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Russia topic

Topic one:

Stabilize the oil market, jointly cope

with low oil prices.

稳定石油市场,携手应对低油价Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen, It is my honor to do this speech as president of Russia.Today,my topic is Stabilize the oil market, jointly cope with low oil prices.


We know this is no ordinary time for our people. Each of us comes here with our own problems and priorities. But there are also challenges that we share in common as leaders and as nations.


In recent years, Russia's economy is growing fast, the economic situation is getting better.


There are many reasons for pushing Russia the economic upturn, the energy factors are concern.


Russia is the world's energy producer and exporter, favorable prices create conditions for the Russian economy improves.


A drop in oil prices for Russian which mainly export crude oil and

natural gas is a major blow .


crude oil price slump has become a big problem in Russia, around the low oil prices for the discussion of the economic analysis is also emerge in endlessly in Russia


As is known to all, the world's oil is lack. we should take the market as this, provide people with a reasonable price. So, our country will reduce the production of crude oil, according to the control of oil.


Low oil prices will have a great impact.on world peace and economic development

To begin with, the oil price is too low may lead to social unrest, the peace of the world is difficult to maintain.



The sharply falling in oil prices, result in trading commodity’s prices tumbled.

石油价格的急剧下降,导致凡是能有交易的大宗商品,价格全部暴跌。According to the trend, we are able to build a new financial system probably spending 2-3 years.

按照这种趋势的话,大概要2-3年时间才可以重新建立新的金融体制。On the oil market situation, Russia have common ground with Saudi, thinking prices should be the market-oriented. Supply and demand should play a major role.



Russia,As one of the world's major oil suppliers, and other oil-producing countries will work together to establish an effective mechanism to ensure oil supply quantity and conditions ,and it is conducive to sustained health of the world economy.


In addition, Russia is also prepared to participate actively in world oil prices, in order to ensure a balance between the interests of the oil
