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Tony: How was your school trip, Jane?
Jane: Oh, it was terrible.
Tony: Really? Where did you go?
Jane: Well, we went to the countryside and climbed a mountain. But
2. visit a museum _c__ 5. visit a fire station _d__
3. ride a horse _b__
6. go f百度文库shing _f__
a c
Pre-listening Choose the activity Let’s vote for which activity we would most like
see _c__ have _g__ play __j _
climb _b__ stop __h_
eat _f__ worry __a_
visit __e_ buy __i _ come _d__
B a. worried b. climbed c. saw d. came e. visited f. ate g. had h. stopped i. bought j. played
人教版 英语 七年级下册
Unit 11 How was your school trip?
Section B 1a-1d
Warming up—Pre-listening—While-listening—Post-listening—Exercises —Summary—Homework
Learning goals
Warming up
Look and say.
— __H_o_w___ was the weather yesterday?
— __It_w__a_s_ fine.
Warming up
Look and say.
— _D__id____ they __g_o_c_l_im__b_i_n_g_ last weekend?
Do these words sound happy?
louder speaking faster
higher-pitched (高音调的)
Do these words sound sad?
quieter speaking slower lower-pitched(低音调的)
drew pictures. It was so much fun! Jane: Sounds like you had a great school trip. Tony: Yes. We had a really good time!
Complete the sentences according to the conversation.
Warming up
Look and say.
— __D_i_d___ the girl __g_o_f_i_sh__in_g___ last Saturday?
— Yes, __s_h_e_d__id____.
Warming up
Look and say.
— __D_i_d___ the boy _g_o__sw__im__m__in_g_ last Sunday?
1. Curriculum words: fire, museum, painting 2. Useful expressions: fire station 3. Functions: 能描述过去发生的事情 4. Grammar: 能正确使用be动词的一般过去时描述或询问过去的状态
1b Listen and answer the questions.
1. How was Jane’s trip? It was terrible.
2. How was Tony’s trip? It was great.
1c Listen again. What did Jane and Tony do on their last school trip? Check (√) Tony or Jane.
Listen and answer the questions.
1. Where did Jane go on her school trip? She went to the countryside.
2. Where did Tony go on his school trip? He went to an art museum.
1. Jane’s trip was ___te_r_ri_b_l_e___. The weather was so ____c_o_ld_____. It rained and rained all day long. That’s too ____b_a_d_____.
2. There were so many __in_t_e_re_s_t_in_g__ things to see in the art museum. Tony saw some really ___b_ea_u_t_if_u_l__ paintings.
— Yes, __th__ey__d_i_d___.
Warming up
Look and say.
— _D_i_d____ Jim __w_a_t_c_h__T_V___ last
√ — No, __h_e_d_i_d_n_’_t __.
5. Sentences: Where did you go? What did you do? It was great. We had a really good time!
Warming up
Match the past forms in column B with the verbs in column A.
fire station n. 消防站
What are the people doing in the pictures?
a c
1a Match the activities with the pictures.
1. go to the zoo _a__ 4. climb a mountain _e__
painting /ˈpeɪntɪŋ/ n. 油画; 绘画
Then we had lunch at the museum restaurant. The food was really delicious! After that, we went to a special art room and
/druː/ draw的过去式
— Yes, ___h_e__d_id____.
Warming up
Look and say.
— __H_o_w___ was their trip? — It __w_a_s___ great.
history museum museum /mjuːˈziəm/ n. 博物馆
went to the climbed a went to an saw some countryside mountain art museum paintings


drew pictures

Listen and read.
Role-paly the conversation.
Tony: How was your school trip, Jane? Jane: Oh, it was terrible. Tony: Really? Where did you go? Jane: Well, we went to the countryside and climbed a mountain. But
Jane: So what did you do then?
Tony: We went to an art museum. It was great. There were so many interesting things to see. I saw some really beautiful paintings.
3. The food at the museum restaurant was really __d_el_i_ci_o_u_s___. 4. Tony’s trip was so ___m__u_c_h____ fun. He had a __g_re_a_t___ school trip.
Jane: Sounds like you had a great school trip. Tony: Yes. We had a really good time!
1d What was your last school trip like? Discuss it with your partner.
the weather was so cold. It rained and rained all day long.
Tony: Oh, that’s too bad.
Jane: Ugh! How about your school trip, Tony?
Tony: Well, it was raining here too, so we didn’t go to the countryside.
Game time Write sentences like this as many as you can in one minute.
I went fishing last Sunday, it was great. I visited a farm last Sunday, it was beautiful. I visited my grandparents last Sunday, they were healthy. …
to do on a class trip. Please raise hands for one activity only.
a c
Intonation clues Just listen to the intonation(语调) of the speakers.
the weather was so cold. It rained and rained all day long. Tony: Oh, that’s too bad. Jane: Ugh! How about your school trip, Tony? Tony: Well, it was raining here too, so we didn’t go to the countryside. Jane: So what did you do then?
Tony: We went to an art museum. It was great. There were so many interesting things to see. I saw some really beautiful paintings. Then we had lunch at the museum restaurant. The food was really delicious! After that, we went to a special art room and drew pictures. It was so much fun!