andata 翻译




意大利语分类词汇食物cipo牛排 la bistecca 熏鲑鱼 il salmone al fumicato炸鸡il pollo fritto 意大利面 gli spaghetti生菜撒拉l’insalata di verdura 汤 la zuppa玉米浓汤 la zuppa di mais 海鲜汤 la zuppa di mare素菜汤 la zuppa di verdura 意大利起司 il parmigiano意大利传统千层面 la zanie al fungo 海鲜饭 il risotto di mare罗马传统长条番茄肉管面 i bucatini alla matricciana面疙瘩 i gnocchi海鲜细面 gli spaghetti di pescatore 鲜贝细面 gli spaghetti alle vongole 四季披萨 la pizza quattro formaggi炸洋葱黄瓜 la frittata di zucchine e frittata di cipolle蔬菜起司肉 carpaccio di verdura地中海意大利奶酪 mosalera alla mediterranea意大利甜酱布丁 panacotta cossasa al caramello香菇海鲜和宽面 tagliatelle al riscampi e tartufo冰激凌 gelato 猪排 bistecca di maiale甜点 dolce 蛋糕 torta 面包 pane 小面包panine烤鸡 pollo arrosto 沙拉菜 insalata火腿 prosciutto 香肠 salsiccia通心粉 maccheroni 切片鸡肉 petto di pollo a fette牛肉 manzo 鱼 pesce肉 carne 兔子 coniglio火鸡 tacchino 鹅 oca虾 gambero 螃蟹 granchio第一道菜 primi piatti 开胃菜 antipasto配菜 contorno 奶酪 formaggio饮料软饮料 bibita/bevanda果汁 il succo 茶il te’柳橙汁il succo(spremuta) d’arancia 葡萄汁il succo d’uva 红茶il te’ nero 矿泉水l’acqua minerale带汽的水l’acqua gassata 自来水l’acqua naturale烈酒 liquore牛奶 il latte 可可亚 il cacao咖啡il caffe’卡布奇诺咖啡 il cappuccino浓咖啡l’espresso 葡萄酒 il vino rosso e bianco白兰地 brandy 伏特加 la vodka威士忌 whisky 琴酒 il gin香槟 lo champagne 鸡尾酒 il cocktail啤酒 la birra 龙舌兰酒 puque雪莉酒 lo sherry 柠檬酒 il limonciello意大利托斯卡纳酒 i chianti 比蒙特红酒 il barolo点心吐司 il toast 法国长面包 la paghette牛角面包 il cornetto 小圆面包 la focaccina三明治 il tramezzino 松饼 la frittella蛋糕 la torta 巧克力蛋糕 la torta di cioccolata 千层饼 la zuppa inglese 泡芙 lo sbuffo饼干 il biscotto 布丁 il budino提拉米苏il tiramisu al caffe’冰激凌 il gelato人际关系学生 lo studente 同学 la compagna di classe朋友 l'amico 亲密朋友 il migliore amico男朋友 il ragazzo 女朋友 la ragazza未婚夫 il fidanzato 未婚妻 la fidanzata主人 il padrone 老板 il capo主管 il direttore 员工 l'impiegato部署 i supportinati 同事 il collega伙伴 il partner 牧师 il pastore神父 il confessore 教友 fratelli e sorelle邻居 il vicino 大楼管理员 il/la custode警卫 la guardia 认识的人 la persona conosciuta 陌生人 la persona sconosciuta 路人 il pedone 房东 la padrona di casa 房客 l'inquilino管家 la domestica 室友 la compagna di stanza 笔友 l'amico di penna 网友 l'amico di chat玩伴 la compagna di giochi 敌人 il nemico竞争对手 il rivale生理感官生命 la vita 身体 il corpo呼吸 il respiro 血压 presione del sangue心跳 battito cardiaco 体温 la temperatura消化 la digestione 小便 urina大便 defecare 放屁 scoreggiare流汗 sudare 流鼻涕 mocciare流泪 piangere 饥饿 fame饱食sazietà打嗝 ruttare视觉 la vista 听觉l’udito嗅觉l’olfatto 味觉 il gusto痛的 doloroso 痒的 pruriginoso臭的 puzzolente 香的 profumato酸的 aspro 甜的 dolce苦的 amaro 辣的 piccante咸的 salato 没味道的 insipido浓稠的 corposo 美味的 squisito不好吃的 cattivo 冰的 ghiacciato冷的 freddo 热的 caldo温的 tiepido学校后门 l'uscita 教师室 l'ufficio d'insegnante辅导室 il consiglio degli studente 教室 l'aula黑板 la lavagna 板擦 il cancellino粉笔 il gesso 电脑室 l'aula di computer实验室 il laboratorio 礼堂 la sala da s'andrea -图书馆 la biblioteca 操场 il campo住宿 l'alloggio per lo studenti 校长 il direttore院长校主任 il rettore 老师 l'insegante教授 il professore 学生 l'allievo高中生 lo studengte 班长 il capo classe大学生 lo studente universitario 研究生 lo studente di master 【ricercatore】新生la matricola di università毕业生 laureato学生会长 il presente da sociazione dello studente校规 il regolamento della scuola 校车 l'autobus della scuola 毕业典礼 il cerimonia di laurea 学生证 la carta dello studente 证书 il certificato 毕业证书 il diploma推荐函 la lettera di racomandazione颜色黑色il nero 白色il bianco 彩色colorato 红色il rosso 桔色l’arancio绿色 il verde 黄色 il giallo 紫色 il viola 蓝色 il blu 粉红色 il roso 棕色 il marrone 灰色 il grigio 金色l’oro 银色l’argento 深色 il colore scura 浅色 il colore chiaro 鲜艳的 lucido 素雅的liscio运动l’esercizio竞赛 la competizione[00:23.20]3. 运动会 la riunione sportiva 运动器材l’attrezzatura sportiva 运动场 il campo sportivo球 il pallone 球拍 la racchetta观众 il pubblico 啦啦队 la ragazza ponpon裁判l’arbitro 球员 il giocatore球队 la squadra 选手l’atleta教练l’allenatore 分数 il risultato犯规 il fallo 赢 vincere输 perdere 名次 la posizione慢跑 correre 马拉松赛跑 la maratona拳击 il pugilato 滑雪 sciare打猎 cacciare 游泳 nuotare潜水 tuffarsi,immergersi 冲浪 la pratica del surf 帆船 la barca a vela 钓鱼 pescare滑翔飞行 volare col deltaplano 跳伞 paracadutarsi高尔夫球 il golf 棒球 il baseball足球 il calcio 网球 il tennis篮球 il pallacanestro/basket 保龄球 bowling赛车 la gara delle macchine 自行车 la bicicletta西洋剑 il fioretto植物pianta树l’albero 树枝 il ramo树干 il tronco 叶子 la foglia种子 il seme 花 il fiore果实 la frutta 根 la radice开花 fiorire 发芽 spuntare结果实 maturare 枯萎 appassire花瓣 il petalo 花蜜 il miele草l’erba 竹子il bambu’松树 il pino 杨柳树 il salice榕树l’albero del Banyan 仙人掌 il cactus菊花 il crisantemo 玫瑰花 la rosa百合 il giglio 茶花 la camelia郁金香 il tulipano 紫罗兰 la violetta水仙花 la giunchiglia grande 向日葵 il girasole起居起床 svegliarsi 祷告 pregare伸懒腰 tirare 打哈欠 sbadigliare刷牙 spazzolare i denti 漱口 fare gargarismi 洗脸 lavare 刮胡子 radere梳头 pettinare 化妆 truccarsi吃早餐 fare colazione 早餐 la colazione吃午餐 pranzare 午餐 pranzo围裙 il grembiule 口罩 la maschera头巾 il fazzoletto da testa 灰尘 la polvere垃圾 l'immondizia 垃圾筒 la pattumiera 丢/倒垃圾 gettare 整理 mettere in ordine 整齐的 ordinate 杂乱的 disordinato 除草 strappare le albace 擦拭 strofinare扫地 spazzare il pavimento 扫把 la scopa本机 la paletta per spazzatura 吸尘器 l'aspirapolvere拖地 lavare il pavimento 拖把 mocio水桶 il secchio 抹布 lo straccio鸡毛掸子 il piumino 地板 il pavimento刷洗 spazzolare 污垢 lo sporco刷子 la spazzola 干净的 pulito脏的 sporco 洗衣服 fare il bucato烫衣服 stirare i vestiti 湿的 bagnato干的 asciutto 烹饪 la cucina买菜 andare al supermercato 洗碗 lavare i piatti家具家电用品电视机 la televisione 使用方法 l'applicazione插头 la spina 插座 la presa电压 la tensione elettrica 伏特 volt录放影机il video registratore a cassette 录影带la videocassetta音响 hi-fi 麦克风 il microfone喇叭 l'altoparlante 收音机 la radio耳机 la cuffia d'ascolto 电池 la batteria电冰箱 il frigorifero 电风扇 il ventilatore elettrico 冷气机 l'aria condizionata 暖气机 il riscaldamento电话机il telefono 答录机la segreteria telefonica 话筒il megafono 洗衣机 la lavatrice烘干机 l'asciugatrice 微波炉 il microonde烤箱 il forno 果汁机 il frullatore咖啡壶la macchina del caffè吹风机 l'asciugacapelli照相机 la macchina fotografica地理山 la montagna 山脉 la zona montana火山 il vulcano 山顶la sommita’ della collina山谷 la valle 山洞 la caverna丘陵,小山坡 la collina 土地 la terra平原 la pianura 草原 il prato高原l’altopiano 海 il mare海峡 lo stretto 海岸 la costa沙滩 la spiaggia 海浪l’onda珊瑚 il corallo 河 il fiume河岸 la riva 湖 il lago瀑布 la cascata 泉 le terme岛l’isola 半岛 la penisola沙漠 il deserto 绿洲l’oasi沼泽 la palude 森林 la foresta经济,银行进口la merce d’importazione 出口la merce d’esportazione股票 la borsa valori 支票l’assegno旅行支票 il travel check 信用卡 la carta di credito兑换 convertire 汇率 il valore dello scambio外币 la moneta straniera 银行 la banca提款机 ATM 服务台il servizio d’informazioni 领钱 il ritiro del soldi 借贷 il prestito利息l’interesse 手续费 la commissione台币 Taiwan nuovo dollaro 美金 USA dollaro纸币 il foglio 硬币 la moneta面值 il valore nominale 开门 aperto关门chiuso旅游viaggio旅行 il viaggio 国外l’estero国内 nazionale 观光客 il turista旅行社l’agenzia di viaggio 团体旅行 il tour自助旅行 viaggio indipendente 航空公司 la compagnia di volo 预定 preservare 单程票 il biglietto solo andata来回票il biglietto andata e ritorno 旅游指南la guida di viaggio地图 la mappa 出发 partire抵达l’arrivo 延误 il ritardo停留 restare 返回 ritornare计划 il progetto 行程l’itinerarui di viaggio证件 il documento 旅费 il costo del viaggio手续费 il servizio 小费 la mancia行李 il valigia/ bagaglio 手提行李 il bagaglio a mano超重行李 bagaglio sovraccarico 住宿 alloggiamento饭店l’albergo 汽车旅馆 il motel旅馆l’albergo 民宿 lo steria等级 la categoria 房费 la tariffa餐费 il prezzo del pasto 附早餐 la colazione inclusa半膳 mezza pensione 全膳 pensione completa房间服务 il servizio in camera 柜台il servizio d’informazione 接待 la reception 登记 la prenotazione表格 il modulo 保证金,押金 il deposito保险箱 la cassa forte 房号 il numero della camera单人房 la camera singola 双人房 la camera doppia单人床 il letto singolo 双人床 il letto matrimoniale屋主 il padrone 观光景点 la vista有名的 famoso 古迹 il luogo storico风景 il paesaggio 宫殿 il palazzo寺院 il tempio 广场 la piazza国家公园 il parco nazionale人生的各个阶段出生 nascere 受洗 battezzare成长 crescere 就业 lavorare失业 la disoccupazione 恋爱 innamorarsi订婚 fidanzarsi 结婚 sposare婚姻 il matrimonio 离婚 divorziare怀孕 la gestazione 生产 il parto衰老的 senile 退休 pensionamento死 morire 死亡 la morte婴儿 il baby 小孩 il bambino男孩 il ragazzo 女孩 la ragazza青少年 l'adolescente 少男 il ragazzino少女 la ragazzina 成年人 l'adulto男人 l'uomo 女人 la donna男性 maschile 女性 femminile中年人di mezza età妇人 la signora老年人 il vecchio 老先生 l'anziano老婆婆 l'anziana书籍,文具书 il libro 精装书l’edizione rilegata书名 il titolo del libro 作者l’autore出版社l’editore 口袋书 il libro tascabile翻译书il libro inversione tradotto 进口书il libro d’importaz ione食谱 la ricetta 词典 il dizionario外语字典il dizionario in lingua straniera 百科全书l’enciclopedia画册 l'album per la pittura 杂志 la rivista时尚杂志 la rivista di moda 电脑杂志 la rivista di computer旅游杂志 la rivista di viaggi 报纸 il giornale文学类 i ilbri di letteratura 非文学类 saggistica科技类 i ilbri di tecnologia 历史类 i ilbri di storia童书类i lilbri per ragazzi 心理立志类i ilbri di psicologia e filosofia 小说类 i romanzi 诗 la poesia文具 la cartoleria 钢笔 la penna stilografica原子笔 la penna 铅笔 la matita立可白 il bianchetto 橡皮擦 la gomma笔筒 il contenitore della penna 长尺 la riga lunga短尺 la riga corta 订书机 la graffettatrice订书针 la cambretta 剪刀 le forbici刀 il taglierino 削铅笔机 il temperamatite回纹针 il fermaglio per fogli(foglio的复数) 胶水 la colla笔记本 il quaderno 便条纸l’appunto资料夹l’archivio 名片夹 il bigliettino计算机 la calculatrice数字il nemero整数 il numero intero二分之一a metà一半la metà全部 tutto个 uno,pezzo 十 dieci百 cento 千 mille万d iecimila 十万 centomila百万 un milione 千万 dieci milioni亿 cento milioni 兆 diecimila miliardi一 uno 二 due 三 tre 四 quattro 五 cinque 六 sei 七 sette 八otto 九nove 十dieci 十一undici 十二dodici 十三tredici 十四quattordici 十五 quindici 十六 sedici十七 diciassette 十八 diciotto 十九 diciannove 二十 venti 二十一 ventuno三十 trenta 四十 quaranta 五十 cinquanta 六十 sessanta 七十settanta八十 ottanta 九十 novanta 一百 cento(Ventuno ventotto ventitré ventitreesimo ventiseiesimo)序数 numero ordinato第一 il primo 第二 il secondo 第三 il terzo 第四 il quarto 第五il quinto第六 il sesto 第七 il settimo 第八l’ottavo 第九 il nono 第十 il decimo最后l’ultimo通信打电话 fare una telefonata 回电话 richiamare公共电话 il telefono pubblico 手机 il cellulare叫人电话 la chiamata persona a persona 叫号电话 la chiamata stazione a stazione 对方付费la chiamata al carico 接线生l’operatore电话号码 il numero di telefono 分机号码l’estensione国际电话 la chiamata internazionale 国别码 il codice del paese 市内电话la chiamata domestica 市外电话la chiamata nazionale查号台 la linea informazioni 电话簿l’elenco telefonico谈话中 occupato 留言 lasciare il messaggio电报 il telegramma 传真 il fax邮件 la posta 包裹 il pacchetto明信片 la cartolina 航空信 la posta aerea平信 la posta di superficie 一般信件 posta generale挂号信 la posta raccomandata 信封 la busta邮票 il francobollo 空运 la posta aerea海运 la posta di superficie 快递 posta celere重量 il peso外貌、体格aspetto fisico身高 la altezza 体重 il peso体型 la figura 高的 alto魁梧的 robusto 娇小的 piccilo矮胖的 piccolo e grasso 胖的 grasso壮硕的 forte 丰满的 paffuto瘦的 magro 苗条的 snello长头发 i capelli lunghi 短头发 i capelli corti直发 i capelli lisci 卷发 i capelli ricci金发 biondo 褐发 castano黑发 i capelli neri 英俊的 bello斯文的 gentile 粗犷的 muscoloso笨拙的 goffo 丑的 brutto狡猾的 furbo 老的 vecchio年轻的 giovane 成熟的 maturo稳重的 sofisticato 漂亮的 bella艳丽的 stupendo 可爱的 carina性感的 sessuale保养品/化妆品/清洁用品保养品 il prodotto di bellezza 化妆水 la lozione乳液 la lozione per il corpo 身体乳液 la crema alti scotature 防晒油 l'olio 眼霜 la crema per i occhi日霜 la crema da giorno 晚霜 la crema da notte隔离霜 la crema ricovera 油性皮肤 la pelle unta干性皮肤 la pelle secca 混合型皮肤 la pelle mista过敏型皮肤 la pelle allergica 面膜 la maschera敷脸 la maschera 美白 l'imbiancamento紧肤 attilato 保湿的 idratante化妆品 i prodotti di bellezza 粉饼 la cipria蜜粉 il polvere fondazione 粉底液 il fondazione盖斑膏 la crema struccante 眉笔 la matita per sopracciglia 眼影 l'ombretto 腮红 il rossetto口红 il rossetto per labbra 指甲油 lo smalto per le unghie 古龙水 l'acqua di colonia 香水 il profumo卸状油 l'olio struccante 洗面乳 crema pulente per il viso 肥皂il sapone 牙刷 lo spazzolino da denti牙膏 il dentifricio 牙线il filo interdentale漱口水 il collutorio 刮胡膏 la crema da barba刮胡刀 il rasoio 沐浴乳 la crema da bagno洗发精 lavaggio dei capelli 润发乳 il balsamo毛巾 l'asciugamano 浴巾 il lenzuolo da bagno洗衣粉 il sapone 清洁剂 il detergente卫生纸 la carta igienica 纸尿布 il pannolino病症生病 ammalarsi 症状 patologia不舒服的 scomodo 看病 farsi visitare da dottore 传染 infettivo被传染 infetto失眠 insonnia 精神病 psicosi疲劳 stanco 感冒 il raffreddore发烧 la febbre 头痛 mal di testa头晕 capogiro 咳嗽 tossire鼻塞 avere il naso chiuso 拔牙 togliere un dente蛀牙 un dente cariato 牙齿痛 mal di denti呕吐 vomitare 便秘 stitichezza腹泻 la diarrea 生理痛 il disagio mestruale食物中毒l ’intossicazione alimentare 过敏l’allergia心脏病l a cardiopatia 高血压l’ipertensione糖尿病 il diabete 皮肤病 la dermatosi流血 sanguinare 气喘l’asma扭伤 la distorsione 骨折la rottura dell’oso跌倒 caduta 车祸incidente dal’auto肿瘤 Il tumore 炎症 cancro割伤 tagliarsi 烫伤 ustione近视 la miopia 远视 la presbiopia急性的 acuto 慢性的 cronico电脑网络电脑 il computer 主机 le lavoratore centrale屏幕 lo schermo 鼠标 il mouse鼠标垫 il tappetino per il mouse 键盘 la tastiera音响l’altoparlante 印表机 stampante扫描仪 lo scanner 影碟机 il disco fisso软碟机 il floppy disc 刻录机 il cd registratore磁片 il disco 光碟片 il cd猫 il modem 伺服器 il server硬件l’h ardware 软件 il software网络internet 电子邮件la posta eletrronica 邮件账号l’indirizzo di posta eletrronica 连线 connesso 输入 entrare 密码la parola d’ordine收件人 il destinatario 寄件人 il mittente回信 la risposta 转发 inoltrare病毒 il virus 网站 il sito web入口网站l’entrata del si to 搜寻,查询 la ricerca 关键字 la parola chiave 网页 lonpagi首页 la prima pagina 下载 scaricare储存 salvare 档案 il file在线游戏 gioco in linea 讨论区 chat room个性活泼的 vivace 善良的 gentile亲切的 amichevole 乐观的 ottimistico自信的 confidente 积极的 positivo心胸宽广的 generoso 公正的 giusto正值的 corretto 谦虚的 modesto热情的 entusiastico 外向的 espansivo勇敢的 coraggio 斯文的 gentile谨慎的 prudente 严肃的 serio仁慈的 pietoso 果断的 deciso坚毅的 persistente 诚实的 onesto慷慨的 generoso 端庄的 grazioso可信赖的 affidabile 有礼貌的 educato乖巧的 intelligente 迟钝的 spuntato害羞的/胆怯的timido 恶毒的 cattivo骄傲的 arrogante 贪心的 avido野蛮的 barbaro 卑鄙的 spregevole下流的 indecente 懦弱的 pusillanime乏味的 noioso 固执的 caparbio狡猾的 furbo 不诚实的 disonesto残暴的 brutale 吝啬的 avaro多疑的 sospettoso 自私的 egoista势力的 snob购物价格 il prezzo 付钱 pagare刷卡 il pagamento con carta di credito 支票l’assegno现金 il contante 收据 la ricevuta贵 costoso,caro 便宜 economico特价品 offerta 打折 lo sconto免费 gratuito 赠送 omaggio赔偿 indennizzare 包装 il pacchetto故障 malfuzionante 瑕疵品 prodotto di fetoso退钱 restituire 找钱 cambiare手工皮革品 il cuoio e pelle lavorata a mano 玻璃 il vetro陶器l’arte delle ceramiche 瓷器 I oggetti di porccellana 地毯 il tappeto 特产 il prodotto locale皮草 la pelliccia 古董l’antiquariato手工艺品l’artigianato警察犯罪歹徒 il bandito 小偷 il ladro强盗犯 il rapiratore 骗子 il frodatore杀人犯 l'assassino 强暴犯 il violentatore犯人 il tribunare 谦疑犯 il sospetto目击者 il testimone 受审人 il prigioniere流浪汉 il vagabondo 警察 il poliziotto侦察 il rispottore del polizia 逮捕 arrestare制服 sottomettere 投降 arrendersi自首 conseganre alla polizia 犯罪 comettere in dritto窃盗 il furto 抢夺 rubare诈骗 inganno 纵火 mettere a fuoco杀人 l'micidio 吸毒 drogarsi贩毒 passare droga 强暴 violentare绑架 rapire 侵犯 offendere犯案 offrire 跟踪 seguire le bracie骚扰 disturbare 报警 chiamare la polizia受罚 subire 坐牢 la prigione罚金 la multa 审判 il processo有罪 la colpa 无罪 innocente释放 la liberazione 自由la libertà天气宇宙气候 il clima 气象l’atmosfera气压la pressione d’aria 气温 la temperatura季节 la stagione 春la primavera夏l’estate 秋l’autunno冬l’inverno 天空 il cielo云 la nuvola 乌云 la nuvola grigia风 il vento 台风 il tifone龙卷风 il tornado 微风 la brezza闪电 il fulmine 打雷 il tuono雨 piovere 小雨 piovigginare细雨 la pioggia fine e fitta 大雨 la pioggia cadeva corrente 暴风雨 il temporale 雾 la nebbia霜 il ghiaccio 雪 la neve冰雹 la grandine 彩虹l’arcobaleno地震 il terremoto 洪水 il diluvio晴天 soleggiato 雨天 piovoso阴天 nuvoloso 干燥 tempo asciutto潮湿 umido 太阳 il sole月亮 la luna 日食l’eclissi di sole月食l’eclissi di luna 星星 la stella流星 la stella cadente 地球 la Terra大气层l’atmosfera 赤道l’equatore北极 il polo nord 南极 il polo sud行动坐 sedere 站立 stare in piede 躺 appoggiare 蹲 accoccolarsi 趴 distendersi per terra 爬 fare un scalata跳 saltare 跑 correre走 camminare 飞 volare撞 scontrarsi 转 girare进去 entrare 出来 uscire看 guardare 听 ascoltare闻 sentire 吃 mangiare喝 bere 吹 soffiare说话 parlare 叫喊 gridare唱歌 cantare 跳舞 ballare写 scrivere 读 leggere给 dare 借 prestare得到 prendere 推 spingere拉 tirare 穿戴 mettere,vestire 贴 incollare 拿 prendere放 mettere 制作 fare,fabbricare 交换 scambiare 尝试 trovare 打开 aprire 关掉 chiudere等待 aspettare 休息 riposare使用 usare 请求 chiedere知道 sapere 学习 imparare形状位置方向圆形 il cerchio 椭圆形l’ovale三角形 il triangolo 正方形 il quadrato长方形 il rettangolo 菱形 il rombo长的 lungo 短的 corto宽的 largo 大的 grande小的 piccolo 高的 alto低的 basso 上面 sopra下面 sotto 内,里面 dentro外,外面 fuori 旁边 a fianco a隔壁 dopo il 前面 davanti后面 dietro 左边 sinistra右边 destra 这里 qui,qua那里li, là远的 lotano近的 vicino 附近 accanto到处 qualunque posto 四周 intorno哪里 dove 东 est西 ovest 南 sud北 nord各种服饰衣服 il vestito 睡衣 il pigiama休闲服 abbigliamento casual 工作服 abbigliamento da lavoro 运动服 abbigliamento sportivo 雨衣 l'impermeabile泳装 il costume da bagno 西装 l'abito燕尾服 I tuxedo 礼服 l'abito da ceremonia套装 il completo 正式服装 l'abito童装 il vestito da bambino 衬衫 la camiciaT恤 la maglietta 毛衣 il maglione背心 la maglia 外套 la giacca风衣 la giacca a vento 短袖 la manica corta长袖 la manica lunga 纽扣 il bottone口袋 la tasca 拉链 la chiusura lampo款式 il modello 裤子 i pantaloni西装裤 i pantaloni 牛仔裤 i jeans短裤 i pantaloncini corti 长裤 i pantaloni lunghi裙子 la gonna 洋装 il completo长裙 la gonna lunga 短裙 la gonna迷你裙 la minigonna 内衣 la biancheria intima内裤 le mutande 胸罩 il reggiseno衬衣 la biancheria intima 领带 la cravatta袜子 i calzini 长袜 i calzini lunghi短袜 i calzini corti 丝袜 le calze di seta尺寸 la taglia 试穿 misurarsi i vestiti紧绷的 stretto 宽松的 sciolto合身的 giusto 不合身的da agiustare报章杂志新闻媒体 il media 广播 le telecomunicazione电视 la televisione 广告la pubblicita’照片 la foto 漫画 il fumetto评论 la revisione 社论l’editoriale文章l’articolo 封面人物 la storia di copertina 标题 il titolo 新闻la notizia’社会新闻 la cronaca 政治新闻la notizia’ di politica 娱乐新闻la no tizia’ dello spettacolo e cultura体育新闻 la notizia dello sport 气象报告 le previsoni del tempo 报道 riferire 采访 intervistare转述 mettere il relazione 评论,批评 la critica,il commento播放 trasmettere 转播 indifferita直播 indiretta 新闻主播 il commentatore记者 il giornalista 新闻记者il gionalista della notizia’摄影记者 il fotografo 气象播报员 il meteorogo播音员 l'annunciattore 电台 Dj:radio DJ评论家 il critico单位人称单位l’unità个 il pezzo颗,粒 il granello 棵l’albero杯 la tazza 瓶 la bottiglia包 il sacchetto 盒 la scatola箱 la scatola di cartone 公斤 il chilogrammo 公克 il grammo 公分 il centimetro公尺 il metro 公里 chilometro层 il pavimento 我 io你 tu 她 lei他 lui 它 esso,essa您 voi 我们 noi你们 voi 他们 loro他们 essi,esse 这位 questo,questa那位 quello,quella 哪一位 chi我的 mio 你的 tuo他的 suo烹调方式器具蒸 vaporizzare 煮 bollire炒 cuocere 炸 friggere烘烤 cuocere al forno 烧烤 cuocere alla griglia 熬,炖 stufare 凉拌 il contorno腌制 far la salamoia 搅拌 mescolare切 tagliare 剁spaccare敲打(拍打) colpire 冰冻 gelare揉 impastare 器具 gli attrezzi da cucina茶杯 la tazza 玻璃杯 il bicchiere叉子 la forchetta 刀il coltello汤匙 il cucchiaio 筷子 i bastocini cinisi碟子盘子 il piatto 碗器皿 la ciotola水壶 il bollitore 勺子(汤勺)il mestolo煎锅平底锅 la padella 汤锅 la sassiela菜刀 il coltello la fetatrice 切菜板 il tagliere情绪感情焦虑的 ansioso 激动 essere agitato害怕 avere paura 犹豫 esitare失望 disappunto 绝望 disperazione后悔 pentirsi 不安的 irrequieto懊恼 essere contrariato 不喜欢 dispiacere厌恶 detestare 仇恨 essere in cattivi rapporti惊讶 sorprendere 疯狂的 pazzo嫉妒的 geloso 羞愧的 vergognoso担心 preoccupare 寂寞的 solitario伤心的 triste 痛苦的 doloroso沮丧的 depresso 冷漠的 indifferente同情 condividere i sentimenti altrui 幸福felicità满足的 soddisfatto 爱 amare沉迷 assecondare 喜欢 piacere a舍不得 essere riluttante 兴奋的 eccitato快乐的 felice 大笑 ridere微笑 sorridere 羡慕 ammirare想念 mancare 期待 aspettare希望 sperare治疗药物检查 visita generale 治疗 curare照X光 sottoporre il raggi x 验血l’esame del sangue 血型 il gruppo sanguigno 包扎 legare开刀l’operazione 打针 iniettare住院 ricoverare 出院lasciare l’ospedale复检 riabilitazione 处方签 la ricceta药 la medicina 药膏l’unguento胶囊 la capsula 安眠药 la pillola per dormire镇定剂 il sedativo 感冒药l’antistaminico止痛药l’analgesico 消炎药l’infermazione胃药la digestione 便秘药 il lassativo阿司匹林l’aspirina 晕机药la medicina per il mal del’aereo 消毒药水 disinfettante 纱布 la graza棉花球 il cotone Ok绑 la fasciatura眼药水 il collirio 睡前 prima di dormire饭前 prima di mangiare 饭后 dopo mangiato空腹 vuoto allo stomaco 药物过敏l’allergia alla medicina副作用l’effetto collaterale 营养食品 il supplemento维他命 la vitamina鞋子衣服配件鞋子 le scarpe 皮鞋 le scarpe di pelle高跟鞋 le scarpe con i tacchi 慢跑鞋 le scarpe da jogging凉鞋 i sandali 长靴 gli stivali拖鞋 le pantofole 鞋带 il laccio鞋跟 il tacco 鞋油 il lucido per scarpe蛇皮 la pelle di serpente 鳄鱼皮 la pelle di coccodrillo 真皮 la vera pelle 衣服配件 gli accessori腰带皮带 la cintura 领带 la cravatta领结 il farfallino 帽子 il cappello草帽 la paglieta 棒球帽 il cappello鸭舌帽 il cappello con visiera 围巾 la sciarpa丝巾 la sciarpa di seta 披肩 lo scialle手套 i guanti 手帕 il fazzoletto头巾 la bandana 公事包 la valigia钱包 il borsellino/portafoglio 皮夹 il portafoglio手提包 la borsetta 旅行包 la valigia背包 lo zaino 化妆箱 beauty case珠宝首饰 la gioielleria 钻石 il diamante黄金 l'oro 银 l'argento手表 l'orologio 手镯手链 il braccialetto戒指 l'anello 项链 la collana耳环耳坠 gli orecchini(orecchino) 胸针 la spilla 发夹发粘 la forcina 领带夹 il fermacravatte烟斗 la pipa国家亚洲 asia 中国 cina大韩民国 corea 日本 giappone新加坡 singapore 泰国 tailandia印度 india 马来西亚 malesia欧洲 europa 奥地利 austria波兰 polonia 丹麦 danimarca德国 germania 法国 francia荷兰 olanda 纽西兰 nuova zelanda挪威 norvegia 瑞典 svezia瑞士 svizzera 英国 inghilterra意大利 italia 西班牙 spagna葡萄牙 portogallo 非洲 africa埃及 egitto 安哥拉 angola刚果 congo 利比亚 libia摩洛哥 marocco 南非 sud africa大洋洲 oceania 澳大利亚 australia关岛 guan 美洲 america加拿大 canada 美国stati uniti d’america阿根廷 argentina 巴拿马 panama古巴 cuba 墨西哥 messico哥伦比亚 columbia 秘鲁peru’智利 chile职场会议室 la sala riunione 会客室la sala d’aspetto休息室la sala d’aspetto 影印机 la fotocopiatrice传真机la macchina per il fax 碎纸机la macchina distruggi documenti 准时 in tempo 迟到 in ritardo开会 tenere un riunione 拜访 visitare提案la proposta,il progetto 市场调查la geometra di commercio总裁 il direttore 董事长 il presidente总经理 il direttore generale 经营者l’imprenditore股东 la zionista 客户 il cliente契约 il contratto 签约 il contratto firmato红利 il dividendo 奖金 il premio,la gratifica总公司 la direzione 分公司 la succusale工厂 la fabbrica 行销部 il dipartimento commerciale企划部 il dipartimento programmazione strategica职位 la posizione 薪水 lo stipendio请假 chiedere le ferie 出差il viaggio d’affari加班 gli straordinari 退休 in pensione离职 le dimissioni 升职 la promozione家族爷爷/外公 nonno 奶奶/外婆 nonna爸爸papà父亲 padre妈妈 mamma 母亲 madre教父 padrino 教母 madrina伯父、叔父、舅舅、姑丈、姨夫zio 伯母、婶婶、舅妈、姑妈、姨妈 zia哥哥 fratello maggiore 大嫂 cognata长子 primogenito 二哥 secondogenito堂哥 cugino 姐姐 sorella maggiore姐夫 cognato 长女 primogenita二姐 secondogenita 堂姐 cugina弟弟 fratello minore 妹妹 sorella minore公公 il suocero 婆婆 la suocera女婿 il genero 媳妇 la nuora丈夫 il marito 妻子 la moglie夫妻 la coppia 配偶 lo sposo孙子 il nipote 孙女 la nipote儿子 il figlio 女儿 la figlia侄子、外甥 il nipote 寡妇 la vedova鳏夫 il vedovo 私生子 il figlio illegittimo养子 il figlio adottivo 家族 la famiglia家人 il membro della famiglia 亲戚 il parente父母 genitori住家环境公寓 l'appartamento 大厦 l'edificio别墅 la villa 花园 il giardino游泳池 la piscine 庭院 il cortile草地 il pascolo 车库 il garage地下室piano interrato 门牌la targhetta sulla porta 信箱la cassetta della posta 门铃 il campanello门 la porta 玄关 l'ingresso走廊 il corridoio 阳台 il balcone窗户 la finestra 窗帘 la tenda烟囱 il camino 壁炉 la stufa楼梯 le scale 阁楼 l'attico卧室 stanza da letto 床 il letto床单 il lenzuolo 棉被 la coperta枕头 il cuscino 毛毯 il copriletto化妆台vanità时钟 l'orologio闹钟 la sveglia 衣柜 il guardaroba书房 lo studio 书桌 la scrivania抽屉 il cassette 书柜 lo scaffale台灯 la lampada 电灯 la luce椅子 la sedia 餐厅 la sala da pranzo餐桌 il tavolo da cucina 厨房 la cucina琉璃台 il lavandino 水龙头 il rubinetto瓦斯炉 il fornello da cucina 碗柜 la credenza 客厅 il soggiorno 地毯 il tappeto地板 il piano 天花板 il soffitto墙壁 il muro 壁纸 la carta da parati沙发il sofà酒柜 mobilettodelvino花瓶 il vaso 烟灰缸 il portacenere浴室 il bagno 浴缸 la vasca洗脸台 il lavandino 马桶 fognatura莲蓬头 la lancia人体与健康 1 身体头 la testa 脸 la faccia额头 la fronte 眼睛l’occhio眉毛 il sopracilio 睫毛 le ciglie鼻子 il naso 鼻孔 la narice嘴 la bocca 嘴唇 il labbro。



高考英语词汇:and的用法and的近义词1conj. 和,与;就;而且;但是;然后granted ,et ,but ,yet ,onlyand的英语音标2英[#601;nd] 美[#601;nd, #601;n,aelig;nd]and的用法3and可以用作连词and用作连词,主要用来连接两个或两个以上的词、短语或句子。



and用作连词的用法例句My father and mother went for a walk.爸爸妈妈去散步了。

She majored in maths and physics (at university)。


She demonstrated that 2 and 2 are four.她证明2加2等于四。

and的意思4conj. 和,与;而且;于是,然后;因此;and的词语辨析5or, andor 或者,否则,常用于否定句中I don#39;t like apples or bananas. Hurry up or you#39;ll miss the bus.and 并且,Hurry up and you#39;ll catch the bus.And的一些用法与翻译6一、And前后的两部分表示同时发生的动作,或同时存在的属性、特征等可译为又又、既又、一方面,一方面、而等。

例如:1. The process of oxidation in human body gives off heat slowly and regularly.人体内的氧化过程缓慢而又有规则地放出热量。

2. If a body is acted upon by a number of forces and still remains1 motionless, the body is said to be in equilibrium2.如果一个物体受到几个力的作用而仍然保持静止,那么该物体处于平衡状态。



加拿大人英语单词单词:Canadian1.1词性:名词1.2中文释义:加拿大人1.3英文释义:A person who is from Canada.1.4相关词汇:Canuck(俚语,指加拿大人);Canada(加拿大,派生词)2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“Canadian”来源于“Canada”,“Canada”一词源于易洛魁语“kanata”,意思是“村庄”或者“聚居地”。



3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1) Canadian culture:加拿大文化例句:Canadian culture is a rich blend of many different traditions.翻译:加拿大文化是许多不同传统的丰富融合。

(2) Canadian maple:加拿大枫叶例句:The Canadian maple is a symbol of Canada.翻译:加拿大枫叶是加拿大的象征。

(3) Canadian identity:加拿大身份例句:Many Canadians are proud of their Canadian identity.翻译:许多加拿大人为自己的加拿大身份感到自豪。

4. 实用片段(1) "I met a really nice Canadian on my trip to New York. He told me a lot about the beautiful scenery in Canada."翻译:“我在去纽约的旅途中遇到了一个非常友善的加拿大人。


”(2) "My neighbor is a Canadian. He often invites us to his place to try some Canadian food."翻译:“我的邻居是加拿大人。

2014届高三一轮复习英语精品资料 基础巩固(新课标专用)Book 6 Unit 3 Word版含解析

2014届高三一轮复习英语精品资料 基础巩固(新课标专用)Book 6 Unit 3 Word版含解析

Ⅰ.联想记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇以及相关短语)1.abuse n.&v t.滥用;虐待→drug abuse嗜毒2.stress n.压力;重音;v t.加压力于;使紧张→under stress 有压力,在压力下3.ban v t.禁止;取缔;n.禁令→ban sb. from doing sth.禁止某人做某事4.due to由于→owing to /thanks to /because of /as a result of /as a consequence of由于5.addicted adj.上了瘾的→be addicted to 对……有瘾6.accustomed adj.习惯了的→be accustomed to/be used to 习惯于……7.mentally ad v.精神上;智力上→physically ad v.身体上;物质上地8.quit v.停止;离开→quit school辍学→quit smoking 戒烟9.effect n.结果;效力→have an effect on 对……有影响→affect v t.影响;侵袭,使感染 spite of 不管;不顾→despite prep.尽管,不管→regardless of不管;不顾 risk处境危险→in danger处于危险中Ⅱ.构词记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇及其派生词)1.alcohol n.酒精→alcoholic adj.酒精的2.stress n.压力→stressful adj.产生压力的;紧张的3.adolescent adj.青春期的→adolescence n.青春期4.withdraw v i.退缩;撤退→withdrawal n.撤退;收回;戒毒过程5.breath n.呼吸→breathe v i.&v t.呼吸→breathless adj.气喘吁吁的 adj.健康的;合适的→unfit adj.不健康的;不合适的→fitness n.健康7.strong adj.强壮的→strength n.力量;强项→strengthen v t.加强;巩固8.survive v i.&v t.幸存→survival n.幸存→survivor n.幸存者9.judge v t.&v i. 判断→judgement n.看法;判断Ⅲ.语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空)1.He fell ill due to(由于) the abuse(滥用) of alcohol(酒) and cigarettes(香烟) and too much stress(压力).2.Adolescents(青少年) should be banned(禁止) from smoking, because once their bodies are accustomed to(习惯于) nicotine, they will be addicted to(上瘾) it.3.You’ll have a tough(艰难的) time quitting(戒除) smoking since you’ll suffer mentally(精神上的) and physically.4.As we all know,bad habits have a bad effect(影响) on our mental(精神上的) and physical health,so we must get rid of them and strengthen(加强) exercise.5.In spite of(尽管) the fact that I may get into(陷入) trouble, I’d like to take a risk(冒险).Ⅳ.语境记忆(背诵语段,记忆单元词汇)Some adolescents are addicted to the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes due to the stress of overwork.They are faced with fitness problems physically and mentally.Ⅴ.课文原句背诵1.When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking.当我因为身体不健康而被校足球队除名的时候,我知道我该戒烟了。

andata 翻译

andata 翻译

andata 翻译Andata 是一个词源于意大利语的单词,意思是“出发”或“出发时”。


在技术领域,Andata 还具有生产嵌入式系统和网络通信软件的意义。

与此同时,Andata 还被用于形容一个人或组织在某个时期内进行的行动或活动。

在航空领域,Andata 是一种航班计划术语,用于确定起飞时间和航班计划的路线。


如果一个乘客错过了 Andata,那么他或她就会错过航班。

在许多航空公司的网站上,Andata 是一个很重要的概念,乘客可以通过查看 Andata 知道他们的航班何时出发,以便提前做好旅行计划。

在海运行业,Andata 用于表示货物的装船时间。

这个概念在货运运作中非常重要,因为如果一艘船的Andata 没有被满足,那么货物可能被推迟或无法运送。

因此,货运代理通常要确保货物在 Andata 之前是准备妥当的,并在 Andata 前安排好货物的清关手续和舱位的预订等事宜。

在公路运输业中,Andata 也是一个常见的词汇。

在这个行业中,Andata 是指一辆车离开发货点或起点的时间。

这个概念对于货运公司来说非常重要,因为他们需要确保货物在Andata 前准备妥当,并按计划运送到目的地。


在技术领域,Andata 也有着不同的含义。

在嵌入式系统领域,Andata 是一种用于构建嵌入式软件的平台,它是一个全面的嵌入式开发环境。


Andata 还包括许多工具,例如界面设计器、代码生成器、测试工具和仿真器等,使得嵌入式系统的设计和开发变得更加容易。

在网络通信领域,Andata 是指交换网络中传输数据的时间。


Andata 也可以用于衡量传输数据的速度和效率,并指出有任何问题需要解决。

人教版六年级英语 6上期中复习(教师版)

人教版六年级英语 6上期中复习(教师版)

6上期中备考(教师版)学生/课程小学英语-一年级-英语年级一年级学科英语授课教师选师无忧老师19 日期2018-05-24 时段16:34~17:04核心内容Unit1-Unit3知识点复习课型一对一/一对N 教学目标通过这次课,复习巩固Unit1-Unit3知识点的重点单词和句型重、难点单词拼写;句型运用课首沟通上讲回顾(错题管理);作业检查;询问学生学习进度等。

知识导图课首小测1. [基础知识] [难度:★★] Unit1 基础知识过关在书店________________________ 在门附近________________________在博物馆附近 ________________________ 医院 _______________________在电影院前面 ________________________ 在超市后面 _______________________在邮局 ________________________ 在电影院________________________向左转 ________________________ 向右转________________________直走 ________________________ 到那儿 _______________________Unit 2 基础知识过关步行 ________________________ 坐汽车 _______________________1/11搭公共汽车 ________________________ 坐火车________________________坐飞机 ________________________ 坐地铁________________________坐轮船 ________________________ 搭出租车________________________骑自行车 ________________________ 减速_______________________到达 ________________________ 交通灯_______________________Unit 3 基础知识过关拜访祖父母 ________________________ 去超市________________________去旅游 ________________________ 看电影________________________买连环画册 ________________________ 上美术课________________________画画 ________________________ 明天早上_______________________下周 ________________________ 聚在一起 _______________________讲故事 ________________________ 在周末 _______________________玩得开心 ________________________【参考答案】Unit 1: at the bookstore; near the door; near the museum; hospital; in front of the cinema; behind the supermarket; at the post office; at the cinema; ture left; turn right; go straight; get there;Unit 2: on foot; by car;by bus; by train; by plane; by subway; by ship; by taxi; by bike; slow down; get to;traffic lightsUnit 3: visit grandparents; go to the supermarket; take a trip; see a film; buy comic books; have art class; drawpictures; tomorrow morning; next week; get together; tell stories; on the weekend; have a good time导学一:句型过关知识点讲解1:单元重点句子复习(1).能询问并回答某地的位置。



米兰有两个机场,分别为米兰马尔彭萨机场(Milan Malpensa International Airport)、米兰利纳特机场(Milan Linate Airport)。

米兰利纳特(Linate)机场:在Linate机场有很多车可以坐到米兰.如果你的飞机是飞到米兰Linate机场的, 在机场一楼的外面可以找到"Starfly"接驳巴士送你到米兰中央火车站(Milano-Stazione Centrale).接驳巴士从早上6点05分至晚上11点45分,每隔半小时一趟,票价为4欧左右.你也可以选择乘坐73路公共汽车(ATM),每10分钟一趟.车程约为20分钟,车票1欧. 假如你选择乘坐73路公共汽车,请在S.Babila广场(Pizza S.Babila)下车,从S.Babila广场可以步行或者乘坐地铁到中央车站.步行约需15至20分钟.如何购买火车票—最好的办法就是直接在火车站购买. Pavia火车站的售票厅开放时间为从早上6点到晚上8点半.也可以从旅行社或者报亭购买到火车票(报亭只出售按公里计算的火车票).或者使用信用卡先在网上订票,然后到火车站的自动售票机去领取.去领票的时候需要带上你的订票确认邮件,并在自动售票机上输入相关信息和确认密码(你也可以叫车站将票寄给你,但是需要支付所发生的相关费用).用这个方法买票比较花时间,因为在自动售票机处需要排队,而且有时候售票机有可能不能正常工作,所以建议大家还是到售票厅直接购买车票.火车的种类代码Eurostar Italia AV AVEurostar Italia ES*TBiz tBizTrenok TOKIntercity ICIntercity Plus IC PlusIntercity Notte ICNEurocity ECEuronight ENEspresso EInterregionali iRDiretti DRegionali RSuburbani SCisalpino CIS代码为S, R, D, iR, 和E的火车是属于意大利铁路局的火车,价格比其他的火车要便宜,但是车速比较慢. 如果你在买车票的时候没有指明要买哪种车,一般售票员会卖给你最慢的那种,也就是前面所提到的几个代码的火车.在意大利,像IC, intercity, 和ES*(EuroStar)这些代码所代表的火车是比较贵的火车.当乘坐这些火车时,你要购买相应的火车票.你可以预先订好座位,不过需要额外付钱(有时候是免费的).这些火车通常属于长途车,行驶的距离很远,也常常晚点.如果不是长途旅行的话,还是建议你乘坐普通火车,比较方便请在上车前核对车票是否有误.你可以在车站售票厅,候车厅和站台上的通告屏幕上查看火车的代码和其他信息.在大的火车站里,通告屏幕上通常会显示火车的名称,发车时间,终点站和晚点的时间.当你在站台等车的时候一定要注意,因为在你等的火车来之前有可能有另一趟火车先到达,也有可能你要乘的火车到达另一个站台.所以在上车前请看清楚站台上的通告屏幕,并注意听广播员的通知.除了长途火车上会设有吸烟区之外,其他所有的火车都不允许乘客在车厢里吸烟,除非此趟列车特别设有吸烟区.另外意大利的公共场所都不允许吸烟(例如餐厅,俱乐部,酒吧,办公室等等).上车前必须打票无论是乘坐哪一趟车,在发车前你都要去打票机上打票.打票机通常是一个黄色的或者橙色的小盒子,安装在站台附近.根据距离的不同,打过的车票的有效期也不同:--距离在200公里以内,车票在6小时内有效--距离在200公里以上,车票在24小时内有效如果你上车的时候忘记打票,请立刻告诉列车员(你有可能会被罚款,但是检票员通常对外国人比较宽容),如果你故意不打票的话,检票员会罚你的款.如果售票厅已经关门了而打票机正好又坏了,或者在车站里没有打票机的话,请在开车前告诉列车员,这样你就不会被罚款.要知道火车具体的发车时间和发车站台,你可以在售票厅看火车信息屏幕(火车到站和发车时间),或者在站台上收看火车通告屏幕(到站和发车).火车通告屏幕上会显示火车停靠的站,到达时间,到达的站台,火车代码等等信息.翻译对照表:il treno 火车solo andata 单程票andata e ritorno 往返票parte 发车arriva 到站alle tredici 13点钟seconda classe 二等车厢Da che binario? 在哪个站台发车?convalidare 有效期护照丢失如果你的护照弄丢了或者被偷了,你需要马上到警察局(或者宪兵队)报案,然后凭意大利警察局的备案单去中国领事馆申请新的护照.离Pavia最近的中国领事馆是中国驻米兰总领事馆.地址:Via Benaco 4.电话: www.consolatocinami.itMalpensa Terminal 1 at 23 - 53 minutes To Milan Cadorna FN Station末班车应该是1:30从Malpensa T1发车,大约2:20抵达中央火车站。

2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(外研.陕西)英语必修2 Module 3课时作业(详细解析)

2011《龙门亮剑》高三一轮(外研.陕西)英语必修2 Module 3课时作业(详细解析)

Ⅰ.单项填空1.I had tried my best to stop that wrong doing,but my advice had no________on his actions.A.impression B.advantageC.progress D.influence2.This question is rather________for a child of only five years old.That’s to say,you should ask a simpler one.A.complex B.importantC.unusual D.unbelievable3.She asked me to help her,________that she couldn’t move the heavy suitcase.A.only to realize B.having realizedC.having been realized D.realized4.Was it from the lake________he often went fishing________he saved the drowning girl?A.that;that B.where;whereC.where;that D.that;where5.I first met Lisa three years ago.She was working at a school at that time;she impressed me________her sincerity.A.with B.toC.about D.in6.When he was 20,he left school and went to Beijing,________he made great progress and became an engineer.A.what B.whichC.where D.when7.When he came back,he found the bag he had________over the seat was gone.A.left to hang B.left hangingC.left hung leave hanging8.The new plan________three parts,each of which is very important.A.compose of composed ofC.made up D.make up of9.Many people,especially those out of work,find it hard to make both ends meet with prices________day by go up B.going upC.gone up D.go up10.—I’m afraid that will mean________a great deal of money.—Well.I don’t mean________so much spend;spending B.spending;to spendC.spending;spending spend;to spend11.He was very angry when his car broke down,________it serviced only a week before.A. having had B.having been be had D.having12.It was late autumn and the leaves were slowly________golden.A. appearing B.keepingC.turning D.growing13.All the employees of this department were ________ into groups to discuss the question.A.cut up B.brought upC.split up D.teamed up14.—Tom is waiting for you outside the building.—Oh!I thought he ________.A.went B.are goingC.had gone D.have gone15.The factory known________Scott House was built by the Alfred Bird Company in the 1920’s.A.for D.ofⅡ.句子翻译16.到我们从这所学校毕业时,我们就已经学了六年英语了。



ANSYS中文帮助翻译ANSYS文献工作指南手册在ANSYS 产品文献工作确定的形式下面已列出。



命令参考: 描述全部ANSYS命令,按字母顺序。


要素参考: 描述全部ANSYS 要素,按数字大小排列。


包括一份每种ANSYS 要素的特性的照片的目录。

操作引导: 描述基本ANSYS 操作(例如起动),停止,相互作用或者分批操纵,使用帮助,以及使用的这图形用户界面(GUI) .基本的分析引导: 描述应用于任何类型分析的一般的任务,包括把负荷用于一个模型,获得一个解决办法,并且使用ANSYS 计划的绘图评论结果的能力。

高级分析技术引导: 讨论技术通常用于复分析或者凭经验ANSYS 用户,包括设计最优化,手工重新区划,周期的对称性,旋转的结构,submodeling,子结构化,构件模态综合和横断面。

建模和啮合引导: 解释怎样创建一个有限元模型和网捕它。

分配ANSYS引导: 解释怎样配置分配的处理环境并且继续一个分配的分析。

结构分析引导: 描述怎样进行下列结构分析:静止,情态,谐波,瞬时,范围,弯曲,非线性,物质的曲线配件,垫片共同模拟,裂缝,合成,疲劳,p 方法,梁和壳。

接触技术引导: 描述怎样执行接点分析(地面对地面,节点对表面,节点对节点) 并且描述其他有关接触的特征,例如多点的限制和点焊。

Multibody 分析引导: 描述怎样进行一次multibody 模拟分析一个使相互连接的包括灵活和/或硬的组成部分的身体的系统的动态反应。

热分析引导: 描述怎样做稳态或者瞬时的热分析。

流体分析引导: 描述怎样进行包括计算流体动力学,声学和薄膜的易流动的流量分析。

低频的电磁分析引导: 为做瞬时,静止,或者谐波磁力分析解释技术;稳态电流传导;quasistatic谐波和瞬时时间电;静电;与电路。

ANSYS 常用命令解释

ANSYS 常用命令解释

ansys常用命令的中文翻译A1. A,P1,P2,…,P17,P18(以点定义面)2. AADD,NA1,NA2,…NA8,NA9(面相加)3. AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS,SECN(指定面的单元属性)【注】ESYS为坐标系统号、SECN为截面类型号。

4. *ABBR,Abbr,String(定义一个缩略词)5. ABBRES,Lab,Fname,Ext(从文件中读取缩略词)6. ABBSAVE,Lab,Fname,Ext(将当前定义的缩略词写入文件)7. ABS,IR,IA,--,--,Name,--,--,FACTA(取绝对值)【注】*************8. ACCAT,NA1,NA2(连接面)9. ACEL,ACEX,ACEY,ACEZ(定义结构的线性加速度)10. ACLEAR,NA1,NA2,NINC(清除面单元网格)11. ADAMS,NMODES,KSTRESS,KSHELL【注】*************12. ADAPT, NSOLN, STARGT, TTARGT, FACMN, FACMX, KYKPS, KYMAC【注】*************13. ADD,IR, IA, IB, IC, Name, --,-- , FACTA, FACTB, FACTC(变量加运算)14. ADELE,NA1,NA2,NINC,KSWP(删除面)【注】KSWP =0删除面但保留面上关键点、1删除面及面上关键点。

15. ADRAG,NL1,NL2,…,NL6,NLP1,NLP2,…,NLP6(将既有线沿一定路径拖拉成面)16. AESIZE,ANUM,SIZE(指定面上划分单元大小)17. AFILLT,NA1,NA1,RAD(两面之间生成倒角面)18. AFSURF,SAREA,TLINE(在既有面单元上生成重叠的表面单元)19. *AFUN, Lab(指定参数表达式中角度单位)20. AGEN, ITIME, NA1, NA2, NINC, DX, DY, DZ, KINC, NOELEM, IMOVE(复制面)21. AGLUE,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面间相互粘接)22. AINA,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(被选面的交集)23. AINP,NA1,NA2,…,NA8,NA9(面集两两相交)24. AINV,NA,NV(面体相交)25. AL,L1,L2,…,L9,L10(以线定义面)26. ALIST,NA1,NA2,NINC,Lab(列表显示面的信息)【注】Lab=HPT时,显示面上硬点信息,默认为空。



小学英语六年级上册堂堂清训练题Unit 1 How can I get there?第一课时一、看图写出相应的单词或短语二、对话排序()Sure()Excuse me. Can you help me?()Thanks()How can I get to the science museum?()It’s over there第二课时一、根据首字母填入合适的单词1、There are many books in the b .2、Some robots are in the s m .3、I want to go to the c .4、Where is the h ?It’s n to the school.二、选出不同类的单词()1、A. science B. math C. book D. Chinese)2、A. bookstore B. science C. museum D. (cinema()3、A. talking B. sing C. running D. jumping)4、A. hospital B. ten C. park D. (zoo()5、A. Sarah B. John C. robot D. Amy第三课时一、选出各单词缺少的字母或字母组合()1、cro ing A.oo C.os ()2、t n A.tu B.ur D.un ()3、s r A.o B.i C.a D.e ()4 、sk A.o B.i C.a D.e ()5、ri t D.ge二、根据汉语提示,写出英语单词1.We can send a letter in the .(邮局)2.We can see the films at the .(电影院)3.If you are sick, we should go to the .(医院)4.We can buy some books in the .(书店)第四课时一、连线go straightcrossing二、根据上下文,补全对话 L: Excuse me , a cinema near here? P: Yes, there is. L: is the cinema, please? P: It ’s to the hospital. L: Is it from here? P: No, it ’s not far. L: Thank you.P: You ’re welcome.第五课时turn rightturn left1. )1. is the library, please?A. Where ’sB. WhereC. What ( )2. I want a post card.A. buyB. to buyC. buying ( )3. Sorry, I know.A. doB. notC. don ’t ( )4. a great cinema!A. HowB. WhatC. Where()5. It’s the science museum.A. nextB. nearC. front of第六课时一、ReadDear Amy,Please come to my twelfth birthday party at 6 pm on Saturday. Now let me tell you how to come:1.Start from the bus stop in front of our school.2.Take the No.17 bus.3.Get off at the post office.4.Walk east for three minutes.5.Find the white building on the left.6.Look for me near the door.Yours,SarahChoose the best answer.(1)How old is SarahA.11B.12C.13D.14(2 )Amy is one year older than Sarah. How old is Amy?A.11B.12C.13D.14(3 )Sarah’s home is of the post office.A.westB.eastC.northD.south(4 )What’s the colour of the building Sarah lives in?A.WhiteB.RedC.GreenD.Black(5 ) Look for Sarah the ) Walk east for minutes.A.3B.4C.13D.33二、我会句型转换。



aaboriginal 土著的; 土著居民abound 丰富abrupt 突然的,陡峭的abstain 戒,避开abstract 抽象的,难解的abuse 滥用,辱骂accommodation招待设备accordingly 照着办;响应地accounting 会计学acid 酸的acknowledge 承认acquire 取得,学到acrylic 丙烯酸的adapt 使适应addict 使沉溺adept 熟练的,内行的adopt 采用;收养aeronautic 航空的aerosol 烟,雾;烟雾剂affect 影响;感动affiliate 接纳...为会员(或分支)agency 力量;代理agitate 鼓动;搅动;焦虑alchemy 炼金术alkali 碱allergy 变(态反)应性;反感allocate 分配,把。

划归allot 分配;拨给almond 杏仁alpine 高山的alternate 交替的;轮流的alternative 两者挑一的;选择的aluminium 铝amateur 业余活动者ambiguous 模棱两可的amenity 舒服,愉快ammonia 氨amorphous 无定形的;难以名状的analysis 分析;解析anatomy 解剖;分解anecdote 轶事annoy 使烦恼; 打扰annual 每年的, 年度的anthropology 人类学Anticlockwise逆时针方向的anxious 忧虑的, 担心的ape 类人猿; 模仿者aphid 蚜虫apparel 衣服;外表appeal 呼吁; 求助于appear 出现, 来到appetite 食欲, 胃口applicant 申请人appropriate 适当的approximate 近似的,大约的arable 可耕的arboreal 树木的; 树状的arduous 艰巨的; 努力的ascertain 查明, 确定aspect 样子; (问题等的)方面aspiration 志气; 渴望assemble 集合; 装备assert 断言;维护assess 对…进行评估assignment 分配;指定assist 援助;搀扶association 联合;联盟;联想assume 假定;承担asterisk 星号asthmatic 气喘的asymmetry 不对称(现象)attain 达到; 完成; 获得attract 吸引audio-visual 听觉视觉的aural 气味的; 香味的authority 权力; 职权available 可用的; 通用的averse 反对的aviation 航空; 航空学bbaffle 使挫折; 使困惑balk 阻碍; 挫折bamboo 竹barbecue (吃烤肉的)野餐会bargain 交易; 议价barrier 栅栏; 障碍bead 念珠beyond 远于; 迟于bilateral 两边的; 双边的biology 生物学; 生态学bladder 囊; 气泡blade 刀片bleach 漂白blow 吹; 爆炸blunt 不锋利的; 迟钝的boast 自夸bona fide [拉]真正的;真诚的bonanza 富矿脉bond 契约;公债boom 隆隆声;兴旺;吹捧borax 硼砂; 月石border 边; 边界botany 植物学branch 分枝; 分科, 部门brand 燃烧着的木头breed 生产; 繁殖brewery 啤酒厂brisk 活泼的; 清新的brood 一窝;一伙(人) budget 预算bulb 球茎; 电灯泡bulky 庞大的bungalow 平房burrow 地洞, 穴bush 灌木buzz (蜂等)嗡嗡叫ccalcium 钙calibre 口径,直径campaign 战役;运动campus 校园canteen 小卖部;饭盒capture 捕获;俘虏carbon 碳cargo 货物carrousel 骑术比赛casual 偶然的;不定期的catastrophe 大灾难;大败category 种类caterpillar 毛虫caustic 刻薄的,讽刺的censure 指责,非难centrifugal 离心的ceramic 陶瓷的ceremony 典礼;仪式chamber 房间;会所charcoal 木炭characteristic 独特的chic [法}漂亮(的)chip 碎片chloride 氯化物choke 阻塞;闷死chronic 长期的,慢性的circumstance (复)情况cite 引用clay 粘土climatic 气候的climax 顶点;高潮cling 粘着;依附clot 凝块;结团clutch 抓住clutter 喧闹;杂乱coat hanger 衣架colonial 殖民地的comb 梳,马梳combustible 易燃的;可燃的commitment 交托;许诺commotion 混乱compatriot 同国人compel 强迫compensation补偿,赔偿compile 编辑;搜集complex 合成的;复杂的complicate 使复杂;使陷入composition 写作;组成compound 混合物comprise 包括;构成concave 凹的concession 让步;承认condemn 谴责; 宣告…有罪confess 坦白conservation 保存consolation 安慰constant 坚定的;永恒的constitute 构成constraint 强制;consult 商量;请教consume 消费; 消灭contaminate 弄脏; 污染contingency 偶然contradict 反驳;同…相抵触contrary 相反的controversial 争论的convey 运送;传达core 核心coronary 冠状的corpus 身体,尸体correspond 符合;相当corrupt 腐败的;贪污的costume 服装counsel 商议;劝告covert 隐藏的crawl 爬行cricket 蟋蟀criterion 标准crop 收成;庄稼crown 王冠crystalline 水晶的cultivate 耕作;培养curriculum 课程ddab 轻拍damn 诅咒damp 潮湿;沮丧data datum的复数datum 论据deal 分配;给予debtor 债务人decade 十;十年decline 下降;偏斜;衰落deduce 推断default 违约,拖欠defense 防御,保卫define 解释;限定delicate 细软的;精美的delude 欺骗deluge 洪水demographi人口统计的cdemolish 拆毁;推翻demonstrate论证;表明deposit 存放;储蓄depress 降低;使消沉descend 下降;下倾descent 下降description描写;说明书design 计划;设计desperate 令人绝望的,危急的despite 憎恨,轻视destroy 破坏detain 拘留;阻住detect 察觉detergent 使干净的detract 贬低diagnosis 诊断dictate 口述dietitian 饮食学家dig 挖掘;发掘dilute 稀释dioxide 二氧化物diploma 执照,文凭directory 名录disaster 灾难discard 丢弃discharge 卸货discipline 纪律;训练discreet 谨慎的discrete 分离的discriminate区别;辨别disfigure 损害,玷污dismantle 脱掉...的衣服dismiss 打发;解雇dispatch 派遣;迅速办理dispute 争论;争执distill 蒸馏;提取精华distinct 独特的;清楚的distinguish区别;辨认出distress 悲痛;贫困distribute 分发;分布divine 神的;神圣的division 分开;分配dizzy 头晕目眩的dormitory 宿舍dramatic 戏剧的;激动人心的drawback n. 退款;欠缺diagnosis n. 操练;钻dictate n. 旱灾dietitian n. 饮食学家dig v. 挖掘;发掘dilute v. 稀释adj.dioxide n. 二氧化物diploma n. 执照,文凭directory n. 名录disaster n. 灾难discard vt.丢弃vdischarge vt.卸货vi.n.discipline n.纪律;v.训练discreet adj.谨慎的discrete adj.分离的discriminatev.区别;辨别disfigure v.损害,玷污dismantle v.脱掉...的衣服dismiss vt.打发;解雇vi.dispatch vt.派遣;迅速办理vi.dispute v.争论;争执distill vt.蒸馏;提取精华vi.distinct adj.独特的;清楚的distinguishv.区别;辨认出distress n.悲痛;贫困v.Distribute vt.分发;分布v.divine adj.神的;神圣的division n. 分开;分配dizzy adj. 头晕目眩的dormitory n. 宿舍dramatic adj.戏剧的;激动人心的drawback n.退款;欠缺drill n.操练;钻v.drought n.旱灾drum n.鼓dub vt.授予n.dubious adj.半信半疑的;含糊的dull adj.迟钝的;阴郁的dwell vi.住;寓于dynamic adj.动力的eease n.舒适;容易 n.生态系统elaborate adj.精心制作的;复杂的elective adj.选任的;选修的electron n.电子eligible adj.合格的;适宜的embank v.筑堤embarrass vt.使窘迫;妨碍embryo n.胚胎;萌芽时期emerge vi.浮现;出现emit vt.散发;发表emotion 激动;感情encounter v.遭遇,遇到n.endurance n.忍耐;持久engrave v.刻上;铭记enhance Vt.增加v.enormous adj.巨大的enrol vt.登记;招收Vi.Ensemble n.全体ensure Vt.保证;保护v.enthusiasm n.热情;热忱entrant n.新学员entry n.进入;登记;入口environmentaladj.环境的epidemic adj.传染的;流行的equipment n.装备;设备equivalent adj.相当的;等价的erase vt.擦掉;删去escort n.护卫;陪同v.essential adj. 本质的;基本的;必要的estate n. 财产estimate v.估计;评价n.eucalyptus n. 桉树属植物evaporate v. 使蒸发;使脱水evolve v. 使发展;推论exaggerateadj. 夸张的;过大的exchange vt.交换;交流 n. executive adj.执行的;行政上的exhale v.呼出;发散出 exorbitant adj. 过度的;昂贵的expansion n.伸展;扩张;扩充expedient adj.便利的n.exploit vt.开拓;开采;利用v. expose vt.使暴露;v. 揭露extension n. 伸长;扩大;延长external adj.外部的;客观的extinct adj. 灭绝的;消灭了的extinguish vt. 扑灭;消灭 Extract vt.取出;榨出 extraordinary n.adj. 非常的,非凡的f facade n.立面;表面 facet n.小面 vt.facultyn.才能;全体人员 fade vi.枯萎;消失 vt. Adj. n.fake n.伪造;伪装 vi. vt.fascinate vt.迷住;使呆住 vi.fatal adj.命运的;致命的fatigue n.疲劳 vi. vt.fauna n. 动物群featuren. 特征;面貌 federation n. 同盟;联邦 fertileadj. 肥沃的;多产的 fetusn. 胎儿 fibre n. 纤维 filtern. 滤器 financial adj. 财政的 flake n. 薄片;火花 flame n. 火焰;光辉 flaw n. 裂缝;缺点 flintn. 打火石;坚硬物flip vt.掷;抽打 vi.flora n. 植物群flourish adj. 繁荣fluctuate vt.波动;动摇forestry n. 林业formula n. 公式;处方foul adj. 难闻的;肮脏的fraction n. 片断;碎片fragile adj. 易碎的;虚弱的fragrant adj. 芬芳的fraud n. 欺骗;诡计frequent adj.频繁的;屡次的friction n. 摩擦froth n. 泡沫;渣滓vi.vt.frustrate v. 挫败;阻挠fulfil(l) vt. 履行;完成fume n.烟气v.冒烟,激动function n.功能;职务vi.fury n.狂怒;剧烈futile adj.无效的;轻浮的Hhairdressi ng 理发、美发、美容handedness 用右手或左手的习惯handicap 障碍、阻碍handle 柄、把手harbor 海港hardworking苦干的、不辞辛苦的harmony 协调、融洽hazardous 危险的、冒险的headline 大字标题heavenly 如天堂的、神圣的hectic 脸上发红、发热的hemisphere 半球hexagonal 六角形的、六边形的highlight 加亮区、精彩场面high-tech 高科技historic 有历史性的、历史上著名的hive 蜂房homeless 无家的、无家可归的homesickness思家的、思乡病的honestly 真诚的、公正的honey 蜜、蜂蜜hospitality好客、宜人、盛情hothouse 温室、温床hotspot 热点、热区household 家庭、家族、王室housing 供给住宅、住宅群hoyden 爱喧闹的顽皮女孩huff 激怒、发怒humanity 人性、人类、博爱、仁慈humble 卑下的、微贱的humorous 幽默的、滑稽的hydrogen 氢hectare 公顷heal 治愈、医治hence 因此、从此harassment 折磨heroin 海洛因、吗啡Iimplement 工具、器具;贯彻、实现;执行italics 斜体字idealistic 唯心论的、空想主义的、唯心主义者的identical 同一的、同样的ignorance 无知、不知ignore 不理睬、忽视illuminate 照亮、照明、阐明、说明;照亮illustrate 举例说明、图解、阐明;举例illustration说明、例证、图表imitation 模仿、效法、冒充immigrant 移来的、移民的、移居的;移民、侨民immune 免疫的impact 碰撞、冲击、冲突;撞击、挤入、压紧impair 削弱impartial 公平的、不偏不倚的impend 进行威胁、即将发生implementation执行impress 印、盖印、留下印象impression 印象、感想、盖印inadequate 不充分的、不适当的inauthenti c 不真实的、假的、不可靠的inbreeding 同系繁殖、近亲交配incorporat e 合并的、结社的;合并incredibly 不能相信地incur 招致indicate 指出、显示、象征、预示individual 个人、个体;个别的、单独的individualistic个人主义的individuality个性、个人的特征indulge 纵容industrialization工业化、产业化inevitable 不可避免的、必然的infant 婴儿、幼儿;婴儿的、幼稚的influentia l 有影响的、有势力的informality非正式ingenuity 机灵、独特性、精巧ingredient 成分、因素inhale 吸入、吸气inherit 继承、遗传而得initial 最初的、词首的initially 最初、开头initiative 主动innovation 改革、创新innovative 革新的、创新的insert 插入、嵌入insignific ant 无关紧要、可忽略的inspection 检察、视察institution公共机构、协会、制度instruct 教导、命令instrument 工具、手段、器械instrumental仪器的、器械的insufficient不足的、不够的insulate 使绝缘、隔离insurance 保险、保险单、保险费intake (水管、煤气管的)进口、出口integrate 使成整体、结合intelligible可理解的interior 内部的、内的interplay 相互影响interpreter解释者、翻译员interview 接见、会见intimidate 胁迫intonation 语调、声调intuitively直觉的、直观的inundate 淹没invention 发明、创造inventive 善于发明、创造的investigat调查、研究e investigat ion 调查、研究 iodine 碘、碘酒 irony 反话、讽刺 irresponsi bility 无责任 irreversib le 不能撤回的、不能取消的 irritate 激怒、使急噪;刺激 irritation 愤怒 isolate 使隔离、使孤立;隔离种群 issue 出版、发行;发行、流出 itemize 详细说明、逐条登记 L landscape 风景、山水画、地形;美化 lack 缺乏 landfill 垃圾掩埋法、垃圾 lather 肥皂泡 leather 皮革、皮革制品 Legal 法律的、法定的、合法 leisure 空闲、闲暇、悠闲 lexicograp 词典编纂者 her likelihood 可能、可能性limitation 限制、局限性licensee 获许可的人、领到执照的人 literature 文学、文艺、著作 loan 贷款、借出;借、借给locate 查找、位于;定位、位于location 位置、场所、特定区域looseness 松开、解除luggage 行李、皮箱luxury 奢侈、华贵 Mmacaque 短尾猿maintain 维持、维修、供养 maintenanc e维护、保持 mainstream 主流managerial 管理的manifestat ion 显示、表现、示威运动 marital 婚姻的matriculat ion 录取入学、入学考试metropolit an 首都的、主要都市的、大城市measurement测量法、度量mediocre 普普通通的Melbourne 墨尔本melt 使融化、使熔化manufactur e 制造、加工、制造业、加工业metallurgist冶金业、冶金学者metallurgy 冶金、冶金术meteorology气象学、气象状态microprocessor微处理器migratory 迁移的、流浪的migration 移民、移植、移往mineral 矿物、矿石misconception误解moderation 适度molecular 分子的、由分子组成的momentarily即刻mould 肥土、壤土;用土覆盖N naive 天真的necrosis 坏negative 否定、负数;否定的、消极的neglect 忽视、疏忽neutralize 压制nourishing 有营养的、滋养多的nourishment食物、营养品nuclear 核子的、原子能的、中心的nutritional营养的、滋养的Ooverleaf 在背面、在次页objectify 使客观化obligation 义务、职责、债务obstacle 障碍、妨害物obtain 获得、得到occasionally有时候、偶尔occur 发生、发现opaque 不透明物;不透明的、不传热的optical 眼的、视力的、光学的optics 光学optimistic 乐观的optimism 乐观、乐观主义organs 元件、机构original最初的、原始的、独创的;原物 originate 引起、发明;起源、发生 output 产量、输出、输出量 overall 全部的、全面的 oversupply 过度供给;供给过多 overwhelm 淹没、覆没、受打击、制服 ozone 新鲜的空气;臭氧 P pacify 使平静、安慰、抚慰 painfully 痛苦地 panel 面板、嵌板、仪表板 parallel 平行地、相同的;平行线;平行 paralysis 瘫痪、麻痹 participat e 参与、参加、分享 particular 细节、详细;特殊的、特别的 passive 被动的 pasture 牧地、草原;放牧 pattern 模范、式样、模式;模仿 pave 铺 pedicel 花梗、茎 pension 养老金、退休金percussion 打击乐器perform 履行、执行、表演performanc e履行、执行perishable 容易腐烂的 permanent 永久的、持久的perpetuate 使永久、使不朽persist 坚持、持续persistenc e 坚持、持续perspectiv e 透视画法、透视图、远景、前途pesticide 杀虫剂pharmacist 配药师、药剂师 phenomena 现象phosphorus 磷plagiarism 剽窃、剽窃物plantation 耕地、种植园、大农场、森林platform (车站)月台、讲台plumber 水管工人plus 加上;正的、加的poison 毒药;毒害、使中毒;放毒、下毒 pollinatio n授粉porcelain 瓷器;瓷制的、精美的portrayal 描画、描写positive 肯定的、实际的;正的、阳的postal 邮政的、邮局的potassium 钾potential 潜在的、可能的;潜能、潜力potluck 家常便饭practitioner从业者、开业者precision 精确、精密度、精度predator 掠夺者predict 预知、预言prefabricate预制pregnancy 怀孕premium 额外费用、奖金、奖赏premise 前提;提论、假定;作出前提persecution迫害、烦扰presentation介绍、陈述、赠送preserve 保护、保持;蜜饯、果酱;禁猎presuppose 预示preventabl e 可阻止的、可预防的prime 最初、青春;主要的、最初的principally主要地probability可能性、或然性procedure 程序、手续promotion 促进、发扬、提升prospect 景色、前景、前途;寻找property 财产、所有物、所有权proposition主张、建议、陈述prosthetist修复学家protrude 突出prolusion 序言provenance 起源、出处psychology 心理学puff 肿块、蓬松;喷出、张开punctuality准时pyramid 角锥、棱锥、金字塔pyrite 黄铁矿Rrange 射程;平衡recession 撤回,不景气Recommenda推荐、介绍tionRecreation消遣、娱乐Regional整个地区的Registration注册,报到Reject 被拒之人;拒绝relation 关系、联系Relationship关系、联系religious 虔诚的;僧侣representatives代表,典型的Represents 表现,描绘;提出异议Reputable 著名的Request 要求Requirements需求,必要条件Resemblance相似之处regional 地方的Respond 负责Responses 回答,响应Responsiveness响应的restriction限制,约束Retail 零售Retirement 退休Refundable 可偿还的rival 竞争者,竞争SSafeguard 保护Satisfactory满意的scenes 现场,景色scrub 擦洗secretarial秘书的section 部分,区security 安全seductive 诱人的selection 选择,选集settlement 解决,结算semester 学期seminar 研讨会senior 高级的sensible 有感觉的,明智的sensitive 敏感的sewers 裁缝shortages 不足,缺乏significantly意味深长地significant重要的signpost 路标similar 相似的similarly 同样地simultaneously同时的sincerely 真诚的social 社会的solution 解决的方法solvents 溶解的,溶剂southbound 往南的spark 火星,闪烁的specialize 专攻specialization特殊化Specialist 专家Specific 明确的,特殊的;细节Spray 飞沫,喷射Springboard跳板,出发点Spin 纺织Stamp 邮票;压印Statement 声明,称述Straight 直的Stretch 伸展Strike 罢工;打,击Structural 结构的Strategy 策略Stubborn 固执的Studio 工作室,照相室Subsequent 后来的Substance 物质Suburb 郊区Sufficient 充足的Suffix 后缀,下标Superior 最高的Supplier 提供商Surrey 四轮马车Surrounding周围的,;环境Suspicious 可疑的Switzerland瑞士Synthetic 人造的Ttypescripts打印的文件technology 工艺,技术temperate 温和的,适度的Temperature温度theoretical理论的Topics 题目,主题Tobacco 烟草Tourism 旅游业Tourist 观光者tradition 传统transfer 传递,转移transform 转换,改变Tremendous 巨大的UUncertainty不确定Undisguised公开的unemployed 失业的Unfamiliar 不熟的Unfortunately不幸的unimaginable不可思议的Union 联合,联盟United 团结的Unnecessary不必要的Unwanted 多余的uphill 登高应用UtilizationV可变性variabilityVariation 变化various 不同的多功能性Versatility。



招聘意大利语翻译岗位笔试题与参考答案(某大型央企)(答案在后面)一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、下列哪个单词在意大利语中表示“美丽”?A. BellaB. BuonaC. BravaD. Grande2、请选出正确的意大利语句子来表达“我喜欢吃披萨”:A. Mi piace mangiare pizza.B. Mi piace fare pizza.C. Io amo mangiare pizza.D. Io amo fare pizza.3、以下哪个词汇在意大利语中意为“公司”?A. AziendaB. SocietàC. ImpresaD. Società per Azioni4、在意大利语中,“明天”和“后天”分别如何表达?A. Domani e dopodomaniB. Il giorno dopo e il giorno dopo domaniC. Prossimo giorno e il giorno dopoD. Il giorno seguente e il giorno seguente dopo5、题干:以下哪个选项是意大利语中表示“我”的第一人称单数主格代词?A)tuB)noiC)leiD)me6、题干:以下哪个选项是意大利语中表示“工作”的名词?A)il lavoroB)la casaC)il ciboD)la musica7、在下列句子中,哪个最准确地翻译了“她不仅会说意大利语,还会说英语。

”?A. Lei parla solo l’italiano, non parla l’inglese.B. Lei parla solo l’inglese, non parla l’italiano.C. Lei parla non solo l’italiano, ma anche l’inglese.D. Lei parla sia l’italiano che l’inglese, ma non bene.8、请选择最合适的词填入空白处以完成句子:“Il professore ha chiesto agli studenti di______il testo prima di iniziare la discussione.”A. leggereB. parlareC. scrivereD. ascoltare9、下列哪个单词的意思是“美丽的”?A. BelloB. BellaC. BelloD. Belle二、多项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分)1、以下哪些词语在意大利语中与汉语的“谢谢”意思相近?()A. GrazieB. Ti ringrazioC. De nadaD. PregoE. Arrivederci2、以下哪些句子在意大利语中使用了正确的句子结构?()A. Ho bisogno di un albero per il mio giardino.B. Mi piace leggere libri in italiano.C. Le mie sorelle sono tutte molto belle.D. Ho un cane che si chiama Max.E. Tu parli italiano?3、下列哪个选项中的意大利语单词含有浊辅音[b]?A. pizzaB. bambaC. melaD. gatto4、将下列句子从意大利语翻译成中文,选出最合适的译文:“Non è il calore del sole che rende felici, ma la luce che permette di vedere.”A. 不是太阳的热量让人快乐,而是它散发出来的光芒让人看见。



CHAPTER THREE1. The inflammation is characterized by red, swelling, fever, and pain.[E.44]2. material balance is based on the law of conservation of matter.[E.45]A3. Coating thickness ranges from 0. 1 mm to 2 mm.[E.46]4. The new medicine will expire in 2 years.[E.47]5. Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than thelatter.[E.48]6. The molecules continue to stay close together, but do not continue to retain a regularfixed arrangement.[E.49]7. These products tend to react with soap and detergents and produce soapscum.[E.50]8. With this software so available there seems little need for analysts to develop theirown programs.[E.51]9. To design is to formulate a plan for the satisfaction of a human need.[E.52]10. China's successful explosion of its first atom bomb caused tremendous repercussionthroughout the world.[E.53]11. The construction of a scientific theory may be compared to the preparation of aweather map at a central meteorological station.[E.54]12. In a similar way, in the theory of light, we use terms like "waves" and "particles"for the description and discussion of the results of experiments.[E.55]13. One of our ways for getting heat is by burning fuels.[E.56]14. An understanding of the laws of friction is important in the designing of modernmachines.[E.57]15. Heating water does not change its chemical composition.[E.58]16. This experiment is an absolute necessity in determining the best processingroute.[E.60]17. I am a stranger to the operation of electronic computer.[E.61]18. His experiment was a success.[E.62]19. I found a lot of difficulties to continue the experiment.[E.63]20. Whenever one body touches another, heat always passes by conduction from thewarmer to the colder.[E.68]21. This workpiece is not more elastic than that one.[E.69]22. In fission processes the fission fragments are very radioactive.[E.70]23. Glass is much more soluble than quartz.[E.71]24. This metal is less hard than that one.[E.72]25. The wide application of electronic computers affects tremendously the developmentof science and technology.[E.81]26. Earthquakes are closely related to faulting.[E.82]27. The electronic computer is chiefly characterized by accuracy and quickcomputation.[E.83]28. Gasoline is appreciably volatile.[E.84]29. It is demonstrated that dust is extremely hazardous.[E.85]30. The power plant supplies the inhabitants sixty li about with electricity.[E.86]31. The buildings around are mostly of modem construction.[E.87]32. The attractive force between the molecules is negligibly small.[E.88]33. All structural materials behave plastically above their elastic range.[E.89]34. These parts must be proportionally correct.[E.90]35. Chlorine is very active chemically.[E.91]36. Open the valve to let air in.[E.92]37. Their experiment has been over.[E.93]38. In this case the temperature in the furnace is up.[E.94]39. The frequency, wave length, and speed of sound are closely related.[E.106]40. The advantages of the recently developed composite materials are energy saving,performance efficient, corrosion resistant, long service time, and without environmental pollution.[E.107]41. Radiant, electrical and chemical energies can all be turned into heat.[E.108]42. The temperature needed for this processing is lower than that needed to melt themetal.[E.109]43. Oxidation will make metals rusty.[E.110]44. In rapid oxidation a flame is produced.[E. 111]45. These principles will be illustrated by the following transition.[E.112]46. The best conductor has the least resistance and the poorest has the greatest.[E.113]47. Forces can be classified as internal and external.[E.114]48. Economic globalization has widened the gap between the North and the South andbetween the rich and the poor.[E.115]49. Matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter.[E.116]50. The generation plant, transmission lines, and primary substations are shown abovethe dashed line;the load and distribution below the line.[E.117]51. Science demands men of great effort and complete devotion.[E.118]52. The new products will soon be put into use.[E.119]53. There are three larger injection machines in the workshop.[E. 120]54. Note that the words“ velocity" and "speed" require explanatio n.[E.121]55. data processor can issue address and function codes.[E.122]A56. Air is a mixture of gases.[E. 123]57. For reasons the alternating current is more widely used than the direct current.[E.124]58. These early cars were slow, clumsy, and inefficient.[E.130 ]59. Science and technology are developing rapidly.[E.131]60. new kind of computer----small, cheap, fine---- is attracting increasingattention.[E.132]A61. Inflation has now reached a serious level.[E.133]62. It must have been surprising to see a little girl working at a high table, surroundedby maps and ala kinds of instruments.[E.134]63. Heat from the sun stirs up the atmosphere, generating winds.[E.135]64. In general, all the metals are good conductors, with silver the best and copper thesecond.[E.136]65. In addition to the speed of erection, these types usually have otheradvantages.[E.137]66. The level of a liquid rises as its temperature is increased and falls with a decrease intemperature.[E.198]67. The properties of alloys are much better than those of pure metals.[E.199]68. We must check the conclusion in practice, and should not blindly rely on such as wasreached merely by calculations.[E.200]69. Natural water is that which contains impurities.[E.201]70. Other substances, apart from organic ones, burn in air or oxygen.[E.202]71. An electric light bulb is a vacuum, and so is a radio tube.[E.203]72. transversely stressed fillet weld can sustain higher loads than one stressedlongitudinally.[E.204]A73. It takes more power to do a job in two minutes than it does to do the same job in twohours.[E.205]74. We tried in vain to measure the voltage.[E.224]75. Hardened steel is too hard and too brittle for many tools.[E.225]76. Ideal machines which would have an efficiency of 100% should be free offriction.[E.226]77. The need for more potassium compounds than could be obtained from plants ledmen to search for other source of these important compounds.[E.227]78. In the absence of force, a body will either remain at rest or continue to move withconstant speed in a straight line.[E.228]79. The structure will prove weak in service.[E.229]80. The precision instrument must be kept free from dust.[E.230]81. The Theory of Relativity worked out by Einstein is above manypeople's comprehension.[E.231]82. Better to do well than to say well.[E.233]83. The common gem materials tend to be less ductile and weaker.[E.234]84. As rubber electricity from passing through it, it is used as insulating material.[E.235]85. There are .many other energy sources in store.[E.236]86. In the high altitude snow and ice remain all year.[E.237]87. It was suggested that such devices should be designed and produced withoutdelay.[E.238]88. Sodium is never found uncombined in nature.[E.239]89. In this case we cannot but determine K first.[E.240]90. It's not eas to talk about Dolly in a world that doesn't share a uniform set of ethicalValues.[E.241]91. Such flight couldn't long escape notice.[E.242]92. Crystals do not melt until heated to a definite temperature.[E.243]93. Laser is the most powerful drilling machine, because there is nothing on earthwhich cannot be drilled by it.[E.244]94. Both of the instruments are not precision ones.[E.270]95. Both of the substances are not made up of carbons.[E.271]96. We are not familiar with both of the instruments.[E.272]97. Positive ions are not all alike and may differ in charge or weight.[E.273]98. An engine may not all ways do work at its rated horse-power.[E.274]99. Not everyone can be a mathematician, but in order to understand our modern world,it is necessary to know something about mathematics.[E.275]100.Digital oscilloscopes can not be often used in our experiments.[E.276]101.All metals do not conduct electricity equally well.[E.277]102.All these various losses, great as they are, do not in any way contradict the law of conservation of energy.[E.278]103.All the chemical energy of the fuel is not converted into heat.[E.279 ]104.All isotopes cannot be manufactured in this way.[E.280]105.Mercury, so small and close to the sun that its gases were quickly lost to space, is nearly airless.[E.282]106.The speed of the man-made satellite hardly changes at all.[E.283]107.Rarely do metals occur in nature in a pure form by themselves.[E.284]108.The US has well-developed and successful offensive command and control warfare(C2W ), electronic warfare(EW), and other information(1W ) capacities, but these can hardly be characterized as "strategic".[E.285]109.Barely any of our present batteries would be satisfactory enough to drive the electric train fast and at a reasonable cost.[E.286]110. Scarcely ever does the common oyster contain a valuable pearl.[E.287]111 Workers can violate the safety rules on no conditions.[E.316].112. We shall consent to the designing plan under no circumstances.[E.317]113. He was not ready to believe something just because Aristotle said so.[E.318]114. The engine did not stop because the fuel was finished.[E.319]115. This electric motor does not work properly.[E.320]116. If iron is kept in air-free distilled water, its rusting is not so fast.[E.321]CHAPTER FIVE117. Being no cause to change the motion, a body can move uniformly and in a straight line.[E.10]118. Using a transformer, power at low voltage can be transformed into power at high voltage.[E.11]119. Solving (8) , we have the following equation.[E.12]120.When iodine crystals are heated to 114 °C, they melt, forming liquid iodine.[E.16]121.The propeller of an airplane forces air backward, developing thrust.[E.17]122.The base and acid neutralize each other, forming a new substance.[E. 18]123.Electronic computer having many advantages cannot carry out creative work and replace man.[E.19]124.Not having been discovered, many laws of nature actually exist in nature.[E.20] 125.The typical problem of circuit and network theory is to determine the currents caused by the application of a given voltage to given circuit or network.[E.33]126.The principle and method taken in the experiment give us good message enlightenment.[E.34]127.The major advantages of the transistor as used in electronic circuits are light weight small space, low power consumption.[E.35]128.Radio continues to find wider application in science.[E. 65]129.An electric current begins to flow through a coil, which is connected across a charged condenser.[E.66]130.A machine is just a mechanical device which makes it possible to do work more conveniently by changing the applied force in directions or in magnitude or both.[E.67]131.The basic action of an SCR is to switch power on very rapidly.[E.68]132.The function of a fuse is to protect a circuit.[E.69]133.Arc welding is to make metals together by means of an electric current.[E.70]134.The two contacts at the base of the lamp are to cant' current from the lamp holder.[E.71]135.Loss of control is most likely to occur on inductive loads.[E.86]136.These are liable to occur through hammering or working the metal, or through rapid cooling.[E.87]137.Up to now, copper alloys, according to CDA , have been more expensive to pressure die cast than aluminum and zinc, and a 25 % reduction in the cost of pressure die casting of copper alloys is expected with the new technique.[E.88]138.Circuit breakers are necessary to deenergize equipment either for normal operation or on the occurrence of short circuits.[E.89]139.We consider heat to be a form of energy.[E.90]140.Conductors allow electricity to pass through more or less freely.[E.91]141.It is to be emphasized that a source of electricity current is simply a device for causing electricity to move around a circuit.[E.92]142.Electricity makes a motor run.[E.93]143.Let F represent force.[E.94]144.Heat is considered to be a form of energy.[E.95]145.The thermal decomposition of ammonium carbamate can be made to occur by the following methods.[E.96]146. Insulators are used to confine a current to the desired path.[E.97]147.The fact that some bodies float on water and other liquids shows also that there exists a force acting against the lower surfaces sufficient to counteract their weight.[E.113]148.Some of the of the charge produces the sound and light which enable us to hear and see the spark.[E.116]149.The purpose is to transmit only a chrominance signal for color and a luminance signal that contains the monochrome information.[E.117]150.The physical dimension of the antenna determines the amount of inductance and capacity existing in the circuit and consequently the resonant frequency of the antenna system.[E.118]151.However, both the theory and the generation of FM are a good deal more complex to think about and visualize than those of AM.[E.119]152.The development greatly extends the range of applications and the reliability of the jet-type filter while retaining its other advantages.[E.120]CHAPTER SIX研电111153.Day light comes from the sun, which is a mass of hot, glowing gas.[E. 129]154.The concept of energy leads to the principle of the conservation of energy, which unifies a wide range of phenomena in the physical science.[E. 130]155.Another kind of rectifier consists of a large pear-shaped glass bulb from which all the air has been removed.[E. 131]156.If you deal with the younger age group, then you will see a lot of the acute infections such as herpes and trench mouth,which is due to bacteria and causes open sores between the teeth.[E. 132]157.These waves, which are commonly called radio waves, travel with the velocity of Light.[E. 133]158.ISDN is the name given to a network that is able to transmit and switch a wide variety of telecommunication services.[E. 134]159.Sulfur melts at a temperature of 112. 8 °C, where it changes to yellow liquid.[E. 135]160.The last big Alaskan earthquake created a tsunami, which could be felt 1, 500 miles away.[E.136]161.The electricity is changed into the radio-frequency power which is then sent out in form of radio waves.[E. 137]162.There are some materials which possess the power to conduct heat.[E. 138]163.I n a conductor there are a large number of electrons than move freely from atom to atom.[E. 139]164.OSHA has qualified the noise level in industry which has become a major concern for many digital controls manufacturers.[E. 140]165.The factory produced machine tools to which precision instruments were attached.[E. 141]166.Good clocks have pendulums, which are automatically compensated for temperature changes.[E. 142]研电111167.Gases, the molecules of which are widely separated from one another, have great compressibility than liquids.[E. 143]168.An improved design of such a large tower must be achieved which results in more uniformed temperature distribution in it.[E. 155]169.A body that contains only atoms with the same general properties is called an element.[E. 156]170.Such liquid fuel rockets as are now being used for space research have to carry their own supply of oxygen.[E. 157]171.Such propellers as we have recently designed for small ships are actually modeled on fish tails.[E. 158]172.Many inventors followed the same principles as that French inventor had used in his Invention.[E. 159]173.A color transmission contains the same information as a black and white transmission.[E. 160]174.Were there no transformers to adjust the voltage, long-distance transmission of electricity would be impossible.[E. 184]175.Should there be urgent situations, press this red button to switch off the electricity.[E.185]176.The temperature at the sun's center is as high as 10, 000, 000 0C.[E. 186]177.The outer portion of the wheel may travel as fast as 600 miles per hour.[E. 187]178.The oxygen atom is nearly 16 times heavier than the hydrogen atom.[E. 188]179.Mercury weighs more than water by about 14 times.[E. 189]180.Solar cells are as different from so called solar heating panels as solid state physics is from plumbing.[E. 190]181.I n such occasions we would rather increase the friction of the surface than decease it.[E. 191]182.The loads which a structure is subjected to are divided into dead loads, whichinclude the weights of 研电 111parts of the structure,and live loads. Which are due to theweights of people, movable equipment, etc.[E.245]183.The resistance of any length of a conducting wire is easily measured by finding thepotential difference in volts between its ends when a known current is following.[E.246]184.Fuel cells are devices that when a fuel such as hydrogen or hydrogen-richcompounds and oxygen is supplied to materials arranged like the anode and cathode of a conventional battery, combine to convert chemical energy directly into electrical energy.[E.247]185.With the same number of protons, all nuclei of a given element may have differentnumbers of neutrons.[E.248]186.The unit of electrical energy is called the joule, which is equivalent to 10exp(7)ergs.[E.249]187.The discovery that electrical currents can be produced by magnetism is extremelyimportant in the field of electricity.[E.250]188.Grounding every circuit, however, makes the system susceptible to excessivecurrents should a short circuit develop between a live conductor and ground.[E.251]189.It is very interesting to note the differently chosen operating mechanism by thedifferent manufacturers, in spite of fact that the operating mechanism has a major influence on the reliability of the circuit-breakers.[E.252]190.The construction of such a satellite is now believed to be quite realizable, itsrealization being supported with all the achievements of contemporary science, which have brought into being not only materials capable of withstanding severe stresses involved and high temperatures developed, but new technological processes as well.[E.253]191.Various machine parts can be washed very clean and will be as clean as new oneswhen they are treated by ultrasonic waves no matter how dirty and irregularly研电111shaped they may be.[E.254]CHAPTER SEVEN192.The γ-rays are not affected by an electric field.[E.4]193.If the work piece is gabbed directly, it warps due to the body temperature.[E.5]194.If a body is acted on by a number of forces and still remains stationary, the body is said to be in equilibrium.[E.6]195.An oxidation number may be assigned to each atom in a substance by the application of simple rules.[E.7]196.The second group is composed of compounds derived from or related to benzene C6H6.[E.8]197.The crops were washed away by the flood.[E.9]198.The airplane is supported by the wings; it is propelled by the power plant; it is guided by its control surfaces.[E. 10]199.This extraction rate was confirmed in batch tank tests.[E.11]200.Other advantages of our invention will be discussed in the following.[E. 12]201.These problems must be solved before the test starts.[E. 13]202.North China was hit by an unexpected heavy rain, which caused severe flooding.[E. 14]203.The hypothesis was not accepted by most chemists until the 1970s.[E. 15]204.The first car driven by one of these engines was seen on the roads in 1894.[E. 16]。



句型MODELLI DI FRASEPrimo 一— Che ora è? / Che ore sono? 几点了?Sono le otto, 8点,è l'una e mezza. 1一点半。

Che ora è? / Che ore sono? 几点了?è L'una. 一点。

Sono le quattro. 4点。

è mezzogiorno. / Sono le dodici.中午/12点。

è mezzanotte. 半夜。

Sono le cinque e dieci.5点10分。

Sono le sette meno cinque. 7点差10分Sono le nove e un quarto. 9点一刻。

Sono le sei meno un quarto. 6点差3刻。

-- Quanto manca alle sei? 离6点差几分钟Mancano tre minuti. 差3分钟。

Secondo 二A che ora parti? 你几点出发?Parto alle nove e mezza. 我9点半出发。

-- A che ora è cominciato il tuo intervento? 你是几点开始发言的?/你的发言是几点开始的? E' cominciamo alle sette esatte.我是7点准开始的。

/我的发言是7点准开始的-- A che ora è cominciato il suo intervento? 他/她是几点开始发言的?/ 他/她的发言是几点开始的?L'ha cominciato alle sette e un quarto. 他/她是7点一刻开始的。

-- A che ora è finita la sua relazione?他/她是几点结束他/她的发言的?E' finita Alle undici e quaranta. 他/她是11点40结束的。

翻译资料 (35)

翻译资料 (35)










In the final years of Y uan dynasty, the imperial government had become corrupt andincompetent. Many scholars firmly believedthat the Mongols hadlostthe mandate of heaven to rule the country. But none of them expected that themandate of heaven wouldbe passedonto Zhu Y uanzhang, who remainedvirtuallyilliterate all his life. Zhu Yuanzhang, the Emperor Taizu of Ming, was a man of the most humble origin ,with nothingbut his natural ability at his disposal. His parentswere poor peasants. Forced to leave their homeland because of famine, they sold their son intoa Buddhist monastery tosave both his life andtheir own. After a fewyears as a novice monk, Zhu ran away andbecame a bandit .This was a logical step for him to take, considering the great confusion of the age, with revolts breaking out everywhere. Some years later, he ascended the throne in Nanjing and proclaimed the founding of the Ming dynasty, which was to last nearly 300 years.George SantayanaL et me come to the point boldly; what governs the Englishman is his inner atmosphere,the weather in his soul.It is nothing particularly spiritual or mysterious. When he has taken his exercise and is drinking his tea or his beer and lighting his pipe; when, in his garden or by his fire, he sprawls in an aggressively comfortable chair; when well-washed and well-brushed, he resolutely turns in church to the east and recites the Creed (with genuflexions, if he likes genuflexions)without in the least implyingthat he believes one wordof it; when hehears or sings the most crudely sentimental and thinnest of popular songs, unmoved but not disgusted; when he makes up his mind who is his best friend or his favorite poet; when he adopts a party or a sweetheart; when he is huntingorshootingor boating, or stridingthrough the fields; when he is choosinghis clothesor his profession ——never is it a precise reason,or purpose,or outer fact that determines him; it is always the atmosphere of his inner man.To say that this atmosphere was simply a sense of physical well-being,of coursing blood and a prosperous digestion,would be far too gross;for while psychic weather is all that, it is also a witness to some settled disposition, someripening inclination for this or that, deeply rooted in the soul. It gives a sense ofdirection in life which is virtually a code of ethics, anda religion behindreligion. Onthe other hand, to say it was the vision of any ideal or allegiance to any principlewould be making it far too articulate and abstract. The inner atmosphere, when compelled to condense into words, may precipitate some curt maxim or over-simple theory as a sort of war-cry; but its puerile language does it injustice,because it broods at a much deeper level than language or even thought. It is amass of dumb instincts and allegiances, the love of a certain quality of life, to be maintained manfully. It is pregnant with many a stubborn assertion and rejection. It fights under its trivial flutteringopinions like a smokingbattleshipunder its flags andsignals; you must consider, not what they are, but why they have been hoistedand will not be lowered. One is tempted at times to turn away in despair from the most delightful acquaintance —— the picture of manliness, grace, simplicity ,and honor, apparently rich in knowledge and humor —— because of someenormous platitude he reverts to, some hopelessly stupidlittle dogma fromwhich one knowsthat nothingcan ever liberate him. The reformer must give himup; but why shouldone wish to reform a person so much better than oneself? He is like a thoroughbred horse, satisfying to the trained eye, docile to the light touch, andcoursingin most wonderful unison with you through the open world. What doyoucare what words he uses? Are you impatient with the lark because he sings rather than talks? And if he could talk, would you be irritated by his curious opinions? Of course, if any one positively asserts what is contrary to fact, there is an error,though the error may be harmless; and most divergences between men shouldinterest us rather than offend us,because they are effects of perspective,or of legitimate diversity in experience and interests. Trust the man who hesitates in his speech and is quick and steady in action, but beware of long arguments and long beards. Jupiter decided the most intricate questions with a nod, and a very fewwords andnogestures suffice for the Englishman tomake his inner mindfelt most unequivocally when occasion requires.Instinctively the Englishmen is no missionary, no conqueror. He prefers the country to the town, and home to foreign parts. He is rather glad and relieved ifonly natives will remain natives and strangers strangers, and at a comfortable distance from himself.Yet outwardly he is most hospitable and accepts almost anybody for the time being;he travels and conquers without a settled design, because he has the instinct of exploration.His adventures are all external;they change him so little that he is not afraid of them. He carries his English weather in his heart wherever he goes, and it becomes a cool spot in the desert, and a steady andsane oracle amongst all the deliriums of mankind. Never since the heroic daysof Greece has the worldhadsucha sweet, just, boyish master. It will be a black dayfor the human race when scientific blackguards,conspirators,churls,and fanatics manage to supplant him.英国人灵魂的气象乔治·桑塔雅那让我直接进入正题吧:左右 (主宰,支配) 英国人的是他内在的情调 (情绪 ),心灵里的气象。

andata 翻译

andata 翻译

andata 翻译
andata 翻译可能涉及以下参考内容:
1. 翻译工具:有许多在线翻译工具可以帮助用户将andata翻


2. andata的定义:andata是一种数据类型,用于存储和传输数字、文本、图像和音频等类型的信息。


3. 数据传输:andata作为一种常见的数据格式,常常被用于网


4. 数据库:andata也被广泛应用于数据库,作为存储和管理数


5. 数据安全:andata在传输和存储过程中需要经过加密和解密

各种加密算法和安全协议,比如SSL(Secure Socket Layer)等。




Aaboriginal 土著的; 土著居民abound 丰富abrupt 突然的,陡峭的abstain 戒,避开abstract 抽象的,难解的abuse 滥用,辱骂accommodation 招待设备accordingly 照着办;响应地accounting 会计学acid 酸的acknowledge 承认acquire 取得,学到acrylic 丙烯酸的adapt 使适应addict 使沉溺adept 熟练的,行的adopt 采用;收养aeronautic 航空的aerosol 烟,雾;烟雾剂affect 影响;感动affiliate 接纳...为会员(或分支)agency 力量;代理agitate 鼓动;搅动;焦虑alchemy 炼金术alkali 碱allergy 变(态反)应性;反感allocate 分配,把。

划归allot 分配;拨给almond 杏仁alpine 高山的alternate 交替的;轮流的alternative 两者挑一的;选择的aluminium 铝amateur 业余活动者ambiguous 模棱两可的amenity 舒服,愉快ammonia 氨amorphous 无定形的;难以名状的analysis 分析;解析anatomy 解剖;分解anecdote 轶事annoy 使烦恼; 打扰annual 每年的, 年度的anthropology 人类学anticlockwise 逆时针方向的anxious 忧虑的, 担心的ape 类人猿; 模仿者aphid 蚜虫apparel 衣服;外表appeal 呼吁; 求助于appear 出现, 来到appetite 食欲, 胃口applicant 申请人appropriate 适当的approximate 近似的,大约的arable 可耕的arboreal 树木的; 树状的arduous 艰巨的; 努力的ascertain 查明, 确定aspect 样子; (问题等的)方面aspiration 志气; 渴望assemble 集合; 装备assert 断言;维护assess 对…进行评估assignment 分配;指定assist 援助;搀扶association 联合;联盟;联想assume 假定;承担asterisk 星号asthmatic 气喘的asymmetry 不对称(现象)attain 达到; 完成; 获得attract 吸引audio-visual 听觉视觉的aural 气味的; 香味的authority 权力; 职权available 可用的; 通用的averse 反对的aviation 航空; 航空学Bbaffle 使挫折; 使困惑balk 阻碍; 挫折bamboo 竹barbecue (吃烤肉的)野餐会bargain 交易; 议价barrier 栅栏; 障碍bead 念珠beyond 远于; 迟于bilateral 两边的; 双边的biology 生物学; 生态学bladder 囊; 气泡blade 刀片bleach 漂白blow 吹; 爆炸blunt 不锋利的; 迟钝的boast 自夸bona fide [拉]真正的;真诚的bonanza 富矿脉 bond 契约;公债boom 隆隆声;兴旺;吹捧borax 硼砂; 月石border 边; 边界botany 植物学branch 分枝; 分科, 部门brand 燃烧着的木头breed 生产; 繁殖brewery 啤酒厂brisk 活泼的; 清新的brood 一窝;一伙(人) budget 预算bulb 球茎; 电灯泡bulky 庞大的bungalow 平房burrow 地洞, 穴bush 灌木buzz (蜂等)嗡嗡叫Ccalcium钙calibre 口径,直径campaign 战役;运动campus 校园canteen 小卖部;饭盒capture 捕获;俘虏carbon 碳cargo 货物carrousel 骑术比赛casual 偶然的;不定期的catastrophe 大灾难;大败category 种类caterpillar 毛虫caustic 刻薄的,讽刺的censure 指责,非难centrifugal 离心的ceramic 瓷的ceremony 典礼;仪式chamber 房间;会所charcoal 木炭characteristic 独特的chic [法}漂亮(的)chip 碎片chloride 氯化物choke 阻塞;闷死chronic 长期的,慢性的circumstance (复)情况cite 引用clay 粘土climatic 气候的climax 顶点;高潮cling 粘着;依附clot 凝块;结团clutch 抓住clutter 喧闹;杂乱coat hanger 衣架colonial 殖民地的comb 梳,马梳combustible 易燃的;可燃的commitment 交托;许诺commotion 混乱compatriot 同国人compel 强迫compensation 补偿,赔偿compile 编辑;搜集complex 合成的;复杂的complicate 使复杂;使陷入composition 写作;组成compound 混合物comprise 包括;构成concave 凹的concession 让步;承认condemn 谴责; 宣告…有罪confess 坦白conservation 保存consolation 安慰constant 坚定的;永恒的constitute 构成constraint 强制;consult 商量;请教consume 消费; 消灭contaminate 弄脏; 污染contingency 偶然contradict 反驳;同…相抵触contrary 相反的controversial 争论的convey 运送;传达core 核心coronary 冠状的corpus 身体,尸体correspond 符合;相当corrupt 腐败的;贪污的costume 服装counsel 商议;劝告covert 隐藏的crawl 爬行cricket 蟋蟀criterion 标准crop 收成;庄稼crown 王冠crystalline 水晶的cultivate 耕作;培养curriculum 课程Ddab 轻拍damn 诅咒damp 潮湿;沮丧data datum的复数datum 论据deal 分配;给予debtor 债务人decade 十;十年decline 下降;偏斜;衰落deduce 推断default 违约,拖欠defense 防御,保卫define 解释;限定delicate 细软的;精美的delude 欺骗deluge 洪水demographic 人口统计的demolish 拆毁;推翻demonstrate 论证;表明deposit 存放;储蓄depress 降低;使消沉descend 下降;下倾design 计划;设计desperate 令人绝望的,危急的despite 憎恨,轻视destroy 破坏detain 拘留;阻住detect 察觉detergent 使干净的detract 贬低diagnosis 诊断dictate 口述dietitian 饮食学家dig 挖掘;发掘dilute 稀释dioxide 二氧化物diploma 执照,文凭directory 名录disaster 灾难discard 丢弃discharge 卸货discipline 纪律;训练discreet 谨慎的discrete 分离的discriminate 区别;辨别disfigure 损害,玷污dismantle 脱掉...的衣服dismiss 打发;解雇dispatch 派遣;迅速办理dispute 争论;争执distill 蒸馏;提取精华distinct 独特的;清楚的distinguish 区别;辨认出distress 悲痛;贫困distribute 分发;分布divine 神的;神圣的division 分开;分配dizzy 头晕目眩的dormitory 宿舍dramatic 戏剧的;激动人心的drawback n. 退款;欠缺diagnosis n. 操练;钻dictate n. 旱灾dietitian n. 饮食学家dig v. 挖掘;发掘dilute v. 稀释 adj. dioxide n. 二氧化物diploma n. 执照,文凭directory n. 名录disaster n. 灾难discard vt.丢弃 v discharge vt.卸货 vi.n. discipline n.纪律;v.训练discreet adj.谨慎的discrete adj.分离的discriminate v.区别;辨别disfigure v.损害,玷污dismantle v.脱掉...的衣服dismiss vt.打发;解雇 vi. dispatch vt.派遣;迅速办理vi. dispute v.争论;争执distill vt.蒸馏;提取精华 vi. distinct adj.独特的;清楚的distinguish v.区别;辨认出distress n.悲痛;贫困 v. distribute vt.分发;分布 v. divine adj.神的;神圣的division n. 分开;分配dizzy adj. 头晕目眩的dormitory n. 宿舍dramatic adj.戏剧的;激动人心的drawback n.退款;欠缺drill n.操练;钻 v.drought n.旱灾drum n.鼓dub vt.授予 n.dubious adj.半信半疑的;含糊的dull adj.迟钝的;阴郁的dwell vi.住;寓于dynamic adj.动力的Eease n.舒适;容易 ecosystem n.生态系统elaborate adj.精心制作的;复杂的elective adj.选任的;选修的electron n.电子eligible adj.合格的;适宜的embank v.筑堤embarrass vt.使窘迫;妨碍embryo n.胚胎;萌芽时期emerge vi.浮现;出现emit vt.散发;发表emotion 激动;感情encounter v.遭遇,遇到 n. endurance n.忍耐;持久engrave v.刻上;铭记enhance Vt.增加 v. enormous adj.巨大的enrol vt.登记;招收 Vi. Ensemble n.全体ensure Vt.保证;保护 v. enthusiasm n.热情;热忱entrant n.新学员entry n.进入;登记;入口environmental adj.环境的epidemic adj.传染的;流行的equipment n.装备;设备equivalent adj.相当的;等价的erase vt.擦掉;删去escort n.护卫;陪同 v. essential adj. 本质的;基本的;必要的estate n. 财产estimate v.估计;评价 n. eucalyptus n. 桉树属植物evaporate v. 使蒸发;使脱水evolve v. 使发展;推论exaggerate adj. 夸的;过大的exchange vt.交换;交流 n. executive adj.执行的;行政上的exhale v.呼出;发散出exorbitant adj. 过度的;昂贵的expansion n.伸展;扩;扩充expedient adj.便利的 n. exploit vt.开拓;开采;利用 v. expose vt.使暴露;v. 揭露extension n. 伸长;扩大;延长external adj.外部的;客观的extinct adj. 灭绝的;消灭了的extinguish vt. 扑灭;消灭Extract vt.取出;榨出extraordinary n. adj. 非常的,非凡的Ffacade n.立面;表面facet n.小面 vt.faculty n.才能;全体人员fade vi.枯萎;消失 vt. Adj. n. fake n.伪造;伪装 vi. vt. fascinate vt.迷住;使呆住 vi. fatal adj.命运的;致命的fatigue n.疲劳 vi. vt. fauna n. 动物群feature n. 特征;面貌federation n. 同盟;联邦fertile adj. 肥沃的;多产的fetus n. 胎儿fibre n. 纤维filter n. 滤器financial adj. 财政的flake n. 薄片;火花flame n. 火焰;光辉flaw n. 裂缝;缺点flint n. 打火石;坚硬物flip vt.掷;抽打 vi.flora n. 植物群flourish adj. 繁荣fluctuate vt.波动;动摇forestry n. 林业formula n. 公式;处方foul adj. 难闻的;肮脏的fraction n. 片断;碎片fragile adj. 易碎的;虚弱的fragrant adj. 芬芳的fraud n. 欺骗;诡计frequent adj.频繁的;屡次的friction n. 摩擦froth n. 泡沫;渣滓 vi. vt. frustrate v. 挫败;阻挠fulfil(l) vt. 履行;完成fume n.烟气 v.冒烟,激动function n.功能;职务 vi. fury n.狂怒;剧烈futile adj.无效的;轻浮的Ghairdressing 理发、美发、美容handedness 用右手或左手的习惯handicap 障碍、阻碍handle 柄、把手harbor 海港hardworking 苦干的、不辞辛苦的harmony 协调、融洽hazardous 危险的、冒险的headline 大字标题heavenly 如天堂的、神圣的hectic 脸上发红、发热的hemisphere 半球hexagonal 六角形的、六边形的highlight 加亮区、精彩场面high-tech 高科技historic 有历史性的、历史上著名的hive 蜂房homeless 无家的、无家可归的homesickness 思家的、思乡病的honestly 真诚的、公正的honey 蜜、蜂蜜hospitality 好客、宜人、盛情hothouse 温室、温床hotspot 热点、热区household 家庭、家族、王室housing 供给住宅、住宅群hoyden 爱喧闹的顽皮女孩huff 激怒、发怒humanity 人性、人类、博爱、仁慈humble 卑下的、微贱的humorous 幽默的、滑稽的hydrogen 氢hectare 公顷heal 治愈、医治hence 因此、从此harassment 折磨heroin 海洛因、吗啡Iimplement 工具、器具;贯彻、实现;执行italics 斜体字idealistic 唯心论的、空想主义、唯心主义者的identical 同一的、同样的ignorance 无知、不知ignore 不理睬、忽视illuminate 照亮、照明、阐明、说明;照亮illustrate 举例说明、图解、阐明;举例illustration 说明、例证、图表imitation 模仿、效法、冒充immigrant 移来的、移民的、移居的;侨民immune 免疫的impact 碰撞、冲击、冲突;撞击、挤入、压紧impair 削弱impartial 公平的、不偏不倚的impend 进行威胁、即将发生implementation 执行impress 印、盖印、留下印象impression 印象、感想、盖印inadequate 不充分的、不适当的inauthentic 不真实的、假的、不可靠的inbreeding 同系繁殖、近亲交配incorporate 合并的、结社的;合并incredibly 不能相信地incur 招致indicate 指出、显示、象征、预示individual 个人、个体;个别的、单独的individualistic 个人主义的individuality 个性、个人的特征indulge 纵容industrialization 工业化、产业化inevitable 不可避免的、必然的infant 婴儿、幼儿;婴儿的、幼稚的influential 有影响的、有势力的informality 非正式ingenuity 机灵、独特性、精巧ingredient 成分、因素inhale 吸入、吸气inherit 继承、遗传而得initial 最初的、词首的initially 最初、开头initiative 主动innovation 改革、创新innovative 革新的、创新的insert 插入、嵌入insignificant 无关紧要、可忽略的inspection 检察、视察institution 公共机构、协会、制度instruct 教导、命令instrument 工具、手段、器械instrumental 仪器的、器械的insufficient 不足的、不够的insulate 使绝缘、隔离insurance 保险、保险单、保险费intake (水管、煤气管的)进口、出口integrate 使成整体、结合intelligible 可理解的interior 部的、的interplay 相互影响interpreter 解释者、翻译员interview 接见、会见intimidate 胁迫intonation 语调、声调intuitively 直觉的、直观的inundate 淹没invention 发明、创造inventive 善于发明、创造的investigate 调查、研究investigation 调查、研究iodine 碘、碘酒irony 反话、讽刺irresponsibility 无责任irreversible 不能撤回的、不能取消的irritate 激怒、使急噪;刺激irritation 愤怒isolate 使隔离、使孤立;隔离种群issue 出版、发行;发行、流出itemize 详细说明、逐条登记Llandscape 风景、山水画、地形;美化lack 缺乏landfill 垃圾掩埋法、垃圾lather 肥皂泡leather 皮革、皮革制品Legal 法律的、法定的、合法leisure 空闲、闲暇、悠闲lexicographer 词典编纂者likelihood 可能、可能性limitation 限制、局限性licensee 获许可的人、领到执照的人literature 文学、文艺、著作loan 贷款、借出;借、借给locate 查找、位于;定位、位于location 位置、场所、特定区域looseness 松开、解除luggage 行、皮箱luxury 奢侈、华贵Mmacaque 短尾猿maintain 维持、维修、供养maintenance 维护、保持mainstream 主流managerial 管理的manifestation 显示、表现、示威运动marital 婚姻的matriculation 录取入学、入学考试metropolitan 首都的、主要都市的、大城市measurement 测量法、度量mediocre 普普通通的Melbourne 墨尔本melt 使融化、使熔化manufacture 制造、加工、制造业、加工业metallurgist 冶金业、冶金学者metallurgy 冶金、冶金术meteorology 气象学、气象状态microprocessor 微处理器migratory 迁移的、流浪的migration 移民、移植、移往mineral 矿物、矿石misconception 误解moderation 适度molecular 分子的、由分子组成的momentarily 即刻mould 肥土、壤土;用土覆盖Nnaive 天真的necrosis 坏negative 否定、负数;否定的、消极的neglect 忽视、疏忽neutralize 压制nourishing 有营养的、滋养多的nourishment 食物、营养品nuclear 核子的、原子能的、中心的nutritional 营养的、滋养的Ooverleaf 在背面、在次页objectify 使客观化obligation 义务、职责、债务obstacle 障碍、妨害物obtain 获得、得到occasionally 有时候、偶尔occur 发生、发现opaque 不透明物;不透明的、不传热的optical 眼的、视力的、光学的optics 光学optimistic 乐观的optimism 乐观、乐观主义organs 元件、机构original 最初的、原始的、独创的;原物originate 引起、发明;起源、发生output 产量、输出、输出量overall 全部的、全面的oversupply 过度供给;供给过多overwhelm 淹没、覆没、受打击、制服ozone 新鲜的空气;臭氧Ppacify 使平静、安慰、抚慰painfully 痛苦地panel 面板、嵌板、仪表板parallel 平行地、相同的;平行线;平行paralysis 瘫痪、麻痹participate 参与、参加、分享particular 细节、详细;特殊的、特别的passive 被动的pasture 牧地、*原;放牧pattern 模、式样、模式;模仿pave 铺pedicel 花梗、茎pension 养老金、退休金percussion 打击乐器perform 履行、执行、表演performance 履行、执行perishable 容易腐烂的permanent 永久的、持久的perpetuate 使永久、使不朽persist 坚持、持续persistence 坚持、持续perspective 透视画法、透视图、远景、前途pesticide 杀虫剂pharmacist 配药师、药剂师phenomena 现象phosphorus 磷plagiarism 剽窃、剽窃物plantation 耕地、种植园、大农场、森林platform (车站)月台、讲台plumber 水管工人plus 加上;正的、加的poison 毒药;毒害、使中毒;放毒、下毒pollination 授粉porcelain 瓷器;瓷制的、精美的portrayal 描画、描写positive 肯定的、实际的;正的、阳的postal 邮政的、邮局的potassium 钾potential 潜在的、可能的;潜能、潜力potluck 家常便饭practitioner 从业者、开业者precision 精确、精密度、精度predator 掠夺者predict 预知、预言prefabricate 预制pregnancy 怀孕premium 额外费用、奖金、奖赏premise 前提;提论、假定;作出前提persecution 迫害、烦扰presentation 介绍、述、赠送preserve 保护、保持;蜜饯、果酱;禁猎presuppose 预示preventable 可阻止的、可预防的prime 最初、青春;主要的、最初的principally 主要地probability 可能性、或然性procedure 程序、手续promotion 促进、发扬、提升prospect 景色、前景、前途;寻找property 财产、所有物、所有权proposition 主、建议、述prosthetist 修复学家protrude 突出prolusion 序言provenance 起源、出处psychology 心理学puff 肿块、蓬松;喷出、开punctuality 准时pyramid 角锥、棱锥、金字塔pyrite 黄铁矿Rrange 射程;平衡recession 撤回,不景气Recommendation 推荐、介绍Recreation 消遣、娱乐Regional 整个地区的Registration 注册,报到Reject 被拒之人;拒绝relation 关系、联系Relationship 关系、联系religious 虔诚的;僧侣representatives 代表,典型的Represents 表现,描绘;提出异议Reputable 著名的Request 要求Requirements 需求,必要条件Resemblance 相似之处regional 地方的Respond 负责Responses 回答,响应Responsiveness 响应的restriction 限制,约束Retail 零售Retirement 退休Refundable 可偿还的rival 竞争者,竞争SSafeguard 保护Satisfactory 满意的scenes 现场,景色scrub 擦洗secretarial 秘书的section 部分,区security 安全seductive 诱人的selection 选择,选集settlement 解决,结算semester 学期seminar 研讨会senior 高级的sensible 有感觉的,明智的sensitive 敏感的sewers 裁缝shortages 不足,缺乏significantly 意味深长地significant 重要的signpost 路标similar 相似的similarly 同样地simultaneously 同时的sincerely 真诚的social 社会的solution 解决的方法solvents 溶解的,溶剂southbound 往南的spark 火星,闪烁的specialize 专攻specialization 特殊化Specialist 专家Specific 明确的,特殊的;细节Spray 飞沫,喷射Springboard 跳板,出发点Spin 纺织Stamp 邮票;压印Statement 声明,称述Straight 直的Stretch 伸展Strike 罢工;打,击Structural 结构的Strategy 策略Stubborn 固执的Studio 工作室,照相室Subsequent 后来的Substance 物质Suburb 郊区Sufficient 充足的Suffix 后缀,下标Superior 最高的Supplier 提供商Surrey 四轮马车Surrounding 周围的,;环境Suspicious 可疑的Switzerland 瑞士Synthetic 人造的Ttypescripts 打印的文件technology 工艺,技术temperate 温和的,适度的Temperature 温度theoretical 理论的Topics 题目,主题Tobacco 烟*Tourism 旅游业Tourist 观光者tradition 传统transfer 传递,转移transform 转换,改变Tremendous 巨大的UUncertainty 不确定Undisguised 公开的unemployed 失业的Unfamiliar 不熟的Unfortunately 不幸的unimaginable 不可思议的Union 联合,联盟United 团结的Unnecessary 不必要的Unwanted 多余的uphill 登高Utilization 应用Vvariability 可变性Variation 变化various 不同的Versatility 多功能性。

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andata 翻译





例如,如果你去机场,并且问柜台工作人员何时你的飞机会起飞,他们可能会回答你说“andata alle otto”(8点出发)。







在这种情况下,Andata 的含义是“加速”或“减速”,这样可以让音乐更加有趣和富有层






例如,当你想要告诉朋友你要离开时,你可以说“mi devo andare”(我要走了)。




