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Research on Left-behind Children in Rural Areas from the Perspective of Ecosystem Theory

[Abstract] Left-behind children in rural areas are special group that appear with the process of urbanization and industrialization in China. Life of left-behind consist of a series of problems due to the absence of parental roles, the incomplete family structure, the lack of educational resources in schools, and the low cultural construction in communities. Following the principle of ecological system theory, questionaire survey of left-behind children and related service providers were conducted in current study. Status and problems of family, school, community, social and cultural system, among rural left-behind children were also evaluated. Life system of left-behind children can be divided into three levels: the micro system of ideological and moral, education, psychological health, safety in micro level; family education, peer groups, school education in medium level; and social culture and social services in the macroscopic level. At last, different levels of intervention from social work perspective was illustrated.

[Keywords] Ecosystem theory; Left-behind children in rural areas; Social work


一、前言 (5)

1.1 研究背景与意义 (5)

1.2 相关概念界定 (6)

1.2.1 农村留守儿童 (6)

1.2.2 生态系统理论 (6)

二、文献分析 (8)

2.1 国外研究现状 (8)

2.2 国内研究现状 (8)

三、研究思路与方法 (11)

3.1 问卷调查 (11)

3.2 参与式观察法 (11)

3.3 文献分析 (11)

四、农村留守儿童综合状况调查和分析 (12)

4.1 个体系统特征 (12)

4.1.1 心理现象方面 (12)

4.1.2 性格状况 (13)

4.1.3 越轨行为 (14)

4.2 家庭系统特征 (14)

4.2.1 兄弟姐妹的数量 (14)

4.2.2 亲子关系 (15)

4.2.3 抚养方式 (15)

4.2.4 教育态度 (16)

4.3 学校生活系统特征 (16)

4.3.1 学校学习 (16)

4.3.2 人际交往 (17)

4.3.3 教学方式 (18)

4.4 社区和社会文化系统特征 (18)

4.4.1 父母情感关系 (18)

4.4.2 社会帮助 (19)

五、农村留守儿童成长主要问题分析 (21)

5.1 微观系统 (21)

5.1.1 思想道德问题 (21)

5.1.2 教育学习问题 (21)

5.1.3 心理健康问题 (22)

5.1.4 安全隐患问题 (22)

5.2 中观系统 (23)

5.2.1 家庭教育问题 (23)

5.2.2 同辈群体问题 (23)

5.2.3 学校教育问题 (24)

5.3 宏观系统 (25)

5.3.1 社会文化问题 (25)

5.3.2 社会服务问题 (25)

六、解决问题的思路与对策 (27)

6.1 农村留守儿童微观系统层面的社会工作介入 (28)

6.2 农村留守儿童中观系统层面的社会工作介入 (28)

6.3 农村留守儿童宏观系统层面的社会工作介入 (29)

七、结论 (30)

参考文献 (31)

致谢 (34)

附录1 关于农村留守儿童生活现状的调查问卷 (35)

附录2 关于农村留守儿童服务情况的调查问卷 (38)
