
第三集:哺乳动物南极Antarctica.地球上最寒冷地方The earth's coldest continent极度不适合生物生存the one that is most hostile to life.这里,距离南极点800英里Here零下40摄氏度it's 40 degrees below zero.地球上数百万种动物中Of all the millions of species of animals on Earth只有一种能一直在此生存only one can live here permanently.威德尔海豹A Weddell seal.它能生存是因为可以潜到冰层下面She can survive because she can dive below the ice.使自己不受上面的暴风雪袭击Here she is protected from the storms above这里也能找到食物and here too但它是哺乳动物,必须呼吸空气But she is a mammal所以它必须守住一条通到冰层上面的生命线so she has to keep a lifeline open to the world above the ice.不只是为自己Not only for her也为刚出生的幼仔but now for her newborn pup.SEAL GRUNTSPUP CRIES它还没一周大,仍旧很脆弱He's less than a week old暴风雪来袭,力量强劲A blizzard blows in可以持续一周It could last for a week.作为哺乳类,海豹可以体内产热Being mammals皮毛下面是一层厚厚的脂肪And their fur能防止绝大多数的热量散失prevents most of that heat from escaping即便是在这么冷的情况下even in cold conditions like this.更重要的是,它能用哺乳动物所特有的What is more乳汁,来哺育后代with that mammalian speciality哺乳时,它还为幼仔遮挡住暴风雪And while she does so整个冬天,它都孜孜不倦地工作She has worked hard throughout the winter to prevent her breathing hole防止通气孔被冰冻封住in the ice from freezing over.这需要持久的专注That requires constant attention -用牙齿清除洞周围的冰filing back the edges of the hole with her teeth.一旦幼仔长到适合游泳,就得跟它一起下水Her pup needs to join her under the ice as soon as he can swim properly.它鼓励它第一次下水She encourages him to take his first plunge奇怪的是,它一点也不紧张hardly surprisingly现在,在妈妈的指导下,它要学习如何在水下捕食Now同时能够在水下迷宫里找到返回通气孔的路and to find his way back through the maze to his hole in the ice.体温、皮毛、乳汁以及母亲的呵护A warm body是海豹在这严寒里生存必不可少的for the Weddell seal's survival in this freezing environment. 这些特点有助哺乳动物And those qualities have helped the mammals统治整个地球to colonise the entire globe.东非赤道地带Equatorial East Africa.是一个与南极洲完全不同的世界It's hard to image a place more different from Antarctica.要在这里生存,哺乳类需要额外的智慧To survive here这三个窝点是一种小动物的领地This tree shelters the territory of a tiny mammal花费了它毕生的精力辛勤打理that spends its whole life in frenzied activity.以前被称作长鼻鼩It used to be called an elephant shrew现在有个非洲化的名字:森吉(扎伊尔硬币)but now it's called by its African name of sengi. 这是一只红褐色的雌性sengi This is a female rufous sengi.就像所有的sengi一样,它太活跃,总是吃不饱And为了得到足够的食物To get all the food she needs它必须勤劳而又灵巧she has to be both industrious and ingenious.它为设计了错综复杂的路线She has made an intricate network of trails帮助自己有效地猎食昆虫that enable her to hunt her insect prey very efficiently.但这些通道在遭遇天敌时But these pathways have another important function有重要的作用when she meets her enemies.能否在头脑中牢记这张路线图关系着Having a map of these trails in her head can mean the difference生存between life...或死亡..and death.跟爬行类不同,像大多数哺乳类Like most mammals它的腿长在身体正下方(爬行类在身体两侧)her legs are directly beneath her body.这使它不太稳定,但是更加迅速灵巧That makes her less stable它不但比这只蜥蜴跑得快,更比它聪明Not only has she outrun this reptile还有And just as well它是一位需要照顾幼仔的母亲for she is a mother and has a youngster to care for.sengi依靠速度和智谋取得成功The sengi relies on speed and cunning for its success.其它的哺乳类有不同的技能Other mammals have very different techniques.ANIMALS CALL OUT马达加斯加Here in Madagascar一种最为怪异的哺乳动物正在游荡one of the most bizarre of all mammals is on the prowl.长指狐猴,跟sengi一样,吃昆虫The aye-aye但它看不见所找的食物But the ones that she seeks因为它们躲在树干深处for they're buried deep inside branches.它们是挖虫高手They're beetle grubs.为找到食物,它有特殊天分To find them它用手指以每秒8次的速度敲击树干She taps her fingers on the wood up to eight times a second通过分辨回声中的细微差别and listens for the tiny change in resonance侦测出里面是否有洞that indicates a hollow spot within.它的听力及其灵敏,能准确定位Her hearing is so acute然后咬开树皮,找到虫子in which to gnaw a hole in order to reach the grub.用它变态的超长中指And she has a grotesquely long middle finger刺入洞中抓虫with which to skewer it.长指狐猴要花费四年时间来完善这种技能It takes a young aye-aye four years to perfect this technique.一旦练成But once it has done so它就能得到别人吃不到的食物it can collect prey that no other mammal can reach.北极冻原The Arctic tundra.这里也很难找到食物Food is hard to find here too.实际上,这片土地太过贫瘠,极少有大型动物能在这里生存Indeed但有一种哺乳动物可以做到Yet one mammal has found a way to do so.晚春It's late spring太阳温暖大地and as the mounting strength of the sun warms the land约8百万只驯鹿向北迁移eight million reindeer move north.但是草木太过稀少But the vegetation is so meagre鹿群想要吃饱,就必须that the only way the herds can get enough一路吃下去is to keep constantly on the move.新生小鹿很快就发觉Newborn calves soon discover它们必须每天赶路找吃的that they will have to spend every day walking in search of food.它们有着惊人的耐受力They have extraordinary endurance.这种动物在死之前Some of these animals已经走了很长的路will have trekked for a distance足够绕地球三周equivalent to three times around the earth.现在的牧场是最好的Grazing is now at its best.但驯鹿们最讨厌的敌人BUZZING吸血蝇Biting flies.苍蝇不但扰得它们心烦意乱The flies not only drive them to distraction而且每天可以吸掉它们一品脱的血but they can drain a pint of blood each day.驯鹿们有一种防御策略But the reindeer have a defensive strategy.每一只都尽力朝群体中心靠拢Each individual tries to push its way into the centre of a group在那里苍蝇很少where there are fewer flies.所有的鹿挤在一起With all this pushing and jostling母亲们必须盯紧自己的孩子mothers need to keep their calves close.有时候苍蝇太过分了Sometimes the flies become so bad鹿群实在无法忍受the reindeer can stand them no longer它们都逃向苍蝇们无法跟随的高地and they bolt to higher ground where the flies can't follow. 但这种逃避也有代价But the price of escape can be high.慌乱中,一个鹿妈妈丢失了她的孩子In the rushREINDEER CALLS OUT已经被别的生物找到了Others have already found it.BIRDS CALL OUT鹿群照旧前进The herd has long since moved on但它母性本能十分强烈but her maternal instinct is so strong它会留下来好几天,寻找丢失的孩子she'll stay to search for her missing calf for days.鹿群现在摆脱了苍蝇的困扰The reindeer are free from flies for now但在这高山上没有食物but with no food on these high slopes它们将会被迫下山寻找草场they will eventually be forced to descend to find new pastures再一次面对吸血蝇and face the biting swarms once more.地球上没有哪种动物比它们No animal makes a longer migration across the lands of the earth 迁徙的更远了than these mammals.有些生物找到了一种更经济的方式Other mammals have found a more economic way进行更快速的远距离迁徙of travelling huge distances and at greater speed.它们用飞的They go by air.BIRDS CHIRP巨大的食果黄蝙蝠Giant straw-coloured fruit bats栖居于刚果森林inhabit the great forests of the Congo.它们的翼展达一米Their wings are nearly a metre across.每年十月下旬In late October every year它们动身越过森林,进行长途旅行they set off on a long journey across the forest canopy.从几百只到几千只Flocks of hundreds become thousands.然后几万、几十万And tens of thousands become hundreds of thousands.它们是快速而强健的飞行家They are fast and powerful fliers几个晚上就可以飞出上千英里and can travel a thousand miles in just a few nights. THUNDER RUMBLES它们如何确定出发时间以及目的地仍旧是个谜How they know where and when to travel is a mystery但它们都在同一地方落脚:卡桑卡,赞比亚的一个偏远沼泽but they all end up in one place - Kasanka这里约有一千万只蝙蝠There are ten million of them here.它们在差不多有两三个足球场大的They crowd together in just one small patch of forest一小片丛林里聚集no bigger than two or three football pitches.在此逗留几星期And here they take up residence for a few weeks.这里成了地球上最大的食果蝙蝠栖息地It's the largest fruit bat roost on Earth.经过长途跋涉,它们需要休息After their long journey这里实在太挤,几乎肩靠着肩The roost is so crowded that complete strangers rub shoulders甚至互相抱成一团and even snuggle up together.夜幕降临As evening approaches它们准备享用长途旅行的奖赏they prepare to reap the reward for their long journey.它们越过中非来到这里They've come from all over Central Africa to this one place因为because here在每年此时at this time of the year这里的芒果,还有其它果实正好丰收there is an extraordinary glut of mangoes and other fruit. 它们如潮水般涌出,去搜集食物Streaming out from the roost每只蝙蝠一晚上,可以狂吞约两公斤的水果Each bat guzzles at least two kilos' worth of fruit every night.几周下来,这一群In just a few weeks将会吃下多达十亿只水果will devour more than a billion separate fruits.也只因具备飞行的能力,它们才能It's only the power of flight that allows these mammals如此千里迢迢赶来,大吃一顿to travel so far and so fast that they can reap such a brief harvest. 六周过后,树上的果子被吃个精光After six weeks然后,这支庞大的空军又起飞Then各自回到原来each bat returning to its own particular patch位于刚果丛林的栖息地of the vast Congo forests.非洲的陆生哺乳动物The land mammals of Africa也进行大规模的迁徙also travel together in stupendous numbers.东非草原上的动物数量The herds that graze the East African plains比一个世纪前要少了很多are not nearly the size they were a century ago但仍旧很庞大but they are still immense.聚在一起是很好的防御策略Grazing together is a good defence.以数量取胜There's safety in numbers.集体捕猎也会带来好处But hunting together also brings advantages.LION SNARLS这只鬣狗,却在独自觅食This hyena它得小心She needs to be careful.但是它闻到了食物的味道But she smells food.决定冒险And she takes risks.HYENA YOWLSHYENA SHRIEKS皮开肉绽,它很幸运地在犯错后活了下来Bruised and bloodied但它并没有被完全打败But she's not totally defeated -它是一个家族的成员she belongs to a clan.夜间,战斗的嚎叫响彻四方 A call to arms rings out through the night.HYENA CALLS OUT集结号Reinforcements assemble.家族里成年的个体作出回应Every adult in the clan responds.如果一个家族一起攻击,它们可以挑战那几头狮子If a clan attack togetherHYENAS CALL OUTLION SNARLS一群鬣狗挑战一个狮群,双方都全力以赴It's a clan against a pride鬣狗数量上占优势And the clan outnumbers the pride.鬣狗们的强势The combined power of the hyenas最终逼得狮子们撤退eventually forces the lions to retreat.有组织地进行团队作战Attacking as a coherent team需要高度的社会合作能力requires a high degree of social cooperation这也是哺乳动物的另一专长and that is another of the mammals' specialities.动物间的联系Social bonds between mammals begin在母亲哺育后代时就开始建立when mothers feed their young on milk.加上对幼小后代极好的照顾And few look after their young with greater care哺乳动物统治了自然than the mammal which dominates this landscape.一头母北极熊设正法为幼仔找食物A female polar bear is trying to find food for her cubs. 但这是一年中But this is a particularly特别艰难的时日difficult time of the year.供觅食的冰面正在开始融化The sea ice on which she hunts is melting beneath her feet.它必须上岸She must look for food on land.它们都安全上岸,但还需面临几个月的饥荒They're all safely ashore在这寒冷贫瘠的海岸,寻找食物实在太难Finding food is not so easy on this cold and barren coast.搜寻过程很漫长The search may be a long one.北极熊有着异常敏锐的嗅觉Polar bears have an extraordinarily sensitive sense of smell.它嗅到了一丝希望And she has caught a faint whiff of something promising.是一具巨大的北极露脊鲸的尸体It's the immense carcass of a bowhead whale.这具尸体可供这一家子吃好长时间A whale carcass could provide more than any one family could eat.但毕竟不是它们But they're not the first here to find it...最先发现的by any means.气味将远处的熊都引来了The smell has brought in bears from miles away.ROARING北极熊一家很少与另一家相处Bear families seldom get on with one another.所以,带小熊来这里很冒险She's taking a risk bringing her cubs here.公熊可能,也确实会杀死,吃掉小熊Male bears canROARING另一家向它挑战Another family challenges her.它必须决定,是继续争夺食物还是带着孩子逃跑,然后挨饿She must decide whether to compete for food它将幼仔护在自己身边,守住地盘She keeps her cubs close to her and stands her ground.母亲的勇气为孩子挣来一餐Their mother's courage has won the cubs a meal.群居生活可以带来回报Living as a family may bring rewards但也会带来麻烦,因为兄弟姐妹之间会竞争but it can also create problems南美长鼻浣熊A coati - a South American relative of the racoon.这些小家伙是在树上的窝里出生的These babies were born in a nest high in a tree现在第一次下地and are about to come down to the ground for the first time.有些很排斥其它的浣熊Some more reluctantly than others.一旦到了地面,母亲会把小仔们聚在一起Once on the ground形成一个大的群体and takes them away to join a single large group.一个家庭有40多个成员Together数量多就安全Once again最先觉察到危险的会警告所有的The first to spot danger will warn everyone.但维持秩序就不容易了But keeping order isn't easy一旦发现食物,熊熊有份and when they find food卡拉哈利沙漠的猫鼬Meerkats in the Kalahari Desert也是群体生活,但它们更有组织性also live in large groups每个家族被一位年长雌性所掌控Each family band is controlled by a queen几乎是唯一的有生育能力的who is nearly always the only female to breed.它一直忙碌于哺育5个小仔She has been kept very busy suckling her five pups它们是时候该独立自主了and it's high time they became more independent.今天是这些新生儿第一次自己找早餐Today is the new brood's first trip to get breakfast for themselves.新手们要花好几周学习如何找食物It takes weeks for youngsters to learn how to find food.MEERKAT SQUEAKS这个家伙试图抓蚂蚁This one is trying to catch ants但还没掌握必需的技巧but hasn't quite grasped the necessary technique.但这个小家伙说服了一个年长的,示范该怎么做But this youngster has persuaded an adult to show him what to do.导师并不是父母,只是有了热情The tutor is not his parent通过教学将能力传给学生and one who will adapt his lessons to the ability of his student.这个是初学者This new one is a beginner所以从简单的开始,如何挖出一只昆虫幼虫so he starts with something easy -how to dig for insect larvae.另一位,如这个,则棘手的多Other meals老师在让它对付蝎子之前So the tutor disables the scorpion's sting会先搞定它的毒刺before he lets the youngster tackle it.家族也会协同防御The family also cooperates in defence.每一位都会轮流站岗,留心危险Every member does a tour of guard duty所以,只要有一只放哨So其它的都可以放松everyone else can rest.在大热天里,很容易打盹And猫鼬的成功奥秘在于The secret of meerkats' success每一位都轮流站岗is that everyone takes a turn in communal duties.许多哺乳类不止是分担工作量But many mammals do more than just share their workload.还可以通过好几代来分享智慧Some can share their knowledge大象的生存得益于Elephant survival depends on profiting好多代传下来的经验from the experience of many lifetimes.这只小象是昨晚才出生的This baby elephant was born last night整个家族都很欢迎它的加入and the whole herd seems to welcome this new addition.但这位母亲很年轻,经验不足But the mother is young and inexperienced.这是它第一个孩子This is her first baby.母亲必须喝水,才能产奶If she is to produce milk新生儿则要跟着它And the newborn calf must keep up with her象群走上了寻找水源的路as the herd continues on their long journey to find water.走了五英里,小象很疲惫After five miles走够了Enough is enough.年轻的母亲鼓励它继续The young mother encourages her calf to continue但前路仍旧漫长but there is still a long way to go小象已经开始脱水and the calf is already getting dehydrated.现在象群已经离水不远了,可以嗅到水的味道The elephants are now so close to water that they can smell it.终于到了WaterELEPHANT TRUMPETS这是小象第一次遇到水坑This is the calf's first encounter with a waterhole.它不确定是怎么回事,也不知道怎么爬出来She's not sure what to make of it or母亲试图帮助它Her mother tries to help her但它没有带孩子的经验but she has no experience of dealing with babies.(小象哭喊)BABY ELEPHANT CRIES OUT小象跟着象群朝沼泽深处前进As the herd moves deeper into the swamp现在,它真的麻烦大了but now she is in real trouble.(小象哭喊)BABY ELEPHANT CRIES OUT小象有可能会永远地陷入泥潭Elephant babies can母亲试图帮助它,但只会越帮越糟糕Her mother's attempts to help her baby are only making matters worse.会让它越陷越深It's stuck beneath her and she's pushing it deeper still.这时孩子的祖母发现了问题,走了过来But now the baby's grandmother spots the problem and steps in.MUFFLED THUMPMOTHER TRUMPETS直截了当将孩子妈妈推向一边with an unceremonious poke in the rump使得它的孙子能够爬出来and enables her granddaughter to scramble free.母亲和小孩从祖母那里学来重要一课Mother and calf have learned a valuable lesson from grandma.智慧像这样代代相传Such passing of wisdom across generations是大象能够生存的重要基础has been an important element in the survival of elephants.最大的陆生动物大象,是哺乳类The largest animal on land海洋里最大的动物也同样是哺乳类And so are the largest animals in the sea.雌性驼背鲸和它的孩子A female humpback whale and her calf.每隔几年,它都会游过3000英里Every few years从南极富饶的水域from the rich waters of the Antarctic到太平洋的温暖但是食物稀少的地区to these warm产下一只幼仔to give birth to a single calf.汤加周围的海域,不止是驼背鲸的育儿所The seas around Tonga are not only a nursery for humpbacks也是它们的交配场所but also their mating ground.WHALE CALLS OUT这头50岁的母鲸来这里,寻找最佳配偶This 50-year-old female has come here to seek the best partner它开始对潜在的追求者宣告自己的到来and she starts by announcing her arrival to potential suitors.异性一个个到来One by one但它却游走了But as they do使得六头追随者跟着compelling her half a dozen or so suitors to follow her.它领头,雄性们则在后面抢位置She leadsWHALE BELLOWS雄性们互相吼叫着示威The males bellow threats to one another弄出巨大的水花creating huge plumes of bubbles.直到现在,一切还算公平、缓和So far眼下竞争变得严峻Now the competition becomes serious.一小时一小时过去,雄性在它后面抢位置Hour after hour40多吨重的鲸们开始互相撞击And now the 40-tonne males begin to smash into one another. 这是自然界最大块头的战斗This is the most massive battle in all nature.它们可以使对手致死Rival males can kill one another.在战斗最为激烈时As the conflict reaches its climax它们希望对手都屈服they try to force each other downwards.最后,胜者将会陪伴在母鲸身边At last不会再有不服and remains unchallenged.通过诱使雄性们决斗By inciting the males to fight母鲸可以确保找到最佳的伴侣the female has secured the best mate for herself -从而能够产下最强的后代the one who is most likely to father the strongest offspring.夫妻双双潜入深处Together但直到现在也没人知道它们在哪里交配But still所有哺乳动物,包括我们All mammals都有一系列领先的特征share a set of winning characteristics.恒温的身体、敏锐的感官和高度发达的智力Warm bodies这些特质帮助它们,和我们,成功and those qualities have contributed to their也许,所有特征里最重要的But perhaps the most important characteristic of all是来自我们的家庭力量lies in the strength of our family ties.哺乳动物是以家族的方式占领地球的It is the mammal family that has conquered the earth.汤加,以驼背鲸闻名Tonga is famous for humpback whales但即便在这儿,想找到并拍摄鲸but even here也是不小的挑战would prove challenging.Life摄制组想要For the Life team拍到驼背鲸独特而著名的capturing the humpback whales'unique mating contest求爱竞赛known as a heat run需要花大量时间、当地的知识和超好的运气would need local knowledge我们听说靠近陆地的一只船We've heard that one of the boats further inland见过一头带幼仔的母鲸和一批追随者has seen a female with a calf and an escort这极有可能处于发情期which is something which might build to所以我们朝那边赶,去看看so we're gonna head over there and take a look.任何一头带小孩的母鲸都有可能出镜Any adult female with a calf could be coming into season 还会是发情的公鲸们的目标and so might be a target for amorous males.到那里时,我非常兴奋When we got there也有点紧张,不知道会发生什么a little bit nervous一旦我潜到水里Once I got in the water and dived down一片安静祥和it was surprisingly quiet and mellow.当然没预料到接下来的事Certainly didn't expect what happened next.那头小鲸直接冲我而来The calf just came straight up towards me.它看上去很放松,对我很有兴趣She seemed really relaxed就在我周围几米处游动,轻轻摇尾巴It's literally just swimming around within metres of them 我想,它应该很好奇吧flicking its tail也有点好玩and having a bit of fun.确实还很小It's obviously quite young所以在水面呆的时间很长so it's staying on the surface quite a long time.不能下潜很久It's not diving down for very long大概几分钟吧,它母亲maybe a couple of minutes.The mother will be会在下面5到10米处看守着about five or ten metres below just keeping an eye on it.但即便是幼鲸,鳍和尾巴仍旧力量十足But even a calf has great power in its fins and tail. Roger需要小心为妙Roger will need to be careful.接着Got it?这是我见过的最荒诞的事情That was the most silly thing I've ever seen in my life.它在周围玩耍,就像新生羔羊It was just gambolling around like a little newborn lamb.但它有两吨重啊But it's two tonnes.THEY LAUGH它朝我搅了些水流什么的Couple of bumps as it's come roundJason,我拍到了一些画面I got a great shot of itJason后仰成这样了Jason was backpedalling like this!只是头幼鲸,还小呢It's just a baby.Like a little puppy你在和一个小动物玩,但是有四米长you're playing with a little puppy很荒谬吧,它妈妈怎么样?It's just ludicrous.Was his mum all right?它在下面怪吓人的She is just totally chilling out underneath.在水下15米处像这样悬停着Pecs back. Just hanging like this at about 15 metres.是的,只是悬在那里Yeah或许是没看见,但我不这么认为Probably didn't even see it和贪玩的小鲸一起是一回事儿It's one thing to be close to a playful baby.但和一群雄激素水平超高的It will be another to be in the path体型是它十倍的雄性鲸of a testosterone-charged group of males是另一回事each ten times her size.MUTTERED CONVERSATION这里有很多雄性鲸,但它们发情了吗?There are enough males here for a heat runOh!Woo-hoo! Yes!真不错That was pretty good.你们准备好了吗When you guys are ready.越快越好Quick as you can.这些鲸体重可达40吨,而且速度奇快These whales can weigh up to 40 tonnes and move surprisingly quickly.摄影机拍到好的画面As well as getting the camera to get the shots -得跟它们足够接近they have to be fairly close -我们必须小心,不要被撞到we have to be careful they don't get bumped.如果被它们撞一下If they get a knock from one of these guys会造成严重的损害it could do some serious damage.它朝你过来了He's right towards you.为了不影响鲸的行为To avoid disturbing the whales' behaviour组员们必须自由潜水,不带呼吸器the team need to free-dive尽可能地憋气holding their breath as long as they can.状态好的话,我可以憋气两分钟On a good dive但这些家伙,可以憋住20多分钟These guys然后再到水面换气before they have to come up for air.没法比There's no contest.越来越多的鲸聚集过来More and more whales are gathering但还没有达到发情状态but it's not turning into a heat run yet.很难说发生了什么Hard to say what's going on.是不是有5头?Were there five that time?它们只是游来游去,忽上忽下They're kind of moving around可望有事发生Hopefully莫非爱情在空中?Maybe love's in the air?HE CHUCKLES爱情也许是在空中,但水里是没有的Love may be in the air接下来十天里,尽管一直跟着这些鲸Despite keeping tabs on the whales over the next ten days 但仍旧不见它们发情的迹象there was still no sign of a heat run starting.你也许会认为,跟踪这些40多吨的家伙很容易You'd think it'd be quite easy to keep track of a 40-tonne animal.我们一路跟着六头过来And we've got six of them out here不断地跟丢,一分钟前它们还在这里and we keep losing them.One minute they're there然后我们靠近we get up reasonably close不到半分钟,它们又潜下去,失踪了and within 30 seconds然后,再等五到十分钟And then it takes another maybe five minutes它们会在300多码外又再次出现and then they'll come up again and they'll be 300 yards away 然后又得花很长时间跟进and it takes ages just to get close to them.一直跟我们在玩猫捉老鼠的游戏So we're just playing a continuous game of cat and mouse.猫和老鼠?它们是鲸鱼哦Cat and mouse? It's whales.眼看繁殖季节就要结束了The mating season is coming to an end制作组还没完成拍摄任务呢and the crew haven't completed their mission.最后,那些鲸的行为看起来有变化But then好,这就是了Well我们在远处地平线发现了六到七头鲸We just spotted about six or seven humpbacks on the horizon.我们认为那就是求爱竞赛We think it's a heat run.在水上的最后16、17天The last 16取决于接下来两小时are probably gonna come down to the next two hours我们能否拍到画面as to whether we get our shots or not.追逐开始了The chase is on!至少有三、四头鲸游过There was at least three or four males going past -它们互相争斗、互相撞击they were competing and knocking into each other尽力抢得母鲸后面的位置as they tried to get the poll position behind the female.朝你过来了,冲你过来了It's right at you鲸游得太快了,想要找机会拍到它们The whales are moving so fast that组员们必须在它们正前方入水the crew needs to be dropped right in front of the charging group.正当Roger来到鲸的旁边Just as Roger gets alongside the males拍摄追逐的画面,忽然被the tempo of the chase suddenly shifts to full bore一个摆尾扰乱with a flick of a tail.面对发情的雄鲸,Roger在水下持续拍摄Facing the charging males deep underwater屏住呼吸直到它们游过holding his breath until the group pass over.然后迅速上来换口气,又继续下水A quick gasp of air鲸们鱼贯而过The whales continue to rush by.最后,Roger实在是憋不住了In the end精疲力竭,他们最后一次回到了船上Exhausted惊奇!实在是我最惊讶的一次经历Amazing! That was the most amazing experience I've ever had.大约有There was about...七到八头鲸,在前面水下20米左右seven or eight. Both dived down about 20 metres in front. 雌性先游过来,很近And then the female came through first然后它们都一下子朝我冲过来And then they all just started diving towards me就像面对着车流一样it was like standing in a stream of traffic.这边一头,这边一头,另一边也有It was just one one side再过了约40秒And then45秒的样子,我有点透不过气来40我向上看,头顶上还有一头And then I looked up你拍到了吗?我想是的Did you get it? I think so. Hope so.如果没有,我们都会被炒鱿鱼的If not花了18天,几百次潜水It's taken 18 days and hundreds of dives最终,摄制组能够拍到but at last the team have been able to reveal a secret鲜为人知的鲸鱼的秘密of these whales' lives that few people have ever seen.。

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第7集:猎手与猎物猎手与猎物之间的斗争最能展现生存竞争的激烈Life is at its most intense during thestruggles between predator and prey.每一方想存活Each side就必须比对方聪明,懂得生存的策略must outwit and outmanoeuvre the other.作为奖励,猎手得到的是一顿美食The prize对于猎物而言,就是能多活一天的机会For the prey《猎手和猎物》三只雄性的花豹Three male cheetahs.这三兄弟比较特别These brothers are very special.他们敢于猎杀一些其他猎手不敢碰的猎物They hunt prey few other cheetahs would dare to tackle.要想成功,首先得选择捕猎对象To succeed并一起围捕它And then work together to overpower it.这是个危险的活It's dangerous work.成年的斑马蹄,是可以致命的An adult zebra is potentially lethal.结果是不能预测的The outcome is by no means certain.第一只豹被赶走了The first cheetah is driven off.他的兄弟,也犯了一直致命的错误And his brothers have already made a critical mistake.他们没能靠近猎物,到足够的距离They aren't close enough to take over the attack.又追向不同的猎物Each is chasing a different target这样便于成年斑马保护小斑马making it easy for the zebra to defend their young.250公斤的斑马,终于给他们机会了A quarter-tonne stallion finally puts paid to their chances. 追逐不同的目标,注定是不会成功的Chasing different zebra was bound to lead to failure.或者他们的热情比较高涨Perhaps their enthusiasm got the better of them.他们必须继续尝试They must try again.在肯亚山的阴影下,兄弟们重新相聚In the shadow of Mount Kenya他们对斑马的错误策略Their mistake with the zebra was to hunt as ordinary cheetahs do -和其他豹一样,就是单独追猎目标as individuals.对付这样的猎物,他们必须另想办法To catch such prey一起行动That means acting together他们重新开始了They start again.一只鸵鸟,比任何花豹都要重An ostrich outweighs and outguns a single cheetah.这次他们只有一个目标This time there's only one target.三兄弟一起行动And all three cheetahs are onto it.老三,开始袭击鸵鸟The third brother starts to throttle the ostrich.就算能避开鸵鸟的腿它依然是一只危险的猎物Even off its feet兄弟们找到了独有的捕猎方法The brothers have found a unique way of catching their prey.有能力发明这种聪明的捕猎方法The ability to invent such novel hunting tactics是哺乳类动物,优胜于其他动物is one thing that really sets mammals apart.但是哺乳类动物也可能随时成为别人的猎物But mammals themselves can also be targets for predators而每一次捕猎,需要采取不同的策略and the hunted also need to devise special tactics.死海沙漠的边缘The desert shores of the Dead Sea.在这里生存,真的是非常困难Living here is difficult indeed.现在是三月It's March在这些高耸的峭壁上阿尔卑斯野山羊,在这里生育ibex have given birth.最初的日子,小山羊是安全的For the first few days the kids were kept safe有这些悬崖隔离isolated on the cliff tops.但是现在他们要面对难题了But now the ibex have a problem.食物和水源,都远在峡谷的最下面The only food and water is far below at the bottom of thegorge.这正是猎食者,潜伏的地方And that is where predators lurk.他们一定要冒险,才能觅食If they're to feed成年的山羊领路The adults lead the way.他们知道最安全的路线They know the safest routes.当然这里的安全,只是相对的Though safe小山羊,只能紧跟在后The kids have no choice but to keep up.一失足,就可能丧命One slip could be the last.属于偶蹄目的他们有在这里行走的天赋Their only assets are cloven hooves that spread under load他们有惊人的平衡能力astonishing balance...加上非常敏捷..and the most uncanny agility.出生才七天,就天性无畏Barely a week old学会在悬崖行走是他们生存的重点Learning to negotiate these cliffs is central to their survival.现在这家人必须警惕掠食者了But now the family must be on guard against predators.提高每一分警觉All grab a chance to browse.最后一头小羊也来了Trailing behind正好遇到麻烦And runs right into trouble.一只狐狸A fox.这个流浪者在等待It's been waiting for the straggler.小山羊从没见过狐狸,但天性告诉它,这是一个危险The kid has never seen a fox before在跑回山上的时候,他遇到更大的麻烦——悬崖It appears to be running into more trouble狐狸企图爬上去The fox tries to gain the higher ground.但是小山羊找到一个非常陡峭的悬崖But the kid has found safety只有阿尔卑斯山羊才能站立在这里on a face so steep that only an ibex could stand there.早上下山的时候所学到的一切,救了他一命The lessons learnt on this morning's descent have saved its life.狐狸只能放弃这艰难的捕猎Finally或者他突然发现自己站在危险的灾难边缘..perhaps suddenly aware it's standing on aprecipice.就算小小年纪,在这里小山羊的生存智慧还是胜过Despite its tender age最狡猾的猎食者狐狸这次失败,显示了猎食者的困境The fox's failure epitomises a predator's plight.捕猎并不是容易的Most hunts fail所以猎食者要经常尝试新的技巧在巴西的热带雨林The rainforests of Belize in Central America.当夜幕低垂,大雨将至And as evening falls and the shower comes to an end一位猎手开始行动 a predator begins to hunt.巨大的“都牛犬”蝙蝠The greater bulldog bat.唯一会飞行哺乳类动物A flying mammal...它是一位“渔翁”..and a fisherman.一条正好游近水面的鱼引起的涟漪A fish swimming just below the surface creates tell-taleripples这恰是蝙蝠,需要的信息and that is all the bat needs to detect them.只要一个微弱的抖动With little more than a fin to aim for这位猎手,以40哩的时速and whilst flying at 40 miles an hour扑向鱼的位置the bat takes the fish completely unawares.只要浅水有任何震动If the shoal scatters...掠过水面的蝙蝠..the bat trawls the surface.就会像拖网船一样,大肆捕捞Raking the water但有利的捕鱼位置不会很久He won't have the best fishing spot to himself for long其他蝙蝠,很快抵达and soon繁忙的交通使捕鱼变得几乎“不可能”Oncoming traffic would make grabbing a fish almostimpossible他们开始鸣叫,避免碰撞so the bats avoid collisions by honking -他们争相发出“在这,别撞过来!”dropping their calls an octave to say很快,这片浅滩就水泄不通Soon the shoal has either been captured or has fled蝙蝠在继续捕捞着…and the bats move on.这种技巧,是需要实践去锻炼的Skills like this take practice有些哺乳类,从小就开始实践锻炼and for some mammals that practice begins in infancy.一只小鼬鼠A young stoat.他不是单独的And it's not alone.STOA TS CHIRP这种野外游戏很吸引它These wild game sare too much to resist.在游戏中,可以练习埋伏、突击、追逐Stalking很快而这些技巧是必须的and then these athletic skills will be crucial.这是九月英国的田野It's September in the English countryside.这只小鼬鼠准备对付一个体积十倍的敌人This stoat is about to take on an adversary ten times its size.但直接攻击,是非常危险的It's too dangerous to rush straight in.然而,小鼬鼠的目的,是消耗兔子体力Instead兔子的力量在衰退,而小鼬鼠的耐力开始使局面发生了变化。
BBC life生命 第一集

第一集:生命的挑战我们的星球上Our planet may be home可能有三千万种不同的动植物to 30 million different kinds of animals and plants. 每个个体都在进行着长达一生的生存奋斗Each individual locked in its own life-long fight for survival.不论是海中还是陆上Everywhere you look, on land or in the ocean, there are extraordinary都有生物为了存活各出奇招examples of the lengths living things go to to stay alive.这是佛罗里达的海岸线This is the coast of Florida.此地海床上的奇异烙印Here, strange scars on the sea bed隐隐透露出一种动物让人啧啧称奇的生存策略hint at one animal's remarkable strategy.这些是瓶鼻海豚These are bottlenose dolphins,它们是世上最聪明的动物之一one of the most intelligent animals on Earth.它们的猎物是在海中动作迅速,行踪飘忽的游鱼Their prey is very elusive, fast-swimming fish.但海豚发明了一种崭新的狩猎方式But the dolphins have invented a completely new way of hunting.这只海豚猛力拍击尾部搅起浅海的淤沙By beating its tail down hard, this dolphin stirs up the shallow silt.它绕着圆圈游泳And by swimming in a tight circle用一圈扬起的滚滚尘沙绕住鱼群it creates a ring of mushrooming mud around a shoal of fish.越来越小的圈子像渔网般地困住鱼群The contracting ring traps the fish just like a net.惊慌失措的鱼儿跳出水面试图逃脱Panicked, the fish jump to escape.正好跳进海豚咧开的大嘴中Right into the open mouths of the waiting dolphins.带头的海豚一而再再而三地游出一个圆形Again and again, the lead dolphin creates a circle,大伙儿一字排开等待时机成熟before they all line up with perfect timing.据我们所知,这些海豚是唯一These dolphins are the only ones known发展出这种狩猎法的动物to have developed this hunting behaviour它们因此占了上风and it gives them an edge.这种优势This sort of advantage在适者生存的竞争中may mean the difference between life and death可能是决定生死的关键in the survival of the fittest.这部影集将详细剖析This series reveals the most spectacular and extraordinary动植物为了存活而发展出的惊人策略strategies that animals and plants have developed to stay alive.对生物而言,每一天都是挑战For every creature, every day is full of challenges,为了生存它们必须克服每一次难关all of which must be overcome, somehow, in order to survive.肯尼亚以大猫闻名于世它们是猎杀高手Kenya, famous for its big cats. Thesupreme hunters.高速猎杀是猎豹的拿手好戏Cheetahs specialise in hunting at speed.动作奇快的猎豹其实很脆弱身体构造只适合短跑,追杀小型猎物Though fast, they are fragile creatures, built to sprint after small prey.它们缺乏狮子般的力气和分量They don't have the strength or weight of a lion所以无法撂倒大动物to bring down larger animals.这只公猎豹很特别它不独自出猎This male is different. He doesn't hunt alone.因为它悟出了团结力量大的道理He's learnt that there is strength in numbers.这里一共有三只猎豹But here there are not just two, but three cheetahs.是个名符其实的猎杀兄弟党A band of brothers.它们改变了策略They have changed their tactics and, by doing so,因此能杀得猎物措手不及have taken their prey by surprise.这三只猎豹发现They have learnt that working together它们可以合作捕杀大型猎物hey can bring down large prey.鸵鸟An ostrich.不仅比猎豹高而且体重几乎是它们的两倍A bird that towers over a cheetah and is more than twice as heavy.鸵鸟无法飞离险境但可以使出致命的连环踢It can't fly to escape danger, but it can lash out with a deadly kick.这只母鸵鸟还没有发现危机将至A female, unaware as yet, of any danger.就算三只猎豹联手这么做还是非常危险Even with three of them this is still highly risky.若其中一只受伤If one gets injured另外两只根本没办法压制住这么大的猎物the other two couldn't hope to tackle such large prey.不过…On the other hand,若是顺利的话,回报是很惊人的if they get it right, the rewards are huge.公鸵鸟发现了兄弟党的成员之一但它只看到一只猎豹The male has spotted one of the brothers, but only one.所以并不是很担心It's not too worried.突然间又冒出两只猎豹Then suddenly there are three!母鸵鸟的反应较慢The female is slower to realise the danger三只猎豹临时改变目标and the cheetahs switch targets.三只猎豹兄弟共同努力It takes the combined effort and weight of all three brothers 使劲扑倒力大无穷的鸵鸟to bring down this powerful bird.不过被倒地的鸵鸟踢到一脚还是很要命Even now the ostrich could land a fatal kick.目前为止三只猎豹兄弟占尽了便宜So far, the brothers are winning.因为鸵鸟还没想出要如何破解这种策略Ostriches have yet to find a way to foil such tactics.其他动物也为了战胜敌人Other animals have also evolved surprising tactics to outmanoeuvre发展出各种妙招它们凭借的不是蛮力the enemy, not with brute strength而是让人惊叹的武器but with extraordinary weapons.马达加斯加Madagascar.是一个表里不一的奇特世界A strange world where nothing is quite as it seems.想在这里狩猎必须狡猾奸诈才行To hunt here requires stealth and subterfuge.有一种伏击高手住在这里的树林中And living within the trees is a master of ambush.这是一只蝗螂A preying mantis.这种昆虫伪装巧妙动作快如闪电Well camouflaged and lightning quick,是效率奇高的掠食动物these insects are highly efficient predators.,但连它们也有吃瘪的时候But even they are outgunned.这是一只变色龙A chameleon.它的皮肤可以随着环境变色Its camouflage is exceptional所以是名符其实的伪装大师because it can change its skin colour to match its surroundings.它的两只眼睛可以独立活动以寻找猎物Its eyes move independently to spot prey. 它悄悄地欺近倒媚的猎物直到进入攻击范围It creeps towards to its victim, until just in range.之后祭出超级武器\Then it unleashes a super weapon.它吐舌的速度高达每秒15公尺Its tongue shoots out at 15 metres per second.不仅击中猎物还能紧紧抓住它And not only hits, but grasps its target.但猎人总有失手的时候But few hunters are always successful.对它们来说这不过是一餐饭罢了For them a hunt is just one meal.但猎物的风险高得多For prey, the stakes are higher.因为这是枚关生死的大事It's life...or death.南极春去夏来As Antarctica moves from spring into summer原本冰封的河口海湾变得一片开阔the inlets and bays, once choked with ice, become free.动物纷纷前来进食And animals move in to feed.这些是食蟹海豹其实它们吃的不是螃蟹These are crabeater seals. They don't actually eat crabs而是磷虾这片海域有很多这种小小的虾子but krill, small shrimps that swarm in their billions in these waters.在大片浮冰上休息的Resting on a large ice floe,食蟹海豹安全无虞these crabeaters are safe.但它们一下水But as soon as they enter the water,就进入全面戒备they are on their guard,这是有原因的for good reason.虎鲸Killer whales.许多在南极的虎鲸只吃鱼Here in Antarctica, many killer whales prey only on fish. 但这群虎鲸不同它们专精猎杀海豹But these whales are different, they specialise in hunting seals.这只游向开放海域的海豹This seal swimming to open water浑然不知危机迫近is unaware of the danger heading his way.现在终于发现不对劲Until now.它麻烦大了He's in real trouble.除非它有办法躲在小片浮冰后否则是死路一条There is no escape unless he can hide behind this small piece of floating ice.但是它行踪败露,被虎鲸团团包围But he's been spotted and surrounded.这会儿敏捷的身手是它唯一的生机Now agility is his only chance.它拼命闪躲,紧贴着浮冰He dodges for his life, staying as close as he can to the iceberg.但是它开始累了He's tiring.虎鲸节节逼近,准备痛下杀手And the whales tighten the circle, going for the kill. 不过猎人并不是每次都能得手But hunters don't always get their own way.这只海豹坚强的求生意志In the end, the seal's determination and skill, using和用浮冰自保的技巧让虎鲸白忙一场the ice for protection, kept him just out of reach.它们调头离去And the whales move on.近来的观察结果显示Recently it's been observed that killer whales虎鲸猎杀别种海豹的成功率比较高are much more successful when hunting other types of seal.像这样的食蟹海豹实在太难缠了Crabeaters like this put up too much of a fight.住在开放海域的生物For creatures living in the open ocean没有地方可以躲避掠食动物there is nowhere to hide from predators.但人多势众也是一种不错的策略But there is safety in numbers.但是有一种鱼发展出与众不同的逃生策略One fish, however, has evolved a different escape tactic.它们干脆离开水面,凌空飞翔To leave the water completely, take to the air and fly! 飞鱼在辛苦起飞后After a huge effort to get airborne, flying fish可以滑翔约两百公尺can glide 200 metres or so,逃离追杀它们的掠食动物to escape the predators chasing them.动物并不全都是猎人许多动物是素食主义者Not all animals are hunters, many are vegetarians.但动植物间的战争But the battle between animals and plants也同样激烈can also be intense.巴西中部的保维斯塔Boa Vista, central Brazil.这片山谷里到处都是布满凹痕的怪异岩石This valley is peppered with strangely pitted rocks.这不是自然景观These are not natural formations而是一种动物和一种植物间漫长抗争留下的遗迹but the legacy of a long struggle between one animal and one plant.褐卷尾猴的智商很高Brown-tufted capuchins, highly intelligent monkeys.它们晚上在安全的洞穴里过夜They spend their nights in the safety of caves,早上出来觅食emerging each morning to find food.谷底长着它们的最爱Down in the valley is a particular favourite.澳洲苏铁A nut palm.这种植物的种子很大The palms produce huge seeds,但种子有一层厚厚的硬壳but they have very strong shells以阻挡饥肠辘辘的动物that protect them against attack from hungry animals.对卷尾猴来说这是一场消耗战For the capuchins this is a war of attrition.等它们确定哪颗种子最熟they check which seed is the ripest,战争就开始了and the battle commences.首先是要撕掉坚果坚硬多纤的外壳The first job is to tear the tough fibrous husk from the nut.这只猴子并不急着敲碎坚果He doesn't try to crack the nut straight away,而是把它丢在地上but drops it to the ground.它知道坚果得先在阳光下曝晒一个礼拜左右He's learnt that a nut should be given a week or so drying in the sun.这些是它之前晒的坚果These are ones he prepared earlier.它轻敲坚果以判定它们是不是晒够了He taps them to see if they're ready.这块巨大扁平的石头是它的砧板This huge flat rock is his anvil.这是它的槌子And this is a hammer.用来当槌子的石头比铁砧岩石硬得多It's made of a different and much harder rock than the anvil.接下来的发展让人惊奇Now something extraordinary happens.卷尾猴需要极高的智商The capuchins' use of these stone tools requires an exceptional level规划能力和灵巧才能使用石器of intelligence, planning and dexterity.坚果终于裂开The nut finally cracks露出含有丰富营养和油脂的果仁and exposes a rich, oily kernel.小猴子和人类幼儿一样Youngsters watch and imitate the adults,有样学样just as human toddlers do.若它们想过独立的生活得学会如何敲碎坚果If they are to become independent, they must learn to crack their own nuts.但是学习是个漫长又充满挫折的过程But the learning process is long, with many frustrations.它们很早就知道They learn early on that to do a job properly,工欲善其事必先利其器的道理you need the right tool.有的卷尾猴要花八年才能抓到这门技术的诀窍It can take eight years for a capuchin to master this art突破苏铁的坚强防线and overcome the palm's formidable defences.但有植物扭转了劣势以动物为食But some plants have turned the tables and feed on animals.这是个很精细的陷阱This is a highly sophisticated trap. The bait,诱饵是圆盘边缘的甘甜蜜汁sugary nectar around the rim of the disc.陷阱由细毛启动The triggers, fine hairs,若20秒内有两根细毛被触碰陷阱就会启动two of which have to be touched within 20 seconds of each other.这次的受害者是一只The victim, a fly无法抗拒这植物颜色和蜜汁的苍蝇which finds the colour and nectar irresistible.陷阱启动后,迅速合上When triggered, the trap snaps shut so fast把苍蝇困在里面that the fly is imprisoned.捕蝇草好整以暇地消化它的受害者The Venus flytrap now slowly digests itsvictim.生命的挑战不只是填饱肚子Life's challenges are more than just finding food.不管是什么动物每到特定时期In every animal's life there comes a time它们的心思会被传宗接代的大事占据when its mind turns to breeding.有一种动物的方法让人吃惊One creature's approach is mind-boggling.马来西亚Malaysia.这种怪异的昆虫在森林地表蛰伏了好一阵子This strange insect has been lying dormant on the forest floor.雄虫一旦到了安全的树上Once safe in the trees,就躲在树叶之间these males hide among the leaves展开奇妙大变身and begin an extraordinary transformation.这次变身攸关它是否能传递香火One that will make the difference between fathering offspring or not.它首先大口吸气He begins by gulping in air bubbles,并把气泡逼到头部forcing them up into his head.然后把气泡挤到眼柄He then pumps the bubbles into the stalks supporting his eyes, 像吹气球一般just like blowing up a balloon.它们因而博得了And this is what earns these creatures their name,凸眼蝇的名号the stalk-eyed fly.这只公凸眼蝇A few final adjustments细心地抚平眼柄to straighten out any remaining creases准备展开求爱大作战and he's ready for action.眼柄看来也许很麻烦They may look unwieldy,但不仅方便注意掠食动物but eyes on stalks improve not only his ability to spot predators,也是求爱时的利器but they are key when it comes to winning females.傍晚时雄虫和雌虫聚在一起In the evening both males and females gather雄虫开始大眼瞪小眼地and the males begin to size one another up,彼此打量eyeball to eyeball.两眼间距最宽的凸眼蝇Having the widest eye span就可以称老大puts you at the top of the pecking order.眼柄不是武器The eye stalks are not weapons,而是丈量工具,用来测量公凸眼蝇的they're measuring sticks, used to gauge体型和力气how big, and so how strong, a male is.但若两只眼距相同的公凸眼蝇碰在一起就有麻烦了But there's trouble if two top males have exactly the same eye width.原本的君子之争迅速变成混战Then the contest descends into a brawl.失败Defeated.赢家The winner.有权和附近所有的母蝇交配He now has the right to mate with all the females nearby.凸眼蝇The rather gentlemanly way stalk-eyed flies温和的争风吃醋settle their differences over females并不是唯一的求爱之道is not the only way.有的动物暴力多了Some animals are much more violent.现在是尚比亚的旱季It's the dry season in Zambia.泻湖不是被炎阳烤干The lagoons are either baked dry,就是变成黏稠的污泥or the mud is so thick animals get stuck,受困其中的动物凶多吉少\with fatal consequences.这只公河马原本住在一个小小的泻湖里This male hippo has been living in one small lagoon,但泻湖干涸后,变成致命陷阱but as it dries, it's turning into a death trap.想而知,原本和它住在一起的母河马走得一只都不剩Understandably, the females that once shared it with him have all left.不管它有多舍不得Even if he wants to,都得被迫离开he can't stay much longer.它需要水来消暑也需要能交配的母河马He needs water to keep cool and females to mate with.原来它们都在这里And this is where they all are.本区几乎所有的河马Almost all the hippos in the area都来到卢安瓦河are in what is left of the Luangwa River,因为这里是唯一还有深水区的地方because it's the last place where there's still deep water.这里的河弯由一只河马老大掌管This bend is controlled by an all-powerful male. 时序进入旱季后有很多母河马来投靠它Since the drought many more females have joined his herd.它们乐得挤在一起生活They are happy to live cheek by jowl,但抱着交配希望来到这里的公河马but any male who comes here in the hope of mating得先打败河马老大must first defeat the overlord.Dialogu流浪的公河马抵达后必须做个决定The wandering male arrives and has a decision to make要臣服还是战斗submit or fight.老大胜利了Victory for the overlord.它保住了在河弯的霸权His domination of his channel in the river remains和跟母河马交配的权利and with it mating rights with the females.输家虽然保住性命但是成了边缘人The loser is alive, but is an outcast.它撤退到另一个河段He retreats to another part of the river这里的水很浅母河马根本不屑来where it's so shallow that no females will follow. 它传宗接代的美梦暂时幻灭His chance to father offspring is over for now.对某些动物来说,繁殖的挑战For some animals the challenges of breeding不在打斗而在求爱are not about fighting but about courtship.有些鸟类求爱时的展示、情歌和仪式Among birds, displays, songs and rituals繁复华丽到无以复加的地步can reach extraordinary levels of complexity and beauty.春天时糕儒来到俄勒冈的淡水湖During spring, on the freshwater lakes of Oregon, 重温伴侣间的感情grebes join together to renew their partnership.首先是一连串优雅的双人舞The ceremony starts with a series of graceful duets,其中一只亦步亦趋地模仿伴侣的动作in which one partner echoes the actions of the other.但真正的考验现在才要开始But the real test comes now.只有最强壮,最忠实的伴侣Only the strongest and the most faithful才能进行最后一段狂喜的舞蹈are prepared to join together for the final exultant dance.了下一代的动物现在面对了全新的挑战Those animals which have young now face a whole new set of challenges,它们必须保护养育自己的宝宝to protect and nurture their offspring.在北太平洋的冰冷海域中住着一种巨大的动物n the cold waters of the northern Pacific Ocean, there lives a giant.这只北太平洋巨章鱼长度超过四公尺A giant Pacific octopus at over four metres long.它找的不是猎物而是洞穴She is hunting, not for prey, but for a den.一个可以栖身,躲藏的地方Somewhere to settle down and hide.它的洞穴必须恰到好处Her den has to be just right.因为它要在这里度完余生She's going to live here for the rest of her life.这只母章鱼体内怀着受精卵She's carrying fertilised eggs,找到安乐窝之后,它开始产卵and now, happy and settled, she lays them.总共产下十万颗卵100,000 of them.在接下来的六个月间它小心翼翼地呵护这些卵Over the next six months she carefully tends her precious brood.它轻柔地用触手She caresses them with her arms拂过受精卵,去除绿藻并供应氧气to keep them free of algae and properly supplied with oxygen.它一辈子只产卵一次This is her first and only brood.自然不能大意And so she takes great care of them.它守护受精卵时不会离开洞穴While she's guarding her eggs she doesn't leave the den.绝不会Not once.无法出去觅食的母章鱼饿得奄奄一息Unable to feed, she is starving.它最后一个展现母爱的举动Her last act of devotion是对着卵喷水,帮助它们孵化is to blow water over the eggs to help them hatch.发育完全的小章鱼破卵而出Young, fully-developed octopus pop out.虽然只有少数几只可以存活到成年Though only a few will survive to adulthood, 但母章鱼已经尽力给了后代最好的机会she's given them the best chance she can. 漫长孤独的守护落幕它的生命也到了尽头After her long and lonely vigil, she is dead.如此伟大的牺牲,母章鱼肯定名列自然界最尽责的母亲之一Surely this sacrifice must make her one of nature's most devoted mothers.在哥斯大黎加森林树冠层下方30公尺处NHere, 30 metres beneath the Costa Rican forest canopy住着另一种充满母爱的动物another dedicated mother ensures that它们也全心全意地让后代赢在起跑点上young also have the best possible start inlife.这只只有指甲般大小的草莓箭毒蛙This tiny strawberry poison arrow frog, only the size of a finger nail,正在守护它的受精卵is guarding her fertilised eggs.受精卵和蝌蚪发育的时候Whilst the eggs and tadpoles are developing,它和伴侣在旁守护she and her mate keep watch,但它们不能一直留在这里But they can't stay here for ever.落叶开始干枯,但是蝌蚪需要水The leaf litter is drying out and tadpoles need water. 母蛙得快点想个办法才行She must do something, and fast.搬家的时候到了She needs to move them and母蛙把一只蝌蚪哄上它的背so encourages one tadpole to climb on her back.一趟史诗旅程正式展开She now begins an epic journey.但目的地并不是池塘But it's not to a pond, as you might expect,它的目标很明确she is looking for something very particular.母蛙穿过林地Her journey takes her across the forest floor来到一棵大树下to the foot of a tall tree然后开始往上爬and then she starts to climb.对这种袖珍青蛙来说这是惊人的壮举\For such a little frog it is a marathon ascent, 相当于人类妈妈背着孩子like a human mother climbing the Empire State Building 爬上帝国大厦with a child on her back.它要找一棵长在树上的观赏凤梨She's looking for a plant, a bromeliad, growing on the tree.凤梨的中心有一潭水It holds a pool of water at its centre,是最适合发育中蝌蚪的育儿室\the perfect nursery pool for a developing tadpole.小蝌蚪轻巧地滑入水池In slides her youngster.但是它一共有六只蝌蚪But this is only one of six tadpoles.母蛙得赶回去营救其他蝌蚪She must rush back down to rescue the others.母蛙把每一只小蝌蚪送到不同的凤梨上One by one she collects them and carries each to its own bromeliad.不过还有一个问题But there is another problem.小池子里没有食物The little pools contain no food.但母蛙有对策So she has to provide it.它在每一个池子里分别产下一颗没有受精的卵当做蝌蚪的食物She lays an unfertilised egg in each pool for her tadpoles to eat.然后才离开And then she leaves.但一颗卵很快就被成长中的蝌蚪吃得精光But one egg won't sustain a growing tadpole for long,所以母蛙每隔几天就得回来再产一个卵so she has to return every few days with another egg.在接下来的两个星期内母蛙为了照顾下一代Over the next two weeks攀爬的距离将近一公里she can climb almost half a mile tending her young.对这么娇小的动物来说这实在是了不起的成就An astonishing feat for such a tiny creature.母蛙忙着产卵的时候While she's busy delivering eggs,蝌蚪长出四肢,尾巴也开始消失tadpole grows legs and its tail begins to disappear. 终于有一天它挥别了凤梨育婴室And then one day it leaves its bromeliad nursery for ever爬出来进入森林and climbs out into the forest.劳苦功高的母蛙可以休息了Whilst its mother has a well-deserved rest.鸟类也是很用心的父母Birds are also diligent parents.它们终其一生为了照顾为数不多的下一代费尽苦心Over their lifetime they invest huge effort in just a few young.但是父母能做的毕竟还是有限But there is only so much a parent can do.南极洲半岛的All along the Antarctic peninsula南极企鹅不分公母为了填喂小企鹅的肚子both male and female chinstrap penguins have been commuting每天不辞辛劳地往返大海daily from the open ocean to collect food for their chicks. 它们反刍出在数公里外\Mouthfuls of krill, caught many miles away at sea,捕获的磷虾are regurgitated.但有一天小企鹅苦苦地等到日落But one day the chicks wait in vain for food.却等不到爸妈回来Their parents do not return.小企鹅得独自面对人生The chicks now face life on their own.这是动物一生中最艰苦的时刻This is the toughest time in an animal's life有些注定过不了这关and some are not going to make it.在接下来的几天内饿得受不了的Over the next few days, driven by hunger,小企鹅来到海边the chicks make their way down to the shore.本能告诉它们应该出海Instinct tells them they have to head out to sea.它们本来就不怕冷Built to withstand the cold,而且已经长出一层厚厚的脂肪they have already accumulated a layer of fat,外层羽毛的作用有如防水罩and their outer feathers act as a waterproof shield.不过它们得先学会游泳But they still have to learn to swim.极地海域已经够麻烦The polar sea is challenging enough但现在风向又变了but with a change in the wind,使得海湾里浮满了碎冰a slick of broken ice has choked the bay.任何企鹅碰到碎冰都会很伤脑筋For any penguin this ice presents a real problem. 但对小企鹅来说这简直是一场灾难But for the chicks it's a disaster.它们得通过这道障碍才能到大海上觅食They must get through this barrier to the open water, if they are to feed.有一只小企鹅不知道是饿疯了还是天生神勇One, perhaps hungrier or braver than the rest,在同伴的注视下leads the way and tries skittering over the top,带头冲上冰层while the others watch.穿过冰层的难度很高小企鹅的进展慢得令人心焦The ice is hard to swim through, and progress is painfully slow.豹斑海豹来了A leopard seal.这只小企鹅还来不及学习如何闪躲海豹This chick never had the chance to learn how to avoid the seal.它难逃夭折的厄运Its end is inevitable.豹斑海豹以极高的效率剥掉小企鹅的皮The leopard seal efficiently flays the chick,每一次甩头都会扯下一小块肉tearing off a small piece with each throw.其他的小企鹅也奋勇闯关Others take their chance.但豹斑海豹已经准备好要再开杀戒But the leopard seal is now ready for its next victim.这是一场生死大乐透幸运的赢家才能来到开放海域It's a lottery, and the lucky chicks make it out to open water.不过生命的机运There is still an element of chance in life是很难扭转的which an individual can do little about.不论是填饱肚子还是智取掠食动物In the end, overcoming life's challenges,除非能克服生命最终的挑战whether finding enough to eat or outwitting your predators,否则一切都没有意义is only significant if life's final challenge can be met.从花几个星期照顾宝贝蝌蚪的小青蛙From a tiny frog dedicating weeks to her few cherished tadpoles, to an orang-utan到花八年把下一代拉拔大的红毛猩猩who spends eight years bringing up her baby,每一种动物都努力达成人生最终的目标individual animals strive to reach this one ultimate goal,传承血脉to pass on their genes并确保下一代的存活and to ensure the survival of the next generation.这才是大自然中生命的真谛Ultimately, in nature, that is what life is all about.拍摄“生命脉动”的三年间During the three years it took to film Life,我们拍摄团队的足迹遍布全球七大洲our camera crews visited every continent on Earth,其中最具挑战性的拍摄地点是南极洲but the most challenging was Antarctica.如果没有一群出类拔萃的人员和团体伸出援手Here filming was only possible在这里拍摄绝对是不可能的任务with the help of an extraordinary range of people and organisations.空军喷射机运送物资到麦克默多研究站An Air Force jet delivering supplies to McMurdo research station也将一名摄影人员送往罗斯冰棚ferried one of our crews to the Ross Ice Shelf.在南极洲另一头一支摄影小组在海上航行了五天And on the other side of the continent a team sailed for five days越过德雷克海峡驶往南极洲半岛across the Drake Passage to reach the Antarctic peninsular.抵达目的地后一小群组员在奇幻岛上岸Once there, a small crew was put ashore on Deception Island他们在企鹅聚落的外围扎营停留一个月的时间to spend a month camping on the edge of a penguin colony.两个人与二十万只企鹅共处一地Two people and 200,000 penguins.另一个团队与科学家钻透冰层Another team joined scientists drilling through the ice潜入奇异美丽的海底世界to explore the beautiful and bizarre world below.然而最艰困最有企图心的拍摄工作But the hardiest and most ambitious shoot由四名摄影人员involved four film crews,一位知名的法籍游艇驾驶员和英国国防部共同完成 a celebrated French yachtsman and the Ministry of Defence.拍摄团队仅有两个月的时间The teams had a two-month window捕捉南极洲两种顶尖掠食动物的画面to film Antarctica's two top predators in action.我们知道有一种动物可能在罗森泰岛沿岸觅食We knew that one could be found prowling the coast of Rosenthal Island等着小企鹅第一次跃入海中waiting for young penguins to take their first plunge.带我们去南极洲的人是杰若米庞塞And the man to take us there was Jerome Poncet.他曾带领第一艘逛艇航行至南极圈的南侧He skippered the first yacht to sail south of the Antarctic Circle之后年年返回南极洲连续三十五年and has been back every year for the past 35. 他是当今南极航海的第一人He knows Antarctic sailing like no-one else.杰若米的游艇金羊毛号不是破冰船His yacht, the Golden Fleece, is not an ice breaker,但是他自有穿越冰层的妙计but Jerome has his own unique way of getting through. 他撞击冰块调动浮冰的位置He shunts one floe against another像打弹珠一般开出一条路to clear a way through like playing marbles.杰若米一旦认真起来Jerome, once he gets his teeth into,不会轻易放弃into a situation he doesn't like to let it go.所以我们可能还要在这里待上好几个小时So, maybe we'll be here for a few hours yet.杰若米决心要穿越这条水道Jerome is determined to get through this channel.大概有几百吨的冰块We talk about hundred, hundreds of tonnes,也许有一千吨二十五万吨的冰块maybe 1,000, 250,000 tonnes or more.但是水位在下降,必须往前挤It's a pooling of water, you have to push.有些弹珠实在太大了Some marbles are just too big.杰若米暂时受困冰层中被迫在此停泊一夜For now, Jerome is foiled and has to moor for the night.对他来说设法穿越十万吨的冰层For him, tying up to 100,000 tonnes of ice不过是例行公事is just another day at the office.进展非常缓慢Progress is slow,但是他们必须在企鹅离开前抵达罗森泰岛but they need to get to Rosenthal before the penguins leave.他们穿越过去而且企鹅还在They make it through and the penguins are still there. 南极企鹅雏鸟每年在固定的时间离巢Chinstrap penguin chicks fledge at a particular time of year.拍摄团队知道雏鸟离巢会吸引豹斑海豹前来觅食The crew knew this would draw leopard seals like a magnet.豹斑海豹是海豹中的巨兽Leopard seals are giants among their kind,。

bbc英语英语纪录片中英文字幕The BBC has long been renowned for its high-quality documentary programming, which has captivated audiences around the world. One of the hallmarks of these documentaries is the use of English language subtitles, which not only aid in comprehension for non-English speakers but also serve to enhance the viewing experience for all audiences.The use of English subtitles in BBC documentaries is a deliberate choice that reflects the global reach and influence of the network. By providing subtitles, the BBC ensures that its content is accessible to a wider audience, allowing more people to engage with and learn from the rich and informative stories being told.One of the key benefits of the English subtitles in BBC documentaries is the way they facilitate cross-cultural understanding and exchange. When viewers from different linguistic backgrounds are able to access the same content, it creates opportunities for shared experiences and the exchange of ideas. This can lead to a greater appreciation for diverse perspectives and a deeper understanding of the world around us.Moreover, the English subtitles in BBC documentaries can also serve as a valuable resource for language learners. By following along with the subtitles, viewers can improve their English proficiency, expand their vocabulary, and gain a better understanding of the nuances of the language. This can be particularly beneficial for those who are studying English as a second or foreign language, as it provides them with an immersive and engaging way to practice and improve their skills.Another important aspect of the English subtitles in BBC documentaries is the way they enhance the overall viewing experience. By providing a written translation of the spoken dialogue, the subtitles allow viewers to more fully engage with the content, picking up on important details and nuances that they might have missed otherwise. This can be especially valuable in documentaries that cover complex or technical subject matter, where the subtitles can help to clarify and reinforce the key points being made.Furthermore, the English subtitles in BBC documentaries can also serve as a valuable resource for researchers and scholars. By providing a written record of the spoken dialogue, the subtitles can be used as a reference for further study and analysis, allowing researchers to delve deeper into the content and uncover new insights and perspectives.Overall, the use of English subtitles in BBC documentaries is a testament to the network's commitment to producing high-quality, accessible content that resonates with audiences around the world. Whether you are a language learner, a cross-cultural enthusiast, or simply a lover of informative and engaging storytelling, the English subtitles in BBC documentaries offer a unique and valuable opportunity to explore and engage with the world in a more meaningful and enriching way.。

变形金刚3:月黑之时.2011.中文字幕高清II合集.2001-2003.中英字幕最新古天乐/刘青云/吴彦祖动作大片无水印完整版高清陈小春、杨幂恐怖惊悚最新上映甄子丹/金城武/汤唯动作巨制【地址修正】雪花秘扇.2011.国语中字外星人保罗(加长版).2011.中英字幕又一年.特效中英字幕天使爱美丽(国法双语).2001.简体中字梦之安魂曲(导演剪辑版).2000.中英字幕绿里奇迹(国英双语).1999.中英字幕虫虫特攻队.1998.国粤英SUP字幕罗汉系列.特效字幕史瑞克1-4合集.2001-2010.国粤英三语兄弟连(日版原盘压制).2001.国英双语SUP双语字幕泰坦尼克号.1997.国英导三语.中英字幕高清风语者.2002.中英字幕无间道ⅠⅡⅢ合集.2002-2003.国粤双语.简体中字兰戈(国粤英).2011.中英字幕2011最新高分惊悚悬疑大片《永无止境/药命效应》高清倩女幽魂I II III合集.1987-1991.国粤双语中字三部合集高清四部合集2001-2009.中英SUP字幕韩寒博客推荐的电影中英双语特效字幕高清高清狂暴飞车.2011.中英字幕高清高清II合集.2008-2010.中文字幕山楂树之恋.2010.国语无字秋天的童话.1987.国粤双语囡囡(国粤双语).2010命运呼叫转移.2007.国语中英字幕爱情呼叫转移合集.2007-2008.国语中字高清大话西游I II两部高清合集.1994.国英双语.简体中字【音频#1 粤语音频#2 国语】英雄本色I II III合集.1986-1989.简体中字高清高清逃学威龙I II III合集.D9终极收藏.1991-1993 高清II合集.2008-2010.中英字幕I II合集.2004-2009.中英字幕II合集.2004-2008.中英字幕II III合集.2002-2008.国英双语.中英字幕II III三部合集II III合集.国英双语.2002-2007.中英字幕Ⅳ合集.2000-2009.中英字幕ed2 II III合集.2008-2010.中英字幕II合集.2008-2010.中英字幕高清哈利?波特与死亡圣器(上)DVD-RMVB ed2BD中英双字幕ed2 II III合集.2005-2010.国英双语.中英字幕高清ed2 高清ed2II III合集.国粤日三语.中文字幕1ed2,高清,中英文字幕1】哈利波特与魔法石Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Potter and the Chamber of SecretsPotter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban火焰杯Harry Potter And The Goblet Of FirePotter And The Order Of The PhoenixPotter The Half Blood PrinceX战警1[国语]BD中字1280x644高清版无水印:高清三部全集Ⅲ合集.中英字幕高清2010 英语中字高清高清II III合集.2003-2010.泰语中字高清高清高清【枪版试看】ed2 李念2011最新喜剧爱情大片《房不剩防/电影版蜗居》高清国语中字中英双字:高清版:邓丽欣2011年最新爱情喜剧片《宅男总动员:女神归来》DVD DVD中字ed2ed2非诚勿扰1ed2 迅雷下载DVD-RMVB 1024分辨率版(729M):国语版:x 576加长版柏拉图的性爱下载ed2 BD-RMVB版(890M):中英双字BD-RMVB版(936M):中英双字DVD-RMVB版(1021M):中英双字BD-RMVB版(895M):1080P高清/碟中谍1DVD国语配音版:6102/[66影视碟中谍2DVD国语配音版:6102/[66影视碟中谍3DVD国语配音版.rmvb死亡笔记:(全球禁播动漫)第一部改变世界】/ 改变世界·最后的23天【雨雾谜踪】.rmvb《死亡空间:余波》:动漫BD-RMVB版(669M):,推荐,mkv)1ed2 全集美国派1,高清,中英文字幕1】哈利波特与魔法石Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s StonePotter and the Chamber of SecretsPotter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban火焰杯Harry Potter And The Goblet Of FirePotter And The Order Of The PhoenixPotter The Half Blood PrinceX战警1[国语]BD中字1280×644高清版无水印:第一部:&t=13&fmt=flv&usrinput=黑客帝国1&dt=1000008&ps=1280_720&rt=1760kbs&plt=8177第二部:&t=13&fmt=flv&usrinput=黑客帝国圣城&dt=1000001&ps=1280_720&rt=1784kbs&plt=8295第三部:&t=13&fmt=flv&usrinput=黑客帝国圣城&dt=&ps=1280_720&rt=1848kbs&plt=7756黑夜传说黑夜传说1 高清下载黑夜传说1 高清下载ed2 MKV 720P高清晰讯雷下载&t=4&fmt=终结者2 高清晰讯雷下载&t=4&fmt=终结者3 CD1 讯雷下载&t=4&fmt=终结者3 CD2 讯雷下载&t=4&fmt=魔法师的学徒:BD-RMVB版(944M):2061/魔法师的学徒.[中英双字.1024分辨率]/[电影天堂魔法师的学徒BD中英双字.rmvbBD-MKV 480P版:ed2 720P版:ed2 1-3拳霸1:盗佛线,新)【第一部】【第二部】日韩/[2006][死亡笔记最后的名字]/DPIN/83982/68/8970FD9315974AE2DB3A33950AC4F2D1/ZMPIG-死亡笔记最后的名字.rmvb 【第三部】<L最后的23天> 改变世界】/ 改变世界·最后的23天【雨雾谜踪】.rmvb。

BBC)出品纪录片《生命》全十集英国广播公司(BBC)出品的纪录片 2009《生命Life》全十集导演: 玛莎·霍尔姆斯 / Simon Blakeney / Stephen Lyle编剧: Paul Spillenger主演: 大卫·爱登堡 / 道格·艾伦Jonathan Smith / 奥普拉·温弗瑞类型: 纪录片英国 / 希腊英语首播: 2009-10-12 集数: 10单集片长: 60分钟豆瓣9.7又名: BBC:生命 / 生命脉动本片讲述了发生在自然界深处的130个令人难以置信的故事。

第五集:鸟类1.5亿年前One 150 million years ago就在恐龙达到它们繁盛时期时as dinosaurs approached their golden age有一类生物却朝着一个全新的方向演化one group evolved along new and revolutionary lines. 尽管仍然保留着某些爬行动物的特征Although they retained many of their reptilian characteristics但它们已经具备全新的they acquired extraordinary new ones...羽毛..feathers.羽毛帮助保温、隔热Feathers helped with insulation展示(鸟类都爱秀)and display.但羽毛能提供更有价值的东西But they offered something far more valuable.飞翔的力量The power of flight.对鸟来说,这改变了一切And for birds鸟类在空中享有自由,比其它任何动物都跑得更快、更远Birds have the freedom of the skies 能在地球每一个角落获得机会and to seize opportunities in all corners of the planet.但鸟类也必须在生命中的一些关键时刻But this freedom brings many survival challenges应付由这种自由带来的生存挑战which birds must tackle at pivotal moments in their lives.飞翔需要极高的技巧和力量Flying demands enormous skill and effort秘鲁安第斯山麓,没哪里比在这里更明显了and nowhere is that more evident than here这只雌性蜂鸟能在吸食花蜜时,稳稳地悬停在空中This female hummingbird hovers with precision in her quest for nectar.它翅膀和尾巴的构造,能让它朝任何方向飞Her wing and tail design allow her to fly in any direction.但雄性在飞翔时却有问题But the male has a real problem flying.这是由于And this is why它被两根超长的尾羽所压,就像绑着两个沉重的盘he's weighed down with two super-long tail feathers这就是不可思议的凤尾蜂鸟This is the marvellous spatuletail hummingbird.这两根长羽毛也是它吸引异性的招牌and these are his flags with which to seduce a mate.来回地舞动它们要花费很多的气力Waving them back and forth takes a lot of effort即使是在舒适的栖息场所even from the comfort of his perch但为了赢得她的芳心,它必须一直努力but to win her heart he's got to go up a gear.必须证明自己是多么善于飞翔,即便这是件苦差He must show her how well he can fly but it's exhausting work.由于非常辛苦,它只能腾空几秒钟It's so demanding he can only stay airborne for a matter of seconds然后休息一下before he needs a rest.它努力想打动她,作出最后一次尝试He's struggling to impress her由于极度的耗费体力,蜂鸟只进行短暂的爆发式的飞行The extreme effort and energy needed to hover means hummingbirds can only fly in short但大部分的鸟需要在空中停留很长时间But most birds need to stay airborne for considerably longer必须找到更为节省体力的方式and must find far more energy-efficient ways to get around.在埃塞俄比亚的Simien山脉Here in the Simien mountains of Ethiopia海拔15000英尺的地方at a breathtaking altitude of 15000 feet生活着一种空中大师lives a supreme aerial maestro.髭兀鹰The lammergeier.这头幼鹰乘着从山谷升上来的气流滑翔This youngster glides on air currents rising from the mountain slopes below.它长达9英尺的翼展,能带它每天飞行几百英里His nine-foot wingspan can carry him hundreds of miles a day寻找动物的尸体,却花费极少的力气in search of animal carcasses它警惕着其它的空中拾荒者,如这只狮鹫He watches out for other airborne scavengers它们与它在悬崖上造成了一些混乱,或许是个进食的机会They lead him to some commotion on the cliffs但这头幼鹰并非唯一发现这个机会的But this youngster is not the only lammergeier to spot the opportunity.这头成年鹰也有份So too has this adult.秃鹫们很快将尸体吃光了The vultures quickly strip the carcass clean.看起来它太晚了,实际上抵达时间刚好It seems he's too late. But in fact he's timed his arrival perfectly.一丁点儿肉都不剩There's no meat left这正是髭兀鹰所期待的时刻and that's exactly the moment that the lammergeier has been waiting for.它图的是那些骨头It's bones he's after.年幼的髭兀鹰也来到这具尸体The young lammergeier too homes in on the carcass.骨头富含骨髓和油脂Bones contain rich marrow fat但要得到它们并不容易but extracting it is not easy尤其是骨头重达4公斤,很坚硬,无法吞下especially when the bone is a solid four kilos and too big to swallow.但是髭兀鹰有一种奇特的方法,这多亏它们的飞行技能But lammergeiers have an extraordinary solution将骨头抓起,乘着热气流飞起来Soaring up on thermal air currents and positioning the bone parallel它很快就爬到了一个完美的高度to his body to minimize drag从这里滑翔至一个合适的地方From here he glides to a place he knows让它可以处理骨头where he can deal with the bone那里悬崖边上,有一块巨大的石板where there are giant rock slabs sit on the lip of an escarpment.骨头撞碎了The bone is smashed.它的胃液酸性比蓄电池里的液体还要高The juices in his stomach are more corrosive than battery acid.能够溶解骨头,以便消化吸收骨髓They dissolve the bone so that he can now digest the marrow.其它的则过来寻找剩下的Others come looking for leftovers.但它们时机不好But their timing isn't ideal因为现在轮到幼年髭兀鹰了because now the young lammergeier has his turn!它们最好服从领导They'd better mind their heads!熟练地丢骨头需要不断地练习Proficient bone smashing takes endless practice找到最佳的高度、速度和松手时机to find just the right height髭兀鹰有宽大的翅膀Lammergeiers have long能以最大的效率滑翔很远ideal for gliding great distances with maximum efficiency.但在加勒比海的小多巴哥岛上But on the island of Little Tobago in the Caribbean生活着一种对飞行敏捷程度要求更高的鸟lives a bird for whom aerial agility is of paramount importance.红嘴热带鸟The red-billed tropicbird.短小而尖的翅膀给了它们灵活性和速度Short在繁育期,它们的飞行技巧遇到了终极挑战During the breeding season当一方照看幼鸟时,另一方必须外出While one parent looks after the chick远离崖壁,在水面捕捉小鱼和小乌贼far offshore但最困难的是将食物送回来,因为它们与强盗为临But the hardest part is getting food back to the island强壮的军舰鸟Magnificent frigatebirds人称鸟中战士,在高空巡视known as Man O' War birds这些海盗并不杀死热带鸟These pirates are not trying to kill the tropicbird但会逼迫它们放弃到嘴的食物but force it to give up its catch.这是一场激烈的空战It's an aerial dogfight.热带鸟在转弯时更快Tropicbirds are quicker on the turn.军舰鸟的身体比例非常完美Frigates have exceptionally lightweight bodies超长的翼展给了它们巨大的力量and their extremely long wings give them great power.成功了Success.它们最喜欢在后面从高处袭击A favourite attack is from behind鱼在那儿There goes the fish -另一个胜利another victory.这只小热带鸟仍然在等待This tropicbird chick still awaits the return of its parent正在遭受海盗打劫的亲人的归来who has yet to run the gauntlet of the pirates.尽量接近海面是它最好的选择Keeping close to the waves is his best chance.军舰鸟的羽毛里含油很少Frigatebirds have so little oil in their feathers它们不敢落在水面they can't risk ditching.如果它刚好能赶到崖壁,就安全了If he can just reach the cliffs he'll be safe.它做到了,带回满嘴的鱼He's made it红嘴热带鸟依靠敏捷度极高的飞行Red-billed tropicbirds rely on extreme aerial agility克服了生活中的许多挑战to overcomethe many challenges of their life.对另一些鸟来说,生存需要忍耐力For others每个春天,红腹滨鹬Every spring会从阿根廷的越冬场所飞行10000英里到加拿大的筑巢地点fly 10完成这种马拉松式旅程的唯一方法The only way they complete this marathon journey是要在位于美国东海岸的特拉华海湾最为奇妙的是,在找到这个地点的同时What is most extraordinary is that as well as having to find their way它们必须在抵达时机上也要恰到好处to this one location它们同海水深处的一种史前生物有个约会They have a rendezvous with prehistoric creatures emerging from the deep近2.5亿年来一直没变which have hardly changed in 250 million years.它们在每年春潮最高时蜂拥而至They come ashore in greatest numbers on the highest spring tides.鲎Horseshoe crabs.鲎在这里产卵The crabs are here to lay their eggs.这也是红腹滨鹬们所追寻的That's what the knots are after.大多数的卵被埋起来吃不到Most eggs are buried out of reach但有些卵意外地被其它的鲎挖出来了but some are accidentally dug up by other crabs.绝大部分的西大西洋红腹滨鹬加入了这场疯狂地宴会Most of the west Atlantic red knot population join this feeding frenzy.这是红腹滨鹬重新储存脂肪的关键几周In a matter of weeks the knots need to rebuild their fat reserves体重倍增and double in weight.为了达成指标,每只红腹滨鹬要吃掉40万只卵To achieve this这对每次只能吞下一只的它们来说,是个离谱的数字 a tall order given the skill and effort needed to swallow just one.埋头不停地进食,意味着很难防范天敌Head down游隼A peregrine falcon.产完卵后,鲎离开了海岸With egg laying complete红腹滨鹬会吃掉所有它们能找到的卵these shores while the knots gather every last egg they can find.鸟儿们该上路了It's time for the birds to move on.接下来它们会有个2000英里的无间歇飞行The knots still have a further 2最终到达加拿大的繁育场所to reach their breeding grounds in Canada.飞翔给了鸟类很多优势,但这也有句点Flight gives birds many advantages当它们必须回到地面时when they are forced back down to Earth.繁育期The nesting season.这是它们最为冒险的时期This is the time when they are at most risk所以它们必须寻找尽可能安全的地方so they must find the safest possible location.极少有像火烈鸟这样极端的Few go to greater extremes than lesser flamingos.它们在非洲偏僻的盐碱湖筑巢They nest in the remotest corners of Africa's caustic soda lakes. 就像它们的爬行类祖先,所产的卵是不透水的Like their reptilian ancestors尽管如此,火烈鸟依旧Despite this将巢穴筑在湖水淹不到的特殊的泥堆上on special mud-stack nests as the lake is prone to flooding.这里也会凉爽一些It's also just a little cooler up here.地表温度可能会高到50摄氏度Temperatures at ground level can reach a blistering 50 degrees Centigrade.幼鸟孵出后,会在巢里呆上六天Once a chick hatches这也是它们最脆弱的时候This is when it's at its most vulnerable -完全依赖父母totally reliant on its parents.强腐蚀性的烂泥能防御天敌The caustic mud deters predators.但成年的火烈鸟能行走自如,因为有细长的脚But the adult flamingos can cope in this quagmire不小心从窝里滑出来的幼鸟Any chick that slips from the nest行走在危险的地面is treading on very dangerous ground.它的家长鼓励它爬回去This parent encourages her chick to climb back to safety.抚养后代需要父母付出时间和精力Raising chicks requires huge parental investment in both time and labour无论你在哪里wherever you are.没地方比南极更为艰难Few places are tougher than the Antarctic.颊带企鹅Chinstrap penguins.它们每天去50英里外的海面捕食Every day they travel up to 50 miles out at sea但困难的事情在于将食物带回栖息地But the hard part is getting this food back to the colony 因为它位于一座环形大火山的顶部because it sits on the ice-free rim at the top of this giant volcano从捕鱼宴会返回,第一个挑战就是上岸For the returning fishing party海滩很陡峭,还有力道十足的回头浪The beach is steep这只雌企鹅安全登陆,开始一段漫长的徒步行走This female lands safely对于不会飞的鸟,到达这座火山的顶部For a flightless bird意味着一次艰难的爬行,特别是means a gruelling climb面前的道路是泥泞的火山灰和冰雪混在一起covered with muddy volcanic ash这就像一个蛇爬梯子的游戏It's like a game of snakes and ladders.依靠嘴巴、翅尖和脚趾的通力合作A combination of beak它成功了!And she wins through!它遇到了企鹅的下班高峰期Now she joins penguin rush hour.几乎到家了Almost home.它到达火山口的边缘,但对它的考验还没有结束She's reached the crater rim现在它必须在近15000只鸟中找到自己的家人She must now try and find her family among more than a 150它的听觉如此敏锐,能在喧闹中识别出自己孩子独特的叫声Her hearing is so acuteshe can identify the individual cry of her own chick in the din.它做到了,家人热烈地欢迎它的归来She's made it and the family welcomes her return.这一路的努力,回报是满嘴的磷虾The result of all this parental effort - a mouthful of krill.现在轮到它老公了Now it's her partner's turn.幼鸟的需求是无止境的A chick's demands are endless.有时候会把父母推向拼命的境地Sometimes they can push parents to desperate lengths.但鸟类是随机应变的大师But birds are masters of improvisation.南非Dassen岛,是大型白鹈鹕的栖息场所Dassen Island这里无论大小,所有的幼鸟都胃口十足There are chicks of all ages all with a hefty appetite.它们的父母任务非常艰巨The parents have a formidable task.这些大鹈鹕是世界上最大的飞行鸟类之一,体重达10公斤These pelicans are among the heaviest flying birds in the worldV字型编队是最省力的飞行方式A V-formation is the most energy efficient means of flying.能够为后面的鸟减少阻力It significantly reduces drag for the bird behind.鹈鹕通常沿着海岸捕鱼Pelicans normally fish along the coast但食物的短缺迫使它们去别的地方寻找but a shortage of food supplies has forced them to look elsewhere.角塘鹅Cape gannets扎入海水深处,在鹈鹕到不了的地方捕鱼plunge deep但鹈鹕不是冲鱼来的But the pelicans aren't after fish.它们瞄着更大的家伙Their sights are set on a bigger catch.Malgas岛是6万只角塘鹅的栖息地Malgas Island is the nesting ground for some 60通常,一只塘鹅外出觅食,另一只留下来照看幼鸟Normally one gannet parent goes off fishing while the other looks after the chick.但鱼类资源的短缺意味着,有时候父母双方同时外出捕食But declining fish stocks means both parents are often away hunting at the same time留下幼鸟没人照看leaving their chicks unguarded这一点没有逃过鹈鹕的注意something which hasn't gone unnoticed by the pelicans.那些有父母照看的Only chicks with parents at their side或者太大而吞不下的,才得以幸免or those too large to swallow回到鹈鹕栖息地Back at the pelican colony父母把消化得差不多的小塘鹅反刍一部分出来the parents regurgitate partially-digested gannet chicks喂养后代for their brood.几乎所有栖息在非洲海岸的鸟类数量都在减少Although most seabird colonies on the African Cape are in decline栖息在Dassen岛的大鹈鹕却在增加the population of white pelicans nesting on Dassen is growing.当鸟儿们聚集在一起繁育When birds come together to breed在它们把自己托付给另一方之前and before they commit to one another通常会有引人注目的展示表演they will often perform the most remarkable displays.俄勒冈州的湖面上,最迷人的情景发生了One of the most enchanting happens here克拉克鷿鷈在寻找终生配偶,但雌性必须测试对方的承诺是否持久Clarke's grebes mate for life她邀请他一起跳一支仪式化的舞蹈and she does this by inviting him to join her in a ritualised dance.为了增进感情,他送给她一份礼物To strengthen their bond现在,眼里只有对方Now这对忠诚伴侣的舞蹈进入了高潮the faithful pair reach the climax of their dance.有些鸟类并不结伴Other birds don't form pairs.相反,雄性试图尽可能地与多只雌性交配Instead a male tries to mate with as many females as he can.雄性松鸡聚集在怀俄明州的草地上Male sage grouse gather in the grasslands of Wyoming通过华美的羽毛和骄傲的姿态to advertise their virility宣告自己的男子气概with a finery of feathers and proud posturing.THEY MAKE POPPING SOUNDS雌性看起来土里土气的Females are much drabber-looking但是极端挑剔but extremely choosy.只会同最帅气的雄性交配They will only mate with the most impressive male通过对方的嗓音来判断雄性的价值and they judge a male's worthiness by the sounds he makes. POPPING鸟类在取悦异性方面真是不遗余力Birds go to great lengths to impress their partners.新几内亚丛林In the forests of New Guinea它们以彩色的羽毛和优美的歌声来增强效果they famously use colourful feathers and song to maximum effect.BIRDSONG鸟的天堂Birds of Paradise.但在这个岛屿的西部,这些爱炫耀的鸟But in the western part of the island和另一种非常低调谦逊的鸟共处share the forests with a rather unassuming-looking character... V ogelkop造园鸟the V ogelkop bowerbird.也许羽毛并不出彩,但是它有非同寻常的歌唱本领He might lack the plumage它也是出色的模仿家AndHIGH-PITCHED SOUNDS鸽子振翅的声音Those are pigeon wing beats.HIGH-PITCHED CALL这是模仿虎皮鹦鹉That's a modest tiger-parrot.LOWER-PITCHED CALL这个则是黄纹美冠鹦鹉And that更令人惊讶的是,它是个热心的收藏家Even more surprising he's an avid collector对色彩很有品位with a very appreciative eye for colour.这只雄鸟钟爱红色和橙色的花This male favours red and orange flowers.非常喜欢菌类And he's very fond of fungus.它搜集的每一样东西并非都呆着不动Not everything he collects stays where it should.它把这些宝贝陈列在花费几年时间造好的建筑物里面,或着放在周围He puts these treasures on display within and around a construction that has taken him years to build.由一棵小树作支柱的大型房间,由苔藓铺成地毯 A giant bower woven around a central sapling这个宏大的设计不是作为巢穴This grand design is no nest...而是一个极具诱惑力的接待室it's the ultimate seduction parlour.但这个山坡上不止它一个But he's not alone on this hillside.在听得见的地方就有6个竞争对手He's got six rivals within earshot.这一只喜欢暗色调,用鹿粪球装饰自己的凉棚This one prefers darker colours还有木炭And charcoal.视觉效果是至关重要的Visual effect is of crucial importance.显然,它并没预料到这些萌发出来的菌类Clearly he hadn't planned on all this sprouting fungus.它和它的竞争对手们相距一箭之隔He and his nearest rival live a stone's throw apart.竞争很激烈Competition is intense.粪球凉棚最先引起雌性的注意It's the dung-ball bower that is the first to catch the female's attention.它退在一旁,她来视察它的作品He withdraws她又回来了,看起来被吸引了She's back again但凑近一看,她又少了几分信任But on closer inspection she is less convinced.也许就因为那些讨厌的菌类!Perhaps it was that sprouting fungus!回到鲜花凉棚,雄鸟正在练习装扮Back at the flower bower它发觉雌鸟正在观看He senses she's watching.这正是它努力期待的时刻This is the moment he's been working towards.BIRD CALLS它的凉棚将歌声朝她的方向传递His bower channels his song in her direction.MALE CALLS最终的检查A final check.全是她所喜欢的All is to her liking.极少鸟类会为这个决定终生的时刻付出如此多的技巧、精力和智慧Few birds devote such craft但在肯尼亚的Bogoria湖,大片的粉红色But here on Kenya's Lake Bogoria预示着也许是自然界最大规模的求爱事件开始了signal the start of perhaps the grandest courtship event in nature.在某些年份,当湖泊最为富饶的时候In certain years超过1百万只火烈鸟来此聚集more than a million lesser flamingos congregate to feed.现在,首要的工作便是找到最佳情人It's now为此,它们进行了一场引人注目的表演To do that they perform a remarkable promenade.头高举,颈部的羽毛皱起With heads held high and neck feathers ruffled使它们看起来尽量的呈粉红色making them look as pink as possible越来越多的鸟加入了这场求爱竞赛more and more birds join in the courtship march夫妻结对也开始了and pairs begin to bond.小群体合并成大群Small groups merge with larger ones上千只火烈鸟都行动着until almost 1从赤道到两极From the equator to the poles鸟类找到了最为巧妙的方法birds have found the most ingenious ways来战胜生命中的诸多挑战of overcoming the many challenges of life每一样都跟它们身上特有的羽毛相关and everything revolves around their unique attribute过去的三年来,Life制作组在能想到的地球每一个角落拍摄鸟类For the past three years没地方比在巴布亚岛西部丛林拍摄更为棘手了Nowhere was the filming trickier than in the jungles of West Papua.这里有对我来说,是鸟类中最有意思的景观Here is found for me one of the greatest wonders V ogelkop造园鸟的陈列展示竞赛of the bird world13年前,我就曾有幸目睹它们的特殊作品13 years ago I was lucky enough to witness these spectacular builders但拍摄这种胆小的雌鸟以及它们的求爱行为则是另一回事情了but filming the timid female and courtship behaviour was a different matter.这也是Life制作组动身前往的目的And this was what the Life team set out to film.Barrie Britton是这个项目的首席摄影师Barrie Britton was the principle cameraman for this programme.从事此道20多年With over 20 years in the business他不仅是一位有才的摄影师not only is he an accomplished photographer他这在这方面还有着深层次的理解,投入了很多感情but he has developed a deepunderstanding of and empathy for his subjects.尽管每一项都会显现出它特殊的挑战Although each one posed it's own unique challenges Barrie真的花了很多时间把自己藏在帐篷里进行拍摄Barrie he did seem to spend an inordinate amount of time cooped up in his trusty old hide.想想也许我找错了隐藏地点,导致海水从帐篷下面漫上来Think I may have misjudged the hide position看,我在小帐篷里呆了11个小时WellBarrie一路上都保持着勃勃的兴致直到最后Barrie saved his most ambitious trip of the series until last.摄制组一行40人花了三天时间跋涉,才抵达拍摄地点It took a team of 40 people 3 days of tough uphill trekking to get to the filming camp.我本可以抱怨蚂蝗、咬人的虫子和艰难的进度I could complain about leeches但是,我不会,因为,这次不同寻常but看起来我走丢了,但我希望我的路是对的Seem to have lost everyone else噢,到了Oh实在是累Completely shattered.艰巨的工作才刚开始The hard work had only just begun.明天,组员们会在向导的带领下,寻找最好的窝拍摄Tomorrow with the help of their guides 但当地酋长告诉他们一个故事but not before a cautionary tale from the local chief.(他在讲本地话)HE SPEAKS IN HIS OWN LANGUAGE当他父亲第一次带他看那种“凉棚”So when he first was shown the bower by his father那里有很多花儿he他,一个12岁的小孩,想去摘那些花儿and但父亲立马制止了but his father immediately stopped him告诉他,不能碰“凉棚”里的任何东西,更不能拿走and said不然,立马就会天降暴雨because otherwise it would start raining very heavily.BEEPING噢,Barrie,5点差十分了Oh! It's ten to five恩Yep.酋长的警告还在耳畔回荡With the chief's warning fresh in their mindsBarrie和他的小组一早出发去寻找“凉棚”Barrie and the team make an early start and head for the hide.我们正好赶在日出之前抵达,所以得尽快准备好Well在经验丰富的向导带领下,找到“凉棚”并不难With knowledgeable guides谁会错过这么明显的建筑呢?And who could miss such obvious structures?现在,Barrie只能等待了It was now a waiting game for Barrie躲在伪装过的帐篷里heavily concealed in his camouflaged hide.好了,6点半了OK我只是在等鸟的出现,并希望so I'm just waiting now for the bird to come它不会发现这里有任何异样he doesn't suspect that anything is here然后我们能拍下它们自然的行为and that we can get some natural behaviour.BIRD CALLS我刚听到帐篷右边有造园鸟的叫声I've just heard the bowerbird call just to the right of the hide.RUSTLING我能听见外面的鸟叫,它在拨弄帐篷表面的帆布I can hear the bird outside我注意到它将帐篷底下的一块包装纸I've just noticed that the bird has pulled a Snickers wrapper out扯了下来,拿回去展览了of the bottom of the hide and has added it to its display.这是个奇怪的装饰It was a very strange decoration我必须在天黑时将它移走which I had to remove at the end of the day.THUNDER是Barrie不顾酋长的警告,冒不必要的险将那个包装纸拿走Had Barrie tempted fate by removing the wrapper and ignoring the chief's warning?还是,这场雨只是雨林里司空见惯的?(雨林嘛)Or was this just rainforest living up to its name?像这样的磅礴大雨,拍摄已经不可能了When it pours like this不久天气就转好了,Barrie又一次返回帐篷Soon the weather improved and Barrie returned once more to the hide.这一次,他进行的很顺利This time his lunch box was firmly sealed.这只鸟很喜爱这种泛着金属光泽的小瓢虫The bird is very keen on these little tiny metallic ladybirds而它们会从里面的位置爬出来and they're a bit put out being put there in this bower它们开始分散,慢慢地爬so爬过苔藓地毯,刚要爬出展览区域over the moss and they just about get to the edge of display 然后被造园鸟发现了,又把它们重新弄回去and then the bowerbird notices and goes and collects them and puts them back again所以,它们一次又一次地试图从造园鸟那里逃走so they're kind of in this endless cycle of trying to escape from the bower但它们永远也逃不掉they're just对Barrie和雄鸟来说,雌鸟也是个大问题However for the male bowerbird and Barrie the female was still proving a problem.雌鸟确实下来了,但它很警觉The female did come down在接近凉棚入口处,我们不能靠的太近near the entrance to the bower这真令人担心This was a real concern因为我们故事的关键就是它们的求爱行为because the courtship behaviour was key to our story.他完成了10小时的工作He's just done a 10-hour stint天气不错,所以我们希望一切顺利been a really nice day so we're just hoping it's gone well.又一天的拍摄结束了,但没什么值得表现的Another day's filming over在帐篷里呆10小时10 hours in the hide.幸好那天的拍摄结束了Fortunately filming is over for the day我们准备走,又遇到了Barrie we're just gonna go and collect Barrie again.今天有拍到交配么?Did you see a mate today?没,没有No其它的都进展顺利,就是没拍到交配场面Everything else is going well but we haven't got the mating.事实上,我已经取得不错的进展了,雄鸟已经明显习惯了帐篷The fact I was getting such goodfootage of the male meant he'd obviously got used to the hide.但是来访的雌鸟还是对它很提防But the visiting females were still wary of it.雌鸟看起来很紧张,所以我决定把帐篷后移The females did seem a bit nervous跟鸟儿们距离远一点,另外我还得调整镜头just to get more distance from the birds我们把这种植物放在镜头周围,希望雌鸟能更有表现and we put this vegetation all around it 拍摄只剩下几天了,对Barrie的考验到了紧要关头There were few filming days left雄鸟刚跑进凉棚,开始叫唤The male has just run into the bower and started calling所以我想,雌鸟可能要来了so I think that means there might be a female coming.我们在黑暗里等着It struck me雄鸟努力着吸引雌鸟the male trying to attract the female我只希望没问题,雌鸟这次不会只是短暂的探访and I was just hoping that I'd got it right this time and it was more than just a fleeting visit.在帐篷里静止不动呆了好几小时Working in a hide involves hours of prolonged inactivity被最为紧张的时刻打断了punctuated by the most intense moments of action.这是整个摄制组所期待的决定性时刻This was the crucial moment the whole team had worked towards.对Barrie来说,求爱行为Everything was falling into place for Barrie有条不紊地进行着the behaviour unfolding.好,很好,我们开始拍了Right在帐篷里呆了21天21 days in a hide惊人的耐心和毅力astonishing patience and perseverance.这些以前从未被拍摄过This has never been filmed before.如此努力和付出只为那关键的几秒钟的行为Such effort and endeavour for a crucial piece of behaviour that's over in a matter of seconds.Stephen,愿意和我握个手么?Would you like to shake my hand什么意思?额,我们拍到了交配What does that mean? Well你们拍到了?是的,拍到了You got the mating? Yeah哇哦,真是美好的一天,明亮的一天,太神奇了Oh我应该在这个帐篷里呆了三星期,我从没想过I must have - well我们能拍到,因为我们没多少时间了……然后,这周就拍到了we'd ever get it太不可思议了,真是太好了,我很高兴is just incredible and it was a really成功了!这是Barrie在鸟的这一集的最后一次拍摄Success! This was Barrie's last filming trip for the Birds episode多么好的一个结尾and what a befitting end.。

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以下是补充内容-----------------------------------------失落的文明之被咒诅的金字塔文明:土库美/videos/2247395/video/99164/迁徙的鸟Le peuple migrateur (2001)/videos/2247395/video/66279/一路平安Latcho Drom (1993)/videos/2247395/video/48956/更多请移步到小站放映室:/videos/2247395/(越宁提供)文明的轨迹(13集+花絮)_show/id_2904225.html(2、6、7、8、10、11、12)/view/Kf0mqfEvf-w/(4)/index_3581528.html(2~13)BBC 加来道雄谈时间01探讨我们如何经历时间/v_NjEzNDAwMjM.html02人一生的时间局限性暨长生不老是否可能/v_NjEzNDAzMDQ.html03讨探地球的年龄/v_NjEzNDA0NjA.html04时间本身有开始与结束吗?/v_NjEzNDI2MDA.html科普系列一根绳子有多长_show/id_XMTg5ODQxMTk2.html(物理)神秘的混沌理论_show/id_XMTcyNjE2MzMy.html(系统论)神秘的你/v_NjEzNTQzNjY.html(心理)天才是怎样炼成的./v_NjEzNTU2MDc.html(生物心理)幽灵捕捉计划—寻找中微子/view/G7-eiISzEQQ/(物理)奇妙的人类旅程_show/id_5289569.html(2——5集,人类学)(神弦歌提供)《英国广播公司:英国古代史》(BBC:A History of Acient Britain)全四集/2889505/《生命博物馆》/2810506/第一季《BBC:中世纪思潮》更新完毕全四集(BBC: Inside the Medieval Mind) /3//2866467《人體世界》(The Human Body)《地平线系列》暂无《音乐的世界系列》(Music Collection)/269823/《BBC 英国历代王朝系列》(Kings & Queens of England)[DVDRip]/127180/《BBC 仰望夜空系列》(BBC The Sky At Night)[TVRip]/134897/《人人影视纪录片特辑:PBS电视台》/55817.html(兀自自提供)《生命》系列纪录片/play_album-aid-9234724_vid-NTMxMjY5ODA_o-2.html/4135259/(sirén 提供)印象派画家1850-1900:/2729665/后期印象派画家-爱德华-蒙克:/2749913/后期印象派画家-保罗-高更:/2749278/BBC 维也纳艺术瑰宝:/234079/亨利八世: 暴君之心:/2741145/BBC 基督教历史:/2801172/神话的诞生:/82693/BBC 英国的七个纪元:/520101/BBC维京人的血统:/84088/(右肩の蝶提供)BBC拍的世界名著小短剧:/diary_v1263454.html(Eremita 提供)与布鲁斯.帕里游亚马逊"Amazon"/3734932//fn568xCUI6CX80zB(梦旅人提供)BBC纪录片七大海洋(高清版)地中海:/FgMFg2hKtPJwDXU.html红海:/IDHzcVo8ouCCib2M.html科特斯大洋:/ibWkrqZKEibjgqU7s.html北冰洋:/ChcZl3xWyAZcIYk.html大西洋:/FQQIhm1HufdrEno.html印度洋:/EAEDgWpMsvByC3M.html南部海洋:/5XU3tZ545iaQibP6c.html(犭苗提供)《英国广播公司:冰冻星球》(BBC: Frozen Planet) /2907925/(鱼丸提供)Seven Ages of Rock (摇滚的七个时代),无字幕。

适合初中生看的英文纪录片摘要:I.引言- 介绍英文纪录片的意义和价值- 说明文章目的,即为初中生推荐适合观看的英文纪录片II.适合初中生观看的英文纪录片- 《地球脉动》(Planet Earth)- 《蓝色星球》(The Blue Planet)- 《生命的故事》(Life Story)- 《宇宙时空之旅》(Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey)- 《神秘博士与永生花》(Doctor Who and the TARDIS) III.观看英文纪录片的好处- 提高英语听力水平- 扩展知识面,了解世界各地的文化和风土人情- 培养全球视野,增强国际交流能力- 激发探索科学、自然和人文领域的兴趣IV.如何有效观看英文纪录片- 选择合适的难度,从简单的短片开始- 结合中英文字幕,提高学习效果- 定期复习,巩固所学知识- 积极参与讨论和分享,与他人共同学习和进步V.结论- 总结观看英文纪录片的重要性- 鼓励初中生积极参与,不断提高自己的英语水平正文:英文纪录片是学习英语的一种有效途径,尤其对于初中生来说,观看适合自己年龄和英语水平的纪录片,可以提高英语听力水平,扩展知识面,培养全球视野。
第一部是《地球脉动》(Planet Earth),这部纪录片由英国广播公司(BBC)制作,展示了地球上各种生态系统的壮丽景观。
第二部是《蓝色星球》(The Blue Planet),同样由BBC 制作,专注于地球上最壮观、最神秘的生物栖息地——海洋。
第三部是《生命的故事》(Life Story),讲述了地球上各种生物从出生到成长、繁衍、衰老和死亡的故事。
第四部是《宇宙时空之旅》(Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey),由天体物理学家尼尔·德克拜荷- 泰森主持,带领观众探索宇宙的奥秘。
BBC生命节目 鸟类 中英文双字幕

He must show her how well he can fly
but it's exhausting work.
00:04:21,760 --> 00:04:27,000
It's so demanding he can only stay
00:03:39,320 --> 00:03:42,200
but to win her heart
he's got to go up a gear.
00:04:07,520 --> 00:04:13,640
He must show her how well he can fly
00:06:53,800 --> 00:06:59,760
It seems he's too late. But in fact
he's timed his arrival perfectly.
00:07:17,240 --> 00:07:19,480
00:04:59,400 --> 00:05:04,120
But most birds need to stay
airborne for considerably longer,
00:05:04,120 --> 00:05:08,240

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Metal : /u15/v_NDkzNzM5ODg.html5,Stadium Rock : /u50/v_NDkzNzI2MTU.html6,Alternative Rock : /u80/v_NDkzNzI0Njk.html7,Indie :/playlist/id/3489188/------------------------------------------ 2012-02-04 更新内容 ------------------------------------------《摇滚的七个时代》系列纪录片,谷估堂字幕版+电视字幕版(共七集):《摇滚的七个时代》第一集:布鲁斯摇滚的诞生(Blused Based Rock)/widget/videos/2247395/video/152358/《摇滚的七个时代》第二集:白光年代(Art Rock)/widget/videos/2247395/video/152359/《摇滚的七个时代》第三集:朋克天下(Punk)/widget/videos/2247395/video/152360/《摇滚的七个时代》第四集:金属霸业(Heavy Metal)/widget/videos/2247395/video/152361/《摇滚的七个时代》第五集:体育场传奇(Stadium Rock)/widget/videos/2247395/video/152363/《摇滚的七个时代》第六集:(Alternative Rock)(电视字幕版)/widget/videos/2247395/video/152369/ (1)/widget/videos/2247395/video/152371/ (2)《摇滚的七个时代》第七集:(Indie)(电视字幕版)/widget/videos/2247395/video/152373/ (1)/widget/videos/2247395/video/152374/ (2)电视字幕版专辑:/playlist_show/id_4285394.html (不全,缺第二集的第一部分,第四、第五集。

BBC记录片全集A类(必有中文字幕,必有英文音轨或者中英文双音轨齐全,适合所有人观看)+---BBC.Leonardo da vinci达芬奇+---BBC.Life on earth生命的进化+---BBC.Alien.Empire昆虫帝国+---BBC.Amazon.Abyss亚马逊深渊+---BBC.Ancient.Apocalypse古代启示录+---BBC.Animal Camera动物摄影机+---BBC.Animal.Battlefield动物杀戮战场+---BBC.Animal.Games动物奥运会+---BBC.Ape-Man人类起源+---BBC.Battlefields杀戮战场+---BBC.Bible.Mysteries圣经解码+---BBC.Brain.story脑海漫游+---BBC.Cambridge.Spies剑桥风云+---BBC.Chased.By.Sea.Monsters与海怪同行+---BBC.Colosseum羅馬競技場+---BBC.D-Day 6.6.1944诺曼底登陆日+---BBC.D-Day to Berlin从诺曼底到柏林+---BBC.Deep Blue深蓝+---BBC.Dragons.Alive.2004.DVDRip.Dual-Audio.XviD现代恐龙+---BBC.Dunkirk敦克尔克大撤退+---BBC.Earth Story.地球形成的故事+---BBC.Earth.Ride地球水之旅+---BBC.Great.Wildlife.Moments野生动物的精彩瞬间+---BBC.Himalaya喜马拉雅之旅+---BBC.Horror in the East战栗东方复制新人类+---BBC.Human Instinct人类本能+---BBC.Human.Senses人类感官海底之旅+---BBC.Journey.of.Life生命之旅+---BBC.Jungle丛林探险+nd.of.the.Tiger虎的王国+uschwitz.The.Nazis.and.the.Final.Solution.2005奥斯威辛.纳粹党与最终方案(奥斯威兹集中营) +---BBC.Life in the Freezer冰雪的童话+---BBC.Lost.Worlds.Vanished.Lives消逝的生物+---BBC.Massive.Nature群体大自然+---BBC.Nile.2004.DVDRip.Dual-Audio.XviD-NewMov尼罗河+---BBC.Noah and the Great Flood诺亚方舟+---BBC.Phobias恐惧大家谈+---BBC.Play Like Champions曼聯冠軍秘技极地之旅+st.Day庞贝古城-最后的一天+---BBC.Pride狮路历程+---BBC.Pyramid金字塔+---BBC.Sahara撒哈拉大漠之旅+---BBC.Saint.Paul门徒保罗+---BBC.Seven.Wonders.of.the.Industrial.World七大工业奇迹+---BBC.Son of God上帝之子耶稣基督+---Bbc.Space.Odyssey星际漫游+---BBC.Space宇宙无限+---BBC.State.of.the.Planet大地的声音+---BBC.Stephen Hawking's Universe霍金的宇宙+---BBC.Super.Human超级人类+---BBC.Supernatural超自然力量+---BBC.Supervolcano超级火山+---BBC.The Battle of The Atlantic大西洋之战+---BBC.The Human Mind人类心智+---BBC.The Life Of Birds飞禽传+---BBC.The Road to War战争之路+---BBC.The.Abyss海底深渊蓝色星球【英文名】BBC-The Blue Planet【中文名】BBC-蓝色星球【出品公司】BBC【出品年代】2001年【国家】英国【类别】记录【文件格式】RMVB【文件大小】2.32G【视频尺寸】576 x 320【对白语言】英语【字幕语言】简体中文【剧情简介】在《与恐龙同行》、《人体漫游》之后,BBC再次挑战世界纪录片最高峰,以这部史上最高制作费纪录片震惊了世界,《蓝色星球》是一个史诗般的8个部组成的对地球上的海洋和居民的奇观妙景进行探索的系列节目。

1. Topics in Focus 焦点访谈2. News Probe 新闻调查3. News in 30 Minutes 新闻30分4. Business TV 商业电视5. Market Hotline 市场热线6. World Economic Report 世界经济报道7. Stock Market Analysis 股市分析8. Soccer Night 足球之夜9. Health Club 健康俱乐部10. Spring Festival Gala Evening春节联欢晚会11. Half the Sky 半边天12. Super Variety Show 综艺大观13. Garden for Opera Fans 戏迷园地14. Big Pinwheel大风车15. Tangram 七巧板16. Twelve Studio 12演播市17. Chinese Ethnic Peoples 中华民族18. Science and Technology Review 科技博览19. Human and Nature 人与自然20. Zhengda Variety Show 正大综艺21. Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 书坛画苑22. Time Together across the Strait 天涯共此时23. China Kaleidoscope 华夏风情24. China News 中国新闻25. China Report 中国报道26. Travelogue 旅行家27. Around China 中国各地28. China Today 今日中国29. Sunday Topics 周日话题30. English News 英语新闻31. Oriental Fashion 东方时尚32. Chinese Cooking 厨艺33. Traditional Chinese Medicine 中华医药34. Total Soccer 天下足球35. Hoop Park 篮球公园36. Weather Report 天气预报37. English News 英语新闻38. Sports World 体育世界39. Lecture Room 百家讲坛40. People 人物41. Sports News 体育新闻42. Mystery All Star 全明星猜想43. Good Morning China 早安中国44. Outlook 希望英语45. Comic World 动漫世界46. Under the Same Sky 同一片蓝天下47. Lucky 52 幸运5248. Dialogue 对话49. Market Star 超市大赢家50. Legal Report 今日说法51. The Same Song 同一首歌52. Wanna Challenge 想挑战吗?53. Animal World 动物世界54. Artist 艺术人生55. Music Express 音乐快递56. Face to Face 面对面57. Diary Read Speedy Digest 子午书简58. Exploring 探索·发现59. Approaching Science 走近科学60. The New Stage of Life 第二起跑线61. People in the News 新闻会客厅62. Unusual Weekend 非常周末63. Follow Me 跟我学64. Newslist 全球资讯榜65. Culture Interview 文化访谈录66. Around the World 世界各地67. Date on Saturday 相约星期六68. China Movie Report 中国电影报道69. Movie Today 今日影视70. Music Story 音乐故事71. Exploring High & Low 搜寻天下72. World Cinema 世界影视博览73. Global 环球影院74. Movie & TV Club 影视俱乐部75. Winner’s Circle 名将之约76. Story 讲述77. Midnight News 午夜新闻78. China Week 中国周刊79. The True Story 纪事80. World Express 国际时事焦点访谈 Topics in Focus新闻调查 News Probe新闻30分 News in 30 Minutes东方时空Oriental Horizon社会经纬 Net of Justice夕阳红 Sunset Glow商业电视 Business TV市场热线 Market Hotline世界经济报道 World Economic Report股市分析 Stock Market Analysis足球之夜 Soccer Night健康俱乐部 Health Club春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival Gala Evening 半边天 Half the Sky综艺大观 Super Variety Show戏迷园地 Garden for Opera Fans大风车 Big Pinwheel七巧板 Tangram12演播室 Twelve Studio中华民族 Chinese Ethnic Peoples科技博览 Science and Technology Review人与自然 Man and Nature正大综艺 Zhengda Variety Show书坛画苑 Gallery of Calligraphy Painting 天涯共此时 Time Together across the Strait 华夏风情 China Kaleidoscope中国新闻 China News中国报道 China Report旅行家 Travelogue中国各地 Around China今日中国 China Today周日话题 Sunday Topics英语新闻 English News(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。

并且会由布莱恩·考克斯(Brian Cox)教授探询自然定律是如何创造了宇宙中最复杂多样的现象:生命。
友情提醒:1、每期电影帖底部都有三千多部可看电影的链接2、嫌画面小可以手机横着全屏最大化哈01在本集中,布莱恩教授拜访了著名的“环太平洋火山带”(Ring of Fire)的东南亚地区。
在这个世界上火山活动最活跃的地方,他检验了生与死的一线之隔并提出了最古老的问题:什么是生命?传统的答案往往牵涉到神灵;这在菲律宾山区每年的“亡灵节”(Day of the Dead)庆祝仪式中可见一斑。
Wild China第一集中英文字幕-英语学习

最后的隐世净土The last hidden world中国China数世纪来旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes 以及那些神奇生物的传说and surprising creatures中国文明是世界最古老的文明Chinese civilization is the world's oldest而如今是最宏博的and today it's largest那数十亿的人民with well over a billion people现存超过五十个民族It's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups以及各式各样贴近自然的and a wide range of traditional life styles传统生活方式often inclose partnership with nature我们都知道中国面对着着众多社会环境问题We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems 但这里也存在着令人窒息的美丽but there is great beauty here too中国有着世界最高峰China is home to the world's highest mountains,从无垠的炙热沙漠vast deserts ranging from from searing hot到麻木大脑的寒冷地带to mind numbing cold以及那蒸笼般的森林中steaming forests隐匿的各种珍稀生物harboring rare creatures天际下广阔无垠的草原grassy plains beneath vast horizons以及富饶的热带海洋and rich tropical seas现在我们第一次有机会Now, for the first time ever深入探索这片伟大的土地we can explore the whole of this great country接触栖息于此的珍奇生物meet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live here目睹中国这片神奇土地上and consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of China人与野生世界的羁绊to the remarkable landscaping which they live这就是最原味的中国This is wild China仅以此献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国For our troubled but drop-dead beautiful motherland我们的中国探索之旅始于南方的亚热带Our exploration of China begins in the warm subtropical south漓江的渔人和鱼鸟栖坐在竹筏上On the Li River fishermen and birds perch on bamboo rafts这个组合已延续千年之久a partnership that goes back more than a thousand years这景致已为世人所熟悉This scenery is known throughout the world那是中国水墨永恒的主题a recurring motif in Chinese paintings和旅人永远的胜地and a major tourist attraction中国南部是片有英国国土The south of China is a vast area九倍之大的广阔土地eight times larger than the UK这里It's a landscape of hills but also of water是山雨的国度这里一年之中有250天在降雨It rains here for up to 250 days a year到处都是积水and standing water is everywhere在扬子江的涝原In a floodplain of the Yangtse River黑尾鹬在泥泞中寻索着虫子black-tailed godwits probe the mud in search of worms并非只有野生动物在这样的环境下茁壮成长But it isn't just wildlife that thrive in this environment沼泽般湿润肥沃的土地为作物家族最显著的成员提供了最理想的环境the swampy ground provides ideal conditions for the remarkable member of the grass family 这就是稻米rice中国有着至少8000年的稻米种植史The Chinese have been cultivating rice for at least 8 thousand years他们改变了这块土地It has transformed the landscape对云南南部的农民而言冬末是个繁忙的季节Late winter in southern Yunnan is a busy time for local farmers因为他们要为即将来临的春天整顿这片古老的稻田as they prepare the age-old paddy field ready for the coming spring元阳县的山坡以2000M之势These hill slopes of Yuanyang county斜插于红河谷地的河床plunge nearly 2000m to the floor of the Red River Valley包含了上千由原始刨掘工具所创造出的梯田each contains literally thousands of stack terraces carved out by hand using basic digging tools5000:05:07,400 --> 00:05:12,000云南的梯田是中国最古老人类耕作痕迹中Yunnan's rice terraces are among the oldest human structures in China5100:05:13,000 --> 00:05:15,400依旧被耕种使用的土地still ploughed as they always have been5200:05:15,800 --> 00:05:18,300正如千百年来的习俗一样by domesticated water buffaloes源自云南河谷的家养水牛承担了耕作的重任whose ancestors originated in these very valleys这片人力开拓的土地是工业化前中国最惊奇宏伟的壮景This man-made landscape is one of the most amazing engineering feats of preindustrial China 似乎这里的每一寸土地It seems as if every square inch of land5600:06:03,200 --> 00:06:05,400都被打上了农耕的痕迹has been pressed into cultivation5700:06:21,400 --> 00:06:22,800当薄暮降临As evening approaches5800:06:23,300 --> 00:06:26,300另一场古老的仪式上演an age-old ritual unfolds现在是交配的季节It's the mating season雄禾田蛙们为了吸引异性而卖力高鸣and male paddy frogs are competing for the attention of females但这并非总能为你吸引来关注的目光But it dosen't always pay to draw too much attention to youself中国池鹭是个饕餮掠食者The Chinese Pond Heron is a crapulous predator就算在耕作过的稻田中央Even in the middle of a ploughed paddy field也会上演喙与爪的血腥剧目<i>nature is red in beak and claw或许这看上去像一场屠杀This may look like a slaughter但每只池鹭一次只能吞噬一只蛙but as each heron can swallow only one frog at a time此时剩余的多数派得以逃生并获得了明日再度高歌的机会the vast majority will escape to croak another day元阳县这样广泛种植水稻的Terrace paddies like those of YunYang county are found across much of southern China梯田横贯中国南部This whole vast landscape is dominated by rice cultivation苗族人在炎热的贵州发展了高度发达的水稻种植In heated Guizhou province the Miao minority have developed a remarkable rice culture 苗族人把木屋建立在陡峭低产的山壁上With every inch of fertile land given over to rice cultivation用其余每寸丰饶的土地来种植水稻the Miao build their wooden houses on the steepest and least productive hillsides所有东西在中国农村都自有其用处In Chinese rural life everything has a use牛棚里的肥料在太阳下晒干用作煮饭的燃料dried in the sun manure from the cowsheds would be used as cooking fuel中午时分宋家人正饱餐以米和蔬菜为主的中饭It's midday and the Song family aretucking into a lunch of rice and vegetables老祖父宋古永置身于天伦之乐外Oblivious to the domestic chitchat寻思着重要的事情granddad Guyong Song has serious maters on his mind春季是稻禾生长的伊始时节Spring is a start of the rice growing season庄稼的长势决定了来年宋家人的生计the success of the crop will determin how well the family will eat next year因而选择合适的时机进行耕作是至关重要的so planting at the right time is critical时机的选择取决于当年的天气情况The ideal date depends on what the weather will do this year而这些却是永难估料的never easy to predict但是身边就存在着贴心小帮手But there is some surprising help at hand宋家厅堂房梁上的是一对刚从冬季迁徙中归来的金腰燕On the cielling of the Song's living rooma pair of red-rumped swallow newly arrive from their winter migration他们正在为装潢新一年度的宅邸而忙碌is busy fixing up last year's nest在中国动物们被赋予独特的象征意义并被细心呵护In China animals are valued does much for their symbolic meaning as for many good they may do 苗族人笃信成双燕终身相伴不离不弃Miao people believe that swallow pairs remain faithful for life因此他们的存在被视为so their presence is a favor and a blessing幸福生活与美满婚姻的象征bringing happiness to a marriage and good luck to a home如大多数苗人一样宋家起居室的窗子可以眺望见成片的梯田Like most Miao dwellings, the Song's living room windows look out over the paddy fields从早春起一扇窗子便为了方便燕子往返穿飞而敞开From early spring, one of these windows is always left open to let the swallows come and go freely 古老爹知晓每年燕子归来的确切时间Each year granddad Gu knows the exact day the swallows return苗族人坚信这些鸟儿的归来预示着春季的来临Miao people believe the birds arrival predicts the timing of a season ahead然而今年他们姗姗来迟This year, they were late因而古老爹和其他族中长老一致认为今年的插秧应当推迟so Gu and the other community elders have agreed that rice planting should be delayed accordingly 当苗族人为了插秧而整备田地时As the Miao prepare their fields for planting燕子们或搜集修整巢穴用的泥巴the swallows collect mud to repair their nests或穿越新耕的稻田追逐昆虫and chase after insects across the newly ploughed paddies最终经过了几周的准备Finally, after weeks of preparation这个预定种植的时刻来临了the ordained time for planting has arrived首先秧苗必须从苗床上连根拔起but first the seedlings must be uproot from the nursery beds扎成捆移植到高处山地and bundled up ready to be transported to their new paddy那崭新的苗床上higher up the hillside宋家邻里乡亲全员出动帮助移植All the Song's neighbors have turned out to help with the transplanting这是一直来他们的集体协作方式It's how the community has always worked当然一旦时刻来临宋家人也会做出相同行为来报恩when the time comes, the Songs will return the favor当农户们忙碌在田埂间时While the farmers are busy in the fields飞燕们则衔着修整巢穴的材料来来往往the swallows fly back and forth with material for their nest人多力量大Many hands make light work插秧的整个过程只持续了仅一个多小时planting the new paddy takes a little more than an hour当工作完成农户们得以休息Job done, the villagers can relax至少在明天来临之前at least until tomorrow然而对这些筑巢的飞鸟而言修筑家园的宏大工程But for the nesting swallows, the work of raising a family才刚刚开始has only just begun新耕种的田地里In the newly planted fields白鹭在寻找食物little egrets hunt for foods稻田成了虫鱼蝌蚪的乐园The rice paddy harbor tadpoles fish and insects而白鹭正好以此哺育幼鸟and egrets have chicks to feed重庆自然保护区建立于1996年This colony in Chongqing province is established in 1996当成群的鸟儿安家在阳光村后方的小竹林when a few dozen birds build nests in the bamboo grove behind YanGuang village 当地人将其视为幸运的使者Believing they were assigned of luck他们最初小心保护这些白鹭和他们的栖息地local people initially protected the egrets and the colony grove但当村长病重后他们的态度发生了转变But their attitude change when the head of the village fell ill当政府开始介入保护鸟群时They blame the birds and were all set to destroy their nests他们开始敌视鸟群并着手摧毁巢穴when the local government stepped in to protect them易弯曲的竹子或许并非安家的最佳场所Bendy bamboo may not be the safest nesting place但至少这些小家伙们不会成为捕食者的腹中餐but at least these youngsters won't end up at someone's dinner这些小家伙刚从母亲嘴里分得美食These chicks have just had a meal delivered by their mom对新生的小嘴着实是一大挑战quite a challenge for litter beaks介于他们的栖息地是受保护的Providing their colonies are protected像白鹭这样的候鸟是少数直接从发达的水稻种植中获益的鸟类wading birds like egrets are among the few wild creatures which benefit directly from intensive rice cultivation水稻生长需要大量的水Growing rice needs lots of water但即便是在多雨的南方有些土地也面临缺水的危机but even in the rainy south, there are landscapes where water is surprisingly scarce相当于法国和西班牙国土加起来那么大This vast area of southwest China的中国西南的广阔土地the size of France and Spain combined因为宛如被干燥中空的谷地隔离开来的巨大蛋盒般is famous for its clusters of conical hills连绵的锥形山脉而闻名于世like giant upturned egg carton seperated by dry empty valleys这就是喀斯特地貌This is the karst石灰石地貌俨然成为南部中国的标志性特征a limestone terrain which has become the defining image of southern China喀斯特地貌通常以突起的裸岩状态分布Karst landscapes are often studded with rocky outcrops这迫使当地农民只得在破碎的小块土地上耕作forcing local farmers to cultivate tiny fields当地人是中国最贫穷的居民之一The people who live here are among the poorest in China在毗邻的云南省In neighboring Yunnan province遍布着石灰石limestone rocks have taken over entirely这就是著名的石林This is the famous Stone Forest无数年侵蚀作用的产物the product of countless years of erosion造就了无数的狭道与巅峰producing a maze of deep gullets and sharp-edged pinnacles石灰石有一个独性那就是能被雨水分解Limestone has a strange property that is dissolves in rain water在数千年的漫长光阴中水的侵蚀深入到岩床的心脏地带Over many thousands of years, water has corrode its way deep into the heart of the bedrock itself这一自然奇观成为了著名的旅游景点This natural wonder has a famous tourist spot每年的访客数量多达200万人receiving close to 2 million visitors each year中国人特别喜好奇形怪状的岩石The Chinese are fond of curiously shaped rocks并以为嶙峋怪石冠上千奇百怪的名字为乐and many have been given fanciful names但没人来猜测这个块怪石的名字No prices for guessing what this one is called但百闻不如置身这片奇妙山地亲身一见But there is more to this landscape than meets the eye在中国醒目的喀斯特地貌下China has literally thousands of mysterious caverns15700:17:04,800 --> 00:17:07,600隐匿着无数的神秘洞穴concealed beneath the visible landscape of the karst15800:17:08,700 --> 00:17:12,400这些隐秘世界大多不为世人所知Much of this hidden world has never been seen by human eyes15900:17:12,700 --> 00:17:16,000而现在他们将被展现在世人眼前And it's only just now being explored16000:17:24,100 --> 00:17:27,000奇险洞穴中再现了一场终极的探险For a growing band of intrepid young Chinese explorers16100:17:27,300 --> 00:17:32,000主角是一群日渐成长初生牛犊般的年轻探险家caves represent the ultimate adventure16200:17:34,300 --> 00:17:37,400探索一个洞穴犹如一场穿越时空的探险Exploring a cave is like taking the journey through time16300:17:37,800 --> 00:17:42,400常年积水叮咚伴随着无止境般的旅途a journey which endless raindrops would have followed over countless centuries16400:17:53,400 --> 00:17:55,600水滴潺潺落下Fed by countless drips and trickles16500:17:56,000 --> 00:17:59,500地下河流深切入岩the subterranean river carves ever deeper into the rock16600:18:09,600 --> 00:18:13,000石灰岩河床将洞穴的河道分割成千沟万壑The cave river's course is channeled by the beds of limestone16700:18:13,600 --> 00:18:18,000石灰岩薄弱处被河水冲刷差距的陡坡处水量激增A weakness in the rock can not allow the river to increase its gradient flowrate16800:18:18,160 --> 00:18:22,600为洞穴探险带来相当的挑战providing a real challenge for the cave explorers16900:19:02,400 --> 00:19:05,600水流到达地下水位后便停止下流The downward rushes halted when the water table is reached17000:19:06,600 --> 00:19:10,800这里缓缓流动的河流切割出一条圆形隧道Here the slow flowing river carves tunnels with a more rounded profile17100:19:15,800 --> 00:19:19,600这静谧的世界是穴居鱼的家This tranquil world is home to specialized cave fishes17200:19:20,400 --> 00:19:22,700比如无目金鲃like the eye-less Golden Barb17300:19:24,000 --> 00:19:27,600中国或许拥有地球上种类最为繁多的China may have unique kinds of cave evolved fishes17400:19:27,900 --> 00:19:30,700洞穴进化鱼than anywhere else on Earth17500:19:35,400 --> 00:19:36,900在地下水位线Above the water table17600:19:37,200 --> 00:19:43,500远古洞穴溢满的河水中充斥着石笋和钟乳石ancient caverns abandoned by the river slowly fill up with stalactites and stalagmites17700:19:48,120 --> 00:19:52,700含有沉积物的水流Stalactites form as trickling water deposites tiny quantities of rock17800:19:52,980 --> 00:19:55,400在千万年间“滴水成石”over hundreds or thousands of years17900:19:56,700 --> 00:20:01,500含有石灰质的水滴落石床形成石笋Stalagmites grow up where lime laid and drips hit the cave floor18000:20:22,400 --> 00:20:27,000迄今为止被探索发掘的中国洞穴是中国大地上的九牛一毛So far, only a fraction of China's caves have been thoroughly prospected18100:20:27,200 --> 00:20:30,600而被发掘的洞穴不断为我们展现地底奇观and caves are constantly discovering new subterranean marvels18200:20:30,800 --> 00:20:36,200许多在后来被开发成了商业景点many of which are subsequently developed into commercial show caves18300:20:44,250 --> 00:20:46,300探索者沿着洞穴河流出山谷的轨迹逃离了黑暗Finally escaping the darkness18400:20:46,700 --> 00:20:52,700在远离出发地的河谷the cave river and its human explorers emerge in a valley far from where their journey began18500:20:53,600 --> 00:20:56,300这场冒险拉上了帷幕or now the adventure is over18600:20:60,290 --> 00:21:02,000源自洞穴河流Rivers which issue from caves18700:21:02,100 --> 00:21:04,400为喀斯特地区提供了生命之泉are the key to survival in the karst country18800:21:04,990 --> 00:21:07,200贵州的垂直峡谷This vertical gorge in Guizhou province18900:21:07,500 --> 00:21:12,200成为了当地野生动物的密集焦点is a focal point for the region's wildlife19000:21:26,150 --> 00:21:28,400这是世界上最珍稀的灵长类之一This is one of the world's rarest primates19100:21:29,600 --> 00:21:31,700白颊黑叶猴Francois's langur19200:21:33,000 --> 00:21:36,200在中国他们只残存于两个南部省份In China, they survive in just two southern provinces19300:21:36,700 --> 00:21:38,600贵州与广西Guizhou and Guangxi19400:21:39,220 --> 00:21:42,500多半栖息于崎岖的石灰岩地貌地带always in ragged limestone terrains19500:21:44,400 --> 00:21:46,700正如大多数猴子一样他们是社会性生物Like most monkeys, they're social creatures19600:21:47,400 --> 00:21:50,300并且他们乐于耗费大把时间为彼此整理仪容and spend a great deal of time grooming each other19700:21:59,300 --> 00:22:05,300叶猴是个不折不扣以嫩芽、嫩叶、水果为食的素食主义者Langurs are essentially vegetarian with a diet of buds, fruits, and tender young leaves19800:22:17,190 --> 00:22:19,200叶猴宝宝裹着姜黄色的毛发出生Babies are born with ginger fur19900:22:19,500 --> 00:22:22,400这些毛发随着生长逐渐从尾部开始变成黑色which gradually turns black from the tail end20000:22:29,400 --> 00:22:31,800叶猴宝宝虎钳般的爪Young infants have a vise-like grip20100:22:31,990 --> 00:22:34,200帮助他们附着在妈妈身上以保证安全used for cling on to mom for dare life20200:22:36,800 --> 00:22:37,700随着年龄的增长As they get older20300:22:37,980 --> 00:22:40,500他们越发胆大,并开始常识更多刺激they get bolder and take more risks20400:22:45,000 --> 00:22:47,600这些是经历诸多冒险后的幸存者Those have survive spend a lot of time travelling20500:22:48,280 --> 00:22:52,300尽管经验丰富的成年叶猴深知Yet experienced adults know exactly where to find seasonal food20600:22:52,500 --> 00:22:56,400到守备范围内不同区域的哪里去寻觅当季的食物in different parts of their range20700:22:58,600 --> 00:23:00,000在如此陡峭的地带In such steep terrain20800:23:00,600 --> 00:23:03,400旅途顺利包含了高超的攀爬技巧travel involves a high level of climbing skill20900:23:03,900 --> 00:23:12,200这些猴子打会走路起就是卓越的攀岩专家These monkeys are spectacularly good rock climbers from the time they learnt to walk21000:23:19,900 --> 00:23:21,300叶猴族群In langur society21100:23:21,500 --> 00:23:23,200是母系社会females rule the roost21200:23:23,500 --> 00:23:26,400并且是举家迁徙的领队人物and take the lead when the family is on the move21300:23:52,500 --> 00:23:53,600峭壁一侧One section of cliff21400:23:53,980 --> 00:23:56,400分泌的水是富含矿物质的woops is a trickle of mineral-rich water21500:23:56,900 --> 00:23:59,600这对猴子们而言是不可抗拒的诱惑which the monkeys seem to find irresistible21600:24:14,600 --> 00:24:20,400如今麻阳河自然保护区已鲜有危及猴宝宝的捕食者These days there are few predators in the Mayanghe Reserve which might pose a risk to baby monkey21700:24:20,880 --> 00:24:23,200然而在过去的数个世纪but in past centuries, this area of south China21800:24:23,700 --> 00:24:27,200中国南部的这个地区是豹子巨蟒甚至老虎的家was home to leopards, pythons, and even tigers21900:24:30,000 --> 00:24:32,500为了在暗夜潜行者的利爪下存活To survive dangerous night prowlers22000:24:32,800 --> 00:24:34,400叶猴们前往地底the langurs went underground22100:24:35,200 --> 00:24:40,000用他们的高超的攀爬技巧爬到洞穴上方寻找庇护所using their rock climbing skills to seek shelter in inaccessible caverns22200:24:55,200 --> 00:24:58,300夜视镜在近乎黑暗的坏境下记录下Filmed in near darkness using a night vision camera22300:24:59,200 --> 00:25:02,300叶猴一家爬上了the troop clambers along familiar ledges22400:25:02,600 --> 00:25:05,200被数代猴族磨蚀光润的石壁的情景worn smooth by generations before them22500:25:12,700 --> 00:25:14,400当冬日寒冷来袭During cold winter weather22600:25:14,880 --> 00:25:17,400猴子们则冒险潜入the monkeys venture deeper underground22700:25:17,600 --> 00:25:20,400空气相对保持温暖的地下where the air stays comparatively warm22800:25:37,400 --> 00:25:39,200旅途的终点At last, journeys end,22900:25:39,600 --> 00:25:43,999高悬的庇护所使得最激进的捕食者都束手无策a coated niche beyond the reach of even the most enterprising predator23000:25:47,800 --> 00:25:50,600并非只有猴子们在洞穴中寻找遮蔽But it's not just monkeys that find shelter in caves23100:25:51,000 --> 00:25:53,000这些孩子们刚放学These children are off to school23200:25:54,400 --> 00:25:58,000在中国农村每天早上都意味着一段In rural China, that may mean a long trek each morning23300:25:58,200 --> 00:26:00,400穿越一两个洞穴的艰苦跋涉passing through a cave or two on the way23400:26:02,600 --> 00:26:05,000然而并非所有孩子都要徒步上学But not all pupils have to walk to school23500:26:06,200 --> 00:26:08,300这些孩子是寄宿生These children are boarders23600:26:11,400 --> 00:26:13,600当孩子们快要到达学校时As the day pupils near journey's end23700:26:14,500 --> 00:26:16,600住宿生还在做早饭the boarders are still making breakfast23800:26:20,900 --> 00:26:24,600校园内仿若被关掉了灯一般黑暗In the school yard, someone seems to have switched the lights off23900:26:28,200 --> 00:26:30,000但这里其实并没有正规的操场But this is no ordinary play ground24000:26:30,900 --> 00:26:32,500以及正规的学校and no ordinary school24100:26:36,880 --> 00:26:37,880只不过是座Its house24200:26:38,700 --> 00:26:40,000洞穴中的房屋而已inside a cave24300:26:43,500 --> 00:26:46,200天然拱顶阻隔了雨水A natural vault of rock keeps out the rain24400:26:46,500 --> 00:26:49,200为教室省去了屋顶so there is no need for a roof on the classroom24500:27:01,000 --> 00:27:04,400中东洞穴学校由六个班级Zhongdong cave school is made up of 6 classes24600:27:04,600 --> 00:27:06,900共200名学生组成with a total of 200 children24700:27:09,400 --> 00:27:13,400如同这所学校般这个洞穴住宅区As well as a school, the cave houses 18 families24800:27:14,400 --> 00:27:16,200是18户人家和他们牲畜的聚居地together with their livestock24900:27:18,500 --> 00:27:22,000这或许是世界上唯一在洞穴中饲养的牛了This could be the only cave dwelling cows on Earth25000:27:27,500 --> 00:27:30,300放学后是游戏的时间With school work over, it's play time at last25100:27:43,000 --> 00:27:46,000在中国南方洞穴不仅用于遮蔽In southern China, caves aren't just used for shelter25200:27:46,400 --> 00:27:49,300他们也能为当地人带来恩惠they can be a source of revenue for the community25300:28:22,600 --> 00:28:25,600数代的人持续受到洞穴的恩泽People have been visiting this cave for generations25400:28:25,900 --> 00:28:28,300洞穴地底覆盖了满满鸟粪The cave floor is covered in guano25500:28:28,700 --> 00:28:32,500仅仅十分钟时间就能让农人满载而归so plentiful that 10 minutes' work can fill these farmer's baskets25600:28:33,650 --> 00:28:36,200这是一种宝贵的天然肥料This used as a valuable source of fertilizer25700:28:45,000 --> 00:28:50,500鸟粪的源头能听到河水上空的鸟鸣A clue to the source of the guano can be heard above the noise of the river25800:28:51,300 --> 00:28:54,000噪音因为山洞而被放大The sound originates high up in the roof of the cave25900:28:57,000 --> 00:28:59,800入口处聚满了雨燕The entrance is full of swifts26000:29:02,600 --> 00:29:04,500他们是社交性动物They are very sociable birds26100:29:04,900 --> 00:29:09,500约200000多的共享贵州南部的洞穴more than 200,000 of them share this cave in southern Guizhou province26200:29:09,800 --> 00:29:12,200中国最大的雨燕栖息地The biggest swift colony in China26300:29:13,000 --> 00:29:18,200如今中国的家燕多数将巢穴建在建筑物的屋顶These days, Chinese house swiftsmostly nest in the roofs of buildings26400:29:18,400 --> 00:29:21,300但其实在房屋被发明出来之前but rock crevasses like these were their original home26500:29:21,500 --> 00:29:23,600这样的岩缝才是他们原本安家的地方long before houses were invented26600:29:28,800 --> 00:29:31,200尽管雨燕依靠洞穴遮蔽Though the swifts depend on the cave for shelter26700:29:31,700 --> 00:29:34,300他们却必定在日落前归巢they never stray further than the limits of daylight26800:29:34,900 --> 00:29:37,200因为他们的眼睛无法在黑夜中看清事物as their eyes can't see in dark26900:29:39,500 --> 00:29:41,500然而洞穴深处However, deep inside the cavern27000:29:41,990 --> 00:29:44,500是一群更适应地下are the creatures are better equipped27100:29:44,600 --> 00:29:46,300隐秘生活的居民for subterranean life27200:29:50,999 --> 00:29:53,400一群蝙蝠刚刚醒来A colony of bats is just waking up27300:29:53,700 --> 00:29:58,000他们运用超声波在黑夜中确定自己的方位using ultrasonic squeaks to orientate themselves in the darkness27400:30:02,500 --> 00:30:05,200夜晚是狩猎时间Night is the time to go hunting27500:30:57,990 --> 00:31:05,000Rickett鼠耳蝠是亚洲蝙蝠中唯一Rickett's mouse-eared bat is the only bat in Asia which specializes in catching fishes27600:31:05,200 --> 00:31:10,000通过在水面依靠声波对涟漪的反射追踪游鱼的蝙蝠种tracking them down from the sound reflection of ripples on the water surface27700:31:30,400 --> 00:31:35,000这种非凡的技巧仅在数年前被发现This extraordinary behavior was only discovered in the last couple of years27800:31:35,800 --> 00:31:38,100现在首次被记录下来展示给世人and has never been filmed before27900:31:46,500 --> 00:31:49,200如果说在黑暗中追捕游鱼是如此的不可思议If catching fish in the dark is impressive28000:31:50,300 --> 00:31:55,000想象下倒挂状态下不用爪子吞食滑溜溜的米诺鱼是怎样的神奇场景imagine eating a slippery minnow with no hands while hanging upside down28100:32:05,300 --> 00:32:08,400拂晓降临至桂林的喀斯特山地Dawn, over the karst hills of Guilin28200:32:11,000 --> 00:32:14,000这些山地的嶙峋奇秀归功于These remarkable hills owe their peculiar shapes28300:32:14,300 --> 00:32:17,200漓江那弱酸性的水质to the mildly acid waters of the Li River28400:32:17,400 --> 00:32:22,200亿万年的侵蚀褪去了他们的本来面目whose meandering course over eons of time has corrode away their basis28500:32:22,500 --> 00:32:25,200只剩下坚硬的河道残留下来until only the rocky course remained28600:32:30,400 --> 00:32:33,200漓江是中国最清澈的河流之一Li is one of the cleanest rivers in China28700:32:33,900 --> 00:32:37,300是捕鱼者和他们训练有素的鸬鹚最爱的捕获点a favorite spot for fishermen with their trained cormorants28800:32:41,000 --> 00:32:44,600这帮七八十岁的男人全部姓黄The men, all called Huang, come from the same village28900:32:44,900 --> 00:32:47,000他们来自同一个村落now in their seventies and eighties29000:32:47,400 --> 00:32:49,300他们毕生都以捕鱼卫生they've been fishermen all their lives29100:32:54,990 --> 00:32:56,400在释放鱼鸟之前Before they release the birds29200:32:56,500 --> 00:32:58,700他们在鸟的脖子上松松的系一条套索they tie a noose, loosely around the neck29300:32:59,000 --> 00:33:01,800以防止鸟儿私自将捕到的鱼吞进肚子里to stop them swallowing any fish they may catch29400:33:09,000 --> 00:33:14,100伴随着即兴的舞蹈,黄老汉鼓励着他的鸟儿们跳入水中Chancing and dancing, the Huangs encourage their birds to take the plunge29500:33:18,300 --> 00:33:19,100在水下Underwater29600:33:19,400 --> 00:33:21,800鸬鹚的狩猎本能暴发the cormorant's hunting instinct kicks in29700:33:21,990 --> 00:33:24,700他们化身为水下的游鱼追踪导弹turning them into fish seeking missiles29800:33:48,200 --> 00:33:49,300一只鸬鹚小分队搭档合作齐心协力Working together,29900:33:49,900 --> 00:33:55,000一早上便能收获颇丰a good cormorant team can catch a couple of dozen decent-sized fish in a morning30000:34:33,500 --> 00:34:37,800鸟儿们被训练过只能带着鱼儿回到筏子The birds return to the raft with their fish because they've been trained to do so30100:34:38,700 --> 00:34:40,400从出生的那一刻起From the time it first hatched30200:34:40,600 --> 00:34:44,700鸬鹚们就开始被训练为忠仆each of these cormorants has been reared to a life of obedience to its master30300:34:45,190 --> 00:34:48,200这些鸟儿是高效的奴隶The birds are, in effect, slaves30400:34:49,990 --> 00:34:51,500但是它们并不是白痴But they are not stupid30500:34:52,000 --> 00:34:55,400据说鸬鹚能够记住它们捕获的鱼的数目It's said the cormorants can key the tally of the fish they catch30600:34:55,600 --> 00:34:57,200至少能记住七条at least up to seven30700:34:57,500 --> 00:35:01,600除非它们不时得到打赏当然这不过是收回一点自己的劳动成果罢了So unless they get a reward now and then,they simply withdraw their labor30800:35:02,700 --> 00:35:05,700渔夫理所当然得把最好的鱼留给自己The fishermen of course keep the best fish for themselves30900:35:06,300 --> 00:35:08,700鸬鹚则能享受剩余的部分The cormorants get the leftover tiddlies31000:35:15,300 --> 00:35:19,600项圈摘除后鸟儿们终于能享用它的战利品了With its collar removed,the bird can at last swallow its prize31100:35:20,600 --> 00:35:23,000最美妙的莫过于得到额外的打赏Best of all,when it isn't meant to have...31200:35:33,500 --> 00:35:36,500而如今现代捕鱼技术的激烈竞争These days,competition for modern fishing techniques31300:35:36,700 --> 00:35:40,700意味着使黄老汉已不能仅靠鸬鹚捕鱼这一传统的手段谋生了means the Huangs can't make a living from traditional cormorant fishing alone31400:35:41,000 --> 00:35:43,500这一流传了1300多年的传统And this 1300-year old tradition。
BBC life生命 第八集

第八集:深海生物海洋是世上最大的栖地The ocean. The largest habitat on Earth,对陆地动物来说却是无法居住之处and an inhospitable place for those of us who live on land.但有十亿年之久Yet, for a billion years,海洋是地球唯一有生命的所在this was the only place on the planet where life existed.那些早期生物的后代Today, descendants of those early life forms活跃至今continue to thrive.它们跟鱼类共享大海但数量超出十倍They share the sea with fish, but outnumber them by ten to one.它们没有脊椎They have no backbones,而且演化出无数型态and have evolved into countless different forms.有些体型惊人拥有巨大脑部和高度智慧Some are huge, large-brained and intelligent.有些极为细小Others are minuscule,但建造出世上最大的自然结构yet build the largest natural structures on the planet. 它们是海洋无脊椎动物存活在深海的生物They are marine invertebrates, the creatures of the deep.它们群居在海洋的每个角落They have colonised every corner of the ocean,以出乎意料的and have a mind-boggling range of solutions多种方案解决生存难题to the problem of staying alive.海洋绝非完全一致The ocean is by no means uniform.深度,温度,阳光和水流的差异Differences in depth, temperature, sunlight and currents带来不同的问题pose particular challenges.在海面下两公里处的这些海底热泉One and a half miles down, these hydrothermal vents从地壳裂缝喷出摄氏四百五十度的spew out super-heated water at 450 degrees Centigrade超高温热水from cracks in the Earth's crust.虽然水压极高Despite the enormous pressure, the total darkness,周围一片漆黑水温更是炙人and the scaldingly-high temperatures,所有生命的祖先或许就在这种地方the ancestors of all life may have evolved演化诞生in a place just like this.庞贝虫之名Pompeii worms.来自它们耐高温存活的能力So named for their ability to survive volcanic heat.它们在热泉的邻居,包括蟹类和两公尺长的巨型管虫They share the vents with crabs and two-metre-long tube worms.它们只能在这里生存They can only survive here在热泉周围大量繁殖的细菌能填饱它们的肚子because they are able to feed on bacteria that thrive around the vents.这种栖地极为稀有These colonies are extremely rare.难怪多数生物都聚集在靠近海面之处Not surprisingly, most life thrives在这里觅食轻松许多nearer the surface, where feeding is considerably easier.这是磷虾类似虾子的细小甲壳动物These are krill, tiny shrimp-like crustaceans. 磷虾群数量惊人每立方公尺可高达六万只Swarms can reach astounding numbers - 60,000 per cubic metre.它们会在夜间浮上海面,吃浮游生物During the night they rise towards the surface to feed on plankton.在墨西哥的科提兹海Here, in the Sea of Cortez, off Mexico,磷虾群吸引各式掠食动物the swarms attract hunters of all kinds,从大翅鲸到大批食肉鱼类from humpback whales to shoals of predatory fish.有另一个猎人抵达了它来自深海Yet another hunter arrives. It's one from the deep. 这是美洲大赤鱿A Humboldt squid.身长两公尺当地人称为Two metres long, they have a local reputation吃人怪兽as man-eaters.光是一只美洲大赤鱿就够可怕Alone, they are formidable enough...但这次来了一群总共好几百只..but this is a pack... ..of hundreds.美洲大赤鱿是很聪明的猎人They are highly intelligent hunters.而且视觉敏锐Their eyesight is exceptional.它们有强壮触手吸盘环绕七万个钩子They have powerful tentacles, suckers ringed with 70,000 hooks还有能撕裂肌肉的尖锐喙嘴and a razor-sharp beak for tearing through flesh.现在鱼群发现自己遭受攻击Now the fish find that they are under attack于是集合起来以保安全and so group together for safety.但美洲大赤鱿采取团队合作把鱼群赶到岩石旁But the Humboldt squid work as a team, herding the fish against the rocks.有人认为乌贼变红和变白It's thought that the squid flash red and white不只是为了迷惑猎物not only to confuse their prey,也是要向同伴发出讯号指示何时发动攻击but also to signal to each other when they are about to attack.美洲大赤鱿的数量正在急速增加Humboldt squid numbers are growing rapidly.但它们仍然保持神秘But they remain mysterious.跟出现时一样迅速它们又消失在深海As fast as they arrived, they disappear back into the deep.在距离南极一千多公里的800 miles from the South Pole,活火山伊里布斯峰山脚下in the shadow of a smouldering Mount Erebus.冬季气温是冻寒的零下四十度Winter temperatures are a punishing minus 40.这里看似不可能有海洋生物存在This, perhaps, is the last place you might expect to find marine life.极地刚开始进入春季Now it's the beginning of the polar spring,冰层下的海水数月来首次有阳光照射and for the first time in months, light reaches the sea beneath the ice.这里极度寒冷It's extremely cold整年大半时间都是漆黑一片and completely dark for much of the year,所以环境很类似深海so conditions are not unlike those of the deep ocean.但麦克马多海峡生机蓬勃Yet, in McMurdo Sound, life flourishes.这里的动物生长速度极为缓慢The creatures here grow extremely slowly.但这表示它们能长到极大岁数和体型But that does mean they can reach a great age and great size,而且它们的数量惊人and they occur in surprisingly large numbers.三公尺长的食肉性纽虫Three-metre-long, carnivorous nemertean worms.还有红海星和海胆铺满整片海床Red sea stars and urchins carpet the sea floor.巨大的纽虫似乎什么都吃This monster-worm will eat almost anything而且不断在海床上搜寻食物and is constantly scanning the sea floor for food.动物在这里大批聚集是因为这个Animals are swarming here in such numbers because of this...一只小海豹的尸体..a dead seal pup.分量如此丰盛的大餐十年才会出现一次Such a great quantity of food may only arrive once in ten years.但海豹尸体不容易吃But a seal's body won't be easy to eat.纽虫有类似鱼叉的吻部Nemerteans have a snout like a harpoon,让它们能刺穿尸体的皮肤that enables them to puncture the skin of the corpse.红海星就比较辛苦It's harder work for the sea stars.它们进食时要从嘴巴吐出胃They feed by pushing out their stomachs through their mouths.这只红海星把胃抵在海豹皮肤上As this sea star presses its stomach against the seal's skin,然后分泌消化液溶解海豹的组织it secretes digestive juices that dissolve the seal's tissue.但这需要时间But that takes time.这支食腐大军整个夏季都会在这里大吃These scavengers will feed here throughout the summer,直到啃光海豹尸体until all that remains of the seal will be a skeleton,只剩骨骸stripped bare.浅水区仅占海洋世界的一小部The shallows are only a tiny part of the marine world.其中九成都是大海90% of it is open water.海流带着生物走过数千公里Its currents carry life for thousands of miles.水母正是这种流浪生活的大师The masters of this nomadic existence are jellyfish. 漂流在空荡海洋的生活很寂寞A life spent drifting in the empty ocean could be a lonely one...但这种水母例外but not for this jellyfish.这是海月水母Aurelia.它们聚集成群并非意外Swarms like this are not accidental.水温和水流都恰好时These individuals all hatched together这些水母会一起孵化when the temperature and currents were just right.这个时机能确保它们得以饱餐一顿,赶上浮游生物Their timing has ensured that they can make the most在夏季最后一次大量出现of feeding on a late-summer plankton bloom.水母没有脑部和血液Jellyfish have no brain and no blood.但它们有眼点But they do have eyespots that enable them可以分辨明暗to tell the difference between light and dark.透过简单的喷水推进And they can move independently of the current它们不靠海流也能独立行动by a simple form of jet propulsion.所有水母都有带刺触手用来捕捉食物All jellyfish have stinging tentacles with which to catch their food.它们弹动身体触手抓住浮游生物As they pulse their bodies, the tentacles trap plankton,然后送入位于身体中央的嘴巴which is then passed towards their mouth in the centre.十万只带刺水母群聚A swarm of 100,000 stinging jellyfish或许能吓跑掠食动物might seem a daunting prospect for a predator...但不包括这只..but not for this one.巨大的炒蛋水母A huge fried egg jellyfish.它是冷血杀手It is a killer.它的武器是覆盖在触手上的鱼叉状细胞Its weapons are harpoon-like cells that cover its tentacles.一接触到受害者When they come into contact with a victim,它立刻射出触手they spear it.接着炒蛋水母就拖入猎物The fried egg then hauls in its prey.少数幸运的海月水母成功逃脱A few lucky Aurelia do manage to pull themselves free.但多数受害者都But for the majority, there is only one outcome...难逃一死Death.一如大多数海洋无脊椎动物Jellyfish, like a great many marine invertebrates,水母有脆弱的柔软身体have soft, vulnerable bodies.它们有刺细胞保护They are protected by stinging cells.但还有其他的防卫方式But there are other kinds of defence.就是披上盔甲Armour plating.这些是蜘蛛蟹These are spider crabs.它们大半辈子都待在深海They spend most of their lives in deep water.但每年有一次在澳洲南部外海But once a year, off the coast of Southern Australia, 二十五万只蜘蛛蟹a quarter of a million crabs开始长途跋涉前往浅水区set off on a long journey to the shallows.它们来这里是因为一个共同问题They are here because they all share a problem.每只蜘蛛蟹身上的盔甲都已经穿了一年Each crab has been wearing the same suit of armour for a year now.现在紧绷到不舒服的地步And it's getting uncomfortably tight.所有螃蟹终究必须褪下旧壳So each crab eventually has to shed its shell制造更大的新壳and produce a bigger one.可以想象替换旧壳的步骤很棘手Replacing an old shell is understandably a tricky process.首先螃蟹First the crab必须先在旧壳内长出一层新皮肤grows an entirely new skin within the old shell.然后收缩身体迫使外壳It then flexes its body to force its shell沿着背部裂开to split along the back...然后缓缓后退,从旧壳离开..before gingerly backing itself out.蜘蛛蟹来这里不只要换壳还要进行交配The spider crabs are not only here to moult, but to mate.它们热切的把握这个机会And they grab the opportunity with considerable enthusiasm.然而像这样大批聚集有个缺点Coming together in such numbers does however have a drawback.这会吸引掠食动物It attracts predators.这是刺魟A stingray.虽然眼前有许多潜在猎物Despite there being so many potential prey,刺魟似乎视而不见the stingray seems to ignore them.或许人多势众真的比较安全Perhaps there's safety in numbers...但不是所有蜘蛛蟹都准备仰赖群体..although not all the crabs are prepared to rely on it.蜘蛛蟹群开始警觉起来Alarm spreads amongst the crabs.但其实多数螃蟹都很安全But in fact, most of them are safe.这只刺魟很挑剔This ray is being very choosy.它只对外壳最软It's only interested in the softest shelled,刚换好壳的蜘蛛蟹有兴趣most recently moulted crabs.一旦选中目标,它绝对手到擒来Once a target is singled out, there is no escape.当新壳变硬When their new armour has hardened,蜘蛛蟹就回到较安全的海底the crabs return to the comparative safety of the deep, 只留下它们褪下的旧空壳leaving behind only their old, empty shells.跟蜘蛛蟹一样多数海洋动物的行为Like spider crabs, the behaviour of most marine creatures都是由简单的神经系统控制is controlled by a very simple nervous system.但还是有例外But there are exceptions.这只乌贼是最聪明的海洋动物之一This cuttlefish is one of the cleverest animals in the ocean.这只母乌贼有很大的脑部She has a very large brain.根据身体比例In fact, it's larger for her size它的脑部比多数鱼类或爬虫类更大than that of most fish or reptiles.它的生活不只复杂,更充满谜题Her life is both complex and full of intrigue.澳洲巨乌贼通常独来独往Giant Australian cuttlefish usually live alone,但在短暂的生命中它们必须聚集一次进行交配but once in their short lives they must come together to mate.当这只母乌贼前往传统交配地As she approaches the traditional mating grounds,一只最大的公乌贼对它表示兴趣one of the largest males starts to show interest in her.它带公乌贼离开对手来到较安静的地点She moves him away from his rivals to a quieter spot -它将能在这里安全产卵a place where she will be able to lay her eggs in safety.Dialogue: 0,0:22:48.28,0:22:53.51,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,公乌贼用触手抓住母乌贼让它面向自己The male takes the female in his arms and turns her to face him,再用触手把精英放入母乌贼before using one of his arms to pass sacks of sperm嘴巴附近的开口to an opening near her mouth.交配完成后公乌贼在母乌贼上方徘徊Once mated, he hovers over her,守护母乌贼直到它产卵standing guard until she's laid her eggs.但公乌贼面临一个问题But he's got a problem.公乌贼的数量比母乌贼多四倍Males outnumber females four to one.所以它必须不断打退对手保住母乌贼So keeping her to himself is a constant battle.这个体型较大的对手不容易被吓跑This larger rival is more difficult to intimidate. 乌贼能以变化剧烈的Cuttlefish can make very dramatic changes皮肤图案表达情绪to their skin pattern in order to signal their moods.在侧身显现的鲜艳色彩和条纹Flushes of bright colour and stripes that pulse along his side,警告对手不要靠近tell the rival to keep off.多数对手在这时已经撤退这个却不愿离开Most rivals back down at this stage, but not this one.虽然公乌贼的闪亮讯号越来越强烈Although the male's flashing signals get more and more emphatic,到最后它别无选择只好出手打斗in the end, he has no choice but to fight.打赢的公乌贼可以回去守护母乌贼Victory! And the male can return to guard his female.乌贼是一流沟通者Cuttlefish are great communicators,但这种绝技有黑暗面but there is a flip side -它们也能成为诈欺高手they can also be masters of deception.这只公乌贼太娇小无法打斗争取交配机会This male is too small to fight for a mate, but he has another plan -但它另有一个狡猾计划and it's sneaky.它小心接近这对乌贼He approaches the couple cautiously,收起触手举在面前holding his tentacles tucked up at the front,模仿想要交配的母乌贼mimicking a female that wants to mate.为了完成伪装To complete his disguise,它还改变体色让自己更像女生he changes colour to appear even more like a female.站岗的公乌贼似乎上当了The guarding male seems convinced,或许它自以为鸿运当头maybe he thinks his luck is in -多了一只母乌贼让它征服another female to add to his conquests.这只奸诈的装扮公乌贼小心翼翼The sly, cross-dressing male接近母乌贼edges closer and closer to the female, holding his nerve.只要不被想交配的公乌贼抱住As long as he avoids being grabbed in a mating embrace,它的诡计就能得逞the sneak is safe.母乌贼已经猜出对方身分不明At what point the female guesses his true identity isunclear,但它并不挑剔but she isn't choosy,在大公乌贼的触手下and surreptitiously mates with him它们开始偷偷交配right under the larger male's tentacles.母乌贼准备产卵It's time for the female to lay her eggs.它用两只公乌贼的精子Using the sperm from both males,逐一让产下的卵受精she fertilises her eggs one by one然后把受精卵薪在一个隐密缝隙处的岩石上and glues them to a rock in a hidden crevice.如果幸运它将拥有两个父亲的孩子With luck, she will now have a mix of offspring.有些可能成为强壮公乌贼Some may become masterful males,有些则是个性奸诈and others, little sneaks.它可以说是毫无疏漏She'll have all the bases covered.这是卑诗省沿岸The coastal waters of British Columbia.这只四公尺长的北太平洋巨型章鱼住在这里Home to this four-metre-long Pacific Giant Octopus.它是可怕的掠食动物She is a formidable predator,但现在它不打算猎食but at the moment hunting isn't on her mind.这只母章鱼刚完成第一次交配She has just mated for the first time.现在要寻找安全庇护所And now she's searching for a safe refuge.它谨慎的选择She makes her choice carefully.未来几个月的家This is going to be her home for many months to come.这是它的育婴室It's her nursery den.这里的天花板吊着一百万颗卵100,000 eggs hang from its ceiling,它要用性命守护孩子and she's guarding them with her life.少了它的保护Without her to protect them,这些卵会被掠食动物吃光或染病they would be eaten by predators, or become diseased.它用触手抚摸未孵化的孩子She caresses them with her tentacles,确保这些卵不会长海藻也不会被鱼吃掉ensuring that algae don't grow on them, and that fish don't eat them.它持续让海水在卵周围流动She constantly keeps the water moving around them,让卵能获得充足氧气so they're well-supplied with oxygen.它照顾未孵化的孩子六个月She cares for them for six months,在这段期间什么都不吃and during all this time, she doesn't eat a thing.现在当卵开始孵化它也即将死去And now, as they are hatching, she is dying.小章鱼在某个晚上破卵而出One night, as the baby octopus emerge,它最后一次对孩子喷水she jets water over them for the last time,帮助它们出生helping them on their way.这将是它死前的最后动作This will be her final act.它只会生产这一次This is the only time she will reproduce,为了给孩子最佳存活机会它牺牲了生命and to give her young their best chance, she sacrifices her life.大海中体型最大Out of the depths comes one of the largest也最凶恶的海星,从深海出现and most aggressive starfish in the ocean.这只向日葵海星Pycnopodia,跟垃圾桶盖一样大a giant sunstar the size of a dustbin lid.它是猎人It's a hunter.每根触手都布满超敏感的管足Each arm is covered by super-sensitive tube feet,能靠触觉和嗅觉侦测到猎物that can detect prey by touch and smell.但海星也偏好腐肉But the sunstar is also partial to carrion,它发现巨型章鱼妈妈的尸体and it detects the carcass of the giant octopus mother. 它用触手上的迷你吸盘The miniature suckers on its feet clamp on to the corpse,紧抓尸体拖出洞穴and drag it out of the cave.其他食腐动物赶来共享大餐Other scavengers rush to join the feast.虽然身为骇人掠食动物Although it's a fearsome predator,向日葵海星并非所向无敌Pycnopodia doesn't have it all its own way.这些红海胆的速度来不及逃脱These sea urchins aren't speedy enough to escape,但它们有强悍的防卫but they do have a formidable defence.它们的尖锐棘刺难以突破The sharp spines are hard to get past,而且每根棘刺还能分别移动and, what's more, the urchins can move each spine independently,夹住海星伸出的触手pinching the starfish's probing arms.被一群红海胆群困住Trapped by an army of urchins,向日葵海星被一只巨大的普吉特海峡帝王蟹发现Pycnopodia is spotted by an enormous king crab.海星遇到了克星Pycnopodia has more than met its match,帝王蟹立刻扯下它的一根触手and within seconds, the crab rips off one of its arms. 但这只是暂时的不便But that is just a temporary inconvenience.海星失去的触手很快就能再生Starfish are able to quickly regrow a lost limb.巨大的无脊椎动物似乎最令人印象深刻The most impressive invertebrates may seem to be the giants,但有些最小的品种其实具有最重大的影响力but in fact it's some of the smallest that can make the biggest impact.这座岛屿的每一平方寸Every square inch of this island has been created都是由一种不断成长活生生的超级结构组成by an ever-growing, living superstructure,那就是珊瑚礁a coral reef.这么大的珊瑚礁需要数千年成长It's taken thousands of years to reach this size,这一切的起源是不到针头大小的动物and it all began with creatures smaller than a pinhead.珊瑚礁无法随处成长A reef can't be built just anywhere,它需要坚固的立足点it needs something to give it a firm footing.像这样的沉船,能作为绝佳地基A wreck like this provides an excellent foundation. 这艘沉船一落在海床上As soon as it settles on the sea bed,就遭遇入侵者的攻击the wreck comes under attack from invaders -那就是海流带来的浮游生物plankton, carried here by ocean currents.这些是藤壶,海绵动物These are the microscopic larvae of barnacles, sponges,以及最重要的珊瑚的细小幼虫and, most importantly, corals.珊瑚幼虫必须附着在沉船上The larvae must attach themselves to the wreck.它们就定位后发育成称为珊瑚虫的年轻珊瑚Once there, they can develop into young corals called polyps.但珊瑚虫成长速度极为缓慢But the polyps are very slow-growing,并且面临其他入侵者的激烈竞争and there is lots of competition from other invaders.海藻迅速覆盖沉船Algae quickly cover the wreck,对年轻珊瑚造成问题and that's a problem for the young coral.海藻会吸引食草动物Algae attract grazers.珊瑚虫在站稳脚步之前The polyps are in danger of being eaten就可能被吃掉before they've even got a proper foothold.如果条件合适幸存者就能继续建造珊瑚礁If conditions are right, the survivors can go on to build a reef.位置是关键因素Position is critical.太深的话没有足够阳光让珊瑚成长Too deep, and not enough light will reach the corals for them to grow.太浅则可能在退潮时暴露在空气中Too shallow, and they risk being exposed to the air at low tide.珊瑚礁要持续成长For the reef to really flourish,必须位于能带来食物的海流途中it also needs to be in the path of currents carrying food.让时间快转约六年Fast-forward half a dozen years or so,这艘沉船将首度出现肉眼可见的and the wreck will begin to show the first signs 珊瑚迹象of corals visible to the naked eye.再过十年,沉船将彻底改观A decade later, and the wreck will be transformed.数千只珊瑚虫将形成珊瑚丘Thousands of polyps will form coral heads覆盖住船壳that encrust its surface.这艘船是在二次大战期间沉没This ship was sunk during the Second World War,已经有足够时间形成大片珊瑚礁and there has been enough time for a substantial reef to develop.在成长数十年之后After decades of growth,不同品种的珊瑚各自占据沉船的一区different species of corals dominate particular areas of the wreck.成长最快的品种在边缘和两端突出部分最为茂盛The fastest-growing types grow best on the edges and overhangs,往外伸展到大海也向上争取阳光reaching far out into the water, and up to the light.它们只需要一小片区域就能开始成长They need only a small area to establish themselves,而且会迅速长出数十个珊瑚块或珊瑚枝上面挤满珊瑚虫yet they can rapidly grow dozens of plates, or branches,尽量吸收最多阳光crammed with polyps, to gather as much light as possible.成长较慢,也较结实的珊瑚例如这些脑珊瑚Slower-growing, much more robust corals like these brain corals,比较适合长在正在建造的珊瑚礁中央are better suited to the heart of the developing reef.它们能为珊瑚礁提供永续生长的稳固结构It's these that give the reef their structure and permanence.这里或许有近五百个珊瑚品种There could be nearly 500 different species here,各自在生锈船壳上奋力争取一席之地each striving to win a foothold on the rusting hulk.珊瑚的生活步调看似缓慢The pace of life for corals may seem to be so slow,很难想象它们也会竞争that it's hard to imagine that there is any conflict here.但在入夜后珊瑚礁的气氛转变But, as night falls, the mood on the reef changes.珊瑚其实极为好斗Corals are, in fact, extremely aggressive,为了扩展领地,它们会战斗至死and will fight to the death to expand their territory. 这是无法光荣撤退的战役There can be no honourable retreat,赢家会把敌人活活吃掉a winner will, literally, eat its enemy alive.沿着战斗前线敌对双方的珊瑚虫Along the battle front, the polyps of both combatants extrude their guts,吐出丝状的细长内脏long thread-like filaments,盖住敌人over their opponents.战线边缘是死去的珊瑚虫At the fringe, all that remains of the destroyed polyps仅存的骨骼are their skeletons.消化最快的珊瑚就是赢家The coral that can digest fastest, wins.珊瑚持续在Corals constantly grow死去同志的骨骼上成长over the skeletons of their dead comrades,建造出越来越大的珊瑚礁building a bigger and bigger reef.接着是一年一度的盛事在十一月满月过后几天Then, just once a year, a few days after the November full moon,珊瑚开始集体产卵the corals take part in a mass spawning event.数百万个卵和精子被释出到海中Millions of eggs and sperm are released into the water,结合成为幼虫and join,到处漂流寻找定居处to develop into larvae that drift in search of a place to settle.沉船的每一时船壳终将被占据Eventually, every inch of the wreck's surface will be colonised.钢铁会锈蚀消失珊瑚礁将独自屹立The steel will rust away, and the reef will be on its own.多数珊瑚礁的长成都是不靠沉船,自力救济Most reefs grow without the help of a wreck to start them off.只要时间够久就能建造出像这样的巨大结构But, given time, they can create something as huge as this,世上最大的活结构,大堡礁the Great Barrier Reef, the largest living structure on Earth.珊瑚礁的生物多样性甚至高过雨林A coral reef rivals even a rainforest for itsdiversity of life.但这些珊瑚是住在食物稀少的水域Yet corals like this are found in waters where food is very scarce.这里所有生物All the creatures here已经适应高度特化的不同生活方式have had to adopt a different and highly specialised way收集每一个有营养的碎屑to gather every nourishing scrap.圣诞树虫钻入珊瑚骨骼寻求保护Christmas tree worms bore into the coral's skeleton for protection,把身体卷成一圈探出用羽毛状的鳃抓取食物碎粒swirling out and grabbing food particles with their feathery gills.塔藤壶其实是龙虾的亲戚Coral barnacles are, in fact, related to lobsters.它们躺着挥舞长脚They lie on their backs,收集漂过的任何食物waving their feet to gather any food floating past.螃蟹演化出许多觅食方法Crabs have evolved many different ways of gathering food.这只瓷蟹的This porcelain crab前肢有呈扇形的细丝has a fan of filaments on his front legs.拳师蟹的双螯各抓着一只细小海葵A boxer crab attaches a tiny sea anemone to each fist.除了作为防卫As well as for defence,它也用海葵的黏性触手收集路过的浮游生物he uses their sticky tentacles to gather passing plankton.这只红毛猩猩蟹全身长满黏性细毛This orangutan crab's whole body is coated with sticky hairs,但现在它或许觉得太黏手了in this case, perhaps just a bit too sticky!这个奇特动物是海参This strange creature is a sea cucumber.它用触手从沉积物里抓取细小食物It uses its tentacles to grab food from the sediment.这里也有掠食动物例如这些海蛞蝓There are hunters here too, like these nudibranchs, or sea slugs.鲜艳体色是用来警告众人它们有毒Their vibrant colours are a warning that they're toxic.海蛞蝓有三千多个品种许多专门猎捕一种猎物There are over 3,000 species, many hunt just one specific prey.有些则是猎食彼此Some hunt each other.这只帝王虾善加利用它的宿主的有毒特性This emperor shrimp makes the most of the poisonous nature of its host.但它的宿主并没有好处But, it's a rather one-sided affair.在宿主进食时这只虾子有人保护,还能搭便车As it feeds, the shrimp gets protection and a free ride.其他虾子发展出较平衡的关系Other shrimps have developed a more balanced relationship.有些甚至还征求搭档Some even solicit for partners.这些虾子在为晚餐起舞These dance for their dinner.这些则在向路人宣传它们已经开张做生意And these advertise to passers-by that they are open for business.它们是除寄生虫小组They are a parasite removal team,为珊瑚礁的大批鱼群提供服务providing a service for countless fish on the reef,包括可以一口吃下它们的鱼including those that could happily eat them.这样的勇气当然有回报它们可以得到送上门的大餐In return for their bravery, they get a meal that comes to them.由最细小的动物组成的珊瑚礁Coral reefs, built by the tiniest of creatures,占据不到百分之零点五的海床occupy less than half of one per cent of the ocean's floor.但有四分之一的海洋生物仰赖珊瑚礁生存Yet they support a quarter of all marine species.海洋无脊椎动物包括珊瑚,乌贼和蟹类Marine creatures, all without backbones, from corals, to cuttlefish, to crabs,数量占海洋生物的多数make up the majority of life in the oceans.但它们对海洋以外的世界也有令人意外的But they have also had a surprisingly important impact重大影响beyond the marine world.它们的尸体化石,外壳和骨骼Their fossilised bodies, shells and skeletons形成石灰岩和白至如今覆盖了form the limestone and chalk that now covers huge tracts亚洲,欧洲和美洲的大片土地of Asia, Europe, and the Americas.海洋无脊椎动物体型虽小但在二十亿年的悠久历史中They may be small, but over their two billion-year history,它们确实改变了世界they have, literally, changed the world.为了拍摄本集部分的画面To capture some of the sequences in this episode,“生命制作”制作团队将水底摄影推向一个前所未有的境界the Life team had to take underwater filming into uncharted territory.有一次实地拍摄,摄影小组打算花上几个星期,潜入两公尺厚的冰层底下One shoot meant spending weeks diving under two metres of ice,另一次是在热带地区放置一个新的珊瑚礁地基another involved laying the foundation for a new coral reef in the tropics.一艘沉船可以作为珊瑚理想的生长地点A sunken ship can make an ideal location for corals to grow.正因如此,“生命脉动”制作团队决定要接受挑战So, with this in mind, the Life team set themselves a challenge...自己制造沉船事件to make their very own shipwreck.经过几个月的搜索After months of searching,他们在巴哈马找到一艘船可能很适合这次的任务they find a boat in the Bahamas that might be suitable.但是在把船沉入海底之前还得完成许多准备工作But there's a lot to do before it can be sunk to the sea bed.看得出来它已经被堆在这里多久了在码头八年了Apparently it's been here for。

第二集:爬行与两栖动物印度尼西亚,科莫多岛The island of Komodo in Indonesia.偏远而贫瘠Remote and barren.极少有人居住Few people live here.被一种巨型爬行动物统治着It's ruled by a giant reptile.它看起来像是恐龙时代的幸存者It looks like a survivor from the age of the dinosaurs.科莫多龙(科莫多巨蜥)The Komodo dragon.体长九英尺9 feet long.顶级食肉动物A top predator.只有一样东西能挑战它的统治地位Only one thing can challenge a dragon's dominance.另一条龙Another dragon.在繁殖季节,公龙们陷入了野蛮的战斗In the breeding season巨大的利爪和60颗锯齿状的牙,可以带来毁灭性的伤害Huge claws and 60 serrated teeth can inflict terrible damage.科莫多龙是目前统治陆地的唯一爬虫类The Komodo dragon is the only reptile that still rules the land...就像当初恐龙称霸陆地一样as the dinosaurs once did.它能统治这里,是因为没有竞争对手It can dominate here because it has no competition.但世界上其它地方的爬虫和两栖动物But for the rest of the world's reptiles and amphibians生存意味着艰苦的斗争survival is a much tougher struggle.如科莫多龙,爬虫和两栖动物看起来很原始Like the dragon更适应远古的时代better suited to an earlier age.但它们仍旧有令人吃惊的生存技巧Yet they have a surprising repertoire of extraordinary strategies.以致能在地球的许多地方兴旺发达And they still thrive in many parts of the planet.这是一个讲述它们如何做到的故事This is the story of how they do so.南美洲,巴西与委内瑞拉交界处的原始丛林South America陡峭的山峰绝壁从森林里隆起Sheer-sided mountains rise up from the jungle.地球上没几个地方比这儿更潮湿Few places on Earth are wetter.这里是一些远古而又奇异的两栖动物的家It's the home of some ancient and very peculiar amphibians.瀑布蟾蜍,体长一英寸,一枚邮票大小The waterfall toad is just an inch long特殊的手掌能让它安全地爬到树顶Its special gripping hands enable it to clamber safely但在高处并不孤单But it's not alone up here.大多数的蟾蜍和蛙靠跳跃脱离危险Most frogs and toads avoid predators by hopping out of danger.但这种蟾蜍没能演化出哪怕跳出一英寸远的能力But this toad never evolved the ability to hop for more than an inch而且那也远远不够啊and that's nowhere near enough.一条路是被吃掉One way it gets eaten.另一条路是虚无的空气The other way is thin air.没多少选择Not much of a choice.但这并非自杀But this isn't suicide.而是成熟的策略It's a deliberate strategy依靠那奇特的手掌and one that depends on the size and strength所具备的尺寸和力量of those extraordinary hands.这种自由落体是非常有效的逃命手段Free-falling like this is a very effective way of escaping. 然而,这座山里有另一种蟾蜍将这一战术演绎得更为精彩However它生活在与下面世界隔绝的It lives a mile above the forest高出森林一英里的高原上cut off from the world below.这是卵石蟾蜍This is a pebble toad.也只有一英寸大小It too is only an inch long.这些岩石对蟾蜍来说看起来就像天堂These rocks may seem a paradise for a toad.这儿比下面的森林更加潮湿,而且没有蛇It's even wetter than the forest below and there are no snakes.但这里也有捕食者But there is a hunter here.食蟾蜘蛛A toad-eating tarantula.它伏击猎物It ambushes its prey.跟瀑布蟾蜍一样,卵石蟾蜍也不会跳Like the waterfall toad但它有不同的防守But it has a different defence.它绷紧全身肌肉,将自己缩成一团,好似橡胶球It tenses its muscles由于体型小、体重轻It's so tiny and weighs so little这种撞击根本不会伤害到它that bouncing doesn't hurt it at all.像这样奇异的战术就是Bizarre innovations like these are one of the reasons why爬虫和两栖类仍旧如此成功适应的原因amphibians and reptiles are still so successful.它们中的一些Some of them几千万年以来几乎没变过have hardly changed for tens of millions of years.巴西的Pantanal. Brazil's Pantanal.超过5万平方英里的沼泽Over 50在旱季,水位降低后形成一些独立的小湖In the dry season它们容纳着地球上数量最大的鳄鱼群and then they contain the greatest concentration of crocodiles on Earth.凯门鳄These caiman crocodiles很快就陷入了缺少食物的境地are trapped and fast running out of food.距离雨季和河水的到来很长一段时间It will be a long time before the rains return and the rivers rise随水而来的还有它们的猎物:鱼bringing with them the caiman's作为冷血动物,它们可以几个月不进食Being cold blooded they can go without food for months除非吵架,它们尽量保持低调and stay inactive except when they squabble.最终雨来了,河水泛滥At last所有鳄鱼都擅长节省力气All reptiles are experts at saving energy.凯门鳄只是并排着,等待鱼往它们嘴里钻The caiman simply line up and wait for the fish to come to them.爬虫和两栖类在活动之前Reptiles and amphibians must warm their bodies必须先让身体暖和起来before they can become active and until then否则行动迟缓,非常脆弱they are slow-moving and vulnerable.获得热量的最快办法就是晒太阳The quickest way to gain heat is to bask in the sun就像这只中美洲怪蜥as this basilisk lizard from Central America is doing.问题是这样暴露自己The trouble is that exposing yourself难免会被发现inevitably makes you easily seen.但是像这样明目张胆地趴在河面上But a conspicuous perch over a river like this看起来可不太明智seems to be making yourself unnecessarily prominent.这只蜥蜴的威胁来自天空This basilisk's greatest threat comes from the sky.空中的阴影让它恐慌Dark shapes overhead make it nervous.猎食的鸟预料它也许会逃进树林里A hunting bird might expect it to flee to the trees.但事实恰好相反In fact水上疾走只需短短数秒This skitter across the surface of the water earns it precious seconds因此得一名号:耶稣蜥蜴(能行走于水上)and the nickname由于力量够强、步频够快It drives its feet down so hard and so fast它在水面下沉往往不到几英寸that it never sinks deeper than a few inches.人要做到这样,必须跑出65英里的时速(104公里/时)A human would need to run at 65mph to do this.爬虫类显然都是逃跑专家Reptiles are certainly expert at avoiding trouble它们也非常擅长,在看起来不怎么适合它们but they are also very good at finding a way to live in places的地方找到生存之道that don't seem to suit them at all.它们包括,曾在地球上横行的最大的动物They once included the largest animals that have ever walked the Earth...恐龙the dinosaurs.有些却比雷克斯猫(一种鬈毛家猫比一些昆虫还小Smaller indeed这种巴西小壁虎可以稳稳地坐在指尖上The Brazilian pygmy gecko could sit comfortably on a finger tip.没哪种爬虫比它还要小了It's so exceptionally small that no other reptiles compete with it.但是它相当敏捷But it's so nimble能够逃脱灌木丛里的猎食者it can escape from the hunting monsters of the undergrowth.太小也会有特殊的麻烦,比如说:雨It is so small that it has special problems with一滴雨就能淹掉它It could drown in a drop但它的皮肤是不沾水的but its skin is hydrophobic.雨淋湿不了它Rain cannot wet it.如果跌进水坑里A tumble into a puddle你可能会觉得它有溺死的危险would risk death by drowning.但小壁虎压根儿就不会下沉But the gecko is unsinkable.太轻,皮肤又非常油It's so light and its skin sowater-repellent它能够稳稳地趴在水上that it canliterally stand on water.如此小的体型自然让人印象深刻Such miniaturisation is certainly very impressive但是爬虫的身体会发生更为戏剧性的变化but the reptile body can be transformed even more dramatically.在马达加斯加One of the most bizarre of allreptiles最为奇特的爬虫正在捕食昆虫hunts insects herein Madagascar.螳螂拥有360度的视野The praying mantis has 360 degree vision但还是没看到危险已经来临but it hasn't seen the danger thatisnow approaching.变色龙A panther chameleon.身体的每一部分Every part of its body都演化得高度适应这种隐秘的丛林生活has become specialised for a life of stealth among the branches.脚趾如钳子般有力Its toes have become grasping pincers.两眼独立转动,所以能看到各个方向Its eyes rotate so it can look in all directions.皮肤能通过变色来伪装,或者表达情感Its skin can change colour for camouflage or to signal emotions.变色龙能在天敌和猎物面前隐身The chameleon body is concealed from both predator and prey因此能发起突袭so it can launch a surprise attack.它的舌头就像制导导弹The tongue is a like a missile瞄准猎物直接摧毁其防线aimed at its prey's head to neutralise its defences.简言之,变色龙Chameleons完美适应了丛林捕猎生活to a life spent hunting in trees很难想像它们在其它地方该如何生存that it's hard to imagine how they could live anywhere else.纳米布沙漠The Namib Desert.连绵数百英里没有树木There are no trees for hundreds of miles.但这些确实是蜥蜴的脚印Yet these are这只雌性蜥蜴正在寻找配偶This female Namaqua chameleon is searching for a mate.看起来它身体的每一部分都不适应这里的环境No part ofher body seems suited tosuch an environment.它的脚,能够帮助它紧紧抓住树枝Her feet但在松软的沙地上似乎没什么用处shouldsurely be useless on soft sand.但它能摊开脚掌,就像滑雪板But she's able to spread them like snow shoes.沙漠还很凉,但它的身体需要尽快热起来以便活动She needs to get warm and active while the desert is still cool因此它独特的皮肤起发挥了作用so she exploits the chameleon's versatile skin.朝阳的那一面颜色变深,以便吸收阳光的热量The side facing the sun goes dark to absorb the sun's heat背光一面仍旧是浅色while the other remains light极少热量能从它的身体流失and minimises the heat escaping from her body.它很饥饿,食物稀少She's hungry and food is scarce.但它动作还是不够快,抓不到这些甲虫But she's still not quick enough to grab these desert beetles.它的策略很简单Her solution is simple.找到一丛草She finds等待着寻找树荫乘凉的甲虫送上门来and waits for ashade-seeking beetle to come to her.然后,它继续上路寻找男友On she goes最终,一位浪子出现了At last但他也许并不会如她所愿地对她But he may not treat her as she might wish.大部分蜥蜴的求爱期都很短The courtship of most chameleons is gentle.在这片沙漠里But in this desert雌雄相遇机会难得,他不敢轻易拒绝 a male meets a female so rarely he can't risk being rejected.她继续前进,现在已经怀上了下一代She marcheson六个月的冰冻A six-month freeze气温会跌至零下40摄氏度when temperatures may drop to minus 40 degrees centigrade对爬虫来说绝无生存之可能should surelymake things impossible for a reptile.但在加拿大,融雪下面,有东西蠢蠢欲动But here in Canada一条雄性红色束带蛇A male red-sided garter snake.通过地下冬眠度过严寒He survived the winter by hibernating underground那里气温从没有低过零下where the temperature never dropped below zero.微弱的阳光让更多的雄蛇现身The weak sun persuades more males to emerge.虽然身体还是冷的,移动缓慢,但它们仍然争先恐后They are cold and can't move fast最先热身的的雄蛇将会在第一条雌蛇出现时The first males to warm up will have a head start 占得先机when the first females appear.融化的雪水是它们六个月来喝下的第一口Melt water provides the first drink they've had for six months.最后,一条雌蛇出现了At last身体最热的雄性,将会对她的气味最先做出反应The warmest males will inevitably be the first to react to her smell.她只会交配一次,所以他们之间的竞争很紧张She will only mate once这条蛇睡过头了This male has overslept.还需要好几个小时来热身He will need hours to warm up.此时,他没有交配的机会At the moment he stands no chance of mating.大部分的雄蛇准备好追求异性,但是,很奇怪Most of the other males are ready to chase females but有一些弃权了,奔向那条冰冷的雄性some leave the race and go to join the cold male.将自己暖和的身体滑过他冰冷的身体They slide their warm bodies over him就如同他们正在和雌性亲热just as they would if they were courting a female.越来越多的雄性朝他涌来,为何?More and more males crowd round him. Why?它们的热成像图显示了所发生的故事Their relative temperatures show what's going on.他冰冷的身体,呈蓝色His cool body通过吸收周围雄性的热量,迅速热起来了is quickly warming as it absorbs heat from the other males.原来他是个骗子,通过散发出一种雌蛇的气味He's a trickster诱骗其他雄性来与他交配just like a female's and they are trying to mate with him.他只需几分钟,就能从对手们那里骗来的足够热量He only needs a few minutes of this to steal enough heat from his rivals完成热身,参与竞争to catch up and join the chase.每个春天,上万条红色束带蛇Every spring上演一场交配大战fight it out in this mating frenzy.成了世界上数量最多的爬虫聚会It is寻找配偶只是爬虫们繁育后代Getting a mate is just the first challenge a reptile faces所遇到的第一个挑战whenit's ready to breed.这只马达加斯加鬣鳞蜥This collared iguana in Madagascar今年只会产一窝卵will only lay one batch of eggs thisyear所以需要一个安全的地方隐藏起来so she needs somewhere safeto hide them.它的卵很受捕食者欢迎Her eggs are much sought after by predators是包装精美的套餐they'reexcellent pre-packaged meals.看来她有了办法She appears to have the answer.她擦掉了埋藏地点附近的所有足迹She covers all traces of where she buried them.这是个不错的计策It's a good strategy.但还不够But not good enough.猪鼻蛇学会了盯梢鬣鳞蜥的产卵地点Hog-nosed snakes have learned to keep watch on iguana nesting sites然后在埋藏地点做记号and to note the precise place where the eggs lie buried.她被彻底的打败了She has been completely outwitted.只能眼睁睁的看着宝贝们被吃掉She can only stand by and watch as her precious eggs are eaten.下一年她必须找一个Next yearshe'll have to find a nesting site没有猪鼻蛇的产卵地点without a hog-nosed snake.在世界另一边,亚利桑那沙漠On the other side of the world相似的剧本却有不同的结局 a similar drama has a very different outcome.一只雌性角蜥守护着埋下的蛋A female horned lizard guards herburied eggs严防一切会对它们and is keeping a lookout for anything造成干扰的因素that mightinterfere with them.一条西部斑鼻蛇A western patch-nosed snake.专门吃蛋It is an egg-eater.她不会容忍And she won't stand for it.这条蛇还不是她的对手The patch-nose is no match for this kind of aggression.她的蛋蛋们暂时安全了Her eggs are safe另一猎食者,鞭蛇Another predator这种蛇专吃蜥蜴And this species is a lizard eater.她知道实力差距And she can tell the difference.这种蛇很快,她来不急逃走The snake is too fast for herto outrun it.所以她把自己变得看起来更为高大So she makesherself look larger and taller.鞭蛇不敢轻易吞下The snakeis wary of swallowing anything像这个看起来又大、又多刺的东西thatlooks as big and as spiky as this.现在,蜥蜴亮出王牌And now the lizard plays her trump card.鞭蛇还不习惯于捕食这样的猎物The snake isn't accustomed to prey that does this.一条被搞懵了的蛇One very confused snake.现在她可以回去继续守卫Now she can return to guard duty几个月后,她便迎来了第一个宝贝and several months later she's rewarded with her first baby. 照看自己所下的蛋,对于离开陆地Looking after your eggs is an even greater challenge for reptiles去到海洋生活的爬虫来说是个更大的挑战thathave left land to live in the sea.太平洋上的纽埃岛是世界上The Pacific island of Niue is home to the world's entire population 一种特殊金环海蛇的家ofone particular type of sea krait.这种蛇习惯了水下生活This snake is superbly adapted to life underwater除非到了繁殖季节except when it's time to breed.在几分钟的交配过后,雌蛇已经受精了After a few minutes in a mating coil现在,她面临一个问题But now she has a problem.爬行动物的卵在水下无法存活Reptile eggs can't survive underwater发育中的后代会溺死the developing young would drown.它们必须呼吸空气They have to be able to breathe air.如果返回陆地,她和她的宝贝蛋蛋们She and her eggs are both vulnerable to predators都容易受到天敌攻击if they return to land.但她有特别的解决办法But she hasan extraordinary solution.她潜入岛下She dives beneath the island.找到一条长长的水下通道To find the entrance to a long underwater tunnel.通道尽头是一个有空气的洞穴At the far end is a cave with an air pocket.这就是蛋蛋们需要的地方This is the dry land her eggs need.这里没有天敌There are no predators here.这个洞穴下面是水,上面封顶The cavern is sealed by a roof above and the water below.她找到一个裂缝,将蛋产下She searches for a crevice where she can deposit her eggs.在这里,蛋蛋们绝对安全The eggs will be completely safe here她也可以返回大海了and she can return to the open sea.六个月后,小蛇会吸入第一口空气Six months later然而,小蛇们必须自己找到入水的路Somehow沿着通道,到达大海Then down the tunnel and out to sea.一只雄性大牛蛙A male giant bullfrog.爬虫和两栖动物极少照顾已经孵化的幼仔Reptiles and amphibians rarely care for their young after theyhatch但这只南非的大块头是个例外but this South African bruiser is an exception.雄性们通过战斗划分领地The males sort out their dominance through combat.强者能和大多数异性交配The strongest will mate with the most females.你可不会期待这么好斗的雄蛙You might not expect such anaggressive male会是个细心的爸爸to bea caring father.但这只雄蛙留下来,看守不止自己的Yet one male stays behind to watch over甚至包括别人的后代but everyone else's offspring.雌蛙将卵产在The females laid their eggs in the shallows水池周围的浅水区around the margins of the pool.但太阳很烈But the sun is intense浅滩缩成了一个小小的水坑and the shallows have shrunk to a single pool.蝌蚪们有被困住的危险There's a real danger that the tadpoles will be stranded.守护者意识到了这个The guardian male recognises the problem.除非它帮忙,一小时内它们就会死掉They will be dead within an hour unless he can do something to help.要救它们,它只有一个办法There is only one thing he can do to save them.挖一条通到大水池的水渠Dig a channelto themain pool.它们安全了They're safe.引人入胜的新策略使得爬虫和两栖动物Remarkable innovations have made amphibians andreptiles在现代成名amodern success story.更有甚者,它们中间有一种爬虫What is more是毫无争议的陆地食肉动物之王that is stillan undisputed top land predator.科莫多龙The Komodo dragon.它们大多数能轻而易举地捕食鹿They mostly hunt deer但在困难时期,科莫多龙会冒险捕食更大的动物But in hard times the dragons risk hunting something much bigger.水牛,比它们体型大十倍Water buffalo直到现在,还没有拍到龙猎食水牛的镜头Until now旱季It's the dry season.一头水牛在炎热里酣睡A buffalo sleeps through the heat of the day最后的几个水坑之一in one of the last waterholes.科莫多龙们埋伏在一旁Dragons lurk around the margins.在水牛看来,这只会觉得不爽The buffalo seems to view them as just an irritation而不会觉得危险not a danger.这是个严重的错误A serious mistake.科莫多龙小心翼翼,被戳到或被踢到会造成重伤The dragon is wary a jab or a kick could injure it fatally.这一咬只是皮肉之伤,但其它龙开始躁动起来The bites are just flesh wounds but other dragons are alert now.就像鲨鱼,它们被鲜血刺激得很兴奋Like sharks水牛跛着脚离开了The buffaloleaves with just a limp.科莫多龙们看起来失败了The dragons appear to have failed.但它们对水牛显示出极大的兴趣Yet they show a peculiar interest in the buffalo无论它去哪里都跟着and follow it wherever it goes.几天下来,水牛的伤口无法愈合As the days pass它的身体开始虚弱It starts to weaken.科莫多龙的猎食方法开始明朗起来The dragons' hunting method begins to come clear.一份新的研究显示,科莫多龙能分泌毒液,如同毒蛇 A brand new discovery reveals that the dragon has venom那一咬最终可以致命The bite will eventually prove fatal但前后需要几周时间but it's going to take several weeks.科莫多龙,为了这一顿大餐,它们等得起The dragons它们只是简单的跟着猎物,保存体力They simply stick close to their victim and conserve their energy.数千年前,矮象(估计已灭绝)曾生活在这里Thousands of years ago科莫多龙可能就是用同样的方法,将它们猎食殆尽的The dragons probably hunted them in exactly the same way.整个过程很漫长But the process is a long三周后,水牛已经极度虚弱Three weeks later and the buffalo is very weak.科莫多龙意识到,就要结束了The dragonssense that the end is near.它们仍需小心,水牛可能会猛力还击They must remain wary慢慢地,它们试探着靠近,结果了它Gradually they closein to try and finish it off.科莫多龙的战术是残酷的The dragons'strategy is certainly merciless但像这样的大餐,只能用这一方法才能得到but it is the only way that they can get a meal like this在困难时期,想要生存,它们确实需要这样的大餐and in hard timesthey need it if they're to survive.夜间,水牛死掉了The buffalo died in the night.十条巨龙聚在一起会餐Tenbig dragons have gathered to feed.四小时后,水牛只剩下一副骨架They strip the buffalo to the bone in just four hours.这是地球上最大的有毒动物This is the biggest venomous animal on the planet.我们不必借助于侏罗纪公园的故事We don't need tales of Jurassic Park and Velociraptors来看爬虫怎样统治世界to see a reptiledominated world.这里就有It's all here.接下来是精彩花絮,别走开哦之前从没有人跟随拍摄过No-one has ever before followed the whole process科莫多龙猎食水牛的全过程of aKomodo dragon hunting a buffalo.所以摄影师Kevin Flay和研究员Matt Swarbrick So cameraman Kevin Flay and researcher Matt Swarbrick不知道会发生什么didn't know what to expect.他们以为这只是对身体的考验They thought it would be a physicalchallenge没想到对他们的情感冲击更大but they hadn't bargained for emotional turmoil as well.经过四天跋涉,他们到达科莫多岛They reached Komodo after a four day journey.Kevin,一位专业摄影师Kevin深知他们已经闯入了龙的地盘knows they're in dragon territory.看看这些宽大的(脚印)Lookhow wide that is.看看这个Look at that.Yes.他们唯一的防护,是手持木棍的护林员Their only protection is these rangers体型较大的龙看起来确实很可怕These big ones look really scary直到它们靠近时,你更会体验到这一点And not until you get它们出现在镜头里时,你会怀疑自己and when they're by the camera是否信得过那些拿树枝保护你的人in our friends with the sticks.但这条龙并不大But this dragon isn't a big one.五英尺长,才半大At five foot真正的大家伙住在内陆The really big ones live in landKevin和Matt正是要去那个地方which is exactly where Kevin andMatt must go找一个水牛和龙会遭遇的地点to find a place where dragons and buffalo might meet.我们会花费五周时间走遍这个岛We could spend five weeks walking around all over the island 只为找到一个龙和水牛相遇的场景just trying to find dragons randomly coming across buffalos 幸运的是,现在是旱季but fortunately for us it is the dry season岛上只剩下一个水池and there's only one decent waterhole left on the island显然,科莫多龙和水牛都需要水and both the dragons and the buffalo require water这样它们就会碰头which brings them together.Kevin打算在这儿等候Kevin decides to wait here但几天下来没见着龙的影子but aftera few days with no sign of dragons看起来这是个错误的决定it looks like the wrong decision.噢,来了一头水牛Oh你知道,这是这几天最兴奋的事情You know this is about as看Look.看那个See that.你好啊Hello差不多一周后,情况有变After almost a week something changes几条龙出现了and a couple of dragons appear.有护林员吗?Have we got a ranger here?伙计们,护林员呢?Guys我们都知道危险程度Always know how dangerous a situation is但还是很担忧but it does seem a bit concerning我们的一个护林员已经爬到了树上that one of our rangers is sat up in a tree.但是科莫多龙看起来对水牛和人都没兴趣But the dragons show no interest in the buffalo or the crew失望在继续and the frustration continues.看起来任务相当简单Yet their task seems so simple.我们只需拍下So all we need它攻击它的画面isfor him to film him attacking him.但它看起来准备攻击另一个But it looks like he isabout to attack him.不小心割伤了,在龙的地盘可不太妙Just cut myself我必须格外小心I better be careful.现在我们打算收拾回营,只需一小时Now we've gotta start our walk home但问题是,如果事情发生了but the thing is你很顺利地拍到了you've managed to film good stuff then it你会快速回去弄点吃的you just trot on home andfind some dinner然后在屋子里谈论一番and find out what the rats have done to your room.但此时正是一天中非常炎热的时候But it's still really hot at this time of day正因如此,如果你没拍到什么好东西and so只是在这里傻等一天and you've just sat here all day long回去时一路上肯定会很不爽thenit's a hell of a long walk home.他们已经来回很多趟了,终于,又来了一条龙They have a lot of long walks home but finally a new dragon appears它的举止看起来不太一样something about its attitude seems different.或许会有所斩获,但是我们发现另一条龙不见了Maybe we could be onto something but I've now lost that other dragon这让我们有些紧张which makes me a bit nervous.开始只是试探At first it's wary不愿太靠近水牛unwilling to get too close to the buffalo.较大的龙也来了Big dragons involved here.就像忽然冒出来似地That came from absolutely nowhere.那家伙看起来是认真的That guy has got some real attitude.第一口咬下去,鲜血的味道引发连锁反应That first bite and the smell of blood set off a chain reaction.所有的龙都活跃起来All the dragons seem to come to life.平静的水池现在成了危险的场所The peaceful watering hole is now a dangerous place to be.是的,此时我一定是两头想Well就像某个摄影师所说:太帅了one as a cameraman saying另一个则说,可怜的动物And the other one's thinking那样不好,真的不好"That's not nice快点,再快点Quickly快上呀quick我的心跳加速My heart's pumping a bit.至少心脏还能运作,天啊,真的有点毛骨悚然At least my heart still works. Good Lord现在,摄制组必须每天跟着那头水牛Now the crew must follow the buffalo everyday以便完成整个拍摄to finish their filming job.这个则很消耗他们的感情This begins to take a toll on their emotions.它知道自己受伤了,不能正常行走He knows he's injured一些猎食者则在周围and he's got these predators just gathering around him等待时机waiting for the opportunity.很可怕It's gruesome.跟着水牛,也意味着与龙共舞Shadowing the buffalo means staying close to the dragons too. 我们很疯狂,跟着那头水牛This is mad we've我想,有六条龙,我跟丢了and有六条龙到了河床I think it's six dragons但你知道,它们就躲在附近and我们都有些紧张we're all a bit nervous这的确很吓人的说this is actually quite frightening它们非常强悍,一点也不怵我们They're so capable and so unafraid of us它们能毫不费力地and they would have no problems at all对我们造成致命伤害of causing us major那个时候我只有5%-10%的安全把握At the moment I feel about 5 to 10% confident that I'm safe here但真实情况我们是不知道的but the truth is we just don't know.日子一天天过去,Kevin和Matt As the days pass免不了更加投入感情can't help butfeel more deeply involved.我确信,摄制组开始期盼I'm sure they're starting tothink of us as death出现死亡you know因为,就算我们一直没有介入Because但不管怎么说,我们一直跟着水牛和龙in anyway你知道,它受伤了,我们一直跟着and它会回头望着你and you see her looking backat you我确信已经感受到了死亡的气息and I'm sure I feel like death and his scythe's comingin to kill. 我不知道如何从这个氛围里跳出来I'm not really that sure how cut out I am for this.如果你花很长时间观察一只动物如何死去If那不知是什么滋味I don't know about that.科莫多龙看起来野蛮无情The dragons seem brutal但这是它们获得大型猎物的唯一手段yet this is the only way they can get large prey.对我们来说,这只是它们的私人恩怨For the team。

第一集:生命的挑战我们的星球Our planet may be home大约是3千多万种动植物的家to 30 million different kinds of animals and plants.每个物种都会为生存而奋斗一生Each individual locked in its own life-long fight for survival. 无论你将目光投向何方,陆地还是海洋Everywhere you look总会看到为生存而战的壮观事例examples of the lengths living things go to to stay alive.这里是弗罗里达海岸This is the coast of Florida.海床上奇怪的图案Here暗示着某种动物独特的战术hint at one animal's remarkable strategy.它们是宽吻海豚These are bottlenose dolphins地球上最聪明的动物之一one of the most intelligent animals on Earth.它们的猎物是迅速、灵巧的鱼Their prey is very elusive但是海豚们进化出了一种全新的捕猎技巧But the dolphins have invented a completely new way of hunting.通过用力向下拍尾巴,将淤泥搅动起来By beating its tail down hard再通过绕圈游动And by swimming in a tight circle用浑浊的泥水将一大群鱼包围起来it creates a ring of mushrooming mud around a shoal of fish.再像收网一样缩小包围圈The contracting ring traps the fish just like a net.由于恐慌,小鱼们四下乱跳Panicked海豚们张嘴以待,很多鱼落入口中Right into the open mouths of the waiting dolphins.通过默契的组织、协作Again and again海豚们造出一个接一个的包围圈before they all line up with perfect timing.这群海豚这种优势在这个适者生存的世界里This sort of advantage may mean the difference between life and death也许就决定着生或死in the survival of the fittest.这些事例能显示出动植物This series reveals the most spectacular and extraordinary一些奇特而又壮观的生存策略strategies that animals and plants have developed to stay alive. 对任何物种来说必须克服,然后生存下来all of which must be overcome肯尼亚顶级猎手The supreme hunters.猎豹专靠速度捕猎Cheetahs specialise in hunting at speed.尽管很快它们天生只能捕捉小型猎物built to sprint after small prey.它们不具备像狮子那样的力量和体重They don't have the strength or weight of a lion来扑倒大型猎物to bring down larger animals.这只公豹是不同的This male is different.并不单独捕猎,它明白“豹多力量大”的道理He doesn't hunt alone. He's learnt that there is strength in numbers.而且不只两头,而是三头But here there are not just two兄弟连A band of brothers.它们改变战术They have changed their tactics and对猎物发动偷袭have taken their prey by surprise.它们学会了只要团结合作They have learnt that working together就能捕捉大的猎物they can bring down large prey.鸵鸟An ostrich.一种远比猎豹高大而且几乎比它们重两倍的鸟A bird that towers over a cheetah and is more than twice as heavy.虽然逃跑时不能飞,但拥有致命的“弹腿一踢”It can't fly to escape danger一只雌鸵鸟没有留意到任何危险A female即便三头豹子,也要冒较高的风险Even with three of them this is still highly risky.如果有一头受伤,另两头是搞不定这么大的猎物的If one gets injured the other two couldn't hope to tackle such large prey.反之,如果这笔买卖成了On the other hand回报是相当丰厚的are huge.雄鸵鸟已经发现了一头豹子,只是一头The male has spotted one of the brothers它并没有怎么担心It's not too worried.忽然变成三头!Then suddenly there are three!雌鸵鸟意识到危险时,已经有点晚了The female is slower to realise the danger猎豹也改变了目标and the cheetahs switch targets.必须将三头豹子的力量全部联合起来才能制服这种大鸟It takes the combined effort and weight of all three brothers to bring down this powerful bird.即便此时,鸵鸟也会发出最后一击Even now the ostrich could land a fatal kick.现在,豹子们赢了So far鸵鸟们则必须学会应付这种攻击策略Ostriches have yet to find a way to foil such tactics.其它动物也进化出了类似的集体战术Other animals have also evolved surprising tactics to outmanoeuvre它们的对手,不但有惊人的力量,还有特殊的武器the enemy马达加斯加Madagascar.一个捉摸不透的奇怪地方A strange world where nothing is quite as it seems.在这里捕猎需要诡秘和花招To hunt here requires stealth and subterfuge.在这些树林里生存的一定是伪装大师And living within the trees is a master of ambush.螳螂A preying mantis.良好的伪装、轻巧的身手Well camouflaged and lightning quick这种昆虫是高效的猎手these insects are highly efficient predators.但即便它全副武装But even they are outgunned.变色龙A chameleon.它的伪装极其出色,因为它能够改变皮肤颜色与环境一致Its camouflage is exceptional because it can change its skin colour to match its surroundings.它的两眼能独立转动,侦测猎物Its eyes move independently to spot prey.悄悄地向目标爬行,直到进入攻击范围It creeps towards to its victim然后使出超级武器Then it unleashes a super weapon.它的舌头能以15米/秒的速度弹射而出Its tongue shoots out at 15 metres per second.击中目标同时能将其牢牢黏住And not only hits不过很少的猎手能做到百战百胜But few hunters are always successful.它们捕猎只为果腹For them a hunt is just one meal.但对被捕者而言就惨了For prey非生即死It's life...or death.南极洲由春入夏时,那些一度冰封的海湾得以解冻As Antarctica moves from spring into summer动物们开始觅食And animals move in to feed.南极食蟹海豹These are crabeater seals.它们并非真的吃螃蟹,而是捕食这片水域里以数十亿集群的小虾They don't actually eat crabs 这些海豹躺在大的浮冰上是比较安全的Resting on a large ice floe一旦下水,就得十分警惕But as soon as they enter the water事出有因for good reason.虎鲸(逆戟鲸)Killer whales.在南极许多虎鲸只吃鱼Here in Antarctica但这一群不同,它们专猎食海豹But these whales are different这只海豹下水后,没意识到危险正迎头袭来This seal swimming to open water is unaware of the danger heading his way.直到现在Until now.这次真的麻烦了,无法逃脱除非躲在这块小浮冰后面He's in real trouble. There is no escape unless he can hide behind this small piece of floating ice.但它已经被发现,并被包围But he's been spotted and surrounded.就看够不够敏捷了Now agility is his only chance.拼命地闪躲,不肯离开冰块半步He dodges for his life它已累坏了He's tiring.虎鲸们缩小包围圈,准备吃掉它And the whales tighten the circle但捕食者们并不是每次都能如愿But hunters don't always get their own way.最后,海豹的决心和技巧In the end利用冰块作掩护,保住了性命the ice for protection虎鲸们则继续远征And the whales move on.最近的观察得知Recently it's been observed that killer whales虎鲸们在捕食其它种类的海豹时成功率更高are much more successful when hunting other types of seal.像这只食蟹海豹,备战太充分了Crabeaters like this put up too much of a fight.生活在开放水域的生物则没地方躲避For creatures living in the open ocean there is nowhere to hide from predators.群体生活则相对安全But there is safety in numbers.有一种鱼进化出了独特的逃跑方法One fish完全离开水面经过一番努力的空中飞行After a huge effort to get airborne飞鱼可以滑翔200米,来逃脱捕食者的追逐can glide 200 metres or so并非所有生物都是猎手,有些食素Not all animals are hunters但即便是动植物之间,关系也会相当紧张But the battle between animals and plants can also be intense.Boa Vista这个山谷布满了奇形怪状的石头This valley is peppered with strangely pitted rocks.这些并非自然形成的,而是动植物长期斗争的产物These are not natural formations but thelegacy of a long struggle between one animal and one plant.棕毛僧猴晚上它们在安全的洞里过夜They spend their nights in the safety of caves早晨则出来觅食emerging each morning to find food.特别喜欢下到山谷里Down in the valley is a particular favourite.椰果A nut palm.果实里种子很大很多防止饥饿的动物们取食that protect them against attack from hungry animals.对猴子来说这是一场消耗战For the capuchins this is a war of attrition.它们挑出成熟的果子第一步是撕开果子表面的粗纤维The first job is to tear the tough fibrous husk from the nut.它并不是直接将果实掰开He doesn't try to crack the nut straight away而是将它放在地上but drops it to the ground.它知道一周后果实就会被太阳晒干He's learnt that a nut should be given a week or so drying in the sun.这些是它先前准备好的These are ones he prepared earlier.敲打,看是否已经好了He taps them to see if they're ready.这个大石块就是它的工具This huge flat rock is his anvil.锤子And this is a hammer.这种石头比锤子还要坚硬It's made of a different and much harder rock than the anvil.奇迹就要发生了Now something extraordinary happens.棕毛僧猴利用石块The capuchins' use of these stone tools requires an exceptional level需要极高的技巧、智商和计划of intelligence果壳最终破裂,露出含油丰富的种子The nut finally cracks and exposes a rich小猴子观察并模仿如果它们想要自立If they are to become independent就得学会如何打开这些硬果they must learn to crack their own nuts.但是学习的过程相当漫长,充满沮丧But the learning process is long它们很早就知道想要成功They learn early on that to do a job properly就得有合适的工具you need the right tool.一般要花上八年时间才能练成这精湛的技艺It can take eight years for a capuchin to master this art攻破椰果坚不可摧的防线and overcome the palm's formidable defences.但有些植物反败为胜,专吃动物But some plants have turned the tables and feed on animals. 这是一个极度精巧的陷阱This is a highly sophisticated trap. The bait盘子的周围布满了香甜的蜜汁sugary nectar around the rim of the disc.一旦碰到了这些小刺中的两根,就发动了机关The triggers一只苍蝇受不了这颜色和香味儿的诱惑The victim一根One.两根Two.一旦触发,笼子迅速合拢,苍蝇无法逃脱When triggered维纳斯捕蝇草现在慢慢地消化食物The Venus flytrap now slowly digests its victim.生存的挑战不仅仅在于觅食Life's challenges are more than just finding food.每种动物都会有繁育期In every animal's life there comes a time when its mind turns tobreeding.有种生物的表现令人惊异One creature's approach is mind-boggling.马来群岛Malaysia.这种奇怪的昆虫一直蛰伏在森林的地表This strange insect has been lying dormant on the forest floor.一旦树上安全了,这些雄虫就躲进树叶中,开始奇特的变形Once safe in the trees有个特征显示出祖先和后代的差别One that will make the difference between fathering offspring or not.它开始大口地空气进入头部He begins by gulping in air bubbles然后把气泡挤到“眼棒”里去He then pumps the bubbles into the stalks supporting his eyes就像吹气球一样just like blowing up a balloon.这也使它得到了这个名字:And this is what earns these creatures their name棒眼蝇the stalk-eyed fly.最后只需将褶皱稍稍抹平A few final adjustments to straighten out any remaining creases它已经准备好了and he's ready for action.看起来好像有些笨重,但这种“棒眼”不但可以更有利于发现天敌They may look unwieldy 也是赢得异性青睐的关键to spot predators夜间雌雄聚集,雄虫们开始逐对逐对比较眼睛的尺寸In the evening both males and females gather and the males begin to size one another up眼距最宽的得到最高的优先权Having the widest eye span puts you at the top of the pecking order.棒眼不是武器,而是标尺The eye stalks are not weapons衡量雄虫的强壮程度used to gauge how big如果两只头号雄虫拥有同样的眼宽But there's trouble if two top males have exactly the same eye width.打架就不可避免Then the contest descends into a brawl.失败Defeated.胜者,将有权和附近所有的雌性交配The winner. He now has the right to mate with all the females nearby.像棒眼蝇这样绅士的举动并非争夺雌性的唯一方式The rather gentlemanly way stalk-eyed flies settle their differences over females is not the only way.许多动物更为暴力Some animals are much more violent.赞比亚的旱季It's the dry season in Zambia.河湾要么被烤干,要么过于泥泞而给动物们带来致命的危险The lagoons are either baked dry 这只公河马一直生活在此。
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第一集:生命的挑战我们的星球Our planet may be home大约是3千多万种动植物的家to 30 million different kinds of animals and plants.每个物种都会为生存而奋斗一生Each individual locked in its own life-long fight for survival. 无论你将目光投向何方,陆地还是海洋Everywhere you look总会看到为生存而战的壮观事例examples of the lengths living things go to to stay alive.这里是弗罗里达海岸This is the coast of Florida.海床上奇怪的图案Here暗示着某种动物独特的战术hint at one animal's remarkable strategy.它们是宽吻海豚These are bottlenose dolphins地球上最聪明的动物之一one of the most intelligent animals on Earth.它们的猎物是迅速、灵巧的鱼Their prey is very elusive但是海豚们进化出了一种全新的捕猎技巧But the dolphins have invented a completely new way of hunting.通过用力向下拍尾巴,将淤泥搅动起来By beating its tail down hard再通过绕圈游动And by swimming in a tight circle用浑浊的泥水将一大群鱼包围起来it creates a ring of mushrooming mud around a shoal of fish.再像收网一样缩小包围圈The contracting ring traps the fish just like a net.由于恐慌,小鱼们四下乱跳Panicked海豚们张嘴以待,很多鱼落入口中Right into the open mouths of the waiting dolphins.通过默契的组织、协作Again and again海豚们造出一个接一个的包围圈before they all line up with perfect timing.这群海豚这种优势在这个适者生存的世界里This sort of advantage may mean the difference between life and death也许就决定着生或死in the survival of the fittest.这些事例能显示出动植物This series reveals the most spectacular and extraordinary一些奇特而又壮观的生存策略strategies that animals and plants have developed to stay alive. 对任何物种来说必须克服,然后生存下来all of which must be overcome肯尼亚顶级猎手The supreme hunters.猎豹专靠速度捕猎Cheetahs specialise in hunting at speed.尽管很快它们天生只能捕捉小型猎物built to sprint after small prey.它们不具备像狮子那样的力量和体重They don't have the strength or weight of a lion来扑倒大型猎物to bring down larger animals.这只公豹是不同的This male is different.并不单独捕猎,它明白“豹多力量大”的道理He doesn't hunt alone. He's learnt that there is strength in numbers.而且不只两头,而是三头But here there are not just two兄弟连A band of brothers.它们改变战术They have changed their tactics and对猎物发动偷袭have taken their prey by surprise.它们学会了只要团结合作They have learnt that working together就能捕捉大的猎物they can bring down large prey.鸵鸟An ostrich.一种远比猎豹高大而且几乎比它们重两倍的鸟A bird that towers over a cheetah and is more than twice as heavy.虽然逃跑时不能飞,但拥有致命的“弹腿一踢”It can't fly to escape danger一只雌鸵鸟没有留意到任何危险A female即便三头豹子,也要冒较高的风险Even with three of them this is still highly risky.如果有一头受伤,另两头是搞不定这么大的猎物的If one gets injured the other two couldn't hope to tackle such large prey.反之,如果这笔买卖成了On the other hand回报是相当丰厚的are huge.雄鸵鸟已经发现了一头豹子,只是一头The male has spotted one of the brothers它并没有怎么担心It's not too worried.忽然变成三头!Then suddenly there are three!雌鸵鸟意识到危险时,已经有点晚了The female is slower to realise the danger猎豹也改变了目标and the cheetahs switch targets.必须将三头豹子的力量全部联合起来才能制服这种大鸟It takes the combined effort and weight of all three brothers to bring down this powerful bird.即便此时,鸵鸟也会发出最后一击Even now the ostrich could land a fatal kick.现在,豹子们赢了So far鸵鸟们则必须学会应付这种攻击策略Ostriches have yet to find a way to foil such tactics.其它动物也进化出了类似的集体战术Other animals have also evolved surprising tactics to outmanoeuvre它们的对手,不但有惊人的力量,还有特殊的武器the enemy马达加斯加Madagascar.一个捉摸不透的奇怪地方A strange world where nothing is quite as it seems.在这里捕猎需要诡秘和花招To hunt here requires stealth and subterfuge.在这些树林里生存的一定是伪装大师And living within the trees is a master of ambush.螳螂A preying mantis.良好的伪装、轻巧的身手Well camouflaged and lightning quick这种昆虫是高效的猎手these insects are highly efficient predators.但即便它全副武装But even they are outgunned.变色龙A chameleon.它的伪装极其出色,因为它能够改变皮肤颜色与环境一致Its camouflage is exceptional because it can change its skin colour to match its surroundings.它的两眼能独立转动,侦测猎物Its eyes move independently to spot prey.悄悄地向目标爬行,直到进入攻击范围It creeps towards to its victim然后使出超级武器Then it unleashes a super weapon.它的舌头能以15米/秒的速度弹射而出Its tongue shoots out at 15 metres per second.击中目标同时能将其牢牢黏住And not only hits不过很少的猎手能做到百战百胜But few hunters are always successful.它们捕猎只为果腹For them a hunt is just one meal.但对被捕者而言就惨了For prey非生即死It's life...or death.南极洲由春入夏时,那些一度冰封的海湾得以解冻As Antarctica moves from spring into summer动物们开始觅食And animals move in to feed.南极食蟹海豹These are crabeater seals.它们并非真的吃螃蟹,而是捕食这片水域里以数十亿集群的小虾They don't actually eat crabs 这些海豹躺在大的浮冰上是比较安全的Resting on a large ice floe一旦下水,就得十分警惕But as soon as they enter the water事出有因for good reason.虎鲸(逆戟鲸)Killer whales.在南极许多虎鲸只吃鱼Here in Antarctica但这一群不同,它们专猎食海豹But these whales are different这只海豹下水后,没意识到危险正迎头袭来This seal swimming to open water is unaware of the danger heading his way.直到现在Until now.这次真的麻烦了,无法逃脱除非躲在这块小浮冰后面He's in real trouble. There is no escape unless he can hide behind this small piece of floating ice.但它已经被发现,并被包围But he's been spotted and surrounded.就看够不够敏捷了Now agility is his only chance.拼命地闪躲,不肯离开冰块半步He dodges for his life它已累坏了He's tiring.虎鲸们缩小包围圈,准备吃掉它And the whales tighten the circle但捕食者们并不是每次都能如愿But hunters don't always get their own way.最后,海豹的决心和技巧In the end利用冰块作掩护,保住了性命the ice for protection虎鲸们则继续远征And the whales move on.最近的观察得知Recently it's been observed that killer whales虎鲸们在捕食其它种类的海豹时成功率更高are much more successful when hunting other types of seal.像这只食蟹海豹,备战太充分了Crabeaters like this put up too much of a fight.生活在开放水域的生物则没地方躲避For creatures living in the open ocean there is nowhere to hide from predators.群体生活则相对安全But there is safety in numbers.有一种鱼进化出了独特的逃跑方法One fish完全离开水面经过一番努力的空中飞行After a huge effort to get airborne飞鱼可以滑翔200米,来逃脱捕食者的追逐can glide 200 metres or so并非所有生物都是猎手,有些食素Not all animals are hunters但即便是动植物之间,关系也会相当紧张But the battle between animals and plants can also be intense.Boa Vista这个山谷布满了奇形怪状的石头This valley is peppered with strangely pitted rocks.这些并非自然形成的,而是动植物长期斗争的产物These are not natural formations but thelegacy of a long struggle between one animal and one plant.棕毛僧猴晚上它们在安全的洞里过夜They spend their nights in the safety of caves早晨则出来觅食emerging each morning to find food.特别喜欢下到山谷里Down in the valley is a particular favourite.椰果A nut palm.果实里种子很大很多防止饥饿的动物们取食that protect them against attack from hungry animals.对猴子来说这是一场消耗战For the capuchins this is a war of attrition.它们挑出成熟的果子第一步是撕开果子表面的粗纤维The first job is to tear the tough fibrous husk from the nut.它并不是直接将果实掰开He doesn't try to crack the nut straight away而是将它放在地上but drops it to the ground.它知道一周后果实就会被太阳晒干He's learnt that a nut should be given a week or so drying in the sun.这些是它先前准备好的These are ones he prepared earlier.敲打,看是否已经好了He taps them to see if they're ready.这个大石块就是它的工具This huge flat rock is his anvil.锤子And this is a hammer.这种石头比锤子还要坚硬It's made of a different and much harder rock than the anvil.奇迹就要发生了Now something extraordinary happens.棕毛僧猴利用石块The capuchins' use of these stone tools requires an exceptional level需要极高的技巧、智商和计划of intelligence果壳最终破裂,露出含油丰富的种子The nut finally cracks and exposes a rich小猴子观察并模仿如果它们想要自立If they are to become independent就得学会如何打开这些硬果they must learn to crack their own nuts.但是学习的过程相当漫长,充满沮丧But the learning process is long它们很早就知道想要成功They learn early on that to do a job properly就得有合适的工具you need the right tool.一般要花上八年时间才能练成这精湛的技艺It can take eight years for a capuchin to master this art攻破椰果坚不可摧的防线and overcome the palm's formidable defences.但有些植物反败为胜,专吃动物But some plants have turned the tables and feed on animals. 这是一个极度精巧的陷阱This is a highly sophisticated trap. The bait盘子的周围布满了香甜的蜜汁sugary nectar around the rim of the disc.一旦碰到了这些小刺中的两根,就发动了机关The triggers一只苍蝇受不了这颜色和香味儿的诱惑The victim一根One.两根Two.一旦触发,笼子迅速合拢,苍蝇无法逃脱When triggered维纳斯捕蝇草现在慢慢地消化食物The Venus flytrap now slowly digests its victim.生存的挑战不仅仅在于觅食Life's challenges are more than just finding food.每种动物都会有繁育期In every animal's life there comes a time when its mind turns tobreeding.有种生物的表现令人惊异One creature's approach is mind-boggling.马来群岛Malaysia.这种奇怪的昆虫一直蛰伏在森林的地表This strange insect has been lying dormant on the forest floor.一旦树上安全了,这些雄虫就躲进树叶中,开始奇特的变形Once safe in the trees有个特征显示出祖先和后代的差别One that will make the difference between fathering offspring or not.它开始大口地空气进入头部He begins by gulping in air bubbles然后把气泡挤到“眼棒”里去He then pumps the bubbles into the stalks supporting his eyes就像吹气球一样just like blowing up a balloon.这也使它得到了这个名字:And this is what earns these creatures their name棒眼蝇the stalk-eyed fly.最后只需将褶皱稍稍抹平A few final adjustments to straighten out any remaining creases它已经准备好了and he's ready for action.看起来好像有些笨重,但这种“棒眼”不但可以更有利于发现天敌They may look unwieldy 也是赢得异性青睐的关键to spot predators夜间雌雄聚集,雄虫们开始逐对逐对比较眼睛的尺寸In the evening both males and females gather and the males begin to size one another up眼距最宽的得到最高的优先权Having the widest eye span puts you at the top of the pecking order.棒眼不是武器,而是标尺The eye stalks are not weapons衡量雄虫的强壮程度used to gauge how big如果两只头号雄虫拥有同样的眼宽But there's trouble if two top males have exactly the same eye width.打架就不可避免Then the contest descends into a brawl.失败Defeated.胜者,将有权和附近所有的雌性交配The winner. He now has the right to mate with all the females nearby.像棒眼蝇这样绅士的举动并非争夺雌性的唯一方式The rather gentlemanly way stalk-eyed flies settle their differences over females is not the only way.许多动物更为暴力Some animals are much more violent.赞比亚的旱季It's the dry season in Zambia.河湾要么被烤干,要么过于泥泞而给动物们带来致命的危险The lagoons are either baked dry 这只公河马一直生活在此。