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<2> 第二段承接上文,分析人们 对此的不同看法,条理清晰。
Biblioteka Baidu

<3> 第三段较中肯地提出作者的看 法。

<3> I am convinced that _____. Admittedly(无可否认地), ______, but ______. So, for my part, _________

1. As is shown vividly in the picture, .... 2. In the picture we can see... 3. it can be easily seen from the picture that... 4. The picture is intended to draw people’s attention to.... 5. The picture is intended to inform us of.... 6. The picture reveals a serious problem that.... and tells us ....
<1> 首段概述图片内容,说明 图片的意图和含义

<1> In the picture we can see_____. The picture is intended to draw people’s attention to the problem of ______. Nowadays _______, and this phenomenon has aroused a big concern. <2> There is no denying that_____ may have quite some bad influences on______. In the first place, _____. Additionally, _______. Finally, _______.

<1> 首段首先概述现状, 然后引 出话题。

<2> 第二段从积极和消极两方面 来阐述利弊。

<3> 第三段发表个人见解。
6. 观点阐述型作文

<1> Amid(在...中)_____, there has emerged ______. Some people prefer______, while others insist that ______. <2> I am in favor of _____. First of all, __________ . Second, _________. <3> From what has been discussed above, we could safely draw the conclusion that catering to(满足迎合) _____, _____ will be preferable for a lot of people.

<2> 第二段重点分析图片中所 涉及的问题带来的影响

<3> From what has been discussed above, I believe _____. To be more specific, _______.
<3> 第三段总结全文,发表个 人见解,并提出解决办法

1. There is a saying that ... .It is indicated in the quote that.... 2. There goes a famous saying,.... The quote not only summarizes the secret of... but also reveals ... 3. This has been confirmed by numerous evidences. 4. There may be no better example than.... 5. History is never short of stories which can demonstrate the point. 6. Let’s name but a few. First,.... Second,.... Last but not least, .... 7. ... abounds in examples which demonstrate this point.

<1> 首段引出名言,并阐述含 义

<2> 第二段引用例证证明名言 所表达的观点

<3> As a college student, in order to ______, what I can do is to ______. In other words, ______.

<3> 结尾段发表个人观点,说 明自己该怎么做
5. 分析利弊型作文

<1> The past decades have witnessed a great development in ______ owing to _______. As a result, _____ come into your sight, with _____ being the hottest one. <2> As is the case with many issues, _____ have/has both positive and negative sides. On the positive side, ______ . On the negative side, _______. What’s worse, _____. <3> As I see it, the advantages of ____ definitely overweigh the disadvantages. The crucial point is how to _____. Firstly, ______. Secondly,________.

<1> 首段直入主题,概述现象及危 害。

<2> 第二段承接上文,从三个方 面提出应对措施。

<3> 结尾段总结全文。
8. 申请信

Dear _____,

<1> I’m writing to apply for a position in ________.
<2> I’m a ____ majoring in _____ in _____ university. As the attached school report shows, I _____. As to personality and character, I’m _____. When I knew about ______, I realized it would be a good opportunity for _____. So I am writing this application hoping that I wouldn’t miss it.

<1> 首段直陈写作目的。

<2> 第二段详细介绍自己各方面的情况,并解 释为何要写此申请信。

<3> I will be very grateful if you can consider my application. For any further documents or proofs, please feel free to contact me and I will provide them as soon as possible. Look forward to your reply. Sincerely yours, ____________
<1> 首段概述现象,并说明 人们各自的喜好

<2> 第二段表明自己的喜好, 并说明自己的缘由

<3> 结尾段总结全文,再次明 确观点
7. 问题解决型作文

<1> With the development of ______, ______ has been increasingly prevalent in our life. It’s not uncommon to see____. <2> In view of the seriousness of this problem. I strongly suggest that effective measures should be taken right away. Firstly,_____. Secondly,_____. Thirdly,_______. <3> If the three sides mentioned above work together, I believe we could safely come to the conclusion that_____. What’s more, as long as everyone makes great efforts, ______ .
3. 原因分析型作文

<1> With the advancement of ______._____ are becoming increasingly common today. <2> Three major factors that account for such a phenomenon are listed as follows. First,____. Second,____. Third,______. <3> To_____, great efforts must be make to _____. Furthermore, _______. Last but not least, ________.
1.名言谚语型作文 2. 图画作文 3. 原因分析型作文 4. 观点对照型作文 5. 分析利弊型作文 6. 观点阐述型作文 7. 问题解决型作文 8. 申请信 9. 求职信 10. 投诉信


<1> There goes a famous saying, “___________”. It is indicated in the remark that the importance of ____ can never be underestimated. If one ____,chances are good that ______ . <2> ______ abounds in( 比比皆是)examples which demonstrate this point. _____ .

<1> 首段提出现象

<2> 第二段从三个方面分 析原因。层次分明

<3> 结尾段承接上文,提出 相应的解决措施

4. 观点对照型作文
<1> 首段概述现象,并引用调查报 告加以说明。

<1> _____ has been gaining popularity in recent years in China, particularly among____. As is reported in a recent survey, ______. <2> AS to _____, there is no consensus(共识) among the public. Some people hold that _____, because _____. Others contend (断言)that ______ . For one thing, _______. For another, _______.
<3> 结尾段表达对申请成功的渴望,并说明可 提供更多证明信息
9. 求职信

Dear _____,

<1> I’m ______ from _____ university, majoring in ______. Last Saturday I noticed your recruitment information in the newspaper for ______. I believe that I have the qualifications to fit your position.