
人们在旅游时会选择入住不同类型的酒店,比如豪华酒店(luxury hotel)、连锁酒店(chain hotel)、青年旅舍(hostel)等。
3.Tour guide:导游。
吸引旅游者的地方,比如博物馆(museum)、古迹(historic site)等。
2.Train station:火车站。
3.Bus stop:公交车站。
4.Car rental:租车。
2.Local cuisine:当地菜。
3.Street food:街边小吃。
5.Room service:客房服务。

中英文翻译中英文对照旅游英语口语中英文对照旅游英语口语中英文对照旅游英语口语中英文对照旅游英语口语一Itinerary 行程安排1. I“d like to suggest an itinerary for you. 我想向您推荐一个旅游行程。
2. This itinerary leaves us plenty of leeway. 这个旅行计划给我们留有很多自由活动的余地。
3. I would like to show you our tentative itinerary. 我想向您介绍一下我们初步拟定的日程安排。
4. We“ve arranged our schedule without any troubles. 我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排好了。
5. I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us. 我想能否为我们安排一些购物时间。
6. Thank you for sparing the time. I know you have a busy itinerary. 谢谢您抽出时间来,我知道您的行程很紧。
7. The itinerary of their visit was so full;it simply ran them off their feet. 参观日程排得满满的,简直把他们累坏了。
8. Leave your itinerary so that we can reach you in case of emergency. 请把您的旅行计划留下来,以便我们在遇到急事时和您取得联系。
9. The member of the group is given a detailed tour itinerary by the courier. 旅游团成员会从导游那里拿到详细的日程表。
10. Please take a look at the itinerary we arranged, and let me know if there is any problem. 请看一下我们给您安排的日程。

旅游胜地词汇Asia 亚洲The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山Great Wall, China 中国长城Forbidden City, Beijing, China 北京故宫Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛Borobudur, Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙Crocodile Farm, Thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖Pattaya Beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂Africa 非洲Suez Canal, Egypt 印度苏伊士运河Aswan High Dam, Egypt 印度阿斯旺水坝Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望角Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河Oceania 大洋洲Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁Sydney Opera House, Australia 悉尼歌剧院Ayers Rock 艾尔斯巨石Mount Cook 库克山Easter Island 复活节岛Europe 欧洲Notre Dame de Paris, France 法国巴黎圣母院Effiel Tower, France 法国艾菲尔铁塔Arch of Triumph, France 法国凯旋门Elysee Palace, France 法国爱丽舍宫Louvre, France 法国卢浮宫Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany 德国科隆大教堂Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy 意大利比萨斜塔Colosseum in Rome, Italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场Venice, Italy 意大利威尼斯Parthenon, Greece 希腊巴台农神庙Red Square in Moscow, Russia 莫斯科红场Big Ben in London, England 英国伦敦大笨钟Buckingham Palace, England 白金汉宫Hyde Park, England 英国海德公园London Tower Bridge, England 伦敦塔桥Westminster Abbey, England 威斯敏斯特大教堂Monte Carlo, Monaco 摩洛哥蒙特卡罗The Mediterranean 地中海The Americas 美洲Niagara Falls, New York State, USA 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布Bermuda 百慕大Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 美国夏威夷火奴鲁鲁Panama Canal 巴拿马大运河Yellowstone National Park, USA 美国黄石国家公园Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA 美国纽约自由女神像Times Square, New York City, USA 美国纽约时代广场The White House, Washington DC., USA 美国华盛顿白宫World Trade Center, New York City, USA 美国纽约世界贸易中心Central Park, New York City, USA 美国纽约中央公园Yosemite National Park, USA 美国尤塞米提国家公园Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA 美国亚利桑那州大峡谷Hollywood, California, USA 美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞Disneyland, California, USA 加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 美国内华达拉斯威加斯Miami, Florida, USA 美国佛罗里达迈阿密 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, USA 纽约大都会艺术博物馆Acapulco, Mexico 墨西哥阿卡普尔科Cuzco, Mexico 墨西哥库斯科。

中英文旅游文本以下是一些中英文旅游文本的示例,包括景点介绍、旅游攻略等:1. 景点介绍- 长城 The Great Wall- 长城是中国古代的一项伟大工程,也是世界上最著名的旅游景点之一。
- The Great Wall is a great project in ancient China and one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world.- 故宫 The Palace Museum- 故宫,又称紫禁城,是中国明清两代的皇家宫殿,位于北京市中心。
- The Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, was the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties in China, located in the center of Beijing.2. 旅游攻略- 北京旅游攻略 Travel Guide to Beijing- 北京是中国的首都,拥有丰富的历史文化和现代化的城市景观。
- Beijing is the capital of China, with a rich history and culture, as well as a modern urban landscape.- 巴黎旅游攻略 Travel Guide to Paris- 巴黎是法国的首都,以其浪漫的氛围、艺术文化和美食而闻名于世。
- Paris is the capital of France, famous for its romantic atmosphere, art and culture, and cuisine.。

一、旅游英语高频词汇、短语国际化大都市cosmopolitan city / cosmopolis✧大都会metropolitan city/metropolis旅游热点tourist attraction必游之地 a must tourist attraction商务旅游business tour蜜月之旅honeymoon trip✧旅游旺季tourist season/peak season✧旅游目的地tourist destination历史文化名城 a well-known historic and cultural city✧长江三角洲the Yangtze River Delta✧包价旅游package tour高架公路elevated highway浦东新区Pu dong New Area自助游DIY tour✧纪念品souvenir✧旅行社travel agency✧路线、行程itinerary导游讲解员guide interpreter✧地陪local guide✧全陪national guide✧导游证tour guide certificate联合国教科文组织United Nations Educational, Scientific andCultural Organization(UNESCO)直辖市municipality directly under Central Government万国建筑博览exhibition of International Architecture✧世界文化遗产保护地World Heritage Sites(WHS)天下奇观wondrous spectacle名胜古迹famous scenic spots and places of historical interest ✧古建筑群ancient architectural complex避暑胜地summer resort黄金线路hot travel route✧标准、豪华游normal/luxury tour✧入境游inbound tourism✧出境游outbound tourism旅游黄金周golden week for tourism自然保护区natural reserve/nature preservation zone随团旅行group travel✧停车场parking lot✧护照passport✧签证visa✧行李luggage/baggage✧配额限额allowance✧行李认领处baggage claim area星级饭店star-grade hotel强迫购物forced purchase多功能厅multi-functional hall✧亭、台、楼、阁pavilion, terrace, mansion, tower✧长廊corridor✧湖石假山lakeside rocks and rockeries✧陵墓emperor's mausoleum/tomb✧塔pagoda; tower✧纪念碑、纪念馆monument坛alter✧九曲桥zigzag bridge/Bridge of Nine Turnings古玩店antique/curio shop世界七大奇迹seven wonders of the world缩影miniature✧历史文物historical relics发掘unearth✧朝代dynasty自然景观natural landscape植物园botanical garden✧少数民族ethnic minority西域western countries信息港info port; Cyber port不夜城ever-bright city✧主题公园theme park原始森林virgin forest✧园林建筑garden architecture江南水乡the South of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River 鱼米之乡land of honey and milk古董antique✧工艺workmanship手工艺craftsmanship滑雪胜地skiing resort国家公园national park后裔descendant要塞fort城堡castle山区mountainous region✧盆地basin丝绸之路the Silk Road野生动物园safari park水族馆aquarium观光电梯sightseeing lift✧安全检查security check✧登机牌Boarding Pass金贸大厦Jin Mao Tower世博会World Exposition渡轮ferryboat✧游轮,巡航cruise盛典pageantry公共交通public transit✧往返旅行round trip✧长途汽车long distance coach✧时差jet lag出租车taxi/cab免下车银行drive-in bank国际驾照international driver's license ✧汽车旅馆motel✧前台reception desk✧餐饮部Food & Beverage Department ✧奢华酒店luxury / deluxe hotel健身房gym✧住宿accommodation✧洗衣服务laundry service✧入住check in✧退房check out卡拉OK karaoke✧门童bellboy✧发票receipt✧预订reserve闭路电视closed-circuit television公寓式酒店apartment hotel小旅馆、招待所hostel✧直达航班non-stop flight✧双人床double bed增值税Value Added Tax(VAT)✧叫早电话wake up call山林小屋lodge高原反应altitude stress✧大堂lobby✧套房suite轻轨proline/LRT磁悬浮列车maglev train头等舱first class经济舱coach class商务舱business class✧蒸的steamed✧炖的stewed✧炒的stir-fried✧辣的spicy✧清淡的light✧原料ingredient铁扒的grilled人生意外伤害险PAI(personal accident insurance)✧保存完好well-preserved湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills陡峭的precipitous✧如画的picturesque琳琅满目an eyeful of goodies流连忘返too delighted to leave吉利的propitious宏伟的majestic✧蜿蜒曲折winding, zigzagging无边无际boundless , endless心旷神怡soothed and relaxed庄严肃穆solemn✧好客的hospitable✧优雅的graceful/elegant/exquisite/delicate诱人景色inviting views悬崖绝壁cliff/precipice仙境wonderland烟波浩渺 a wide expanse of misty waters雄伟险峻precipitous奇花异草exotic flowers and herbs波光鳞鳞sparkling苍松翠柏green pines and cypresses层峦叠嶂range upon range of mountains the hues rise around 姹紫嫣红 a blaze of bright colours / colourful崇山峻岭steep mountains传移景幻Each turn of the belt afford different scenery纯洁purity雕梁画栋carved beams and painted pillars洞天福地scenery of exceptional charm阴云避日over cast飞流急湍whirl pools and rapids峰回路转the path running twist among the peaks高超工艺exquisite workmanship古香古色be of antique beauty✧华丽的gorgeous✧独特的unique极目远眺look as far as the eye can see金碧辉煌splendid and magnificent尽收眼底hold a panoramic view✧惊叹不已be marveled / marvel at惊涛拍岸ranging waves pond on the banks乐不思蜀too delighted to be homesick玲珑剔透exquisitely carved绿水清山green hills and clear waters奇峰异石picturesque peaks and rocks奇珍异宝real treasure巧妙设计well designed青山不断green hill rode on endlessly清澈见底limpid曲折tortuous群山环抱surrounded by mountains日出日落的壮丽景色the glory of the sunrise or sunset✧如诗的poetic山峦叠翠range upon the range of green hills山水风光scenery with mountains and rivers/landscape✧闪闪发光glittering / sparking / twinkling赏心悦目delightful天方夜谭the Arabian Nights天下奇观wonder/marvelous spectacle蜿蜒流淌的河水winding river威然屹立towering蔚为壮观splendid, spectacular闻名遐迩known far and wide/famous/world renowned无法抗拒的overpowering熙熙攘攘crowded, hustle and bustle鲜花盛开flowers in blossom相映成趣form delightful contrast心旷神怡complete relax and happy绚丽多姿colorful一览无余hold all views in sight / in a single gloms依山傍水nestling under a mountain and near a river意犹未尽lingering around郁郁葱葱luxuriously green枝繁叶茂luxuriant庄严grandeur壮丽景色spectacular scene忽明忽暗幻影叠显mysterious veiled in mountain mist船行水上,人游画中people tour in picture while boating sail on water上有天堂,下有苏杭In Heaven, there is paradise; and on earth,there is Suzhou and Hangzhou五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳trips to china's five great mountains trips to other mountains unnecessary, and trips to Huangshan trips to five great mountains unnecessary桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere, and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin五岳China's five great sacred/divine mountains天下第一奇山the most fantastic mountain under haven黄山四绝,奇松,怪石,云海,温泉the four unique scenic futures: Picturesque rocks, legendary pines, the sea of clouds and hot springs.国家公园national park洞穴/岩洞cave / cover溶洞water eroded cave石灰岩洞lime stone cave石笋stalagmite钟乳石stalactite瀑布waterfall /chute / fall / Linn间歇泉geyser古墓ancient tomb✧石窟grotto净坛altar石舫stone boat✧湖心亭mid lake pavilion水榭waterside pavilion莲花池lotus pond教堂church天主教大教堂Cathedral修道院abbey / cloister / monastery尼姑庵Buddhist nunnery佛教圣地Buddhist sacred land琉璃瓦glaze tile宫殿palace hall, chamber皇城imperial city护城河moat✧御花园/皇家园林imperial garden行宫temporary imperial palace for a short stay皇太后empress dowager✧皇妃Imperial Concubine宰相Prime-Minister太监court eunuch四大金刚the Four Guardians十八罗汉The Eighteen disciples of the Buddha出土文物unearthed culture relics甲骨文inscription on oracle bones青铜器bronze ware✧景泰蓝cloisonné青瓷celadon陶瓷ceramic陶器earthenware✧泥塑clay figurine✧柔软光滑的velvety折扇folding fan檀香扇sandalwood fan✧手工艺品artifact / handicraft雕漆器carved-lacquer-wear✧刺绣品embroidery苏绣Suzhou embroidery✧挂毯tapestry唐三彩tri-colored glazed pottery of Tang dynasty金石印章metal and stone seals字画卷轴of calligraphy and painting✧国画traditional Chinese painting山水/水墨画landscape / ink painting✧文房四宝the four stationary treasures of the Chinese study,writing brush, ink, inkstone, paper园林建筑garden architecture天下第一泉the finest spring under heaven天下第一奇洞the most spectacular cave unparalleled elsewhere青山层峦叠嶂;绿树点缀山岗。

Flight Number 或者Flight No. 读作:服来特拿木波儿翻译为:航班号check-in counter读作:切克银考恩特儿翻译为:登记上飞机的窗口Gate 读作:给特翻译为:登机口Departure lounge读作:低趴欠儿劳嗯几翻译为:候机室Boarding Pass读作:保定怕四翻译为:登机牌Baggage claim 读作:白给几克雷木翻译为:行李认领Exit 读作:爱哥细特翻译为:出口Taxi pick-up point 读作:太可斯诶皮克阿普泡恩特翻译为:出租车乘车点Air Ticket 读作:爱鹅梯肯特翻译为:飞机票Restroom 读作:乳爱斯特入木翻译为:洗手间Toilet 读作:涛爱里特翻译为:厕所Men’s 读作:门思翻译为:男洗手间Women读作:喂米恩翻译为:女洗手间North 读作:闹思翻译为:北South 读作:臊思翻译为:南East 读作:亿思特翻译为:东West 读作:外思特翻译为:西Queue here 读作:克油嘿儿翻译为:在此排队Assistance 读作:饿赛斯吞斯翻译为:问讯处Connecting flights counter 读作:克耐克挺服来次考恩特儿翻译为:转机服务台Luggage pick up 读作:拉给几皮克阿普翻译为:取行李Telephone 读作:台里服恩翻译为:电话Elevator 读作:爱里喂特儿或者 lift 读作:里服特翻译为:电梯Airport 读作:爱鹅泡特翻译为:机场Date 读作:嘚(dei)特翻译为:日期Time 读作:太木翻译为:时间Departure 读作:低怕企鹅翻译为:出发Take off 读作:忒克熬付翻译为:起飞Delayed 读作:低雷得翻译为:延误Restaurant 读作:乳爱斯特乳昂特翻译为:餐厅Stairs and lifts to departures读作:思带额思安得里付次图低扒企鹅翻译为:由此乘电梯前往登机BUS 读作:把思翻译为:公共汽车Departure time 读作:低扒企鹅太木翻译为:起飞时间UP 读作:阿普或者 Upstairs 读作:阿普思带额思翻译为:由此上楼Down 读作:荡恩或者 Downstairs 读作:荡思带额思翻译为:由此下楼Duty –free shop 读作:丢特诶服瑞是熬普翻译为:免税店Bank 读作:白恩克翻译为:银行Money exchange 读作:马你埃克斯琴几翻译为:货币兑换处Hotel reservation 读作:猴太欧乳爱色为深翻译为:订旅馆Luggage tag 读作:拉给及泰哥翻译为:行李牌Shop 读作:是熬普翻译为:商店机场常用语1.Excuse me ! Could you do me a favor ? Where is therestroom ?读作:爱克斯克油思迷!哭的有杜密额飞五额?外额意子热乳爱斯特入目?翻译为:打扰一下,您能帮我个忙吗?请问洗手间在哪里?Thank you very much !读作:三克油外瑞嘛去。

1 水族馆aquarium2 传统文化traditional culture3 自然美景natural beauty4 商业区commercial district5 工业园industrial zone6 高新技术开发区Hi-tech Development Zone7 高速公路expressway8 立交桥flyover9 地铁underground10 儿童乐园children’s playground6 免费行李限额 free baggage allowance7 超重费 excess baggage charge8 登机口boarding gate9 海关官员customs officer 10 返程票 return ticket1 customs luggage declaration form 海关行李申报单2 unaccompanied baggage 非随身载运行李3 luggage chek-in counter 行李过磅处4 parking area 停车场5 transfer passenger 转机旅客6 airport inquiries 机场问讯处7 tour leader 旅游团领队8 time difference 时差9 non-smoking room 禁烟室10 reception program 接待计划1 type of accommodation desired 要求住宿的类型2 cash in advance 预付现金3 cash payment on departure 离店现付4 automated bill 自动开账单5 ambulatory room 残疾人专用房6 hold mail 留交邮件7 registration form of temporary residence临时住宿登记表8 change slip 客人住房变动单9 assistant manager 经理助理10 basement car park 地下停车场1 foreign escorted tour 国外派导游的旅游团2 final itinerary 最终旅行路线3 full appointment 全项委托4 best-selling China-tours 最畅销的中国旅游路线5 entertainments and diversions 娱乐或变换节目6 on-shore visit 上岸参观7 estimated time of arrival 预计抵达时间8 travel arrangements 旅行安排9 mini destination area 中途小目的地10 sightseeing tour 观光旅行1 group visa 集体签证2 departure lounge 出境旅客休息室3 board the plane 上机4 take oof 起飞5 exit visa 出境签证6 luggage rack 行李架7 platform ticket 站台票8 express extra ticket 特快票9 mother-and-child room 母婴候车室10 identity card 身份证1 国内航线domestic flight2 海关手续customs formalities3 手提行李hand luggage4 航班号flight number5 免税商店duty-free shop6 旅客联passenger coupon7 行李认领牌baggage claim card8 入境签证entry visa9 软卧soft berth 10 旅客通道passenger route1 自然保护区natural reserve2 水上公园water park3 风景点scenic spots4 民俗风情folk custom5 人造奇迹man-made wonders6 国际杂技节International Acrobatic Festival7 名胜古迹places of historic interests8 黄鹤楼Yellow Crane Tower9 鱼米之乡the land of rice and fish10 建筑技术construction technology1 观光旅行sightseeing travel2 抵离时间arrival and departure time3 办手续go through the formalities4 合单结账one bill for all5 储存贵重物品store the valubles6 外币兑换foreign currency exchange7 问讯部the information desk8 值班经理duty manager9 前台收银员front office cashier10 兑换限额currency exchange limit1 精选路线selected itinerary2 附加旅游项目add-ons3 自由活时time for personal arrangements4 特别服务要special service requirement5 组团人数group size6 民俗旅游folk custom tour7 行业考察旅游trade observation tour8 路线图itinerary map9 旅游者过夜数guest night10 延长逗留extension of stay1 中国画traditional Chinese painting2 水彩画water color painting3 草书cursive hand4 文房四宝the four treasures of the study5 牙雕ivory carving6 唐三彩Tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty7 彩陶painted pottery8 景泰蓝花瓶cloisonnévase9 檀香扇sandalwood fan10 刺绣embroidery1 故宫The Palace Museum2 龙门石窟Longmen Grottoes3 秦始皇兵马俑The Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin4 乐山大佛Giant Buddha of Leshan5 布达拉宫Potala Palace6 毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao Memorial Hall7 文化遗产cultural relic8 天下第一关No.1 Pass Under Heaven9 天坛the Temple of Heaven10 孔庙Temple of Confucius1 水族馆aquarium2 传统文化traditional culture3 自然美景natural beauty4 商业区commercial district5 工业园industrial zone6 高新技术开发区Hi-tech Development Zone7 高速公路expressway8 立交桥flyover9 地铁underground 10 儿童乐园children’s playground1 朝圣的游客pilgrim2 登上探险旅行mountaineering and adventure tour3 发源地cradleland4 悬崖峭壁sheer cliffs and steep mountains5 道教圣地the Taoist Holy Place6 温泉hot spring7 自然景观natural wonders8 常青树evergreen trees9 日出sunries10 海拔above sea level1 丝绸之路the Silk Road2 艺术宝库treasure house3 彩塑colored modelling4 历史文化价值historical and cultural value5 石雕stone carving6 贝壳题记tablet carving inscription7 佛塔Buddhist dagoba8 文物cultural relic9 木质建筑wooden architecture10 藏经洞sutra cave1 垂柳weeping willow2 泄洪闸flood discharge gate3 沙滩浴场beach bathing place4 黄金水道golden watercourse5 文化艺术走廊cultural art gallery6 内河inland river7 上游the upper reach8 漂流boat drifting9 大运河the Grand Canal10 三峡大坝工程the Three Gorges Dam Project1 大雄宝殿the Grand Hall2 罗汉堂the Hall of Arhats3 钟鼓楼Bell Tower and Drum Tower4 素材馆vegetarian restaurant5 西方三圣the Holy Triad of the West6 极乐世界the paradise of the west7 苦海无边the endless sea of suffering8 诵经chanting sutra9 卧佛Reclining Buddha10 完美的建筑perfect architecture1 机场建设费airport construction fee2 登机牌boarding card3 安全检查security check4 普通舱economy class5 告别演说farewell speech6 免费行李限额free baggage allowance7 超重费excess baggage charge8 登机口boarding gate9 海关官员customs officer 10 返程票return ticket。

深圳市公共场所双语标志英文翻译实施指南——旅游景区一、警告提示信息1 严禁攀登No Climbing2 严禁倚靠No Leaning3 严禁攀折No Picking4 严禁滑冰No Skating5 严禁携带宠物No Pets Allowed6 严禁中途下车No Drop off Between Stops7 禁止游泳No Swimming8 禁止钓鱼No Fishing9 禁止排放污水No Waste Water Discharge10 禁止无照经营No Unlicensed Vendors11 禁止狩猎No Hunting12禁止燃放烟花爆竹No Fireworks Allowed/ Fireworks Prohibited13 禁止携带易燃易爆物品Inflammables & Explosives Strictly Prohibited14 禁止速降Downhill Skiing Prohibited15 禁止雪道中间停留Don't Stop on Ski Slope16 禁止由此滑行No Skiing Here17 禁止开窗Keep Windows Closed/ Don't Open Windows18 非机动车禁止入内Motor Vehicles Only19 雷雨天禁止拨打手机Cellphones Prohibited during Thunderstorms20 卧床请勿吸烟Don't Smoke in Bed21 殿内请勿燃香Don't Burn Incense in the Hall22 乘船前请遵照医生意见Check with Your GP before Sailing23 高血压、心脏病患者以及晕车、晕船、酗酒请勿乘坐Drunks, sufferers of hypertension, heart disease &motion sickness not allowed on board.24 防洪通道,请勿占用Flood Control Channel. Keep Clear!25 非游览区,请勿进入No Admittance/ No Visitors26 1米以下儿童须家长陪同乘坐Children under 1 meter must be accompanied by an adult27 酒后不能上船Those under the influence of alcohol not allowed28 请抬起护栏Please Raise the Guardrail29 请放下护栏Please Lower the Guardrail30 请您不要坐在护栏上边Don't Sit on the Guardrail31 前方弯路慢行Bend Ahead. Slow Down!32 请自觉维护场内卫生环境Please Keep the Area Clean/ Please Don't Litter33 请遵守场内秩序Please Keep Order34 请您注意上方Watch Your Head35 请在台阶下等候Please Stand Clear of the Steps36 请您不要随意移动隔离墩Don't Move Barriers37 请您穿好救生衣Please Wear Life Vest38 请爱护洞内景观Please Protect the Cave Scenery39 请沿此路上山Climbing Route/ To the Top↗40 请勿投食Don't Feed the Animals41 请勿惊吓动物Don't Frighten the Animals42 请勿拍打玻璃Don't Tap/ Knock on Glass43 请勿将手臂伸出车外Keep Arms inside Carriage44 请勿打扰Do Not Disturb45 请阅背面See the Reverso Side46 请阅次页P.T.O. (Please Turn Over)47 请自己动手Do It Yourself, Please./ Try It Yourself.48 请按顺序出入Please Line Up49 请爱护林木Please Protect the Trees50 请保护古树Please Protect Heritage Trees51 请保护古迹Please Protect Historical Sites52 请爱护景区设施Please Protect Facilities53 请爱护文物/保护文物Please Protect Cultural Relics54 请尊重少数民族习俗Please Respect Ethnic Customs55 危险路段Dangerous Section/ Area56 敬告Notice57 当日使用,逾期作废Use on Day of Issue Only58 凭票入场Ticket Holders Only59 允许拍照留念Photos Allowed60 票已售完Sold Out61 票已售出,概不退换No Refund. No Exchange62 关闭整修Closed for Renovation63 系好安全带Fasten Safety Belt64 游客投诉电话Complaints Hotline65 游客咨询电话Inquiry Hotline66 游客报警电话(110)Police Call 11067 有佛事活动,请绕行Detour. Buddhist Ceremony in Progress68 风力较大勿燃香,请敬香Windy. No Incense Burning!69 内部施工,暂停开放Under Construction. Temporarily Closed.70 1.2米以下儿童免票Free for Children under 1.2 Meters71 原路返回Return by the Way You Came72 二十四小时营业24-Hour Service73 禁止停车/禁止停放车辆No Parking74 禁止吸烟/请勿吸烟No Smoking75 禁止(人)停留No Lingering/ No Loitering76 暂停服务/临时关闭Service Suspended/ Temporarily Closed77 不外售Not for Sale78 电梯故障停运正在维修Escalator under Repair79 电梯维修,暂停使用Escalator out of Service80 暂停收款Temporarily Closed81 正在维修Under Repair82 正在检修,请您稍候Wait. Maintenance in progress83 正在检修,请绕行Detour. Maintenance in progress84 当心触电Danger! High V oltage85 小心脚下/注意台阶/当心踏空Mind Your Step86 小心滑倒/小心地滑Caution: Slippery Board!/ Caution: Wet Floor!87 小心碰头Mind Your Head/ Watch Your Head88 小心玻璃Caution: Glass!89 请勿跨越No Crossing90 请勿使用闪光灯No Flash91 请勿随地吐痰No Spitting92 保持安静/禁止喧哗Quiet Please/ SILENCE93 请勿打电话No Phone Call94 请勿抚摸/请勿触摸/请勿手扶Hands Off95 请在此等候Wait Here96 请勿践踏草坪Keep off the Grass97 请勿摄像/请勿摄影No Filming/ No Video98 请勿拍照No Photography99 请勿坐卧停留No Loitering100 请爱护公共财产Cherish Public Facilities101 勿扔垃圾/请勿乱扔废弃物/勿乱扔杂物No Littering102 请勿录音No Recording103 请勿乱动开关Do Not Touch the Switch104 请保管好随身物品Please Take Care of Your Belongings105 贵重物品,随身携带Please don’t leave valuables unattended. 106 伸手出水Automatic Tap107 请绕行/车辆绕行DETOUR/ Vehicle By-pass108 拉(门)PULL109 推(门)PUSH110 出口/安全出口/安全门/太平门/安全通道EXIT111 入口ENTRACE112 出口方向Way Out113 入口方向Way In114 安全疏散指示图/紧急疏散指示图Evacuation Chart115 火警电话119 Fire Call 119/ Fire Alarm 119116 紧急救护电话(120)First Aid Call 120117 谢绝参观/游客止步No Admittance/ Out of Bounds118 紧急情况请拨打XXX Call xxx in Emergency119 禁止摆卖Vendors Prohibited120 概不退款No Refund Is Granted/ No Refund Is Made121 禁止挟带的物品Restricted Articles122 违禁物品Contraband二、旅游景区功能设施(一)室外1 自然保护区Natural Reserve2 风景区Scenic Spot3 度假旅游区、度假村Holiday Resort4 疗养地Health Resort/ Spa/ Health Spa5 旅游休假地Tourist Resort6 内地休养、度假地Inland Resort7 滑雪中心、游览与度假胜地Ski Centers, Tours & Resorts8 滑雪胜地Ski Country9 度假地Vacation Spot10 特大型度假地Mega-resort11 休假地、度假地Getaway12 旅行营地Travel Camp13 汽车营地和旅游公园Caravan & Tourist Parks14 野营地Camp Ground/ Camp Site/ Caravan Park15 治疗性营地Sanatorium16 居留营地Resident Camp17 由单位承办的营地Company Holiday Camp18 宿营地Camp Ground/ Campsite19 白天儿童夏令营Day Summer Camp20 海滩度假村Beach Resort21 度假城镇Resort Town/ Resort Community22 滑雪旅游点Skiing Resort23 沐浴旅游点Bathing Resort24 天然民俗村Ethnic Village25 人工民俗景观Ethnic Cultural Park26 人造景观Man-made Tourist Site27 人文旅游点Tourist Cultural Attractions28 海滩Beach29 海水浴场Bathing Beach30 水上公园Water Park31 水下公园Underwater Park32 公共高尔夫球场Public Golf Course33 公园、花园与自然保护区Parks, Gardens & Reserve34 植物园Botanic Garden35 动物园Zoo36 水族馆Aquarium37 航海博物馆Maritime Museum38 天文馆Observatory39 古玩城Antique Center40 古文化遗址Historical Cultural Site41 古迹Historical Site42 古墓葬Historical Tomb43 古建筑Historical Buildings44 古窟寺Grotto45 娱乐中心Amusement Center46 历史纪念物Historical Monuments47 纪念堂Memorial Hall48 故居Former Residence49 博物馆Museum50 艺术博物馆Art Museum51 美术馆Art Gallery52 名胜Sights/ Attractions53 遗址Historic Relics/ Historic Sites54 野生动物保护区Wildlife Reserve55 森林保护区Forest Preserve56 国家公园National Park57 塔Pagoda/ Dagoba (藏式塔)58 宫、院Palace59 亭、阁Pavilion60 寺Monastery (Temple)61 牌楼Memorial Archway62 桥Bridge63 廊Corridor64 牌坊Memorial Gateway65 庙Temple66 观堂Taoist Temple67 阙Piers68 寺院Buddhist Temple69 四合院Courtyard Dwellings70 水榭Waterside Pavilion71 寺庙园林Monastery Garden72 坛Ceremonial Terrace/ Altar73 庑殿Hip Roof74 华表Marble Column75 琉璃塔Glazed Pagoda76 无梁殿Beamless Hall77 券门A Vaulted Arch Way78 神兽Mythical Animals79 钟鼓楼Bell Tower & Drum Tower80 宅园Family Garden81 藏传佛教寺院Temple of Lamaism82 藏传佛教塔Stupa83 清真寺Mosque84 教堂Church85 犹太教会堂Synagogues86 女修道院Convents87 皇家陵园Imperial Cemetery88 喇嘛寺院Lamasery89 禅房Meditation Room90 佛殿Meditation Abode91 佛堂Buddhist Worship Hall/ Sanctuary92 神堂Temple for (Keeping) Ancestral Tablets93 祠堂Ancestral Temple94 舍利塔Pagoba95 孔庙、文庙Confucian Temple96 先师庙Temple of Ancient Teacher97 城隍庙Town God Temple98 游船码头Cruise Terminal99 游船Sightseeing Boat100 索道Cableway101 缆车Cable Car102 拱桥Arch Bridge104 游乐场/游乐园Amusement Park105 儿童游乐场/儿童乐园Children's Playground 106 民族特色街Ethnic Culture Street107 模型Model108 主廊Main Corridor109 车道Vehicle Lane110 农家院Farm House111 大石桥Great Stone Bridge112 瀑布Waterfall113 滑雪场Ski Field114 滑雪道Ski Slope115 拓展区Outdoor Development Area116 狩猎区Hunting Area117 XX养殖场XX Farm118 宠物乐园Pet Paradise119 步行街Pedestrian Street120 公园Park121 综合公园Comprehensive Park122 历史名园Historical Garden123 主题公园Theme Park124 森林公园Forest Park125 湿地公园Wetland Park126 带状公园Linear Park127 儿童公园Children's Park128 雕塑公园Sculpture Park129 体育公园Sports Park130 街区公园Community Park131 盆景园Mini-scape Garden/ Bonsai Garden 132 景观Scenery133 景区Scenic Area134 国家A级景区A-level National Scenic Spot135 景点Scenic Spot136 大型水滑梯/戏水滑道Water Slide137 收费停车场Pay Parking138 国家级文物保护单位State Protected Historic Site139 市级文物保护单位Municipality Protected Historic Site/ City Protected Historic Site 140 区级文物保护单位District Protected Historic Site141 爱国主义教育基地Patriotic Education Base142 工农业旅游示范点Industrial & Agricultural Site143 纪念馆Memorial / Memorial Museum144 展览馆/陈列馆Exhibition Hall/ Exhibition Center145 美术馆/艺术馆Museum of fine Art/ Museum of Art146 科技馆Science & Technology Hall147 世界文化遗产World Cultural Heritage148 浅水区Shallow Water149 深水区Deep Water150 采摘区Fruit-picking Area151 观赏区Viewing Area152 投喂区Feeding Area153 触摸区Petting Area154 原有文物建筑Original Cultural Relics & Buildings155 复建文物建筑Restored Cultural Relics & Buildings156 标志性建筑物Landmark157 露天剧场Open-air Theater158 露天影院Drive-in Movie159 定点饭店、旅馆Certified Restaurant/ Hotel for Tourism160 咖啡馆、餐馆Café/ Coffee Shop161 回民菜馆Moslem Restaurant162 星级饭店Star-grade Hotel163 百货商店Department Store164 自然景观Natural Attraction165 海Sea166 温泉Hot Spring167 假山Rockery/ Artificial Rockwork168 水塘Pond169 池潭Ponds & Pools170 石笋Stalagmite171 钟乳石Stalactite172 火山口Caldera173 高地Highland174 峭壁Barranca175 沟Channel176 火山V olcano177 热带植物园Tropical Plants Garden178 地质景观Geological Landscape179 植物景观Plants Landscape/ Flora Landscape180 江河湖泊Rivers & Lakes181 海滨Sea Beach182 水池Pool183 山岳Mountain184 洞穴Cave185 竹园Bamboo Garden186 石窟Grotto187 深谷Chasm188 溪Brook189 渠沟Trench190 峡谷Valley191 喀斯特景观Karst Landscape(二)室内1 售票处Ticket Office/ Tickets2 客房部Guest Room Department3 办公区Administrative Area4 公园管理处Park Administrative Office5 广播室Broadcasting Room6 陈列室Exhibition Room/ Display Room7 展区Exhibition Area/ Display Area8 标本室Specimen Room9 展厅Exhibition Hall/ Display Hall10 休息处Lounge11 表演区Performance Area12 专题展区Theme Display13 书房Study14 中央展厅Central Exhibition Hall/ Central Display Hall15 展厅入口Entrance16 报告厅Auditorium17 休闲区Leisure Area18 贵宾厅VIP Hall19 序厅Lobby20 阅览室Reading Room21 吸烟区Smoking Area22 非吸烟区Non-smoking Area23 餐厅Restaurant24 酒吧Pub(三)综合类1 贵宾通道VIP Only2 员工通道Staff Only3 租赁车Car Rental4 旅游车Tour Bus5 上楼楼梯Upstairs6 下楼楼梯Downstairs7 摄像室Video Studio8 无烟景区No Fires Area9 茶室Tea House10 游泳池Swimming Pool11 残疾人客房Accessible Guestroom12 民族歌舞Folk Dances13 手工艺展示Handicraft Display14 特色餐饮Specialties15 门票价格/票价Ticket Price16 成人票价Adult Price17 学生票价Student Price18 儿童票价Child Price19 优惠价格Discount20 免费项目Free Service21 收费项目/有偿服务项目Pay Service22 地图Map23 参观路线Visitor Route24 游客须知/游园须知Notice to Visitors25 景区简介Introduction26 单行线One Way27 团队入口Group Tour Entrance28 团体票价Group Fare29 团体特价票Special Group Fares30 团体预定Group Booking31 缆车入口Cable Car Entrance32 临时出口Temporary Exit33 火警出口Fire Exit34 月票Monthly Ticket35 年票Annual Ticket36 优惠办法Discount37 淡季时间Low Season/ Off Season38 旺季时间High Season/ Peak Season39 集体票Group Tour Tickets40 开放时间Open Hours/ Business Hours41 旺季开放时间Open Times in High Season/ Peak Season42 淡季开放时间Open Times in Low Season/ Off Season43 休息日Day Off/ Rest Day44 上午X点X AM/ am45 下午X点X PM/ pm46 正常开放Open47 开园时间Opening Time48 闭园时间Closing Time49 表演时间Show Time50 展板Display Boards51 布告栏Bulletin52 告示牌Bulletin Board53 示意图(导游图)Sketch Map54 游览图Tourist Map55 导言Leading Description/ Introduction56 安全须知Safety Instruction57 安全指南Safety Guide58 出发地Departure Location59 出发时间Departure Time60 地图上未标的Uncharted三、旅游项目1 空气浴Air Bath2 温泉浴Hot Spring Bath3 日光浴Sun Bath4 泥沙浴Mud & Sand Bath5 温室采摘Greenhouse Fruit Picking6 野营露营Camping7 消闲散步Strolling8 郊游野游Outing9 垂钓Fishing10 登山攀岩Mountaineering/ Rock-climbing11 揽胜探险Expedition12 科普教育Popular Science Education13 游戏娱乐Entertainment14 健身Bodybuilding15 水上运动Aquatic Sports16 滑水Surfing17 潜水Scuba Diving18 冰雪活动Ice Skating & Skiing19 滑草活动Grass Skiing20 滑沙Sand Skiing21 水上漂流Drifting22 包价旅游Package Tour23 全包价旅游All Expenses Tour24 全包旅游Inclusive Tour25 非包价旅游Non-package Tour26 团体包价旅游Group Inclusive Tour27 团体旅游Group Tour28 散客旅游Independent Tour29 个人包价旅游Independent Package Tour30 陆上包价旅游Land Package31 包机旅游Inclusive Tour Charters32 包往返票旅游Inclusive Tour Excursion33 冒险旅行团与假期Adventure Tours & Holidays34 丝绸之路旅游“Silk Road”Tour35 古都旅游Tour to the Ancient Capital Cities36 草原旅游Grassland Tour37 高原旅游Highland Tour38 选择节目旅游Optional Tour39 家庭式旅游Family Tour40 游船包价旅游Cruise Line Package41 特殊兴趣旅游Special Interest Tour42 特种旅游Special Tour43 体育旅行与度假Sport Tours & Holiday44 自行车旅行Travel by Bike45 徒步旅行Travel on Foot46 登山旅行Mountaineering Tour47 民俗旅行Folklore Tour48 汽车旅行Motorcoach Tour49 摩托车旅游与出租Motor Cycles Tours & Hire50 游船旅游Cruise Service51 远程旅游Long Haul Travel52 修学旅游、游学Study Tour53 会议旅游Conference Tour54 新婚旅游Honeymoon Tour55 农业旅游Agricultural Tour56 生态旅游Ecotour57 钓鱼旅游Fishing Trips58 购物旅行与服务Shopping Tours & Services59 购物旅游Shopping Tour60 商务旅游Business Travel61 文化旅游Cultural Tour62 一日游Day Excursion63 二日游2-day Tour64 半日游Half-day Tour65 日游Day Tour66 夜游Night Tour67 周末游Weekend Tour68 动手项目/动手操作Hands-on Activities69 春游Spring Tour70 环球旅游Around-the-world Trip/ Circumnavigation71 空中旅游Air Travel72 疗养旅游Convalescent Tour73 入境旅游Inbound Tourism74 上岸旅行参观Shore Excursions75 视察旅行Inspection Tour76 狩猎旅行Safari77 学术研究旅游Study Travel Programs78 旅行社部分代办的旅游Mini-package Tour79 旅行社全部代办的旅游Lull Package Tour/ Packaging Tour80 有导游的当地旅游Guided Local Tour81 有陪同的国内旅游Domestic Escort Tour82 有陪同的旅游Conducted Tour/ Escorted Tour83 宗教旅游Religious Travel84 烹调包价旅游Culinary Package Tours85 家庭旅游团Family Group86 航海旅行Voyage87 营火晚会Campfire Party88 出境游Outbound Tourism/ Travel89 国内游Inbound Tourism/ Travel91 单程旅行Outward Journey/ Trip92 往返旅行Return Journey/ Round Trip93 环程旅行Circular Journey/ Trip94 标准游Normal Tour/ Travel95 自助游Do-it-yourself Travel96 豪华游Luxury Tour/ Travel97 随团旅游Group Travel98 套餐游、包办游Package Tour/ Inclusive Tour/ Travel99 旅行结婚Wedding Travel100 蜜月旅行Honeymoon Trip101 商务旅行Business Trip四、娱乐项目1 棒球Baseball2 蹦床Trampoline3 蹦极Bungee Jumping4 冲浪Surfing5 垂钓Fishing/ Angling6 叠罗汉Human Pyramid7 翻筋斗Tumble8 高尔夫球Golf9 花样滑冰Figure Skating10 滑冰Ice Skating11 滑草Grass Skiing12 滑沙Sand Skiing13 滑水Surfing14 滑翔运动Gliding/ Sail Planing15 滑雪Skiing16 划船Rowing17 激流划船Canoe Slalom18 郊区一日游A Day in the Country19 节目Show20 节日Festival21 狂欢节Carnival22 狂欢节巡游Carnival Parade23 马术Equitation/ Riding24 马戏Circus Act25 摸彩Tombola26 摩托车运动Motor Cycling27 木偶表演Punch & Judy/ Puppet Show28 爬竿取物Greasy Pole29 攀岩Rock-climbing30 乒乓球Table-tennis31 平衡技巧Balance32 骑自行车Cycling33 气枪打靶Rifle Range34 潜水、跳水Diving35 曲棍球Hockey36 赛龙舟Dragon-boat Racing37 赛艇Canoe38 赛艇Boat Race39 散步Go for a Walk40 射击Shooting41 射箭Item Archery42 摔跤Wrestling43 水上漂流Drifting44 水上运动Aquatic Sports45 速降滑雪Downhill Race46 探险Expedition47 踢键子Shuttle Cock Kicking48 跳爆竹Jumping Jack/ Jumping Cracker49 跳伞Sky-diving/ A Parachute50 网球Tennis51 温泉浴Hot Spring Bath52 象棋Chess53 雪橇Bobsleigh/ Bobsled54 巡回马戏团演出Travelling Circus Show55 野炊Picnic56 野外露营Camping57 夜总会歌舞表演Floor Show58 游艇Yacht59 游泳Swimming60 有氧潜水Scuba Diving61 余兴节目Cabaret62 娱乐Entertainment63 瑜伽Yoga64 羽毛球Badminton65 远足Excursion/ Outing/ Hiking66 杂耍Variety Show/ Vaudeville67 走钢丝Wire-walking五、旅游纪念品1 编织工艺品、篮子Baskets Craft2 编织品Weaved & Knitted Products3 玻璃器皿Glassware4 瓷器Porcelain Wares5 灯饰品Lamp Decoration6 雕塑工艺品Sculpture Craft7 发饰Hair Decoration8 仿生工艺品Imitated Craft9 工艺精湛独具匠心Exquisite workmanship with an original/ ingenious design10 工艺品Arts & Craft11 挂饰Hang Decoration12 国画Traditional Chinese Painting13 画Painting14 纪念品Monuments15 技术工艺品Technological Craft16 家具Furniture17 家庭装饰工艺品Home Decoration18 甲骨文Inscription on Oracle Bones19 剪纸Paper Cuts20 节日装饰品Holiday Decoration21 金饰Gold Fashion22 金书工艺品Gold Book Craft23 金属工艺品Metal Crafts24 景泰蓝Cloisonné Enamel25 蜡烛工艺品Candle Craft26 民间工艺品Fold Craft27 木工艺品Wood Crafts28 木化石Wooden Fossil29 木刻Wood Carving30 木制工艺品Wood Craft31 木制品Wooden Product32 泥塑工艺品Clay Carving Craft33 青铜器Bronze Ware34 伞Umbrella35 扇子Fan36 圣诞装饰物Christmas Decoration37 时尚饰品Fashion Decoration38 手工艺品Artifact/ Handicrafts39 手套Gloves40 首饰盒Jewellery Box41 树脂工艺品Resin Craft42 水晶工艺品Crystal Craft43 苏绣Suzhou Embroidery44 塑料工艺品Plastic Craft45 塑料制品Plastic Article46 炭雕工艺品Charcoal Carving47 唐三彩Tricolor-glazed Pottery48 陶瓷工艺品Porcelain Craft49 天然工艺品Natural Craft50 图腾工艺品Totem Craft51 玩具Toy52 文房四宝(笔、墨、纸、砚)The four stationery treasures of the Chinese study (Writing Brushes,Ink Sticks, Inkstone & Paper)53 箱包及皮件Suitcase/ Bags & Leather Product54 银饰Silver Fashions55 玉制品Jade Product56 云南红木工艺品Yunnan Padauk Craft57 珍珠工艺品Pearl Craft58 纸制工艺品Paper Craft59 纸制品Paper Product60 中国结Chinese Knots61 中国民族乐器Chinese Musical Instruments62 珠玉Precious Stones63 竹制工艺品Bamboo Craft64 装饰盒Decorate Box65 装饰品Decoration66 装饰纸品Decorative Paper67 字画卷轴Scroll of Calligraphy & Painting68 宗教工艺品Religion craft69 祭坛装饰Retable/ Altarpiece六、综合服务信息(一)服务1 服务中心Service Center2 志愿者服务中心V olunteers Service Center3 游客中心Tourist Center4 咨询服务中心Information Center5 无障碍售票口Wheelchair Accessible6 无障碍设施Wheelchair Accessible7 小件寄存处Cloakroom/ Luggage Deposit8 餐饮服务部Food & Beverages9 快餐Fast Food10 货币兑换Currency Exchange11 走失儿童认领Lost Children Information12 行李手推车Trolley13 三轮车接待站Tricycle Tour14 轮椅租赁处Wheelchair Rental15 雨具租赁处Umbrella Rental16 游览观光车Sightseeing Trolley/ Sightseeing Bus17 电动游览车Sightseeing Trolley18 服装出租处Costume Rental19 自行车租赁处Bicycle Rental20 租船处Boat Rental21 旅游纪念品商店Souvenir Shop22 导览设施Tour Guide Facilities23 导览机Audio Guide24 导览册Guide Book25 标志牌Signal Board/ Sign Board26 导游处Guide Service27 导游亭Tour Guide Booth28 导游服务/讲解服务Tour Guide Service29 团体接待Group Tour30 解说牌Explanation Board31 解说词Captions32 照相服务Photo Service33 邮政服务Postal Service34 声讯服务Audio Guide35 票务服务Ticket Service/ Tickets36 残疾人服务Service for Disabled37 免费Free Admission38 赠票Complimentary Ticket39 欢迎光临Welcome40 宣传资料Tourist Brochure/ Travel Brochure41 半价50% Off/ Half Price/ 50% Discount42 谢谢合作Thanks for Your Cooperation43 信用卡支付Credit Cards Accepted44 提供拐杖Walking Stick Available45 提供轮椅Wheelchairs Available46 游程信息Itinerary Information/ Travel Info47 自动取款机A TM48 观众留言薄Complaints & Suggestions49 收费项目/有偿服务项目Pay Service50 会议室Meeting Room/ Conference Room51 多功能厅Multifunction Room52 卫生间Toilet53 收费厕所Fee-paying Toilet54 办旅行证Apply for Traveling Permit55 包车Chartered Taxi56 包车服务Charter Bus Service57 包船Charter Boat58 包饭Meals Included59 饭店接待班车Courtesy Bus60 服务费Service Charge/ Cover Charge61 手续费Service Fee/ Handling Charge/ Counter Fee62 观光游览的最佳时间Best Time to Visit63 航空公司办事处Airline Office64 纪念照Souvenir Photo65 价目表Tariff/ Price Table/ Price Tag/ Price List66 天气预报Weather Report67 退款Drawback/ Money Refund68 退税Tax Rebate69 外币兑换Exchange Service70 行李寄存处Check Room/ Left-luggage Office71 行李认领处Baggage Claim Area72 沿途指南Route Guide73 自动导游磁带机Automatic Guide74 自动售票机Passimeter/ Stamp-vending Machine75 座位区Seating Area76 旅游Tour77 旅行Travel/ Trip78 旅游业Tourism/ Travel Industry79 旅游界Tourism Circles/ Tourism Trade80 旅游活动Tourism Activities81 游览Sightseeing/ Touring82 旅游者Tourist83 旅行者Traveler84 旅游团Tour Group85 旅游散客Independent Traveler86 背包旅行者Backpacker87 旅游目的地Tourist Destination88 旅游目的国Tourist Destination Country89 旅游接待国Receiving Country90 旅游业务Tour Operation/ Travel Business91 淡季Low/ Off-peak/ Slack92 旺季High/On-peak/ Selling93 平季Shoulder Period/ Shoulder Season94 风景Scenery95 风光Sight96 景点、旅游胜地Scenic Spot/ Tourist Attraction97 旅行路线Travel Route98 经典路线Classic Travel Route99 黄金路线Hot Travel Route100 旅行指南Itinerary101 旅游指南Guidebook102 旅游安排Tour Arrangement103 游人管理Visitors Management104 导游图Tourist Map105 导游解说Tour Description106 自由行Free Walker107 旅游黄金周Golden Week for Tourism108 世界旅游日World Tourism Day(二)票务1 门票Ticket2 购票处Ticket Office/ Tickets3 基本票价Basic Ticket Fare4 一类门票Type 1 Ticket5 票务Ticket Business6 票价Fare/ Price7 现金票价Cash Fare8 门票价格Ticket Price9 学生票价Student Price10 儿童票价Children Price11 月票Monthly ticket12 预订票Pre-booked13 补票Compensation Fare14 票有效期Ticket Validity Time15 单一票制Flat Fare16 儿童优惠Child Reductions17 (票价)优惠Concessions18 成人票价Adult Price19 票类Ticket Types20 半票Half-price Ticket21 查票Ticket Checking22 罚票Penalty Fare/ Penalty Price23 计时票制Time Fare System24 不收门票Admission is Free25 废票Free Children Admission七、旅游机构1 世界旅游组织World Tourism Organization2 旅游局Tourist Administration/ Tourist Authority/ Tourist Office3 中国旅游局China’s National Tourism Administration4 省旅游局Provincial Tourism Administration5 自治区旅游局Autonomous Region Tourism Administration6 市旅游局Municipal Tourism Administration7 自治州旅游局Autonomous Prefecture Tourism Administration8 县旅游局County Tourism Administration9 旅游组织Tourist Organization10 全国旅游组织National Tourist Organization11 区域旅游组织Regional Tourist Organization12 地方旅游组织Local Tourist Organization13 旅游协会Tourist Association14 旅游委员会Tourist Council15 旅行社Travel Agency16 一类社China’s Category A Travel Agency17 二类社China’s Category B Travel Agency18 三类社China’s Category C Travel Agency八、旅游从业人员职称、职务1 导游Tour guide2 解说员Guide3 外联Outreach4 计调Planning & Scheduling5 司机Driver6 业务员Salesman7 前台接待Receptionist8 财务Accountant9 经理Manager10 从事旅游专业人员Professional Staff of Tourism11 旅游推销员Commercial Traveler/ Traveling Salesman12 地陪、地方导游Local Guide13 多语言导游Multilingual Guide14 旅游团陪同Tour Escort/ Conductor/ Director15 旅游记者Travel Journalist16 旅游组织者Tour Operators17 全陪、全程导游National Guide18 领队、团长Tour Leader19 旅游专家Travel Expert20 旅游作家Travel Writer九、旅游相关信息(一)传统文化1 戏曲Traditional Opera2 戏剧脸谱Theatrical Mask3 京剧Peking Opera4 越剧Yue Opera5 川剧Chuan Opera6 相声Cross Talk7 双簧A Two-man Comic8 皮影戏Shadow Puppet9 太极拳Shadow Boxing10 剑术Chinese Fencing11 功夫Kung Fu12 拳术Chinese Boxing13 毛笔Writing Brush14 书法Calligraphy15 香Incense16 五行Five Elements17 观音菩萨Avalokitesvara18 菩萨Boddhisattva19 道士Taoist20 和尚Monk21 尼姑Nun22 药王King of Medicine23 佛经Buddhist Scriptures24 罗汉Arhat25 财神爷The God of Wealth26 门神Door Gods27 玉皇大帝The Jade Emperor28 王母娘娘The Queen Mother of the West29 阎王爷King of Hell30 土地神Local God of the Land31 灶王爷Kitchen God32 龙王Dragon King33 雷公Thunder God34 嫦娥Chang’e35 灯笼Lantern36 爆竹Firecracker37 舞狮Lion Dance38 舞龙Dragon Dance39 杂耍Variety Show40 灯会Exhibit of Lanterns41 压岁钱Lucky Money42 春联Spring Festival Couplets43 剪纸Paper-cut44 中药TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)45 火药Gunpowder46 印刷术Movable Type Printing47 造纸术Paper Making48 指南针Compass49 农历Lunar Calendar50 阳历Solar Calendar51 孝经Book of Filial Piety52 三字经Three Word Chant53 八股文Stereotyped Writing54 国画Traditional Chinese Painting55 气功Controlled Breathing Exercise十、深圳市旅游景点(一)特色景点1 明斯克航母世界Minsk Aircraft Carrier World2 仙湖植物园Shenzhen Fairylake Botanical Garden3 地王观光Meridian View Center4 赛格观光SEG Plaza5 深圳国际园林花卉博览会公园Shenzhen International Garden & Flower Expo Park6 野生动物园Shenzhen Wildlife Park7 青青世界Evergreen Resort8 海上田园Shenzhen Waterlands(二)自然生态景点1 三洲田生态旅游景区Ecotourism Sanzhoutian Sites2 银湖旅游中心Shenzhen Silver Lake Resort3 红树林自然保护区Mangrove Natural Reserve4 西丽湖度假村Xili Lake Holiday Resort5 石岩湖温泉度假村Shiyanhu Lake Hot Spring Resort6 凤凰山风景区Fenghuangshan Mountain Scenic Area7 光明农场Guangming Farm(三)历史古迹景点1 新安故城Xin'an Old Town2 赤湾天后宫Chiwan Temple of the Queen of Heaven3 赤湾古炮台Chiwan Ancient Fort4 鹤湖新居Hehu New Residence5 大万世居Longgang Hakka Folk Museum6 东江纵队司令部旧址Site of the Headquarters of Dongjiang Anti-Japanese Guerrillas(四)城市公园1 儿童公园Children’s Park2 洪湖公园Honghu Park3 东湖公园Donghu Park4 人民公园Renmin Park5 翠竹公园Cuizhu Park6 笔架山公园Bijiashan Park7 中心公园Central Park8 荔枝公园Lizhi Park9 黄岗公园Huanggang Park10 中山公园Zhongshan Park11 南山公园Nanshan Park12 塘朗山郊野公园Tanglangshan Suburb Park13 七娘山郊野公园Qinianshan Suburb Park14 马栾山郊野公园Maluanshan Suburb Park(五)海岛海滩1 大、小铲岛Dachan Island/ Xiaochan Island2 内伶仃岛Neilingding Island3 赖氏洲岛Laishizhou Island4 三门岛Sanmen Island5 大辣甲岛Dalajia Island6 喜洲岛Xizhou Island7 三角洲岛Sanjiaozhou Island8 大梅沙海滩Dameisha Beach9 小梅沙海滩Xiaomeisha Beach10 东涌、西涌海滩Dongchong Beach/ Xichong Beach11 金沙湾海滩Jinshawan Beach12 上洞海滩Shangdong Beach13 鲨鱼涌海滩Shayuchong Beach14 官湖海滩Guanhu Beach15 大湾海滩Dawan Beach16 迭福海滩Diefu Beach17 下沙海滩Xiasha Beach18 水头沙海滩Shuitousha Beach19 洋筹海滩Yangchou Beach20 鹅公湾海滩Egongwan Beach21 大鹿湾海滩Daluwan Beach22 桔钓沙海滩Judiaosha Beach23 杨梅坑海滩Yangmeikeng Beach(六)深圳名景1 大鹏所城Dapeng Fortress2 莲花山Lianhuashan Mountain3 华侨城Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town4 欢乐谷Shenzhen Happy Valley Theme Park5 锦绣中华Splendid China6 中国民俗文化村China Folk Culture Villages7 深南大道Shennan Avenue8 梧桐山Wutongshan Mountain9 大梅沙Dameisha Beach Park10 小梅沙Xiaomeisha Beach Resort11 中英街Zhongying Street12 羊台山Yangtaishan Mountain十一、深圳市旅游管理部门和主要旅游经营者(一)管理部门1 深圳市旅游局Shenzhen Municipal Tourism Bureau2 深圳市旅游协会Shenzhen Travel Association(二)旅行社1 广东核电国际旅行社Guangdong Nuclear Power International Travel Agency2 航空国际旅行社Shenzhen Air International Travel Agency3 鹏城康辉旅行社Shenzhen Comfort Travel Service4 海外国际旅行社Shenzhen Overseas International Travel Service5 东星国际旅行社East Star International Travel Services6 宝安中国旅行社Shenzhen Bao’an China Travel Service7 南方旅行社Southern Travel Agency Shenzhen8 深圳市旅游(集团)公司Shenzhen Tourism (Group) Company9 罗湖国际旅行社Luohu International Travel Service10 中国国际旅行社China International Travel Agency11 口岸中国旅行社Shengzhen Port China Travel Service12 广铁青国际旅行社CYTS Guangdong Railway Shenzhen13 广深铁路国际旅行社Shenzhen Railway International Service14 深圳中国旅行社China Travel Service Shenzhen15 中青旅深圳国际旅行社Shenzhen China Youth Travel Service (CYTS)16 鹏运国际旅行社Shenzhen Pengyun International Travel Service17 职工国际旅行社Workers’International Travel Service18 南山国际旅行社Shenzhen Nanshan International Travel Agency19 世纪假日国际旅行社Century Holiday International Travel Service20 鹏翔国际旅行社Shenzhen Pengxiang International Travel Service21 深华国际旅行社Shenzhen Shenhua International Travel Service22 中侨国际旅行社Shenzhen Cept International Travel Service23 巨邦国际旅行社Shenzhen Grandland International Travel Service24 招商国际旅行社China Merchants International Travel Service25 华侨城国际旅行社Shenzhen Travel Service of Overseas Chinese Town十二、深圳市主要旅游住宿酒店(一)深圳五星级酒店1 东方银座公馆Swiss-Bel Hotel Shenzhen2 深航锦江国际酒店Shenzhen Airlines Hotel3 五洲宾馆Wuzhou Guest House4 圣廷苑酒店The Pavilion5 马可波罗好日子酒店Marco Polo Shenzhen6 景轩酒店Grand View Hotel7 福朋喜来登酒店Four Points by Sheraton8 富苑酒店Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites Landmark Shenzhen9 香格里拉大酒店Shangri-La Hotel10 彭年酒店The Panglin Hotel11 阳光酒店Sunshine Hotel Shenzhen12 富临酒店Felicity Hotel13 华安康年国际酒店Hua An Conifer Shenzhen14 威尼斯酒店Crowne Plaze Shenzhen15 泰格酒店公寓Tiger Apartment Hotel Shenzhen16 南海酒店Southsea Hotel17 凯宾斯基酒店Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen18 恒丰海悦酒店Hengfeng Haiyue International Hotel19 骏豪酒店Mission Hills Hotel20 百合酒店Century Kingdom Hotel21 洲际大酒店InterContinental Hotels(二)四星级酒店格兰云天大酒店Shenzhen Grand Skylight Hotel辉盛庭国际公寓Fraser Corporate Residence Shenzhen。

旅游景点英语词汇大全Introduction:Traveling to different tourist destinations can be an enriching experience, allowing us to explore new cultures, traditions, and landscapes. To fully immerse ourselves in these experiences, it is essential to have a good understanding of the English vocabulary related to tourist attractions. This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of commonly used English words and phrases related to tourist destinations.1. Natural Attractions:1.1. Mountains and Hills:- Peak: The highest point of a mountain.- Summit: The topmost part of a mountain or hill.- Valley: A low-lying area between hills or mountains, often with a river flowing through it.- Plateau: A flat elevated landform.- Slope: An inclined or slanted surface of a hill or mountain.1.2. Water Bodies:- Lake: A large inland body of water.- River: A natural flowing watercourse.- Waterfall: A cascade of water falling from a height.- Beach: A shore along the edge of a body of water, typically sandy or pebbly.1.3. Forests and Jungles:- Forest: A large area covered in trees and undergrowth.- Jungle: A dense, tropical forest with a variety of wildlife.- Trail: A path through a forest or jungle for hiking or walking.- Canopy: The upper layer of leaves and branches in a forest, forming a roof-like covering.2. Architectural Marvels:2.1. Historic Sites:- Castle: A large fortified building, typically from medieval times.- Palace: A grand residence of a monarch or noble.- Temple: A place of worship.- Ruins: Remains of ancient structures that have been partially or completely destroyed.2.2. Modern Structures:- Skyscraper: An exceptionally tall building.- Bridge: A structure that allows passage over an obstacle, such as a river or a road.- Monument: A structure or statue built to commemorate a person or event.- Stadium: A large sports arena.3. Cultural Sites:3.1. Museums:- Art museum: A museum that exhibits artworks.- History museum: A museum that focuses on historical artifacts and events.- Science museum: A museum that showcases scientific discoveries and inventions.- Archaeological museum: A museum that displays archaeological findings.3.2. Religious Sites:- Church: A Christian place of worship.- Mosque: A Muslim place of worship.- Synagogue: A Jewish place of worship.- Pagoda: A traditional Asian tower-like structure, often used as a Buddhist temple.4. Entertainment Centers:4.1. Theme Parks:- Roller coaster: A thrilling amusement ride with twists and turns.- Ferris wheel: A large vertical wheel with enclosed passenger cars.- Water park: An amusement park with water-based attractions.- Carousel: A rotating ride with decorative horses.4.2. Zoos and Aquariums:- Zoo: A facility that exhibits animals for public viewing.- Aquarium: A place where aquatic animals and plants are kept and displayed.- Safari park: A wildlife park where visitors can observe animals from a vehicle.Conclusion:Having a good grasp of the English vocabulary related to tourist destinations can enhance our travel experiences. This comprehensive list of words and phrases can assist travelers in effectively communicating and understanding various attractions they encounter. Whether it's visiting natural wonders, exploring architectural marvels, or immersing ourselves in cultural sites, this vocabulary guide will prove to be valuable in navigating and appreciating our journeys.。

旅游宣传经典语中英文翻译宾至如归 just be at home; feel at home天堂之旅 a trip to the paradise; explre the paradise 人迹罕至 The Unbeaten Track远离尘嚣 a true departure; an escape from the bustling 全新感受 a novel experience耳目一新 a new perspective动感之都 a city in move活力北京 kicking beijing世界之都 the world city东方之珠 the oriental pearl文化之都 the city of culture醉在贵州 intoxicated in Guizhou食在广州 food in Guangzhou味在成都 delicacies in Chengdu精英之都 the city of elites大众之城 the city of commoners纯真世界 a true escape东方独秀 like no other place in the orient超乎想象 byond your imagination久负盛名 long estabished卓越不俗 excellent but not fancy中立国A Swiss lawyer working on behalf of the Iraqi journalist who threw shoes at former US President George W. Bush said his client will seek political asylum in Switzerland.The lawyer said he was contacted by al-Zeidi's relatives because of Switzerland's reputation as a safe, neutral country.“扔鞋”事件的主角、伊拉克记者的瑞士代理律师表示他的当事人将向瑞士请求政治避难。

转机时在机场里可能要用的词汇:Flight Number或者Flight No.读作:服来特拿木波儿翻译为:航班号读作:切克银check-in counter考恩特儿翻译为:登记上飞机的窗口读作:给特Gate翻译为:登机口读作:低趴欠儿loungeDeparture劳嗯几翻译为:候机室读作:保定BoardingPass 怕四翻译为:登机牌读作:白给几claimBaggage克雷木翻译为:行李认领读作:爱哥细特Exit翻译为:出口皮克阿普读作:太可斯诶pointpick-upTaxi 泡恩特翻译为:出租车乘车点读作:爱鹅TicketAir 梯肯特翻译为:飞机票读作:乳爱斯特入木Restroom翻译为:洗手间读作:涛爱里特Toilet翻译为:厕所读作:门思s Men '翻译为:男洗手间Women读作:喂米恩翻译为:女洗手间读作:闹思North翻译为:北South读作:臊思翻译为:南读作:亿思特East翻译为:东West读作:外思特翻译为:西读作:克油Queue here嘿儿翻译为:在此排队读作:饿赛斯吞斯Assistance翻译为:问讯处counterflightsConnecting服来次读作:克耐克挺考恩特儿翻译为:转机服务台皮克Luggage读作:拉给几pick up阿普翻译为:取行李读作:台里服恩Telephone翻译为:电话Elevator读作:爱里喂特儿或者lift读作:里服特翻译为:电梯Airport读作:爱鹅泡特翻译为:机场Date读作:嘚(dei)特翻译为:日期Time读作:太木翻译为:时间Departure读作:低怕企鹅翻译为:出发Take off读作:忒克熬付翻译为:起飞Delayed读作:低雷得翻译为:延误Restaurant读作:乳爱斯特乳昂特翻译为:餐厅Stairs and lifts to departures读作:思带额思安得里付次图低扒企鹅翻译为:由此乘电梯前往登机BUS 读作:把思翻译为:公共汽车Departuretime读作:低扒企鹅太木翻译为:起飞时间UP 读作:阿普或者Upstairs读作:阿普思带额思翻译为:由此上楼Down读作:荡恩或者Downstairs读作:荡思带额思翻译为:由此下楼Duty –free shop读作:丢特诶服瑞是熬普翻译为:免税店Bank读作:白恩克翻译为:银行Moneyexchange读作:马你埃克斯琴几翻译为:货币兑换处Hotelreservation读作:猴太欧乳爱色为深翻译为:订旅馆Luggagetag读作:拉给及泰哥翻译为:行李牌Shop读作:是熬普翻译为:商店机场常用语1.Excuse me ! Could you do me a favor ? Where is the restroom ?热意子飞五额?外额读作:爱克斯克油思迷!哭的有杜密额乳爱斯特入目?翻译为:打扰一下,您能帮我个忙吗?请问洗手间在哪里?Thank you verymuch !读作:三克油外瑞嘛去。

I. Greetings1.S: Hello/Hi. G: Hello/Hi.2.S: Good morning (afternoon, evening), sir (madam, ladies and gentlemen).G: Good morning (afternoon, evening).3.S: How do you do? G: How do you do?4.S: Welcome to Hainan /our hotel (restaurant, park, shop). G: Thank you.5.S: How are you? G: V ery well, thank you. (Fine, thanks.) And you?6.S: Happy to meet you. G: Me, too.7.S: Did you have a nice trip (flight, sleep)? G: Y es, thank you.8.S: I hope you will enjoy your stay here.(I hope you are enjoying your stay here.)(I hope you have enjoyed your stay here.)G:Thank you.9.S: Nice to see you again. G: Nice to see you, too.II. Telephone service10.S: Baohua Hotel. Operator. Can I help you? G: Reception, please.11.G: Please connect me to Mr. Bush. S: May I know the room number?G: 2008. S: Y es, 2008.12.S: Hold on, Please. G: Thank you.13.S: May I speak to Mr. Bush? G: Speaking. (Sorry, Mr. Bush is not in at the moment.)14.S: Would you like to leave a message? G: No, thank you.15.S: Could you tell me your name and telephone number, please? G: Jenny Smith.68589572.16.S: Beg your pardon? Would you please say it again? G: 68589572.17.S: Could you please spell your last name? G: Y es. B-U-S-H.III. Congratulations18.S: Happy birthday to you! G: Thank you.19.S: Happy New Y ear! G: The same to you.20.S: Merry Christmas! G: Merry Christmas!21.S: Have a nice holiday! G: Thank you.22.S: Have a good time! G: Thank you.23.G: Y our hotel looks very beautiful! S: Thank you.IV. Expressing thanks24.G: Thank you (very much). S: Y ou’re welcome.25.G: Thank you for your help (information). S: Y ou’re welcome. (Don’t mention it.)26.G: Thank you for your advice (service). S: It’s my pleasure. (I’m always at your service.)V. Expressing Apologies27.S: I’m sorry. It’s my fault.G: That’s all right.28.S: I’ m very sorry about that.G: Forget it.29.S: Sorry to have kept you waiting. G: It’s all right.30.G: Sorry to interrupt you. S: That’s all right.31.S: I apologize for this. G: Never mind.32.G: I’m sorry to have troubled you.S: That’s all right.33.S: I beg your pardon. G: It’s all right.34.S: Do you speak English? G: Sorry. Only a little.VI. Requests and Inquiries35.S: Can (May) I help you? G: Y es, please.36.S: What can I do for you? G: My bill, please.37.S: Is there anything else I can do for you? G: No, thank you.38.S: Just a moment, please. G: All right.39.G: Could you do me a favour? S: Certainly, sir (madam).40.G: May I use your phone? S: Sorry. Please use the housephone over there.41.G: Where can I find a telephone (send the fax, send the e-mail)?S: It’s over there, next to the main entrance.42.S: What do you think of Haikou? G: It’s a beautiful city.VII. Asking the way43.G: Where is the business center (barbershop)? S: It’s on the second (third) floor.44.G: Excuse me, where is the washroom (beauty salon, restaurant, elevator)?S: Please turn left/right. (Go down this passage, the last door on your left.)45.G: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest super market?S: Cross the street, then turn right (left). Y ou won’t miss it.46.S: Would you like me to call a taxi for you? G: Y es, please.47.G: How far is it from here? S: It’s a 15 minutes’ drive (walk).48.G: How much will the taxi cost? S: About 25 yuan.VIII. Calling attention49.S: Mind your step, please. G: Thank you.50.S: Please don’t leave anything behind.G: Thank you.51.S: It’s getting cold. Please put on more clothes.G: Thank you.52.G: I couldn’t find my key.S: Don’t worry.53.G: Can I drink the tap water? S: No, Please don’t drink it.54.G: Can I smoke here? S: I’m afraid not.IX. Parting55.S: See you later. (See you tomorrow.) G: See you.56.S: Good night. G: Good night.57.S: Goodbye and thank you for coming. (Goodbye and hope to see you again.) G: Goodbye!58.G: Goodbye. It’s been like a second home for me.S: Thank you. Goodbye!59.S: Have a nice trip home (to Moscow). G: Thank you.60.S: Wish you a pleasant journey! G: Thank you.X. About the weather61.G: What’s the weather like tomorrow?S: It’s fine.62.G: It’s going to rain, isn’t it?S: Y es. Y ou’d better take an umbrella with you.63.G: What’s the temperature today?S: The weather forecast says the high will be 30℃and the low will be 24℃.XI. Suggestions and Invitations64.S: Would you like to have a map of Hainan Island? G: Y es, please.65.S: What about taking our shuttle bus? G: That’s a good id ea.66.S: I’d suggest you take the one-day tour of Haikou. G: Wonderful!67.S: There is a floor show in our lobby bar. Would you like to see it? G: Really. I’d like to.Tourism service:68.S: Would you mind filling in this inquiry form? G: No, not at all.69.S: May I help you with your baggage? G: Y es, please.70.G: Here is the tip for you. S: It’s very kind of you, but we don’t accept tips. Thank you anyway.71.S: Where is the elevator? G: It’s ove r there.72.S: Leave it to me. G: Thank you.73.S: Here’s your room key.G: Thank you.74.S: Would you like to have a brochure of our hotel? G: Y es, please75.S: I’m sorry. This passage is for staff only. G: Oh, I see.76.S: How do you like the room? G: It’s very nice. (What a lovely room!)77.G: May I come in? S: Come in, please.78.G: What’s the time now in Hainan? S: It’s 6:15a.m(p.m).79.G: What day is today? S: It’s Sunday (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday).80.G: What’s the date today?S: It’s September the first.81.G: I’m suffering from tooth-ache. S: I’m sorry to hear that. Shall I send for the doctor for you?82.S: Shall I bring you some hot tea? G: Y es, please.83.S: Anything else I can do for you? G: No, thank you.84.S: Take your seat, please. G: Thank you.85.G: Could I have the bill? S: Yes, here it is.86.S: May I take your order now? G: Y es, please. (No, just a moment.)87.S: Take your time and enjoy your meal. G: Thank you.88.S: How do you like the food here? G: It’s very delicious.89.S: Would you like to try Sichuan food (Hainan food) in our restaurant? G: Y es, I’d love to.90.G: Where is the Chinese restaurant (Western restaurant), please?S: This way to the Chinese restaurant (Western restaurant), please.91.S: We serve buffet for breakfast. G: How nice!92.G: What are the service hours of your coffee shop? S: It’s open 24 hours.93.S: Do you mind if I open the window? G: Not at all. Go ahead.94.S: What’s the problem?G: The TV set (air-conditioner) is not working.95.G: There is something wrong with the TV set. S: Let me have a look.96.G: There is something wrong with the tap. S: I’ll fix right away.97.S: Everything is all right now. G: How nice!98.G: How much is it in all? S: It’s one hundred yuan RMB.99.G: Any service charge (Any discount)? S: 15 percent.100. S: Where shall I pay? G: Please pay at the cashier’s.I.问候语1.S: 您好!G: 您好!2.S:早上好(下午好,晚上好),先生(夫人,女士们,先生们)。

旅行英语单词大全100个1. Airport - 机场2. Hotel - 酒店3. Passport - 护照4. Luggage - 行李5. Ticket - 票6. Visa - 签证7. Departure - 出发8. Arrival - 到达9. Flight - 航班10. Baggage - 行李11. Boarding pass - 登机牌12. Customs - 海关13. Immigration - 移民局14. Tourist - 游客15. Destination - 目的地16. Itinerary - 行程17. Reservation - 预订18. Check-in - 办理登机手续19. Check-out - 退房20. Currency - 货币21. Exchange rate - 汇率22. Guide - 导游23. Souvenir - 纪念品24. Sightseeing - 观光25. Adventure - 冒险26. Backpack - 背包27. Beach - 海滩28. Camping - 露营29. City - 城市30. Culture - 文化31. Excursion - 远足32. Hiking - 徒步旅行33. Landmarks - 地标34. Mountain - 山35. Nature - 自然36. Ocean - 海洋37. Religion - 宗教38. Resort - 度假村39. Safari - 野生动物观光40. Scenery - 风景41. Shopping - 购物42. Temple - 寺庙43. Tour - 旅游44. Train - 火车45. Bus - 公共汽车46. Car - 汽车47. Bicycle - 自行车48. Taxi - 出租车49. Boat - 船50. Hostel - 青年旅社51. Backpacking - 背包客旅行52. Cruise - 游轮53. Resort - 度假地54. Guidebook - 导游手册55. Photography - 摄影56. Cuisine - 美食57. Adventure - 冒险58. Staycation - 居家度假59. Camping - 露营60. Trekking - 远足61. Wildlife - 野生动植物62. Pilgrimage - 朝圣63. Backpack - 背包64. Scenic - 风景优美的65. Safari - 野生动物观光66. Leisure - 休闲67. Tourist attraction - 旅游景点68. Landmark - 地标69. Tour guide - 导游70. Travel agency - 旅行社71. Host - 主人72. Map - 地图73. Sunscreen - 防晒霜74. Camera - 相机75. Sunglasses - 太阳镜76. Postcard -明信片77. Adapter - 适配器78. Beach towel - 海滩巾79. Snorkel - 浮潜80. Travel insurance - 旅行保险81. Currency exchange - 货币兑换82. Rental car - 租车83. Train station - 火车站84. Bus stop - 公交车站85. Taxi rank - 出租车停靠点86. Beach resort - 海滩度假村87. Mountain range - 山脉88. Historical site - 历史遗迹89. Theme park - 主题公园90. Hiking trail - 远足径91. Natural beauty - 自然美景92. Museum - 博物馆93. Shopping mall - 购物中心94. Local cuisine - 当地美食95. Street food - 街头小吃96. Nightlife - 夜生活97. Cruise ship - 游轮98. Backpacker - 背包客99. Traveler - 旅行者100. Memory - 回忆。

CATTI笔译旅游汉译英词汇1. 旅游景点词汇•景区 (scenic spot)•名胜古迹 (famous sites and historic landmarks) •风景如画的 (picturesque)•风光优美 (scenic)•人烟稀少的 (remote)•文化遗产 (cultural heritage)•自然保护区 (nature reserve)•观光客 (tourist)•导游 (tour guide)•游客中心 (visitor center)2. 交通和导航词汇•公共交通 (public transportation) •地铁 (subway)•公交车 (bus)•出租车 (taxi)•火车站 (trn station)•飞机场 (rport)•港口 (port)•地图 (map)•导航系统 (navigation system)•方向 (direction)•出口 (exit)3. 酒店和住宿词汇•酒店 (hotel)•客房 (guest room)•入住 (check-in)•退房 (check-out)•服务台 (front desk)•行李 (luggage)•早餐 (breakfast)•自助餐 (buffet)•客房服务 (room service)•空调 (r conditioning)•免费无线网络 (free Wi-Fi) 4. 餐饮词汇•餐厅 (restaurant)•菜单 (menu)•服务员 (wter/wtress)•点菜 (order food)•特色菜 (signature dish)•尝试当地美食 (try local cuisine) •主食 (mn course)•开胃菜 (appetizer)•饮料 (beverage)•付款 (payment)•小费 (tip)5. 购物词汇•商场 (shopping mall)•超市 (supermarket)•商店 (store/shop)•打折 (discount)•选购 (choose and buy)•收据 (receipt)•购物袋 (shopping bag)•退货 (return)•现金 (cash)•信用卡 (credit card)•商品 (merchandise)6. 文化和娱乐词汇•博物馆 (museum)•剧院 (theatre)•音乐会 (concert)•表演 (performance)•艺术展览 (art exhibition)•电影院 (cinema)•电视节目 (TV program)•游乐园 (amusement park)•娱乐活动 (entertnment)•传统节日 (traditional festival)•才艺表演 (talent show)7. 紧急情况词汇•救护车 (ambulance)•警察 (police)•医院 (hospital)•火警 (fire alarm)•急救 (first d)•失窃 (theft)•事故 (accident)•紧急出口 (emergency exit)•紧急电话 (emergency phone number)•援助 (assistance)•震度 (earthquake magnitude) 8. 社交和礼貌用语•问候 (greeting)•介绍 (introduction)•礼貌用语 (polite expressions)•感谢 (gratitude)•道歉 (apology)•邀请 (invitation)•交流 (communication)•表达 (expression)•询问 (inquiry)•道别 (farewell)•礼仪 (etiquette)以上是CATTI笔译旅游汉译英词汇的介绍,希望能对你有所帮助。

旅游业英语词汇(较全) 1. 常用词汇- 旅游业: tourism industry- 旅行: travel- 游客: tourist- 导游: tour guide- 旅行社: travel agency- 酒店: hotel- 机票: plane ticket- 签证: visa- 行李: luggage- 景点: tourist attraction- 导览图: map- 订票: book tickets- 预订: make a reservation- 退订: cancel a reservation- 检票: check-in- 值机: check-in at the airport- 登机: board a plane- 出发: departure- 到达: arrival- 航班延误: flight delay- 旅游套餐: travel package- 自助游: self-guided tour- 全包式旅游: all-inclusive tour - 当地文化: local culture- 汇率: exchange rate- 導覽: guided tour- 咨询台: information desk- 旅游纪念品: souvenirs2. 餐饮词汇- 餐厅: restaurant- 餐桌: dining table- 菜单: menu- 食物: food- 饮料: beverages- 点菜: order dishes- 开胃菜: appetizer- 主菜: main course- 饮食偏好: dietary preferences- 素食者: vegetarian- 饮食限制: dietary restrictions- 服务员: waiter/waitress- 结账: pay the bill- 小费: tip3. 交通词汇- 交通工具: means of transportation - 出租车: taxi- 公交车: bus- 地铁: subway- 火车: train- 船: boat- 自行车: bicycle- 摩托车: motorcycle- 行人: pedestrian- 交通拥堵: traffic congestion - 禁止通行: no entry- 禁止停车: no parking- 停车场: parking lot- 警察: police officer- 罚款: fine4. 地理方位- 北: north- 南: south- 东: east- 西: west- 上: up- 下: down- 前: front- 后: back- 左: left- 右: right5. 旅游方式- 租车: rent a car- 骑行: cycling- 徒步: hiking- 航空旅行: air travel- 邮轮旅行: cruise travel- 驴行: backpacking- 乘坐公共交通: using public transport以上词汇可以帮助你在旅游业的交流中更方便地和他人沟通。

100个有关旅游的单词1. Journey -旅程;通常指一段较长的旅行或行程。
2. Destination -目的地;旅行中计划或期望到达的地点。
3. Itinerary -行程安排;旅行计划的详细安排和日程表。
4. Passport -护照;国际旅行所需的身份证明文件。
5. Visa -签证;允许在特定国家或地区停留或入境的许可证。
6. Accommodation -住宿;旅行期间暂时居住的地方,如酒店、旅馆等。
7. Reservation -预订;提前预定住宿、机票或其他旅行服务。
8. Tourist -游客;旅行者,前往其他地方观光、休闲或度假的人。
9. Sightseeing -观光;游览名胜古迹、风景名区等旅游景点。
10. Guide -导游;为游客提供旅游信息、解说和指导的人。
11. Souvenir -纪念品;旅行时购买或带回作为纪念的物品。
12. Backpacking -背包旅行;携带背包,以经济、自助的方式旅行。
13. Adventure -冒险;寻求刺激和挑战的旅行或体验。
14. Cruise -巡航;乘坐船只游览海洋或河流的旅行。
15. Excursion -短途旅行;一次短暂的旅行,通常是为了游览某个特定地点。
16. Beach -海滩;沿海或湖泊边的沙滩地区。
17. Hiking -徒步旅行;步行穿越山区或自然环境的旅行活动。
18. Camping -露营;在野外搭建帐篷或使用露天设施过夜的活动。
19. Landmark -地标;标志性的建筑、地点或景观,常用于导航或指引。
20. Culture -文化;某个地区或民族的传统、价值观和艺术表现形式。
21. Cuisine -美食;特定地区或国家的独特食物和烹饪风格。
22. Local -当地的;指特定地区或国家的居民、事物或特色。
23. Transportation -交通;旅行中使用的各种交通工具,如飞机、火车、汽车等。
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深圳市公共场所双语标志英文翻译实施指南——旅游景区一、警告提示信息1 严禁攀登No Climbing2 严禁倚靠No Leaning3 严禁攀折No Picking4 严禁滑冰No Skating5 严禁携带宠物No Pets Allowed6 严禁中途下车No Drop off Between Stops7 禁止游泳No Swimming8 禁止钓鱼No Fishing9 禁止排放污水No Waste Water Discharge10 禁止无照经营No Unlicensed Vendors11 禁止狩猎No Hunting12禁止燃放烟花爆竹No Fireworks Allowed/ Fireworks Prohibited13 禁止携带易燃易爆物品Inflammables & Explosives Strictly Prohibited14 禁止速降Downhill Skiing Prohibited15 禁止雪道中间停留Don't Stop on Ski Slope16 禁止由此滑行No Skiing Here17 禁止开窗Keep Windows Closed/ Don't Open Windows18 非机动车禁止入内Motor Vehicles Only19 雷雨天禁止拨打手机Cellphones Prohibited during Thunderstorms20 卧床请勿吸烟Don't Smoke in Bed21 殿内请勿燃香Don't Burn Incense in the Hall22 乘船前请遵照医生意见Check with Your GP before Sailing23 高血压、心脏病患者以及晕车、晕船、酗酒请勿乘坐Drunks, sufferers of hypertension, heart disease &motion sickness not allowed on board.24 防洪通道,请勿占用Flood Control Channel. Keep Clear!25 非游览区,请勿进入No Admittance/ No Visitors26 1米以下儿童须家长陪同乘坐Children under 1 meter must be accompanied by an adult27 酒后不能上船Those under the influence of alcohol not allowed28 请抬起护栏Please Raise the Guardrail29 请放下护栏Please Lower the Guardrail30 请您不要坐在护栏上边Don't Sit on the Guardrail31 前方弯路慢行Bend Ahead. Slow Down!32 请自觉维护场内卫生环境Please Keep the Area Clean/ Please Don't Litter33 请遵守场内秩序Please Keep Order34 请您注意上方Watch Your Head35 请在台阶下等候Please Stand Clear of the Steps36 请您不要随意移动隔离墩Don't Move Barriers37 请您穿好救生衣Please Wear Life Vest38 请爱护洞内景观Please Protect the Cave Scenery39 请沿此路上山Climbing Route/ To the Top↗40 请勿投食Don't Feed the Animals41 请勿惊吓动物Don't Frighten the Animals42 请勿拍打玻璃Don't Tap/ Knock on Glass43 请勿将手臂伸出车外Keep Arms inside Carriage44 请勿打扰Do Not Disturb45 请阅背面See the Reverso Side46 请阅次页P.T.O. (Please Turn Over)47 请自己动手Do It Yourself, Please./ Try It Yourself.48 请按顺序出入Please Line Up49 请爱护林木Please Protect the Trees50 请保护古树Please Protect Heritage Trees51 请保护古迹Please Protect Historical Sites52 请爱护景区设施Please Protect Facilities53 请爱护文物/保护文物Please Protect Cultural Relics54 请尊重少数民族习俗Please Respect Ethnic Customs55 危险路段Dangerous Section/ Area56 敬告Notice57 当日使用,逾期作废Use on Day of Issue Only58 凭票入场Ticket Holders Only59 允许拍照留念Photos Allowed60 票已售完Sold Out61 票已售出,概不退换No Refund. No Exchange62 关闭整修Closed for Renovation63 系好安全带Fasten Safety Belt64 游客投诉电话Complaints Hotline65 游客咨询电话Inquiry Hotline66 游客报警电话(110)Police Call 11067 有佛事活动,请绕行Detour. Buddhist Ceremony in Progress68 风力较大勿燃香,请敬香Windy. No Incense Burning!69 内部施工,暂停开放Under Construction. Temporarily Closed.70 1.2米以下儿童免票Free for Children under 1.2 Meters71 原路返回Return by the Way You Came72 二十四小时营业24-Hour Service73 禁止停车/禁止停放车辆No Parking74 禁止吸烟/请勿吸烟No Smoking75 禁止(人)停留No Lingering/ No Loitering76 暂停服务/临时关闭Service Suspended/ Temporarily Closed77 不外售Not for Sale78 电梯故障停运正在维修Escalator under Repair79 电梯维修,暂停使用Escalator out of Service80 暂停收款Temporarily Closed81 正在维修Under Repair82 正在检修,请您稍候Wait. Maintenance in progress83 正在检修,请绕行Detour. Maintenance in progress84 当心触电Danger! High V oltage85 小心脚下/注意台阶/当心踏空Mind Your Step86 小心滑倒/小心地滑Caution: Slippery Board!/ Caution: Wet Floor!87 小心碰头Mind Your Head/ Watch Your Head88 小心玻璃Caution: Glass!89 请勿跨越No Crossing90 请勿使用闪光灯No Flash91 请勿随地吐痰No Spitting92 保持安静/禁止喧哗Quiet Please/ SILENCE93 请勿打电话No Phone Call94 请勿抚摸/请勿触摸/请勿手扶Hands Off95 请在此等候Wait Here96 请勿践踏草坪Keep off the Grass97 请勿摄像/请勿摄影No Filming/ No Video98 请勿拍照No Photography99 请勿坐卧停留No Loitering100 请爱护公共财产Cherish Public Facilities101 勿扔垃圾/请勿乱扔废弃物/勿乱扔杂物No Littering102 请勿录音No Recording103 请勿乱动开关Do Not Touch the Switch104 请保管好随身物品Please Take Care of Your Belongings105 贵重物品,随身携带Please don’t leave valuables unattended. 106 伸手出水Automatic Tap107 请绕行/车辆绕行DETOUR/ Vehicle By-pass108 拉(门)PULL109 推(门)PUSH110 出口/安全出口/安全门/太平门/安全通道EXIT111 入口ENTRACE112 出口方向Way Out113 入口方向Way In114 安全疏散指示图/紧急疏散指示图Evacuation Chart115 火警电话119 Fire Call 119/ Fire Alarm 119116 紧急救护电话(120)First Aid Call 120117 谢绝参观/游客止步No Admittance/ Out of Bounds118 紧急情况请拨打XXX Call xxx in Emergency119 禁止摆卖Vendors 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Museum38 天文馆Observatory39 古玩城Antique Center40 古文化遗址Historical Cultural Site41 古迹Historical Site42 古墓葬Historical Tomb43 古建筑Historical Buildings44 古窟寺Grotto45 娱乐中心Amusement Center46 历史纪念物Historical Monuments47 纪念堂Memorial Hall48 故居Former Residence49 博物馆Museum50 艺术博物馆Art Museum51 美术馆Art Gallery52 名胜Sights/ Attractions53 遗址Historic Relics/ Historic Sites54 野生动物保护区Wildlife Reserve55 森林保护区Forest Preserve56 国家公园National Park57 塔Pagoda/ Dagoba (藏式塔)58 宫、院Palace59 亭、阁Pavilion60 寺Monastery (Temple)61 牌楼Memorial Archway62 桥Bridge63 廊Corridor64 牌坊Memorial Gateway65 庙Temple66 观堂Taoist Temple67 阙Piers68 寺院Buddhist Temple69 四合院Courtyard Dwellings70 水榭Waterside Pavilion71 寺庙园林Monastery Garden72 坛Ceremonial Terrace/ Altar73 庑殿Hip Roof74 华表Marble Column75 琉璃塔Glazed Pagoda76 无梁殿Beamless Hall77 券门A Vaulted Arch Way78 神兽Mythical Animals79 钟鼓楼Bell Tower & Drum Tower80 宅园Family Garden81 藏传佛教寺院Temple of Lamaism82 藏传佛教塔Stupa83 清真寺Mosque84 教堂Church85 犹太教会堂Synagogues86 女修道院Convents87 皇家陵园Imperial Cemetery88 喇嘛寺院Lamasery89 禅房Meditation Room90 佛殿Meditation Abode91 佛堂Buddhist Worship Hall/ Sanctuary92 神堂Temple for (Keeping) Ancestral Tablets93 祠堂Ancestral Temple94 舍利塔Pagoba95 孔庙、文庙Confucian Temple96 先师庙Temple of Ancient Teacher97 城隍庙Town God Temple98 游船码头Cruise Terminal99 游船Sightseeing Boat100 索道Cableway101 缆车Cable Car102 拱桥Arch Bridge104 游乐场/游乐园Amusement Park105 儿童游乐场/儿童乐园Children's Playground 106 民族特色街Ethnic Culture Street107 模型Model108 主廊Main Corridor109 车道Vehicle Lane110 农家院Farm House111 大石桥Great Stone Bridge112 瀑布Waterfall113 滑雪场Ski Field114 滑雪道Ski Slope115 拓展区Outdoor Development Area116 狩猎区Hunting Area117 XX养殖场XX Farm118 宠物乐园Pet Paradise119 步行街Pedestrian Street120 公园Park121 综合公园Comprehensive Park122 历史名园Historical Garden123 主题公园Theme Park124 森林公园Forest Park125 湿地公园Wetland Park126 带状公园Linear Park127 儿童公园Children's Park128 雕塑公园Sculpture Park129 体育公园Sports Park130 街区公园Community Park131 盆景园Mini-scape Garden/ Bonsai Garden 132 景观Scenery133 景区Scenic Area134 国家A级景区A-level National Scenic Spot135 景点Scenic Spot136 大型水滑梯/戏水滑道Water Slide137 收费停车场Pay Parking138 国家级文物保护单位State Protected Historic Site139 市级文物保护单位Municipality Protected Historic Site/ City Protected Historic Site 140 区级文物保护单位District Protected Historic Site141 爱国主义教育基地Patriotic Education Base142 工农业旅游示范点Industrial & Agricultural Site143 纪念馆Memorial / Memorial Museum144 展览馆/陈列馆Exhibition Hall/ Exhibition Center145 美术馆/艺术馆Museum of fine Art/ Museum of Art146 科技馆Science & Technology Hall147 世界文化遗产World Cultural Heritage148 浅水区Shallow Water149 深水区Deep Water150 采摘区Fruit-picking Area151 观赏区Viewing Area152 投喂区Feeding Area153 触摸区Petting Area154 原有文物建筑Original Cultural Relics & Buildings155 复建文物建筑Restored Cultural Relics & Buildings156 标志性建筑物Landmark157 露天剧场Open-air Theater158 露天影院Drive-in Movie159 定点饭店、旅馆Certified Restaurant/ Hotel for Tourism160 咖啡馆、餐馆Café/ Coffee Shop161 回民菜馆Moslem Restaurant162 星级饭店Star-grade Hotel163 百货商店Department Store164 自然景观Natural Attraction165 海Sea166 温泉Hot Spring167 假山Rockery/ Artificial Rockwork168 水塘Pond169 池潭Ponds & Pools170 石笋Stalagmite171 钟乳石Stalactite172 火山口Caldera173 高地Highland174 峭壁Barranca175 沟Channel176 火山V olcano177 热带植物园Tropical Plants Garden178 地质景观Geological Landscape179 植物景观Plants Landscape/ Flora Landscape180 江河湖泊Rivers & Lakes181 海滨Sea Beach182 水池Pool183 山岳Mountain184 洞穴Cave185 竹园Bamboo Garden186 石窟Grotto187 深谷Chasm188 溪Brook189 渠沟Trench190 峡谷Valley191 喀斯特景观Karst Landscape(二)室内1 售票处Ticket Office/ Tickets2 客房部Guest Room Department3 办公区Administrative Area4 公园管理处Park Administrative Office5 广播室Broadcasting Room6 陈列室Exhibition Room/ Display Room7 展区Exhibition Area/ Display Area8 标本室Specimen Room9 展厅Exhibition Hall/ Display Hall10 休息处Lounge11 表演区Performance Area12 专题展区Theme Display13 书房Study14 中央展厅Central Exhibition Hall/ Central Display Hall15 展厅入口Entrance16 报告厅Auditorium17 休闲区Leisure Area18 贵宾厅VIP Hall19 序厅Lobby20 阅览室Reading Room21 吸烟区Smoking Area22 非吸烟区Non-smoking Area23 餐厅Restaurant24 酒吧Pub(三)综合类1 贵宾通道VIP Only2 员工通道Staff Only3 租赁车Car Rental4 旅游车Tour Bus5 上楼楼梯Upstairs6 下楼楼梯Downstairs7 摄像室Video Studio8 无烟景区No Fires Area9 茶室Tea House10 游泳池Swimming Pool11 残疾人客房Accessible Guestroom12 民族歌舞Folk Dances13 手工艺展示Handicraft Display14 特色餐饮Specialties15 门票价格/票价Ticket Price16 成人票价Adult Price17 学生票价Student Price18 儿童票价Child Price19 优惠价格Discount20 免费项目Free Service21 收费项目/有偿服务项目Pay Service22 地图Map23 参观路线Visitor Route24 游客须知/游园须知Notice to Visitors25 景区简介Introduction26 单行线One Way27 团队入口Group Tour Entrance28 团体票价Group Fare29 团体特价票Special Group Fares30 团体预定Group Booking31 缆车入口Cable Car Entrance32 临时出口Temporary Exit33 火警出口Fire Exit34 月票Monthly Ticket35 年票Annual Ticket36 优惠办法Discount37 淡季时间Low Season/ Off Season38 旺季时间High Season/ Peak Season39 集体票Group Tour Tickets40 开放时间Open Hours/ Business Hours41 旺季开放时间Open Times in High Season/ Peak Season42 淡季开放时间Open Times in Low Season/ Off Season43 休息日Day Off/ Rest Day44 上午X点X AM/ am45 下午X点X PM/ pm46 正常开放Open47 开园时间Opening Time48 闭园时间Closing Time49 表演时间Show Time50 展板Display Boards51 布告栏Bulletin52 告示牌Bulletin Board53 示意图(导游图)Sketch Map54 游览图Tourist Map55 导言Leading Description/ Introduction56 安全须知Safety Instruction57 安全指南Safety Guide58 出发地Departure Location59 出发时间Departure Time60 地图上未标的Uncharted三、旅游项目1 空气浴Air Bath2 温泉浴Hot Spring Bath3 日光浴Sun Bath4 泥沙浴Mud & Sand Bath5 温室采摘Greenhouse Fruit Picking6 野营露营Camping7 消闲散步Strolling8 郊游野游Outing9 垂钓Fishing10 登山攀岩Mountaineering/ Rock-climbing11 揽胜探险Expedition12 科普教育Popular Science Education13 游戏娱乐Entertainment14 健身Bodybuilding15 水上运动Aquatic Sports16 滑水Surfing17 潜水Scuba Diving18 冰雪活动Ice Skating & Skiing19 滑草活动Grass Skiing20 滑沙Sand Skiing21 水上漂流Drifting22 包价旅游Package Tour23 全包价旅游All Expenses Tour24 全包旅游Inclusive Tour25 非包价旅游Non-package Tour26 团体包价旅游Group Inclusive Tour27 团体旅游Group Tour28 散客旅游Independent Tour29 个人包价旅游Independent Package Tour30 陆上包价旅游Land Package31 包机旅游Inclusive Tour Charters32 包往返票旅游Inclusive Tour Excursion33 冒险旅行团与假期Adventure Tours & Holidays34 丝绸之路旅游“Silk Road”Tour35 古都旅游Tour to the Ancient Capital Cities36 草原旅游Grassland Tour37 高原旅游Highland Tour38 选择节目旅游Optional Tour39 家庭式旅游Family Tour40 游船包价旅游Cruise Line Package41 特殊兴趣旅游Special Interest Tour42 特种旅游Special Tour43 体育旅行与度假Sport Tours & Holiday44 自行车旅行Travel by Bike45 徒步旅行Travel on Foot46 登山旅行Mountaineering Tour47 民俗旅行Folklore Tour48 汽车旅行Motorcoach Tour49 摩托车旅游与出租Motor Cycles Tours & Hire50 游船旅游Cruise Service51 远程旅游Long Haul Travel52 修学旅游、游学Study Tour53 会议旅游Conference Tour54 新婚旅游Honeymoon Tour55 农业旅游Agricultural Tour56 生态旅游Ecotour57 钓鱼旅游Fishing Trips58 购物旅行与服务Shopping Tours & Services59 购物旅游Shopping Tour60 商务旅游Business Travel61 文化旅游Cultural Tour62 一日游Day Excursion63 二日游2-day Tour64 半日游Half-day Tour65 日游Day Tour66 夜游Night Tour67 周末游Weekend Tour68 动手项目/动手操作Hands-on Activities69 春游Spring Tour70 环球旅游Around-the-world Trip/ Circumnavigation71 空中旅游Air Travel72 疗养旅游Convalescent Tour73 入境旅游Inbound Tourism74 上岸旅行参观Shore Excursions75 视察旅行Inspection Tour76 狩猎旅行Safari77 学术研究旅游Study Travel Programs78 旅行社部分代办的旅游Mini-package Tour79 旅行社全部代办的旅游Lull Package Tour/ Packaging Tour80 有导游的当地旅游Guided Local Tour81 有陪同的国内旅游Domestic Escort Tour82 有陪同的旅游Conducted Tour/ Escorted Tour83 宗教旅游Religious Travel84 烹调包价旅游Culinary Package Tours85 家庭旅游团Family Group86 航海旅行Voyage87 营火晚会Campfire Party88 出境游Outbound Tourism/ Travel89 国内游Inbound Tourism/ Travel91 单程旅行Outward Journey/ Trip92 往返旅行Return Journey/ Round Trip93 环程旅行Circular Journey/ Trip94 标准游Normal Tour/ Travel95 自助游Do-it-yourself Travel96 豪华游Luxury Tour/ Travel97 随团旅游Group Travel98 套餐游、包办游Package Tour/ Inclusive Tour/ Travel99 旅行结婚Wedding Travel100 蜜月旅行Honeymoon Trip101 商务旅行Business Trip四、娱乐项目1 棒球Baseball2 蹦床Trampoline3 蹦极Bungee Jumping4 冲浪Surfing5 垂钓Fishing/ Angling6 叠罗汉Human Pyramid7 翻筋斗Tumble8 高尔夫球Golf9 花样滑冰Figure Skating10 滑冰Ice Skating11 滑草Grass Skiing12 滑沙Sand Skiing13 滑水Surfing14 滑翔运动Gliding/ Sail Planing15 滑雪Skiing16 划船Rowing17 激流划船Canoe Slalom18 郊区一日游A Day in the Country19 节目Show20 节日Festival21 狂欢节Carnival22 狂欢节巡游Carnival Parade23 马术Equitation/ Riding24 马戏Circus Act25 摸彩Tombola26 摩托车运动Motor Cycling27 木偶表演Punch & Judy/ Puppet Show28 爬竿取物Greasy Pole29 攀岩Rock-climbing30 乒乓球Table-tennis31 平衡技巧Balance32 骑自行车Cycling33 气枪打靶Rifle Range34 潜水、跳水Diving35 曲棍球Hockey36 赛龙舟Dragon-boat Racing37 赛艇Canoe38 赛艇Boat Race39 散步Go for a Walk40 射击Shooting41 射箭Item Archery42 摔跤Wrestling43 水上漂流Drifting44 水上运动Aquatic Sports45 速降滑雪Downhill Race46 探险Expedition47 踢键子Shuttle Cock Kicking48 跳爆竹Jumping Jack/ Jumping Cracker49 跳伞Sky-diving/ A Parachute50 网球Tennis51 温泉浴Hot Spring Bath52 象棋Chess53 雪橇Bobsleigh/ Bobsled54 巡回马戏团演出Travelling Circus Show55 野炊Picnic56 野外露营Camping57 夜总会歌舞表演Floor Show58 游艇Yacht59 游泳Swimming60 有氧潜水Scuba Diving61 余兴节目Cabaret62 娱乐Entertainment63 瑜伽Yoga64 羽毛球Badminton65 远足Excursion/ Outing/ Hiking66 杂耍Variety Show/ Vaudeville67 走钢丝Wire-walking五、旅游纪念品1 编织工艺品、篮子Baskets Craft2 编织品Weaved & Knitted Products3 玻璃器皿Glassware4 瓷器Porcelain Wares5 灯饰品Lamp Decoration6 雕塑工艺品Sculpture Craft7 发饰Hair Decoration8 仿生工艺品Imitated Craft9 工艺精湛独具匠心Exquisite workmanship with an original/ ingenious design10 工艺品Arts & Craft11 挂饰Hang Decoration12 国画Traditional Chinese Painting13 画Painting14 纪念品Monuments15 技术工艺品Technological Craft16 家具Furniture17 家庭装饰工艺品Home Decoration18 甲骨文Inscription on Oracle Bones19 剪纸Paper Cuts20 节日装饰品Holiday Decoration21 金饰Gold Fashion22 金书工艺品Gold Book Craft23 金属工艺品Metal Crafts24 景泰蓝Cloisonné Enamel25 蜡烛工艺品Candle Craft26 民间工艺品Fold Craft27 木工艺品Wood Crafts28 木化石Wooden Fossil29 木刻Wood Carving30 木制工艺品Wood Craft31 木制品Wooden Product32 泥塑工艺品Clay Carving Craft33 青铜器Bronze Ware34 伞Umbrella35 扇子Fan36 圣诞装饰物Christmas Decoration37 时尚饰品Fashion Decoration38 手工艺品Artifact/ Handicrafts39 手套Gloves40 首饰盒Jewellery Box41 树脂工艺品Resin Craft42 水晶工艺品Crystal Craft43 苏绣Suzhou Embroidery44 塑料工艺品Plastic Craft45 塑料制品Plastic Article46 炭雕工艺品Charcoal Carving47 唐三彩Tricolor-glazed Pottery48 陶瓷工艺品Porcelain Craft49 天然工艺品Natural Craft50 图腾工艺品Totem Craft51 玩具Toy52 文房四宝(笔、墨、纸、砚)The four stationery treasures of the Chinese study (Writing Brushes,Ink Sticks, Inkstone & Paper)53 箱包及皮件Suitcase/ Bags & Leather Product54 银饰Silver Fashions55 玉制品Jade Product56 云南红木工艺品Yunnan Padauk Craft57 珍珠工艺品Pearl Craft58 纸制工艺品Paper Craft59 纸制品Paper Product60 中国结Chinese Knots61 中国民族乐器Chinese Musical Instruments62 珠玉Precious Stones63 竹制工艺品Bamboo Craft64 装饰盒Decorate Box65 装饰品Decoration66 装饰纸品Decorative Paper67 字画卷轴Scroll of Calligraphy & Painting68 宗教工艺品Religion craft69 祭坛装饰Retable/ Altarpiece六、综合服务信息(一)服务1 服务中心Service Center2 志愿者服务中心V olunteers Service Center3 游客中心Tourist Center4 咨询服务中心Information Center5 无障碍售票口Wheelchair Accessible6 无障碍设施Wheelchair Accessible7 小件寄存处Cloakroom/ Luggage Deposit8 餐饮服务部Food & Beverages9 快餐Fast Food10 货币兑换Currency Exchange11 走失儿童认领Lost Children Information12 行李手推车Trolley13 三轮车接待站Tricycle Tour14 轮椅租赁处Wheelchair Rental15 雨具租赁处Umbrella Rental16 游览观光车Sightseeing Trolley/ Sightseeing Bus17 电动游览车Sightseeing Trolley18 服装出租处Costume Rental19 自行车租赁处Bicycle Rental20 租船处Boat Rental21 旅游纪念品商店Souvenir Shop22 导览设施Tour Guide Facilities23 导览机Audio Guide24 导览册Guide Book25 标志牌Signal Board/ Sign Board26 导游处Guide Service27 导游亭Tour Guide Booth28 导游服务/讲解服务Tour Guide Service29 团体接待Group Tour30 解说牌Explanation Board31 解说词Captions32 照相服务Photo Service33 邮政服务Postal Service34 声讯服务Audio Guide35 票务服务Ticket Service/ Tickets36 残疾人服务Service for Disabled37 免费Free Admission38 赠票Complimentary Ticket39 欢迎光临Welcome40 宣传资料Tourist Brochure/ Travel Brochure41 半价50% Off/ Half Price/ 50% Discount42 谢谢合作Thanks for Your Cooperation43 信用卡支付Credit Cards Accepted44 提供拐杖Walking Stick Available45 提供轮椅Wheelchairs Available46 游程信息Itinerary Information/ Travel Info47 自动取款机A TM48 观众留言薄Complaints & Suggestions49 收费项目/有偿服务项目Pay Service50 会议室Meeting Room/ Conference Room51 多功能厅Multifunction Room52 卫生间Toilet53 收费厕所Fee-paying Toilet54 办旅行证Apply for Traveling Permit55 包车Chartered Taxi56 包车服务Charter Bus Service57 包船Charter Boat58 包饭Meals Included59 饭店接待班车Courtesy Bus60 服务费Service Charge/ Cover Charge61 手续费Service Fee/ Handling Charge/ Counter Fee62 观光游览的最佳时间Best Time to Visit63 航空公司办事处Airline Office64 纪念照Souvenir Photo65 价目表Tariff/ Price Table/ Price Tag/ Price List66 天气预报Weather Report67 退款Drawback/ Money Refund68 退税Tax Rebate69 外币兑换Exchange Service70 行李寄存处Check Room/ Left-luggage Office71 行李认领处Baggage Claim Area72 沿途指南Route Guide73 自动导游磁带机Automatic Guide74 自动售票机Passimeter/ Stamp-vending Machine75 座位区Seating Area76 旅游Tour77 旅行Travel/ Trip78 旅游业Tourism/ Travel Industry79 旅游界Tourism Circles/ Tourism Trade80 旅游活动Tourism Activities81 游览Sightseeing/ Touring82 旅游者Tourist83 旅行者Traveler84 旅游团Tour Group85 旅游散客Independent Traveler86 背包旅行者Backpacker87 旅游目的地Tourist Destination88 旅游目的国Tourist Destination Country89 旅游接待国Receiving Country90 旅游业务Tour Operation/ Travel Business91 淡季Low/ Off-peak/ Slack92 旺季High/On-peak/ Selling93 平季Shoulder Period/ Shoulder Season94 风景Scenery95 风光Sight96 景点、旅游胜地Scenic Spot/ Tourist Attraction97 旅行路线Travel Route98 经典路线Classic Travel Route99 黄金路线Hot Travel Route100 旅行指南Itinerary101 旅游指南Guidebook102 旅游安排Tour Arrangement103 游人管理Visitors Management104 导游图Tourist Map105 导游解说Tour Description106 自由行Free Walker107 旅游黄金周Golden Week for Tourism108 世界旅游日World Tourism Day(二)票务1 门票Ticket2 购票处Ticket Office/ Tickets3 基本票价Basic Ticket Fare4 一类门票Type 1 Ticket5 票务Ticket Business6 票价Fare/ Price7 现金票价Cash Fare8 门票价格Ticket Price9 学生票价Student Price10 儿童票价Children Price11 月票Monthly ticket12 预订票Pre-booked13 补票Compensation Fare14 票有效期Ticket Validity Time15 单一票制Flat Fare16 儿童优惠Child Reductions17 (票价)优惠Concessions18 成人票价Adult Price19 票类Ticket Types20 半票Half-price Ticket21 查票Ticket Checking22 罚票Penalty Fare/ Penalty Price23 计时票制Time Fare System24 不收门票Admission is Free25 废票Free Children Admission七、旅游机构1 世界旅游组织World Tourism Organization2 旅游局Tourist Administration/ Tourist Authority/ Tourist Office3 中国旅游局China’s National Tourism Administration4 省旅游局Provincial Tourism Administration5 自治区旅游局Autonomous Region Tourism Administration6 市旅游局Municipal Tourism Administration7 自治州旅游局Autonomous Prefecture Tourism Administration8 县旅游局County Tourism Administration9 旅游组织Tourist Organization10 全国旅游组织National Tourist Organization11 区域旅游组织Regional Tourist Organization12 地方旅游组织Local Tourist Organization13 旅游协会Tourist Association14 旅游委员会Tourist Council15 旅行社Travel Agency16 一类社China’s Category A Travel Agency17 二类社China’s Category B Travel Agency18 三类社China’s Category C Travel Agency八、旅游从业人员职称、职务1 导游Tour guide2 解说员Guide3 外联Outreach4 计调Planning & Scheduling5 司机Driver6 业务员Salesman7 前台接待Receptionist8 财务Accountant9 经理Manager10 从事旅游专业人员Professional Staff of Tourism11 旅游推销员Commercial Traveler/ Traveling Salesman12 地陪、地方导游Local Guide13 多语言导游Multilingual Guide14 旅游团陪同Tour Escort/ Conductor/ Director15 旅游记者Travel Journalist16 旅游组织者Tour Operators17 全陪、全程导游National Guide18 领队、团长Tour Leader19 旅游专家Travel Expert20 旅游作家Travel Writer九、旅游相关信息(一)传统文化1 戏曲Traditional Opera2 戏剧脸谱Theatrical Mask3 京剧Peking Opera4 越剧Yue Opera5 川剧Chuan Opera6 相声Cross Talk7 双簧A Two-man Comic8 皮影戏Shadow Puppet9 太极拳Shadow Boxing10 剑术Chinese Fencing11 功夫Kung Fu12 拳术Chinese Boxing13 毛笔Writing Brush14 书法Calligraphy15 香Incense16 五行Five Elements17 观音菩萨Avalokitesvara18 菩萨Boddhisattva19 道士Taoist20 和尚Monk21 尼姑Nun22 药王King of Medicine23 佛经Buddhist Scriptures24 罗汉Arhat25 财神爷The God of Wealth26 门神Door Gods27 玉皇大帝The Jade Emperor28 王母娘娘The Queen Mother of the West29 阎王爷King of Hell30 土地神Local God of the Land31 灶王爷Kitchen God32 龙王Dragon King33 雷公Thunder God34 嫦娥Chang’e35 灯笼Lantern36 爆竹Firecracker37 舞狮Lion Dance38 舞龙Dragon Dance39 杂耍Variety Show40 灯会Exhibit of Lanterns41 压岁钱Lucky Money42 春联Spring Festival Couplets43 剪纸Paper-cut44 中药TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)45 火药Gunpowder46 印刷术Movable Type Printing47 造纸术Paper Making48 指南针Compass49 农历Lunar Calendar50 阳历Solar Calendar51 孝经Book of Filial Piety52 三字经Three Word Chant53 八股文Stereotyped Writing54 国画Traditional Chinese Painting55 气功Controlled Breathing Exercise十、深圳市旅游景点(一)特色景点1 明斯克航母世界Minsk Aircraft Carrier World2 仙湖植物园Shenzhen Fairylake Botanical Garden3 地王观光Meridian View Center4 赛格观光SEG Plaza5 深圳国际园林花卉博览会公园Shenzhen International Garden & Flower Expo Park6 野生动物园Shenzhen Wildlife Park7 青青世界Evergreen Resort8 海上田园Shenzhen Waterlands(二)自然生态景点1 三洲田生态旅游景区Ecotourism Sanzhoutian Sites2 银湖旅游中心Shenzhen Silver Lake Resort3 红树林自然保护区Mangrove Natural Reserve4 西丽湖度假村Xili Lake Holiday Resort5 石岩湖温泉度假村Shiyanhu Lake Hot Spring Resort6 凤凰山风景区Fenghuangshan Mountain Scenic Area7 光明农场Guangming Farm(三)历史古迹景点1 新安故城Xin'an Old Town2 赤湾天后宫Chiwan Temple of the Queen of Heaven3 赤湾古炮台Chiwan Ancient Fort4 鹤湖新居Hehu New Residence5 大万世居Longgang Hakka Folk Museum6 东江纵队司令部旧址Site of the Headquarters of Dongjiang Anti-Japanese Guerrillas(四)城市公园1 儿童公园Children’s Park2 洪湖公园Honghu Park3 东湖公园Donghu Park4 人民公园Renmin Park5 翠竹公园Cuizhu Park6 笔架山公园Bijiashan Park7 中心公园Central Park8 荔枝公园Lizhi Park9 黄岗公园Huanggang Park10 中山公园Zhongshan Park11 南山公园Nanshan Park12 塘朗山郊野公园Tanglangshan Suburb Park13 七娘山郊野公园Qinianshan Suburb Park14 马栾山郊野公园Maluanshan Suburb Park(五)海岛海滩1 大、小铲岛Dachan Island/ Xiaochan Island2 内伶仃岛Neilingding Island3 赖氏洲岛Laishizhou Island4 三门岛Sanmen Island5 大辣甲岛Dalajia Island6 喜洲岛Xizhou Island7 三角洲岛Sanjiaozhou Island8 大梅沙海滩Dameisha Beach9 小梅沙海滩Xiaomeisha Beach10 东涌、西涌海滩Dongchong Beach/ Xichong Beach11 金沙湾海滩Jinshawan Beach12 上洞海滩Shangdong Beach13 鲨鱼涌海滩Shayuchong Beach14 官湖海滩Guanhu Beach15 大湾海滩Dawan Beach16 迭福海滩Diefu Beach17 下沙海滩Xiasha Beach18 水头沙海滩Shuitousha Beach19 洋筹海滩Yangchou Beach20 鹅公湾海滩Egongwan Beach21 大鹿湾海滩Daluwan Beach22 桔钓沙海滩Judiaosha Beach23 杨梅坑海滩Yangmeikeng Beach(六)深圳名景1 大鹏所城Dapeng Fortress2 莲花山Lianhuashan Mountain3 华侨城Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town4 欢乐谷Shenzhen Happy Valley Theme Park5 锦绣中华Splendid China6 中国民俗文化村China Folk Culture Villages7 深南大道Shennan Avenue8 梧桐山Wutongshan Mountain9 大梅沙Dameisha Beach Park10 小梅沙Xiaomeisha Beach Resort11 中英街Zhongying Street12 羊台山Yangtaishan Mountain十一、深圳市旅游管理部门和主要旅游经营者(一)管理部门1 深圳市旅游局Shenzhen Municipal Tourism Bureau2 深圳市旅游协会Shenzhen Travel Association(二)旅行社1 广东核电国际旅行社Guangdong Nuclear Power International Travel Agency2 航空国际旅行社Shenzhen Air International Travel Agency3 鹏城康辉旅行社Shenzhen Comfort Travel Service4 海外国际旅行社Shenzhen Overseas International Travel Service5 东星国际旅行社East Star International Travel Services6 宝安中国旅行社Shenzhen Bao’an China Travel Service7 南方旅行社Southern Travel Agency Shenzhen8 深圳市旅游(集团)公司Shenzhen Tourism (Group) Company9 罗湖国际旅行社Luohu International Travel Service10 中国国际旅行社China International Travel Agency11 口岸中国旅行社Shengzhen Port China Travel Service12 广铁青国际旅行社CYTS Guangdong Railway Shenzhen13 广深铁路国际旅行社Shenzhen Railway International Service14 深圳中国旅行社China Travel Service Shenzhen15 中青旅深圳国际旅行社Shenzhen China Youth Travel Service (CYTS)16 鹏运国际旅行社Shenzhen Pengyun International Travel Service17 职工国际旅行社Workers’International Travel Service18 南山国际旅行社Shenzhen Nanshan International Travel Agency19 世纪假日国际旅行社Century Holiday International Travel Service20 鹏翔国际旅行社Shenzhen Pengxiang International Travel Service21 深华国际旅行社Shenzhen Shenhua International Travel Service22 中侨国际旅行社Shenzhen Cept International Travel Service23 巨邦国际旅行社Shenzhen Grandland International Travel Service24 招商国际旅行社China Merchants International Travel Service25 华侨城国际旅行社Shenzhen Travel Service of Overseas Chinese Town十二、深圳市主要旅游住宿酒店(一)深圳五星级酒店1 东方银座公馆Swiss-Bel Hotel Shenzhen2 深航锦江国际酒店Shenzhen Airlines Hotel3 五洲宾馆Wuzhou Guest House4 圣廷苑酒店The Pavilion5 马可波罗好日子酒店Marco Polo Shenzhen6 景轩酒店Grand View Hotel7 福朋喜来登酒店Four Points by Sheraton8 富苑酒店Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites Landmark Shenzhen9 香格里拉大酒店Shangri-La Hotel10 彭年酒店The Panglin Hotel11 阳光酒店Sunshine Hotel Shenzhen12 富临酒店Felicity Hotel13 华安康年国际酒店Hua An Conifer Shenzhen14 威尼斯酒店Crowne Plaze Shenzhen15 泰格酒店公寓Tiger Apartment Hotel Shenzhen16 南海酒店Southsea Hotel17 凯宾斯基酒店Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen18 恒丰海悦酒店Hengfeng Haiyue International Hotel19 骏豪酒店Mission Hills Hotel20 百合酒店Century Kingdom Hotel21 洲际大酒店InterContinental Hotels(二)四星级酒店格兰云天大酒店Shenzhen Grand Skylight Hotel辉盛庭国际公寓Fraser Corporate Residence Shenzhen。