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Introduction to Logistics

Logrstics is the management of the flow of the goods, information and other resources in a repair cycle between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requiements of customers. Logistics involves the integrtion of infomation, transportation, detailed list warehousing, materil handling, and packging, andand occasionally secwit. Logistics is a channel of th supply chain which adds the value of0f time and place utility. Today the complexity of poduction logistics can be modeled,d analyzed, visualized and optimized by plant simulation software

The term logzshcs comes from the Greek logos (2byos), meaning "speeclt, reason, ratro, mtionalit, language, phrase", and more specifically from th Greek word lqgisrtki gaytonkq),), meaning acounting and financial organization. The word logistics has its aigin in the French verbb loger to lodge or t quarter. Its original use wasto describe the science ofmovemcnt, srppying &g & maintenance of military forces in the feld. Lateron it was sed to desaibe the managemcnt ft 0f materials fiow through an o:ganization, from raw materials through to Saished good

Logistics is considered to have originated in the military's nead to

supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved 6rom their base to a forward position. In ancient Greek, Roma and Byzantine empires, military officers with the titie Lagistikass were responsible for financia and supply distribution matterss

Logistics management is that part of the supply cbain which plans, implernents and controls the efficient, effective forwad and reverse flow and storage of goods, savices andd related information between te point of origin and the poin of consumptioo in crder tott mect customer and legal requirements. A professioal woricing in the feld of logisticscs management is called a logistician

Logistics management is Known by many narnes; the most common are as foDows

Materials Management

Channel Management

Distnbution (or Physical Distribution)

Business or Logistics Managemenl

Supply Chain Management

Business Logistics

Logastics as a business concept evolved m the 1950s Business logastics can be defined as "having the right item in he rightt quantity at the right time at the tight place for the right pnce In te nght condition to the nght customer , and Is the science of processs

The main fimchoas of a qualified logsshcran include invcntory managemeru, Inachasmg, transportabon, warehousing, consultation and the organizing nd plarming of these activitiess Logrsticrans combme a professional Imowledge of ech of these fimctrcn to coordmate resowcesee in ao organization. There are two ftmdamentally dfferent forms of logistic3: co8 opriniaoaa a steady flow of mateial; the other coordinates a sequence of resources to cnry otd some peujectc peop

Production logistics

The tenn production logistics is used to describe logistic processes within an induatc) The purpose of production logistics is to ensure that each machine and workstation is being fed with he right product in the right quantily and qualityat the rigt time. The concem is nctncc the transportation itself; but to streamline and control the flow through value-adding prcessess and eliminate non-vlue-adding ones. Production logistics can be applied to existing as welll as new plants. Manufacturing in an existing plant is a constantly changing procss. Prothaetionn logistics provides he means to achieve customer response and capital efficienc))

Warehouse management systems and warehouse control systems

Although there is some ftinctionality overlap, the. differences between warehouse management systems) and warehouse control
