文 章 编 号 :1673—1719 健康
周 晓农
(中 国疾 病 预 防控 制 中心 寄生 虫病 预 防控 制 所 ,上 海 200025)
摘 要 :综述 了气候变化与人类健康 的关系 ,着重分析 了气候变化对人体健康影响的主要方面与途径、适应 气候变化 的主
气 候变化 专 门委 员会 (IPCC)第 四次 评估 报 告 中预 为主要 问题 之 一 14 61。
测 ,到 2100年全球 平 均 气温将 升 高 1.8~4.0℃ ,造
世 界卫 生组 织 (WHO)对 “健 康 ”的 定义是 在
成这种 结 果 的原 因 90% 可 能是 人类 的 活动 [2-31。气 精 神上 、身体上 和社 会 交往 上保 持 健全 的状 态 ,即 候 变化 将对 全球 的生 态 系统 、各 国 经济社 会 的可 持 并 不仅 仅是 不得 病 ,还应 包括 心 理健 康 以及社 会交
要措施 ,提 出了气候变化与人体缝康关 系研 究中的科学问题及优先研究领域 。并从 国家层面上探讨了如何加 强能力建设
与 制度 建 设 等 保 障 措 施 。
关键词 :气候变化 ;人体健康 ;极端 气候;传染病
中图分类号 :P467/X503.1
文献标 识码 :A
引 言
对 气候 变化 问题 达成 共识 ,但 全球 气候变 化将 造成
Adv.Clim.Change Re 2010,6(4):235 240 I 235
气 候 变 化 研 究 进 展
生 态 环 境 的 急 剧 变化 ,必 然 影 响 到 人 类 的 健 康状 疾 病 的分布 和 传播 。由于 自然 疫源 性疾 病的 传播媒
为什么需要为什么需要你你的关注的关注??你能做什么能做什么??针对不提群体和部门的主题内容年轻人年轻人((16–24 岁)主题内容: 气候变化会气候变化会夺夺走你的未来你的未来。
减少碳足迹减少碳足迹::变得更健康变得更健康!!为什么需要年轻人采取为什么需要年轻人采取行动行动行动??1. 坏消息坏消息::地球正在变暖地球正在变暖,,人类健康和生存正在受到威胁人类健康和生存正在受到威胁。
2. 气候变化影响着每个人的健康气候变化影响着每个人的健康。
3. 风险的分布并不均衡风险的分布并不均衡。
4. 好消息好消息::现在采取行动可以有助于保护健康现在采取行动可以有助于保护健康、、环境和经济环境和经济。
气候变暖对人们健康的影响英语作文Climate change is a growing concern around the world, with rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and more frequent natural disasters becoming increasingly common. One of the most important aspects of climate change is its impact on human health, as it can lead to a wide range of negative effects that put individuals at risk.First and foremost, climate change can exacerbate existing health problems and create new ones. As temperatures rise, the spread of infectious diseases like malaria and dengue fever is likely to increase, as disease-carrying insects thrive in warmer climates. Extreme weather events such as hurricanes and floods can also lead to injuries, loss of life, and the displacement of communities, creating a range of health challenges for those affected.Additionally, climate change can have a significant impact on mental health. Natural disasters and extreme weather events can cause trauma and stress among survivors, leading to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The uncertainty and unpredictability of climate change can also contribute to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, particularly among those who are most vulnerable to its effects.Furthermore, air pollution, a major environmental consequence of climate change, can have serious implications for respiratory health. Higher temperatures can increase the concentration of pollutants in the air, exacerbating conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Poor air quality is also linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and other serious health problems.In addition to these direct impacts on physical and mental health, climate change can also affect access to essential resources like clean water and food. Droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events can disrupt agricultural production and contaminate water sources, leading to food and water shortages that can have serious consequences for public health. These shortages can also exacerbate existing social inequalities, as marginalized communities are often the most affected by climate-related disasters.In light of these challenges, it is essential that we take action to mitigate the effects of climate change on human health. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, investing in renewable energy sources, and supporting sustainable practices that protect the environment and promote public health. It is also important to prioritize the needs of vulnerable populations,including low-income communities, children, and the elderly, who are most at risk from the health impacts of climate change.By working together to address the challenges of climate change, we can create a healthier and more sustainable future for all. It is crucial that we act now to protect human health from the negative effects of a changing climate and ensure that future generations can thrive in a world that is safe, stable, and resilient.。
Extended impacts of climate change on health andwellbeingFelicity Thomas a,*,Clive E.Sabel b,Katherine Morton c,Rosemary Hiscock d,Michael H.Depledge aa European Centre for Environment and Human Health,University of Exeter Medical School,Knowledge Spa,RoyalCornwall Hospital,Truro,TR13HD,UKb School of Geographical Sciences,University of Bristol,BS81SS,UKc Department of Geography,University of Exeter,EX44RJ,UKd Department for Health,University of Bath,BA27AY,UK1.IntroductionIn2008,the World Health Organisation’s(WHO)World HealthAssembly adopted a resolution urging Member States to takedecisive action to address the health impacts of climatechange.Yet despite being one of the most recognisedcontemporary and future global environmental issues,theeffects and repercussions of rapid changes in the climate fordiverse aspects of human lives have received surprisingly littleattention.Here we begin by contextualising climate change withinthe broader background of recent environmental and demo-graphic transformations.We then consider how currentquestions of climate change have been framed within ahealth-related context.While enormous progress has beenmade by epidemiologists,modellers and others working froma more quantitative,positivist perspective,we suggest thate n v i r o n m e n t a l s c i e n c e&p o l i c y44(2014)271–278a r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received27January2014Received in revised form14August2014Accepted16August2014Available online18September2014Keywords:Climate changeAdaptationMitigationHealthWellbeinga b s t r a c tAnthropogenic climate change is progressively transforming the environment despitepolitical and technological attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to tackle globalwarming.Here we propose that greater insight and understanding of the health-relatedimpacts of climate change can be gained by integrating the positivist approaches used inpublic health and epidemiology,with holistic social science perspectives on health in whichthe concept of‘wellbeing’is more explicitly recognised.Such an approach enables us toacknowledge and explore a wide range of more subtle,yet important health-related out-comes of climate change.At the same time,incorporating notions of wellbeing enablesrecognition of both the health co-benefits and dis-benefits of climate change adaptation andmitigation strategies across different population groups and geographical contexts.Thepaper recommends that future adaptation and mitigation policies seek to ensure thatbenefits are available for all since current evidence suggests that they are spatially andsocially differentiated,and their accessibility is dependent on a range of contextuallyspecific socio-cultural factors.#2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.*Corresponding author.Tel.:+4401872258131/1460249231;fax:+4401872258134.E-mail addresses:f.thomas@(F.Thomas),c.sabel@(C.E.Sabel),kjpm201@(K.Morton),r.hiscock@(R.Hiscock),m.depledge@(M.H.Depledge).Available online at ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/envsci/10.1016/j.envsci.2014.08.0111462-9011/#2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.much could also be learned by adopting a holistic approach to health that seeks to more explicitly encompass the concept of human wellbeing.This,we argue,would enable fuller consideration of some of the more subtle,secondary health-related impacts of climate change,and provide insight into what can be learned from current climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies,and from initiatives seeking to produce co-benefits to human health and the environment. Key here is recognition of the need to evaluate both the benefits and disadvantages of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies in relation to health and wellbeing,and to explore the diversity of experience and unintended consequences of such interventions across and within different socio-cultural environments.The paper recom-mends that future adaptation and mitigation policies seek to ensure that benefits are available for all since current evidence suggests that they are spatially and socially differentiated,and their accessibility is dependent on a range of contextually specific socio-cultural factors.2.Climate change and health in contextAnthropogenic climate change since the1970s is reported to have claimed over150,000lives and5.5million Disability Adjusted Life Years(DALYs)per year(Patz et al.,2005;Haines et al.,2006).Future projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicate that climate change will exacer-bate existing health problems over the coming decades (Collins et al.,2013).Heatwaves,fires,under-nutrition,lost labour productivity,the spread of food,water and vector-borne diseases and higher incidences of climate-related,non-communicable disease pose mounting challenges,particular-ly to those within vulnerable groups,such as the poor, children,the elderly and the infirm(Smith et al.,2014;Luber et al.,2014;Balbus and Malina,2009).Whilst not wishing to downplay the importance of climate change on health,it is important to view it in context.For example,environmental pollution was identified earlier as one of many health threats.Indeed,in the1950–60s it was considered to be the major environmental threat to humans, and it is currently still very significant.There is mounting evidence for example,that the cocktails of chemicals used in industrial processes,the agricultural sector,and even the healthcare sector,are entering ecosystems(Redshaw et al., 2013).Contamination of air,water,food and the materials we are in contact with(clothing,furnishings)leads to the accumulation of body burdens of pollutants that may be associated with changing incidences of disease such as diabetes,cardiovascular disease and cancers(Depledge et al.,2013;Gennings et al.,2012).Similarly,there are those who argue that biodiversity loss and the associated impacts on ecosystem services constitutes the key threat to human health and wellbeing in the21st Century(Cardinale et al.,2012).Many other examples could be cited including concerns over food and water security,and the repercussions they may have for human health,both physically and psychologically.It is important to recognise that all of these environmental threats are exacerbated by rapid,anthropogenic climate change (Collins et al.,2013).As well as marked changes in the global environment, major increases in the size and distribution of the World’s population are taking place,and a growing ageing demo-graphic means that the future population who will have increased exposure to environmental threats will be,on average,older,and potentially less resilient and able to adapt (Gamble et al.,2013;Hajat et al.,2014).Climate change is therefore happening in an era in which simultaneous changes in the global environment and in human demography are occurring,and these changes can,in various contexts,act together to magnify health impacts(Haines et al.,2006).This leads to two assumptions:first,the wide range of environ-mental triggers for health effects increases the uncertainties involved in predicting outcomes for humans;and secondly, the likely magnification of impacts makes the need to develop effective health strategies for adapting to or mitigating climate change more pressing.3.Established approaches to understanding health and climate changeWhilst recent years have seen the climate change debate move beyond a purely environmental agenda,it is important to recognise that a positivist,quantitative approach has held precedence in discussions concerning climate change and health.This has likely been a necessary strategy to enable epidemiologists and those working in thefield of public health to demonstrate evidence of the serious effects of climate change and to attract popular and policy interest in,and support for,key issues.However,the very nature of the methods required to elicit and analyse the large-scale data that tends to characterise this type of research,coupled with the extensive knowledge that has accumulated on the environmental impacts of climate change,means that certain issues have received the majority of the attention to date.In particular,considerable attention had been placed on issues relating to threats from excessive heat,inundation(water),air pollution(gases and particulates)and the spread of infectious diseases.This has several important implications:first,limiting our understanding of climate change-related health impacts to those that come about as a result of severe storms,flooding, heatwaves and a limited range of environmentally-associated infectious diseases(e.g.malaria,cholera,dengue),has meant that many other important health effects,whilst often acknowledged(see for example,Smith et al.,2014;McMichael, 2013;McMichael and Lindgren,2011),continue to remain under-investigated.The latest IPCC Working Group II Report chapter on health(see Smith et al.,2014)expands the focus of attention towards a wider set of issues than has previously been the case–perhaps most notably those relating to climate change impacts on economic activity.Yet it is still the case that the obvious,acute,adverse health-related impacts of climate change are obscuring the more complex,insidious, secondary effects that might damage or subtly alter the lives of many more people worldwide.Although direct effects on morbidity and mortality include those resulting from severe weather events,the largest effects on global health are likely to come from the indirect impacts ofe n v i r o n m e n t a l s c i e n c e&p o l i c y44(2014)271–278 272climate change,such as changes to the availability of water, food and shelter and the shifting range of vector-borne infectious diseases(Costello et al.,2009;Smith et al.,2014). Perhaps most of all however,some of the largest–but more subtle,secondary impacts on people’s daily health may in fact come about via climate change influences on human behaviour and lifestyle choices and also via mechanisms intended to underpin climate change mitigation or adaptation measures.Examining these kinds of issues requires a broader approach that extends discussions of climate change and health to incorporate the concept of wellbeing.4.Incorporating wellbeing into climate change and health debatesIn recent years a new body of literature exploring how to achieve positive mental health or‘wellbeing’has gained increasing momentum across a range of academic and applied settings(Atkinson et al.,2012).Such work offers an approach that is more in line with the holistic WHO definition of health; namely an approach that sees health as‘a state of complete physical,mental,and social wellbeing,and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’(WHO,1946).The subjective nature of wellbeing and a lack of clarity over the meaning of the term means that it is interpreted in multiple ways,but it can be broadly categorised as a‘positive mental state enhanced and supported by various social,environmental and psychological factors’(see DEFRA,2007).The indistinct and unstable meanings of the term impact upon the ways in which wellbeing is conceptualised and‘quantified’(see White et al.,2012),and is perhaps one of the key reasons why until relatively recently,it has received little attention in the context of climate change.What is increasingly clear is that climate change can seriously threaten wellbeing.In its most blatant form,adverse impacts on wellbeing can be viewed through the lens of mental ill-health.WHO predicts that by2030,depression will be the most widespread health problem on the planet,in the top three of all cause morbidity,in all continents(WHO,2011). While this is of course not due only–or even primarily,to climate change,living with and adapting to the changing environmental will result in more stressful circumstances for many people.The reported suicide of over200,000Indian farmers in the previous two decades for example,is thought to be in part explained by recent climate change adversely impacting their livelihoods(Vasavi,2012;Grue`re and Sengpta, 2011;Renton,2011),whileflooding in the UK has been associated with increased levels of post-traumatic stress (Carroll et al.,2009;Tunstall et al.,2006).Issues relating to mental health are becoming increasingly recognised within climate change literature(see for example,Smith et al.,2014), but there remains considerable scope for more in-depth empirical research to initiate evidence-based action in this area(Berry et al.,2010).At the same time,a more holistic definition of wellbeing involves consideration not only of mental ill-health,but also recognition of the benefits that can be gained through securing positive mental health.Such an approach enables us to start asking questions which examine for example,how changes in weather patterns influence levels of outdoor and social activity crucial for health and positive feelings of wellbeing (Townsend et al.,2003)and to recognise that adverse changes in the local environment,especially if sudden,can adversely impact subjective feelings and emotions(Doherty and Clayton,2011).At the same time,it is important to pay cognizance to the potential health and wellbeing issues that may arise if the environment is constantly presented to us as a threat.How,for example,might this affect children’s relation-ships and(dis)engagement with the natural environment and the health and wellbeing benefits it can offer?And how–and importantly,why–these kinds of issues may then manifest in forms of physical and mental ill-health,are just some of the key issues that necessitate attention in future research,and may be best addressed via a range of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.Studies that consider these kinds of questions are now gaining some ground within the broader environment–society literature,and have significant value for those concerned with climate change-and health debates.Climate change and wellbeing have for example,begun to be considered as closely inter-related issues in government strategies within some countries and contexts,and indirect positive wellbeing out-comes are being incorporated into climate change governance strategies.In the UK for example,local government sustainable development policy(e.g.DEFRA,2005)has included the ‘Sustainable Communities:Building for the Future’Plan,which focused on increasing quality of life through the provision of a safe,healthy and green environment,and a diverse,vibrant and creative local community,while at a national scale,the Singapore National Parks Authority seeks to tap in to and promote the health and wellbeing benefits that are afforded by the environments that it maintains(Brown and Bell,2007).Within this work,a key focus has been on the wide range of benefits–or‘co-benefits’that can be afforded through adaptation and mitigation initiatives that seek to reduce green-house gas emissions whilst simultaneously promoting health and wellbeing(Haines et al.,2009;Smith and Haigler, 2008).However,it is vital to recognise that climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies can have both positive and negative implications for health and wellbeing,and that such experiences can be socially and spatially differentiated. The remainder of this paper examines the current context within which health-related climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies are enacted,and,drawing on research with which the authors are currently involved,demonstrates how approaches that incorporate the notion of wellbeing can provide deeper insight into climate change impacts on health.5.Current health-related climate change adaptation and mitigationMitigation and adaptation are well-established concepts used in contemporary climate change research.Mitigation is understood to involve pre-emptive strategies to avoid climate change,whilst adaptation connotes responses to the changes and impacts of climate change through modification of existing systems(Pelling,2011).Yet concepts of health-related adaptation and mitigation have only recently begun to bee n v i r o n m e n t a l s c i e n c e&p o l i c y44(2014)271–278273more widely acknowledged in public health literature and policy.One reason for this is that many research and policy communities working on climate change are said to be working through a siloed,rather than a cross-cutting multi-sectoral approach(Lynch et al.,2008).Climate change and health are often the responsibility of different departments, and this may have provoked reluctance amongst some key public health decision-makers to prioritise climate change within the health sector.This in turn has significantly affected both the resources the health sector receives and its progress in current and future mitigation and adaptation(Syal et al., 2011).Very little of the funding available through the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change for adaptation initiatives for example,is currently being invested in health protection activities(Smith et al.,2014;Bowen and Friel,2012), and what has,has been narrowly channeled towards individual health issues such as malaria(Manga et al., 2010).Indeed,a recent review by the World Health Organisa-tion estimated that commitments to health adaptation globally amount to under1%of the annual health costs attributable to climate change in2030(WHO Regional Office for Europe2013).At the same time,while a number of adaptation and mitigation measures have been successful in preventing or alleviating poor climate change-related health outcomes(Smith et al.,2014),public health efforts still commonly focus more on reactive measures to cope with environmental stressors than on long-term adaptation mea-sures per se(Wolf et al.,2010).This points to the importance of research and policy agendas that seek to ensure that health professionals and the public that they serve are more climate change literate,not only to help push for adequate and sustained levels of mitigation and adaptation-oriented funding(Abelsohn et al., 2013;Portier et al.,2010),but also to ensure that strategies adopted effectively respond to the health and wellbeing needs of diverse population groups.6.Assessing co-benefits–and recognising dis-benefitsAs discussed,it is increasingly recognised that there are opportunities to achieve co-benefits from actions that seek to reduce the harmful emissions of climate altering pollutants and at the same time,improve human health and wellbeing. Milner et al.(2012)for example,emphasise how housing energy efficiency impacts upon urban air quality,thermal comfort,and associated wellbeing,and has co-benefits associated with reductions in certain types of chronic disease. Others have pointed to the joint benefits afforded by policies that promote cycling and walking over motor vehicle use in cities(Younger et al.,2008).The benefits of urban green–and increasingly blue(water)–space for health,wellbeing and climate change mitigation and adaptation are also now receiving attention.Urban green space is associated with cleaner air,a reduction of the heat-island effect and a reduction in vehicular transport use and has been considered alongside broader sustainable develop-ment strategies in relation to transport,housing and green space,in which‘green’outcomes can have health and wellbeing co-benefits(Rydin et al.,2012).White et al.(2013) report a positive relationship between green space and self-reported wellbeing,afinding confirmed in research reporting positive links between green space,improved mental and social well-being,and increased physical activity(Hartig,2008; De Vries et al.,2003).An emerging body of literature also points to the array of environmental,health and wellbeing benefits of blue space in urban areas(Balaban and Puppim de Oliveira, 2013).From a policy perspective,there are signs that in some areas,such holistic approaches that incorporate broader notions of wellbeing are starting to have some influence.In the UK for example,Natural England(2010)has focused on the value of green space in urban areas,emphasising the importance of‘Nature Nearby’for health,wellbeing and climate change mitigation,whilst in Colombia,integrated policies in the capital city,Bogota,have led to the weekly closure of120km of roads to cars,resulting in marked improvements in levels of air pollution,physical activity and social cohesion(Sarmiento et al.,2010;Cervero et al.,2009).Yet it is important to recognise that the co-benefits of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures are likely to have spatially and socially differentiated impacts.Rather than just viewing poor health outcomes as an inevitable impact of climate change therefore,we can develop under-standing of how impacts and measures to alleviate or mitigate these at one scale may influence or disrupt health and wellbeing outcomes at other scales.This can be demonstrated by Beijing’s transport policy changes around the2008Olympic Games,where,in an effort to produce acceptable air quality, traffic control measures were introduced through car owner-ship and use reduction initiatives.There were intended and unintended consequences of these policies across a variety of spatial and societal scales.Globally,the pace of climate change was potentially reduced very slightly as a result of the Beijing initiatives,and locally,levels of air pollution were alleviated(Zhou et al.,2010),leading to respiratory health benefits for the urban population during the time of the Olympics(Worden et al.,2012).And at an individual level,it is possible that physicalfitness and feelings of wellbeing may have improved as people were encouraged to seek alternative forms of transport such as cycling or walking.Onfirst reflection,this all seems to point to a series of positive environmental and health-related outcomes,and it is this kind of uni-linear approach that forms the framework for much of the current climate change and health co-benefits research.However,if we take a holistic approach to consider the impacts of such policies on people’s daily lives and lived experiences,we may wellfind that the picture is far less clear, and that the more obvious health benefits are in fact destabilised by a range of more subtle–but significant, challenges to human wellbeing.What for example,if as a result of long-term car reduction policies,people struggle to access work,child-care or green space for leisure?Research has for example,shown that car use is associated with positive wellbeing,providing freedom,independence and ontological security to car users(D’Ambrosio et al.,2012;Ellaway et al., 2003;Hiscock et al.,2002).Similarly,what does it mean for important social capital networks if such policies mean thate n v i r o n m e n t a l s c i e n c e&p o l i c y44(2014)271–278 274people are less able to visit friends and relatives,and what does it mean for peoples’connectivity with natural environ-ments–and the health and wellbeing benefits that such settings provide,if people now struggle to leave the city?We can start to see therefore that any health assessment of a climate change reduction policy quickly becomes both highly complex and subject to large uncertainties,and that the balance between addressing climate change and protecting physical and mental health and wellbeing is not easily achieved.Issues around climate change are not as simple as just promoting adaptation and/or mitigation strategies and there are numerous consequences of such actions that need to be far better understood.As Adger(2003:388)says,‘‘decisions on adaptation[to and mitigation of climate change]are made by individuals,groups within society,organizations,and govern-ments on behalf of society.But all decisions privilege one set of interests over another and create winners and losers.’’Understanding how such decisions are made,and how they can most effectively be made to ensure positive outcomes across different social groups is surely a key question that we should be striving to answer in future climate change and health debates.7.Adaptation,mitigation and social justiceWork that examines the health-related impacts of adaptation and mitigation strategies is currently being examined in two studies in which the authors are involved.Thefirst, URGENCHE(Urban Reduction of GHG Emissions in China and Europe)is an EU funded programme bringing together an interdisciplinary team of internationally recognised scientists from a variety of institutions,both academic and policy focused.The team are working infive European cities (Rotterdam,Stuttgart,Kuopio,Basel,Thessaloniki)and two Chinese cities(Xi’an and Suzhou)to develop and implement an assessment framework to examine both positive and negative health and wellbeing impacts of greenhouse gas (GHG)reduction policies and to develop models that can then be applied elsewhere.Part of this project has involved examining the impacts of various climate adaptation and mitigation policies on different social groups.Policies that simultaneously reduce GHG emissions and traffic noise for example,have been found to have a particularly important health benefit for people from lower socio-economic back-grounds,since they often live close to busy roads and have poor quality housing.The other,Outdoor Cities,is concerned with understanding how‘green’co-benefits strategies to encourage sustainable transport,expand green and blue space,and promote its use, impact on the health and wellbeing of city residents from different socio-economic backgrounds.Initial analysis of qualitative research undertaken for this project in Copenha-gen,Denmark suggests that the impact of such strategies is influenced by a range of socio-cultural and economic factors. Importantly,findings suggest that it is helpful to understand how such strategies are perceived and understood by those they are targeted towards,and to examine the wider socio-cultural connotations associated with such initiatives.Considerable emphasis has for example,been placed on implementing policies with environmental and health co-benefits in Copenhagen.Yet the study found that residents often associated these policies with a particular kind of lifestyle that was difficult for people from lower socio-economic groups to achieve.As such,these residents were less likely to benefit from the health and wellbeing opportu-nities inherent within such initiatives despite policy claims of universal advantage.Understanding the health consequences of climate change and the outcomes of strategies seeking to provide co-benefits is also therefore a matter of social justice.It is well recognised that low-income populations tend to be the most adversely affected by poor health outcomes–and existing socio-economic inequalities are very likely to continue to constrain the adaptive capacity of poor people(Huang et al.,2011;UN-HABITAT/WHO,2010).Even within high-income countries, events such as Hurricane Katrina have illustrated vividly how the poorest people,and often correspondingly,those from black and minority ethnic groups,can be especially vulnerable to the health risks brought about by climate change(Brodie et al.,2006;Elliott and Pais,2006),whilst others have stressed the gendered dimensions of these issues,and emphasised the ways in which women from low-income households,can face specific health-related vulnerabilities and constraints to adaptation(WHO,2012).More concerted efforts are needed therefore to identify those communities and vulnerable groups whose health is increasingly at risk,and who are already experiencing the adverse health effects of climate change.These groups are in a sense‘canary communities’–those who will,like canaries in a mine,provide early warning of dangers.Importantly, detailed vulnerability assessments and in-depth epidemio-logical and social research within such communities is also needed to provide insights into possible health-related consequences of climate change,and to identify vital indications relating to effective coping,mitigation and adaptation strategies that can be supported through targeted interventions and funding.Progress here requires better understanding of the various contextually specific socio-cultural factors implicated in adaptation and mitigation processes.We do not currently understand in sufficient depth the socio-cultural and cognitive factors that facilitate pathways to sustainable human behaviour,or conversely, that create barriers.In a globalising world,cultural differ-ences in worldviews amplify the challenges of overcoming such barriers and generating responses that reinforce sustainable behavioural patterns.Future research in this area must attend critically to the diverse,spatially contin-gent outcomes of climate change strategies,rather than make assumptions of the same outcome for all.This approach encompasses broader issues,including socio-cultural factors such as employment,education and access to health services,and also reinforces the need to be attentive to issues of equality and justice.Acknowledging socio-cultural factors would also afford opportunities to develop more local,contextually relevant work,taking into account spatial and scalar difference and recognising the diverse ways in which the environment can influence socio-cultural interactions.e n v i r o n m e n t a l s c i e n c e&p o l i c y44(2014)271–278275。
Climate and health are intrinsically linked,with numerous factors influencing the wellbeing of individuals and communities.Heres an exploration of the relationship between climate and health,highlighting the various ways in which they interact.The Impact of Temperature ExtremesTemperature extremes,both hot and cold,can have significant effects on human health. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can lead to heatstroke,dehydration,and exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases.Conversely,extremely cold temperatures can result in hypothermia,frostbite,and increased risks of respiratory infections.Air Quality and Respiratory HealthClimate change contributes to poor air quality,which in turn affects respiratory health. Increased levels of pollutants,such as particulate matter and ozone,can lead to asthma, bronchitis,and other respiratory ailments.Moreover,climate change can alter the distribution of allergens,affecting those with allergies.VectorBorne DiseasesChanges in climate can alter the habitats and behaviors of diseasecarrying vectors like mosquitoes and ticks.Warmer temperatures can extend the range of these vectors, leading to the spread of diseases such as malaria,dengue fever,Lyme disease,and Zika virus.Waterborne DiseasesFloods and droughts,which are influenced by climate variability,can impact water quality and availability.Contaminated water can lead to waterborne diseases like cholera and dysentery.Droughts can lead to inadequate sanitation and hygiene practices,further exacerbating health risks.Food Security and NutritionClimate change can affect crop yields and food production,leading to food insecurity and malnutrition.Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns can reduce the availability of certain crops,affecting the nutritional intake of populations and potentially leading to deficiencies in essential nutrients.Mental HealthThe psychological impact of climate change should not be underestimated.Extreme weather events,such as hurricanes and floods,can lead to stress,anxiety,and posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD.Additionally,the uncertainty and fear associated with climate change can contribute to a decline in mental health.Displacement and HealthClimate change can lead to displacement,as people are forced to leave their homes due to rising sea levels,extreme weather events,or resource scarcity.Displaced populations often face challenges in accessing healthcare services,which can lead to a deterioration of health conditions.Adaptation and Mitigation EffortsTo mitigate the health risks associated with climate change,adaptation and mitigation strategies are crucial.This includes improving infrastructure to withstand extreme weather events,developing early warning systems for natural disasters,and investing in public health initiatives to address the spread of diseases.ConclusionUnderstanding the relationship between climate and health is vital for developing effective strategies to protect and promote wellbeing.As climate change continues to impact our planet,it is essential for policymakers,healthcare providers,and communities to work together to address these challenges and ensure a healthier future for all.。
健康与气候的影响英语作文Health and climate are closely related. Our health is greatly affected by the climate we live in. For example, in hot and humid climates, people are more prone to heatstroke and dehydration, while in cold climates, they are more susceptible to colds and flu.The climate also has an impact on the spread of diseases. In warmer climates, there is a higher risk of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, while in colder climates, the risk of diseases like influenza and pneumonia increases.Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts, can also have a significant impact on our health. These events can lead to injuries, displacement, and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.Air pollution, which is often exacerbated by certain weather conditions, can also have a negative impact on ourhealth. It can lead to respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer.On the other hand, climate change can also havepositive effects on health. For example, warmer temperatures can reduce the spread of certain diseases such as the flu, and increased sunlight can improve mood and mental health.Overall, it is clear that the relationship between health and climate is complex and multifaceted. It is important for us to understand these connections in order to better protect our health in a changing climate.。
气候变化对人类的影响英语作文英文回答:Climate change is a significant threat to human society, with far-reaching impacts on our health, economy, and environment. The warming of the planet due to greenhousegas emissions is leading to a range of changes, including rising sea levels, increasingly extreme weather events, and shifts in plant and animal life. These changes pose numerous challenges and risks to human well-being.Health Impacts:Climate change can lead to heat-related illnesses and deaths, especially among vulnerable populations such as the elderly, young children, and those with existing health conditions.Air pollution associated with climate change increases the risk of respiratory problems, such as asthma andbronchitis.Changes in weather patterns can contribute to the spread of infectious diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever.Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and floods, can lead to injuries, psychological distress, and displacement.Economic Impacts:Rising sea levels threaten coastal communities, infrastructure, and tourism-based economies.Extreme weather events can cause significant damage to property, businesses, and agricultural crops, leading to economic losses and disruption.Changes in plant and animal life can impact food security and livelihoods, particularly for communities reliant on natural resources.Climate change also increases the risk of water scarcity, which can affect industries, agriculture, and human health.Environmental Impacts:Climate change is altering ecosystems and biodiversity, leading to the loss of species and disruption of natural processes.Acidification of the oceans due to increased CO2 absorption can harm marine life and ecosystems.Changes in precipitation patterns can lead to droughts and wildfires, which can have devastating environmental consequences.Climate change is exacerbating the depletion ofnatural resources, such as water and forests.Mitigation and Adaptation:Addressing climate change requires a multifaceted approach that includes both mitigation and adaptation strategies. Mitigation involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions through measures such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable land use. Adaptation involves adapting to the unavoidable impacts of climate change by building resilience and implementing measures to reduce vulnerability.International cooperation is crucial in addressing climate change. The Paris Agreement, adopted in 2015, aims to limit global temperature rise and enhance adaptation efforts. By working together, nations can reduce emissions, invest in renewable energy, and support vulnerable communities in preparing for the challenges posed by climate change.中文回答:气候变化对人类的影响。
为什么需要为什么需要你你的关注的关注??你能做什么能做什么?? 针对不同群体和部门的主题内容普通公众主题内容: 气候变化危害到人类健康和生存气候变化危害到人类健康和生存。
应对气候变化应对气候变化,,保护人类健康保护人类健康::现在开始行动现在开始行动!!为什么需要为什么需要你你的关注的关注??1. 无论无论你你在哪里生活在哪里生活,,气候变化都在威胁着气候变化都在威胁着你你的健康的健康。
2. 气候变化造成的健康损害已经气候变化造成的健康损害已经发生发生发生。
气候相关灾害每年使6万多人丧生2, 其中大部分人生活在发展中国家。
3. 预计未来会更加糟糕预计未来会更加糟糕!!如果目前的全球变暖趋势不加以阻止,不断上升的气温和海平面以及极端天气(热浪、风暴、洪涝、干旱、飓风等)会导致严重的食物、水和燃料匮乏,很多人会失去家园和生计,会出现大量的人员迁移、死亡和深重的苦难。
4. 风险的分布并不均衡风险的分布并不均衡。
健康与天气变化作文英语Health and Weather Changes。
Weather changes have a significant impact on human health. From extreme heat to cold temperatures, the weather can affect our physical and mental well-being. It is important to understand how these changes can impact our health and take necessary precautions to stay healthy.One of the most common health issues associated with weather changes is respiratory problems. During cold weather, the air becomes dry and cold, which can lead to respiratory infections such as the flu, colds, and bronchitis. In addition, extreme heat can also worsen respiratory conditions such as asthma. It is important to take necessary precautions during these weather changes, such as staying indoors during extreme temperatures and using air purifiers to improve indoor air quality.Weather changes can also have an impact on mentalhealth. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs at the same time every year, usually during the winter months when there is less sunlight. The lack of sunlight can affect the body's internal clock, leading to feelings of depression and lethargy. To combat this, it is important to spend time outdoors duringdaylight hours, use light therapy, and engage in regular physical activity.Furthermore, weather changes can also affect our immune system. Fluctuating temperatures and humidity levels can weaken the immune system, making us more susceptible to illnesses. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep to support a strong immune system.In addition to these health concerns, weather changes can also impact our daily activities. Severe weather conditions such as storms, hurricanes, and blizzards can disrupt transportation, communication, and access to essential services. It is important to be prepared for such events by having an emergency kit, staying informed aboutweather forecasts, and following safety guidelines.To mitigate the impact of weather changes on our health, it is important to stay informed and take necessary precautions. This includes dressing appropriately for the weather, staying hydrated, and seeking medical attention if necessary. It is also important to be mindful of vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions, and to offer support and assistance when needed.In conclusion, weather changes can have a significant impact on our health, from respiratory problems to mental health issues and immune system function. It is importantto be aware of these potential health risks and take necessary precautions to stay healthy during these weather changes. By staying informed, being prepared, and taking care of our physical and mental well-being, we can better cope with the challenges of weather changes and maintain a healthy lifestyle.。
天气变化健康作文英语As the seasons transition and the weather fluctuates, it's important to consider how these changes can impact our health. Here's a look at some of the ways weather can affect us and what we can do to stay healthy.Understanding Weather Impacts1. Temperature Changes: Sudden shifts in temperature can lead to colds and flu. Our bodies need time to adjust to the new climate, and during this period, we are more susceptible to infections.2. Humidity Levels: High humidity can promote the growth of mold and bacteria, which can trigger allergies andrespiratory issues. On the other hand, low humidity can dryout our skin and mucous membranes, making us more prone to infections.3. Air Quality: Weather conditions can affect air quality.For instance, smog is more likely to form on hot, still days, which can exacerbate respiratory problems.4. Sun Exposure: While sunlight is a great source of vitamin D, too much exposure can lead to skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer.Adapting to Weather Changes1. Dress Appropriately: Wear layers so you can adjust your clothing according to the weather. A good rule of thumb is to dress in a way that you can easily remove or add layers.2. Stay Hydrated: Whether it's hot or cold, your body needs water to function properly. Drink plenty of fluids to maintain hydration levels.3. Protect Your Skin: Use sunscreen with a high SPF when it's sunny, and moisturize your skin to prevent dryness during colder months.4. Monitor Air Quality: Check local air quality reports and take necessary precautions, such as staying indoors on days with poor air quality.5. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: A balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep can boost your immune system, helping you to better cope with the effects of weather changes.ConclusionWeather changes are a natural part of life, but they can have a significant impact on our health. By understanding these impacts and taking proactive steps to adapt, we can maintain our well-being and enjoy the beauty of each season without compromising our health.。
地球变暖与健康作文英语The Impact of Global Warming on Health。
In recent decades, the issue of global warming has garnered significant attention worldwide due to its profound implications for the environment, economy, and human health. As temperatures rise and weather patterns become increasingly erratic, the consequences of climate change on public health have become more apparent. This essay will explore the multifaceted relationship between global warming and health, highlighting the various ways in which climate change poses risks to human well-being and suggesting measures to mitigate its adverse effects.One of the most immediate and direct impacts of global warming on health is the rise in temperature-related illnesses and deaths. As temperatures soar to unprecedented levels, vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions are at heightened risk of heat-related illnessessuch as heatstroke, dehydration, and heat exhaustion. Moreover, prolonged exposure to extreme heat can exacerbate respiratory and cardiovascular conditions, leading to an increase in hospitalizations and mortality rates. In regions where access to air conditioning and adequate healthcare is limited, the toll of heat-related illnesses is particularly severe, underscoring the urgent need for adaptive strategies to protect public health in a warming world.In addition to the direct impacts of heat, global warming also has indirect effects on health through its influence on the spread of infectious diseases. Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns create favorable conditions for the proliferation of disease vectors such as mosquitoes, ticks, and rodents, increasing the transmission rates of vector-borne diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and Lyme disease. Furthermore, rising temperatures canalter the geographic distribution of pathogens, enabling them to thrive in new areas previously unaffected by these diseases. This expansion of disease vectors and the emergence of novel pathogens pose significant challenges topublic health systems, necessitating robust surveillance and control measures to prevent outbreaks and mitigatetheir impacts on vulnerable populations.Moreover, the impacts of global warming on health extend beyond infectious diseases to include food and waterborne illnesses. Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns can disrupt agricultural production and contaminate water sources, compromising food and water security and increasing the risk of malnutrition, foodborne illnesses, and waterborne diseases. In regions already grappling with food insecurity and inadequate sanitation infrastructure, the exacerbation of these challenges by climate change threatens to undermine efforts to improve public health and alleviate poverty, perpetuating a vicious cycle of vulnerability and deprivation.Furthermore, global warming can exacerbate mental health issues and psychosocial stressors, particularly in communities disproportionately affected by climate-related disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires. The loss of homes, livelihoods, and loved ones due to extremeweather events can trigger trauma, grief, anxiety, and depression, leading to long-term psychological consequences for individuals and communities. Moreover, the uncertainty and unpredictability associated with climate change can exacerbate feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and despair, further straining mental health resources and support systems.In conclusion, global warming poses significant risksto human health, encompassing a wide range of direct and indirect impacts on physical, mental, and social well-being. To address these challenges, concerted efforts are neededat the local, national, and global levels to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, enhance resilience to climate-related hazards, and promote sustainable development practices that prioritize human health and equity. By adopting a holistic approach that integrates climate action with public health initiatives, we can safeguard the well-being of current and future generations in a rapidly changing world.。
季节变化与健康作文英语Title: The Impact of Seasonal Changes on Health。
Seasonal changes play a significant role in influencing human health. From the chilly winds of winter to the blossoming warmth of spring, each season brings its own set of challenges and benefits to our well-being. Understanding how these changes affect us is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout the year.Firstly, let's explore the effects of winter on health. As temperatures drop, the risk of colds, flu, and other respiratory illnesses tends to rise. The dry air and close proximity to others indoors create favorable conditions for the spread of viruses. Additionally, the lack of sunlight during winter months can lead to vitamin D deficiency, which is essential for bone health and immune function. Therefore, it's important to bundle up, maintain good hygiene practices, and consider vitamin D supplementation to combat these seasonal challenges.Moving on to spring, this season brings a sense of renewal and rejuvenation. However, it also brings with it some health considerations. As the weather warms up, allergens like pollen become more prevalent, triggering allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. Seasonal allergies can cause symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and congestion, impacting daily life and productivity. To manage allergies effectively, it's advisable to stay indoors during peak pollen times, keep windows closed, and use air purifiers if necessary. Antihistamines and other medications can also provide relief from symptoms.Summer heralds the arrival of sunshine and longer days, but it also brings its own set of health challenges. High temperatures and humidity levels increase the risk of heat-related illnesses such as heatstroke and dehydration. It's crucial to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun during peak hours, and wear lightweight, breathable clothing. Applying sunscreen regularly and seeking shade when outdoors can help prevent sunburn and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Additionally,practicing good food hygiene to prevent foodborne illnesses is essential, especially during outdoor activities like picnics and barbecues.Finally, autumn brings cooler temperatures and vibrant foliage, signaling the transition to colder months ahead. While autumn is generally a pleasant season, it can also exacerbate certain health issues. The fluctuating weather patterns may weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to colds and flu. Moreover, the onset of daylight saving time can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and decreased immune function. To mitigate these effects, it's important to prioritize sleep hygiene, maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, and practice stress management techniques such as meditation or yoga.In conclusion, seasonal changes have a profound impact on human health, influencing everything from immunefunction to mental well-being. By understanding these effects and taking proactive measures to stay healthy, wecan better navigate the challenges of each season and enjoy a happier, more fulfilling life year-round.。
气候与健康获奖作文英语Climate and Health。
Climate change is a global issue that affects everyone on earth. The rise in temperature, extreme weather events, and air pollution all have an impact on our health. Climate change is not just an environmental issue, but also apublic health issue. In this essay, I will discuss the relationship between climate change and health, and how we can take action to mitigate its effects.The rise in temperature is one of the most significant effects of climate change. Heatwaves can cause dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. People who work outside or do physical activities are at a higher risk of heat-related illnesses. The elderly, children, and people with chronic illnesses are also vulnerable to heat-related illnesses. In addition, the rise in temperature can also worsen air pollution, which can lead to respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis.Extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires can also have a significant impact on our health. These events can cause injuries, displacement, and even death. They can also lead to the spread of diseases such as cholera and dengue fever. The aftermath of these events can also lead to mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.Air pollution is another significant effect of climate change that affects our health. The burning of fossil fuels releases harmful pollutants into the air, which can cause respiratory problems such as asthma and lung cancer. Air pollution can also worsen heart disease and stroke. Children, the elderly, and people with chronic illnesses are the most vulnerable to the effects of air pollution.To mitigate the effects of climate change on health, we must take action. Governments and businesses must reduce their carbon emissions and invest in renewable energy sources. Individuals can also take action by reducing their carbon footprint by using public transportation, reducingenergy consumption, and eating less meat. We must also prepare for the effects of climate change by investing in infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather events and by providing healthcare services to vulnerable populations.In conclusion, climate change is a public health issue that affects everyone on earth. The rise in temperature, extreme weather events, and air pollution all have an impact on our health. To mitigate the effects of climate change on health, we must take action by reducing our carbon footprint, investing in renewable energy sources, and preparing for the effects of climate change. We must work together to create a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.。
天气的变化与健康作文英语The weather can have a big impact on our health. Whenit's hot and sunny, we need to stay hydrated and protectour skin from sunburn. But when it's cold and rainy, weneed to bundle up to stay warm and avoid getting sick.Sometimes the weather changes so quickly that it can catch us off guard. One minute it's sunny and the next it's pouring rain. This kind of sudden change can make us more susceptible to catching a cold or getting a headache.Extreme weather conditions, like heatwaves or blizzards, can be especially dangerous for our health. It's importantto take precautions during these times, such as staying indoors, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding strenuous activities.On the other hand, a gentle breeze or a light drizzle can have a refreshing effect on our mood and energy levels. It's amazing how a simple change in the weather can make usfeel more alive and invigorated.Overall, it's important to pay attention to the weather and how it affects our health. By being aware of the changes in weather patterns and taking appropriate measures to protect ourselves, we can stay healthy and happy no matter what Mother Nature throws our way.。
气候与健康的关系英语作文The relationship between climate and health is undeniable. Extreme temperatures can lead to heatstroke or hypothermia. Air pollution can cause respiratory problems. And changes in weather patterns can lead to the spread of infectious diseases. Our health is intricately tied to the climate around us.The impact of climate change on our health is already being felt. Rising temperatures are leading to longer and more intense heatwaves, which can be deadly for vulnerable populations. In addition, changing weather patterns are leading to more frequent and severe natural disasters, such as hurricanes and wildfires, which can have devastating effects on physical and mental health.In addition to the direct physical health impacts of climate change, there are also indirect effects on mental health. The stress and anxiety caused by the uncertainty of changing weather patterns, the loss of homes andlivelihoods due to natural disasters, and the fear offuture climate-related events can all take a toll on mental well-being.It's not just the direct impacts of climate change that affect our health. The ways in which we respond to climate change can also have health implications. For example, the transition to renewable energy sources can reduce air pollution and improve respiratory health. Similarly, promoting active transportation, such as walking and cycling, can improve physical health and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.In order to protect our health in the face of climate change, it's important to take action at both theindividual and societal levels. This can include measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve infrastructure to withstand extreme weather events, and prioritize the health and well-being of vulnerable populations. The health of our planet and the health of its inhabitants are inextricably linked, and addressing climate change is crucial for safeguarding both.。
气候变化与人类生活高中英语作文Climate Change and Human LifeIn recent years, climate change has become an increasingly pressing issue that affects every aspect of human life.From rising sea levels to extreme weather events, the impacts of climate change are being felt around the world.In this essay, we will explore the relationship between climate change and human life, and the steps that can be taken to mitigate its effects.Firstly, climate change has a profound impact on the environment, which in turn affects human health.Rising temperatures lead to the spread of vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, as well as increased heatwaves, which can result in heatstroke and other health issues.Additionally, climate change can lead to the degradation of air quality, as higher temperatures trap pollutants in the atmosphere.This can have serious respiratory effects on humans, especially those with pre-existing conditions.Furthermore, climate change poses a significant threat to food security.Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns can lead to crop failures and decreased agricultural productivity.This not only affects the livelihoods of farmers, but also leads to increased food prices and hunger.In addition, rising sea levels can contaminate freshwater sources, making them unsafe to drink and further exacerbating the water crisis.Moreover, climate change has a direct impact on human migration and displacement.As people are forced to leave their homes due to environmental degradation and natural disasters, they become refugees and migrants, seeking safety and stability elsewhere.This not only disrupts communities and economies, but also creates political and social tensions.Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to mitigate the effects of climate change.Transitioning to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power is crucial in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.Additionally, adopting sustainable practices in industries, agriculture, and transportation can help minimize the impact of human activities on the environment.It is also essential to invest in climate adaptation measures, such as building resilient infrastructure and implementing early warning systems for natural disasters.In conclusion, climate change is a global crisis that demands immediate action.Its effects on human life are far-reaching and diverse, impacting health, food security, migration, and more.By taking steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adopt sustainable practices, and invest in adaptation measures, we can work towards a future where human life is protected from the devastating impacts of climate change.。
双语:研究报告显示 气候变化影响人类健康
![双语:研究报告显示 气候变化影响人类健康](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/180b52f7941ea76e59fa0407.png)
Climate change poses a threat to human health so great that it could undermine all the gains in global development during the past 50 years, an independent international commission reports on Tuesdaytoday. 一家独立的国际委员会今日报告称,气候变化对人类健康的影响如此巨大,可能会毁掉过去50年全球发展方面的全部进展。
The review, led by experts on medicine and economics at University College London and published in the Lancet, says immediate action is needed to avert the direct health impacts of climate change through heatwaves, other extreme weather events and the spread of infectious diseases — and indirect effects through factors such as forced migration and crop failures. 这份评估报告由伦敦大学学院(UCL)的医学和经济学专家牵头完成,发表在《柳叶刀》(Lancet)上。
“Climate chang e is a medical emergency,” said Hugh Montgomery, director of the UCL Institute for Human Health and Performance and co-chair of the commission. “It thus demands an emergency response, using the technologies available now. Under such circumstances, no doctor would consider a series of annual case discussions and aspirations adequate, yet this is exactly how the global response to climate change is proceeding.”“气候变化是一种医疗紧急情况,”UCL人类健康与表现研究所(IHHP)所长、委员会联合主席休•蒙哥马利(Hugh Montgomery)表示,“因此,它要求使用现有技术进行应急响应。
Health and weather are two of the most discussed topics in our daily lives. They both have a significant impact on our wellbeing and daily activities. Lets explore the relationship between health and weather, and how they influence each other.Firstly, weather conditions can directly affect our physical health. For instance, extreme heat can lead to heatstroke, dehydration, and exhaustion. On the other hand, extremely cold weather can cause hypothermia, frostbite, and other coldrelated health issues. Moreover, certain weather conditions can exacerbate existing health problems. For example, people with respiratory issues like asthma may find it harder to breathe in humid or polluted air.Secondly, weather can also influence our mental health. Seasonal affective disorder SAD is a type of depression that occurs during specific seasons, usually winter, due to reduced exposure to sunlight. Furthermore, changes in weather can affect our mood and energy levels. Many people feel more energetic and happy on sunny days, while rainy or gloomy days can make some feel sad or lethargic.In addition, our daily activities are often dependent on the weather. For example, outdoor sports and recreational activities are more enjoyable and safer when the weather is pleasant. However, extreme weather conditions like heavy rain, snow, or storms can make it difficult or even dangerous to engage in outdoor activities.Moreover, weather can impact our eating habits and food choices. In colder weather, people tend to consume more highcalorie foods to keep warm, which can lead to weight gain. On the other hand, hot weather may reduce appetite, leading to a preference for lighter, cooler foods.Furthermore, weather can affect the spread of infectious diseases. Warm and humid conditions can promote the growth of bacteria and viruses, increasing the risk of infections. Cold weather can also weaken the immune system, making people more susceptible to illnesses.Lastly, its important to note that our health can also influence how we perceive and respond to weather conditions. People in good health may be more resilient to weather changes and less likely to experience negative effects. In contrast, those with chronic health issues may be more sensitive to weather variations.In conclusion, health and weather are closely interconnected. Being aware of the impact of weather on our health can help us take necessary precautions and make informed decisions to maintain our wellbeing. This includes dressing appropriately for the weather,staying hydrated, protecting ourselves from extreme temperatures, and adjusting our activities and routines based on weather conditions.。
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What is the greenhouse effect?
The greenhouse effect is caused by the trapping of heat in the Earth’s atmosphere First the Sun’s high frequency rays of radiation enter into the Earth’s atmosphere in the form of visible light Next the Earth absorbs these rays and radiates them back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation, or heat Since the Earth’s atmosphere includes certain gases which even in small amounts can absorb infrared radiation , gases such as methane, carbon dioxide, fluorocarbons, and nitrous oxide, the infrared radiation is trapped by these gases and can not escape the Earth’s atmosphere Lastly, as the Earth’s atmosphere traps more and more heat the Earth’s atmosphere begins to increase the temperature of the Earth itself
How do we know global warming is happening?
In the top graph at the right we can see the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as measured in parts per million in the atmosphere, measurements having been taken on the island of Mauna Loa, Hawaii
Global Warming and Human Health
By Carolyn Vasko
How our planet is warming and its direct effect on the human race
What is globaarming is a marked and extended change in the Earth’s climate for the warmer Climate change is an extended change in the Earth’s regular pattern of atmospheric conditions and its fluctuations Global warming is caused by an enhanced greenhouse effect caused by human activity
What causes an enhanced greenhouse effect?
The greenhouse effect is caused by human activities which produce the greenhouse gases; carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and fluorocarbons Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas and is produced by fossil fuel burning power
plants, heating systems, factories, and modes of transportation that burn fossil fuels. Deforestation adds to the problem since most forest remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in order to produce food through photosynthesis. Methane is another greenhouse gas produced by human use of land, including the livestock we use and such agricultural objects as rice fields, wetlands and marshes Nitrous oxide is produced by the exhaust of cars, human disposal of waste and human use of nitrogen-based fertilizers Fluorocarbons are gases which are emitted when humans use their refrigerators and their air conditioners Humans produce 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide annually, 300-350 million tons of methane, and 7-13 million tons of nitrous oxide, a drastic increase from even fifty years ago