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八上Unit 9知识点


1,备考prepare for an exam 2,去看病go to the doctor

3,患流感have the flu/a cold

4.去参加聚会go to the party

5.去看电影go to the movies

6.去听音乐会go to the concert

7.太多的作业too much homework

8.太多的书籍too many books

9.有空做某事be available/free to do sth

10.去骑车go bike riding

11.在周一晚上on Monday night=on the night of Monday

12.周一见catch/see you on Monday

13.看着她离开see her go/leave

14.带领某人去…bring/take sb to/for…P.69/71

15.去旅行take/go on a trip

16.在本月底at the end of this month

17.帮某人解决困难help sb out

18.不迟于本周五by this Friday

19.未事先告诉她without telling her

20.期待做某事look forward to (doing)sth=expect (sb) to do sth P.69 21.收到某人的来信/来电hear from sb=get/receive a letter/call from sb

22.伦敦路2号at 2 London Road

23.成功make it=succeed

24.邀请某人…invite sb to (do) sth P.71

25.(书面)回复reply(in writing) to…二.重点词汇


a) I waited for(持续性动词)him till/until he came back.我一直等到他回来(为止)用于肯定句中时,要求主句中的谓语动词有持续性,如:stay,sleep,work,live,sit,stand等

b)I didn’t leave until he came back. 直到…才…(我直到他回来才离开----用肯定形式翻译)



I won’t start to make my dream come true until I finish college.

当主句为一般将来时,when/until 引导的时间状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时。

Bob went to bed after he finished the homework.

= Bob didn’t go to bed until he finished the homework.


a)receive通常指被动地收到,而accept 则指主动地接受。

b)接受礼物accept a gift, 接受教育receive/get an education

3)have to /must

a)have to 强调客观上的原因(外在的原因逼迫,非心甘情愿的),不得不

My mother is ill, I have to look after her.(Because my father asked me to do so.)

b)have to 有单复数及时态的变化。

She has to finish her homework..

She had to do some washing yesterday.


My mother is ill, I must look after her.

d)Do I have to stop eating chocolate? Yes,you do./No,you don’t.

Must I finish the homework today? Yes, you must. No, you don’t have to/you needn’t不必


a)和…一起He went to the concert with me last night.

We left without him.

b)带有,含有/没有,缺少I like tea with sugar.我喜欢加糖的茶。

He gave me a box without anything/with nothing in it.他给了我一个空盒子。

c)表条件。The party will be more

surprising with more people.

if there are more people.

I won’t finish the work on time without your help.

if you don’t help me.

d)以...方式,用He eats with a spoon/cuts the meat with a knife.=using

e)拥护,赞成I agree/disagree with you.

5)surprise n.惊喜,惊讶。We will give you a surprise.

To my surprise(让我大吃一惊的是),he won the first place.

He looked at me in surprise(吃惊地,相当于副词)

v.使…吃惊The result will surprise all the people.

Surprised adj.吃惊的All the people will be surprised at/about the result.

6)by prep.a)在…的旁边,靠近He sits
