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Cambridge 5 test 1 section 3:
Q24 & Q25: What TWO types of coursework are required each month on the part-time course?
A a case study
B an essay
C a survey
D a short report
E a study diary
实际考点:You’d be expected to write an essay each month, which counts towards your final assessment. You have a case study to do by the end of the course, which might involve doing a survey or something like that, and also you need to hand in a short report every four weeks. 这边除了E选项没提到外,其余四个全部包揽。只是提到的时间频率未必都与题目吻合罢了。
Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 1:
Q1 :What does Peter want to drink?
A tea
B coffee
C a cold drink
自我设问:看这个题目,马上要确定设题的关键在于Peter和drink两个词。因为section 1都是对话,所以要多问问自己,是不是有可能考到除Peter外的人都喝什么,吃什么。因为是选择题,所以提到干扰项是必然的。自己要做好准备。
实际考点:Sally: I’ve had a coffee and I’ve been reading this guidebook...What would you like to drink? Peter: I’d love a really chilled mineral water or something. Will you have another coffee? Sally: Yes, I will. 这里除了提到Peter喝冰矿泉水外,还提到了Sally喝coffee,跟题目毫无关系。倘若大意,很可能本题就会答错了哦。
Cambridge 4 Test 3 Section 1:
Q3 :Present course :.................... English
实际考点:Lynda: What are you studying now? Sara: I was studying General English in Adelaide and now I’m doing Academic English, because I’m trying to get into Medicine next
year. 这里是不是正如您所料呢?考到了过去,现在和将来所学的课程。
Cambridge 4 test 4 section 4:
Q37. The average number of sharks caught in nets each year is
A 15
B 150
C 1500
自我设问:这边问的是每年平均捉多少只鲨鱼,要注意average 和each year这些词。那这里会不会考5年里总共捉到多少只?或者2000年捉到多少只,2001年又捉到多少只,平均多少只?
实际考点:When meshing began, approximately fifteen hundred sharks were caught in the first year. However, this declined in the years that followed, and since that time, the average annual catch has been only about a hundred and fifty a year. 三个选项中提到两个,没注意听时间限制的话,很容易出岔子的。建议大家平常训练时,谨慎些。
Cambridge 5 test 2 section 1:
Computers can be booked up to 6 ………………….. hours in advance
自我设问:通过审题,我们注意到本题需要的是个数字,而且数字的前面有个绝对限定:up to,考最大值,也就是最早可以提前几个小时预定电脑。那么,可以想象,这边提到的一定会有别的数字干扰了。
实际考点:Most people tend to book twenty-four hours in advance although sometimes you can get one with only six hours’notice. However, the earliest you can book a computer is forty-eight hours before you need it, and you can only book one hour at a time. 简简单单的一道填空题,却反反复复出现了这么多个干扰信息。很是让人头疼。还好,这边如果大家知道up to是要最大值,直接选最大的数字也就容易了。