AXR 600 梅特勒金检机说明书

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上海市松江区莘砖公路 518 号 13 号楼 1 楼 B 区
* Fax:021-37005080
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Tel.: ++49 8554 3080 Fax.: ++49 8554 2606 E-mail: info@ Internet:
与相应探测感应器组合的此设只能在以下应用范围内使用: 吸力/压力传送, 自由跌落式的应 用和在传送带上的使用. 设备的的环境温度不得超过 40°C. 在器材操作场地内不能存在腐蚀 电线绝缘体 PVC 的蒸汽(如增塑剂)或其它物质。
4.2 危险告示
控制器 GENIUS 的电子设备外壳内使用的是电源电压而且相连的外电路也可能使用电源电压。
17 通过接线箱提供主电源
6 Genius+ (1.09 标准版) 菜单/操作
6.1 一般操作
6.2 快速启动
6.2.1 语言选择
6.2.2 产品学习
6.3 菜单结构
6.3.1 操作屏
6.3.2 更换产品
6.3.3 产品学习
Mettler Toledo产品说明书

快讯28p. 10p. 8p. 6p. 4改进系统反馈监控系统最重要的功能之一是提供运行时数据以指示是设备性能。
降低产品召回风险的5 个简单步骤降低细菌污染风险高效肉类配份 — 一台秤 即可满足您的所有需求采用完整的产品检测解决方案, 提高生产效率卫生设计易于清洁可最大限度减少停机时间保持生产设备清洁不仅是一种好的做法,也是《食品安全现代化法案》等法律要求的重要组成部分。
虽然定期清洁设备是运营的一部分,但就像生产过程的其他部分一样,始终需要不断 改善。
在台秤应用中,I C S 秤的 c o l o r W e i g h ®和SpeedWeigh TM功能通常可将操作人员的效率提高25%。
称重金属容器时,PowerDeck TM平台秤会提醒操作人员将货物放在秤的最佳位置以提高可重复性。

METTLER TOLEDO 保留修改本说明书的权利
第 1 章 概述.....................................................................................................................................1 1.1 型号....................................................................................................................................1 1.2 性能....................................................................................................................................2 1.3 主要功能............................................................................................................................4 1.4 选件....................................................................................................................................4
METTLER TOLEDO金属探测器服务支持包说明书

/metaldetectionFor more informationThe full service and support package available from METTLER TOLEDO includes:• Installation andcommissioning support • Operator andmaintenance training • Certified test samples • Initial and ongoing performance verification • Spare parts and spares kits • Equipment repairsWhen you invest in a piece of METTLER TOLEDO equipment, you are assured of the highest build quality, consistent performance and maximum reliability, but that is just the start of the relationship.Our sales and service engineers provide initial guidance on selecting the correct system solution to suit your needs.Once your system has been installed and commissioned, you can be sure that a METTLER TOLEDO trained service expert is never far away.Our team is ready to give ongoing support throughout the life of the system.Customer SupportMETTLER TOLEDO Group Product Inspection DivisionLocal contact: /contactsSubject to technical changes© 09/2012 Mettler-Toledo Safeline Limited SLMD-IN-BRO-EN-ASNCONV-0616Conveyorised Metal Detectors Flexible Configuration Consistent PerformanceMeeting Compliance NeedsM e t a l D e t e c t i o nSeries 40, MB, 60 and 70Flexible Conveyorised Inspection Solutions2Protecting Your CustomersConfigurable to Suit Your ApplicationIn a competitive market place you need to provide your customers with consistent, high quality, contaminant-free products. The Series 40, MB, 60 and 70 Conveyorised Metal Detection range of products provide flexible, inspection solutions to suit a wide range of light to heavy duty food and non-food applications.Tailored to Meet Your Inspection NeedsSystems can be fully configured and built to suit your specific process requirements. Simple stop-on-detection systems through to fully automated detect and reject systems utilising a wide range of product removal devices are available.Conveyorised Metal Detectors provide flexible solutions capable of operating in almost any working environment. This means that whether your product is wet or dry, chilled or frozen, looseor packed, METTLER TOLEDO's range of flexible Conveyorised Metal Detection solutions can address your inspection challenge.C o n v e y o r i s e d M e t a lD e t e c t o r sSeries 40* Conveyorised Metal Detection System with R-Series Profile painted metal detectorSeries 70** Conveyorised Metal Detection System with R-Series Signature metal detector* Series 40 systems are designed for lighter load packages see pages 8 to 9.** Series 70 systems are designed for medium to heavy load packages see pages 10 to 11.Future-Proof Inspection SolutionsDetector apertures, finishes and operational frequencies can be specified to suit your process requirements in order to maximise sensitivity and on line performance. A choice of METTLER TOLEDO metal detection technologies and operating software solutions are available to ensure your quality standards are met.Profile TechnologyThe most advanced metal detection solution available provides the ultimate detection sensitivity to all metals including non-magnetic stainless steels. Profile software also delivers numerous additional features including Product Clustering, Continuous Condition Monitoring and SMS / email communication facilities for maximised process efficiency.Signature TechnologyThe well proven Signature software platformfrom METTLER TOLEDO provides reliablecapability to detect all metal contaminants in amultitude of applications.3C o n v e y o r i s e d M e t a lD e t e c t o r s4Reliable, Consistent PerformanceIn any Working EnvironmentAn Integrated Solution for Dry, Ambient EnvironmentsIn dry, ambient operating environments, painted finishes to both the metal detection head and conveyor frame are sufficient. In some instances a medium duty Stainless Steel (SuS) detector may need to be speci-fied. With IP ratings from a standard IP54 to an IP65 special, systems are capable of withstanding wipe down and light hose down cleaning regimes.Systems of this type can include US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved polyurethane (PU) con-veyor belts or can be specified to incorporate modular, polyethylene (PE) belts if required.Suitable for Wet, Chilled and Frozen Products in Extreme EnvironmentsWhen the working environment gets tough, inspection systems need to be specified to equally high standards. The Conveyorised Metal Detection product range can be configured with heavy duty stainless steel detectors rated at IP69K and conveyors sealed up to IP65 standard. Systems of this type are normally designed to include modular polyethylene belts to ensure that the whole system is capable of withstanding high-pressure, hightemperature wash-down regimes and still perform reliably, day after day.The Series 40, MB, 60 and 70 Conveyorised Metal Detection product range can be configured to suit your working environment. This means they deliver consistent performance for maximum process efficiency enabling your business to benefit fromimproved competitiveness and increased productivity with minimum overall operating costs.Conveyors for wet, harsh environmentsR Series Profile detector sealed to IP69K for extreme wash down conditionsSystems include emergency stop buttons as standard5Reliable Performance, Easy IntegrationAll Conveyorised Metal Detection systems are designed and built to exacting standards for long term stability, performance and reliability. Conveyor frames are rigid and robust with fully welded construction. Ledges, flat horizontal surfaces and other dirt traps are minimised ensuring that cleaning is made easy.Effective Product Conveying for Enhanced Process EfficiencyHigh quality motors and drives are utilised to ensure product is transported positively and consistently through the detector. A choice of fixed speed, direct drive motors are available to meet most demands. Alternatively, variable speed drives can be specifiedwhen required.Further Options for a Tailored SolutionOther options can be specified to further aid operational efficiency and product transfer effectiveness including the incorporation of product guides to provide full control of the product as it passes through the system.C o n v e y o r i s e d M e t a lD e t e c t o r s6Fail Safe SystemsFor Complete Peace of MindThe Conveyorised Metal Detection product range can be configured to meet andexceed the demands of all leading retailer and other industry or regulatory standards. An extensive range of options from simple pack sensing devices through to sophisticated closed loop failsafe systems are available.Systems provide a future proof solution with the option to retro-fit failsafe systems at a later stage enabling the system to grow and evolve with your needs and the needs of your customers.Data Collection via USB SticksThe detectors used within the product range can be configured to incorporate ports to support external devices such as USB sticks to collect data. Information gathered can be used to generate data tickets or provide electronic records. When more sophisticated automated data collection is required, systems can incorporate advanced connectivity solutions ranging from a simple serial connection to full Ethernet network connectivity whichcould include wireless functionality.Warning beacons and soundersKey re-set (shown) and push button systems availablePack sensorsDevices and Systems Available Include:• Warning beacons and sounders • Push-button and re-set systems • Pack in-feed sensors• Reject confirmation sensors • Bin-full sensors• Detector head fault warning • Air failure alarm •Shaft encoderSeries 70 Conveyorised System with R-Series Signature metal detectorRemoving the Right Contaminated Product Every TimeOnce identified, metal contaminated product or packs need to be safely and effectively removed from the production line. Rejecting the right pack every time without compromising process efficiency requires the system to be specified correctly with sophisticated timing and process control measures. Important factors to consider can include the need to meet compliance requirements and the characteristics of the product and process, for example, the pack size and line speed.Stop on Detect FunctionalityThe simplest solutions enable the conveyor to be stopped on the detection of metal contamination. Contaminated product can be manually removed before re-starting the system. The effectiveness of these basic systems can be supplemented through the use of optional warning sounders, high visibility beacons and other secure system re-set features.A Choice of Automatic Reject SystemsThe Series 40, MB, 60 and 70 Conveyorised Metal Detection product range can be configured with a host of dynamic, fully automated reject systems. For pack products the reject systems include photo-gated timers to ensure the correct pack is rejected every time. These systems can also be supplemented with the full range of optional warning devices, reject product collectionbins and innovative fail safe systems to further support compliance.Integrated Reject Options Available Include• Air Blast Reject Systems • Pusher Reject Systems*• End Flap Systems*• Sweep Arm Diverter*•Reject BinsAir Blast Reject SystemsPusher Reject SystemsSweep Arm DiverterEnd Flap SystemsRejection Mechanism Capability Table* These systems need be chosen as per configuration and rejection mechanism capability tables.** Reject Bin can only match with Pusher and Air Blast rejections.7Reject BinC o n v e y o r i s e d M e t a lD e t e c t o r s8Series 40 and Series MBConveyorised Inspection SolutionsAvailable in different lengths and widths, Series 40 Conveyorised Systems are designed to be used for light load packed applications with the Series MB solution being utilised in wet harsh processing and packed product line production.Systems are suited for integration into production lines or can be utilised in stand alone applications.Such solutions can form Critical Control Points (CCP's) in a production process to support compliance with local regulatory and international food standards.The system can be designed and built to suit your specific process requirements from simple stop-on-detection, to fully automatic detect and reject systems.Series 40 and Series MB Configuration TablesSeries 40Series MBChoice of Aperture Size••Choice of Conveyor Length and Height ••Conveyor Frame Materials Mild Steel – White Painted •Stainless Steel – Brushed••Fixed Conveyor Speed *•Stop-on-Detection ••Beacon Sounder••Rejection MechanismEnd Flap••Pusher••Sweep Arm Diverter ••Air Blast ••System OptionsProduct Guide ••Pack Sensor••Reject Bin ••Emergency Stop••Variable Conveyor Speed *••* For speed value refer to the conveyor speed tablesSeries MB Conveyorised System with R-Series Profile SuS DetectorSeries 40 and Series MB Product Application RangeSeries 40Series MBApplication Environment Dry product (discrete, small pack)Dry, wet or frozen product (processed, block, pack)Product Size Length≤1000 mm≤1000 mm Width≤200 mm≤400 mm Height ≤150 mm≤300 mm Weight≤10 kg≤30 kgSeries 40 and Series MB Size RangeSeries 40Series MB Conveyor Belt Material PU*Modular PE**Outline Dimensions (mm)Length (Lc)1000~12001200~2000 Width (Ws)800~900800~1100 Height (Hc)550~1000550~1000Maximum Load (kg)1040 MD Aperture Size (mm)Width (Wa)200~300200~500Height (Ha)75~20075~350 Series 40 and Series MB Speed ConfigurationSeries 40 (m/min)Series MB (m/min)Fixed Speed 0.25Kw Not applicable20, 330.55Kw Not applicable16, 19, 25, 35Variable Speed 18~28 18~28 25~4025~40 35~5035~50Note: Speed value tolerance ±10%9 PU* = Polyurethane PE** = PolyethyleneC o n v e y o r i s e d M e t a lD e t e c t o r s10Series 60 and Series 70Conveyorised Inspection SolutionsSeries 60 and Series 70 Configuration TablesSeries 60Series 70Choice of Aperture Size••Choice of Conveyor Length and Height ••Conveyor Materials Mild Steel – White Painted ••Stainless Steel – Brushed••Fixed Conveyor Speed *••Stop on Detection ••Beacon Sounder••Rejection MechanismEnd Flap••Pusher•Sweep Arm Diverter •Function OptionsProduct Guide ••Pack Sensor••Reject Bin •Emergency Stop••Variable Conveyor Speed *••* For speed value refer to the conveyor speed tablesFor larger product applications, the Series 60 and Series 70 Conveyorised Systems provide a flexible conveyor and detection solution well suited to medium and larger packed products.Systems can be integrated efficiently into a production line or utilised for stand alone applications.System design is flexible with a range of configurations enabling diverse solutions to be developed to suit specific process requirements from simple stop-on-detection systems to fully automatic detect and reject mechanisms.Series 70 Conveyorised System with R-Series Signature metal detector11Series 60 and 70 Size RangeSeries 60Series 70Conveyor Belt MaterialPU*PU*Outline Dimensions (mm)Length (Lc)1200~24001200~2400Width (Ws)900~11001100~1400Height (Hc)550~1000550~1000Maximum Load (kg)5050MD Aperture Size (mm)Width (Wa)300~600650~800Height (Ha)75~45075~450Series 60 and 70 Speed ConfigurationSeries 60(m/min)Series 70(m/min)Fixed Speed0.25Kw 20, 27, 35, 41, 4831, 39, 480.55Kw21, 28, 35, 43, 5021, 28, 35, 40, 50Variable Speed18~28 18~28 25~4025~40 35~5035~50Note: Speed value tolerance ±10%Series 60 and 70 Product Application RangeSeries 60Series 70Application EnvironmentDry Product (discrete, big bag, pack)Dry Product (discrete, block, pack)Product SizeLength≤2000 mm ≤2000 mm Width ≤500 mm ≤700 mm Height ≤400 mm ≤400 mm Weight≤30 kg≤30 kgPU* = Polyurethane。

3.2 触摸屏操作
带触摸屏的终端设备仅有控制功能。打开仪器时,触摸屏自动启用。 如果您想在触摸屏上选择一个按键或输入元素,只需要用不锋利的、柔软的物体甚至指尖轻触 即可。 请您注意,切勿使用具有尖角或锋利边角的硬物触及触摸屏表面!否则可能会损伤触摸屏!
在选择这些区后,会打开一个新对话框,里面有一个选 择列表。
在选择这些区后,会打开一个新对话框,里面有其它各 种选择可能性。
在这些区中必须输入一个公式。您可以自由输入,也可 以使用软键建议来调出一个选择列表。
禁用的输入区中的数值只是作为信息显示出来,在所属 的对话框中不能进行编辑。
除了输入区外,还有复选框。您可以激活它们,选择某些功能。复选框能够影响所属对话框的 内容范围,也就是说,根据复选框已经激活或撤销,就会有输入区显示或消失。
1 序言
METTLER TOLEDO 的 Titration Compact 系列装置是先进的紧凑型滴定仪,可以用于各种 不同的领域。例如,它们可以用于质量控制或者研究和开发等,可以满足最高要求。
Titration Compact 系列滴定仪将简单易懂的操作和最高精确性以及出色的可靠性完美地结合 在一起。借助滴定剂自动识别功能 (滴 定管即插即用), 滴定仪自动识别所需滴定剂,而无需 用户干预。即使对于连接打印机或 Stromboli 炉式自动进样器,也完全无需手动调整设置。
整个反应过程持续到全部的水消耗完毕,并在滴定溶液中检测到游离碘。在终点测定时使用双 电压测量指示,即极化双铂 (针) 电极上的电位降低到一个特定值以下 (例 如 100mV)。
2.1 容量法水份测定

操作手册梅特勒-托利多Sa f el i n e Si g n a t u r e金属检测仪规格金属检测仪基础知识安装控制表盘检测仪的配置剔除定时器概述t m1定时器t m2(G)定时器- -非门控状态t m2(G)定时器- -门控状态tm3(G)定时器检测仪的编程性能核实规程附录图21规格---标准系列检测仪基本技术高频率、低功率电磁线圈系统操作频率晶体控制,频率范围10 ~ 500千赫、同时备有参差频率发生器的型号输入电源电压85 ~265伏(交流),最大电流1.5安频率47 ~440赫要求条例各种安全规定(U L、CS)的场合,输入电压为85 ~250伏(交流)温度范围操作-10 ~ -45℃库存-10 ~-50℃预热时间20℃时不需预热定零装置自动:快速接通(一般为5秒)年限:通常条件下10年备用电池电池寿命:5年释放时间:在20℃温度下断电后6个月产品速度在控制表盘上可以选择高速和低速两档,低速X1,高速X3低速:0.05 ~ 2.5米,秒/毫米开口高度(4 ~200英尺/分/英寸开口高度)高速:0.15 ~ 7.5米分毫米开口高度(12 ~600英尺/分英寸开口高度)3根据需要备有更高和更低的速度继电器输出两套无电压转换接触器额定值:5安/50伏(交流)/30伏(直流)、无感应。
最大计数值 16777214最大计数速度在封装空间比1:1条件下3000包/分。

2 显示屏
3 具有以下数据的型号标牌
最小称量(推荐使用的最小称量 仅限于认证天
校验刻度(即在校验测试时的最小显示刻度 仅限
4 挡风圈
5 6
秤盘 防风罩(AB-S/A和Bxx3-S/A为标准设置)
7 水平调节脚
8 下挂称量方式的下秤钩(在天平底面)
9 交流电源插头
6 技 术 数 据 接 口 选 件 ......................... 24 6.1 技术数据 .................................................. 24 6.2 选件 ........................................................ 26 6.3 外观尺寸图 .............................................. 27
电源有关注意事项 • 请在接通电源以前 检查您天平电源所标识的电压是否与您使用的电源
电压相符 如果不是 请与梅特勒-托利多的经销商联系 • 将交流电源插头一端插入天平 另一端接通电源 • 天平自检 当天平出现 OFF 时 自检结束 • 单击 On 键 天平处于待机状态 天平进行任何操作前 都必须进行
PB-S/A (0.01 g / 0.1 g)
PB-S/A(0.001 g)
1.1 B-S/A天 平 介 绍
不同的结构 - 相同的操作 • B-S/A系列的天平包括高分辨率且可读性为0.1mg的AB-S/A分析天平 和可
读性为0.001g到0.1g的精密天平PB-S/A 称量范围从110g到8.1kg • 所有这一系列的天平操作相同

To ensure the future success of late -stage product development processes, itcontinuously strengthens its capabilities, and seeks to maximize the time it spendson the science through investment in emerging and state -of -the -art technologiesthat can reduce otherwise trivial manual labor. This mindset drove the productdevelopment team ’s search for an automated solutions preparation system that iscompliant with regulatory requirements in a GMP setting. For example, for themeasuring devices in the system the team needed to follow the requirementsstated in pharmacopeias (USP and Ph.Eur.). They recognized that the balances, pHprobes, conductivity probes, temperature sensors and volumetric glassware mustmeet the stringent requirements set by these pharmacopeias. In addition, it wasalso essential to comply with data integrity requirements set by the FDA ’s 21 CFRPart 11 and EU ’s Annex 11. The selected system needed to capture and log criticalaspects of record keeping such as audit trails, reports, recipe composition, userpermissions and dosing records.THE CHALLENGEA top 20 global pharmaceutical company with headquarters in Europe, has been inoperation for a century. With a mission of developing medicines and treatmentsfor endocrine diseases, this company helps people live better every day. In orderto speed the development of medicines and treatments to market, it has adopteda culture of innovation where implementing cutting edge technology isencouraged, embraced and expected. It was this innovation culture that spurredthe concept of moving a research automation system into the GMP environmentand improve the efficiency of laboratory personnel and operations there.ABOUT OUR CUSTOMER"The flexibility the solution has provided for just -in -time preparation is a major benefit."AUTOMATED PREPARATION OFREAGENT SOLUTIONS FOR GMP LABS Case StudyAT A GLANCEC. SchwartzProject ManagerLabMinds collaborated with aTop 20 Global Pharmaceutical company and madeenhancements to Revo thatevolved the research productinto a GMP compliant solution.C. Schwartz, Project ManagerTHE SOLUTIONAfter an extensive review of available solutions,they selected LabMinds® Revo®,the benchtop automated solution preparation system that enables companies to automate the reagent preparation bMinds,upon the customer’s request,decided to collaborate and make enhancements to Revo that would evolve the research product into a GMP compliant solution.The project was launched in May of2019and they set out to find a dedicated and innovative technical Project Manager to drive this project.Schwartz was assigned as Project Manager.Schwartz is a specialist in laboratory automation and has a strong track record of leading teams and driving transformation.He accepted the challenge in a large part due to the fact that he had previous exposure to the Revo system from the2016SLAS conference when Revo won the innovation award.He recognized the potential to transform Revo into a GMP compliant system and accepted the challenge.REAGENT SUPPLY SCENARIOSThe above graphic demonstrates the need and the options available for reagents in a lab.By using the Revo, just in time reagent solutions are achieved without using lab personnel time.FORMING A TEAMSchwartz formed a dedicated team comprised of subject matter experts including a chemistry specialist and cross functional experts from other departments.This team combined forces with LabMinds and worked to deliver an automated solution preparation system that complied with GMP requirements.They knew that it needed to deliver a solution that provided the consistent quality,traceability and documentation required in the regulated pharmaceutical industry.The team also sought to solve three main challenges: reducing the time lab technicians spent on preparing reagents to allow them to focus on the science; limiting solution overproduction; and eliminating risk associated with manual documentation processes.After 18 months of intense dedication, the team achieved a huge milestone and Revo was approved internally for use in its GMP laboratory. The system approval was earned through a series of rigorous data integrity process reviews and hardware upgrades. They were then able to tackle the challenges they set out to solve. Just a few months after the launch, the team on -boarded many of its recipes and is already seeing positive impact.SYSTEM APPROVAL“I appreciate the opportunity to work for a company that iswilling to implement cutting edge technology. We willreap many benefits moving forward,” commentedSchwartz, the Project Manager. “The flexibility the solutionhas provided for just -in -time preparation is a majorbenefit. We have already reduced solution overproduction costs and leveraged the Revo system toreallocate our reagent prep team from redundant tasks towork that helps increase the speed of productdevelopment.”"I appreciate the opportunity to work for a company that is willing to implement cutting edge technology that will reap many benefits moving forward."C. Schwartz Project ManagerPrior to the implementation of GMP Revo, three laboratory technicians spent an entire daypreparing reagents for the week. Upon review of recipes required, many were found tohave an organic component. To overcome a current system limitation, LabMindsdeveloped a workflow process where the Revo produces the aqueous portion of thesolution with instructions for the organic component addition printed on the label. Eventhough organic components are still added manually it was decided that the newfoundflexibility of automating the manual weighing, pH verification and data registration madethe process worthwhile. The system now allows the team to order the reagents via theWeb or mobile interface, and reduces the FTE time needed to fulfill monotonous,procedural laboratory tasks by 66%. This allows these key team members to focus on thedata analysis and scientific work needed to produce results from sample analysis.POSITIVE RESULTSThis lab technician team also used to ensure that they did not run out of reagents during the week by creating an extra supply. At expiry, extra solutions were thrown away. Now the team has implemented just -in -time inventory best practices and produce the exact quantities of the solutions they need. They know that they have increased flexibility, and if they need more solutions they do not have to stop analysis to create them. They can simply reorder via the easy Web interface, and the solution will be ready within an hour. This flexibility allows the team to reduce the amount of inventory needed each week.Prior to the implementation, the team manually tracked preparation data on paper to ensure they could obtain the necessary information for upcoming audits. Now, the team utilizes a QR code printed on the bottle label that contains all information describing the preparation and scans this data directly into the LIMS system where a record is created for each bottle.C. Schwartz and the Revo systemhttps:///labmindsinchttps:///labmindsinchttps:///company/labminds/“After 6 months in operation I get continued feedback from the users on how happy they are to be relieved from the tight planning of manual preparation they used to have. Even though organic components are still added manually it is by far overshadowed by the newfound flexibility in the fact that all manual weighing, pH verification and data registration are completely removed from the process.”C. SchwartzProject Manager© 2021 LabMinds. . All Rights Reserved. LabMinds and Revo are registered trademarks and the property of LabMinds.Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.Scanning of QR code imports solutions data into LIMSCHALLENGESBENEFITS Reduce FTE time spent on preparing reagents Reagent prep FTE time decreased by 66%Limit solution waste Just -in -time inventory best practices reduced solutionoverproduction costsEliminate risk with manual documentationprocessesDocumentation completed with full transparency andregulatory compliance provides peace of mind All samples, solutions and controls are registered in the LIMS, and thisdata aligns with existing records to populate the documentation ofthe analysis and ensures audit readiness. This process not onlyreduces the chance of human error, but also frees up time for the labtechnicians to focus on other tasks. Our customer now has peace ofmind knowing that documentation is completed with fulltransparency and regulatory compliance.。
Mettler-Toledo Safeline T Series 金属检测器说明书

M e t a l D e t e c t i o nTechnical DataT SeriesMetal detection for vertical packaging applicationsFeatures•Inspects product inflight between weigher & bagger•Unrivalled detection sensitivity•Minimal installation space•Weigher and bagger integration•In-line validation and test routines•Optional Profile touch screen or Signature membrane electronicsInflight InspectionThe T series detector inspects product while inflight between the weigher and bagger. Ideal for inspecting food products wrapped in metallised packaging materials e.g. snackfoods. The T series overcomes the sensitivity limitations created by metallised packaging materials.Unrivalled detection sensitivityT series metal detectors offer the highest levels of sensitivity across a wide range of applications. The use of high frequency technology combined with enhanced filtering techniques deliver the highest levels of sensitivity across all metal types, including the normally difficult to detect non magnetic stainless steels. Non spherical contaminants such as wire, swarf and slithers of metal are also detected.Minimal installation spaceT series detectors utilise Safeline’s renowned ZMFZ and patented ICF technology allowing them to be located in close proximity to other metal structures without compromising performance. This technology enables them to be installed in extremely restricted spaces in vertical packaging applications between weighers and baggers.Weigher and bagger integrationSafeline T series detectors are compatible with most major weighing and bag making combinations including Ishida, TNA, Rovema, Bosch, Woodman, Wright, Yamato, and Multipond. Installation is made simple with the help of the highly experience Safeline design service. A full range of fixed position, slide or swing out mounting frames and non metallic product throughput tubes are available.Detector & system validationIn line with GMP guidelines or general food safety legislation, retailers codes of practice an intuitive “Operational & Performance Validation”software routine guides Q.A. staff through a full system validation. Validation data along with line performance data is stored within the metal detector. Data communication options ranging from simple RS232 to Wireless Ethernet ensures that any stored data can be communicated to company management information systems.Optional Profile touch screen or Signature membrane electronicsA choice of electronics from the very latest Profile Electronics with touch screen icon driven windows style interface to the familiar membrane Signature electronics. Both electronic options offer sophisticated digital signal processing with differing features. For more detailed information see separate data sheet.A guide to insertion space and detection sensitivity (millimetres).Aperture Insertion Sensitivity SensitivityDiameter Space Ferrous Non-Mag SS150 1900.6 0.8175 220 0.65 0.9200 250 0.9 1.2Dimensions in mmMettler-Toledo Safeline LimitedMontford StreetSalford M50 2XDTel+44(0)161848 8636Fax+44(0)161848 8595**********************.uk Visit for more information Subject to technical changes© 12/05 Mettler-Toledo Safeline LimitedPrinted in the UKSLMD-UK-DSE-T-1205-1M。

为了实现与计算机的正确连接,需要做出以下设置和配置。 • 确保设备和计算机通过RS232、USB装置、以太网或WLAN正确地连接。 • 为保证合适的连接,请始终使用梅特勒-托利多原装配件。 • 对于串行连接,请使用设备用户手册中规定的合适电缆。对于通过USB设备或
命令规格 1到4个字符
重量值 1到10个字符
重量单位 1到3个字符
示例 皮重规格命令 将“Hello”写到显示屏的命令
TA13.295kg D"Hello"
2.2.2 2.2.3
设备发送的所有应答都符合以下某种格式: • 具有重量值的应答 • 没有重量值的应答 • 错误报文

1、技术参数1.1测量范围:pH 0.00~14。
6kg1.5环境条件:环境温度:5~40℃;相对湿度:5%~80%2、操作规程2.1 校准2。
1 缓冲溶液组pH计可进行1,2或3点校准,如果使用仪表内置的标准缓冲液组,在校准过程中,仪表能够自动识别标准缓冲溶液的pH值。
仪表内置四组标准缓冲溶液组:B1 1。
68 4.01 7.00 10.01 (25℃)MT USB2 2.00 4。
01 7.00 9.21 11.00 (25℃) MT Europe B3 1。
68 4。
00 6.86 9。
18 12。
46 (25℃)JJG 119 中国B4 1.68 4。
01 6.86 9。
18 (25℃)JIS Z 8802 日本对于每一组缓冲液,自动温度补测程序都已固化在仪表中(见附录)。
2 校准设置:短按设置键,当前MTC温度值闪烁,按读数键确定。
2.1.3 一点校准2。
1.3.1 将电极放入缓冲液中,并按校准键开始校准,校准和测量图标将同时显示.在信号稳定后仪表根据预选终点的方式自动终点(显示屏显现)或按读数键手动终点(显示屏显现).2。
3.2 按读数键后,仪表显示零点和斜率,然后自动退回到测量画面。
4 两点校准2。
4.1 按2.1.3.1中所述执行一点校准.仪表自动终点或手动终点后,请不要按读数键,否则将退回测量状态.2。

在选择这些区后,会打开一个新对话框,里面有其它各 种选择可能性。
在这些区中必须输入一个公式。您可以自由输入,也可 以使用软键建议来调出一个选择列表。
禁用的输入区中的数值只是作为信息显示出来,在所属 的对话框中不能进行编辑。
除了输入区外,还有复选框。您可以激活它们,选择某些功能。复选框能够影响所属对话框的 内容范围,也就是说,根据复选框已经激活或撤销,就会有输入区显示或消失。
局设置和用户设定 (参 阅“设 置”)。 ● 手动:这个按键引导您进入手动操作。您可以在这里独立于分析进行搅拌器、电极、泵等
的调试 (参 阅“ 手动操作 (第 页)”)。
此外,还有一个区域,每个用户 (当 他具有需要的权限时) 可以在这里自己编排。每个用户可 以在这里设置 12 个快捷键。使用这些快捷键能够直接从主界面对话框启动定义的方法、系列 和手动操作 (参 阅“ 快捷键和直接快速键 (第10 页)”)。 按下终端设备操作区上的主界面按键,可以从各个按键返回到主界面。
29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31
32 32 33 33 33 34 34
36 38 38 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 44 44 44 44 47 48 48 48 50 50 50 51
7 样品系列模板 8 结果
9 分析流程
烷基亚硫酸阴离子在有水存在的情况下被碘氧化为烷基硫酸盐。同时,棕黄色的碘被分解为无 色的碘化物:
(RNH)·(CH3OSO2) + I2 + H2O + ) + 2 (RNH)·I
METTLER TOLEDO Safeline 金标准食品金属探测器 2 产品说明书

Touch LSIncreasing Productivity Reducing CostsImproving Competitiveness Meeting Compliance NeedsImproved Metal Detection PerformanceUpgrade for Even Greater SuccessM e t a l D e t e c t i o nSAFELINEMetal Detection2I m p r o v e d M e t a l D e t e c t i o n C a p a b i l i t yUpgrade Your Existing Metal Detector Improve Performance, Increase ComplianceUnderstanding customer care and safety by delivering quality products every time isparamount to the success and profitability of your business. This will have been the basis for choosing a METTLER TOLEDO Safeline Metal Detector when you first purchased it.Technology moves on at an ever increasing pace as consumers and retailers demand more from the products they purchase. This demand drives the evolution of more stringent food industry safety standards. For many metal detection systems, such shifts in requirements would necessitate the need to purchase a completely new machine just to keep pace - but this is no longer the case if you have a METTLER TOLEDO Safeline Signature detector. An Upgrade Path Delivering Enhanced PerformanceExisting METTLER TOLEDO Safeline Signature users are now able to benefit from the new Touch LS upgrade path for enhanced performance. The upgrade takes detection sensitivity and operational efficiency up to levels similar to those offered by Safelines Profile metal detection technology.The upgrade is carried out in-situ and Installation is quick and simple resulting in negligible downtime. The new software platform provides improved levels of security, improved operational performance and increased compliance with the demands of food safety standards.3Your existing Signature metal detector can be upgraded without inpacting on your production process. The installation typically takes less than 2 hours and can be scheduled to take place during planned production downtime.The Touch LS Upgrade Pack Includes:• Replacement full colour touch screen user interface • Power supply upgrade• Additional Condition Monitoring feature (conveyorised systems only)•Full 12 month warranty on all newly fitted partsAs part of the upgrade process, our engineers can undertake recommissioning, training and carry out a Performance Verification routine (PV). A PV certificate will be issued in line with your IPac procedures.Customers currently not benefiting from the IPac documentation process can be issued with this upon request.Rapid, Easy InstallationSignificant, Operational BenefitsU p g r a d e t o S u p p o r t C o m p l i a n c e N e e d sIPac – Creating the documentation to Support Compliance NeedsTouch LS upgraded metal detectors can be supplied with a METTLER TOLEDO Safeline IPac installation and Performance Verification package to support ongoing compliance with internal and external standards. This comprehensive package provides full documentation for the installation, commissioning and verification process to ensure audit requirements are met quickly and efficientlyevery time an audit is conducted.4E n h a n c e d S y s t e mF e a t u r e sTouch LS UpgradeThe Benefits for Your Business•Improved CompetitivenessMaking your business more competitive is a key benefit of the Touch LS upgrade Innovative features which help to give your business the edge include:• 32 Language and Function Specific User Accounts • 100 Product Name Memory • Access Logging (option)• HACCP PV Alarm• Histograms and Vector Displays (option)• Intelligent Multi Channel Technology• Product Names and Batch and Code Data •Enhanced Due Diligence Option•Increased ProductivityThe Touch LS upgrade enhances performance improving operational efficiency and reducingdowntime. This is realised through the following key features not seen on the standard Signature detector:• 25 User Language Options• Colour Touch Screen (HMI) interface • Condition Monitoring • Automatic Clustering • Single Pass Auto Setup• Enhanced Connectivity Options •21 CFR Part 11 Login Options•Reduced Manufacturing CostsTaking costs out of your business feeds right through to increased profitability. Some of the features which help the Touch LS upgrade to reduce overall costs include:• Detection and Access Logs (option)• Programmable I/O (option)•Improved Sealing StandardA Signature metal detector upgraded with the Touch LS interface provides significant benefits for your business through a range of innovative features which can maximiseproduct quality, enhanced manufacturing efficiency and delivering high levels of protection. In addition, these features can also deliver increased productivity, reduce manufacturingcosts and improve the competitiveness of your business for greater profitability.High Security Password Controlled Access Ensures Settings are ProtectedAll detector settings are password protected to ensure unauthorised personnel do not inadvertently adjust important settings and parameters.Individual operators can be assigned personal login details with their own user profile which can display information in a choice of 25 languages.Single-Pass Set-up Reduces DowntimeSingle-pass auto set-up routines enable the detector to be set rapidly with minimal requirements for operator training. Typically, only one pass of the product is required during set-up.The needs of users preferring to have separate product settings with individual parameters is addressed through a product library with an in-built memory which enables up to 100 different settings to be defined and stored for future recall.Single-pass product setup reduces downtime dramatically5Shorter Set-up Time For Increased EfficiencyWith an increased range of features now available, your Touch LS upgraded metal detector can immediately deliver on some of the key benefits within your production process.P r o t e c t a n d S e c u r e Y o u r B u s i n e ss6A d v a n c e d P e r f o r m a n c e V e r i f c a t i o nEnsuring Scheduled Performance Validation Tests are Not MissedMissed Performance Validation tests can compromise quality standards and lead to non-compliance in food standards audits. Touch LS upgraded detectors advise when test routines need to be performed and when testing is overdue via highly visible screen messages. These messages can be distributed to key personnel within your business via a range of communication methods to ensure corrective action is taken.Saving Time - Making Testing EasierIn-built Performance Validation software provides intuitive, step-by-step guidance for quality assurance testing. Test routines can be configured to ensure that system performance is validated and results are captured in order to meet internal procedures and external industry standards or regulations.Condition Monitoring - Addressing Issues Before They OccurThe costs associated with a line stoppage due to inspection system failure can have a serious impact on business performance. Being forewarned of potential line-stopping issues before they happen enables you to make contingency plans to avert costly unscheduled downtime.Detectors with Condition Monitoring technology constantly analyse the performance of major detector components. Adverse trends are identified and highlighted as an early warning of a potential problem in advance of system failure. This enables production to continue uninterrupted until there is a convenient break in the manufacturing process when the issue can be addressed.Advanced warnings are communicated via highly visible on-screen messages which can be exported through multiple communication channels including advanced connectivity solutions linking to factory management systems and email or SMS messaging.Enhanced ComplianceTo Meet Your Customer Requirements7Enhanced Due Diligence To Meet Industry StandardsThe due-diligence enhancements software includes:• Reject check sensor • Reject confirmation•21 CFR Part 11 login modeMonitoring Product Data & the Environment For Improved Detector PerformanceThe product data and environment display software package includes:• Vector diagrams display• Phase and signal amplitude histogram display •Short term environmental monitoringUpgraded Touch LS Signature detectors enable manufacturers to configure detectorfunctionality and feature sets to meet exact business needs. This is achieved through a high performance metal detector in combination with optional hardware and software bundles.Upgraded Software OptionsNew Flexibility to Grow Your BusinessS o f t w a r e B u n d l e s T o S u i t Y o u r B u s i n e ss/metaldetectionFor more informationStaying in Control of Your Processes Collecting Important DataUnrivalled Communications -Delivering Information Where You Need itMETTLER TOLEDO Safeline metal detectors fitted with a Touch LS module can be configured with a range of data collection facilities to support informed decision making and meet Due Diligence needs. Options available include the connectionof external print devices through to full Ethernet network connectivity.Factory Management System IntegrationThe use of OPC DA technology is still growing as a means oftransfering process control data. Detectors fitted with a Touch LS module can be configured to communicate with a host of SCADA based systems and factorymanagement software solutions using this technology.Prod XThe Integrated Product Inspection Data Collection Software SolutionMetal detectors fitted with the Touch LS upgrade can be fully integrated with METTLER TOLEDO's Prod X software solution which provides data collection for all Product Inspection equipment./prodxSee separate Prod X and Data Collection brochures for more details.Mettler-Toledo Safeline Ltd. Montford Street Salford M50 2XD UKTel: +44 (0) 161 848 8636Fax: +44 (0) 161 848 8595E-mail: ********************Subject to technical changes© 06/15 Mettler-Toledo Safeline Limited Printed in the UKSLMD-UK-BRO-EN-TOUCHLS-0615 (M)。

Solutions to Quiz 1
1. 下列哪些项目是食品金属污染的途径? A) 原料:小麦,面粉等 B) 人为因素:钮扣,大头针 C) 维修:小工具等 D) 生产过程:冲压,切片
2. 下列哪些选项可以应用到金属检测? A)探雷 B)寻宝 C)卫星发射 D)安检
3. 当无金属异物通过金属检测机时,金属检测机头线圈的高频电流会达到: A)混沌 B)报警 C)剔除 D)动态平衡
Internal usage only
Байду номын сангаас
剔除方式的选择 管道的选择 流体速度、异物速度、联动方式 产品配置问题
Internal usage only
Michael Faraday 1791-1867
Faraday’s Law of
Electromagnetic induction
Internal usage only
稳定性 电子漂移 重复性 设置简单 射频抗扰性 (RFI) 电子模块 自检与状态监测
Internal usage only
- 多区域模式的默认检测模式,实际上就是我们知
各类金属均可做成各种直径 的球状体。
其它形状的金属--如金属线 ,它们有方向性的作用,检 测的难易与被测物的形状和 方向有关。
Internal usage only
梅特勒-托利多 JP 半微量型号 Jewelry 分析天平 用户手册说明书

JP 半微量型号产Jewelry 分析天平目录1 5概述1.1 5操作说明书中采用的约定和符号2 6安全须知总览3 73.1 7附件3.2 8操作键显示面板3.3 94 11安装天平4.1 11开箱及运输检查4.2 11安装天平附件4.3 11选择放置地点及调节天平水平4.3.1 11选择地点调节天平水平4.3.2 124.3.3 12电源4.3.4 13玻璃防风罩的左/右操作下挂称量4.3.5 134.3.6 14运输天平4.4 14总体要求4.4.1 14打开天平4.4.2 14校正天平4.5 14校正 (校准)全自动校准 FACT4.5.1 144.5.2 15用内置砝码手动校正4.5.3 15用外部砝码手动校正客户微调4.5.4 165 18基础称量5.1 18开机/关机5.2 19执行一项基础称量5.3 19置零5.4 19梅特勒-托利多 DualRange 天平:转换称量单位5.5 195.6 20称量值检索5.7 20动态图形显示打印/传输数据5.8 206 21菜单6.1 21菜单包括哪些内容?6.2 22菜单操作6.3 23菜单项介绍6.3.1 23主菜单基础菜单"BASIC"6.3.2 236.3.3 25高级菜单“ADVANCE.”6.3.4 28接口菜单“INT.FACE”应用7 357.1 35"计件称量"应用程序"COUNTING"7.2 38"百分比称量"应用程序 "PERCENT"7.3 40"统计功能"应用程序 "STAT"7.4 42"总和计算"应用程序"TOTALING"目录3"乘法自由因子"应用程序"FACTOR.M"7.5 447.6 45"除法自由因子"应用程序 "FACTOR.D"7.7 47“密度“应用程序固体密度测定7.7.1 477.7.2 49液体密度测定7.7.3 50用来计算密度的公式7.8 53"日常测试"功能 “R.TEST”7.9 55"自维护"功能 "DIAGNOSE"7.9.1 55重复性测试"REPEAT.T"7.9.2 56显示屏测试 "DISPLAY"7.9.3 57键盘测试 "KEYPAD.T"7.9.4 58马达测试 "CAL.MOT. T"7.9.5 58天平历史记录 "BAL.HIST"7.9.6 59校正历史信息 "CAL.HIST"7.9.7 60天平信息 ""7.9.8 61服务提供商信息 "PROVIDER"8 62使用外设通讯8.1 62功能 PC-DirectUSB 设备接口8.2 639 65固件(软件)更新9.1 65操作原理9.2 65更新过程10 66出错信息与状态信息10.1 66出错信息10.2 66状态信息11 67维护与清洁11.1 67清洁玻璃防风罩12 69接口标准12.1 69RS232C 接口USB 设备接口12.2 6912.3 69Aux 接线12.4 70MT-SICS 接口命令与功能13 71技术参数13.1 71通用数据13.2 71关于梅特勒-托利多交流适配器的解释说明13.3 72型号专用数据13.4 73外形尺寸图14 74选配件和备件14.1 74配件14.2 78备件索引79 4目录1 概述感谢您选购梅特勒-托利多天平。

2.2 产品型号及规格系列
2.2.1 产品型号
2.2.2 产品编号
最大称量 (t)- 数字 电 阻应变传感器,数字显示电子地上衡
2.2.3 产品型号与规格
最大称量 (t)- 数字 电 阻应变传感器,数字显示电子地上衡 钢瓶电子平台秤代码
产品 型号
6 随机资料目录............................................................................................................................................................. 10
3 安装
3.1 安装前的准备工作
3.1.1 打开本公司随秤发运的所有包装,根据装箱清单清点所用击络设电安 表扳备钻手 、装及和等 电设工钻烙备钳具, 工头铁常等Φ其1用起电9,吊工工用吨具常于用位。打按工地具秤脚台 。螺总栓重孔量固选定择平。台秤。 顺序 3.2.3 安装 :
PP2-0812-221 PP2-0812-331 PP3-0812-221 PP3-0812-331

Internal usage only
1 X系列 S系列 E系列 SL IND系列 CK系列 √ √ 2 √ √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 40 100
Internalபைடு நூலகம்usage only
X系列 S 系列
Internal usage only
Statistical methods
Internal usage only
Internal usage only
GARVENS - 提供超越称重的解决方案
Garvens Automation GmbH
Internal usage only
Internal usage only
自动检重秤的精度 标准偏差: S, SD, Sigma, σ
n – 取样数
Internal usage only
• 产品重量 • 产品通过速度 • 产品长度(称量传送带长度) • 产品物性及传送状态 • 环境因素
(前提: 平均误差 = 0)
自动检重秤的首要价值是: “100% 取样”
Internal usage only
超重 = 不经济 在允许误差范围内的目标重量
欠重 = 客户权益受到侵犯
对生产者而言,应尽量避免超重产品以确保利润;同时也 应遵守相应的法规。
Internal usage only

Internal usage only
梅特勒托利多的 销售和服务网络
CW SBU + MO: Americas
Ithaca, NY
Hi-GSapreveednCs h自e动ck检we重ig秤hin CW SBU + MO: RoW 地点: Giesen, DE
GHai-梅rSvp特een勒 esd托CCh利heec多ckk中wwe国eigighhining PI PO + MO: China 地点: 上海,中国
Internal usage only
Hi-SSpaefedlinCeh金ec属kw检e测ighin MD SBU: Global 地点: Manchester, UK
Hi-SapfeeelidneChMeDck+wXeRighin MD + XR MO: Americas 地点: Tampa, FL
Hi-SSpaefeeldinCehXe射ck线w检eig测hin XR SBU: Global 地点: Royston, UK
CanCheK (简单配置的双射线源设备)
操作系统 检测速度 检测宽度 电源 X-ray Generator 软件工具
Windows XP Up to 120 m/min (400 ft/min) 300 and 400 220 VAC (50/60 Hz), 15 Amp, single phase – (3 phase optional) 80KV/4.5mA and 120KV/3.0mA
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进入检测设置 产品长度 包装阈值 传送带速度 X 射线设置 障板 污染 质量 目标 剔除设置
操作员: AXR 用户手册
图像库: 1
1 2 3 4 5 6至7
梅特勒-托利多 SAFELINE
X 射线检测
操作员: AXR 用户手册 索引
X 射线检测设备是一种重要的工具,它可以尽量避免您出厂的产品中含有固体污染物,因为此类 污染物最终可能会给客户带来危险。
使用该 X 射线检测装置并不能保证可以识别所有受到污染的产品,并将其从生产流程中剔除。 产 品和污染物的方位、质地和一般成分以及污染物的几何形状和成分将影响检测装置所能检测到的 检出率和最小污染物尺寸。
在扫描区域的进口和出口配有柔软的浸渍铅帘,确保 X 射线不会“泄露”出去。
这种超级安全的挡板和极低 X 射线功率的组合使得 Safeline 检测系统绝对安全,无任何泄露。
梅特勒-托利多 SAFELINE
X 射线检测
操作员: AXR 用户手册
手册 V2.00 版,2009 年 11 月
Mettler-Toledo Safeline Limited
Greenfield Royston Business Park
Royston Herts
SGቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 5HN (01763) 257900
因而,对于安装和采用了 X 射线检测设备的工厂,确保含有固体污染物的产品不出厂不属于梅特 勒-托利多 Safeline 的合理控制范围。
梅特勒-托利多 SAFELINE
X 射线检测
操作员: AXR 用户手册 索引
关于报废电子电气设备 (WEEE) 指令 根据欧盟关于报废电子电气设备 (WEEE) 指令 2002/96/ EC 的规定,该设备不能依照生活垃圾进行处理。 该指令还适用于欧盟以外的国家,前提是要遵循它们特定的要求。 请根据当地规定,在电气电子设备指定回收点处理该产品。 如果您有任何疑问,请与您购买设备的主管部门或经销商联系。 如果该设备传递到其他方(私人使用或专业人员使用),同样也必须遵守本规定。 感谢您为环保所做出的贡献。 Entsorgung In Übereinstimmung mit den Anforderungen der Europäischen Richtlinie 2002/96 EG über Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte (WEEE) darf dieses Gerät nicht mit dem Hausmüll entsorgt werden. Sinngemäss gilt dies auch für Länder ausserhalb der EU entsprechend den geltenden nationalen Regelungen. Bitte entsorgen Sie dieses Produkt gemäss den örtlichen Bestimmungen in einer getrennten Sammlung für Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte. Bei allfälligen Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an die zuständige Behörde oder den Händler, bei dem Sie dieses Gerät erworben haben. Bei Weitergabe dieses Gerätes (z.B. für private oder gewerbliche/industrielle Weiternutzung) ist diese Bestimmung sinngemäss weiterzugeben. Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag zum Schutz der Umwelt. Elimination En conformité avec les exigences de la directive européenne 2002/96 CE relative aux déchets d'équipements électriques et électroniques (DEEE), cet appareil ne doit pas être éliminé avec les déchets ménagers. Logiquement, ceci est aussi valable pour les pays en dehors de l'UE conformément aux règlementations nationales en vigueur. Veuillez éliminer cet appareil conformément aux prescriptions locales dans un conteneur séparé pour appareils électriques et électroniques. Pour toute question, adressez-vous aux autorités compétentes ou au revendeur chez qui vous avez acheté cet appareil. En cas de remise de cet appareil (p. ex. pour une utilisation privée ou artisanale/industrielle), cette prescription doit être transmise en substanc Merci pour votre contribution à la protection de l'environnement. Eliminación de residuos De conformidad con las exigencias de la directiva europea 2002/96 CE sobre residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE), este equipo no puede eliminarse como basura doméstica. Esta prohibición es asimismo válida para los países que no pertenecen a la UE cuyas normativas nacionales en vigor así lo reflejan. Elimine este producto, según las disposiciones locales, mediante el sistema de recogida selectiva de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos. Si tiene alguna pregunta al respecto, diríjase a las autoridades responsables o al distribuidor que le proporcionó el equipo. Si transfiere este equipo (por ejemplo, para la continuación de su uso con fines privados, comerciales o industriales), deberá transferir con él esta disposición. Muchas gracias por su contribución a la conservación medioambiental. Smaltimento In conformità a quanto stabilito dalla Direttiva Europea 2002/96 CE in materia di apparecchi elettrici ed elettronici (RAEE), questo strumento non può essere smaltito come i normali rifiuti. Tale presupposto resta valido anche per i Paesi al di fuori dei confini della UE, conformemente alle norme nazionali in vigore. Si prega quindi di smaltire questo prodotto separatamente e in modo specifico secondo le disposizioni locali relative alle apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche. Per qualsiasi chiarimento, rivolgersi agli enti preposti o al rivenditore dell'apparecchiatura stessa. In caso di cessione dello strumento (per es. per ulteriore utilizzo privato o aziendale/industriale), si prega di comunicare anche questa disposizione. Si ringrazia per il contributo alla tutela dell'ambiente.