





1. 选择特定位置的子元素:
- `:nth-child(1)`:选择第一个子元素。

- `:nth-child(2)`:选择第二个子元素。

- `:nth-child(odd)`:选择奇数位置的子元素。

- `:nth-child(even)`:选择偶数位置的子元素。

2. 选择一定范围的子元素:
- `:nth-child(n)`:选择所有子元素。

- `:nth-child(n+4)`:选择从第4个子元素开始的所有子元素。

- `:nth-child(-n+3)`:选择前3个子元素。

3. 使用公式进行选择:
- `:nth-child(2n)`:选择所有偶数位置的子元素。

- `:nth-child(3n+1)`:选择所有位置除以3余数为1的子元素。

- nth-child从1开始计数。

- nth-child选择器将应用于匹配子元素的父元素。

- 如果没有匹配的子元素,选择器不会选中任何元素。

- nth-child选择器还可以与其他选择器(如类选择器、标签选择器)组合使用,以选择更具体的元素。





二、child_process的常见用法1. 使用exec()方法exec方法用于执行命令并获取其输出。


下面是一个简单的示例:```javascriptconst { exec } = require('child_process');exec('ls -l', (error, stdout, stderr) => {if (error) {console.error(`exec error: ${error}`);return;}console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`);console.error(`stderr: ${stderr}`);});```在上面的示例中,我们使用exec方法执行了ls -l命令,并在回调函数中处理了输出的结果。

2. 使用spawn()方法spawn方法用于创建新的进程并执行指定的命令。


以下是一个示例:```javascriptconst { spawn } = require('child_process');const ls = spawn('ls', ['-l']);ls.stdout.on('data', (data) => {console.log(`stdout: ${data}`);});ls.stderr.on('data', (data) => {console.error(`stderr: ${data}`);});ls.on('close', (code) => {console.log(`child process exited with code ${code}`);});```在上面的示例中,我们使用spawn方法创建了一个新的进程,并执行了ls -l命令。




一、单词释义1. 作名词时,“parent”的意思是“父亲(或母亲);(动、植物的)亲本,母体”。

例如,A single parent has to do everything alone.(单亲得独自做所有的事,这里的“parent”指父亲或者母亲,体现出单亲家长的不易,有一种同情的情绪在里面。

)2. 作动词时,“parent”表示“做……的父亲(或母亲);养育(子女);引起(某事物)”。

例如,They parented three children.(他们养育了三个孩子,简单直接地表达养育孩子这个动作。

)二、单词用法1. 作为可数名词,复数形式是“parents”,表示“父母;双亲”。

例如,My parents are very strict.(我的父母非常严格,这是很常见的表达自己父母特点的句子。

)2. 在句子中可以作主语、宾语等。

例如,The parents love their children deeply.(父母深爱他们的孩子,这里“parents”作主语。

)3. 当表示单亲时,可以用“single parent”这个短语。

例如,Many single parents struggle to make ends meet.(许多单亲家长努力维持生计,“single parent”作主语,反映出单亲家长面临的经济压力,有一种无奈的情绪。

)三、近义词1. father/mother:更具体地指父亲或者母亲。

例如,My father is like a big tree in my family.(我的父亲在我家就像一棵大树,使用了隐喻,把父亲比作大树,很形象地表达出父亲的重要性。













xpath——⽗⼦、兄弟、相邻节点定位⽅式详解转载最后发布于2019-06-15 20:47:17 阅读数 1215 收藏1. 由⽗节点定位⼦节点最简单的肯定就是由⽗节点定位⼦节点了,我们有很多⽅法可以定位,下⾯上个例⼦:对以下代码:1.<html>2.<body>3.<div id="A">4.<!--⽗节点定位⼦节点-->5.<div id="B">6.<div>parent to child</div>7.</div>8.</div>9.</body>10.</html>1想要根据 B节点定位⽆id的⼦节点,代码⽰例如下:1.# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2.from selenium import webdriver3.4.driver = webdriver.Firefox()5.driver.get('D:\\py\\AutoTestFramework\\src\\others\\test.html')6.7.# 1.串联寻找8.print driver.find_element_by_id('B').find_element_by_tag_name('div').text9.10.# 2.xpath⽗⼦关系寻找11.print driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='B']/div").text12.13.# 3.css selector⽗⼦关系寻找14.print driver.find_element_by_css_selector('div#B>div').text15.16.# 4.css selector nth-child17.print driver.find_element_by_css_selector('div#B div:nth-child(1)').text18.19.# 5.css selector nth-of-type20.print driver.find_element_by_css_selector('div#B div:nth-of-type(1)').text21.22.# 6.xpath轴 child23.print driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='B']/child::div").text24.25.driver.quit()1结果:1.parent to child2.parent to child3.parent to child4.parent to child5.parent to child6.parent to child1第1到第3都是我们熟悉的⽅法,便不再多⾔。

parent-child relationship.

parent-child relationship.

5) Millennial Generation Born 1982 to 2003 This is the generation where the “Class of 2000” is born. This new generation is being treated as precious. This is the generation of hope, hope to correct the errors of their parents.
1. What is Generation Gap?
Generational division and conflict have always been part of human society. The Bible recognized that often sharp disagreements existed across generations characterizing one as “ a stubborn ( 固执的 ) and rebellious ( 叛逆的 ) generation ” (Psalms (《圣歌》)) and another as “a very forward (刚愎的) generation, children in who is no faith” (Deuteronomy (《圣经》中的《申命记 》)).
General/ Issue Government
1) G.I. Generation Born 1901 to 1924
They learned early in life on Members of G.I. Generation how to be a good team player, are high achiever, fearless but putting their trust in not reckless, patriotic, idealistic, government, authority and and morally conscientious. community.



200个家庭的英文单词名词1. Family2. House3. Parent4. Child5. Sibling6. Grandparent7. Cousin8. Aunt9. Uncle10. Nephew11. Niece12. Spouse13. In-law14. Relative15. Home16. Pet17. Baby18. Toddler19. Teenager20. Adult21. Parenting22. Household23. Marriage24. Divorce25. Adoption26. Orphan27. Orphanage28. Foster care29. Stepfamily30. Extended family31. Kinship32. Genealogy33. Ancestor34. Descendant35. Fatherhood36. Motherhood37. Parenthood38. Childhood39. Grandchild40. Grandmother41. Grandfather42. Brother43. Sister44. Half-sibling45. Step-sibling46. Twin47. Triplet48. Son49. Daughter50. Bride51. Groom52. Bridegroom53. Parents-in-law54. Sibling-in-law55. Cousin-in-law56. Godfather57. Godmother58. Godson59. Goddaughter60. Maternal61. Paternal62. Foster parent63. Step-parent64. Stepson65. Stepdaughter66. Stepmother67. Stepfather68. Legal guardian69. Child support70. Sole custody71. Joint custody72. Custody battle73. Inheritance74. Family reunion75. Family tree76. Family values77. Family traditions78. Housewarming79. Homemaker80. Breadwinner81. Working parent82. Stay-at-home parent83. Empty nest84. Foster child85. Adoptive parent86. Single parent87. Blended family88. Nuclear family89. Traditional family90. Same-sex parents91. Transgender parent92. Parents' rights93. Foster home94. Homeless shelter95. Family planning96. Domestic violence97. Child abuse98. Parental guidance99. School-age child 100. Special needs child 101. Big brother 102. Big sister103. Baby sister104. Baby brother 105. Only child106. Youngest child 107. Oldest child 108. Middle child 109. Grandson110. Bachelor111. Household chores 112. Family support 113. Family therapy 114. Family dynamics 115. Family culture 116. Family history 117. Kinship system 118. Parenting style 119. Family unit121. Family values122. Family responsibilities 123. Family hierarchy 124. Family customs125. Family likeness126. Family gathering 127. Family outing128. Family vacation129. Family memories 130. Family photo131. Family album132. Family heirloom 133. Family tradition134. Family heritage135. Family celebration 136. Family dinner137. Family meal138. Family holiday139. Family function140. Family bond141. Family relationship 142. Family connection 143. Family love144. Family happiness 145. Family support146. Family time147. Family project148. Family decision-making 149. Family affiliates151. Family name152. Family history153. Family story154. Family genealogy 155. Family background 156. Family reunion 157. Family tree158. Family member 159. Family ties160. Family gene161. Family values162. Family traditions 163. Family culture164. Family rituals165. Family roles166. Family expectations 167. Family dynamics 168. Family structure 169. Family responsibilities 170. Family bond171. Family support 172. Family relationships 173. Family connection 174. Family love175. Family happiness 176. Family unity177. Family unity178. Family strength 179. Family growth180. Family home181. Family activities 182. Family welfare183. Family health184. Family budget185. Family income186. Family needs187. Family problems 188. Family conflicts 189. Family stress190. Family communication 191. Family harmony 192. Family education 193. Family values194. Family ethics195. Family responsibility 196. Family law197. Family therapy198. Family counseling 199. Family planning 200. Family well-being。




这种parent-child关系主要⽤于两个⽅⾯:1. 没有parent的QWidget类被认为是最上层的窗体(通常是MainWindow),由于MainWindow的⼀些操作⽣成的新窗体对象,parent都应该指向MainWindow。

2. 由于parent-child关系的存在,它保证了child窗体在主窗体被回收之时也被回收。




如当⽣成的⼦类不是QWidget对象但继承了QObject 对象,⽤作dock widgets的QWidget对象。


参考来⾃:⽰例说明:新建三个⽂件,分别为 calc.ui 、 calc_logic.py 、 main.py 其中:calc.ui 为Ui设计⽂件, 需要转换为calc.pycalc_logic.py 是calc的实现逻辑部分main.py 是项⽬的主⼊⼝⽂件calc.ui1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>2<ui version="4.0">3<class>calc</class>4<widget class="QWidget" name="calc">5<property name="geometry">6<rect>7<x>0</x>8<y>0</y>9<width>400</width>10<height>300</height>11</rect>12</property>13<property name="windowTitle">14<string>Form</string>15</property>16<widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButton_ok">17<property name="geometry">18<rect>19<x>130</x>20<y>160</y>21<width>75</width>22<height>23</height>23</rect>24</property>25<property name="text">26<string>提⽰</string>27</property>28</widget>29</widget>30<resources/>31<connections/>32</ui>我们将calc.ui 转换为calc.py⽂件1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-23# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'calc.ui'4#5# Created: Wed Jan 28 11:28:59 20156# by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.10.37#8# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!10from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui1112try:13 _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf814except AttributeError:15def _fromUtf8(s):16return s1718try:19 _encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF820def _translate(context, text, disambig):21return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding)22except AttributeError:23def _translate(context, text, disambig):24return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig)2526class Ui_calc(object):27def setupUi(self, calc):28 calc.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("calc"))29 calc.resize(400, 300)30 self.pushButton_ok = QtGui.QPushButton(calc)31 self.pushButton_ok.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(130, 160, 75, 23))32 self.pushButton_ok.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("pushButton_ok"))3334 self.retranslateUi(calc)35 QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(calc)3637def retranslateUi(self, calc):38 calc.setWindowTitle(_translate("calc", "Form", None))39 self.pushButton_ok.setText(_translate("calc", "提⽰", None))404142if__name__ == "__main__":43import sys44 app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)45 calc = QtGui.QWidget()46 ui = Ui_calc()47 ui.setupUi(calc)48 calc.show()49 sys.exit(app.exec_())新建calc_logic.py ⽂件,⽂件内容:1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore3from calc import Ui_calc # 引⼊Ui4567class calc_logic(QtGui.QWidget):8def__init__(self,parent=None):9 super(calc_logic,self).__init__(parent)10 self.Ui=Ui_calc() # 实例化 Ui11 self.Ui.setupUi(self) # 初始化Ui12 self.setWindowTitle('calc_logic Widget')1314 self.connect(self.Ui.pushButton_ok,QtCore.SIGNAL('clicked()'),self.dialogx)1516def dialogx(self):17if__name__=='__main__':18 rmation(self, (u'提⽰'),(u' 来⾃calc_logic⽂件请求! '),QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes ) 19elif__name__=='calc_logic':20 rmation(self, (u'提⽰'),(u' 来⾃main⽂件请求! '),QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes )212223if__name__ == "__main__":24import sys25 app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)26 calc =calc_logic()27 calc.show()28 sys.exit(app.exec_())新建⼊⼝⽂件main.py1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2'''3 main 主⽂件4'''5from PyQt4 import QtGui6import sys7from calc_logic import calc_logic # 引⼊Ui的逻辑⽂件810class maincalc(QtGui.QWidget):11def__init__(self):12 super(maincalc,self).__init__()13 self.setWindowTitle('main Widget')14 self.Ui=calc_logic(self) # 实例化 calc_logic 1516171819if__name__ == "__main__":20import sys21 app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)22 appcalc =maincalc()23 appcalc.show()24 sys.exit(app.exec_())我们先运⾏calc_logic.py :然后修改calc_logic.py 中__init__初试⽅法1def__init__(self,parent=None):2 super(calc_logic,self).__init__(parent)改为:1def__init__(self):2 super(calc_logic,self).__init__()修改main.py 初始化calc_logic改为:1 self.Ui=calc_logic()运⾏效果:将mian.py 改回带self参数:1 self.Ui=calc_logic(self)将clac_logic.py 同样改回带parent参数:1def__init__(self,parent=None):2 super(calc_logic,self).__init__(parent)在运⾏main.py :。



国开【形考】《⼈⽂英语(3)》形考任务1-8答案国开【形考】《⼈⽂英语(3)》形考任务1-8答案单元⾃测 11. Parenting Children⼀、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出⼀个能填⼊空⽩处的最佳选项。

(每题10分)1、—Ken did badly in his math test. I'm terribly worried about the result.—( C ).A. I am so happy he is very healthy.B. Well, it is hard to see.C. Come on. It isn't the end of the world.2、—How do you feel about your family life?—( B )A. Good. It's a good choice to work there.B. Not bad. I think it is a good choice to be a full-time mother.C. Not bad. I have visited their family a lot of times.3、We consider it necessary( B )Tom should improve his behavior.A. whichB. thatC. what4、The birth rate of the country decreases( C )with years.A. extremelyB. approximatelyC. progressively5、We often compare children( B )flowers.A. withB. toC. in6、—It's raining so heavily outside. I'm terribly anxious about my son's safety.—( C ).A. Well. He is a good boy.B. Yes, it is. It will rain tomorrow.C. Don't worry about him. He will come back safe and sound.7、—Our son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I am really worried about it.—( B ).A. Yes, they have some bad habits.B. Cheer up. I believe he will overcome it.C. Well, he likes picking things up when he is out.8、This movie is( B )that one.A. as more interesting asB. as interesting asC. too interesting to9、He asked me( A )Zhang Hua came to school or not.A. whetherB. ifC. what10、Young people( A )62% of University teaching staff.A. compriseB. composeC. contain11、—Do you have much experience with caring for babies?—( A ).A. Yes, I do. I often take care of kids in my free time.B. No, you are freshmen. You should work hard.C. Yes, they are. They are very cute.12、It is said that( B )2000 factories were closed down during the economic crisis.A. properlyB. approximatelyC. considerably13、I want to know( C ).A. what is his nameB. that his name isC. what his name is14、Tom won the first prize of oral English contest, which is beyond his( C ).A. reputationB. contributionC. expectation15、Lily is a good student except( C )she is a little bit careless.A. whereB. whichC. that⼆、阅读理解:正误判断(每题10分)1、Most couples who get married or decide to live together generally plan to have children. Several years ago, people thought that having big families was common and this was seen as an advantage. That was mainly because children beganworking at an early age to help provide for the family. But with the changing times and with the cost of living getting higher every single year, having a big family is no longer considered to be a practical option. In fact, more couples consider that they have only one child and some do not have any desire to become parents at all.According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies, by 1986, women aged 40 to 44 years, were considerably more likely to have given birth to two children than three children (36% vs. 27%) or four or more children (19%). However, taken together, women were still more likely to have had three or more children than to have had two children (46% vs. 36%).In recent years, women were more likely to have had two children than three or more children – a trend that was most marked in the most recent period (38% vs. 25% in 1996; 38% vs. 22% in 2006). These days, most families in Australia have two children. But the number of women who had given birth to a single child increased progressively from only 8% in 1981 to 13% in 2006.The U.S. Census Bureau states that there are approximately 14 million only children in America today. This comprises 20% of the children's population compared to only 10% around fifty years ago.1. Several years ago, people thought that having big families was( C )A. uncommon and this was seen as an advantageB. common and this was seen as a disadvantageC. common and this was seen as an advantage2. By 1986, taken together, women were still more likely to have had( B )children.A. lessB. moreC. no3. In recent years, women were more likely to have had( C ).A. three or four childrenB. more childrenC. fewer children4. According to the passage, we can predict that the number of family with a single child will( B )(将会增长).A. decreased dramaticallyB. increased dramaticallyC. remained steady5. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?( A )A. Families Having Fewer Children Nowadays.B. Couples Having More Children Nowadays.C. Women Being Likely to Have More Children.2、Stopping Yelling At Your KidsParenting is hard. If you're a parent, I'm sure that I don't need to tell you that our job is a tough one. When you're managing children, it can be difficult to remember that they are still learning. If you find you are yelling at your kids more often than you want to, here are some ways that can help you reduce the yelling. I've been working on this for the past few months and I have to say, it's been amazing for both the kids and me.If you are having an argument with your child, you need to make sure you both take the time to really listen. It gives both of you time to think and really listen to each other, which is important. Kids are more likely to listen to you if you listen to them! One of your biggest struggles is to remind yourself of appropriate expectations. You can't expect that your youngest acts as responsibly as your oldest. You should lower what you expect – taking into consideration things like their age – it can make abig difference.You should do your best to take a moment before yelling and take in a deep breath. It makes a world of difference for you. Instead of yelling, you'd better whisper. It can also help diffuse any situation by making things quieter, not louder. Besides, the more time you spend with your kids, the better you'll get at communicating with them. You're both more likely to understand each other.If your children aren't listening or it seems they only don't listen to you, you don't take it personally. You should remind yourself that your kids are still learning and they're not going to be perfect.操作提⽰:句⼦正确选择下拉选项框为“T”;句⼦错误选择下拉选项框为“F”。




⼀、安装环境•本机系统:Win 10•虚拟机软件:VMware PRO 14•虚拟机Linux系统:CentOS 7.5•JDK版本:1.8.0_191•⼯具:SecureCRT•说明:本⽂是通过SecureCRT⼯具远程连接Linux操作,如果是直接在Linux可视化界⾯操作那就更⽅便了,原理⼀样。

⼆、安装步骤•下载安装包 下载Linux环境下的jdk1.8,请去(官⽹)中下载jdk的安装⽂件。

由于我的Linux是64位的,jdk-8u191-linux-x64.tar.gz下载链接0、我们先有⼀个⼲净的Linux的环境 进⾏如下操作:[root@itheima ~]# cat /etc/redhat-releaseCentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)[root@itheima ~]# ll总⽤量 01、检查⼀下linux系统中的jdk版本[root@itheima ~]# java -version 显⽰如下:openjdk version "1.8.0_161"OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_161-b14)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.161-b14, mixed mode)2、检测linux下的jdk安装包[root@itheima ~]# rpm -qa | grep java或者[root@itheima ~]# rpm -qa | grep jdk 显⽰如下:python-javapackages-3.4.1-11.el7.noarchjava-1.8.0-openjdk-headless-或者copy-jdk-configs-3.3-2.el7.noarchjava-1.8.0-openjdk-headless-、先卸载openjdk(共4个⽂件)[root@itheima ~]# rpm -e --nodeps java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless-[root@itheima ~]# rpm -e --nodeps java-1.7.0-openjdk-[root@itheima ~]# rpm -e --nodeps java-1.8.0-openjdk-[root@itheima ~]# rpm -e --nodeps java-1.7.0-openjdk-headless- 删完之后可以再通过:rpm -qa | grep java或rpm -qa | grep jdk 命令来查询出是否删除掉[root@itheima ~]# rpm -qa | grep javapython-javapackages-3.4.1-11.el7.noarchtzdata-java-2018c-1.el7.noarchjavapackages-tools-3.4.1-11.el7.noarch[root@itheima ~]# rpm -qa | grep jdkcopy-jdk-configs-3.3-2.el7.noarch[root@itheima ~]#4、安装新的Oracle JDK1.8 通过命令:cd /usr/local/ 进⼊local⽬录,并通过ll(两个⼩写的L)命令或者ls命令(ll 本⾝不是命令,只是 ls -l 命令的⼀个别名)列出当前⽬录下得所有⾮隐含的⽂件,如果想要看到隐含(以. 开头的,如:.test.txt)⽂件信息可通过ll -a来查看,如下:[root@itheima ~]# cd /usr/local/[root@itheima local]# ll总⽤量 0drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 4⽉ 11 2018 bindrwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 4⽉ 11 2018 etcdrwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 4⽉ 11 2018 gamesdrwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 4⽉ 11 2018 includedrwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 4⽉ 11 2018 libdrwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 4⽉ 11 2018 lib64drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 4⽉ 11 2018 libexecdrwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 4⽉ 11 2018 sbindrwxr-xr-x. 5 root root 49 11⽉ 2 00:50 sharedrwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 4⽉ 11 2018 src 进⼊local⽬录之后通过mkdir java命令来创建java⽬录存放⾃⼰的jdk。









头⽂件:1 #ifndef MYDLG_H2#define MYDLG_H34 #include <QDialog>5 #include <QTreeWidget>6 #include <map>7using namespace std;89namespace Ui {10class MyDlg;11 }1213class MyDlg : public QDialog14 {15 Q_OBJECT1617public:18explicit MyDlg(QWidget *parent = 0);19 ~MyDlg();2021private slots:22void on_btnQuit_clicked();23void TreeItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int col);24private:25 Ui::MyDlg *ui;26 map<QTreeWidgetItem*, Qt::CheckState> m_mapItemState;272829void InitTree();//初始化30//添加节点31 QTreeWidgetItem* AddTreeItem(QTreeWidget* pTree, QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem, QString itemTxt);32//获取当前的所有checkbox状态,和选中的节点33void GetCheckItem(QTreeWidget* pTree, QList<QString>& listTarget);34void ChangeChildItemState(QTreeWidgetItem* thisItem);//根据点击的节点,来改变节点的⼦节点状态35void ChangeParentItemState(QTreeWidgetItem* thisItem);//根据点击的节点,来改变节点的⽗节点状态36//获取节点的上次状态37 Qt::CheckState GetItemState(QTreeWidgetItem* item, map<QTreeWidgetItem*, Qt::CheckState>& mapItemState);3839 };4041#endif// MYDIALOG_H源⽂件:1 #include "MyDlg.h"2 #include "ui_MyDlg.h"3 #include <QDebug>45 MyDlg::MyDlg(QWidget *parent) :6 QDialog(parent),7 ui(new Ui::MyDlg)8 {9 ui->setupUi(this);10 InitTree();1112//⾸次获得节点状态13 QList<QString> list;14 GetCheckItem(ui->treeWidget, list);15 }1617 MyDlg::~MyDlg()18 {19delete ui;20 }2122void MyDlg::on_btnQuit_clicked()23 {2425 }2627void MyDlg::TreeItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int col)28 {29if(item->checkState(0) == GetItemState(item, m_mapItemState))//item状态是否改变30return;31 ChangeChildItemState(item);32 ChangeParentItemState(item);33 QList<QString> listTarget;34 GetCheckItem(ui->treeWidget, listTarget);35 qDebug() << listTarget;3637 }3839void MyDlg::InitTree()40 {41 connect(ui->treeWidget, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(TreeItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)));42 ui->treeWidget->header()->setHidden(1);43 QTreeWidgetItem* topItem = new QTreeWidgetItem;44 topItem->setCheckState(0, Qt::Unchecked);45 topItem->setText(0, "⽬标列表");46 ui->treeWidget->addTopLevelItem(topItem);47 QTreeWidgetItem* item1 = AddTreeItem(ui->treeWidget, topItem, "⽬标1");48 QList<QString> listTarget;49 listTarget << "⽬标11" << "⽬标12";50for(int i = 0; i < listTarget.count(); i++){51 AddTreeItem(ui->treeWidget, item1, listTarget.at(i));52 }5354 QTreeWidgetItem* item2 = AddTreeItem(ui->treeWidget, topItem, "⽬标2");55 listTarget.clear();56 listTarget << "⽬标21" << "⽬标22" << "⽬标23";57for(int i = 0; i < listTarget.count(); i++){58 AddTreeItem(ui->treeWidget, item2, listTarget.at(i));59 }6061 QTreeWidgetItem* item3 = AddTreeItem(ui->treeWidget, topItem, "⽬标3");62 listTarget.clear();63 listTarget << "⽬标31" << "⽬标32" << "⽬标33" << "⽬标34";64for(int i = 0; i < listTarget.count(); i++){65 AddTreeItem(ui->treeWidget, item3, listTarget.at(i));66 }6768 ui->treeWidget->expandAll();69 }7071 QTreeWidgetItem *MyDlg::AddTreeItem(QTreeWidget *pTree, QTreeWidgetItem *parentItem, QString itemTxt)72 {73 QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(parentItem);74 item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable);75 item->setCheckState(0, Qt::Unchecked);76 item->setText(0, itemTxt);77return item;78 }7980void MyDlg::GetCheckItem(QTreeWidget *pTree, QList<QString> &listTarget)81 {//这个本来是为了获取选中的节点⽂本。



Parent-Child InteractionRamona L. SheppardGeography 426-TS1 / Interdisciplinary Studies 400-TS1Dr. Zhou / Dr. LavalleeAugust 4, 2005One of the first aspects of modern China that I was attentive to was the manner in which children are parented as well as how children interrelate with their peers. I left America with limited knowledge of modern Chinese parenting styles. I believed the …one-child‟ policy and rapid economic growth had some impact on parental behavior, with my assumption being that young er children were most likely …spoiled‟. When I use the term …spoiled‟ I mean unruly, uncooperative, and bribed often with material objects. Not knowing what to expect, and with hope of gaining additional knowledge, I decided to pay attention to familial interaction while traveling around Beijing.There were many situations in which I was able to observe parents with their children. Children were on holiday from school, and visiting many of the same places we were visiting. Additionally, due to the structure of the field trips and available free time, I was able to observe families in a variety of socio-economic situations. I hesitate to say that any of the situations I observed are typical of Chinese parenting due to my lack of knowledge regarding parental psychology, as well as the limited time frame.One such observation was on the day our group visited Zhongshan Park. Our group of five Americans and one Chinese student named Xia Hong spent the majority of the day visiting the attractions within Tiananmen Square and mutually agreed that quiet reflective time was needed. We proceeded to Zhongshan Park, one time imperial garden remade into a people‟s park to honor Dr. Yatsen. Upon entering the park, we were greeted by a larger than life statueof Dr. Sun Yatsen with many visitors gathered around taking the typical tourist photographs. I thought nothing of this at first, this being typical behavior for any tourist. What happened next made me pause; a young boy of roughly ten years climbed the statue, posing for several pictures, all with the approval of his parents. I stood and watched the scene unfolding, thinking …God I hope he doesn‟t fall and break his arm.‟ I began to get the idea that children are given wide latitude. The parents of this boy thought there was nothing wrong with their son climbing the statue and seemed proud of his feat of physical prowess. Later, as we strolled through the park admiring the centuries old Cypress trees and pavilions, I witnessed another moment of parental devotion to their children. We came into the area of Zhongshan Park where theFive-Colored-Soils representing five historic provinces were on display and I witnessed a small girl climbing onto the raised area where the soil was. She posed nicely for her pa rents to take a photograph and I was once again struck by the pride the parents showed for their child, while allowing the child to do something that would have never been acceptable in America. On another occasion while at the Summer Palace, I saw a large group of children on a summer trip together, similar to a camp field trip in the Untied States. On this occasion, there were roughly twenty children with four or five chaperones. Although I assume these children were not with their parents, they appeared to be well behaved and enjoying themselves. From the perspective of an American mother of a charismatic eight year old, I would have thought chaos would beak loose; rather, the children were all well behaved, mindful of adults and participating with the group. These are three of the many times I witnessed this type of parental or adult interaction with children as well as groups of children together. There were also times when I saw parents with their children in the subway, shopping, playing on the playground and living life as humans do everyday. I did not witness parents and children arguing or a parent ever hitting a child.This is not to say that this behavior does not occur, just that primarily I saw parents dealing with children firmly but with a velvet glove when misbehavior occurred.I began to think that my previous belief that children were …spoiled‟ was anover-simplification and asked Xia Hong if she believed children were …spoiled‟, and if so what did she think was the reason. She agreed that many parents over-indulged their children to an extent, but rather than with material objects, parents tend to lavish attention on their children. Xia Hong agreed that the one-child policy had an impact on how parents treat their children. Parents generally attempt to provide their children with many of the opportunities unavailable to them growing up. Although Xia Hong and I discussed the topic of parenting for quite some time, I still was left wondering how these children interacted with each other.Upon returning to the Untied States I searched for articles on Chinese parenting methods and came upon Look to the East - Gain A New Perspective Understand Cultural Differences, Appreciate Cultural Diversity written by Nancy K. Freeman, PhD., Director of the Children's Center at University of South Carolina. In the article, Dr. Freeman relates her experience as an educator visiting schools and residential childcare facilities in China. She additionally discusses the effects of the one child policy in the classroom. Many of the children she met had no siblings and were children of educated working parents, who enrolled their children in programs, desiring for their children to “learn the social skills they need to succeed in China's community-focused culture.”1Dr. Freeman observed that the manner in which the classroom was arranged and managed created “opportunities for successful social interactions and experiences caring for others into children's school routines and activities.”2According to Dr.1Freeman, Nancy K., Phd., Look to the East - Gain A New Perspective Understand Cultural Differences, Appreciate Cultural Diversity, Early Childhood Education Journal, 1998. August 14, 2005./kcts/preciouschildren/earlyed/read_east.html2ibidFreeman, this highlights the cultural differences between “Eastern [culture which] emphasize[s] community, cooperation and interrelatedness” and “western [cultures that] foster individualism, competition, and the importance of personal possessions.”I was correct in believing that China‟s one child policy created a generation of spoiled children, with one set of doting parents and two sets of doting grandparents, although not spoiled as I understand the term being an American. Rather, I found the majority of the children to be respectful, and spoiled with attention and love rather than material objects. As Dr. Freeman points out, there exists a cultural divide when examining how the …East‟ and the …West‟ approach childrearing. Upon reflection, I believe it was this difference, the shift from individual to group, which led me to want to learn more. After researching and observing firsthand how parents and children interact in Beijing, I understand more thoroughly the complexity of parenting childrenin a country benefiting from rapid economic growth while concurrently coping with a population of over one billion.PEOPLE AND CHILDRENThe people and children are very different than the people in the United States. People in Beijing stare at foreigners, almost like one would stare at a bear on display at the zoo. This was apparent when we went to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. In the United States we find it rude to stare at anyone, but I guess this is a different country and a different culture. It could be that they do not know any different or maybe they feel that they are the most civilized people in the world as they have such a long history of civilization behind them.In Beijing parents can still only have one child. There are exceptions and those exceptions are multiple births or if the first child has something medically wrong with him or her. Examples include Down syndrome, retardation or a deformity. This is according to our tourguide Tom. Parents are unable to find out the sex of the fetus when they are pregnant. It is against the law. Doctors can lose their license if they reveal the sex of the baby before it is born. Many people were having abortions when they found out they were having a girl since many people wanted boys. The population ratio between boys and girls is 51 percent to 49 percent respectively. This does not sound like a lot but, when there are 15 million people in one city this is a great difference. The result is approximately 2 million more boys than girls. Government officials were became aware of this problem; this is why parents are unable to find out the sex of the baby before the birth.Sunday is a day for the children in Beijing. Many parents take their children to the park or other fun places. They may go out to eat and get ice cream or suckers. Chinese parents are very focused on their children. When we went to the Summer Palace, parents always held their child or their hand and they seldom took their eyes off of them. It seemed as though nothing in life existed except for their child. This was evident at every park we visited. Parents would hold the child‟s hand, walk right beside them and they would play with them. In the United States parents tend to walk next to their children and keep an eye on them. When American parents go to the park, seldom do the parents play with their children. They tend to let them play and interact with other children. Another thing that surprised me about the children and their parents is the fact that parents put their babies in clothes with no crotch. Babies in Beijing do not wear any diapers. Diapers may be a luxury as I have not seen any babies wearing them and I have not seen any diapers for sale in the grocery store. When the child starts to go to the bathroom the parent(s) hold their child and pull their knees into their chest and let them go to the bathroom where ever they may be standing. Parents do not clean up the mess. It is just left on the street or the sidewalk, so it is important to watch where you walk in Beijing. After the baby hasfinished going to the bathroom the parent(s) wipe the baby and continue to hold them or put them back into the stroller. I have seen this many times at the Summer Palace, Ritan Park and just walking down the street to McDonalds. In the United States parents would never do this for a few reasons, first feces carry diseases and second, the police would arrest the parents for indecent exposure. I think the Chinese do this because this is what they have learned through generations and also with so many people in Beijing it may pose a problem with trash, as disposable diapers are not bio-degradable. In the United States, if parents are againstnon-biodegradable diapers they use cloth diapers. They also use cloth diapers if the y can not afford the disposable ones.Another thing that surprised me while in Beijing was the fact that there are children who beg for money and/or plastic bottles. The parents send their children out to do this. What surprises me is they know they can only have one child generally speaking, yet they send their only child out to beg. I would think parents would want the best for their child and this to me does not seem like your trying to give your child the best. We as parents want our children to become a productive member of society and not a financial strain of society. However, some of these people may come from the country side. In the country side people can have more than one child and those that have more than one child may be trying to leave their village for various reasons. When these people leave their village they end up in the city with no money or very little money. These people of Beijing are called the floating population. They come to the city and can not find a job, for the reasons that, there are so many people in the city who are unemployed already or they may lack the skills needed to perform the tasks required. The unemployment rate is about 5-6 percent in Beijing. In the United States I have not seen any children begging for money or bottles. They may beg in the larger cities such as New York City,Los Angeles and Chicago but I have not seen it. I think the few Chinese children I have seen begging are working for their parents. These people could be, once again, the floating pop ulation or extremely poor people who are unable to work. They could also be people who want to try to take the easy way. There are also people in the United States who try to take the easy out as well, these people live off of government assistance and refuse to try to find a job.There is not any teenage pregnancy in Beijing, according to Scarlett our Chinese student, and I did not see any teenage pregnancy either. I only seen about 5 pregnant people the whole 20 days we were there. When a teenager does become pregnant she generally aborts the baby or puts it up for adoption. This is one way to help control the rising population of Beijing. Again, there are over 15 million people living in this city alone. In the United Stated we do the same thing occasionally. Americans have abortions for various reasons. Some reasons include, the mother is unable to take care of the baby, or she doesn‟t want the baby. Other reasons may be that, an education is more important at this time in her life. Unlike the United States there are10‟s of thousands orphans in China. Most of these are girls because the one child policy law forced the parents give up their baby girls. The parents wanted boys to carry on the family name. Some places, such as Starbucks, sell plastic pink and blue bracelets that say we care on them. These bracelets help to raise money for the orphans. It generally takes a year and a half to two years and 15 – 20 thousand dollars to adopt a Chinese baby. There are many rules and regulations to adopt a baby too. Some of these laws include parent(s) must be heterosexual, between the ages of 30-55 and single males must be over the age of 40 if adopting a female.Both Chinese parents and American parents value their children and love them dearly however, the way Chinese parents discipline their children is far different than most American parents. Chinese parents explain to their child what they have done was wrong and why it waswrong. They use a very stern voice when telling them too. I asked all o f our female Chinese students if they got spanked. They all said no and told me they were just told not to do it again and why. However, if they did do the same thing again they would get spanked, but they all said they did not do wrong again. When we went on all of our field trips that involved children, I watched closely how Chinese parents disciplined their children and American parenting seems different in that we will smack, yell and occasionally spank out children. Initially we tell our children no and why but our children generally do not listen the first time. I think there are various reasons for the disciplining way. The first reason is that Chinese parents in Beijing can only have one child so they are more apt to have more patience. The next reason is because I think as each generation passes American parents have become more lax in disciplining their children. 50 years ago American children did not talk back to their parents or they would have gotten spanked. However, children in today‟s society talk back a lot and don‟t listen to what their parents tell them. The parents generally let it go until they have had enough and give the child a smack. Another reason may be that In the United States parent‟s take their children to a daycare or leave them with a child care provider. This is when other children or other people are setting the example, where as, Chinese parents take their small children to work. There they learn how to behave since adults are setting the example and not other children or other people. The child sits in the retail shop or kitchen, if its family owned, and either works or sits there playing with a toy or something to occupy him.。







近年来,情绪调节自我效能感(Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy )对心理健康的影响渐渐引起研究者的重视,也为我们解读亲子关系和学校适应间的关系提供了新视角。











Many theories concerning the causes of juvenile delinquency (crimes committed by young people) focus either on the individual or on society as the major contributing influence. Theories ___1___ on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior ___2___ they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through ___3___ with others. Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in___4___ to their failure to rise above their socioeconomic status, ___5___ as a rejection of middle-class values.Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, ___6___ the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes ___7___ lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative and are ___8___ to criticism.Changes in the social structure may indirectly ___9___ juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that___10___ to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment ___11___ make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain. The resulting discontent may in ___12___ lead more youths into criminal behavior.Families have also ___13___ changes these years. More families consist of one parent households or two working parents; ___14___, children are likely to have less supervision at home ___15___ was common in the traditional family ___16___. This lack of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates.Other ___17___ causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased ___18___ of drugs and alcohol, and the growing ___19___ of child abuse and child neglect. All these conditions tend to increase the probability of a child committing a criminal act, ___20___ a direct causal relationship has not yet been established. 1. [A] acting[B] relying[C] centerin[D] cementing 2. [A] before[B] unless[C] until[D] because 3. [A] interaction[B] assimilation[C] cooperation[D] consultation 4. [A] return[B] reply[C] reference[D] response 5. [A] or[B] but rather[C] but[D] or else 6. [A] considering[B] ignoring[C] highlighting[D] discarding 7. [A] on[B] in[C] for[D] with 8. [A] immune[B] resistant[C] sensitive[D] subject 9. [A] affect[B] reduce[C] check[D] reflect 10. [A] point[B] lead[C] come[D] amount 11. [A] in general[B] on average[C] by contrast[D] at length12. [A] case[B] short[C] turn[D] essence 13. [A] survived[B] noticed[C] undertaken[D] experienced 14. [A] contrarily[B] consequently[C] similarly[D] simultaneously 15. [A] than[B] that[C] which[D] as 16. [A] system[B] structure[C] concept[D] heritage 17. [A] assessable[B] identifiable[C] negligible[D] incredible 18. [A] expense[B] restriction[C] allocation[D] availability 19. [A] incidence[B] awareness[C] exposure[D] popularity 20. [A] provided[B] since[C] although[D] supposing答案精解 1.[C] centering on 意为:以…为中⼼/重点”,act on(按照…⾏事);rely on(依赖于);comment on(评论、评述)。


var anchor = anchors;
if (anchor. getAttribute_r("href") &&
anchor. getAttribute_r("rel") == "external")
anchor.target = "nload = externalLinks;
现在我们知道了,target 是一目标显示的属性与浏览器密切相关的。那么rel又是什么呢, 为什么很多人把他当作是target 的替代属性呢?下面我们就来认识一下rel。其实不只有一个rel还有一个与之对应的属性叫rev,这两个属性的意思分别是:从源文档到目标文档的关系;从目标文档到源文档的关系。这里的源文档可以理解为链接所处在的当前文档,而目标文档也就是这个链接将要打开的文档。这下我们应该清楚了,其实rel与rev是一种文档之前的链接关系,而并非是与浏览器相关的如何显示目标文档的属性。
"there is no attribute target for this element(in this HTML version)" 原来在
我们要在新窗口中打开链接通常的做法是在链接后面加target="_blank",我们采用过渡型的DOCTYPE(xhtml1-transitional. dtd)时没有问题,但是当我们使用严格的DOCTYPE(xhtml1-strict.dtd)时,这个方法将通不过W3C的校验,会出现如下错误提示:



2024年6月青少年软件编程Python等级考试试卷六级真题(含答案)分数:100 题数:38一、单选题(共25题,共50分)。

1. 运行下面代码的正确结果是()。

with open("example.txt", "a") as file:file.write("I see you.")其中example.txt文件内容如下:This is an example.A. This is an example.B. I see you.C. This is an example.I see you.D. I see you.This is an example.标准答案:C。

2. 在Python中,以下哪个函数可以用于创建一个新的文件()。

A. write( )B. create( )C. new( )D. open( )标准答案:D。

3. 运行下面代码的正确结果是()。

filename = "example.txt"line_count = 0with open(filename, "r") as file:for line in file:line_count += 1print(f"The file 'example' has {line_count} lines.")其中example.txt文件内容如下:My Favorite AnimalOnce upon a time, I had a pet dog named Max.Max was the most obedient dog I knew.We played fetch in the park, went on long walks in the woods, and even took naps together on lazy afternoons.A. 4B. 3C. 2D. 1标准答案:A。



css中用于选择父元素的语法英文回答:In CSS, there is no direct syntax to select a parent element. CSS selectors are designed to select child elements or descendants of an element, not the other way around. However, there are some workarounds that can be used to achieve similar effects.One method is to use the "parent selector" feature of CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less. These preprocessors allow you to write CSS code with additional features that are not available in regular CSS. With the parent selector feature, you can select a parent element based on the presence or class of its child element. For example, in Sass, you can use the "&" symbol to refer to the parent element. Here's an example:scss..parent {。

background-color: red;.child & {。

background-color: blue;}。


In this example, the parent element with the class "parent" will have a red background color, while its child element will have a blue background color. The "&" symbol is used to select the parent element.Another workaround is to use JavaScript to manipulate the parent element based on certain conditions. You can add event listeners to the child elements and then use JavaScript to access and modify their parent elements. Here's an example using jQuery:javascript.$('.child').on('click', function() {。







以下是一个简单的示例:```pythondef process_node(node, callback):if node is None:returncallback(node)for child in node.children:process_node(child, callback)def callback_function(node):print("Processing node:", node.data)tree = TreeNode(1, [TreeNode(2, [TreeNode(4),TreeNode(5)]),TreeNode(3, [TreeNode(6),TreeNode(7)])])process_node(tree, callback_function)```在这个示例中,`process_node`函数接受一个节点和一个回调函数作为参数。




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Chapter 14: Parent/Child Relationships
Objectives: Establishing Parent Child Relationships Changing Parent Child Relationships Feature Failure
• Select Tools > Parent/Children in the main menu
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• Parents and Children dialog box displays parents and children of a selected feature
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This surface was selected as the sketch plane for the cylindrical pad sketch
• Selecting a sketching plane creates a parent/child relationship
The sketched line was made coincident with the surface of the pocket
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• Dimensioning references to existing geometry create parent/child relationships • Note the relative coordinate values
Changing References
• Sketch Dimensions
• can be changed by editing the sketched feature and deleting dimensions while in the Sketcher Workbench
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Exercise Preview

Exercise 14a: Parent Child Relationships
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Sketch.1 is a parent to Pad.1
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• Constraints in a sketch create parent/child relationships
• Sliding maintains sketch Absolute Axis orientation • Positioning allows you to change the direction of the Absolute Axis
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Changing References
• Solid geometry will follow the location of the sketch plane • Click Sketch.#object > Change Sketch Support from the pop-up menu • Sketch support can be either sliding or positioning
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Parent/Child Relationships
• Defined as the dependency of one feature on another • The original feature is the parent, the dependent feature is the child • Modifications to the parent feature can also affect the child feature • If the parent feature is deleted or deactivated, the child feature must be deleted, deactivated or rereferenced
• Sketcher Constraints
• can be changed by editing the sketched feature and deleting the constraints while in the Sketcher Workbench
• Depth Options
• Can be changed by editing the Pad or Pocket and selecting a different depth option reference or a different depth option
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• Projected 3D geometry tools establish a parent/child relationship between the sketch and the existing geometry being projected
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• Selecting a sketch creates a parent/child relationship between the sketch and the feature that uses it
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Feature Failure
• Options for Resolving Feature Failure
• Edit • Deactivate • Isolate • Delete
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• Depth options such as Up to plane create relationships between features
Up to plane option for cylindrical pad feature
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Feature Failure
• If changes are made to an existing feature that result in a inconsistent solution, the Update Diagnosis dialog box appears
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• The Parent/Children tool displays information on the parents and children of a selected feature • click Parent/Children from the rightmouse button pop-up menu
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Feature Failure
• If an incompatible reference has been selected, the system will inform you this option is not possible • Error message will appear