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牛津8A Unit4单元综合练习


I. 把你听到的词填人下列句子。(20分)

1. There is a ___________ in the tree .

2. Mothers ofte n leave baby pan das for two ____ days on their _________ .

3. If we don ' ___________ gia nt pan das, they will ________ .

4. Tigers are in ____ because people like their______ and make _________

from their _________ .

5. Do the clothes made of animal fur look _________ on me ?


1. The zebra is very _________ ( peace ).

2. Giant pan das like eat ing bamboo shoots an _____ ( leaf )

3. We should take the _________ ( follow ) actions to help the wild animals.

4 _______ ( hurt ) can 'kill the wild ani mals any more .

5. When did Xi Wang start to look after_______ ( she ) ?

6. Do wolves spend a lot of time _________ ( look ) for food every day ?

7. If ______ ( many ) people know about the problems , then maybe they will do

someth ing.

8. Why don 'you watch them _______ ( careful ). ?

9. A: Can I eat __________ food.

B: No, If you eat it , I won 'talk to ________ .( you )

III .单项选择 (30分)

1.If I don 'have food, I _______ .

A . am dying B. will die C .die D .died

2. Most people feel __________ if they see a snake .

A. happy

B. frighte ned

C. tired

D. hungry

3. Tigers live as a family ________ baby tigers are 2-3 years old.

A .after B. whe n C. while D . until

4. If Eddie dies , on one _______ Hobo .

A . looks after B. will look after C . look after D. looked after

5. At four mon ths, the baby panda go outside her home ______ the first time.

A .at B. for C. of D.in

6. At first, the baby _______ her mother s milk for _____ to 6 hours a day

A . drank up B. drinks big C. will drink up D. drink large

7. We are going to make wild animal reserves _____ and build more reserves.

A . big

B .bigger C. smaller D. small

8. If I walk _______ a rainforest , I will see some strange birds.

A .over

B un der C. through D. towards

9. Baby tigers ________ to catch other animals if they watch their mothers.

A. learn how

B. will learn what

C. learn why

D. learn whe n

10. There ________ elephants if we don'tprotect them.

A. won 'be any

B. will have no

C. won 'be some

D. will be some

IV •翻译下列句子.(15分)

1 •如果你明天去北京动物园,你将看到海豚表演。


3. 假如老虎饥饿,它们会袭击人。

4. 这头小狮子称起来有100千克。

5. 农民们将再也不砍伐树木了。


Leopards (豹)live in many parts of the world , from Siberia to Africa .They have a very beautiful yellow skin with large black spots. They live for about 15 years and eat small mammals (哺乳动物)such as zebras, mon keys, and an telopes (羚

羊).They sleep for about 12 hours a day . Leopards are very solitary独居的)animals. They spend most of their time alone in trees , where they wait until a small animal passes . they jump on the animal and then drag it up into the tree, where they eat it.

Like many ani mals ,leopards are disappeari ng because people hunt them. They kill them for their beautiful coats. The Sin ai leopard , for example , from Egypt, is now probably extinct (绝种的).

()1. How long does a leopard usually live?

A . Fifty weeks B. Fiftee n mon ths

C. Twelve days

D. Fiftee n years

()2. Leopards __________ .

A . live in family groups

B . live alone

C . live together

D . live with other an imals

()3. Leopards spe nd much time in tree because they want to _______

A . sleep B. jump

C .wait and catch small mammals

D . rest

()4. Which is not true ?

A . Leopards have beautiful fur

B. Leopards eat ani mals and pla nts
