

2023年暨南大学全国硕士真题357 英语翻译基础

2023年暨南大学全国硕士真题357 英语翻译基础
There was a hope that they would change once they retired, and the furious winds did calm somewhat, but what remained steeled itself into bright, hard bitterness. “I always thought we’d…” my mother would begin, before launching into a precise listing of my father’s faults. The chattering words were recited so often, which may often occur to me today. As he listened, father would mutter angry threats and curses. It was a miserable close match.
It wasn’t the happiest marriage, but as their 60th anniversary approached, my sister and I decided to throw a party. We’d provide the cake, the balloons, the toasts, and they’d abide by one rule: no fighting. We had a wonderful day. In hindsight it was an important celebration, because soon after, things began to change for my parents. As Alzheimer's disease settled in, their marriage was about the



目 录
2.document against acceptance
3.nuclear disarmament
4.overhead pedestrian walk
5.US federal reserve system
6.alma mater
7.leap year
8.plead innocent



357 英语翻译基础复习提纲一、考试总体要求1.英语翻译基础考试是全日制翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)研究生入学考试的基础课考试科目,其目的是考查考生的英汉互译实践能力是否达到进入MTI学习的水平。


考试范围包括MTI 考生入学应具备的英语词汇量。





(一) 词语翻译考试要求:要求考生准确翻译中英文术语、缩略语或专有名词题型:要求考生较为准确的写出题中的30个英/汉术语缩略语或专有名词的对应目的语。




(二) 英汉互译考试要求:要求应试者具备英汉互译的基本技能和能力;初步了解中国和目的语国家的社会、文化等背景知识;译文忠实于原文,无明显误译、漏译;译文通顺,用词正确,表达基本无误;译文无明显语法错误;英译汉速度为每小时250-350个英语单词,汉译英速度为每小时150-250个汉字。




三、参考书目:1. 全国翻译硕士专业学位教育指导委员会, 翻译硕士专业学位(MTI)入学考试全国联考指南, 外语教学与研究出版社, 2008.2. Newmark, Peter. Approaches to Translation. Oxford: Pergamon Press; Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 2008.3. Nida, E. A. Language, Culture, and Translating. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 1993.4. 冯庆华, 穆雷主编. 英汉翻译基础教程, 高等教育出版社, 2008年.5. 刘季春主编. 实用翻译教程(修订版), 中山大学出版社, 2007年.。

湖北大学2024年研究生招生考大纲 357 英语翻译基础

湖北大学2024年研究生招生考大纲 357 英语翻译基础




三、考试基本要求1. 具备一定中英文化,以及政治、经济、商务、旅游、科技、教育等方面的背景知识。

2. 具备扎实的英汉两种语言的基本功。

3. 具备较强的英汉/汉英转换能力。





I. 词语翻译1. 考试要求要求考生准确翻译中英文术语或专有名词。



II. 段落翻译1. 考试要求要求应试者具备英汉互译的基本技巧和能力;初步了解中国和英语国家的社会、文化等背景知识;译文忠实原文,无明显误译、漏译;译文通顺,用词正确、表达基本无误;译文无明显语法错误。



复试科目英语笔译1. 近三年的《政府工作报告》中英文版2. 《英汉语对比与翻译教程》,杨元刚主编,武汉大学出版社,2021年版。







•试看部分内容词语翻译1.1 大纲要求翻译硕士专业学位教育指导委员会在《翻译硕士专业学位研究生指导性培养方案》中指出,M TI教育的目标是培养高层次、应用型、专业性口笔译人才。









1.2 应试指南通过对各高校翻译硕士《357英语翻译基础》真题的归纳分析,我们可大致看出,词语翻译这部分所涉及词汇的领域主要有政治、学术、社会、文化、经济、环境、科学等方面,内容涵盖面非常广。


比如广东外语外贸大学曾考到“CPPCC”“U NESCO”“ASEM”“China-AS EAN Expo”“全国人民代表大会”“外交部”“中国证监会”“廉政公署”8个该类词组,中山大学考题考查过“全国人民代表”“哥本哈根计划”“金砖五国”“东南亚国家联盟”“U n i ve rsal S u f f rage”“B i l ate rali sm”“Ai r Fo rce One”“Kyo to Pro toco l”“Ai r De f e n se Ide n tif i catio n Zo n e”“Occu p y Ce n tral”“Li ai son Office”等12个政治方面术语和名称的翻译,同时,这也是其他学校必考项之一,因此考生应重点掌握。



南京信息工程大学2023考研大纲:357英语翻译基础1500字南京信息工程大学2023考研大纲:357英语翻译基础1. Translation Theories and Approaches1.1 Historical Development of Translation Studies1.2 Major Theories of Translation1.3 The Role of Translation in Communication2. Principles of Translation2.1 Equivalence in Translation2.2 Faithfulness and Expressiveness in Translation2.3 The Principle of Contextual Adequacy2.4 Cultural and Ethical Considerations in Translation3. Translation Strategies and Techniques3.1 Literal Translation3.2 Free Translation3.3 Idiomatic Translation3.4 Transference, Modulation, and Adaptation3.5 Compensation and Omission4. Translation of Different Text Types4.1 Literary Translation4.2 Legal Translation4.3 Business and Financial Translation4.4 Scientific and Technical Translation4.5 Audiovisual Translation5. Translation Quality Assessment5.1 Criteria for Evaluating Translation Quality5.2 Methods and Techniques for Translation Review 5.3 Post-editing and Machine Translation6. Translation and Technology6.1 Computer-aided Translation Tools6.2 Machine Translation Systems6.3 Internet Resources for Translators6.4 Localization and Internationalization7. Practical Translation Exercises7.1 Translation of General Texts7.2 Translation of Specialized Texts7.3 Translation Critique and Review7.4 Translation Project Management8. Research Methods in Translation Studies8.1 Quantitative Research Methods8.2 Qualitative Research Methods8.3 Corpus-based Translation Studies9. Professional Ethics in Translation9.1 Code of Ethics for Translators9.2 Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights in Translation10. Translation and Intercultural Communication10.1 Translation as Intercultural Mediation10.2 Cultural Adaptation in Translation10.3 Intercultural Pragmatics in TranslationThis syllabus is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations and practical skills necessary for translation practice. Through the study of translation theories and approaches, students will gain insight into the different strategies and techniques employed in various translation contexts. The syllabus also covers the translation of different text types, including literary, legal, business, scientific, technical, and audiovisual texts. Additionally, students will learn about the assessment of translation quality, the use of technology in translation, and the ethical considerations associated with translation. Practical translation exercises and research methods in translation studies are incorporated into the syllabus to enhance students' translation skills and research abilities. Furthermore, the syllabus emphasizes the importance of intercultural communication in translation, highlighting the role of translators as intercultural mediators. Overall, this syllabus aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the field of translation.。



广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2024年考试科目代码及名称:357-英语翻译基础适用专业:055100翻译[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]Part I Translate the following words and phrases. (30题,每题1分,共30分) Section A English-Chinese Translation (15分)1.A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.2.Look before you leap.3.A young idler, an old beggar.4.black market5.pillar industry6.World Wide Fund for Nature7.Falling Objects8.a land of honey and milk9.a Napoleon of finance10.asymmetric information11.C. I. F.12.Export Contract13.two-way trade14.average cost pricing15.force majeureSection B Chinese-English Translation (15分)16.破釜沉舟17.拆东墙补西墙18.一寸光阴一寸金19.四书五经20.一带一路21.人类命运共同体22.国务院23.中华民族伟大复兴24.脱贫攻坚25.三角债26.承包方27.特许产品28.转基因食物29.连锁反应30.纸老虎Part II Translate the following sentences. (10题,每题3分,共30分)Section A English-Chinese Translation (15分)1.Some writers who do not think clearly are inclined to suppose that their thoughts have a significance greater than at first sight appears.2.Elliot was too clever not to see that many of the persons who accepted his invitations did so only to get a free meal and that of these some were stupid and some worthless.3.The Ministry of Health said the man was being held at a special isolation facility for the remaining period of his quarantine and that his case was being investigated.4.Postdoctoral fellowships have been defined by the National Research Council as appointments of a temporary nature “which are intended to offer an opportunity for continued education and experience in research, usually though not necessarily, under the supervision of a senior mentor.”5.Any event or circumstance beyond the control of the Parties shall be deemed an event of Force Majeure and shall include, but not be restricted to, fire, storm, flood, earthquake, explosion, war, rebellion, insurrection, epidemic and quarantine restrictions.Section B Chinese-English Translation (15分)6.与伦敦格林公司所签代理合约,经双方同意,将于6月底失效。

《大学专业试卷:英语翻译基础 357》大学2021年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷)

《大学专业试卷:英语翻译基础 357》大学2021年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷)

大学2021年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题(A卷) 考试科目代码:357 考试科目名称:英语翻译基础








浙江理工大学2018年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题考试科目:英语翻译基础代码:357(请考生在答题纸上答题,在此试题纸上答题无效)I.Directions:Translate the following words,abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively.There are altogether30items in this part of the test,15in English and15in Chinese,with one point for each.(30points)1.IMF16.武装干涉2.B2C17.新常态3.aka18.增值税4.GPS19.国际反恐合作5.FTP20.结构性改革6.state sovereignty21.分享经济7.pillar industry22.二进制码8.reduce excess inventory23.基因转移9.cat’s paw24.物联网10.gourmet tour25.生物燃料11.holographic projection26.首航12.acoustic material27.文化遗产13.navigation bar28.森林覆盖anic nanomaterial29.播客15.crop rotation30.用户界面II.Directions:Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. (120points)1.Translate the following text into Chinese.(60points)Source Text1:Does money buy happiness?1.Does money buy happiness?Not.Ah,but would a little more money make us a little happier?Many of us smirk and nod.There is,we believe,some connection between fiscal fitness and feeling fantastic.Most of us would say that,yes,we would like to be rich. Three in four American collegians now consider it“very important”or“essential”that they become“very well off financially.”Money matters.2.Well,are rich people happier?Researchers have found that in poor countries,suchas Bangladesh,being relatively well off does make for greater well-being.We need food, rest,shelter and social contact.3.But a surprising fact of life is that in countries where nearly everyone can afford life’s necessities,increasing affluence matters surprisingly little.The correlation between income and happiness is“surprisingly weak,”observed University of Michigan researcher Ronald Inglehart in one16-nation study of170,000people.Once comfortable,more money provides diminishing returns.The second piece of pie,or the second$100,000, never tastes as good as the first.4.Even lottery winners and the Forbes’100wealthiest Americans have expressed only slightly greater happiness than the average American.Making it big brings temporary joy.But in the long run wealth is like health:its utter absence can breed misery,but having it doesn’t guarantee happiness.Happiness seems less a matter of getting what we want than of wanting what we have.5.Has our happiness floated upward with the rising economic tide?Are we happier today than in1940,when two out of five homes lacked a shower or tub?When heat often meant feeding wood or coal into a furnace?When35percent of homes had no toilet?6.Actually,we are not.Since1957,the number of Americans who say they are“very happy”has declined from35to32percent.Meanwhile,the divorce rate has doubled,the teen suicide rate has nearly tripled,the violent crime rate has nearly quadrupled(even after the recent decline),and more people than ever(especially teens and young adults)are depressed.2.Translate the following text into English.(60points)Source Text2:大蒜的保健作用大蒜可能是你应当食用的最有利健康的食品。



目 录2011年浙江师范大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年浙江师范大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2013年浙江师范大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2011年浙江师范大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解I. Translate the following terms into Chinese. (15 points, 1 point each) 1.Babel【答案】巴别塔2.intralingual translation【答案】语际翻译3.equivalence【答案】对等4.patronage【答案】赞助人5.polysystem【答案】多元系统6.simultaneous interpreting【答案】同声传译7.untranslatability【答案】不可译性8.domesticating strategy【答案】归化策略9.translation norms【答案】翻译规范10.Lawrence Venuti【答案】劳伦斯·韦努蒂11.pseudotranslation【答案】伪译12.SL texts【答案】原文本13.prescriptive approach【答案】规定性方法14.skopos theory【答案】目的论15.deconstruction【答案】解构II. Translate the following terms into English. (15 points, 1 point each) 1.可接受性【答案】acceptability2.改编【答案】adaption3.回译【答案】back-translation4.计算机辅助翻译【答案】CAT(Computer Aided Translation)5.异化【答案】foreignization6.语义翻译【答案】semantic translation7.社群传译【答案】community interpreting8.文化转向【答案】cultural turn9.国际译联【答案】FIT(International Federation of Translators) 10.功能对等【答案】functional equivalence11.不确定性【答案】uncertainty12.联络传译【答案】contact interpretation13.操纵学派【答案】Manipulation School14.显性翻译【答案】explicit translation15.平行语料库【答案】parallel corpusIII. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (60 points)The Big Bull Market was dead. Billions of dollars’ worth of profits and paper profits had disappeared. The grocer, the window-cleaner and the seamstress had lost their capital. In every town there were families which had suddenly dropped from showy affluence into debt. Investors who had dreamed of retiring to live on their fortunes now found themselves back once more at the very beginning of the long road to riches. Day by day the newspapers printed the grim report of suicides.Coolidge-Hoover Prosperity was not yet dead, but it was dying. Under the impact of shock of panic, a multitude of ills which hitherto had passed unnoticed or had been offset by stock-market optimism began to beset the body economic, as poisons seep through the human system when a vital organ has ceased to function normally. Although the liquidation of nearly 3 billion dollars of brokers’ loans contracted credit, and Reserve Banks lowered the rediscount rate, and the way in which the larger banks and corporations of the country had survived the emergency without a single failure of large proportions offered real encouragement, nevertheless the poisons were there: over production of capital; over-ambitious expansion of business concerns; overproduction of commodities under the stimulus of installment buying and buying with stock-market profits; the maintenance of an artificial price level for many commodities; the depressed condition of European trade. No matter how many soothsayers of high finance proclaimed that all was well, no matter how earnestly the president set to work to repair the damage with soft words and White House conferences, a major depression was inevitably under way.【参考译文】大牛市崩盘了。









(考试科目名称及代码参见教学司[2009]22号文件)三、考试基本要求1. 具有良好的外语基本功,掌握6000个以上的选考外语积极词汇。

2. 具有较好的双语表达和转换能力及潜质。

3. 具备一定的中外文化以及政治、经济、法律等方面的背景知识。



由各招生院校MTI 资格考试命题小组根据本考试大纲,分别参照翻译硕士外语考试《翻译硕士英语》、基础课考试《英语翻译基础》及专业基础课考试《汉语写作和百科知识》考试大纲及样题的要求,自主负责命题与实施。



1. UNESCO 2. OTC 3. CEO 4. QC 5. BRIC 6. Reuters 7. DINKS 8. Matteo Ricci 9. The Old Testament 10. Catch 22 11. Waterloo Bridge 12. the Achilles' Heel 13. Swan Song 14. Oedipus complex 15. Exact Fare (public sign)
At various locations between the King’s Chair and Sasznits one can leave the high road and climb down steep stairways to the beach. Walking on the beach is an arduous affair because of the many rocks. But it is from this flat perspective that the majesty of the chalk cliffs is most fully appreciated. And the bands of flintstone(燧石)bulbs that run along the cliffs like a string of peals can be seen from this perspective alone. These flintstone phenomena are due to small organisms the skeletons of which dissolved in the chalky mud. These cliffs are of organic origin themselves. Some 80 million years ago, during the Mesozoic era(中 生代), the earth atmosphere warmed up and enormous glacier masses melted and flooded all of Northern Europe. The sea was filled with starfish(海星), mussels (贝类生物), corals, algae(藻类生物) and plankton(浮游生物)——their chalky scales, skeletons and armor dropped to the sea bottom. In the course of millions of years they combined with other sediments into chalk cliffs up to 1,640 ft. (500m) high. (352 words)



2023年广东财经大学《357英语翻译基础》考研真题Part I Translate the following words and phrases. (30题,每题1分,共30分) Section A English-Chinese Translation (15分)1.time draft2.force majeure3.WWF4.Level Access5.Falling Objects6.Position Closed7.a land of honey and milk8.industrial processparative jurisprudence10. asymmetric information11.C. I. F.12.debt equity13. Claims Procedure14.average cost pricing15.Licensed ProductsSection B Chinese-English Translation (15分)16.承包方17.破釜沉舟18.国家统计局19.新冠20.一带一路21.人类命运共同体22.新征程23.中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会24.中华民族伟大复兴25.脱贫攻坚26.购销合同27.延长报盘28.合作经营企业合同29.东方明珠塔30.国民议会大厦Part II Translate the following sentences. (10题,每题3分,共30分)Section A English-Chinese Translation (15分)1.When the history of the Nixon Administration is finally written, the chances arethat his Chinese policy will stand out as a model of common sense and good diplomacy.2.This modern and spacious hotel is designed to make the most of its advantageous position, in the hills above Sorrento overlooking the enchanting Bay of Naples.3.In order to enable you to apply for the necessary import licence, we are sending out Proforma Invoice No. 234 in triplicate. Please note that if there is any change in price or delivery, we shall keep you informed.4.Fowler had a sound feeling that idiom was the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrase; he was no slavish admirer of logic and was willing enough to give usage right of way through the exact demesnes of grammar.5.Interest in historical methods had arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.Section B Chinese-English Translation (15分)6.本合同生效后,如有未尽事宜,须经双方友好协商同意后,以交换正式文件确认,该文件应视为本合同不可分割的一部分。


5、负责对所有复试工作人员进行保密工作教育。复试工作人员须对试题、答案及评分 标准、复试小组名单、考生分组情况、考生成绩、考生个人信息等保密。
6、负责组织本学院的专业综合课和外语笔试试题的命制、专业课和综合素质面试试题 的命制、外语口语听力试题的命制、对同等学力加试科目试题的命制。
7、负责制定本学院的综合素质面试和外语面试的实施方案,认真制定面试评分标准、 考核指标。
研招办于 3 月中上旬将学校复试基本要求(参考分数线)在研究生院网站公布;各学院 须在本学院网站公布本学院的复试办法和复试名单,并将网址报研招办备案。
50 90 90
55 90 90
50↓ 50↓ 90 90 350
50 180
55 90 90 350
50 50
45 45 90
90 300
45 45 90 90 300
50 50
50↓ 50↓ 90 90 350↓
45 45 90
90 330
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扬州大学2024年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A卷)科目代码357科目名称英语翻译基础满分150分注意:①认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项;②所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在本试题纸或草稿纸上均无效;③本试题纸须随答题纸一起装入试题袋中交回!I.Translate the following terms into Chinese.(15points,1point each)1.Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation2.a community of shared developmentrge language model4.show leniency to people who make mistakes5.Global AI Governance Initiative6.movie box office revenue during Spring Festival holiday7.artificial intelligence ecosystem8.World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit9.International Science and Technology Cooperation Initiative10.at-home care services for the elderly11.International Monetary Fund12.World Youth Development Forum13.Hangzhou Asian Para Games14.regulations to protect minors in cyberspace15.the tiered and classified social assistance systemII.Translate the following terms into English.(15points,1point each)1.世界科幻大会2.普惠金融高质量发展3.全球可持续交通高峰论坛4.火炬传递5.粮食安全保障体系6.“金砖”扩员7.模块化小型核反应堆8.恢复和扩大消费9.防汛救灾工作10.可再生能源装机容量11.文物保护利用12.民营经济13.高标准农田14.数字化转型15.中国-中亚峰会III.Translate the following passages into Chinese.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(60points,20points each)Passage OneWhen we consider the situation of the human mind in nature,its limited plasticity and few channels of communication with the outer world,we need not wonder that we grope for light,or that we find incoherence and instability in human systems of ideas.The wonder rather is that we have done so well,that in the chaos of sensations and passions that fills the mind we have found any leisure for self-concentration and reflection,and have succeeded in gathering even a light harvest of experience from our distracted labours.Our occasional madness is less wonderful than our occasional sanity.Relapses into dreams are to be expected in a being whose brief existence is so like a dream;but who could have been sure of this sturdy and indomitable perseverance in the work of reason in spite of all checks and discouragements?Passage TwoIt is simple enough to say that since books have classes—fiction,biography,poetry—we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us.Yet few people ask from books what books can give us.Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds,asking of fiction that it shall be true,of poetry that it shall be false,of biography that it shall be flattering,of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices.If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read,that would be an admirable beginning.Do not dictate to your author;try to become him.Be his fellow-worker and accomplice.If you hang back,and reserve and criticize at first,you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read.But if you open your mind as widely as possible,then signs and hints of almost imperceptible fineness,from the twist and turn of the first sentences,will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other.Steep yourself in this,acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you,or attempting to give you,something far more definite.Passage ThreeVery ready we are to say of a book,“How good this is—that’s exactly what I think!”But the right feeling is,“How strange that is!I never thought of that before,and yet I see it is true;or if Ido not now,I hope I shall,some day.”But whether thus submissively or not,at least be sure that you go to the author to get at his meaning,not to find yours.Judge it afterwards,if you think yourself qualified to do so;but ascertain it first.And be sure also,if the author is worth anything, that you will not get at his meaning all at once;—nay,that at his whole meaning you will not for a long time arrive in any wise.Not that he does not say what he means,and in strong words too; but he cannot say it all;and what is stranger,will not,but in a hidden way and parables,in order that he may be sure you want it.I cannot quite see the reason of this,nor analyze that cruel reticence in the breasts of wise men which makes them always hide their deeper thought.They do not give it to you by way of help,but of reward,and will make themselves sure that you deserve it before they allow you to reach it.IV.Translate the following passages into English.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(60points,20points each)Passage One我开始写小说,是在进了女师的第二年,那时刚满十五岁。


Today the theory of evolution is about as much open to doubt as the theory that the earth goes round the sun, but the full implications of Darwin's revolution have yet to be widely realized. Zoology is still a minority subject in universities, and even those who choose to study it often make their decision without appreciating its profound philosophical significance. Philosophy and the subjects known as “humanities” are still taught almost as if Darwin had never lived. No doubt this will change in time. In any case, this book is not intended as a general advocacy of Darwinism. Instead, it will explore the consequences of the evolution theory for a particular issue. My purpose is to examine the biology of selfishness and altruism.
from Chinese to English, within 60 minutes.
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