



网络安全管理员技师练习题含答案一、单选题(共40题,每题1分,共40分)1、Apache 服务器对目录的默认访问控制是什么?A、“Deny”from“All”B、Order Deny,“All”C、Order Deny,AllowD、“Allow”from“All”正确答案:D2、实际电压源在供电时,它的端电压()它的电动势。


A、内因B、外因C、不相关因素D、根本原因正确答案:B4、在OSI 参考模型中,负责加密功能的是()。

A、会话层B、物理层C、传输层D、表示层正确答案:D5、默认情况下,Window 2000域之间的信任关系有什么特点?A、只能单向,可以传递B、只能单向,不可传递C、可以双向,不可传递D、可以双向,可以传递正确答案:D6、()是目前最常用的一种数据模型。






























将NetAgent Utility光盘放入网络工作站光驱,单击“Netility”按钮开始安装。完成后单击“开始→程序→NetAgent→Netility→Netility”,即可打开图3所示界面,显示自动搜索的连网NetAgentⅡ。
单击图3所示界面中的“Configure”,打开图4所示界面。为方便浏览器访问UPS,建议在图4中设置一个固定的IP地址。即选中“Using S tatic IP address”,在“IP Address”后输入分配给UPS的IP地址,在“Subnet Mask”后输入子网掩码,最后在“Gateway”后输入局域网的默认网关地址。
1.连接NetAgent Ⅱ
要想科华FR-UK 2000实现自动关机和网络监控功能,用户必须购买NetAgentⅡ和NetAgent Utility。前者是一个提供UPS网络通信功能的硬件,后者是一套UPS网络管理软件,它包括ClientMate和Netility软件。






A、FTP(File Transfer Protocol):快速传输协议B、URL(Uinform Resource Locator):统一资源定位器C、WWW(World Wide Web):万维网D、HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol):超文本传输协议正确答案:A4.关于OSI参考模型层次划分原则的描述中,错误的是()。















A、高层使用低层提供的服务B、不同结点的同等层具有相同的功能C、同一结点内相邻层之间通过对等协议实现通信D、各结点都有相同的层次正确答案:C8.在Windows 2003系统下DHCP服务器中添加排除时,应输入的信息是()。



A、通知B、暂停C、预知D、中断正确答案:D11.以下那个解决可以帮助减少物理硬件成本?()A、VCenter Operation Manager for View VCenter视图操作管理B、Thin Client(精简型计算机)C、Horizon View Client(地平线视图的客户)D、Horizon Mirage(地平线海市蜃楼)正确答案:B12.应提供()功能,利用通信网络将关键数据定时批量传送至备用场地。









N WORKS 管理软件,实现了对客户端的资源管理、远程监控、自动分发应用软件等功能,大大降低了计算机总体维护成本.Windows NT主要作为应用服务器,如生产、人力资源、文书、档案管理的后台数据库服务,另外,NT系统还应用在Internet接入及mail服务等方面.公司的应用软件以合作开发为主,主要应用在生产管理、财务管理、人力资源管理、档案管理等方面,减轻了员工的劳动强度,规范了公司的业务流程,为今后的发展提供了大量可靠的数据。












A、FATB、EXTC、NTFSD、FAT32正确答案:C9.IP v4地址由()位二进制数值组成。







医学信息 20 年 1 08 月第 2 卷第 1 Me i l no t n Jn 2 0 . o. 1 N . l 期 dc fr i .a . 0 8 V 12 . 01 a I ma o
- 嘲嫦 黼

—●■I 一 网络交换器 网络交换器 ———一 —●●一 网络交换器
● 网 理 络 管 卡 每
医 信 0 年1 第2卷 期 Mdar Ⅱ 0J. H V . .o 学 息2 8 月 1 第1 ec I n t .n 0 .o2 N1 H D i ana 2 8 1 1 . l i D
l 惠 医 罐 学
U S 网管理系统在 中山市人民医院 的建设 与应用 P 联
民 医院 的 使 用 。
关 键 词 : SM 间 断 安 全供 电 平 台 UP ;
0 引 言
1 中 山 市 人 民 医 院 UPS概 况
前几年 , 我们应用 到的 u S基本 都是孤立 存在 的 , P 在整 个供 电系统里 , P u S就形成了一个分立 的信息孤 岛。首先 , 它 不 能和其他设备 互连 , 其次 , 只能被动 的进行供 电方式 的 它 选择 。从这种意义上说 , P u S只是 提供 了一种 应急供 电的角
程和集 中监控 , 提高信息 系统的合理 应用 , 创造更 多 的商 业
收 稿 日期 :0 7 0 — 0 2H— 93 D
u S的 I P P地址 ,即可进行监控 医院各部门的每一 台 U S 实 P,
现远程集 中监控管理 , 可以获得 各 U S的实时监控功能 , P 并
26电 池状 态报 告 .
报告 电池使用年 限 、 寿命状态 , 以便及时更换 故障电池 , 避免 电池问题导致的系统宕机。


硬件准备包括计算机主机、输入输出设备、存储设备、辅助设备 (稳压电源、空调设备)、通信设备等。
3、人员培训 主要指用户培训,包括主管人员和业务人员。
4、数据准备 没有一定的基础数据的准备,系统调试就不能很好的进行。
3、试点过渡法(逐步转换法) 新系统一部分一部分地替换老系统,直到全部替代老系统。
新系统2 新系统1
•避免了直接转换法的危险性,费用也比并行转换法省 •这种转换方式借口复杂,当新老系统差别太大是不宜 采取该方法
Int i=1 Int s=0 Do While(i<=100)
s=s+i i=i+1 EndDo
3、选择结构: 由某个逻辑表达式的取值决定选择两个处理加工中的一个。
第四节 软件开发工具
利用软件生成工具进行系统开发可以大量的减少甚至避免手工编 写程序,并且避免了手工方式下的编程错误,从而极大的提高了系统 开发效率。
[计算机辅助软件工程 (CASE)]
⑴ CASE (COMPUTER AIDED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)的特点: 支持系统分析和系统设计 (如生成数据流程图、生成功能结构图和各
种文档资料等)乃至整个系统生命周期的大型软件环境。 ⑵ 功能:
CASE中集成了多种工具,这些工具既可以单独使用,也可以组合使 用,为系统开发提供了全过程的开发环境
利用精心挑选的测试数据,使程序和模块中的每一条语句都能 得到执行, 即能够测试程序中的任一逻辑通路。常用的测试数据有 以下几种:



XX银行股份有限公司UPS电源系统管理办法第一章总则第一条为加强XX银行股份有限公司(以下简称“本行”)计算机网络系统的用电安全,规范计算机网络系统的用电管理和操作,保障计算机设备的正常运行和业务的连续性,根据《XX银行股份有限公司中心机房建设管理办法》、《XX 银行股份有限公司计算机信息及网络系统应急预案》和本行UPS、发电机的相关管理技术要求,特制定本办法。

第二条 UPS电源系统作为不间断电源系统,包括UPS主机、电池、发电机和布线系统,是计算机网络系统运作的源动力,是本行计算机系统所有电子设备正常运行的基础保证,科学规范的管理、检查和考核机制是UPS电源系统正常、安全运行的重要保障。












(三)如何开展适合中国国情的综合物流代理 1.从事综合物流代理业务的主要思路 (1) 不进行大的固定资产投入,低成本经营的原则; (2) 将主要的成本部门及产品服务的生产部门的大部分工作委托他人 处理,注重建立自己的销售队伍和管理网络; (3) 实行特许代理制,将协作单位纳入自己的经营轨道; (4) 公司经营的核心能力就是综合物流代理业务的销售、采购、协调 管理和组织设计的方法与经验,并且注重业务流程和组织机制的创新, 使公司经营不断产生新的增长点。 2.措施 (1) 坚持品牌经营、产品(服务)经营和资本经营相结合的系统经营。 (2) 企业的发展和目标与员工、供应商、经营商的目标和发展充分结 合。 (3) 重视员工和外部协作经营商的培训,协助其实现经营目标。 (4) 建立和完善物流网络,分级管理,操作和行销分开。 (5) 开发建设物流管理信息系统,应用EDI、GPS、RF、EOS、 Internet、CODE BAR等新技术对货物进行实时动态跟踪和信息自动处 理。 (6) 实行优先认股的内部管理机制,促进企业不断发展。 (7) 组建客户俱乐部,为公司提供一个稳定的客户群。
第三方物流在我国的兴起来之不易,我国物流 学是20世纪70年代末兴起的。 下面分析我国第三方物流的产生背景及其启示。
1. 我国国民经济高速发展 2. 改革开放的结果 3. 我国物流学发展的结果 4. 信息技术发展的结果 5. 市场竞争的结果
第三方物流(Third-party Logistics) 第四方物流(Fourth-party Logistics) 业务外包(Business Outsourcing)






第二章 UPS设备的选型1.电厂在选型UPS设备时,应根据实际负载需求和供电可靠性要求,结合电厂的运行特点和环境条件进行综合考虑,选择适合电厂需求的UPS设备。



第三章 UPS设备的安装1.电厂UPS设备的安装应按照设备的安装说明和工程设计文件进行,严格按照规范和要求进行安装,确保设备的安全、稳定和可靠。



第四章 UPS设备的调试1.电厂UPS设备安装完成后,应进行严格的调试工作,确保设备的参数配置、功能测试、稳定性测试等方面的完善,保证设备的正常运行。



第五章 UPS设备的运行1.电厂UPS设备的运行应遵循“安全第一、稳定为主、效率为重”的原则,保证设备的安全、稳定和高效运行。


2 0 1 3年 9月 第4 9卷 第 9期
铁 道 通 信 信 号
RAI L WAY S I GNAL L I NG & C 0MMU2 01 3 Vo 1 . 4 9 No . 9
U P S在 线监 测 及 维护 管理 系统 设 计
2 . 由于没有 良好 的检测 手 段 及 科 学 的 管 理 方
法 ,使 用 者 对 于 U P S的 运 行 情 况 ,特 别 是 蓄 电 池 组性 能状况 ,如 内阻 、剩余 容 量 、端 电压 ,无法 及
时地 了解 和判 断 。而这些 数据 的整 理 、存储 、分 析 需要 较强 的专 业软 件 和专用 的检测 仪 器 。
铁路 信 号系统 不仅 要求 供 电电压稳 定 、频率 稳 定 、波 型无 杂波 ,而且 需要 不 间断供 电 ,为此 铁路 信 号 系统使 用 的所有 电子设 备都 配备 了不 间断 电源
( U P S ) 。但 这 些 U P S需 要 进 行 定 期 维 护 和 在 线 监
的可靠性 无 法得 到保证 。
测 ,然而分 布在 偏远 山区或高 海拔地 区的无人 值守 站 ,交通极 为不便 ,遇 到雨雪 等恶 劣天 气 ,维修 维
护人 员很 难 及 时 到 达 现 场 。为 此 ,开 发 U P S在 线
3 .使 用 者 受 到 U P S厂 家 的 宣 传 误 导 ,以 为 U P S配 备 的免维 护 蓄 电池 不需要 维 护 ,实 际使 用 中
室配 电 系统进 行 改进 。
关 键 词 :在 线监 测及 维护 ;不 间断 电源 ;信 号 系统 ;管理
Ab s t r a c t : UP Ss a r e wi d e l y us e d i n r a i l wa y s i g n a l i ng s y s t e m. Ho we v e r,i t i s d i ic f u l t f o r UP S ma i n t e —



多个机房UPS如何集中监控及控制解决方案一.用户系统需求分析1.希望对UPS (及周边环境,可选)集中监控管理的场合2.希望能够远程随时了解分支点的UPS运行情况的场合3.希望能够将多品牌多类型UPS集中统一管理的场合4.希望真正实现UPS机房无人值守5.希望能够通过短信随时了解UPS的异常状况6.希望能够获得详细UPS历史资料,以便分析UPS的运行现状和故障原因7.希望能够对UPS进行远程维护,如电池充放电测试二.系统组成1.网络集中监控中心/主机2.用户传输网络(TCP/IP)3.UPS网络监控适配器4.被监控设备(UPS、UPS电池组等)5.高精度环境温湿度侦测模块(可选)6.电池电量检测仪(可选)7.空调红外遥控模块(可选)三.系统功能与特点1.支持多品牌多类型UPS集中统一监控管理对数量众多而又分布面广的UPS电源及其周边环境的维护、监测和管理变得异常轻松和高效,各种品牌和型号的UPS集中在统一的平台中进行监控,使得管理工作变得简单和方便。

2.支持UPS全天候实时监控管理365x24全天候实时不间断监控,UPS运行状况轻松掌握,大大提升了管理的品质和效率3.实时侦测每台网络UPS的市电、电池、逆变器工作、旁路、自测等各种工作运行状况4、详细且直观的数据和图像显示各UPS的实时状态以数据及图形的方式直观而清楚地显示每台网络UPS的电压、频率、负载、电池等各项参量的实时状态信息,帮助使用者了解当前电力供应的品质情况5.可实现UPS电源的远程操控和维护,并可设定其定期自动操控、维护、保养,如电池组放电维护等;用户无需亲临现场,即可对远程的UPS进行常规的操控和维护,大大减轻了UPS 管理的工作难度,提升了工作效率,使得UPS的管理水平得到极大地提高,UPS主机和电池也得到了更好的保养,延长了电池的寿命。





Essentials of Management Information Systems, 9e (Laudon/Laudon)Chapter 1 Business Information Systems in Your Career1) Internet advertising is growing at a rate of more than 30 percent a year.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3 Page Ref: 6AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension2) A business model describes how a company produces, delivers, and sells a product or service to create wealth.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 11AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension3) Information technology (IT) consists of all the hardware that a firm needs to use in order to achieve its business objectives, whereas information systems consist of all the hardware and software needed.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 13AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension4) Computers are only part of an information system.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 14AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension5) Information systems literacy describes the behavioral approach to information systems, while computer literacy describes the technical approach.Answer: FALSEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 15AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension6) The dimensions of information systems are people, organizations, and information technology.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 15AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension7) In order to understand how a specific business firm uses information systems, you need to know something about the history and culture of the company.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 15AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension8) Developing a new product, fulfilling an order, or hiring a new employee are all examples of business processes.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 16AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension9) Business processes are those logically related tasks for accomplishing tasks that have been formally encoded by an organization.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 16AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension10) Employee attitudes about their jobs, employers, or technology can have a powerful effect on their abilities to use information systems productively.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 16AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension11) A network requires at least three computers and a shared resource.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 17AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension12) An IT infrastructure provides the platform on which the firm can build its information systems.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 17AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension13) UPS's use of Web-based tools that allow customers to embed UPS functions such as tracking and cost calculations into their own Web sites was an information systems solution used to achieve customer intimacy.Answer: TRUEDiff: 3 Page Ref: 18AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Comprehension14) Identifying a problem includes agreeing that a problem exists.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1 Page Ref: 21AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension15) Political conflict is an example of the people dimension of business problems.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3 Page Ref: 22AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension16) As a result of new public laws, accountants are beginning to perform more technical duties, such as auditing systems and networks.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 25AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension17) Forensic accounting is used to investigate bankruptcies and contract disputes.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 25AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension18) An understanding of enterprise-wide systems for customer relationship management is one of the skills relevant to careers in marketing.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 26AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension19) Whereas marketing and financial careers have been transformed by the growth in information systems, management has–so far–remained relatively unaffected.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 26AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension20) There are two types of outsourcing: offshore outsourcing and foreign outsourcing. Answer: FALSEDiff: 2 Page Ref: 28AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension21) As discussed in the chapter opening case, the Yankees' use of information systems in their new stadium can be seen as an effort to achieve which of the primary business objectives?A) Operational excellenceB) SurvivalC) Customer and supplier intimacyD) Improved decision makingAnswer: ADiff: 3 Page Ref: 3-4AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize22) Journalist Thomas Friedman's description of the world as "flat" referred to:A) the flattening of economic and cultural advantages of developed countries.B) the use of the Internet and technology for instantaneous communication.C) the reduction in travel times and the ubiquity of global exchange and travel.D) the growth of globalization.Answer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 9AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension23) The six important business objectives of information technology are: new products, services, and business models; customer and supplier intimacy; improved decision-making; competitive advantage; operational excellence, and:A) flexibility.B) survival.C) improved business practices.D) improved efficiency.Answer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 10AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension24) The use of information systems because of necessity describes the business objective of:A) survival.B) improved business practices.C) competitive advantage.D) improved flexibility.Answer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 12AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension25) Which of the following choices may lead to competitive advantage (1) new products, services, and business models; (2) charging less for superior products; (3) responding to customers in real-time?A) 1 onlyB) 1 and 2C) 2 and 3D) 1, 2, and 3Answer: DDiff: 3 Page Ref: 12AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of compare26) Verizon's implementation of a Web-based digital dashboard to provide managers withreal-time information such as customer complaints is an example of:A) improved flexibility.B) improved decision-making.C) improved efficiency.D) customer and supplier intimacy.Answer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 12AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize27) The move of retail banking to use ATMs after Citibank unveiled its first ATMs illustrates the information system business objective of:A) improved efficiency.B) customer and supplier intimacy.C) survival.D) competitive advantage.Answer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 12AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize28) An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support:A) decision making and control in an organization.B) communications and data flow.C) managers analyzing the organization's raw data.D) the creation of new products and services.Answer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 13AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension29) The three activities in an information system that produce the information organizations use to control operations are:A) information retrieval, research, and analysis.B) input, output, and feedback.C) input, processing, and output.D) data analysis, processing, and feedback.Answer: CDiff: 1 Page Ref: 14AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension30) Order data for baseball tickets and bar code data are examples of:A) raw input.B) raw output.C) customer and product data.D) sales information.Answer: ADiff: 1 Page Ref: 14AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize31) The average number of tickets sold daily online is an example of:A) input.B) raw data.C) meaningful information.D) output.Answer: CDiff: 1 Page Ref: 14AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize32) Output:A) is feedback that has been processed to create meaningful information.B) is information that is returned to appropriate members of the organization to help them evaluate the input stage.C) transfers raw data to the people who will use it or to the activities for which it will be used.D) transfers processed information to the people who will use it or to the activities for which it will be used.Answer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 14AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension33) Converting raw data into a more meaningful form is called:A) capturing.B) processing.C) organizing.D) feedback.Answer: BDiff: 1 Page Ref: 14AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension34) An example of raw data from a national chain of automobile stores would be:A) average of 13 Toyotas sold daily in Kentucky in 2007.B) 300 Toyota RAV4s sold during fourth quarter 2007 in Kentucky.C) 1 Toyota RAV4 sold January 7, 2008 in Louisville, Kentucky - $28000.D) annual sales of Toyota RAV4s increased 2.4 percent.Answer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 14AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize35) Electronic computers and related software programs are the technical foundation, the tools and materials, of:A) all business procedures.B) information accumulation.C) modern information systems.D) all industrialized countries.Answer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 14-15AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension36) The field that deals with behavioral issues as well as technical issues surrounding the development, use, and impact of information systems used by managers and employees in the firm is called:A) information systems literacy.B) information systems architecture.C) management information systems.D) information technology infrastructure.Answer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 15AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension37) A hierarchy:A) results in a clear-cut division of labor.B) is composed primarily of experts trained for different functions.C) is a pyramid structure of rising authority and responsibility.D) is used primarily in large organizations to define job roles.Answer: CDiff: 1 Page Ref: 15AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension38) In a hierarchical organization, the upper levels consist of:A) managerial and professional workers.B) managerial, professional, and technical workers.C) professional and operational workers.D) managerial, professional, and operational workers.Answer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 15-16AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension39) The fundamental set of assumptions, values, and ways of doing things that has been accepted by most of a company's members is called its:A) culture.B) environment.C) atmosphere.D) values.Answer: ADiff: 1 Page Ref: 16AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension40) Business processes:A) include informal work practices.B) are used primarily for sales and accounting functions.C) are governed by information technology.D) are logically related tasks used primarily by operational personnel.Answer: ADiff: 1 Page Ref: 16AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension41) Data management technology consists of:A) the physical hardware and media used by an organization for storing data.B) the detailed, preprogrammed instructions that control and coordinate the computer hardware components in an information system.C) the software governing the organization of data on physical storage media.D) the hardware and software used to transfer data.Answer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 17AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension42) The hardware and software used to transfer data in an organization is called:A) data management technology.B) networking and data management technology.C) data and telecommunications technology.D) networking and telecommunications technology.Answer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 17AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension43) An intranet uses:A) mainframe technology.B) infrared telecommunications systems.C) the telecommunications capacities of fiber optic networks.D) Internet technology within the boundaries of the firm.Answer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 17AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Comprehension44) The first step in the four-step model of business problem solving is:A) agreeing that a problem exists.B) identifying the problem.C) outlining the problem's causes.D) assigning the problem to a problem solver.Answer: BDiff: 1 Page Ref: 21AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension45) Inadequate database capacity is an example of the ________ dimension of business problems.A) technologyB) organizationalC) peopleD) managementAnswer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 20AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize46) Legal and regulatory compliance is an example of the ________ dimension of business problems.A) managementB) organizationalC) peopleD) technologyAnswer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 22AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize47) Aging hardware and outdated software are examples of the ________ dimension of business problems.A) technologyB) managementC) information systemsD) organizationalAnswer: ADiff: 1 Page Ref: 22AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize48) Poor business processes and unsupportive culture are examples of the ________ dimension of business problems.A) managementB) organizationalC) peopleD) infrastructureAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 22AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize49) The owners of Speed-EZ, a new bike messenger service, are concerned about how they will manage their messengers once they have left the office. This is a business problem that falls into the:A) management dimension.B) people dimension.C) organizational dimension.D) technology dimension.Answer: BDiff: 3 Page Ref: 20AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize50) Flapjack Flats, a new pancake chain, is having difficulty finding pancake chefs. This is a business problem that falls into the:A) management dimension.B) people dimension.C) organizational dimension.D) technical dimension.Answer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 22AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize51) In choosing the best solution for a business problem, one of the most important considerations is:A) change management.B) existing resources and skills.C) employee training.D) outcome measurement.Answer: BDiff: 3 Page Ref: 22AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Synthesis in terms of predicting52) The final step in the four-step model of business problem solving is:A) outcome.B) implementation.C) change management.D) feedback.Answer: BDiff: 1 Page Ref: 22AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension53) Which of the following would not be considered part of the implementation phase of problem solving?A) change managementB) purchasing hardware for an information systems solutionC) training an employee on new systems softwareD) evaluating a selection of software packages for implementing a new business process Answer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 22-23AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize54) The failure of NASA's initial solution to preventing the space shuttle shedding foam illustrates:A) the importance of training employees on new business processes.B) the need to prepare for measuring outcomes of a business solution.C) the continuous nature of problem solving.D) the need to quickly adapt to new technological innovations.Answer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 23AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of compare55) One of the most frequent errors in problem solving is:A) rushing to judgment.B) not being aware of personal limitations.C) being too doubtful.D) following a rote pattern of decision making.Answer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 23AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension56) A major criterion in deciding the most important perspectives of a business problem is:A) implementation.B) change management.C) usefulness.D) organizational needs.Answer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 24AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension57) Which of the following is an example of a business using information systems to create new products and services?A) Apple's creation of the iPodB) JC Penney's information system that allows its contract manufacturers to see what garments have been sold and need to be replacedC) Toyota's legendary TPS that has created superlative efficiencies and enabled Toyota to become the world's largest auto makerD) Verizon's Web-based digital dashboard providing real-time company information for managersAnswer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 11AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize58) An example of a business using information systems to attain competitive advantage is:A) Apple's creation of the iPod.B) JC Penney's information system that allows its contract manufacturers to see what garments have been sold and need to be replaced.C) Toyota's legendary TPS that has created superlative efficiencies and enabled Toyota to become the world's largest auto maker.D) Verizon's Web-based digital dashboard providing real-time company information for managers.Answer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 12AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize59) An example of a business using information systems for customer and supplier intimacy is:A) Apple's creation of the iPod.B) JC Penney's information system that allows its contract manufacturers to see what garments have been sold and need to be replaced.C) Toyota's legendary TPS that has created superlative efficiencies and enabled Toyota to become the world's largest auto maker.D) Verizon's Web-based digital dashboard providing real-time company information for managers.Answer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 11AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize60) An information skill important for an accounting major would be:A) an understanding of system and network security issues.B) an understanding of product management enterprise systems.C) an understanding of supplier management enterprise systems.D) an understanding of enterprise systems that enhance leadership.Answer: ADiff: 3 Page Ref: 25AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension61) An information skill important for a marketing major would be:A) an understanding of system and network security issues.B) an understanding of product management enterprise systems.C) an understanding of supplier management enterprise systems.D) an understanding of enterprise systems that enhance leadership.Answer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 26AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension62) Maintaining the organization's financial records is a business function of:A) accounting.B) financeC) salesD) marketing.Answer: ADiff: 1 Page Ref: 25AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension63) Branding products is a business function of:A) manufacturing and production.B) finance and accounting.C) human resources.D) marketing.Answer: DDiff: 1 Page Ref: 26AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension64) To make sure they stock clothes that their customers will purchase, a department store implements a new application that analyzes spending levels at their stores and cross-references this data to popular clothing styles. This is an example of using information systems to support a business strategy of:A) new products, services, and business models.B) survival.C) customer and supplier intimacy.D) improved decision making.Answer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 11AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of categorize65) Financial managers work directly with ________ to ensure investments in information systems help achieve corporate goals.A) operations managersB) senior managersC) marketing managersD) accounting managersAnswer: BDiff: 2 Page Ref: 26AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension66) Operations management as a discipline is directly relevant to three occupational categories:A) industrial production managers, operations analysts, and administrative service managers.B) project managers, production managers, and administrative service managers.C) project managers, production managers, and industrial production managers.D) finance, accounting, and management.Answer: ADiff: 2 Page Ref: 26-27AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension67) Assume you work for a package delivery service in a major metropolitan area, and that the business has been losing customers for several years. You have been asked to find a solution to this problem, perhaps one which uses modern information technologies. What is the correct way to proceed?A) Look for solutions, evaluate the solutions, identify the problem more clearly, and then implement the solution.B) Think about what solutions can be implemented, look for solution designs, evaluate the designs, and then implement the solution.C) Identify the problem, design alternative solutions, choose the best solution, and then implement the solution.D) Design solutions, evaluate and identify the problems, choose the best solution, and then implement the solution.Answer: CDiff: 2 Page Ref: 20-21AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Analysis in terms of organizing68) Which of the following statements is not true?A) The most common and successful offshore outsourcing projects involve production programming and system maintenance programming work, along with call center work.B) Inflation in Indian wages for technology work is leading to a counter movement of jobs back to the United States.C) The fear that offshore outsourcing will reduce demand for new information system hires in the U.S. is mitigated by the fact that reduced IT expenditures results in increased IT investments and the creation of domestic jobs.D) The impact of domestic IT outsourcing has been very disruptive to some regional areas of the U.S.Answer: DDiff: 2 Page Ref: 28AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension69) The culture of UPS places service to the customer among the company's highest business objectives, which is reflected in their use of information systems to enable customer tracking of their packages. Based on your reading of Chapter 1, why is "culture" an important factor to consider when building information system solutions to business problems?A) Business culture has to be synchronized with new technology.B) The business culture provides the vision and inspiration for information system solutions.C) People are a company's most important asset.D) Businesses without culture do not understand new technology.Answer: BDiff: 3 Page Ref: 15-16AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Evaluation in terms of assess70) Based on your reading of the case discussing mobile handhelds, Doylestown Hospital's use of iPhones is an example of using information systems to enhance which of the following generic business objectives?A) SurvivalB) New products, services, and business modelsC) Improved decision makingD) Customer and supplier intimacyAnswer: CDiff: 3 Page Ref: 8AACSB: Analytic SkillsCASE: Evaluation in terms of categorize71) ________ is data that has been shaped into a form that is meaningful to human beings. Answer: InformationDiff: 1 Page Ref: 13AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension72) ________ is output returned to appropriate members of the organization to help them evaluate or correct the input stage.Answer: FeedbackDiff: 2 Page Ref: 14AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension73) The world's largest and most widely used network is ________.Answer: the InternetDiff: 1 Page Ref: 17AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension74) ________ consists of the detailed, preprogrammed instructions that control and coordinate the computer hardware components in an information system.Answer: Computer software/softwareDiff: 1 Page Ref: 17AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension75) The ________ is a service provided by the Internet that uses universally accepted standards for storing, retrieving, formatting, and displaying information in a page format.Answer: World Wide Web/Web/WWWDiff: 1 Page Ref: 17AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension76) ________ are private corporate networks extended to authorized users outside the organization.Answer: ExtranetsDiff: 1 Page Ref: 17AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension77) In business problem solving, the three major categories of factors are organization, technology, and ________.Answer: peopleDiff: 2 Page Ref: 20AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension78) Having inadequate resources is a business problem that falls into the ________ dimension. Answer: organizationalDiff: 3 Page Ref: 22AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension79) Encouraging employees to adapt to new business processes is one factor of ________. Answer: change managementDiff: 3 Page Ref: 23AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension80) Being aware of organizational and personal limitations is one of the four elements of________.Answer: critical thinking.Diff: 2 Page Ref: 23AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Comprehension81) Define operational excellence. How can information systems help achieve it?Answer: Operational excellence is the achievement of higher levels of productivity and efficiency. Information systems can help achieve operational excellence by improving communications to supplier and optimizing the supply chain. Information systems could help managers communicate with workers more efficiently, enable technological innovation in products, minimize warehouse overhead, streamline distribution.Diff: 2 Page Ref: 10-11AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Synthesis in terms of devising82) You work for an auto manufacturer and distributor. How could you use information systems to achieve greater customer intimacy?Answer: You could create a web site that allows customers to customize cars, communicate with support personnel and other car owners. You could create an automated e-mail service reminding car owners to take their car in for periodic check ups. You could have an information system that tracks customer preferences in local areas, so you can provide cars that reflect local customer needs and desires.Diff: 2 Page Ref: 11-12AACSB: Reflective ThinkingCASE: Synthesis in terms of applying83) What important managerial function is impaired by not having access to timely and accurate information? What is the effect of this lack of data?Answer: The managerial function is decision-making. Without access to timely and accurate information business managers rely on forecasts, best guesses, and luck. The result is over- or underproduction of goods and services, misallocation of resources, and poor response times. These poor outcomes raise costs and lose customers.Diff: 2 Page Ref: 12AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Evaluation in terms of justify84) What is the difference between information technology and information systems? Describe some of the functions of information systems.Answer: Information technology (IT) consists of all the hardware and software that a firm needs to use in order to achieve its business objectives. Information systems are more complex. An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization.The functions of an information system are to support decision making, coordination, and control; help employees analyze problems; help employees visualize complex subjects; and help create new products.Diff: 2 Page Ref: 13AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Synthesis in terms of applying, generalizing85) You are a marketing manager for a national movie theater chain. Give an example of data that your department could use for creating meaningful information. What type of information could that data produce?Answer: Movie ticket sales from individual theaters would be an example of raw data. Meaningful information from this would be: average number of tickets sold to seniors on certain days of the week.Diff: 1 Page Ref: 13-14AACSB: Use of ITCASE: Synthesis in terms of devising。







A、备份B、修复C、格式化D、恢复正确答案:D5.在 window 系统中用于显示本机各网络端口详细情况的命令是:A、netviewB、ipconfigC、netstatD、netshow正确答案:C6.上网行为审计记录内容应保留()天以上。


A、不支持等价多路径(ECMP)B、收敛速度通常比RIP慢C、周期性地(30s)将路由表中的所有可达网络信息通知给邻居D、支持可变长子网掩码,地址聚合正确答案:D9.Window nt/2k中的.pwl文件是?A、列表文件B、口令文件C、打印文件D、路径文件正确答案:B10.完整性检查和控制的防范对象是,防止它们进入数据库A、非法用户B、不合语义的数据、不正确的数据C、非法授权D、非法操作正确答案:B11.下面不属于本地用户组密码安全策略的内容是()。



《管理信息系统》第13版 (Laudon/Laudon)第1章当今全球商业中的信息系统对错题1)互联网广告每年以大约10%的增速在发展。

参考答案: TRUE难度系数: 32)开发一个新产品、完成一份订单、聘用一位新员工等均是企业业务流程的例子。

参考答案: TRUE难度系数: 13)完全数字化的公司只提供数字化产品或服务。

参考答案: FALSE难度系数: 24)商业模式描述了一个公司如何生产、交付和销售产品或服务以创造财富。

参考答案: TRUE难度系数: 15)信息技术是指企业用于支持业务目标的所有硬件,而信息系统包括所有软件和必要的业务流程。

参考答案: FALSE难度系数: 26)计算机只是信息系统的一部分。

参考答案: TRUE难度系数: 17)信息系统文化描述了信息系统的行为方法,而计算机文化描述了信息系统的技术方法。

参考答案: FALSE难度系数: 18)信息系统的维度包括管理、组织和信息技术。

参考答案: TRUE难度系数: 29)知识工作者是指承担企业所有层面的书面工作的工作者。

参考答案: FALSE难度系数: 110)有四个主要的业务职能: 销售和营销、生产和制造、财务和会计,以及信息技术。

参考答案: FALSE难度系数: 111)为了理解一个特定的企业是如何使用信息系统的,你需要了解该公司组织层次和文化方面的一些事情。

参考答案: TRUE难度系数: 212)业务流程是一组逻辑上相互关联的任务,其目的是为了完成组织正式编码的任务。

参考答案: FALSE难度系数: 213)绝大部分管理职责是由新的知识和信息驱动的创造性工作。

参考答案: TRUE难度系数: 114)内联网(Intranets)允许企业与第三方供应商方便地协作。

参考答案: FALSE难度系数: 215)IT投资占了全部投资资本的50%以上。

参考答案: TRUE难度系数: 216)UPS通过基于web的系统让用户将UPS某些功能,如快递单追踪、成本计算等,嵌入到他们自己的系统中,这是一种实现客户密切关系的信息系统。



UPS管理技术与应用分析UPSITUPS 因为具有了管理功能,使UPS不再是冷冰冰、难以对付的“黑匣子”;也因为具有了管理功能,使UPS成为了网络一个节点,和IT系统走到了一起;还因为具有了管理功能,使系统管理员远在家中就可以对UPS进行监控、设定参数以及关掉服务器;也还因为具有了管理功能,使整个IT系统永不中断变得更加容易…… 这就是管理给UPS带来的转变,继而给整个IT系统带来的价值。











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调查企业:UPS(联合包裹)公司公司规模:UPS,或称为联合包裹服务公司,于1907年作为一家信使公司成立于美国,致力于鞭策全球商务同步发展,并已发展到拥有 360 亿美元资产的规模。


























电子商务战略UPS电子商务已逐渐形成全球化的产业,UPS 的电子商务战略是将自己的物流解决方案最大限度地融合到用户的业务流程中去,用物流服务使虚拟世界中的电子交易得以在现实世界中完成。

1997 年,UPS 推出一套基于互联网的运输“应用程序界面”,名为“UPS在线工具”。


工具可以为用户提供各种服务,包括运输服务种类的选择、运费和处理费计算、运输时间计算、UPS 收货点的选择、运输标签打印、运件的追踪等等。

比如顾客到麦克隆电脑公司的网站订购产品,该网站已通过“UPS 在线工具”与UPS 服务器相连,顾客定下产品后,为其提供派送服务的事实上就是UPS。

顾客会相应地得到一个UPS 的追踪号码,并且随时在麦克隆的网站上查询到其订购产品的生产进度和派送情况。

“UPS 在线工具”推出以来,在不到三年的时间里,就被接入到4 万多个网站,既解除了这些网站网下派送的后顾之忧,又使UPS 与成千上万的消费者紧密联系起来,扩大并控制了包裹派送业务。

“UPS 在线工具”是目前世界上最先进、功能最强大的运输应用程序。



























