
Text Comprehension
Listen to the tape and answer the question.
Have the Olympic Games been held in this country?
The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four years' time. As a great many people will be visiting the country, the government will be building new hotels, an immense stadium, and a new Olympic-standard swimming pool. They will also be building new roads and a special railway line. The Games will be held just outside the capital and the whole area will be called 'Olympic City'. Workers will have completed the new roads by the end of this year. By the end of next year, they will have finished work on the new stadium. The fantastic modern buildings have been designed by Kurt Gunter. Everybody will be watching anxiously as the new buildings go up. We are all very excited and are looking forward to the Olympic Games because they have never been held before in this country.

• 两个词用作名词,都有“工作”的意思。 但两者的用法却有差别。
• work作名词时,常指抽象意义上的工作, 是不可数名词,无复数形式,如不能说a work, “一份工作”要说a piece of work
• job作名词时,常指某项具体的工作,是可 数名词,有复数形式。
• hard • (1)adv.努力地 • 副词常后置修饰动词,或形容词后修饰 • 努力地工作 • work hard 努力地工作 • study hard 努力地学习 • (2)adj. 辛苦的,困难的,坚硬的,努力的
bookcase [´bʊk- keɪs] n.书橱,书架
bookshelf:书架 bookshop/ bookstore:书店 bookseller:书商 bookmark:书签 bookworm:书虫、书呆子
• hammer
paint [peɪnt] v.上漆,涂
• v. 上漆,涂 • paint the wall white 把墙涂成白色 • n. 油漆;涂料;颜料 • Wet Paint! 油漆未干!
favourite [´feɪvərɪt] adj.最喜欢的
Lesson 37 New words
• ★work • (1) v. 工作 • I work for… • 我为…工作。 • ★ work • (2)n. 工作 • go to work 去上班 • job n. 任何有报酬的工作(可数名词)
favourite adj. 最喜欢的
e.g. This is my favourite CD. 这是我最喜欢的CD。
--Am I your favourite student? 我是你最喜欢的学生吗?
-- Yes, you are. -- No, you are not!
新概念英语第一册Lesson37 课件

Lesson 37 Making a bookcaseDAN: You're working hard, George. What are you doing?GEORGE: I'm making a bookcase. Give me that hammer please, Dan.DAN: Which hammer? This one?GEORGE: No, not that one. The big one.DAN: Here you are.GEORGE: Thanks, Dan.DAN: What are you going to do now, George?GEORGE: I'm going to paint it.DAN: What colour are you going to paint it?GEORGE: I'm going to paint it pink.DAN: Pink!GEORGE: This bookcase isn't for me. It's for my daughter, Susan. Pink's her favourite colour.New Word and expressions 生词和短语work [wɜ:k] v. 工作hard [hɑ:d] adv.努力地make [meɪk] v. 做bookcase [´bʊkkeɪs] n.书橱,书架hammer [´hæmə] n.锤子paint [peɪnt] v.上漆,涂pink [pɪŋk] n&adj. 粉红色;粉红色的favourite [´feɪvərɪt] adj.最喜欢的参考译文丹:你干得真辛苦,乔治。

1.I am shaving
I am going to shave
2.I’m waiting for a bus I am going to wait for a bus
3.We are doing our homework We are going to do our
DAN: What colour are you going to
Dan: Which hammer? This one? George: No, not that one. The big one. Dan: Here you are. George: Thanks, Dan.
Dan: What are you going to do now, George? George: I’m going to paint it. Dan: What colour are you going to paint it? George: I’m going to paint it pink.
Dan: Pink? George: This bookcase isn’t for me.
It’s for my daughter, Susan. Pink’s her favourite colour.
1.37-38课 单词 3+1+1 2.一课一练37 38课 3.家长签字
job 指具体的工作,为可数名词。 What’s your job?
Hard adv 努力地,辛苦的
努力工作:work hard 努力学习: study hard 动词放在hard之前

The village is on a river. 它靠近一条小河。
Here is another photograph of the village. 这是我们村庄的另一张照片。
My wife and I are walking along the banks of the river. 我和妻子沿河岸走着。
❖ bookseller 书商
bookstall 书摊
❖ bookshop 书店(英)bookstore 书店(美)
❖ bookmark 书签 bookworm:书虫、书迷
She is a bit of a bookworm.她可算是个书迷。
❖ book 预定
❖ book a hotel roo’s wrong __w_i_th____ you? ❖ He is sitting _b_e_t_w_e_en__ Tom and Mary. ❖ There are some apple ___o_n___ the tree. ❖ What is the name ___o_f ____ the factory? ❖ There is a bridge _o_v_e_r___ the river. ❖ A cat is running _a_f_te_r___ a mouse. ❖ Mr. Jones is walking _w_i_th____ his wife. ❖ Go a_c_r_os_s_ this road and turn left. ❖ My village is ___o_n___ a river.
走进…… go into…
There is a sofa beside the desk.

1. 我不准备吃午餐了。 2. 她们不打算去逛街了。 3. 他们不打算去爬山了。 4. 她不准备去关灯了。
1. I’m not going to have dinner. 2. They are not going to go shopping. 3. They are not going to climb the
What’s this?
work v. 工作
work hard 努力工作,努力干 活
Lucky works very hard!
Lucky is a hard-working man!
• do one’s homework 做某人的家庭作业
See you!
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
hill. 4. She is not going to turn off the
Hale Waihona Puke 对划线部分提问:I’m going to call you tonight. She is going to get up at 8. They are going to cook dinner.
He is going to the bank.
favourite adj. 喜欢的,喜爱的
My favourite colour is blue. Blue is my favorite colour. My favourite food is Jiaozi.
What’s your favourite …?
新概念一册37课 ppt课件

make the bed make a wish make money make friends make noise make mistake make a decision
He wants to paint this bookcase. paint sth.
g.Y新o概念u一m册3u7课st work or study carefully.
You're working hard, George. What are you doing?
I'm making a bookcase.
副词,修饰work work hard try hard 现在进行时 主+be+v.ing
c. To receive a sound with ears.
d. Thing or person you like most.
e. It is used to hit nails into a piece of wood.
f. Kind of school work from your teachers.
Where should I put all these books?
We have no money.
We are going to make one.

跟to的:bring, show,take,give,hand,lend,return,send,pass,tell,throw跟for的:"为"buy,do,fetch,find,get,leave,make,play,sing,save.paint[peint]v.上漆,涂,painter油漆工,画家paintthetable.给桌子刷上漆。
Theyarepaintingthebuildinggray/grey.n.油漆wetpaint!油漆未干!favourite[''feiv?rit]adj.特别喜爱的;最喜爱的;中意的favouritefavoritecolourcolorfavourite=like…best你最喜欢的颜色是什么?What’syourfavouritecolour?Blue’smyfavouritecolour.Myfavouritecolourisblue.她最喜欢的作家是谁?Who’sherfavouritewriter?What’syourfavouritesubject?一般将来时肯定句:“打算……”主语+be(am,is,are)goingto+动词原形否定句:主语+be+notgoingto+动词原形一般疑问句:Be提前大写+主语+goingto+动词原形?特殊疑问句:Whatareyougoingtodo?readandtranslateE.g.I’mgoingtoturnoffthelight.She’sgoingtodoherhomeworkthisafternoon.He’s goingtohavesomewater.We’regoingtohaveanEnglishclassnext week.They’regoingtogotoJinnantomorrow.makesomesent encesWhatareyougoingtodo?I''mgoingto...Whatishegoingtodo?He''sgoingto...Whataretheygoingtodo?Theyaregoingto....typealetter/climbthetree/doone''shomework,getup/airtheroom/cleanone''steeth/washthedishes/cookameal/buyanewcar/makethebed/readabook...Dan:Whichhammer?Thisone?George:No,notthatone.Thebigone.Dan:Hereyouare.George:Thanks,Dan.Dan:Whatareyougoingtodonow,George?George:I’mgoingtopaintit.Dan:Whatcolourareyougoingtopaintit?George:I’mgoingtopaintitpink.Lesson37MakingabookcaseReview1.方位介词复习:和……在一起bewith在….上方over在……上方onlookat…看一看在……下面under在……之间between…and…沿着along穿过acrossbeside在……旁边在右边ontherightcomeoutof…从……出来走进……gointo…2.动词-----动名词(动词ing 形式)sitwalkrunjumpshaveeattypewait猜猜反义词overonoffinunderontherightoutonthelefton的用法副词turnonturnoff介词在……上面Therearesomebooksonmyhands在……旁边ahouseonaroadavillageonariverbookcase书橱,书架bookshelfbookshelves1.work[w?:k]v.工作 2.hard[''hɑ:d]adv.努力地3.make[meik]v.做4.bookcase[''bukkeis]n.书橱,书架5.hammer[''h?m?]n.锤子6.paint[peint]v.上漆,涂7.pink[pi?k]n.&adj.粉红色8.favourite[''feiv?ri t]adj.最喜欢的?vocabularyWorkv.工作Heisworkinginafactory.(划线部分提问)工作不可数名词动词用doWehavemuchworktodo.Workjob区别work是泛指的工作,是不可数名词homework家庭作业housework家务动词用dojob指具体的工作,为可数名词。

hard adv. 努力地,认真地(用于修饰动词,加
work hard 努力工作 study hard 认真学习 listen hard 认真听课 try hard 努力尝试
hard adj艰难的,
hard work 艰难的工作
hard-working adj.认真的,努力的 She is a hard-working student.
It's for my son, Peter.
It's for my daughter, Susan.
Pink's her favourite colour.
pink is
1. make a bookcase 2. work hard 3. what colour 4. favourite colour 5. for my daughter 6. for sb. 7. What are you going to do ? 8.paint sth. 9.paint sth.+颜色
2023最新整理收集 do something
be with sb.
在......上(和物体表面有接触) on
在......下面 under
从......出来 come out of
跨越,在......之上 over
看一看,看...... 在......之间 横过,穿过 在右边
look at between across
新概念一册 第37-38课课件 (共35张PPT)

Making a bookcase 做书架
work vi 工作,劳动,干活,做事 eg 1. He’s working hard now.
他现在正在认真工作 2. Tom works as an actor in the theatre.
汤姆在剧院里当演员。 work hard 动词词组 努力 工作,努力学习 hard work 名词词组 艰苦的工作 hard-working 形容词 勤奋
listen v.听 听的过程 hear v.听 听的结果
• dish n.盘子,碟子 • plate 小盘子 • dish大盘子 • prepare the dishes做菜 • main dish主菜,热菜 • made a dish凉菜,冷盘 • clear the dishes收拾碗筷
• I am going to shave.我准备刮胡子。 • Now I am shaving.现在我正在刮胡子。
• bookcase n.书橱,书架 make a bookcase做书架 bookshelf 书架 bookstore 书店 bookseller书商 bookmark书签
hammer n.锤子
paint vt. 涂画,漆 paint sth some colour 把什么涂成某种颜色 例:She is going to paint her bedroom pink
1. The library is too old. They ____________(build) a new o ne . 2.What ________you _________ (be ) when you grow up?
新概念一第37课 Making a bookcase PPT

What are you going to do now, George?
They are going to make the bed. He is going to open the window. I am going to swim across the river. 人 + be going to + 动词原形 她要去扫地。 She is going to sweep the floor. 我们打算爬树。 We are going to climb the tree.
What color are you going to paint it?
They are going to make the bed. Are they going to make the bed? He is going to open the window. Is he going to open the window? I am going to swim across the river. Are you going to swim across the river? She is going to sweep the floor. Is she going to sweep the floor? We are going to climb the tree. Are we going to climb the tree?
No, not that one. The big one. Here you are. Thanks, Dan.
Give me that hammer please, Dan. Which hammer?
This one? No, not that one.

1. Tom is going to listen to music. (变成一般疑问句) ___I_s___ __T_o_m__ going to listen to music?
2. I am going to sleep. (变成否定句) I __a_m___ ___n_o_t __ going to sleep.
pink I'm going to paint it pink.
I'm going to paint it .
adj. 最喜欢的
work hard make bookcase
hammer paint
favourite pink
Words and phrases
1. make a bookcase 2. work hard 3. paint the bookcase pink 4. what colour 5. her favourite colour 6. be for my daughter
What are you going to do now? I'm going to paint it. What color are you going to paint it? I'm going to paint itpink .
This bookcase isn'tfor me. It's for my daughter. Pink's hefravourite color.
/feɪ/ /və/ /rɪt/
adj. 最喜欢的
My favourite subject is science.
二 用所给动词的适当形式填空

Please use one
word to make hammer
a sentence.
Please sing a song.
Watch and listen carefully,then answer these
Q1:What’s Susan’s favourite colour? -----Pink. Q2: Who is Susan? -----George’s daughter.
Give me that hammer please, Dan. 祈使句,give sb. sth.= give sth. to sb.
Text learning
DAN: Which hammer? This one? GEORGE: No, not that one. The big one.
DAN: You’re working hard, George. What are you doing?
GEORGE: I’m making a bookcase. Give me that hammer please, Dan.
DAN: Which hammer? This one?
GEORGE: No, not that one. The big one.
eg: use the hammer
⑥ paint
eg: My mother is going to paint the wall blue.
⑦ pink
n.& adj.粉红色

和……在一起 be with 在……上面 on 在……下方 under 沿着 along 在……旁边 beside 从……出来 come out of… 在….上方 over 看一看 look at…
在……之间 between
1.Who is working hard? 2.What is George doing? 3.Is he making a bookcase? 4.Then what is he going to do? 5.What colour is he going to paint the bookcase?
She is going to cook a meal. 2.她要做一顿饭。 ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗ They are going to swim in the river. 3.他们要去河里游泳。‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗ 4.你打算把书橱刷成粉色的吗? Are you going to paint the bookcase pink? ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗ ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗ Yes, I am. 肯定回答: No, I am not. 否定回答: ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗
What is he doing?
He is going to write
He is writing
What is girl going to do?
What is boy doing?
She is going to paint .
He is painting

wash the dishes She is washing the dishes. She is going to wash the dishes.
shaving going to shave
They are waiting for bus. They are going to wait for bus.bus
Lesson 37 Making a bookcase
What’s this?
New words
work v. 工作 hard adv. 努力地
Eg: He works hard .他努力地工作。 hard-working adj. Eg:Mr.Jones is a hard-working man!
study hard listen hard try hard
make v. 做(某事,某物)
Eg: make paper make a noise make a cake make tea
make ffee
paint vt. 涂画,漆 paint sth colour 把什么涂成某种颜色 例:She is going to paint her bedroom pink
1.我今晚会去散步。(walk) 2. 她将会在公园跑步。(run) 3. 他们将会煮晚餐。(cook dinner) 4. 我们准备关门。(close the door) 1. I’m going to walk tonight. 2. She is going to run in the park. 3. They are going to cook dinner. 4. We are going to close the door.
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Questions And Answers
·学习就是为了达到一定目的而努力去干, 是为一个目标去 战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和挫折
Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goal And Work Hard, Is A Process To Overcome Various Difficulties For A Goal
work [wɜ:k] v. 工作
hard [hɑ:d] adv.努力地
make [meɪk] v. 做
bookcase [´bʊk- keɪs] n.书橱,书架
hammer [´hæ mə]
paint [peɪnt] v.上漆,涂
pink [pɪŋk]
favourite [´feɪvərɪt]
1. 我不准备吃午餐了。 2. 她们不打算去逛街了。 3. 他们不打算去爬山了。 4. 她不准备去关灯了。
1. I’m not going to have dinner. 2. They are not going to go shopping. 3. They are not going to climb the
hill. 4. She is not going to turn off the
I’m going to call you tonight. She is going to get up at 8. They are going to cook dinner.
He is going to the bank.
Lesson 37 Making a bookcase
1.我今晚会给你电话。 2. 她会在8点起床。 3. 他们将会煮晚餐。 4. 他将会去银行。
1. I’m going to call you tonight. 2. She is going to get up at 8. 3. They are going to cook dinner. 4. He is going to the bank.
• do housework做家务
make v. 做(某事,某物)
➢Can you make a cake? I can make some food!
➢What are you doing? I am making a bookcase.
What is this?
hammer 锤子
What’s this?
work v. 工作
work hard 努力工作,努力干 活
Lucky works very hard!
Lucky is a hard-working man!
• do one’s homework 做某人的家庭作业
favourite adj. 喜欢的,喜爱的
My favourite colour is blue. Blue is my favorite colour. My favourite food is Jiaozi.
What’s your favourite …?
paint 涂;上漆 pink 粉红色
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