工业压力变送器DMP 334使用说明-德国BD SENSORS

警告!本手册适用于专业的技术人员。 1.4 责任限制 对于因不遵循操作手册、不当使用、自行改动和毁坏 而导致仪器损坏的,本公司不承担赔偿责任并且不提供保 修服务。 1.5 使用说明 - 压力变送器 DMK/DMP 和 OEM 系列可以根据型号的不同 进行绝压、负压和表压的测量。旋入式压力变送器 LMK/LMP 系列尤其适用于液位和流程工业的压力测量。 操作人员有责任检验设备是否适合应用的工况条件。如果 存在任何疑问,请联系我们的销售部门以确保设备的正确 应用。对于因选型不当而造成的影响,本公司不承担任何 责任。 - 订购型号适于测量样本中说明的气体或液体介质。使用者 必须确保被测介质与设备所有接液材质都能够兼容。 - 所选型号产品性能与对应产品样本一致。如果没有产品样 本,请向本公司索取或从公司主页上下载。 (/products/download/datasheets) 警告! 不当使用会导致危险的发生!
DMP 331
! 该设备为电子精密测量设备,无论是否带包装都要小心处
! 不能在设备上做任何的修改或变更。 ! 要轻拿轻放,不能随意抛扔。 ! 为避免膜片的损坏,请在开始启用该设备前再拆开包装和
! 设备被拆下后请马上为压力接口戴上保护帽。 ! 处理没有保护措施的隔膜时请格外的小心,因为没有保护
1.6 发货内容 确认包装内有以下几项并检查是否完好无损,是否与订购 要求一致。 - 压力变送器或旋入式压力变送器
欧智博德仪器仪表(上海)有限公司 金钟路 658 弄 8 号 B 座 6 楼 200335 上海 中国 Tel: +86(0)21/33600610/11/12 Fax: +86(0)21/33600613

德国BD SENSORS工业压力变送器精度高,长期稳定性好压力变送器26.600P信息内容:压力测量范围400mPa,陶瓷传感器焊接式不锈钢平齐隔膜精度:0.5%FSO BFSL(1.0% FSOIEC 60770) 额定量程:从0——1.6 bar至0 ——400 bar。
产品特点:符合食品卫生需求较高的介质温度:-25-125 °C (硅油填充液)-10-125 °C (可食用油填充液)多种压力接口和电气接口可供选择,应用:食品卫生包装机械制药行业DMP 343采用非介质隔离的硅传感器,DMP 331、DMP 333采用不锈钢硅传感器,DMP 334采用不锈钢溅射薄膜传感器,DMK 331采用陶瓷厚膜传感器,DMP 331i-DMP 333i-LMP 331i采用不锈钢硅传感器,DMD 331-DPS 200采用不锈钢硅传感器,DMD 341采用非介质隔离的硅传感器,DPS 100采用感应传感器BD SENSORS用于液位监控和流程工业的旋入式液位计LMP 331采用不锈钢硅传感器,LMK 331采用陶瓷厚膜传感器,LMK 351采用电容式陶瓷传感器BD SENSORS投入式液位计(静压液位测量)介质兼容性强,长期稳定性好其中分体式液位计系列LMP308 / LMP808 / LMK358 / LMK858以其独特的设计更是得到用户的好评。
LMP 305-LMP 307-LMP 308-LMP 308i-LMP 808采用不锈钢硅传感器,LMK 306-LMK 307-LMK 309-LMK 807-LMK 809采用陶瓷厚膜传感器,LMK 358-LMK 358H-LMK 382-LMK 382H采用电容式陶瓷传感器BD SENSORS造船,航海和海上作业DMP 457采用不锈钢硅传感器,DMK 457采用陶瓷厚膜传感器,LMK 457-LMK 457H采用电容式陶瓷传感器。

e+h压力变送器公司总部e+h压力变送器公司,由瑞士工程师Georg H. Endress和德国银行家Ludwig Hauser创建于1953年,总部位于瑞士Reinach, 地处德国、瑞士和法国的交界处,先后在德国、瑞士、法国、美国、日本、中国等世界工业国成立了规模庞大的生产中心,全球雇员达到6,077名,拥有70个独立的子公司分布在全球,其严格的品质管理和完整的质保体系均已达到ISO9001国际标准。
e+h压力变送器部份特价清单如下:e+h压力变送器温度变送器(load cells)TST310-A7B1A3F3C1Ae+h压力变送器温度变送器TMT122-A31AAe+h压力变送器音叉液位开关FTL50AGQ2AA4G5ATL51AGR2BB2G5A,L=148mmCLD132-PMV118AB2CLD132-PMV118AB250W6H-UD0A1AA0AAAWTR25-AA21XC3000 L=180mmFMU90-R11CA161AA3Ae+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波物位传感器FDU91-RG1AAFTL50-AGR2AA4G5Ae+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)电磁流量计53H08-KA0B1AC1AHAJCPS11-2AS2ESAe+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)质量流量计80M08-AS2CAADAA8AA72W80-SD0AA1AAA4AW83I41-AD2WAAABAGAAe+h压力变送器音叉液位开关FTL50-AGQ2AA2G4Ae+h压力变送器压力变送器PMC45-RE11P2JIAL451506784e+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)压力开关PTC31-A1A1ZH1AD1APTC35-A1A13P1PL4AFMU41-4RB2C2e+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)质量流量计80M40-AS2AAAAAAAA880M50-AS2AAAAAAAA880I50-AD2WAAAAAAA880I40-AD2WAAAAAAA8FTI56-AAD1RV143A1A L=800MMFTI56-AAD1RV143A1A L=1100MMe+h压力变送器音叉液位开关FTL20-3325RMA421-A21A2AFTR325-A1E1e+h压力变送器压力变送器PMC131-A15F1A1Se+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)溶解氧测量变送器COM253-DX0005e+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)溶解氧传感器COS41-2FCY A611-0Ae+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)雷达物位计FMR240-A5E1GGJAA2Fe+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波物位变送器FMU90-J11CA212AA3AFDU95-J1G1A50H15-KB1A1AA0AAAADB50-AC22BB12EG2Ae+h压力变送器音叉液位开关FTL51-AGR2DB1G5Ae+h压力变送器涡街流量计72W1F-SBOAA1AAA4AWe+h压力变送器涡街流量计72F15-SEOBA1AAA4AW DN=20 FMU41-ARB2A250W65-UA0A1AA0ABAW50W2H-UC0A1AA0ABAWe+h压力变送器压力变送器PMC71-ABA1E2GHAAAe+h压力变送器涡街流量计72F25-SE0AA1AAA4AW72F50-SE0AA1AAA4AWFMP40-ABB2CMJB21AA,L=6000mmFMR250-A5E1GGJBA2K53H50-2HOB1AAOAGAJFMU231E-AA42e+h压力变送器音叉液位开关FTL51-AGR2DB1G4AFTW360-G1XJD1FMI51-A1BTDJB3A1A L=500MMe+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)导波雷达物位计FMP451C-AKCGKB21A2A L=1900mm50W1F-UC0A1AA0AAAAFMD77-ABA7H22FBAAA80M50-AS2AAAAAAAAACPF201-C1Ae+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)PH/ORP电极CPS11-1AA2GSACPF201-A1Ae+h压力变送器电源板50096745CUM253-TU8005e+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)PH测量变送器CPM253-PR8005PMP41-RE13S2J11T1FMP40-1AA2CQJB21AA L=10500MMe+h压力变送器音叉料位开关FTM51-AGG2L4A12AA L=500MM80F25-AD2SAAAAAAAAe+h压力变送器静压式液位计FMB70-ABA1M12TKCAAFHX40-A1A83F25-AD2SAABABHAAe+h压力变送器静压式液位计FMX167-A2ABE1C3PMC41-RG25M2J11R1e+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)音叉料位开关FTM50-AGJ2A4A32AAe+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)音叉料位开关FTM52-AGG2B4A32AA L=4000MM恩德斯豪斯(E+H)音叉料位开关FTM51-AGG2L4A32AA L=300MMCPM253-PR8010FTS20FMU43-AMD2A5FMU40-AND2A5COM253-DX0305COS41-2F恩德斯豪斯(E+H)测量变送器CUM253-TU0305e+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)浊度分析仪CUS41-W280F80-AD2SAACABBAAe+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)温度变送器TMT122-A31AA80F80-AD2SAP4ABBAAe+h压力变送器电源模块52006197FMR250-A6E2CMJBA2K80M50-AS2AAAAAAAAAe+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)音叉料位开关FTM50-AGG2A4A32AA80F40-BD4CAAAAAAAAFMU42-APB2A22A 二线制0-10米量程带表头e+h压力变送器电极支架CPA111-41C80F40-BD2CAAAAAAAA80M40-AS2AAAAAAAA支架CPA111-OOA支架CPA111-30C电极线:CPK9-NAA1APH电极:CPS11-2AS2ESA80F40-AD2SAA5AAAAA80F50-AD3SAA5AAAAA80F40-AD4SAAAAAAAAPMP71-AAA1M21GPNAAA80M40-AS2AAAAAXXXX83F50-AAASABBABAC2FMI51-A2AGEJB3A1A,L3=100mm,L1=800mm 50P40-AF1A1AA0BAAW83F25-AD2SAAAAAAAA50P40-AF1A1AA0BAAWFMX167-A2AMF1C350P80-ECOA1AA0AAAAFMR250-A4E1GGJAA4MCPS11D-7BA41CPS11-1BA2GSAFMP45-AAARGJG31A4A L=35Me+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)压力变送器PMC131-A15F1A1SCYK10-G881 L=7mCPA240-30AB110CM42-MGA000EAZ00CYK10-G101 L=10米CLS21-C1N2ACPA640-C11150P1H-EC0APAA0A5AA50P1H-ECOAPAAOA5AAPMC41-RE11P1A11M1FMU230A-AA32FMU40-ARG2A283F1H-AD1SAAAAAAAAe+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)音叉料位开关FTM21-AA245ACYK10-A051CPA250-A00CPA250-A0080F40-AD4SAABABAACP11D-7AA21 量程0-12FMU43-APG1A2FMI51-A1ARCJA1A1A 1800mmHART手操器DXR375-HR1EKLUFMG60-31D1T1B1A80F50-AD3SAABAAAAA80I50-AD2WABAAAAAA恩德斯豪斯(E+H)硅表试剂CAY643-V10AAE恩德斯豪斯(E+H)硅表清洗剂CAY641-V10AAE恩德斯豪斯(E+H)硅表维护包CA V740-5A恩德斯豪斯(E+H)标准液CAY642-V10C01AA恩德斯豪斯(E+H)标准液CAY642-V10C01AAE恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波液位计FMU230E-AA32 (2线制、量程0~4m) 恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波液位计FMU231E-AA32(2线制、量程0~7m) e+h压力变送器超声波液位计FMU41-ARH2A2 四线制量程八米恩德斯豪斯(E+H)涡街流量计电源板50086771恩德斯豪斯(E+H)涡街流量计放大器板5009351080F40-AAASAABABAAAFMG60-A1A1S1A1A50P25-EA2A1AA0AAAAFMP40-ABB2GRJB21AA L=1000MM雷达物位计FMR250-A5E1GGJAA2Ke+h压力变送器雷达物位计FMR250-A6E1XCJBB2KCPS12-0NA2ESA50W32-UA0A1AA0AAAA50W40-UA0A1AA0AAAA恩德斯豪斯(E+H)静压式液位计FMX167-A2CBF1C3FMR245-24CQKAA4A超声波液位计FMU40-ARB2A4恩德斯豪斯(E+H)静压式液位计FMX167-A2BBF1C383F08-AD2SAA31AAAFPMC71-ABA1C2GAAAUe+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)差压变送器PMD75-ABA7L21BAAA PMC71-ABA1P2GAAAAPMD75-ABA7L21BAAUCPF81-LH11C4FTM50-AGX2K4A12AA超声波液位计FMU40-ARB2A4DK5HA-H8AAC150H08-A00A1AA0AAAA+DK5HA-H8AAC130A T08-BD1AA11A21BFTL20-001680M50-AS2AABAAAAAAFTL51-AGR2DB4G5AFTM21-AG345APMC41-RE22FBJ11M1CPS91-2B02ESAe+h压力变送器超声波液位计FMU230E-AA32热导式流量计65I-20AB1AD1AAABAA热导式流量计65F15-AE2AG1AABAA热导式流量计65F25-AE2AG1AABAAFTC260-AA4D180F40-AD2SAAAAAAAACPS11D-7AA21CLS21-C2A4ACLM223-CD0110FTI51-AAA1RDJ43A1A L1=305mmTR10-AAA1CASYI3000 L=75MMFTI51-AAA1RDJ43D1A L1=305mm雷达液位计FMR245-A3CFKAA2AFAR10-6B恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波液位计FMU231E-AA32FTM51-AGG2L4A32AA L=450MMe+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波流量计FMU90-R11CA131AA3A 恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波物位传感器FDU91-RG1AA10W40-UA0A1AA0A4恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波物位变送器FMU90-R11CA133AA1A电导率测量传感器CLS12-B1D1A电导率分析仪CLD132-WV A138AB2余(总)氯分析仪传感器CCS140-NFTL51-KAF2BB4G5A L=300MM恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波物位传感器FDU93-RG1A恩德斯豪斯(E+H)PH电极CPS11-2BA2ESACPS71D-7BB21e+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)PH电极CPS11-2AA2ESA压力变送器PMC131-A12F1A1R电导率测量变送器CLM253-ID0010电导信号转换器FTW325-B2B1A无膜法溶解氧传感器COS61-A1F0PMC131-A11F1A1Se+h压力变送器PH测量变送器CPM253-MR1005FMG60-A1A1D1A1AFHX40-A1A80A04-ASVW AAAAAAAAFTM50-AGG2A4A32AA恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波液位计FMU41-ANB2A4FMG60-A1A1D1A1AFHX40-A1ACLS50-A1C2PMC71-ABA1H2B3AAAFMR231-ABGNJAA2AAFMG60-A1A1A1D1A83M25-ASAAABABBAAB10H50-5F0A1AA0A5AACUM750-1E0BACUS70-1A2AFTM30-A4DA180I40-AD2WABAAAAAA72F1H-SE0AA1AAA4AW83F50-AAASABBABAC2FMU43-APG2A2FMU860-R1A1B1FTL51-ABD2DB1G5A, L=118mmCPK9-NAA1ACPM253-MR0005CPA111-00BCPM253-PR0505CPS11-1AS2ESAe+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)PH电极CPS11-2BA2ESAFTM260-G4B恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波液位计FMU40-ANB2A2恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波物位传感器FDU86-RG2FAU40-2NFMU860-R1A1B1CPS11D-7BA2G83I50-AD2WAAAAAGAAFMU862-R1A1A1e+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)热电偶温度计TC10-A6D3BHSHHA400/0-600deg.c 80F15-AD2SAAAAAAAACLS16-3D2A1PFTL50-KGM2AA4G5A72F25-SK0AA1CAB4AWFMX167-A1ABA1B7FMG60-A1A1A1D1A53H02-KAOB1AC1AHAAe+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波物位传感器FDU86-RG1e+h压力变送器恩德斯豪斯(E+H)超声波物位变送器FMU860-R1A1A1FTM31-A43A1A L=2.5MFTM31-A43A1A L=1.8MCPS41-2AC2ESSCPA25-A0050P40-AA1A1AA0AAAACPS11-2AS2ESACYK10-A101FMX167-A1ABA1B7CPS11D-7BA21PMD75-2AA7D21BAAAPMD75-2AA7C21BAAAPMC71-ACA1S2RAAAAPMC71-ACA1P2RAAAACLS15-B3D1Ae+h压力变送器温度变送器TMT162/TMT165 TMT182温度变送器CLM223-IS0005CPM223-PR0005CPM223-IS0005CPS11D-7BA21CYK10-A101。
BD SENSORS GmbH DMP 331 工业压力传感器说明书

BD SENSORS GmbH BD-Sensors-Straße 1 Tel.: +49 (0) 92 35 / 98 11- 0www.bdsensors.de D - 95199 ThiersteinFax: +49 (0) 92 35 / 98 11- 11*****************DMP 331IndustrialPressure Transmitter for Low PressureStainless Steel Sensoraccuracy according to IEC 60770: standard: 0.35 % FSO option: 0.25 / 0.1 % FSONominal pressurefrom 0 ... 100 mbar up to 0 ... 60 b Output signals 2-wire: 4 ... 20 mA3-wire: 0 … 20 mA / 0 … 10 V others on request Special characteristic►perfect thermal behaviour ►excellent long term stability ►pressure portG 1/2" flush from 100 mbarOptional versions►IS-versionEx ia = intrinsically safefor gases and dusts ►SIL 2-according toIEC 61508 / IEC 61511►welded pressure sensor ►customer specific versionsThe pressure transmitter DMP 331 can be used in all industrial areas when the medium is compatible with stainless steel 1.4404 (316 L) or 1.4435 (316 L). Additional are different elastomer seals as well as a helium tested welded version available.The modulare concept of the device allows to combine different stainless steel sensors and electronic modules with a variety of electrical and mechanical versions.Thus a diversity of variations is created, meeting almost all requirements in industrial applications. Preferred areas of use arePlant and machine engineeringEnvironmental engineering (water - sewage - recycling) Energy industrypressure and levelwww.bdsensors.deExplosion protection (only for 4 … 20 mA / 2-wire)ApprovalsDX19-DMP 331 IBExU 10 ATEX 1068 X / IECEx IBE 12.0027X zone 0: II 1G Ex ia IIC T4 Gazone 20: II 1D Ex ia IIIC T135 °C DaSafety technical maximum values U i = 28 V, I i = 93 mA, P i = 660 mW, C i ≈ 0 nF, L i ≈ 0 μH,the supply connections have an inner capacity of max. 27 nF to the housingPermissible temperatures for environment in zone 0: -20 ... 60 °C with p atm 0.8 bar up to 1.1 bar in zone 1 or higher: -40/-20 ... 70 °CConnecting cables (by factory)cable capacitance: signal line/shield also signal line/signal line: 160 pF/m cable inductance: signal line/shield also signal line/signal line: 1 μH/mMiscellaneousOption SIL2 version 3 according to IEC 61508 / IEC 61511 Current consumption signal output current: max. 25 mAsignal output voltage: max. 7 mAWeight approx. 200 g Installation position any 4 Operational life 100 million load cycles CE-conformity EMC Directive: 2014/30/EU ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU3 only for4 … 20 mA / 2-wire, not in combination with accuracy 0.1 %4Pressure transmitters are calibrated in a vertical position with the pressure connection down. If this position is changed on installation there can be slight deviations in the zero point for pressure ranges p N ≤ 1 bar.Wiring diagrams2-wire-system (current)3-wire-system (current / voltage)Pin configuration Electrical connectionISO 4400Binder 723 (5-pin)M12x1 / metal(4-pin)Bayonet MIL-C-26482(10-6)2-wire3-wire Supply + Supply –Signal + (for 3-wire)1 2 33 4 1 1 2 3 A B -A D BShieldground pin54pressure portElectrical connectioncompact field housingcable colours (IEC 60757)V S+ V S- S+ GNDSupply + Supply –Signal + (for 3-wire)V S + V S - S+ WH (white) BN (brown) GN (green) ShieldGNDGNYE (green-yellow)psupply +supply –V SIsupply +A/Vsignal +V SpI/Usupply –ISO 4400 Binder series 723, 5-pin M12x1, 4-pin(IP 65) (IP 67) (IP 67)cable outlet with PVC cable cable outlet, cable with(IP 67) 5ventilation tube (IP 68) 6compact field housing(IP 67)universal field housing stainless steel 1.4404 (316 L) with cable gland M20x1.5 (ordering code 880) and other versions on request pressure and levelwww.bdsensors.deDimensions (mm / in)standardSIL- and SIL-IS version* with electrical connection Bayonet MIL-C-26482 (10-6) increases the length of devices by 5 mmMechanical connections (dimensions mm / in)G1/2" DIN 3852 G1/2" EN 837 1/2" NPTG1/4" DIN 3852 G1/4" EN 837 1/4" NPTG1/2" open port DIN 3852G1/2" flush DIN 3852(p N ≤ 40 bar) (p N ≤ 40 bar)DMP331_E_310123Tel.: +49 (0) 92 35 / 98 11- 0www.bdsensors.de Fax: +49 (0) 92 35 / 98 11- 11*****************© 2023 B D |S E N S O R S G m b H – T h e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s g i v e n i n t h i s d o c u m e n t r e p r e s e n t t h e s t a t e o f e n g i n e e r i n g a t t h e t i m e o f p u b l i s h i n g . W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m a k e m o d i f i c a t i o n s t o t h e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s a n d m a t e r i a l s .metric threads and other versions on request**-------1101110.1010000.1616000.2525000.4040000.6060001.010011.616012.525014.040016.06001101002161602252502404002606002-1 … 0X 1029999consult123E 1S 9consultstandard for p N ≥ 0.4 bar:0.35 % FSO 3standard for p N < 0.4 bar:0.50 % FSO 5option 1 for p N ≥ 0.4 bar:0.25 % FSO 2option 2:0.10 % FSO19consult100200T A 0cable with ventilation tube (IP68)M 10B G 0B G 4stainless steel 1.4301 (304)999consult 10020030040055H 00N 00N 40999consult1329consult000999consult1 absolute pressure possible from 0.4 bar2 not in combination with SIL3 standard: 2 m PVC cable without ventilation tube (permissible temperature: -5 … 70°C), others on request4code TR0 = PVC cable, cable with ventilation tube available in different types and lengths 5only for p N ≤ 40 bar6welded version only with pressure ports according to EN 837 and NPT31.01.2023customer34T R 0111intrinsic safety 4 … 20 mA / 2-wire2gauge 4 … 20 mA / 2-wire SIL2 4 … 20 mA / 2-wire 0 … 10 V / 3-wire0 … 20 mA / 3-wire absolute customer15, 6without (welded version)© 2023 B D |S E N S O R S G m b H - T h e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s g i v e n i n t h i s d o c u m e n t r e p r e s e n t t h e s t a t e o f e n g i n e e r i n g a t t h e t i m e o f p u b l i s h i n g . W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m a k e m o d i f i c a t i o n s t o t h e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s a n d m a t e r i a l s .DMP 331standard G1/4" DIN 3852customercustomerEPDM4 … 20 mA / 2-wirecustomercustomerSIL2 with intrinsic safetymale plug M12x1 (4-pin) / metal ES G1/4" EN 837G1/2" DIN 3852male and female plug ISO 4400male plug Binder series 723 (5-pin)cable outlet with PVC cable (IP67)8customercable outlet,1/4" NPT FKM Bayonet MIL-C-26482 (10-6); 2 wire Bayonet MIL-C-26482 (10-6); 3 wire00F G1/2" EN 837G1/2" DIN 3852501/2" NPT compact field housing G1/2" DIN 3852 open pressure portwith flush sensor。

2008.7.29, 10:34 AM
简介 ................................................................................. 5
1 概述 1.1 整机外形 ................................................................... 6 1.2 整机结构 ................................................................... 7 1.3 工作原理简介 ........................................................... 8 2 安装使用 2.1 整机外形尺寸图 ....................................................... 9 2.2 现场安装 ................................................................. 10 2.2.1 安装方式 .............................................................. 10 2.2.2 引压方式 .............................................................. 11 2.2.3 排气 / 液阀 ........................................................... 12 2.2.4 盖子锁 .................................................................. 12 2.2.5 流程连接孔距离调整 .......................................... 12 2.2.6 安装注意事项 ...................................................... 13 2.3 与测量方式相关问题 ............................................. 14 2.4 电气安装 ................................................................. 17 2.5 本安防爆型变送器系统接线图 ............................. 19 2.6 隔爆型变送器说明 ................................................. 19 3 调试与操作 ........................................................... 21-23

Durag火焰变送器D-UG660durag火焰检测探头D-LE603UH/94EX(电询:1 5 8 0 5 0 6 1 2 1 3)durag火焰变送器D-UG660德国DURAG火焰检测设备、DURAG燃烧器控制系统、DURAG高压点火装置、DURAG光学烟尘浓度测量仪、DURAG除尘过滤系统监测仪、DURAG烟尘体积流量测量仪、DURAG烟尘排放计算和数据处理德国DURAG公司简介:杜拉格工业电子公司DURAG GROUP坐落于德国汉堡,成立于1948年11月。
DURAG火焰检测装置:D-LE103系列/D-LE603系列/D-LE703系列/D-UG110系列/D-UG120系列/D-UG660系列;DURAG高能点火装置:D-HG55系列/D-HG400系列/D-HG1600系列;DURAG粉尘仪/浊度仪产品:D-R216系列浊度仪/D-R2160D系列粉尘仪/D-R220,D-R290系列粉尘仪浊度仪/D-R800系列粉尘仪/D-R300-40系列粉尘仪/D-FW231系列粉尘仪/D-FW240/EX 系列粉尘仪/D-RX250系列粉尘仪。
DURAG燃烧器控制器:D-GF150系列/D-GF200系列DURAG监控仪:D-RV290能见度测量仪/D-FL210T风俗风向测量仪/D-G102PM-CO-氧化碳测量仪/D-G102PM-NO-氧化氮测量仪/D-G102 PM-N02二氧化氮测量仪等。

材料 不锈钢316L
Ra ≤ 0,8µm
过程密封性 所有法兰连接为焊接并借此无泄露
- 过程连接 FPM系列
允许机械应力 - 抗振动性 20g,10...200Hz,按照 IEC 60068-2-27 - 抗冲击性 11ms为50g / 1ms为100g, 按照 IEC 60068-2-27 电磁兼容性 (仅使用4极连接电缆和接地壳体) - 干扰发射 A级,按照 EN 61326 - 抗干扰性 功率特性 A, 按照 EN 61326
Telefon: +49 661 6003-0 Telefax: +49 661 6003-500 E-Mail: mail@ Internet:
Typenblatt 40.5052
一般说明 参考条件 传感器系统 压力传输物 许可负载变化 安装位置 校准位置 位置相关的零点偏移 -基本类型 000 标准结构 -基本结构 004 高温结构 显示 调整
-1...9 0,1 0,25 0,5
25 0,1 0,25 0,5
-1...24 0,1 0,25 0,5
60 0,1 0,25 0,5
bar % v.EW % v.EW % v.EW
bar % v.EW % v.EW % v.EW
定义测量范围 非线性 1
JUMO GmbH & Co. KG Hausadresse: Moritz-Juchheim-Straße 1, 36039 Fulda, Germany Lieferadresse: Mackenrodtstraße 14, 36039 Fulda, Germany Postadresse: 36035 Fulda, Germany
BDS1000 可编程高压吹风系统

THERMO BRANDT 仪表BDS1000 可编程高压吹风系统THERMO BRANDT 生产的 BDS1000 可编程高压吹风系统是设计用于清除在处理高散状颗粒含量环境中应用的皮托管平均空气/气体流量计的产品。
BDS1000的设计可使其THERMO BRANDT DPT3000电子差压变送器(或其它品牌的电子差压变送器)及任何THERMO BRANDT生产的空气/气体流量测量设备配合使用。
可编程微型控制器*用户可编程的清洗频率与时间*高压气流通过皮托管组时可保留最后输出的数据*可与THERMO BRANDT生产的DPT2000持续清洗差压变送器或任何电子差压变送器搭配使用*对高低部位的交替清洗可以获得最大的清洗效果型号描述:BDS1000系列:BDS 1B-带有整体黄铜或紫铜结构的吹风系统BDS 1S-带有整体不锈钢结构的吹风系统BDS 1X=特殊结构,需与厂方协议定制防护罩选择:40=NEMA4碳钢防护罩4X= NEMA4不锈钢防护罩XX=特殊要求需与厂方协议定制性能:-0=标准-1=高性能,需与厂方协议定制选项:-1=整体压力调节器-2(范围)=整体DPT2000范围-1。
久茂自动化(大连)有限公司 403023 JUMO dTRANS p20 DELTA Ex d 压差

JUMO dTRANS p20 DELTA Ex d带防爆外壳的差压变送器简述JUMO DTRANS P20 Delta Ex d 压差变送器集最大精度和简单操作于一体,用于测量气体、蒸汽 和液体的压差。
防爆型“Ex ia (本安型)”允许设备安装到0区。
隔膜密封也可用于特定工艺技术应用(见数据单409772 至409784)。
一个易于使用的设置程序作为附件, 可通过接口启动操作。
根据2.0版DIN EN 61508/-1/-2,对具有4至20 mA 和HART®协议的压力变送器进行安全功能评 估,并由T ÜV Nord 认证。
“Ex ia ”防爆版本见数据表403022。
型号 403023流程图特点• 不锈钢外壳• SIL 认证(T ÜV Nord) • HART ®接口• 防爆 Ex d (气体和灰尘) 参考 ATEX 和EAC • 线性度 0.07 % • 带旋转按键使操作简单 • 设置程序• 带条形图的LCD 显示屏 • 显示选择测量单元 • 显示传感器温度 • 显示最大最小压力 • 电流发生器功能• 特征线和显示器也可用于调节测量流量认证/认证标识(见"数据单")数据单基本信息b JUMO接口不得用于潜在爆炸区域!在这种情况下,可通过旋转按键或HART®接口操作输入输出电源电源DC 12 至 36 V 机械特性环境条件b 在-40至-50°C范围内,设备必须持续运行。

适用于表压、负压和绝压的测量 量程范围 0…10mbar 至 0…2200bar
适用于差压测量 可测压力范围 0…0.1mbar 至 0…16bar
BD SENSOR公司从开创时仅有的基于不锈钢硅传感器的两种压力变送器和一种投入式液位计,发展到今日的从低价OEM产品到配有HART? 通讯或现场总线接口的高端产品,标准产品范围已多达40余种。
BD SENSOR为全球用户提供从0.1mbar至2500bar的测压产品:
针对用户对电气连接、过程连接、输出信号和壳体材料的特殊要求,BD SENSORS可从下列OEM标准产品演化出不同的系列产品。用户可得到为其量身定制的液位监控和流程工业
德国压力测量专家Dennd?rfer先生, Marecek 先生和Simonik 先生于1994年共同建立了BD SENSORS 公司,并在短短的几年内发展成为世界范围内压力测量领域具有领导地位的企业。
今天BD SENSORS公司的200名员工分布在德国,中国,捷克和俄罗斯。
上海轶舜国际贸易有限公司特价供应德国BD SENSORS传感器、BD SENSORS压力传感器、BD SENSORS传感器、BD SENSORS压力变送器、BD SENSORS投入式液位计、BD SENSORS电子压力开关等全系列产品。



单晶硅智能差压变送器 DRS300
DRS300 系列差压变送器采用德国 先进的 MEMS 技术制成的单晶硅传感器 芯片、全球独创的单晶硅悬浮式设计,实 现了国际领先的高准确度、超高过压性能 优异的稳定性。内嵌德国信号处理模块, 实现静压与温度补偿的完美结合,可在大 范围内的静压和温度变化下提供极高的测 量精度和长期稳定性。
▪ 通信线路条件 : 线路长度:最长 2km(0.75~1.25mm2 控制仪 表用电缆,超过 1km 时使用双绞电缆)
负载电阻:250~600Ω(DC 24V, 包含电缆电阻 ) 负载电容:0.55mF 以下 负载电感:3.3mH 以下 动力线的间隔:15cm 以上(请避免平行配线) ▪ 饱 和 电 流:上限 20.8mA 下限 3.8mA ▪ 报 警 电 流:上限 22.8mA 下限 3.6mA(模式可设置) ▪ 调 整 功 能:零点、满量程点可从通过外壳顶部三按键进行
i 关键词
▪ 单晶硅 ▪ 超高过压性能 ▪ 量程:0.5~500kPa ▪ 标准 HART 通讯 ▪ 本地三按键设置 ▪ 手机 APP 远程调试
高准确度 差压(流量)变送器在 0.5~500kPa 的 测量范围内,可进行高准确度测量。 标准校验量程精度:±0.05% 微小量程下优异的过压性能 1kPa 标准量程芯片过压达 1.5MPa 4kPa 标准量程芯片过压达 2.5MPa 优异的环境适应性 智能静压补偿和温度补偿,保护变送器 不受温度、静压与过压的影响,将现场 的综合测量误差控制到最小 灵活的量程压缩 M1,M2 量程比:20:1 M3 量程比:40:1 M4,M5,M6 量程比:100:1 优异的操作性和使用便利性 ▪ 备有 5 位带背光 LCD 数字显示器 ▪ 多种显示功能 (Pa、kPa、MPa、 bar、mbar、%、psi、mmH2o) ▪ 内置三按键快捷操作就地调整功能 ▪ 通过手机 APP 进行远程调试 ▪ 备有各种抗腐蚀材料 ▪ 全面自诊断功能
DPTN DPTD 压差变送器使用说明书

1DPTN/DPTD 压差变送器应用和特点⚫ 采用高精度MEMS 传感器及数字化技术,可以检测正压、负压或压差。
DPTN 适合平面安装, DPTD 有静压探头,适合风管直接安装使用⚫ 可用于各类通风、空调系统及设备的空气压力检测,也可测量风扇、鼓风机、过滤器阻力、炉体通风、孔板、净化间、生物安全柜、洁净工作台、除尘、医疗和药机等设备的压差检测 ⚫ 多种量程范围、工程单位和输出信号选择 ⚫ 高性价比,精度高达1%,量程最低为25Pa⚫ 按键/拨码开关支持功能:零点校准、单位切换、响应时间等 ⚫ 现场可插拔LCD 模块和现场多段量程选择。
DPTN/DPTD 的LCD 显示屏可以180°反向安装,适合不同的安装和接线方式技术指标介质:空气和非易燃、非腐蚀性气体,对潮湿/粉尘/结露/油污不敏感工作环境:-20~70°C 介质温度:0~60°C 温度补偿:0~50°C工作压力:过载10xFS ,破坏压力15xFS 精度:±1.0%FS(25Pa 为±2%FS) 长期稳定性:±0.5%FS /Year 温漂:<0.05%FS/°C (零点),<0.08%FS/°C (满量程) 响应时间:0.5/1/2/5s ,可由拨码设置 过程连接:锥形咀,内径5mm 软管连接显示:5位LCD ,显示区域44x18mm ,带单位指示,现场可插拔 输出:0~10V ,4~20mA(二线),0~5V ,RS485可选 输出负载:≤500Ω(电流型),≥2k Ω(电压型) 电源:电压型16~28VAC/16~35VDC电流型18.5~35VDC (R L =500Ω),8.5~35VDC (R L =0Ω)工程单位:5种,见量程表,拨码切换 清零按键:按键可实现方便的清零操作外壳材料:下壳ABS+PC ,上壳PC ,阻燃UL94V-0 防护等级: DPTN/DPTD :IP65 重量:DPT/DPTN :165g 认证:CE配件:LCD 显示模块(型号DPT-LCD 或DPTN-LCD),含1个LCD 模块和1个面板贴膜。


Anderson Instrument Co. Inc. 156 Auriesville Road Fultonville, NY 120721-800-833-0081Fax 518-922-8997www.and erson-negele .comInstructionManual © Sept. 1994 ~ Rev. 10/02Instrument Model Number_________________________________Instrument Serial Number _________________________________MODEL RSPP AGE2SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION31.1 SPECIFICATIONS3SECTION 2 - THEORY OF OPERATION5SECTION 3 - INSTALLATION5SECTION 4 - SENSOR WIRING6SECTION 5 - INSTRUMENT WIRING75.1 LOOP POWER7SECTION 6 - LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY86.1 LCD INSTALLATION8SECTION 7 - MAINTENANCE8SECTION 8 - CALIBRATION98.1 CALIBRATION OF TRANSMITTER98.2 CALIBRATION OF LCD DISPLAY9SECTION 9 - TROUBLESHOOTING129.1 VOLTAGE CHECK129.2 CURRENT CHECK129.3 MISCELLANEOUS TROUBLESHOOTING12SECTION 10 - WARRANTY AND RETURN STATEMENT13FIGURES1Dimensional View32Wiring Terminal Connections63Loop Power Guidelines74Loop Diagram75LCD Display Calibration Adjustments10P AGE3 Section 1 - IntroductionThis manual has been designed to assist the end-user with the installation of the Andersonmodel RSP Sanitary Electronic Pressure Transmitter. When followed properly, your sensorwill provide optimum performance with minimum maintenance.FIGURE 1 - Dimensional View1.1 SPECIFICATIONSExcitation:9-32 VDC (Absolute), 24 VDC Nominal, regulated orunregulated14-37 VDC (Absolute) with displayOutput:4-20 mA DCLoop Resistance:0-750 ohms at 24 VDC0-1050 ohms at 30 VDCIndication:Optional, 3 1/2 digit, .5" high LCD, cap mountedAccuracy:±.5% of span, full scale, for standard ranges, rangesbelow 0-50 psig±1% full scale; all compound and psia ranges,±1.5% full scaleOver-Range Rating: 2 times base rangeStability:±0.3% of calibrated range/6 monthsStorage Temperate:-40 to 150°F (-40 to 65°C)Zero and Span Adjustment:±10% of rangeRepeatability:±.3%P AGE 4Hysteresis:± .2%Process Temp. Range:20° to 225°F (up to 300°F if horizontal mount)Process Temp. Effect:Less than 0,2% of full scale output/10°F change Ambient Temp. Operating Range:0° to 120°F (-17.8° to 48.9°C)Storage Temperature:-40° to 149°C (-40° to 65°C)Mounting:Direct connection Housing Material:304 Stainless Steel Wetted Parts:316L Stainless Steel standard; Hasteloy "C" diaphragm optionalSurface Finish (wetted parts):R a = 25 microinches (.6 microns) for standard finish;R a max = 8 microinches (.2 microns) for electropolished fittings (specify when ordering)Recommended Cable:18-24 AWG, foil shielded, and PVC coated.(3/16" - 1/4" O.D. insulation)Wiring Connection:Screw Terminal; Accessible via removable screw capconduit housingP AGE5 Section 2 - Theory of OperationThe Anderson RSP Pressure Transmitter can be utilized for applications in which a processvariable of pressure must be converted to an electronic signal. This unit utilizes an internalpressure transducer to convert the process measurement into a corresponding mV signal.The mV signal then passes through custom linearization and conditioning circuitry. Theresulting signal is an industry standard 4-20 mA. This mA signal is factory set over thespecified range of the unit. From here the signal may be sent to an Anderson Digital Display,Microprocessor based controller, chart recorder, or customer supplied instrumentation. Inaddition, the RSP may be supplied with an integral LCD display for readout directly at theprocess.Section 3 - InstallationThe physical installation is the most important concern with regards to promoting sensorreliability. Sensors must be installed in such a way that the housing and cable are not subjectto physical abuse. In addition, moisture or moist air must not be allowed to enter the sensorhousing or cable.NOTE: The installer assumes responsibility for preventing water or water-vapor from enteringthe sensor housing.Your new RSP transmitter is supplied with a conduit housing. If mounted horizontally, theconduit connection should point downward. Also, to prevent entry of excessive moisture, it ishighly recommended that flexible conduits not be connected directly to the sensor. If conduitis to be run to the sensor, it is preferable that the watertight connector provided with eachsensor not be removed from the sensor. Instead, run the flexible conduit as near to thesensor as possible and utilize a seal-tight connector at the end of the conduit. Allow a shortamount of cable to run between the sensor and the flexible conduit. This isolates the sensorhousing from the conduit system and any moisture it may contain. If the conduit is connecteddirectly to the sensor, the chances are high that the sensor will eventually fail due to exces-sive water or water vapor entry into the housing.NOTE: It is recommended that a sensor "ZERO" be performed at time of installation. Refer tosection 8.1, page 9 for information on this procedure.P AGE6Section 4 - Sensor WiringAnderson recommends a cable of 24 gauge, 4 conductor, shielded (Belden #9534) orequivalent. Four conductor cable is utilized because of its roundness, which provides asuitable seal when used with seal-tight connectors, strain reliefs and rubber grommets.Irregular shaped cable does not allow for a watertight seal.If utilizing customer supplied cable, select a round cable with 22-24 AWG wire and a shield.In order for the Anderson provided seal-tight connector to seal on the cable, the O.D. of thecable must be between 3/16" and 1/4". If smaller cable is utilized, a different neoprenebushing must be used (must be customer supplied).If an alternate seal-tight type connector is going to be used, be absolutely certain that therubber bushing will adequately seal on the cable. Do not use a connector intended for powercable (large inside diameter) if the sensor cable is only 1/4". Be sure to use Teflon threadtape when attaching the new seal-tight connector.Wiring to the conduit housing sensors is accomplished as follows:1. Remove the housing cap to expose the wiring terminal block.2. Insert the cable through the seal-tight connector, stripping back approximately 2 inches ofsheathing to expose the wires.3. Two wires will be utilized for connections at the transmitter end of the loop. Normal colorcodes being RED (Loop +) and BLACK (Loop -). Trim off all unused wires, including thebare shield ground wire. To prevent a GROUND LOOP condition, be sure the shieldmaterial and the shield ground wire do not touch the sensor housing. Use an insulatorsuch as electrical tap or heat shrink tubing if necessary.4. Strip the tips of the remaining wires back approximately 3/8 of an inch and twist strands(tinning is highly recommended).5. Using Figure 2, make the proper connections to the wiring terminal strip (located inside theconduit housing)Figure 2 - Wiring Terminal ConnectionsP AGE7 Section 5 - Instrument WiringWith the proper wiring connections made at the senor end of the loop, it is now time to makefinal connections at the instrument end of the loop. The RSP may feed instruments such asAnderson digital display, microprocessor based controllers, chart recorders, or customersupplied instrumentation.5.1 LOOP POWERThe Anderson RSP requires loop power for operation. Ratings are as follows:Standard RSP Transmitter:9-32 VDC (Absolute), 24 VDC Nominal, regulated orunregulatedRSP Transmitter with LCD Display:14-37 VDC (Absolute), 24 VDC Nominal, regulated orunregulatedAs inherent resistance associated with cable length and signal receiver input may affectoperation of the transmitter, Figure 3 shows some guidelines for loop power required.FIGURE 3 - Loop Power GuidelinesPlease consult the Installation/Service Manual that was provided with your receiver forspecific wiring instruction. Most Anderson receiver (displays, chart recorders, etc.) arecapable of supplying loop power. Typical wiring would be as follows:Figure 4 - Loop DiagramP AGE8Section 6 - Liquid Crystal DisplayThe RSP transmitter is available from the factory, or field upgradeable, with an integral LCDprocess display. The display is supplied from the factory pre-calibrated to the specifiedparameters.NOTE: Although re-calibration may be performed, no alteration to the decimal point locationmay be made - this is a factory set function.6.1 LCD INSTALLATIONInstallation of an LCD Process Display into an already existing RSP transmitter is as follows:1. To prevent possible damage to the transmitter or receiver, it is recommended that allpower be disconnected before proceeding.2. Remove the conduit cap from the sensor. If upgrading a RSP in the field, you will besupplied with a new conduit cap (hole in center).3. To the left of the wiring terminal block will be a small YELLOW wire loop. It has an arrowpointing to it stating "WITH DISPLAY CUT". Cut this loop, making sure the two ends don'tcome in contact with each other or anything else.4. Insert the LCD RED wire into the (DISP +) terminal and tighten.5. Insert the LCD BLACK wire into the (DISP -) terminal and tighten.6. Slide the LCD display into the end of the conduit housing, orienting for proper position.7. Secure the new cap provided.8. Apply power to the system.,9. At this point, check to be sure you are getting a proper reading If the display is not active,immediately power down the loop and check you connections. If you feel the display is notreading properly, it may be necessary to perform calibration to the transmitter. Refer toSection 8 - Calibration.Section 7 - MaintenanceAnderson electronic sensors require very little maintenance, if any. We suggest that thesensor be inspected at 6 month intervals to ensure that they are not being physically abuse,moisture is not entering the housing, and that the wiring is sound.P AGE9 Section 8 - CalibrationIf you feel that the output of the RSP transmitter is not correct, calibration of the unit may berequired. Section 8.1 illustrates the pro procedures for calibration of the transmitter, withsection 8.2 covering calibration of the LCD display.Equipment required:Pressure sourceAccurate reference gaugeDC Milliamp Meter (accurate to .01 mA)Small straight blade screwdriverCalculatormA Signal generator (helpful for LCD calibration)8.1 CALIBRATION - TRANSMITTERAdjustments to the transmitter are made via the "ZERO" and "SPAN" potentiometers. Thesetwo adjustments are non-interactive, meaning changing the zero will not change the span. Asgeneral maintenance to the unit, a zero check is recommended at approximately 6 monthintervals. If your unit is calibrated at a compound range, you will not see 4.00 mA at atmo-spheric zero. As reference, you may use the following chart to determine if your unit mayrequire calibration (most common ranges are shown).The output of a properly calibrated transmitter may be calculated by using the followingformula:NOTE: The transmitter should be wired in a complete loop at this point, or on a test benchand configured per the diagram shown in Figure 4, page 7. Although no interaction betweenzero and span occurs, when making adjustments you should be as close to the top andbottom transmitter range as possible. This will ensure the best possible linearity in the finalsignal output.1. Expose the transmitter to a known zero reference point. If transmitter range starts atatmospheric zero, zero adjust at atmospheric zero. If transmitter is a compound range,you should be as close to sensor zero as possible . You must calculate the expected mAsignal (use formula proved at start of this section).2. Remove cap from transmitter.3. With your meter set to DC mA, connect the RED (Meter +) lead to the (DISP +) terminal.Connect the BLACK (Meter - ) lead to the (DISP -) terminal.4. DO NOT USE THE LCD TO MAKE INITIAL SENSOR ADJUSTMENTS. If the LCD is notin calibration, an error will result in the calibration of the transmitter. The LCD should becalibrated separately. See Section 8.2, page 10 for proper procedures.5. Adjust the transmitter ZERO potentiometer as shown in Figure 2, page 6, until you eitherP AGE10see 4.00 mA if you are at atmospheric zero, or your expected mA signal for a compoundrange.6. Expose the transmitter to a know process variable near the top end of the range.7. Again, using the formula provided, calculate the mA reading expected.8. Adjust the transmitter SPAN potentiometer, as shown in Figure 2, page 6, until you seeyour expected mA output.NOTE: For pressure transmitters with compound ranges, the ranges must first be convertedto all one type unit of measure. For example, a 30" Hg - 0-30 psig unit may be considered tohave a range of -14.7 psig - 0-30 psig and a span of 44.7 psig (2.036" Hg = 1 psi). Be carefulnot to lose the (-) sign while performing the calculation of the proper reading.8.2 CALIBRATION OF LCD DISPLAYNOTE: Be sure the transmitter is in calibration before attempting to adjust the LCD display.The LCD reading is based on mA output from the transmitter. Therefore, if the transmitter isout of calibration, this error will be reflected in the LCD reading.To perform calibration of the LCD display, you must first determine the Zero and Span. Thisinformation is on a sticker located on the back of the display. Adjustments are made via Zeroand Span potentiometers, see Figure 5 for location. You may use either the RSP transmitteritself to perform calibration of the display, or a 4-20 mA signal simulator.Figure 5 - LCD Display Calibration AdjustmentsCALIBRATION OF LCD USING 4-20 mA Simulator1. Disconnect he LCD display from the transmitter by removing the RED and BLACK wiresfrom their respective terminals.2. Attach the POSITIVE lead of the simulator to the RED lead of the LCD display, and theNEGATIVE lead of the simulator to the BLACK lead of the LCD display.3. The simulator should be set to POWERED output mode so that loop power is supplied. Ifyour simulator is not capable of this function, wire to 9 VDC batteries in series with the4-20 mA simulator and the LCD display.4. Apply 4.00 mA to the LCD display.5. Adjust the ZERO potentiometer until he LCD matches the range indicated on the sticker inthe spot labeled ZERO CALIBRATION.P AGE116. Apply 20.00 mA to the LCD display.7. Adjust the SPAN potentiometer until the he LCD matches the range indicated on thesticker in the spot labeled SPAN CALIBRATION.8. The LCD display is now properly calibrated. Re-wire the transmitter at this time.CALIBRATION OF LCD USING TRANSMITTER/PROCESS1. To complete this calibration, you must have a pressure source and a known accuratereference. At this point you MUST be certain that the transmitter is in proper calibration.If necessary, start with section 8.1 - Transmitter Calibration, page 9.2. Expose the transmitter to a know pressure near the LOW end of the calibrated range.3. Adjust the potentiometer on the back of the LCD display labeled ZERO until the displaymatches your know reference4. Expose the transmitter to a known pressure near the HIGH end of the calibrated range.5. Adjust the potentiometer on the back of the LCD display labeled SPAN until the displaymatches your know reference6. The LCD display is now properly calibrated.P AGE12Section 9 - Troubleshooting9.1 VOLTAGE CHECKUsing a digital multimeter on the DC volts scale and with the sensor connected to thereceiver, confirm that the sensor is being provided the correct loop power. Place the RED(Meter +) lead on the (Loop +) terminal, and the BLACK (Meter -) lead on the (Loop -)terminal. You should see between 9-32 VDC for a standard transmitter, and between 14-37VDC if you have an optional LCD display installed.9.2 CURRENT CHECKTo check the mA loop, be sure the sensor is connected to the receiver. Open the cap on thetransmitter to expose the wiring terminals. Using a digital multimeter on the mADC scale,connect the RED (Meter +) lead to the (DISP +) terminal and the BLACK (Meter -) lead to the(DISP -) terminal. You will be reading the mA current loop. A high current flow, approaching30 mA, indicates a problem with the transmitter (internal source). If no current flow isobserved this indicates either an open loop or a problem with the transmitter. To check atransmitter at a know pressure, refer to the Calibration section for information on how toproperly calculate the mA output at the known value.9.3 MISCELLANEOUS TROUBLESHOOTINGSymptom ActionNo display on receiver• Check loop for broken wire• Check receiver for power out (loop power)Display on receiver reading improperly• Perform calibration check on RSP• Perform calibration check on signal receiver Transmitter not operating after LCD• Place a wire jumper from (DISP +) terminal toremoved (DISP -) terminalWhen testing Loop, NO current flow• Check for broken connectionsdetected• Check loop wiring (incorrect polarity affectsloop)Feel free to contact Anderson Technical Services Department at 1-800-833-0081 for furtherassistance with troubleshooting.P AGE13 Section 10 - Warranty and Return StatementThese products are sold by The Anderson Instrument Company (Anderson) under thewarranties set forth in the following paragraphs. Such warranties are extended only withrespect to a purchase of these products, as new merchandise, directly from Anderson or froman Anderson distributor, representative or reseller, and are extended only to the first buyerthereof who purchases them other than for the purpose of resale.WarrantyThese products are warranted to be free from functional defects in materials and workman-ship at the time the products leave the Anderson factory and to conform at that time to thespecifications set forth in the relevant Anderson instruction manual or manuals, sheet orsheets, for such products for a period of one year.THERE ARE NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYONDTHE WARRANTIES HEREIN AND ABOVE SET FORTH. ANDERSON MAKES NOWARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSEWITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS.LimitationsAnderson shall not be liable for any incidental damages, consequential damages, specialdamages, or any other damages, costs or expenses excepting only the cost or expense ofrepair or replacement as described above.Products must be installed and maintained in accordance with Anderson instructions. Usersare responsible for the suitability of the products to their application. There is no warrantyagainst damage resulting from corrosion, misapplication, improper specifications or otheroperating condition beyond our control. Claims against carriers for damage in transit must befiled by the buyer.This warranty is void if the purchaser uses non-factory approved replacement parts andsupplies or if the purchaser attempts to repair the product themselves or through a third partywithout Anderson authorization.ReturnsAnderson’s sole and exclusive obligation and buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy under theabove warranty is limited to repairing or replacing (at Anderson’s option), free of charge, theproducts which are reported in writing to Anderson at its main office indicated below.Anderson is to be advised of return requests during normal business hours and such returnsare to include a statement of the observed deficiency. The buyer shall prepay shippingcharges for products returned and Anderson or its representative shall pay for the return ofthe products to the buyer.Approved returns should be sent to:ANDERSON INSTRUMENT COMPANY INC.156 AURIESVILLE ROADFULTONVILLE, NY 12072 USAATT: REPAIR DEPARTMENTANDERSON INSTRUMENT CO., INC • 156 AURIESVILLE RD. • FULTONVILLE, NY 12072 • USA • 800-833-0081 • FAX 518-922-8997 ANDERSON INSTRUMENT CO. LP • 400 BRITANNIA RD. EAST, UNIT 1 • MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO L4Z 1X9 • CANADA • 905-568-1440 • FAX 905-568-1652 NEGELE MESSTECHNIK GmbH (A Division of Anderson) • RAIFFEISENWEG 7 • D-87743 EGG A. D. GÜNZ • GERMANY • +49 (0) 8333/9204-0 • FAX +49 (0) 8333/9204-49。
德国DMP 331压力变送器

德国DMP 331压力变送器广州南创李工德国BD SENSORS公司建立时仅有基于不锈钢硅传感器的两种压力变送器和一种潜入式液位计,现今已拥有超过70余种标准产品,德国BD|SENSORS专注于研发并生产:压力变送器,压力传感器,压力开关,液位计,压力表等测压产品。
DMP 331 压力变送器(不锈钢传感器): 可选平齐式接口常压量程:从100 mbar 至40 bar精度等级:从0.05% 至0.5% FSO BFSL / 从0.1% 至0.5% FSO IEC 60770典型应用:适于各种低压应用连接:机械连接:G1/2", G1/4" ,G1/2" 平齐式接口, NPT电气连接:ISO4400, Binder 723, M12 x 1, 电缆压盖, Buccaneer, Cable outlet,防护壳BD Sensors DMP系列压力变送器:DMP 343 压力变送器DMP 331 压力变送器DMP 333 压力变送器DMP 334 压力变送器DMP 335 压力变送器DMP 304 压力变送器DMP 339 压力变送器DMP 331i 压力变送器DMP 333i 压力变送器德国BD Sensors压力变送器其它系列:DMK 331 压力变送器DMK 351 压力变送器DMK 457 压力变送器DMK 458 压力变送器DMK 331P 压力变送器DMK 351P 压力变送器DMD 331 压力变送器DMD 341 压力变送器DMD 831 压力变送器DPS 200 压力显示器DPS 300 压力显示器X|act i 压力变送器X|act ci 压力变送器XMP i 压力变送器XMP ci 压力变送器XMD 压力变送器。
经济型压力变送器26.600P_德国BD SENSORS

1 卡箍 1" 和卡箍 1 1/2"表压额定量程仅限至 40 bar。
标准 可选 性能
2 线制: 3 线制:
4 ... 20 mA 0 ... 10 V
/ VS = 8 ... 32 VDC / VS = 14 ... 30 VDC
BFSL: ≤ ± 0.5 % FSO
26.600 P
OEM 压力变送器
压力接口 (尺寸单位 mm)
G 1/2" 平齐
7 仅适用于额定量程 P ≤40 bar N
G 1" 锥体
卡箍 1" & 1 1/2"7
电话:+86 (0) 21 / 33600610 传真:+86 (0) 21 / 33600613
26.600 P
OEM 压力变送器
标准 可选
G1/2" 平齐: 硅油 G1" 锥体 / 卡箍 1" / 卡箍 1 1/2" 可食用油(FDA 认证 Mobil DTE FM 32; 分类代码: H1; NSF 其他请咨询
注册号: 130662)
压力接口/ 壳体 密封(湿件) 隔膜 湿件
不锈钢 1.4404 (316 L) /不锈钢 1.4301 (304)
不锈钢 1.4435 (316 L)
压力接口, 密封, 隔膜
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德国BD SENSORS工业压力变送器精度高,长期稳定性好
压力测量范围400mPa,陶瓷传感器焊接式不锈钢平齐隔膜精度:0.5%FSO BFSL(1.0% FSO
IEC 60770) 额定量程:从0——1.6 bar至0 ——400 bar。
产品特点:符合食品卫生需求较高的介质温度:-25-125 °C (硅油填充液)-10-125 °C (可食用油填充液)多种压力接口和电气接口可供选择,应用:食品卫生包装机械制药行业
DMP 343采用非介质隔离的硅传感器,DMP 331、DMP 333采用不锈钢硅传感器,DMP 334采用不锈钢溅射薄膜传感器,DMK 331采用陶瓷厚膜传感器,DMP 331i-DMP 333i-LMP 331i采用不锈钢硅传感器,DMD 331-DPS 200采用不锈钢硅传感器,DMD 341采用非介质隔离的硅传感器,DPS 100采用感应传感器
BD SENSORS用于液位监控和流程工业的旋入式液位计
LMP 331采用不锈钢硅传感器,LMK 331采用陶瓷厚膜传感器,LMK 351采用电容式陶瓷传感器
BD SENSORS投入式液位计(静压液位测量)介质兼容性强,长期稳定性好
其中分体式液位计系列LMP308 / LMP808 / LMK358 / LMK858以其独特的设计更是得到用户的好评。
LMP 305-LMP 307-LMP 308-LMP 308i-LMP 808采用不锈钢硅传感器,LMK 306-LMK 307-LMK 309-LMK 807-LMK 809采用陶瓷厚膜传感器,LMK 358-LMK 358H-LMK 382-LMK 382H采用电容式陶瓷传感器
BD SENSORS造船,航海和海上作业
DMP 457采用不锈钢硅传感器,DMK 457采用陶瓷厚膜传感器,LMK 457-LMK 457H采用电容式陶瓷传感器。
BD SENSORS卫生性压力变送器采用不锈钢或陶瓷隔膜
BD SENSORS提供的用于食品加工,化工和制药行业的变送器具有符合卫生标准的过程连接设计,符合EHEDG和FDA标准。
并可出具符合EN 10204 (如 3.1B)标准的材料和制造测试证书。
DMK 331P-DS 201P-DS 401P采用陶瓷厚膜传感器,DMP 331P-DS 200P-DS 400P采用不锈钢硅传感器,DMK 351P采用电容式传感器。
BD SENSORS配数显和节点输出的压力测量仪表
DS 200-DS 400采用不锈钢硅传感器,DS 201-DS 401采用陶瓷厚膜传感器,DS 210采用非介质隔离的硅传感器。
BD SENSORS数显表头和数显仪表
PA 430即插式数显仪表,ASM 430数显和节点模块,CIT 100 - PM190流程显示器,CIT 400/CIT 401多功能流程显示器,PKD 4420具有自动辨认功能的压力校验仪,CIT 500电池供电的数显仪。
BAROLI电池供电的数字压力表,BM 200/DM 201直流供电的数字压力表。