KPX 100可编程密码键盘指南说明书
∙∙∙∙D.A.P. Reset seePage 5∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙????#*This must be done after DAP resetRecord the new code0 0 0 0*Set system into programming mode with factory set master code.8 9 0 0 8 9 0 1 # #Set system to single user mode, clear all previous data & refreshes system Set system to multi user mode, clear all previous data & refreshes system4 0 4 1 4 2 1 to 999# # # Output 1 in momentary mode from 1 to 999 seconds Output 1 in Start / Stop Mode (toggle) Output 1 in Start / Stop Mode (toggle) with accelerated code5 0 5 1 5 21 to 999 # # #Output 2 in momentary mode from 1 to 999 seconds Output 2 in Start / Stop Mode (toggle) Output 2 in Start / Stop Mode (toggle) with accelerated code0 2# # #4 digits, fixed 4 digits, fixed 4 digits, fixedPersonal Master Code & Super User CodeUser Code 1 for output 1 with Duress Code function User code 2 for output 21 Personal Master Code & Super User Code # 100 User codes in Group 1 for output 1 with Duress Code function0 1 2 00 to 99 0 to 94 to 8 digits4 to 8 digits 4 to 8 digits10 User Codes in Group 2 for output 2##i)ii)7 0 7 1 7 27 6 5 to 1000 # # ##After 10 successive false codes, keypad will lock for 30 secondsAfter 10 successive false codes, the Duress output switches to groundSelectable from 5 to 10 successive false codes, the keypad locks for 15 minutes. The keypad can be reset to release lock with the Master Code at any time during the locking period. Removal of all above security settings8 0 8 0 # #1 0Door Forced Open Alarm is Activated Door Forced Open Alarm is Disabled8 11 #1 second notification beep is given to notify the person outside to open the door when output relay is activated with a user code or egressbutton. Good for the locking device that gives no sound when it activates, such as magnetic lock. 8 1 0 #Notification beep disabled and replaced by 2 short successful code entry beeps for valid user codes.8 2 1 #Auto Entry Mode is selected. Key that followsthe user code is not required in code entry. The usercodes must be set in the same digit length as theMaster Code in Auto Entry mode and the code can be 4-8 digits82#Manual Entry Mode is selected. Key that followsthe user code is required in code entry. The user codescan be 4-8 digits and are not required to be the samelength as the Master Code.##8 3 8 3 1 0# #Tones are active on key pressTones are off. Use for silent environment requirements9 9# #No Propped Open AlarmTime from 1 to 999 seconds until door propped open activates alarm0 1 to 999*Keypad exits programming mode and returns to normal operationMASTER CODE*8 9 0 0#MASTER CODE*891#*MASTER CODE*LOCATION 1#OPTIONLOCATION n#OPTION n*0 0 0 0 * ----------- 8 9 0 0 # -----------0 3 2 8 9 1 8 3 2 1 # # --- --- 2 6 8 5 4 # ---4 0 1#Output 1 has been set to momentary mode with 1 second duration5 1 # ------------------- O utput 2 has been set to Start / Stop (toggle) mode7 21 0# ---------* ----------------------------*#8321685 4------------------ Output 1 activates for 1 secondOutput 2 Starts or Stops (toggle mode)#83 2 1 --------- Output 1 activates for 1 second 8 3 2 1--------- Output 2 Starts or Stops (toggle mode)# # 1 2 0 3 2 1--------- Duress output activates (output switches to (-) ground) & Output 1activates for 1 second8 3 #8 3 2 1--------- --------- Output 1 starts Output 1 stops3 2 8 9---------Lockout is reset and keypad resumes normal operation#0 0 0 0 --------- System is set to programming mode using factory set Master User Code * 8 9 0 1 --------- System is set to Multi-User Mode *8 (see note (a) below#0 3 2 8 -------- 3289 has been stored as the new Personal Master Code & Super User Code# 9 1 8 3 2 -------- 8321 has been stored as 1st user code in Group 1 with duresscode function# 1 0 11 3 32 --------33221 has been stored as 3rd user code in Group 1 withduress code function# 2 0 3 1 2 6 8 -------- 6854 has been stored as 1st user code in Group 2# 5 1 4 2 5 4 3 -------- 54321 has been stored as 2nduser code in Group 2#2 2 1 4 ---------------------------- Output 1 is set to Momentary Mode with 1 second duration#0 1 5 --------------------------------- Output 2 is set to Toggle Mode#1 7 ------------------------- Keypad is set to lock for 15 minutes after 10 successive falsecodes# 21 0* -----------------------------------##8 3 2 1 # ----------------------------------- Output 1 activates for 1 second1 12 1 # ------------------------------- Output 1 activates for 1 second3 3 3 2 2 # ------------------------------- Output 1 activates for 1 second1#6 8 5 4 # ----------------------------------- Output 2 Starts or Stops (toggle mode)5 4 3 2 Output 2 Starts or Stops (toggle mode)1#-------------------- 1 1 1 2 --------11223 has been stored as 2nd user code in Group 1 withduress code function# 2 0 2 3#------------------------------- 0 3 2 1 # --- Duress output activates (switches to ground) & Output 1 activates for 1 second3 1 2 2 # ---D uress output activates 9 switches to ground) & Output 1 activates for 1 second 3 5 3 2 2 # ---D uress output activates 9 switches to ground) & Output 1 activates for 1 second 18 3 #8 3 2 1 -------------------- ------------- Output 1 starts Output 1 StartsOutput 1 Stops1 1Output 1 Starts1 12 2---------Output 1 Stops3###3 2 8 9 # ------------------------------- Output 1 activates for 1 second 1 3 2 8 9# ------------------------------- Output 2 Starts or Stops (toggle mode)23 2 8 9 --------- Lockout is reset and keypad resumes normal operation#* *3 2 8 9 --------- Keypad is now in Programming Mode#1 0 5 #2 3 #*∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙(B) DOOR SENSa) Door Auto Relock – the system willimmediately re-lock the door after a validaccess has been gained to prevent “tailgate”entry.b) Door Forced-open alarm – The keypad willgenerate an instant alarm if the door isforced to open. Enable the function withProgram Option 801c) Door Propped Open Alarm – The keypadwill generate an alarm if the door is leftopen longer than the pre-set time. Enablethe function with Program Option 9 withduration of 1 to 999 seconds.With the help of a normally closed door d) Inter-lock Control – When the door is open Position sensor (usually a magnetic door the inter-lock output of the keypad will give switch) o n the door to set up the following a (-) command to de-activate the other functions. keypad in an inter-lock system.∙∙∙∙。
Honeywell-腾高TKOKO 1.0
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霍尼韦尔音频系统 Honeywell Audiovisuals
DCI系列 PA 系统 – 连接示意图
DCI–816S DCI–13A DCI–12M DCI–10P DCI–21M
DCI-360 DCI-360 DCI–28S DCI–16T
• 创建于1997年 • 是霍尼韦尔面向全球市场打造的公共广播产品品牌,致 力于为本土客户提供符合国际标准、稳定可靠、操作简 便的高性价比公共广播解决方案。 • 价值方案:通过稳定的质量和简便的设计帮助客户最大 限度地降低总采购和使用成本。
四路音源 输出
DCI-10P 十六分区寻呼器
主要特点: 可通过DCI-10R寻呼麦克风的远程寻呼打开分区,实现对 每个区讲话控制。
功能描述: ★1、具有一个LCD显示输出总音量; ★2、16路分区寻呼、报警功能; ★3、全区开/关控制功能,和按键便于操作; ★4、具有联机控制功能,远程开关机功能,总音量远程控制功能 ; 5、具有4级优先权,分别是MIC1 > 紧急输入(报警)>寻呼MIC1> 寻呼MIC2,MIC3,MIC4和线路输入; ★6、25针电脑激活接口,低电平报警激活。 7、具有远程控制总音量和开、关机功能; 8、RMIC1、RMIC2、RMIC3和RMIC4采用优质平衡传输连接技术,传 输线使用带屏蔽双绞线,同时传输控制信号和音频信号,用于 接寻呼麦克风DCI-10R II; ★9、内置钟声合成电路,专业级钟声提示音音效,可远程控制播 放钟声; ★10、具有短路信号激活开机功能,用于紧急消防广播; ★11、采用双总线主从应答方式,提高通讯的可靠性和安全性; ★12、采用地址模块,按照十进制设置地址,数字直接显示机器 地址号直观明了;
MC100EPT233.3 V Dual Differential LVPECL/LVDS/CML to LVTTL/LVCMOS TranslatorDescriptionThe MC100EPT23 is a dual differential LVPECL/LVDS/CML to LVTTL/LVCMOS translator. Because LVPECL (Positive ECL), LVDS, and positive CML input levels and LVTTL/LVCMOS output levels are used, only + 3.3 V and ground are required. The small outline 8-lead SOIC package and the dual gate design of the EPT23 makes it ideal for applications which require the translation of a clock or data signal.The EPT23 is available in only the ECL 100K standard. Since there are no LVPECL outputs or an external V BB reference, the EPT23 does not require both ECL standard versions. The LVPECL/LVDS inputs are differential. Therefore, the MC100EPT23 can accept any standard differential LVPECL/LVDS input referenced from a V CC of + 3.3 V. Features•1.5 ns Typical Propagation Delay•Maximum Operating Frequency > 275MHz•LVPECL/LVDS/CML Inputs, LVTTL/LVCMOS Outputs•24 mA LVTTL Outputs•Operating Range:♦V CC =3.0V to 3.6V with GND = 0V•These Devices are Pb-Free, Halogen Free and are RoHS CompliantA= Assembly LocationL= Wafer LotY= YearW= Work WeekM= Date CodeG= Pb-Free PackageKA23ALYW GG183TMGG14 (Note: Microdot may be in either location)†For information on tape and reel specifications, in-cluding part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, .ORDERING INFORMATIONDevice Package Shipping†MC100EPT23DG SOIC−8NB(Pb-Free)98 Units/TubeMC100EPT23DR2G SOIC−8NB(Pb-Free)2500/T ape & ReelTSSOP−8(Pb-Free)MC100EPT23DTR2G2500/T ape & ReelTSSOP−8(Pb-Free)MC100EPT23DTG100 Units/TubeDFN−8(Pb-Free)MC100EPT23MNR4G1000/T ape & Reel *For additional marking information, refer toApplication Note AND8002/D.MARKING DIAGRAMS*SOIC−8NBD SUFFIXCASE751−07TSSOP−8DT SUFFIXCASE948R−028DFN−8MN SUFFIXCASE 506AAQ0GNDV CCFigure 1. Logic Diagram and 8-Lead PinoutD0Q1D1D1D0(Top View)Table 1. PIN DESCRIPTIONPin FunctionQ0, Q1LVTTL/LVCMOS OutputsD0**, D1**D0**, D1**Differential LVPECL/LVDS/CML Inputs V CC Positive Supply GND GroundEP(DFN −8 only) Thermal exposed pad must be connected to a sufficient thermal conduit.Electrically connect to the most negative supply (GND) or leave unconnected, floating open.** Pins will default to V CC /2 when left open.Table 2. ATTRIBUTESCharacteristicsValue Internal Input Pulldown Resistor 50k W Internal Input Pullup Resistor 50k W ESD ProtectionHuman Body Model Machine ModelCharged Device Model> 1500 V > 100V > 2kV Moisture Sensitivity, Indefinite Time Out of Drypack (Note 1)Pb-Free Pkg SOIC −8NB TSSOP −8DFN −8Level 1Level 3Level 1Flammability RatingOxygen Index: 28 to 34UL 94V −*******inTransistor Count91 DevicesMeets or exceeds JEDEC Spec EIA/JESD78 IC Latchup Test 1.For additional information, see Application Note AND8003/D .Table 3. MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol ParameterCondition 1Condition 2Rating Unit V CC Power Supply GND = 0V 3.8V V I Input Voltage GND = 0V V I ≤ V CC3.8V I out Output CurrentContinuous Surge50100mA T A Operating Temperature Range −40 to +85°C T stg Storage Temperature Range−65 to +150°C q JA Thermal Resistance (Junction-to-Ambient)0lfpm 500lfpm SOIC −8NB 190130°C/W q JC Thermal Resistance (Junction-to-Case)Standard Board SOIC −8NB 41 to 44°C/W q JA Thermal Resistance (Junction-to-Ambient)0lfpm 500lfpm TSSOP −8185140°C/W q JC Thermal Resistance (Junction-to-Case)Standard Board TSSOP −841 to 44°C/W q JAThermal Resistance (Junction-to-Ambient)0lfpm 500lfpmDFN −812984°C/WTable 3. MAXIMUM RATINGSCondition 1Condition 2ParameterRatingSymbol Unit T sol Wave Solder (Pb-Free)<2 to 3 sec @ 260°C265°C q JC Thermal Resistance (Junction-to-Case)(Note 1)DFN−835 to 40°C/W Stresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected.1.JEDEC standard multilayer board − 2S2P (2 signal, 2 power)Table 4. PECL DC CHARACTERISTICS(V CC = 3.3V, GND = 0V (Note 1))Symbol Characteristic−40°C25°C85°CUnit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ MaxI CCH Power Supply Current (Outputs set to HIGH)102035102035102035mA I CCL Power Supply Current (Outputs set to LOW)152740152740152740mA V IH Input HIGH Voltage207524202075242020752420mV V IL Input LOW Voltage135516751355167513551675mV V IHCMR Input HIGH Voltage Common Mode Range(Note 2)1.2 3.3 1.2 3.3 1.2 3.3VI IH Input HIGH Current150150150m AI IL Input LOW CurrentDD −150−150−150−150−150−1500.5m ANOTE:Device will meet the specifications after thermal equilibrium has been established when mounted in a test socket or printed circuit board with maintained transverse airflow greater than 500lfpm. Electrical parameters are guaranteed only over the declaredoperating temperature range. Functional operation of the device exceeding these conditions is not implied. Device specification limit values are applied individually under normal operating conditions and not valid simultaneously.1.All values vary 1:1 with V CC.2.V IHCMR min varies 1:1 with V EE, V IHCMR max varies 1:1 with V CC. The V IHCMR range is referenced to the most positive side of the differentialinput signal.Table 5. LVTTL/LVCMOS OUTPUT DC CHARACTERISTICS(V CC= 3.3V, GND = 0.0V, T A= −40°C to 85°C)Symbol Characteristic Condition Min Typ Max Unit V OH Output HIGH Voltage I OH = −3.0mA 2.4V V OL Output LOW Voltage I OL = 24mA0.5VI OS Output Short Circuit Current−180−50mA NOTE:Device will meet the specifications after thermal equilibrium has been established when mounted in a test socket or printed circuit board with maintained transverse airflow greater than 500lfpm. Electrical parameters are guaranteed only over the declaredoperating temperature range. Functional operation of the device exceeding these conditions is not implied. Device specification limit values are applied individually under normal operating conditions and not valid simultaneously.Table 6. AC CHARACTERISTICS(V CC= 3.0V to 3.6V, GND = 0.0V(Note 1))Symbol Characteristic−40°C25°C85°CUnit Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Maxf max Maximum Frequency (Figure 2)275350275350275350MHzt PLH, t PHL Propagation Delay toOutput Differential (Note 2)1.1 1.5 1.8 1.1 1.5 1.8 1.1 1.5 1.8nst SK++ t SK−−t SKPP Output-to-Output Skew++Output-to-Output Skew−−Part-to-Part Skew (Note 3)15357060805001540707080500304014012580500pst JITTER Random Clock Jitter (RMS) (Figure 2)510510510ps V PP Input Voltage Swing (Differential Configuration)150800120015080012001508001200mV t r t f Output Rise/Fall Times (0.8 V − 2.0 V)Q, Q330600900330600900330650900psNOTE:Device will meet the specifications after thermal equilibrium has been established when mounted in a test socket or printed circuit board with maintained transverse airflow greater than 500lfpm. Electrical parameters are guaranteed only over the declaredoperating temperature range. Functional operation of the device exceeding these conditions is not implied. Device specification limit values are applied individually under normal operating conditions and not valid simultaneously.1.Measured with a 750 mV 50% duty-cycle clock source. R L = 500 W to GND and C L = 20 pF to GND. Refer to Figure 3.2.Reference (V CC =3.3V ± 5%; GND = 0 V)3.Skews are measured between outputs under identical conditions.Figure 2. Typical V OH / Jitter Versus Frequency (255C)FREQUENCY (MHz)V O H (V ) A N D O M C L O C K J I T T E R (p s R M S )1284Figure 3. TTL Output Loading Used for Device EvaluationGNDResource Reference of Application NotesAN1405/D −ECL Clock Distribution Techniques AN1406/D −Designing with PECL (ECL at +5.0 V)AN1503/D −ECLinPS t I/O SPiCE Modeling Kit AN1504/D −Metastability and the ECLinPS Family AN1568/D −Interfacing Between LVDS and ECL AN1672/D −The ECL Translator Guide AND8001/D −Odd Number Counters Design AND8002/D −Marking and Date Codes AND8020/D −Termination of ECL Logic Devices AND8066/D −Interfacing with ECLinPSAND8090/D−AC Characteristics of ECL DevicesECLinPS is a registered trademark of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC) or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.DFN8 2x2, 0.5P CASE 506AA ISSUE FDATE 04 MAY 2016SCALE 4:1*For additional information on our Pb −Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.SOLDERING FOOTPRINT*DIMENSIONS: MILLIMETERSGENERICMARKING DIAGRAM*RECOMMENDEDXX = Specific Device Code M = Date Code G = Pb −Free DeviceNOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ASME Y14.5M, 1994 .2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETERS.3.DIMENSION b APPLIES TO PLATEDTERMINAL AND IS MEASURED BETWEEN 0.15 AND 0.20 MM FROM TERMINAL TIP .4.COPLANARITY APPLIES TO THE EXPOSEDPAD AS WELL AS THE TERMINALS.2XDIM MIN MAX MILLIMETERS A 0.80 1.00A10.000.05A30.20 REF b 0.200.30D 2.00 BSC D2 1.10 1.30E 2.00 BSC E20.700.90e 0.50 BSC K L 0.250.35L1DETAIL ALOPTIONAL CONSTRUCTIONSL1−−−0.100.30 REF DETAIL BALTERNATE CONSTRUCTIONS*This information is generic. Please refer todevice data sheet for actual part marking.Pb −Free indicator, “G” or microdot “G ”, may or may not be present. Some products may not follow the Generic Marking.SOIC −8 NB CASE 751−07ISSUE AKDATE 16 FEB 2011NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER.3.DIMENSION A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION.4.MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.15 (0.006)PER SIDE.5.DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBARPROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.127 (0.005) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF THE D DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION.6.751−01 THRU 751−06 ARE OBSOLETE. NEW STANDARD IS 751−07.SCALE 1:1STYLES ON PAGE 2DIM A MIN MAX MIN MAX INCHES4.805.000.1890.197MILLIMETERSB 3.80 4.000.1500.157C 1.35 1.750.0530.069D 0.330.510.0130.020G 1.27 BSC 0.050 BSC H 0.40 1.270.0160.050M 0 8 0 8 N 0.250.500.0100.020S5.806.200.2280.244MYM0.25 (0.010)YM0.25 (0.010)Z SXS____XXXXX = Specific Device Code A = Assembly Location L = Wafer Lot Y = YearW = Work WeekG = Pb −Free PackageGENERICMARKING DIAGRAM*8ICDiscrete 0.60.024ǒmm inchesǓSCALE 6:1*For additional information on our Pb −Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.SOLDERING FOOTPRINT*Discrete(Pb −Free)IC (Pb −Free)XXXXXX = Specific Device Code A = Assembly Location Y = Year WW = Work Week G = Pb −Free Package*This information is generic. Please refer todevice data sheet for actual part marking.Pb −Free indicator, “G” or microdot “G ”, may or may not be present. Some products may not follow the Generic Marking.SOIC −8 NB CASE 751−07ISSUE AKDATE 16 FEB 2011STYLE 4:PIN 1.ANODE2.ANODE3.ANODE4.ANODE5.ANODE6.ANODE7.ANODEMON CATHODE STYLE 1:PIN 1.EMITTER2.COLLECTOR3.COLLECTOR4.EMITTER5.EMITTER6.BASE7.BASE8.EMITTER STYLE 2:PIN 1.COLLECTOR, DIE, #12.COLLECTOR, #13.COLLECTOR, #24.COLLECTOR, #25.BASE, #26.EMITTER, #27.BASE, #18.EMITTER, #1STYLE 3:PIN 1.DRAIN, DIE #12.DRAIN, #13.DRAIN, #24.DRAIN, #25.GATE, #26.SOURCE, #27.GATE, #18.SOURCE, #1STYLE 6:PIN 1.SOURCE2.DRAIN3.DRAIN4.SOURCE5.SOURCE6.GATE7.GATE8.SOURCE STYLE 5:PIN 1.DRAIN2.DRAIN3.DRAIN4.DRAIN5.GATE6.GATE7.SOURCE8.SOURCESTYLE 7:PIN 1.INPUT2.EXTERNAL BYPASS3.THIRD STAGE SOURCE4.GROUND5.DRAIN6.GATE 37.SECOND STAGE Vd 8.FIRST STAGE Vd STYLE 8:PIN 1.COLLECTOR, DIE #12.BASE, #13.BASE, #24.COLLECTOR, #25.COLLECTOR, #26.EMITTER, #27.EMITTER, #18.COLLECTOR, #1STYLE 9:PIN 1.EMITTER, COMMON2.COLLECTOR, DIE #13.COLLECTOR, DIE #24.EMITTER, COMMON5.EMITTER, COMMON6.BASE, DIE #27.BASE, DIE #18.EMITTER, COMMON STYLE 10:PIN 1.GROUND2.BIAS 13.OUTPUT4.GROUND5.GROUND6.BIAS 27.INPUT8.GROUND STYLE 11:PIN 1.SOURCE 12.GATE 13.SOURCE 24.GATE 25.DRAIN 26.DRAIN 27.DRAIN 18.DRAIN 1STYLE 12:PIN 1.SOURCE2.SOURCE3.SOURCE4.GATE5.DRAIN6.DRAIN7.DRAIN8.DRAINSTYLE 14:PIN 1.N −SOURCE2.N −GATE3.P −SOURCE4.P −GATE5.P −DRAIN6.P −DRAIN7.N −DRAIN8.N −DRAIN STYLE 13:PIN 1.N.C.2.SOURCE3.SOURCE4.GATE5.DRAIN6.DRAIN7.DRAIN8.DRAIN STYLE 15:PIN 1.ANODE 12.ANODE 13.ANODE 14.ANODE 15.CATHODE, COMMON6.CATHODE, COMMON7.CATHODE, COMMON8.CATHODE, COMMON STYLE 16:PIN 1.EMITTER, DIE #12.BASE, DIE #13.EMITTER, DIE #24.BASE, DIE #25.COLLECTOR, DIE #26.COLLECTOR, DIE #27.COLLECTOR, DIE #18.COLLECTOR, DIE #1STYLE 17:PIN 1.VCC2.V2OUT3.V1OUT4.TXE5.RXE6.VEE7.GND8.ACCSTYLE 18:PIN 1.ANODE2.ANODE3.SOURCE4.GATE5.DRAIN6.DRAIN7.CATHODE8.CATHODESTYLE 19:PIN 1.SOURCE 12.GATE 13.SOURCE 24.GATE 25.DRAIN 26.MIRROR 27.DRAIN 18.MIRROR 1STYLE 20:PIN 1.SOURCE (N)2.GATE (N)3.SOURCE (P)4.GATE (P)5.DRAIN6.DRAIN7.DRAIN8.DRAIN STYLE 21:PIN 1.CATHODE 12.CATHODE 23.CATHODE 34.CATHODE 45.CATHODE 5MON ANODEMON ANODE8.CATHODE 6STYLE 22:PIN 1.I/O LINE 1MON CATHODE/VCCMON CATHODE/VCC4.I/O LINE 3MON ANODE/GND6.I/O LINE 47.I/O LINE 5MON ANODE/GND STYLE 23:PIN 1.LINE 1 INMON ANODE/GNDMON ANODE/GND4.LINE 2 IN5.LINE 2 OUTMON ANODE/GNDMON ANODE/GND8.LINE 1 OUT STYLE 24:PIN 1.BASE2.EMITTER3.COLLECTOR/ANODE4.COLLECTOR/ANODE5.CATHODE6.CATHODE7.COLLECTOR/ANODE 8.COLLECTOR/ANODE STYLE 25:PIN 1.VIN2.N/C3.REXT4.GND5.IOUT6.IOUT7.IOUT8.IOUTSTYLE 26:PIN 1.GND2.dv/dt3.ENABLE4.ILIMIT5.SOURCE6.SOURCE7.SOURCE8.VCCSTYLE 27:PIN 1.ILIMIT2.OVLO3.UVLO4.INPUT+5.SOURCE6.SOURCE7.SOURCE8.DRAINSTYLE 28:PIN 1.SW_TO_GND2.DASIC_OFF3.DASIC_SW_DET4.GND5.V_MON6.VBULK7.VBULK8.VINSTYLE 29:PIN 1.BASE, DIE #12.EMITTER, #13.BASE, #24.EMITTER, #25.COLLECTOR, #26.COLLECTOR, #27.COLLECTOR, #18.COLLECTOR, #1STYLE 30:PIN 1.DRAIN 12.DRAIN 13.GATE 24.SOURCE 25.SOURCE 1/DRAIN 26.SOURCE 1/DRAIN 27.SOURCE 1/DRAIN 28.GATE 1CASE 948R −02ISSUE ADATE 04/07/2000TSSOP 8DIM MIN MAX MIN MAX INCHESMILLIMETERS A 2.90 3.100.1140.122B 2.90 3.100.1140.122C0.80 1.100.0310.043D 0.400.700.0160.028G 0.65 BSC 0.026 BSC L 4.90 BSC 0.193 BSC M0 6 0 6 NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER.3.DIMENSION A DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH.PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS. MOLD FLASH OR GATE BURRS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15(0.006) PER SIDE.4.DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION. INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.25 (0.010)PER SIDE.5.TERMINAL NUMBERS ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY.6.DIMENSION A AND B ARE TO BE DETERMINED AT DATUM PLANE -W-.____DETAIL ESCALE 2:1K 0.250.400.0100.016MECHANICAL CASE OUTLINEPACKAGE DIMENSIONSPUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATIONTECHNICAL SUPPORTLITERATURE FULFILLMENT:。
-急停开关(E-Stop )不允许被短接。
-在不用移动机器人及运行程序时,须及时释放使能器(Enable Device)。
第一章综述S4C系统介绍:全开放式对操作者友善最先进系统最多可接六个外围设备常规型号:IRB 1400,IRB 2400,IRB 4400,IRB 6400 IRB指ABB机器人,第一位数(1,2,4,6)指机器人大小第二位数(4 )指机器人属于S4或S4C系统无论何型号,机器人控制部分基本相同。
IRB 1400 :承载较小,最大承载为5kg,常用于焊接。
IRB 2400 :承载较小,最大承载为7kg,常用于焊接。
IRB 4400 :承载较大,最大承载为60kg 常用于搬运或大范围焊 接。
IRB 6400 :承载较大,最大承载为200kg ,常用于搬运或大范围 焊接。
、机器人组成:机器人由两部分组成:Con troller: 控制器。
Ma nipulator:机械手。
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Airport Handling ManualEffective 1 January—31 December 201838NOTICEDISCLAIMER. The information contained in thispublication is subject to constant review in the lightof changing government requirements and regula-tions. No subscriber or other reader should act onthe basis of any such information without referringto applicable laws and regulations and/or withouttak ing appropriate professional advice. Althoughevery effort has been made to ensure accuracy, theInternational Air Transport Association shall not beheld responsible for any loss or damage caused byerrors, omissions, misprints or misinterpretation ofthe contents hereof. Furthermore, the InternationalAir Transport Association expressly disclaims anyand all liability to any person or entity, whether apurchaser of this publication or not, in respect ofanything done or omitted, and the consequencesof anything done or omitted, by any such person orentity in reliance on the contents of this publication.Opinions expressed in advertisements appearing inthis publication are the advertiser’s opinions and donot necessarily reflect those of IATA. The mentionof specific companies or products in advertisementdoes not imply that they are endorsed or recom-mended by IATA in preference to others of a simi-lar nature which are not mentioned or advertised.© International Air Transport Association. AllRights Reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced, recast, reformatted or trans-mitted in any form by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, record-ing or any information storage and retrieval sys-tem, without the prior written permission from:Senior Vice PresidentAirport, Passenger, Cargo and SecurityInternational Air Transport Association800 Place VictoriaP.O. Box 113Montreal, QuebecCANADA H4Z 1M1Airport Handling ManualMaterial No.: 9343-38ISBN 978-92-9229-505-9© 2017 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.TABLE OF CONTENTSPage Preface (xv)Introduction (xvii)General (1)AHM001Chapter0—Record of Revisions (1)AHM011Standard Classification and Numbering for Members Airport Handling Manuals (2)AHM012Office Function Designators for Airport Passenger and Baggage Handling (30)AHM020Guidelines for the Establishment of Airline Operators Committees (31)AHM021Guidelines for Establishing Aircraft Ground Times (34)AHM050Aircraft Emergency Procedures (35)AHM070E-Invoicing Standards (53)Chapter1—PASSENGER HANDLING (91)AHM100Chapter1—Record of Revisions (91)AHM110Involuntary Change of Carrier,Routing,Class or Type of Fare (92)AHM112Denied Boarding Compensation (98)AHM120Inadmissible Passengers and Deportees (99)AHM140Items Removed from a Passenger's Possession by Security Personnel (101)AHM141Hold Loading of Duty-Free Goods (102)AHM170Dangerous Goods in Passenger Baggage (103)AHM176Recommendations for the Handling of Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM) (105)AHM176A Acceptance and Carriage of Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM) (106)AHM180Carriage of Passengers with Communicable Diseases (114)AHM181General Guidelines for Passenger Agents in Case of SuspectedCommunicable Disease (115)Chapter2—BAGGAGE HANDLING (117)AHM200Chapter2—Record of Revisions (117)AHM210Local Baggage Committees (118)AHM211Airport Operating Rules (124)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter2—BAGGAGE HANDLING(continued)AHM212Interline Connecting Time Intervals—Passenger and Checked Baggage (126)AHM213Form of Interline Baggage Tags (128)AHM214Use of the10Digit Licence Plate (135)AHM215Found and Unclaimed Checked Baggage (136)AHM216On-Hand Baggage Summary Tag (138)AHM217Forwarding Mishandled Baggage (139)AHM218Dangerous Goods in Passengers'Baggage (141)AHM219Acceptance of Firearms and Other Weapons and Small Calibre Ammunition (142)AHM221Acceptance of Power Driven Wheelchairs or Other Battery Powered Mobility Aidsas Checked Baggage (143)AHM222Passenger/Baggage Reconciliation Procedures (144)AHM223Licence Plate Fallback Sortation Tags (151)AHM224Baggage Taken in Error (154)AHM225Baggage Irregularity Report (156)AHM226Tracing Unchecked Baggage and Handling Damage to Checked and UncheckedBaggage (159)AHM230Baggage Theft and Pilferage Prevention (161)AHM231Carriage of Carry-On Baggage (164)AHM232Handling of Security Removed Items (168)AHM240Baggage Codes for Identifying ULD Contents and/or Bulk-Loaded Baggage (169)Chapter3—CARGO/MAIL HANDLING (171)AHM300Chapter3—Record of Revisions (171)AHM310Preparation for Loading of Cargo (172)AHM311Securing of Load (174)AHM312Collection Sacks and Bags (177)AHM320Handling of Damaged Cargo (178)AHM321Handling of Pilfered Cargo (179)AHM322Handling Wet Cargo (180)AHM330Handling Perishable Cargo (182)AHM331Handling and Protection of Valuable Cargo (184)AHM332Handling and Stowage of Live Animals (188)AHM333Handling of Human Remains (190)Table of ContentsPageChapter3—CARGO/MAIL HANDLING(continued)AHM340Acceptance Standards for the Interchange of Transferred Unit Load Devices (191)AHM345Handling of Battery Operated Wheelchairs/Mobility AIDS as Checked Baggage (197)AHM350Mail Handling (199)AHM351Mail Documents (203)AHM353Handling of Found Mail (218)AHM354Handling of Damaged Mail (219)AHM355Mail Security (220)AHM356Mail Safety (221)AHM357Mail Irregularity Message (222)AHM360Company Mail (224)AHM380Aircraft Documents Stowage (225)AHM381Special Load—Notification to Captain(General) (226)AHM382Special Load—Notification to Captain(EDP Format and NOTOC Service) (231)AHM383Special Load—Notification to Captain(EDP NOTOC Summary) (243)AHM384NOTOC Message(NTM) (246)Chapter4—AIRCRAFT HANDLING AND LOADING (251)AHM400Chapter4—Record of Revisions (251)AHM411Provision and Carriage of Loading Accessories (252)AHM420Tagging of Unit Load Devices (253)AHM421Storage of Unit Load Devices (263)AHM422Control of Transferred Unit Load Devices (268)AHM423Unit Load Device Stock Check Message (273)AHM424Unit Load Device Control Message (275)AHM425Continued Airworthiness of Unit Load Devices (279)AHM426ULD Buildup and Breakdown (283)AHM427ULD Transportation (292)AHM430Operating of Aircraft Doors (295)AHM431Aircraft Ground Stability—Tipping (296)AHM440Potable Water Servicing (297)AHM441Aircraft Toilet Servicing (309)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter4—AIRCRAFT HANDLING AND LOADING(continued)AHM450Standardisation of Gravity Forces against which Load must be Restrained (310)AHM451Technical Malfunctions Limiting Load on Aircraft (311)AHM453Handling/Bulk Loading of Heavy Items (312)AHM454Handling and Loading of Big Overhang Items (313)AHM455Non CLS Restrained ULD (316)AHM460Guidelines for Turnround Plan (323)AHM462Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling (324)AHM463Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations (337)AHM465Foreign Object Damage(FOD)Prevention Program (340)Chapter5—LOAD CONTROL (343)AHM500Chapter5—Record of Revisions (343)AHM501Terms and Definitions (345)AHM503Recommended Requirements for a New Departure Control System (351)AHM504Departure Control System Evaluation Checklist (356)AHM505Designation of Aircraft Holds,Compartments,Bays and Cabin (362)AHM510Handling/Load Information Codes to be Used on Traffic Documents and Messages (368)AHM513Aircraft Structural Loading Limitations (377)AHM514EDP Loading Instruction/Report (388)AHM515Manual Loading Instruction/Report (404)AHM516Manual Loadsheet (416)AHM517EDP Loadsheet (430)AHM518ACARS Transmitted Loadsheet (439)AHM519Balance Calculation Methods (446)AHM520Aircraft Equipped with a CG Targeting System (451)AHM530Weights for Passengers and Baggage (452)AHM531Procedure for Establishing Standard Weights for Passengers and Baggage (453)AHM533Passengers Occupying Crew Seats (459)AHM534Weight Control of Load (460)AHM536Equipment in Compartments Procedure (461)AHM537Ballast (466)Table of ContentsPageChapter5—LOAD CONTROL(continued)AHM540Aircraft Unit Load Device—Weight and Balance Control (467)AHM550Pilot in Command's Approval of the Loadsheet (468)AHM551Last Minute Changes on Loadsheet (469)AHM561Departure Control System,Carrier's Approval Procedures (471)AHM562Semi-Permanent Data Exchange Message(DEM) (473)AHM564Migration from AHM560to AHM565 (480)AHM565EDP Semi-Permanent Data Exchange for New Generation Departure Control Systems (500)AHM570Automated Information Exchange between Check-in and Load Control Systems (602)AHM571Passenger and Baggage Details for Weight and Balance Report(PWR) (608)AHM580Unit Load Device/Bulk Load Weight Statement (613)AHM581Unit Load Device/Bulk Load Weight Signal (615)AHM583Loadmessage (619)AHM587Container/Pallet Distribution Message (623)AHM588Statistical Load Summary (628)AHM590Load Control Procedures and Loading Supervision Responsibilities (631)AHM591Weight and Balance Load Control and Loading Supervision Training and Qualifications (635)Chapter6—MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY (641)AHM600Chapter6—Record of Revisions (641)AHM610Guidelines for a Safety Management System (642)AHM611Airside Personnel:Responsibilities,Training and Qualifications (657)AHM612Airside Performance Evaluation Program (664)AHM615Quality Management System (683)AHM616Human Factors Program (715)AHM619Guidelines for Producing Emergency Response Plan(s) (731)AHM620Guidelines for an Emergency Management System (733)AHM621Security Management (736)AHM633Guidelines for the Handling of Emergencies Requiring the Evacuation of an Aircraft During Ground Handling (743)AHM650Ramp Incident/Accident Reporting (745)AHM652Recommendations for Airside Safety Investigations (750)AHM660Carrier Guidelines for Calculating Aircraft Ground Accident Costs (759)Airport Handling ManualChapter7—AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT CONTROL (761)AHM700Chapter7—Record of Revisions (761)AHM710Standards for Message Formats (762)AHM711Standards for Message Corrections (764)AHM730Codes to be Used in Aircraft Movement and Diversion Messages (765)AHM731Enhanced Reporting on ATFM Delays by the Use of Sub Codes (771)AHM780Aircraft Movement Message (774)AHM781Aircraft Diversion Message (786)AHM782Fuel Monitoring Message (790)AHM783Request Information Message (795)AHM784Gate Message (797)AHM785Aircraft Initiated Movement Message(MVA) (802)AHM790Operational Aircraft Registration(OAR)Message (807)Chapter8—GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENTS (811)AHM800Chapter8—Record of Revisions (811)AHM801Introduction to and Comments on IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement(SGHA) (812)AHM803Service Level Agreement Example (817)AHM810IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement (828)AHM811Yellow Pages (871)AHM813Truck Handling (872)AHM815Standard Transportation Documents Service Main Agreement (873)AHM817Standard Training Agreement (887)AHM830Ground Handling Charge Note (891)AHM840Model Agreement for Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) (894)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS (911)AHM900Chapter9—Record of Revisions (911)AHM901Functional Specifications (914)AHM904Aircraft Servicing Points and System Requirements (915)AIRBUS A300B2320-/B4/C4 (917)A300F4-600/-600C4 (920)A310–200/200C/300 (926)A318 (930)A319 (933)Table of ContentsPageChapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)A320 (936)A321 (940)A330-200F (943)A330-300 (948)A340-200 (951)A340-300 (955)A340-500 (959)A340-600 (962)Airbus350900passenger (965)AIRBUS A380-800/-800F (996)ATR42100/200 (999)ATR72 (1000)AVRO RJ70 (1001)AVRO RJ85 (1002)AVRO RJ100 (1003)B727-200 (1004)B737–200/200C (1008)B737-300,400,-500 (1010)B737-400 (1013)B737-500 (1015)B737-600,-700,-700C (1017)B737-700 (1020)B737-800 (1022)B737-900 (1026)B747–100SF/200C/200F (1028)B747–400/400C (1030)B757–200 (1038)B757–300 (1040)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)B767—200/200ER (1041)B767—300/300ER (1044)B767—400ER (1048)B777–200/200LR (1051)B777–300/300ER (1055)Boeing787800passenger (1059)BAe ATP(J61) (1067)Bombardier CS100 (1068)Bombardier CS300 (1072)CL-65(CRJ100/200) (1076)DC8–40/50F SERIES (1077)DC8–61/61F (1079)DC8–62/62F (1081)DC8–63/63F (1083)DC9–15/21 (1085)DC9–32 (1086)DC9–41 (1087)DC9–51 (1088)DC10–10/10CF (1089)DC10–30/40,30/40CF (1091)EMBRAER EMB-135Regional Models (1092)EMBRAER EMB-145Regional Models (1094)Embraer170 (1096)Embraer175 (1098)Embraer190 (1100)Embraer195 (1102)FOKKER50(F27Mk050) (1104)FOKKER50(F27Mk0502) (1106)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)FOKKER70(F28Mk0070) (1108)FOKKER100(F28Mk0100) (1110)FOKKER100(F28Mk0100) (1112)IL-76T (1114)MD-11 (1116)MD–80SERIES (1118)SAAB2000 (1119)SAAB SF-340 (1120)TU-204 (1122)AHM905Reference Material for Civil Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1125)AHM905A Cross Reference of IATA Documents with SAE,CEN,and ISO (1129)AHM909Summary of Unit Load Device Capacity and Dimensions (1131)AHM910Basic Requirements for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1132)AHM911Ground Support Equipment Requirements for Compatibility with Aircraft Unit Load Devices (1136)AHM912Standard Forklift Pockets Dimensions and Characteristics for Forkliftable General Support Equipment (1138)AHM913Basic Safety Requirements for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1140)AHM914Compatibility of Ground Support Equipment with Aircraft Types (1145)AHM915Standard Controls (1147)AHM916Basic Requirements for Towing Vehicle Interface(HITCH) (1161)AHM917Basic Minimum Preventive Maintenance Program/Schedule (1162)AHM920Functional Specification for Self-Propelled Telescopic Passenger Stairs (1164)AHM920A Functional Specification for Towed Passenger Stairs (1167)AHM921Functional Specification for Boarding/De-Boarding Vehicle for Passengers withReduced Mobility(PRM) (1169)AHM922Basic Requirements for Passenger Boarding Bridge Aircraft Interface (1174)AHM923Functional Specification for Elevating Passenger Transfer Vehicle (1180)AHM924Functional Specification for Heavy Item Lift Platform (1183)AHM925Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Conveyor-Belt Loader (1184)AHM925A Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Ground Based in-Plane LoadingSystem for Bulk Cargo (1187)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM925B Functional Specification for a Towed Conveyor-Belt Loader (1190)AHM926Functional Specification for Upper Deck Catering Vehicle (1193)AHM927Functional Specification for Main Deck Catering Vehicle (1197)AHM930Functional Specification for an Upper Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1201)AHM931Functional Specification for Lower Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1203)AHM932Functional Specification for a Main Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1206)AHM933Functional Specification of a Powered Extension Platform to Lower Deck/Container/ Pallet Loader (1209)AHM934Functional Specification for a Narrow Body Lower Deck Single Platform Loader (1211)AHM934A Functional Specification for a Single Platform Slave Loader Bed for Lower DeckLoading Operations (1213)AHM936Functional Specification for a Container Loader Transporter (1215)AHM938Functional Specification for a Large Capacity Freighter and Combi Aircraft TailStanchion (1218)AHM939Functional Specification for a Transfer Platform Lift (1220)AHM941Functional Specification for Equipment Used for Establishing the Weight of aULD/BULK Load (1222)AHM942Functional Specification for Storage Equipment Used for Unit Load Devices (1224)AHM950Functional Specification for an Airport Passenger Bus (1225)AHM951Functional Specification for a Crew Transportation Vehicle (1227)AHM953Functional Specifications for a Valuable Cargo Vehicle (1229)AHM954Functional Specification for an Aircraft Washing Machine (1230)AHM955Functional Specification for an Aircraft Nose Gear Towbar Tractor (1232)AHM956Functional Specification for Main Gear Towbarless Tractor (1235)AHM957Functional Specification for Nose Gear Towbarless Tractor (1237)AHM958Functional Specification for an Aircraft Towbar (1240)AHM960Functional Specification for Unit Load Device Transport Vehicle (1242)AHM961Functional Specification for a Roller System for Unit Load Device Transportation on Trucks (1245)AHM962Functional Specification for a Rollerised Platform for the Transportation of Twenty Foot Unit Load Devices that Interfaces with Trucks Equipped to Accept Freight ContainersComplying with ISO668:1988 (1247)AHM963Functional Specification for a Baggage/Cargo Cart (1249)AHM965Functional Specification for a Lower Deck Container Turntable Dolly (1250)AHM966Functional Specification for a Pallet Dolly (1252)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM967Functional Specification for a Twenty Foot Unit Load Device Dolly (1254)AHM968Functional Specification for Ramp Equipment Tractors (1256)AHM969Functional Specification for a Pallet/Container Transporter (1257)AHM970Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Potable Water Vehicle with Rear orFront Servicing (1259)AHM971Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Lavatory Service Vehicle with Rear orFront Servicing (1262)AHM972Functional Specifications for a Ground Power Unit for Aircraft Electrical System (1265)AHM973Functional Specification for a Towed Aircraft Ground Heater (1269)AHM974Functional Specification for Aircraft Air Conditioning(Cooling)Unit (1272)AHM975Functional Specifications for Self-Propelled Aircraft De-Icing/Anti-Icing Unit (1274)AHM976Functional Specifications for an Air Start Unit (1278)AHM977Functional Specification for a Towed De-Icing/Anti-Icing Unit (1280)AHM978Functional Specification for a Towed Lavatory Service Cart (1283)AHM979Functional Specification for a Towed Boarding/De-Boarding Device for Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM)for Commuter-Type Aircraft (1285)AHM980Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Petrol/Diesel Refueling Vehicle forGround Support Equipment (1287)AHM981Functional Specification for a Towed Potable Water Service Cart (1289)AHM990Guidelines for Preventative Maintenance of Aircraft Towbars (1291)AHM994Criteria for Consideration of the Investment in Ground Support Equipment (1292)AHM995Basic Unit Load Device Handling System Requirements (1296)AHM997Functional Specification for Sub-Freezing Aircraft Air Conditioning Unit (1298)Chapter10—ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR GROUND HANDLING OPERATIONS (1301)AHM1000Chapter10—Record of Revisions (1301)AHM1001Environmental Specifications for Ground Handling Operations (1302)AHM1002Environmental Impact on the Use of Ground Support Equipment (1303)AHM1003GSE Environmental Quality Audit (1305)AHM1004Guidelines for Calculating GSE Exhaust Emissions (1307)AHM1005Guidelines for an Environmental Management System (1308)Chapter11—GROUND OPERATIONS TRAINING PROGRAM (1311)AHM1100Chapter11—Record of Revisions (1311)AHM1110Ground Operations Training Program (1312)Appendix A—References (1347)Appendix B—Glossary (1379)Alphabetical List of AHM Titles (1387)IATA Strategic Partners..............................................................................................................................SP–1。
41、你真英俊!/kun-luo-jing-jing坤裸晶晶/you handsome!
42、几点钟?/gei-meng给蒙/what time?
43、三点了/san-meng-liao三蒙辽/three clock
冰水/nam yan
热水/nam luam
冰块/nam kan
咖啡/ga fei
橙汁/nam song
再来一杯/huo yi giao
干杯/qiong giao
骑大象/ji chang
椰子/ma pao
酸辣虾汤/dong yang gong
咖喱螃蟹/bu pan pong ge li
柠檬鱼/ba nen ma nao
酸辣虾刺身/gong qian nan ba
青木瓜沙律/song dang
目录第一章产品概述 (3)1.1功能 (3)1.2一般规格 (3)1.3各部分名称 (4)1.4外型尺寸及安装方法 (7)第二章编辑软件TK100 (8)2.1 TK100基本概述 (8)2.2编辑用户画面 (8)2.3保存工程 (32)2.4下载画面 (33)第三章操作方法 (33)3.1联机通讯 (33)3.2切换画面 (34)3.3系统口令 (34)3.4修改数据 (35)3.5开关量控制 (36)第四章与PLC的连接方法 (37)4. 1深圳丰菱科技FL系列 (37)4.2三菱FX系列 (38)4.3西门子S7-200系列 (39)4.4欧姆龙C系列 (39)4.5施耐德NEZA/TWIDO系列 (40)4.6 台达DVP系列 (41)4.7松下FP系列 (41)4.8 LG Master-K CNet系列 (42)4.9 LG系列 Modbus 协议 (43)4.10 LG Master-K 120S 编程口通讯 (44)4.11 FACON永宏系列 (44)4. 12 光洋S系列 (45)4.13 ECOSTEP 系列 (46)4.14 AB Micrologix系列 (47)4.15 MODBUS RTU/ASCII/EMERSON/RTU EXTEND (48)4.16 MODBUS SERVER (49)4.17 九天丰菱自由协议 (50)4.18 SAIA PCD S-BUS协议 (51)4.19 VIGOR PLC (52)4.20 EMERSON EC20系列PLC (53)4.21 KEYENCE KV系列PLC (54)eView TK100 V1.0.0 组态软件Release Note (55)附录1:自由协议文档 (59)附录2:其它注意事项 (61)附录3:TK100组态新增功能 (62)第一章产品概述1.1功能TK100是一个小型的人机界面,主要与各类PLC(或带通信口的智能控制器)配合使用,以文字或指示灯等形式监视、修改PLC内部寄存器或继电器的数值及状态,从而使操作人员能够自如地控制机器设备。
Booster Relay模型IL100用户手册说明书
No.IL01-OM00006-BBOOSTER RELAYIL100Instructions for your Safety 1~21. Outline 32. Specification 33. Structure and the Operation Principle 3~44. Transportation and Storage 55. Precautions in Using 66. Maintenance 7~87. Countermeasures for Failure 98. Spare Parts List 109. Drawing 11Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC)*1) , and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines .(Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1992: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety.etc.Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, couldresult in death or serious injury.Danger Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will resultin death or serious injury.Warning1. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications.Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility with specific equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications based on necessary analysis and test results.The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of the person who has determined its compatibility with the product.This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalog information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure when configuring the equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment.The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly.The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced.3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety is confirmed.1.The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures toprevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed.2.When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above are implementedand the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions of all relevant products carefully.3. Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.4. Contact SMC beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if the productis to be used in any of the following conditions.1. Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a place exposed todirect sunlight.2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping,vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalog.3. An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safetyanalysis.e in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by using amechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.-1-Safety InstructionsCautionThe product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchange specifications or a contract if necessary.If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance RequirementsThe product u sed is subject to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaimer” and “Compliance Requirements”.Read and accept them before using the product.Limited warranty and Disclaimer1.The warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product is delivered,whichever is first.*2)Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts. Please consult your nearest sales branch.2. For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly our responsibility, a replacement product or necessary parts will be provided.This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any other damage incurred due to the failure of the product.3. Prior to using SMC products, please read and understand the warranty terms anddisclaimers noted in the specified catalog for the particular products.*2) Vacuum pads are excluded from this 1 year warranty.A vacuum pad is a consumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it is delivered.Also, even within the warranty period, the wear of a product due to the use of the vacuum pad or failure due to the deterioration of rubber material are not covered by the limited warranty.Compliance Requirements1. The use of SMC products with production equipment for the manufacture of weapons ofmass destruction(WMD) or any other weapon is strictly prohibited.2. The exports of SMC products or technology from one country to another are govemed bythe relevant security laws and regulation of the countries involved in the transaction. Prior to the shipment of a SMC product to another country, assure that all local rules goveming that export are known and followed.-2-1. OutlineIncrease the operating speed of controlling part when the piping between the instruments and the controlling part is very long, or the controlling part capacity is large.2. Specification3. Structure and the operation principleInput force from the instrument enters to the input chamber and act to diaphragm A. This works against the force generated by diaphragm B. When the force generated by the input is strong, the internal valve is pressed down and the supply air flows to the output side. When not strong, the internal valve is closed and the exhaust port opens for exhaust. This is how the force generated by diaphragm A and B is balanced. Opening of the needle valve connect the air path of the input and the output. The adjustment of the throttle valve, the stability of the closed loop including the booster relay is improved.-3-INNEEDLE VALVEMODEL IL100 BLOCK DIAGRAM-4-4. Transportation and Storage-5-5. Precautions in using-6--7--8-7.Countermeasures for failure-9-Spare parts listDoc.No.IL01-SL00008Page 1/1Model Name IL 100・Spare parts listModel No. KT-IL100No .DescriptionSketchMaterialPcs.DrawingUsing SpareDrawing No. Symbol 1A2017 A2017 A2017 NBR A2017 A2017 RESINIUM126100-1 261017 261015 261014 261012 261010 26108 261092 SpringSUS304W 1261053NBR1KA00085 (JIS B2401P6)4NBR1KA00069 (JIS B2401 P12)5DiaphragmNBR 1 261018*1~5 are in a set as a repairing parts kit.DiaphragmAss ’y“O ”Ringφ8620φ86φ9.6φ16.6“O ”Ring-10-No.IL01-OM00006-B -4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPANTel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362URL Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. © 2019 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved。
电报所用的摩斯码(Morse Code ),就是通信技术的一项杰作。
”前一个限制,由那奎斯特(Harry Nyquist)在1928年漂亮地解决了。
而后一个冋題则更夏杂o1928年,盼特利(R.V.L. Hartley ) 首先提岀了信息量的IM念,并指出编侶(如摩斯胡)在提高传送速度中的重要作用。
但是他未能完整定量地解决I'nJSo二故期间,维纳(Norbert Wiener)发展了在接收器上对付噪声的最优方法。
音源AP-DV DVD播放机功能描述1、兼容DVD、VCD、HDCD、CD、DIVX、SVCD、MPEG4、WMA、PICTURE-CD、CDR/RW 等碟片2、可以插入U盘进行播放3、具有遥控功能,4、具有HI-FI数字音频(光纤)(同轴)输出接口技术指标音频输出1V0±0.2V(输出阻抗600欧)视频输出1V0±0.2V(输出阻抗75欧)频率输出20Hz—20KHz(±3 dB)音频信噪比≥80 dB失真加噪音≤-60 dB电源220V~250V交流电功率15W重量 2.7kg外型尺寸63×483×242mmAP-W228K 立体声双卡座● 优质循环放音机蕊,具有连续循环放音功能。
● 放音采用全直流耦合设计,低频响应特佳、噪音极低。
● 特别设计的常、倍速录音频率补偿系统,效果更佳、特别适合录制CD等高质量节目。
● DNR动态降噪系统。
● 全电子录音/放音转换系统。
● 常、倍速磁带复制功能。
● 金属磁带录音/放音补偿系统。
AP-F508R 数字调谐器● 豪华、高档的铝合金面板、K金按钮、超薄精美典雅,可上机柜。
● 专业级高保真立体声数码石英锁相环调谐系统,超高灵敏度接收。
● 手动/自动/频率直接输入选等多种调谐方式、操作方便。
● 特有的频道浏览播放功能,六十个电台频率储存、终生记忆,永不丢失。
● 动感的彩色输出电平频谱显示,十种梦幻频谱显示模式选择。
TK-WMP3 MP3定时播放机功能描述:1、采用一个128*64液晶显示屏,全中文、多级功能操作菜单,工作状态一目了然,图形界面,操作方便简捷;2、具有编辑播放、手动直播、编程定时播放音乐功能,可多样化选择(单曲播放、单曲循环、顺序播放、循环播放、全部循环、分组播放、任意播放),定时编程步骤多达105步,设置定时播放时,程序还可以分别对相应的曲目进行输出音量大小设定,以确保无人值守时所播放曲目的音量适中;3、内置监听扬声器,是否需要监听可以通过后面板上的的开关进行设置;4、支持MP3/WMA/WAV音乐和语音文件格式,音量调整范围: 35级电子音量控制(0 ~ 35);5、采用移动U盘存储方式,存储容量用户可以灵活改变,最大可扩展到1GB的移动U盘;6、时钟电路采用高精确度时钟芯片模块,另外特别增加温度补偿电路,以解决因地域气候差异造成的时间误差问题,从而将内置时钟与标准时间误差减到最小;7、具有一路定时输出口(短路信号)方便于对系统时序电源的无人值守自动控制;8、支持多种品牌的移动存储U盘“1GB以内、标准正品”;中文性能参数表设备型号TK-WMP3线路输入(REC)Line in:10k ohms(Ω)330Mv,不平衡MIC输入(REC)MIC:10k ohms(Ω)<100Mv,不平衡线路输出Line OUT:10k ohms(Ω)330Mv,不平衡输出方式单声道输出监听喇叭内置高保真HI-FI级全频喇叭,功率:5W/8Ω频率响应20Hz~20KHz(±3dB)信号噪声比S/N >75dB谐波失真在330mV输出时<0.5% , 在-20dB输出时<0.05%音乐格式支持MP3/WMA/WAV音乐,语音文件格式录音特性比特率:8K Bps~320K Bps, 采样率:11.025KHz~44.1KHz 放音特性播放MP3:32Bps ~320K Bps , WPA : 64Bps ~192K Bps 音量调整范围35级电子音量控制(0~35)接口方式USB 1.1操作显示方式液晶屏显示,全中文,功能操作菜单功能控制电源开关一个, 播放键一个, 删除键一个, 菜单键一个,录音键一个, 上、下选择键各一个, +,-,键各一个,监听开关一个,定时输出口一个(短路信号)指示灯POWER保护AC FUSE(0.5A)×1电源线(3×0.5mm) ×1.5M(标准)电源AC220V±10%50-60Hz电源消耗10~15W机器尺寸89(H)×483(W)×382(D)mm包装箱尺寸145(H)×520(W)×435(D)mm净重5.46kg毛重 6.88kgAP-10MP3 智能定时播放器功能描述:1、采用一个128*64液晶显示屏,全中文、多级功能操作菜单,工作状态一目了然,图形界面,操作方便简捷;2、具有编辑播放、手动直播、编程定时播、外接定时激活播放、报警、电源定时、录音功能,可多样化选择(单曲播放、单曲循环、顺序播放、循环播放、全部循环、分组播放、任意播放),定时编程步骤多99步,设置定时播放时,程序还可以分别对相应的曲目进行输出音量大小设定,以确保无人值守时所播放曲目的音量适中;3、内置监听扬声器,并有单独的监听音量控制旋钮;4、支持MP3/WMA/WAV音乐和语音文件格式,音量调整范围: 32级电子音量控制(0 ~ 32);5、采用移动U盘存储方式,存储容量用户可以灵活改变,最大可扩展到1GB的移动U盘;6、时钟电路采用高精确度时钟芯片模块,另外特别增加温度补偿电路,以解决因地域气候差异造成的时间误差问题,从而将内置时钟与标准时间误差减到最小;7、具有一路短路信号输出口(在任何播放状态,都有短路信号输出,如果执行定时任务时,提前10秒钟打开,以抵消设备电源的延时)方便于对系统时序电源的无人值守自动控制;8、具有一路报警激活信号输入(输入信号为短路信号,低电平有效)以控制机器内的报警音源输出;9、具有一路定时激活信号输入(输入信号为短路信号,低电平有效)以实现可由外部定时器进行定时播放控制;10、具有二路外控电源输出,可进行手动或定时控制,且每路输出功率可达1000W;11、支持多种品牌的移动存储U盘“1GB以内、标准正品”中文性能参数表设备型号AP-10MP3线路输入(REC)Line in:10k ohms(Ω)330Mv,不平衡MIC输入(REC) MIC in:10k ohms(Ω)≤100Mv,不平衡线路输出Line out:10k ohms(Ω)≥330Mv,不平衡输出方式单声道输出监听喇叭内置高保真HI-FI级全频喇叭,功率:5W/8Ω频率响应20Hz~20KHz(±3dB)信号噪声比S/N >75dB谐波失真在330mV输出时<0.5% , 在-20dB输出时<0.05%音乐格式支持MP3/WMA/WAV音乐,语音文件格式录音特性比特率:8K Bps~320K Bps, 采样率:11.025KHz~44.1KHz 放音特性播放MP3:32Bps ~320K Bps , WPA : 64Bps ~192K Bps 音量调整范围35级电子音量控制(0~35)接口方式USB 1.1操作显示方式液晶屏显示,全中文,功能操作菜单指示灯POWER保护AC FUSE(0.5A)×1功能控制电源开关一个, 播放键一个, 删除键一个, 菜单键一个,录音键一个, 上、下选择键各一个, +,-,键各一个,监听开关一个,定时激活输入一个,定时电源插座二个,短路激活输出口一个,报警激活输入口一个,电源线(3×1.5mm) ×1.5M(标准)电源AC220V±10%50-60Hz电源消耗10~15W机器尺寸89(H)×483(W)×382(D)mm包装箱尺寸145(H)×520(W)×435(D)mm净重5.46kg毛重 6.88kgED-12 鹅颈麦克风型号ED-12频率响应50Hz-15KHz阻抗600Ω灵敏度-63dB/± -2dB电压DC1.5V换能方式电容式指向性超心型指向性尺寸430×200×75mm重量 1.4KgED-15 鹅颈麦克风型号ED-15频率响应50Hz-13.5KHz阻抗600Ω灵敏度-45dB/± -2dB电压DC1.5V换能方式电容式指向性超心型指向性尺寸445×250×65mm重量 1.4KgMC-200 鹅颈麦克风(带两声前奏音)型号MC-200频率响应50Hz~12KHz阻抗600Ω灵敏度-63dB尺寸(mm) 450x148x120重量(Kg) 0.55MC-100 鹅颈麦克风(带四声前奏音)ED-A91 鹅颈麦克风ED-A92 鹅颈麦克风型号MC-100频率响应60Hz~18KHz阻抗200Ω灵敏度-63dB尺寸(mm) 218x116x278重量(Kg) 1.05型号ED-A91频率响应100Hz-7.5KHz阻抗150Ω灵敏度-29dB/± 1dB电压DC3V / 48V换能方式电容式指向性超心型指向性尺寸415×130×110mm重量0.56Kg型号ED-A92频率响应100Hz-12KHz阻抗200Ω灵敏度-36dB/± 3dB电压DC3V换能方式电容式指向性超心型指向性尺寸175×140×450mm重量0.70KgED-A93 鹅颈麦克风型号ED-A93频率响应100Hz-15KHz阻抗150Ω灵敏度-32dB/± 3dB电压DC3V换能方式电容式指向性超心型指向性尺寸175×140×510mm重量0.75KgED-A95 幻像会议麦克风ED-A95带开关和指示的防震会议话筒。
绪论一、机械工程材料的定义和分类1 定义:机械工程材料主要指用于机械工程、电器工程、建筑工程、化工工程、航空航天工程等领域的材料。
2、分类按化学成分分为: 金属材料(用量最大、应用范围最广)高分子材料(质轻、耐腐蚀、化工、机械、航空航天等)陶瓷材料(高电强、高硬度、耐腐蚀、绝缘、勇于电器化工等)复合材料(轻、高强度、结合两种材料的性能优点,用于航空航天等领域)二(机械)工程材料的性能力学性能()保证构件安全可靠(1)材料的使用性能物理性能包括两方面化学性能切削加工性能保证构件容易制备铸造性能材料的工艺性能焊接性能热处理性能:实际进行机械设计时:主要考虑的是材料的使用性能,其中有以力学性能最为重要。
第一章机械零件的失效分析简介:一失效的定义1任何一个机械零件或部件都要具有一定的功能:(零件设计功能)(1)P、T、M 下,保持一定的几何形状和尺寸(最基本的要求,桥梁,钢轨等)(2)实现规定的机械运动(发动机中的活塞和衢州,把直线运动转换成沿圆周运动)(3)传递力和能(齿轮,传递力矩,水轮机江水能转变成电能)2失效:零件失去设计要求的效能(功能)----失效形式多样,常见的分为以下几种方式。
Kenwood TK-941 Conversion 33-centimeter Programmin
Ray Montagne - W7CIAThe frequency must be converted to a Kenwood Channel Number prior to programming. The following table, obtained from the KW900EZP program documentation by K2MCI, is used to obtain the channel number for the target frequencies:927 902919907920908921909926903 801602403200.00001811612413210.0125 2821622423220.0250 3831632433230.0375 4841642443240.0500 5851652453250.0625 6861662463260.0750 7871672473270.0875 8881682483280.1000 9891692493290.1125 10901702503300.1250 11911712513310.1375 12921722523320.1500 13931732533330.1625 14941742543340.1750 15951752553350.1875 16961762563360.2000 17971772573370.2125 18981782583380.2250 19991792593390.2375 201001802603400.2500 211011812613410.2625 221021822623420.2750 231031832633430.2875 241041842643440.3000 251051852653450.3125 261061862563460.3250 271071872573470.3375 281081882583480.3500 291091892593490.3625 301101902603500.3750 311111912613510.3875 321121922623520.4000 331131932633530.4125 341141942643540.4250 351151952653550.4375 361161962663560.4500 371171972673570.4625 381181982683580.4750 391191992693590.4875 401202002703600.5000 411212012713610.5125 421222022723620.5250 431232032733630.5375 441242042743640.5500 451252052753650.5625 461262062763660.5750 471272072773670.5875 481282082783680.6000 491292092793690.6125927 902919907920908921909926903501302102803700.6250511312112813710.6375521322122823720.6500531332132833730.6625541342142843740.6750551352152853750.6875561362162863760.7000571372172873770.7125581382182883780.7250591392192893790.7375601402202903800.7500611412212913810.7625621422222923820.7750631432232933830.7875641442242943840.8000651452252953850.8125661462262963860.8250671472272973870.8375681482282983880.8500691492292993890.8675701502303003900.8750711512313013910.8875721522323023920.9000731532333033930.9125741542343043940.9250751552353053050.9375761562363063960.9500771572373073970.9625781582383083980.9750791592393093990.9875The target frequency pairs of 927.2125 / 902.2125 and 927.2250 / 902.2250 use FCC channels 17 and 18 respectively.Programming ProcedureI. Launch KPG-25D.exe and start with an empty template by selecting New from the File menu.II. Set the Model to TK-941.III. Select Feature Option from the Edit menu.IV. Set the T.O.T. (Dispatch) parameter to 600. This is the transmission time limit, in dispatch mode, expressed in 15 seconds per step with a range of from 15 seconds to 600 seconds. The default is 60 seconds. These are set to 10 minutes (600 seconds) so that the timers in the repeater controller can be used.V. Set the T.O.T. (Tel)parameter to 600. This is the transmission time limit, in telephone mode, expressed in 15 seconds per step with a range of from 15 seconds to 600 seconds. The default is 180 seconds. These are set to 10 minutes (600 seconds) so that the timers in the repeater controller can be used.VI. Set the Drop out delay time parameter to 1. This sets the time between carrier detect drop out and the resumption of scanning. This parameter can be set from 0 to 254 seconds at 1 second per count. The default is 3 seconds.VII. Set the dwell time parameter to 1. This sets the time between the end of transmission and the resumption of scanning. This parameter can be set from 0 to 254 seconds at 1 second per count. The default is 15 seconds.VIII. Set the Transpond delay time parameter to 3. This sets the delay from the decode of a transpond enabled ID to the beginning of a transpond transmission. This parameter can be set from 0 to 254 seconds at 1 second per count. The default is 3 seconds. If this parameter is set to a value greater than the Drop out delay time then the Drop out delay time will be used as the Transpond delay time.IX. Set the TX inhibit time parameter to 5.0. This parameter sets the period of time that the transmitter is inhibited after an inhibited ID is detected. The value can be set from 0.5 seconds to 8.0 seconds in 0.5 second steps.X. Set the Aux switch parameter to N/A. This parameter toggles the following functions off:A. N/A: No functionB. Option Sig: Option signaling board reset switch.C. Manual Relay: Auxiliary output signal ON/OFF.D. Horn Alert: Horn Alert ON/OFFE. Telephone Search: Automatically searches for a vacant telephone channel (trunked system).F. ALP/Sys.Grp.: Toggle display between alphanumeric or the system & group number.G. Fixed Call: Reset radio to a pre-programmed system & group.H. Del/Add: Provides the user system Delete / Add button.XI. Set the Scan switch parameter to List scan. This parameter sets the scan type selection as follows:A. N/A:Disables the scan switch function and sounds an alert tone (if programmed) when the scan key ispressed.B. List Scan: Automatic roaming scan.C. Fix System Scan: Operator selectable system scan.XII. Set the Revert sys type parameter to Last Use. This parameter sets the programmable transmit destination system & group during scanning. Options include:A. Last Used: Last transmitted system & group.B. Last Called: Last received system & group.XIII. Set the Free System ring back parameter to No. This feature is only active during telephone use (trunked system). The radio will beep when the telephone interconnect line is not busy.XIV. Set the Clear to talk beep parameter to Yes. Upon successful access of a trunked system, this beep tone sounds to alert the user they can begin speaking.XV. Set the System search parameter to None. While a selected system is busy (the radio sounds an intercept tone) then release the PTT key, the radio will start to search for an available system automatically or manually. Options include:A. None: Disable system search.B. Auto: During the intercept tone, keep the PTT key held down and press the SCAN key. Upon release of theSCAN key, system search begins.C. Manual: During the intercept tone, releasing the PTT will initiate auto system search.XVI. Set the Display Character parameter to Grp Name. This parameter selects the display character Group name (Alphanumeric) or System & Group number. If you select the AUX switch as the display character, this selection will be just as default. Options include:A. Sys Grp: Set the display character as System & Group number.B. Grp Name: Set the display character as alphanumeric (pre-programing necessary).XVII. Set the Minimum volume parameter to 0. The minimum volume is the level which will be set automatically every time you turn on the radio. If the volume is adjusted below this level prior to turning the radio off, the volume will be set to this level the next time the radio is turned on. In order to ensure that the speaker is quiet at the repeater site, this value is set to zero. The default value is 8.XVIII. Set the Off hook scan parameter to Disable. The radio is able to scan, even with the mic off hook. Options include:A. Enable: Scan start & stop is independent of the mic hook switch.B. Disable: Mic must be on hook for scanning to start.XIX. Set the Off hook horn alt parameter to Disable. Horn alert is auto disabled when the microphone goes off hook Options include:A. Enable: Off hook auto disable.B. Disable: Manual disable only.XX. Set the Off hook decode parameter to Enable. The radio is still tone squelched, even though the mic is in the off hook condition (valid for QT, DQT and Option Signaling board decode). Options include:A. Enable: Decode signaling active even in the off hook condition.B. Disable: Decode signaling is disabled during off hook.Setting this parameter to Enable allows the radio to operate in decode without having to wire the off-hook signal to the on-hook position.XXI. Set the Access logic sig parameter to Sngl. Pulse. This logic signal is useful for external radio control unit (i.e. Mobile Data Terminal, Computer Aided Dispatch or Over The Air Re-Programming etc) that require a signal at the time of successful trunked repeater access. Options include:A. Continuous: Logic Level high during length of access.B. Sng. Pulse: Logic level high pulse at the time of a successful handshake.XXII. Set the Horn alt logic sig parameter to Pulse. The Horn Alert logic can be used to drive a vehicle horn relay, light or other device. The logic level signal can be set for a continuous (EX: light) or momentary pulse output (EX: vehicle horn relay). Options include:A. Continuous: Continuous logic level low output until reset.B. Pulse: Momentary logic level low output.XXIII.The options should now appear as:XXIV. Layout all of the repeater input frequencies in the first group. Setup each repeater output frequency in a separate system. Using the Kenwood3.exe program, the hexadecimal representation of each frequency can be determined (as seen in the table below).Group & System ConfigurationGroup 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6Group 7Group 81KC7MCCTX A927.2125CarrierCH. 170xD197KC7MCCTX A927.2125EncodeCH. 170xD197KC7MCCRX A902.2125CarrierCH. 170x0190KC7MCCRX A902.2125EncodeCH. 170x0190KC7MCCTX B927.2250CarrierCH. 180xD297KC7MCCTX B927.2250EncodeCH. 180xD297KC7MCCRX B902.2250CarrierCH. 180x0290KC7MCCRX B902.2250EncodeCH. 180x0290The carrier access groups are not intended for active use but support test configurations, such as performing a -12 dB SINAD measurement on a receiver.XXV. Set the system configuration to Conventional.XXVI. Hit Enter to edit the system configuration.XXVII. Program each group as follows:A. Set the FCC field to 200.B. Set the transmit Encode field as appropriate.C. Set the receive Decode field as appropriate.D. Set the Grp-Name field as appropriate. Use unique text that will help you identify the group name whenusing the HxD program at a later step.E. Set the TlkArnd field to Yes.F. Leave all other fields at their default values.XXVIII. Save the KPG25D configuration file.XXIX. Exit the KPG25D.exe program.XXX. The KPG25D.exe program will have inserted a value of 0x089B, corresponding to channel 200 or 937.5000 MHz, into each of the frequency slots. The channel numbers are stored as a 16-bit word in little endian format. Endian swapping the default channel value results in a value of 0x9B08, which converts to a decimal value of 39688. The decimal channel value can be determined by subtracting the target frequency from 937.5000 MHz and then dividing by the channel frequency step size of 0.0125 MHz. The resulting value is then subtracted from a value of 38923, converted back to hexadecimal and then endian swapped into little endian format before storing the frequency. This is apparently what the Kenwood3.exe program does (except that the conversion to decimal and endian swapping is not required in programming since little endian is the native format for x86 processors).XXXI. Launch the HxD.exe program.XXXII. Open the KPG25D data file with the HxD program.XXXIII. Locate each frequency entry with a value of 0x089B and edit the value to the appropriate value obtained from the Kenwood3.exe program. The Grp-Name field data will be visible in the window and will help to locate the 0x089B value associated with a specific group name..XXXIV. Save the file and exit the Kenwood3.exe program.XXXV. Launch the KPG25D.exe program.XXXVI. Load the KPG25D data file.XXXVII. A view of the Feature option window will show the new channel data.XXXVIII. Program the radio.Filter InstallationTwo TK-941 radios are used to implement the full-duplex link back-bone, with one radio acting as the transmitter and the other radio acting as the receiver. The front-end filter on the receive radio must be swapped out with a filter that has the bandpass frequency having the receive frequency fall within the bandpass.A hot air SMD station was used to remove the pair of filters from the TK-941 receive radio front-end. 915 MHz filters were then installed using a standard soldering station. Note that the filter terminals did not align with the solder pads on the printed circuit board. The terminals had to be bent in to contact the pads prior to soldering. A check was made, using an Ohm meter, to verify that the terminals did not short to the ground traces surrounding the filter terminal pads.Upon completion of the filter installation, the VCO was adjusted to obtain VCO lock.Repeater Controller Interface - Receive RadioThe repeater controller interface requires access to the COS signal and de-emphasized audio. The signal driving the BASE of Q20 presents an Active LOW COS. Further, the COS signal carries only the COS when programmed for COS access or the logical NAND of COS and Tone Decode when programmed for tone or DCS access. The observed logic level on the COS signal shows 3.6 volts when HIGH.Squelch gated de-emphasized audio is available at the junction of C75 and IC6-13. The signal level of the audio, using a 1KHz tone with 3KHz deviation (as used for a -12 dB SINAD measurement), was observed to be 1.2 Vpp.The following annotated PCB view shows where to connect the COS and Gated Audio signals to interface to the repeater controller.The following image shows the repeater controller interface wires attached to the receive radio. The COS wire is blue. The squelch gated de-emphasized audio is orange. A black ground connection is made at emitter of Q20. A Dremel tool was used to grind a small slot to route the cable out of the RF shielded area where the interface signals are available. A Hot Glue gun was used to fasten down the wires, providing strain relief for the PCB pad connections.The power cable chassis strain relief can be lifted, exposing a small but removable plug. Removing this plug allows for routing of the repeater controller interface wires out of the radio chassis.Repeater Controller Interface - Transmit RadioThe transmit radio requires access to the PTT and Microphone input signals. The front panel was removed in preparation to route wires from under the power cable and on to through the chassis to the front panel PCB.The attachment points on the back of the front panel PCB are well marked as follows:1. PTT: Push-to-talk (Green Wire)2. ME: Microphone Return (audio-signal-ground - Black Wire)3. MI: Microphone Input (Red Wire)。
TK100数字卡拉OK处理器 说明书
24-bit DSP AD/DA 48kHz OK 73(BGM)VOD RS232162LCD2前面板1234531.LCD 16x2LCD2.EFFECT MASTER3.MIC MASTER4.SUB MASTER)MIC CENTER ,SUB5.MUSIC MASTER6.TREBLE7.BASS8.BALANCE9.310.311.12.3""""""13.""""""""""14.显示:字符显示屏,用于显示各种参数调节的信息。
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TKR-750 (supll) B51-8787-00
无铅焊接通信产品 保护环境建伍领先
注意∶本产品是无铅化焊接产品 在维修时请使用无铅焊锡 和相应的焊接工具 详细事项请访问如下网址了解 ∶ /
This product uses Lead Free solder.
B51-87Hale Waihona Puke 7-00K,K2,C,C2,E
© 2007-3 PRINTED IN JAPAN B51-8787-00 (N) 1112
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Front panel (A62-1149-03)
✽ New Parts. indicates safety critical components. Parts without Parts No. are not supplied. Les articles non mentionnes dans le Parts No. ne sont pas fournis. Teile ohne Parts No. werden nicht geliefert. L : Scandinavia Y : PX (Far East, Hawaii) Y : AAFES (Europe) K : USA T : England X : Australia P : Canada E : Europe M : Other Areas TKR-750 (Y54-318X-XX) FINAL UNIT (X45-373X-XX) Ref. No. New Address parts Parts No. Description Destination Ref. No. 49 72 52 53 54 55 57 59 60 64 73 74 61 62 65 66 68 67 A B C D E F G J K L M N O P R 70 New Address parts 1F 3A 1E 1F 1E 1F 3F 1E 1E 1B 3A 3A 1F 1E ✽ Parts No. G13-1802-04 G13-2171-04 H25-0029-04 H25-0747-04 H25-0762-04 H25-2328-04 H52-1621-02 J02-0475-05 J02-0492-04 J21-8467-04 J21-8556-04 J21-8557-04 J21-8559-04 J59-0302-05 J61-0307-05 K01-0418-15 K29-5389-03 K29-9106-04 K29-9370-02 N09-2292-05 N30-2606-48 N30-4006-48 N30-4014-48 N30-4020-43 N32-3006-48 N32-4008-43 N35-3006-43 N35-4006-43 N67-3008-48 N80-2608-43 N87-2606-48 N87-3005-43 N87-3006-48 N90-3014-48 ✽ T07-0770-25 490-0174-05 Description CUSHION ACCESSORY CUSHION (SPEAKER) PROTECTION BAG (60/110/0.07) PROTECTION BAG (250X350) PROTECTION BAG (120X300) PROTECTION BAG (80/250/0.07) ITEM CARTON CASE FOOT ACCESSORY FOOT ACCESSORY MOUNTING HARDWARE (DRIVE FET) MOUNTING HARDWARE (SPEAKER) MOUNTING HARDWARE (SPEAKER) MOUNTING HARDWARE ACCESSORY GROMMET ACCESSORY BAND HANDLE ACCESSORY KNOB (VOLUME) KNOB (DC SOURCE) KEY TOP HEXAGON HEAD SCREW PAN HEAD MACHINE SCREW PAN HEAD MACHINE SCREW PAN HEAD MACHINE SCREW PAN HEAD MACHINE SCREW FLAT HEAD MACHINE SCREW FLAT HEAD MACHINE SCREW BINDING HEAD MACHINE SCREW BINDING HEAD MACHINE SCREW PAN HEAD SEMS SCREW PAN HEAD TAPTITE SCREW BRAZIER HEAD TAPTITE SCREW BRAZIER HEAD TAPTITE SCREW BRAZIER HEAD TAPTITE SCREW TP HEAD MACHINE SCREW SPEAKER ADHESIVE TAPE Destination
Amprobe TT-200(BS-100) BUTT SET模型教程说明书
BUTT SETMODEL TT-200Instruction Manual|AMPROBE Copyright © 2001 AmprobeINTRODUCTION -1-The TT-200 is designed for the installers, repair technicians, and other authorized personnel for line testing and temporary communications.The test set employs the latest in integrated circuit design to provide DTMF (Touch T one) and dial pulse output. Different from other test sets,it contains a mega ohm (M Ω) meter for testing insulation resistance and telephone capacity.The repairman can independently find out line con-ditions (faults) without the help of the central office (CO) by measuring the insulation resistance and telephone capacity.The TT-200 is made of high impact materials providing excellent insulat-ing properties. The rugged case is designed for rough handling and shocks normally associated with field service.FEATURES1.Monitor (Data Safe) Function.2.T alk Function.3.Tone/Pulse Dialing.st number redial in both tone and pulse modes.5.Hook and Flash Function.6.Terminating Function.7.Speaker Phone Function.8.Polarity Checking.9.Mute Function.10.Waterproof.11.Piercing pin and angled bed nails cord (ABN).12.Insulation Resistance Measurement.13.Earth-State.14.Line-Cut (Open).15.Line-Short.16.Telephone Capacity.1.Receiver2.Mega Ohm (M ) Meterpany logo4.TONE/PULSE:On/Off switch for pulse or tone.5.TEST/CALL: On/Off switch. Off position for M Ωinsulation meter and On for subscriber calling with the METER/CALL switch.6.HOOK:On/Off switch.7.Microphone8.SP:Speakerphone switch. 9.MON:On/Off switch for line monitoring without data loss.10.METER CALL:Button for Insulation Resistance measurement andsubscriber calling.11.Dial Keypad:The recessed 16-button keypad is housed in thereceiver end of the housing. The recessed design provides physical protection to the keyboard and prevents accidental button operation.12.Polarity LED 13.Polarity LED14.P:Polarity button.15.Speaker Phone Output16.Cordset:The cord set with one red and one black conductor. Eachconductor is fitted with an alligator clip, offset 20 degrees, with pierc-ing pin and angled bed nails cord (ABN). (P/N TT-200-1)17.Belt clip:A spring-loaded belt clip secures to a belt loop or D-ring.18.Cord Line Hanger19.Non-Slip Pad:The form and non-slip pad on back of the handgrip frees up both hands while the Butt set rest on the shoulder.20.Battery Cover:Compartment for one 9V battery.PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION (See Figure 1)-2--3-FRONTBACK-4-OPERATION INSTRUCTIONSPLACING A NORMAL CALLA calling signal is sent to the subscriber's telephone causing it to ring.1.Set to data safe mode by pressing the MON (9) switch.2.Connect the alligator clips to L1 and L2 of subscriber side.3.Listen for a clear line (no data).4.Release the data safe mode by pressing MON switch again. A dial tone should be heard.5.Select the type of dial signaling required, touch-tone or dial pulse, with the TONE/PULSE switch. Note that the phone will be in the last type selected.6.Enter the desired number on the keypad. For touch-tone signaling,tones associated with the respective key will be generated. Rotary dial signaling digits will automatically be pulsed out at the correct rate.T o terminate the call, press the HOOK button.SUBSCRIBER CALLINGA calling signal is sent to the subscriber's telephone causing it to ring.You can also talk with the subscriber.This function is useful when the 48V power is not supplied from the telephone office.1.Connect the alligator clips to L1 and L2 of subscriber side.2.Push the CALL (5) button and the LED will illuminate.3.Push the METER CALL (10) button to make subscriber's phone ring.T o conserve the battery life, press button several times monetarily.HOOK FUNCTIONThis switch establishes a 0N-HOOK or OFF-HOOK condition to the line.1.Connect the alligator clips to L1 and L2 of subscriber side.2.The HOOK LED is off indicating an OFF-HOOK condition and dial tone is present.3.Pressing the HOOK (6) button, the LED will illuminate and the unit is ON-HOOK. Incoming call will cause the bell to ring.TONE/PULSEThis position is used to select between the two dial modes. The PULSE position selects rotary style dial pulse signaling. The TONE position selects the DTMF signaling.1.Connect the alligator clips to L1 and L2 of subscriber side.2.Press the TONE/PULSE (4) to select the type of dial signaling required, touch-tone or dial pulse. Note that the phone will be in the last type selected.-5-OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS (CON’T)REDIAL (RD)Will redial the last number entered.1.Press the FS button for a new dial tone.2.Press the RD button to redial the last number entered. Up to 32 dig-its can be redialed.MUTE (MU)When pressed, the transmitter is muted and the side tone is eliminated.1.Press and hold the MU to mute, release to talk.FLASH (FS)The tester produces a line break (hook flash). It is typically used for reg-ister recall or redialing.1.Press the FS button for a new dial tone.SPEAKER PHONE FUNCTION (SP)This allows you to listen handsfree1.Connect the alligator clips to L1 and L2 of subscriber side.2.Pressing the SP (8) button activates the speakerphone.3.Pressing the SP (8) button again will turn off speakerphone function.MONITOR FUNCTION (MON)The monitor position provides a high impedance (over 100k Ω) coupling to the line without disrupting conversation, data or signaling.1.Press the MON (8) button and the LED will illuminate. The unit is in a high impedance condition.2.Connect the alligator clips to L1 and L2 of subscriber side.3.Pressing the MON button again, the LED turns off and the high imped-ance condition is removed.POLARITY INDICATORThe line polarity is checked and indicated on the red or green LED's.1.Connect the alligator clips to L1 and L2 of subscriber side.2.Press the P (14) and the two LED's indicate the polarity as follows.Green LED 'ON'The line with red alligator clip is TIP (+).The line with black alligator clip is RING (-).Red LED 'ON'The line with red alligator clip is RING (-).The line with black alligator clip is TIP (+).-6-ELECTRICALLoop Resistance less than 300Ω(talk mode)Monitor Impedance greater than 100k ΩROTARY DIAL OUTPUTPulsing Rate 100pps +/-0.8%Make Rate 33 +/-3%Minimum Pulse 600ms overDTMF OUTPUTFrequency Deviation +/-1.8%Level Deviation High -8dBm, Low -6dBm +/-0.8%Return Loss 2dBmRedial 32 digits Insulation Resistance 0.1- 10M Ω(DC 180V)Power SourceDC 9VINSULATION RESISTANCE & CAPACITY MEASUREMENT1.Connect the alligator clips to L1 and L2 of subscriber side.2.Push the METER CALL (10) button.3.The insulation resistance will be displayed on the 'Mega Ohm meter,when the METER CALL button is pressed.Generally, there are two conditions:Normal condition (good insulation between L1 and L2)The meter scale goes to 0.2Ωgenerally and then back. This is caused by the capacity of the connected subscriber's telephone or the line and terminal.Abnormal condition (bad insulation between L1 and L2)The meter scale goes up to a low value (below 1M Ω) and stays there.This indicates a faulty circuit on L1 and L2.Note -The meter will not move if the line is an open circuit.BATTERY CHECKIndicates if 9-volt battery requires replacement.1.Connect the two alligator leads together.2.Press the METER CALL (10) button. A good battery is indicated if the needle is in the BT section of the meter. If the needle is below, the bat-tery should be replaced.OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS (CON’T)Made in U.S.A. MAINTENANCE9101 NW 7th Ave.Miami, Florida 33150 U.S.A.Telephone: 305-423-7500 • Fax: 305-423-7554WARRANTYCongratulations! You are now the owner of an AMPROBE® instrument. It has been quality crafted according to the highest standards of quality and workmanship. This instrument has been inspected for proper operation of all its functions and tested by qualified factory technicians according to the long-established standards of AMPROBE®.Your AMPROBE® instrument has a limited Lifetime Warranty against defective materials and/or workmanship provided that the seal is unbroken or, in the opinion of the factory, the instrument has not been tampered with or taken apart. This warranty is limited to the original purchaser and is not transferable.Should your instrument fail due to defective materials, and/or workmanship, you may return it along with a copy of your dated bill of sale which must identify instrument by model number and manufac-turing number. Please contact the factory at the number on the back cover of this manual to obtain a Return Materials Authorization and return instructions.IMPORTANT: For your protection, please use the instrument as soon as possible. If damaged, or should the need arise to return your instrument, place it in a shipping carton packed with sufficient packing material. It must be securely wrapped. Amprobe is not responsible for damage in transit. Be sure to include a packing slip (indicating model and manufacturer number) along with a brief description of the problem. Make certain your name and address appears on the box as well as the packing slip.-Outside the U.S.A. the local Amprobe representative will assist you. Above limited warranty covers repair and replacement of instrument only and no other obligation is stated or implied.BATTERY REPLACEMENT1.Remove the two screws from the battery compartment2.Remove the cover and the clear rubber gasket3.Replace the battery with an alkaline or lithium 9V battery (polarity indi-cated on cover).4.Install the gasket, cover and screws.PHYSICAL Length 2.71" (69mm)Width 10.08" (256mm)Height 3.35" (85mm)Weight 20 ounces (560g)OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS (CON’T)。
Specifications subject to change without notice
Rev(3)12/2015 Page 2of 4
Phase Noise
Option A
Test Condition
-30°C ~ +70°C
referenced to 25°C
per day, at time of shipment
after 30 days
±5% change
±5% change
in 10 minutes @ +25 ±1°C
referenced to 1 hour
RoHS Compliant Standard
Instrument Reference
Microwave / Satellite Communication
Clock Reference for Microwave Signal Source
Test & Measurement
6.4. Vibration (non-operating)
MIL-STD-202, Method 201
0.06” Total p-p, 10 to 55 Hz
6.5. Shock (non-operating)
MIL-STD-202, Method 213, Test Condition J
30g, 11ms, half-sine
2.6. Phase Noise
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