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1 embryonic stem cells, ES 胚胎干细胞:是在未使用永生剂或转化剂的条件下,直接来自小鼠早期胚胎的多能性干细胞系。

2 Stem cells 干细胞:一种可自我更新增值并有多重分化潜能的细胞系。

3 hematopoietic stem cell 造血干细胞:HSC是机体内最独特的体细胞群,具有极其高度的自我更新、多向分化、跨系分化(transdifferentiation)与重建长期造血的潜能,以及损伤后再生的能力;除此之外,还具有广泛的迁移和特异性的归巢(homing)特性,能有限定位于相应的造血微环境(microenvironment)中,并以非增殖状态和缺乏系相关抗原的方式存在。

4 Neural stem cells (NSCs) 神经干细胞 :神经干细胞起先呈现为单层假复层上皮,覆盖于整个中央管到外部的限制性膜。神经干细胞能增殖,并在数天内产生成熟的神经元、星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞。

5 plasticity 可塑性:一种成体干细胞具有生成另一个组织的特化细胞的能力,即成体干细胞具有一定跨系、甚至跨胚层分化的特性,称其为干细胞的可塑性,也称为成体干细胞的横向分化。

6 Human mesenchymal stem cells 人间充质干细胞:来源于骨髓的,在离体能够增值贴壁的人的同源细胞群,可分化为中胚层细胞,如成骨细胞,软骨细胞,脂肪细胞,能够支持HSCs 的体外生长增值。

7 fate mapping 干细胞命运图:在正常环境下受各种稳态因素调节的分化趋势。这些趋势包括干细胞对机体正常发育活动的参与,以及干细胞对各种生物学危险诸如组织损伤、器官衰老以及疾病的反应。

8 Embryoid body胚体胚胎干细胞在体外培养条件下能够维持自我更新, 同时又可在一定条件下形成具有内、中、外三胚层结构的胚体(Embryoid body, EB)


1 There must be stem cells that divide and generate neurons in the adult mammalian brain.(T)



1 The embryonic germ cells are isolated from the primordial (germ生殖)

cells of the gonadal ridge of the 5- to (10)-week fetus.

2 As an important property of HSC, the reconstitution of hematopoiesis can be divided into two stage, one is (short-term短期), the other is (long-term长期), which are completed by (HPC) and (HSC) separately.

3 New pancreatic islet 胰岛cells could be differentiated from pancreatic

stem cells in vitro for( -cell )替代治疗.

4 肌肉干细胞来自于 (胚胎血管前体细胞).

5 (adult) stem cells have been identified in the brain, particularly in a region important in memory, known as the hippocampus.


6 NEP cells continue to proliferate, and are patterned over several days in vivo to generate mature (neurons) , oligodendrocytes, and astrocytes in a characteristic spatial and temporal pattern.



1 neuronal precursors can be isolated from 神经前体细胞可从哪些部位分离

1) the developing human brain, 发育中的人脑

2) adult human hippocampus, 成人的海马

3) the adult ventricular zone 成人的脑室区

2 Plasticity of neural crest stem cells 神经嵴干细胞的可塑性

1) contributed to ectodermal, 向外胚层分化

2) endodermal, 向内胚层分化

3) mesodermal tissue. 向中胚层分化

3 genome manipulation in ES cells 胚胎干细胞中的染色体组操作手段

1) Insertional Mutagenesis基因捕获技术and Gene Trapping, 基因捕获技术

2 )Targeted Gene Modification,靶向基因修正

3 )Chromosome Engineering. 染色体工程学

4 classify of stem cells 干细胞的分类

1)胚胎干细胞embryonic stem cells,

2) 胚胎生殖细胞embryonic germ cells,

3 )成体干细胞 Adult stem cells.

14 Stem cell markers coating the surface of every cell in the body are specialized proteins, Called receptors, have the capability of selectively binding or adhering to other “signaling” molecules.

