
高压手动截止阀又将高压阀组合站分为加压和卸压两部分,在 加压过程中如果发现卸压部分有泄漏,可关闭高压手动截止阀, 继续加压直至工作循环完成。有利于用户在压制工艺参数不允 许压制过程中停顿的制件时,是极其有效的设置。 安全片在超过规定工作压力后会自行破裂,为确保设备使用安 全。(见图 4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4)
钢筒由焊接桶和底板组成。 主要功能是支撑水油分离桶。放置于水油分离筒与缠绕筒体之 间。 ★ 单介质使用时,可作防污防堵保护筒,不要取出。
排气阀由上压块、移动杆、密封垫、钢球、阀块、密封圈等组 成,装配于上塞外部。 主要功能是排除承压容器内的空气。 可通过调整圆板,实现排气阀开启关闭的快慢速度。 当空气排尽,承压容器内充满液体后,排气装置自动关闭,排 气停止。 图 3 排气装置
- 11 - 油箱Ⅰ 预加压站 高压增压器
油箱Ⅰ由箱板、底板、槽钢等组成。 主要功能是为增压系统提供工作介质。 油 箱 Ⅰ内 装 有 GB11118.1 - 94 , L -HM32 抗磨 液 压 油 约 4.5m3。
预加压站是由电机、泵、联轴器、法兰、安装底板等组成。 主 要 功能 是 通过 预 加 压 泵 站 快 速 向 承 压 容 器加 压 至 10 ~ 12MPa,同时为高压增压器的高压出口端提供工作介质。
- 14 -
图 4 高压阀组合站
- 15 -
图 4-1 高压阀组合站局部
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
TB60-60 GB3452.1-94 GB3452.1-94 GB3452.1-94 TY.GF100.18 GB3452.1-94 TY.GF100.19 GB308-88 TY.GF100.21 TY.GF100.06 GB3452.1-94 TY.GF100.08 TY.GF100.07 GB308-88



工作压力 p 500 bar AC 型液壓小型蓄能器max :额定容积 V 0 max :充气阀 p 0 max :13 或 40 cm 3250 bar© 作者 HAWE Hydraulik SE.未经明确允许,禁止转交和复制本文档,以及使用和传播其内容。
HAWE Hydraulik 在所有情况下都认可这些法律法规。
打印日期/文件生成日期: 19.03.2021目录1AC 型微型液压蓄能器概览 (4)2可提供的结构形式,主要数据 (5)3参数 (7)3.1通用 (7)4尺寸 (9)4.1微型液压蓄能器 (9)4.2加长件 (10)5安装、操作和维护提示 (11)5.1通用提示信息 (11)5.1.1安全提示 (11)5.1.2法律规定 (11)5.1.3运输与储存 (11)5.2合规使用 (12)5.3安装提示 (13)5.3.1安装和调试 (13)5.4操作提示 (16)5.5维护提示 (16)6其它信息 (17)6.1设计参数说明 (17)6.2配件、备件和单件 (19)6.2.1充气装置 (19)6.2.2加长件 (19)1AC 型微型液压蓄能器概览液压蓄能器属于压力蓄能器类。
AC 型微型液压蓄能器是隔膜式蓄能器。
由于其尺寸的缘故,AC 型微型液压蓄能器不属于欧盟压力设备指令 2014/68/EU 第 4 (3) 的适用范围。
借助不同的连接部件,AC 型液压蓄能器能够轻松集成到液压设备上。
特点和优势:■紧凑的结构设计■工作压力可达 500 bar■坚固的设计应用范围:■机床■行走液压机械■蓄能器负载系统■试验台AC 型微型液压蓄能器2可提供的结构形式,主要数据机能符号:AC ACS订货实例:表 1 基型、额定容积及接口尺寸参见章节 6.1, "设计参数说明"表 2 气体预压力有关气体预压力 p0 的信息 参见章节 6.1, "设计参数说明"表 3 截止阀调节压力表 4 加长件3参数3.1 通用通用数据尺寸特性曲线等温绝热P 液压油 2P 液压油 100 b a r150b a r 200b ar250b ar4尺寸所有尺寸为 mm,保留更改的权利.4.1 微型液压蓄能器AC 13ACS 13AC 401截止阀安装孔4.2 加长件K 1/4L 1/41螺栓密封圈 G 1/4 NBR 85 Sh A1螺栓密封圈 G 1/4 NBR 85 Sh A5安装、操作和维护提示5.1 通用提示信息5.1.1 安全提示提供了更多关于蓄能器系统技术规格的说明 DIN EN ISO 4413。

4. 准平衡过程与可逆过程有何区别?答:无耗散的准平衡过程才是可逆过程,所以可逆过程一定是准平衡过程,而准平衡过程不一定是可逆过程。
5. 不可逆过程是无法回复到初态的过程,这种说法是否正确?答:不正确。
6. 没有盛满水的热水瓶,其瓶塞有时被自动顶开,有时被自动吸紧,这是什幺原因?答:水温较高时,水对热水瓶中的空气进展加热,空气压力升高,大于环境压力,瓶塞被自动顶开。
7. 用U形管压力表测定工质的压力时,压力表液柱直径的大小对读数有无影响?答:严格说来,是有影响的,因为U型管越粗,就有越多的被测工质进入U型管中,这局部工质越多,它对读数的准确性影响越大。
习题1-1 解:kPa bar p b 100.61.00610133.37555==⨯⨯=-1. kPa p p p g b 6.137********.100=+=+=2. kPa bar p p p b g 4.149494.1006.15.2==-=-=3. kPa mmHg p p p v b 3315.755700755==-=-=4. kPa bar p p p b v 6.50506.05.0006.1==-==-1-2 图1-8表示常用的斜管式微压计的工作原理。

2023年公用设备工程师之专业案例(暖通空调专业)通关检测卷包含答案单选题(共20题)1. 某工程确定选用名义制冷量为200kW的螺杆式冷水机组,由生产厂家的样本查得:该机组在冷却水进口温度30℃,出口温度35℃时,冷凝温度为38℃;采用卧式壳管式冷凝器,传热系数为750W/(㎡·K),冷凝器排热量为232.8kW,水侧污垢热阻为0.086㎡·K/kW。
使用当地水质时,壳管式冷凝器的传热系数是( )。
A.712.0~713.0W/(㎡·K)B.646.0~647.0W/(㎡·K)C.574.0~575.0W/(㎡·K)D.448.0~449.0W/(㎡·K)【答案】 B2. 对面积为1500㎡、高3m的地下汽车库,下列( )防排烟方案是合理的。
A.B.可不设机械排烟C.D.【答案】 B3. 某北向房间外墙和外窗的基本耗热量为3500W,朝向修正率和风力附加率各为10%,冷风渗透耗热量为2000W,房间高度为5.5m,通过房间的热管道的有效稳定散热量为2000W,其供暖热负荷为( )。
A.4326WB.4366WC.6326WD.6366W【答案】 A4. 某四星级宾馆的宴会厅,设计最大用餐人数为120人,平均用餐人数为50人,用餐时间为2h,宴会厅总排风量为1000m3/h,该宴会厅空调系统的新风量应是下列哪一项?A.1000m3/hB.1250m3/hC.1500m3/hD.2500m3/h【答案】 C5. 五层办公楼,采用散热器采暖,层高3.6m,南外墙热负荷为243W,外窗热负荷为490W,窗缝渗入205W,南方向修正为-15%。
A.920~940WB.890~910WC.860~880WD.810~830W【答案】 D6. 人防多层建筑地下商店机械排烟系统的排烟风机负担2个防烟分区的排烟,面积分别为100㎡和80㎡,该排烟风机的排烟量可按( )考虑。
人民电器 赢领RDW5系列万能式断路器选型说明书

正常工作条件和环境适应性□ □ 海拔高度:2000m□ 电磁干扰:适用于电磁环境A □ 使用类别:B类□ 污染等级:污染等级为3级□ 安装级别:断路器主电路、欠电压脱扣器线圈、智能控制器的电源变压器初级线圈 为IV ,控制电路、辅助电路为III□ 防护等级:IP20 (当断路器安装在柜体室内,且加装门框后,防护等级能达到IP40)□ 储存条件:-25~+55℃□ 运输条件:应轻拿轻放,不应倒置,避免剧烈碰撞环境温度:周围空气温度为-5~+40℃,24h 的平均值不超过+35℃产品概述RDW5系列万能式断路器适用于交流50/60HZ ,额定工作电压AC400V/690V ,额定电流至6300A 以下的配电网络中,主要用作配电、馈电和发电保护,使线路及电源设备免受过载、欠电压、过电压、电流电压不平衡、短接和接地/漏电等故障的危害。
产品符合:GB/T 14048.2标准。
注:RDW5默认标准配件:分励、合闸、电操、4组转换、门框、相间隔板、M 型控制器举例:需订一台RDW5-2000S 型,三极抽屉式,额定电流为1250A,智能控制器为M 型,控制电 压为AC230V 的万能式断路器型号表示为:RDW5-20S12/3M 抽屉水平AC230V 无欠压 数量为1台选型指南001技术参数□ □ 额定工作电压Ue (V ): 400/690□ 额定绝缘电压Ui (V ):1000□ 额定冲击耐受电压Uimp (KV ):12□ 额定频率(HZ ):50/60□ 飞弧距离(mm ):0□ 适用于隔离:极数:3/4002功能与特性注:在不同的环境温度下对断路器的容量使用有一定的影响,但可以适当降容使用,断路器在规定母排接线方式下对应环境温度时应满足 约定发热条件下的持续承载电流能力。
注:当超过标准规定的海拔高度时,对断路器的容量使用有一定的影响,但可以适当降容使用,RDW5系列断路器在海拔高度2000 米以下,其性能不会发生 任何变化。

【单选】 [单选题] *A、石英管B、外置壶C、双壶加热(正确答案)D、纳热膜2、产品LNS883-9F加热和制冷方式是()。
【单选】 [单选题] *A、石英管,电子制冷B、外置壶,电子制冷C、双壶加热,电子制冷(正确答案)D、纳热膜,无制冷3、产品LNS280-8F字母NS代表是()。
【单选】 [单选题] *A、无净水,前置B、无净水,饮水机(正确答案)C、全屋,无净水D、无净水,立式4、产品LNS280-8F水泵检测时长是()。
【单选】 [单选题] *A、600hB、500h(正确答案)C、400hD、600h5、产品LNS683-8F烧水额定功率是()。
【单选】 [单选题] *A、1410WB、1500WC、1375W(正确答案)D、420W6、产品LNS683-8F保温功率是()。
【单选】 [单选题] *A、40WB、45WC、50WD、35W(正确答案)7、产品LNS683-8F壶是()。
【单选】 [单选题] *A、500mlB、800ml(正确答案)C、1000mlD、600ml8、产品LNS883-9F卖点是()。
【多选】 *A、优质水泵,小身材,大动力(正确答案)B、下置水桶设计,轻松换桶(正确答案)C、3.5升大容量水箱,满足你全家饮水需求D、沸点自测,专为高原地区设计(正确答案)E、双壶设计,包胶防烫不锈钢烧水壶,耐高温玻璃壶,安全耐用(正确答案)F、智清洁功能,防止水路二次污染9、产品LNW670-5W制热能力是()。
【单选】 [单选题] *A、20L/h,≥90℃(正确答案)B、4L/h,>90℃C、25L/h,>90℃D、15L/h,>90℃10、产品LNW670-5W安全功能是()。
【多选】 *A、童锁设计(正确答案)B、缺水设计(正确答案)C、定时开关机D、防干烧设计(正确答案)11、产品QU-2000总净水流量是()。

Hyundai IONIQ 5.Specifications.Electric motor(s)DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDMotor type - rear Permanent magnet synchronous motorMotor type - front-Permanent magnet synchronous motor Configuration Rear mounted driving rear wheels Rear + front mounted driving rear + front wheels Maximum power - rear motor / front motor160 kW / -155 kW / 70 kWMaximum torque - rear motor / front motor350 Nm / -350 Nm / 255 NmMaximum power - total160 kW225 kWMaximum torque - total350 Nm605 NmBattery DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDBattery type Liquid cooled Lithium-ionCapacity72.6 kWhOutput253 kWVoltage653 VCooling system DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDActive Air Flap (AAF) - front lower air intake shutters●On-board AC charger DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDCharging capacity (maximum)10.5 kWStandard charging time (240 V at maximum charging capacity)Approximately 6 hours 6 minutesCharging port Type 2 (IEC 62196-2 Type 2)On-board DC fast charger DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDCharging capacity350 kWSuspension DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDFront MacPherson strutRear Multi-linkDamping control system High performance dampersBrakes DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDSystem Dual diagonal-split circuit, power assisted with Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD),Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and active hydraulic booster (regenerative braking)Booster Integrated Electric Booster (IEB)Front brake type Ventilated discFront disc dimensions345 mm x 30 mmRear brake type Ventilated discRear disc dimensions345 mm x 20 mmWeight DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDTare Mass1990 kg2100kgGross Vehicle Mass (GVM)2430 kg2540 kgPermissible Axle Weight (PAW) - front1280 kg1280 kgPermissible Axle Weight (PAW) - rear1370kg1370 kgRoof rack load limit80 kgFront under bonnet cargo area load limit25 kg10 kgTowing Capacity DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDBraked1600 kgUn-braked750 kgMaximum tow ball weight100 kgTrailer pre-wiring package●Energy consumption*DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDElectric driving efficiency; Combined:Wh/km168190 kWh/100km16.819.0All Electric Range (AER)481 km430 km* F igure based on WLTP (Worldwide Harmonised Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedure) static laboratory combined average city and highway cycle test, which measure, energy consumption, range and emissions in passenger vehicles, designed to provide figures closer to real-world driving behaviour. Real life driving results will vary depending on a combination of driving style, type of journey, vehicle configuration, battery age and condition, use of vehicle features (such as heating and air conditioning), as well as operating, environmental and climate conditions. Performance DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDMaximum speed (km/h)1850 ~ 100 km/h (seconds)7.4 5.280 ~ 120 km/h (seconds) 4.7 3.8)0.288Coefficient of drag (CdDimensions DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDExteriorLength4635 mmWidth1890 mmHeight (with shark fin antenna)1605 (1647) mmWheelbase3000 mmWheel track - front / rear1638 / 1647 mm1628 / 1637 mmMinimum ground clearance160 mmInteriorHead room front / rear (with Vision Roof)1046 / 970 mm1046 / 970 mm (1034 / 953 mm)Leg room front / rear1138 / 1002 mmShoulder room front / rear1465 / 1470 mm1465 / 1465 mmHip room front / rear1368 / 1362 mmCargo area rear - VDA (minimum / maximum)527 L / 1587 LCargo area front - VDA 57 L24 LCargo area glovebox compartment - VDA 9 LTotal cargo area - VDA (minimum / maximum)593 / 1653 L560 / 1620 LWheels & tyres DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDWheel type Alloy - aerodynamic designWheel dimensions19 x 7.5J + 49.520 x 8.5J +54.5Tyre type Michelin Primacy 4Michelin Pilot Sport EVTyre dimensions235/55R19 105W255/45R20 105WSpare wheel type Tyre Mobility Kit (TMK)Electric vehicle functionsDYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDiPedal mode - intelligent one pedal driving mode●●Smart regenerative braking mode 2.0 - traffic & navigation based ●●Regenerative braking control - via paddle shifters●●Vehicle to Load (V2L) connection (outside) - 2-way adapter to domestic 3-pin plug output●●Vehicle to Load (V2L) connection (inside) - domestic 3-pin plug output ●●Voice notification of charging status (outside) - using external VESS speaker●●Visual notification of charging status (charge port door) - Parametric pixel LED indicator●●Navigation POI - EV charging stations; with auto display when needed ●●Trailer Mode - Automatic AER adjustment●●Trailer Mode - HTRAC AWD drive torque distribution-●Next departure function - set the intended departure time for the scheduled charging●●Scheduled charging function - set the intended start and end time for charging; Off-peak tariffs prioritised/Off-peak tariffs only ●●Target temperature function - set the intended climate control temperature for next departure●●EV charge transfer function - set the minimum battery % the V2L automatically discharges down to●●Charging limit function - set the defined battery charging limit for AC/DC charging●●Charging current function - set the defined battery charging current limit for AC charging●●Utility mode function - uses the high voltage battery to power vehicle electronics●●Eco mode climate control function - increases driving range in Eco drive mode●●Driver only climate control fan function - increases driving range ●●Heat off climate control function - increases driving range ●●Driving convenience DYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDAuto Hold function●●Electronic Parking Brake (EPB)●●Integrated Memory System (IMS), 2 driver positions - including;-●Driver’s seat (excluding lumbar) & exterior rear view mirror position Easy Access function - driver’s seat -●One touch turn signal - 3, 5, or 7 flashes ●●Rain sensing aero wipers ●●Remote Start - via Smart Key●●Reverse parking aid function - exterior mirrors -●Smart key with push button start●●Steering wheel mounted controls - audio, favourite, phone, voice control, lane safety, smart cruise control, speed limiter, trip computer & drive mode ●●Tilt & telescopic steering column●●Personalised User Profile selection - 3 custom profiles; Driver 1, Driver 2 & Guest ●●Driving engagementDYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDBrake Mode - 2 settings; Normal & Sport●●Drive Mode - 4 settings; Eco, Normal, Sport, Snow ●●Shift By Wire (SBW), electronic gear shift control ●●Active safetyDYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDElectronic Stability Control (ESC) including;Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)●●Brake Assist System (BAS)Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD)Hill-start Assist Control (HAC)Multi Collision-Avoidance Brake (MCB)Traction Control System (TCS)Vehicle Stability Management (VSM)Active safetyDYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDHyundai SmartSense ™ including;Blind-Spot Collision Avoidance-Assist (BCA)●●Blind-Spot View Monitor (BVM)Driver Attention Warning (DAW), including;Leading Vehicle Departure AlertForward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) including:Car / Pedestrian / Cyclist Detection (FCA - CAR/PED/CYC)Junction Turning / Crossing functions (FCA - JT/JC)Lane Change Oncoming / Side functions (FCA - LO/LS)Evasive Steering Assist function (FCA - w/ ESA)High Beam Assist (HBA)Intelligent Speed Limit Assist (ISLA)Lane Following Assist (LFA)Lane Keeping Assist - Line/Road-Edge (LKA-L/R)Parking Collision-Avoidance Assist - Reverse (PCA-R)Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist (RCCA)Rear Occupant Alert (ROA) - warning type Safe Exit Assist (SEA)Smart Cruise Control (SCC), including;Stop & Go function (SCC w/ S&G)Machine Learning function (SCC w/ ML) - Based on Driving Style Surround View Monitor (SVM) including;3D Surround View functionDriving Rear-View Monitor (DRM) function - rear view image on commandParking Distance Warning function w/ dynamic guidelines & guidance display Car wash entering mode Tailgate guide-line mode Trailer connection mode Other featuresEmergency Stop Signal (ESS)●●Steering wheel with Haptic feedback - SmartSense ™ functions ●●Manual Speed Limit Assist (MSLA)●●Parking Distance Warning - Forward/Reverse (PDW-F/R) - 6 sensors front & rear with guidance display ●●Smart Parking Assist (SPA), including;●●Perpendicular & Parallel reverse parking and Parallel forward exit functionsRemote Smart Parking Assist (RSPA), via Smart Key, including;●●Perpendicular & Parallel reverse parking and Forward/Rearward parking functionsTyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - individual tyre pressure readout ●●Virtual Engine Sound System (VESS)- external sound notification for pedestrians ●●Passive safety DYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDAirbagsFront airbags - driver & front passenger ●●Front centre side airbag●●Side (thorax & pelvis) airbags - driver & front passenger ●●Side curtain airbags ●●DoorsImpact sensing auto door unlock●●Electronic child safety lock - rear doors & windows ●●SeatbeltsPretensioners & height adjustable upper mounts on front seat belts●●Pretensioners on rear outboard seat belts ●●Load limiters - front & rear seat belts ●●Seat belt reminder - front & rear seatbelts ●●SeatingHeight adjustable front head restraints with tilt function ●●Height adjustable rear head restraints●●ISOFIX child restraint anchors (rear outboard seats)●●Top tether child restraint anchors (rear) - 3 anchors●●Security DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDSecurity systemActive lock/unlock operation (user configurable)●●Anti-theft alarm ●●Central locking ●●Engine immobiliser ●●RemotesSmart key remote - 2x ●●OtherCapacitive touch front door handles - lock / unlock function ●●Multimedia system DYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDAudio/media sources AM radio●●FM / Digital radio (DAB+)●●Apple CarPlay 1 & Android Auto 2 compatibility ●●Bluetooth audio streaming●●Sounds of Nature - 6 pre-set sounds ●●USB multimedia input - music/video ●●FunctionsBluetooth® Multi-Connection; 1 x phone/audio & 1 x audio●●Bluetooth® Message Access Profile (MAP) - SMS playback capability; audio & visual●●Capacitive touch screen - 12.3” HD display with blue light filter ●●Radio Data System (RDS)●●Satellite navigation●●Live traffic updates (RDS-TMC)●●Voice memo function - up to 70 minutes recording time ●●SpeakersBOSE™ Premium audio system - 8 speakers with external amplifier ●●Other featuresColour theme layout - White or Black ●●EV vehicle functions display●●Quiet Mode function - Audio volume limited to ‘25’ in 1st row and muted in rear●●Occupant comfort & convenience DYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDUpholstery/trim Leather 3 appointed seats●●Leather 3 appointed steering wheel●●Leather 3 appointed centre console armrest w/real stitching ●●Leather 3 appointed door armrests w/cloth inserts & real stitching ●●Front seatsDriver’s seat - power adjustable - 10-way (including 2-way lumbar support) ●-Driver’s seat - power adjustable - 12-way (including 2-way lumbar support & 2-way calf support)-●Driver’s seat - ‘Relaxion’ comfort seat function (zero gravity position)-●Driver’s seat - Seat position change alert - displayed in multimedia system screen-●Passenger’s seat - power adjustable - 10-way (including 2-way lumbar support)●-Passenger’s seat - power adjustable - 12-way (including 2-way lumbar support & 2-way calf support)-●Passenger’s seat - ‘Relaxion’ comfort seat function (zero gravity position)-●Passenger’s seat - centre side control switch, including;-●Driver/rear passenger control for 2nd row slide (individual left & right)One-touch relaxation seat controlIntegrated Memory System (IMS) - passenger seat via multimedia screen -●Adjustable centre console (2-way sliding)●●2 x USB power outlet - centre console ●●1 x 12V power outlet - front console●●Wireless charging pad 15w (Qi standard)4 with cooling function - centre console●●Grip handles - 1x (passenger)●●Occupant comfort & convenience DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDRear seatsCentre fold down armrest ●●Grip handles - 2x●●2 x USB power outlet - rear of centre console ●●Manual backrest recline function - 2-way (60:40)●●Manual seat base slide function - 2-way (60:40)●-Power seat base slide function - 2-way (60:40)-●Integrated Memory System (IMS) - rear seats via multimedia screen (60:40)-●Windows/shadesAcoustic laminated glass - windshield glass ●●Acoustic laminated glass - side doors ●●Solar control glass - windshield & front doors ●●Privacy glass - rear doors & tailgate●●Power windows - one touch up & down function with anti-pinching safety feature - front windows●●Convenience opening/closing function with Smart Key remote - front windows ●●Rear door window sunshades-●Sun visors (extendable) - driver and front passenger ●●Doors/tailgateLuggage area power outlet - 1 x 12V outlet●●Power charge flap - open/close; with Smart Key control●●Power retractable door handles - with approach open & unlock function ●●Power Tailgate - open/close; with adjustable height and speed ●●Smart Tailgate function - hands-free opening ●●OtherInstrument panel display board - with magnetic attachment capability ●●Vision & sight DYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDInterior mirrorElectro-Chromatic Mirror (ECM) - auto-dimming ●●Exterior mirrors Heated●●Power adjustable●●Power folding with auto fold function ●●Instrument clusterSupervision cluster including;●●12.3” colour TFT-LCD full screen displayDigital instrumentation with Driving Assist, Utility (Trip Computer), Turn By Turn & Powertrain view modes3 x display themes; Eco/Snow, Normal & Sport with torque gauge Colour theme layout - White or Black Head-Up-Display●●Augmented Reality Display Mode functions:Turn-by-turn navigation display Driving convenience information Blind-spot safety information Speedometer display Normal Display Mode functions: Turn-by-turn navigation display Driving convenience information Blind-spot safety information Multimedia information display Speedometer display Ventilation & heating DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDAir conditioningClimate control - dual zone including;●●Touch type control panel Auto defog function Auto dehumidify function Smart vent functionAuto internal air circulation function; windscreen washer based & navigation map data based Auto fan function - including 3 modes; Low, Medium & High Cabin air filterCooling/heating vents - rear ‘B’ pillars Cooling/heating ducts - rear floorVentilation & heating DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD Front seatsHeated front seats - 3 stage●●Air ventilated front seats - 3 stage-●Rear seatsHeated rear outboard seats - 2 stage-●Other featuresAuto Comfort Control -auto activation of driver’s heated / ventilated seat& heated steering wheel-●Heated rear windshield●●Heated steering wheel-●PTC Heater - electric heater●●Exterior styling DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD FrontHeadlights - black bezel with Parametric Pixel graphics●●Front upper middle trim - gloss black with Parametric Pixel graphics●●Front bumper upper trim - satin chrome●●Front bumper lower middle trim - gloss black●●Front bumper lower trim - satin chrome●●Front bumper cladding - liquid silver●●Front bumper skid plate - liquid silver●●RearTaillights - black bezel with parametric pixel graphics●●Rear bumper/tailgate upper trim - satin chrome●●Rear bumper upper middle side trims & skid plate surround- gloss black●●Rear bumper lower middle side trims - satin chrome●●Rear bumper cladding - liquid silver●●Rear bumper skid plate - liquid silver●●Roof spoiler - tailgate mounted aero type;●●Body colour with piano black wind deflectorSideDoor frame, beltline moulding & mirror base/lower cover/front surround- gloss black●●Flush type door handle●●Middle upper side trim insert - gloss black●●Middle lower side trim insert - satin chrome●●Side cladding - liquid silver●●WheelsMulti-spoke gloss black / machined finish aero wheel- with Parametric Dynamics pattern●●Other featuresRoof aerial (shark fin type) - gloss black●●Interior styling DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD TreatmentsAlloy effect finish (dashboard, door handles/speakers, cabin switches,●●wiper/light/transmission controls, air vents, centre console & overheadlight console)Gloss black - hybrid-touch steering wheel buttons, drive mode button,EV start/stop button, electronic park brake button & auto hold button●●Interior styling DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD MaterialsPedals - alloy●●Door scuff plates - stainless steel●●Door trim insert garnish - paperette w/ParametricPixel graphics●●Headlining - cloth knit melange look●●DesignSteering wheel - EV exclusive with flat bottom & Parametric Pixel graphics●●Lighting DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD Exterior lighting - frontHeadlight functions - automatic dusk sensing with escort and welcome●●Headlight type - Dual projector beam LED - low/high beam●●Positioning lights - LED w/Parametric Pixel graphics●●Daytime Running Lights (DRL) - LED w/Parametric Pixel graphics●●Turn signal lights - LED w/Parametric Pixel graphics●●Hidden LED light guide - upper bumper trim ●●Exterior lighting - rearTaillights - Full LED w/Parametric Pixel graphics●●Positioning lights - LED●●LED light guide - full width●●Brake lights - LED●●Turn signal lights - LED●●Reverse lights - LED●●Fog lights - LED●●License plate lights - LED●●High mount stop light (HMSL) - LED●●Exterior lighting - othersSide repeaters - LED w/Parametric Pixel graphics, integrated intoside mirrors●●Front cargo area light - LED●●Manual headlight levelling function - 4 levels; 0, 1, 2, & 3●●Interior lighting - frontMap lights with touch type operation - LED ●●Mood light - LED ●●Room lights including map lights & mood light - LED ●●Glovebox compartment light - LED●●Vanity mirror lights ●●Interior lighting - rearCentre room light - LED●●Room lights and map lights - LED (outboard)-O Interior lighting - othersInterior Ambient lighting - LED: door armrests & speaker surrounds,including;●●Adjustable colours & brightness; 10 pre-set and up to 64 colour choicesRear cargo area light●●Interior light fade-out delay●●Storage solutions DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD Front seatsCentre console w/main & armrest compartment storage●●Cup holders including phone holder - centre console ●●Front console storage compartment●●Glovebox compartment - sliding type●●Ticket holders - sun visors (driver and front passenger)●●Rear seatsCentre console rear storage compartment●●Coat hooks - 1x●●Cup holders including phone holder - armrest●●Front seat back pockets - net type●●Split folding backrest - 60:40●●Boot/luggage areaCargo cover - dual position, retractable●●Luggage board - foldable●●Luggage compartment - 4x tie down hooks●●Luggage net ●●Underfloor storage compartment●●BonnetFront cargo compartment●●OthersDoors - map pockets and bottle holders (front and rear)●●Options DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD Vision roof - fixed glass roof panel with power sunshade-O Notes:1. Apple CarPlay requires iPhone 5 or subsequent model (lightning cable) in order to operate.2. Android Auto requires a device with Android 5.0 operating system or subsequent version in order to operate.3. Finishes specified as leather may contain elements of genuine leather, polyurethane leather (leather substitute) or man-made materials, or a combination thereof.4. Wireless charging requires a Qi-enabled smartphone or adapter in order to operate.Key:● = Feature included as standard on trim- = Feature is not available on trim。

2022-2023年公用设备工程师之专业案例(暖通空调专业)考试题库单选题(共100题)1、某4层办公楼,四根污水管,分别为D150,D125,D125,D100,现设置汇合通气管,则通气管管径为( )。
A.140~160mmB.165~185mmC.190~210mmD.220~240mm【答案】 B2、某用户的供暖设计热负荷为150kW,设计供回水温度为85℃/60℃,计算阻力损失为30kPa,其入口外网的实际供回水压差为50kPa,该用户的水力失调度应为( )。
A.1.29B.1.00C.O.78D.无法确定【答案】 A3、-离心通风机,在标准大气压下输送20℃的空气,轴功率为3.08kW,风量为1000m3/h,全压为1000Pa,效率为多少?若传动效率0.98,电动机的安全容量系数1.2,需要电动机输出功率为多少?A.90%,3.77kWB.95%,3.77kWC.90%,3.62kWD.95%,3.62kW【答案】 A4、某四星级宾馆的宴会厅,设计最大用餐人数为120人,平均用餐人数为50人,用餐时间为2h,宴会厅总排风量为1000m3/h,该宴会厅空调系统的新风量应是下列哪一项?A.1000m3/hB.1250m3/hC.1500m3/hD.2500m3/h【答案】 C5、某项目采用地源热泵进行集中供冷、供热,经测量,有效换热深度为90m,敷设单U形换热管,设夏、冬季单位管长的换热量均为q=30W/m,夏季冷负荷和冬季热负荷均为450kW,所选热泵机组夏季性能系数EER=5,冬季性能系数COP=4,在理想换热状态下,所需孔数应为下列何项?( )。
A.63孔B.94孔C.100孔D.173孔【答案】 C6、某热水锅炉,进水温度为60℃(比焓251.5kJ/kg),出水温度为80℃(比焓335.5kJ/kg),测定的循环流量为120t/h,压力为4MPa。
锅炉每小时燃煤量为0.66t,燃煤的低位发热量为19000kJ/kg,锅炉热效率为( )。

若粗效过滤器入口空气含尘浓度为50mg/m3,中效过滤器出口空气含尘浓度是下列哪一项?A.1mg/m3 B.1.5mg/m3 C.2mg/m3D.2.5mg/m3A.B.C.D.上一题下一题(5/30)单项选择题第5题某工艺空调室内设计状态:干球温度为25±0.5℃,相对湿度为55%。

1-2 US系列产品阵容
2-1 US系列产品阵容——室外机
548 800
736 1380
单相电 RAS-25/35HN7Q
单相电 RAS-50/63HN7Q
单相电: RAS-72HN7Q
三相电: RAS-125HNY7Q
三相电: RAS-140HNY7Q RAS-160HNY7Q
制冷量:7.2kW; 制热量:8.0kW RCI-72HQ/RAS-72HEQ(强热型)
制冷量:7.2kW; 制热量:9.2kW
制冷量:12.3kW; 制热量:14.0kW
© Qingdao Hisense Hitachi Air condition System Co., Ltd. 2014. All rights reserved.
室内机 室外机
一组冷媒管 (气管、液管)
RPI-125HN5QL/RAS-125HYN5Q(标准型) RPI-125HN5QH/RAS-125HYN5Q(标准型) 制冷量:12.3kW; 制热量:14.0kW
RPI-125HQL/RAS-125HYEQ(强热型) RPI-125HQH/RAS-125HYEQ(强热型) 制冷量:12.5kW; 制热量:16.0kW

PF6000Climate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice371Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 11000-22000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 10000-20000Features• Maintains a UL Tested NEMA T ype 12 seal against enclosure • U L Recognized to UL 508a, category NITW2/8,UL File #E175229• CSA #246217• Patented “Click & Fit” design provides a hardware-free installation!• Plastic made from strong, heat resistant (ABS-FR),UL 94 VO fire approved material •Options: Black grillsAirfl ow data PF 11000PF 22000PFA 10000PFA20000Filter material Type 12 synthetic fi lter mat T ype 12 fl uted fi lter mat T ype 12 synthetic fi lter mat Type 12 fl uted fi lter mat Unimpeded airfl ow 17 CFM 38 CFM --Cooling Dissipation (W) / °T 10 W/K 21 W/K --Airfl ow in combination 11 CFM 28 CFM --(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 11000 + PFA 10000)(PF 22000 + PFA 20000)-Capacity in combination 6 W/K 15 W/K --(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 11000 + PFA 10000)(PF 22000 + PFA 20000)-Max. static pressure (Airfl ow = 0 m3/h)38 Pa 57 Pa --Filtration effi ciency 88%91%88/91%88/91%Filter material grade G 3 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)G3/ G4 (DIN EN 779)G3/ G4 (DIN EN 779)Duty cycle 100%100%Technical dataPF 11000PF 11000PF 22000PF 22000PFA 10000ACDCACDCPFA 20000Outside dimensions in mm (height x width x installation depth)109 x 109 x 62109 x 109 x 49145 x 145 x 70145 x 145 x 64109 x 109 x 26/145 x 145 x 26Bearing type sleeve bearings ball bearings sleeve bearings ball bearings -Fitting position vertical any vertical any -Construction housing and guard of sprayed thermoplastic, self-extinguishing, UL 94 VO Weight 0.55 kg 0.16 kg 0.7 kg 0.44 kg 0.06 kg / 0.12 kg Safety protection in accordance with DIN 31 001-Color RAL 7035, Light Grey Connection 2 wires, 310 mm long terminal stripQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond Manufacturing Canada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030 Data Subject to change without notice372 Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwise Filterfan PF 11000-22000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 10000-20000 Airflow Data:Mechanical Data:Mechanical Data:. ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice373Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 32000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 30000Features• Maintains a UL T ested NEMA Type 12 seal against enclosure• UL Recognized to UL 508a, category NITW2/8,UL File #E175229• CSA #246217• Patented “Click & Fit” design provides a hardware free installation!• Plastic made from strong, heat resistant (ABS-FR), UL 94 VO fi re approved material •Options: Black GrillsAirfl ow data PF 32000PFA 30000Filter material Type 12 fi lter matType 12 fi lter matUnimpeded airfl ow65 CFM -Cooling Dissipation (W)/°T 37 W/K -Airfl ow in combination 38 CFM-(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 32000 + PFA 30000)Capacity in combination 21 W/K-(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 32000 + PFA 30000)Max. static pressure (Airfl ow = 0 m3/h)61 Pa -Filtration effi ciency 91%91%Filter material grade G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)Duty cycle100%-Quality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice 374Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 32000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 30000Airflow Data:Mechanical Data:Climate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice375Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 42500-43000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 40000Features• Maintains a UL T ested NEMA T ype 12 seal against enclosure• UL Recognized to UL 508a, category NITW2/8,UL File #E175229• CSA #246217• Patented “Click & Fit” design provides a hardware free installation!• Plastic made from strong, heat resistant (ABS-FR), UL 94 VO fi re approved material •Options: Black GrillsVoltage Power Mating Exhaust FilterShip Wt. lbs.Airfl ow data PF 42500PF 43000PFA 40000Filter material NEMA Type 12 FiltermatNEMA T ype 12 FiltermatNEMA T ype 12 FiltermatUnimpeded airfl ow94 CFM 169 CFM -Cooling Dissipation (W)/°T 53 W/K I88 W/K -Airfl ow in combination 67 CFM142 CFM-(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 42500 + PFA 40000)(PF 43000 + PFA 40000)Capacity in combination 38 W/K69 W/K-(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 43000 + PFA 40000)(PF 43000 + PFA 40000)Max. static pressure (Airfl ow = 0 m3/h)49 Pa 112 Pa -Filtration effi ciency 91%91%91%Filter material grade G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)Duty cycle 100%100%-Climate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice 376Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 42500-43000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 40000PF 42500PF 43000PFA 40000Operating temperature – 15 °C (- 5 °F) to / bis + 55 °C (+ 131 °F)Storage temperature – 20 °C (- 4 °F) to / bis + 70 °C (+ 158 °F)Max. relative humidity 90%System of protection NEMA Type 12, IP 55 (EN 60 529), when installed as specifi edBasic Accessoriesparts kit fi lter mat, user manual radiant heater, fan heater, thermostat, hygrostat* Tolerance installation cutout177 + 1/-0 thickness of material to 2 mm 178 + 1/-0 thickness of material > 2 mm < 3 mmAirflow Data:Mechanical Data:. ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice377Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 65000, 66000, 67000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 60000Features• Maintains a UL T ested NEMA T ype 12 seal against enclosure• UL Recognized to UL 508a, category NITW2/8,UL File #E175229• CSA #246217• Patented “Click & Fit” design provides a hardware free installation!• Plastic made from strong, heat resistant (ABS-FR), UL 94 VO fi re approved material •Options: Black GrillsReverse Flow ExhaustVoltage Power Mating Exhaust FilterShip Wt. lbs.Airfl ow data PF 65000PF 66000PF 67000PFA 60000Filter material Type 12 FiltermatType 12 Filtermat Type 12 FiltermatType 12 FiltermatUnimpeded airfl ow297 CFM462 CFM 560 CFM -Cooling Dissipation (W)/°T 168 W/K / 168 W/K257 W/K / 262 W/K 308 W/K / 317 W/K-Airfl ow in combination 224 CFM295 CFM 368 CFM-(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter) (PF 65000 + PFA 60000)(PF 66000 + PFA 60000)(PF 67000 + PFA 60000)-Capacity in combination 127 W/K167 W/K 208 W/K-(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 65000 + PFA 60000)(PF 66000 + PFA 60000)(PF 67000 + PFA 60000)-Max. static pressure (Airfl ow = 0)74 Pa 134 Pa 187 Pa -Filtration effi ciency 91%91%91%91%Filter material grade G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)Duty cycle100%100%100%-Technical dataPF 65000PF 66000PF 67000PFA 60000Outside dimensions in mm(height x width x installation depth) 320 x 320 x 150320 x 320 x 150320 x 320 x 150320 x 320 x 39Bearing type ball bearings ball bearings ball bearings -Fitting position any, horizontal airfl ow preferred anyConstruction housing and guard of sprayed thermoplastic, self-extinguishing, UL 94 VO Weight3.2 kg 3.2 kg 3.7 kg 0.7 kgSafety protection in accordance with DIN 31 001-ColorRAL 7035, Light GreyConnections cage clamp cage clamp cage clamp -ApprovalNEMA Type 12, IP 55 (EN 60 529), when installed as specifi edClimate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice 378Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PF 65000, 66000, 67000 / Exhaust Filter PFA 60000PF 65000PF 66000PF 67000Operating temperature – 15 °C (- 5 °F) to / bis + 55 °C (+ 131 °F)Storage temperature – 20 °C (- 4 °F) to / bis + 70 °C (+ 158 °F)Max. relative humidity 90%System of protection NEMA Type 12, IP 55 (EN 60 529), when installed as specifi edBasic Accessoriesparts kit fi lter mat, user manual radiant heater, fan heater, thermostat, hygrostat* Tolerance installation cutout177 + 1/-0 thickness of material to 2 mm 178 + 1/-0 thickness of material > 2 mm < 3 mmAirflow Data:Mechanical Data:.361.321. ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice379Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseFilterfan PTF 60500, 60700, 61000 / Exhaust Filter PTFA 60000Features• Maintains a NEMA 12 seal against enclosure • UL Recognized to UL 508a, category NITW2/8,UL File #E175229• Patented “Click & Fit” design provides a hardware-free installation!• Metal Pagoda Cover for rugged environments,easily painted to match machine color •Fan Motor is CSA ApprovedVoltage Power Mating Exhaust FilterShip Wt. lbs.Airfl ow data PTF 60500PTF 60700PTF 61000PTFA 60000Filter material NEMA 12 FiltermatNEMA 12 FiltermatNEMA 12 FiltermatNEMA 12 FiltermatUnimpeded airfl ow226 CFM 356 CFM 485 CFM -Cooling Dissipation (W)/°T 113 W/K 177 W/K 242 W/K -Airfl ow in combination 149 CFM 227 CFM 304 CFM -(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter) (PTF 60500 + PFA 60000)(PTF 60700 + PFA 60000)(PTF 61000 + PFA 60000)Capacity in combination 74 W/K 113 W/K 152 W/K -(Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PTF 60500 + PFA 60000)(PTF 60700 + PFA 60000)(PTF 61000 + PFA 60000)Max. static pressure (Airfl ow = 0)71 Pa 88 Pa 158 Pa -Filtration effi ciency 81%81%81%Filter material grade G 3 (DIN EN 779)G 3 (DIN EN 779)G 3 (DIN EN 779)Duty cycle 100%100%100%-Technical dataPTF 60500PTF 60700PTF 61000PTFA 60000Outside dimensions in mm(height x width x installation depth) 125 x 430 x 430 x 50140 x 470 x 470 x 50140 x 470 x 470 x 50-Bearing type ball bearings ball bearings ball bearings -Fitting position horizontalhorizontal horizontalany Construction metal chassis cover powder coated, snap-in plastic housingWeight5.5 kg 5.8 kg6.0 kg3.1 kg Safety protection in accordance with DIN 31 001-ColorRAL 7035, Light GreyConnections terminal strip terminal strip terminal strip-ApprovalNEMA Type 12, IP 55 (EN 60 529), when installed as specifi edClimate ControlFilterfan PTF 60500, 60700, 61000 / Exhaust Filter PTFA 60000PTF 60500PTF 60700PTF 61000PTFA 60000A1125140140110*B1/B2430470470430C175909075Airfl ow data:PTFA 60000Filter material P 300Filtration effi ciency81%Filter material grade (DIN EN 779)G 3Technical data:PFT A 60000Outside dimensions in mm(Height x Width x Depth x Installation depth) 110 x 430 x 430 x 35Construction metal chassis, cover powder-coated; snap-in body of sprayed thermoplastic(ABS-FR) self-extinguishing, UL 94 VOWeight3.1 kgSafety protection in accordance with DIN 31 001ColorRAL 7035, RAL 7032, other colors on requestSupplementary data:PFT A 60000Airflow Data:Mechanical Data:Climate ControlSlimline Filterfan PF 33000, 65000, 67000 SLFeatures• Low installation depth• Maintains a UL Tested NEMA T ype 12 sealagainst enclosure• UL Recognized to UL 508a, category NITW2/8,UL File #E175229• CSA#246217• Patented “Click & Fit” design provides a hardwarefree installation!• Plastic made from strong, heat resistant(ABS-FR), UL 94 VO fi re approved material•Options: Black GrillsReverse Flow ExhaustVoltage Power Mating Exhaust Filter Ship Wt. lbs.Airfl ow data PF 33000 SL PF 65000 SL PF 67000 SL Filter material Type 12 Filtermat T ype 12 Filtermat T ype 12 Filtermat Unimpeded airfl ow297 CFM462 CFM560 CFM Cooling Dissipation (W)/°T168 W/K262 W/K317 W/KAirfl ow in combination 230 CFM295 CFM368 CFM (Filterfan + Exhaust Filter) (PF 33000 + PFA 30000)(PF 65000 + PFA 60000)(PF 67000 + PFA 60000) Capacity in combination 127 W/K167 W/K208 W/K (Filterfan + Exhaust Filter)(PF 33000 + PFA 30000)(PF 65000 + PFA 60000)(PF 67000 + PFA 60000) Max. static pressure (Airfl ow = 0)74 Pa134 Pa187 Pa Filtration effi ciency91%91%91%Filter material grade G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779)G 4 (DIN EN 779) Duty cycle100%100%100%Technical data PF 33000SL PF 65000SL PF 67000SL Outside dimensions in mm202 x 202 x 87320 x 320 x 124320 x 320 x 127Filterfan AccessoriesFeatures• Special patent pending fl utedfi lter design increases the timebetween maintenance by 3X.• Allows for greater CFM in dirtyenvironments• Sold in Packs of 5.Features• Maintains a UL T ested NEMAT ype 12 seal against enclosure• UL Recognized to UL 508a,category NITW2/8, UL File#E175229• CSA#246217• Patented “Click & Fit” designprovides a hardware freeinstallation!• Plastic made from strong, heatresistant (ABS-FR) UL 94 VO fi reapproved materialExhaust Filters:Replacement Filters:Part Number Filtration Effi ciency %PFA10000LG*88%PFA20000LG91%PFA30000LG91%PFA40000LG91%PFA60000LG91%* Standard grill color: RAL 7035 Light GreyPart Number Use with 4th Gen FFPFF10000*PF/PFA 1XXXXPFF20000PF/PFA 2XXXXPFF30000PF/PFA 3XXXXPFF40000PF/PFA 4XXXXPFF60000PF/PFA 6XXXX* Standard synthetic fi ber fi lter.Climate ControlClimate Control P F Filter FansDescription• This line of fans provides innovativetechnology for fan cooling andpressurizing of industrial cabinets.A high quality fi lter fan provides aneconomical method of ensuringyour enclosure does not overheat.• Filtered passive ventilation canbe provided by an exhaust fi lterfor either convection cooling or incombination with a fan in forced aircooling.• The slim-line design of this fan lineis unique, when installed, the frontlouvered grill protrudes less thanone quarter inch. The attractive grillmaintains the sleek aesthetics of anenclosure system.Standards• UR, CUR and CE.• Built to IP54 standards (exceptPF1000/PFA1000 - IP43 standards).• Maintains NEMA 12 integrity ofenclosure.• Fan CSA Listed.Features• Available in 115V and 230Vversions• High performance fan motors withfi nger guards.• ABS-FR grills (except PF1000Series which is polystyrene FR).• Durable, reusable fi lter mat.• Grills are black allowing for acomplementary match to all cabinetcolors.• Integral gasket to seal againstenclosure. (except PF1000 - usePFG1000)Easy Installation• The patented "Click and Fit" systemallows for rapid fi lter fan andexhaust fi lter installation withoutscrews.• After using the convenient cutouttemplate (provided with every unit),the fan and/or exhaust fi lter justsnaps into the opening.Options• Reverse fl ow (exhaust) available on5,6,7000 modelsAccessories• Exhaust filters...see page 385• Replacement grills...see page 385• Replacement filters...see page385PF3000 and PF2000Climate ControlPF Filter FansNote: All cutout tolerances +1/- 0 mmClimate ControlReplacement Filters•Packaged in quantities of 5.mm280280Fan AccessoriesExhaust Filters• Built to IP54 standards (except PFA1000 - IP43 standards).• ABS-FR grills (except PF1000 Series which is polystyrene FR).• Grills are black to complement all cabinet colors.• Grills also available (see below)• Integral gasket seals against enclosure.R eplacement Grill• Packaged individually.•Consists of replacement grill only.• Intergral Door Air Conditioners • Air/Water Heat Exchangers• Custom Air/Air Heat Exchangers • EMC Filter Fans•other customer cooling solutionsCall Hammond for other Cooling Solutions....Climate ControlF ilterfan Rainhoods - NEMA 3R Application• T ype 3R / Outdoor Rainhoods• Protection against rain and snow or large airborne debris • Sold individuallyFeatures• Easy installation• Covers many external mounted Fans & Grills• Fits PF2000/PF22000 thru PF5/6/7000 series Filterfans• T amperproof hardware and sealing gasket providedStandards• UL -50 type 3R fi le # E65324• CSA C22.2 #94 fi le # LR21001Finish• Cover offered in ANSI61 gray or RAL7035 light gray powder coated fi nish on mild steel. T ype 304 SS on stainless models.• Base in Galvanized sheet steelAccessories•Grill/Solid Cover Kit (see below)Features• Can be installed in bottom opening of rain hood • Grill allows ventilation while preventing unwanted entry of large contaminants• Solid cover allows sealing of opening when fan/fi lter not in useGrill/Solid Cover KitINSIDE VIEWSIDE VIEWClimate ControlFiltered Fan Boxes and Filter GrillsDescription• In a typical cooling arrangement, the fi ltered fan box pulls air into the enclosures and the fi lter grill is used as an air outlet.• The washable aluminum fi lter grill and the air fi lter are easily accessible and can be removed for cleaning.• The fi ltered fan boxes are available in either 115 VAC or 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz.• Filtered passive ventilation can be provided by an exhaust fi lter for either convection cooling or in combination with a fan in forced air cooling.Standards• UL recognized, CSA certifi ed, CE approved fans/motorsFeatures• 115 VAC or 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz.• 10" lead wires.• Exceptionally quiet operation.• Versatile mounting and adaptability.• Heavy-gauge steel construction.• Attractive stainless steel grills.•Shipped with air fl ow to pressurize. Can be user modifi ed to exhaust.• Aluminum fi lter is coated with adhesive baffl e surfaces for dust and dirt collection. Can be recoated after cleaning for optimum performance.• Drilling template included.• NOTE: One grill and fi lter are included with each fan package. Normally, an additional exhaust grill and fi lter are required for each installation and must be ordered separately.Accessories• Filter coat ...see page 388• Replacement Filter...see page 388Filter GrillFiltered Fan BoxClimate Control1Dimension for mounting and cabinet cutout. Secure sheet metal with #8 hardware.F ilter Coat• Provides a fi lter adhesive with a grease-like consistency which absorbs and traps dust particles.• 10 oz. bottle with environmentally friendly trigger spray.Filtered Fan Boxes and Filter GrillsClimate Control B lowers and FansGeneral Selection ConsiderationsGeneral SpecificationsAll Hammond blowers and fi lter fans are engineered for performance and built for reliability. This versatile line includes a blower, fan tray and fi lter fans.Blowers and fans use forced convection cooling, which means ambient air fl ows through a fi lter into the enclosure to cool heated components. Both blowers and fans are sized in CFM (cubic feet per minute).It is recommended that an exhaust fi lter be used in combination with the blower or fi lter fan to act both as an exhaust point for the hot internal air plus aid in the pressurization of the enclosure, reducing the chance of unfi ltered air entering the enclosure. Whenever possible, the blower or fi lter fan should be located in the bottom third of the enclosure and the fi ltered exhaust grill placed as high as possible on the opposing side. Performance levels can be further increased by adding a second exhaust fi lter.S izing Blowers and FansTo determine the CFM (cubic feet per minute) required in any standard situation, use the following calculation,(non-standard situations would consist of high air density - signifi cantly more than 0.075 lbs per cubic foot.)Note - The calculation above is exact, but adding an additional 25% to the CFM level is a standard safety factor.Note: Ambient T emperature must be lower than maximum internal temperature for fan/blower to be effective.CFM x (0.075)Non-standard Air Density (lbs per cubic foot)Power to be dissipated (Watts) x 3.17Maximum Allowable Internal Temperature (°F) - Maximum Ambient Temperature (°F)CFM =If the air density is high (signifi cantly more than 0.075 lbs per cubic foot), use the number calculated above in the followingformula:(120mm)(120mm)Filter Fan Kits• E asy to order kit - one part number (save time & cost)• Kit includes: Fan, plastic fi lter grill, fi lter, metal grill, cord & mounting hardware(as shown).• Flame retardant, ABS plastic fi lter fan grill is molded in a choice of four colorsto match our racks & accessories. "BK" (Black), "CG" (Gray/Beige - RAL7032),"GY" (ANSI 61 Gray) or "LG" (Light Gray - RAL7035).Climate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice 390Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwise1"..." specify color - BK (black), CG (RAL 7032), LG (RAL 7035) or GY (ASA61 gray)UL recognized, CSA listed, CE certifi edAC Fans and GuardsFilter Fan Grills• Mounts easily with 4 screws using the template provided.• All mounting hardware included.• Standard 80mm/3.15" and120mm/4.70" fans can be attached with hardware provided to make a fi lter fan.• Can be used alone as an enclosure exhaust.• Moulded in fl ame retardant ABS.• Synthetic fi lter supplied.• Integral gasket on reverse of grill seals against enclosure surface.• Available in black, RAL7035 light gray, RAL7032 beige and ASA61/RAL7011 gray to match enclosures.Accessories• Spare hardware kit, Part No.1421F4Fan KitsClimate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice391Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwiseF an Tray300, 600 and 900 CFMDescription• Rack mount fan trays provide a compact, economical solution for cooling in electronic cabinets.• Fan trays can be positioned at the bottom of an enclosure to force air through the cabinet, at the top to exhaust air out of the cabinet or below specifi c pieces of equipment for spot cooling.Standards • cURus recognized.Features• 300, 600 and 900 CFM sizes.• 115VA C, 50/60Hz.• 19" panel width mounting.• Low profi le 1.75" (1U) height.• 600 and 900 CFM units include removable rear support brackets.• Circuit breaker protected.• 6 foot 14/3 SJTW cord with molded 3 prong plug.• Thermally protected, ball bearing fans.• Integral fi nger guards above and below fans.• Shipped fully assembled.• Available with or without ON/OFF switch.Finish• Stocked in textured, black bodyfi nish.• T extured black face panel.Options• Contact Hammond for information on:• 24" panel width mounting.• 230 V version (with IEC 320-C14INLET).• 15 foot cord • OptionalcolorsClimate ControlQuality Products. Service Excellence.© Hammond ManufacturingCanada: 519.822.2960 or 905.456.3770 USA: 716.630.7030Data Subject to change without notice 392Technical references and CAD downloads available at All dimensions in inches unless specifi ed otherwisePackaged Blowers - Intake• Standard 19" rack mount• Each unit contains a dual centrifu-gal blower, powered by a singleprecision ball-bearing motor (except HB2160A which is traverse fl ow).• Air delivery from more than 50% of their 17" width• Internal neoprene isolation mounts reduce transmission of vibration to the rack• Air intake only, to pressurize the rack with fi ltered air• Heavy steel construction• Attractive 19" stainless steel grille included• 115 VAC, 50/60Hz motor is UL rec-ognized, CSA certifi ed, ball bearing type, cooled by incoming air • Includes permanent fi lter (replace-ment fi lters available below)• Comes with 6' STJW 3- wire cord • Control your rack temperature with our economical, compact thermo-statAccessories• Filter coat ...see page 388Fan Panel Assembly• 3U 19” Rack Mount Fan Panel • T arget hot-spots • 4.7” Fans with grill• Includes 24” power cable • Black powder coatedBlowers and Fan PanelsFP3F115Three (3) Fans - (T otal 315 CFM, 60 dBA)PF6000。


2023年公用设备工程师之专业基础知识(暖通空调+动力)通关提分题库及完整答案单选题(共100题)1、湿空气的焓可用h=1.01t+0.001d(2501+1.85t)来计算,其中给定数字1.85是( )。
A.干空气的定压平均质量比热容B.水蒸气的定容平均质量比热容C.干空气的定容平均质量比热窑D.水蒸气的定压平均比热容【答案】 D2、某平壁厚为0.2m,进行一维稳态导热过程中,热导率为12W/(m·K),温度分布为:t=150-3500x3,可以求得在平壁中心处(中心位置x=0.1m)的内热源强度为()。
A.-25.2kW/m3B.-21kW/m3C.2.1kW/m3D.25.2kW/m3【答案】 D3、进行疲劳强度计算时,其极限应力应该是材料的( )。
A.屈服极限B.强度极限C.疲劳极限D.弹性极限【答案】 C4、在内外径分别为D和d的管道夹层通道内流动时,流动的当量水力直径为()。
A.dB.(D-d)C.(D-d)/2D.(D+d)/(D-d)【答案】 B5、分度号为Cuso的热电阻与显示仪表构成测温回路,若线路电阻因环境温度升高而增加了0.6Ω,则会造成测温误差为( )℃。
A.2.45B.2.83C.-2.45D.-2.83【答案】 B6、滚动轴承的基本额定寿命是指( )。
A.在额定动载荷作用下,轴承所能达到的寿命B.在额定工况和额定动载荷作用下,轴承所能达到的寿命C.在额定工况和额定动载荷作用下,90%轴承所能达到的寿命D.同一批同型号的轴承在相同条件下进行实验中,90%轴承所能达到的寿命【答案】 D7、下列哪一种滚动轴承,只能承受径向载荷?( )A.滚针轴承B.圆锥滚子轴承C.角接触轴承D.深沟球轴承【答案】 A8、带传动是靠( )使带轮产生运动的。
A.初拉力B.圆周力C.摩擦力D.紧边拉力【答案】 C9、下面哪一项不属于产生“气蚀”的原因?()A.泵的安装位置高出吸液面的高程太大B.泵所输送的液体具有腐蚀性C.泵的安装地点大气压较低D.泵所输送的液体温度过高【答案】 B10、能量和动量的传递都是和对流与扩散相关的,因此两者之间存在着某种类似。


公用设备工程师之专业案例(暖通空调专业)考前冲刺练习题库附答案单选题(共20题)1. 某建筑采用毛细管辐射供暖,采取平顶安装方式,表面抹5mm水泥砂浆,室内设计温度为18℃,供水温度为30℃,回水温度为26℃,毛细管板的供热能力为( )。
某建筑采用毛细管辐射供暖,采取平顶安装方式,表面抹5mm水泥砂浆,室内设计温度为18℃,供水温度为30℃,回水温度为26℃,毛细管板的供热能力为( )。
A.77~79W/㎡B.70~72W/㎡C.80~82W/㎡D.50~52W/㎡【答案】 A2. 某旅馆的集中热水全日供应系统,共200间客房,每间有带淋浴器的浴盆和洗脸盆各一个,冷水计算温度取10℃,当采用半即热式或快速式热水加热器时,试按照设计秒流量计算热水系统耗热量。
( )某旅馆的集中热水全日供应系统,共200间客房,每间有带淋浴器的浴盆和洗脸盆各一个,冷水计算温度取10℃,当采用半即热式或快速式热水加热器时,试按照设计秒流量计算热水系统耗热量。
( )A.935kWB.1247kWC.1813kWD.1870kW【答案】 C3. 一空气调节系统的冷水管道,当供回水温度为7℃/12℃,所采用水泵的设计工作点的效率为68%时,符合节能设计标准的水泵设计扬程,最接近的应是下列哪一项?( )一空气调节系统的冷水管道,当供回水温度为7℃/12℃,所采用水泵的设计工作点的效率为68%时,符合节能设计标准的水泵设计扬程,最接近的应是下列哪一项?( )A.29mB.32mC.35mD.38m【答案】 C4. 某严寒地区A区拟建10层办公建筑(南北朝向,平屋顶),矩形平面,其外轮廓平面尺寸为40000mm×14400mm。
该建筑的天窗及屋面的传热系数应为( )。
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