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--解锁用户alter user 用户account unlock;

--锁定用户alter user 用户account lock;

alter user scott account unlock;

--创建一个用户yc 密码为a create user 用户名identified by 密码;

create user yc identified by a;

--登录不成功,会缺少create session 权限,赋予权限的语法grant 权限名to 用户;grant create session to yc;

--修改密码alter user 用户名identified by 新密码;

alter user yc identified by b;


drop user yc ;


select *from dba_tablespaces;


select *from dba_users;


create tablespace ycspace

datafile 'E:\oracle\app\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oradata\ycspace.dbf'

size 2m

autoextend on next 2m maxsize 5m

offline ;


create temporary yctempspace

tempfile 'E:\oracle\app\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oradata\ycspace.dbf'

size 2m

autoextend on next 2m maxsize 5m

offline ;


select *from dba_data_files;




alter tablespace ycspace offline ; --离线状态,不允许任何对象对该表空间的使用,使用情况:应用需要更新或维护的时候;数据库备份的时候

alter tablespace ycspace read write;--读写状态

alter tablespace ycspace online;

alter tablespace ycspace read only; --只读,可以查询信息,可以删除表空间的对象,但是不能创建对象和修改对象。使用情况:数据存档的时候



alter database datafile 'E:\oracle\app\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oradata\ycspace.dbf' resize 10m;


alter tablespace ycspace add datafile 'E:\oracle\app\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oradata\add.dbf' size 2m;


alter tablespace 表空间的名字drop datafile 数据文件名;


drop tablespace ycspace;


drop tablespace ycspace including contents and datafiles;


create user yc1 identified by a default tablespace ycspace temporary tablespace temp;


drop user yc1;



grant create session to yc1;


create table studentInfo(

sid int,

sname varchar2(10)


grant create table to yc1;


grant unlimited tablespace to yc1;




insert into studentInfo values (2,'abcd');


select *from studentInfo;


update studentInfo set sid=1;


delete studentInfo ;

drop table studentInfo; --系统权限删除表



grant 权限名(系统权限或对象权限,角色,all) to 用户(角色,public) with admin option;


grant 权限名(系统权限或对象权限,角色,all) on 用户(角色,public) with grant option;



revoke 权限名(系统权限或对象权限,角色,all) from 用户(角色,public) with admin option; --对象权限

revoke 权限名(系统权限或对象权限,角色,all) from 用户(角色,public) with grant option;


grant create user to yc1 with admin option;
