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How to change GL Calendar from a Fiscal to a Calendar year? [ID 102460.1]
Modified 27-OCT-2009 Type PROBLEM Status PUBLISHED

Checked for relevance on 19-Aug-2009

Problem Description

Your company's calendar year is changing from a fiscal year to a calendar
year, and you already have a set of books that is using the fiscal year

You would like to know how can you change your calendar to transition
from the fiscal year to the calendar year.

NOTE: You cannot make any changes to a calendar period if it is in use.
This means if the period has a status of something other than
Never Opened, or if the period is in an open budget year or open
encumbrance year you can not change it on the form. You will not
be able to use solution 2. For further assistance with this, please
contact Oracle Consulting.

NOTE: You must talk to your subledger support groups BEFORE attempting
to make any calendar CHANGES in General Ledger, to see what steps
are necessary in the subledgers to make corresponding changes.
At the moment the general rule is that the subledgers cannot process
Adjusting periods and do not have a Year end as such. Where this is the
case there should be no issues but this area is subject to constant change.

NOTE: Oracle Fixed Assets will pass information to GL as long as the period
names are exactly the same, so in that respect Oracle Assets is not
interested in the GL year end so continuing from an assets perspective
will be fine. However, Oracle Assets uses its own fiscal year and
calendar so in terms of year to date figures within Assets the numbers
will be based on the Assets calendars not GL. To change the assets
calendar is a big task and would only be performed by consulting and
not support.

NOTE: Budget Upload won't work properly when loading data for multiple
years if the period number to quarter number mapping isn't
consistent across all of the years.


- Your current fiscal year runs from April 1 through March 31.
- Your new year will run from January 1 through December 31.
- You will transition to the new year beginning on January 1 of
the next year, so you will have a short year from April 1
through December 31.

Current Calendar:

Prefix Type Year Quarter Num From To Name Adjusting
------ ---- ---- ------- --- ---- -- ---- ---------
Apr Fiscal 2000 1 1 01-Apr-1999 30-Apr-1999 Apr-00
May Fiscal 2000 1 2 01-May-1999 31-May-1999 May-00
Jun Fiscal 2000 1

3 01-Jun-1999 30-Jun-1999 Jun-00
Jul Fiscal 2000 2 4 01-Jul-1999 31-Jul-1999 Jul-00
Aug Fiscal 2000 2 5 01-Aug-1999 31-Aug-1999 Aug-00
Sep Fiscal 2000 2 6 01-Sep-1999 30-Sep-1999 Sep-00
Oct Fiscal 2000 3 7 01-Oct-1999 31-Oct-1999 Oct-00
Nov Fiscal 2000 3 8 01-Nov-1999 30-Nov-1999 Nov-00
Dec Fiscal 2000 3 9 01-Dec-1999 31-Dec-1999 Dec-00
Jan Fiscal 2000 4 10 01-Jan-2000 31-Jan-2000 Jan-00
Feb Fiscal 2000 4 11 01-Feb-2000 28-Feb-2000 Feb-00
Mar Fiscal 2000 4 12 01-Mar-2000 31-Mar-2000 Mar-00

NOTE: The Fiscal Period Type in the example above is defined as having
12 periods per year, and has a Year Type = Fiscal.

Solution Description

There are 2 possible solutions.

1) Create a new calendar and set of books
Create a new calendar, with the correct periods, and define a new set
of books that uses that calendar and your existing chart of accounts.
Assign this new set of books to a new GL Responsibility. Run Consolidation
to move your balances from the existing set of books to the new set of books.

For step by step instructions on the Consolidation process (and the other
steps mentioned), refer to the Oracle General Ledger User's Guide.

You may also need to re-install your subledgers so they will use the
new set of books. For more information on this, open an SR with the
affected subledger groups.


2) Update the existing calendar
NOTE: You CANNOT use this solution if any of the periods you wish to modify
are in use. This means if the period has a status of something
other than Never Opened, or if the period is in an open budget year
or open encumbrance year you will not be able to change it on the
form. For further assistance with this, please contact Oracle

a) Define the periods for your short year (April through December). You
must define the number of periods that are expected for the Period Type
you are using. In this example, it is 12. So you will need to define
9 regular periods, and 3 adjusting periods. The Year must be defined
as the next sequential year.

Prefix Type Year Quarter Num From To Name Adjusting
------ ---- ---- ------- --- ---- -- ---- ---------
Apr Fiscal 2001 1 1 01-Apr-2000 30-Apr-2000 Apr-01
May Fiscal 2001 1 2 01-May-2000 31-May-2000 May-01
Jun Fiscal 2001 1 3 01-Jun-2000 30-Jun-2000 Jun-01
Jul Fiscal 2001 2 4 01-Jul-2000 31-Jul-2000 Jul-01
Aug Fiscal 2001 2 5 01-Aug-2000 31-Aug-2000 Aug-01
Sep Fiscal 2001 2 6 01-Sep-2000 30-Sep-2000 Sep-01
Oct Fiscal 2001 3

7 01-Oct-2000 31-Oct-2000 Oct-01
Nov Fiscal 2001 3 8 01-Nov-2000 30-Nov-2000 Nov-01
Dec Fiscal 2001 3 9 01-Dec-2000 31-Dec-2000 Dec-01
Adj1 Fiscal 2001 3 10 31-Dec-2000 31-Dec-2000 Adj1-01 Yes
Adj2 Fiscal 2001 3 11 31-Dec-2000 31-Dec-2000 Adj2-01 Yes
Adj3 Fiscal 2001 3 12 31-Dec-2000 31-Dec-2000 Adj3-01 Yes

b) Define the periods for the next year. This is the first year that
runs from January through December. The Year must be defined as
the next sequential year.

Prefix Type Year Quarter Num From To Name Adjusting
------ ---- ---- ------- --- ---- -- ---- ---------
Jan Fiscal 2002 1 1 01-Jan-2001 31-Jan-2001 Jan-02
Feb Fiscal 2002 1 2 01-Feb-2001 28-Feb-2001 Feb-02
Mar Fiscal 2002 1 3 01-Mar-2001 31-Mar-2001 Mar-02
Apr Fiscal 2002 2 4 01-Apr-2001 30-Apr-2001 Apr-02
May Fiscal 2002 2 5 01-May-2001 31-May-2001 May-02
Jun Fiscal 2002 2 6 01-Jun-2001 30-Jun-2001 Jun-02
Jul Fiscal 2002 3 7 01-Jul-2001 31-Jul-2001 Jul-02
Aug Fiscal 2002 3 8 01-Aug-2001 31-Aug-2001 Aug-02
Sep Fiscal 2002 3 9 01-Sep-2001 30-Sep-2001 Sep-02
Oct Fiscal 2002 4 10 01-Oct-2001 31-Oct-2001 Oct-02
Nov Fiscal 2002 4 11 01-Nov-2001 30-Nov-2001 Nov-02
Dec Fiscal 2002 4 12 01-Dec-2001 31-Dec-2001 Dec-02

NOTE: The system generated period Name has the last 2 digits from
the Year appended to it. This is expected behavior when the
Year Type you are using is defined as Fiscal.

These system generated period Names may be confusing to the users,
since it is not clear what dates they actually represent. You can
modify the system generated period Name for these periods on the
form. The names must be unique. The Names can only be changed if the
period is not in use i.e., the status is Never Opened, it is not in
an open budget year or encumbrance year.

Prefix Type Year Quarter Num From To Name Adjusting
------ ---- ---- ------- --- ---- -- ---- ---------
Jan Fiscal 2002 1 1 01-Jan-2001 31-Jan-2001 Jan-2001
Feb Fiscal 2002 1 2 01-Feb-2001 28-Feb-2001 Feb-2001
Mar Fiscal 2002 1 3 01-Mar-2001 31-Mar-2001 Mar-2001
Apr Fiscal 2002 2 4 01-Apr-2001 30-Apr-2001 Apr-2001
May Fiscal 2002 2 5 01-May-2001 31-May-2001 May-2001
Jun Fiscal 2002 2 6 01-Jun-2001 30-Jun-2001 Jun-2001
Jul Fiscal 2002 3 7 01-Jul-2001 31-Jul-2001 Jul-2001
Aug Fiscal 2002 3 8 01-Aug-2001 31-Aug-2001 Aug-2001
Sep Fiscal 2002 3 9 01-Sep-2001 30-Sep-2001 Sep-2001
Oct Fiscal 2002 4 10 01-Oct-2001 31-Oct-2001 Oct-2001

Fiscal 2002 4 11 01-Nov-2001 30-Nov-2001 Nov-2001
Dec Fiscal 2002 4 12 01-Dec-2001 31-Dec-2001 Dec-2001

Define the periods for your next years in the same manner.


The Year that is defined for the periods must be sequential. You can not
have a gap in years, and you can not change the year of periods that are
already in use.


Oracle General Ledger Userˇs Guide Release 11i Part No. B12270-03, Page 7-47

Search Words

Calendar, Fiscal, Year Type, Changing, Transition, Consolidation,
Set of Books, Period Type
