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在星期一上午on Monday morning

今天下午this afternoon

新学期the new term

第一节课the first lesson

我希望I hope

门学科ten subjects

一节有趣的课an interesting lesson

你呢?How about you?/What about you? 欢迎回来welcome back

星期天晚上Sunday evening

这个星期this week

每天every day

让我想想let me see

非常very much

重感冒 a bad cold

呆在家里stay at home

午饭后after lunch

在学校at school

吃药take some medicine

一通电话 a telephone call

放学了classes are over / school is over 下课了class is over

再见see you soon

呆在床上stay in bed

给Mike打电话call Mike

去看医生go to see a doctor

张开嘴open your mouth

感觉累feel tired

集邮collect stamps

许多漂亮的花many beautiful flowers 它们在这儿。Here they are.

摄影take photos

种花grow flowers



make a pretty dress for me

去购物go shopping

不喜欢don’t like

听音乐listen to music

在花园里in the garden

看一看have a look

同样的爱好the same hobby

照看孩子们look after the children

他的同学his classmate

和他交谈talk to him

一些爱好some hobbies

给我看你的图画show me your pictures

弹钢琴play the piano

写一封电子邮件write an e-mail

学中文study Chinese

我的英国朋友my English friend

大声地说话speak loudly

去学校go to school

在晚上in the evening

游泳游得好swim well

同龄the same age

一个小镇 a small town

在电脑室in the computer room

居住在上海live in Shanghai

给我的父母写封write a letter to my parents 跳得高jump high

跑得快run fast

做一些锻炼do some exercise

看杂志read magazines

从星期一到星期五from Monday to Friday 在三点at three

向左向右转turn left and right

十次ten times


仔细听listen carefully

起立stand up

坐下sit down

忙碌的一天 a busy day

没有时间休息have no time for rest

起床get up

准备吃早饭ready for breakfast

刷牙brush one’s teeth

洗脸wash one’s face

六点五十分ten to seven

十二点四十五 a quarter to one

值日on duty

观看足球比赛watch a football match

看电视watch TV

三点半half past three

十一点一刻 a quarter past eleven

开始上课classes begin

洗淋浴have a shower

步行on foot

让我们快点。Let’s hurry

骑自行车by bike

去睡觉go to sleep

关掉收音机turn off the radio 做家务do housework

在周末at the weekends

去游泳go swimming

在家at home

当然of course

去电影院go to the cinema

每个星期六every Saturday

去爬山go climbing

我们的好朋友our good friends

许多人many people

喜欢运动like sports

非常有趣very interesting

英语俱乐部an English club

教语文teach Chinese

长城the Great Wall

参观北京visit Beijing

晚饭前before dinner

喜欢旅行like travelling

不工作do not work


在午饭时间at lunchtime

今天早上this morning

在他前面in front of him

指着那位妇女point to the woman

它们就在这儿。Here they are.

在圣诞节at Christmas

在圣诞节那天on Christmas Day Mike的家人Mike’s family

午饭后after lunch

在圣诞树下under the Christmas tree 祖父给的from grandpa
