
1.爱他妈的谁谁谁:lovehemother’swhowhowho2.白痴:Whiteeat!3.板门弄斧:playanaxbeforeLuban4.班长:classlong5.彼此彼此:youmeyoume6.表妹:watchsister7.别唬我:don’ttigerme8.不管三七二十一:nocarethreeseventwotenone9.不入虎穴,焉得虎子:Bluewhosay,andwhose10.不三不四:nothreenofour11.不要开黄腔:donotopenyellowgun12.车祸现场描述:onecarcome,onecargo,twocarpeng-peng,people die13.呈现强烈的企图心:De monstrate the strong attempt heart14.吃白食:eatwhitefood15.春江水暖鸭先知:spring river water warm duck first know16.大人不计小人过:Bigpeople donot think of small people’smistake17.第一眼看到你,我就爱上你了:first eye see you, i shit love you18.电源线:powerline19.放马过来,给你点颜色看看:release your horse and come,I’ll giveyou some color to see see20.蜂拥而至:go out like bee21.给你点颜色看看:I’ll show you some color22.给你脸你不要脸,你丢脸,我翻脸:I give you face you don’t wannaface,you lose you face,I turn my face23.恭喜发财:go highfuck try24.狗娘养的:dog mother born25.关公面前耍大刀:play a big knife before Guangong26.好多人死了,你怎么不去死!:Howmanypoplegotodie,whydonot you go to die27.好好学习、天天向上:good good study,day day up28.好久不见:longtimenosee(这个用法已经被当地的美国口语,尤其是被文化程度不高的群体所接受)29.红颜知己:red face know me30.加油:add oil31.救人一命,胜造七级浮屠:savemanonelife,bettherthanbuilding up7-floor tower32.开水:open water33.看不看:see no see?34.抗日游行:resist sun swim go35.课间操:lesson between fuck36.老表:old watch37.龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞:dragon born dragon,chickenborn chicken,mouse’s son can make hole38.马马虎虎:horse horse tiger tiger39.没脸见人:haveno face see person40.美中不足:American Chinese not enough41.面试:face try42.明天谁起得早谁叫谁:tomorrowmorningwhogetupearly,whocall who!43.哪凉快哪呆着去where cool where you stay!44.你爱我吗:you love I?45.你不鸟我,我也不鸟你:you don’t bird me,so I don’t bird you46.你给我等着:you give me wait47.你给我滚出去:you gave me get out48.你给我记住:you give meremember49.你给我站住:you give me stop50.你没看,我现在非常忙,一边玩去:You no see,I now very busy.Oneside play go51.你妻子真漂亮/哪里哪里:your wife is beautiful /where where52.你去不去?你不去我去!:You go no go?You no go I go!53.你认为你是谁?:What do you think,who are you?54.你他妈的:you he mother’s55.你问我,我去问谁:you ask me,me ask who56.你丫要敢唬我,我他妈扇你!:IF you tiger me,I will mountain you!57.你有两下子:you have two downson58.你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上:youhave seed,I will give you some color to see see, brothers!together up!59.你真有两下子:you really have tow downson60.骑驴看唱本,走着瞧:riding a donkey reading play, go and see61.七上八下:seven up eight down62.亲爱的王小姐:dear wang little girl63.請別碰行李:Please not ouch the move the lee64.青翠欲滴:It`s so green a swill dropped65.去你妈:goyou mother66.让世界充满爱:let"s make love all over the world67.人山人海:people mountain people sea68.人之初,性本善:people first born,sex is kind69.三人行,必有我师:three people go, one is my teacher70.三心二意:three heart two meaning71.色狼:colour wolf72.生日快乐:birthday happy73.上网:up net74.上学:up school75.胜败乃家常便饭:win lost milk house long poopoo rice76.是不是:yes no yes77.十全十美:ten all ten nice78.十三点:ten three point79.试试看:try try see80.耍帅:play handsome81.死猪不怕开水烫!:die pig not pahot water tang!82.谈朋友:talk friend83.体壮如牛:body strong a sacow84.万紫千红:ten thousand purple one thousandred(我在中国的某一个挂历中看到)85.王八:king eight86.王八蛋:wang eight eggs87.望穿秋水:look through autumn water88.王老五:wang old five89.唯小人与女人难养也:only small people and women hardt of eed90.我的天呀!:my sky!91.我服了你!:I follow you!92.我感到很难过:I feeld if ficult topass93.我叫李老大,今年25:I call Li old big.to year 2594.我容易么我?:am I easyI?95.我是大儿子:I am a big son96.我是独一无二:I am olny one no two97.我是流氓我怕谁:I’m a scamp,I’m afraid of whom98.我是中国人:I am in China99.我要给你点颜色看看:I will give you some color to seesee(好像也被黑人群体最近所采用)100.五讲、四美、三热爱:five talk, four beauty, three lover101.无钱无得:No money,no talk102.笑里藏刀:A knife in the smile103.心花怒放:heart flower an gry open104.眼看手勿动:look,see OK,no touch105.要钱不给,要命有一条:want money no, want life one106.要钱还是要命:money or life?107.一分耕耘一分收穫:EVENG AMEWIN,EVENSOWHOLE108.一见钟情:One look clock love109.意思意思:meaning meaning110.一言既出,驷马难追:one word is out, four horses cannot chase111.一元复苏,万象更新:onedollarrestart,tenthousandelephantupdate112.远水解不了近渴:Far watercar not save near thirsty113.咱们兄弟谁跟谁啊:we brothers,who and who ah114.怎么老是你:how old are you?115.怎么是你:how are you?116.朝三暮四:morning three night four(感谢台湾卡通,好像这个用法在孩子们中开始流行)117.这样也行?:this too good?118.知之为知之,不知为不知:know is know,no know is no know119.中国人民万岁:China people ten thousand year120.猪狗不如:PIG DOG BLUE121.猪肉面条:pig noodle122.猪头三,去死吧:pig 3 head,go dead!123.走过路过,不要错过:go past no mistake past124.走着瞧:go and look!125.钻石王老五:diamond wang old five126.作早操:do early fuck应用例之一话说一个国内知名企业,一天来了一个重要的外宾,下面是前台的对话。

让人不忍直视的搞笑英语翻译1、How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?直译:一根火柴能点着整片森林,一盒火柴也生不起个营火,这咋回事!意译:想当年哥戴套都能让人怀孕,看今朝叔竟然去看男科2、If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea… does that mean that one enjoys it?如果4/5的人在忍受腹泻的痛苦,那剩下1/5咋回事?很享受吗?3、Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.直译:知识就是说你知道西红柿是一种水果;智慧就好似不要把它放进水果沙拉里。
意译b:所谓知识就是知道韩少和小四都属于80后,但智慧告诉你这终还是男女有别~4、If God is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining.上帝瞅着咱们呢,大伙好歹喜感点吧!5、Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill anda laxative on the same night.无论,在任何情况下,永远,不要在一个夜晚,同时吃,安眠药,和通便灵。
6、The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.a. 早起滴小鸟有虫虫!晚到的老鼠有奶酪!b. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃,早起的虫儿被鸟吃。

超搞笑的英语翻译句子很多人学英语都比较习惯中式化,在翻译的时候,一些中式的翻译非常的搞笑,让你笑个不停哦!1. World sing how learn 我的心好冷2. Husband and wife lung slice.夫妻肺片3. We two who and who? 咱俩谁跟谁阿!4. Make my heart peng peng peng.怦然心动5. As far as you go to die.有多远,死多远!6. Chinese dream flying nine days.中国梦飞九天7. Dangqi dream , I have the power.荡起梦想,我有力量8. No care three seven two ten one. 不管三七二十一9. play a big knife before Guan Gong 关公面前耍大刀10. One day is your teacher, day day is your father.一日为师终身为父。
11. If you want money,I have no;if you want life,I have one! 要钱没有,要命一条12. One car come, one car go, two car pengpeng, one car died! (关于一场车祸的描述)13. Know is know ,no know is no know,is know 也. 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也14. Hello everybody! if you have something to say, then say! if you have nothing to say, go home! 有事起奏,无事退朝15. You have seed I will give you some color to see see, brothers!together up! 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!。

搞笑的英文释义make laughs搞笑的英文释例句所有小孩子跑起来都很搞笑,但是你有尝试过像他们一样吗?All little kids run in a funny way but have you tried running that way?逃避者很搞笑,但是逃避者不应成为男孩们所追求的东西。
Slackers are funny, but slackers are not what boys should strive to be; slackersdon’t like school and they shirk responsibility.每一个坚持下来的摄影师同样依赖着其他人的照片,这些照片可能是公开的或者私有的,严肃的或者搞笑的,但是也提醒他们社会的存在。
Every photographer who has lasted has depended on other people's pictures too– photographs that may be public or private, serious or funny, but that carry withthem a reminder of community.辛格如是说,“在现实生活中他可以是忧郁的,可以是搞笑的,他可以是任何情况。
In real life he can be dark, he can be funny, he can be anything.我今天不庆祝生日,但我收集编译了一些有关生日的搞笑语录,供大家学习漂亮的平易英语之用。
I will not celebrate my Birthday today, but I have collectedand translated somefunny birthday quotes for you to learn good and plain English.在戏剧仓库的爸爸。

grease monkey 指汽车修理工
powder monkey 指放炸药搞爆炸的 人
职场上的 monkey
monkey boy 职场上被高层随意使 唤的受气包角色
code monkey 指我们的程序猿,有 贬义
slowly slowly catch monkey
心急吃不得热豆腐, 功到自然成。
make a monkey out of ... 指给人出洋相。
monkey around
Never monkey with another monkey's monkey.
Monkey see, monkey do!
猴子看了猴子做。 指“有样学样”。
hundredth Monkey Effect
monkey business
指的是不靠谱行为, 黑帮电影里常用。 No monkey business, okay?
throw a monkey wrench into something
指找麻烦。 Monkey wrench是阔口扳手。 机器里扔个扳手进去,肯 定会把机器搞坏。所以此 说是指制造麻烦。
歌词大意是,猴子在树上上蹿下跳,别不 小心掉下来把鼻子砸扁了。
祝各位,猴年里都顽皮、皮实得像个猴子一 样。
首先自己要带头,Monkey see, Monkey do. 别跟别人比拼,孩子都是自己的。
This is my circus and these are my monkeys! 当然,No monkey business, okay? 不然的话,You’ll have a monkey on your back.

史上最搞笑的英语笑话带翻译英语幽默笑话带翻译1:A man was hit by a cab in the street. He was brought to the hospital. His wife who was standing up by his bed, said to the doctor: "I think that he is very ill." "I am afraid that he is dead."said the doctor, Hearing this, the man moved his head and said: "I'm not dead. I'm still alive." "Be quiet, "said the wife. "the doctor knows better than you!" 医生懂得多一个男人在街上被出租车撞倒送进了医院.他的妻子站在他的床前对医生说:"我想他伤得很厉害."医生说:"我怕他已经死了."听到医生的话,这个男人转动着头说:"我没死,我还活着."妻子说:"安静,医生比你懂得多."2:You can't go without meThe bus is very crowded.Aman tries to get on,but no one gives way to him. "Hey,let me get on the bus."the man shouts."It's too crowded.You'd better take the next bus."a passenger says to him."But you can't go withou me.I'm the driver."the man says. 没有我你们走不了公共汽车上很拥挤.一位男士想上车,但是没有人给他让路."喂,让我上车!"那位男士喊道."车太挤了,你最好坐下一辆"车上的一位乘客对他说."但是没有我你们走不了.我是司机!"那位男士说道.3:DrunkOne day, a father and his little son were going home. Atthis age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?" "Well, my son," hisfather replied, "look, there are standing two policemen. If I regard the two policemen as four then I am drunk.""But, dad," the boy said, " there's only ONE policeman!"醉酒一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家。

英语爆笑笑话5篇带翻译超搞笑的下面是店铺整理的英语爆笑笑话5篇,欢迎大家阅读!英语爆笑笑话一:Hospitality好客The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-piewithout any cheese.由于客人在吃苹果馅饼时,家里没有奶酪了,于是女主人向大家表示歉意。
The little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returnedwith a piece of cheese which he laid on the guest's plate.这家的小男孩悄悄地离开了屋子。
The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said: "You musthave better eyes than your mother, sonny. Where did you find the cheese?"客人微笑着把奶酪放进嘴里说:“孩子,你的眼睛就是比你妈妈的好。
你在哪里找到的奶酪?”"In the rat-trap, sir," replied the boy.“在捕鼠夹上,先生。
英语爆笑笑话二:太黑了,看不见After supper, the parents were busy playing mah-jong with the guests. At this point the mother thought of something and said to her son who was watching TV, "Honey, go see if the kitchen light is on or not?" After a while, her son returned and said, "Ma, the kitchen is so dark that I cannot see it at all."晚饭后,父亲和母亲都忙着和客人玩麻将,这时母亲忽然想起点儿事来,便对正在看电视的儿子说道:“宝贝,去看看厨房里的灯是不是还开着呢?”过了一会儿,儿子回来说:“妈,厨房里太黑了,我根本就看不见。

1.wetwowhoandwho?咱俩谁跟谁阿2.howareyouhowoldareyou怎么是你怎么老是你3.youdontbirdme,Idontbirdyou你不鸟我,我也不鸟你4.youhaveseedIwillgiveyousomecolortoseesee,brothers!togetherup!你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!5.helloeverybody!ifyouhavesomethingtosay,thensay!ifyouhavenothingtos ay,gohome!!有事起奏,无事退朝6.youmeyoume彼此彼此7.YouGiveMeStop!!你给我站住8.knowisknownoknowisnoknow知之为知之,不知为不知...9.WATCHSISTER表妹10.dragonborndragon,chickenbornchicken,mousesoncanmakehole!!龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子大地洞11.AmericanChinesenotenough美中不足12.onecarcomeonecargo,twocarpengpeng,peopledie车祸现场描述13.heartflowerangryopen心花怒放14.gopastnomistakepast走过路过不要错过15.Youaskme,Iaskwho?你问我,我去问谁?16..Ifyouwantmoney,Ihaveno;ifyouwantlife,Ihaveone要钱没有。
19.Igiveyoufaceyoudontwannaface,youloseyou face,Iturnmy face 给你脸你不要脸,你丢脸,我翻脸Peoplemountainandpeoplesea.人山人海sevenupeightdown七上八下nothreenofour不三不四morningthreenightfour朝三暮四redfacekonwme红颜知己wangeighteggs王八蛋tenthreepoint十三点nocarethreeseventwotenone不管三七二十一playabigknifebeforeGuanGong关公面前耍大刀playanaxbeforeLuBan班门弄斧Goodgoodstudy,daydayup!好好学习,天天向上!Weareonehomepeople.我们是一家人。

非常搞笑的英语翻译很多人说起一些中式英语,常常令人啼笑皆非,下面是网友收集的一些经典的中式英语笑话,当然很多是杜撰的,看看你听说过几条How are you How old are you怎么是你,怎么老是你You have seed. I will give you some color to see see. BrothersTogether up 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上Dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse"s son can make hole龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞Chickens That Did Not Have Sexual Experience 童子鸡You ask me,me ask who 你问我,我问谁Heart flower angry open. 心花怒放Horse horse tiger tiger. 马马虎虎Good good study, day day up. 好好学习,天天向上No three no four. 不三不四Know is know, noknow is noknow. 知之为知之,不知为不知If you want money, I have no; if you want life, I have one要钱没有,要命一条watch sister 表妹fire big 火大As far as you go to die. 有多远,死多远We two who and who 咱俩谁跟谁people moumtain people sea 人山人海但是最近我在海外华人论坛上看到流传一组照片,是外国人的英译中文,更加令人捧腹;有美国网友在搭乘皇家加勒比海Royal Caribbean邮轮出游时,发现邮轮上菜单的翻译十分搞笑;这份菜单上有着多国语言的翻译,有网友说,这根本就是Google翻译再版,例如英式烟肉English Bacon被直译为“英语培根”,而全脂牛奶Regular Milk则被翻成“规则牛奶”,绿豆汤Green Spilt Pea Soup变成“绿分裂豌豆汤”;不仅如此,更夸张的还有,新鲜时令蔬菜Garden Greens竟然被翻译成“花园成为绿色”,最离谱的就是,鸡肉磨菇挞Chicken and Mushroom tart成了“胆小和迅速增长的妓女”,爆笑的翻译让内地网友们纷纷表示,“谁说只有中国人乱翻英文,美国人翻译中文更给力”;。

爆笑英语翻译1.we two who and who?咱俩谁跟谁阿2.how are you ? how old are you?怎么是你怎么⽼是你3.you dont bird me,I dont bird you你不鸟我,我也不鸟你4.you have seed I will give you some color to see see, brothers !together up !你有种,我要给你点颜⾊瞧瞧,兄弟们,⼀起上!5.hello everybody!if you have something to say,then say!if you have nothing to say,go home!!有事起奏,⽆事退朝6.you me you me彼此彼此7.You Give Me Stop!!你给我站住8.know is know no know is no know知之为知之,不知为不知...9.WATCH SISTER表妹10.dragon born dragon,chicken born chicken,mouse son can ma ke hole!!龙⽣龙,凤⽣凤,⽼⿏的⼉⼦⼤地洞11.American Chinese not enough美中不⾜12.one car come one car go ,two car pengpeng,people die车祸现场描述13.heart flower angry open⼼花怒放14.go past no mistake past⾛过路过不要错过15. You ask me,I ask who?你问我,我去问谁?16..If you want money,I have no;if you want life,I have one要钱没有。
要命⼀条17.I call Li old big. toyear 25.我叫李⽼⼤,今年25。

3. 提高对英语的兴趣
4. 坚持不懈
5. 总是用错误的时态来表达事件
英文:I go to school yesterday.
1. 注重日常口语的练习
2. 利用多媒体资源进行学习

「中国英文」Chinese EnglishChinglish “地道中文”的搞笑英语翻译1.we two who and who咱俩谁跟谁阿2.You give me stop你给我站住3Good good study,day day up好好学习天天向上4.Icall Liold bigtoyear25我叫李老大今年256.you have two down son你有两下子7.You ask me,I ask who你问我,我去问谁8.People mountain and people sea.人山人海 9.seven up eight down 七上八下10.no three no four不三不四 11. Moon under old man 月下老人12.Open the door see mountain开门见山 13. pen see you 鄙视你14.Five flowers eight doors五花八门15.I’ll give you some color to see see我要给你点颜色看看1.王八蛋:wang eight eggs2.白痴:White eat3.吃白食:eat white food4.红颜知己:red face know me5.老表:old watch6.表妹:watch sister7.别唬我:don’t tiger me 8.狗娘养的:dog mother born9.作早操:do early fuck 10.不三不四:no three no four11.马马虎虎:horse horse tiger tiger 12. 你给我站住:you give me stop13.你他妈的:you he mother’s 14.你问我我去问谁:you ask me,me ask who15.猪头三去死吧:pig head 3,go dead 16.朝三暮四:morning three night four17.怎么是你:how are you 18. how old are you怎么老是你19.要钱不给,要命有一条:want money no, want life one20.三人行,必有我师:three people go, one is my teacher1.各位知不知道“让广州充满爱”的官方翻译—Let’s make love everywhere in our Guangzhou2.你也许已走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念You may be out of my sight,but never out of my mind 3怀才像怀孕时间长才能看到Having knowledge likes having pregnantit takes times to beawareness 4.妈妈说人最好不要错过两样东西,最后一班回家的车和一个深爱你的人. Mom said you’d better not miss two things , the last bus to home and the person who loves you deeply.5.萝卜青菜,各有所爱;误 Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage.正 Tastes differ;No dish suits all tastes 或You can never make everyone happy6.他一向嘴硬,从不认错;误 He has always got a hard mouth and never admit a fault.正 He never says uncle.注:当一方想制服另一方时就用命令说:“Say uncle” “服输”,而not say uncle 就是“嘴硬”7.同学们都很讨厌他,因为他经常拍老师的马屁;误 The students all dislike him because he often pats the teacher's ass.正 The students all dislike him because he often licks the teacher's boots.注:以前在欧洲,臣民见到国王与王后往往要亲吻他们的靴子;后来,人们将lick the boots 引申汉语的“拍马屁”;在美国英语中,“拍马屁”还有另一种说法polish the apple,学生用擦亮的苹果来讨好老师;8.你听说了吗迈克把他的女朋友给甩了;误 Have you ever heard that Mike broke up with his girlfriend正 Have you ever heard that Mike dumped his girlfriend注:break up with sb. 虽然表示“与某人分手了”,并没说明是谁先提出来的;而dump 指“倾倒垃圾”,这里则表示像倒垃圾一样地甩掉;9.人都是这山望着那山高,对自己的现状没有满意的时候;误 Almost all people think that the other mountain is higher than the one he's standing on. They never feel satisfied with what they've already got.正 Almost all people think that the grass is greener on the other hill. They never feel satisfied with what they've already got.注:“这山望着那山高”是指人不满足于现状的心理,它在英语中已经有了现成的说法,即the grass is greener on the other hill他山的草更绿,因此我们借用即可,10. “big river goes to the east,all the star follows beidou”,这句英文大意就是:大河向东流,天上的星星参北斗;这首“洋气十足”的好汉歌的英文版挟着天雷滚滚而来.11. 人山人海:有人直译为:People mountain people sea. 这就是「中国英文」,老外很难理解;他们指「人多」时,通常只说:「There is a large crowd of people.」12. 天下无不散的宴席:有人直译为:There are no feasts in the world which do not break up at last. All good things come to an end. 意思是:所有好的事情,总有结束的一天;China:拆哪儿查哪儿圈哪儿切哪儿亲哪儿去哪儿吃哪儿钱儿呢English:应给利息,阴沟里洗,硬改历史,妈妈,我不想学英语了,因为老师不靠谱,还老教我们骂人:他说今天是Today,昨天也是yestoday; 他一会儿说Yes,一会儿说Nice, 一会儿说Bus,一会儿说Goose, 最后还说都guess中式英语按照拼音的顺序排了出来,如下表;1.What the fuck is going on到底他妈的怎么回事2.You son of bitch你个狗娘养的3."同学是某偏远地区的,英语发音一直不标准,老师英文也是发不准,所以学生更是一口地道的土腔英语;话说同学的妹妹刚上初一,学英语的积极性狂高,每天早晨天不亮就开始朗读单词,这天像往常一样,继续拼命的读,他爹就蹲在窗户底下抽烟袋;小妹妹念“hands音:汉子,hands”,“two hands偷汉子;他爹听完就止不住的皱眉,一大早就听见闺女要偷汉子,心想怪不得听说外国人开放,书上都这么写;小妹妹继续读“hands,hands,two hands偷汉子” I have two hands.;汉子,偷汉子,俺还偷汉子4.话说一个国内知名企业,一天来了一个重要的外宾,下面是前台的对话;前台小姐:“hello.”你好;美国人:“hi.”你好;前台小姐:“you have what thing”你有什么事情美国人:“can you speak English”你能和我说英语吗前台小姐:“if i not speak English,i am speaking what”如果我不是在说英语,那我在说什么呢美国人:“can anybody else speak English”这里有别的人能说英语吗前台小姐:“you yourself look,all people are playing ,no people have time,you can wait,you wait, you not wait,you go”.你自己看看,所有的人都在忙着,没有人有时间,你能等你就等,你不能等你说走美国人:“good heavens. anybody here can speak English”我的天啦,这里没有人能讲英语吗前台小姐:“shout what shout,quiet a little,you have what thing”嚷什么嚷,安静一点,你还有什么事情美国人:“i want to speak to your head.”我要找你们的头儿;前台小姐:“head notzai . you tomorrow come”头不在,你明天来5..小明上英文课时跟老师说:May I go to the toilet 老师说:Goa head.小明就坐了下来;过了一会儿,小明又跟老师说:May I go to the toilet 老师说:Goa head.小明又坐了下来;他旁边的同学于是忍不住问:你不是跟老师说要上厕所吗怎么不去小明说:你没听老师说「去你个头」啊6.某女领导会见外宾,要求翻译要严格按她的意思翻,不许走样;外宾一见到女士,立刻按照西方的习惯拍马屁道:"Miss,you are very beautiful."翻译照翻,领导心花怒放,嘴上还要谦虚一下:“哪里,哪里”;翻译不敢怠慢,把她的话翻成英文:"Where Where"外宾一愣,干脆马屁拍到底:"Every where, every where;"翻译:“你到处都很漂亮;”领导更高兴了,但总是要客气一下:“不见得,不见得”;翻译赶紧翻成英文:"You are not all owed to see , you are not all owed to see."7.某男,亦粗通英文,至使馆,有表要填,有一栏是:Sex,该男久思,毅然下笔:“Once a week”;签证官观后暴笑,曰:“This item should be filled in with male or female.”该男顿时赧颜,思之,填下“female”;官楞之,曰:“shouldn’t it be male”男急释曰:“I am a normal man , so I have sex with female.”8.小强去看电影,到了电影售票处,发现一个老外和售票小姐连说带比得好半天,就自告奋勇的上前做翻译,售票小姐说:麻烦你告诉她,现在坐票售完了只剩下站票,如果要看要站着看;小强转头就对老外说:no sit see, stand see. if see stand see.老外回答说:sorry I don’t understand your English.小强就对售票小姐说:哦,他说他不懂英文.......9.下面是一位朋友在各个银行之间为了一点存款的事,折腾了好半天,结果是一事无成;去了中国建设银行,CBCConstruction Bank of China,营业员问,“存不存”后面是中国银行的同志,BCBank of China,回答道“不存;”中国农业银行的同志说,ABCAgriculture Bank of China,“啊,不存”;中国工商银行的同志来火了,ICBCIndustry and Commercial Bank of China,“爱存不存”;民生银行听了,CMSBChina Min sheng Bank,接上话,“存吗傻比”招商银行,CMBC,也应答道,“存吗白痴”这位顾客火了,我的事关你啥事我去兴业银行,CIB,“存一百”;国家开发银行的同志听了,CDBChina Development Bank,在我们这里也,“存点吧”北京市商业银行的同志说了,BCCBBeijing City Commercial Bank,“白存存不”想了半天,还是汇丰银行,HSBC,答话了,“还是不存”结果务功而返;一、永远都不要停止微笑,即使是在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的笑容而爱上你; Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.二、一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心; A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.三、你可能只是这个世界上的一个人,但对于某人来说,你就是全世界; You may only be a person in this world, but for someone, you're the world.。

律师终于注意到了血淋淋的左肩膀,天哪,我的劳力士手表在哪儿Officer,lookwhattheyvedonetomyBeeeemer!!!,hewhined.Youlawyerareomaterialitic,youmakemeick!!!retortedtheofficer, YoureoworriedaboutyourtupidBMW,thatyoudidntevennoticethatyourlef tarmwarippedoff!!!幽默有趣的少儿英语笑话CatandcrabOneday,acatplayednearthelake.Suddenly,acrabclampedit.Thecati rathercro,itranafterthecrab.Afterawhile,thatcatranintotheforet.A bigbrownpidermakingitnetinthetree,thecatcaughtthebigbrownpiderve ryfat,andthecataidtothebigbrownpider:Didyouthinkifyouonthenet,Iw illnotknowyouYe,Itillknowyou!【译文】猫和螃蟹一天,一只猫在湖边玩耍。

英语笑话大全带翻译很搞笑的英语笑话一:我干得怎么样 How did I doA rookie police officer was out for his first ride in a cruiser with an experienced partner. A call came in telling them to disperse some people who were loitering. The officers drove to the street and observed a small crowd standing on a corner.The rookie rolled down his window and said, "Let's get off the corner, people." A few glances, but no one moved, so he barked again, "Let's get off that corner...NOW!" Intimidated, the group of people began to leave, casting puzzled stares in his direction.Proud of his first official act, the young policeman turned to his partner and asked, "Well, how did I do?" "Pretty good," chuckled the veteran policemen, "especially since this is a bus stop!"一名新警察与老警察开着警车第一次出去巡逻。

9. "I’m not always late, the clock is just always fast."
10. "I’m not small, I’m just more cuddle-sized."
2. "I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right."
3. "I’m not short, I’m just more down to earth than other people."

超级搞笑的英语翻译1.we two who and who?咱俩谁跟谁阿2.how are you ? how old are you?怎么是你,怎么老是你?3.you don’t bird me,I don’t bird you你不鸟我,我也不鸟你4.you have seed I will give you some color to see see, brothers !together 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!5.hello everybody! if you have something to say, then say! if you have nothing to say, go home!!有事起奏,无事退朝6.you me you me彼此彼此7.You Give Me Stop!!你给我站住!8.know is know noknow is noknow知之为知之,不知为不知…9.WATCH SISTER表妹10.dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse’’ son can make hole!!龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞!11.American Chinese not enough美中不足12.one car come one car go ,two car peng peng, people die 车祸现场描述13.heart flower angry open心花怒放14.go past no mistake past走过路过,不要错过15.小明:I am sorry!老外:I am sorry too!小明:I am sorry three!老外:What are you sorry four?小明:I am sorry five!16.If you want money, I have no; if you want life, I have one!要钱没有,要命一条17.I call Li old big. To year 25.我叫李老大,今年25。
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How are you How old are you
You have seed. I will give you some color to see see. Brothers!Together up!
Dragon born dragon, chicken born chicken, mouse"s son can make hole!
Chickens That Did Not Have Sexual Experience 童子鸡
You ask me,me ask who 你问我,我问谁
Heart flower angry open. 心花怒放
Horse horse tiger tiger. 马马虎虎
Good good study, day day up. 好好学习,天天向上
No three no four. 不三不四
Know is know, noknow is noknow. 知之为知之,不知为不知
If you want money, I have no; if you want life, I have one!
watch sister 表妹
fire big 火大
As far as you go to die. 有多远,死多远
We two who and who 咱俩谁跟谁
people moumtain people sea 人山人海
有美国网友在搭乘皇家加勒比海(Royal Caribbean)邮轮出游时,发现邮轮上菜单的翻译十分搞笑。
这份菜单上有着多国语言的翻译,有网友说,这根本就是Google翻译再版,例如英式烟肉(English Bacon)被直译为“英语培根”,而全脂牛奶(Regular Milk)则被翻成“规则牛奶”,绿豆汤(Green Spilt Pea Soup)变成“绿分裂豌豆汤”。
不仅如此,更夸张的还有,新鲜时令蔬菜(Garden Greens)竟然被翻译成“花园成为绿色”,最离谱的就是,鸡肉磨菇挞(Chicken and Mushroom tart)成了“胆小和