宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方面的能力。
核心部分的题如下:Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.(1)Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. (请你举一个具体的例子,说明你给自己确定了一个很高的目标,然后达到这个目标。
关键词为:demanding goal、saw it through。
回答范例:(记住,采用“What+STAR+Key Words法则”来回答)What:Designed a show to celebrate the Anniversary of Xiamen University, and won 2nd Prize out of 12 teams.Situation(Key Word:demanding)On the anniversary night, there was a huge celebration party, where songs, dances and dramas were played. Eachschool should design five shows, and our class volunteered to design one. It was a demanding goal as it was very closeto the end of the term when most students were busy preparing for final exams.Task:As a sophomore student I was in charge of my class performance, which was a drama. I had to deal with thepressure from study, my classmates’ disinterest inacting, and my role as the king in the drama.Actions:(Key Words:how I saw it through)First, as there were only 20 students in my class, I distributed at least one task to each student; either a role, ormaking tools or costumes.Second, since at the end of the term each member was busy with study, the rehearsal schedule should be reasonable and periodic. All team members cooperated well because of the low frequency and short duration of eachrehearsal.Third, music and scenery were added into rehearsal in order to get close to the circumstances of the party.In addition, I emphasized the value of time and ordered every actor to respect other partners.lly, but also got Result:In the end, our performance was very successful. Not only did I act the “king” wonderfu good marks on the final exam.(2)Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, andplayed a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. (请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何团结他人,并且起到领导者的作用,并带领团队最终获得所希望的结果。
宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方面的能力。
核心部分的题如下:Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.(1)Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. (请你举一个具体的例子,说明你给自己确定了一个很高的目标,然后达到这个目标。
关键词为:demanding goal、saw it through。
回答范例:(记住,采用“What+STAR+Key Words法则”来回答)What:Designed a show to celebrate the Anniversary of Xiamen University, and won 2nd Prize out of 12 teams.Situation(Key Word:demanding)On the anniversary night, there was a huge celebration party, where songs, dances and dramas were played. Each school should design five shows, and our class volunteered to design one. It was a demanding goal as it was very close to the end of the term when most students were busy preparing for final exams.Task:As a sophomore student I was in charge of my class performance, which was a drama. I had to deal with the pressure from study, my classmates’ disinterest in acting, and my role as the king in the drama.Actions:(Key Words:how I saw it through)First, as there were only 20 students in my class, I distributed at least one task to each student; either a role, or making tools or costumes.Second, since at the end of the term each member was busy with study, the rehearsal schedule should be reasonable and periodic. All team members cooperated well because of the low frequency and short duration of each rehearsal.Third, music and scenery were added into rehearsal in order to get close to the circumstances of the party.In addition, I emphasized the value of time and ordered every actor to respect other partners.Result:In the end, our performance was very successful. Not only did I act the “king” wonderfully, but also got good marks on the final exam.(2)Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. (请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何团结他人,并且起到领导者的作用,并带领团队最终获得所希望的结果。
宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方面的能力。
核心部分的题如下:Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.(1)Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. (请你举一个具体的例子,说明你给自己确定了一个很高的目标,然后达到这个目标。
关键词为:demanding goal、saw it through。
回答范例:(记住,采用“What+STAR+Key Words法则”来回答)What:Designed a show to celebrate the Anniversary of Xiamen University, and won 2nd Prize out of 12 teams.Situation(Key Word:demanding)On the anniversary night, there was a huge celebration party, where songs, dances and dramas were played. Each school should design five shows, and our class volunteered to design one. It was a demanding goal as it was very close to the end of the term when most students were busy preparing for final exams.Task:As a sophomore student I was in charge of my class performance, which was a drama. I had to deal with the pressure from study, my classmates’ disinterest in acting, and my role as the king in the drama.Actions:(Key Words:how I saw it through)First, as there were only 20 students in my class, I distributed at least one task to each student; either a role, or making tools or costumes.Second, since at the end of the term each member was busy with study, the rehearsal schedule should be reasonable and periodic. All team members cooperated well because of the low frequency and short duration of each rehearsal.Third, music and scenery were added into rehearsal in order to get close to the circumstances of the party.In addition, I emphasized the value of time and ordered every actor to respect other partners.Result:In the end, our performance was very successful. Not only did I act the “king” wonderfully, but also got good marks on the final exam.(2)Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. (请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何团结他人,并且起到领导者的作用,并带领团队最终获得所希望的结果。
宝洁网申常见问题解答1.我需要登陆什么网址来进行网上申请宝洁公司的职位?请浏览宝洁中国的网站 , 注意申请前请认真阅读网上申请指南。
2.我要怎样进行网上申请?宝洁公司网上申请的程序是怎么样的?请浏览宝洁中国的网站,,点击“宝洁招聘”,然后点击页面右面的“Apply Now”,选择“Graduates”或“Internship”按钮开始申请。
3.请问本次招聘的招聘对象是什么?管理培训生Management Trainee(面向应届毕业生〕暑期实习生Summer Intern (面向本科三年级,两年制研究生一年级和三年制研究生二年级的同学〕。
5.在阅读完“Privacy Agreement”后我一定要按“I accept”键后才能进入到下一页吗?是的,您只有在点选了“I accept”键后才能进行下一步的程序。
6.我怎么样才能看到我想申请的职位?你需要在招聘页面上的“Graduates”或“Internship”下进行职位搜索,然后在搜索结果的job list里找你想申请的职位,请注意”Job List”可能有两页,如果第一页没有你要找的职位,请按右上角的箭头,翻到第二页。
请注意在“Job Field”项选择“All,在“Location”项选择“China.同时你也可以在“Job Number”处输入职位编号,然后按“Search for jobs”进行搜索。
旋转+翻转82.A 逆时针旋转90度,横着看,因为元素相同45.B 逆时针旋转9013.C,逆时针旋转90度92.D顺时针旋转90度,一个图。
78A 旋转逆时针旋转135度50D 顺时针旋转90度。
72.B 旋转135度20.C,顺时针45度旋转52.B逆时针旋转,颜色要齐全,逆时针旋转43.B顺时旋转45度一定要竖着看哈48D 45度,90度,45度,90度73第一行全是逆时针45,第二行全是顺时针,第三行全是逆时针45 B旋转,每个的旋转方向不一样,自己要多看看88.E 左边的顺旋转45,右边的顺旋转9083.D 旋转是这样的,左边的图案是逆旋转45,180.右边的顺旋转45,45 7. 不明白E:转动直角三角形是顺时针90度8.E:外面转,里面也转70C 外框旋转里面边数递减,从小的那个条数来看的话,直接看出条数是4,3,2,1,0,选C。
C旋转的问题,其实从大的那个梯形来看的话,直接选出C小圆圈也在旋转,体形是逆时针90,圆圈是顺时针4571A 每行第2个图形作为第3个外框第一个图形的里面小图关于纵轴翻转作为第3个里面图24 多看几遍A 旋转大图是逆时针45,小图是对称。
里面的旗帜是逆时针45 32.很明显,这题是36题类似,可以看出后面4副图该是第一幅图的一部分,但是旋转了90,所以在做题时不用找是那块了,直接看是怎么旋转的。
B 旋转28.B 这里也是同样,为了节约时间,可以直接看是怎么样旋转的,可以看出是顺时针90.36. 难C 旋转首先缺的片段是左下角的,因为下面的选项都一样,所以直接看旋转,旋转了135度、33.多看看这里是先旋转再翻转,由于箭头都是一样的,所以直接看闪电符号,他是先翻转180,再转动45.这一题给了很好的灵感,先看下答案,相同的部分就不去考虑了,就看不同。
E 旋转14A, 梯形的阴影每次加一层且顺时针转135度,外面的白色多边形顺时针转90度59.E 里外边数比较: 相同的均为灰色里〉外里黑外白里<外里黑外灰80.E 旋转+黑格子移动1格不过我还是没搞明白怎么一边转一边移动的。
1.选A:图形内都是三条线2.选B:第一个图边数是12,后1个是3和4而3*4=12;第四个是9,后一个是3*3;下一个应该是6(12—9=9—6)3.选A:圆内的直线数:A+B=C B+C=D C+D=E....4. 同第77题。
7.E:转动8.E:外面转,里面也转9.C:每一列中:中图与下图叠合,去掉重复部分10 同第21题11.答案是D,第一行和第三行的大框内的加黑小方格是10个,所以,第二行的应该也是10个小黑方格,那么只有D和E符合,此外第一行的有2个大框涂灰,第三行没有一个涂灰,那么第二行就应该只有一个大框涂灰,所以是D!孙磊选E12A粗线,以中间正方形为中心两边的图形边数相同13.C,逆时针旋转90度14A, 梯形的阴影每次加一层且顺时针转135度,外面的白色多边形顺时针转90度15.D有阴影,每一列有一个方向是垂直,其余两个分别向左右转45度还是E??16.C 每一列的第1,3条数相等17.B 黑色的圆沿着某个路线顺时针走5步18A 几个图形拼成19.A,两个图形边数相加为13。
20.C,顺时针45度旋转21. 同第10题D 第一个为7个边,第二个9个边,第三个为11个边,第五个为15个边每张图有三种颜色22.A,1,2图的边数和为3图的边数,2,3图的边数和为4图,递推23.A 8 7 6 ?424A 旋转D25.每一横行的三个边数递减,故第二行为5、4、3,个人感觉每一行箭头都是左右朝向,故倾向于选D26.左边是递形逆时针转45度,感觉右边的图曲面是左右朝向在变,感觉是E ??不懂,求解27.B 第一第二行加1,第二第三行加228.B29.A每一列边数加2 30.C 31.D 32.B 旋转33.E 旋转34.D第一列的每个递加1,第二列的每个递加2,第三列每个递加3 35.A 注意A和D的区别。
宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方面的能力。
核心部分的题如下:Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.(1)Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. (请你举一个具体的例子,说明你给自己确定了一个很高的目标,然后达到这个目标。
关键词为:demanding goal、saw it through。
回答范例:(记住,采用“What+STAR+Key Words法则”来回答)What:Designed a show to celebrate the Anniversary of Xiamen University, and won 2nd Prize out of 12 teams.Situation(Key Word:demanding)On the anniversary night, there was a huge celebration party, where songs, dances and dramas were played. Eachschool should design five shows, and our class volunteered to design one. It was a demanding goal as it was very closeto the end of the term when most students were busy preparing for final exams.Task:As a sophomore student I was in charge of my class performance, which was a drama. I had to deal with thepressure from study, my classmates’ disinterest inacting, and my role as the king in the drama.Actions:(Key Words:how I saw it through)First, as there were only 20 students in my class, I distributed at least one task to each student; either a role, ormaking tools or costumes.Second, since at the end of the term each member was busy with study, the rehearsal schedule should be reasonable and periodic. All team members cooperated well because of the low frequency and short duration of eachrehearsal.Third, music and scenery were added into rehearsal in order to get close to the circumstances of the party.In addition, I emphasized the value of time and ordered every actor to respect other partners.lly, but also got Result:In the end, our performance was very successful. Not only did I act the “king” wonderfu good marks on the final exam.(2)Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, andplayed a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. (请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何团结他人,并且起到领导者的作用,并带领团队最终获得所希望的结果。
1、Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it though completion. (请你举1个具体的例子,说明你是如何设定1个目标然后达到它。)
Working procedure:
Design: I cooperated with my colleagues to figure out the climax of the performance, the musical accompaniment of the songs and the whole arrangement of the narrative poem.
The disagreement:
*The authority of our school may dissent.
*The cost was expensive, and we had no enough human resource to carry on this project.
*There were too many English corners. Another one was unnecessary. The facts I made use:
Activity: To hold the perspective Entrepreneur Contest.
The innovative idea I produced: To simulate a board meeting of a company, in which our candidates debated the feasibility of selling modern fitness equipment according to the market information they collected.
为了实现这个高目标,我采取了以下措施:1. 明确目标:我们团队首先明确了项目目标,即研发出具有环保性能的新型材料,并成功应用于实际生产。
2. 制定计划:为了确保项目顺利进行,我们制定了详细的研发计划,包括技术路线、实验步骤、时间节点等。
3. 分工合作:我们将团队成员按照专业特长进行分工,确保每个成员都能发挥自己的优势,共同推进项目进展。
4. 风险控制:在项目实施过程中,我们密切关注潜在风险,及时调整策略,确保项目安全进行。
5. 持续跟进:我们定期召开项目会议,总结经验教训,调整研发方向,确保项目稳步推进。
面对这种情况,我采取了以下措施:1. 保持冷静:首先,我保持冷静,迅速分析问题原因,确保自身情绪稳定。
41.A找每张图第三行的形状变化规律循环的,一个变一个42.B43.B顺时旋转45度44.C旋转的问题45.B 46.C47.A每张图里两个图形的边数和为14 48D 45度,90度,45度,90度49.D 每列,每行有2个一样的。
5051.A,数边,递减的52.B逆时针旋转53.E 震荡幅度 +1, -2, +1, -254第一行有3个小四边形,3个小三角形,第三行有3个小四边形,2个小三角形,蒙个E ???????????????/不懂求解。
56.也许是D ?????????? 不懂求解57.E 找出不一样的58.D 找出不一样的59.60.70C 外框旋转里面边数递减71A 每行第2个图形作为第3个外框第一个图形的里面小图关于纵轴翻转作为第3个里面图72.B73B旋转74认为A 阴影部分分别为2/5 2/7 2/9 ? 2/8 ,也有同学认为E因为阴影有两个而且连在一起???75A76.D 每行前两个相同部分都是黑变白有一个黑的就是黑77. 同第4题。
D 格子数25 5 5 16 ?25=5*5 16=4*4 选4个的78A 旋转79.D去掉重合部分80.E 旋转+黑格子移动1格不过我还是没搞明白怎么一边转一边移动的。
81B 都有5条线封闭区为白色82.A83.D 旋转+对称84.D 行图形遍历列颜色遍历。
百度文库中此版本众多,题目没有区别,但答案多存在错误或不足,此版本为经过修改后版本1.选A:图形内都是三条线2.选B:第一个图边数是12,后1个是3和4而3*4=12;第四个是9,后一个是3*3;下一个应该是6(12—9=9—6)3.选A:圆内的直线数:A+B=C B+C=D C+D=E....4. 同第77题。
7.E:转动8.E:外面转,里面也转9.C:每一列中:中图与下图叠合,去掉重复部分10 同第21题11.答案是D,第一行和第三行的大框内的加黑小方格是10个,所以,第二行的应该也是10个小黑方格,那么只有D和E符合,此外第一行的有2个大框涂灰,第三行没有一个涂灰,那么第二行就应该只有一个大框涂灰,所以是D!此题另一答案:加黑小方格奇数大框涂灰,加黑小方格偶数大框白色,此种解释选E但是让然不如前一种说服力大。
1213.14A, 梯形的阴影每次加一层且顺时针转135度,外面的白色多边形顺时针转90度15.D有阴影,每一列有一个方向是垂直,其余两个分别向左右转45度还是E??16.17.1819.20.21. 同第10题D 第一个为7个边,第二个9个边,第三个为11个边,第五个为15个边每张图有三种颜色22.A,1,2图的边数和为3图的边数,2,3图的边数和为4图,递推23.A 8 7 6 ?424A 旋转25.每一横行的三个边数递减,故第二行为5、4、3,个人感觉每一行箭头都是左右朝向,故倾向于选D26.左边是递形逆时针转45度,所以是DE之中,因为其他图中非梯形直线段垂直于大框,所以选D27.B 第一第二行加1,第二第三行加228.B29.A每一列边数加2 30.C 31.D 32.B 旋转33.E 旋转34.D第一列的每个递加1,第二列的每个递加2,第三列每个递加3 35.A 注意A和D的区别。
宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方面的能力。
核心部分的题如下:Please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.(1)Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion. (请你举一个具体的例子,说明你给自己确定了一个很高的目标,然后达到这个目标。
关键词为:demanding goal、saw it through。
回答范例:(记住,采用“What+STAR+Key Words法则”来回答)What:Designed a show to celebrate the Anniversary of Xiamen University, and won 2nd Prize out of 12 teams.Situation(Key Word:demanding)On the anniversary night, there was a huge celebration party, where songs, dances and dramas were played. Each school should design five shows, and our class volunteered to design one. It was a demanding goal as it was very close to the end of the term when most students were busy preparing for final exams.Task:As a sophomore student I was in charge of my class performance, which was a drama. I had to deal with the pressure from study, my classmates’ disinterest in acting, and my role as the king in the drama.Actions:(Key Words:how I saw it through)First, as there were only 20 students in my class, I distributed at least one task to each student; either a role, or making tools or costumes.Second, since at the end of the term each member was busy with study, the rehearsal schedule should be reasonable and periodic. All team members cooperated well because of the low frequency and short duration of each rehearsal.Third, music and scenery were added into rehearsal in order to get close to the circumstances of the party.In addition, I emphasized the value of time and ordered every actor to respect other partners.Result:In the end, our performance was very successful. Not only did I act the “king” wonderfully, but also got good marks on the final exam.(2)Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted. (请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何团结他人,并且起到领导者的作用,并带领团队最终获得所希望的结果。
宝洁网申84题1.2.3.4. 5.6.8. 10. 12.14. 16. 18.20. 22. 24.26. 28. 30.32. 34.36.38. 40. 42.44. 46. 48.50. 52. 54.56. 58. 60.71. 73. 75.77. 79. 81.83.85. 87.89. 91. 93.95. 97. 99.参考答案1. A 内部都是三条线2. B 第一个图边数是12,后1个是3和4而3*4=12;第三个是9,后一个是3*3;下一个应该是6(12 – 9 = 9 - 6)3. A 圆内的直线数:A+B=C B+C=D C+D=E....4. D 是按第一个图形里面的方格是5x5,接下来两个图形方框里都有5个格子,同理可得第四个图形里的方格是4x4,所以,图形里面有四个方格。
5. D 数下框里的直线数量,都是一致的,4条直线,然后就得到D是符合。
6. E 旗帜在转动。
7. E 转动8. E 外面顺时针转90°,里面顺时针转45°9. C 每一列,中图与下图叠合,去掉重复部分10.D11.D,第一行和第三行的大框内的加黑小方格是10个,所以,第二行的应该也是10个小黑方格,那么只有D和E符合,此外第一行的有2个大框涂灰,第三行没有一个涂灰,那么第二行就应该只有一个大框涂灰,所以是D!我的答案,E,奇数为灰色背景。
12.A 粗线,以中间正方形为中心两边的图形边数相同13.C 针旋转90度14.A 梯形的阴影每次加一层且顺时针转135度,外面的白色多边形顺时针转90度15.D 有阴影,每一列有一个方向是垂直,其余两个分别向左右转45度还是E??是E!一列顺时针135度16. C 每一列的第1,3条数相等17. B 黑色的圆沿着某个路线顺时针走5步不明白18. A 几个图形拼成19. A,两个图形边数相加为13。
20. C,顺时针45度旋转21. 同第10题D 第一个为7个边,第二个9个边,第三个为11个边,第五个为15个边每张图有三种颜色22. A,1,2图的边数和为3图的边数,2,3图的边数和为4图,递推23.A 8 7 6 ?424.A 旋转25.D 每一横行的三个边数递减,故第二行为5、4、3,个人感觉每一行箭头都是左右朝向,故倾向于选D都是上下对称的26.左边是递形逆时针转45度,感觉右边的图曲面是左右朝向在变,感觉是E ??不懂,求解应该是D27. B 第一第二行加1,第二第三行加228. B29.A每一列边数加230.C31.D32.B 旋转33.E 旋转34.D 第一列的每个递加1,第二列的每个递加2,第三列每个递加335.A 注意A和D的区别。
±¦½àÍøÉêµÄ²âÊÔÌⱦ½àÍøÉÏÉêÇëµÄ65¸ö²âÊÔÌâÄ¿£¡1. What is the location of the university where you have been working toward (or have already received) your first university degree?Australia/NZChinaHong KongIndiaIndonesiaJapanKoreaMalaysiaPhilippinesSingaporeTaiwanThailandVietnamU.S.A.Other Asian CountryOther European CountryCountry not included in above listHave not worked toward a degree2. What best describes the institution where your highest degree was (will be, if currently studying) attained?Consistently ranked # 1 or # 2 in the country for my area of study Nationally ranked as best in class for my area of studyStrong academically but not consistently ranked as best in class for my area of studyLocal or regional reputation for providing a quality educationPlease indicate the institution where your highest degree was (will be) attained:3. Which of these did you do in school before reaching universitylevel? (Mark all that apply)a. Receive recognition as one of the best students academically (Please describe below)b. President or leader of student government or other student group, club, or organizationc. Participate in a performing arts organization (musical, theatrical, dance, or other)d. Head a committee to organize an evente. Some other accomplishment (Please describe below)If you selected a. above, please describe:Asia Management Assessment FormPage 2 of 12Please indicate your academic standing during each period of education that applies to you.Top 10% of Students Top 25% of Students Top 50% of Students Lower Half of Students I Do Not Know Does Not Apply1 2 3 4 5 6------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --4. School Before University Level5. First University Degree6. Post Graduate Degree7. Where have you typically ranked on standardized tests such as those used f or admittance into university or graduate programs, to measure achievement in school, or for employment selection?Top 1%Top 10% (but not top 1%)Top 20% (but not top 10%)Top 30% (but not top 20%)Top 40% (but not top 30%)Bottom 60%Don’t know; can’t estimateNot applicable; have never taken this type of test before8. Which of these did you do while working on your first degree as a universi ty student? (Mark all that apply)Attended a university that accepts only the best studentsStudied at more than one universityStudied outside your native countryReceived recognition for academic achievementOther special experience (Please describe below)9. Which of these did you do while you were working on any degree? (Mark all that apply)Head an important student committeeAchieve an outstanding result in athleticsOrganize a student organizationParticipate in a performing arts organization (musical, theatrical, dance, or other)Win an election for a class positionSome other accomplishment (Please describe below)Asia Management Assessment FormPage 4 of 12Please describe your participation and positions held in various organizatio ns, either within or separate from the university. (Mark all that apply)Member (But Held No Position) President or Head Position Other Position1 2 3------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --10. Sports Team11. Student Organization12. Professional Organization13. Other Organization (Please describe below)14. How many times in total were you president or leader of an organization, club, team, or committee while you were working on any university degree? Pl ease write the name and year for each group below.NoneOnceTwo TimesThree or More TimesPlease write the name and year for each group below.Chairman of graduated students union 2001-2002vice chairman of students union1999-2000minister of propaganda department of students union1998-1999WORK PREFERENCES15. Please indicate how accurately this statement describes you. "You often s tart other people working together toward a goal."Very accuratelySomewhat accuratelyNot accurately16. Which of these would bother you the most on a job?Having to finish someone else’s workGetting work assigned at the last minuteHaving to find and fix someone else’s mistakesBeing taken off a job before it is finishedReceiving incomplete or inaccurate instructions None of these would bother you17. When do you do your best work?When instructions are clearWhen working aloneWhen there are no interruptionsWhen under pressureWhen you really feel like workingSome other time (Please describe below)18. Which do you like best on the job?To work on one thing at a timeTo work on two or three things at a timeTo work on many things at a time19. How would you rate your ability to get things done in an organization mai nly through your own effort, and without the support and involvement from othe r people?Outstanding ability to do this ?among the very bestVery good ability to do thisModerate ability to do thisWeak ability to do this20. How do you feel about making difficult decisions?You look forward to themYou don’t mind themYou try to avoid themYou rarely make difficult decisions21. Which one of the following attributes is your strongest?High personal standardsPatienceWillingness to work hardConcern for other peopleKnowledge and experienceSomething else (Please describe below)22. Do you like to get things done quickly?YesNoUncertain23. Do you enjoy selling things ?ideas, products, or project proposals?Yes, very muchYes, to some extentNo, not reallyNo, not at all24. Compared to other people, and no matter what you have to sell ?an idea, p roduct, or project proposal, how would you rate your selling ability? Please m ark one and briefly explain in the space provided below why you chose that ans wer.Top 10%Top 25%Top 50%Bottom 50%Do not knowPlease explain your answer briefly:25. How effective are you in changing the thinking of a group you are working with?Extremely effectiveVery effectiveSomewhat effectiveNot very effective26. Are you usually satisfied to let someone else take the lead in group acti vities?YesNoUncertain27. Compared to other people in general, how would you rate your leadership a bility? Please briefly explain in the space provided why you chose that answer .Top 10%Top 25%Top 50%Bottom 50%Do not knowPlease explain your answer briefly:Here are factors people sometimes think about in making career choices. Please read through the list and indicate how important each one is to you personall y.Highly Important Somewhat Important Not Important1 2 3------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --28. Having an opportunity for fast advancement to a position of great respons ibility.29. Working for an established company that offers long term employment.30. Being able to make your own decisions without needing approvals.31. Receiving a very high starting salary.32. Having responsibility for projects all the way from conception to ultimate success or failure.33. Working in an organization which highly values ethical behavior toward cu stomers and employees.34. Being able to directly apply your knowledge of subjects learned at univer sity.35. Being able to receive extra compensation directly tied to your business s uccess.36. Having a boss whose success will be measured by how well he or she develo ps people.37. Receiving training that increases your capability and value to an organiz ation.38. Working with other talented people who are dedicated to their organizatio n’s long term success.39. Receiving good employee benefits, i.e., medical coverage, retirement pens ion, etc.40. Being able to travel abroad for training or business.41. Listed below are the factors you rated on the previous screen. Please rev iew the list and tell us which two of them are most important to you personall y. Mark the responses of the two most important.Having an opportunity for fast advancement to a position of great respons ibility.Working for an established company that offers long term employment.Being able to make your own decisions without needing approvals.Receiving a very high starting salary.Having responsibility for projects all the way from conception to ultimate success or failure.Working in an organization which highly values ethical behavior toward custome rs and employees.Being able to directly apply your knowledge of subjects learned at university.Being able to receive extra compensation directly tied to your business succes s.Having a boss whose success will be measured by how well he or she develops pe ople.Receiving training that increases your capability and value to an organization .Working with other talented people who are dedicated to their organization's l ong term success.Receiving good employee benefits, i.e., medical coverage, retirement pension, etc.Being able to travel abroad for training or business.Please indicate which of the factors below could importantly affect how you mi ght feel about your work location.Highly Important Somewhat Important Not Important1 2 342. Being close to other family members.43. Being close to where you live now.44. Being in a particular city where you want to live.45. The factors below often affect how people feel about their job. Please re ad and then mark the one you believe would have the largest effect on how happ y you would be.The amount of time you must give to your work.The amount of pay and other benefits you receive.The quality of relationships you have with others at work.The type of assignments you have to work on.The amount of freedom you have to make decisions.46. The factors below often affect how people feel about their job. Please re ad and then mark the one you believe would have the smallest effect on how hap py you would be.The amount of time you must give to your work.The amount of pay and other benefits you receive.The quality of relationships you have with others at work.The type of assignments you have to work on.The amount of freedom you have to make decisions.Indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of these statements.Agree Disagree1 2------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --47. I enjoy solving puzzles.48. I enjoy long, involved conversations.49. I am detail-oriented.50. When others present ideas, I am most interested in immediately useful ide as.51. I find it relatively easy to learn games of strategy.Which word or phrase in each pair best describes you?52.Constructive Harmonious53.Orderly Random54.Unpredictable Stable55.Persevere Acknowledge limits56.Disciplined Restless57.Conceptual Factual58.Changes circumstances Adapts to circumstances59.Creative Habitual60.Quiet Energetic61.Challenges rules Respects tradition62.Open-minded Skeptical63.Conventional Impractical64.Risk-averse Thrill-seeking65.Typical Atypical。
宝洁公司招聘题号称由高级人力资源专家设计,无论您如实或编造回答, 都能反应您某一方面的能力。
核心部分的题如下:please provide concise examples that will help us better understand your capabilities.1、Describe an instance where you set your sights on ahigh/demanding goal and saw it though completion. (请你举1个具体的例子,说明你是如何设定1个目标然后达到它。
) Demanding Goal: To design a musical and dramatic show to celebrate the centennial Anniversary of Tianjin University.The person who reaches this goal: Chairman of Tianjin University Student Union What I learned from this observation: It is not necessary for a true leader to be an expert in such or such field of his career. But he must possess the charismatic and the capacity to drive different people, who have diverged opinions, or even conflicting interests, to proceed together to the same organizational goal.2、Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others on an important task or issue, and played a leading role toachieve the results you wanted. (请举例说明你在1项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希望的结果。
±¦½àÍøÉêµÄ²âÊÔÌⱦ½àÍøÉÏÉêÇëµÄ65¸ö²âÊÔÌâÄ¿£¡1. What is the location of the university where you have been working toward (or have already received) your first university degree?Australia/NZChinaHong KongIndiaIndonesiaJapanKoreaMalaysiaPhilippinesSingaporeTaiwanThailandVietnamU.S.A.Other Asian CountryOther European CountryCountry not included in above listHave not worked toward a degree2. What best describes the institution where your highest degree was (will be, if currently studying) attained?Consistently ranked # 1 or # 2 in the country for my area of study Nationally ranked as best in class for my area of studyStrong academically but not consistently ranked as best in class for my area of studyLocal or regional reputation for providing a quality educationPlease indicate the institution where your highest degree was (will be) attained:3. Which of these did you do in school before reaching universitylevel? (Mark all that apply)a. Receive recognition as one of the best students academically (Please describe below)b. President or leader of student government or other student group, club, or organizationc. Participate in a performing arts organization (musical, theatrical, dance, or other)d. Head a committee to organize an evente. Some other accomplishment (Please describe below)If you selected a. above, please describe:Asia Management Assessment FormPage 2 of 12Please indicate your academic standing during each period of education that applies to you.Top 10% of Students Top 25% of Students Top 50% of Students Lower Half of Students I Do Not Know Does Not Apply1 2 3 4 5 6------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --4. School Before University Level5. First University Degree6. Post Graduate Degree7. Where have you typically ranked on standardized tests such as those used f or admittance into university or graduate programs, to measure achievement in school, or for employment selection?Top 1%Top 10% (but not top 1%)Top 20% (but not top 10%)Top 30% (but not top 20%)Top 40% (but not top 30%)Bottom 60%Don’t know; can’t estimateNot applicable; have never taken this type of test before8. Which of these did you do while working on your first degree as a universi ty student? (Mark all that apply)Attended a university that accepts only the best studentsStudied at more than one universityStudied outside your native countryReceived recognition for academic achievementOther special experience (Please describe below)9. Which of these did you do while you were working on any degree? (Mark all that apply)Head an important student committeeAchieve an outstanding result in athleticsOrganize a student organizationParticipate in a performing arts organization (musical, theatrical, dance, or other)Win an election for a class positionSome other accomplishment (Please describe below)Asia Management Assessment FormPage 4 of 12Please describe your participation and positions held in various organizatio ns, either within or separate from the university. (Mark all that apply)Member (But Held No Position) President or Head Position Other Position1 2 3------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --10. Sports Team11. Student Organization12. Professional Organization13. Other Organization (Please describe below)14. How many times in total were you president or leader of an organization, club, team, or committee while you were working on any university degree? Pl ease write the name and year for each group below.NoneOnceTwo TimesThree or More TimesPlease write the name and year for each group below.Chairman of graduated students union 2001-2002vice chairman of students union1999-2000minister of propaganda department of students union1998-1999WORK PREFERENCES15. Please indicate how accurately this statement describes you. "You often s tart other people working together toward a goal."Very accuratelySomewhat accuratelyNot accurately16. Which of these would bother you the most on a job?Having to finish someone else’s workGetting work assigned at the last minuteHaving to find and fix someone else’s mistakesBeing taken off a job before it is finishedReceiving incomplete or inaccurate instructions None of these would bother you17. When do you do your best work?When instructions are clearWhen working aloneWhen there are no interruptionsWhen under pressureWhen you really feel like workingSome other time (Please describe below)18. Which do you like best on the job?To work on one thing at a timeTo work on two or three things at a timeTo work on many things at a time19. How would you rate your ability to get things done in an organization mai nly through your own effort, and without the support and involvement from othe r people?Outstanding ability to do this ?among the very bestVery good ability to do thisModerate ability to do thisWeak ability to do this20. How do you feel about making difficult decisions?You look forward to themYou don’t mind themYou try to avoid themYou rarely make difficult decisions21. Which one of the following attributes is your strongest?High personal standardsPatienceWillingness to work hardConcern for other peopleKnowledge and experienceSomething else (Please describe below)22. Do you like to get things done quickly?YesNoUncertain23. Do you enjoy selling things ?ideas, products, or project proposals?Yes, very muchYes, to some extentNo, not reallyNo, not at all24. Compared to other people, and no matter what you have to sell ?an idea, p roduct, or project proposal, how would you rate your selling ability? Please m ark one and briefly explain in the space provided below why you chose that ans wer.Top 10%Top 25%Top 50%Bottom 50%Do not knowPlease explain your answer briefly:25. How effective are you in changing the thinking of a group you are working with?Extremely effectiveVery effectiveSomewhat effectiveNot very effective26. Are you usually satisfied to let someone else take the lead in group acti vities?YesNoUncertain27. Compared to other people in general, how would you rate your leadership a bility? Please briefly explain in the space provided why you chose that answer .Top 10%Top 25%Top 50%Bottom 50%Do not knowPlease explain your answer briefly:Here are factors people sometimes think about in making career choices. Please read through the list and indicate how important each one is to you personall y.Highly Important Somewhat Important Not Important1 2 3------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --28. Having an opportunity for fast advancement to a position of great respons ibility.29. Working for an established company that offers long term employment.30. Being able to make your own decisions without needing approvals.31. Receiving a very high starting salary.32. Having responsibility for projects all the way from conception to ultimate success or failure.33. Working in an organization which highly values ethical behavior toward cu stomers and employees.34. Being able to directly apply your knowledge of subjects learned at univer sity.35. Being able to receive extra compensation directly tied to your business s uccess.36. Having a boss whose success will be measured by how well he or she develo ps people.37. Receiving training that increases your capability and value to an organiz ation.38. Working with other talented people who are dedicated to their organizatio n’s long term success.39. Receiving good employee benefits, i.e., medical coverage, retirement pens ion, etc.40. Being able to travel abroad for training or business.41. Listed below are the factors you rated on the previous screen. Please rev iew the list and tell us which two of them are most important to you personall y. Mark the responses of the two most important.Having an opportunity for fast advancement to a position of great respons ibility.Working for an established company that offers long term employment.Being able to make your own decisions without needing approvals.Receiving a very high starting salary.Having responsibility for projects all the way from conception to ultimate success or failure.Working in an organization which highly values ethical behavior toward custome rs and employees.Being able to directly apply your knowledge of subjects learned at university.Being able to receive extra compensation directly tied to your business succes s.Having a boss whose success will be measured by how well he or she develops pe ople.Receiving training that increases your capability and value to an organization .Working with other talented people who are dedicated to their organization's l ong term success.Receiving good employee benefits, i.e., medical coverage, retirement pension, etc.Being able to travel abroad for training or business.Please indicate which of the factors below could importantly affect how you mi ght feel about your work location.Highly Important Somewhat Important Not Important1 2 342. Being close to other family members.43. Being close to where you live now.44. Being in a particular city where you want to live.45. The factors below often affect how people feel about their job. Please re ad and then mark the one you believe would have the largest effect on how happ y you would be.The amount of time you must give to your work.The amount of pay and other benefits you receive.The quality of relationships you have with others at work.The type of assignments you have to work on.The amount of freedom you have to make decisions.46. The factors below often affect how people feel about their job. Please re ad and then mark the one you believe would have the smallest effect on how hap py you would be.The amount of time you must give to your work.The amount of pay and other benefits you receive.The quality of relationships you have with others at work.The type of assignments you have to work on.The amount of freedom you have to make decisions.Indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of these statements.Agree Disagree1 2------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --47. I enjoy solving puzzles.48. I enjoy long, involved conversations.49. I am detail-oriented.50. When others present ideas, I am most interested in immediately useful ide as.51. I find it relatively easy to learn games of strategy.Which word or phrase in each pair best describes you?52.Constructive Harmonious53.Orderly Random54.Unpredictable Stable55.Persevere Acknowledge limits56.Disciplined Restless57.Conceptual Factual58.Changes circumstances Adapts to circumstances59.Creative Habitual60.Quiet Energetic61.Challenges rules Respects tradition62.Open-minded Skeptical63.Conventional Impractical64.Risk-averse Thrill-seeking65.Typical Atypical。
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4. 5.
8. 10. 12.
14. 16. 18.
20. 22. 24.
26. 28. 30.
32. 34.
38. 40. 42.
44. 46. 48.
50. 52. 54.
56. 58. 60.
71. 73. 75.
77. 79. 81.
85. 87.
89. 91. 93.
95. 97. 99.
1. A 内部都是三条线
2. B 第一个图边数是12,后1个是3和4而
3*4=12;第三个是9,后一个是3*3;下一个应该是6(12 – 9 = 9 - 6)
3. A 圆内的直线数:A+B=C B+C=D C+D=E....
4. D 是按第一个图形里面的方格是5x5,接
5. D 数下框里的直线数量,都是一致的,4条
6. E 旗帜在转动。
7. E 转动
8. E 外面顺时针转90°,里面顺时针转45°9. C 每一列,中图与下图叠合,去掉重复部分
12.A 粗线,以中间正方形为中心两边的图形边
13.C 针旋转90度
14.A 梯形的阴影每次加一层且顺时针转135度,
15.D 有阴影,每一列有一个方向是垂直,其余
16. C 每一列的第1,3条数相等
17. B 黑色的圆沿着某个路线顺时针走5步
18. A 几个图形拼成
19. A,两个图形边数相加为13。
20. C,顺时针45度旋转
21. 同第10题
D 第一个为7个边,第二个9个边,第三个为11
22. A,1,2图的边数和为3图的边数,2,3图的
23.A 8 7 6 ?4
24.A 旋转
25.D 每一横行的三个边数递减,故第二行为5、4、
26.左边是递形逆时针转45度,感觉右边的图曲面是左右朝向在变,感觉是E ??
27. B 第一第二行加1,第二第三行加2
28. B
32.B 旋转
33.E 旋转
34.D 第一列的每个递加1,第二列的每个递加2,第三列每个递加3
35.A 注意A和D的区别。
A让图形对称36.C 旋转
37.A 第一列与第二列相等
38. E
39. E 每种形状出现3次每种填充出现3 次
40. B
41. A找每张图第三行的形状变化规律
42.B 864 10 8 6
46.C ○变框框变三角
48.D 45度,90度,45度,90度
49.D 每列,每行有2个一样的。
50.D 旋转问题
53.E 震荡上升+1, -2, +1, -2
56.也许是D ??????????
57.E 找出不一样的
58.D 找出不一样的
59.E 里外边数比较相同的均为灰色里〉外里黑
60.D 上升+旋转重合变白
70.C 外框旋转里面边数递减
71.A 每行第2个图形作为第3个外框第一个图形
74.认为A 阴影部分分别为2/5 2/7 2/9 ?2/8 或者E因为阴影有两个而且连在一起
76.D 每行前两个相同部分都是黑变白有一个黑的就是黑
77. 同第4题。
D 格子数25 5 5 16 ?
25=5*5 16=4*4 选4个的
78.A 旋转
80.E 逆时针旋转45度+黑格子移动1格(移动的过程中两边对调)
81.B 都有5条线封闭区为白色
83.D 旋转+对称84.D 行图形遍历列颜色遍历
85.D 移动
86.C 都是5条边
? 9 8
6 7 6
4 5 4
90.C 10 6 4 2 ?
91. E 都是7条直边。
93.B 三角形对角线排列,其他图形对称。
95.B. 两图成对出现,第一第二张上下翻转,点点
96.E. 与84题里的第77题和第4题(两题一样)
? 25 4 4 16
97.E. 移动2格旋转。
99. 类似84题里的第80题.
A. 45度旋转,黑格移动。