印尼煤炭购销合同 中文版

销售和采购协议PT MITRADA SINERGY,公司(一家根据印度尼西亚法律创办的公司,在印尼的11410有其注册登记的办公室,一下简称“卖方”)和泉州大顺贸易有限公司(一家根据印尼法律创办的公司,在XXX有其注册登记的办公室,以下简称“买方”)(以下专称“卖方”或“买方”或共同称为“协议方”)于__年__月__日缔结并达成本销售和采购协议。
1 定义在这个协议中,除非上下文另有规定的情况允许下,下列词语的含义如下:煤炭指卖方mscoal产生在苏门答腊岛和加里曼丹,印度尼西亚。
吨公吨MT 指公吨按照国际标准体系定义为1000千克。
精确到小数点后3位美元US$ $,美分指货币结算使用美元,美分以下的单位,按照四舍五入计算。
CFR 指成本和运费按照国际贸易术语解释通则2010装货港指印度尼西亚南加里曼丹塔巴尼奥港装运卸货港指中国宁波,也可由买方指定。
目的地指由买方指定的中国或其它目的地提货单指由船东签发的运输煤炭的书面物权凭证ETA 指预计时间和到达时间ISO 指国际标准化组织Kcal 指国际单位制定义的千卡mm 指国际单位制定义的毫米受载时间指母船允许的装货时间工作日指除非明确说明,一般是指商务通常都进行的日子,“日”应视为“公历的一天”晴天天气工作日指没有因为天气原因而耽搁,24小时持续装货的工作日检疫证书指可用符合当地卫生条例的船只在港口/口岸进行商业操作事实陈述指由装货港的船舶代理出具的有关船舶到达的时间,装运开始结束时间的声明。

2024印度尼西亚煤炭购销合同合同编号:__________卖方:名称:__________地址:__________代表:__________买方:名称:__________地址:__________代表:__________鉴于卖方是煤炭生产商,拥有煤炭销售的权利和能力;买方是需要煤炭的一方,愿意购买卖方的煤炭;双方为了明确双方的权利和义务,经协商一致,达成如下协议:第一条煤炭的描述1.1 煤炭种类:__________1.2 煤炭质量:__________1.3 煤炭数量:__________1.4 煤炭价格:__________1.5 煤炭交货地点:__________第二条交货和运输2.1 卖方应在合同约定的交货期限内,将煤炭运输到合同约定的交货地点,并交付给买方。
2.2 买方应按照合同约定的数量和质量接收煤炭,并承担煤炭运输到目的地的费用和风险。
第三条支付条款3.1 买方应在接收煤炭后,按照合同约定的价格支付给卖方。
3.2 支付方式:__________第四条质量保证4.1 卖方保证提供的煤炭符合合同约定的质量标准。
4.2 如果煤炭质量不符合合同约定的标准,买方有权要求卖方赔偿损失。
第五条违约责任5.1 如果卖方未能按照合同约定的时间、数量和质量交付煤炭,应承担违约责任。
5.2 如果买方未能按照合同约定的时间支付煤炭款项,应承担违约责任。
第六条争议解决6.1 双方因履行本合同而发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决。
6.2 如果协商不成,任何一方均有权向合同签订地的人民法院提起诉讼。
第七条其他条款7.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为____年。
7.2 本合同一式两份,卖方和买方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

买卖合约印尼的动力煤5500—5300千卡/公斤(合同编号:134/SPA-xxxx/BT/V/10)BETWEENPT. Bina Terpadu(Hereinafter called SELLER)AndTianjin Jin Hao Business Trade Co。
Ltd.(Hereinafter called BUYER)索引第1 - 3的定义第2 - 4的协议第3 -商品4第4 —4的数量和交货第5 —4的装货港第6 —质量第7 -价格5第8条-调整价格的质量第9 -质量检测第11 —付款第12 —运货条款8第13 —税收、关税、ETCNOTICES 9第14 —通告10第15 —银行协调因不可抗力条款16 - 11第17条规定,适用的法律和仲裁第18 —没有放弃第19 —限制转让第20 —终止第21 —SEVERABILITY 14第22 -负债和保证履约保函条款23 —15第24 —全部协议和修改15这个买卖合约的印尼动力煤”CIF”在这一天,5月15日到2010年,(“协议”)铂族元素。
现在双方同意在一起如下:第1 —定义)作为此处使用。
“装运港”,是指在Tanjung锚点1安全Pemancingan或Taboneo、南加里曼丹,或Muara Berau或Muara Jawa、东加里曼丹“吨(s)、“吨(s)"、“太”是指公吨的1000公斤定义“国际单位制"。

印尼煤炭合同范本甲方(卖方): [卖方公司全称]乙方(买方): [买方公司全称]鉴于:1. 甲方拥有合法开采和销售煤炭的权利。
2. 乙方愿意购买甲方所提供的煤炭。
双方经协商一致,达成如下合同条款:第一条煤炭供应1. 甲方同意按照本合同规定向乙方供应煤炭。
2. 煤炭的规格、数量和质量应符合附件一的规定。
第二条价格和支付1. 煤炭的价格应根据附件二确定。
2. 乙方应在收到甲方发货通知后的[具体天数]内支付合同金额。
第三条交货1. 甲方应在乙方支付后[具体天数]内完成交货。
2. 交货地点为[指定港口或地点]。
第四条质量保证1. 甲方保证所供应煤炭的质量符合合同规定。
2. 如煤炭质量不符合规定,乙方有权要求更换或退货。
第五条违约责任1. 如甲方未能按时交货,应向乙方支付违约金,金额为未交货煤炭价值的[百分比]。
2. 如乙方未能按时支付货款,应向甲方支付违约金,金额为逾期支付金额的[百分比]。
第八条其他1. 本合同的任何修改和补充均应以书面形式进行,并经双方授权代表签字盖章后生效。
2. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
甲方代表签字: [签字]乙方代表签字: [签字]甲方公司盖章: [盖章]乙方公司盖章: [盖章]请注意,这只是一个简化的范本,实际合同应包含更详细的条款和条件,并且需要根据具体情况进行定制。

CONTRACT NO.: GS-LR-20141128合同号码:GS-LR-20141128CONTRACT FOR THE SALES AND PURCHASE OFINDONESIAN STEAM COAL印尼动力煤买卖合同AS THE PRINCIPAL BUYERAS THE PRINCIPAL SELLER:This contractual agreement is made on the 28th day of November 2014 between GD Guangshang Material Industry Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter called the Buyer) and LEEWARD RESOURCES PTE.LTD (hereinafter called the Seller) which expression means and includes their successors and assigns.此买卖合同由广东广商物产有限责任公司 (以下称买方) 与新加坡利华资源有限公司 (以下称卖方)于2014年11月28日签定。
WHEREAS: 导言1. The Seller warrants that he has the capacity, capability and full authority to sell and export coal fromIndonesia.卖方保证其具备销售及出口印尼动力煤的资格、资质及能力。
2. The Buyer warrants that he has the capacity, capability and full authority to purchase and import coal fromIndonesia.买方保证具备采购及进口印尼动力煤的资格、资质及能力。
3. The Seller has agreed to sell to the Buyer and the Buyer has agreed to purchase from the Seller Indonesiancoal on the terms set out in this agreement and with mutual understanding that each party will perform its obligations in accordance with the principles of trust and good faith.卖方和买方均已同意按照本合同的条款出售和购买煤炭,并且双方一致同意将基于信任和善意的原则履行其义务。

印度尼西亚煤炭购销合同印度尼西亚煤炭购销合同Contract No:合同编号:The Seller (卖方):Address 地址:Mobile/手机:Email :Registered Address 煤矿地址:The Buyer (买方):Address 地址:Email:This Contract made on the date , 2011 that Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase the following Goods on the terms and conditions below:本合同由买方和卖方签订于2011年月日。
1.Goods and Origin 货物名称及原产地Steam Coal, Origin from Indonesia动力煤,原产地为印度尼西亚2.Quantity and Shipment Period 数量及装船日期2.1 Total Contract quantity 2450000 Metric Tons; Contract period lasts ThirteenMonths (starting from date of the first shipment). Shipment schedule in details is as below:合同总数量为245万吨,合同期限是合同签署后的13个月(以执行第一船煤时开始计算),详细如下:◆From 1st month signed date of this Contract: 50,000 MT +/- 10%自合同签署后的第1个月50,000吨/月(溢短装+/-10%)◆From 2nd to 6th month 100,000 MT/Month +/- 10%自合同签署后的第2-13个月,每月供应200,000吨/(溢短装+/-10%)2.2 First month of this Contract coal supply refers trail period, used to examineSeller’s delivery ability and quality that matched Contract terms and Buyer’s end-users needs (Power Plant in this case). After trail period finish, Contract will be continued only if Buyer has no dissent.合同签署后的第一个月为试用期,用来检验卖方的供货能力和供货质量是否符合合同中的规定并满足买方的最终用户(电厂)的需求。

五、价格调整:煤炭的价格需根据CIQ报告上显示的质量指标按照以下方式进行调整:1、收到基低位发热量(Qnet,ar)以5500kcal/kg为基准;2、若收到基低位发热量(Qnet,ar)>5500kcal/kg,每增加100kcal/kg,以5500kcal/kg 为基准,单价提高11.09元/吨;不足100kcal/kg部分,依比例计算;收到基低位发热量(Qnet,ar)≥6000kcal/kg以上部分不再奖励;3、若5300kcal/kg≤收到基低位发热量(Qnet,ar)<5500kcal/kg,每降低100kcal/kg,以5500kcal/kg为基准,单价降低11.09元/吨;不足100kcal/kg部分,依比例计算;4、若5100kcal/kg≤收到基低位发热量(Qnet,ar)<5300kcal/kg,以5500kcal/kg 为基准,每降低100kcal/kg,单价降低22.18元/吨;不足100kcal/kg部分,依比例计算;5、若全硫(St,ar)>1%,每增加0.1%价格扣减2元/吨,不足部分依比例计算。

20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024印度尼西亚煤炭购销合同本合同目录一览第一条合同主体1.1 卖方信息1.2 买方信息第二条煤炭规格及质量2.1 煤炭种类2.2 煤炭质量指标2.3 检验和验收第三条数量和计量3.1 数量约定3.2 计量方法3.3 数量调整第四条价格和支付4.1 价格条款4.2 支付条件4.3 支付方式第五条交货和运输5.1 交货地点5.2 交货时间5.3 运输方式5.4 运输保险第六条风险转移6.1 风险划分点6.2 卖方责任6.3 买方责任第七条质量保证和售后服务7.1 质量保证7.2 售后服务第八条违约责任8.1 卖方违约8.2 买方违约第九条争议解决9.1 协商解决9.2 调解解决9.3 仲裁解决第十条适用法律10.1 合同适用法律10.2 法院管辖第十一条合同的变更和解除11.1 变更条件11.2 解除条件第十二条保密条款12.1 保密内容12.2 泄露责任第十三条不可抗力13.1 不可抗力事件13.2 不可抗力后果第十四条合同的生效、终止和续约14.1 合同生效条件14.2 合同终止条件14.3 合同续约条款第一部分:合同如下:第一条合同主体1.1 卖方信息1.2 买方信息第二条煤炭规格及质量2.1 煤炭种类本合同所述煤炭为 thermal coal,具体品种为 X。
2.2 煤炭质量指标煤炭质量指标如下:热值: kcal/kg含水量:%灰分:%硫分:%挥发份:%2.3 检验和验收双方应共同遵守的国家或行业标准为验收依据。
第三条数量和计量3.1 数量约定本合同煤炭总数量为 X 吨。
3.2 计量方法双方同意按照国际惯例,以吨为单位进行计量。
3.3 数量调整如因不可抗力等因素导致煤炭供应不足,双方可协商调整数量。
印尼煤炭合同(韩国)Indonesia coal contract (South Korea)

烟煤买卖合同SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT OF STEAM COAL签字日期Date: November18TH, 2010合同号Contract No.: 10AT305AX128电签:Electric sign卖方Seller:Company公司:Address 地址:Country国家:Phone电话:Fax传真:Email电子邮箱:Signatory签字人:Contact联系人:买方Buyer::公司Company :地址Address :国家Country :电子邮箱Email :签字人Signatory :联系人Contact :电话Phone :传真Fax :1.本协议书术语:The agreement term:1.1中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局CIQ1.2 Revolving LC信用证Automatic Revolving, Divisible,Irrevocable and Transferable Documentary Letter of Credit1.3 CIF 按国际贸易价格属于最新版本解释,为货到港船上交货。
Free On Board, in accordance with INCOTERMS 2000 last revision.1.4 SGS国际检验机构。
2.商品Commodity2.1 名称:动力用煤Steaming Coal2.2 产地:印度尼西亚Indonesia3.装运Shipment Delivery3.1期限:收到买方有效信用证后35天内到货.Period: Valid letter of credit received within 35days after the buyer arrival3.2包装:散装Packing: In Bulk3.3装货港: Any Port-South KalimantanPort of Load: Any Port -South Kalimantan3.4目的港:韩国仁川港。

印尼动力煤合同1.1 合同主体卖方:____________________________地址:____________________________统一社会信用代码:____________________________买方:____________________________地址:____________________________统一社会信用代码:____________________________ 1.11 合同标的本合同的标的为印尼动力煤。
具体规格如下:煤炭品种:印尼动力煤发热量:不低于[X]千卡/千克全水分:不高于[X]%灰分:不高于[X]%挥发分:在[X]%至[X]%之间硫分:不高于[X]%交货数量:总计[X]吨1.12 交货地点和方式交货地点:[具体交货地点]交货方式:[具体交货方式,如船运、铁路运输等]1.2 权利义务1.21 卖方的权利和义务权利:有权按照合同约定的价格和付款方式收取货款。
1.22 买方的权利和义务权利:有权要求卖方按照合同约定的质量、数量和交货时间交付印尼动力煤。
1.3 价格和付款方式1.31 价格每吨印尼动力煤的价格为[X]元(人民币/美元)。
1.32 付款方式买方应在合同签订后的[X]个工作日内,向卖方支付货款的[X]%作为预付款。
1.4 质量检验和验收1.41 质量检验买方有权在货物到达交货地点后的[X]个工作日内对煤炭质量进行检验。

CONTRACT FOR THE SALES AND PURCHASE OFINDONESIAN STEAM COAL买卖合同—印尼动力煤Seller:Company:Address:Tel /Fax:Contact Person:E-mail:Buyer:Company:FUJIAN RONGJIANG IMP. & EXP. CORP.Address:28/F., Fortune Building, Office Block, 168, Hudong Road, Fuzhou, China.Tel /Fax:86-591-87834245/ 86-591-87877498Contact Person:Mr. Huang ZhenE-mail:huang@Whereas the seller is in a position to supply the Steaming Coal of Indonesia to the buyer with the following terms and conditions hereby agreed by and between both parties:双方同意按如下合同条款由卖方出售印尼动力煤予买方:And the seller agrees to sell the under mentioned goods for China on the terms and conditions stated below:1. Product and Origin货物名称及产地Steam coal, origin is Indonesia.动力煤,产地为印度尼西亚。
2.Product Quality and Specifications产品质量及规格2.1 The Seller guarantees that the Product to be supplied will conform to the Specifications as statedin Clause 2.3. The Product shall be delivered and analyzed according to ISO Standards and shallconfirm the specifications at the Loading Port. The description of all percentages is referred to thepercentage weight.卖方保证依照本合同所供应的产品按照ISO标准进行分析后,在装货港装船前都已符合以下规格。

英文印尼煤炭合同范本煤炭销售合同合同编号:[合同编号]日期:[合同日期]卖方:[卖方名称]地址:[卖方地址]电话:[卖方电话][卖方]买方:[买方名称]地址:[买方地址]电话:[买方电话][买方]鉴于卖方拥有并愿意出售煤炭,买方愿意购买煤炭,双方本着平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,经充分协商,就煤炭销售事宜达成如下协议:一、货物描述1. 货物名称:煤炭2. 数量:[数量]吨3. 质量:[质量标准]4. 产地:[产地名称]二、价格及支付方式1. 价格:每吨[价格]美元(FOB [装货港名称])2. 支付方式:[具体的支付方式]3. 付款时间:[具体的付款时间]三、交货时间及地点1. 交货时间:[具体的交货时间]2. 交货地点:[卸货港名称]四、运输方式及费用承担1. 运输方式:[具体的运输方式]2. 费用承担:[运费由谁承担]五、质量检验及索赔1. 质量检验:货物到达目的港后,买方有权对货物进行检验。
2. 索赔金额:根据检验报告,如货物质量不符合合同约定,卖方应按照合同约定的价格与实际交货数量的乘积向买方支付赔偿金。
六、违约责任1. 如卖方未按照合同约定的时间、地点、数量、质量交付货物,或提供的货物与合同约定不符,买方有权解除合同,并要求卖方返还已支付的货款及利息,赔偿买方因此遭受的损失。
2. 如买方未按照合同约定的时间、方式支付货款,卖方有权解除合同,并要求买方返还已交付的货物。
七、不可抗力1. 如因不可抗力事件导致任何一方无法履行本合同,该方应在不可抗力事件发生后的[X]天内通知对方,并在不可抗力事件结束后的[X]天内提供由当地政府部门出具的证明文件。

最新印尼煤炭合同范本甲方(买方):________乙方(卖方):________签订日期:________签订地点:________鉴于甲方希望购买煤炭产品,乙方愿意根据以下条款和条件供应该产品,双方达成如下协议:第一条产品规格1. 产品名称:印尼煤炭2. 产地:印度尼西亚3. 数量:________ 吨4. 质量标准:符合印尼国家标准及国际煤炭交易通用标准5. 交货时间:自合同签订之日起计算,________ 个月内分批交货完毕。
第二条价格与支付1. 单价:________ 美元/吨(FOB 价格/CIF 价格)2. 总价:________ 美元3. 付款方式:________ (如:电汇、信用证等)4. 付款条件:________ (如:预付款、分期付款、交货后付款等)第三条交货与装运1. 交货地点:________ (指定港口或地点)2. 装运方式:________ (如:散装船、集装箱船等)3. 装运时间:乙方应在约定的交货时间内,按照甲方的要求安排装运。
第四条检验与验收1. 产品检验:甲方有权在交货地点对煤炭进行质量和数量检验。
2. 验收标准:检验结果应符合本合同第一条规定的质量标准。
第五条违约责任1. 如乙方未能按时交货或产品质量不符合规定,应按合同约定承担违约责任。
2. 如甲方未能按期付款,应支付逾期利息,并承担由此给乙方造成的损失。
第六条争议解决1. 双方应通过友好协商解决合同执行过程中出现的任何争议。
2. 如协商不成,任何一方均可向合同签订地的仲裁委员会提起仲裁。
第七条其他条款1. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
2. 本合同自双方授权代表签字盖章之日起生效。
3. 合同未尽事宜,双方可另行协商补充。

CONTRACTFORSUPPLY & PURCHASEOFSTEAM COALBETWEENSELLERBUYERCONTRACT NO. : XXXDate: XXX (Pages including cover –x)Contract for sale and purchase of Indonesian Steam Coal in bulk dated XXX among:1.………………………………., a company incorporated under the laws of Indonesia andhaving its registered office at ……………………………………………………(hereinafter referred to as “SELLER”);And……………………………………………a company incorporated under the laws of China, having its registered office address at ……………………………………………………..(hereinafter referred to as “BUY ER“)By this agreement, the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the commodity specified below as per mentioned terms and conditions.1.DEFINITIONS:In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall respectively have the following meanings:a)A fraction of a cent in any calculation shall be rounded up to the nearest cent if such fraction is one half of a cent or more, and shall be rounded down when otherwise.b)A fraction of a tone in any calculation shall be rounded up to the nearest tone if such fraction is one half of a tone or more, and shall be rounded down when otherwise.c)“ISO” means International Organization for Standardization.d)“Bill of Lading” Or …BL‟ means receipt given by the vessel for the coal shipment and is a document of title.e)“Coal” means Steam Coal (Non Coking Coal)f)“Dollars”, “US Dollars”, “USD”, “US$”, “$”, “Cents” where used shall refer to the currency of the United States of America.g)“ETA” means estimated time of arrival.h)“CIF” means delivery Cost, Insurance, Freight in accordance with Incoterms 2000 and trimmed.i)“Kcal” means Kilocalorie (s) as defined in the “International System of Units”j)“Kg” means Kilogram (s) as defined in “International System of Units”k)“Laytime” means time allowed to discharge the cargo on to the mother vessel.l)“mm” means Millimeter as defined in “International System of Units”.m)“Port of Loading” means the p ort at which the coal is to be loaded in Indonesia.n)“Pratique” means permission to do business at a port by a ship that has complied with all applicable local health regulations.o)“Statement of Facts” means a statement prepared by the ships agent at the port of discharge which shows the date and time of arrival of the vessel and the commencement and completion of discharging.p)“Time Sheet” means a document which records all daily particulars relating to the discharging of cargo as well as the duration of and reason for any stoppage of work and is used as a basis for the calculation of demurrage/despatch.q)“Ton (s), “Tonne (s)”, and “MT” means metric tonne of 1,000 Kgs as defined in “International System of Units”.r)“Working day” means a day upon which business is regularly transacted and unless expressly stated, the term “day” shall be deemed to mean “calendar day”.s)“Weather Working Day” means day of 24 consecutive hours on which work in loading coal onboard a vessel may be carried out without loss of time due to the weather.t) “(NAR)” means Net as received2. TERM OF AGREEMENTThe parties hereby agree that the term of this agreement shall commence from the date of signing of this Agreement until the sale and delivery of the contracted quantity under this agreement has been fully performed by the parties or until all parties mutually agree to terminate this agreement, whichever comes earlier. Buyer shall purchase the Steam Coal from Seller on CIF, Yuan Tai Shan Dong Port, basis (Incoterms 2000).3. COMMODITY, CONTRACTED QUANTITY, SHIPMENT SCHEDULE3.1 CommoditySteam Coal in bulk of Indonesia Origin3.2. Quantity and Delivery PeriodTotal Quantity: 50,000MT IN TOTAL,Quantity of Each Batch: not more than 50,000 MT +/-10% at vessel‟s option.Delivery Period: Within 45 (Fourty Five) Days after receive SBLC from the Bank3.3 Origin: Indonesia3.4 ShipmentPort of loading: South of KalimantanShipment Size: not more than 50.000MT (+/-10% at vessel‟s option)Shipment Instruction1)Cargoes shall be shipped in bulk not more than 50.000tons for every batch duringthe period from February 2011 and March 20112)Shipment Schedule shall be proposed by the Seller in written notice 20 days beforeeach shipment and upon receipt of the Shipment Schedule, the Buyer shall makeprompt reply within 48 hours. If agree the Shipment Schedule, the Buyer will sendwritten permission & confirmation letter to the Seller within 48 hours3)The Buyer has right to reject any Cargoes shipped without Buyer‟s written permission& confirmation letter pre-shipment, and Seller has no right to claim to the Bank forany payment;4)The Seller should arrange shipment within 45 days after receiving the Buyer‟s writtenpermission & confirmation letter.If the Seller fails to arrange shipment within 45 days, it will be deemed as thecancellation of shipment from the Seller, the Buyer has right to claim to the bank forthe losses.5)Shall the Buyer to made a confirmation letter or withdraw from this purchasecontract by any reason after the Seller has made the shipping arrangement, theBuyer must paid all of Seller Losses.6)The actual price of each shipment shall be mutually agreed by the Seller and theBuyer according to the market price of Steam Coal after the initial 50,000 MT (+/-10% at vesse l‟s option) shipment in each February 2011 and March 20113.5 Contract Value1) Contract Value of the First and Second Shipment in February 2011 & March2011:USD 97 PMT (NINETY SEVEN AMERICAN DOLLARS PER METRIC TON)2) Contract Value of the Following Shipment:will be confirmed later by the Seller andthe Buyer according to the market price of Steam Coal.4.Guaranteed SpecificationAs per ISO standard: On Air Dried Basis (ADB), unless ot herwise specified (ARB means on “As Received Basis”):Specifications: ISO Standard REJECTTotal Moisture (As received basis): 16% max. >= 18 %Inherent Moisture (Air dried basis) 12 %Ash (Air dried basis) 14 % max. >= 15 %Volatile Matter (Air dried basis) 42 % approx. >= 45 %Fixed Carbon (Air dried basis) by differenceTotal Sulphur (Air dried basis) -1 % max. >= 1 %Net Calorific Value (As received basis): 5,500 kcal/kg < 5,300 kcal/kg Hard Grove Index (HGI) 50 min. < 43Size 0 – 50 mm at 90%Ash Fusion Temperature (IDT): 1,300 degree C < 1,250 degree C5.PRICEUSD 102 PMT CIF Y uan Tai Shan Dong CHINA, basis NCV (NAR): 5,500 Kcal/Kg for Quantity 50,000 MT (+/-10% at vessel‟s option)6.Discharge PortYuan Tai Shan Dong Port - CHINA.7.Penalty and BonusA. PENALTYa). Net Calorific Value (NAR)Price Adjustment: If the actual Net Calorific Value (NAR) supplied falls below or exceeds the guaranteed NCV (NAR), then CI F Price shall be derived basis the following formula:Actual NCV (NAR)Adjusted CIF Price = ------------------------------- x CIF Price5,500 kcal/kgb). Total Moisture (AR): If actual total moisture exceeds 16%, the excess over16% shallbe deducted from B/L weight to determine invoice weight as per formula:100% - Actual Total Moisture (AR)Invoice weight = --------------------------------------------- x B/L weight100% - 16%B. BONUSPrice adjustment: Opposite of the Penalty8. Weight and Quality DeterminationBuyer can send their representative to the loading port to witness the loading operation, sampling and analysis of cargo, if required.8.1 WeightThe cargo weight of each shipment shall be determined at the discharge port by draft survey of the ocean vessel, calculated to the nearest metric ton (MT). The draft surveys shall be conducted by CIQ. CIQ shall provide the corresponding Certificate of Weight at discharge port. The quantity conducted by CIQ at the discharge port shall be final.Buyer has the right to appoint an Independent Surveyor at the loading port to conduct pre-shipment inspection & analysis of the cargo lying at the loading port as well as the analysis during loading of the said cargo. Such cost will be borne by the Buyer. The Seller should allow such ins pection & survey by the Buyer‟s surveyor and extend all cooperation.Seller has the right to appoint an Independent Surveyor at the discharge port to conduct analysis of the cargo during discharging. Such cost will be borne by the Seller. The Buyer should allow such inspection & survey by the Seller‟s surveyor and extend all cooperation.8.2 Coal QualityBuyer shall appoint CIQ at the discharge port to make sampling and analysis. The cost shall be at the Buyer‟s expense. CIQ shall provide the cor responding Certificate of quality at discharge port. The analysis conducted by CIQ at the port of destination shall be final.Seller has the right to appoint an Independent Surveyor at the discharging port to conduct sampling & analysis of the cargo during discharging. Such cost will be borne by the Seller. The Buyer should allow such inspection & survey by the Seller‟s surveyor and extend all cooperation.-The sample shall be extracted and analyzed in accordance with ISO standards.-Buyer shall provide necessary assistance to the Seller to get the analysis report of CIQ within 10 days after the sample taking.9. Nomination of Vessel:Sellers to nominate a vessel to buyer 5 (Five) days prior to ETA load port, giving the approx. quantity to be loaded and ETA discharge port. Buyer will reply within 24 hours intimating acceptance of the nominated vessel, which acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld.Vessel to be classed highest Lloyds or ABS or equivalent and ISM certified with max 25 years of age unless otherwise agreed. Vessels with more than 25 years of age shall be mutually agreed on case by case.Demurrage / Despatch rate shall be informed by Seller to the Buyer according to the Fixture Note pre-shipment.Sellers to appoint agents at discharge port whose full style shall be forwarded to Buyers.Sellers or their agents shall send 7 days approx notice with 2 or 3 days spread, 5 days approx notice with max. 2 days spread and 3, 2, and 1 day(s) definite notice to the Buyer.10. Shipping Terms:The discharging rate shall be minimum 10,000 MT (will be confirmed pre-shipment by the Buyer) PWWD SHINC. This rate will be the rate for the calculation of demurrage or despatch.a) Detention: In the event the vessel is prevented from or delayed in berthing or enteringat the discharge port as a result of Buyer‟s failure to complete all formalities and process necessary documentation and Buyer will be responsible for the costs associated with the detention of the vessel over and above demurrage.b) Laytime to commence 12 hours after tendering NOR unless sooner commenced, inwhich case actual time used to count. NOR to be given 24 hours SHINC, WIBON, WIPON, WIFPON, WICON.c)Vessel once on demurrage is always on demurrage.d) Otherwise normal GENCON charter conditions to apply.11. Stevedore Damage:The Stevedores at discharge port are to be appointed by the Buyer at their risk and expense. The Stevedores shall be considered as the Buyers servants and the Buyers are to be responsible for any negligence, default or error in judgment of the Stevedores and /or the barges/lighters employed in discharging the vessel(s).Discharging is to be done under supervision of Master. Master has the right to stop discharging if in his opinion it is found unsafe that may cause damage to the vessel. All delays due to this stoppage of work to be on Buyers account.Should Master suspect any damage caused to vessel due to stevedores, Master to immediately notify in writing to stevedores/Buyers/Sellers agent by fax/cable or telex within 24 hours of its occurrence. Buyers or their agents have the right to inspect any reported damage with their own surveyor.12.Payment Terms:A.When the Seller and the Buyer reach an agreement on the terms and conditions of theStandby L/C, and after the contract signed, the Buyer shall open Standby L/C of the agreed vision within 5(five) working days from a first class bank in favour of Seller with the total value of USD 4.850.000,00B.Expiry Date of the SBLC is 180 days after the date of issue.C.The Standby L/C is subject to comply with the UNIFORM CUSTOMS AND PRACTICE FORDOCUMENTARY CREDITS ICC PUBLICAT ION NO. 600 (2007 REVISION)D.After the contracted goods has arrived at the discharge port, the Buyer shall transferred95 % payment of Total Contract Value or USD 4.607.500.00 to the Seller within 3 (Three)working days as per the Invoice Value.And 5 % Final ( T/T ) Payment of Total Contract Value or USD 242.500.00 to be transferred to the Seller within 3(Three) working days as per the Invoice Value or against the Original CIQ report in which is calculated based on the CIQ Weight & Quality Certificate atdischarge port with terms and conditions listed in Clause 7.Buyer’s bank details are as under:Bank Name:Bank Address:Account Name:Account No.:SWIFT CODE:Bank Tel : .Bank Fax : .Bank Officer : .Seller’s bank details are as under:Bank Name : .Bank Branch : .Account Name: .Account No. : .SWIFT CODE : .Bank Tel : .Bank Fax : .Bank Officer : .13.Taxes, Duties, etc. All import duties, levies, dues etc. on the imported material from thevessel if any at discharge port shall be at buyer's account. All taxes, duties etc. on loading goods in the country of origin or at the loading port to be at seller's account. Seller shall send the following documents by DHL to the buyer within 5 working days for 100% of CIFFO shipment value:A.Seller‟s manual signed commercial invoices (3 sets) showing calculation based on the agreed price, indicating Contract number, Buyer‟s name, goo ds description and etc;B.3/3 original clean on board Bill of Lading marked "Freight Prepaid" plus three copies and made out to …………………………………………….. and notify the Buyer;C.Three original and 3 copies of Certificate of Origin issued by Indonesian Chamber of Commerce or any other competent Government authority.D.One copy of Certificate of draft survey issued by CIQ at discharge port;E.One copy of Certificate of weight issued by CIQ at discharge port;F.One copy of Certificate of Analysis issued by CIQ at discharge port in accordance with ISO standards;G.Full set of insurance policy blank endorsed for full CIF value plus 10 pct with claims if any, payable at destination in the currency of this credit, covering all risks, war risks and strikes risks.H.One original and one copy of the Buyer‟s written permission & confirmation letter pre-shipment;I.Copy of the Seller‟s manual signed statement which also be signed by the Buyer ;All costs in China will be borne by the buyer and all other bank charges outside China shall be to seller's account. Any confirmation charges, if required by sellerwill be seller account.The seller shall fax copies of one set of non-negotiable documents to the buyer within 2(Two) banking days after the date of shipment.Taxes, Duties, etc. All import duties, levies, dues etc. on the imported material from the vessel if any at discharge port shall be at buyer's account. All taxes,duties etc. on loading goods in the country of origin / loading to be at seller'saccount.14. Lay time Calculation:Lay time calculation will be made by seller based on Statement of Facts (SOF) issued by the nominated agents in the discharging port and to be confirmed and accepted by buyer within 21 (twenty one) days of the vessel sailing discharge port. The demurrage / despatch / dead freight shall be settled within 30 (thirty) days by all parties.15.Force Majeure:In the event of contingency beyond the control of either party and without its faults or negligence, including but not restricted to the acts of public enemy, acts of theforeign government, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantined restrictions, strikes and freight embargoes and from which the affected party cannot reasonably relieve itself by giving security or otherwise, the contract shall be suspended until such causes cease to exist.If the state of force majeure persists more than 90 (ninety) days, the contract shall be considered cancelled, unless otherwise agreed upon, with regard to the undelivered portion.In order the provisions of this clause become operative, the party of the contract affected by the force majeure conditions must furnish the other party with written notice about the nature and extent of conditions promptly.16. Notices:Any notice required or permitted by this agreement shall be in writing and in the English Language and may be delivered personally or may be sent by telex, facsimile, or prepaid registered mail addressed to the parties, as follows:If to BUYER:Address:Attention:Email:Tel:Fax:If to SELLER: .Address: .Attention: .Email: .Tel: .Fax: .17. Arbitration:Any dispute, difference or disagreement between the parties arising under or in relation to this contract, including (but not limited to) any dispute, difference or disagreement as to the meaning of the terms of this contract or any failure to agree on any matter required to be agreed upon under this contract shall, if possible, be resolved by negotiation and mutual agreement by the parties within 30 days. Should no agreement be reached, then the dispute shall be finally settled by arbitration upon the written request of either party hereto in accordance with the rules of conciliation and arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in INDONESIA by three arbitrators in English Language. The result of all such arbitration shall be final and binding for the parties and for all purposes.18. Amendments:Any amendments of this contract shall be in the form of an addendum in writing to be signed by the Seller and the Buyer. All amendment will form and become an integral part of this contract and have the same legal force of this contract.19. Waiver:Any failure of either Party to insist on any or more instances upon strict performance of any provision of the contract or to exercise any of his rights herein, shall not beconsidered as a waiver of any such provision20. Title and Risk of Loss:Title and all risk of loss and damage with respect to the coal shall pass from SELLER to BUY ER as the coal passes over the rail of the vessel designated by Seller at the discharge port.21. Governing Law:This agreement and the rights, privileges, duties and obligations of the parties herein under shall be construed to be in accordance with the law of I NDONESIA22. Assignment:Neither party shall assign any rights or obligation under this agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties.23. Effectiveness of the Contract:This contract shall be effective, binding and irrevocable between the parties upon the signing of the Seller and approval of the Buyer‟s board of directors.This contract shall be signed in two originals and 3 (Three) copies with the same force and effect for the parties.This contract shall be kept strictly private and confidential.----------------------------------------(Blank Below)-----------------------------------------------------------Signed for and on behalf of。

英文印尼煤炭合同范本Indonesian Coal ContractThis Contract is made and entered into on [date] between [Buyer's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer") and [Seller's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller").1. Subject Matter: The Seller agrees to supply and the Buyer agrees to purchase Indonesian coal in the quantity of [quantity] metric tons.2. Quality: The coal shall conform to the following specifications: [detl specifications of the coal].3. Price: The price per metric ton of the coal shall be [price amount].4. Delivery: The Seller shall deliver the coal to [delivery location] on or before [delivery date].5. Payment: The Buyer shall make payment in the amount of [total payment amount] within [number of days for payment] days after the receipt of the coal.6. Inspection: The Buyer has the right to inspect the coal upon delivery. In case of any disputes regarding the quality or quantity, the parties shall resolve the issue through mutual negotiation or arbitration.7. Force Majeure: In the event of any force majeure circumstances that prevent either party from fulfilling its obligations under this contract, such party shall be excused from performance to the extent of the force majeure.8. Governing Law: This contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [applicable law].9. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of [arbitration institution].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract as of the date first above written.Buyer: [Buyer's Signature]Seller: [Seller's Signature]Please note that this is just a basic template and actual contracts may vary depending on specific circumstances and requirements. It is advisable to consult legal professionals for accurate and prehensive contract drafting.。

第一条工程项目(1)工程名称: 印尼煤炭合作项目(二)工程地点: 印尼(3)工程内容及承包范围:1、煤炭采购和运输:乙方负责从印尼煤炭矿区采购煤炭,并负责将煤炭运输至指定目的地。
第五条付款方式1 乙方每次提交采购煤炭的发票和运输费用明细,甲方在收到后的15个工作日内支付合同总价的50%。
2 甲方收到煤炭质量检验报告后的15个工作日内支付合同总价的30%。
3 甲方在验收合格后的15个工作日内支付合同总价的20%。

CONTRACT FOR THE SALES AND PURCHASE OFINDONESIAN STEAM COAL買賣合同—印尼動力煤This Contractual agreement is made on the XX th day of XXXX 2010 between(hereinafter called the Seller) and(hereinafter called the Buyer).此買賣合同由(以下稱賣方)和(以下稱買方)于2010年11月13日簽訂。
Whereas the Seller is in a position to supply the Steaming Coal of Indonesia to the Buyer with the following terms and conditions hereby agreed by and between both parties:雙方同意按以下合同條款由賣方出售印尼動力煤予買方:1. Product and Origin貨物名稱及產地1.1 Steam coal, origin is Indonesia.動力煤,產地為印尼。
1.2 Packing 包裝In Bulk海運散裝1.3 Load port 裝運港Main Port/Anchorage of Kalimantan, Indonesia at Seller’soption.印尼/加里曼丹主要口岸/錨地裝貨。
1.4 Destination port 目的港XXX Port, Shandong Province ChinaXXX省XXX港2.Product Quality and Specifications 產品品質及規格2.1 The Seller guarantees that the Product to besupplied will conform to the Specifications as stated in Clause 2.2. The Product shall be delivered and analyzed according to ISO Standards and shall confirm the specifications before loading. The description of all percentages is referred to the percentage weight.賣方保證依照本合同所供應的產品按照ISO標準進行分析後,在裝船前都已符合以下規格。

印尼动力煤中英文合同SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACTFORINDONESIAN STEAM COAL印度尼西亚动力煤销售合同CONTRACT NO.: Ric-COAL-109A合同号:This Sale and Purchase Contract for Indonesian Steam Coal (the “Agreement” or “Contract”) is made on the_________2011 by and :本次销售和采购印度尼西亚蒸汽煤的合同是在of 2011签订于雅加达:BETWEENCompany公司Address地址Telephone/Fax電話 /傳真Contact Person聯絡人Mobile手機E-mail電子郵件(hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”) ; (以上简称买方)ANDCompany公司Address地址Telephone/Fax電話 /傳真Contact Person聯絡人Mobile手機E-mail電子郵件(hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”); (以上简称卖方)WHEREAS:1. The Seller warrants that he has the capacity, capability and full authority to sell and export coal from Indonesia;卖方保证其具备销售及出口印尼动力煤的资格、资质及能力。
2. The Buyer warrants that he has the capacity, capability andfull authority to purchase and import coal from Indonesia;买方保证具备采购及进口印尼动力煤的资格、资质及能力。

合同编号:00/STEAM COAL/....-..../60K-MT/IDP/III-2010本协议(“协议”)就在这个日子里2月,17'和2009年之间订立:公司名称:PT。
定义在本协定中,除非另有规定收取:字母i. “亚”是指风干的基础。
五,“货物”是指货物的约... ...。
吨+ / -10按卖方的选择%。
“合同数量”是指约... ...。
吨+ / -10按卖家选项%。
数量卖方同意出售及买方同意购买大约每月60,000吨的合同量+母亲在离岸容器/ -10%为1(一)年在南加里曼丹锚固基础2。
交货卖方承诺交付的合同数量在传递站船期的买家... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...,到2010年或经双方确认。
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收到基低位发热量Qnet,a r≥4000 kcal/kg
4.1 基准到岸价:按照甲、乙双方商定的煤炭质量标准,煤炭含税到岸舱底交货基准价为人民元/吨(基准到岸价含海运费、关税、增值税、保险、港杂、报关、清关、检疫、边防、拖轮、验收等一切费用,不含卸港港口建设费)。
4.3 结算单价(一票含税)=基准到岸价±质量调整价。
5.1当收到基低位发热量Qnet,ar=4000kcal/kg时执行基准到岸价 400 元/吨;当收到基低位发热量Qnet,ar>4000kcal/kg时,每比4000kcal/kg高1kcal/kg加价 10 元/吨(合同热卡单价);当收到基低位发热量3850kcal/kg≤Qnet,ar<4000kcal/kg时,每比4000kcal/kg低1kcal/kg减价 10元/吨(合同热卡单价);当收到基低位发热量3700kcal/kg ≤Qnet,ar<3850kcal/kg时,每比3850kcal/kg低1kcal/kg减价 20 元/吨(两倍合同热卡单价);当收到基低位发热量Qnet,ar<3700kcal/kg时,每比3700kcal/kg低1kcal/kg 减价 40 元/吨(四倍合同热卡单价),以上奖罚均分段计价。
5.2 当空干基全硫分St,ad>0.8%时,每比0.8%高0.01%减价0.20元/吨。
5.3 当哈氏可磨性指数(HGI)<45时,结算价扣减5元/吨。
6.1 交货地点:中华人民共和国福建省连江县福建华电储运有限公司码头或可门电厂码头。
6.2 收货人:福建华电可门发电有限公司。
7.1 由乙方办理卸货港的报关报检联系靠泊等事宜并支付承载船舶在卸货港靠泊前的所有相关费用(边防、报关、通关、检验检疫、关税、增值税、拖轮等)。
7.2 煤炭的实际重量以中国进出口检验检疫局(CIQ)或中国检验认证集团有限公司(CCIC)在交货地点水尺检验报告为准,并以此作为最终的结算重量。
7.3 煤炭的实际质量以中国进出口检验检疫局(CIQ)或中国检验认证集团有限公司(CCIC)在交货地点取样并化验后出具的质量证书为准,并以此作为最终的结算质量。
8.5 由于乙方所供煤炭中含有大煤块、石块、铁块、木块等杂物,或太湿、太粘等,造成卸煤系统卡、堵等异常故障而延误卸煤或造成卸煤机械损伤等不良后果的,乙方承担因此产生的一切损失。
11.1 若部分或全部因不可抗力事件而使得任何一方未能或延迟履行本合同的义务,不应视为对本合同违约。
11.2 此处的不可抗力应指超出受影响的当事人控制的事件,且此当事人之前的行为无任何过失。
11.3 如果不可抗力事件可能会发生或能够预见,受影响的一方应立即以书面形式通知对方。
12.1 本合同在执行过程中的一切争议,应通过友好协商解决;如协商未果,因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的争议,均提请福州仲裁委员会按照该会仲裁规则进行仲裁。
12.2 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律,仲裁地点为合同签订地,仲裁程序应以中文进行。
13.1 合同未尽事宜,由甲方和乙方协商解决,并另行签订补充协议。
13.2 本合同正本一式两份,甲方、乙方各执一份;副本六份,甲方、乙方各执叁份。
13.3 本合同的期限从年月日签订之日或经双方法定代表人或授权代表签字并加盖公章(或合同章),且甲方收到乙方的履约保证金后生效,有效期至本合同项下甲乙双方的义务已全部履行完毕为止。