




A、独资制B、合伙制C、公司制D、股份制2、现代公司融资管理是以( )最大化为标志的.A。

税后利润 B.资本利润率 C.公司价值 D.社会责任3、1、利润最大化概念存在的问题包括__________。




A、货币市场B、一级市场C、资本市场D、期货市场9、按交割时间划分,金融市场分为 _________。








A、利润最大化B、每股利润最大化C、资本利润率最大化D、资本收益最大化2、甲方案的标准离差是1.42 ,乙方案的标准离差是 1.06,如甲、乙两方案的期望值相同,则甲方案的风险()乙方案的风险。

A、大于B、小于C、等于D、无法确定3、某企业2001 年销售收入净额为250 万元,销售毛利率为20%,年末流动资产90 万元,年初流动资产110万元,则该企业成本流动资产周转率为()A.2 次次C.2.5 次次4、下列长期投资决策评价指标中,其计算结果不受建设期的长短、资金投入的方式、回收额的有无以及净现金流量的大小等条件影响的是()。


A、0.75B、1.25C、4.0D、256、某公司负债和权益筹资额的比例为2:5,综合资金成本率为12%,若资金结构不变,当发行100 万长期债券时,筹资总额分界点为()。

A、1200 元B、200 元C、350 元D、100 元7、债券成本一般票低于普通股成本,这主要是因为()。




A、实际利润额B、资本运作的效率C、生产规模D、生产能力10、某人将1000 元存入银行,银行的年利率为10%,按复利计算。

则4 年后此人可从银行取出()元。

A、1200B、1464C、1350D、140011、为使债权人感到其债权是有安全保障的,营运资金与长期债务之比应()A. > 1 B W 1C.>1D.<112、已知某投资项目的原始投资额为100万元,建设期为2年,投产后第1〜8年每年NCF=25万元,第9〜10年每年NCF=20万元。

















(答题答案:C)A、只承担公司特有风险B、承担公司财务风险C、只承担市场风险D、所有风险均承担3、下列因素引起的风险,企业可以通过多角化投资予以分散的是()(答题答案:C)A、市场利率上升B、社会经济衰退C、技术革新D、通货膨胀4、证券组合风险的大小不仅与单个证券的风险有关,而且与各个证券收益间的( )关系(答题答案:C)A、系数B、标准离差率C、协方差D、标准差5、投资的风险与投资的收益之间是()关系(答题答案:A)A、正向变化B、反向变化C、有时成正向,有时成反向D、6、关于资本成本,下列()正确的。

(答题答案:B)A、资本成本等于酬资费用与用资费用之和与筹资数额之比B、一般而言,债券的筹资成本要高于银行借款的筹资成本C、在各种资本成本中,普通股的资本成本不一定是最高的D、使用留存收益不必付出代价,故其资本成本为零7、某公司计划发行债券500 万元,年利息率为10% ,预计筹资费用率为5% ,预计发行价格为600 万元,则该债券的成本为().(答题答案:C)A、0。



0888、在个别资本成本的计算中,不必考虑筹资费用影响因素的是( )。

(答题答案:C)A 、长期借款成本B 、债券成本C 、留存收益成本D 、普通股成本9、一般来讲,以下四项中( )最低。

(答题答案:A )A 、长期借款成本B 、优先股成本C 、债券成本D 、普通股成本10、资金每增加一个单位而增加的成本叫( )。

(答题答案:B)A 、综合资本成本B 、边际资本成本C 、自有资本成本D 、债务资本成本11、某公司发行债券面值 1000 元,平价发行,票面利率为 12% ,偿还期限 5 年,发行费率 3% ,所得税率为 33% ,则债券的个别资本成本为( ).(答题答案:C)A 、0。



一、单项选择题2、股东是公司的所有者,是公司风险的主要承担者,因此,股东对于公司收益的索取权是(A )。

A剩余索取权B固定索取权C法定索取权D或有索取权4、货币时间价值是(C ).A货币经过投资后所增加的价值B没有通货膨胀情况下的社会平均资本利润率C没有通货膨胀和风险条件下的社会平均资本利润率D没有通货膨胀条件下的利率6、债券期限越短,其价值变动的幅度(B )。

A越趋近于1 B越小C越趋近于-1 D越大8、从财务学的角度来说,资产未来实际收益相对预期收益变动的可能性和变动幅度被称为(C ).A不确定B危机C风险D危险10、有效集以外的投资组合与有效边界上的组合相比,下列说法中不正确的是(D )。

A相同的风险较低的预期收益率B相同的预期收益率和较高的风险C较低的预期收益率和较高的风险D较低的风险和较高的预期收益率12、下列各项中,不属于投资项目现金流出量的是(B )。

A经营付现成本B固定资产折旧费用C固定资产投资支出D垫支的营运资本14、一般来说,在公司的各种资金来源中,资本成本最高的是(B )A优先股B普通股C债券D长期银行借款16、如果公司的固定性经营费用为零,下列表述中,正确的是( B )A经营杠杆系数大于1 B经营杠杆系数等于1C经营杠杆系数小于1 D经营杠杆系数小于018、如果从公司收益的角度来考虑公司的股利政策,那么股利政策可以被视为公司(C )。

A全部的盈余B预期的盈余C剩余的盈余D高出投资者预期的那部分盈余20、假定某公司的存货周转期为60天,应付账款周转期为20天,应收账款周转期为30天,计算该公司的现金周转期是( C )。

A60天B50天C70天D40天二、多项选择题1、公司财务研究的核心问题包括(CE )。

A会计核算B预测分析C资产定价D资产评估E提高资本的配置效率2、为确保财务目标的实现,下列各项中,用于协调股东与经营者矛盾的措施有(ABCDE )。

A股东解聘经营者B股东向公司派遣财务总监C股东向公司派遣审计人员D股东给经营者以“股票选择权" E股东给经营者绩效年金4、下列表述正确的有(BD)A年金现值系数与年金终值系数互为倒数B偿债基金系数是年金终值系数的倒数C偿债基金系数是年金现值系数的倒数D资本回收系数是年金现值系数的倒数E资本回收系数是年金终值系数的倒数5、在现金流量折现法下,影响股票价值的因素主要有(ABD )。



实用文档考试方式:闭卷 本试卷考试分数占学生总评成绩的 70 %复查总分 总复查人一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。



)1、下列企业组织形式中,股东只承担有限责任的是( )。

A 个体业主制 B 合伙制 C 股份公司制 D 有限合伙制2、根据我国新的《公司法》,我国不允许设立的公司形式有( )。

A 一人有限公司 B 两人共同设立的有限责任公司C 50人共同出资设立的有限责任公司 D 100人共同出资设立的有限责任公司 3、下列属于直接投资的有( )。

A 购买股票 B 购买国债 C 购买机器设备 D 银行存款4、一个公司的金融环境一般分为内部环境和外部环境,公司的外部环境不包括( )。

A 法律环境 B 金融市场环境 C 经济环境 D 公司的治理结构5、按照美国学者Fama 的理论,证券价格中包含了过去价格记录中全部信息的金融市场是( )。

A 无效市场 B 弱式效率市场 C 半强式效率市场 D 强式效率市场6、如果投资A和B两种股票,下列情况下不能降低投资风险的是( )。

A A和B完全正相关 B A和B完全负相关C A和B完全不相关 D A和B的相关系数为-1《公司金融》试卷 第 1 页 ( 共 6 页 )7、在下列短期融资方式中,资金成本最低的是( )。

A.短期银行贷款B.商业信用C.出售应收账款D.贴现应收票据8、假定某企业的权益资金与负债资金的比例为60:40,据此可断定该企业( )。

A.只存在经营风险B.经营风险大于财务风险C.经营风险小于财务风险D.同时存在经营风险和财务风险9、如果某单项资产的系统风险大于整个市场投资组合的风险,则可以判定该项资产的β值( )。

A.等于1B.小于1C.大于1D.等于010、 在下列各项中,计算结果等于股利支付率的是( )。

A.每股收益除以每股股利B.每股股利除以每股收益C.每股股利除以每股市价D.每股收益除以每股市价11、在市场经济环境中,多方面因素的综合作用决定着企业的资本成本的高低,下列关于资本成本的描述正确的是( )。



公司金融期末考试题目### 公司金融期末考试题目#### 一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 公司进行资本预算时,通常采用的折现率是:A. 无风险利率B. 风险调整后的加权平均资本成本C. 股票市场平均回报率D. 公司债券利率2. 在资本结构决策中,下列哪项不是影响公司债务水平的因素?A. 税收影响B. 破产成本C. 公司规模D. 行业竞争程度3. 以下哪种融资方式不属于债务融资?A. 发行公司债券B. 发行优先股C. 银行贷款D. 租赁融资4. 根据莫迪利亚尼-米勒定理,在没有税收的情况下,公司的资本结构对企业价值有何影响?A. 有正面影响B. 有负面影响C. 无影响D. 影响不确定5. 以下哪项不是公司进行股利政策决策时需要考虑的因素?A. 公司的盈利能力B. 公司的资本需求C. 股东的税收状况D. 公司的市场份额#### 二、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 简述公司进行资本预算时,为何需要使用加权平均资本成本(WACC)作为折现率。

2. 描述公司在进行资本结构决策时,如何权衡债务融资和股权融资的利弊。

3. 什么是代理成本?请举例说明它在公司金融中的具体表现。

4. 股利政策对公司价值有何影响?公司应如何选择股利政策?#### 三、计算题(每题20分,共40分)1. 某公司计划进行一项投资,预计初始投资为500万元,项目寿命为5年,每年产生的现金流入为150万元。



2. 某公司目前有1000万股流通在外,每股价格为20元。


请计算:- 发行后公司的总股本- 发行后每股收益(EPS)的变化(假设公司年净利润为4000万元,且保持不变)- 发行后公司的市值#### 四、论述题(20分)请论述在全球化背景下,跨国公司在进行国际资本预算和资本结构决策时,需要考虑哪些特殊因素,并举例说明这些因素如何影响决策。



公司金融试题及答案一、选择题1. 公司金融中,下列哪项不是资本结构理论?A. 莫迪利亚尼-米勒定理B. 代理理论C. 权衡理论D. 信号理论答案:B2. 根据资本资产定价模型(CAPM),预期收益率与以下哪个因素无关?A. 无风险利率B. 市场风险溢价C. 股票的贝塔系数D. 公司的财务杠杆答案:D3. 在公司进行现金流量分析时,下列哪项不是自由现金流的组成部分?A. 营运现金流B. 投资现金流C. 筹资现金流D. 净营运资本变动答案:B二、简答题1. 简述公司进行资本预算时,为什么需要考虑时间价值?答案:公司进行资本预算时需要考虑时间价值,因为资金的现值与未来值不同,未来的现金流需要折现到当前时点进行比较。



2. 什么是财务杠杆,它如何影响公司的财务风险和收益?答案:财务杠杆是指公司使用债务融资来增加其资本结构中的债务比例。



三、计算题1. 假设某公司计划进行一项投资,初始投资成本为$100,000,预期在接下来的5年内每年产生$20,000的现金流。


答案:NPV = -$100,000 + ($20,000 / (1+0.1)^1) + ($20,000 / (1+0.1)^2) + ($20,000 / (1+0.1)^3) + ($20,000 / (1+0.1)^4) + ($20,000 / (1+0.1)^5) = -$100,000 + $18,181.82 + $16,513.51 + $15,025.68 + $13,704.91 + $12,539.13 = $5,975.152. 如果一家公司的贝塔系数为1.2,无风险利率为3%,市场风险溢价为6%,计算该公司的预期收益率。

























公司金融综合测试题三一、单项选择题1.下列财务比率中,不能反映企业获利能力的指标是;A.总资产收益率B.营业利润率C.资产周转率D.销售毛利率2.某企业取得20年期的长期借款700万元,年利息率为2%,每年付息一次,到期一次还本,筹资费用率忽略不计,设企业所得税税率为33%,则该项长期借款的资本成本为 ;3.下列选项中属于持有现金的机会成本的是;A.现金的再投资收益B.现金管理人员工资C.现金被盗损失D.现金安全措施费用4.在以下几种筹资方式中,兼具筹资速度快、筹资费用和资本成本低、对企业有较大灵活性的筹资方式是;A.融资租赁B.发行股票C.发行债券D.长期借款5.可以作为比较选择追加筹资方案重要依据的指标是;A.个别资本成本B.综合资本成本C.边际资本成本D.资本总成本6.复利的计息次数增加,其现值A.不变B.增大C.减小D.呈正向变化7.剩余股利政策的优点是;A.有利于树立良好的形象B.有利于投资者安排收入和支出C.有利于企业价值的长期最大化D.体现投资风险与收益的对等8.既可以在一定程度上维持股利的稳定性,又有利于企业的资本结构达到目标资本结构,使灵活性与稳定性较好的结合;A.剩余股利政策B.固定股利政策C.固定股利支付率政策D.低股利加额外股利政策9.债券评级是债券评级机构对债券发行公司的评定的等级;A.信用B.利率风险C.通货膨胀风险D.价格风险10.一般来讲,风险越高,相应所获得的风险报酬率A.越高B.越低C.趋于零D.越不理想11.如果某单项资产的系统风险大于整个市场组合的风险,则可以判定该项资产的β值;A.等于1B.小于1C.大于1D.等于0二、多项选择题1.在杜邦分析图中可以发现,提高净资产收益率的途径有;A.使销售收入增长高于成本和费用的增加幅度B.提高销售净利率C.提高总资产周转率D.在不危及企业财务安全的前提下,增加债务规模,增大权益乘数2.用来判断财务分析指标优劣的指标标准可以来源于;A.经验数据B.历史数据C.同行业数据D.企业经营目标3.下列哪种股利政策可能给公司造成较大的财务负担;A..剩余股利政策B..固定股利政策C..固定支付率股利政策D..稳定增长股利政策4.投资决策中用来衡量项目风险的,可以是项目的;A.报酬率的期望值B.预期报酬率的方差C.预期报酬率的标准离差D.预期报酬率的标准离差率三、简答题1.影响公司融资成本的因素有哪些2.评价发行公司债券进行融资的优势3.简述公司关系人的目标及协调4.简述无税条件下MM命题的含义四、计算题1.某上市公司计划建造一项固定资产,寿命期为5年,需要筹集资金600万元,公司所得税税率为25%;相关资料如下;资料一:如果向银行借款,则手续费率为1%,年利率为6%,期限为5年,每年结息一次,到期一次还本;资料二:如果发行债券,债券面值1 000元、期限5年、票面利率为10%,每年结息一次,发行价格为1 200元,发行费率为5%;要求: 1根据资料一计算长期借款筹资成本; 2根据资料二计算债券筹资成本;2.某投资者持有三种股票构成的证券组合,它们的β系数分别为、和,它们在证券组合中所占的比重分别为20%、50%和30%,股票的市场报酬率为15%,无风险报酬率为7%;要求计算该证券组合的风险报酬率和投资报酬率;3.已知无风险报酬率为6%,市场证券组合的报酬率为14%;要求计算: 1市场风险报酬率; 2某β=1、5的股票的必要报酬率; 3某股票的必要报酬率为%,其β值为多少五、论述题1.论述股东财富最大化作为公司金融目标的优劣公司金融综合测试题三参考答案一、单项选择题1—5 CCAAC 6—10 CC DAA 11 C二、多项选择题1—4 ABCD ABCD BD BCD三、简答题1.答案:公司的融资成本主要取决于以下因素:货币政策的类型及其变化、资本市场的供求状况及其所决定的利率水平、公司的融资条件和融资能力、融资的期限结构以及融资方式的差异等;因此,公司的融资成本决策必须考虑以上因素的变化,力求实现融资成本最低、融资效率最大;2.答案:一是债券融资的资本成本比普通股低;一方面,债券的债权要求权在股票之前,因而投资者对公司要求的回报率低;另一方面,债券的利息有抵税作用,故公司实际负担的成本较低;二是发行债券融资可以利用财务杠杆;三是发行债券可以为公司筹措数额较大的资金;四是债券持有人无权参与公司的管理层决策,因而不会改变股东的控制权;3.答案:公司的关系人包括:股东、债权人、公司管理层、员工以及政府等;股东追求财富最大化;债权人追求债权的安全并获得相应的收益;而公司管理层则追求自身效用最大化;但由于委托代理关系的存在,公司管理层在公司运作过程中,就必须充分保护委托人的权益;在公司关系人之间利益冲突博弈过程中,寻找共同利益的目标尤为重要,那就是公司价值最大化;4.答案:命题一:杠杆公司的价值等同于无杠杆公司的价值;无论公司有无负债,其价值等于公司所有资产的预期收益额除以适用于该公司风险等级的报酬率;即公司价值只与公司所有资产的运气收益额和公司所对应的资本化率有关,而与资本结构无关;命题二:股东的期望收益率随着财务杠杆的提高而上升;即有负债公司的权益成本等于无负债公司的权益成本加上风险溢价;四、计算题1.答案:1长期借款筹资成本=6%×1-25%/1-1%=4、55%2债券筹资成本=1 000×10%×1-25%/1 200×1-5%=%2.答案:根据题意可得:β=×20%+×50%+0、7×30%=风险报酬率K=×15%-7%=%投资报酬率=7%+%=%3.答案:根据题意可得:1市场风险报酬率=14%-6%=8%2股票的必要报酬率=6%+×8%=18%3β=%-6%/ 8%=五、论述题1.答案:股东财富最大化是指通过财务上的合理经营,为股东带来最多的财富;持这种观点的学者认为:股东创办企业的目的是增长财富;他们是企业的所有者,是企业资本的提供者,其投资的价值在于它给所有者带来未来的报酬,包括获得股利和出售股权获取现金;在股份制经济条件下,股东财富由其所拥有的股票数量和股票市场价格两方面决定,在股票数量一定的条件下,当股票价格达到最高时,则股东财富也达到最大;所以股东财富最大化又可以表现为股票价格的最大化;股东财富最大化的优势在于:第一、概念清晰;股东财富最大化可以用股票市价来计量;第二、考虑了资金的时间价值;第三、科学地考虑了风险因素,因为风险的高低会对股票的价格产生重要影响;第四、股东财富最大化一定程度上能够克服企业在追求利润上的短期行为,因为不仅目前的利润会影响股票价格,未来预期利润对企业股票价格也会产生重大影响;第五、股东财富最大化目标比较容易量化,便于考核和奖惩;第六、体现了资本获利与投入之间的关系,股票价格是公司价值的体现,估价高低靠公司盈利来支撑,公司每股盈余上升会推动股价上升;股东财富最大化的劣势在于:第一、它只适用于上市公司,非上市公司很难适用;第二、股东财富最大化要求金融市场是有效的;由于股票的分散和信息的不对称,经理人员为实现自身利益最大化,有可能损害股东的利益;第三、股票价格除了受财务因素的影响外,还受其他因素的影响;第四、容易激化和其他利益相关者的矛盾;因此,股东财富最大化目标应当结合其他目标综合使用,才能确保公司价值的实现;。



第二章1. 资金时间价值通常(D)A 包括风险和物价变动因素 B不包括风险和物价变动因素C包括风险因素但不包括物价变动因素D包括物价变动因素但不包括风险因素2、一定时期内每期期初等额收付的系列款项称为(B)A 永续年金B即付年金 C普通年金 D递延年金3、在普通年金终值系数的基础上,期数加1、系数减1所得到的结果,在数值上等于(D)A 普通年金现值系数 B先付年金现值系数 C普通年金终值系数 D先付年金终值系数4、下列项目中,不属于投资项目的现金流出量的是(D )A固定资产投资 B营运成本C垫支流动资金 D固定资产折旧5、递延年金的特点是(C )A没有现值 B没有终值C没有第一期的收入或支付额 D上述说法都对第四章1、非系统风险与下列( D )因素有关。

A.政治 B.经济 C.税制改革D.销售决策2、投资者对某资产合理要求的最低收益率为(A )。


A.投资者对风险的偏好B.资产的全部风险C.资产的收益状况D.资产的系统风险4、投资者由于冒风险进行投资而获得的超过无风险收益率的额外收益,称为投资的( C )。

A.收益率B.报酬率C.报酬率D.报酬率5、投资者甘冒风险进行投资的诱因是( C )。


下列结论中正确的是( B )。

A.甲方案优于乙方案B.甲方案的风险大于乙方案C.甲方案的风险小于乙方案D.无法评价甲乙方案的风险大小7、对于多方案择优,决策者的行动准则应是( D )。

A. 选择高收益项目B. 选择高风险高收益项目C. 选择低风险低收益项目D. 权衡期望收益与风险,而且还要视决策者对风险的态度而定8、x方案的标准离差是1.5,y方案的标准离差是1.4,如x、y两方案的期望值相同,则两方案的风险关系为(A )。



《公司金融》复习自测题参考答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)1.D2.C3.B4.A 5、B 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C11.C 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.B 20.C 21.B 22.D 23.C 24.A 25.A 26.D 27.A 28.A 29.C 30.A 31.D 32.B 33.C 34.B 35.D 36.A 37.C 38.A 39.D 40.C二、多选题1、AD2、ABC3、BCD4、ACD5、ABC6、BCD7、CD8、AD9、ABC 10、AB11.BCD 12.ABC 13.ACD 14.ABCD 15.ABCD16.AB 17.ABCD 18.ACD19.ABC20.ABD21.ABCD 22.AC 23.ABCD 24.ABCD 25.ABC26.ABCD 27.BCD 28.ABD 29.ABD 30.ABC31.AD 32.ABC 33.BCD 34.AC 35.ABC36.BCD 37.ABCD 38.AB 39.BD 40.ACD三、判断题1、B2、A3、A4、A5、B6、B7、A8、B9、A 10、B 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.A 15.B 16.B17.A 18.B 19.A 20.B21.B 22.A 23.B 24.A 25.B 26.B 27.B 28.A 29.A 30.B31.B32.B 33.B 34.A 35.A 36.B 37.B 38.B 39.A 40. B四、填空题1.独资企业(或者个体业主制)、合伙制企业、公司制企业2.公司价值、资本成本、净资产收益率3.最优资本结构4.现金股利、股票股利、股票回购(或股票分割)5.普通年金、即付年金、递延年金6.回收期法、平均会计收益率法7.代理成本、破产成本8.证券组合(或者股票组合)10.机会成本11.公司融资、公司投资、营运资本管理12.看涨期权13.现值、终值14.∑=+=trttr DP1) 1(15.资本权重16.留存收益17.经营风险、融资风险18.普通年金19.最优资本结构20.系统、δim /δm2(ρab×δi/δm)五、名词解释1.财务杠杆:所谓财务杠杆是指由于固定利息费用的存在,而使公司普通股收益变动率大于息税前利润变动率的现象。



公司金融试题及答案 This manuscript was revised on November 28, 2020《公司金融》期末试题一、单项选择题(下列每小题的备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的正确答案。


本类题共30个小题,每小题2分)1. 反映债务与债权人之间的关系是()A、企业与政府之间的关系B、企业与债权人之间的财务关系C、企业与债务人之间的财务关系D、企业与职工之间的财务关系2. 根据简化资产负债表模型,公司在金融市场上的价值等于:()A、有形固定资产加上无形固定资产B、销售收入减去销货成本C、现金流入量减去现金流出量D、负债的价值加上权益的价值3. 公司短期资产和负债的管理称为()A、营运资本管理B、代理成本分析C、资本结构管理D、资本预算管理4. 反映股东财富最大化目标实现程度的指标是()A、销售收入B、市盈率C、每股市价D、净资产收益率5. 企业财务管理的目标与企业的社会责任之间的关系是()A、两者相互矛盾B、两者没有联系C、两者既矛盾又统一D、两者完全一致6. 财务管理的目标是使()最大化。

A、公司的净利润B、每股收益C、公司的资源D、现有股票的价值7. 下列陈述正确的是()。

A、合伙制企业和公司制企业都有双重征税的问题B、独资企业和合伙制企业在纳税问题上属于同一类型C、合伙者企业是三种企业组织形式忠最为复杂的一种D、各种企业组织形式都只有有限的寿命期8. 公司制这种企业组织形式最主要的缺点是()A、有限责任B、双重征税C、所有权与经营权相分离D、股份易于转让9. 违约风险的大小与债务人信用等级的高低()A、成反比B、成正比C、无关D、不确定10. 反映企业在一段时期内的经营结果的报表被称为()A、损益表B、资产负债表C、现金流量表D、税务报表11. 将损益表和资产负债表与时间序列某一时点的价值进行比较的报表称为()。

A、标准化报表B、现金流量表C、定基报表D、结构报表12. 杜邦财务分析法的核心指标是()。



公司金融试题及答案一、选择题1. 下列哪项不是资本市场的特点?A. 高风险高收益B. 资本流动性强C. 交易成本低D. 资金利用效率低答案:D2. 企业通过发行债券融资时面临的风险主要包括以下哪些方面?A. 利率风险B. 信用风险C. 流动性风险D. 全部都是答案:D3. 目前我国上市公司采用的会计制度是:A. 企业会计准则B. 小企业会计准则C. 国际财务报告准则D. 纳税会计制度答案:A4. 企业利率风险管理的主要方法有以下那几种?A. 互换B. 远期合约C. 期货合约D. 全部都是答案:D二、填空题1. 融资过程中,企业面临的主要外部风险是信用风险和________风险。

答案:市场风险2. 财务报表的基本假设是认为企业是一个________的个体。

答案:经济实体3. 债券发行受到国家宏观经济形势、市场流动性以及发行方的______等因素的影响。

答案:信誉4. 股权融资可以通过发行________实现。

答案:股票三、问答题1. 请简要介绍一下资本市场的基本功能。





2. 请简述企业利率风险管理的主要方法。


利率互换是一种交换利率支付流(Fixed Rate)和浮动利率支付流(Floating Rate)的金融衍生工具,可以帮助企业管理固定利率和浮动利率之间的风险。





公司金融试题及答案### 公司金融试题及答案#### 一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 公司财务的首要目标是什么?A. 股东财富最大化B. 利润最大化C. 市场价值最大化D. 销售收入最大化答案:A2. 以下哪项不是公司金融的基本原则?A. 风险与回报权衡B. 市场效率C. 资本结构无关性D. 货币时间价值答案:C3. 投资决策中,净现值(NPV)为正意味着什么?A. 投资亏损B. 投资盈利C. 投资无风险D. 投资风险过高答案:B4. 资本资产定价模型(CAPM)的公式是什么?A. \( E(Ri) = Rf + β(E(Rm) - Rf) \)B. \( E(Ri) = Rf + E(Rm) \)C. \( E(Ri) = Rf + E(Ri - Rf) \)D. \( E(Ri) = E(Rm) - Rf \)答案:A5. 以下哪项不是公司进行资本结构调整的原因?A. 降低资本成本B. 增加公司价值C. 满足监管要求D. 提高股东回报率答案:D#### 二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 描述财务杠杆对公司价值的影响。




2. 解释什么是现金流量表,并简述其重要性。




3. 什么是公司估值?简述其基本方法。







在题目给出的四个选项中,A、B、C、D 都涉及到了公司金融的某些方面。












一、选择题1. 公司金融的核心目标是:A. 增加市场份额B. 增加收入C. 最大化股东财富D. 降低成本2. 以下哪项不是公司金融中的风险管理工具?A. 期权B. 期货C. 债券D. 掉期二、判断题1. 资本结构是指公司债务和股权的组合,它对公司的财务风险和成本有重要影响。

(对/错)2. 股票回购是公司用来增加每股收益的一种方式,因此它总是增加公司价值。

(对/错)三、简答题1. 解释什么是资本成本,并说明它对公司决策的影响。

2. 描述公司在进行资本预算时通常考虑哪些因素。

四、计算题1. 假设一家公司的税前利润为100万元,税率为25%,计算其税后利润。

2. 如果一家公司的债务成本为8%,股权成本为12%,且公司的资本结构中债务和股权的比例分别为40%和60%,计算该公司的加权平均资本成本(WACC)。




六、论述题1. 论述公司在进行财务决策时,如何平衡风险和收益。

2. 讨论公司在全球化背景下,如何利用国际金融市场进行融资和投资。







若市场利率为10%,则其发行时的价格将( C )。

A、高于1000元B、低于1000元C、等于1000元D、无法计算2、根据我国债券管理的有关规定,企业发行的债券的利率不得高于银行同期居民存款利率的( D )。

A、10%B、20%C、30%D、40%3、下列各项中属于商业信用的是( C )。

A、商业银行贷款B、应交税金C、应付账款D、融资租赁4、出租人既出租某项资产,又以该项资产为担保借入资金的租赁方式是( C )。

A、经营租赁B、售后回租C、杠杆租赁D、直接租赁5、某企业需借入资金60万元,由于银行要求将贷款数额的20%作为补偿性余额,故企业需向银行申请的贷款数额为( C )。

A、60万元B、72万元C、75万元D、67.2万元6、可转换债券对投资者来说,可在一定时期内将其转换为( B )。

A、其他债券B、普通股C、优先股D、收益债券7、某企业按“2/10,n/60”的条件购进商品50000元,若放弃现金折扣,则其资金的机会成本为( D )。

A、2%B、12%C、14.4%D、14.69%8、在以下各项中,不能增强企业筹资弹性的是( A )。

A、短期借款B、发行可转换优先股C、发行可转换债券D、发行可赎回债券9、商业信用筹资方式筹集的资金只能是( B )。

A、银行信贷资金B、其他企业资金C、居民个人资金D、企业自留资金10、假定自身条件相同的甲、乙两企业,同时向银行借人同期同额的款项,如果甲企业向银行提供了财产担保,则甲企业比乙企业负担的利息少,原因是( D )。

A、甲企业贷款使用后的收入少B、甲企业贷款使用后的成本高C、甲企业贷款使用后的周转效率高D、甲企业使用贷款承担的风险大11、某周转信贷协议额度为100万元,承诺费率为0.3%,借款企业年度内使用了70万元,因此必须向银行支付承诺费( B )。

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第一章1 A secondary market transaction can occur in either a dealer market or an auction market.A) TrueB) False2 Control of a firm ultimately rests with the stockholders.A) TrueB) False3 It is generally easier to form a sole proprietorship than it is to form a corporation.A) TrueB) False4 One advantage of the corporate form of organization is that you can buy shares ina corporation such as Wal-Mart without worrying about being held personally liable for the corporation's liabilities.A) TrueB) False5 A financial manager must be concerned with three basic areas: Capital budgeting, capital structure, and working capital.A) TrueB) False6 Which of the following responses best completes the following: The duties of a working capital manager includeA) Deciding how to raise the money required to fund a projectB) Choosing how much inventory a firm should invest inC) Deciding the amount of dividends a firm should pay outD) Deciding which projects a firm should undertakeE) Deciding what fixed assets to purchase7 In a ____________, none of the owners are offered the protection of limited liability.A) sole proprietorshipB) limited liability companyC) corporationD) limited partnershipE) S corporation8 Which of the following is the BEST description of the goal of the financial manager in a corporation where shares are publicly traded?A) Maximize salesB) Maximize profitsC) Avoid financial distressD) Maintain steady earnings growthE) Maximize the current value per share of the existing stock9 Which of the following is an answer to "What are the duties of a financial manager?"I. Deciding how much interest to pay the holders of the corporation's bondsII. Deciding the mix of long-term debt and equityIII. Deciding which projects a firm should undertakeIV. Deciding how much short-term debt to useA) I and II onlyB) I, II, and III onlyC) II and III onlyD) II, III, and IV onlyE) I, II, III, and IV第二章1 If a firm has operating cash flow of $12,000, has a change in net working capital of $8,000, has net capital spending of $12,000, and has cash flow to creditors of $5,000, then cash flow to stockholders must be -$13,000.A) TrueB) False2 If a firm has cash flow from assets of $12,000, dividends paid of $4,000 and net new equity sales of $4,000, then cash flow to creditors must be $4,000.A) TrueB) False3 Which of the following assets would most likely be considered the least liquid?A) A share of common stock in IBMB) A bond issued by MicrosoftC) A share of preferred stock in K-Mart Corp.D) A Custer, South Dakota municipal bondE) A U.S. Treasury bill4 You are to determine the level of net capital spending made by a firm during 1996. If you have the balance sheet and income statements for the years 1995 and 1996 how would you go about your task?A) Ending net fixed assets - beginning net fixed assets + depreciation for 1996B) Beginning net fixed assets + ending net fixed assets - depreciation for 1995C) Ending net fixed assets - beginning net fixed assets - depreciation + taxes for 1996D) Ending net fixed assets - beginning net fixed assets + depreciation - taxes for 1996E) Beginning net fixed assets - ending net fixed assets + depreciation for 19965 Consider the following statement: A firm that earns negative net income will quickly find itself in financial distress.I. This statement is false because it is possible for a firm to have negative profits but still have positive cash flowsII. This statement is false because accounting profits do not generally equal cash flow and it is a lack of cash, not profits, that causes financial distressIII. This statement is true because negative profits mean negative cash flowsA) I onlyB) II onlyC) III onlyD) I and II onlyE) I and III only6 As an investor how would you determine the total market value of a publicly traded corporation such as General Motors?I. The values of debt and equity as they appear on the most recent financial statementsII. The value of debt as it appears on the most recent financial statements plus the current market value of GM's common stockIII. The current market value of GM's stock plus the market value of GM's debtA) I onlyB) II onlyC) III onlyD) I and II onlyE) II and III only7 Balance sheet assetsI. always have a value equal to total liabilities minus shareholders' equityII. are listed in order of increasing liquidityIII. represent items acquired with the use of liabilities and equityA) I onlyB) II and III onlyC) III onlyD) I and II onlyE) I, II, and III8 Which of the following represents a use of the matching principle in accounting?I. The cost purchasing a good on account is recorded when the account payable is paidII. Revenues from a sale on account are recorded when the payment on the account receivable is receivedIII. The costs of producing inventory are recognized along with the revenues from the sale when the sale is madeA) I onlyB) II onlyC) III onlyD) I and II onlyE) I and III only9 Which of the following is considered a noncash expense on the income statement?A) Income taxesB) DepreciationC) Interest expenseD) Wages and salariesE) Cost of goods sold10 Which of the following is/are true about the balance sheet and incomestatement?I. The income statement reflects a summary of activity that occurs over some period of time while the balance sheet is a snapshot taken at a single point in timeII. Both represent a summary of activity that occurs over some period of timeIII. The two, combined, give a reasonable estimate of the firm's cash flows and market valuesA) I onlyB) II onlyC) III onlyD) I and III onlyE) I, II, and III第三章1:Which of the following is generally considered one of the major categories on a typical statement of cash flows?A) Subsidiary activitiesB) Notes payable activitiesC) Operating activitiesD) Income statement activitiesE) Division activities2 Comparison of the financial statements of two firms in the same general industry may be difficult ifI. the size of the two firms' operations are differentII. the firms have identical product lines and operationsIII. the firms' financial statements are prepared using different fiscal year-endsA) I onlyB) III onlyC) I and II onlyD) I and III onlyE) I, II and III3 In a common size statement, the balance sheet is expressed as a percentage of ____________ while the income statement is expressed as a percentage of ____________.A) liabilities plus equity; net incomeB) assets; net incomeC) sales; liabilities plus equityD) liabilities plus equity; salesE) liabilities; sales4 You are comparing two companies by looking at financial ratios they publish in their annual reports. You know thatI. you must be careful because not all financial statement ratios are computed the same wayII. the financial ratios of a large firm and a medium size firm cannot be compared III. these financial ratios will capture the relevant differences between the two firms,leaving you with no need to look at the rest of the reportsA) I onlyB) II onlyC) III onlyD) I and II onlyE) I and III only5 The interval measure is an example of a ____________ ratio.A) short-term solvencyB) financial leverageC) asset managementD) profitabilityE) market value6 Which of the following statements about the current ratio is accurate?A) Use of book values in calculation of this ratio is unacceptable because the market values of these assets and liabilities tend to deviate from book valuesB) This ratio is computed by dividing current liabilities by current assetsC) It will always be greater than the quick ratio in companies that carry inventoryD) This ratio is intended to indicate the long run liquidity position of the firmE) The higher the current ratio the higher the level of cash in a firm7 ____________ is considered to be a liquidity ratio.A) The return on assetsB) The fixed asset turnoverC) The cash ratioD) The times interest earned ratioE) The profit margin8 ____________ are designed to determine a firm's long-run ability to meet its obligations.A) Liquidity ratiosB) Asset-utilization ratiosC) Profitability ratiosD) Financial leverage ratiosE) Market value ratios9 Which of the following is NOT incorporated into calculation of the Du Pont identity?A) Return on assetsB) Equity multiplierC) Total asset turnoverD) Profit marginE) Receivables turnover10 What does the fixed asset turnover ratio measure?A) How well total assets are utilized during a yearB) The length of time it takes a firm to completely replace its fixed assetsC) The amount of EBIT a firm generates per dollar of fixed assetsD) The percent of total assets that are invested in fixed assetsE) The amount of sales each dollar of fixed assets generates第四章1 Aggregation refers to the process by which a firm first projects its aggregate investment requirement, then it breaks that total up and allocates it to the investment proposals of the firm's smaller units.A) TrueB) False2 With good financial planning, managers can be less vigilant in their day to day management of the firm.A) TrueB) False3 All else equal, a firm that utilizes assets inefficiently will have a higher sustainable growth rate than a firm that does not.A) TrueB) False4 One would expect the capital intensity ratio of an auto manufacturing firm to be lower than that of a software development firm.A) TrueB) False5 In most industries, planning beyond the period of one year is not very useful.A) TrueB) False6 Financial planning is important because the only way for a firm to prosper is for it to grow.A) TrueB) False7 One of the first things needed when constructing a financial plan is a sales forecast.A) TrueB) False8 All else equal, the lower the forecasted growth the larger the level of external financing needed.A) TrueB) False9 A firm with a positive ROE could have a negative ROA.A) TrueB) False10 All else equal, an increase in a firm's capital intensity ratio will increase its external financing needed.A) TrueB) False第五章1 Most investments, whether they involve real assets or financial assets, can be analyzed using the discounted cash flow approach.A) TrueB) False2 The Rule of 72 tells us how long into the future we must wait before an investment's value is equal to three times the initial amount.A) TrueB) False3 If you are given a present value, how long the money is to be invested, and the future value of that investment, you can solve for the interest rate that was earned on the investment.A) TrueB) False4 Calculating the present value of a future cash flow to determine its value today is known as the discount rate.A) TrueB) False5 Suppose you are trying to find the present value of two different cash flows using the same interest rate for each cash flow. One is $1,000 ten years from now, the other a $800 flow seven years from now. Which of the following is/are true about the discount factors used to value the cash flows?A) The factor for the cash flow ten years away is always less than or equal to the factor for the cash flow that is received seven years from nowB) Both factors are greater than 1C) Regardless of the interest rate, the discount factors are such that the present value of the $1,000 will always be higher than the present value of the $800D) Since the payments are different, no statement can be made regarding the factors to be usedE) The astute investor will factor in the time differential and choose the payment that arrives the soonest6 You are choosing between investments offered by two different banks. One promises a return of 10% for three years in simple interest while the other offers a return of 10% for three years in compound interest. You shouldA) choose the simple interest option because both have the same basic interestrateB) choose the compound interest option because it provides a higher return than the simple interest optionC) choose the compound interest option only if the compounding is for monthly periodsD) choose the simple interest option only if compounding occurs more than once a yearE) choose the compound interest option only if you are investing less than $5,0007 Given r and t greater than zero,I. Present value interest factors are less than 1.0II. Future value interest factors are less than 1.0III. Present value interest factors are greater than future value interest factorsIV. Present value interest factors grow as t grows, provided r is held constantA) I onlyB) I and III onlyC) I and IV onlyD) II and III onlyE) II and IV only8 You received a $1 savings account earning 5% on your 1st birthday. How much will you have in the account on your 40th birthday if you don't withdraw any money before then?A) $5.89B) $6.34C) $6.70D) $7.00E) $7.049 What is the future value of $25,000 received today if it is invested at 6.5% compounded annually for six years?A) $17,133.35B) $27,476.42C) $36,478.56D) $39,521.75E) $41,374.8910 How much would you have to invest today at 8% compounded annually to have $25,000 to buy a trailer house in 4 years?A) $18,267.26B) $18,375.75C) $19,147.25D) $21,370.10E) $22,149.57第六章1 The present value of an ordinary annuity and an annuity due will be the same if they have the same payment per period, the same number of periods, and identical discount rates.A) TrueB) False2 You can find the future value of a set of cash flows by finding the future value of each cash flow individually and then summing these future values.A) TrueB) False3 In almost all present and future value computations, it is implicitly assumed that the cash flows occur at the end of each period.A) TrueB) False4 In order to compare different investment opportunities (each with the same risk) with interest rates reported in different manners you shouldA) convert each interest rate to an annual nominal rateB) convert each interest rate to a monthly nominal rateC) convert each interest rate to an effective annual rateD) compare them by using the published annual ratesE) convert each interest rate to an APR5 Which of the following is a true statement?A) When comparing investments it is best not to rely solely on quoted ratesB) Compounding will typically not lead to differences between the quoted rate and the effective rateC) The APR on a loan requiring monthly payments is the interest rate you actually payD) An APR is the interest rate per period divided by the number of periods per yearE) With monthly compounding, the APR will be larger than the effective annual rate6 You are examining two perpetuities which are identical in every way, except that perpetuity A will begin making annual payments of $P to you two years from today while the first $P payment of perpetuity B will occur one year from today. It must be true thatA) the current value of perpetuity A is greater than that of B by $PB) the current value of perpetuity B is greater than that of A by $PC) the current value of perpetuity B is equal to that of perpetuity AD) the current value of perpetuity A exceeds that of B by the PV of $P for one yearE) the current value of perpetuity B exceeds that of A by the PV of $P for one year7 Which of the following describes the equation for finding the annuity present value factor?A) (1 minus present value factor) times the interest rateB) (1 plus present value factor) divided by the interest rateC) (1 plus present value factor) times the interest rateD) (1 minus present value factor) divided by the interest rateE) (present value factor minus 1) divided by the interest rate8 Which of the following describes the equation for finding the annuity future value factor?A) (future value factor minus 1) times the interest rateB) (future value factor plus 1) divided by the interest rateC) (future value factor plus 1) times the interest rateD) (future value factor minus 1) divided by the interest rateE) (1 minus present value factor) divided by the interest rate9 Which of the following is it NOT possible to compute?A) present value of a perpetuityB) interest rate on a perpetuity given the present value and paymentC) present value of an annuity dueD) future value of an annuity dueE) future value of a perpetuity10 You have $500 that you would like to invest. You have 2 choices: Savings Account A which earns 8% compounded annually or Savings Account B which earns7.75% compounded semiannually. Which would you choose and why?A) A because it has a higher effective annual rateB) A because the future value in one year is lowerC) B because it has a higher effective annual rateD) B because the future value in one year is lowerE) B because it has the higher quoted rate第七章1 Which of the following is correct? A zero coupon bond _________________.A) typically pays coupons only during the first five yearsB) sells for a price that is greater than the face valueC) has no interest payments and is thus non-taxable until maturityD) is also known as a deep discount bondE) provides no cash flow to the holder at maturity2 Your neighbor is bragging that the coupon payment on the bonds he bought five years ago have increased in each of the last three years. You know he must ownA) a zero coupon bondB) a LYONC) a convertible bondD) a put bondE) a floating rate bond3 You want to own equity in a Russian oil firm, but the firm does not have traded stock. If it had ___________ outstanding you could purchase them and then trade them in for shares of stock.A) convertible bondsB) put bondsC) debenturesD) zero coupon bondsE) subordinated debentures4 A firm intends to take on a significant amount of new debt in order to fund the purchase of a close competitor. However the firm cannot complete the transaction unless it first calls one of its outstanding bond issues. It must be true that the called bondsA) are backed by the corporation's fixed assetsB) have a higher interest rate than the new bonds willC) have an inferior tax status than the new bonds willD) can be called at a price that is very near parE) have covenants which restrict such increase in debt5 ________ is an unsecured obligation of the issuing company.A) A indentureB) A debentureC) A covenantD) The deed of trustE) Dedicated capital6 __________ included in the bond indenture to protect bondholders from certain actions by the company.A) Indentures areB) Debentures areC) Covenants areD) Articles of incorporation areE) A description of dedicated capital is7 ________________ is an account into which periodic payments are made for the purpose of retiring a bond issue.A) An indentureB) A debentureC) A covenantD) A call optionE) A sinking fund8 __________ is the legal document that describes the mortgage on real property that acts as security on a bond issue.A) A specific performance contractB) A debentureC) A restrictive covenantD) A trust deedE) An indenture9 Which of the following risks do debt ratings specifically attempt to assess?I. Interest rate riskII. Default riskIII. The risk of a call being madeA) I onlyB) II onlyC) I and II onlyD) II and III onlyE) I, II, and III10 Which of the following is NOT a duty of a trust company appointed when bonds are issued?A) Make sure terms of the indenture are obeyedB) Manage the sinking fundC) Decide when the bonds should be calledD) Monitor the protective covenants for the bondholdersE) Represent the bondholders in default第八章1 A firm must make its dividend payments to preferred shareholders before it makes any interest payments to its bondholders.A) TrueB) False2 Dividends on preferred stock are tax deductible to the issuing firm.A) TrueB) False3 Most preferred stock has dividends that are cumulative.A) TrueB) False4 If a firm experiences a financial loss for the year, the loss is shared equally by the debt holders and equity holders.B) False5 For income tax purposes, preferred stock is more like debt than it is like common stock.A) TrueB) False6 The price-earnings ratios for NYSE stocks that are reported in the Wall Street Journal are based on earnings per share for the past year.A) TrueB) False7 According to the constant growth model, the dividend yield is equal to the required return minus the dividend growth rate.A) TrueB) False8 If one uses the constant growth model to value stock, one assumes that P1 = P0*(1 + g), P2 = P0*(1 + g), etc.A) TrueB) False9 If one uses the perpetuity model to value stock, one assumes that P0 = P1 = P3, etc., implying that the annual return from owning the stock is zero.A) TrueB) False10 It is never possible to value a stock that has supernormal dividend growth.A) TrueB) False第九章1 An investment should be accepted if the net present value is positive.A) TrueB) False2 For projects with conventional cash flows and for positive discount rates, the payback period will be shorter than the discounted payback period.A) TrueB) False3 The only advantage of the average accounting return is that the information needed to compute it will usually be available.B) False4 An investment is acceptable if the IRR exceeds the required return.A) TrueB) False5 If a project has conventional cash flows, it may also have more than one IRR.A) TrueB) False6 Both the IRR and the profitability index decision rules may lead to incorrect decisions in comparisons of mutually exclusive investments.A) TrueB) False7 Very few large U.S. firms use the payback rule when making capital budgeting decisions.A) TrueB) False8 If investment funds are limited and the projects under consideration are independent from one another, the IRR should be used to rank projects to determine which ones should be accepted.A) TrueB) False9 The essence of _________________ is determining whether a proposed investment or project will generate positive wealth for the owners of the firm once it is in place.A) strategic asset allocationB) capital structure analysisC) cash flow analysisD) payback analysisE) working capital analysis10 Which of the following is NOT correct?A) NPV is one of the two or three most important concepts in financeB) NPV is always just the difference between the market value of an asset or project and its costC) The financial manager acts in the shareholders' best interests by identifying and taking positive NPV projectsD) NPV's can normally be directly observed in the marketE) Investment criteria other than NPV provide additional information aboutwhether or not a project truly has a positive NPV第十章1 A taxable gain occurs when an asset is sold for more than its book value. For capital budgeting purposes, the taxes on the sale _____________.A) are treated as a reduction in cash and added to operating cash flowB) are treated as a noncash event similar to depreciationC) are treated as a reduction in cash and deducted from the book value of the assetD) are treated as a reduction in cash and deducted from the taxable gainE) are treated as a reduction in cash and are deducted from the sale price2 By using the tax shield approach for computing operating cash flows we canA) obtain more accurate results than with the customary methodsB) more readily verify what cash flows would be without interest expensesC) more readily identify the tax shield from interest deductionsD) more readily identify the tax benefits of depreciationE) start with the bottom line, net income, and work backwards3 The government has been trying to decide whether or not to purchase any of the new, advanced missiles it has developed. One of the arguments in favor of purchasing the missiles is that so much money has been spent on their development that it would be a waste of money not to buy any. What is the major problem with this argument?A) It ignores the opportunity cost of the money that has been spentB) It includes sunk costs in the decisionC) It includes opportunity costs in the decisionD) It includes changes in net working capitalE) It includes financing costs in the decision4 You are to calculate operating cash flows using the following information: sales, net income, depreciation, and net initial investment. If interest expense is zero, it would likely be easiest for you to use the __________ approach.A) conventionalB) tax shieldC) bottom-upD) top-downE) depreciation first5 Which of the following projects would increase net working capital the most?A) Making a purchase of land for a new baseball manufacturing plantB) Decreasing the amount of sales your firm makes on creditC) Decreasing the number of product lines your firm carriesD) Converting a manufacturing process so that you produce goods only after acustomer order has been receivedE) Using long-term bank credit to reduce payables6 When you set NPV equal to zero in calculating a bid price you areA) going to earn net income of zero on the projectB) appropriately including opportunity costs in your analysisC) certain to be the lowest bidder since, if any firm bids lower, they will be bidding based on them taking a negative NPV project, which they shouldn't doD) assured of earning your firm's highest possible IRRE) finding the price at which you expect to create zero wealth for your stockholders7 Your company is considering three different methods of producing its product: purchase production equipment, lease production equipment, or contract with a supplier to purchase the product from them. The methods have differing lives and cash flow streams. You are responsible for choosing one of the methods. Of the following, the best statement of your objective is toA) choose the method that will least affect the balance sheet of the companyB) choose the method that maximizes future cash inflowsC) choose the method that will result in the highest accounting net incomeD) choose the method that minimizes initial cash outflowsE) choose the method that maximizes shareholder wealth8 It is important to identify and use only incremental cash flows in capital investment decisionsA) because they are the simplest to identifyB) only when the stand alone principle fails to holdC) because ultimately it is the change in a firm's overall future cash flows that matterD) in order to accommodate unforeseen changes that might occurE) whenever sunk costs are involved9 The incremental cash flows related to a capital investment project are easiest to identify when _____________.A) sunk costs existB) opportunity costs are significantC) the stand alone principle holdsD) erosion of cash flow is expected to occurE) the project has no impact on total fixed assets10 ______________ would usually represent a net cash inflow at the beginning or during the life of a project and an equal net cash outflow upon completion of the project.A) An increase in payablesB) An increase in inventory。
