译文:为什么离婚率正在上升吗 ? 你有没有注意到 , 近年来越来越多的人离婚 ? 我认为你的答案是肯定的。就我个人而言 , 我的一些朋友已经经历过。
今天,婚姻的社会制度还不够稳定。就目前而言,在不深入问题的情况下更 换伴侣要容易得多。然而,这不是那么容易在现实中,事实上,问题不会消 失,如果我们逃避它们。了解破坏婚姻的主要因素,显然会帮助人们避免一 些这样的困难,可能至少有一个家庭在未来会失败。
Marrage background
Why marriages fail
成功的婚姻生活是一件复杂的事情 。大约有
50% 的婚姻以失败告终,其中许多在第一年就
失败了。每一对新人都带着美好的愿望出发, 白色的裙子,水桶里温柔的花朵,以及蓬勃的 a 爱的感觉。但是没有人知道这个故事什么时候 结束。不管怎么说,大多数问题都是突然消失 的,配偶们都没有做好准备。
生活可能是自发的和意外的,的确,金融危机 可能发生在富裕家庭。金钱是人们在婚姻中争 a 论最多的一件事。Leabharlann 103不忠
另一个严重的离婚原因是不忠。寻找婚姻之外的另一个原 因是当夫妻变得非常苛刻的时候。妻子或丈夫可能没有意
让他们以某种方式对待对方。如果他们不能按照所希望的 a 愿望和命令去做,那么他们就开始在屋外寻找和平。
(完整版)船舶专业英语(课文+翻译)Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计)Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类)2.1 Introduction(介绍)The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; 。
or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。
竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体self-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. ——船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。
This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。
专业英语2.4~2,10 翻译(标准版)
4-A Integers and rational numbers There exist certain subsets of R which are`````and the rational numbers翻译:有一些R的子集很著名,因为他们具有实数所不具备的特殊性质。
To introduce the positive integers····and they are called the positive integers.翻译:我们从数字1开始介绍正整数,公理4保证了1的存在性。
Strictly speaking, this description····or “repeated addition of 1”.翻译:严格地说,这种关于正整数的描述是不完整的,因为我们没有详细解释“等等”或者“1的重复累加”的含义。
Although the intuitive meaning····ntroduce first the notion of an inductive set.翻译:虽然这些说法的直观意思似乎是清楚的,但是在认真处理实数系统时必须给出一个更准确的关于正整数的定义。
DEFINITION OF AN INDUCTIVE SET···numbers which belong to every inductive set现在我们来定义正整数,就是属于每一个归纳集的实数。
Let P denote the set of all positive integers···to P as the smallest inductive set.用P表示所有正整数的集合。
引申出词语的实际含义:将原文特定的上 一、引申出词语的实际含义 下文中含义清楚,但若直译成汉语则意思不够 清楚或容易造成误解的词语加以引申。 1、However ,colors can give more force to the form of the product.
直译:然而,色彩能给予产品外形以更多的力量。 直译:然而,色彩能给予产品外形以更多的力量。 引申译:然而,色彩能给产品外形增添美感。 引申译:然而,色彩能给产品外形增添美感。
注意:有时词义引申后,为了表达方便,还必须适当改变 注意:有时词义引申后,为了表达方便,
原文的句子结构。如上文中 从句在原文中是定语从句, 原文的句子结构。如上文中that从句在原文中是定语从句, 从句在原文中是定语从句 而在译文中变成了条件壮语。 而在译文中变成了条件壮语。 引申要恰如其分,防止弄巧成拙或曲解原意。例如: 注意 引申要恰如其分,防止弄巧成拙或曲解原意。例如: Without tools man is nothing ,with tools he is all. 直译:没有工具人们就是微不足道的,有了工具人们就了不起。 直译:没有工具人们就是微不足道的,有了工具人们就了不起。 引申译:人没有工具就一事无成,有了工具就无所不能。 引申译:人没有工具就一事无成,有了工具就无所不能。
1、Just think of a world without numbers! We couldn’t build houses or cities, or make tractors or ships. 2 、The least ordered organization occurs when the buildings are placed indiscriminately on the site with no effort to coordinate them. 3、Many streets in European medieval villages or towns of today fit this classification of space.
Chapter 2 Boiler第二章锅炉Air heater 空预器Commissioning 试运行Anchor 支座,固定Compressor 压缩机、压气机Anhydrous ammonia 无水氨Condenser 凝汽器Anthracite 无烟煤Containment 反应堆安全壳Atomized 雾化Convection 对流Austenitic 奥氏体钢Coolant 制冷剂Auxialiary 辅助机械Coordinated 坐标,定位Axis 轴Corten低合金耐腐蚀钢Bagasse 甘蔗渣Counterflow 逆流(换热器)Bare tube 光管Creep strength 蠕变强度Bark 树皮Criterion 标准Beam 梁,横梁Critical pressure 临界压力Bituminous coal 烟煤Culm 煤屑Blade 叶片Cyclone furnace 旋风炉Blast 鼓风Debris 残骸、有机残留物Blowdown 排污Decane 癸烷Boiler 锅炉Decay 分解Bulk 大块的Deposited 沉积,沉淀的Burner zone 燃烧器区域Deterioration 恶化Butane 丁烷Diesel oil 柴油Calcination 煅烧Differential 差动,微分Capacity 出力Distillate 馏出物Carbon steel 碳钢Distortion 变形Cerium 铈Division wall 分隔墙,双面水冷壁Chromium 铬Drainage 疏水Circulating fluidized bed CFB 循环流化Drum 汽包床锅炉Coal char 煤焦Dwell time 保留时间Cogenerator 热电联产机组Economizer 省煤器Combustion 燃烧Embrittlement 脆性,脆化Equalization 均衡,平衡Ingress进口,入口Erosive 侵蚀的,腐蚀的In-line 顺列Ethane 乙烷Inorganic 无机的Evaluate 评估,评价Ion 离子Evaporate 蒸发Jurisdiction 权限Excess air 过量空气Lignite 褐煤Extended surface 扩展受热面Lime 石灰Fatigue 疲劳Limestone 石灰石Feedwater 给谁Low alloy 低合金钢Ferrite 铁素体Low-volatile 低挥发分的Fin 鳍片,肋片Margin 裕量,安全系数Flange 法兰Matrix 矩阵Flue gas 烟气Membrane 膜Fouling 沾污Methane 甲烷Furnace 炉膛Mill 磨煤机Generator 发电机Molecule 分子Geological 地质的Molten 熔化Girth 环形Nitric oxide 氮氧化物Govern 控制、调节Nonpressure 非承压的Gravity 重力Nontoxic 无毒的Header 联箱,集箱Organisms 有机体Helical 螺旋状的Oxidation 氧化Helium 氦Peat 泥煤Heterogeneous 不均匀的Pendants superheat platen悬吊式屏式过热器Hopper 斗,料斗Pentane 戊烷Husk 壳,外壳Petrochemical 石油化工制品Hydraulic 水力的,液压的Petroleum 石油制品Ignite 点火Plasma spray coating 等离子喷涂Impurity 杂质Platen 屏Inert 惰性Polymer 聚合物Inferior 低级的,劣质的Pores 气孔,小孔Ingredients 成分Porosity多空的Potassium 钾Slurry 水煤浆Prandtl numbers 普朗特数Sodium 钠Prefabricated 预制的Solvents 溶剂Premium fuel 优质燃料Sootblower 吹灰器Pressure loss 压力损失Sour gas 含硫气体Primary air 一次风Specification 规格Propane 丙烷Stable ignition 稳定着火Proximate analysis 工业分析Stanton number 斯坦顿数Pulp 纸浆Saturated 饱和的Pyrites 黄铁矿Straw 稻草Radius 半径,范围Steam line blowing 蒸汽管路吹灰Rare earth element 稀土元素Steams 茎,杆Recuperator 间壁式换热器Stress corrosion 应力腐蚀Regenerator 回热器,蓄热器Structural formula 结构式Regulate 控制,调节Stud 双头螺栓Repercussions 反应Subbituminous 贫煤,次烟煤Reservoirs 储气罐Suction 真空,负压Residuale fuel oil 渣油Sulphur 硫Resonant 共振Superheater 过热器Retract缩回Swamp 沼泽Reynolds number 雷诺数Sweet gas 无硫气Rigid 刚性的,紧密地Switchgear 配电装置,开关装置Rollers 辊子Temperature-entropy 温熵图Scale 水垢,Tenacious 黏的Seal 密封Thermodynamics 热力学Sedimentary 沉积Tube bundles 管束Serpentine tube 蛇形管Tubular 管状的Shale 页岩Turbine 汽轮机Silica 二氧化硅V elocity 速度Silt 淤泥V ertical spidle mill 中速磨,立轴磨Single-phase 单相V essel 容器Skin casing 外护板Viscosity 黏度Slag 结渣V olumetric expansion 体膨胀Vulnerable 易损的,薄弱的DEH 数字电液系统Wear磨损DNB 偏离核态沸腾Welded 焊接FDF 送风机Wingwall屏式凝渣管FGD 烟气脱硫Yttrim 釔FSSS 炉膛安全检测保护系统Abbreviations HRB 回热锅炉AFBC 常压流化床燃烧IDF 引风机AFCO 燃料自动切断IGCC 整体煤气化联合循环AFWC 给水自动切断LMTD 对数平均温差ASME 美国机械工程师协会MFT 主燃料切断ATM 标准大气压MUF 锅炉补给水BFP 锅炉给水泵NWL 正常水位BUT 按钮OFA 火上风,燃尽风BWC锅炉水浓度PFBC 增压流化床燃烧BYP 旁路SSC 刮板除渣机CFBB 循环流化床锅炉TGA 热重分析仪MCR 最大连续蒸发量UBC 未燃烧DAS 数据采集系统WFGD 湿法烟气脱硫2.1 IntroductionBoilers use heat to convert water into steam for a variety of applications. Primary among these are electric power generation and industrial process heating. Steam has become a key resource because of its wide availability, advantageous properties and non toxic nature. The steam flow rates and operating conditions can vary dramatically; from 1000lb/h (0.1kg/s) in one process use to more than 10 million lb/h (1260kg/s) in large electric power plant; from about 14.7 psi (1 bar) and 212ºF in some heating applications to more than 4500 psi (310bar) and 1100ºF (593℃) in advanced cycle power plant.2.1 简介SSC锅炉利用热量使水转变成蒸汽以进行各种利用。
专业英语 翻译演示
① 面板单位根检验
第一代面板单位根检验,分析了基于面板单位根检验 的属性假设数据是独立同分布(i.i.d)横跨单个序列。 在一般情况下,这种类型的面板单位根检验是基于以 下回归: Yi , t Yi , t 1 Zi , t ui , t (2) 其中i = 1,2,...,N为单个序列,对每个t= Z 1,2,...,T时间序列观测是可用的, i , t 是确定性成分 和,ui , t 是误差项。这种类型的零假设是对于 i 有 i 0 。
Recovering From the Global Crisis: A Panel Study
The current global crisis that originated in the USA in the middle of 2008 financial market was spread very quickly across the globe in almost all sectors, which caused most countries' economy to shrink. The recession that started firstly in developed countries has affected the developing countries in critical levels as well. While the global developments were regressing, the countries were in consensus to take precautions in order to struggle with the crisis in the world economy. The financial and economic crises have induced negative implications on investment channel, since investors cut down on their investments in developing countries hence triggering job losses.
各专业课程英文翻译(精心整理)生物及医学专业课程汉英对照表应用生物学Applied Biology 医学技术Medical Technology 细胞生物学Cell Biology 医学 Medicine生物学 Biology 护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia 进化生物学Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery海洋生物学Marine Biology 口腔 / 牙科科学 Oral/DentalSciences微生物学Microbiology 骨科医学Osteopathic Medicine 分子生物学Molecular Biology 耳科学Otology医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学Physical Therapy口腔生物学Oral Biology 足病医学Podiatric Medicine 寄生物学Parasutology 眼科学Ophthalmology植物生物学Plant Physiology 预防医学Preventive Medicine心理生物学Psychobiology 放射学Radiology放射生物学Radiation Biology 康复咨询学 RehabilitationCounseling理论生物学Theoretical Biology 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing 野生生物学Wildlife Biology 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing环境生物学Environmental Biology 治疗学Therapeutics运动生物学Exercise Physiology 畸形学Teratology有机体生物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学Veterinary Sciences生物统计学Biometrics 牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences生物物理学Biophysics 牙科科学Dentistry生物心理学Biopsychology 皮肤学Dermatology生物统计学Biostatistics 内分泌学Endocrinology生物工艺学Biotechnology 遗传学Genetics生物化学Biological Chemistry 解剖学Anatomy生物工程学Biological Engineering 麻醉学Anesthesia生物数学Biomathematics 临床科学Clinical Science生物医学科学 Biomedical Science 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology 细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology 精神病护理学 Psychiatric Nursing力学专业数学分析常微分方程计算方法材料力学流体力学机械制图气体力学弹性板理论Mathematical AnalysisOrdinary DifferentialEquation NumericalMethods Mechanics ofMaterials Fluid MechanicsMachining Drawing GasDynamicsTheory of Elastic Plates高等代数与几何数学物理方法理论力学弹性力学力学实验力学概论Advanced Algebra andGeometryMethods in MathematicalPhysics Theoretical MechanicsElasticityExperiments in Solid Mechanics弹性力学变分原理 Variational Principles inElasticity 塑性力学 Introduction of Plasticity 计算流体力学 Computational Fluid Mechanics 粘性流体力学V iscous Fluid Flow有限元法 Finite Element Method经典力学中的数学方法 Mathematical Methods of ClassicalMechanics机器人动力学 Dynamics of Robots 自动控制原理Principles of AutomaticControl优化计算与最化控制 Optimization and OptimalControl 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 概率与统计 Probability and Statistics 专业英语 English for Mechanics 振动理论 Theory of Vibration 程序设计方法 (C 和 FORTRAN) Programming inC&FORTRAN 水动力学 光测力学 高等动力学 机械设计与 信息显示 (可视化 ) 微机原理 Principles of Personal Computer 复变函数企业管理专业跨国公司专题研究 Special Researchof multinational corporation 国际贸易InternationalTrade 国际营销研究 International Marketing Research 公司组织与管理Organization andManagementof Corporate战略管理 Strategic Management 企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 运筹学Operational Research信息管理专业广告实务 Practice of Advertisement 多媒体技术 Multimedia 操作系统 Operating System信息科学基础 Foundations ofHydrodynamics Photo MechanicsAdvanced DynamicsAuto CAD Machinery Designing and AutoCAD Visualization计算机图象处理 Image Processing 断裂力学 Fracture Mechanics 摄动方法 Perturbation MethodsComplex Function管理学 宏观经济学 产业经济学 项目评估 管理沟通Principles of Management Industrial Economics Projects Appraisal ManagementNegotiation 微观经济学 管理信息系统 财务管理 战略管理 国际商务谈判 MicroeconomicsSystems of ManagementInformationFinancial Management Strategic ManagementNegotiation on Business Affairs生产管理研究 组织行为学 人力资源管Operation Management Organizational Behavior Human Resource Management 高等数学 Higher Mathematics 数据库系统 信息管理概论 信息经济学 社会实践 管理学原理 信息组织信息存储与检索 信息服务与Database Introduction to InformationManagementInformation Economics 企业信息化工程 Practical Work 信息分析与决策 Principlesof Management 信息政策与法规 InformationOrganization 计算机网络Information Retrieval andStorage informationService and UserStudy 管理信息系统 决策分析 概率统计 电子商务EnterpriseInformationalization Information Analysis andPolicy Making Information Policy and Law Computer Networks Management Information System 线性代数Policy Making 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics Statistics and ProbabilityTheory 生产与运作管理 Production Management Electronic Commerce 信息系统安全与保密 Information SystemSecurityInformationScience经济信息管理 Economic Information Management 专业英语 Specialty English 微机基础Principles of Microcomputers 文献计量学 Bibliometrics 电子出版技术 Electronic Publishing 广告概论 Introduction to Advertisement信息环境论 Information Environments 传播学原理 Principles of CommunicationTheory 知识产权法学 Law of Intelligence Property 组织行为学 Studies of Organization货币银行学专业物理专业热学 Thermodynamics 力学 Mechanics光学 Optics电磁学 Electromagnetism计算概论 Computing Generality 普通物理实验 General Physics Laboratory固体磁性及应用基础 Magnetism of the Solid Stateand its Application衍射物理(固体结构分析)Diffraction Physics (Structureof Solid Analysis)科研实用软件 Utility Software for ScientificResearch 计算机模拟方法 Computer Simulation Methods 激光原理、技术与应用 The Principle, Techniqueand Application of Laser材料物理 Materials Physics 近代光学和光电子学 现代固体物理 Modern Solid State Physics 粒子物理 物理宇宙学基础 Elements of Cosmology Physics 原子物理 Atomic Physics量子力学 理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics 电动力学普通物理综合实验 Synthetical Experiments ofGeneral Physics市场营销学专业营销管理 Marketing Management 公共关系 Public Relationship 国际贸易 International Trade 消费者行为 Consumer Behavior管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 营销调研 Marketing Research 推销学 SalesStrategies 国际金融International Finance货币银行学 宏观经济学策略管理 银行会计 运筹学 财务管理 Money and Banking Macroeconomics管理信息系统 运筹学保险学 管理会计 国际贸易 国际金融 租赁与信托商业银行实务 项目评估 人力资源管理 财务报告分析 财务案Strategic ManagementBank Accounting Operational ResearchFinancial Management Hiring and AffiancingPractice of Business Bank Projects AppraisalHuman Resource Management Analysis of Financial Statement Case Analysis of FinancialManagement证券投资学国际结算 金融市场学 System of Management InformationOperational Research Insurance Managerial Accounting International TradeInternational Finance Security Analysis and Investment International Balance Financial MarketingModern Optics and Optoelectronics Particle Physics固体物理 Solid State Physics Quantum MechanicsElectrodynamicsMarketing Forecasting andPlanning ales Channels Management 管理学 International Marketing 商业谈判营销案例分析Practice of InternationalTrade营销预测与规划销售渠道管理国际市场营销广告管理 Advertising Management 国际贸易实务企业伦理Enterprise Ethics 新产品开发Principles of Management Business Negotiation Case Studies of Marketing 服务业营销 Service Industry Marketing New Products Development财务学专业会计专业会计学 Accounting Principles 管理会计Managerial Accounting 会计信息系统 Accounting Information Systems 财务管理 FinancialManagement 财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际会计 International Accounting 财税法规与税务会计 Laws and Regulations ofFinanceand Taxes 预算会计 Budget Accounting 会计研究方法 Accounting Research Methods 内部审计与政府审计 Internal Auditing and GovernmentAuditing 会计审计实务 Accounting and Auditing Practice经济计量学 Economic Metrology会计职业道德与责任 Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities国际会计专题 International AccountingSpecial Subject 微观经济学 Microeconomics货币银行学 Money and Banking证券投资学财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际金融 保险学 Insurance 财务案例分析 国际财务管理 International Financial Management 项目评估 财务管理 运筹学 管理会计 管理学 统计学 Projects AppraisalFinancial Management Operational Research ManagerialAccounting Principles of Management宏观经济学 管理信息系统 策略管理 微观经济学 微积分Security Analysis and Investment International Finance Case Analysis of FinanceManagement 资产评估Assets Appraisal MacroeconomicsSystems of ManagementInformationCalculus成本会计 Cost Accounting 审计学 Auditing Principles 投资学 Investment Principles 货币银行学 Money and Banking 国际金融 International Finance 统计学 Principle of Stat。
ResistorA resistor is a two-terminal electronic component that opposes an electric current by producing a voltage drop between its terminals in proportion to the current, that is ,in accordance with Ohm’s law :V=IR .The electrical resistance R is equal to the voltage drop V across the resistor divided by the current I through the resistor. Resistors are used as part of electrical networks and electronic circuits.译:电阻器是一个二端口电子元件,电阻是阻止电流流动,通过按比例产生其端子之间的电压降的电流,也就是说,根据欧姆定律:V = IR。
TransistorIn electronics, a transistor is a semiconductor device commonly used to amplify or switch electronic signals . A transistor is made of a solid piece of a semiconductor material , with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit. A voltag e or current applied to one pair of the transistor’s terminals changes the current flowing through another pair of terminals. Because the controlled current can be much larger than the controlling current, the transistor provides amplification of a signal. The transistor is the fundamental building block of modern electronic devices, and is used in radio, telephone, computer and other electronic systems. Some transistors are packaged individually but most are found in integrated circuits.译:在电子技术中,晶体管是一种,常用来放大或进行开关控制电子信号的半导体器。
各专业课程英文翻译(精心整理)生物及医学专业课程汉英对照表应用生物学 Applied Biology 医学技术 Medical Technology细胞生物学 Cell Biology 医学 Medicine生物学 Biology 护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery海洋生物学 Marine Biology 口腔/牙科科学 Oral/Dental Sciences微生物学 Microbiology 骨科医学 Osteopathic Medicine分子生物学 Molecular Biology 耳科学 Otology医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学 Physical Therapy口腔生物学 Oral Biology 足病医学 Podiatric Medicine寄生物学 Parasutology 眼科学 Ophthalmology植物生物学 Plant Physiology 预防医学 Preventive Medicine心理生物学 Psychobiology 放射学 Radiology放射生物学 Radiation Biology 康复咨询学 Rehabilitation Counseling理论生物学 Theoretical Biology 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing野生生物学 Wildlife Biology 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing环境生物学 Environmental Biology 治疗学 Therapeutics运动生物学 Exercise Physiology 畸形学 Teratology有机体生物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学 V eterinary Sciences生物统计学 Biometrics 牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences生物物理学 Biophysics 牙科科学 Dentistry生物心理学 Biopsychology 皮肤学 Dermatology生物统计学 Biostatistics 内分泌学 Endocrinology生物工艺学 Biotechnology 遗传学 Genetics生物化学 Biological Chemistry 解剖学 Anatomy生物工程学 Biological Engineering 麻醉学 Anesthesia生物数学 Biomathematics 临床科学 Clinical Science生物医学科学 Biomedical Science 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology精神病护理学 Psychiatric Nursing力学专业数学分析 Mathematical Analysis 高等代数与几何 Advanced Algebra and Geometry 常微分方程 Ordinary Differential Equation 数学物理方法 Methods in Mathematical Physics 计算方法 Numerical Methods 理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics材料力学 Mechanics of Materials 弹性力学 Elasticity流体力学 Fluid Mechanics 力学实验 Experiments in Solid Mechanics机械制图 Machining Drawing 力学概论 Introduction to Mechanics气体力学 Gas Dynamics 计算流体力学 Computational Fluid Mechanics 弹性板理论 Theory of Elastic Plates 粘性流体力学 V iscous Fluid Flow弹性力学变分原理 V ariational Principles inElasticity 有限元法 Finite Element Method 塑性力学 Introduction of Plasticity经典力学中的数学方法 Mathematical Methods of ClassicalMechanics机器人动力学 Dynamics of Robots 自动控制原理 Principles of Automatic Control 优化计算与最化控制 Optimization and OptimalControl计算机图形学 Computer Graphics 概率与统计 Probability and Statistics专业英语 English for Mechanics 振动理论 Theory of V ibration程序设计方法(C和FORTRAN) Programming in C & FORTRAN水动力学 Hydrodynamics 计算机图象处理 Image Processing光测力学 Photo Mechanics 断裂力学 Fracture Mechanics高等动力学 Advanced Dynamics 摄动方法 Perturbation Methods机械设计与Auto CAD Machinery Designing and AutoCAD信息显示(可视化) V isualization微机原理 Principles of Personal Computer 复变函数 Complex Function企业管理专业管理学 Principles of Management 微观经济学 Microeconomics宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 产业经济学 Industrial Economics 财务管理 Financial Management项目评估 Projects Appraisal 战略管理 Strategic Management管理沟通 Management Negotiation 国际商务谈判 Negotiation on Business Affairs跨国公司专题研究 Special Researchof multinational corporation国际贸易 InternationalTrade 国际营销研究 International Marketing Research公司组织与管理 Organization and Managementof Corporate战略管理 Strategic Management 生产管理研究 Operation Management企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 组织行为学 Organizational Behavior运筹学 Operational Research 人力资源管理 Human Resource Management信息管理专业高等数学 Higher Mathematics 信息存储与检索 Information Retrieval andStorage数据库系统 Database 信息服务与用户 information Service and UserStudy 信息管理概论 Introduction to InformationManagement信息经济学 Information Economics 企业信息化工程 Enterprise Informationalization社会实践 Practical Work 信息分析与决策Information Analysis andPolicy Making 管理学原理 Principles of Management 信息政策与法规 Information Policy and Law信息组织 Information Organization 计算机网络 Computer Networks管理信息系统 Management Information System 线性代数 Linear Algebra决策分析 Policy Making 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics概率统计 Statistics and ProbabilityTheory 生产与运作管理 Production Management 电子商务 Electronic Commerce 信息系统安全与保密 Information System Security 政府信息化工程 Government Informationalization广告实务 Practice of Advertisement 多媒体技术 Multimedia操作系统 Operating System 信息科学基础 Foundations of InformationScience 经济信息管理 Economic Information Management 专业英语 Specialty English微机基础 Principles of Microcomputers 文献计量学 Bibliometrics电子出版技术 Electronic Publishing 广告概论 Introduction to Advertisement信息环境论 Information Environments 传播学原理 Principles of CommunicationTheory 知识产权法学 Law of Intelligence Property 组织行为学 Studies of Organization货币银行学专业货币银行学 Money and Banking 管理信息系统 System of Management Information 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 运筹学 Operational Research策略管理 Strategic Management 保险学 Insurance银行会计 Bank Accounting 管理会计 Managerial Accounting运筹学 Operational Research 国际贸易 International Trade财务管理 Financial Management 国际金融 International Finance租赁与信托 Hiring and Affiancing 证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment商业银行实务 Practice of Business Bank 国际结算 International Balance项目评估 Projects Appraisal 金融市场学 Financial Marketing人力资源管理 Human Resource Management财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement财务案例分析 Case Analysis of FinancialManagement物理专业热学 Thermodynamics 力学 Mechanics光学 Optics 电磁学 Electromagnetism计算概论 Computing Generality 普通物理实验 General Physics Laboratory固体磁性及应用基础 Magnetism of the Solid Stateand its Application衍射物理(固体结构分析) Diffraction Physics (Structureof Solid Analysis)科研实用软件 Utility Software for ScientificResearch计算机模拟方法 Computer Simulation Methods激光原理、技术与应用 The Principle, Techniqueand Application of Laser材料物理 Materials Physics 近代光学和光电子学 Modern Optics and Optoelectronics 现代固体物理 Modern Solid State Physics 粒子物理 Particle Physics物理宇宙学基础 Elements of Cosmology Physics 固体物理 Solid State Physics原子物理 Atomic Physics 量子力学 Quantum Mechanics理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics 电动力学 Electrodynamics普通物理综合实验 Synthetical Experiments ofGeneral Physics市场营销学专业营销管理 Marketing Management 公共关系 Public Relationship国际贸易 International Trade 消费者行为 Consumer Behavior管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 营销调研 Marketing Research推销学 Sales Strategies 国际金融 International Finance营销预测与规划 Marketing Forecasting andPlanning销售渠道管理 ales Channels Management 管理学 Principles of Management国际市场营销 International Marketing 商业谈判 Business Negotiation广告管理 Advertising Management 营销案例分析 Case Studies of Marketing国际贸易实务 Practice of InternationalTrade 服务业营销 Service Industry Marketing企业伦理 Enterprise Ethics 新产品开发 New Products Development财务学专业货币银行学 Money and Banking 证券投资学 Security Analysis and Investment 财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际金融 International Finance保险学 Insurance 财务案例分析 Case Analysis of FinanceManagement 国际财务管理 International Financial Management 资产评估 Assets Appraisal项目评估 Projects Appraisal 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics财务管理 Financial Management 管理信息系统 Systems of Management Information 运筹学 Operational Research 策略管理 Strategic Management管理会计 Managerial Accounting 微观经济学 Microeconomics管理学 Principles of Management 微积分 Calculus统计学 Principles of Statistics会计专业会计学 Accounting Principles 成本会计 Cost Accounting管理会计 Managerial Accounting 审计学 Auditing Principles会计信息系统 Accounting Information Systems 投资学 Investment Principles财务管理 Financial Management 货币银行学 Money and Banking财务报告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement 国际金融 International Finance国际会计 International Accounting 统计学 Principle of Stat财税法规与税务会计 Laws and Regulations of Financeand Taxes预算会计 Budget Accounting 会计研究方法 Accounting Research Methods 内部审计与政府审计 Internal Auditing and GovernmentAuditing会计审计实务 Accounting and Auditing Practice 经济计量学 Economic Metrology会计职业道德与责任 Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities国际会计专题 International AccountingSpecial Subject 微观经济学 Microeconomics。
它们的分子结构(通常含有一般的共价键)变化很大,从简单的双原子分子H2, C12, I2 和 N2到巨型的金刚石、硅和硼晶体都有室温下为气体的非金属单质是那些分子量低的双原子分子和惰性气体分子,这些分子间的作用力极小。
这一点与这些族的第一个元素(分别形成N2 and O2)恰好相反。
因此,元素N 和O形成同时含有O键和 Pi 键的稳定分子,而同族的其它元素在一般情况下仅形成建立在o键基础上的较稳定的分子。
各专业课程英文翻译(精心整理)生物及医学专业课程汉英对照表应用生物学Applied Biology医学技术Medical Technology细胞生物学Cell Biology医学Medicine生物学Biology护理麻醉学Nurse Anesthesia进化生物学Evolutionary Biology口腔外科学Oral Surgery海洋生物学Marine Biology口腔/牙科科学Oral/Dental Sciences微生物学Microbiology骨科医学Osteopathic Medicine分子生物学Molecular Biology耳科学Otology医学微生物学Medical Microbiology理疗学Physical Therapy口腔生物学Oral Biology足病医学Podiatric Medicine寄生物学Parasutology眼科学Ophthalmology植物生物学Plant Physiology预防医学Preventive Medicine心理生物学Psychobiology放射学Radiology放射生物学Radiation Biology康复咨询学Rehabilitation Counseling理论生物学Theoretical Biology康复护理学Rehabilitation Nursing 野生生物学Wildlife Biology外科护理学Surgical Nursing环境生物学Environmental Biology治疗学Therapeutics运动生物学Exercise Physiology畸形学Teratology有机体生物学Organismal Biology兽医学Veterinary Sciences生物统计学Biometrics牙科卫生学Dental Sciences生物物理学Biophysics牙科科学Dentistry生物心理学Biopsychology皮肤学Dermatology生物统计学Biostatistics内分泌学Endocrinology生物工艺学Biotechnology遗传学Genetics生物化学Biological Chemistry 解剖学Anatomy生物工程学Biological Engineering麻醉学Anesthesia生物数学Biomathematics临床科学Clinical Science生物医学科学Biomedical Science临床心理学Clinical Psychology细胞生物学和分子生物学Celluar and Molecular Biology精神病护理学Psychiatric Nursing力学专业数学分析Mathematical Analysis高等代数与几何Advanced Algebra and Geometry常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equation数学物理方法Methods in Mathematical Physics计算方法Numerical Methods理论力学Theoretical Mechanics材料力学Mechanics of Materials弹性力学Elasticity流体力学Fluid Mechanics力学实验Experiments in Solid Mechanics 机械制图Machining Drawing力学概论Introduction to Mechanics气体力学Gas Dynamics计算流体力学Computational Fluid Mechanics弹性板理论Theory of Elastic Plates粘性流体力学Viscous Fluid Flow弹性力学变分原理Variational Principles inElasticity有限元法Finite Element Method塑性力学Introduction of Plasticity经典力学中的数学方法Mathematical Methods of ClassicalMechanics机器人动力学Dynamics of Robots自动控制原理Principles of Automatic Control优化计算与最化控制Optimization and OptimalControl计算机图形学Computer Graphics概率与统计Probability and Statistics 专业英语English for Mechanics振动理论Theory of Vibration程序设计方法(C和FORTRAN)Programming in C&FORTRAN水动力学Hydrodynamics计算机图象处理Image Processing光测力学Photo Mechanics断裂力学Fracture Mechanics高等动力学Advanced Dynamics摄动方法Perturbation Methods机械设计与Auto CAD Machinery Designing and AutoCAD信息显示(可视化)Visualization微机原理Principles of Personal Computer复变函数Complex Function企业管理专业管理学Principles of Management微观经济学Microeconomics宏观经济学Macroeconomics管理信息系统Systems of Management Information产业经济学Industrial Economics财务管理Financial Management项目评估Projects Appraisal战略管理Strategic Management管理沟通Management Negotiation国际商务谈判Negotiation on Business Affairs跨国公司专题研究Special Researchof multinational corporation国际贸易InternationalTrade国际营销研究International Marketing Research公司组织与管理Organization and Managementof Corporate战略管理Strategic Management生产管理研究Operation Management企业伦理Enterprise Ethics组织行为学Organizational Behavior运筹学Operational Research人力资源管理Human Resource Management 信息管理专业高等数学Higher Mathematics信息存储与检索Information Retrieval andStorage数据库系统Database信息服务与用户information Service and UserStudy信息管理概论Introduction to InformationManagement信息经济学Information Economics 企业信息化工程Enterprise Informationalization社会实践Practical Work信息分析与决策Information Analysis andPolicy Making管理学原理Principles of Management信息政策与法规Information Policy and Law 信息组织Information Organization计算机网络Computer Networks管理信息系统Management Information System线性代数Linear Algebra决策分析Policy Making离散数学Discrete Mathematics概率统计Statistics and ProbabilityTheory生产与运作管理Production Management电子商务Electronic Commerce信息系统安全与保密Information System Security政府信息化工程Government Informationalization广告实务Practice of Advertisement多媒体技术Multimedia操作系统Operating System信息科学基础Foundations of InformationScience经济信息管理Economic Information Management专业英语Specialty English微机基础Principles of Microcomputers 文献计量学Bibliometrics电子出版技术Electronic Publishing广告概论Introduction to Advertisement信息环境论Information Environments传播学原理Principles of CommunicationTheory知识产权法学Law of Intelligence Property组织行为学Studies of Organization 货币银行学专业货币银行学Money and Banking管理信息系统System of Management Information宏观经济学Macroeconomics运筹学Operational Research策略管理Strategic Management保险学Insurance银行会计Bank Accounting管理会计Managerial Accounting运筹学Operational Research国际贸易International Trade财务管理Financial Management国际金融International Finance租赁与信托Hiring and Affiancing证券投资学Security Analysis and Investment商业银行实务Practice of Business Bank国际结算International Balance项目评估Projects Appraisal金融市场学Financial Marketing人力资源管理Human Resource Management财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement财务案例分析Case Analysis of FinancialManagement物理专业热学Thermodynamics力学Mechanics光学Optics电磁学Electromagnetism计算概论Computing Generality普通物理实验General Physics Laboratory 固体磁性及应用基础Magnetism of the Solid Stateand its Application衍射物理(固体结构分析)Diffraction Physics(Structureof Solid Analysis)科研实用软件Utility Software for ScientificResearch计算机模拟方法Computer Simulation Methods激光原理、技术与应用The Principle,Techniqueand Application of Laser材料物理Materials Physics近代光学和光电子学Modern Optics and Optoelectronics现代固体物理Modern Solid State Physics粒子物理Particle Physics物理宇宙学基础Elements of Cosmology Physics固体物理Solid State Physics原子物理Atomic Physics量子力学Quantum Mechanics理论力学Theoretical Mechanics电动力学Electrodynamics普通物理综合实验Synthetical Experiments ofGeneral Physics市场营销学专业营销管理Marketing Management公共关系Public Relationship国际贸易International Trade消费者行为Consumer Behavior管理信息系统Systems of Management Information营销调研Marketing Research 推销学Sales Strategies国际金融International Finance营销预测与规划Marketing Forecasting andPlanning销售渠道管理ales Channels Management 管理学Principles of Management国际市场营销International Marketing商业谈判Business Negotiation广告管理Advertising Management营销案例分析Case Studies of Marketing国际贸易实务Practice of InternationalTrade服务业营销Service Industry Marketing企业伦理Enterprise Ethics新产品开发New Products Development财务学专业货币银行学Money and Banking证券投资学Security Analysis and Investment财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement国际金融International Finance保险学Insurance财务案例分析Case Analysis of FinanceManagement国际财务管理International Financial Management资产评估Assets Appraisal项目评估Projects Appraisal宏观经济学Macroeconomics财务管理Financial Management管理信息系统Systems of Management Information运筹学Operational Research策略管理Strategic Management管理会计Managerial Accounting微观经济学Microeconomics管理学Principles of Management微积分Calculus统计学Principles of Statistics会计专业会计学Accounting Principles成本会计Cost Accounting管理会计Managerial Accounting审计学Auditing Principles 会计信息系统Accounting Information Systems投资学Investment Principles财务管理Financial Management货币银行学Money and Banking 财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement国际金融International Finance国际会计International Accounting统计学Principle of Stat 财税法规与税务会计Laws and Regulations of Financeand Taxes预算会计Budget Accounting会计研究方法Accounting Research Methods内部审计与政府审计Internal Auditing and GovernmentAuditing会计审计实务Accounting and Auditing Practice经济计量学Economic Metrology会计职业道德与责任Accounting Ethics and Responsibilities国际会计专题International AccountingSpecial Subject微观经济学Microeconomics欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。
Lesson OneInside the Living Cell: Structure andFunction of Internal Cell Parts1、 Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory ( 细胞质:动力工厂 )Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning.生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。
2、The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心)The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores.真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。
园艺专业英语翻译(中→英)Lesson1 part A1、protected (structure) horticulture is defined as a cultivation method taking use of heat keeping ,chilling prevention or cooling and rainproof facilities to prevent the crops production from being influenced or seriously done by natural seasons and to artificially create a microclimate environment suitable for growing horticultural crops in cold or hot weather hat actually unfavorable to the crop development .it is also termed as out-of-season culture ,season-off culture or forcingculture .because of the season in which horticultural crops are planted is hand for their growing in open field.2、Windbreak、cold –frame 、hot-frame、plastic-clad tunnel and greenhouse could provide a variety of vegetable seeding for open field or protected culture or protect seeding of cold tolerant vegetable living through the winter ,for early planting and acquirement of early matureproducts.3、In respect of structure type, the largest horticultural structure area in our country consists of plastic tunnels and lean to houses, especially the energy-sawing solar greenhouse, which has become the dominant greenhouse type in the country. Presently the development of large greenhouse or multi-span house has been initiated.Lesson2 part A4、In horticultural crop cultivation under structure the key point of environment management for growers is to create optimal complex of environmental conditions for crop growth and development, as possibly as they can, according to properties and environmental demand of crop.Lesson3 part ALesson4 part A1、most soil amendments are consisted of the increasing of organic matters ,addition of specific nutritional elements and ph adjustment2、the soil is an important constitute of the land loamy soil must consist of soul particles with proper ratio ,with equilibrium of nutrients ,in which contains some organic matter ,and with considerable moistureLesson5 part ALesson6 part A1、sink demand of horticultural crops extremely affects photosynthetic ,forexample ,leaf photosynthesis noticeably decrease when potato tubers are removed during their growth short-term response may be stomato close effect ,but this cannot explain common continuous effects ,sometime when the source-sink ratio increases significantly ,some old leaves can renew their photosynthesis functions ,on the other hand ,rapidly growing sinks sometimes compete with leaves for mobilizable nitrogen and this results in abscission of leaves and lower photosynthesis capacity.2、It is not clear yet that how the sink demand affect photosynthesis of leaves .the simplestexplanation is that photosynthesis accumulated in leaves restrain photosynthesis . however trials for examining this hypothesis usually obtained the opposite results .furthermore ,in practice ,photosynthates seemly not accumulate beside chloroplasts in mesophyllcells .thus ,more research work should be done on source-sink relationship to improve yields of horticultural cropsLesson7 part A1、the development of horticultural crops product organs consist of maturity 、full ripeness and senescence stages .maturity includes physiological ripeness and horticultural ripeness the former means that in the last growth stage ,mature organs become full ripening and the later means the best growth stage of horticultural crops for harvest ,such as leaf vegetables ,when they are reaped ,they are not physiological ripe ,and flower crops are harvested when thy flower.Full ripeness is the develop stage afterfruit mature some fruits can get full ripeness in trees ,while some must ripen after separated from trees .after full ripen the flesh mealiness aroma strength proper acidity and sugar ,senescence is a stopping terminating process of living activity. In this stage, product organs quality of horticultural crops become bad and completely leaves their economical value in the endLesson8 part A1、hormone produced by seed influence fruit setting ,fruit growth and the balance of hormones in plant2、Stone fruits can no t set their fruits when their embryos develop abnormally. pome fruits can set without seeds ,but flesh cells grow slowly3、Gibberellins was produced after pollination with seed development gibberellins promotes synthesis of auxin , therefore ,promotes fruit setting .the fruit set and fruit growth is similar between the ovule not pollinated treated by gibberellins and those which has seed4、Gibberellins produced by apple seeds apparently restrain flower differentiation and result in alternate fruiting .alternate fruiting is not normal in pear and many stone fruits .it is because the early occurrence of gibberellins synthesis peak which is not concurrent with flower differentiation initiation.Lesson13 part A1、pruning of fruit trees is a practice involves the heading back cuts and the thinning cuts of branches for good framework ,for regulating contradiction between growth and fruiting ,for maintaining the equilibrium between vegetative growth and propagative growth and for good sunlight exposure, to fruit early to achieve high yield and to get commodity with high quality2、the pruning methods are best determined by the characteristics of fruit species and cultivars ,the climate the soil condition and the crop developing stages and growth status .in order to get the best result ,it is useful tocombine pruning with other cultural practices like fertilization ,irrigation, etc3、Reinvigoration of trees is better performed annually, which can keep fruit from stimulating excessive sprouts .remove dead branches, sprouts and some crossing shoots. Secondly, large branches should be thinned out gradually to open tree chamber and to improve distribution of sunlight in order to simulate fruiting.Lesson15 part A1、temperature is an critical element in biological ,chemical and physiological processes of all plant species2、Temperature regulates the rate of chemical reactions ,leading to the adjustment of plant growth rate.3、As a important contributing factor to climate .temperature play an important role in adaptability and growth ,date of plant thus the horticultural crop types which can be cultured ina specific area rely on temperature4、Most plants can live and grow in the range of 0 to 50℃ .however low-temperature sensitivity limit the successful cultivated regions of plantsLesson16 part A1、sprinkler irrigation is often used in maintaining and flower beds which has the specialty the uniform water amount in its coverage .however, water waste occur when sprinkler is not limited in the area need irrigation .in addition ,evaporation result in some water loss too。
3. James Brindley of Staffordshire started his selfmade career in 1733 by working at mill wheels, at the age of seventeen, having been born poor in a village. 斯塔福郡的詹姆斯•布林德雷,出生于一个贫困的农村 家庭;1733年,他17岁,就着手改良磨坊的轮子,从而 开始了他那自我奋斗的生涯。
在各处从事磨坊和矿井建造工程的时候,出于兴趣, 布林德雷勘察了途经的河道。
5. His body was perfect, alive with easy suppleness and health and strength. 他的身体强健有力,灵巧敏捷,真是棒极了 6. I was addicted to fitness, tennis, golf, curling, hunting and fishing. 我对健身运动、打网球、打高尔夫球、玩冰壶、狩 猎和钓鱼等兴致很高,乐此不疲。 7. It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January. 我原打算一月份访问中国,后来不得不推迟。这使 我非常失望。
3. In second grade teacher showed us a terrifying film about flash flooding. 上二年级的时候,老师给我们放了一场暴雨成灾的电 影,非常可怕。
e.g. 1. 他骑着一匹大马,枣红色的。 He rode a date horse. 2. 在太空中有各种各样肉眼看不见的波。 There are various kinds of waves invisible to the naked eye in the aerospace. 3. 那是中国内地出版的第一份报纸。 That was the first newspaper that had been published in inland China. 4. 她,一个瘦弱多病的女孩,以她坚强的毅力,写出了一 部催人奋进的小说。 A thin and weak girl susceptible to diseases, she wrote an inspiring novel with her strong will.
P2U1A The World of Control
第二部分第一单元课文A 控制的世界
控制系统的分类和术语 控制系统可根据系统本 R(s) C(s) 身或其参量进行分类: 控制对象 控制元件 开环和闭环系统(如图 a) 2-1A-1):开环控制系统是 R(s) C(s) 控制行为与输出无关的系统。 控制对象 控制元件 + 而闭环系统,其被控对象的 输入在某种程度上依赖于实 际的输出。因为输出以由反 反馈元件 馈元件决定的一种函数形式 b) 反馈回来,然后被输入减去。 闭环系统通常是指负反馈系 图2-1A-1 开环控制系统和闭环控制系统 统或简称为反馈系统。
P2U1A The World of Control
第二部分第一单元课文A 控制的世界
5. 参考译文
A 控制的世界 简介 控制一词的含义一般是调节、指导或者命令。控制系统大 量存在于我们周围。在最抽象的意义上说,每个物理对象都是 一个控制系统。 控制系统被人们用来扩展自己的能力,补偿生理上的限制, 或把自己从常规、单调的工作中解脱出来,或者用来节省开支。 例如在现代航空器中,功率助推装置可以把飞行员的力量放大, 从而克服巨大的空气阻力推动飞行控制翼面。飞行员的反应速 度太慢,如果不附加阻尼偏航系统,飞行员就无法通过轻微阻 尼的侧倾转向方式来驾驶飞机。自动飞行控制系统把飞行员从 保持正确航向、高度和姿态的连续操作任务中解脱出来。没有 了这些常规操作,飞行员可以执行其他的任务,如领航或通讯, 这样就减少了所需的机组人员,降低了飞行费用。 在很多情况下,控制系统的设计是基于某种理论,而不是 靠直觉或试凑法。控制系统能够用来处理系统对命令、调节或 扰动的动态响应。控制理论的应用基本上有两个方面:动态
July 28, 2007
生物专业英语(蒋悟生 第二版)课文翻译lesson three
Lesson Three(2学时)Cellular Reproduction: Mitosis and Meiosis 教学目的:使学生掌握细胞的有丝分裂和无丝分裂的作用机理,有丝分裂和无丝分裂之间的区别和相同点。
教学重点:有丝分裂和无丝分裂中相关的概念和功能,及相关英语词汇的掌握教学难点:专业英语词汇的记忆讲授方法:以学生翻译为主,老师讲解相关专业知识辅助学生理解授课时间:4月12日教学内容:The Nucleus and ChromosomesThe cell nucleus is the main repository of genetic information. Within the nucleus are the chromosomes tightly coiled strands of DNA and clusters of associated proteins. Long stretches of the continuous DNA molecule wind around these clusters of proteins, or histones, forming beadlike complexes known as nucleosomes. More coiling and supercoiling produces a dense chromosome structure. Each long strand of DNA combines with histones and nonhistone proteins to make up the substance chromatin.细胞核是贮藏遗传信息的主要场所。
lectures翻译基本解释●lectures:讲座,演讲,授课●/ˈlektʃərz/●n. 讲座,演讲,授课变化形式●n. 复数形式:lectures具体用法●名词:o意思:讲座,演讲,授课o同义词:talks, presentations, speeches, addresses, seminarso反义词:silence, quiet, hush, muteness, stillnesso例句:●The professor's lectures on quantum physics were soengaging that students from other departments alsoattended. (教授关于量子物理的讲座非常吸引人,以至于其他系的学生也来听。
)●During the lectures, students are encouraged to askquestions to deepen their understanding of the subject. (在讲座期间,鼓励学生提问以加深他们对该主题的理解。
)●The university offers a series of lectures on modern art everysemester, attracting art enthusiasts from all over the city. (大学每学期都会提供一系列关于现代艺术的讲座,吸引了来自全市的艺术爱好者。
)●She delivered a series of lectures on the history of the Englishlanguage, which were well-received by the audience. (她进行了一系列关于英语语言历史的讲座,受到了观众的好评。
)●The guest speaker's lectures on climate change providedvaluable insights into the current environmental challenges.(客座演讲者关于气候变化的讲座提供了对当前环境挑战的宝贵见解。
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