



v. 规划,设计;系统地阐述;用公式表示
【例句】The contract was formulated in difficult legal language. 合同是用难懂的法律
【助记】form(形式)+ulate 构想出
crucial [
adj. 至关紧要的,决定性的
【例句】Success or failure here would be crucial to his prospects. 在这儿的成功或失
] adv. 可能;按照推测;恐怕
【例句】For this reason, prices can supposedly never go down. 出于这个原因,可以
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
get away with 侥幸成功,侥幸逃脱

Unit 7
In-Class Reading The Commencement Speech You'll Never Hear
faculty [
n. 才能,本领,能力;(大学的)系,科;全体教员
【例句】She has the faculty to learn languages easily. 她有轻而易举学会语言的才能。
【助记】shore 岸 + low 低,岸边的水很低,浅
adj. 预备的,准备的,筹备的; 初步的
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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台

adv. 在先前,作为准备 n. <美>大学预科; <英>私立预科学校



1 Unit 1 1. Lively behavior is normal for a four-year-old child. (活泼的举止是正常的) 2. Fast cars appeal to John, but he can’t afford one. (速度快的车对······有吸引力) 3. Dave required a lot of time to study the diverse arguments. (多种多样的论据) 4. I asked my boss for clarification, and she explained the project to me again. (我要求我的上司为我解释清楚) 5. Photographic film is very sensitive to light. (对光很敏感) 6. Mutual encouragement can be a great help, especially in the early days. (互相鼓励) 7. Jimmy cried when people made fun of him. (拿他开玩笑) 8. John won’t give up. He persists in his opinion/viewpoint. (坚持他的观点) 9. Ted always wants to be the focus/center of attention.(成为注意的焦点) 10. Is it cheaper if we buy our tickets in advance. (我们提前买票) Unit21.However, the main drawback with this type of search engine (这种搜索引擎的主要缺陷) is its tendency to include too much information. 2.She’s She’s very very very generous generous generous with with with her her her time time (她从不吝惜自己的时间)—always always ready ready ready to to to help help help other other people. 3.you may have known someone else for 20 years and yet they will never be more than casual acquaintances (他们永远只是泛泛之交他们永远只是泛泛之交). 4.He doubted that the car was hers (他怀疑这车不是他的) because everyone knew she had no money. 5.It’s impossible to forget such horrific events — they will remain in the memory forever(它们会永远留在记忆中). 6.In a world too often filled with uncertainties (在这样一个常常充满各种不确定性的世界上), it is nice to have a safety net, something you can rely on. 7.The earthquake happened a year ahead of the prediction by the research group (比该研究小组的预报提前了一年), but earthquakes are usually difficult to predict. 8.I don’t mind being awakened once or tw ice in the middle of the night by my roommate so long as she doesn’t make a habit of it (只要她不养成习惯只要她不养成习惯). Unit31. Their study shows that sports skills carry over into personal life (可以运用到个人生活中). 2. I find myself calling on the boys more often (更多地叫男生回答问题), because they tend to be the ones having trouble staying on task. 3. I used to have trouble getting all the laundry put away (把要洗的衣服放好) before it was time to do the next batch. 4. After her time in hospital, Jenny’s parents are afraid she has fallen behind academically (在学业上落后了). 5. People are wondering who’s going to take over (谁会接班)when the old president dies. Unit41. I think it is up to him to finish the work (这工作都得由他来完成) no matter how long it takes. 2. We decided to sacrifice a trip for a new car (我们决定为买新车而放弃旅行), though it was really hard for us to make the decision. 3. He tried not to involve his wife in the management of company (让他的妻子参与公司的管理工作), because in most cases the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 4. 4. It It It is is is of of of vital vital vital importance importance importance to to to future future future generations generations generations ((对未来几代人都是及其重要的) ) that that that open open spaces spaces and and and parklands parklands parklands are are are protected protected protected and and and maintained maintained maintained to to to a a a high high high standard standard standard to to to keep keep keep the the the city city increasingly attractive. 5. We have reached the agreement at the meeting that the key to this problem is better planning (解决这个问题的关键是更好的策划) 6. I propose pursuing this question further (继续深入讨论这个问题) by considering critically the four theories well-known in this area. 7. The house was a completely original design (这房子是完全新颖的设计)---neither the interior nor the exterior was copies of any existing buildings of the kind. 8. Through all his life he has made efforts to promote the mutual understanding between the two countries (增进两国间的相互了解). Unit51. One of the reasons they became good friends (他们成为好朋友的其中一个理由) was that they enjoyed the same sports and music. 2. We will learn by our own experience what is best, and not by following the footsteps of others (不是靠重复别人的足迹). 3. He will play in two tournaments in Japan, which means he will miss the World Cup (这意味着他将错过世界杯) in his home country. 4. She wondered whether to say she missed him very much or to continue to keep silent(是否表白自己很想他还是继续保持沉默). She had to think about her relationship again. 5. Her mind was soothed by memories of her dad and of the days when she was a little girl living with dad in the country (她还是个小女孩时同父亲一起住在乡下的日子). 6. No matter how insignificant the findings were at the time (无论调查结果在当时是多么没有意义), it is important to record all of them properly. 7. Constantly being criticized by parents (总是受到父母的批评) can seriously hurt the children and won’t re i nforce what the parents try to teach. inforce what the parents try to teach. 8. The danger of going too far (做过头的危险) was always present because he was talking too much. But he couldn’t help it.Unit61. He was finally offered the job on the strength of his good memory (凭借他的记忆力好) and the many exams he had passed. 2. She favors a bit of adventure as well as a certain degree of self-government when her children’s education is concerned(当涉及到她孩子的教育时). 3. Most people who are sick with AIDS want to stay at home, rather than spend time unnecessarily in hospital (而不愿意毫无必要地呆在医院里). 4. What if I choose to give small amounts of money regularly over a period of time (在一段时间内定期给少量的钱) instead of donating a large sum once for all? 5. I am afraid, Mr. Peterson, the answer is that (答案是这样的) we have to be more efficient than our European competitors. 6. The museum does not intend to focus on a particular aspect of modern art (并不打算只关注现代艺术的某个具体方面), but prefers to offer material for the public to study and compare. 7. She had decided not to go for a drive on such a windy day even supposing a car was available (即便能搞到一辆车). 8. I am well aware of the fact that you have cut yourself off from your past and have started a totally new life(你已经同过去一刀两断,并已经开始全新的生活这一事实). Unit 71. Drops Drops executed executed executed in in in the the the first first first two two two weeks weeks weeks of of of the the the course course course will will will leave leave leave no no no records records records on on on students students ’ transcript transcript ((在学生的成绩单上不会留下记录),but ),but a a a drop drop drop executed executed executed during during during the the the third third third through through eighth week will result in a grade of W(withdrawal). 2. e W e often often often heard heard heard of of of stories stories stories about about about some some some people people people who who who could could could still still still think think think calmly calmly calmly and and and creatively creatively when facing difficulties (当面临困难的时候). 3. You should be aware that applications won ’t be accepted if they ’re beyond the deadline (过了截止时间). 4. The manager was so angry that he tossed the report on the desk (猛地把报告扔在桌子上) and shouted at Sam, “Get out! I don ’t want to see you again!”5. ou Y ou must must must start start start by by getting getting rid rid rid of of of all all all the the the bad bad bad habits habits (改掉所有的坏习惯) ) your your your previous previous piano teacher taught you! 6. Some trees have grown too high and deprived the house of light (挡住了房中的光线). 7. What would be the first word that would pop into your mind (跃入你的脑海) when you see Sunflowers by Vincent V an Gogh8. Living on his own on the campus, he has learned to budget his time (安排好时间). 9. These details were supposed to be secrets (本应是机密),but were somehow leaked out. 10. This is a reminder that proposals for state research funding are due this Friday (本周五截止) 。



新编大学英语第三版综合教程第四册课后答案---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 新编大学英语第三版综合教程第四册课后答案Unit 1 PersonalityVocabulary1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually7) slim8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5)sensitive 6) respond/react7)eliminated8)overcome my fear9) concentrate on10) made no commentTranslation1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When t he right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father. 6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal 1/ 18weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sicknessand failure. 2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful. 3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience. 4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back. 6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsVocabulary1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparationD.preparatory/preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approvingE. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faithd. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionallyC. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troublesome B. troubled assured C. assureC. troubledD. troubling 10) A. assurance B.2. 1) got/ran into trouble trouble2) no trouble3) asking for trouble 4) h ave … trouble 5)with6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting … into trouble 8) took the trouble3/ 183. 1) with a pattern of roses2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us3) promised faithfully4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought itwas a monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey 5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I’ve seen?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried 7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn’t have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked thetiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice万八---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 一起。



Unit 6一、词汇短语In-Class ReadingRisks and Youhypochondria [] n. 忧郁症,臆想病【例句】People with hypochondria resemble those with OCD: They worry excessively and feel compelled to do something, like visit the doctor over and over.忧郁症与强迫焦虑症相似:他们过分担心并强制自己做一些事情,如一遍又一遍地去看医生。

on the strength of基于;凭借…;依赖…symptom [] n. (疾病的)症状;(不好事情的)征兆,症候;表征【例句】A fever is a symptom of illness. 发烧是生病的症状。


【派生】symptomatic adj. 有症状的;症候的all manner of各种各样的;形形色色的(人,东西等)partial [] adj. 部分的;偏袒的,偏爱的;不完全的【例句】The plan calls for partial deployment of missiles. 这个计划要求部分地疏散导弹。

【词组】be partial to对…偏爱,对…偏袒【助记】part(部分)+ial(形容词后缀)→带有部分的观点→偏袒的physician [] n. 医师;内科医师【例句】It is important to see a physician if an ulcer is suspected, since ulcers can eat through the stomach lining into other organs and occasionally be fatal.怀疑生了溃疡,去看医生是很重要的,因为溃疡会腐蚀掉胃部内层进入其他器官,这有时会是致命的。



savor [
] n. 味道,气味,滋味
v. 有味道或气味;使有味,加调味品于;欣赏
【例句】①Life seems to have lost most of its savor for him. 对他来说,生活似乎已失
②His humorous remarks added a savor to our conversation. 他幽默的话语
pat on the back 鼓励;表扬
characterize [
vt. (characterise)表示…的特性;描绘…的特征
【例句】We characterize people by their appearances. 我们以外表来区分别人。
【词组】be characterized by 以…为特征,典型代表
cordial [
n. 兴奋剂
adj. 热忱的,诚恳的
【例句】He is cordial to everyone in the company. 他对公司的每一个人都很热情。
【派生】cordiality n. 热诚;真挚
n. 称赞,恭维;致意;问候;道贺
3 / 36

【例句】His column is syndicated throughout the world. 他的专栏文章通过报业辛迪 加在世界许多报刊上发表。 【派生】columnist n. 专栏作家
made a habit of 养成…习惯
walks of life 各界,各行各业
adj. 冷淡的;远离的;冷漠的



Unit 8一、词汇短语In-Class ReadingHow to T ake Your Timeantique [ adj. 古老的,年代久远的;过时的,古董的;古风的,古式的n. 古董,古玩;古风,古希腊和古罗马艺术风格vi. 觅购古玩【例句】The antique is a fake. 那古董是一件赝品。

【派生】antiquity n. 高龄;古物;古代的遗物live by以…为生emerge [ v. 显现,浮现;暴露;形成【例句】The sun emerged from behind the clouds. 太阳从云层后面露出来。

【词组】emerge from 自…出现;从…显露出来【助记】e(出来)+merge(沉入)→从沉没状态中出来→浮出。

【派生】emerging adj. 新兴的;出现的;形成的chronobiology n. 时间生物学;生物钟学interact [ vi. 互相作用,互相影响【例句】All things are interrelated and interact on each other. 一切事物互相联系并互相作用。

【词组】interact with 与…相互作用interact on 作用;影响;制约【助记】inter(在…之间)+act(行动)→互动→相互作用【派生】interactive adj. 交互式的;相互作用的interaction n. 相互作用;[数] 交互作用contribute to有助于;捐献addict [ n. 瘾君子,吸毒者;沉溺于不良嗜好的人【例句】There are no lengths to which an addict will not go to obtain his drug.瘾君子为了得到毒品什麽事都做得出来。

【词组】be addicted to对……上瘾,addict oneself to沉迷于feel lost怅然若失timepiece n. 钟等各种计时器living clocks生物物理] 生物钟adjust to调节;调整以适应external [ adj. 外部的,表面的;客观的;外国的;[医] 外用的n. 外部,外面【例句】External causes become operative through internal causes. 外因通过内因而起作用。



Unit 1一、词汇短语Text 1Vocabularysplendor [ n. 华丽,壮观,辉煌【例句】In summer, flowers are competing in splendor in the garden.夏天的花园,百花争艳。

district [] n. 区,行政区,区域【例句】Each living district in the city is fenced in/round with elms. 城内每个生活区的四周都用榆树修成篱笆。


tuck v. 塞进,插进;卷起,折起;打褶桐【例句】She tucked her scarf into her blouse. 她把围巾塞进罩衫内。

【词组】tuck away 畅饮,大嚼tuck in 紧缩;塞入;尽情地吃verdant adj. (草、田地等)翠绿的;嫩绿的;长满绿色植物的;无经验的【例句】There is a verdant lawn in front of the dormitory. 宿舍前是绿茵茵的草坪。

craggy adj. 陡峭的,崎岖的,多岩石的;嶙峋的【例句】He had a craggy face. 他面容粗犷。

spectacular [ adj. 壮观的;引人入胜的n. 壮观的演出【例句】Many people are impressed by the spectacular display of fireworks on New Year’s Eve.除夕夜壮观的焰火表演给人们留下了深刻的印象。

【助记】spec看,inspect 查看+音:太酷了,看起来太酷了。

landscape [ n. 山水,风景v.美化(自然环境等)【例句】The trees and the mountains made the landscape very beautiful. 树木和山脉使风景变得很美。



Unit 9一、词汇短语Text 1Vocabularyconventional [ adj. 惯例的,常规的,习俗的,传统的【例句】The chairman made a few conventional remarks. 主席说了几句客套话。

【词组】conventional clothes/behavior 老一套的衣物、行为【助记】convention(com + vent 一起去)大会,也有公约,惯例,习俗之意;公约,惯例,习俗都是开大会定下的。

eccentric [ adj. 古怪的,怪异的n. 行为古怪的人【例句】Don’t be bothered with him. He is an eccentric. 别理他,他是个怪人。

【助记】ec 出+ center 中心→离开中心→古怪的singular n. 单数adj. 非凡的,卓越的;单数的;奇特的【例句】What’s the singular form of this English noun?这个英语名词的单数形式是什么?【派生】singularity n. 奇异;奇点;突出;稀有friction [ n. 摩擦,摩擦力vt. 发生摩擦,冲突【例句】Friction gradually caused the sliding box to slow down and stop.摩擦力使向下滑的箱子渐渐慢下来最后停住。


enhance [] v. 提高,增强,增进【例句】Those clothes enhanced her beauty. 那些衣服使她更美丽。

【派生】enhanced adj. 加强的;增大的enhancement n. 增加;放大overlook [] v. 漏看,忽略;俯瞰,眺望;宽容,放任n. 忽视;眺望【例句】They overlooked the enormous risks involved. 他们忽略了其中涉及的极大危险。



Unit 9一、词汇短语In-Class ReadingToo Fast?icebox n. 冰箱;冷藏库blacksmith n. 锻工,铁匠【例句】The blacksmith is forging the horseshoe. 铁匠正在打造马蹄铁。

obsolete [ adj. 已废弃的,过时的,陈旧的n. 废词;陈腐的人vt. 淘汰;废弃【例句】Wooden warships are obsolete. 木制舰艇已被淘汰。

【助记】ob 无+ sole 单独,唯一→剩下的唯一的也没了→废弃。

vanish [ v. 消失,逐渐消失,消散【例句】I wish cockroaches would vanish from the earth. 我希望蟑螂能在地球上消失。

【词组】vanish from 从…失去;从…消失vanish away 消失【助记】谐音“哇,消失了”,消失【派生】vanishing n. 消失geometrically[adv. 用几何学;几何学上地;按几何级数地give birth to产生,造成;生孩子assimilate [ vt. 吸收;使同化;把…比作;使相似vi. 吸收;同化【例句】America has assimilated many people from all corners of the world. 美国同化了许多来自世界各地的人。

【助记】as + similar(相同)+ate →使相同→同化【派生】assimilation n. 同化;吸收;同化作用batch [] n. 一组,一批,一群vt. 分批处理;量出【例句】This batch is not up to standard. 这批货(产品)没有达到标准。


atom [] n. 原子;微量,微粒【例句】The atom bomb is of catholic concern. 原子弹受到普遍的关注。



Unit 1 Leisure Activities1-1 Entertaining Humor-What's Funny?Translation【1】听了一个有趣的故事会发笑、很开心,古今中外都一样。
























邹为诚《综合英语教程(4)》(第3版)学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】Unit7一、词汇短语Vocabularymassacre[]n.残杀,大屠杀v.残杀,集体屠杀【例句】The game was a complete massacre;we lost10-0.那次比赛真是一次惨败,我们0比10输了。

【助记】mass大批+sacrifice牺牲,大牺牲reign[rein]v.(over)统治,支配,盛行,占优势n.统治;朝代【例句】The Queen reigns but does not rule.女王在位,但不当政。

【词组】reign over统治;盛行【助记】reign→resign(v.放弃,辞职)→放弃自己的统治评注:不爱江山爱美人turbulent[]adj.狂暴的,吵闹的,无秩序的【例句】The water of the channel is quite turbulent.水道中的水体是十分紊乱的。

【助记】turb(混乱)+ulent【派生】turbulence n.骚乱,动荡;湍流;狂暴patriotic[]adj.爱国的,有爱国心的,显示爱国精神的【例句】He is very patriotic.他非常爱国。

【助记】patri(父亲,祖国)+ot+ic(形容词后缀)【派生】patriot n.爱国者benevolent[]adj.仁慈的,慈善的【例句】He is benevolent to old people.他对老人极为亲切。

【词组】be benevolent to(对…)亲切的,仁慈的【助记】bene好+volent源自will;volunteer自愿nostalgic[]adj.乡愁的,怀旧的【例句】①Perhaps it is our human nature to be nostalgic.也许是人类天生有一种思古之幽情。

②Many people were nostalgic for the good old days.很多人都怀念过去的好时光。



Aspiration n.强烈愿望;志向,抱负Assign vt.分配,分派,指派(任务);指定(时间、地点等)Bias n.偏见,成见Biased adj.有偏见的Constitute v.被视为;组成,构成;设立,建立Culturally adv.文化上;人文地Feminine adj.女性的,妇女的Gender n.性别Genetic adj.基因的;遗传学的Indirectly adv.间接地Innumerable adj.无数的,数不清的Masculine adj.男性的;男子气概的neatness n.整洁non-sexist adj.非性别歧视的northeastern adj.在东北部的;来自东北部的noticeably adv.显著地,明显地nursery n.托儿所participation n.参与,参加postgraduate adj.博士后的preschooler n.学龄前儿童stereotyped adj.老一套的,模式化的subordination n.处于次要地位tremendous adj.巨大的;极快的;强有力的unintentional adj.不是故意的,无心的unknowingly adv.不知道地,没意识到地vital adj.极其重要的,必不可少的as a matter of fact事实上,实际上call on要求(某人做某事)carry over(在不同情况下)继续存在,保持下去fall behind落后in accordance with按照,依照put...away放好,收好turn out生产,制造up to直到1。



目 录Unit 1一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 2一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 3一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 4一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 5一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 6一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 7一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 8一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 9一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 10一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 11一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 12一、词汇短语二、参考译文三、课文精解四、练习答案Unit 1一、词汇短语Text I1. resolution [7rezE5lju:FEn] n. a resolving to do something决心,决定:determined/ unshakable/ inflexible resolution坚定的决心;come to/ form/ make/ take a resolution下定决心2. bless [bles] vt. to confer well-being or prosperity on保佑,赐福:be blessed with 有幸拥有3. boundless [5baJndlIs] adj. having no boundaries or limits无限的,无边无际的:Stars are twinkling in the boundless sky.在辽阔无垠的天空上到处是繁星闪烁。

4. tiptoe [5tiptEu] vi. to walk or move quietly on one’s toes踮起脚走:She tiptoed to the bedside of the sleeping child.她用脚尖悄悄地走到酣睡的孩子床前。



邹为诚《综合英语教程(4)》(第3版)学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】Unit10一、词汇短语Text1Vocabularybaffle[]vt.使挫折,阻碍;使困惑,难住n.挡板,隔音板,反射板,困惑vi.做徒劳挣扎【例句】The beautiful scenery baffles description.这美丽的景色难以形容。

【搭配】baffle a person’s plan使某人的计划受挫baffle with the storm徒然与暴风雨搏斗【助记】ba(拼音:爸)+ff(谐音:非)+le(拼音:乐)→爸爸不乐了,因为受挫折。

superficial[]adj.表面的;肤浅的,浅薄的n.表面文章;[用复数]外表;浅薄的人【例句】She has a superficial knowledge of the language.她对这种语言仅略知一二。

【助记】super(表)+fic(做)+ial(形容词后缀)→只在上面做→表面的【派生】superficially adv.表面地;浅薄地superficiality n.浅薄,肤浅;表面性的事物withdraw[]vt.收回,撤消vi.缩回,退出,撤退;提取(钱)【例句】I want to withdraw a statement I made earlier.我想收回我早些时候发表的一项声明。

【派生】withdrawal n.撤退,收回;提款;取消;退股absurd[]adj.愚蠢的;不合理的;荒谬的,荒诞的【例句】Their request is absurd.他们的要求是无理的。

【助记】①ab不+sound合理的,健全的,可靠的,健康的→不合理②谐音:“爱不死的”→荒谬的(想想那些经典爱情故事,有人幸存吗?)【派生】absurdity n.荒谬;谬论;荒谬的言行adapt[]vt.使适应;改编,改写vi.适应【例句】These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.这些式样均可改动以适应个人不同的爱好。



【例句】Their son is a tremendous eater. 他们的儿子是一个食量极大的人。
as a matter of fact 事实上
n. 分享,参与
【例句】His participation is not welcomed. 他的参与不受欢迎。
pattern [
n. 型,模型;样式;花样,图案
v. 仿制,仿效
【例句】We patterned this plan on the previous one. 我们仿照以前的图样设计了这张
【词组】pattern sth. on/after 根据…做某事,仿造
be bias(s)ed towards 对…偏心
【派生】biased adj. 有偏见的;结果偏倚的,有偏的
adj. 不是故意的,无心的,无意识的
【例句】He is unintentional to break your glasses. 他不是故意打碎你的眼镜的。

Unit 3
In-Class Reading Gender Roles from a Cultural Perspective
n. 性,性别
【例句】The male and female genders are equal. 男性和女性是平等的。



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scorn at 嘲弄
【派生】scornful adj. 轻蔑的
dismiss [
] vt. 解散;解雇;开除;让…离开
vi. 解散
【例句】He was dismissed from his job. 他被解雇了。
【例句】The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign
一个人学外语的内在要求越高, 那么他就学得越快。
After-Class Reading
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dexterity [
n. 灵巧;敏捷;机敏
【例句】An occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or skilled artistry.

tend to 趋向;注意;易于;有…的倾向
sacrifice [
] n. 牺牲,牺牲品;祭品
v. (for,to)牺牲,献出
【例句】A mother will sacrifice her life for her children. 母亲会为自己的孩子操劳一生。
【词组】at the sacrifice of 以牺牲…为代价
fit into(使)适合,适应;符合; (使)合乎…的时间[空间],与…融为一体;纳入
vigorously [



Unit 14一、词汇短语Text 1Vocabularyseduce [] v. 勾引,诱奸;诱惑,引诱【例句】Men are seduced by her beauty and wit. 她才貌双全倾倒众生。

【搭配】seduce sb. from his duty 诱使某人放弃职责stale [ adj. 变质的,不新鲜的;陈旧的,陈腐的;无聊的【例句】He told the same stale old jokes I’ve heard fifty times before. 他讲的同样的老笑话我已经听过50遍了。


metaphor n. [修辞] 隐喻,暗喻,比喻说话【例句】In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。

【助记】meta变化,副+ phor 说,变着说,用隐喻的方法变着法说。

luxury [ n. 奢侈,华贵;奢侈品adj. 奢华的,豪华的【例句】She is rolling in luxury. 她过着奢华的生活。

【助记】luxur(丰富,精美)+ y→奢侈品;luxury奢侈。

【派生】luxurious adj. 奢侈的;丰富的;放纵的deception [] n. 欺骗,诡计,骗局【例句】He was accused of obtaining property by deception. 他被指控骗取钱财。

【搭配】self-deception 自我欺骗clerk [ n. 职员,办事员,书记员;管理员;(AmE)店员【例句】The chief clerk supervises the work of the department. 文书组长负责监督该部门的工作。

【派生】clerical adj. 书记的;牧师的;办事员的clerical n. 牧师detergent [] n. 洗涤剂,去污剂adj.洗涤的,去污的【例句】The best way to get stains off collars is to use liquid detergent at full strength.去除领子上的污点最好的办法是使用未稀释的液体洗洁净。

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【词组】external to 位于…外部的
【助记】ex(向外)+ceed(去Байду номын сангаас→越过…向外走去。
humidity [
] n. 湿气,湿度
【例句】Humidity is a measure of moisture in the atmosphere. 湿度是空气内含水分
【词组】emerge from 自…出现;从…显露出来
【派生】emerging adj. 新兴的;出现的;形成的
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chronobiology [
湖面上方是潮湿的;humor 的,幽默的,幽默是种体液,当然是潮湿的。
internal [
] adj. 内部的,内的;国内的,内政的
【例句】The country stepped up internal security. 该国加强了国内安全防卫。
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] n. 时间生物学;生物钟学
interact [
] vi. 互相作用,互相影响
【例句】All things are interrelated and interact on each other. 一切事物互相联系并互
【词组】interact with 与…相互作用
interact on 作用;影响;制约
thereby [
] adv. 因此,从而;在那附近
【例句】He became a citizen,thereby gaining the right to vote. 他成了公民,因此有

【例句】If this were true, it should be equally easy to distinguish among individuals of any species, so long as you have the requisite perceptual abilities of that species. 如果是这样的话,那么识别任何物种的个体应该是同等容易的,只要你 拥有该物种的必需的感知能力。
【词组】be addicted to 对……上瘾,
addict oneself to 沉迷于
feel lost 怅然若失
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timepiece [
] n. 钟等各种计时器
brink [
] n. (峭岸、崖等的)边缘,边沿
【例句】His incompetence has brought the company to the brink of bankruptcy.
perceptual [
] adj. 知觉的;有知觉的
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seasons, serious problems may emerge with the pollination of the plants
involved. 由于开花植物与正常季节不同步或“失去共时性”,可能会出现涉及植
cult [
] n. 异教,邪教;时尚,狂热的崇拜
【例句】His music has become something of a cult. 他的音乐已经成为一种时尚。

【助记】inter(在…之间)+nal 中的→内部的;国内的
desynchronise [di
] v. 失去共时性
【 例 句 】 As flowering plants move out of step, or "desynchronise", with normal
【派生】interactive adj. 交互式的;相互作用的
interaction n. 相互作用;[数] 交互作用
contribute to 有助于;捐献
addict [
] n. 瘾君子,吸毒者;沉溺于不良嗜好的人
【例句】There are no lengths to which an addict will not go to obtain his drug.
mob [
] n. 暴民,乌合之众;人群
v. 成群袭击;成群围住;聚众骚扰
【例句】An angry mob is attacking the palace. 一群愤怒的暴徒正在袭击宫殿。
【助记】mob→bomb( n. 炸弹)→手拿炸弹的暴民记法。
【派生】mobbish adj. 暴徒似的;滋扰的;无纪律的
living clocks 生物物理] 生物钟
adjust to 调节;调整以适应
external [
] adj. 外部的,表面的;客观的;外国的;[医] 外用的
n. 外部,外面
【例句】External causes become operative through internal causes. 外因通过内因而
n. 古董,古玩;古风,古希腊和古罗马艺术风格
vi. 觅购古玩
【例句】The antique is a fake. 那古董是一件赝品。
【派生】antiquity n. 高龄;古物;古代的遗物
live by 以…为生
emerge [
i] v. 显现,浮现;暴露;形成
【例句】The sun emerged from behind the clouds. 太阳从云层后面露出来。
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台

《新编大学英语综合教程(4)》(第 3 版)学习指南 【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】 Unit 8
In-Class Reading
How to Take Your Time
antique [
] adj. 古老的,年代久远的;过时的,古董的;古风的,古式的