汉语语言环境对英语学习的影响 英语专业毕业论文
更 加 符 合 中 国 学 生英 语 学 习 实 际 , 更加 有 效 。 文 主要 探 讨 了汉 语 环 境 对 英语 教 与 学的 影 响 , 出 了如何 利 用正 面 影 响 , 免 负 面影 响 的 策 略 。 本 提 避 【 关键 词 】 语 环 境 ; 面 影 响 ; 面影 响 汉 正 负
【 ywod ] hn s n i n n ;oiv un eN gt eip c Ke rsC ieeevr metP siei ec ; eai at o t n l f v m
很 多 年 以来 , 中 国 人 如 何 更 有 效 地 学 习 英 语 , 国外 语 教 学 界 而 已。有句英 语对此 现象 做 了精 准 的描述 :We s E g s l t 对 我 “ e n i oyo u l h n
En l h l a n n n C i e e e v r n e t g i e r i g i h n s n io s m n .Ben la r e o h s e t r s c n b r n l e w t h e i a i n o i e e su e t i g a wa ft e e f au e a e mo e i i ih t e r a st t f Ch n s t d n s’En l h l n l u o gi s l a n n , n r f c ie h s p p rd s u s s t e i f n e o i e e e v r n n n En ls e c i g a d l a n n , n r vd s s me t n e r i g a d mo e e e tv .T i a e ic s e h n ue c fCh n s n i me t o g ih ta h n e r i g a d p o i e o i o l o n ps h w t k h s ft e p ste i a ta d a o d t e n g t e o e o o ma e t e u e o o i mp c v i h e a i n . h v n v
人 文 社科
浅谈 汉 语 言 环 填 下 英 语 学 习
宿 迁 高等 师 范 学校
汉语言环境下英语学 习的含义与现状 汉语言环境下 的英语学 习是指我们 中国人学习英语的整个过程都 是在汉语言环境下进行 的,就是指我们 的学习者是在本土的语言环境 中学习英语 。英语作为世界通用语言 , 到了我们中国人的高度重视 , 得 大多数人都重视英语学习 , 学校也把英语作 为一门重要的主课来开设 。 但 是 我 国 的学 生 从 幼 儿 园 就 开 始 直 到 大 学 学 了 十 几 年 英 语 ,却 很 少 有 人能用较流利 的英语 口语与外 国人交 流 ,如果 要用专业语言与外 国人 交流就更 困难 了。 中国人普遍感到英语 难教难 学。 许多致力于英语学 习 和英语 教学者 , 就如何提高英语学 习和教学效 果都作过尝试性的探讨 , 我国的教学改革也一再重视英语教学效果 推出新 课标 方案。这些对英 语教学都起 了一定 的促进作用 , 但效果却不能 如愿 以偿 , 远远不能改变 中国的英语学 习者被汉语环境包 围的状况 ,学 习者始终不能突破汉语 重围去使用英语交流 , 只能是“ 心中有数” 罢了。 二 、 语 环 境 下 英 语 学 习存 在 的 现 实 问题 汉 ( ) 一 我们 的英语教学属于“ 课堂英语” 由于汉语言环境的包围 , 我们的英语教学 只能是 “ 课堂英语” 就是 , 说 老 师 的 “ ” 学 生 的 “ ” 局 限于 课 堂 。虽 然 在课 堂 上 老 师 和 学 生 教 和 学 只 都尽 可能地使用英语交流 , 但只要一下课 , 堂所 学的内容就立即被学 课 生丢在脑后 , 同学之 间 、 师生之 间的交流都使 用汉 语 , 就连学 生向老师 请教英语方面 的问题也是用汉语 ,学生 回到家 里与家人的交流以及在 其它公共场所无一例外地使用汉语。即使学生在课 堂上讲英语 , 也是按 照老师指定 的内容进行演练 的,且这些 内容 大多是根据教科书上的 内 容来安排 的, 学生 的学习是被动的 , 自我意愿 和 自我要求 。 无 ( ) 二 我们 的学生学的是“ 书本英语 ” 在 我国, 学生所学英语内容主要来 自于书本。 学生每天直是照着课 本读英语 , 照着课本 写英语 , 据课本 内容背英语 , 根 根据 书面材 料听英 语。 学生每天只是一味的去记背书中的内容 , 头脑 只有进入书本语言情 境才 能说 出英语 , 一旦脱离书本面对实 际生活却无从 表达 , 这就是长期
门的教 师 都会 在 教 学 过程 中有 意无 意 的 进行 汉 语 言文 化 知识 的传 2 . 2汉 语 言文 化基础 对英 语学 习 的负面影 响 授 ,特别 是语 言 文学 课 堂上更 是 让学 生汉 语 言文 化基 础 不 断深 厚 , 语 文汉语 言 在整 个英 语教 学 过程 中也 形 成 了一定 的负 面影 响 , 也给英语学习工作的开展带来了巨大的影响。但是在整个英语学习 这 些负 面影 响工 作 主要 表 现 在 : 在 日常 的生 活过 程 中 , 学 生容 易 将 过程 中 ,英语 学 习 的整个 教 学大 纲就 是要 求 教师 培养 学 生 的会 话 、 词语 搭 配 、 组 合 在汉 语 中 的意思 以及 在汉 语 中 的用法 完 全应 用 到英 听力 、 朗读和写作等能力 , 但却忽视学生真正英语交流能力的培养。 语 口语 对话 当中去 , 我 国与西 方 国家 之 间的文 化本 身 就存 在 着较 大 例如 , 每 位 中国孩子 都熟 悉掌 握在 英语 练 习中普 遍掌握 的 “ H o w o l d 的差异 性 , 因此 , 这 种将 汉 语 的 表达 方 式 完全 应 用 到英 语 中的学 习 a r e y o u ?” 这 句 简单 的英 语对 话 。但 是 在 西方 国家 中 “ H o w o l d a r e 习惯 , 是 十分 不 符合 英 语 表达 方 式 的 、 尽管 从 汉 语表 达 的角度 进 行 y o u ?” 却是 西方 人们 为之 回避 的敏 感话 题 , 这 句英 语对 话 的提 问 , 让 分 析 , 这 样 的表 达方 式是 符合 语 言逻 辑 的 , 但 是 由于 文化 的差 异 , 语 西方 人 们误 解 为是对 个 人 隐私 的侵犯 , 是 十分 不 礼貌 的行 为 。这也 言 表达 的差 异 , 使得 汉语 和英 语 的表 达方 式本 身 就存 在 着极 大 地 的 充分 表 现 出 了文 化基 础 的差 异 给英语 学 习产 生 了极 大地 的影 响 , 也 不 同 。汉语 言 作 为一 门重 要 的文学艺 术 , 是 需要 学 习者能 够细 心 的
关键词母语迁移汉语环境英语学习中图分类号:H31 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/ki.kjdkz.2015.01.013随着我国经济的发展和居民受教育水平的不断提高,英语学习已经相当普及。
1 汉语环境下的母语迁移在汉语环境下学习英语,作为母语的汉语会对英语的学习产生一定的影响,我们称这种现象为母语迁移现象。
因此,利用好?h 语环境的桥梁作用对于英语学习是很重要的。
究其原因, 主要原因之一是学生受汉语和汉文化的影响导致此状态的发生。
为了摆脱它们给英语教学带来的负面影响,我们必须在英语教学中有意识的采用相应的教学策略以消除这些影响,引导学生识别汉英语言和文化的差异, 提高大学英语教学的效率。
关键词:汉语言文化;英语教学;负面影响长期以来, 我国的外语教学, 包括中学和大学的外语教学, 总是处于混混沌沌的状态,究其原因, 当然是多方面的。
一、汉语言文化对英语教学的影响在英语教学中的我们发现: 我们的学生受中国文化(包括语言) 的影响极深,学来学去, 总是跳不出中国人的思维模式。
概括起来, 我认为有以下两方面的影响:(一)汉语言对学生英语学习的影响心理语言学告诉我们: 在外语学习中, 母语的干扰是不可避免的, 而且是相当深远的。
中国人开始学习外语的年龄, 即使到了二十一世纪的今天, 大多数也是在初中阶段, 即12 - 13 岁以后。
根据母语习得与第二语言学习的理论, 我们还知道: 一切正常人到5 - 6 岁时, 其母语能力已基本上达到本族语的水平, 即获得母语的能力。
由此可知, 一个5 -6 岁的学龄前儿童对母语的理解和使用能力就已经相当成熟,随着年龄的增长, 生活在本族语环境中的青少年在本族文化(当然也包括语言) 的熏陶之下, 其思维方式和行为习惯等就会具有本族文化的特征。
所以,教育心理学告诫我们: 如何利用本族语的正迁移并克服其干扰, 是外语教学心理学中的一个核心问题。
语言心理学也提醒我们: 成人学习外语最喜欢拿已知的语言事实去类推(中学生也很喜欢这样) ,因此, 必须注意防止干扰。
显然, 这里说的“类推”就是受头脑中固有的本族语的影响。
比如把“看书、看报”(read) 和“看见某人” (see) 等同起来或混淆起来, 等等, 都是受本族语影响的典型。
中文对现代英语的影响作文The Influence of Chinese on Modern English。
As the world becomes more interconnected, the influence of different languages on each other is becoming increasingly apparent. One language that has had a significant impact on modern English is Chinese. In this essay, we will explore the ways in which Chinese has influenced modern English.One of the most obvious ways in which Chinese has influenced modern English is through loanwords. Loanwords are words borrowed from one language and used in another. Chinese loanwords have become increasingly common in English, particularly in fields such as technology, medicine, and business. For example, words like “feng shui”, “dim sum”, and “kung fu” have all become part of the English language, and are now widely recognized and used by English speakers around the world.Another way in which Chinese has influenced modern English is through the use of Chinese characters. While English does not use Chinese characters as its writing system, Chinese characters are often used in English to represent certain concepts or ideas. For example, the symbol for “yin and yang” is often used to represent balance or harmony, while the character for “qi” is used to represent life force or energy.Chinese has also influenced modern English in terms of grammar and syntax. Chinese grammar is very different from English grammar, and this has led to some interesting changes in the way English is spoken and written. For example, Chinese does not have a tense system like English does, so Chinese speakers often struggle with English verb tenses. This has led to the development of new grammatical constructions in English, such as the use of the present participle to indicate ongoing actions (e.g. “I am walking”).Finally, Chinese culture has had a significant impact on modern English. Chinese culture is rich and diverse, andhas influenced everything from art and literature to philosophy and religion. Many English speakers are now familiar with concepts like Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, and have incorporated these ideas into their own lives and worldviews.In conclusion, the influence of Chinese on modern English is significant and far-reaching. From loanwords and characters to grammar and culture, Chinese has left its mark on the English language in a variety of ways. As the world continues to become more interconnected, it is likely that this influence will only continue to grow and evolvein the years to come.。
差异性,就例如主谓宾的排列位置,在汉语学习中,无论是祈使 句还是疑问句,都是按照主谓宾这个基本形式进行排列的,但 是如果是在英语的语法学习中,还要注意到倒装语序等等。所 以对于刚刚学习英语的人来讲,总是会出现语序的错误问题, 会按照自己对于母语的认知形式不自主地进行英语语法的学 习,这就会使得这个学习过程变得很吃力,对语法学习造成一 定程度的影响,并且很容易让学生意识不到自己的错误,造成 知识记忆混淆。最容易在语法方面出现的错误就是汉语语法在 英语语法学习中的套用,许多汉语语法在英语中并不通用,这 也是其对语法学习最主要的影响。
58 吉林教育·教研 12/2017
一、在汉语环境进行英语学习的积极影响 (一)对英语这门语言的理解起促进作用 在汉语的母语环境之下,一个小孩子从学会说汉语再到学 会认识并书写汉字、进行文章的写作,再到学习文言文、语法知 识,全都是经过了这个由简到繁的过程,同样的,这也适用于在 英语的学习掌握中。也就是我们要先学会用英语表达交流,之 后认识并书写单词短语,再对语法进行深入学习,在学透之后 再扩展到英语作文的写作之中。不但如此,在学习英语的过程 中,汉语能够更好地帮助学生记忆。比如说在我们的英语课堂 上,许多任课教师都进行英译汉之后再传授给学生,从这方面 来讲,汉语是学习英语不可缺少的辅助类工具。与此同时,在进 行英语认识学习的过程中,学生也会不自主地将汉语带入英语 语法、句型的学习当中,以此来达到加深印象,帮助理解与掌握 所学知识的目的。 (二)汉语环境能够增强英语学习者的学习兴趣及自信心 由于我们的母语为汉语,并且是从小就接触到的,所以在 初步接触到英语这门第二语言的时候就会引发学习者的新鲜 感,并且在学习英语的过程中汉语的辅助作用是必不可少的。 在对汉语和英语进行比较记忆时,学习者很容易在学习中感觉 自信,并且对第二语言抱以浓厚兴趣。要想学好这第二门语言, 需要有一定的学习兴趣及自信心来支撑自己学习下去,要不然 很可能不能精通,半途而废。在进行初步的英语学习时,汉语的 辅助作用是十分必要的,但若是对这门第二语言的掌握程度足 够时,汉语对于英语的辅助作用也就不那么明显了。 二、在汉语环境进行英语学习的消极影响 (一)汉语拼音对于英文发音的影响 在我们的汉语学习中,拼音的各个声母韵母都是独立的, 根据它们的音节不同进行独立的发音,各个音节之间的界限都 十分清楚。但是在进行英语的学习过程中我们会发现英文发音 的字母与汉语拼音有着很大的不同,在初次接触英语时学生都 难免会将拼音带入到英文字母的发音之中,各种清辅音浊辅音 就很容易与拼音混淆,造成错误的读音,并且这种现象十分普 遍,纠正是一个很难的过程,这在英语音标的学习过程中造成 了很大的阻力。 (二)汉语语法对英语语法学习的影响 众所周知,汉语的语法句型结构与英语的语法有着很大的
汉语环 境对英语学 习影 响
陈 畅
哈尔滨师范大学 黑龙 江 哈尔滨 1 5 0 0 2 5
摘要 :在 中国汉语 环境 对英语教 学的影响是不 可忽视 的 ,学习环境对 于学习来说也是 非常重要 的。在 古代有 “ 孟母三 迁”的故 事 ,孟母为 了给孟子创 造 良 好 的学 习环境不惜 多次搬 家,最终培养 出了一代伟人 。现如今面对英语教育 ,我们也在 不断地营造 适合其 学习的氛 围。但在 英语教 学过 程 中,汉语 环境该如何的运用要 引起重视 。把握 在汉语环境下更好的 学习英语 的方 法,是 英语 学习突围的关键 。这是一 个艰难 的过程 ,在这 个过程 中要 学会 克服原 有的思维模式等等 困难 ,要 学会运 用 已有 的优 势创 造
四 、结 语
总而言之 ,汉语 环境对英语学 习的影 响是无法避免 的。 想要在学英语 的过 程中尽量避开汉语是不 明智 的,因为汉语 环境虽然对英语学习有干扰 , 但也有着 不可忽视 的积极作用 。 汉语可以说在英语学 习 中贯穿始终 ,它是 我们 学习英语是依 赖 的工具 。但是我们要做 的就是 ,在利用 汉语 的同时学会如 何 突破汉语 的定式思维 ,真正的形成英语 的思维模式 。正如 北 京外国语大学熊德倪 教授 所说 , “ 英语学 习就好 比一场 围 攻 战 ,被 围攻 的是你脑 子里 的母语 ,攻打这个 堡垒 的是英语 大军。”想 要学好英 语就要与汉语进行一场持久战 。 参考 文献 [ 1 】 .义 务教 育英语 课程 标 准( 2 0 1 1年 版) . 北 京师 范大 学 出版
三、重视汉语环境下 的文化差异
我们 都知道 ,不 同的地 域 、不 同的生存环 境会形成不 同 的语 言习惯 。而语言又是文 化的载体 ,二者不 可分割 。想要 学 习新语 言就要注重其文化 特色 ,还要注 意他 与汉 语文化 的 差异 。这 种差异根深蒂 固 ,是需 要时 间去学 习和了解的 。只 有准确掌 握文化差异对语言 的影 响 ,才有利 于掌握 学习的技 巧 。例如 ,在我们夸赞对方 漂亮 的时候 ,在 中国通 常的 回答 会是 “ 哪里哪里” ,而在英 国通 常会 说 “ 谢谢 ” ,这就是文 化 的差异 。这 样的文化差异就要 求我们在学 习英语 时要 了解 他 的文化 背景 。还有关于见 面打招 呼的问题上 ,中国人 通常 会问 “ 吃 了吗?”等等 ,这些在外 国人看来就无法理解 ,他 们更喜欢谈论 天气 。英 国人更注重 隐私 ,像我们经 常谈 论的 职业 、家庭等 方面的问题是他们最忌 讳的 。所 以在学 习英语 时我们首先要 做的就是 了解他们 的文 化习惯 ,学会尽量 用他 们的思维方式思考 问题 。
THE INFLUENCE OF CHINESE LANGUAGE ON ENGLISH: POSITIVE ORNEGATIVE(学士学位论文)【题目】浅析汉语对英语的影响摘要: 本文从分析汉语对英语影响的不可避免性在英语学习环境、英语教学、英语学习者认知过程中的表现入手, 对有关母语对目标语的影响的定论作比较后,指出汉语对英语学习和英语语言积极影响的存在。
【关键词】汉语语言英语语言文化影响THE INFLUENCE OF CHINESE LANGUAGE ON ENGLISH: POSITIVE OR NEGATIVEABSTRACT:The influence of Chinese language on English is unavoidablly existing in the study environment, of teaching and cognative processing production. Based on an analysis of the target language, the positive influence of Chinese language on English is defined. The negative influence of Chinese language on English is dissected by a comparision between Chinese language and English in thought patterns,linguistic structures and communicative culture. A conclusion is emphasizing attentions to intercultural communication,applying the positive and reducing the negative influence of Chinese language on English by means of culture teaching and learning.KEY WORDS: Chinese language English language cultural influenceⅠ.INTRODUCTIONEnglish has been a very popular foreign language for learners in China since 1980's. In various fields, English, as an international communicative languge, plays a powerful, important and necessary role in Chinese people's life.Both the government and the people take English seriously .For examples , English is decided to be a required course in schools and a required language test for anyone who wants to be granted a deploma, an acdemic degree or a title of his profession by the government. In some developed cities,parents even make their young children learn English before schooling. Chinese linguists also have conducted comprehensive researcheson English learning in China and draw different conclusions. As one of the disputing issues---the influence of Chinese language on English which usually leads to a confusion for learners. This paper will discuss whether this kind of influence is positive or negative or both.Ⅱ.PRESENT SITUATION OF ENGLISH LEARNING IN CHINAGenerally speaking,following events and conditions should be seen before a discussion about the influence of Chinese language on English .A. Environment faced by English learners in China.Many English- speaking people continuously come into China in recent years. Some of them even work or teach in China.Or many Chinese people go abroad to learn English.So people have chances to communicate with foreigners. English programes are also increasing in TV or radio in recent years. But most of the English learners are still in China. In most time,they have to use Chinese laguage in daily life passively. Even in some foreign language universities, Chinese students including those English majors have to listen to, speak, read or write in Chinese language in daily life. As a result, most of English learners cannot avoid Chinese language.B.Present English teaching.In foreign languages universities, foreign language is taught and used at the same. Compared with the situation in university, we have to consider that our English teaching in middle schools is so poor that is depends on Chinese language to be taught. So Chinese language is used in English teaching in many middle schools. According to linguistic rules, English should be taught entirely as possible as it can be, but it is a long way to go.C. Chinese language is found to have a new function in English production.In Dynamic Research Into L1 on L2 Writing(1997)[1], Guo Chunjie and Liu Fang developed two models of information processing operations of L1 on L2 learners congnitive processing in L1 proctection.The first model is the macro-construction of the L2 production. It refers to the main sequence of thinking operations of L2 composition on the level of discourse planning, the other is micro- construction of the L2 producion, in the study, it is a sentence level information processing model. the Formulation of the theoretical framework of this research focuses on the identification of the two cognitive processing models.In discussion of the two cognitive production models,it is pointed that there are some crucial albeit covert, aspects of L1 effect on L2 production. These aspects are L1's services as intermediary language in logic( meaning) reasoning processing , in the formal monitoring in targot language output , and in mutual retrieval of the world conception and the target language. From Guo and Liu's research, we know Chinese language works in English output is known as an existing fact.Summing up the present situation of English learning in China, the influence of Chinese language is avoidablly lying in three sides, English learning, teaching and production. And both linguists and teachers should do a further reseach on this kind of influence and enlighten English learners.Ⅲ.SET VIEWS ABOUT L1'S INFLUENCE ON L2A.Transfer theoryThe traditional linguists chose grammatical structure of the target language production as a question for study. Zobl(1979,1984,1986)and Wenzell( 1989) emphasised on exploring the grammatical influence of L1 on L2's structure. Zobl(1984,1986) advanced the negation rule and verberinal word order,etc. Schavhter(1983),Gass(1984,1987) and Krashen(1981,1983)focused onthe result of the targer language production. after a commparison of the target language of the foreign language learners who's native languages are different, or a describing of the relationships between the target language production and native language, these linguists have drawn aconclusion that the main inflence of L1 on L2 was "transfering", both the positive and negative influence of L1 was included in this transfer theory.B. The controled use of L1 principleHow to deal with the native language in English class is a question to teaching and studying, middle school students have been familar with their native language and have been used to thinking in native thinking patterns,to learn and to understand a new thing.When they are learning English, they usually try to have the aid of Chinese language, the skills and knowledge of Chinese language students have aquired have both a positive and a negative influence on English learning. So teachers should consider the positive influence as a necessary help.But English teaching should not depend on Chinese language only when it is very necessary to use. controling the use of Chinese language and avoiding the negative influence are proper ways.C. The invovling theoryJust as what Guo Chun -jie and Liu Fang have got in their experiment,based on the three functions of Chinese language influence on English,Guo and Liu drrew a further conclusion.They pointed out that:⑴L1(Chinese) influence plays a more significant role in L2( English) production than traditionally supposed, and ⑵L1 influence on L2 production is a largely convert;it lies in the high -level cognitive operations in language production .The given suggestion as that the term invole should replace by the term transfer in opposition to the traditonal linguists.Thire conclusion is that L1 does invovle in cognitive operations in L2 production.D. Forget native languageHow Marx learn foreign languages is a text in the old textbook of senior middle schoolstudents.In this text,Karl Marx said "If you were studying a foreign language, you'd better forget your native language.It was important to grasp the idioms and grammars of the foreign language . " Although Marx did not point out the native language had a negative influence,his words and attitude just suggested the meaning──it seems that the native language has a big negative influence on the target language ,so you'd better to forget it when learning a foreign language.In these four wiews, "Transfer theory" and "the controled use of L1 principle" are more objective.Both of them share one point essentially. i. e. Chinese language has two influences on English──the positive one and the negative one.The question how to influence English makes them different.Both "the controled use of L1 principle" and "the invovling theory" are connected in logic.The controled use of L1 principle" points out the fact that Chinese language involves in learning English, and "the invovling theory" just demonstrates its existance by means of the experiments. The controled use of L1 principle" and "the invovling theory" share the point that native language has some positive influence on English at least ,The controled use of L1 principle" means to control the use of native language in teaching in a teacher's stand. "The invovling theory" disclose that native language plays a significant role in cognative operations in target language production in a learner's stand. However,only when a learner is in the country where target language is spoken, it's true to forget one's native language.Now answer to the question──the influence of Chinese language on English,is found in the positive and the negative two sides soundly. A piece of advice can be given to English learner simitately. That is whenever you are learning English in China , you'd better pay attention to these two influence of Chinese language.Ⅳ. POSITIVE INFLUENCE OF CHINESE LANGUAGE ON ENGLISHA. Learners can get English knowldege from transferable Chinese knowledge.Before learners study a foreign language, they have grasped some knowledge about the world in Chinese language.When they are learning English ,they can get a conception of the worldfrom Chinese language directly. For example, when a learner is useing an English-Chinese dictionary, he can understand an English words by its Chinese meaning.B. Chinese language communicative competence is partly transfered to English communicative competence.Before learning English, most of students can use Chinese language to communicate with others. They have a certain communicative competence in Chinese language. During the course of learning , part of his communicative competece is transfered to English. For example,a Chinese student has know " 您好! " is a greeting expression. After he has known "Hello! " is also anexpression for greeting ,he can use it to greet sb.He can judge a proper occasion as greeting time and use greeting expressions properly.C. Translation from Chinese to English plays a significant role in two ways.One way is that some translations effect English syntax. In English , some expressions are originally translated from Chinese language according to Chinese syntax.But they are acknowledged by English- speaking people publicly. For examples :一箭双雕one shot,two hawks.事半功倍effort halved,result doubles.事倍功半effort doubled, result halves.精神污染spirtual pollution精神文明spiritual civilization一国两制one state, two systemsAnother way is that some English expressions absorbed the meaning of language directly. From newsweek(83-08-01, 84-04-30) and Time ( 84- 08- 20) published in American, including president Nixon's articles , many Chinese- colored English are found. They occured in three ways:(A) notheing English in Chinese "pinyin":a, a yokel(土包子)guaxi-personal connections(关系)clanwei-word unit (单位)xiao pingzi-little bottle (小瓶子)(B) direct translation:"grain rats"(粮耗子)cigaratte tigers (香烟老虎)a pool of stagnant water(一潭死水)central document No. 1(一号中央文件)(C) transfer Chinese sayings and proverbs :They do not dare touch a tiger's backsider.他们不敢摸老虎屁股.Sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. 坐山观虎斗Deng xiaoping has called upon his people to "seek ruth from facts". 实事求是At our first meeting, it is like old times.一见如故These examples show that the influence of Chinese language on English is positive sometimes. So these positive influence is useful to develop English learners linguistic competence , and learners should take English as a way to transmit culture with a Chinese character. Not to neglect its exitstance or exaggrater its effect is a required attitude.Ⅴ. NEGATIVE INFLUENCE OF L1 ON L2Negative influence of Chinese language lies in two ways:A. Grammatical errorsChinese students often use Chinese grammatical rules in English except splling mistakes or lecxical mistakes. These students make sentences according to the thought patterns of Chinese. So their sentence has a Chinese structure with an English form. It is called chinglish. Of course, the meaning of the sentence is wrong or the sentence can not express a meaning properly. For example, students often say"this is what?" to ask "what is this ? " at the very beginning.B. Pragmatic failureThe causes of this problem are :(1)speak in an unproper way; ( 2) speak in an unproper expression or (3) speake at an unproper time. For example, oneday, the boss said "thank you foryour help" to his woman secretary because he thought she had done a good job.The secretary answered"Never mind" in stead of "It is my pleasure. " In fact , when somebody says apology to you, you'd better say "Nevermind".It is an expression of self- comforming. Here, the secretary used the expression wrongly although these two expressions have an equal translated meaning in Chinese. Another example is that: Mr.Brown is a strong man in his 70s. A young Chinese student who lived in Brown's house three years ago will visit Mr.Brown. When they meet in street, Chinese student says "you have not changed much."But Mr.Brown feels unhappy. Chinese student's words does not mean "You haven't hear old and Mr Brown understands it as "You are still like what you are before" in his value as an American. A compliment from a Chinese is adisprage in Mr.Brown's cultural background makes a trouble.From these,the following conclusion can be drawn. The negative influence of Chinese language mainly effect English in three ways, the grammatical structure. the expression and the communicative pragmatic, the original cause is the thought patern, language structure and cultural differences between Chinese language and English.Ⅵ. DIFFERENCES IN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE BETWEEN CHINESE AND ENGLISHi) Relationship between language and cultureGenerally speaking, "culture consist of all the shared products of human society (Rebertson, 1981) . This means not only such material things as cities, orgnizations and schools,but also non-material things such as ideas, customs, family. Patterns, languages. Putting it simply, culture refers to the entire way of life of a society,"the ways of a people."Language is a part of culture and play a very important role in it. Some social scientists consider it the key- stone of culture. Without language, they maitain,culture would not be possible. On the other hand , language influenced and shaped by culture; it reflects culture. In the broadest sense, language is the symbolic representation of a people, and it comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking. Learning a foreign languagewell means more than merely mastering the pronunciation,grammar, words and idioms. it means learning alse to see the world as natime speakers of that language see it, learning the ways in which their language reflects the ideas, customs, and behavior of their society. Learning to under-stand their "language of the mind."learning in a language, in fact, is inseparable from learning its culture.ii) Thought pattern and linguistic structure of English-American and Chinese peoples.English-American peopleChinese peopleindividual thought patternunity thought patternreason-stressedcomprehension-stressedindibidual-stresseduint-stressedcomplete formation-stressedindividual consciousness-stressedshaped languagedim-shaped languahgecohesioncoherencetree-shaped structureline-shaped structureconbination of shape and structureinternal commection-stressedwith a tight logic strick and clearhiding connection vague commectedCompared English with Chinese language, we know the big differences between these two languages are in thought patterns and linguistic structures. So the meaning of studying English is is not only to get a tool or to learn a kill, but to get the learner's thoughts pattern and old manners changed. When either of these two languages is used,the background of two peoples' should be considers in.It is better to use a language or under- standing a language in the coresponding people's stand.iii) cultural differences in communication .What need to be stressed here is that the two interact, and that understanding of one reguires understanding of the other. We have many cultural differences in communication.Following examples show the distinctive differences in language and culture between Chinese and English in four usual ways,such as greetings, ways of address, compliment and social amenity.A.There is a Chinese greeting,such as"上哪儿去呀?","到哪儿去啦?”which translated literally , would be "Where are you going? or "Where have you been?" The natural reaction of most English- speaking people to this gteeting would most likely be "it's none of of your business!"B. Many college students call their prefessors by their first names, the professors do not regard this as a sign of disrespect or familarity, but rather, as an indication that the prefessor is considered affable and has a sense of equality, this , of course, is quite opposite to Chinese customs in this respect. One can imangine the reaction of adults if a child were to call a grandparent by his or her name, or a student to do dthe same in calling a teacher.A quick reprimand, and possibly even a spanking, for the children would be sure to follow .C.It would not be unusual to hear an American woman talking about how hard her husband works and how well he has done,about all the promotions and honers that he has received.She might do the same about a son or daughtor of hers--how bright he or she is. What good marks he or she makes in school,etc. In Chinese, this would be considered bad taste; One simply does not praise member of one's own family before others.D. The hotel attendants,musum or exhibition guides and tour guides often can meet such a situation. For example,when a foreigner says "Thank you for a job well done",what reply should be given by guides and service people. To translate the Chinese expression "这是我应该做的" as "It'my duty." conveys the idea that the Chinese attendant or guide didn't really want to do it,that he/she did not only because it was his/her duty.Ouite a different massage is conveyed. A proper reply might be "I'm glad to be of help" or "It's a pleasure".Cultural differences often make a culture shock, Enve an English learner has grasped the grammar and idioms well.His lack of English cultural knowledge also causes a failar in communication, or make him misunderstood.So English learners should be sensitive to English culture.Familiarity makes perfect. One who knows the culture and language of English well, would learn English easily and use it well. If one know the differences between languages or cultures well,he will avoid making mistakes consciouily. Then the negative influence of Chinese language and culture will effect little.VII. WAYS OF REDUCING THE NEGATIVE INFLUENCE OF L1 ON L2Learning a language is learning from its cultural background.From the relationship between language and culture ,intercultural communication is a goal for English learners. So the following ways can be employed to improve the positive influence and reduce the negative infuence of Chinese language on English. To know and understand the cultural background further in learning need go in steps.pare Chinese culture with English culture. Language reflects culture and language is an element of culture. So it is necessary to understand the similiarities and differences of two cultural background further.B. Stress the relationship and connection between language and culture.Better to study the literature and idioms, sayings of the foreign language. Pay attention to analysize how the language reflect the culture and how the culture reflected in the language.C. Teach linguistic knowledge and cultural knowledge in class. During the course of foreign language teaching, on one hand, teacher should teach the necessary cultural knowledge related to the linguistic material. In another hand, students should look up the reference books to learn cultural knowledge self-consciously.D.Pay attention to non-verbial communication. Non -verbial commuication is also a part of culture. It reflects a certain cultural property as well as language.By a person's expressions,gestures and other body movements one send massages to those around hims, A smile and an out stretched hand show welcome.A frown is a sign of displeasure. In a word, body language should be interpreted within a given context. Only a person switches his body language at the same time be switches languages. This makes communication easier and better.Ⅷ.CONCLUSIONFrom the present situation of English learning in China,Chinese language's influence is known as an unavoidable fact which few learners can avoid in China. The influence of Chineselanguage lies in study environment,in teaching and in the target language processing production.So it is necessary to study the influence of Chinese language on English.Linguists' set views on this question leads to an analysis of the influence of L1 on L2. A thoroughly analysis and demonstration tell a fact that English is affected by Chinese language in two sides. Both the positive and the nagative influence of L1 should be paid attention.From the transfer theory and invovling theory, part of learner's native linguistic competonce and communicative competonce is transfered to English linguist competence and communicative competence. The aim of foreign language learning is to get the ability in communication.So the positive influence of L1 on L2 plays an important role for a learner.In modern English, Chinese language also has a big influence in English vocnbulary.Negative influence lies in ⑴frammatical structure, ⑵chosen express and ⑶pragmatic communication.The original causes is the differences in thought pattern, linguistic structure and cultural background.Language and culture is closely connected, From relationship of them,"learning a language is learning the cultural backguound". As a aid, the article analysizes the communicative interculture difference between Chinese and English.In a word,learning the English- speaking people's culture background and taking a reasonable attitude to the influence of Chinese language on English is a significant step to intercultural communication.NOTE:[1] in this paper L1 and L2 only refer to Chinese language and English.REFERENCE BOOKS:(1) 郭纯洁,刘芳,外语写作中母语转移现象的动态研究,现代外语,1997(4)(2) 李庭芝,英语教材教法,北京,高教出版社,1983.(3) 李金祺,应当肯定"西译汉化"现象的积极面,中国翻译, 1998(1)(4) 何自然,语用学概论,湖南教育出版社,1988.4.(5) 邓炎昌,刘润清,语言与文化,外研社,1989.3.(6) 司显柱,英汉民族思维模式?语言结构及翻译,外语学刊,1999(2)(7) 胡文仲,文化与交际,外研社,1984.8.(8) 汪雁,外语教中的文化习得问题,外语界,1993,(1)(2000年6月为取得外语系首届本科生毕业资格和学士学位而作)。
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汉语语言环境对英语学习的影响AbstractA good mastery of English has become a must for all the students in China because of frequent communication between countries. It is easy for the students to get access to English. And our country lays stress on fostering English talents. But the present situation of English learning is that many people have labored on it but only to find it is a waste of time and energy. This thesis analyzes the factors affecting the English learning which are social context, the distinction betwee n these two languages and the students’ goals and motivations. With Bernard Spolsky’s theory, the author explains the most important conditions for second language learning: social context, cultural background, exposure condition and native pronunciation condition. He insists that learners should pay special attention to language transfer and intercultural communication. Besides, a good attitude is crucial. Available resources are also of great help to create good conditions for English learning in Chinese context.Key WordsChinese context; conditions; second language learning; language transfer摘要由于国际间的交流日益频繁,中国学生必须很好地掌握英语这门语言。
关键词汉语语境;第二语言学习;条件;语言迁移IntroductionEnglish plays a very important role in every area of the society. Whether you are a teacher or a student, a farmer or a worker, a leader or a member, you have relations with English. In the long history, English has developed its individual uniqueness and it is easy to be adopted in most nations. Naturally, English has become the global language gradually and has its irreplaceable function and position. In another word, owing to its broad influence, the earth is becoming smaller and smaller. English, as an important tool, has a special function in the communications of all nations. It is estimated about 700 million to 800 million people can speak English. Apart from 400 million native speakers, the others are using English in different ways to different extent. At present up to 300 million people are learning English in China, and there are still more and more people joining the group of English learning. And the number of English learners is increasing rapidly.However, among the English learners, not many have learned English well enough to communicate with English speakers. Both educators and linguistics are showing their concern about second language. Some are research into the English teaching methodology (the Grammar- translation Method, the Direct Method, the Oral Approach, the Audio-lingual Method, the Cognitive Approach, the Natural Approach, the Communicative Approach, etc.); some are analyzing relationship between psychology and second language acquisition( Sandra Lee Mckay, Nancy H. Hornberger, etc.), still some others are studying the way to learn English or a second language ( Bernard Spolsky, Claire Kranmsh, Elli Hinkel, Rod Ellis, etc.). At home, Yu Liming is studying language transfer, and Sun Mianzhi is exploring Chinese context and English learning. Indeed, teaching methodology, psychology and contexts affect the learning process.Ⅰ. Actuality of English Learning in ChinaWith the opening and reforming, English has been an important course in schools. More and more people realize the importance of English and became English learners to meet the challenges. In China, English is taught in most primary schools in the cities from Grade Three and in all the middle schools in the whole country. In a long term, English will be a major course from primary school to university learning. Even though one has graduated from university, he has to get in touch with English frequently. In China, CET-4 and CET-6 are set in most colleges and basically every one has to pass the CET-4, and every one is trying his best to pass them.To some learners, English is a new thing and due to curiosity, they may have enough warmness and confidence at the beginning of English learning. Later, when they meet various difficulties and blocks, they lost their confidence gradually even at last most of them have to give it up. To somestudents and some adults, the purpose to learn English is only to meet the demands of exams. According to some surveys we are seriously affected by the native language –Chinese. A lot of people can not break away from the control of the native language, because the two languages are quite different in some aspects.II. Factors Affecting English LearningThe Chinese context has a great influence on English learning in China. Both English learners and English teachers always face this problem that how learners can master English language. Research shows that native language and native language context are the major blocks in the way to learning English. It is generally a bemusement: English learners in China have learned it for a long time, but English learners in China still can not see the progress. English speakers and Chinese speakers have different thoughts. English learners in China are always under the influence of Chinese context, so it is so difficult to have significant progress. In the last 20 years, the environment of English learning has changed a lot in China. We can see the rapid development in English learning. Otherwise, no matter how great the changes are, we are still in the Chinese context which is not changeable. So, the fact that we should not disengage the Chinese thought has an opposite effect on English learning everywhere and any time. In fact, how Chinese context affect the English learning.A. The Restriction of Social ContextChinese and English are two very different languages and belong to different linguistic systems. To Chinese people, English is a second language. On the other hand, most of the Chinese English learners only depend on the teaching in the classroom, so they have few opportunities to communicate with a native English speaker face to face. Most surveys show that the infant time is the golden time to learn languages. Here we can imagine that if a baby is taught in English, Japanese and Spanish since he was born, when he grows up he can speak three kinds of languages at the same time. Even though he does not know the grammar, he can speak every language very fluently. For most Chinese, they do not know the grammar at all, but all of them can speak Chinese fluently. There is another phenomenon: if there is one English speaker or English teacher in the family, their baby always has a good English achievement. All of these show that Chinese social context has a great influence in English learning. Professor Sun Mianzhi quoted Professor Xiong Deni’s speech, “ I always compare English Learning to a Besiegment. Your English is the Besieger and of course your mother tongue is the one besieged. You Command your army of English to break through the line of defense until you overtake the stronghold—your mother tongue.”(Translated). But it is really a hard job because you are completely surrounded by the enemy troops and your enemy is so strong.B. Difference between the Two LanguagesTo learn English well, it is necessary to know the details of it. Firstly, when you are learning the pronunciation, you will be corrected for several times. Sometimes, you want to say go to somewhere by ship, but becau se you pronounce it too long, some others think that you “go somewhere by sheep”. When you can not separate[r] and [l], you will read rice(米饭) as lice(虱子). Secondly, in the grammar you always make mistakes like this: I am student, it raining hard, against this plan, etc. Thirdly, in the acceptation, once you have written “my English level low”. Sometimes even you want to “keep diary” but you use “keeping notes or writing everyday note”. Some sentences like “go buy thing and write with English” always appear in your articles. Fourthly, in pragmatics: you once called David Smith Teacher Smith or Mr. David. And we know Father, Mother, Sister in English is quite different from our Chinese. A teacher is very kind and easygoing. The students like her very much. They think she is just like their mother. But we can never call her Mother Teresa, because in English, Father, Mother or Sister has some religious connotations.C. The Goals and MotivationThe goals and motivations of English learner have a great influence in the course of English learning. Most of us know that at the beginning of our new country, Chinese people were trying to learn Russian. Only after the opening and the reforming, English became the most popular second language in China. Some people realize the importance of English and they think English is very useful. So they will try their best to learn it well. But others bigotry thinks that they do not go abroad and they should spend so much time and money on English tests. The former will spend much more time than the latter ones on English learning. In fact, the total time you spent on English learning is not exceeding one year at all. Nobody can learn a language well enough to use it freely. In China, people learn English for different purposes. With the influence of the text-oriented education, people learn it just because they want to earn a diploma or have a better job in the future. So they learn by rote a lot of grammar rules, read a lot, practice lots of vocabulary and structures. As for communication, they become dumb. Finally, they may realize how inefficient their way is.D. Phenomenon of Language TransferLanguage transfer, according to Odlin (1989), is the influence resulting from the similarities and differences between the target language and the other languages that has been previously (and perhaps imperfectly) acquired. This definition thus suggests that transfer can occur at any levels, strategic, linguistic, discoursal, and pragmatic. Inter-language, such as a semantic formulae, strategy, or linguistic form, occurs in the NL (native language), TL (target language) and IL (inter-language) data. Similar response frequencies in all the three data sets are classified aspositive transfer, while different response frequencies between IL-TL and NL-TL combined with similar frequencies between IL-NL register as negative transfer (quoted, Liu Xiaozhong, 2001). We just take a pragmalinguistic failure for example.Chinese learners usually use the expression: “Never mind” in replying to “Thanks a lot. That’s a great help” (He Ziran, 1988). In Chinese, we use “没关系”(Mei guan xi) or “不用谢”(Bu yong xie) in reply to “Thank you”. However, their equivalents in English, “Never mind”, “Not at all” and “You are welcome” are slightly different in use from one another, though they all may be translated as “没关系”(Mei guan xi) in Chinese. The students often failed to see the discrepancy and, due to their mother-tongue influence, used these expressions interchangeably. If a student helped the professor clean the blackboard, he would normally say “thank you” to the student. But instead of saying “My pleasure”, as native speakers normally do in this situati on, Chinese students would often say, “It’s my duty”. This shows the students’ falling back on the Chinese situation where it is wholesomely all right for people to say “应该的”(Ying gai de). But he failed to realize that in English ‘It is my duty” also implies an obligation instead of a volunteer help. Some other examples as “No smoking please” and “Our English teacher has peaches and plums everywhere in China” are also fail ures in use.Ⅲ. Distinctions between English and ChineseChina also has its individual culture which is rooted deeply in its long history. Generally speaking, each nation has its unique culture and should be honored for it. Each nation always thinks of the culture of its own the best in the world. When Chinese developed into the native language in the eastern Asia where all the people think it was the most splendid language and knowledge in the world, so it is comparatively difficult to accept another new language. Chinese and English are both two widely used languages in the world. Totally, the numbers of the Chinese Speakers and English speakers take one fourth of the global population.Linguists classify languages using two main classification systems: typological and genetic. A typological classification system organizes languages according to the similarities and differences in their structures. Languages that share the same structure belong to the same type, while languages with different structures belong to different types. For example, despite the great differences between the two languages in other respects, Mandarin Chinese and English belong to the same type, grouped by word-order typology. Both languages have a basic word order of subject-verb-object.But, they are different. Chinese belongs to Han—Tibet language system, but English belongs to Indo—Euro language system. In Chinese, the square hieroglyph is the tool to express ideas, but inEnglish it is the 26 letters. There exists difference in sentence structure, pronunciation, vocabulary.A. StructureThere are 7 basic types in English. 1.SVC 2.SV 3.SV A 4.SVO 5.SVOA 6.SvoO 7.SVOC(Note: S→ subject V→ verb C→ complement O→ object o→ object A→ adverbial). Some people think it should combine the second and the third one as well as the fifth one and the sixth one. So they think there are five basic types.) In Chinese, there are far more than five basic types.B. PronunciationIn Chinese, there are some similar pronunciations with English, like some consonants [p] [b], [t] [d], [s] [z], [m] [n], [f] [g], [k] [h], and some vowels [a:] [i] and [u]. But individually, they have their own pronunciation and standard. Chinese has four tunes but English only depends on the different positions of the stress. In addition, in English there are some phonetics which are very difficult to pronounce like[r] [v] etc. In Chinese pinyin, each “zi” has a “yunmu”, which is like the vowel sound in English. An English consonant or several consonants are preceded by a vowel.C. V ocabularyGenerally, English has a larger vocabulary. Nowadays, there are some ten thousands Characters in Chinese. It has accumulated to a large storeroom. All the factors considered, English has a quicker and more significant development than Chinese. Webster’s Third New International Dictiona ry, which was published in 1962, includes 480,000 million words. Chinese word has a surprising ability to combine another word and then form a new word. So Chinese has abundant phrases and the meanings of words vary in different phrases. Chinese words can express more clearly and make the descriptions more vivid. In some other part, Chinese is so brief that you use just one word to express a clear meaning. For example, 走means to go, 吃means have some food by yourself. To English, there are not only abundant basic word, but also a lot of loanwords which enrich or have enriched the vocabulary and make a lot of synonyms. In English, the word “thief” has 37 synonyms. On the other hand, the usage of preposition between Chinese and English are very different.D.CulturePeople grow up in different environments. They are growing in two deferent semis. They absorb the different nurture at different time and restricts. There are many good examples of misunderstanding between Chinese people and English speakers. A Chinese scholar went to America for further studies. One day, he missed his wife and children. He brought out a family photograph and stared at it. An American came over an d saw the photo. He commented,” Your wife is beautiful.” The scholar felt embarrassed and said modestly, “Where, where”. Now it was the American’s turn to feel awkward. To be amusing, he had to say,“Everywhere”. In fact, for anAmerican, to say “Your wife is beautiful” is just a way to show politeness, but a Chinese man may take it as a compliment. And about greetings, we are familiar with the questions like “你吃了吗”(ni chi le ma)、“你到哪里去?(ni dao na li qu)”、“你每个月薪挣多少钱?(ni mei ge yue zheng duo shao qian)”, but the English speakers may take those questions as taboos. “It’s none of your business.”Ⅳ. Conditions for English LearningEnglish is a basic tool in the new world. More and more Chinese people are trying their best to charge it. But, in fact, the results are always not satisfactory, because we don’t have the conditions for second language learning. In the book of Conditions for Second Language Learning, Bernard Spolsky shows seventy-four conditions of second language learning. He specially notes that thirty-one conditions are necessary and the others are typical and graded conditions. Among the thirty-one conditions, social context, culture background, exposure conditions, attitude and motivation and native pronunciation are the most important.A.Social ContextAccording to Bernard Spolsky, language is primarily a social mechanism, so languages are learned in social context. He proved this idea by quoting another linguist’s remarks: “What is needed is a linguistics which can describe whatever features of speech proves relevant in the given case, and which can relate linguistic elements to each other in terms of relationships of role, status, task and the like. Such a linguistic requires foundations in social theory and ethnographic practice as well as in practical phonetics and grammar.”Condition 42: the Number of Speakers condition. The number of people who speak a language as a first or second language influences the desire of others to learn it.Condition 48: Linguistic condition prefers to learn a language when(a) You desire the social approval of its speakers, and/or(b) You see strong value in being able to communicate with its speakers, and/or(c) There are no social norms providing other methods of communicating with speakers of that language, and/or(d) Your learning is reinforced of encouraged by speakers of the language.Condition 43 Standard language condition: Formal teaching situations are possible only with standardized languages.Condition 44: In formal learning situations are possible only with languages with vitality. Condition 55 Instrumental language learning or teaching condition: If you need to speak to someone who does not know your language, you can learn that person’s language or help thatperson to learn your languageCondition 56 Language values condition: The social and individual values which underlie language choice rules also determine the value an individual assigns to the learning of a specific language.To sum up, a good mastery of English has become a must for all the students in China because of frequent communication between countries. More and more people pay their attention to English learning. At the same time, Chinese government encourages everyone to learn English and create a lot good conditions for English learners, so Chinese English learners have a better social context to learn English.B.Attitudes and MotivationAnother two critical factors of English learning are attitude and motivation because they predict the amount of time a learner would apply to the task of language learning.Condition 50 Aptitude condition: The greater a learner’s aptitude, the faster he or she will learn all parts of the second language.Condition 51 Exposure Condition: The more time spent learning any aspect of a second language, the more will be learned.Conditions52 Motivation condition: The more motivation a learner has, the more time he or she will spend learning an aspect of a second language.Anyway, the goal of English learning is to communicate with English speakers. energy and time on English learning, Chinese English learners make progress in English learning on condition that they spend a lot of energy and time on it. Without hard work and persistence, Chinese English learners cannot learn English well.C.Native Pronunciation ConditionCondition 23: Native pronunciation condition. The younger one starts to learn a second language the better chance on has to develop a native-like pronunciation. We all know that the golden time to learn language is 2 to 6 years old. So if a child can get in touch with English as he is a baby, he can hear the English sound for a long time, after some time he can speak English very well naturally.Now, a lot of foreigners are living in China and English is prevalent in China, so Chinese English learners can get in touch with English native speakers easily. Chinese English learners have more chances to practice their English with English native speakers. Chinese English learners can learn native pronunciation in a good native environment.D.Cultural BackgroundStandard language condition prefers to formal teaching situations are possible only withstandardized languages. Modernized language condition prefers to teach of learn a language which is officially used or recognized. Of want to charge the target language very well, we had better know the customs and the originality of it. You know more about it, you can learn it much quicker and better.Some other conditions also influence second language acquisition.Condition 34 Language distance condition: The closer two languages are to each other genetically and typologically, the quicker the speaker of one will learn the other.Condition 35 Shared feature condition: When two languages share a feature, learning is facilitated. Condition 36: Contrastive feature condition: Differences between two languages interfere when speakers of one set out to learn the other.With the development of the economic globalization, the communications between China and other countries become more frequent. Chinese people know more about the knowledge of the outside world. The blocks between two backgrounds will become smaller and smaller. And Chinese English learners can compare the differences and contrast the similarities in learning. And Chinese English learners can take the advantages of the positive transfer and remove the negative transfer.Ⅴ. Creating Conditions for English LearningFrom the conditions analyzed above, it is obvious that the first step to learn English is to learn the pronunciation. The pronunciation should be the standard language but not the dialects in some local areas. Imaging that you have learned one kind of language of a minority, for example, the yi language, still we can not communicate with most of the Chinese people. As for communication, we all know that if we want to use a second language freely, you have to get more chances to practice. Only talking more with native speakers and doing a lot practice can help you to improve your English level. On the other hand, as mentioned above, the purpose of English learning is not only to meet the exams but to listen, speak, read and write in English and finally use the global language to learn and exchange information with other countries.In fact, the conditions of English learning vary. Different people choose different ways to improve your English. It is very important to create conditions to learn English.A.A Good Foundation of EnglishChinese English learners must learn it from simple letters, words and phonetics. In the course of English learning, learners dig into it incessantly and enlarge the vocabulary gradually. They try their best to charge the basic grammar and usage of English. In this course they can find somegood ways by themselves, which is very useful and suitable for them.B.A Good Attitude on English LearningEnglish is one basic tool in nowadays society. It is the time of human intelligence. Learning English is not only for the exams, but for a good tool to make your life more wonderful and colorful. So, one has the duty to learn it very well for both his individual life and the country’s development. At the same time, learners should change some wrong ideas formed before and show their highest motivation and aspiration to learn it. Of course, learners have to spend more energy and time on English study.C. Using Available ResourcesThere is an unprecedented fever of English learning in China. You can get any material you want, whether you are in the city or in the countryside. Learners do not neglect the basic knowledge teaching in the classroom so they first have a full understanding of their teacher’s lectures, then they have got good improvement. Now, a lot of high-tech products can help learners and ensure them to have a good environment to learn English. You can use either a recorder, or some advanced equipments like TV, CD, VCD etc. or all of them. So learners have a good practice in the created scene of communication with native speakers. Especially, you can surf on the internet to look for all the latest materials you want directly and quickly. Hi- tech creates good conditions for learners, and they can use the golden time to charge English language which is very important.D.Cultural CommunicationLearning English is absolutely not only translating English into Chinese and Chinese into English. They grow in the different soil in two semis. Further more, we have to know the inherence of the English language, but not only the appearance of it, like knowing one person, not only from his appearance but also from his morality. You had better know the people around him. If you can consider English as an important tool which serve your own life and society, it will be easy for you to learn it very well.E. Proper Use of Language TransferLanguage transfer is inevitable in learning a second language. It occurs at all linguistic levels, phonetic, lexical, semantic and syntactic. Therefore, learners are to lay emphasis on how to teach and learn from grammatical analysis and difference of cultural differences should also be kept in mind. The existence of Chinglish is but a fact. In the book English in Use, Quirk mentioned “Occasionally, our principal problem is not to find the exact meanin g of a word but to find the exact word for a meaning which is floating, so to speak, in our heads.” To overcome the negative transfer, we need to listen to Standard English, read articles and literature in English so as to have enough language input. When it’s time to put out, learners are to think in English and express inthe native speaker’s way.ConclusionEnglish learning is a long process. It needs persistence and hard work. Though a lot of English learners have spent a lot of time and energy on it, the results are still not satisfactory. The native language ---Chinese, tightly restricts them. On the one hand, Chinese is one comprehensive language. It has its unique originality, structure, pronunciation, lexicology and cultural background and all these factors affect the process of English learning. On the other hand, the goals of the English learners in China are not the same, and they have different attitudes and motivations. So the degrees of mastery are different.Most of the learners are learning English in Chinese context. Chinese has been deeply rooted in their memory. Although positive transfer helps with the second language learning, negative transfer leads to confusion. Language learning needs a lot of conditions and without these conditions; it is harder for them to learn the language well. So it is crucial to create some suitable conditions according to the learners’ needs. International communications enable Chinese learners to get easy access to native English speakers, so learners have a standard language condition. On the other hand, the Ministry of Educational has set up kinds of English curriculum standards to popularize English in the whole nation which is a good condition of the number of speakers. Development in science and technology provides learners with various visual and audio resources. With all those things to help, Chinese learners are destined to learn English well.AcknowledgementsMy idea for the thesis sprang from the enlightenment of Ms. Tan Changlian, my tutor, to whom I owed great gratitude and appreciation. She gave me invaluable institutions and encouragement. In the process of composing this paper, she gives me much academic and constructive advice and helps me to correct my paper.Moreover, I am deeply grateful to those teachers who gave me much help these four years, such as Mr. Deng Xingyi, Mr. Zhou Ronghui, Ms. Huang Tianhong, Ms. Zhang Yihua and Mr. Liu Youlong. They benefited me a lot with sparkling ideas in their lectures.My indebtedness also goes to my roommates, who offer me excellent advice and environment to write my paper.Finally, I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to those who spend their precious time in reading this thesis.。