Kobe Bryant(科比ppt介绍)
06 科比·布莱恩特的 精神品质与价值 观
科比以“黑曼巴”为绰号,象征着他在比赛中的凶猛和无畏,无论 面对何种挑战,他都能保持冷静并全力以赴。
推动体育公益事业 科比利用自己的影响力,积极推广体育公益事业, 鼓励更多人关注和参与体育公益活动。
科比在2006年和2007年获得了NBA 常规赛得分王。
科比从2002年开始,连续11次入选 NBA最佳阵容一队。
科比从2000年开始,9次入选NBA最 佳防守阵容,其中8次是一队。
科比在职业生涯中获得了33次月最佳 球员称号,排名历史第一。
科比将“曼巴精神”定义为对目标的极度专注和不懈追求,他通过 刻苦训练和精心准备,确保自己在比赛中发挥最佳水平。
作为球队领袖,科比以身作则,带领队友共同奋斗,他的责任感和担 当精神赢得了广泛的尊重和赞誉。
刻苦训练 科比以超乎常人的毅力和自律著称,他通过长期刻苦的训 练不断提升自己的技能水平,为比赛做好充分准备。
rebounds • Was named MVP of the 2002 All-Star Game after tallying 31 points, 5 rebounds and 5
assists • Made an NBA-record 12 shots from 3-point range, including 9 straight • His 9 straight 3-pointers is also an NBA single-game record • Five NBA championship titles with LA Lakers
• Made his first career start, scoring 12
points, against the Dallas Mavericks on
• Became the youngest All-Star in NBA
history, posting a team-high 18 points and 6
point performance.. .
Changed his jersey number from 8 to 24 at the start of the 2006–07 NBA season
He was awarded the season’s MVP in the 2007 to 2008 NBA season after leading his team to the 2008 NBA Playoffs as the first seed in the western Conference.
Kobe Bryant
basketball player
assists • Made an NBA-record 12 shots from 3-point range, including 9 straight • His 9 straight 3-pointers is also an NBA single-game record • Five NBA championship titles with LA Lakers
• Made his first career start, scoring 12
points, against the Dallas Mavericks on
• Became the youngest All-Star in NBA
history, posting a team-high 18 points and 6
point performance.. .
Changed his jersey number from 8 to 24 at the start of the 2006–07 NBA season
He was awarded the season’s MVP in the 2007 to 2008 NBA season after leading his team to the 2008 NBA Playoffs as the first seed in the western Conference.
Kobe Bryant
basketball player
科比的退役之战不仅是他个人篮球生涯的巅峰之作,也是NBA历史上的经典瞬间之 一。
科比拥有出色的速度和敏捷性 ,善于利用变向、转身等技巧
具备精准的跳投和三分能力, 尤其在关键时刻表现稳定。
在低位背身单打时,科比能够 利用身体优势和技巧完成得分
他的离世引发了全球范 围内的悼念和哀悼,体 现了他在人们心中的重 要地位。
科比以极高的标准要求自 己,不断挑战自我,追求 卓越的成绩。
他在比赛中展现出顽强的 毅力和不屈不挠的精神, 面对困难和挫折从不放弃 。
科比总是全身心投入比赛 和训练,不遗余力地追求 胜利。
视野开阔,善于在突破过程中 找到空位队友,传球精准。
科比以出色的脚步移动 和防守意识著称,能够 有效限制对手的外线得
具备协防内线的能力, 善于利用身高和弹跳优
我的偶像Kobe Bryant 英文版ppt
Want to know what the limit of human attack it? To defend Kobe Bryant, right! He will not let you down -----Artest 想知道什么是人类的进攻极限吗?去防守 科比吧!他不会让你失望的—————— 阿泰斯特
The Warrior Within(心中的勇士)
The time has come for him to rise, 时间在催促他不断地奋进, He'll come unexpectedly and surprise, 而他却一次又一次地奉献神奇和不可能, Everybody bow down or meet your demise! 一个终结者,你有理由不对他致敬鞠躬吗? Burning passion and unbelievable skill, 持续燃烧的进攻欲望和另人难以置信的球技, Everyone against him, he will kill. 使他在所有人围攻他时依旧嗜血, Soon, love and acceptance he will gain. 很快地,你会发现他会更加地热爱和接受这项运动, The legacy he leaves will forever remain... 而他留给世人的一切也将永存.............
Kobe Bryant’s main Accomplishments
• • • • • • • • • NBA 总冠军 5次 (2000,2001,2002,2009,2010) NBA总决赛MVP 2次 (2009,2010) NBA常规赛MVP 1次 (2008) NBA得分王 2次 (2006.2007) NBA全明星赛 14次 NBA全明星赛MVP 4次(2002,2007,2009,2011) NBA最佳阵容第一阵容 10次 NBA最佳防守阵容第一阵容 9次 奥运会冠军 2次 (2008,2012)and so on。
Lakers in white house
kobe’s wife and daughters
Magic, this is the only evaluation about him of me —crazy ,have no except words can be compared Bryant ——Byrd
Kobe in high school
Kobe and his sisters
Bryant and O’Neal let the Los Angeles Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships from 2000 to 2002.
Bryant and O’Neal
Kobe Bryant is an American professional basketball player who plays shooting guard for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA)
Make-A-Wish Foundation) St. Jude's Children's Hospital Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Kobe Bryant
Full name: Kobe Bean Bryant Cox Nickname:Black Mamba
Born: 08/23/1978 Pennsylvania Height: 1.98 m Weight: 99.8 kg Position: Guard Contract conditions: 2004/7/15 signed, in summer 2011, maturity, 7 years $1 36,400,000; 2010/4/3 signed, in summer 2014, at 3 years, $ 83500000.
科比--英语介绍PPTPPT 课件
Kobe Bryant
on Kobe Bryant was born in August 23,1978,
he is an American All-Star
shooting guard in the National Basketball Association (NBA) who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers now. He began his career at the age of 18 when he became the youngest player in league history to be drafted out of high school. And in 16 years, he has become the best fabulous Shooting Guard after Michael Jordan. He once scored 81 points at a single game in 2006. The next year, he got four 50+ games in straight. In 2008, He got the MVP award, and lead Lakers back to the top.
也就是说,从平均值看,名校毕业生的 收入就 已经遥 遥领先 好几倍 ,更不 用说那 些高薪 行业的 实际收 入差距 了。 好的大学,不一定保证每一个人都会有 高收入 ,但他 的确能 够为你 提供通 向高收 入的第 一块敲 门砖。 2 开学季前几天,老家的一个远房表兄传 来消息 ,刚满 17岁的 表侄小 立不愿 意再继 续读高 三,准 备辍学 去打工 。 表兄很是着急,把家族里学历比较高的 我也搬 了出来 ,希望
on Kobe Bryant was born in August 23,1978,
he is an American All-Star
shooting guard in the National Basketball Association (NBA) who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers now. He began his career at the age of 18 when he became the youngest player in league history to be drafted out of high school. And in 16 years, he has become the best fabulous Shooting Guard after Michael Jordan. He once scored 81 points at a single game in 2006. The next year, he got four 50+ games in straight. In 2008, He got the MVP award, and lead Lakers back to the top.
也就是说,从平均值看,名校毕业生的 收入就 已经遥 遥领先 好几倍 ,更不 用说那 些高薪 行业的 实际收 入差距 了。 好的大学,不一定保证每一个人都会有 高收入 ,但他 的确能 够为你 提供通 向高收 入的第 一块敲 门砖。 2 开学季前几天,老家的一个远房表兄传 来消息 ,刚满 17岁的 表侄小 立不愿 意再继 续读高 三,准 备辍学 去打工 。 表兄很是着急,把家族里学历比较高的 我也搬 了出来 ,希望
Every day, after training ,he would watch cartoon with his lovely daughters.
Kobe’s Team
Purple-Golden Dynasty
The Los Angeles Lakers is one of the greatest team in NBA history,once be called
crown symbolizes
his wife. Because
Vanessa means
the butterfly in the
His wrist letters
is his daughter‘s
He loves his family.
He likes to make breakfast for his family in the morning.
Kobe’s Family
Kobe’s wife Vanessa and his
two daughters Natalia Diamante Bryant and Gianna
Maria-Onore Bryant.
Kobe is a good husband
and a good father!
The Butterfly
Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant
•American NBA basketball player •Effect on :Los Angeles Lakers •Nickname:Black Mamba •Position: Guard •Height : 2.013 m •weight : 95.3kg •birthday : August 23, 1978 •Constellation(星座) : Virgo
Kobe’s Team
Purple-Golden Dynasty
The Los Angeles Lakers is one of the greatest team in NBA history,once be called
crown symbolizes
his wife. Because
Vanessa means
the butterfly in the
His wrist letters
is his daughter‘s
He loves his family.
He likes to make breakfast for his family in the morning.
Kobe’s Family
Kobe’s wife Vanessa and his
two daughters Natalia Diamante Bryant and Gianna
Maria-Onore Bryant.
Kobe is a good husband
and a good father!
The Butterfly
Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant
•American NBA basketball player •Effect on :Los Angeles Lakers •Nickname:Black Mamba •Position: Guard •Height : 2.013 m •weight : 95.3kg •birthday : August 23, 1978 •Constellation(星座) : Virgo
He is a NBA player He was born in 1978 He was chosen as the 13th draft pick overall by the Charlotte Hornets in 1996 He played for the Los Angeles Lakers He got 5 NBA championships and 2 Finals MVP
He was selected with
Bhcairgfsyrrtoheyamlenesrtctshaetheennoadnjkooatibmlnhmyybeeteathadh1does3eefakt1ahCei9snnht9oubsIa6vtctaraeaNlcllorilnaeBatnttslAlespDfiucralkft htoe“的a科gd一o比li道dn”ie风r的es味c名wHtLt牛olah字yokte排rhi来ennnerets源thoL.seo于,tshtdh意eAee大ncnNgi利tBderealAeddsed upon graduation.
End of a dynasty 王朝结束 In the following 2003-04 NBA season, the Lakers were able to acquire legends Karl Malone and Gary Payton to make another push at the NBA Championship. With a starting lineup of four potential Hall of Fame players in Shaquille O'Neal, Malone, Payton, and Bryant, the Lakers were able to reach the NBA Finals. In the Finals, they were eliminated by the Detroit Pistons in 5 games
He was selected with
Bhcairgfsyrrtoheyamlenesrtctshaetheennoadnjkooatibmlnhmyybeeteathadh1does3eefakt1ahCei9snnht9oubsIa6vtctaraeaNlcllorilnaeBatnttslAlespDfiucralkft htoe“的a科gd一o比li道dn”ie风r的es味c名wHtLt牛olah字yokte排rhi来ennnerets源thoL.seo于,tshtdh意eAee大ncnNgi利tBderealAeddsed upon graduation.
End of a dynasty 王朝结束 In the following 2003-04 NBA season, the Lakers were able to acquire legends Karl Malone and Gary Payton to make another push at the NBA Championship. With a starting lineup of four potential Hall of Fame players in Shaquille O'Neal, Malone, Payton, and Bryant, the Lakers were able to reach the NBA Finals. In the Finals, they were eliminated by the Detroit Pistons in 5 games
3. To prepare: If you talk to NBA people, you know that no one will be like Kobe Bryant. During truce period(休战 期), there is even no one harder than Kobe Bryant. His offseason training time is up to 50 hours per week. In the season, Bryant has to make every effort to make himself ready for every game. Between games, he would ensure his rest, he would study the opponent actively and accept the need for treatment. These preparations, along with Bryant's basketball talent, has naturally earned his success.
Magic, this is the only evaluation about him of me —— The magicia 神奇,这是我对他唯一的评价 ——魔术师
This elder brothers now not human, he was too severe ——Van Gundy 这哥们现在不是人类,他实在是太厉害了.——范甘迪
No.2 The reason of his sucess
1. Physical talent: Bryant's physical ability is undoubtedly the most outstanding, his running power and jumping ability are the best. 2. Powerful self-confidence: I don't find a player has more confidence than Kobe Bryant. He always believes that he is the best player on the pitch.
Kobe Bryant(科比英文ppt介绍)
• 62 points. • The 2006 Most Valuable Player Award.
The End Thank you
• Accomplishments • In many ways the team's improvement in 2005-06 was often overshadowed by the individual scoring accomplishments posted by Kobe which resulted in the finest statistical season of his career: • On December 20, Kobe scored 62 points despite playing only three quarters of play against the Dallas Mavericks. Entering the fourth quarter Kobe had, by himself, outscored the entire Mavericks team 62-61, the only time a player has done this through three quarters since the advent of the 24-second shot clock. • On January 22, Kobe scored 81 points in a 122-104 victory against the Toronto Raptors. In addition to breaking the previous franchise record of 71 set by Elgin Baylor, his point total in that game was second in NBA history only to Wilt Chamberlain's legendary 100-point game in 1962. • Also in January, Kobe became the first player since 1964, and the only player aside from Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor to score 45 points or more in four consecutive games. • Kobe won the league's scoring title for the first time, posting the highest scoring average (35.4) since Michael Jordan's 37.1 average in 1986-87. • Kobe finished in fourth-place in the voting for the 2006 NBA Most Valuable Player Award, but also received 22 first place votes — second only to winner Steve Nash, and by far the highest number of first-place votes Kobe had ever received in his career.