控制阀的电气参数与电源一致。
2) 将插头插入与相配插座。
3) 电源插座不应受附近开关的控制。
4.树脂的装填:1) 树脂装前应将中心管收集管(带布水器)放入树脂罐中央,(此时应用胶带封住中心管,防止石英砂和树脂进入中心管)2) 将石英砂按规定的量丛中心管周围的空隙投入树脂罐,并使之在罐底埔平。
3) 将处理好的树脂(阳树脂)按照规定的装填量丛中心管周围投入树脂罐。
4) 上述操作应使中心管始终保持在树脂罐的中央位置。
5) 取下中心管的封口胶带。
6) 将控制阀的承插口对正中心管,小心地顺时针转动控制阀。
全自动软水器说明书 WEIHUA system office room 【WEIHUA 16H-WEIHUA WEIHUA8Q8-一操作规范1.安装要求:1) 软水器要应安放在牢固的水泥平台上,附近应设有排水道,且排水管的排水量应和软水器的排水量相配。
2) 储盐箱(盐筒)应安放在靠近树脂罐的地方,两者间距不大于200MM,并尽量缩短吸盐管的长度。
3) 软水器与加热设备直接相连时,应保持3米以上的管距并安装单向阀。
4) 储盐罐的放置应便于再生剂的补充。
5) 设备附近应当留有操作及检查修的空间。
2.管道连接:1) 管道的连接请参照当地施工规范的有关内容。
2) 按照控制阀口径连接进口出水管。
3) 进出水管应装有手动阀门,进出水管之间应装有旁通阀,出水管应安装取样阀,进水管道建议安装Y型过滤器。
4) 尽量缩短排水管的长度,减少弯度,控制阀与排水道距离不超过2米。
5) 排水管与排水道连接时,必须使排水管与排水道的水面保持一定的空间,防止活水被子虹吸返回软水器。
6) 排水管道中不得安装各类阀门。
7) 盐水管的连接一定要保持良好的密封性,否则会影响软水器的再生效果。
8) 在盐水罐的预留孔位上安装溢流口,并配接头塑料管(用户自购),引至排水道.。
9) 各种管道都必须设不定期独立的支架,不允将管道的重力,应力传给控制阀。
3.电气连接:1) 确认控制阀的电气参数与电源一致。
2) 将插头插入与相配插座。
3) 电源插座不应受附近开关的控制。
4.树脂的装填:1) 树脂装前应将中心管收集管(带布水器)放入树脂罐中央,(此时应用胶带封住中心管,防止石英砂和树脂进入中心管)2) 将石英砂按规定的量丛中心管周围的空隙投入树脂罐,并使之在罐底埔平。
3) 将处理好的树脂(阳树脂)按照规定的装填量丛中心管周围投入树脂罐。
4) 上述操作应使中心管始终保持在树脂罐的中央位置。
5) 取下中心管的封口胶带。
6) 将控制阀的承插口对正中心管,小心地顺时针转动控制阀。
1.进水水质及水量:电导率:≤500μs/cm 浊度:≤5 度CODcr:≤4mg/L 进水水量: 17 m3/h2. 产水水质:锅炉补给水系统出水必须符合«低压锅炉水质标准»(GB1576-2001),见下表,并满足以下要求:25℃.产水量: 10 m3/h膜脱盐率:≥95%(三年内)电导率:〈0.2μS/cmPH: 7.5~9.2其余:2.正常运行所需化学药品规格3.1杀菌剂名称:次氯酸钠状态:液体化学成分:NACLO纯度:≥10%3.2进口高效阻垢剂(美国ARGO公司)名称:MDC220化学成分:聚合磷酸盐状态:液体纯度:化学纯3.2清洗剂用酸化学成分:柠檬酸状态:固体纯度:分析纯3.4清洗剂用碱化学成分:NaOH状态:固体纯度:分析纯3.5氢氧化钠(混床用)状态:液体浓度≥30%NaOH液体,碳酸钠含量≤0.8%Na2CO3,氯化钠含量2.0~5.0%NaCl,三氧化二铁含量≤0.01%Fe2O 3.3.6盐酸(混床用)浓度≥31%HCl液体,含铁量≤0.01%Fe,硫酸盐含量≤0.007%SO4-2,砷含量≤0.0001%As.3.7调整PH值用碱化学成分:氨水状态:液体浓度:≥10%二:工艺流程简图↓↓↓↓↓→混床再生工艺流程:a 酸再生工艺纯水箱→再生泵→喷射器→流量计→混床→排放↑卸酸泵→高位碱贮罐→浓酸箱b 碱再生工艺纯水箱→再生泵→喷射器→流量计→混床→排放↑卸碱泵→高位碱贮罐→浓碱箱工艺流程简述原水为当地自来水或本单位预处理后的河水,进水原水箱,再由原水泵直接输送到砂过滤器,同时在过滤器进水口投加杀菌剂及絮凝剂。
我们的工作有可能存在疏漏之处,如果我们的式作人员没有使您享受到应有的善待,您一定要向我们的客户服务中心投诉,这是您送给我们的最好礼物,是我们改进服务的动力,衷心谢谢您对我们的帮助!我们的产品执行Q/D XJ S J002-2004标准。
产品的卫生许可批准文号为:京卫水字(2004)J S第1011号。
目录一、产品概述 2二、工作流程图 3三、设备的系统说明 5四、设备的安装和运行 6五、设备安装示意图7六、流量型控制器调试步骤8七、时间型控制器调试步骤9八、故障排除11产品概述FLECK全自动控制器以闻名于世的FLECK公司软化水技术为基础,它是将软水器的运行及再生的每一个步骤实现全自动控制,并采用时间、流量或感应器等方式来启动再生。
进口压力:0.2Mpa—0.6Mpa工作温度:2℃--50℃出水硬度:≤0.03 mmoI/L使用电源:220V/50Hz AC布置形式:单罐或多罐并联再生方式:顺流再生或逆流再生操作程序:自动程序控制使用树脂:001×7强酸性阳离子交换树脂我公司将为用户提供完善的技术服务。
技术参数: 技术参数 ◇ 额定流量:≤3.0 吨/小时 ◇ 树脂量:40 L ◇ 储盐量:80kg ◇ 进水水质要求:市政自来水 ◇ 进水温度要求:1-39 ℃ ◇ 最佳工作压力:0.15-0 30MPa ◇ 电源:交流220 伏/50 赫兹 ◇ 进出水管口径:1英寸 ◇ 排污管接口径:Ø12mm ◇ 再生周期设置:1-99天或 0.01~99.99吨 ◇ 重量≤50公斤(主机净重,不含盐 箱) ◇ 主机尺寸: Ø280×1570毫米 盐箱尺寸: Ø400×820毫米
建议零售价: ¥10,450.00元 性能特点: 性能特点: ◇ 大流量供水可保证多个用水点同时使 用 ◇ 专利全自动智能控制阀 ◇ 食品级树脂确保软化安全质量 ◇ 高密度 PE 储盐箱强度高不变形 ◇ 再生程序个性化设置 ◇ 时间双控制技术 ◇ 平衡静置再生节能节水技术省水,省盐 ◇ 外观新颖时尚 ◇ 适合商业/大别墅/一厨五卫(2-8人)
纤盈系列 一体式软水机 BNT-06H-18SE(F) 01195685
建议零售价: ¥8,590.00元 性能特点: 性能特点: ◇ 全自动智能控制阀 ◇ 食品级树脂确保软化安全 ◇ 高密度 PE 储盐箱强度高不变形 ◇ 再生程序个性化设置 ◇ 人性化的流量及时间双控制技术 ◇ 平衡静置再生节能节水技术省水,省盐 ◇ 适合公寓一厨三卫(1-4人)
标准配置: 标准配置 ◇ BNT1650F电子流量型控制阀 ◇ PE 一体式盐箱外壳 ◇ 专利BNT 旁通阀 ◇ 专利1035 防藻抑菌高强度玻璃 钢桶体 ◇ 专利安全盐阀 ◇ PE 一体式软水机外壳 选配件: 选配件 ◇ 管道漏水保护装置
2010年产品描述 2010年产品描述
产品名称: 产品型号: 订购编号: 雍容B系列 一体式软水机 BNT-06H-10SE(F) 01195661
除了上述的基本操作方法,使用全自动软水机还需要注意以下几点:1. 定期检查软水机的盐桶。
【性能参数】产品型号DIOA-04(RM) 系列名称前置预处理处理工艺软化树脂最大额定流量 4.0吨/小时最大允许水通量≥3000升/小时(0.15MPa.25℃) 外壳材质食品级PP工作压力0.15-0.5MPa 适用水源市政自来水接口尺寸1/2英寸/ 直径12毫米【产品特点】高效交换进口高品质软化树脂,交换能力强,不易破损,使用寿命长达30年;顺流再生再生充分,随时保证最佳品质的软水,同时省盐省水,延长树脂使用寿命。
反洗树脂反洗冲掉树表层截留和结聚悬浮物质和一些破碎树指,松动压紧树指层,增强再生效果;正洗除盐通过正洗清除树指中残留的盐液,清洗至出水合格,压紧树脂层,以达到最佳软化效果;防漏抗击加强玻璃钢罐,防渗漏,抗冲击,内层PE材质,外层玻璃钢,双层加厚,杜绝渗漏现象;自动再生全程电脑控制软水和再生进程,省时省心;分层树脂高效分层树脂床,软化效果更佳;【产品机理】∙运行(IN SERV.):源水在一定压力和流速下流经本软水机后,离子交换树脂中所含的活性基团中的Na+ 单元与水中的Ca 2+ 、Mg 2+等阳离子进行交换,使水中的Ca 2+、Mg 2+等离子的浓度降低,从而使水质得到软化。