
1.已知双曲线221x y m -=的焦距为 ( )A .14y x=± B .12y x=± C.6y x =±D.y x =2.ABC ∆的内角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c。
已知cos sin ,2aB B b c c-===,则B =( ) A .34π B .3π C .4π D .6π3.若4cos 5α=-,α是第三象限的角,则1tan21tan 2αα+=-( ) A .12-B .12C .2D .-24.若函数()()213log 28f x ax x =++的值域为[)2,-+∞,则()f x 的单调递增区间为() A .(),2-∞-B .(]2,1-C .[)1,4D .()4,+∞5.某种植基地将编号分别为1,2,3,4,5,6的六个不同品种的马铃薯种在如图所示的这六块实验田上进行对比试验,要求这六块实验田分别种植不同品种的马铃薯,若种植时要求编号1,3,5的三个品种的马铃薯中至少有两个相邻,且2号品种的马铃薯不能种植在A 、F 这两块实验田上,则不同的种植方法有 ( ) A .360种B .432种C .456种D .480种6.将函数()sin 23f x x π⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭的图象向右平移2π个单位长度得到()g x 图象,则下列判断错误的是( )A .函数()g x 在区间,122ππ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递增 B .()g x 图象关于直线712x π=对称 C .函数()g x 在区间,63ππ⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调递减D.()g x图象关于点,03π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭对称7.执行如图所示的程序框图,若输出的的值等于11,那么输入的的值可以是()A.121 B.120 C.11 D.108.倾斜角为12π的直线l经过原点与双曲线22221x ya b-=的左、右两支于A B、两点,则双曲线离心率的取值范围为( )A.(62,)-+∞B.(422,)-+∞C.(1,62)-D.(1,422)-9.若,x y满足约束条件210,220,20,x yx yx y-+≤⎧⎪-+≥⎨⎪+-≤⎩则3z x y=-的最大值为( )A.2 B.1 C.0 D.-110.某产品在某零售摊位的零售价x(单位:元)与每天的销售量y(单位:个)的统计资料如下表所示,由表可得回归直线方程ˆˆˆy bx a=+中的ˆ4b=-,据此模型预测零售价为20元时,每天的销售量为()A.26个B.27个C.28个D.29个11.已知ABC∆中,A,B,C的对边分别是a,b,c,且3b=,33c=,30B=︒,则AB边上的中线的长为( )A.372B.34C.32或372D.34或37212.已知抛物线2:2(0)C y px p =>的焦点为F ,抛物线上一点()2,M m 满足6MF =,则抛物线C 的方程为( )A .22y x =B .24y x =C .28y x =D .216y x = 二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。

第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.The president stood by a window inside the room, ________ I entered, looking over the square.A.where B.into whichC.which D.that2.Perhaps you ________ stop playing computer games now. Y our boss may be turning up in the office at any moment. A.will B.must C.should D.can3.--- I hav e been working for more than 30 years! I’m going to retire next month.--- Really? You don’t look a day 40!A.over B.byC.with D.for4.In the early morning all of us stood at the top of the mountain ___________ east of the city, watching__________burning sun rising.A./; a B.the; aC.the; the D./; the5.What you said doesn’t ________ what the police have told us, so we have to find more evidence.A.agree with B.make upC.contribute to D.show off6.One hundred and fifteen Chinese companies hit the newly released Fortune 500 list for 2017, ______ an increase for the 14th straight year, domestic website reported on Thursday.A.to realize B.realizedC.realizing D.having realized7.If I can help , I don’t like working late into the night.A.so B.that C.them D.it8.Fortunately somebody who happened to be passing by called the emergency aid the traffic accident occurred. A.hurriedly B.quickly C.immediately D.shortly9.— Mummy, look at my gloves. I need a new pair.— ________. I bought them for you only a week ago!A.Y ou bet B.You said itC.Y ou don’t say D.You name it10.—It’s so humid these days!—Don’t worry! The rain ________ to stop from tomorrow.A.will expect B.expectsC.will be expected D.is expected11.These remarkable findings suggest the elephants have ________ a memory capacity to make distinctions between human voices.A.built up B.packed up C.brought up D.took up12.It was announced that only when the fire was under control __________to return to their homes.A.the residents would be permittedB.had the residents been permittedC.would the residents be permittedD.the residents had been permitted13.—I heard Mr. Morgan would be here at 4:00 pm. next Thursday.—No, he _____ at that time.A.was boarding B.would be boardingC.will be boarding D.is boarding14.— Do you often come here to have a walk?— No, only _________, because we are much too busy.A.occasionally B.eventuallyC.merely D.frequently15.What the country did _____ the international trade regulations, for which it was widely condemned. A.approved B.violated C.bothered D.interrupted16.______ the students were hearing the exciting news!A.How happily B.What a fun C.What pleasure D.How pleased17.An old lady came to the bus stop only the bus had gone.A.to run ; to find B.running;to find C.and ran ; finding D.running; finding18..Although it in the desert most of the year, people still live there.A.doesn’t rain B.didn’t rain C.hasn’t rained D.hadn’t rained19.The wors e working conditions we are looking forward to ______ must have attracted the local government’s attention.A.see improved B.seeing improvedC.see improving D.seeing to improve20.Tom finally decided to ________ and give himself up to the police, which allowed him to get away with only a smallfine.A.kill the fatted calf B.face the musicC.see the handwriting on the wall D.be a black sheep第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


Finally, in 1066 England became Norman—the Normans gave us the place name "grange", which means farm.
And how about London? Experts cannot agree. The Romans called the city Londinium, but they were not the first inhabitants (居民). People once believed that the United Kingdom’s capital city got its name from the castle of a King called Lud but this is very unlikely. Our best guess today is that the name comes from a Celtic word meaning a fast-flowing river. Like a number of British place names, its history is lost in time.

2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟数学试卷-学生用卷一、单选题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分)1、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第1题5分若z2+i=−i,则z=().A. 2−iB. 1−2iC. −1+2iD. −2+i2、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第2题5分已知集合A={x|x2−3x+a=0},B={−2,2},若A∩B={2},则A∪B=().A. {−2,1,2} B. {−2,−1,2} C. {−2,3,2} D. {−2,2}3、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第3题5分(2 x −√x)6的展开式的常数项为().A. −120B. −60C. 120D. 604、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第4题5分某实验室针对某种新型病毒研发了一种疫苗,并在500名志愿者身上进行了人体注射实验,发现注射疫苗的志愿者均产生了稳定的免疫应答.若这些志愿者的某免疫反应蛋白M的数值X(单位:mg/L)近似服从正态分布N(15,σ2),且X在区间(10,20)内的人数占总人数的1925,则这些志愿者中免疫反应蛋白M的数值X不低于20的人数大约为().A. 30B. 60C. 70D. 1405、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第5题5分已知抛物线C:y2=8x的焦点为F,过点F的直线交C于A,B两点,则AB的中点M到C的准线l的距离的最小值为().A. 2B. 4C. 5D. 66、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第6题5分天文学中为了衡量星星的明暗程度,古希腊天文学家喜帕恰斯(Hipparchus,又名依巴谷)在公元前二世纪首先提出了星等这个概念.星等的数值越小,星星就越亮;星等的数值越大,它的光就越暗.到了1850年,由于光度计在天体光度测量中的应用,英国天文学家普森(M.R.Pogson)又提出了衡量天体明暗程度的亮度的概念.天体的明暗程度可以用星等或亮度来描述.两颗星的星等与亮度满足m1−m2=2.5(lgE2−lgE1),其中星等为m i的星星的亮度为E i(i=1,2),已知“角宿一”的星等是0.97,“水委一”的星等是0.47.“水委一”的亮度是“角宿一”亮度的r倍,则与r最接近的是(当|x|较小时,10x≈1+2.3x+2.7x2)A. 1.56B. 1.57C. 1.58D. 1.597、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第7题5分已知圆C:(x−3)2+(y+3)2=9,直线l:(m+1)x+(2−m)y−3m=0,则当圆心C到直线l的距离最大时,直线l被圆C所截得的弦长为().A. 4B. 2√5C. 2√3D. 2√78、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第8题5分如图,在四棱锥P−ABCD中,PD⊥平面ABCD,底面ABCD是梯形,AB//CD,∠BCD=2π3,AB=4,PD=BC=CD=2,则四棱锥P−ABCD的外接球的表面积为().A. 16πB. 18πC. 20πD. 24π二、多选题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)9、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第9题5分已知曲线C:x 2a +y2b=1,().A. 若C是双曲线,则ab<0B. 若a>0,C是离心率为2的双曲线,则ba=−3 C. 若ab>0,则C是椭圆D. 若C是离心率为12的椭圆,则ba=3410、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第10题5分已知f(x)=Acos(ωx+φ)+B(A>0,ω>0,0<φ<π),其部分图象如图所示,M、N分别为最高点、最低点,则().A. A=7B. B=29C. φ=π4D. ω=π1211、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第11题5分已知数列{a n}的通项公式是a n=2n,在a1和a2之间插入1个数x11,使a1,x11,a2成等差数列;在a2和a3之间插入2个数x21,x22,使a2,x21,x22,a3成等差数列;⋯;在a n和a n+1之间插入n个数x n1,x n2,⋯,x nn,使a n,x n1,x n2,⋯,x nn,a n+1成等差数列,这样得到新数列{b n}:a1,x11,a2,x21,x22,a3,x31,x32,x33,a4,⋯,记数列{b n}的前n项和为S n,则().A. x11=3B. x n1+x n2+⋯+x nn=3n⋅2nC. a8=b36D. S10=8112、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第12题5分如图,平面α∩平面β=直线l,点A,C∈α,点B,D∈β,且A,B,C,D∉l,点M、N分别是线段AB,CD的中点().A. 当直线AC与BD相交时,交点一定在直线l上B. 当直线AB与CD异面时,MN可能与l平行C. 当A,B,C,D四点共面且AC//l时,BD//lD. 当M,N两点重合时,直线AC与l不可能相交三、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)13、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第13题5分若向量a→=(1,2),b→−a→=(−2,1),则a→⋅b→=.14、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第14题5分若函数f(x)=−12x2+7x+alnx在x=2处取得极小值,则a=,f(x)的极大值为.15、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第15题5分已知正实数a,b满足a2+4b2=3,则1a +12b的最小值为.16、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第16题5分如图,在△ABC中,∠BAC=π3,AB=3,AC=2,点D为边BC上一个动点,将△ABD沿AD翻折,使得点B到达B′的位置,且平面AB′D⊥平面ACD.当CD=时,B′C的长度取到最小值.四、解答题(本大题共6小题,共70分)17、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第17题10分在①a3=10,②S2=9,③b<−3这三个条件中任选一个,补充在下面问题中.设S n为各项均为正数的数列{a n}的前n项和,满足,a n2+3a n=6S n+ b,是否存在实数b,使得数列{a n}成为等差数列?若存在,求出b和数列{a n}的通项公式;若不存在,请说明理由.18、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第18题12分第七次全国人口普查是指中国在2020年开展的全国人口普查,普查标准时点是2020年11月1日零时,将彻查人口出生变动情况以及房屋情况.普查对象是普查标准时点在中华人民共和国境内的自然人以及在中华人民共和国境外但未定居的中国公民,不包括在中华人民共和国境内短期停留的境外人员.普查主要调查人口和住户的基本情况,内容包括:姓名、公民身份证号码、性别、年龄、民族、受教育程度、行业、职业、迁移流动、婚姻生育、死亡、住房情况等.普查登记方式全程电子化方式普查,由普查员使用手机上门入户登记或由普查对象通过互联网自主填报.某机构调查了100位居名的普查登记方式,数据统计如下表,部分数据缺失.已知从调查的居民中任取一人,其年龄不超过40岁的概率比其年龄超过40岁的概率大110.(1) 求a,b的值.(2) 是否有99%的把握认为年龄与普查登记方式有关?附:K2=n(ad−bc)2(a+b)(c+d)(a+c)(b+d),其中n=a+b+c+d.19、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第19题12分 △ABC 的内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,已知8sin 2B+C 2−7=2cos2A .(1) 求A .(2) 若a =√7,b +c =5,求BC 边上的高.20、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第20题12分 如图,在直三棱柱ABC −A 1B 1C 1中,∠ACB =90°,AC =BC ,AB =AA 1,D ,E 分别是CC 1、BB 1的中点.(1) 证明:C 1E ⊥平面ACB 1.(2) 求二面角C −AB 1−D 的余弦值.21、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第21题12分 已知椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0)的左焦点为F 1(−2,0),过点F 1且斜率不为0的直线l 交椭圆C 于A ,B 两点,l 交y 轴于点M ,且a b =√2.(1) 求椭圆C 的标准方程.(2) 若MA →=λAF 1→,MB →=μBF 1→,证明:λ+μ为定值.22、【来源】 2021年广东广州越秀区广州市第二十一中学高三上学期高考模拟第22题12分已知函数f(x)=aln x+√x.(1) 若函数f(x)的图象在x=e(e是自然对数的底数)处的切线方程为2ey+√ex−b=0,求实数a,b的值.(2) 若函数f(x)有两个零点,求实数a的取值范围.1 、【答案】 B;2 、【答案】 A;3 、【答案】 D;4 、【答案】 B;5 、【答案】 B;6 、【答案】 B;7 、【答案】 A;8 、【答案】 C;9 、【答案】 A;B;10 、【答案】 A;B;D;11 、【答案】 A;C;D;12 、【答案】 A;C;D;13 、【答案】5;14 、【答案】−10;452−10ln5;15 、【答案】2√63;16 、【答案】2√75;17 、【答案】选择①,b=4,a n=3n+1;选择②,b=0,a n=3n;选择③,不存在实数b,证明见解析.;18 、【答案】 (1) a=45,b=30.;(2) 有关.;19 、【答案】 (1) π3.;(2) 3√217.;20 、【答案】 (1) 证明见解析.;(2) √63.;21 、【答案】 (1) x28+y24=1.;(2) 证明见解析.;22 、【答案】 (1) a=√e;b=5e√e.;(2) a∈(0,2e).;。

2020-2021学年广州市越秀区明德实验学校高三英语一模试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AInformation on school visits to Kew GardensEnjoy yourselves in a wonderland of science with over 50,000 living plants and a variety of educational events or amusing activities. Here is essential information about planning a school visit to Kew.Educational course pricesYou can plan a self-led visit or book one of our educational courses. Students will take part in the educational courses in groups of 15. Prices vary according to different situations.EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) to Key Stage 4:45-minute course: 35/group 90-minute course: 70/groupKey Stage 5:Half day (one course): 80/group Full day (two courses): 160/groupTeachers and adults:Up to required key stage proportions (比例): FreeAdults needed for 1:1 special educational needs support: FreeAdults above the required proportions: 11/personThe payment will due within 28 calendar days of making the booking.Health and safetyRequired supervising (监护) adult-student proportions:Key Stage 1: 1:5 Key Stage 2: 1:8Key stage 3: 1:10 Key Stage 4: 1:12Key Stage 5: 1:12The group sizes should be controlled if you are visiting potentially busy areas such as the glasshouse and other attractions. The maximum number of students visiting the glasshouses is 15 per group and each group to Kew shops should include no more than 10 students.If there is an emergency, please contact the nearest Kew staff member or call Constabulary on 0208 32 3333for direct and quick support. Please do not call 999.Planning your visitYour tickets and two planning passes will be sent to you upon receipt of your payment. You can complete your risk assessment with the passes, ensure you bring your tickets and the receipt document and show them to the staff members at the gate on the day of your visit.Recommended timingsThe Kew Gardens opens at 10 am. You are recommended to spend at least three to five hours on your visit. The closing time varies throughout the year. But the earliest is 3:30 pm. We have a fixed schedule for educational courses, which is from 10:30 am to 2:20 pm.1.How much should a group of 15 Key Stage I students and 4 teachers pay for a 45-minute course?A.35B.46C.57D.812.What should one do in an emergency?A.Check the risk assessment.B.Call 999 immediately.C.Ask adults or teachers for help.D.Seek help from the staff member nearby.3.What is the purpose of the text?A.To introduce Kew Gardens.B.To give tips on visiting Kew Gardens.C.To attract potential visitors to Kew Gardens.D.To inform coming activities in Kew Gardens.BSmart speakers have proven to be handy devices in hospitals, allowing patients to control independently . And now, researchers from theUniversityofWashingtonhave developed an artificial intelligence system that enables these devices to monitor heartbeats.Using technology to remotely monitor heart rates isn't new. These days most smartwatches and fitness trackers are capable of it. The good thing here is that researchers have figured out a way to use the microphones in smart speakers to do it without requiring physical contact.In a study published inCommunications Biology, the researchers had the smart speakers send out signals that couldn't be heard which were then reflected off a person's body. They then analyzed these signals to identify smallchest wall motions related to heartbeats, as well as separate those signals from surrounding noise and breathing.For this particular proof — of — concept setup, the researchers tested this smart speaker on 26 healthy participants and 24 hospitalized patients with various heart conditions, including atrial fibrillation(心房颤动)and heart failure. In both cases, the smart speaker was within 28 -30 milliseconds of an ECG(心电图),the gold standard used in hospitals to discover arrhythmia(心律不齐).Like smartwatches with advanced heart features, using smart speakers in this way opens up the possibility for passive, remote heart monitoring. ECGs, while highly accurate, require a visit to the doctor and several electrodes (电极)to be placed on the body. They,re not capable of continuous monitoring so you're limited to what it picks up at that exact moment in time ——one reason why heart arrhythmia can be so hard to discover.Smartwatches are capable of passive, remote, continuous monitoring, but they require you to wear the device at all times to be effective. It's not something that's comfortable for everyone, especially when it comes to sleep and for those with highly sensitive skin. Another issue is that these advanced smartwatches are expensive, while smart speakers are much cheaper.“If you have a device like this, you can monitor a patient on an extended basis and then develop corresponding care plans that satisfy the patient' s needs,“ said Dr. Arun Sridhar, co — senior author on the study. "And the beauty of using this kind of devices is that they are already in people's homes.”4. What does the author focus on in Paragraph 3?A. How the smart speaker works.B. Why the smart speaker is useful.C. The advantages of smart speakers.D. The importance of the study.5. Why is heart arrhythmia difficult to find?A. ECGs are not highly accurate.B. ECGs can't monitor continuously.C. Doctors know little about heart arrhythmia.D. An ECG test is hard to operate and expensive.6. Which statement best explains the characteristics of smartwatches?A. They are comfortable to wear.B. They are friendly to sensitive skin.C. They are effective and cheap.D. They are able to monitor remotely.7. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. We need to invent more smart devices.B. Care plans are vital to patients with heart failure.C. Smart speakers could be contactless heart monitors.D. Different devices are needed to meet patients,demands.CNow most of the workers work from 9 am to 5 pm. However, according to the global Internet survey done by the UK Sleep Council, thesiesta(午睡)was the right idea all along. The UK Sleep Council called on the country'sbosses to end nine-to-five working in favor of more flexible hours. They believe what would really increase the workers' productivity is a nice afternoon nap, rather than those bonuses.Forty-one percent of the 12,000 people who responded to the council's survey said they were most productive in the morning, while 38 percent said theyhit their stridein the evening. "This means most of them cannot fully pay attention to what they do in the middle of the day," said sleep expert Dr. Chris Idzikowskii. "We must conclude from this survey that the traditional nine-to-five working day does not suit most workers." He suggested that allowing workers to follow their natural sleeping habits would actually benefit employers by allowing them to expand their working hours and be more productive.Fortunately, being a college lecturer, I don't have to go to work everyday. I only work three days a week, but during the three days I work really long hours and have no time for a little siesta. I'm usually so tired and sleepy in the afternoon, which really affects thevitality(活力)of my classes.I think Dr. Chris Idzikowskii's idea is worthwhile. When people have flexible working hours they could reach their highest productivity. On top of that, flexible working hours mean thatpeople don't have to work all at the same time. That way we could avoid traffic jams. Therefore, it's really killing two birds with one stone!8. What can improve the workers' productivity, according to the UK Sleep Council?A. More bonuses.B. The flexible working time.C. Working for long hours.D. Working in a relaxing way.9. What does the underlined part probably mean in Paragraph 2?A. Were most sleepy.B. Were most flexible.C. Worked at their own pace.D. Worked at their best.10. What did the UK Sleep Council's survey find?A. Few people are suitable to work at noon.B. People are more productive in the morning.C. Some people like to expand their working hours.D. More and more people prefer to work in the evening.11. Why does the author support Dr. Chris Idzikowskii's idea?A. It could solve most of the traffic problems.B. He finds Dr. Chris Idzikowskii respectable.C. He thinks the idea can benefit the society.D. It allows him to work for fewer hours.DIn the U. S., speaking more than one language fluently is not very common except in Los Angeles, California.The city has one of the largest population in the U. S. of young people between the ages of 18 and 34. This generation is often called millennials (新千年一代). More than half of millennials in Los Angeles are bilingual (双语的), which means they speak more than one language.Maria Elena Burgos is cooking a Mexican breakfast. She says making Mexican food is just one of the many traditions in her home. Another is speaking Spanish to her children.“We want them to be bilingual. We want to keep the Spanish somewhere in their learning too, not only at home.”When Ms Burgos first came to the United States from Mexico, she learned English. She knew her children would learn English quickly. So she wanted them to speak Spanish at home and study the language at school.She says being bilingual will give them more opportunities in the future. Knowing Spanish also means the children can talk with their s in Mexico.“When we had our children, one of the decisions we as parents made was to name them with a name that was easily pronounced in English and Spanish.”Elizabeth wants to know her family’s culture.” “The culture-to go back to our roots because that’s part of who we are.”Monica wants to pass on the culture to her children“It’s nice to know our culture and then to be able to pass it onto our children and grand-children and everyone to let them know where we come from.”And, Monica says she does not speak only English and Spanish. She has even learned some Korean in school.12. Which of the following is a tradition of Maria?A. Cooking breakfast for her s.B. Talking with her children in Spanish.C. Talking with her s in Spanish.D. Forcing her children to speak Spanish.13. What can be inferred from Monica’s words?A. She doesn’t care where she comes from.B. She looks forward to learning Spanish.C. Everyone should know his own culture.D. She doesn’t like American culture.14. Which of the following is mentioned about children speaking more languages?A. It can give children more chances in the future.B. It can make children feel proud before their friends.C. It can give the children a chance to go to a good college.D. It can let children go to the places where they want to go.15. What’s the main purpose of this passage?A. To entertain the readers with a funny story.B. To inform the readers of a shocking experiment result.C. To encourage more persons to learn a second language.D. To tell a truth that many people in Los Angeles are bilingual.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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当P运动到上方最大3、如图所示,一列简谐横波向右传播,波长为0.20m,P Q位移处时,Q的运动情况是()A.运动到上方最大位移处B .运动到下方最大位移处C .运动到平衡位置,且速度方向下D .运动到平衡位置,且速度方向上4、小明乘坐竖直电梯经过1min 可达顶楼,已知电梯在t =0时由静止开始上升,取竖直向上为正方向,该电梯的加速度a 随时间t 的变化图像如图所示。
若电梯受力简化为只受重力与绳索拉力,则A .t =4.5 s 时,电梯处于失重状态B .在5~55 s 时间内,绳索拉力最小C .t =59.5 s 时,电梯处于超重状态D .t =60 s 时,绳索拉力的功率恰好为零5、如图所示,轻质不可伸长的晾衣绳两端分别固定在竖直杆M N 、上的a b 、两点,a 点比b 点低,晾衣绳粗糙,悬挂衣服的衣架钩在晾衣绳中点和在杆M N 、中间位置时都不滑动。
衣架静止,下列说法正确的是( )A .衣架钩在晾衣绳中点时,左右两边绳子拉力大小相等B .衣架钩在晾衣绳中点时,右边绳子拉力小于左边绳子拉力C .衣架钩在杆M N 、中间位置时,左右两边绳子拉力大小相等D .衣架钩在杆M N 、中间位置时,右边绳子拉力大于左边绳子拉力6、如图所示,在横截面为正三角形的容器内放有一小球,容器内各面与小球恰好接触,图中a 、b 、c 为容器的三个侧面、将它们以初速度v 0竖直向上抛出,运动过程中容器所受空气阻力与速率成正比,下列说法正确的是A .上升过程中,小球对c 有压力且逐渐变大B .上升过程中,小球受到的合力逐渐变大C .下落过程中,小球对a 有压力且逐渐变大D .下落过程中,小球对容器的作用力逐渐变大二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
一质量为m 的小球,从离弹簧上端高h 处由静止释放,某同学在研究小球落到弹簧后向下运动到最低点的过程,他以小球开始下落的位置为原点,沿竖直向下方向建立坐标轴Ox ,做出小球所受弹力F 大小随小球下落的位置坐标x 的变化关系如图乙所示。
不计空气阻力,重力加速度为g 。
以下判断正确的是( )A .小球在下落的过程中机械能守恒B .小球到达最低点的坐标大于02h x +C .小球受到的弹力最大值等于2mgD .小球动能的最大值为mgh +12mgx 0 8、如图所示,在磁感应强度为B 的匀强磁场中,aO 为一个与磁场方向垂直、长度为L 的金属杆,已知3L ab bc cO ===。
a c 、两点与磁场中以O 为圆心的同心圆(均为部分圆弧)金属轨道始终接触良好。
一电容为C 的电容器连接在金属轨道上。
当金属杆在与磁场垂直的平面内以O 为轴,以角速度ω顺时针匀速转动且电路稳定时,下列说法正确的是( )A .a b c O 、、、四点比较,O 点电势最高B .电势差2bO ac U U =C .电势差2ac ab U U =D .电容器所带电荷量为249CB L ω 9、如图,竖直光滑杆固定不动,套在杆上的轻弹簧下端固定,将套在杆上的滑块向下压缩弹簧至离地高度h =0.1m 处,滑块与弹簧不拴接。
现由静止释放滑块,通过传感器测量到滑块的速度和离地高度h 并作出滑块的动能E k -h 图象,其中h =0.18m 时对应图象的最顶点,高度从0.2m 上升到0.35m 范围内图象为直线,其余为曲线,取g =10m/s 2,由图象可知( )A .滑块的质量为0.18kgB .弹簧的劲度系数为100N/mC .滑块运动的最大加速度为50m/s 2D .弹簧的弹性势能最大值为0.5J10、如图所示,y 轴上固定有两个电荷量相等的带正电的点电荷,且关于坐标原点O 对称。
某同学利用电场的叠加原理分析在两电荷连线的中垂线(x 轴)上必定有两个场强最强的点A 、'A ,该同学在得到老师的肯定后又在此基础上作了下面的推论,你认为其中正确的是( )A .若两个点电荷的位置不变,但电荷量加倍,则x 轴上场强最大的点仍然在A 、'A 两位置B .如图(1),若保持两个点电荷的距离不变、并绕原点O 旋转90°后对称的固定在z 轴上,则x 轴上场强最大的点仍然在A 、'A 两位置C .如图(2),若在yoz 平面内固定一个均匀带正电圆环,圆环的圆心在原点O 。
直径与(1)图两点电荷距离相等,则x 轴上场强最大的点仍然在A 、'A 两位置D .如图(3),若在yoz 平面内固定一个均匀带正电薄圆板,圆板的圆心在原点O ,直径与(1)图两点电荷距离相等,则x 轴上场强最大的点仍然在A 、'A 两位置三、实验题:本题共2小题,共18分。
(1)用游标卡尺测量电动机转轴的直径如图甲所示,测量值为_______cm 。
打点计时器所用的交流电频率为50Hz 。
由以上数据计算电动机的转速为_______r/s 。
将气球、压强传感器和大型注射器用T 型管连通。
初始时认为气球内无空气,注射器内气体体积0V ,压强0p ,T 型管与传感器内少量气体体积可忽略不计。
填写气体实验定律名称)(2)将注射器内气体部分推入气球,读出此时注射器内剩余气体的体积为023V ,压强传感器读数为1p ,则此时气球体积为______。
根据该图象估算:若初始时注射器内仅有体积为00.5V 、压强为0p 的气体。
当气体全部压入气球后,气球内气体的压强将变为______0p 。
13.(10分)如图所示,足够长的平行光滑金属导轨水平放置,宽度L=0.4m,一端连接R=1Ω的电阻.导线所在空间存在竖直向下的匀强磁场,磁感应强度B=1T.导体棒MN放在导轨上,其长度恰好等于导轨间距,与导轨接触良好,导轨和导体棒的电阻均可忽略不计.在平行于导轨的拉力F作用下,导体棒沿导轨向右匀速运动,速度v=5m/s.求:(1)感应电动势E和感应电流I;(2)拉力F的大小;(3)若将MN换为电阻r=1Ω的导体棒,其他条件不变,求导体棒两端的电压U.14.(16分)右端开口,左端封闭的粗细均匀的U形玻璃管竖直放置,长为10cm的水银柱封闭了长为30 cm的空气柱,尺寸如图甲所示,现用注射器(开始时活塞在底部)缓慢地将水银抽出,如图乙所示.已知注射器管横截面积是玻璃管横截面积的10倍,大气压强为76cmHg,整个过程不漏气且温度不变.求:(1)当水银恰好被抽出时玻璃管内空气的压强(单位用cmHg表示);(2)注射器管有效长度的最小值(结果保留3位有效数字).15.(12分)壁厚不计的圆筒形薄壁玻璃容器的侧视图如图所示。
1、A【解析】【详解】A .E p 一x 图像斜率的变化反映了电场力的变化,所以M 点的场强大于N 点的场强,A 项符合题意;B .电荷仅在电场力作用下沿电场线运动,电场线一定是直线,B 项不符合题意;C .因为M 点场强大于N 点场强,所以质子在M 点受到的电场力大于N 点受到的电场力,质子在M 点的加速度大于在N 点的加速度,故C 项不符合题意;D .由M 到N 质子的电势能减小,所以M 点电势高于N 点电势,所以电场线方向由M 指向N ,D 项不符合题意. 2、C【解析】【分析】【详解】A .天然放射现象是原子核内部变化产生的,人类认识原子核的复杂结构并进行研究是从贝克勒尔发现天然放射现象开始的,故A 错误;B .β衰变的实质方程为110011n H e -→+,是原子核内一个中子转化成一个质子和一个电子,故B 错误;C .原子核的半衰期是由自身的结构决定的,与物理条件(温度、压强)和化学状态(单质、化合物)均无关,则对原子核施加压力、提高温度时,其半衰期不变,故C 正确;D .α、β、γ三种射线中,γ射线穿透能力最强(主要看射线具有的能量),α射线电离作用最强(从射线自身的带电情况衡量),故D 错误。