



The research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways研究表明,成功的语言学习者在许多方面有共同之处。

Language learning is a kind of active learning.Learners should look for every chance to use the language.语言学习是一种主动地学习,学习者应该利用一切机会运用语言.language learning should be active,independent and purposeful.学习语言应该主动地,独立地,有目的学习Learning a language is different from learning mathematics学语言不同于学数学。

The teacher often imparts successful language learning experiences to us老师经常将成功的语言学习经验传授给我们。

They find it hard to master a foreign languages他们发现要掌握一门外语是困难的The research shows that successful men are similar in many ways这项研究表明成功人士在许多方面是相似的successful languages learners do not only depend on books or teachers.成功的语言学习者不只依赖书本或者老师。

we are willing to help our friends我们愿意帮助我们的朋友we should learn new things independently,actively and purposely我们应该主动地,独立地,有目的学习Every citizen is obliged to pay taxes.纳税是每个公民应尽的义务Americans often say that there are two things they can not escape from in life.美国人常说他们一生中有两年事逃脱不了There are three levels of government in the US,therefore,there are three types of taxes.正因为美国有级政府,税收也有三种Some states charge income tax in addition to a sales tax.某些州除了征收销售税还征收收入所得税Americans complain that taxes are too high and government uses them in the wrong way.美国人抱怨税收太高,政府也没有正确使用税收。



人教版初中英语七年级(下)单词汉译英1. Unit 1 单词汉译英- 爱好:hobby- 运动:sports- 唱歌:sing- 画画:draw- 写字:write- 看书:read- 上网:surf the internet- 打球:play ball- 游泳:swim- 弹钢琴:play the piano2. Unit 2 单词汉译英- 笑话:joke- 床:bed- 安静的:quiet- 位子:seat- 看电视:watch TV- 跑步:run- 吃东西:eat- 喝东西:drink- 穿衣服:wear clothes- 坐下:sit down3. Unit 3 单词汉译英- 白天:daytime- 在家:at home- 上图书馆:go to the library- 上学:go to school- 吃晚饭:have dinner- 睡觉:go to bed- 起床:get up- 听音乐:listen to music- 上课:have class- 上英语课:have an English class4. Unit 4 单词汉译英- 动物园:zoo- 公园:park- 商店:shop- 电影院:cinema- 图书馆:library- 医院:hospital- 学校:school- 餐馆:restaurant- 游泳池:swimming pool - 市场:market5. Unit 5 单词汉译英- 长的:long- 短的:short- 高的:tall- 矮的:short- 胖的:fat- 瘦的:thin- 漂亮的:beautiful- 帅的:handsome- 高兴的:happy- 伤心的:sad6. Unit 6 单词汉译英- 五月:May- 六月:June- 七月:July- 八月:August- 九月:September- 十月:October- 十一月:November- 十二月:December- 号:number- 生日:birthday7. Unit 7 单词汉译英- 红色:red- 黄色:yellow- 蓝色:blue- 绿色:green- 紫色:purple- 黑色:black- 白色:white- 粉色:pink- 棕色:brown- 橙色:orange8. Unit 8 单词汉译英- 菜单:menu- 点菜:order dishes- 鸡肉:chicken- 猪肉:pork- 牛肉:beef- 鱼:fish- 饮料:beverage- 汉堡包:hamburger- 薯条:french fries- 冰淇淋:ice cream以上是《人教版初中英语七年级(下)》的单词汉译英。




翻译2:依赖计算器会影响人的心算能力(mental arithmetic)。


翻译3:很多女孩都不愿意在男人居多的行业里(male-dominated world)找工作。









His behaviour really irritated me.2)每况愈下的视力迫使他提前退休了。

Failing eyesight forced him to retire early.3)他是一位眼睛敏锐的年轻人。

He is a perceptive young man.4)老太太踉跄了一下,几乎摔倒。

The old woman faltered and almost fell down.5)警察一直在注意他的行动。

The police have been observing his movements.6)司机从小轿车中出来,头上留着血。

The drive got out of the car with blood streaming from his head.7)她一直努力工作并取得了长足的进步。

She has been working hard and made remarkable progress.8)我们很难接收这么多的信息。

It is hard for us to absorb so much information.9)灰尘模糊了我的视线。

Dust blurred my vision.10)家里的气氛有些紧张。

The atmosphere at home was rather tense.1)在电影中,机器人占领了地球,成为人类的主人。

In the movie ,the robots took over the earth and became the masters of humans.2)我们教室的电脑不大好用。

不过,有总比没有强,对吗?The computer in our classroom is not so good .But it’s better than nothing ,right.3)人们出于一个原因喜欢这孩子:他无忧无虑,整天笑嘻嘻的。




Nowadays, China has a serious shortage of blue-collarworkers。


The average monthly pay for blue-collar workers isaround 3,000 yuan in this city。


As Jack is an experienced mechanic, he can keepcalm when the machine breaks down。


Apprentices always learn everything on the job。


Many mechanical operations are carried out by thecomputer programs。


The annual income of that plumber is more thanS100000。


This community college has been expanding in thepast five years。



Installing this machine requires the coordination otmany people。


People there have paid inadequate attention toenvironmental protection.2.政府要求关闭那家⼯⼚以确保这⼀旅游胜地不受污染。

郭妈英语汉译英 (1)

郭妈英语汉译英 (1)

1 明年将有更多的电站在这个城市建立起来。

More power stations will be built in this city next year.2 她说这本关于自然资源的书已经译成英文了。

She says that the book about natural resources has been translated into English.3 他告诉我们他们家乡正在建一个大钢铁厂。

He tells me that a large iron and steel factory is being built in his hometown.4 到今年年底这家工厂将已经生产加工20万吨钢材。

By the end of this year, this factory will have produced and processed 20000 tons of steels.5 随着时间的流逝,人类会对外部空间有更多的了解。

With time passing by, human will know more about the outer-space.6 公共汽车突然停车时,他差点儿受伤。

He hardly had hurt himself when the bus suddenly stopped.7 他对这所大学贡献如此之大,以至于新图书馆以他的名字命名。

He made such great contribution to the university that the new library was named after him.8 他在台上出现,受到观众的热烈欢迎。

He was welcomed /well received by the audience on his appearance on the stage.9当他第一次去巴黎的时候,那里正在进行和谈。

When he first came to Paris, there was a peaceful negotiation being held there.10 机器出故障了,正在校办工厂修理。

Unit 1~2 汉译英与英译汉

Unit 1~2 汉译英与英译汉

汉译英unit1 section_a父母觉得有责任尽其所能给孩子提供最好的。

(to feel obliged to do/to provide ... for ... )Parents feel obliged to provide the best they can for children.应该严肃认真地大力惩治政治腐败。

(to get serious about/to curb/corruption)It’s time to get serious about curbing political corruption.学校的校长不应指望刚从大学毕业的老师来应付一大群难以对付的孩子。

(principals/fresh from/to deal with)School principals should not expect teachers, fresh from college, to deal with a large group of difficult children.她讲话不多,但言之有理。

(to talk much/to make sense)She doesn’t talk much, but what she says makes sense.对于强加给他的指责,他从未放在心上。

to be indifferent to / to thrust ...on...He was indifferent to the criticism that was thrust on him.为了确保司机的安全,一定要敦促机械师确保汽车发动机已调整好。

(to keep...safe/to urge/mechanics/to make sure/to tune up)In order to keep drivers safe, mechanics are urged to make sure that car engines are properly tuned up.当她站在那儿看到她女儿大学毕业时,内心充满了骄傲。

自考英语(一) 汉译英习题

自考英语(一) 汉译英习题

英语(一)1-5章课后习题汉译英部分答案Unit 11 Reseraches show that successful language learners are similar in many ways.2 Language learning is active learning,learners should take advantage of chances to use the language.3 Learning a language(Language learning) should be active,independent and purposeful.4 Learning a language is different from learning math.5 Our teachers often offer(tell) some successful experiences in learning a language to us.1 They find it hard to master a foreign language.2 The research shows that those who succeed are similar in many ways.3 Successful language learners do not just depend on books or teachers.4 We are willing to help our friends.5 We should(must) learn new things independently,actively and purposely.Unit 21 Paying taxes is a responsibility of each citizen.2 Americans often say that there are two things can be sure of(or can not escape from) in life.3 It is because there are three levels of government in the United States that there are three types of taxes.4 Some states charge(or have) income tax(es) in addition to sales tax(es).5 Americans complain that (the)taxes are too high and the government uses their tax dollars in the wrong way.1 China leads the world with its silk products.2 Some states charge sales tax(es) in addition to income tax(es).3 Sales tax varies from price to price of any item you buy.4 People are always complalining about the rise in the price(or the increasing prices).5 His mother said that he spent too much time on TV every day.Unit 31 There are 1000 visitors on the averagy every day.2 The Atlantic Ocean is half as big as the Pacific,but it is more than 4000 miles wide.3 It took him a long time to fall asleep last nightl.4 There are so many advertisements on TV that it is hard to remember how many there are.5 Many wrong ideas made people in Columbus’s age unwilling to sail west.1 The sailors were afraid(that) they might meet with the bad weather.2 The mountain is half as high as (the) Mount Tai.3 On the average,there are 45 students in each class of school.4 The climate affects the growing of plants(the plants’ growing).5 My work keeps piling up.Unit 41 It is hard(difficult) for you to remember information that does not make any sense to you.2 Association refers to associating information that we want to remember with information we have remembered.3 Categorizing the words helps (to) remember them.4 Needless to say,if the book in the library are kept in random order,readers couldn’t (can’t) find the books they want.5 Forming an integrated image with all the information placed in a single mental picture can help to preserve a memory.1 Their research mainly focuses on adults’ learning techniques(or technologies and skills)l2 It is meningful to know how to use these phrases.3 The group of adults(The adult group) consists of 155 persons.4 Needless to say,we all know the facts clearly.5 Memory refers to the ability to remember the past events and experiences.6 I always associate that song with my school life.Unit 51 During the World War Ⅱ the soldiers ate a great number of potatoes.2 There is a wrong idea that eating some kind of animal can make people get some of the good qualities of that animal for themselves.3 It is to be proved(or It has not been proved) whether fish is the best brain food.4 Milk contains rich protein,and many people drink it for breakfast.5 Today,a great many people have(hold) wrong ideas about some kind of food.1 We have not found a substitute for him.2 Children are eager to become as strong and brave as heroes in films(or in the film).3 He is supposed to be a person who runs fastest among us.4 Some stories are widespread,while(but) others are not.5 As a matter of fact,meat and potatoes can be eaten together.6 People often think of a school as a small society.英语(一)6-10章课后习题汉译英部分答案Unit 61 It is well known that diamonds are the hardest substances.2 Most diamonds today are not found in steam beds;they are mined from rock fomations deep inside the earth.3 Diamonds,as they are mined,do not look very impressive.4 He often does not stick to doing anything.5 The eruption of an active vocano is a terrible phenomnon.1 Please sort out what you want and throw away the rest.2 The price of the elevator is somewhat higher than they have expected.3 The pictures are very popular with young people.4 He stopped writing because his pen had run out of ink.5 Experienced people can immediatelly tell which one is true.Unit 71 There are many single parent families and remarried familiesin the United States.2 Undoubtedly,the extended family is related by blood and marriage.3 The nuclear family in China usually consists of father,mother and their single child.4 Family means a sense of belonging for both the young and the old.5 Most people are unwilling to live with their parents when they grow up.1 In today’s families,both the father and the mother earn money for the faimily.2 She is a teather,while her brother is an engineer.3 Traditionally,Chinese young people live with their parents until they grow up and marry.4 All my teachers care for my progress in study.5 In somoe families,both parents work and take care of the house and children.6 This group was split into two because it was too large.7 They are going to extend their research in this field.8 She divorced her husband two years ago.Unit 81 Information stored in the computer can be transmitted via satellite to a user.2 Today,a single satellite is capable of receiving and transmitting 18,000 telephone calls simultaneously.3 The new high technology helps us and also harm us.4 In order to meet the 21st century,is very important to learn computer well.5 The purpose of learning a new technology lies in applying it.1 Satellites are capable of transmitting not only television broadcasts,but also telephone calls.2 In theory,everyone can receive and education.3 You should follow the doctor’s instructions on how to take the medicine.4 The computer system can transmit sounds as well as pictures simultaneously.5 It is the modern technology that learns us to success.6 This patient should be isolated from other patients.7 This soldier displayed his bravery and skills.8 His experiments have fully demonstrated the psychological principle.Unit 91 Popular words belong to everyone.2 On the other hand,language has a number of learned words.3 The atmosphere of these two classes of words is quite different.4 There are some words,which we know after we grew up.5 We have learned some popular words before we were able to read.1 Success belongs to those who apply themselve to work.2 Having got to that country,he found there is little occasion to speak Chinese.3 The mutual understanding is of great importance to friendship.4 There are nno two leaves which are the same in the world.5 When I say they are friends,I do not mean they share everything.6 The meeting concerned trade and agriculture.7 If the situation goes worse,a serious problem may come up.8 I prefer to go there today rather than tomorrow.9 Automobiles are made up of many different parts.10 The escaped prisoner is still at large.Unit 101 The principle of the “cause-and-effect” relationship helps to solve some scientific problems.2 Rapid developments int science stimulate many enterprises to seek a new way out.3 Respect for the views of others is alse a scientific attitude.4 Opne-mindedness means an ability to accept new and sometimes even disagreeable ideas.5 Chidren are always curious about everything.1 Man wondered why a bird could fly,but man couldn’t.2 The child took apart the toy,but he didn’t know how to put it together.3 Regardless of what will happen,they will carry out this experiment.4 Although she was very tired,she was still willing ot help others.5 We shouldn’t laugh at those who have made mistakes.6 We are determined to seek the answer to these problems.7 In the light of our present knowledge,the finding may be regarded as acceptable.8 You should adapt yourself to the new environment.英语(一)11-15章课后习题汉译英部分答案Unit 111 Many people in Beijing have made early morning shopping into a hobby.2 I ran across his earlier works at a second-hand store.3 You wouldn’t believe someone will buy someone else’s cast-offs.4 Not long ago,he came up with a workable plan.5 We are bound to win the battle.1 This store has put up many signs in the neighbourhood.2 Some people are fed up with modern city life and have moved to the countryside.3 Last weed I run across a friend of mine in the park.4 Without having money on him,he is bound to return back.5 He is faced with a very serious problem now.6 All the useless items should be got rid of.7 Our duty is to meet the ever-increasing needs of our people.8 All the goods are priced at a half part of their original price.9 The music really turns me off.10 He has clearly set out his views in this book.Unit 121 A good dictionary should be regularly added with new content.2 The writing of each word in a dictionary is based on a certain rule.3 The task of writing a dictionary begins with reading vast amounts of materials and making cards.4 Not all dictionaries have their authority.5 I was got into a dispute with an Englishman over the pronunciation of a word and offered to look it up in the dictionary.1 It is widely believed that the language is continuously developing and changing.2 She was regarded as the doctor in town.3 In the library these books are placed according to the authors’ names.4 These children are deeply influenced by their parents.5 They disputed the reality of my conclusion.6 The child was brought up in a distant mountian village.7 It is not always necessary for you to look up in a dictionary when you meet a new word.8 Once you get into a bad habit,you will difficulty get rid of it.9 To the best of my knowledge,it is not absurd to have the idea that fish is best brain food. Unit 131 Insurance reminds us that we live in an unsafe world.2 People are unwilling to discuss insurance for three reasons.3 We should not depend entirely on the agent when we buy insurances.4 although accident,illness and death are not pleasant subjects,we must face them.5 An American spends as much as $2,000 buying health insurance every year.1 When a stranger is at your door,you should be on guard.2 In fact,we spent almost as much time in searching for this book as we read it.3 Her letter reminds me of the good time that we spent together.4 Except few professional insuers,most people don’t entirely understand what insurance is.5 This method has been proven to be still effective.6 At best,he can do half as many as he did last year.7 It occurred to me that he had not paid his income taxes for two months.8 He specializes in Motor Engineering in this college.Unit 141 They are not aware that this behavior can bother other.2 You must pay attention to your behavior in public places.3 Good manners are formed from childhood.4 If one doesn’t follow the social consensus,he can’t contact with others.5 Good cultivation helps you succeed in business.1 He fell asleep when he was listening to the long and boring report.2 They are not even aware that it is not a good habit.3 We should learn to respect others to avoid friction or conflict.4 They swore that no matter what happened,they would fulfil the task.5 The rude people will pay the price sooner or later.6 I’m not thirsty.Don’t bother to make tea for me.7 I’m deeply impressed by his attitude to his work.Unit 151 Violent films have great effect on preschool children.2 Parents should monitor the amount as well as the kind of television their children watch.3 Preschool children are not yet fully able to distinguish fantasy from reality.4 It is a good idea for parents to sit by their children’s side and give them some guidance when their children are watching TV programs.5 It’s proved by evidence that violent programs on television have bad effect on children’s growing up.1 The peace talks have long-lasting effects on the relationa between the two countries.2 Given good health,I hope to finish the work this year.3 I must point out that it is not a reality not to make any mistakes.4 Many young people are crazy about football.5 I think your plan is very good.But is there any other alternative?6 We should learn to distinguish the right from the wrong.7 You can interpret the term in many ways.8 He adopted a determined attitude toward this matter.9 What the mother said implied that her children might watch TV twice a week.10 His work is to monitor the broadcast of a certain foreign radio station.英语(一)16-20章课后习题汉译英部分答案Unit 161 More and more people are realizing that preventing the heart disease is more important than treating it.2 There is no doubt that many patients have benefited from regular exercise like walking,running,swimming and so on.3 The emphasis on treatment is clearly associated with the technological advances that have taken place in the past ten years.4 The result of recent research shows that stress,smoking and a lack of exercise are the main factors that cause the heart disease.5 A federal government office said that the chances of success in the heart surgery were not high.1 In the past twenty years,China has developed at a high speed.2 The technological advances enable people to live more comfortably and happily.3 There is no doubt that people pay more and more attention to health.4 People often encourage children to imagine rather than imitate.5 We must rely on our own efforts to convert the result of research into productivity.6 As a result of sufficient preparation,the heart operation was performed successfully.7 Students benefit much from his lecture.8 Who should take full responsibility for this action?Unit 171 Panic attacks may last a few minutes or several hours.2 Heart attacks are most likely to endanger the v ictim’s life.3 Age,sex and the multiplicity of symptoms are the three factors that distinguish panic attacks and heart attacks.4 There are some explanations as to the causes of panic attacks,but they are similar in two points.5 The symptoms of panic attacks bear such remarkable similarity to those of heart attacks that many victims believe that they are indeed having a heart attack.1 These days he has been suffering from headache constantly.2 There are now a lot of explanations as to the cause of this illness.3 Studies show that people who drink a lot as well as those who smoke are more likely to suffer from heart attacks.4 Some bad habits of life may endanger one’shealth.5 It is fairly necessary for some patients to seek psychological help.6 As yet we can not rule out the possibility of earthquake.7 The floor is too thin to bear the weight of the machine.8 The news about signing an agreement has not been confirmed.9 The endless argument eventually disrupted our plan.10 The author’s name mention ed several times in this article.Unit 181 I didn’t know the truth until I read your report.2 The goods will be posted to you in accordance with your requirements.3 The European Church interfered seriously with the advance of science in the Middle Ages.4 Today it is hard to visualize a map that does not feature the north at the top.5 He drove hurriedly in the direction of the Pole Star.1 I didn’t find that the children weren’t in their bedroom until midnight.2 Our conclusion is based on all available knowledge,rather than guess or imagination.3 She told us her past in the form of story.4 His estimate is far from being accurate.5 In accordance with the arrangement,we’ll go to visit the Summer Palace today.6 You can place full reliance on his promise.7 His point of view is just for your reference.8 In the past two years,they have attempted many scientific experiments.Unit 191 The natural enviroment in which animals live has been becoing worse.2 Hunters often hunt for their own purpose,regardless of the public living environment.3 If there are no natural reserves,it is likely that animals will become extinct.4 Countless examples can be given of the way in which natural environment are being rapidly changed.5 Creating wildlife reserves is another effective measure to protect animals.1 He finds is very difficult to keep pace with the progess of physics.2 Now China can compete with most countries in the world.3 Provided we work hard,there is every likelihood that we can do better.4 More and more people are concerned about our natural environment.5 This warship is armed with nuclear weapons.6 I’ll tell you the truth provided you don’t reveal it to anyone.7 We are very glad that he could survive the heart attack.8 The danger can’t be ignored t hat tigers may become extinct in our country.Unit 201 Does this mean that most members of our society should go to jail?2 Real life is much more complex than what is described on TV.3 Though some acts don’t hurt anybody,they hurt our society.4 The police would never be able to keep an eye on every citizen,but every citizen should observe the laws conscientiously.5 Honesty comes from social pressure,and it is helpful to the security of society.1 The prices of these goods range from several dollars to several hundred dollars.2 In addition to the apples you want,I alse bought some oranges for you.3 His foreign friend has become used to living in China.4 Americans first take soup and end up with fruits when they eat meals.5 There is a stranger outside the house,I have been keeping an eye on him for a while.6 Bring an umbrella with you in case of raining.7 Can you tolerate the fraud?8 Crops are being threatened by the continuous drought.9 The company threatened the residents by cutting off the water supply.10 He doesn’t care about the price,so long as the quality is high.英语(一)21-25章课后习题汉译英部分答案Unit 211 Our everyday speech is made up in large part of uncertain words.2 The word “several” means different things in different contexts.3 Age can also influence one’s understanding imprecise words.4 The experiments show that the radio increases systemacally with age.5 Fat or thin,tall or short are also imprecise words.1 Our soldiers know how to pin down the enemy.2 He often compares himself with his classmates in his class.3 He is not so much a singer,as a music composer.4 If the manager is absent,who will be in him place?5 It is out of the question for Tom to finish the whole exam paper whithin two hours.Unit 221 Some people believe that doing physical exercise is totally a waste of time.2 I know exercise is very impo rtant,but I have no facilities,and my family don’t support me.3 The top health condition may help you to increase your confidence in your career.4 Although fitness will not guarantee that you will live longer,it can help you enjoy life.5 Pro or con,involvement in fitness exercise is beneficial to health.1 He set aside half an hour for us to ask questions.2 Further researches assured us that the result was correct.3 The famous author is engaged in writing a novel.4 The reason for the flood was the heavy rain.5 The young man was capable of finding the correct approach to the problem.Unit 231 Body language does not use words to express.2 Both the western and the eastern have the same understanding of some body language signals.3 Body language is very much tied to culture.4 In communication,misunderstanding of gestures or facial expresions may tend to cause embarrassment.5 In many countries,nodding indicates approval while shaking one’s head stands for dsiapproval.1 He was embarrassed for lack of money.2 What was his reaction to the news?3 With the help of the PLA men,the fire was soon brought under control.4 His speech won the approval of the audience.5 Don’t fiddle with my recorder.6 One’s likes and dislike s may change with surroundings.7 He frowned at her impatience.Unit 241 More than 2,000 rainforest plants are benificial in curing cancer.2 The destroying of large areas of rainforest plants does great damage to the balance of ecosystems inevitably.3 Most countries where rainforests are located are very poor and overpopulated.4 One solution to this problem is to cancel their international debts.5 The richer countries should use more recycled paper to reduce the damand for wood.1 We should double our efforts to speed up our socialist construction.2 The visit of the leader of this country will contribute much to the mutual understanding between the two nations.3 Because two sides had not reached an agreement,the talk had to be cancelled.4 In the face of danger,they showed great courage.5 Last but not least,we have to find a peaceful solution to this question.6 His success owes not to his fortune,but to his ability.7 Many English words derive from French.Unit 251 Cry is usually considered as characteristic of the female.2 That men don’t cry doesn’t mean that they are unable to cry.3 In the whole of animated nature,only the human species can shed tears when crying.4 It is unnecessary to cry whenever one wants to cry,but one should be able to cry when oen ought to cry.5 It is not a good idea to train little boys not to cry in their early childhood.1 Honesty is characteristic of children.2 The father disapproved of the marriage of this daughter to that poor young man.3 Necessity is mother to invention.4 Smith returned to his hometown,among other things,to see his mother.5 They could not in the least understand the principle.6 With regard to the price,we thought of it to be too high.。

汉译英-1 - 英汉对照

汉译英-1 - 英汉对照
Please translate the following two Chinese passages into English.
LiuZhenliang, a tea master of the late Tang Dynasty, once put forward the theory of the "ten virtues of tea":Teais tasty;teacan maintain health;teacan drive away stinking odors;teacan prevent the attack of diseases;teacan cultivate energy in the human body;teacan relieve depression;teacan improve manners;teacan convey respect;teacan soothe the mind; andteacan uphold justice. Tea really has a lot of virtues.This was not merely the personal view of LiuZhenliang, but ideas shared by a majority of the Chinese people.



新人教版英语八年级上册1---12单元汉译英附答案1单元1、你的生活方式与她的一样吗?Is your lifestyle _________ _________ _________ _________?2、他不是很健康,因为他几乎不锻炼。

He isn’t very ___________. Because he _________ ________ ________.3、我认为经常吃垃圾食品对你的健康没有好处。

I _________think eating ___________ food usually _________ _________ your health.4、好的学习习惯帮助我取得好成绩。

Good ___________habits _________ me _________ _________ grades.5、—你们多久进行一次大扫除?—大概一周一次。

—do you have a day? —About a week.6、少数学生从不锻炼,他们经常感到体弱。

__________ _________ students never __________. They often feel ________ .7、—你哥哥周末常常干什么?—他经常上网或者滑滑板。

—What _________ your brother usually do on _________? —He usually __________ the internet or goes _________ .8、你必须要尽量少吃肉。

You must _______ _______ _______ ________ meat.9、说到学校的郊游,大多数学生都很积极。

___________ __________ the school trip, ____________ students are very ___________.10、为了保持健康的身体,你应该照顾好你自己。



英语汉译英一句多译100句汉译英:一句多译练习100例1. 他宁愿工作,也不愿在家休息。

He would rather work than have a rest at home.He prefers to work than have a rest at home .He prefers working to having a rest at home.2. 虽然他累了,但他继续工作。

Though / Although he was tired , he went on working.Tired as / though he was , he went on working.He was tired , but he went on working. 3. 他决不是傻子。

He is anything but a fool.He is not a fool at all.He is far from being a fool.He is by no means a fool.4. 这个城市是那个城市的三倍那么大。

This city is there times as large as that one.This city is three times the size of that one.This city is twice larger than that one. 5. 那个男孩为祖国献出了自己的生命。

The boy devoted his life to his country. The boy died for his country.The boy gave / lost his life for his country.6. 天下雨了,我们出不去。

The rain prevented us (from)going out. The rain stopped us (from)going out. The rain kept us from going out.7. 他只有服从命令别无选择。



外研(三起点)小学英语五年级上册期末复习专题:汉译英一、翻译1.狗非常聪明, 它们能帮很多忙。

Dogs are very. They can help.2.有一个关于植物的电视节目。

There is a TV show.3.我又累又饿。

I was and.4.昨天我帮助了一位老奶奶。

I an old grandma yesterday.5.农民们正在农场里工作。

The farmers are working .6.汉译英(1)照相(2)许多人(3)步行一小时(4)寄明信片(5)去长城7.汉译英超市需要食物野餐下一个8.将下列的汉语翻译为英文(1)起床(2)在学校附近(3)九点以前(4)进入教室(5)步行去学校9.翻译短语(1)加入足球队(2)不怎么样(3)对…..擅长(4)一个出色的守门员(5)很好地传球10.汉译英(1)制作一个清单(2)怎么样...(3)多少(用于不可数名词)(4)去超市(5)半公斤(6)给你(7)一公斤面条(8)五瓶牛奶(9)在超市(10)购物单答案部分1.clever;a;lot2.about;plants3.tired;hungry4.helped5.on;the;farm6.(1)take photos(2)lots of people(3)walk for one hour(4)send postcards(5)go to the Great Wall7.supermarket;need;food;picnic;next 8.(1)get up(2)near the school(3)before nine o'clock(4)go into the classroom(5)walk to school9.(1)be in football team(2)not very well(3)be good at(4)a fantastic goalkeeper(5)pass the ball well10.(1)make a list(2)What about ...(3)How much(4)go to the supermarket(5)half a kilo(6)here you are(7)one kilo of noodles(8)five bottles of milk(9)at the supermarket(10)the shopping list。




A small plane from Kunming flew over the mountains and sent us to Jinghong(2)党的干部住寒冷的窑洞,吃简陋的饮食,靠微弱的灯光,长时间地工作着。

Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves and by dim lamps.(3)永远记住你(always remember you)真遗憾(that's too bad/it's a shame)小心台阶(mind the steps)我感到很痛(I feel great pain)亚洲四小龙(the Four Little Tigers of Asia)百里挑一(one in a thousand)干杯!要一饮而尽。

(Cheers! Bottoms up.)(4)我老公他看你下岗了,舍不得花钱,就自己跑到电影院买了两张票,今天晚上请我们两个人去看电影。

My husband has bought two film tickets for us tonight, because you’re laid off and have to cut your expenses.(5)约翰为人可靠,他既忠诚又办事公道。

John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.(6)华尔街是个残酷的地方。

(Wall Street is a dog-eat-dog place.)(7)翻译是把一种语言表达的意义用另一种语言传达出来,以达到沟通思想情感、传播文化知识、促进社会文明,特别是推动译语文化兴旺昌盛的目的。

Translation is an activity of reproducing in one language the ideas which have been expressed in another language. (8)翻译是跨语言(cross-linguistic),跨文化(cross-cultural),跨社会(cross-social)的交际活动。



新概念英语一册单词序号汉译英文序号汉译英文1(1) 原谅41 瑞典的2 手提包42 英国的3 请再说一遍43 美国的4 非常地44 意大利的5(2) 钢笔45(7) 国籍6 铅笔46 工作7 书47 电脑键盘8 手表48 操作人员9 上衣,外衣49 工程师10 连衣裙50(8) 警察11 裙子51 女警察12 衬衣52 出租汽车司机13 小汽车53 空中小姐14 房子54 邮递员15(3) 伞55 护士16 请56 机械师17 这里57 理发师18 票58 家庭妇女19 号码59 送牛奶的人20 五60(9) 怎样21 对不起的61 今天22 先生62 身体好23 衣帽存放处63 美好的24(4) 一套衣服64(10) 胖的25 学校65 女人26 老师66 瘦的27 儿子67 高的28 女儿68 矮的29(5) 早晨69 脏的30 小姐70 干净的31 新的71 热的32 学生72 冷的33 法国人73 老的34 德国人74 年轻的35 美好的75 忙的36 遇见76 懒得37 日本人77(11) 谁的38 韩国人78 蓝色的39 中国人79 大概40(6) 牌号80 白色的81 抓住124 坐下82 父亲125 可以83 母亲126 冰淇淋84 女衬衫127 大的85 妹妹128 小的86 领带129 开着的87 兄,弟130 关着的88 颜色131 轻的89 绿色132 重的90 来133 长的91 楼上134 鞋子92 时髦的135 祖父93 帽子136 祖母94 相同的137 哪一个95 可爱的,秀丽的138 空的96 箱子139 满的97 地毯140 尖的,锋利的98 狗141 钝的99 海关142 盒子100 官员143 杯子101 女孩144 茶杯102 丹麦人145 瓶子103 朋友146 罐头104 挪威人147 刀子105 护照148 叉子106 棕色的149 勺子107 旅游者150 架子108 俄罗斯人151 课桌109 荷兰人152 桌子110 灰色的153 盘子111 黄色的154 食橱112 黑色的155 香烟113 橘黄色的156 电视机114 雇员157 地板115 勤奋的158 梳妆台116 推销员159 杂志117 男人160 报纸118 办公室161 立体声音响119 助手162 厨房120 事情163 电冰箱121 孩子们164 右边122 累,疲乏165 带电的123 渴166 左边167 炉子11 骨头168 中间12 清洗169 房间13 做(饭菜)170 在哪里14 牛奶171 客厅15 一顿饭172 靠近16 喝173 窗户17 水龙头174 扶手椅18 日子175 图画19 云176 墙20 天空178 长裤21 太阳179 关门22 照耀180 卧室23 和……在一起181 不整齐24 家庭182 必须25 走路183 打开26 跨越在……之上184 换换空气27 桥185 放置28 船186 衣服29 河187 大衣柜30 轮船188 掸掉灰尘31 飞机189 扫32 飞190 倒空33(34) 睡觉191 读34 刮脸192 削尖35 哭,喊193 穿上36 洗194 脱掉37 等195 开(电灯)38 跳196 关(电灯)39(35)照片197 花园40 村庄198 在……之下41 山谷199 树42 在……之间200 攀登43 小山1 谁44 另一个2 跑45 妻子3 草,草地46 沿着4 在……之后47 河岸5 穿过48 水6 猫49 游泳7 打字50 大楼,建筑物8 信51 公园9 篮子52 进入10 吃53(36)在……旁54 离开97 可怕的5(37)工作98(46)拿起,举起56 努力地,勤奋地99 饼,蛋糕57 做100 饼干58 书橱1(48)新鲜的59 锤子 2 鸡蛋60 上漆 3 黄油61 粉红色 4 纯净的62 最喜欢的 5 蜂蜜6(38)作业 6 成熟的64 听7 香蕉65 碟子8 果酱6(39)前面9 甜的67 在……之前10 橙68 小心的,仔细的11 上等的,精选的69 花瓶12 苹果70 掉下13 酒,果酒71 花14 啤酒7(40)给……看15 黑板73 送给16(49)卖肉的74 带给17 肉7(41)乳酪,18 牛肉76 面包19 羔羊肉77 肥皂20 丈夫78 巧克力21 牛排79 糖22 肉馅,绞肉80 咖啡23 鸡81 茶24 告诉82 烟草,烟丝25 实情8(42)鸟26 也84 一些27(50)西红柿8(43)当然28 土豆86 水壶29 卷心菜87 在……后面30 莴苣88 茶壶31 豌豆89 此刻32 豆角90 找到33 梨91 沸腾34 葡萄92(45) 能够35 桃93 老板,上司36(51) 希腊94 分(钟)37 气候95 请求,要求38 国家96 书写39 宜人的40 天气83 升起41 春季84 早42 有风的85 (太阳)落下去43 温暖的86 晚,迟44 下雨87 有趣的45 有时88 话题46 夏天89 谈话47 秋天90(54) 澳大利亚48 冬天91 澳大利亚人49 下雪92 奥地利50 1月93 奥地利人51 2月94 加拿大52 3月95 加拿大人53 4月96 中国54 5月97 芬兰55 6月98 芬兰人56 7月99 印度57 8月100 印度人58 9月 1 日本59 10月 2 尼日利亚60 11月 3 尼日利亚人61 12月 4 土耳其62(52) 美国 5 韩国63 巴西 6 波兰人64 荷兰7 波兰65 英国8 泰国人66 法国9 泰国67 意大利10(55) 住,生活68 德国11 呆在,停留69 挪威12 在家,到家70 俄罗斯13 家务71 西班牙14 午饭72 瑞典15 下午73(53) 温和的16 通常74 总是17 一起75 北方18 晚上76 东方19 到达77 潮湿的20 夜间78 西方21(57) 点钟79 南方22 商店80 季节23 片刻,瞬间81 最24(59) 信封82 夜晚25 信纸26 售货员69 他自己27 尺寸,尺码70 他们自己28 胶水71 她自己29 粉笔72(67)蔬菜水果零售商30 零钱,找给的钱73 缺席的31(61) 感觉74 星期一32 看(起来)75 星期二33 必须76 星期三34 请77 星期四35 医生78 星期五36 电话79 星期六37 记住80 星期日38 嘴81 度过39 舌头82 周末40 坏的,严重的83 乡村41 感冒84 幸运的42 消息85(68)教堂43(62) 头痛86 乳品店44 耳痛87 面包师傅45 牙医88 食品杂货商46 胃痛89(69)年47 药90 比赛48 温度91 城镇49 流行性感冒92 人群50 麻疹93 站立51 腮腺炎94 使人激动的52(63) 当然95 正好,恰好53 起床96 结尾,结束54 还,仍97 获胜者55 油腻的98 在……之后56 食物99 路途57 保持100 文具商58(64) 快地 1 丹麦59 身体探出2(71)让人讨厌的60 打破 3 打电话61 喧闹声 4 次(数)62(65) 钥匙 5 接(电话)63 婴儿 6 最后的,前一次的64 听见7 电话65 玩得快活8 又一次地66 你自己9 说67 我们自己10 昨天68 我自己11(73)周12 伦敦55(82)早饭13 突然地56 理发14 公共汽车站57 聚会15 微笑58 假日16 愉快地59(83)杂乱,凌乱17 懂,明白60 包装,打包18 讲,说61 手提箱19 手62 离开20 衣袋63 已经21 短语手册64(85)巴黎22 短语65 电影院23 缓慢地66 电影24(74) 匆忙地67 漂亮的25 割,切68 城市26 口渴地69 从来没有27 问候,打招呼70 在任何时候28(75) 以前71(87)接待员29 买72 带来,送来30 双,对73 车库,汽车修理厂31 式样流行74 碰撞32 不舒服的75 灯杆33 穿着76 修理34 约会,预约77 努力,设法35 紧急的,78(89)相信,认为36 直到……为止79 多长37(79) 购物80 自从38 单子81 为什么39 蔬菜82 卖,出售40 需要83 因为41 希望84 退休42 事情85 花费43 钱86 英镑44(80) 食品杂货87 值……钱45 水果88 便士46 文具89(91)还,仍旧47 报刊零售人90 搬家48 药剂师,化学家91 想念,思念49(81) 洗澡92 邻居50 几乎,将近93 人51 准备好的,完好94 人们52 正餐,晚餐95 可怜的53 饭馆,餐馆96(93)飞行员54 烤的97 返回98 纽约41 不久99 东京42 写100 马德里43(103) 考试1 飞行44 及格,通过2(94)雅典45 数学3 柏林46 问题4 孟买47 容易的5 日内瓦48 足够地6 莫斯科49 考卷7 罗马50 未及格,失败8 汉城51 回答9 斯德哥尔摩52 分数10 悉尼53 其他的东西11(95) 往返54 困难的12 火车55 讨厌13 站台56 低的14 大量57 振作,振奋15 酒吧58 家伙,人16 车站59 上方,顶部17 收票员60(104) 聪明的18 赶上61 笨的19 错过62 便宜的20(97) 遗留63 贵的21 描述64 新鲜的22 拉链65 变馊的23 标签66 低的,矮的24 提手,把手67 大声的25 地址68 高的26 属于69 硬的27(99) 滑倒,滑了一脚70 甜的28 落下,跌倒71 软的29 下楼72 酸的30 伤,伤害73(105) 拼写31 背74 聪明,有智慧的32 帮助75 错误33 立即76 礼物34 一定的,确信的77 词典35 执照78 携带36(101 苏格兰(英国)79 改正,纠正37 明信片80 保存,保留38 青年81(107) 漂亮的39 招待所82 同样40 协会83 适于84 漂亮的27 硬币85(109 主意28 嘴86 少许29 吞下87 一满茶匙30 厕所88 较少的,更小的31(119 故事89 几个32 发生90 遗憾33 贼91 代替34 进入92 建议,忠告35 黑暗的93(110 最多的36 手电筒94 最小的37 (说话的)声音95 最好的38 鹦鹉96 更坏的39(121 顾客97 最坏的40 忘记98(111 型号,式样41 经理99 付得起42 照应,服务100 预付定金43 柜台1 分期付款44 认出2 价格45 路3 百万富翁46(123 在……期间4(113) 售票员47 旅行n.5 车费,车票48 旅行v.6 兑换49 提供7 纸币50 猜8 乘客51 长,让……生长9 没有任何东西52 胡子,10 也不53 小猫11 下车54(125 浇水12 流浪汉55 非常13 除……外56 干燥的,14(115 任何人57 讨厌的东西或人15 敲打58 意味着,意思的16 一切事物59 惊奇,意外的事17 宁静的,安静60 立即地18 不可能的619127 著名的19 邀请62 女演员20 任何东西63 至少21 什么也没有64 男演员22 柠檬水65 通过阅读得知23 开玩笑66(129 招手24 睡觉,睡着67 跑道25 眼镜68 英里26(117 饭厅69 超车,从后面超越70 限速13(143 包围71 做梦思想不集中14 树林72 标记,牌子15 风景点73 驾驶执照16 百74 罚款17 城市75 亲爱的18 穿过76(131 埃及19 参观者,游客77 国外20 整齐的78 担忧21 杂乱的东西79(133 记者22 废物筐80 爆炸性的,23 放81 貂皮大衣24 扔,抛82(135 未来的25 垃圾83 结婚26 数,点84 饭店27 覆盖85 最新的28 碎片86 介绍29 轮胎87(137 足球30 生锈的88 赌注31 在……之间89 赢32 依法处置90 世界3391 贫穷的3492 依靠3593(139 额外的3694 海外的,国外的3795 工程3896 公司3997 线路4098(141 兴奋的4199 登上42100 中年的431 在……对面442 好奇地453 可笑的,滑稽的464 香粉475 带镜的化妆盒486 和蔼地497 丑陋的508 有趣的519 微笑5210 尴尬的,窘迫的5311 担心,担忧54路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索- 百度文库12 经常地,定期地5511。



英译汉翻译作业21. 句子翻译1) He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.他把手插入口袋,耸了耸肩。

2) The decrease in his income changed his life style.收入降低改变了他的生活方式。

3) I am ill-fated. My father died when I was four years old. My mother took her solemn vow to remain in widowhood. She was stricken with poverty and had to earn a living all by herself. She nurtured me and educated me until I grew up.(请用文言文翻译)吾不幸,生孩四年,慈父见背,母严誓寡居。


4) A poverty-stricken people would breed wickedness and all kinds of evils. But poverty rises from insufficiency, which in turn comes from the people’s being divorced from farming. Without farming, they would not be settled on the land, and this would cause them to leave their native places and make little of their homes. If people are like fowls and beasts, they are not to be contained even by high walls and severe punishments. When attacked by cold and hunger, one might be lost to all sense of shame. For it is in the human nature that one would feel hungry without eating twice a day and would freeze without renewing his clothes by the end of a year. If hunger is not stayed by food and cold not resisted with clothes, even a kind-hearted mother could not keep her children, how could a monarch keep his people? (请用文言文翻译)贫者生万恶之念。

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他的言论和生平活动记录在《论语》(The Analects)一书中。





Confucius was a great thinker and educator in Chinese history. He was the founder of Confucianism and was respectfully referred to as an ancient "sage". His words and life story were recorded in The Analects. An enduring classic of ancient Chinese culture, The Analects has had a great influence on the thinkers, writers, and statesmen that came after Confucius. Without studying this book, one could hardly truly understand the thousands-of-years' traditional Chinese culture. Much of Confucius' thought, especially his thought on education, has had a profound influence on Chinese society. In the 21st century, Confucian thought not only retains the attention of the Chinese, but it also wins an increasing attention from the international community.每年农历(Chinese lunar calendar)八月十五是我国的传统节日——中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)。







According to the Chinese lunar calendar, August 15 of every year is a traditional Chinese festival — the Mid-Autumn Festival. This day is the middle of autumn, so it is called Mid-Autumn. One of the important Mid-Autumn Festival activities is to enjoy the moon. On that night, people gather together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, looking up at the bright moon and eating moon cakes. The festival is also a time for family reunion. People living far away from home will express their feelings of missing their hometowns and families at this festival. There are many customs to celebrate the festival, all expressing people's love and hope for a happy life. Since 2008, the Mid-Autumn Festival has become an official national holiday in China.Unit3中国航天业开创于1956年。



1992年,中国开始实施载人航天飞行工程(manned spaceflight program)。




China's space industry was launched in 1956. Over the past decades, China's space industry has created one miracle after another. In 1970 China launched its first man-made earth satellite, ranking China the fifth country in the world to independently develop and launch man-made earth satellites. In 1992 China began to carry out the manned spaceflight program. In 2003 China launched Shenzhou-5, a manned spaceship. The successful launch made China the third country to launch manned spaceships. In 2007 Chang'e-1, the first lunar-orbiting man-made satellite, was sent to space. In 2013 Shenzhou-10, the fifth manned spaceship, was launched successfully, laying the foundation for building the Chinese Space Station.Unit4郑和是中国历史上最著名的航海家(maritime explorer)。

公元1405 年,明朝的统治者为了稳固边防(border defense)和开展海上贸易,派郑和下西洋(the Western Seas)。

在此后的28 年里,郑和带领船队七下西洋,前后出海的人员有10 多万人,访问了30 多个国家和地区。


郑和下西洋是世界航海(navigation)史上的壮举,它展现了郑和卓越的航海和组织才能,同时展现了明朝的国力和国威(national strength and prestige),加强了明朝和海外各国之间的关系。

Zheng He was the most famous maritime explorer in Chinese history. In 1405 AD, the ruler of the Ming Dynasty sent Zheng He on a voyage to the Western Seas in order to strengthen border defense and develop trade by sea. In the following 28 years, Zheng He led his fleet, made seven voyages to the Western Seas with over 100,000 crew members in total, and visited more than 30 countries and regions. The fleet traveled far into South Asia and West Asia, and made all the way to the continent of Africa. Zheng He's voyages to the Western Seas were a great feat in the world's navigation history. It showed Zheng He's outstanding navigation and organization talents; meanwhile, it exhibited the national strength and prestige of the Ming Dynasty, and strengthened the relationships between the Ming Dynasty and the overseas countries.太极拳(Tai Chi)是一种武术(martial arts)项目,也是一种健身运动,在中国有着悠久的历史。





Tai Chi is a kind of martial arts, and a fitness exercise as well. It has a long history in China. With slow and gentle movements, Tai Chi is suitable for people of any age, sex, or body type to practice. It can be used to provide self-defense as well as build the body. Therefore, it has become very popular among Chinese people. During its development, Tai Chi borrowed and absorbed desirable elements from traditional Chinese philosophy, medicine, and martial arts, and it has developed into a sport with unique features. As a unique sport in China, Tai Chi is also gaining increasing popularity among many foreign friends.Unit6为人诚信,以和为贵是中华民族的传统美德。
