SMC ITV系列电动比例阀说明书加说明

E/P REGULATORMODEL NAMEITV1000, ITV2000, ITV3000 series ITV1000, ITV2000, ITV3000 seriesSeriesContentsP1 Safety instructions P2 Handling precautions P3-4 Wiring method P5-6 Setting methodP7 Key locking functionP8 Setting of min. pressure, max. pressure and switch output P9 Mode of switch outputP10 Setting of preset pressure P11 Reset functionP11 Error indicating function P12 Detail setting mode P13 Gain settingP13-14 Sensitivity setting P14 Zero clear P15 Initialize P15-16 LED displayP16URL MANUALCONTENTS CONTENTSThese safety instructions are intended to prevent a hazardous situation and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard by labels of “CAUTION ” “WARNING ”, or “DANGER ”. To ensure safety, be sure to observe ISO 4414, JIS B 8370 and other safety practices.■Explanation of label△! WARNING WARNING Operator error could result in serious injury or loss of life. △!CAUTION CAUTIONOperator error could result in injury or equipment damage.△!①comp The compatibility atibility of pneumatic equipment is the responsibility of the person who who designs designs designs the pneumatic system or decides its specifications. the pneumatic system or decides its specifications.the pneumatic system or decides its specifications. Since the products specified here are used in various operating conditions, their compatibility for the specific pneumatic system must be based on specifications or after analyses and/or tests to meet your specific requirements. The expected performance and safety assurance will be the responsibility of the person who has determined the compatibility of the system. This person should continuously review the suitability of all items specified, referring to the latest catalog information with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure when configuring a system.②Only trained personnel should operate pneumatically operated machinery andequipment.equipment.Compressed air can be dangerous if an operator is unfamiliar with it. Assembly, handling or repair of pneumatic systems should be performed by trained and experienced operators.③Do not service machinery / equipment or attempt to remove components until safety is confirmed.safety is confirmed.A. Inspection and maintenance of machinery / equipment should only be performed once safetyof personnel and equipment is confirmed.B. When equipment is to be removed. Stop supplied air, exhaust the residual pressure, verify the release of air, turn the power off and confirm safety before performing maintenance.C. Before machinery / equipment is restarted, ensure safety before applying power.④Contact Contact SMC if the product is to be used in any of the following conditions. SMC if the product is to be used in any of the following conditions. SMC if the product is to be used in any of the following conditions.A. Conditions and environments beyond the given specifications, or if product is usedoutdoors.B. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railway, air navigation, vehicles, medical equipment, food and beverages, recreation equipment, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuit in press applications, or safety equipment.C. An application which has the possibility of having negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safety analysis.△!If power to this product is cut off due to a power failure, etc. when it is in a controlled state, residual pressure will be retained temporarily. Handle carefully when operating with output pressure released to the atmosphere, as air will continue to flow out.If supply pressure to this product is interrupted or shut off, while the power is still on, the internal solenoid valve will continue to operate and a humming noise may be generated. Since the life of the product may be shortened, shut off the power supply also when supply pressure is interrupted or shut off.The optional cable connector is a 4 wire type. When the monitor output (analogue output or switch output) is not being used, prevent it from touching the other wires as a malfunction could occur.This product is adjusted for each specification at the time of shipment from the factory. Avoid careless disassembly or removal of parts, as this can lead to malfunction.△!Take the following steps to avoid malfunction due to noise.1)Install a line filter etc. to the AC powerline to reduce / eliminate power supplynoise.2)Avoid malfunction due to noise byinstalling this product and its wiringaway from strong electric fields, such asthose of motors and power line, etc.3)Be sure to implement protective measuresagainst load surge for induction loads(solenoid valves, relays etc.).4)Turn off the power supply beforeinstalling or removing the connector.Please note that the right angled cable connector does not rotate and is limited to only one entry direction.△!① Proceed carefully, as incorrect wiring can cause damage. ② Use DC power supply with sufficient capacity and a low ripple. ③ Turn off the power supply to remove and insert the connector. ④ Never turn the right angled type connector as it is not designed to turn.Note) The wire color isfor when optional cable is used.Wiring Wiring diagram (diagram (diagram (Power supply and input signal)Power supply and input signal)Power supply and input signal)Current/Voltage type(ITV※0※※-0、ITV※0※※-1、ITV※0※※-2、ITV※0※※-3)Preset input type(ITV※0※※-4)1 Brown Power supply 2 White Input signal 3 Blue GND(COMMON) 4 Black Monitor outputWiring diagram Wiring diagram((Monitor output Monitor output))△!When the monitor output is not being used, prevent it from touching the other wires as this can cause a malfunction.△!① If the incorrect key is pressed or incorrect information is displayed during setting, power must be shut off and the procedure started again.② It is recommended that the settings are changed without supply pressure. The product operates immediately maximum and minimum pressures are set and the S-key is pressed.③ It is recommended that the minimum pressure is output when air is supplied to the inlet, even if the input signal has not been entered.④ Output pressure from this product and state of operation are changed by changing of each setting and function. Each setting and function should be operated by trained and experienced operator.Flow of the setting(Note 1): Please refer to each contents about operation methode.(Note 2): The function of the setting of preset pressure is preset input typeonly.(Note 3): The function of the setting of switch output is switch output typeonly.设置预设压力设置最小压力设置最大压力设置选择输出详细设置增益灵敏度△!The keys are locked after turning the power on and can not be operated. Unlocking the keys(DEFAULT VALUE: 0%)(Note 2): The pressure of less than 0% is not output, even if F_1 is adjustedto less than 0%. (Note 3): F_2 is adjustable in a range from 10 to 120% of the rated value.(DEFAULT VALUE: 100%) (Note 4): Do not input the signal as like output the pressure of more than 100%.Please use in a range of rating. (Note 5): The difference between F_1 and F_2 is adjustable in a range of 10% ofthe rated value.(Note 6): The adjustment like making the relation of F_1>F_2 is not available.设置最小气压、最大气压以及选择输出F 1调整范围在-20%~90%之间如果F 1设置低于0%则无输出F 2调整范围在10%~120%之间不要将输入信号设置像输出信号超过100%,请设置在合理范围F 1和F 2不同在于设定值10%的范围The following operation types are available by setting P_1 and P_2.Note). This function is available for monitor output: switch output type (ITV※0※※-※2 and ITV※0※※-※3). ■ P_1<P_2 : ■P_1≧P_2 : Window comparator modeHysteresis mode■ P_1=P_2=0 : Out of range mode(The switch output turns on when set pressure is achieved.)输出模式的选择(DEFAULT VALUE: 0%)Reset method Reset content Item Reset content Application model F_1 0%F.S. Current・Voltage input type F_2 100%F.S. Current・Voltage input type P_1、P_2 100%F.S. Switch output type P_1~P_4 0%F.S. Preset input type (Note): Gain (GL) and sensitivity (SL) are not reset.Reset function Reset functionNormal operation does not require the adjustment of gain. This product can change the response with this gain setting.When the gain is changed to more larger, the response become quickly, but there is a possibility that stability is lost. Gain setting Gain settingRelation between setting of gain and response timeNormal operation does not require the adjustment of sensitivity.When the sensitivity is changed, the correction operation of pressure changes. When the sensitivity is changed to sharp, the hunting of pressure might be occurred. And, when the sensitivity is changed to dull, there is a possibility that staggering of gradual pressure occur, because the pressure correction become lower.Sensitivity setting Sensitivity settingThe display can be set to zero again by executing "zero clear".When "zero clear" is executed with residual pressure in the secondary piping, the pressure is assumed to be zero. Please execute the operation of "zero clear" with the supply pressure is intercepted, and the piping of the second side removed. is not executed."Initialize" is a function to return all the settings that the internal control constant are included to an initial value. Please execute "initialize" only when the error is displayed and this product doesn't operate at all. Please execute the "reset" function, when you want to return the pressure setting and the switch setting to an initial value.No Key operation LED Display① Unlock keys (refer to P8)② Press S-key for 2 seconds or more, then go to detail setting mode.Initialize InitializeThe range of the LED pressure display is different according to the pressure range and the unit of the display.unit ITV※01※ ITV※03※ ITV※05※ ITV209※ MPa 。020~.120 。100~.600 。180~.A80 - Kgf/cm 2 0。20~.120 1。00~6.00 1。80~A.80 - bar 0。20~.120 1。00~6.00 1。80~A.80 - PSI 3。0~18.0 14。0~84.0 -26~156 - kPa -20~120 -100~600 -180~A80 16~-96(note1):The mark "。" is blinking the decimal point, and it is shown a minus. (note2):When the digit overflows, the following of "9" are substituted by "A".(example: The following of 999(kPa) are displayed as A00(kPa), and it shows 1000 kPa.)(note3):When the display exceeds the lower bound value, "" is displayed. (note4):When the display exceeds the upper bound value, "" is displayed.This operation manual refers to all standard types and is partially applicable to special models.This operation manual is subject to change without prior notice or any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.LED LED display display。

序号名称型号交货期备注1 换向阀 4WE6(D、Y)62/EG24N9K4 现货原装REXROTH力士乐2 换向阀 4WE6 (J、E) 62/EG24N9K4 现货原装REXROTH力士乐3 换向阀 4WE10 (D Y) D33/CG24N9K4 现货原装REXROTH力士乐4 换向阀 4WE10 (J E) D33/CG24N9K4 现货原装REXROTH力士乐5 换向阀 4WE6(D、Y)62/HG24N9K4 现货原装REXROTH力士乐6 换向阀 4WE6 (J、E) 62/HG24N9K4 现货原装REXROTH 力士乐7 换向阀 4WEH16E7X/6EG24 现货原装REXROTH力士乐8 换向阀 4WEH16J7X/6EG24 现货原装REXROTH力士乐9 换向阀 4WEH16D7X/6EG24 现货原装REXROTH力士乐10 换向阀 4WEH16Y7X/6EG24 现货原装REXROTH力士乐11 压力阀 ZDR6DP2-4X/75YM 现货原装REXROTH力士乐12 压力阀 ZDR6DP2-4X/150YM 现货原装REXROTH力士乐13 压力阀 ZDR6DP2-4X/210YM 现货原装REXROTH力士乐14 压力阀 ZDR10DP2-5X/150YM 现货原装REXROTH力士乐15 单向阀 Z2FS10-5-3X/ 现货原装REXROTH力士乐16 单向阀 Z2FS6-2-4X/2QV 现货原装REXROTH力士乐17 单向阀 Z2S10-1-3X 现货原装REXROTH力士乐18 单向阀 Z2S6-1-6X 现货原装REXROTH公司主营博世力士乐全系列产品,型号齐全,价格低。
联系人:赵腾飞我公司郑重承诺:凡我公司所售力士乐产品,质量保证一年,如果有质量问题,无条件更换!力士乐产品详细:溢流阀:DBD,ZDB,Z2DB,DB-4X/W65,DB-5X减压阀:DR6DP,DR10DP,ZDR,DR-4X,DR10K电磁阀:4WE6, 4WE10,M-3SE单向阀:Z1S, Z2S,M-SR柱塞泵系列:A4V、A10VS0、A2FO A4VSO,A7VO,A7VSO液压马达 A2FE、A2FM压力继电器HED系列力士乐DBD,ZDB,Z2DB,DB-4X/W65,DB-5X全部系列产品特价销售!!!1.比例伺阀:01 03 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 09 00 01 04 05 06 03 00 00 01 05 00 01 03 022. 电液比例控制阀:01 00 04 06 07 08 09 03 00 09 01 02 04 05 07 04 06 02 03 02 01 07 07 093. 齿轮泵:06 09 05 00 09 03 05 02 004. 放大器:00 01 03 04 06 01 06 08 04 06 00 06 07 00 3 04 05 07 00 075. 方向控制阀:05 01 03 00 01 03 07 02 07 06 08 07 056轴向柱塞泵:A10VSO10DR/52R-PPA14N00 A10VO18DFR1/31R-PPA12N00 A10VSO28DFR1/31R-PPA12N00 A10VSO45DFR1/31R-PPA12N00 A10VSO71DFR1/31R-PPA12N00 A10VSO100DFR1/31R-PPB12N00 A10VSO140DFR1/31R-PPA12N00 A10VSO45DFR1/32R-PPB12N00 A10VSO100DFR1/32R-PPB12N00A10VSO071DFR1/32R-VPB12N00A10VSO140DFR1/32R-VPB12N00A10VSO140DRS/32R-VPB22U99 A10VSO140DR/31R-PPB12N007.电磁阀:4WE6C6X/EG24N9K4,4WE6D6X/EG24N9K4,4WE6Y6X/EG24N9K4,4WE6E6X/EG24N9K4,4WE6J6X/EG24N9K4,4WE6H6X/EG24N9K4,4WE6M6X/EG24N9K4,4WE6G6X/EG24N9K4,4WE10D3X/CG24N9K4,4WE10E3X/CG24N9K4,4WE10J3X/CG24N9K4,4WE10G3X/CG24N9K4,4WE6Y7X/HG24N9K4,4WE6D7X/HG24N9K4,4WE6E7X/HG24N9K4,4WE6J7X/HG24N9K4,4WE6Y7X/HG24N9K4,4WE6H7X/HG24N9K4,4WE6G7X/HG24N9K4;8.溢流阀:DBW10B1-5X/200-6EG24N9K4,DBW20B1-5X/200-6EG24N9K4,DBW10B1-5X/315-6EG24N9K4,DBW20B2-5X/315-6EG24N9K4。

Rexroth放大器VT系列样本资料下载用于比例方向阀和比例压力阀的阀放大器型号 VT-VSPA2-1组件系列 2X模拟,欧洲板卡格式适用于操纵比例方向阀:– 4WRA 6...-2X,4WRA 10 (2X)– 4WRZ (7X)和比例压力阀:– 3DREP 6..2X特点差分输入(±10 V)4 个可挪用操纵值输入(±10 V)电流输入(4 … 20 mA)通过 24 V 输入或跳线改变内部操纵值信号极性通过相位识别(24 V 输入)或斜坡时刻挪用(24 V 输入)选择斜坡时刻(选件 T5)通过跳线选择斜坡时刻范围通过可别离调剂的阶跃电平和最大值进行特性曲线校正选通输入"斜坡开/关"输入"预备就绪"输出信号可通断的测量插口(选项 T5)电源反向极性爱惜电源带直流/直流转换器,不改变零电位注意事项:利用 VT-VSPA2-1-2X 放大器板卡作为 VT 3000-3X,VT 3006-3X,VT 3013-3X,VT 3014-3X,VT 3017-3X,VT 3018-3X,VT 3026-3X,VT-VSPA2-1-1X/…或VT-VSPA2-50-1X/…的替代品时,确保遵守符合30110-Z 附加信息的配置和设置信息。
附件开放式板卡插槽 VT 3002-1-2X/48F功能开放式板卡插槽 VT 3002-1-2X/48F(请参阅样本 29928)附件供电设备 [1]放大器板卡随附了带接通电流限制器的供电设备。
操纵值规格通过差分输入 [2] 和电流输入 [3],启用信号 [4] 及零位偏移[5](调零电位计 "Zw")中可用的外部操纵值信号之和(总和 [6]),计算内部操纵值信号。
操纵值启用 [4]能够选择四个操纵值信号 "w1" 至 "w4"。

⏹软件使用●工程的使用如下图点击Create an empty project为建立一个新工程。
点击Open project打开一个现有工程。
点击Scan for devices扫描串口总线上的设备点击Restore project把保存的已压缩工程,解压缩。
点击Scan for Device后弹出如下窗口点Next后自动寻找设备。
其中Memory depth,采集的点数Time period:每10ms采集一个点Recording time:前面两项相乘得出的总采样时间。
德国力士乐液压阀 DBGT 的说明说明书


⏹软件使用●工程的使用如下图点击Create an empty project为建立一个新工程。
点击Open project打开一个现有工程。
点击Scan for devices扫描串口总线上的设备点击Restore project把保存的已压缩工程,解压缩。
点击Scan for Device后弹出如下窗口点Next后自动寻找设备。
其中Memory depth,采集的点数Time period:每10ms采集一个点Recording time:前面两项相乘得出的总采样时间。

RC 66152/10.03 | LT RC 95 230/06.05 | RA 09
行走机械液压 /4 行走机械液压 | | 博世力士乐 /12
模拟放大器最多可驱动两个比例电磁铁。控制电压在放大器中作为输入变量处理。模拟放大器提供一个可调电流,作为 比例电磁铁的输出变量。 通过输入端上最大设定点电压约5%的死区,可激活比例电磁铁的放大器输出端,也就是说,获得的是最小输出电流。使 用微调电位器,可分别调节最小输出电流在两个比例输出端的电平。如果输入端的设定点电压增加,每个相应的比例电磁铁 的输出电流会呈线性增加。 也可使用微调电位器分别调节最大输出电流。输出曲线的斜率会受此影响。 模拟放大器含有时间斜坡函数,可以使用这些函数来调整周期,使周期内的输出电流与修改后的设定点相匹配。斜坡时 间的调整范围在100 ms 至10 s之内。可使用微调电位器分别调整各个电磁铁的时间斜坡函数。
电位器 1
电子电路 电源
在RA1-0/10模拟放大器上, 只可提供此线以上的接线端
差分 输入2 电位器 2
输出端 电源
切换PWM 频率(参见表)有 3 种连接选择:100 Hz、200 Hz 350 Hz(需要时) 可将电磁铁至电池(或底盘)的接地回路线接至电池(或底盘) 3) 电磁铁地线单独连接电池(或底盘) 4) RA1-0为3A
电子模拟放大器用于控制两个比例电磁铁和一个开关量输出,故 障灯光输出 - 比例电磁铁可选择起动死区 - 为外部设定点电位器提供电源电压 - 对设定点电位器的电缆断裂和短路进行监控 - 外部起动的开关输出 - 故障输出 - 电磁铁上的每个上升和下降斜坡可分别调节时间 - 过载保护,过电压保护,有条件的短路保护 - 每个电磁铁可分别调节 Imin 和 Imax - 外部可调的脉宽调制(PWM)频率

电气放大器类型 VT-VRRA1-527-2X/V0/K40-AGC-2STV组件系列 2XRC 30043/02.12替代对象:11.02目录内容 页码特点1订货代码,附件 2前板2带插脚分配的电路图 3技术数据 4调试 5单元尺寸6项目规划/维护说明/附加信息6特点– 适用于控制带有双增益的特性曲线的先导式方向控制阀– 双增益的阀特性曲线的线性化– 单杆液压缸的面积比调节– 用于安装在 19 英寸机架上的欧洲格式的模拟放大器– 可控输出级– 选通输入– 防短路输出– 调节可能性 – 零位阀– 实际值电缆的电缆断连检测– 带有 PID 调节的位置控制– 较小信号范围内的增益注意:图片所示的是示例配置。
1/6订货代码,附件前板首选类型放大器类型材料编号用于带电气位置反馈和弯折的特性曲线的先导式方向控制阀VT-VRRA1-527-20/V0/K40-AGC-2STV08114050684WRL 10...35 V/V1...P-3X...4WRL 10...25 V/V1...P-3X...-750液压组件:用于具有电气反馈的阀 = R阀类型:方向控制阀 = R控制模拟= A选件K40-AGC-2STV = 在40%位置处双增益的先导式方向控制阀客户定制型号 V0 =标准样本型号2X =组件系列 20 至 29(20 至 29:技术数据和插脚分配不变)以下类型的序列号:527 =先导控制阀规格 6单杆液压缸的面积比调节较小信号范围内的增益粗调节精确调节VT-V RR A 15272X V0K40-AGC-2STV配套的板卡插槽:– 开放式板卡插槽 VT 3002-1-2X/32F (请参阅样本 29928)。
仅限用于控制柜安装!0带插脚分配的电路图控制零位控制零位电位计电源启用信号输入错误技术数据(有关这些参数之外的应用,请务必向我们咨询!)在 z2 – b2 处的电源电压 UB 公称电压 24 V =,电池电压 21…40 V,整流后的交流电压 Ueff= 21...28 V(单相,全波整流器)单独在 z2 – b2 处的滤波电容器建议:电容模块 VT 11110(请参阅样本 30750)(只有当 UB的波动值 > 10 % 时方可使用)阀线圈最大值 A/VA 2.7/40(先导控制阀规格 6)最大电流消耗 A 1.7电流消耗可能会随 最小 UB和到控制线圈的极限电缆长度增加功耗(典型值) W37输入信号(控制值)b20:0...±10 Vz20:0...±10 V }差动放大器(Ri= 100 kΩ)信号源b32,z32(10 mA)的电位计 10 kΩ,电源 ±10 V 或外部信号源启用输出级在 z16,U = 8.5...40 V,Ri= 100 kΩ,前板上的 LED(绿色)亮起位置传感器电源b30:–15 Vz30:+15 V先导控制阀实际值信号b22:0...±10 V实际值参考位b24主级实际值信号b26:0...±10 V实际值参考位b28线圈输出b6 – b8 I最大定时电流控制器2.7 A放大器与阀之间的电缆长度线圈电缆: 20 至 20 m 1.5 mm220 至 60 m 2.5 mm2位置传感器: 4 x 0.5 mm2(已屏蔽)主要特点 实际值电缆的电缆断连防护,带有 PID 调节的位置控制,脉冲输出级,具有较短启动时间的快速通电和快速断电,防短路输出,双增益流量特性曲线的线性化调节 零电位通过微调电位计 ±5 % 进行调节,单杆液压缸的面积比调节,较小信号范围内的增益LED 显示 绿色: 启用,黄色: 电缆断连实际值,红色: 欠电压(UB过低)错误消息– 电缆断连实际值– UB 过低– ±15 V 稳定z22:集电极开路输出到 +UB 最大 100 mA;无错误:+UB电路板格式 mm(100 x 160 x 大约 35)/(W x L x H)使用前板为 7 TE 的欧洲格式插入式连接连接器 DIN 41612 – F32环境温度 °C0...+70存储温度范围 °C–20...+70重量 m0.39 kg注意:电源零位 b2 和控制零位 b12 或 b14 或 z28 必须单独通向中心接地(零点)。

①同时摁下达 3 秒以上
■ 使用注意事项
! 注意
1. 本产品,在控制状态时,由于停电等异常情况引起电源被切断,能在短时间内保持 2 次侧的出口压力。 当 2 次侧为大气开放的状态时,停电后空气还会继续排放,使用时请充分注意。
2. 本产品,在通电状态下停止供给压力时,内藏的电磁阀持续动作,可能会引发噪声。当停止供气时,请 务必同时切断电源。
电流型 电压型
4~20mADC (ITV10※※-01,ITV20※※-01,ITV30※※-01) 0~20mADC (ITV10※※-11,ITV20※※-11,ITV30※※-11) 0~5VDC (ITV10※※-21,ITV20※※-21,ITV30※※-21) 0~10VDC (ITV10※※-31,ITV20※※-31,ITV30※※-31)
约 250g(无附属品){ITV1000}
约 350g(无附属品){ITV2000}
约 620g(无附属品){ITV3000}
注1) 输出压力 0.1MPa 规格最大供给压力为 0.2MPa。
注2) 超出规格范围时,会发生破损,请注意。
■ 配线方法 电缆与本体的端子连接时,请以下记的形式进行配线。
输出压力% 输出压力%
■ 显示输出
显示用的输出电压依据下表所示。本产品所连接的计测器件,其所使用的负载阻抗请确保在 1kΩ 以上。另
外,此输出电压需增幅使用时,请同样考虑设计负载阻抗在 1kΩ 以上。
显示用输出电压(VDC) 注)
REXROTH 力士乐 泵使用材料说明说明书

Rexroth-力士乐气动产品大量应用在钻修设备的气路上,以及Caterpillar 卡特匹勒与Allison艾里逊变速箱的配合中以实现动力的操作和控制。
SMC 5个口径液压阀门 VK3000 说明书

Instruction Manual 5 Port Solenoid Valve Series VK3000The intended use of this product is to control the movement of anactuator.These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situationsand/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level ofpotential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in additionto International Standards (ISO/IEC) *1), and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines.(Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1: Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements forindustrial robots - Part 1: Robots.•Refer to product catalogue, Operation Manual and HandlingPrecautions for SMC Products for additional information.• Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.Warning•Always ensure compliance with relevant safety laws andstandards.•All work must be carried out in a safe manner by a qualified person incompliance with applicable national regulations.•If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by themanufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may beimpaired.Caution•The product is provided for use in manufacturing industries only. Donot use in residential premises.2 SpecificationsNote 1) Based on dynamic performance test, JIS B 8419: 2010. (Coil temperature:20°C, at rated voltage, without surge suppressor).Note 2) Impact resistance: No malfunction occurred when it is tested with a droptester in the axial direction and at the right angles to the main valve andarmature in both energized and de-energized states every once for eachcondition. (Values quoted are for a new valve).Vibration resistance: No malfunction occurred in a one-sweep test between45 and 2000 Hz. Test was performed at both energized states in the axialdirection and at the right angles to the main valve and armature. (Valuesquoted are for a new valve).Note) At the rated voltage.2.3 Low wattage VK31#0Y type•Specifications different from standard are as follows:2.4 Light indicationFigure 1.2.5 Special productsWarningSpecial products (-X) might have specifications different from thoseshown in this section. Contact SMC for specific drawings.3 Installation3.1 InstallationWarning•Do not install the product unless the safety instructions have been readand understood.•When mounting a valve or spacer on the manifold base or sub-plate,etc., the mounting orientation is already decided. If mounted in a wrongdirection, the equipment to be connected may result in malfunction(see Figure 10 under section 3.14). VK300 series valves can bemounted on the manifold base VV5K3 of VK3000 series. Refer tocatalogue for more details.3.2 EnvironmentWarning•Do not use in an environment where corrosive gases, chemicals, saltwater or steam are present.•Do not use in an explosive atmosphere.•Do not expose to direct sunlight. Use a suitable protective cover.•Do not install in a location subject to vibration or impact in excess ofthe product’s specificati ons.•Do not mount in a location exposed to radiant heat that would result intemperatures in excess of the product’s specifications.•When the solenoid valve is mounted in a control panel or it is energizedfor a long time, make sure that the ambient temperature is within thespecification of the valve.•If using in an atmosphere where there is possible contact with waterdroplets, oil, weld spatter, etc., take suitable preventive measures.3.3 PipingCaution•Before connecting piping make sure to clean up chips, cutting oil, dustetc.•When installing piping or fittings, ensure sealant material does notenter inside the port. When using seal tape, leave 1 thread exposedon the end of the pipe/fitting.3.4 LubricationCaution•SMC products have been lubricated for life at manufacture, and do notrequire lubrication in service.•If a lubricant is used in the system, refer to catalogue for details.3.5 Air supplyWarning•Use clean air. If the compressed air supply includes chemicals,synthetic materials (including organic solvents), salinity, corrosive gasetc., it can lead to damage or malfunction.Caution•Install an air filter upstream of the valve. Select an air filter with afiltration size of 5 μm or smaller.3.6 Effect of back pressure when using a manifoldWarning•Use caution when valves are used on a manifold, because an actuatormay malfunction or unexpected movement may occur due to backpressure.•For a single acting cylinder, take appropriate measures to preventmalfunction by using it with an individual exhaust manifold.3.7 Light/surge voltage suppressorDIN Terminal (D)NoneCautionIn the case of valves without surge suppressor, the machine designershall add suppression as close as possible to the valve.Figure 5.3.8 Residual voltage of the surge voltage suppressorCaution•If a Zener diode or varistor voltage suppressor is used, the suppressorarrests the back EMF voltage from the coil to a level in proportion tothe rated voltage.•Ensure the transient voltage is within the specification of the hostcontroller.•Contact SMC for the Zener diode or varistor residual voltage.•In the case of a diode, the residual voltage is approximately 1 V.•Valve response time is dependent on surge suppression methodselected.3.9 Countermeasure for surge voltageCaution•At times of sudden interruption of the power supply, the energy storedin a large inductive device may cause non-polar type valves in a de-energized state to switch.•When installing a breaker circuit to isolate the power, consider a valvewith polarity (with polarity protection diode), or install a surgeabsorption diode across the output of the breaker.3.10 How to wire DIN terminal wiringCaution•The DIN terminal wiring connection can achieve IP65 (enclosure)rating on the connector and cable entry only when using a heavy dutycable with O.D. of Ø3.5 mm to Ø7 mm, (0.5 mm2 2 core and 3 corewires equivalent to JIS C 3306).•Cable must exit perpendicularly and not at an angle.•Tighten the ground nut and set screw within the specified torque range•IP enclosure rating for all other valve parts remain as per Table 1.•Refer to catalogue for additional details.ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONSBody ported Base mountedVaristorCoilCoil1Varistor1(+)(+)12Diode2 (-)DiodeRed (+)Black (-) D iodeVaristorCoil1Varistor122Red (+)Black (-)Surge voltagesuppressorMarkingIndicator light(Built-inconnector)Surge voltagesuppressor(Built-in terminal)MarkingAC, 12 VDC orless for DCFor 24 V or moreLight (built-in connector)DIN type only12NeonbulbVaristor2Figure 6.Figure 7. DIN type C3.10.1 Circuit with indicator light for DIN terminalFigure Changing cable entry directionCaution• After separating terminal block and housing, the cable entry direction can be changed by attaching the housing in the desired direction (4 directions in 90 degree increments).• In the case of valve with indicator light, avoid damaging the light with lead wire . 3.11 Extended periods of continuous energizationWarningIf a valve will be continuously energized for an extended period of time, the temperature of the valve will increase due to the heat generated by the coil assembly. This will likely adversely affect the performance of the valve and any nearby peripheral equipment. Therefore, if the valve is to be energized for periods of longer than 30 minutes at a time or if during the hours of operation the energized period per day is longer than the de-energized period, we advise using a valve with continuous duty such as SY series (with ≤0.4 W power or with power saving circuit). 3.12 Manual overrideWarningRegardless of an electric signal for the valve, the manual override is used for switching the main valve. Connected actuator is started by manual operation. Only use the manual override after confirming that there is no danger.3.13 Use as a 3-port valveCautionThe VK3000 series can be used as 3 port valve, as a N.C. or N.O. type, by plugging either 4(A) or 2(B) cylinder Port. Make sure not to plug the exhaust ports 5(R1) and 3(R2).Table 5.3.14 Mounting and removal of valvesCaution• Ensure gaskets are in good condition, not deformed and are dust and debris free.• When mounting valves ensure gaskets are present, aligned and securely in place.• Tighten the valve mounting screw and bracket screw (if required) to the appropriate tightening torque of 0.6 N·m.• Refer catalogue for details of mounting and removal of valves from manifold.Figure 9.4 How to OrderRefer to catalogue for ‘How to Order’ or product drawing for special products.5 Outline DimensionsRefer to catalogue for outline dimensions.6.1 General maintenanceCaution• Not following proper maintenance procedures could cause the product to malfunction and lead to equipment damage.• If handled improperly, compressed air can be dangerous.• Maintenance of pneumatic systems should be performed only by qualified personnel.• Before performing maintenance, turn off the power supply and be sure to cut off the supply pressure. Confirm that the air is released to atmosphere.• After installation and maintenance, apply operating pressure and power to the equipment and perform appropriate functional and leakage tests to make sure the equipment is installed correctly.• If any electrical connections are disturbed during maintenance, ensure they are reconnected correctly and safety checks are carried out as required to ensure continued compliance with applicable national regulations.• Do not make any modification to the product.• Do not disassemble the product, unless required by installation or maintenance instructions.7 Limitations of Use7.1 Limited warranty and disclaimer/compliance requirementsRefer to Handling Precautions for SMC Products. 7.2 Holding of pressure (including vacuum)WarningSince valves are subject to air leakage, they cannot be used for applications such as holding pressure (including vacuum) in a system. 7.3 Cannot be used as an emergency shut-off valveWarningThis product is not designed for safety applications such as an emergency shut-off valve. If the valves are used in this type of system, other reliable safety assurance measures should be adopted.7.4 Breathing holeCautionFigure 10.There is a breathing hole on the bottom surface of the valve. Please note that liquid may enter or block the breathing hole, which may cause malfunction.7.5 Leakage voltageCautionEnsure that any leakage voltage caused by the leakage current when the switching element is OFF causes ≤2% (for DC coils) or ≤20% (for AC coils) of rated voltage across the valve. 7.6 Low temperature operationCautionUnless otherwise indicated in the specifications for each valve, operation is possible to -10˚C, but appropriate measures should be taken to avoid solidification or freezing of drainage and moisture, etc.8 Product DisposalThis product shall not be disposed of as municipal waste. Check your local regulations and guidelines to dispose this product correctly, in order to reduce the impact on human health and the environment.9 ContactsRefer to or www.smc.eu for your local distributor/importer.URL : https:// (Global) https:// www.smc.eu (Europe) SMC Corporation, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JapanSpecifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer. © 2021 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved. Template DKP50047-F-085MCompatible cable: of Ø3.5 mm to Ø7mmGround nutTightening torque WasherGrommet (Rubber) (Voltage symbol) Terminal screw (3 positions)Tightening torque 0.2 N·m to 0.25 N·mHolding screw Tightening torque 0.3 N·m to 0.4 N·m Housing (Position for light mounting) Terminal block Slot area(+)(-)1.65 N·m to2.5 N·mN·m GroundR NLLEDR RLEDD NL: Neon light R: ResistorLED: Light emitting diodeR: ResistorD: Protective diodeLED: Light emitting diode R: ResistorBleed holeP P P PRRP R RRPP P PPP P P RRP R RR RRR R RP R PRRRRRRPPPPPPR RR R。
Rexroth 模拟放大器VT-VRPA1- 类型 说明书

1/8模拟放大器VT-VRPA1-… 类型组件系列 1XRC 30118/11.04替代对象: 04.04H/A/D 6197/99目录特点– 适用于控制带有电气位移反馈的直动式比例压力控制阀(DBETR 类型)以及带有电气位移反馈的比例流量控制阀(2FRE(G) 类型)– 与 VT 5003,VT 5004 和 VT 5010 放大器类型匹配的插接形式– 带有提高零点的电源– 控制值信号输入:• 0 至 + 6 V;0 至 + 9 V;0 至 + 10 V• 0 至 20 mA;4 至 20 mA(插入式跳线开关)– 调节前板上的电位计来 实现零电位和振幅衰减 – 斜坡时间测量插口– 选通输入和“斜坡关闭”输入– 用于切换最大斜坡时间的插入式跳线开关0.02 至 5 s 或 0.2 至 50 s– 控制值输出(0 至 + 6 V)和实际值输出(0 至 – 6 V)– LED 显示屏 “预备状态”– 极性保护卡槽:– VT 3002-2X/32 类型,请参阅 RE 29928无电源的单个卡槽电源:– VT-NE30-1X 类型,请参阅 RE 29929紧凑型电源 115/230 VAC → 24 VDC,70 VA内容 页码目录 1特点 1订货详细信息 2功能说明 2技术数据3线路框图/连接分配 5显示/调节元件6工程/维护准则/附加信息 7单元尺寸7输入 (+ 9 V 100%)+ 9 VM0订货详细信息功能说明电源施加工作电压后,内部 电源 [6] 会提供比 测量零位 (M0) 高或低 9 V 的电压。
这相当于负载零位 (L0) 电压升高 +9 V。
+9 V 和 –9 V(相对于 L0 的 –9 V)电压将供给接线端口 X1,从而可以在外部(例如,供控制值电位计)使用。
最大负载是 25 mA。
预备的符合下列条件时便可使用放大器板卡:– 工作电压 > 20 V– 内部电源电压中不存在不对称情况– 位移传感器电缆中无电缆断连– 线圈电缆中未发生短路设备处于运行状态时通过点亮前板上的绿色 LED 加以指示。

Rexroth比例阀放大板applications,tohightemperatureandzeroemissionrequirements.Thevalveincorporatesself-aligningan dclamp-in-placeinternals.Itshardtrimmaterialsandmodulardesigndiffusesthedischargefromthepluga ndseat,aswellasreducesinternalflowvelocitiestominimizeinternalerosion. Standardofferingincludescastiron,SGiron,carbonsteel,stainlesssteelorNACEconstruction;equalperc entage,linearorfast-openingflowcharacteristic;1/2-to4insizeswithstandardorcustomer-definedcentre facedimensions;andANSI,PN,JIS,KS,NPT,BSP,orSWconnections.Additionalvalveoptionsincludeel ectric,pneumatic,ormodulatingactuation;externalcontrolsysteminterface;noncontactfeedbackpositio ners;PTFEchevronandgraphiterings;andreducedflowcharacteristic.首页>>产品中心>>比例式减压阀一、产品[固定比例式减压阀]的详细资料:产品名称:固定比例式减压阀产品特点:本厂生产的比例式减压阀,外形美观,质量可靠,比例准确,工作平稳.既减动压也减静压。

⏹软件使用●工程的使用如下图点击Create an empty project为建立一个新工程。
点击Open project打开一个现有工程。
点击Scan for devices扫描串口总线上的设备点击Restore project把保存的已压缩工程,解压缩。
点击Scan for Device后弹出如下窗口点Next后自动寻找设备。
其中Memory depth,采集的点数Time period:每10ms采集一个点Recording time:前面两项相乘得出的总采样时间。

6. 练习……………………………………………..…………..V1 – V9
7. 附件
RE 00 236/01.96
版权所有 不得复制,保留修改权
培训手册 – 电液比例技术
Bosch Group
为了对电器系统和装备进行操 只有在确信受控系统的危险源
在阀的压降为 10 bar 时, 名义流量为 10 升/分
1pv = 10 bar 恒定 2pv = 20 bar 恒定 3pv = 30 bar 恒定 4pv = 50 bar 恒定 5pv = 100 bar 恒定
所讨论过的关系,仅能部分地适用于 比例阀。
图 4 的曲线 5,对于阀的压降恒定为 100 bar 时有效。你能看到它并不符 合所讨论过的关系。此处,流量对指 令值的关系并非直线,而几乎是二次 曲线。
3.2.1 力控制型比例电磁铁……………………………………………..3/2 3.2.2 位置调节型比例电磁铁…………………………………………..3/2 3.3 直动式比例方向阀 ……………………………………………………...3/5 3.3.1 与时间相关的定位……………………………………………….3/11 3.4 直动式比例溢流阀………………………...………..……………………3/14 3.5 先导式比例溢流阀……………………………………..……….………..3/16 3.6 二通比例流量阀…………………………………………..……………...3/19 3.7 电控器 ………..……………………………………………….………….3/23 3.7.1 比例放大器 VT5005……………………………………..……..….3/23 3.7.2 指令值预选…………………………………………………………3/24 3.7.3 斜坡发生器…………………………………………………………3/26 3.7.4 斜坡时间调节………………………………………………………3/27 3.7.5 实际值检测…………………………………………………………3/28 3.7.6 阶跃函数发生器……………………………………………………3/29 3.7.7 PID 控制器……………………………………………………….….3/30 3.7.8 比例放大器 VT2000…………………………………………….….3/31 3.7.9 比例放大器 VT3000…………………………………………..……3/33

二、功能特点1、集成双闭环设计,比例换向阀阀芯位置闭环控制\外部给定反馈闭环控制2、放大器和控制器合二为一,精简设备,减少维护量降低故障率3、具有使用模拟量接口4-20mA(或者0-20mA)反馈、4-20mA(或者0-20mA)(给定与主电路隔离)4、具有数字量接口设计,MODEBUSRS485RTU、CANBUS接口5、可以多个设备进行组网控制,适合多点集中控制6、外部给定反馈闭环控制PID参数调节通过3个电位器调整7、两路阀芯电磁铁控制具有输出过流保护8、看门狗设计,能够及时复位异常工况三、参数1、供电:DC15~30VDC @ 2A2、尺寸123(mm)X160(mm)3、调节精度±1%4、适用范围:华德比例换向阀6通径或10通径带阀芯位置反馈装置进行液压缸、液压缸伸缩位置定位控制,马达行走机构定位控制,液压升降机构定位控制,液压紧紧力装置控制、液压马达行走速度控制等5、工作温度:-30~60摄氏度6、湿度:7、震动:四、典型应用执行机构可以是液压缸,液压马达等执行部件,可以对控制对象进行精准控制五、接线说明六、调整方法此步骤为出厂已经调试好,一般用户无需调整,如果参数确实差异很大,请谨慎操作1、按照接线方法接好线,并认真检查正确后,将控制板上的保险丝去掉,控制板上电后,用万用表的交流档测量COM与L 和COM与R的电压应相同大约在2.3VAC,如果差异大(>0.1VAC)就需要松开位置传感器上的螺丝,将位置传感器的位置通过两个限位螺丝移动,直到测量COM与L 和COM与R的电压应相同为止。