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我们的星球Our planet may be home

大约是3千多万种动植物的家to 30 million different kinds of animals and plants.

每个物种都会为生存而奋斗一生Each individual locked in its own life-long fight for survival. 无论你将目光投向何方,陆地还是海洋Everywhere you look

总会看到为生存而战的壮观事例examples of the lengths living things go to to stay alive.

这里是弗罗里达海岸This is the coast of Florida.


暗示着某种动物独特的战术hint at one animal's remarkable strategy.

它们是宽吻海豚These are bottlenose dolphins

地球上最聪明的动物之一one of the most intelligent animals on Earth.

它们的猎物是迅速、灵巧的鱼Their prey is very elusive

但是海豚们进化出了一种全新的捕猎技巧But the dolphins have invented a completely new way of hunting.

通过用力向下拍尾巴,将淤泥搅动起来By beating its tail down hard

再通过绕圈游动And by swimming in a tight circle

用浑浊的泥水将一大群鱼包围起来it creates a ring of mushrooming mud around a shoal of fish.

再像收网一样缩小包围圈The contracting ring traps the fish just like a net.


海豚们张嘴以待,很多鱼落入口中Right into the open mouths of the waiting dolphins.

通过默契的组织、协作Again and again

海豚们造出一个接一个的包围圈before they all line up with perfect timing.


这种优势在这个适者生存的世界里This sort of advantage may mean the difference between life and death

也许就决定着生或死in the survival of the fittest.

这些事例能显示出动植物This series reveals the most spectacular and extraordinary

一些奇特而又壮观的生存策略strategies that animals and plants have developed to stay alive. 对任何物种来说

必须克服,然后生存下来all of which must be overcome


顶级猎手The supreme hunters.

猎豹专靠速度捕猎Cheetahs specialise in hunting at speed.


它们天生只能捕捉小型猎物built to sprint after small prey.

它们不具备像狮子那样的力量和体重They don't have the strength or weight of a lion

来扑倒大型猎物to bring down larger animals.

这只公豹是不同的This male is different.

并不单独捕猎,它明白“豹多力量大”的道理He doesn't hunt alone. He's learnt that there is strength in numbers.

而且不只两头,而是三头But here there are not just two

兄弟连A band of brothers.

它们改变战术They have changed their tactics and

对猎物发动偷袭have taken their prey by surprise.

它们学会了只要团结合作They have learnt that working together

就能捕捉大的猎物they can bring down large prey.

鸵鸟An ostrich.

一种远比猎豹高大而且几乎比它们重两倍的鸟A bird that towers over a cheetah and is more than twice as heavy.

虽然逃跑时不能飞,但拥有致命的“弹腿一踢”It can't fly to escape danger

一只雌鸵鸟没有留意到任何危险A female

即便三头豹子,也要冒较高的风险Even with three of them this is still highly risky.

如果有一头受伤,另两头是搞不定这么大的猎物的If one gets injured the other two couldn't hope to tackle such large prey.

反之,如果这笔买卖成了On the other hand

回报是相当丰厚的are huge.

雄鸵鸟已经发现了一头豹子,只是一头The male has spotted one of the brothers

它并没有怎么担心It's not too worried.

忽然变成三头!Then suddenly there are three!

雌鸵鸟意识到危险时,已经有点晚了The female is slower to realise the danger

猎豹也改变了目标and the cheetahs switch targets.

必须将三头豹子的力量全部联合起来才能制服这种大鸟It takes the combined effort and weight of all three brothers to bring down this powerful bird.

即便此时,鸵鸟也会发出最后一击Even now the ostrich could land a fatal kick.

现在,豹子们赢了So far

鸵鸟们则必须学会应付这种攻击策略Ostriches have yet to find a way to foil such tactics.

其它动物也进化出了类似的集体战术Other animals have also evolved surprising tactics to outmanoeuvre

它们的对手,不但有惊人的力量,还有特殊的武器the enemy


一个捉摸不透的奇怪地方A strange world where nothing is quite as it seems.

在这里捕猎需要诡秘和花招To hunt here requires stealth and subterfuge.

在这些树林里生存的一定是伪装大师And living within the trees is a master of ambush.

螳螂A preying mantis.

良好的伪装、轻巧的身手Well camouflaged and lightning quick

这种昆虫是高效的猎手these insects are highly efficient predators.

但即便它全副武装But even they are outgunned.

变色龙A chameleon.

它的伪装极其出色,因为它能够改变皮肤颜色与环境一致Its camouflage is exceptional because it can change its skin colour to match its surroundings.

它的两眼能独立转动,侦测猎物Its eyes move independently to spot prey.

悄悄地向目标爬行,直到进入攻击范围It creeps towards to its victim

然后使出超级武器Then it unleashes a super weapon.

它的舌头能以15米/秒的速度弹射而出Its tongue shoots out at 15 metres per second.

击中目标同时能将其牢牢黏住And not only hits

不过很少的猎手能做到百战百胜But few hunters are always successful.

它们捕猎只为果腹For them a hunt is just one meal.
