all things are endowedwith natural and mysterious colors in the chaste artistic space,which constructs a pure ambit.2、生活的色彩与个性全在于自己的理解,而生活中似乎也总有一些依托让你找到生活真实而丰富的凭据。
the understanding ofthe color and characteristic of life depends on yourself. however,you can find some authentic and colorful evidence according to reallife.3、每一天都恣意地生活在自己塑造的空间里,欣赏如艺术精品般的家具,将生活的感动化为细致的品味,慢慢鉴赏。
living in the wonderfulspace of your own, appreciate the delicate and artistic furnitureand taste the exiguous movement of life slowly!4、面对四季的窗口,总有春暖花开的遐想,有一丝清风扑面而来,有几缕馨香四处飘逸。
when facing the windowsin every season, we can not help imagining the flowers in thespring there is wisps of breeze blowing, wisps of fragrant flowingeverywhere.5、心与自然同在的时候,我们永远都会获得一种宁静,这正是现代人所极力追求的。
our mindwill get the serenity when our minds stay together with nature,which is just the life style we are chasing.6、昏黄与粉色调的交织,轻轻演绎永久不变的爱的主题。
橱柜行业词汇中英文对照第一篇:橱柜行业词汇中英文对照厨柜英语Kitchen Cabinet灯线脚线脚线高度Light/lamp kick Toe kick Toe height地柜吊柜高柜半高柜其它灯具水槽电器水龙头下水器封板双层餐具垃圾桶垃圾篮层板粒上翻门灯具变压器转向灯变压器拉篮见光贴面吊轨喷口微波炉烤箱油烟机燃气炉电磁炉结构:屋顶墙面台面直径后面底部平面立面侧面背面平面图正面图立面图折角English配同门板色脚线concolor toe kick 柜子前边缘Carcase Front Edge Basecabinet/Unit 中间开Center separateWallcabinet/UnitTallcabinet/Unit 板材:Semi-tall cabinet 原木lumber miscellaneous 实木solid wood light 橡木oak sink 桦木birch appliances 橡胶木Rubber wood Faucet 贴橡木皮oak veneer bottle tap 夹板,胶合板Plywood filler panel爱家板MFC board 2-tier cutlery tray 中纤板MDF Board waste bin海木板Seawood board cleaning material basket 防火板Fireproof boardsupports 防潮板Damp proof boardflap-up door刨花板(PB)Particle board / Chipboard transformer for integrated light PVC吸塑PVC Membrane transformer forvolatage halogenpull-out basket平板flat sheetfinished side波形板roofing sheet mounting track 门板Door Panel pull-out spout 顶板 /天板 T op Panel/Board microwave 面板Faceplate oven 前板Front Panelchimney hood 侧板Side Panelburner背板Back Panel / Rear Panel ceramic hob底板Base Panel / Bottom Board 加高侧板The raised Box Side 名牌Name plate roofing层板Shelf Board fasade活板Movable Board Counter top 固定板Fix Board Diameter 补强板Support Board Rear 直边板Wood end panelBase 支撑挂板Support PlatePlan 裙角Bottom Front Board Elevation 桶侧Drawer Side Board Side Elevation 桶尾Drawer Back Board Back Elevation 桶里板Drawer Inner Board Floor Plan抽屉面/桶面/桶头Drawer Front Panel Front Elevation 灯板lamp panel Sectional Elevation 见光Exposed panel 假门Fake Door Panel Dog Ear假门板Fake panel薄板,胶合板,镶板饰面板水晶板柜身板柜身材料人造石高压板门不锈钢背板门:趟门玻璃门感应门滑板门框线门百叶门折叠门伸缩门镜面门模压门卷帘门遮阳门Veneerveneer board crystal board Carcase Panel Carcase Material acrylic artificial board High Pressure Laminate Stainless steel back panel Filler散热器壁挂锅炉水过滤器radiatorwall-hung boiler water filterfuel oil filterfood waste disposer燃油过滤器食物垃圾处理机配件: 炉柜Shelve caseintegral kitchen cabinet cabinet combination Tier kitchen Work station Wash Platform Heating Platform Seasoning Platform Preparation Platform Home step chair Pantry Dresser rattan stair mattress Drawer gatter / sink Sink Sink case Wash Basin Wine rack hanging basket Pull-out Basket Sliding Basket radiatorBottle Carrier Basket door bellSide Mounted Organizer Plastic rubbish binDoor mounted Rubbish Bin gas water heater noiseless ventilation fan kitchen wire rack填充物,封板集成橱柜整体橱柜Sliding Door Glass Door sensor door sliding door framed door Louver Door Folding Door retractile door Door with Mirror molding press door Roller Shutter Door sunshine-shading shed Display DoorUpturn and Paralleled Motion Door叠层厨房用具办公台清洗台加热台调料台准备台家庭用梯台食品柜梳妆台藤楼梯床垫抽屉陈列式门上翻平移门帘:百叶帘垂直帘天幕帘屏风帘罗马帘卷电器:冰箱洗碗机烘碗机洗衣机洗衣机电烤箱炉头烧烤炉微波炉水槽水池,水槽水盆柜星盆酒架挂蓝拉篮滑篮暖气片提瓶架louver vertical blind skylight system panel screen roman blind roller blind rolling window谐音门铃侧式拉架胶垃圾柜内置垃圾桶燃气热水器Refrigerator freezer Dishwasher dish drier Washer dryer washing machine ovenGas range oven barbeque oven Microwave oven hoodcooker / rangehood cooker&hob静音换气扇厨房多用拉篮家庭采暖系统home heating system 自动上翻门折叠支架Automatic Upward-Turning Folding Door Bracket 厨房遥控开降台 Remote Control Lifting Platform 槽Grooves 水漏流槽弯关浴镜浴架waste Vanner siphon Mirror Shelf烟机排油烟机灶具燃气灶gas cooker / gas stove燃气/燃木/电壁炉gas fired / wood fired / electric fireplace浴灯皂碟隔断浴柜悬垂衣帽间浴帘布浴帘杆感应灯落水管落水器排水器下水弯马桶盖感应器LightSoap dish partitionBath vanity/case Granite Top Overhang cloakroom shower curtain shower curtain bar Sense Light downpipe waste kits draining pipetrap toilet seat inductorveneer VanityTall Bath cabinet/tall case Light Valancerotating clothes-rack illumination switch marble crystal stonelawn and garden paint and coatings aluminium rack sealant striprubber hose rubber gasketrubber profile material glass frame glass basin tempered glass bended glass Suspension Fittings Dust Seal Rail handle armrailCarre Handle96MM亚光月亮抽 96MM Mat Finish Half moon Handle 空心拉杆抽,银色拱桥抽Hollow handle / bridge shape silver handle 钻孔Drill 滚珠Roll Bearing 灰圆杆灰圆杆接头花岗石,颗粒滑轨 ,趟路曲路滑轨Gross Galley RailGross Gallery Connector GraniteRunner / slideStraight RailDrawer Side with RunnerBottom Mounting Drawer Runner Two Wheel Guiding Fittings抽屉侧板滑轨托底式抽屉滑轨双轮滑动部件滑轨安装及间隙尺寸Dimension of Drawer Runner Installation 无声滚珠轴承Silence Ball Bearing 上轨道T op Rail 下轨道Bottom Rail 胶趟路五金(铁)趟路铰链烟斗铰Plastic Rail Metal Rail HingeSliding HingeMaterial of Hinges Cup Zinc-alloy Concealed Hinge Rolled Hinge Fold Table HingeMaterial of Hinges ArmAngle HingeRapid Assembly Concealed Hinge Hydraulic-Pressure Buffering Hinge Nut贴面纸盥洗盆,浴柜高身浴柜灯饰,灯幔旋转衣架照明开关大理石水晶石石英刚石草坪及园艺油漆涂料铝架密封条铰杯材料合金暗铰反扣铰链翻转合叶铰臂材料45度铰链快速暗铰铰链液压缓冲铰链螺母橡胶管橡胶垫圈橡胶型材玻璃框插销 ,螺钉螺杆底座预埋螺母定位螺丝自攻螺丝螺钉盖板可拆卸螺丝BoltScrew SeatGlued Socket Locating Screw Fastening Screw Screw Cover Board Comb lock screw玻璃台面强化玻璃弯曲玻璃吊码防尘条栏杆,扶手拉手扶手摞抽水平调节螺丝Depth Adjustment Screw 十字尖头螺丝Cross Nibbed Screw 没有弹弓式的天花螺丝No spring type bolt 明装暗装嵌门式盖门式Showing Installation Insert Installation Insert Overlay Type Rapid Installation Half-Overlay桶条抽Metal Handle 黑底银面凹抽Silver Concave Handle BK Base 扁平抽(平面抽)Metal Plate Handle 银色空心拉杆抽 96MM桥形银抽Silver Hollow Metal Handle96MM Bridge Shape Silver Handle快装式半盖门式万向轮侧向调节前后调节垂直调节滚轮插轮铁板轮孔塞Free Direction Wheel Side Adjustment Depth Adjustment Vertical Adjustment Caster Insert Type Caster Metal Plate Caster Trim Caps Ventilate Trim Caps Bracket Sandblast Support Bar Edge Banding Matt Oxidation Revolver fitting Loading Capacity BufferFixed Seat Glass Clips Clean abilityWear Resistance Rear Panel Hook Cabinet Adjusting Leg Opening Angle Silence Design Guiding Fitting Cabinet Support Polished Oxidation Full-Stage Damper Carcase Wrench 美背美边侧板孔位钻穿强化纸,普通纸2面贴纸+菲林边包装尺寸完成后尺寸单坑箱单坑箱包装PVC edge: front and back 2 way pin hole for movable BD Hard paper/ normal paper paper in 2 faces and tensha edge Packing sizeFinished sizeSingle ply corrugated boxPacked by 1 PLY corrugated carton装载量:400套/40柜Load ability: 400sets/40 两个一套,一个一包Each in a carton, 2 cartons for 1 completed unit盐田离岸价FOB Yan Tian 海运差价Ocean freight charge difference 日本主要港口到岸价C&F Japanese main port 拖车仲裁收货人发货人Haulage ArbitrationConsigneeShipper,Consignor Port of LoadingPlace ofDelivery Local chargeForce MajeureAct of god usual force majeure Fumigation CertificateInspection ClaimsDOC=Direct Operating Cost透气孔塞托架喷砂驳条封边磨沙转架承重缓冲器固定座玻璃夹耐污渍耐磨损背板扣调节脚起运港交货地当地杂费不可抗力不可抗力clause 熏蒸证明检验与索赔机器名称: 三片锯开料锯热压机压板机排钻机弯边机包覆机复合机封边机开启角度消音设计导向部件厨柜气撑亮光氧化全程缓冲框架,架子扳手,钳子刹制 /阻尼金属连接件偏心连接件台面升降器门板孔位图直接操作费用Three Rip SawMaterial Handling Machine Hot-Presser Veneer Press Boring Machine Bending Machine Sheathing Machine Compound MachineBender(Single-sidedorStopperSteel Joint ConnectorEccentric Connection Part Table T op Elevating Fitting Hole Position of the Door Carrying Capacity of Double Form of Fastness of Rail’s Caput Dowel每对承载力定轨头部形状暗销,木钉,销子上下推拉门配件电线圈EdgePushing from Top to Bottom Fitting for Sliding DoorsWire HolderTwo Head Socket One Head Socketheads socket with cable:1 pc Push Pindouble-sided)传统刨花机电脑成型机电脑裁板机RouterN.C RouterComputer Board Cutter Vacuum Membrane Press Multi-Axle Vertical Puncher Auto-Shaper双头电线单头电线双头电线插座弹弓门卒真空吸塑机多轴水平钻孔机自动立轴成型机双向(水平及垂直)三面钻孔机Dual Direction(horizontal and vertical)three-side puncher 第二篇:保险业常用词汇中英文对照保险业常用词汇中英文对照第一部分:保险承保业务1、一般保险原理保险 insurance保险业insurance industry 保险业务结构business structures 保险业主体bodies in Insurance Industry 被保险人 insured 理赔claim settlement承保利润微薄underwriting profit is slight 承保能力insurance capacity承保业务underwriting operation 未决赔款储备金 reserve IBRN 大数法则 Law of Large Numbers营业额turnover市场缺陷 market imperfections社会保险social insurance个人代理人personal agent银行保险bank insurance直销straight pin佣金brokerage手续费commissioncharges 再保险reinsurance2、财产保险财产保险property insurance长尾long-tail长期护理保险long—term care insurance短尾short-tail综合赔付率combined ratio自留retention车险auto insurance财产保险property insurance责任保险liability insurance农业保险agriculturalinsurance巨灾保险catastrophe insurance意外伤害保险casualty accidentinsurance3、寿险词汇变额寿险 variable life insurance长寿保险insurance on last survivor定期寿险term insurance合同储蓄机构 contractual saving institutions红利 dividend疾病保险sickness insurance简易险 industrial insurance健康保险health insurance巨额医药费保险major medical" insurance policy可变保费寿险 flexible—premium life insurance利差损interest spread risk利率敏感型产品 interest—sensitive whole life赔期/期限indemnity period/limit普通寿险 ordinary life insurance人寿保险life insurance预定利率市场化Market-based Assumed Interest Rate团险group insurance限期缴费终身寿险 limited—payment whole life insurance养老保险endowment insurance医疗保险insurance for medical care医疗费用保险medical expense insurance终身寿险whole life insurance准备金reserve伤残收入保险 disability income insurance失能 incapacity可变万能寿险Variable-universal life insurance可变年金Variable annuity评估价值Appraisal Value内含价值Embeded Value新业务价值Value of New Business税收优惠taxbreak税收递延型养老保险Deferred tax endowment insurance大病医疗保险Large quantity medical insurance分红保险Participating Insurance传统保险traditional insurance理财型保险financial planning oriented insurance投资连结寿险 unit—linked life insurance4、保险偿付能力风险资本要求risk—based capital固定最低成本要求 fixed minimum capital requirement保险偿付能力监管insurance solvency regulation保险监管信息系统 Insurance Regulatory Information System 财务分析跟踪系统 Financial Analysis Tracking System偿付能力Solvency偿付能力不足 insolvent认可资产admissible assets第二部分保险资产管理1、行业主体和监管保险资产管理insurance asset management保险法 insurance law保险资产管理公司 insurance asset management company中国人保集团People's Insurance Company of China(简称 PICC) 中国人保资产管理公司PICC Asset Management Company Limited慕尼黑再保险资产管理公司Munich ERGO Asset Management GmbH(简称MEAG)中国保监会China Insurance Regulatory Commission(简称CIRC)保险投资“新政”innovation policies in insurance investment 可投资资产investable asset投资公司法案 Investment Company Act2、委托受托关系委托人 client受托人 trustee委托管理 mandate绝对收益absolute return相对收益 relative return3、组合管理大类资产配置 assets allocation战略资产配置Strategic Assets Allocation(简称SAA)战术资产配置 Tactic Assets Allocation(简称TAA)流动性管理 liquidity management资产负债管理 Asset-Liability Management(简称ALM)久期匹配duration matching现金流匹配cash flow matching一般账户 general account独立账户separate account4、类别投资固定收益投资fixed-income investment持有到期类资产held-to-maturity asset交易类资产 trading asset可供出售类资产 asset available for sale股票投资 equity investment基金投资fund investment另类投资 alternative investment境外投资 overseas investment基础设施债权计划infrastructure debt investment plan未上市企业股权投资private equity investment 不动产投资real estate investment利率互换Interest Rate Swap(简称IRS)均值一方差分析the mean-variance method5、第三方业务财富管理wealth management第三方投资管理the third-party asset management企业年金occupational annuity养老金 pension集合投资产品 collective investment fund第三篇:英文简历常用词汇中英文对照•英文简历常用词汇中英文对照应聘职位名称(中英文对照)Executive and Managerial(管理部分)Retail Store Manager 零售店经理Food Service Manager Executive Marketing Director市场行政总监HMO AdministratorAssistant Store Manager 商店经理助理Operations Manager Assistant Vice-President副总裁助理Production Manager Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席执行官Property ManagerChief Operations Officer(COO)首席运营官Branch ManagerController(International)国际监管Claims Examiner Director of Operations运营总监Controller(General)Field Assurance Coordinator土地担保协调员General ManagerManagement Consultant管理顾问District ManagerHospital Administrator医院管理 PresidentImport/Export Manager进出口经理Product ManagerInsurance Claims Controller保险认领管理员ProgramManagerInsurance Coordinator保险协调员Project Manager Inventory Control Manager库存管理经理Regional ManagerManager(Non-Profit and Charities)非盈利性慈善机构管理 Service ManagerManufacturing Manager制造业经理Vending ManagerTelecommunications Manager电信业经理Vice-PresidentTransportation Manager运输经理 Warehouse Manager 应聘职位名称(中英文对照)Administration(行政部分)Administrative Director 行政主管File Clerk Executive Assistant 行政助理 Office Manager Executive Secretary 行政秘书Receptionist General Office Clerk 办公室文员 Secretary Inventory Control Analyst 存货控制分析 Staff AssistantMail Room Supervisor 信件中心管理员 Stenographer 食品服务经理医疗保险管理操作经理生产经理房地产经理部门经理主考官管理员总经理市区经理总统产品经理程序管理经理项目经理区域经理服务经理售买经理副总裁仓库经理档案管理员办公室经理接待员秘书助理速记员Order Entry ClerkShipping/Receiving Expediter Vice-President of Administration订单输入文员收发督导员行政副总裁Telephone Operator Ticket Agent Typist电话操作员票务代理打字员应聘职位名称(中英文对照)Human Resources(人力资源部分)Assistant Personnel Officer Assistant Vice-President of Human ResourcesDirector of Human ResourcesJob Placement Officer Labor Relations Specialist Training Coordinator人事助理Benefits Coordinator员工福利协调员人力资源副总裁助理 Compensation Manager 薪酬经理人力资源总监人员配置专员劳动关系专员培训协调员Employment Consultant 招募顾问 Facility Manager Personnel Consultant Personnel Manager Recruiter Training Specialist 后勤经理员工顾问职员经理招聘人员培训专员Employer Relations Representative 员工关系代表Vice-President of Human Resources人力资源副总裁应聘职位名称(中英文对照)Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分)Vice-President of SalesVice-President of MarketingSenior Account Manager Sales AdministratorRegional Sales ManagerRegional Account ManagerReal Estate AppraiserMerchandising ManagerMarketing ConsultantMarketing AssistantMarketing and Sales Director Market Research AnalystManufacturer's RepresentativeDirector of Subsidiary RightsCallback Representative销售副总裁市场副总裁销售主管Wholesale BuyerTravel Agent Telemarketer批发采购员旅行代办员电话销售员电话调查员销售员销售代表销售经理销售执行者销售助理零售采购员房地产经理房地产经纪人采购代理产品开发高级客户经理 Telemarketing Director电话销售总监地区销售经理 Tele-Interviewer地区客户经理 Salesperson 房地产评估师 Sales Representative 采购经理市场顾问市场助理Sales ManagerSales ExecutiveSales Assistant市场与销售总监Retail Buyer市场调查分析员Real Estate Manager厂家代表复查代表Real Estate Broker Product Developer分公司权利总监 Purchasing AgentAssistant Account Executive客户管理助理Marketing ManagerAdvertising Manager广告经理Marketing InternAdvertising Coordinator广告协调员Marketing DirectorAdvertising Assistant广告助理 Insurance Agent Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail)广告文撰写人 Account ManagerAccount Representative客户代表应聘职位名称(中英文对照)Accounting and Finance(会计与财务部分)Accounting Payable Clerk 应付帐款文员 Accounting Assistant Assistant Portfolio Manager 组合基金经理助理Accounting ManagerAccounts Receivable Clerk 应收帐款文员Accounting Clerk Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师Senior Accoutant Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官 Audit Manager Collections Officer 收款负责人Actuarial Anaylst Insurance Underwriter 保险承销商Auditor Bank Administrator 银行事务管理员 Junior Accountant Loan Administrator 贷款管理员 Bank Treasurer Management Accountant 管理会计 Billing Clerk Mortgage Underwriter 抵抻保险员Billing Supervisor Payroll Manager 工资经理Bookkeeper Staff Auditor 审计员 Bookkeeping Clerk Stock Broker 股票经纪人Budget Analyst T ax Accountant 税务会计Credit Analyst Tax Inspector税务检查员Credit ManagerVice-President of Administration and Finance财务行政副总裁 Financial Analyst Vice-President of Finance财务副总裁Financial Consultant Loan Servicer 贷款服务FinancialManager Financial Planner财务计划员Bank Clerk应聘职位名称(中英文对照)Engineering(工程部分)市场经理市场实习市场总监保险代理人客户经理会计助理会计经理会计文员高级会计审计经理保险分析员审计师初级会计资金调拨票据文员票据管理员档案管理档案管理助理预算分析信用分析信用管理经理财务分析财务顾问财务经理银行出纳Aerospace EngineerElectronics EngineerEngineering ConsultantEnvironmental EngineerFacilities Engineer Industrial EngineerManufacturing EngineerMechanical EngineerPetroleum Engineer航空工程师电子工程师工程顾问环境工程师设备工程师工业工程师机械工程师石油工程师Ceramic EngineerChemical EngineerCivil Engineer Electrical EngineerField EngineerMarine EngineerPlastics EngineerProduct Engineer陶器工程师化学工程师土木工程师电力工程师施工工程师航海工程师核能工程师整形工程师产品工程师制造业工程师 Nuclear EngineerA Useful Glossary for Educational Background(教育程度常用词汇)educationeducational background学历教育程度educational historycurriculum学历style='font-size: 12.0pt;font-family第四篇:“紫色”词汇中英文对照“紫色” purple;violet 紫罗兰色 violet紫水晶色 amethyst葡萄紫 grape玫瑰紫 rose violet丁香紫 lilac墨紫 violet black绛紫 dark reddish purple暗紫 violet deep;dull purple乌紫 raisin蓝紫 royal purple鲜紫 violet light深紫 Modena浅紫 grey violet淡紫 pale purple;lavender淡白紫 violet ash青莲 heliotrope雪青 lilac墨绛红 purple black暗绛红 purple deep浅绛红 purple light第五篇:数学常用词汇中英文对照数学常用词汇中英文对照代数部分1、有关基本运算:add,plus加subtract减difference差multiply,times乘product积divide除divisible可被整除的dividedevenly被整除dividend被除数divisor因子,除数quotient商remainder余数 factorial阶乘power 乘方radicalsign,rootsign根号roundto四舍五入tothenearest四舍五入2.有关集合union并集proper subset真子集solution set解集3.有关代数式、方程和不等式algebraic term代数项like terms,similar terms同类项 numerical coefficient数字系数literal coefficient字母系数 inequality不等式triangle inequality三角不等式 range值域original equation原方程equivalent equation同解方程等价方程linear equation线性方程4.有关分数和小数proper fraction真分数 improper fraction假分数mixed number带分数 vulgar fraction,common fraction普通分数 simple fraction简分数 complex fraction繁分数 numerator分子 denominator分母(least)common denominator(最小)公分母 quarter四分之一decimal fraction纯小数infinite decimal无穷小数recurring decimal循环小数 tenthsunit十分位5.基本数学概念arithmetic mean算术平均值weighted average加权平均值geometric mean几何平均数exponent指数,幂base乘幂的底数,底边 cube立方数,立方体 square root平方根 cube root立方根common logarithm常用对数 digit数字 constant常数 variable 变量inversefunction反函数complementary function余函数linear一次的,线性的factorization因式分解 absolute value绝对值,round off四舍五入6.有关数论natural number自然数positive number正数negative number负数odd integer,odd number奇数 even integer,even number偶数integer,whole number整数positive whole number正整数negative whole number负整数 consecutive number连续整数rea lnumber,rational number实数,有理数irrational(number)无理数 inverse倒数composite number合数 prime number质数 reciprocal倒数common divisor公约数 multiple倍数(least)common multiple(最小)公倍数(prime)factor(质)因子common factor公因子ordinaryscale,decimalscale十进制 nonnegative非负的 tens十位 units个位 mode众数 median中数common ratio公比7.数列arithmetic progression(sequence)等差数列geometric progression(sequence)等比数列8.其它approximate近似(anti)clockwise(逆)顺时针方向 cardinal基数 ordinal序数directproportion正比distinct不同的estimation估计,近似parentheses括号 proportion比例 permutation排列 combination 组合 table表格trigonometric function三角函数 unit单位,位几何部分 1.所有的角alternate angle内错角corresponding angle同位角 vertical angle对顶角central angle圆心角 interior angle内角 exterior angle外角supplement aryangles补角complement aryangle余角adjacent angle邻角 acute angle锐角 obtuse angle钝角 right angle直角 round angle周角 straight angle平角 included angle夹角2.所有的三角形equilateral triangle等边三角形scalene triangle不等边三角形isosceles triangle等腰三角形 right triangle直角三角形 oblique斜三角形inscribed triangle内接三角形3.有关收敛的平面图形,除三角形外semicircle半圆concentric circles同心圆quadrilateral四边形pentagon五边形hexagon六边形heptagon七边形 octagon八边形 nonagon九边形 decagon十边形 polygon多边形parallelogram平行四边形 equilateral等边形 plane平面square正方形,平方 rectangle长方形regular polygon正多边形 rhombus菱形 trapezoid梯形4.其它平面图形arc弧line,straight line直线line segment线段 parallel lines平行线 segment of a circle弧形5.有关立体图形cube立方体,立方数 rectangular solid长方体regular solid/regular polyhedron正多面体 circular cylinder圆柱体 cone圆锥 sphere球体 solid立体的6.有关图形上的附属物altitude高 depth深度 side边长circumference,perimeter周长 radian弧度surface area 表面积 volume体积arm直角三角形的股 cros ssection横截面 center of acircle圆心chord弦 radius半径angle bisector角平分线 diagonal对角线 diameter直径 edge 棱face of a solid立体的面 hypotenuse斜边included side夹边leg三角形的直角边medianofatriangle三角形的中线 base底边,底数opposite直角三角形中的对边 midpoint中点 endpoint端点vertex(复数形式vertices)顶点tangent切线的transversal截线intercept截距7.有关坐标coordinate system坐标系rectangular coordinate直角坐标系 origin原点 abscissa横坐标ordinate纵坐标 numberline数轴 quadrant象限 slope斜率complex plane复平面8.其它plane geometry平面几何 trigonometry三角学 bisect平分circumscribe外切 inscribe内切 intersect相交perpendicular垂直pythagorean theorem勾股定理 congruent全等的 multilateral 多边的1、单位类 cent美分penny一美分硬币 nickel5美分硬币 dime一角硬币 dozen 打(12个) score廿(20个) Centigrade摄氏 Fahrenheit华氏 quart夸脱gallon加仑(1gallon=4quart)yard码meter米micron 微米 inch英寸 foot英尺minute分(角度的度量单位,60分=1度)squaremeasure平方单位制 cubicmeter立方米pint品脱(干量或液量的单位)2.有关文字叙述题,主要是有关商业 intercalary year(leapyear)闰年(366天)common year平年(365天) depreciation折旧down payment直接付款discount打折margin利润profit利润 interest利息simple interest单利compounded interest复利 dividend红利 decrease to减少到 decrease by减少了 increase to增加到 increase by增加了 denote表示 list price标价 markup涨价 per capita每人 ratio比率retail price零售价 tie打平集合与简易逻辑集合(集)set非负整数集the set of all non-negative integers自然数集the set of all natural numbers 正整数集the set of all positive integers 整数集the set of all integers有理数集the set of all rational numbers 实数集the set of all real numbers 元素element 属于belong to不属于not belong to 有限集finite set 无限集infinite set 空集empty set包含inclusion, include 包含于lie in 子集subset 真子集proper subset补集(余集)complementary set 全集universe 交集intersection 并集union偶数集the set of all even numbers 奇数集the set of all odd numbers 含绝对值的不等式inequality with absolute value 一元二次不等式one-variable quadratic inequality 逻辑logic逻辑联结词logic connective 或or 且and 非not 真true 假false 真值表truth table原命题original proposition 逆命题converse proposition 否命题negative proposition逆否命题converse-negative proposition 充分条件sufficient condition 必要条件necessary condition充要条件sufficient and necessary condition ……的充要条件是……… if and only if …函数函数function 自变量argument 定义域domain 值域range 区间interval闭区间closed interval 开区间open interval函数的图象graph of function 映射mapping 象image原象inverse image 单调monotone增函数increasing function减函数decreasing function 单调区间monotone interval 反函数inverse function 指数exponent n次方根n th root 根式radical 根指数radical exponent 被开方数radicand 指数函数exponential function 对数logarithm 常用对数common logarithm 自然对数natural logarithm 对数函数logarithmic function数列数列sequence of number 项term 通项公式the formula of general term 有穷数列finite sequence of number 无穷数列infinite sequence of number 递推公式recurrence formula 等差数列arithmetic progression,arithmetic series 公差common difference 等差中项arithmetic mean 等比数列geometric progression,geometric series 公比common ratio 等比中项geometric mean三角函数三角函数trigonometric function 始边initial side 终边terminal side 正角positive angle 负角negative angle 零角zero angle 象限角quadrant angle 弧度radian 弧度制radian measure 角度制degree measure 正弦sine 余弦cosine 正切tangent 余切cotangent 正割secant 余割cosecant 诱导公式induction formula 正弦曲线sine curve 余弦曲线cosine curve 最大值maximum 最小值minimum 周期period 最小正周期minimal positive period 周期函数periodic function 振幅amplitude of vibration 频率frequency 相位phase 初相initial phase 反正弦arc sine 反余弦arc cosine 反正切arc tangent 平面向量有向线段directed line segment数量scalar quantity向量vector 零向量zero vector 相等向量equal vector 共线向量collinear vectors平行向量parallel vectors 向量的数乘multiplication ofvector by scalar 单位向量unit vector 基底base 基向量basevectors 平移translation 数量积innerproduct 正弦定理sinetheorem 余弦定理cosinetheorem不等式算术平均数arithmetic mean 几何平均数geometric mean 比较法method of compare 综合法method of synthesis 分析法method of analysis直线倾斜角angle of inclination 斜率gradient点斜式point slope form 截距intercept斜截式 gradient intercept form 两点式two-point form 一般式general form 夹角included angle线性规划linear programming 约束条件constraint condition 目标函数 objective function 可行域feasible region 最优解optimal solution圆锥曲线曲线curve坐标法method of coordinate 解析几何analytic geometry 笛卡儿Descartes标准方程standard equation 一般方程general equation 参数方程parameter equation 参数parameter圆锥曲线point conic 椭圆ellipse焦点focus, focal points 焦距focal length 长轴major axis 短轴minor axis 离心率eccentricity 双曲线hyperbola 实轴real axis 虚轴imaginary axis 渐近线asymptote 抛物线parabola 准线directrix。
配件5、Backsplash:(橱柜)后档板6、Drawer Basket:拉篮7、Drawer Slide:抽屉滑轨8、Faucet:水龙头9、Handle & Knob:拉手10、Hinge:铰链11、Lazy Susan Storage:12、Rice Box式样\风格1、Antique2、Classic3、Modern柜体材质1、MDF (Medium density fiberboard)中密度纤维板,是以木质纤维或其他植物纤维为原料,施加脲醛树脂或其他合成树脂,在加热加压条件下压制而成的密度在~0.88g/cm3范围的板材,也可以加入其他合适的添加剂以改善板材特性。
2、Melamine Board:三聚氰氨板3、Particleboard:刨花板4、Plywood :胶合板5、Solid Wood:实木板6、HPL:防火板7、MFC:爱格板地柜Base cabinet/Unit吊柜Wall cabinet/Unit高柜Tall cabinet/Unit半高柜Semi-tall cabinet其它miscellaneous灯具light水槽sink电器appliances水龙头Faucet下水器bottle tap封板filler panel双层餐具2-tier cutlery tray垃圾桶waste bin垃圾篮cleaning material basket层板粒supports上翻门flap-up door灯具变压器transformer for integrated light 转向灯变压器transformer for volatage halogen 拉篮pull-out basket见光贴面finished side吊轨mounting track喷口pull-out spout微波炉microwave烤箱oven油烟机chimney hood燃气炉burner电磁炉ceramic hob结构:屋顶roofing墙面fasade台面Counter top直径Diameter后面Rear底部Base平面Plan立面Elevation侧面Side Elevation背面Back Elevation平面图Floor Plan正面图Front Elevation立面图Sectional Elevation折角Dog Ear灯线Light/lamp kick脚线Toe kick脚线高度Toe height配同门板色脚线concolor toe kick柜子前边缘Carcase Front Edge中间开Center separate板材:原木lumber实木solid wood橡木oak桦木birch橡胶木Rubber wood贴橡木皮oak veneer夹板,胶合板Plywood爱家板MFC board中纤板MDF Board海木板Seawood board防火板Fireproof board防潮板Damp proof board刨花板(PB) Particle board / Chipboard PVC吸塑PVC Membrane平板flat sheet波形板roofing sheet门板Door Panel顶板/天板Top Panel/Board面板Faceplate前板Front Panel侧板Side Panel背板Back Panel / Rear Panel底板Base Panel / Bottom Board加高侧板The raised Box Side名牌Name plate层板Shelf Board活板Movable Board固定板Fix Board补强板Support Board直边板Wood end panel支撑挂板Support Plate裙角Bottom Front Board桶侧Drawer Side Board桶尾Drawer Back Board桶里板Drawer Inner Board抽屉面/桶面/桶头Drawer Front Panel 灯板lamp panel见光Exposed panel假门Fake Door Panel假门板Fake panel薄板,胶合板,镶板Veneer配件:炉柜Shelve case集成橱柜integral kitchen cabinet 整体橱柜cabinet combination叠层厨房用具Tier kitchen办公台Work station清洗台Wash Platform加热台Heating Platform调料台Seasoning Platform准备台Preparation Platform家庭用梯台Home step chair食品柜Pantry梳妆台Dresser藤rattan楼梯stair床垫mattress抽屉Drawer水槽gatter / sink水池,水槽Sink水盆柜Sink case星盆Wash Basin酒架Wine rack挂蓝hanging basket拉篮Pull-out Basket滑篮Sliding Basket暖气片radiator提瓶架Bottle Carrier Basket谐音门铃door bell侧式拉架Side Mounted Organizer 胶垃圾柜Plastic rubbish bin内置垃圾桶Door mounted Rubbish Bin 燃气热水器gas water heater静音换气扇noiseless ventilation fan 厨房多用拉篮kitchen wire rack家庭采暖系统home heating system。
Walking in the city ofothers, beauty is my own loneliness. Facing the nobleness myself,warmth grows slowly in the chrysalis of missing.2、卸下⼀⾝的城市浮华,轻轻地把⼼交给美丽的家,终于可以休息⼀下了。
Demount all the luxuryof city, hand your heart to the beautiful home gently, then you canhave a good rest.3、宽⼤⽽简洁的沙发,让我忙碌的⾝体完全迷失,沉寂了⼀整天的⽓息,⼜渐渐苏醒过来。
My busy body is lostcompletely in the broad but brief sofa, the breath which is drearyall the day comes to itself gradually. 4、冲⼀杯原味咖啡,在明净的空间⾥享受⼀个⼈的惬意。
Get a cup of coffee withoriginal taste, then you can enjoy your own comfort in the purespace.5、清新的花⼉,静⽴在圆⼏上,绽放着⾃我的美丽。
The clean flowers standon the circular table silently, opening its own beauty.6、摊开我最珍爱的杂志,跳跃在⽩枫⽴橱上的⼏道光线,陪我度过⼜⼀个简单的午后。
Unfolding my mostprecious magazine, see the bouncing sunshine on the white maplecabinet which consort with me for a simple afternoon.7、轻柔的⾳乐在宽⼤的房间⾥回旋,映射在精巧的地柜上的⾳符,弥漫出淡淡的味道。
描写橱柜的短句子唯美英语(篇一)1. The cabinets in her kitchen gleamed like jewels.2. A seamless blend of elegance and functionality, the cabinets stole the spotlight in the room.3. Sturdy and reliable, the cabinets stood tall as the backbone of her kitchen.4. The cabinets exuded a timeless charm that effortlessly captivated all who entered the room.5. The cabinets, with their sleek design, added a touch of modernity to the space.6. Each cabinet showcased the craftsman's attention to detXXl, evident in every smooth edge and flawless finish.7. Nestled within the cabinets, her collection of fine china and sparkling glassware added an XXr of sophistication.8. Opening a cabinet door revealed a treasure trove of culinary delights, neatly organized and easily accessible.9. The cabinets, bathed in a warm golden hue, filled the room with a comforting ambiance.10. The cabinets stood proudly, their rich, deep wood grXXn lending an XXr of natural beauty to the kitchen.11. The cabinets were an embodiment of minimalist elegance, their simplicity enhancing the overall aesthetic of the space.12. A symphony of colors, the cabinets pXXnted in various shades created a vibrant and lively atmosphere.13. The cabinets, like fXXthful guardians, effortlessly stored away clutter, keeping the kitchen neat and organized.14. Catching the morning sunlight, the cabinets seemed to glow from within, infusing the room with a sense of vitality.15. Opening the cabinets was akin to unwrapping a gift, revealing a treasure trove of culinary possibilities.16. Impeccably designed, the cabinets seamlessly blended with the rest of the kitchen, creating a cohesive and harmonious space.17. The cabinets, with their glass panels, showcased her collection of delicate tea sets, adding a touch of whimsy to the room.18. The cabinets, with their intricate carvings, told a story of skilled craftsmanship and unrivaled artistry.19. It was as if the cabinets held a secret, as each door opened to reveal a world of culinary delights.20. The cabinets, pXXnted in a soft pastel shade, added a gentle and calming touchto the kitchen.21. The cabinets breathed life into the room, transforming it into a haven for culinary exploration and creativity.22. The cabinets, with their brushed metal handles, added a touch of industrial chicto the overall design.23. Their glossy finish reflected the surrounding space, making the cabinets seem even more majestic.24. The cabinets embraced her collection of cookbooks, serving as a visual representation of her passion for culinary adventures.25. Opening a cabinet door was like stepping into a parallel world, brimming with the aroma of spices and the promise of gastronomic delights.26. The cabinets, with their hidden compartments, were a treasure trove wXXting to be discovered.27. The cabinets, with their glass shelves, created an illusion of floating dishes, adding an element of magic to the kitchen.28. The cabinets, in their simplicity, allowed her collection of decorative plates to shine as works of art on display.29. The cabinets, perfectly aligned, created a sense of order and balance in the room.30. She spent hours meticulously organizing the cabinets, ensuring every item had its designated place, resulting in a kitchen that was both functional and aesthetically pleasing.31. The cabinets whispered stories of family gatherings and shared meals, bearing witness to moments of joy and laughter.32. The cabinets, with their cleverly concealed drawers, offered a solution for every storage need, big or small.33. The cabinets, pXXnted in a daring shade of blue, made a bold statement in an otherwise neutral kitchen.34. The cabinets, with their intricate hardware, added a touch of vintage charm to the overall design.35. The cabinets, in their seamless design, made it almost impossible to tell where one ended and another began, creating a visually pleasing and harmonious space.36. The cabinets, with their soft close doors, added a touch of luxury to the kitchen experience.37. The cabinets, carefully lit from within, created a warm, inviting glow that beckoned anyone to step inside.38. Each cabinet told a unique story, as the contents within reflected the individual tastes and preferences of its owner.39. The cabinets, made from reclXXmed wood, added a rustic and eco-friendly touch to the kitchen.40. The cabinets, with their stunning glass inserts, allowed her to showcase her collection of antique silverware with pride.41. The cabinets provided a canvas for her creativity, as she adorned them with delicate artwork and personalized touches.42. The cabinets, with their floor-to-ceiling design, maximized storage space without compromising on style.43. The cabinets, pXXnted in a pristine white, created a clean and timeless aesthetic in the kitchen.44. The cabinets, with their cleverly integrated spice racks, made it easy to add a burst of flavor to any culinary creation.45. The cabinets, with their multiple layers of shelving, offered a space for everything, from pots and pans to delicate china.46. The cabinets, with their intricate glass patterns, added an element of glamour to the overall design.47. The cabinets, in their minimalist design, allowed her collection of colorful cookware to shine as decorative pieces.48. The cabinets, with their custom-made inserts, provided a solution for every kitchen gadget, ensuring no item was left unaccounted for.49. The cabinets, pXXnted in a rich espresso color, created a cozy and inviting atmosphere in the kitchen.50. The cabinets, with their hidden hinges, added a touch of sleekness to the overall design.51. The cabinets, with their frosted glass doors, added a touch of mystery to the kitchen, hinting at the culinary treasures within.52. The cabinets, with their adjustable shelves, catered to her ever-changing storage needs, providing flexibility and convenience.53. The cabinets, with their seamless integration of appliances, created a streamlined and clutter-free look in the kitchen.54. The cabinets, pXXnted in a sunny yellow, brought a burst of energy and positivity to the entire space.55. The cabinets, with their cleverly designed pull-out drawers, ensured every inch of storage space was utilized effectively.56. The cabinets, with their open shelves, invited her to display her collection of beautiful serving dishes and decorative items.57. The cabinets, with their mirrored doors, added a touch of glamour and light to the kitchen.58. The cabinets, in their sturdy construction, stood as a testament to the durability and longevity of the materials used.59. The cabinets, with their intricate lattice work, added a touch of elegance and femininity to the overall design.60. The cabinets, with their engraved detXXls, told a story of tradition and timeless beauty.61. The cabinets were a testament to her impeccable taste and eye for design, reflecting her personality in every corner of the kitchen.62. The cabinets, with their cleverly hidden corner storage solutions, ensured no space was wasted or forgotten.63. The cabinets, with their sleek handles, added a touch of contemporary style to the kitchen.64. The cabinets, pXXnted in a soft gray, created a calming and soothing atmosphere in the space.65. The cabinets, with their smart organization system, made it easy to find and access any item in a matter of seconds.66. The cabinets, with their spacious interiors, accommodated even the largest pots and pans with ease.67. The cabinets, with their glass-front doors, offered a glimpse into her culinary world, revealing an array of colorful spices and carefully selected ingredients.68. The cabinets, with their rich mahogany finish, added a touch of traditional elegance to the kitchen.69. The cabinets, with their gentle closing mechanism, ensured a quiet and peaceful cooking experience.70. The cabinets, in their flawless design, made the kitchen feel like a sanctuary, a place where culinary dreams could come to life.描写橱柜的短句子唯美英语(篇二) Beautiful English sentences describing cabinets in no less than 50 words.1. The sleek design of the cabinet adds a touch of modern elegance to any kitchen.2. The rich, dark wood of the cabinet exudes a sense of warmth and sophistication.3. The spacious interior of the cabinet offers ample storage for all your kitchen essentials.4. The glass doors of the cabinet provide a glimpse into a world of organized beauty.5. The carefully crafted detXXls of the cabinet reflect the artistry and skill of its maker.6. The seamless integration of the cabinet into the kitchen creates a harmonious and functional space.7. The adjustable shelves in the cabinet allow for customizable storage options to suit individual needs.8. The soft, muted color of the cabinet complements a variety of kitchen aesthetics.9. The sleek, stXXnless steel handles on the cabinet add a touch of modernity and convenience.10. The cleverly concealed hinges of the cabinet enhance its sleek and streamlined appearance.11. The sturdy construction of the cabinet ensures its durability and longevity.12. The intricate carvings on the cabinet give it a sense of timeless beauty and craftsmanship.13. The hidden pull-out drawers in the cabinet provide convenient storage for smaller kitchen items.14. The clever use of lighting in the cabinet showcases its contents and creates an inviting ambiance.15. The cleverly designed corner cabinet maximizes storage space and eliminates wasted corners.16. The gentle closing mechanism of the cabinet doors adds a touch of sophistication and prevents slamming.17. The combination of open shelves and closed cabinets offers a balanced and visually appealing storage solution.18. The natural, earthy tones of the cabinet create a warm and inviting atmosphere in the kitchen.19. The sleek, minimalist design of the cabinet gives the kitchen a sense of modern chic.20. The carefully selected materials of the cabinet ensure its resilience agXXnst wear and tear.21. The smartly organized compartments in the cabinet make it easy to find and access items.22. The elegant glass display cabinet showcases treasured items and adds a touch of personalization to the kitchen.23. The spacious drawers of the cabinet keep everything neatly organized and easily accessible.24. The trendy two-tone finish of the cabinet adds a contemporary twist to a classic design.25. The strategically placed cabinet lighting highlights specific areas and creates a focal point in the kitchen.26. The multi-functional cabinet can be used for storage, display, or even as a mini pantry.27. The hidden spice organizer in the cabinet door allows for convenient access to spices while cooking.28. The unique hardware detXXls on the cabinet lend a sense of individuality and character to the kitchen.29. The sleek, seamless appearance of the cabinet creates a cohesive and effortlessly stylish kitchen.30. The clever use of vertical space in the cabinet maximizes storage capacity without sacrificing aesthetics.31. The sliding doors of the cabinet provide easy access while mXXntXXning a clean and minimalist look.32. The cleverly integrated wine rack in the cabinet adds a touch of sophistication and functionality.33. The soft-closing drawers of the cabinet ensure a quiet and gentle closing experience.34. The spacious upper cabinets offer ample storage for dishes, glasses, and other kitchenware.35. The hidden pull-out trash bin in the cabinet keeps the kitchen clean and clutter-free.36. The cleverly designed corner cabinet utilizes every inch of space effectively, eliminating wasted areas.37. The recessed panel doors on the cabinet give it a timeless and elegant look.38. The unique glass-fronted cabinets display delicate china and create a sense of timeless beauty.39. The smartly designed pull-out shelves in the cabinet make it easy to reach items at the back.40. The innovative built-in spice rack in the cabinet keeps cooking essentials within easy reach.41. The upper cabinets with adjustable shelves allow for easy customization to accommodate various kitchenware sizes.42. The sleek, handle-less design of the cabinet enhances its clean and modern aesthetic.43. The hidden compartment in the cabinet offers a discreet storage solution for valuables.44. The deep drawers in the cabinet provide ample space for storing pots, pans, and other bulky cookware.45. The glass inserts in the cabinet doors create an open and inviting atmosphere in the kitchen.46. The thoughtful consideration of functional features in the cabinet makes it a chef's dream kitchen.47. The unique sliding door mechanism of the cabinet adds a touch of creativity and innovation.48. The built-in wine glass holder in the cabinet allows for elegant and convenient storage.49. The high-quality craftsmanship of the cabinet ensures its longevity and timeless beauty.50. The versatile design of the cabinet allows for seamless integration into any kitchen layout.这是为满足50个唯美英语句子,对橱柜进行描写的文章。
厨柜英语Kitchen CabinetEnglish地柜Base cabinet/Unit吊柜Wall cabinet/Unit高柜Tall cabinet/Unit半高柜Semi-tall cabinet其它miscellaneous灯具light水槽sink电器appliances水龙头Faucet下水器bottle tap封板filler panel双层餐具2-tier cutlery tray垃圾桶waste bin垃圾篮cleaning material basket层板粒supports上翻门flap-up door灯具变压器transformer for integrated light 转向灯变压器transformer for volatage halogen 拉篮pull-out basket见光贴面finished side吊轨mounting track喷口pull-out spout微波炉microwave烤箱oven油烟机chimney hood燃气炉burner电磁炉ceramic hob结构:屋顶roofing墙面fasade台面Counter top直径Diameter后面Rear底部Base平面Plan立面Elevation侧面Side Elevation背面Back Elevation平面图Floor Plan正面图Front Elevation立面图Sectional Elevation折角Dog Ear灯线Light/lamp kick脚线T oe kick脚线高度T oe height配同门板色脚线concolor toe kick 柜子前边缘Carcase Front Edge中间开Center separate板材:原木lumber实木solid wood橡木oak桦木birch橡胶木Rubber wood贴橡木皮oak veneer夹板,胶合板Plywood爱家板MFC board中纤板MDF Board海木板Seawood board防火板Fireproof board防潮板Damp proof board刨花板(PB) Particle board / Chipboard PVC吸塑PVC Membrane平板flat sheet波形板roofing sheet门板Door Panel顶板 /天板T op Panel/Board面板Faceplate前板Front Panel侧板Side Panel背板Back Panel / Rear Panel底板Base Panel / Bottom Board加高侧板The raised Box Side名牌Name plate层板Shelf Board活板Movable Board固定板Fix Board补强板Support Board直边板Wood end panel支撑挂板Support Plate裙角Bottom Front Board桶侧Drawer Side Board桶尾Drawer Back Board桶里板Drawer Inner Board抽屉面/桶面/桶头Drawer Front Panel灯板lamp panel见光Exposed panel假门Fake Door Panel假门板Fake panel薄板,胶合板,镶板Veneer饰面板veneer board水晶板crystal board柜身板Carcase Panel柜身材料Carcase Material人造石acrylic artificial board高压板门High Pressure Laminate不锈钢背板Stainless steel back panel填充物,封板Filler门:趟门Sliding Door玻璃门Glass Door感应门sensor door滑板门sliding door框线门framed door百叶门Louver Door折叠门Folding Door伸缩门retractile door镜面门Door with Mirror模压门molding press door卷帘门Roller Shutter Door遮阳门sunshine-shading shed陈列式门Display Door上翻平移门Upturn and Paralleled Motion Door 帘:百叶帘louver垂直帘vertical blind天幕帘skylight system屏风帘panel screen罗马帘roman blind卷帘roller blind卷帘窗rolling window电器:冰箱Refrigerator freezer洗碗机Dishwasher烘碗机dish drier洗衣机Washer dryer洗衣机washing machine电烤箱oven炉头Gas range oven烧烤炉barbeque oven微波炉Microwave oven烟机hood排油烟机cooker / range hood灶具cooker&hob燃气灶gas cooker / gas stove燃气/燃木/电壁炉gas fired / wood fired / electric fireplace 散热器radiator壁挂锅炉wall-hung boiler水过滤器water filter燃油过滤器fuel oil filter食物垃圾处理机food waste disposer配件:炉柜Shelve case集成橱柜integral kitchen cabinet整体橱柜cabinet combination叠层厨房用具Tier kitchen 办公台Work station清洗台Wash Platform加热台Heating Platform调料台Seasoning Platform准备台Preparation Platform家庭用梯台Home step chair食品柜Pantry梳妆台Dresser藤rattan楼梯stair床垫mattress抽屉Drawer水槽gatter / sink水池,水槽Sink水盆柜Sink case星盆Wash Basin酒架Wine rack挂蓝hanging basket拉篮Pull-out Basket滑篮Sliding Basket暖气片radiator提瓶架Bottle Carrier Basket谐音门铃door bell侧式拉架Side Mounted Organizer胶垃圾柜Plastic rubbish bin内置垃圾桶Door mounted Rubbish Bin燃气热水器gas water heater静音换气扇noiseless ventilation fan厨房多用拉篮kitchen wire rack家庭采暖系统home heating system自动上翻门折叠支架Automatic Upward-Turning Folding Door Bracket厨房遥控开降台Remote Control Lifting Platform 槽Grooves水漏waste流槽Vanner弯关siphon浴镜Mirror浴架Shelf浴灯Light皂碟Soap dish隔断partition浴柜Bath vanity / case悬垂Granite T op Overhang衣帽间cloakroom浴帘布shower curtain浴帘杆shower curtain bar感应灯Sense Light落水管downpipe落水器waste kits排水器draining pipe下水弯trap马桶盖toilet seat感应器inductor贴面纸veneer盥洗盆,浴柜Vanity高身浴柜T all Bath cabinet / tall case灯饰,灯幔Light Valance旋转衣架rotating clothes-rack照明开关illumination switch大理石marble水晶石crystal stone石英刚石quartz草坪及园艺lawn and garden油漆涂料paint and coatings铝架aluminium rack密封条sealant strip橡胶管rubber hose橡胶垫圈rubber gasket橡胶型材rubber profile material玻璃框glass frame玻璃台面glass basin强化玻璃tempered glass弯曲玻璃bended glass吊码Suspension Fittings防尘条Dust Seal栏杆,扶手Rail拉手handle扶手armrail摞抽Carre Handle桶条抽Metal Handle黑底银面凹抽Silver Concave Handle BK Base扁平抽(平面抽) Metal Plate Handle银色空心拉杆抽Silver Hollow Metal Handle96MM桥形银抽96MM Bridge Shape Silver Handle 96MM亚光月亮抽96MM Mat Finish Half moon Handle 空心拉杆抽,银色拱桥抽Hollow handle / bridge shape silver handle钻孔Drill滚珠Roll Bearing灰圆杆Gross Galley Rail灰圆杆接头Gross Gallery Connector花岗石,颗粒Granite滑轨 ,趟路Runner / slide曲路滑轨Straight Rail抽屉侧板滑轨Drawer Side with Runner托底式抽屉滑轨Bottom Mounting Drawer Runner双轮滑动部件Two Wheel Guiding Fittings滑轨安装及间隙尺寸Dimension of Drawer Runner Installation 无声滚珠轴承Silence Ball Bearing上轨道T op Rail下轨道Bottom Rail胶趟路Plastic Rail五金(铁)趟路Metal Rail铰链Hinge烟斗铰Sliding Hinge铰杯材料Material of Hinges Cup合金暗铰Zinc-alloy Concealed Hinge反扣铰链Rolled Hinge翻转合叶Fold T able Hinge铰臂材料Material of Hinges Arm45度铰链45 Angle Hinge快速暗铰铰链Rapid Assembly Concealed Hinge 液压缓冲铰链Hydraulic-Pressure Buffering Hinge 螺母Nut插销 ,螺钉Bolt螺杆底座Screw Seat预埋螺母Glued Socket定位螺丝Locating Screw自攻螺丝Fastening Screw螺钉盖板Screw Cover Board可拆卸螺丝Comb lock screw水平调节螺丝Depth Adjustment Screw十字尖头螺丝Cross Nibbed Screw没有弹弓式的天花螺丝No spring type bolt明装Showing Installation暗装Insert Installation嵌门式Insert盖门式Overlay Type快装式Rapid Installation半盖门式Half-Overlay万向轮Free Direction Wheel侧向调节Side Adjustment前后调节Depth Adjustment垂直调节Vertical Adjustment滚轮Caster插轮Insert Type Caster铁板轮Metal Plate Caster孔塞Trim Caps透气孔塞Ventilate Trim Caps托架Bracket喷砂Sandblast驳条Support Bar封边Edge Banding磨沙Matt Oxidation转架Revolver fitting承重Loading Capacity缓冲器Buffer固定座Fixed Seat玻璃夹Glass Clips耐污渍Clean ability耐磨损Wear Resistance背板扣Rear Panel Hook调节脚Cabinet Adjusting Leg开启角度Opening Angle消音设计Silence Design导向部件Guiding Fitting厨柜气撑Cabinet Support亮光氧化Polished Oxidation全程缓冲Full-Stage Damper框架,架子Carcase扳手,钳子Wrench刹制 /阻尼Stopper金属连接件Steel Joint Connector偏心连接件Eccentric Connection Part台面升降器T able T op Elevating Fitting门板孔位图Hole Position of the Door每对承载力Carrying Capacity of Double定轨头部形状Form of Fastness of Rail’s Caput暗销,木钉,销子Dowel上下推拉门配件Pushing from T op to Bottom Fitting for Sliding Doors电线圈Wire Holder双头电线Two Head Socket单头电线One Head Socket双头电线插座 2 heads socket with cable: 1 pc弹弓门卒Push Pin美背美边PVC edge: front and back侧板孔位钻穿 2 way pin hole for movable BD强化纸,普通纸Hard paper/ normal paper2面贴纸+菲林边paper in 2 faces and tensha edge 包装尺寸Packing size完成后尺寸 Finished size单坑箱Single ply corrugated box单坑箱包装Packed by 1 PLY corrugated carton 装载量:400套/40柜 Load ability: 400sets/40两个一套,一个一包Each in a carton, 2 cartons for 1 completed unit盐田离岸价FOB Y an Tian海运差价Ocean freight charge difference日本主要港口到岸价C&F Japanese main port拖车Haulage仲裁Arbitration收货人Consignee发货人Shipper, Consignor起运港Port of Loading交货地Place of Delivery当地杂费Local charge不可抗力Force Majeure不可抗力Act of god usual force majeure clause熏蒸证明Fumigation Certificate检验与索赔Inspection Claims直接操作费用DOC=Direct Operating Cost机器名称:三片锯Three Rip Saw开料锯Material Handling Machine热压机Hot-Presser压板机Veneer Press排钻机Boring Machine弯边机Bending Machine包覆机Sheathing Machine复合机Compound Machine封边机Edge Bender (Single-sided or double-sided)传统刨花机Router电脑成型机N.C Router电脑裁板机Computer Board Cutter真空吸塑机Vacuum Membrane Press多轴水平钻孔机Multi-Axle Vertical Puncher自动立轴成型机Auto-Shaper双向(水平及垂直)三面钻孔机Dual Direction (horizontal and vertical) three-side puncher 天然石台面:天然石台面——天然石即天然石材。
厨柜英语Kitchen CabinetEnglish地柜Base cabinet/Unit吊柜Wall cabinet/Unit高柜Tall cabinet/Unit半高柜Semi-tall cabinet其它miscellaneous灯具light水槽sink电器appliances水龙头Faucet下水器bottle tap封板filler panel双层餐具2-tier cutlery tray垃圾桶waste bin垃圾篮cleaning material basket层板粒supports上翻门flap-up door灯具变压器transformer for integrated light 转向灯变压器transformer for volatage halogen 拉篮pull-out basket见光贴面finished side吊轨mounting track 喷口pull-out spout微波炉microwave烤箱oven油烟机chimney hood燃气炉burner电磁炉ceramic hob结构:屋顶roofing墙面fasade台面Counter top直径Diameter后面Rear底部Base平面Plan立面Elevation侧面Side Elevation背面Back Elevation平面图Floor Plan正面图Front Elevation立面图Sectional Elevation 折角Dog Ear灯线Light/lamp kick脚线T oe kick脚线高度T oe height配同门板色脚线concolor toe kick柜子前边缘Carcase Front Edge中间开Center separate板材:原木lumber实木solid wood橡木oak桦木birch橡胶木Rubber wood贴橡木皮oak veneer夹板,胶合板Plywood爱家板MFC board中纤板MDF Board海木板Seawood board防火板Fireproof board防潮板Damp proof board刨花板(PB) Particle board / Chipboard PVC吸塑PVC Membrane平板flat sheet波形板roofing sheet门板Door Panel顶板 /天板T op Panel/Board面板Faceplate 前板Front Panel侧板Side Panel背板Back Panel / Rear Panel 底板Base Panel / Bottom Board 加高侧板The raised Box Side名牌Name plate层板Shelf Board活板Movable Board固定板Fix Board补强板Support Board直边板Wood end panel支撑挂板Support Plate裙角Bottom Front Board桶侧Drawer Side Board桶尾Drawer Back Board桶里板Drawer Inner Board抽屉面/桶面/桶头Drawer Front Panel灯板lamp panel见光Exposed panel假门Fake Door Panel假门板Fake panel薄板,胶合板,镶板Veneer饰面板veneer board水晶板crystal board柜身板Carcase Panel柜身材料Carcase Material人造石acrylic artificial board高压板门High Pressure Laminate不锈钢背板Stainless steel back panel填充物,封板Filler门:趟门Sliding Door玻璃门Glass Door感应门sensor door滑板门sliding door框线门framed door百叶门Louver Door折叠门Folding Door伸缩门retractile door镜面门Door with Mirror模压门molding press door卷帘门Roller Shutter Door遮阳门sunshine-shading shed陈列式门Display Door上翻平移门Upturn and Paralleled Motion Door 帘:百叶帘louver垂直帘vertical blind天幕帘skylight system 屏风帘panel screen罗马帘roman blind卷帘roller blind卷帘窗rolling window电器:冰箱Refrigerator freezer洗碗机Dishwasher烘碗机dish drier洗衣机Washer dryer洗衣机washing machine电烤箱oven炉头Gas range oven烧烤炉barbeque oven微波炉Microwave oven烟机hood排油烟机cooker / range hood灶具cooker&hob燃气灶gas cooker / gas stove燃气/燃木/电壁炉gas fired / wood fired / electric fireplace 散热器radiator壁挂锅炉wall-hung boiler水过滤器water filter燃油过滤器fuel oil filter食物垃圾处理机food waste disposer配件:炉柜Shelve case集成橱柜integral kitchen cabinet 整体橱柜cabinet combination 叠层厨房用具Tier kitchen办公台Work station清洗台Wash Platform加热台Heating Platform调料台Seasoning Platform 准备台Preparation Platform 家庭用梯台Home step chair食品柜Pantry梳妆台Dresser藤rattan楼梯stair床垫mattress抽屉Drawer水槽gatter / sink水池,水槽Sink水盆柜Sink case星盆Wash Basin酒架Wine rack挂蓝hanging basket拉篮Pull-out Basket滑篮Sliding Basket 暖气片radiator提瓶架Bottle Carrier Basket谐音门铃door bell侧式拉架Side Mounted Organizer胶垃圾柜Plastic rubbish bin内置垃圾桶Door mounted Rubbish Bin 燃气热水器gas water heater静音换气扇noiseless ventilation fan厨房多用拉篮kitchen wire rack家庭采暖系统home heating system自动上翻门折叠支架Automatic Upward-Turning Folding Door Bracket 厨房遥控开降台Remote Control Lifting Platform 槽Grooves水漏waste流槽Vanner弯关siphon浴镜Mirror浴架Shelf浴灯Light皂碟Soap dish隔断partition浴柜Bath vanity / case悬垂Granite T op Overhang衣帽间cloakroom浴帘布shower curtain浴帘杆shower curtain bar感应灯Sense Light落水管downpipe落水器waste kits排水器draining pipe下水弯trap马桶盖toilet seat感应器inductor贴面纸veneer盥洗盆,浴柜Vanity高身浴柜T all Bath cabinet / tall case 灯饰,灯幔Light Valance旋转衣架rotating clothes-rack照明开关illumination switch大理石marble水晶石crystal stone石英刚石quartz草坪及园艺lawn and garden油漆涂料paint and coatings铝架aluminium rack密封条sealant strip橡胶管rubber hose橡胶垫圈rubber gasket 橡胶型材rubber profile material玻璃框glass frame玻璃台面glass basin强化玻璃tempered glass弯曲玻璃bended glass吊码Suspension Fittings防尘条Dust Seal栏杆,扶手Rail拉手handle扶手armrail摞抽Carre Handle桶条抽Metal Handle黑底银面凹抽Silver Concave Handle BK Base扁平抽(平面抽) Metal Plate Handle银色空心拉杆抽Silver Hollow Metal Handle96MM桥形银抽96MM Bridge Shape Silver Handle 96MM亚光月亮抽96MM Mat Finish Half moon Handle 空心拉杆抽,银色拱桥抽Hollow handle / bridge shape silver handle钻孔Drill滚珠Roll Bearing灰圆杆Gross Galley Rail灰圆杆接头Gross Gallery Connector花岗石,颗粒Granite滑轨 ,趟路Runner / slide曲路滑轨Straight Rail抽屉侧板滑轨Drawer Side with Runner托底式抽屉滑轨Bottom Mounting Drawer Runner 双轮滑动部件Two Wheel Guiding Fittings滑轨安装及间隙尺寸Dimension of Drawer Runner Installation无声滚珠轴承Silence Ball Bearing上轨道T op Rail下轨道Bottom Rail胶趟路Plastic Rail五金(铁)趟路Metal Rail铰链Hinge烟斗铰Sliding Hinge铰杯材料Material of Hinges Cup合金暗铰Zinc-alloy Concealed Hinge反扣铰链Rolled Hinge翻转合叶Fold T able Hinge铰臂材料Material of Hinges Arm45度铰链45 Angle Hinge快速暗铰铰链Rapid Assembly Concealed Hinge 液压缓冲铰链Hydraulic-Pressure Buffering Hinge 螺母Nut插销 ,螺钉Bolt 螺杆底座Screw Seat预埋螺母Glued Socket定位螺丝Locating Screw自攻螺丝Fastening Screw螺钉盖板Screw Cover Board可拆卸螺丝Comb lock screw水平调节螺丝Depth Adjustment Screw 十字尖头螺丝Cross Nibbed Screw没有弹弓式的天花螺丝No spring type bolt明装Showing Installation暗装Insert Installation嵌门式Insert盖门式Overlay Type快装式Rapid Installation半盖门式Half-Overlay万向轮Free Direction Wheel 侧向调节Side Adjustment前后调节Depth Adjustment垂直调节Vertical Adjustment滚轮Caster插轮Insert Type Caster铁板轮Metal Plate Caster孔塞Trim Caps透气孔塞Ventilate Trim Caps 托架Bracket喷砂Sandblast驳条Support Bar封边Edge Banding磨沙Matt Oxidation转架Revolver fitting承重Loading Capacity缓冲器Buffer固定座Fixed Seat玻璃夹Glass Clips耐污渍Clean ability耐磨损Wear Resistance背板扣Rear Panel Hook调节脚Cabinet Adjusting Leg 开启角度Opening Angle消音设计Silence Design导向部件Guiding Fitting厨柜气撑Cabinet Support亮光氧化Polished Oxidation 全程缓冲Full-Stage Damper 框架,架子Carcase扳手,钳子Wrench刹制 /阻尼Stopper金属连接件Steel Joint Connector 偏心连接件Eccentric Connection Part台面升降器T able T op Elevating Fitting门板孔位图Hole Position of the Door每对承载力Carrying Capacity of Double定轨头部形状Form of Fastness of Rail’s Caput 暗销,木钉,销子Dowel上下推拉门配件Pushing from T op to Bottom Fitting for Sliding Doors电线圈Wire Holder双头电线Two Head Socket单头电线One Head Socket双头电线插座 2 heads socket with cable: 1 pc弹弓门卒Push Pin美背美边PVC edge: front and back侧板孔位钻穿 2 way pin hole for movable BD强化纸,普通纸Hard paper/ normal paper2面贴纸+菲林边paper in 2 faces and tensha edge 包装尺寸Packing size完成后尺寸 Finished size单坑箱Single ply corrugated box单坑箱包装Packed by 1 PLY corrugated carton 装载量:400套/40柜 Load ability: 400sets/40两个一套,一个一包Each in a carton, 2 cartons for 1 completed unit盐田离岸价FOB Y an Tian海运差价Ocean freight charge difference日本主要港口到岸价C&F Japanese main port拖车Haulage仲裁Arbitration收货人Consignee发货人Shipper, Consignor起运港Port of Loading交货地Place of Delivery当地杂费Local charge不可抗力Force Majeure不可抗力Act of god usual force majeure clause熏蒸证明Fumigation Certificate检验与索赔Inspection Claims直接操作费用DOC=Direct Operating Cost机器名称:三片锯Three Rip Saw开料锯Material Handling Machine热压机Hot-Presser压板机Veneer Press排钻机Boring Machine弯边机Bending Machine包覆机Sheathing Machine 复合机Compound Machine封边机Edge Bender (Single-sided or double-sided)传统刨花机Router电脑成型机N.C Router电脑裁板机Computer Board Cutter真空吸塑机Vacuum Membrane Press多轴水平钻孔机Multi-Axle Vertical Puncher自动立轴成型机Auto-Shaper双向(水平及垂直)三面钻孔机Dual Direction (horizontal and vertical) three-side puncher。
家居国外创意广告文案1. "Transform Your Space with Innovative Home Furnishings"Unlock the potential of your living space with our collection of innovative home furnishings. Our carefully curated selection redefines what it means to have a stylish and functional home. Embrace these unique pieces that effortlessly blend creativity and practicality to create an environment that reflects your personality and lifestyle.2. "Revolutionize Your Cooking Experience with State-of-the-Art Kitchen Appliances"Elevate your culinary skills with our cutting-edge kitchen appliances that redefine the cooking experience. Our range of intelligent and innovative appliances seamlessly integrate technology and functionality, making your time in the kitchen more enjoyable and efficient. With our thoughtfully designed appliances, you can unlock new levels of creativity and culinary excellence.3. "Create a Serene Escape with Innovative Bedroom Solutions"Escape the chaos of the outside world and create your own sanctuary with our range of innovative bedroom solutions. Delve into a world of tranquility and relaxation with our intelligently designed beds, comfortable pillows, and high-tech sleep accessories. Discover how our innovative products can transform your bedroom into a blissful retreat that promotes restful nights and rejuvenating mornings.4. "Unleash Your Creativity with Cutting-Edge Smart Home Technology"Experience the future of smart living with our cutting-edge smart home technology. Enhance the connectivity and functionality of your home with our innovative devices that seamlessly integrate into your daily life. From voice-activated assistants to automated lighting systems, our smart home solutions create a streamlined and convenient environment that adapts to your needs, ultimately transforming the way you live.5. "Reimagine Your Outdoor Space with Innovative Garden Designs"Take your outdoor living to new heights with our innovative garden designs. From stylish furniture to space-saving solutions, our collection of outdoor products combines aesthetics and practicality. Unleash your creativity and design a lush oasis where you can relax, entertain, and connect with nature. Experience the joy of outdoor living with our innovative and versatile products.6. "Elevate Your Home Entertainment with State-of-the-Art Audio-Visual Systems"Immerse yourself in a world of cinematic experiences with our state-of-the-art audio-visual systems. Whether you're an avid movie lover or a gaming enthusiast, our innovative products bring the thrill of the big screen into the comfort of your own home. From high-definition displays to immersive surround soundsystems, our innovative solutions enhance your entertainment experience to new heights.。
橱柜广告英语翻译 汉译英
The beauty of life doesn’t mean luxury but means elegance and purity.
The high quality of kitchen cupboard imparted an air of elegance. This is crucial for the accomplishment of the life style like the petty bourgeoisie crowd
Elegance not simplicity, the peaceful and neutral style, aspires after a quiet and comfortable living environment.
The essence of life exists in peaceful, elegant and comfortable experiences.
Warm tones make the kitchen be infused with home spirit.
Vogue of a design, agile, practical kitchen is the first pace that happy household lives!。
家具品牌英语文案朋友圈1. "Looking for furniture that is both stylish and functional? Check out our latest collection today!"2. "Transform your home into a sanctuary with our premium furniture pieces."3. "Upgrade your space with our elegant and timeless furniture designs."4. "Invest in quality furniture that will last a lifetime –shop with us today!"5. "Find your perfect match with our customizable furniture options."6. "Simplicity meets sophistication in our minimalist furniture collections."7. "Bring warmth and comfort to your home with our range of cozy furniture pieces."8. "Make a statement with our bold and unique furniture designs."9. "Experience the ultimate in comfort with our luxurious furniture collections."10. "Create a truly customized space with our bespoke furniture options."11. "Looking for furniture that is both eco-friendly and stylish? Look no further!"12. "Fall in love with our stunning furniture designs –Shop now!"13. "Upgrade your space with our elegant and modern furniture collections."14. "Transform your home into a haven with our easy-to-clean and durable furniture pieces."15. "Add a touch of sophistication to your space with our exquisite furniture collections."16. "Upgrade your living space with our chic and contemporary furniture designs."17. "Create a cozy atmosphere with our selection of rustic and charming furniture pieces."18. "Make your home office work for you with our functional and stylish office furniture options."19. "Bring a touch of luxury to your bedroom with our premium and comfortable furniture pieces."20. "Experience the ultimate in relaxation with our comfortable and stylish lounge furniture collections."21. "Shop with us for furniture that is both practical and stylish –perfect for any home."22. "Find your perfect match with our amazing selection of furniture pieces."23. "Experience the beauty of craftsmanship with our handcrafted furniture collections."24. "Fall in love with our modern and chic furniture designs –Shop now!"25. "Create a cozy and inviting space with our range of comfortable furniture pieces."26. "Upgrade your dining area with our beautiful and functional dining room furniture."。
家具中英文广告语Because it is not the first, so more effortsYuting furniture: I accept the happinessHuari Furniture: solid wood era green life commitment with your life Ya Tang furniture: taste from the connotation100 Furniture: "German design. German technology. German plate"Dynasty furniture: long-lasting charm you and I totalQu Mei Furniture: fashion choice, personal life from the Nordic, China's service century Beijing: Creativity determines vitalityEurope and the United States: the real home in Europe and AmericaRed Apple: real material is the real goodStroland: There is a way of lifeFederal: high quality of lifeLove Eris: European fashion, intended to China wind color from Italy Gu craft: Because Gu, so love homeDixon: eternal mechanics, new aestheticsAbout: sofa, highlight champion style to create the first living room culture brand US Di: green fashion, the United States and Di FurnitureEvergrande beautiful home: free, perfect interpretationHengda more love: love my perfect worldAll Friends: 1 break through the self, beyond the dream2 people-oriented, and create green living3 Friends of the whole, China, the world!Yulu Tian Garden furniture: the nature corporate blog | thematic to take home. Chair at ease: comfortable chair comfortableHuahui Furniture: grade to enhance the statusHuang Ting-century sofa: century imperial court lasting valueMorimori furniture: my Morimori my homeMidea: Life is more beautiful with Mita因为不是第一,所以更加努力玉庭家具:收纳我的幸福华日家具:实木时代绿色生活承诺伴您一生雅堂家具:品味发自内涵百强家具:“德国设计.德国工艺.德国板材”皇朝家私:恒久魅力你我共有曲美家具:时尚选择,个性生活来自北欧,服务中国世纪京洲:创造力决定生命力欧美家:实实在在的欧美家红苹果:真材实料才是真诚所在斯帝罗兰:有一种生活主张联邦:高素质生活爱依瑞斯:欧洲时尚,意在中国风彩来自意大利顾家工艺:因为顾家,所以爱家迪信:永恒力学,新的美学左右:左右沙发,彰显冠军风范创造客厅文化第一品牌美迪:绿色时尚,美迪家具恒大优美家:自由自在,演绎完美恒大多喜爱:喜爱我的完美天地全友: 1突破自我,超越梦想2以人为本,创造绿色人居3全友,中国的,世界的!裕鲁田园家具:把大自然企业博客|专题带回家。
橱柜行业专业英语词汇中英文对照配件5、Backsplash:(橱柜)后档板6、Drawer Basket:拉篮7、Drawer Slide:抽屉滑轨8、Faucet:水龙头9、Handle & Knob:拉手10、Hinge:铰链11、Lazy Susan Storage:12、Rice Box式样\风格1、Antique2、Classic3、Modern柜体材质1、MDF (Medium density fiberboard)中密度纤维板,是以木质纤维或其他植物纤维为原料,施加脲醛树脂或其他合成树脂,在加热加压条件下压制而成的密度在0.50~0.88g/cm3范围的板材,也可以加入其他合适的添加剂以改善板材特性。
2、Melamine Board:三聚氰氨板3、Particleboard:刨花板4、Plywood :胶合板5、Solid Wood:实木板6、HPL:防火板7、MFC:爱格板地柜 Base cabinet/Unit吊柜 Wall cabinet/Unit高柜 Tall cabinet/Unit半高柜 Semi-tall cabinet其它 miscellaneous灯具 light水槽 sink电器 appliances水龙头 Faucet下水器 bottle tap封板 filler panel双层餐具 2-tier cutlery tray垃圾桶 waste bin垃圾篮 cleaning material basket层板粒 supports上翻门 flap-up door灯具变压器 transformer for integrated light转向灯变压器 transformer for volatage halogen 拉篮 pull-out basket见光贴面 finished side吊轨 mounting track喷口 pull-out spout微波炉 microwave烤箱 oven油烟机 chimney hood燃气炉 burner电磁炉 ceramic hob结构:屋顶 roofing墙面 fasade台面 Counter top直径 Diameter后面 Rear底部 Base平面 Plan立面 Elevation侧面 Side Elevation背面 Back Elevation平面图 Floor Plan正面图 Front Elevation立面图 Sectional Elevation折角 Dog Ear灯线 Light/lamp kick脚线 Toe kick脚线高度 Toe height配同门板色脚线 concolor toe kick柜子前边缘 Carcase Front Edge中间开 Center separate板材:原木 lumber实木 solid wood橡木 oak桦木 birch橡胶木 Rubber wood贴橡木皮 oak veneer夹板,胶合板 Plywood爱家板 MFC board中纤板 MDF Board海木板 Seawood board防火板 Fireproof board防潮板 Damp proof board刨花板 (PB) Particle board / Chipboard PVC吸塑 PVC Membrane平板 flat sheet波形板 roofing sheet门板 Door Panel顶板 /天板 Top Panel/Board面板 Faceplate前板 Front Panel侧板 Side Panel背板 Back Panel / Rear Panel底板 Base Panel / Bottom Board加高侧板 The raised Box Side名牌 Name plate层板 Shelf Board活板 Movable Board固定板 Fix Board补强板 Support Board直边板 Wood end panel支撑挂板 Support Plate裙角 Bottom Front Board桶侧 Drawer Side Board桶尾 Drawer Back Board桶里板 Drawer Inner Board抽屉面/桶面/桶头 Drawer Front Panel 灯板 lamp panel见光 Exposed panel假门 Fake Door Panel假门板 Fake panel薄板,胶合板,镶板 Veneer配件:炉柜 Shelve case集成橱柜 integral kitchen cabinet整体橱柜 cabinet combination叠层厨房用具 Tier kitchen办公台 Work station清洗台 Wash Platform加热台 Heating Platform调料台 Seasoning Platform准备台 Preparation Platform家庭用梯台 Home step chair食品柜 Pantry梳妆台 Dresser藤 rattan楼梯 stair床垫 mattress抽屉 Drawer水槽 gatter / sink水池,水槽 Sink水盆柜 Sink case星盆 Wash Basin酒架 Wine rack挂蓝 hanging basket拉篮 Pull-out Basket滑篮 Sliding Basket暖气片 radiator提瓶架 Bottle Carrier Basket谐音门铃 door bell侧式拉架 Side Mounted Organizer胶垃圾柜 Plastic rubbish bin内置垃圾桶 Door mounted Rubbish Bin 燃气热水器 gas water heater静音换气扇 noiseless ventilation fan厨房多用拉篮 kitchen wire rack家庭采暖系统 home heating system。
[Opening Scene: A cozy living room with a modern and stylish sofa, coffee table, and bookshelf. The camera zooms in on the furniture.]Narrator: "Are you ready to transform your living space into a stylish haven? Look no further! Today, we're showcasing some of the most exquisite furniture pieces that will elevate your home decor to the next level. Let's dive in!"[Scene 1: A sleek and minimalist wooden dining table with a matching set of chairs.]Narrator: "First up, we have this stunning wooden dining table, perfect for a modern dining room. Its sleek design and sturdy construction make it a versatile piece that can fit any space. Pair it with a set of matching chairs, and you'll have a perfect dining area for family gatherings or intimate dinners."[Scene 2: A luxurious velvet armchair with a plush cushion and intricate embroidery.]Narrator: "Next, we present this luxurious velvet armchair. With its plush cushion and intricate embroidery, it's a statement piece that will add a touch of elegance to your living room. Whether you're enjoying a good book or simply relaxing, this armchair will make you feel like royalty."[Scene 3: A minimalist glass coffee table with a sleek metal base.]Narrator: "Now, let's talk about this minimalist glass coffee table. Its sleek design and transparent glass top make it a perfect complement to any modern living room. Place it in the center of your seating area, and it will serve as a functional surface for displaying your favorite decor items while adding a touch of sophistication."[Scene 4: A stylish wooden bookshelf with adjustable shelves.]Narrator: "Book lovers, listen up! This stylish wooden bookshelf is a must-have for your home. With its adjustable shelves, you can easily organize your books and display your favorite items. Its timeless designwill seamlessly blend with any room decor, making it a versatile piece for any space."[Scene 5: A cozy leather armchair with a plush cushion and ottoman.]Narrator: "For those who prefer a more traditional look, this cozy leather armchair with an ottoman is a perfect choice. Its rich leather texture and plush cushion provide ultimate comfort, making it an ideal spot for lounging or watching TV. Pair it with an ottoman for extra seating and storage space, and you'll have a cozy nook in your living room."[Scene 6: A modern wooden bed frame with a stylish headboard and matching bedside tables.]Narrator: "Moving on to the bedroom, this modern wooden bed frame is a perfect centerpiece for your sleeping area. Its sleek design and stylish headboard will add a touch of elegance to your bedroom. Pair it with matching bedside tables for a cohesive look, and you'll have a cozy and inviting bedroom space."[Closing Scene: A wide shot of the transformed living room, showcasing all the furniture pieces mentioned in the video.]Narrator: "And there you have it! These stylish furniture pieces are sure to transform your living space into a beautiful and inviting haven. Whether you prefer a modern or traditional look, these pieces will add a touch of elegance and functionality to your home. So, what are you waiting for? Start shopping and elevate your home decor today!"[End with the brand logo and a call-to-action to visit the website or contact the store.]Narrator: "Visit our website at or visit us at 123 Main Street to explore our collection of stunning furniture pieces. Don't miss out on these amazing deals and transform your home today!"[Video ends with the website URL and contact information displayed on the screen.]。
橱柜的英文文案浪漫句子1. "Adorn your kitchen with our exquisite cabinets, where luxury meets functionality."2. "Transform your kitchen into a haven of romance with our elegant cabinet collection."3. "Create a lasting love affair with your kitchen, inspired by our impeccable cabinet designs."4. "Indulge in the allure of our cabinets, igniting a passionate ambiance in your culinary space."5. "Experience a love story in your kitchen with our romantic cabinet designs."6. "Unleash your inner romantic with our enchanting cabinet styles, perfect for cozy gatherings."7. "Celebrate the art of love and cooking with our captivating cabinet collection."8. "Discover the epitome of romance in your kitchen, curated by our exquisite cabinets."9. "Fall in love with your kitchen all over again, thanks to our captivating cabinet range."10. "Ignite your culinary passion with our timeless and romantic cabinet designs."11. "Elevate your kitchen to a love nest with our indulgent cabinet12. "Inspire a space that fosters love and togetherness with our elegant cabinetry."13. "Turn your kitchen into a romantic retreat with our dreamy cabinet styles."14. "Experience the magic of our cabinets, where love and design intertwine."15. "Whisper sweet nothings to your kitchen with our romantic cabinet selection."16. "Design your kitchen with a touch of romance, courtesy of our exquisite cabinets."17. "Indulge in the romance of our cabinets as you create culinary masterpieces."18. "Let the love affair begin in your kitchen, enhanced by our stunning cabinet designs."19. "Romanticize your culinary adventures with our exquisite cabinet choices."20. "Create a kitchen sanctuary that embodies your love story with our breathtaking cabinets."21. "Infuse your kitchen with a dash of romance, courtesy of our gorgeous cabinet styles."22. "Experience the love and intimacy our cabinets bring to your23. "Savor the moments of romance created in your kitchen, complemented by our exquisite cabinets."24. "Fall in love with the elegance and charm of our cabinets, elevating your kitchen to new heights."25. "Let our exquisite cabinets set the stage for a timeless romance in your kitchen."26. "Immerse yourself in a love story every time you step into your kitchen, curated by our captivating cabinets."。
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