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How strong is the force at biological nanoscale?
Cars vs. E. Coli (accidents-free)
2. 不稳定的热运动世界
布朗运动 快速扩散 (<1/10s) 相互作用 (<1s in a cell)
3. 不连续的世界
Golgi apparatus: Large, variable
Mitochondrion: 0.5~10 μm, variable ……
The inner life of the cell (BioVisions at Harvard University)
“0.1微米”至“微米” “1纳米”至“100纳米”
Human oocyte: 120-150 μ m Human sperm: 2-4 μ m/ 5-7 μ m
Mammalian cell: ~10 μm
Nucleus: ~6 μm
原子的离散结合构 成了纳米尺度的物 体,因此纳米生物 机器不具备连续性 的时空性质。
Molecular Machinery
Molecular Machinery
Proton pumping biological machinery
Discrete binding surface
4. 充满水的世界
“The Coming Era of Nanotechnology”; “Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation”
K. Eric Drexler的分子纳米技术 与机械装配思想
Carbon nanotube
Most literature attributes the discovery of hollow, nanometer size carbon tubes to Sumio Iijima of NEC in 1991.
Nobel prize in physics, 2010
3. 纳米生物学的研究内容
(在10-10m~10-7m尺度范围内) 1) 认识生物分子的精细结构与其功能之间的 联系; 2) 制造具有特殊功能的生物分子和全新的生 物结构; 3) 生物分子的操作、控制和测量; 4) 主要基于以上三者,解决生物学中问题。
第二节:纳米科技的 历史与发展
1. 纳米科技的主要历史事件
陈德亮 中国科学院大学 2014年秋季学期
1. 什么是纳米生物学?
1nm = 0.001μm = 0.000001mm = 0.000000001m 生物学 纳米生物学(Nanobiology; Bionanoscience; Bionanotechnology)
如果我们有能力看到我们在做什么,并在 一个原子尺度上进行工作,那么生物和化 学的问题能够得到很大的帮助,并最终得 到发展,我认为这种发展是不可避免的。 Richard Feynman
T. Muraoka, etc. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 5612.
In 1974, the term “nano technology” was first defined by Norio Taniguchi.
Molecular Machinery
Nobel Prize in Physics,1986
A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is a powerful instrument for imaging surfaces at the atomic level,developed in 1981 by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer (at IBM Zürich).
Graphene is a one-atom-thick planar sheet of sp2bonded carbon atoms that are densely packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice.
2. 宏观机械与生物模拟进化思想
Fry‟s fatal “Nano-travel”
Single-walled carbon nanotube
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a highresolution type of scanning probe microscopy, invented by Gerd Binnig, Calvin Quate and Christoph Gerber in 1986.
1. 可忽略重力和惯性的世界
How much does one molecule weight? M×9.8N/kg=W if M is H2O, one water molecule W: 18×10-3×9.8/(6.02×1023) =2.9×10-25 N =2.9×10-13 pN if M is a 30kd protein, W= 4.8×10-10 pN
"'Nano-technology' mainly consists of the processing, separation, consolidation, and deformation of materials by one atom or one molecule."
In 1980s, Dr. K. Eric Drexler promoted the significance of Nanotechnology.
"There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom," by physicist Richard Feynman at an American Physical Society meeting at Caltech on December 29, 1959.
就我所见,物理学原理并不否定一个一个 原子地测量和操作物质的可行性。它不企 图违法任何已知的规则;在原理上,它也 是可以做到的;但实际上由于我们人类太 大了,还没有做到。 Richard Feynman
细胞内的很多分子和结 构在尺度上都天然的属 于纳米生物学的范畴, 细胞构建了几千种运行 的纳米机器,有待我们 来认识、利用和改造。
2. 纳米生物学的研究对象
1)1nm ~100nm 生物大分子(>1000 Dalton); 亚细胞器或大分子聚合物 2)0.1nm ~1nm 生物有机小分子(<1000 Dalton); 原子及无机分子
Bacteriorhodopsin in the cell membrane
Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1996
A fullerene-C60 is a spherical molecule with the formula C60, prepared by Harold Kroto, James Heath, Sean O'Brien, Robert Curl and Richard Smalley at Rice University in 1985.
As of 2010,nobody has yet built artificial nonbiological nano-robots: they remain a hypothetical concept.
How HIV infects a cell and replicates itself using reverse transcriptase and the host„s cellular machinery. (HHMI video)
Nano-gears: size decreased proportionally
Where and how ?
Biological molecular scissors
Restriction endonuclease: EcoRI
Protease: trypsin
Nano-robot vs. Virus
Richard Jones “Soft Machines”, 2004
1) Deterministic / mechanistic nano machines 2) Soft nanotechnology / biomimetic nanotechnology. 3) Use the lessons learned from biology on how things work, chemistry to engineer devices and physics to model the system.
水分子参与的纳米 生物结构; 氢键与疏水作用; 溶解性问题;
5. 进化的世界
HIV reverse transcriptase (high error rate)
Halobacteria & Bacteriorhodopsin
Driving force of life
天然的生物机器有许多不可思议的形状结 构,不会像烤面包机和拖拉机那样整齐的、 连续性的设计。 生物纳米机器的部件在不稳定的热运动中 工作,它们通过各种键合力和非键合力作 用结合在一起。 它们在纳米尺度下,几乎不受重力和惯性 规律的影响。 David S. Goodsell
a nanomachine that would comprise an arm and a computer that could be programmed to build more nanomachines;
非群体水平的纳米技术(如:化学合成反 应属于群体纳米技术),是一个一个原子 地装配物体; 模仿宏观机械技术中的思想(如:分子轴 承,分子剪刀等)