
《财务会计电子教案》PPT课件第一章:财务会计概述1.1 财务会计的定义与作用1.2 财务会计的基本要素1.3 财务会计信息的使用者1.4 财务会计的报告周期与会计年度第二章:会计基础2.1 会计基本原则与假设2.2 会计记账方法与会计科目2.3 借贷记账法的应用2.4 会计分录与试算平衡第三章:财务报表3.1 资产负债表的编制3.2 利润表的编制3.3 现金流量表的编制3.4 所有者权益变动表的编制第四章:会计凭证与会计账簿4.1 会计凭证的分类与填制4.2 会计账簿的设置与登记4.3 账务处理程序与会计循环4.4 会计错误与调整第五章:财务分析5.1 财务分析的意义与目的5.2 财务比率分析5.3 财务趋势分析5.4 财务报表分析的局限性第六章:存货与成本计算6.1 存货的分类与计价方法6.2 存货的采购与销售6.3 存货的清查与减值6.4 产品成本的计算方法第七章:固定资产与折旧7.1 固定资产的确认与计量7.2 固定资产的折旧方法7.3 固定资产的后续支出与处置7.4 固定资产的会计处理与税务影响第八章:应收账款与坏账管理8.1 应收账款的确认与计价8.2 应收账款的管理与收款政策8.3 坏账损失的估计与会计处理8.4 应收账款的风险与控制第九章:长期投资与合营9.1 长期投资的分类与会计处理9.2 长期股权投资的核算方法9.3 合营企业的会计处理与利润分配9.4 长期投资的信息披露与风险评估第十章:税务会计与税收筹划10.1 企业所得税的基本规定与会计处理10.2 增值税的会计处理与税收优惠10.3 税务筹划的方法与原则10.4 税务会计的风险控制与合规要求重点和难点解析一、财务会计概述补充说明:明确财务会计的基本要素,如资产、负债、所有者权益、收入、费用等,并理解不同信息使用者的需求和关注点。


中级财务会计电子教案【中级财务会计电子教案】一、教学目标通过本节课的学习,学生将能够:1. 了解中级财务会计的基本概念和作用;2. 掌握财务会计的基本原理和会计准则;3. 理解财务报表的编制过程和分析方法;4. 学习财务会计的基本分类,包括资产、负债、所有者权益和收入、费用、利润。
二、教学内容2.1 财务会计概述1. 财务会计的定义和作用;2. 财务会计的基本原理和会计准则;3. 财务会计的发展历程和现状。
2.2 财务报表编制与分析1. 资产负债表(报表一)- 资产类别和编制方法;- 负债类别和编制方法;- 所有者权益计算和变动。
2. 利润表(报表二)- 收入类别和编制方法;- 费用类别和编制方法;- 利润计算和分析。
3. 现金流量表(报表三)- 现金流入和流出的分类和编制方法;- 现金流量表的分析和应用。
2.3 财务会计的基本分类1. 资产的分类和认定;2. 负债的分类和认定;3. 所有者权益的划分;4. 收入、费用和利润的界定和计算。
三、教学方法1. 授课法:通过讲解财务会计的基本概念、原理和会计准则,使学生对财务会计有一个整体的认识;2. 讨论法:针对财务报表的编制和分析,组织学生进行小组讨论,促进学生的思考和交流;3. 实例分析法:通过实例分析财务报表,引导学生学会运用理论知识解决实际问题。
4.1 财务会计概述1. 财务会计的定义和作用- 财务会计是指通过记录、分类、总结和报告企业经济活动的一门会计学科;- 财务会计的作用是提供给内外部各类利益相关者企业的财务信息,用于决策和评估业绩。
2. 财务会计的基本原理和会计准则- 财务会计基本原理包括:货币计量原则、业务实体原则、持续经营原则和会计周期原则;- 财务会计会计准则包括:会计制度和会计政策。
3. 财务会计的发展历程和现状- 财务会计的发展历程可以分为传统财务会计和现代财务会计两个阶段;- 现代财务会计的发展趋势是数字化、网络化和信息化。
财务会计电子教案第十四章 财务报告

1. 单步式利润表
2. 多步式利润表

A 生产管理的需要B 分配产品的需要C 物质资料的生产D 产品交换的需要2、《中华人民共和国会计法》于()开始实施。
A 1985年1月21日B 1990年12月31日C 1985年5月1日D 1993年12月29日3、()既反映了会计基本要素之间的基本数量关系,同时它也是复式记帐法的理论依据。
A 会计科目B 会计恒等式C 借贷记帐法D 帐户4、一项资产增加,不可能引起()。
A 另一项资产减少B 一项负债增加C 一项所有者权益增加D 一项负债减少5、下列帐户属于权益调整帐户的是()。
A 销售收入B 营业外收入C 利润分配D 资本公积6、备抵附加帐户与被调整帐户的余额方向是()。
A 相同的B 相反的C 一致的D 以上三者都不对7、借贷记帐法下,帐户的借方记增加或贷方记增加是根据()。
A 凡借方都记增加,贷方都记减少B 帐户的性质决定C 记帐方法决定D 核算方法决定8、按照平行登记的原则,发生的经济业务在相关的总帐和明细帐中的登记方法是()。
A 由总帐过入明细帐B 由明细帐过入总帐C 先记总帐后记明细帐 D各自独立登记9、“累计折旧”帐户按其反映的经济内容应归入()。
A 损益类B 费用类C 资产类D 负债类10、存货是企业的一种重要资产,它()。
A 在取得产权时确认B 在收到货物时确认C 在支付货款时确认D 在交付定金或签定合同时确认二、多项选择(5*2=10分)1、下列各项中属于会计核算方法的有()。
A 建立会计机构并配备会计人员B 设置会计科目和帐户C 复式记帐D 填制和审核会计凭证E 编制成本预算2、生产成本科目核算的主要内容包括()。
A 应付工资B 直接材料C 直接人工D 制造费用E 管理费用3、下列属于资产类科目的有()。
A 利润分配B 待处理财产损益C 待摊费用D 累计折旧E 预提费用4、下列属于财务状况要素的是()。

《财务会计》电子教案 理论篇任务二

三、借贷记账法应用 1.会计分录:是指运用借贷记账法的原理对某项经济业务标明
其应借应贷账户及其金额的记录,简称分录。 2.构成:应借应贷方向、对应账户(科目)名称及应记金额 3.分类 :按照所涉及账户的多少,分为简单会计分录和复合
Page 8
【例1】从银行提取现金8 000 元,以备发放本月工资。
借:管理费用 2 500
2 000
【例4】企业购入设备一台,买价20 000元,增值税3 400元,设备不 需安装直接交付使用,货款用银行存款支付。
20 000
应交税费—应交增值税(进项税额) 3 400
23 400
【例5】企业购入乙材料8 000千克,每千克0.5元,增值税率17%,税 款及运费以银行存款支付,材料尚未收到。
2.记账规则 “有借必有贷,借贷必相等”
Page 5
账户种类 资产类 负债类 所有者权益类 成本类 损益类(收入) 损益类(支出)
借方 增加 减少 减少 增加 减少 增加
贷方 减少 增加 增加 减少 增加 减少
余额 借方 贷方 贷方 借方 无余额 无余额
Page 6
4.试算平衡 全部账户的借方期初余额合计=全部账户的贷方期初余额合 计 全部账户的借方发生额合计=全部账户的贷方发生额合计 全部账户的借方期末余额合计=全部账户的贷方期末余额合 计
351 000
300 000
应交税费—应交增值税(销项税额) 51 000
【例8】结转本月已销产品生产成本228 000元。

应交税金——应交增值税(进项税额) 4490
贷:银行存款 31420
借:原材料 材料成本差异 贷:物资采购 24000 2930 26930
(6)1月25日车间第二次领料2000公斤。 借:生产成本 贷:原材料 24000 24000
(7)1月31日计算分摊本月领用材料的成本差异。 本月材料成本差异率=(4500-2535+2930)÷(56000 +18000+24000)×100%=4.99%
(4)购进材料发生购货折扣与购货折让 商业折扣 折 扣
现金折扣 净价法 (5)预付款项购料
预付材料价款: 借:预付账款 贷:银行存款
已经预付货款的材料验收入库 借:原材料 应交税金——应交增值税(进项税额) 贷:预付账款 预付款项不足 借:预付账款 贷:银行存款 退回上项多付的款项 借:银行存款 贷:预付账款
目进行核算,材料的实际成本与计划成本的差异,通过 “材料成本差异”科目进行核算。 1、购入材料的核算 与实际成本法基本一致,主要注意三个方面: 一是反映材料采购成本的发生;二是按计划成本验收入库; 三是结转入库材料的成本差异 2、自制材料入库的核算 3、原材料收入的汇总核算
例:某国有企业材料存货采用计划成本记账,2005年1月份 “原材料”科目某类材料的期初余额56000元,“材料成本差 异”科目期初借方余额4500元,原材料单位计划成本12元, 本月10日进货l 500公斤,进价10元:20日进货2000公斤,进 价13元,本月15日和25日车间分别领用材料2000公斤。
财务会计电子教案第一章 总论

第一节 财务会计概述
第二节 会计基本假设和会计基础
第三节 会计信息质量要求

《中级财务会计》电子教案第一章:总论1.1 财务会计的基本概念1.2 财务会计的目的与作用1.3 财务会计的基本原则与假设1.4 财务会计的信息质量要求1.5 财务会计的报告周期与报告对象第二章:会计要素与会计等式2.1 会计要素的定义与分类2.2 会计等式的基本原理2.3 会计等式的应用与分析2.4 会计要素的确认与计量2.5 会计科目的设置与使用第三章:会计记录与会计分录3.1 会计记录的方法与要求3.2 会计分录的基本概念与编制方法3.3 会计分录的类型与作用3.4 会计分录的试算与调整3.5 会计分录在财务会计报告中的应用第四章:账户式会计账簿4.1 会计账簿的基本概念与分类4.2 账户式会计账簿的结构与登记方法4.3 会计账簿的转记与调整4.4 会计账簿的查阅与分析4.5 会计账簿在财务会计报告中的应用第五章:财务报表的编制与分析5.1 财务报表的基本概念与分类5.2 资产负债表的编制与分析5.3 利润表的编制与分析5.4 现金流量表的编制与分析5.5 所有者权益变动表的编制与分析第六章:存货的核算6.1 存货的概念与分类6.2 存货的确认与计量6.3 存货的初始计量与后续计量6.4 存货的减值与跌价准备6.5 存货在财务会计报告中的应用第七章:固定资产的核算7.1 固定资产的概念与分类7.2 固定资产的确认与计量7.3 固定资产的初始计量与后续计量7.4 固定资产的折旧与折旧方法7.5 固定资产的处置与报废第八章:无形资产的核算8.1 无形资产的概念与分类8.2 无形资产的确认与计量8.3 无形资产的初始计量与后续计量8.4 无形资产的摊销与减值8.5 无形资产在财务会计报告中的应用第九章:负债的核算9.1 负债的概念与分类9.2 负债的确认与计量9.3 负债的初始计量与后续计量9.4 应付账款、应付票据与预收账款的核算9.5 长期负债、递延所得税负债等的核算第十章:所有者权益的核算10.1 所有者权益的概念与分类10.2 所有者权益的确认与计量10.3 所有者权益的初始计量与后续计量10.4 资本公积、盈余公积与未分配利润的核算10.5 所有者权益在财务会计报告中的应用第十一章:收入的核算11.1 收入的概念与分类11.2 收入的确认与计量11.3 收入的初始计量与后续计量11.4 销售折扣、退货与收入调整11.5 收入在财务会计报告中的应用第十二章:费用的核算12.1 费用的概念与分类12.2 费用的确认与计量12.3 费用的初始计量与后续计量12.4 生产成本、管理费用与销售费用的核算12.5 费用在财务会计报告中的应用第十三章:利润的核算13.1 利润的概念与计算13.2 利润的确认与计量13.3 利润的初始计量与后续计量13.4 营业外收入与营业外支出的核算13.5 利润在财务会计报告中的应用第十四章:税务会计14.1 税务会计的概念与目的14.2 企业所得税的核算14.3 增值税的核算14.4 其他税种的核算14.5 税务会计在财务会计报告中的应用第十五章:会计政策、会计估计变更和差错更正15.1 会计政策的概念与选择15.2 会计估计变更的处理15.3 差错更正的处理15.4 会计政策、会计估计变更和差错更正在财务会计报告中的应用15.5 案例分析与实务操作重点和难点解析教案《中级财务会计》电子教案涵盖了财务会计的基本概念、会计要素与会计等式、会计记录与会计分录、账户式会计账簿、财务报表的编制与分析等基本内容,以及存货、固定资产、无形资产、负债、所有者权益、收入、费用、利润、税务会计和会计政策、会计估计变更和差错更正等中级财务会计知识点。

❖15. A公司销售某型号电视机,产品价目单上的电
视机单价为每台2000元,购买20台,规定给予 10%的商业折扣。要求:编制出销售商品的会计 分录。
❖ 借:应收账款(或银行存款) 42 120
❖ 贷:主营业务收入
36 000
6 120
❖16. A公司于2012年11月10日与甲公司签订协议,
41 300 3 000 1 000
1 800 1 600 1 000
1 900
贷方 68 000
3 000 2 000 10 000
440 000 10 000 8 000 6 900 7 000 11 000 23 000
780 000
9 000 5 500
❖ 则华天公司2008年度利润表的下列报表项目金额 为:
(6)18.69 (7)11.31
(10)18.42 (11)11.58
(4)622.89 (8)611.58 (12)600
❖ (3)编制2011年计提、并收到利息的会计分录。
❖ (4)编制持有至到期投资到期时收取本金的会计 分录。
❖ (3)借:应收利息 30
❖ (2)编制持有至到期投资溢价摊销表。
2011年 2012年 2013年
借:应收利 息
贷:持有至到期 投资—利息调整
(1)30 (5)30 (9)30
《财务会计》王宗江 课程资源 电子教案 第十章 所有者权益 (2)


财务会计复习题《财务会计》复习题Circle the letter of the best response.1.Which of the following statements is false?A.Accounting is the information system that measures business activities, processes that information into reports, and communicates the results todecision makers.B.Financial statements report financial information about a business entity to decision makers.C.Owners of a corporation are personally liable for the debts of the corporation.D.The purpose of financial accounting is to provide information to people outside of the entity, such as investors and creditors.2.Wilbur owns and operates a fishing tackle shop. Wilbur needs to borrow money to expand; therefore, he prepared financial statements to present to his banker.Wilbur obtained appraisals of all the assets of the business to ensure that thebalance sheet would reflect the most current value of the assets. Wilbur hasviolated which of the following principles or concepts?A.Reliability principleB.Cost principleC.Going-concern principleD.Stable-monetary-unit concept3.Which of the following is true?A.Owners' Equity - Assets = LiabilitiesB.Assets - Owners' Equity = LiabilitiesC.Assets + Liabilities = Owners' EquityD.Liabilities = Owners' Equity + Assets4.G. Harrison Inc experienced a decrease in total assets of $2,000 during the current year. During the same year, total liabilities decreased $6,000. If dividends for the year were $10,000 and the owners made no additional investment, how much was net income?A.$14,000B.$ 6,000C.$18,000D.$ 2,0005.Which of the following statements is true?A.The income statement reports all changes in assets, liabilities, and stockholders' equity of the business during the period.B.Revenues and expenses are reported only on the balance sheet.C.The statement of cash flows reports cash flows from three types of business activities——cash receipts, cash payments, and investing.D.On the statement of retained earnings, the net income for the period is added to the beginning balance of retained earnings.6.Which of the following statements is not true?A.Investing activities relate to the investment by owners into the business.B.Paying dividends is an example of a financing activity.C.Operating activities are the most important type of business activity.D.Managers must make decisions about operating, investing, and financing activities.7.On which financial statement can the ending balance in retained earnings be found?A.Balance sheetB.Income statementC.Statement of retained earningsD.Both A and C8.Which of these is an example of an asset account?A.Service RevenueB.DividendsC.SuppliesD.All of the above are assets9.Dobson Company paid $1,200 on account. The effect of this transaction on Dobson's accounting equation is to:A.decrease liabilities and increase stockholders’ equity.B.decrease assets and decrease liabilities.C.have no effect on total assets.D.decrease assets and decrease stockholders' equity.10.Which of these statements is false?A.Decreases in liabilities and increases in revenues are recorded with a credit.B.Decreases in assets and increases in stockholders' equity are recorded with a credit.C.Increases in both assets and expenses are recorded with a debit.D.Increases in assets and decreases in liabilities are recorded with a debit. 11.Note Payable has a normal beginning balance of $40,200. During the period, new borrowings total $100,000 and payments on loans total $20,600. Determine the correct ending balance in Note Payable.A.$39,200, debitB.$119,600, creditC.$39,200, creditD.$160,800, credit12.Which of these statements is correct?A.The account is a basic summary device used in accounting.B. A business transaction is recorded first in the journal and then posted to the ledger.C.In the journal entry, all accounts that are increased are listed first and then all accounts that are decreased are listed next.D.Both A and B are correct.13.Which of these accounts has a normal debit balance?A.Salary ExpenseB.Accounts PayableC.Service RevenueD.Both A and B14.The May 31 trial balance reports a credit balance of $5,000 for Service Revenue. During the month, one entry for $10 had been posted in error as a debit to Service Revenue. What is the correct balance of Service Revenue at May 31 ?A.$4,980B.$4,990C.$5,020D.$5,01015.The beginning Cash account balance is $38,700. During the period, cash disbursements totaled $144,600. If ending Cash is $51,200, then cash receiptsmust have been:A.$105,900B.$234,500C.$132,100D.$157,10016.Use the following selected information for the Perriman Company to calculatethe correct credit column total for a trial balance:Accounts receivable $ 27,200Accounts payable 15,900Building 359,600Cash 55,600Common stock 155,000Dividends 4,800Insurance expense 1,800Retained earnings 133,800Salary expense 52,500Salary payable 3,600Service revenue 193,200A.$365,600B.$304,700C.$501,500D.$506,30017.The journal entry to record the performance of services on account for $1,200 is:A.Accounts Payable 1,200Service Revenue 1,200B.Accounts Receivable 1,200Service Revenue 1,200C.Cash 1,200Service Revenue 1,200D.Service Revenue 1,200Accounts Payable 1,20018.The Smallwood Corporation began operations on January 1, 20X8. During 20X1, Smallwood collected $92,000 for management services. $12,000 of theamount collected was from a contract to provide management services for one year beginning November 1,20X8. An additional $20,000 of management services had been earned but not collected by year end. The amount of revenue that should:be reported for 20X8 under the cash-basis and accrual-basis isCash-Basis Accrual-BasisA. $92,000 $80,000B. $80,000 $100,000C. $100,000 $112,000D. $92,000 $102,00019.Which of the following statements is false?A.The time-period concept requires companies to prepare financial statements at least quarterly.B.According to the revenue principle, revenue should be recorded when a product or service has been delivered to the customer.C.When possible, expenses that can be linked to a specific revenue should be deducted from revenue in the same period that the revenue isrecorded.D.The time-period concept, the revenue principle, and the matching principle all support the practice of preparing adjusting entries.20.The Armstead Company usually purchases office supplies twice a year to take advantage of quantity discounts. Office Supplies would be consideredA.an unearned revenue.B. a prepaid expense.C.an accrued revenue.D.an accrued expense.21.On November 1 , 20X8 , the Jemigan Company paid $4,800 for a one-year insurance policy. On December 31 , 20X8, the adjusting entry would includeA. a debit to insurance Expense$4,800.B. a credit to insurance Payable, $800.C. a credit to Prepaid insurance, $800.D. a debit to Insurance Expense, $4,000.22.Which of these could not be a closing entry?A.Salary Expense XXRetained Earnings XXB.Retained Earnings XXDividends XXC.Service Revenue XXRetained Earnings XXD.Retained Earnings XXRent Expense XX23.What type of account is Unearned Revenue (asset, liability, stockholders' equity, revenue, or expense) and what is its normal balance, respectively?A.asset, debitB.expense, debitC.liability, creditD.revenue, credit24.Which of the following transactions is considered an accrued expense?Ⅰ.Salaries that employees have earned but not receivedII.Management fees received in advanceⅢ.Newspaper advertising that has been purchased but has not yet appeared inthe newspaperA.I onlyB.II onlyC.Ⅲ onlyD.Both I and II25.Which of the following accounts is not considered a current asset?A.Accounts ReceivableB.EquipmentC.InventoryD.Prepaid Rent26.The balance sheet for Arnold's Cleaners appears below:Arnold's CleanersBalance sheetDecember 31, 20X8Assets LiabilitiesCash $400 Accounts payable $300Accounts receivable 460 Salary payable 20Supplies 10 Unearned revenue 120Prepaid insurance 60 Note payable (due in 5 years) 400Equipment $400 Total liabilities 840Less: Acc. depr. 40 360 Stockholders’ EquityLand 400 Common stock 370Retained earnings 480Total stockholders' equity 850Total assets $1,690 Total liabilities and stockholders' Equity $1,690 Arnold's current ratio for 20X8 isA. 2.11B. 2.09C. 2D. 1.5227.An investment in debt securities may be classified as any of the following categories except:A.trading securitiesB.available-for-saleC.held-to-maturityD.All of the above are categories for Debt securities28.The Boulder Co. purchased the following securities in 20X8.The year-end balances of their trading and available-for-sale portfolios are given below:Trading portfolio: Cost Market ValueSecurity A $10,000 $12,000Security B 3,000 3,500Total $13,000 $15,500Available-for-sale portfolio:Security D $5,500 $3,000Security E 16,000 17,000Total $21,500 $20,000At what value should the trading securities and the available-for-sale securities be reported on the balance sheet?Trading Securities Available-for-Sale SecuritiesA. $13,000 $21,500B. $13,000 $20,000C. $15,500 $21,500D. $15,500 $20,00029.Net accounts receivable is calculated as:A.Sales less sales discounts.B.Accounts receivable plus the allowance for uncollectible accounts.C.Accounts receivable less the allowance for uncollectible accounts.D.Accounts receivable less the bad debts expense..30.When the allowance method is used, the entry to write off a customer’s accountA.increases bad debts expense.B.has no effect on net accounts receivable.C.decreases net accounts receivable.D.Increases the balance of the allowance for uncollectible accounts. 31.Which of the following statements about the statement of cash flows is true?A.The purchase of a held-to-maturity security is considered an investing activity.B.Collection of interest is an investing activity.C.Sales on account is the largest cash flow from operating activities.D.Loaning money to others is a financing activity.Table 1On December 31, 20X8, Troy Inc., had the following accounts and balances(before adjustment)on its books:Accounts Receivable $80,000Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts 2,000 (credit balance)Net Sales 500,00032.Refer to Table 1. Troy estimates that its Bad Debts Expense is 2% of Net Sales.The Bad Debts Expense for 20X8 should be:A.$10,000B.$12,000C.$8,000D.$1,60033.Refer to Table 1. Troy uses an aging schedule to estimate its uncollectible accounts. The aging schedule and the percentage of each category that isestimated to be uncollectible is given below:Current $40,000 2%1-30 days past due 30,000 10%Over 30 days past due 10,000 40%The balance in the Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts after adjusting shouldbe:A.$2,000 B.$5,800C.$7,800 D.$9,80034.Martinez Co. paid Acme Co. for merchandise with a $2,000, 90-day, 8% note dated April 1. If Martinez pays off the note at maturity, what entry should Acmemake on its books at that time?A.Cash 2,160Notes Receivable 2,160B.Notes Payable 2,000Interest Expense 160Cash 2,160C.Cash 2,040Notes Receivable 2,000Interest Revenue 40D.Cash 2,160Notes Receivable 2,000Interest Revenue 16035.Which accounts would be debited and credited in the entry to record accrued interest on a note receivable?Debit CreditA.Interest Revenue Interest ReceivableB.Interest Receivable Interest RevenueC.Cash Interest RevenueD.Interest Receivable Cash36.Given the following information, compute the quick ratio.Salary Payable $4,000 Trading investments $10,000Inventory 100,000 Equipment 96,000Accounts Receivable 42,000 Cash 14,000Supplies 8,000 Accounts Payable 62,000A.1 B.2.5C.1.2 D.2.4537.Teresa Company began the period with 10 units in inventory, costing $5 each.During the period the company purchased 100 units at a cost of $5 each. At the end of the period there were 13 units left on hand. What is the correct amount that should appear on the income statement for the period and on the balance sheet at the end of the period?Income Statement Balance SheetA. Cost of goods sold, $500 Inventory, $550B. Inventory, $485 Cost of goods sold, $550C. Cost of goods sold, $65 Inventory, $485D. Cost of goods sold, $485 Inventory, $6538.Sheridan Corp. has $10,000 of goods on hand at August 31, 20X8. Cost of goods sold averages 40% of sale revenue. Sales for the month of September are budgeted to be $143,000. If ending inventory at the end of September is budgeted to be $10,500, what amount of inventory will Sheridan’s managers need topurchase during September in order to meet this goal?A.$57,700B.$86,300C.$56,700D.Cannot be determined from the information given.Table 2Consider the following data for Reed Company for the current year:Units Unit Cost TotalBeginning inventory 55 $10 $550Purchase February 4 22 12 264Purchase May 15 20 13 260Purchase October 20 48 15 720Sales during the year, 84 units @ $30 each.39.Refer to Table 2. What is the weighted-average cost per unit?A.$12.33 B.$12.37C.$12.50 D.$12.4840.Refer to Table 2. What is the cost of ending inventory, assuming the LIFO method is used?A.$889 B.$905C.$622 D.$1,17241.Refer to Table 2. What is the cost of goods sold, assuming the FIFO method is used?A.$889 B.$905C.$622 D.$1,17242.Refer to Table 2. What is Reed Company’s gross profit percentage (rounded) for the year, assuming that ending inventory totaled $685?A.56% B.27%C.40% D.44%43.During a period of rising prices, the inventory method that yields the highest net income and the lowest inventory value, respectively, will be:A.LIFO and FIFO.B.Weighted-average and LIFO.C.LIFO and LIFO.D.FIFO and LIFO.44.Pittman Company management omitted $65,000 of inventory when calculating their 20X8 ending inventory. As a result of this error,A.20X9 total assets will be overstated.B.20X9 cost of goods sold will be understated.C.20X8 stockholders’ equity will be overstated.D.20X9 net income will be understated.45.Which of these statements regarding GAAP as applied to inventories is true?A.The disclosure principle requires that a company disclose the inventories method(s) used.B.According to the consistency principle, the inventory method can never be changed.C.The lower-of-cost-or-market rule states that, in order to be conservative, declines in inventory prices should be recognized in the periodin which the goods are actually sold.D.The materiality principle allows GAAP to be ignored when the result is material in amount.46.The items below represent expenditures related to the construction of a new office building:Cost of land $210,00Legal fees relating to land purchase $2,000Cost of removing old building 1,000 Payment of delinquent propertytaxes4,500Grading the site 5,000 Payment to contractor 1,000,000 Cost of building permits 4,500 Interest cost incurred duringconstruction40,000 Cost of paving parking lot 20,000 Cost of fencing 5,000 The proper balances for the Land account and the Building account should be:Land BuildingA. $217,000 $1,000,000B.. $213,500 $1,001,000C $222,500 $1,044,500D. $220,500 $1,041,00047.Which of the following statements is false?A.Accelerated depreciation methods record more depreciation expense over thelife of an asset than either the straight-line method or the units-of-productionmethod.B.The cost of an asset, its residual value, and its estimated useful life are allused in computing depreciation.C.The units-of-production method is most appropriate for an asset that wearsout due to physical use.nd is never depreciated.Table 3On January 1, 20X8, Guard Security Service purchased an alarm monitoring system for $80,000. The system is expected to be used for 4 years, after which it can be sold for $16,000.48.Refer to Table 3. What is the book value of the equipment of December 31, 20X9, if Guard uses the straight-line method of depreciation?A. $64,000B. $60,000C. $40,000D. $48,00049.Refer to Table 3. If guard uses the double-declining-balance method of depreciation, what is depreciation expense for 20X9?A. $40,000B. $32,000C. $20,000D. $16,00050.Refer to Table 3. If Guard sells the equipment for $20,000 at the end of the four years, the journal entry to record the sale will include all of the followingexcept aA.$20,000 debit to Cash.B.$4,000 credit to Gain on Sale of Equipment.C.$20,000 credit to Equipment.D.$64,000 debit to Accumulated Depreciation.51.Which of the following statements is false?A.Straight-line depreciation can be used for financial reporting or for income tax purposes.B.Double-declining-balance depreciation is the most commonly used method of depreciation in financial reporting.C.The units-of-production method results in higher depreciation in the years when an asset is more productive and lower depreciation in the yearswhen an asset is less productive.D.Accelerated depreciation creates a cash advantage over straight-line because higher amounts of depreciation are deducted on the tax return in the earlier years of an asset’s life resulting in lower taxes paid.52.Which of the following is not accounted for as an intangible asset?A. FranchisesB. GoodwillC. TrademarkD. Research and development 53.Which of the following statements about the statement of cash flows is false?A.Financing activities are not affected by plant asset transactions.B.Depreciation is not a cash flow.C.Amortization of intangibles is added to net income when calculating cash provided by operations.D.The sale of equipment at a loss is recorded as a cash outflow from investing activities.54.From the following list of account balances, calculate the correct amount of current liabilities:CAccounts receivable $5,000Accounts payable 6,300Unearned revenues 900Rent expense 1,200Sales revenue 46,300Sales tax payable 3,700Estimated warranty payable 800Note payable, due in 90 days 1,300Accumulated depreciation 700A. $12,100B. $61,200C. $13,000D. $59,30055.If Roman company issues their $500,000, 10% bonds payable at a premium,A.the debit to Cash is greater than the credit to Bonds Payable.B.The maturity value is greater than the present value of the interest andprincipal payments.C.the market rate of interest must be less than the contract rate of interest.D.Both A and C are true.56.Sister Company issued bonds payable at a discount and uses the effective-interest method of amortization. Which of these statements correctly describes Sister’s financial statements?A.The carrying amount of the bonds on the balance sheet will decrease each interest period.B.The interest expense each interest period will be greater than the cash paid for interest.C.The interest paid will be a constant percentage of the carrying amount.D.The Discount on Bonds Payable will be added to the liabilities on Sister’s financial statements.57.Greta Corporation has outstanding $600,000 of 5-year,8% bonds payable witha carrying value of $604,000. The bonds are retired at 101.5, 2 years ahead oftheir scheduled maturity date. The journal entry to record the retirement willinclude all of the following except aA.debit to Extraordinary Loss on Retirement of Bonds Payable, $5,000.B.Credit to Cash, $609,000.C.Debit to Bonds Payable, $604,000.D.Debit to Premium on bonds Payable, $4,000.58.When a company reports liabilities on its financial statements: A.the fair market value of long-term debt appears as a part of long-term liabilities on the balance sheet.B.Borrowing and repayment of long-term debt appears as a part of investing activities of the statement of cash flows.C.Deferred credits and deferred income taxes may appear as a part of long-term liabilities on the balance sheet.D.Both operating leases and capital leases are a part of the liabilities section on the balance sheet, and may be either long or short term.Table 4On December 31,20X8, the Orthon Co. reported the following in its comparative financial statement:12/31/20X8 12/31/20X7 10%cumulative preferred stock, $50 par and redemptionvalue, 2,000 shares authorized and ? shares issued $50,000 $50,000 Paid-in capital in excess of par-preferred 4,000 4,00054,000 54,000Common stock, $2 par, 20,000 shares authorized and8,000 6,000 4,000(20X4) and 3,000(20x3) share issued andoutstandingPaid-in capital in excess of par-common 84,000 80,00092,000 86,000 Total paid-in capital 146,000 140,000 Retained earnings 140,000 110,000 Total stockholders’ equity $286,000 $250,000 59.The number of preferred shares issued and outstanding at the end of 20X8 is :A.8,,000B. 2,000C.1,000D. 50060.Refer to table 4. Assume Orthon had not paid any dividends in 20X5-20X7. In 20X8, Orthon declared cash dividends of $48,000 to both the preferred andcommon stockholders. The total dividend received by the common stockholders was (assuming the number of preferred shares did not change):A. $48,,000B. $28,000C.$38,000D. $43,00061.Refer to Table 4. Assume net income for 20X8 is $66,000, and there are no dividends in arrears. What is Orthon’s return on common stockholders’ equity for 20X8?A.30.8%B. 28.5%C.24.6%D. 22.8%62.Refer to Table 4. Assume that there are no dividends in arrears. What is Orthon’s book value per share of common stock at the end of 20X8?A. $53B. $56.75C. $58D. $71.5063.Which of the following transactions increases stockholders’ equity?A. A two-for-one stock splitB.Issuance of stock at a price above par valueC. A 20% stock dividendD.Purchase of treasury stock above par64.The journal entry to record the distribution of a large stock dividend would include all of the following except:A. Retained Earnings, debitB. Common Stock, creditC. Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par, creditD. All of the above are included in the entry65.Which one of the following statements is true?A. A large stock dividend increases the number of shares issued, but a stock splitdoes not.B. A stock split reduces the market price of the stock, but a large stock dividenddoes not.C. A stock split does not decrease the par value of the stock, but a large stockdividend does not.D. Both stock splits and stock dividends have no effect on total stockholders’equity.66.Olson Inc. purchased 5,000 shares of its own $1 par value common stock for $16 per share. Later, Olson sold 200 shares of the treasury stock for $20 per share.The entry to record the sale of the treasury stock is:A. Cash 4,000Treasury Stock 4,000B. Cash 4,000Treasury Stock 200Paid-in Capital from Treasury Stock Transactions 3,800C. Cash 4,000Treasury Stock 3,200Paid-in Capital from Treasury Stock Transactions 800D. Cash 4,000Common Stock 200Gain on Sale of Stock 3,80067.Which of the following transactions would not be found on the statement of cash flows?A.Declaration of a cash dividendB.Purchase of treasury stock above parC.Issuance of preferred stock at a price above parD.Sale of treasury stock at a price below the cost。

二、现金的账务处理【例1】南阳公司2016年1月发生下列现金收、付业务:1.4日,从银行提取现金2 000元备用。
借:库存现金 2 000贷:银行存款 2 0002.7日,业务员李林因公出差预借差旅费1 600元。
借:其他应收款—李林 1 600贷:库存现金 1 6003.10日,零售商品一批,价款200元,增值税34元,收到现金。
借:库存现金 234贷:主营业务收入 200应交税费—应交增值税(销项税额) 344. 15日,李林报销差旅费1 300元,交回余款300元。
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财务会计复习题《财务会计》复习题Circle the letter of the best response.1.Which of the following statements is false?A.Accounting is the information system that measures business activities, processes that information into reports, and communicates the results todecision makers.B.Financial statements report financial information about a business entity to decision makers.C.Owners of a corporation are personally liable for the debts of the corporation.D.The purpose of financial accounting is to provide information to people outside of the entity, such as investors and creditors.2.Wilbur owns and operates a fishing tackle shop. Wilbur needs to borrow money to expand; therefore, he prepared financial statements to present to his banker.Wilbur obtained appraisals of all the assets of the business to ensure that thebalance sheet would reflect the most current value of the assets. Wilbur hasviolated which of the following principles or concepts?A.Reliability principleB.Cost principleC.Going-concern principleD.Stable-monetary-unit concept3.Which of the following is true?A.Owners' Equity - Assets = LiabilitiesB.Assets - Owners' Equity = LiabilitiesC.Assets + Liabilities = Owners' EquityD.Liabilities = Owners' Equity + Assets4.G. Harrison Inc experienced a decrease in total assets of $2,000 during the current year. During the same year, total liabilities decreased $6,000. If dividends for the year were $10,000 and the owners made no additional investment, how much was net income?A.$14,000B.$ 6,000C.$18,000D.$ 2,0005.Which of the following statements is true?A.The income statement reports all changes in assets, liabilities, and stockholders' equity of the business during the period.B.Revenues and expenses are reported only on the balance sheet.C.The statement of cash flows reports cash flows from three types of business activities——cash receipts, cash payments, and investing.D.On the statement of retained earnings, the net income for the period is added to the beginning balance of retained earnings.6.Which of the following statements is not true?A.Investing activities relate to the investment by owners into the business.B.Paying dividends is an example of a financing activity.C.Operating activities are the most important type of business activity.D.Managers must make decisions about operating, investing, and financing activities.7.On which financial statement can the ending balance in retained earnings be found?A.Balance sheetB.Income statementC.Statement of retained earningsD.Both A and C8.Which of these is an example of an asset account?A.Service RevenueB.DividendsC.SuppliesD.All of the above are assets9.Dobson Company paid $1,200 on account. The effect of this transaction on Dobson's accounting equation is to:A.decrease liabilities and increase stockholders’ equity.B.decrease assets and decrease liabilities.C.have no effect on total assets.D.decrease assets and decrease stockholders' equity.10.Which of these statements is false?A.Decreases in liabilities and increases in revenues are recorded with a credit.B.Decreases in assets and increases in stockholders' equity are recorded with a credit.C.Increases in both assets and expenses are recorded with a debit.D.Increases in assets and decreases in liabilities are recorded with a debit. 11.Note Payable has a normal beginning balance of $40,200. During the period, new borrowings total $100,000 and payments on loans total $20,600. Determine the correct ending balance in Note Payable.A.$39,200, debitB.$119,600, creditC.$39,200, creditD.$160,800, credit12.Which of these statements is correct?A.The account is a basic summary device used in accounting.B. A business transaction is recorded first in the journal and then posted to the ledger.C.In the journal entry, all accounts that are increased are listed first and then all accounts that are decreased are listed next.D.Both A and B are correct.13.Which of these accounts has a normal debit balance?A.Salary ExpenseB.Accounts PayableC.Service RevenueD.Both A and B14.The May 31 trial balance reports a credit balance of $5,000 for Service Revenue. During the month, one entry for $10 had been posted in error as a debit to Service Revenue. What is the correct balance of Service Revenue at May 31 ?A.$4,980B.$4,990C.$5,020D.$5,01015.The beginning Cash account balance is $38,700. During the period, cash disbursements totaled $144,600. If ending Cash is $51,200, then cash receipts must have been:A.$105,900B.$234,500C.$132,100D.$157,10016.Use the following selected information for the Perriman Company to calculate the correct credit column total for a trial balance:Accounts receivable $ 27,200Accounts payable 15,900Building 359,600Cash 55,600Common stock 155,000Dividends 4,800Insurance expense 1,800Retained earnings 133,800Salary expense 52,500Salary payable 3,600Service revenue 193,200A.$365,600B.$304,700C.$501,500D.$506,30017.The journal entry to record the performance of services on account for $1,200 is:A.Accounts Payable 1,200Service Revenue 1,200B.Accounts Receivable 1,200Service Revenue 1,200C.Cash 1,200Service Revenue 1,200D.Service Revenue 1,200Accounts Payable 1,20018.The Smallwood Corporation began operations on January 1, 20X8. During 20X1, Smallwood collected $92,000 for management services. $12,000 of the amount collected was from a contract to provide management services for one year beginning November 1,20X8. An additional $20,000 of management services had been earned but not collected by year end. The amount of revenue that should be reported for 20X8 under the cash-basis and accrual-basis is:Cash-Basis Accrual-BasisA. $92,000 $80,000B. $80,000 $100,000C. $100,000 $112,000D. $92,000 $102,00019.Which of the following statements is false?A.The time-period concept requires companies to prepare financial statements at least quarterly.B.According to the revenue principle, revenue should be recorded when a product or service has been delivered to the customer.C.When possible, expenses that can be linked to a specific revenue should be deducted from revenue in the same period that the revenue isrecorded.D.The time-period concept, the revenue principle, and the matching principle all support the practice of preparing adjusting entries.20.The Armstead Company usually purchases office supplies twice a year to take advantage of quantity discounts. Office Supplies would be consideredA.an unearned revenue.B. a prepaid expense.C.an accrued revenue.D.an accrued expense.21.On November 1 , 20X8 , the Jemigan Company paid $4,800 for a one-year insurance policy. On December 31 , 20X8, the adjusting entry would includeA. a debit to insurance Expense$4,800.B. a credit to insurance Payable, $800.C. a credit to Prepaid insurance, $800.D. a debit to Insurance Expense, $4,000.22.Which of these could not be a closing entry?A.Salary Expense XXRetained Earnings XXB.Retained Earnings XXDividends XXC.Service Revenue XXRetained Earnings XXD.Retained Earnings XXRent Expense XX23.What type of account is Unearned Revenue (asset, liability, stockholders' equity, revenue, or expense) and what is its normal balance, respectively?A.asset, debitB.expense, debitC.liability, creditD.revenue, credit24.Which of the following transactions is considered an accrued expense?Ⅰ.Salaries that employees have earned but not receivedII.Management fees received in advanceⅢ.Newspaper advertising that has been purchased but has not yet appeared in the newspaperA.I onlyB.II onlyC.Ⅲ onlyD.Both I and II25.Which of the following accounts is not considered a current asset?A.Accounts ReceivableB.EquipmentC.InventoryD.Prepaid Rent26.The balance sheet for Arnold's Cleaners appears below:Arnold's CleanersBalance sheetDecember 31, 20X8Assets LiabilitiesCash $400 Accounts payable $300Accounts receivable 460 Salary payable 20Supplies 10 Unearned revenue 120Prepaid insurance 60 Note payable (due in 5 years) 400Equipment $400 Total liabilities 840Less: Acc. depr. 40 360 Stockholders’ EquityLand 400 Common stock 370Retained earnings 480Total stockholders' equity 850 Total assets $1,690 Total liabilities and stockholders' Equity $1,690 Arnold's current ratio for 20X8 isA. 2.11B. 2.09C. 2D. 1.5227.An investment in debt securities may be classified as any of the following categories except:A.trading securitiesB.available-for-saleC.held-to-maturityD.All of the above are categories for Debt securities28.The Boulder Co. purchased the following securities in 20X8.The year-end balances of their trading and available-for-sale portfolios are given below:Trading portfolio: Cost Market ValueSecurity A $10,000 $12,000Security B 3,000 3,500Total $13,000 $15,500Available-for-sale portfolio:Security D $5,500 $3,000Security E 16,000 17,000Total $21,500 $20,000At what value should the trading securities and the available-for-sale securities be reported on the balance sheet?Trading Securities Available-for-Sale SecuritiesA. $13,000 $21,500B. $13,000 $20,000C. $15,500 $21,500D. $15,500 $20,00029.Net accounts receivable is calculated as:A.Sales less sales discounts.B.Accounts receivable plus the allowance for uncollectible accounts.C.Accounts receivable less the allowance for uncollectible accounts.D.Accounts receivable less the bad debts expense..30.When the allowance method is used, the entry to write off a customer’s accountA.increases bad debts expense.B.has no effect on net accounts receivable.C.decreases net accounts receivable.D.Increases the balance of the allowance for uncollectible accounts. 31.Which of the following statements about the statement of cash flows is true?A.The purchase of a held-to-maturity security is considered an investing activity.B.Collection of interest is an investing activity.C.Sales on account is the largest cash flow from operating activities.D.Loaning money to others is a financing activity.Table 1On December 31, 20X8, Troy Inc., had the following accounts and balances(before adjustment)on its books:Accounts Receivable $80,000Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts 2,000 (credit balance)Net Sales 500,00032.Refer to Table 1. Troy estimates that its Bad Debts Expense is 2% of Net Sales.The Bad Debts Expense for 20X8 should be:A.$10,000B.$12,000C.$8,000D.$1,60033.Refer to Table 1. Troy uses an aging schedule to estimate its uncollectible accounts. The aging schedule and the percentage of each category that isestimated to be uncollectible is given below:Current $40,000 2%1-30 days past due 30,000 10%Over 30 days past due 10,000 40%The balance in the Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts after adjusting should be:A.$2,000 B.$5,800C.$7,800 D.$9,80034.Martinez Co. paid Acme Co. for merchandise with a $2,000, 90-day, 8% note dated April 1. If Martinez pays off the note at maturity, what entry should Acme make on its books at that time?A.Cash 2,160Notes Receivable 2,160B.Notes Payable 2,000Interest Expense 160Cash 2,160C.Cash 2,040Notes Receivable 2,000Interest Revenue 40D.Cash 2,160Notes Receivable 2,000Interest Revenue 16035.Which accounts would be debited and credited in the entry to record accrued interest on a note receivable?Debit CreditA.Interest Revenue Interest ReceivableB.Interest Receivable Interest RevenueC.Cash Interest RevenueD.Interest Receivable Cash36.Given the following information, compute the quick ratio.Salary Payable $4,000 Trading investments $10,000Inventory 100,000 Equipment 96,000Accounts Receivable 42,000 Cash 14,000Supplies 8,000 Accounts Payable 62,000A.1 B.2.5C.1.2 D.2.4537.Teresa Company began the period with 10 units in inventory, costing $5 each.During the period the company purchased 100 units at a cost of $5 each. At the end of the period there were 13 units left on hand. What is the correct amount that should appear on the income statement for the period and on the balance sheet at the end of the period?Income Statement Balance SheetA. Cost of goods sold, $500 Inventory, $550B. Inventory, $485 Cost of goods sold, $550C. Cost of goods sold, $65 Inventory, $485D. Cost of goods sold, $485 Inventory, $6538.Sheridan Corp. has $10,000 of goods on hand at August 31, 20X8. Cost of goods sold averages 40% of sale revenue. Sales for the month of September are budgeted to be $143,000. If ending inventory at the end of September is budgeted to be $10,500, what amount of inventory will Sheridan’s managers need topurchase during September in order to meet this goal?A.$57,700B.$86,300C.$56,700D.Cannot be determined from the information given.Table 2Consider the following data for Reed Company for the current year:Units Unit Cost TotalBeginning inventory 55 $10 $550Purchase February 4 22 12 264Purchase May 15 20 13 260Purchase October 20 48 15 720Sales during the year, 84 units @ $30 each.39.Refer to Table 2. What is the weighted-average cost per unit?A.$12.33 B.$12.37C.$12.50 D.$12.4840.Refer to Table 2. What is the cost of ending inventory, assuming the LIFO method is used?A.$889 B.$905C.$622 D.$1,17241.Refer to Table 2. What is the cost of goods sold, assuming the FIFO method is used?A.$889 B.$905C.$622 D.$1,17242.Refer to Table 2. What is Reed Company’s gross profit percentage (rounded) for the year, assuming that ending inventory totaled $685?A.56% B.27%C.40% D.44%43.During a period of rising prices, the inventory method that yields the highest net income and the lowest inventory value, respectively, will be:A.LIFO and FIFO.B.Weighted-average and LIFO.C.LIFO and LIFO.D.FIFO and LIFO.44.Pittman Company management omitted $65,000 of inventory when calculating their 20X8 ending inventory. As a result of this error,A.20X9 total assets will be overstated.B.20X9 cost of goods sold will be understated.C.20X8 stockholders’ equity will be overstated.D.20X9 net income will be understated.45.Which of these statements regarding GAAP as applied to inventories is true?A.The disclosure principle requires that a company disclose the inventories method(s) used.B.According to the consistency principle, the inventory method can never be changed.C.The lower-of-cost-or-market rule states that, in order to be conservative, declines in inventory prices should be recognized in the periodin which the goods are actually sold.D.The materiality principle allows GAAP to be ignored when the result is material in amount.46.The items below represent expenditures related to the construction of a new47.A.Accelerated depreciation methods record more depreciation expense over thelife of an asset than either the straight-line method or the units-of-productionmethod.B.The cost of an asset, its residual value, and its estimated useful life are allused in computing depreciation.C.The units-of-production method is most appropriate for an asset that wearsout due to physical use.nd is never depreciated.Table 3On January 1, 20X8, Guard Security Service purchased an alarm monitoring system for $80,000. The system is expected to be used for 4 years, after which it can be sold for $16,000.48.Refer to Table 3. What is the book value of the equipment of December 31, 20X9, if Guard uses the straight-line method of depreciation?A. $64,000B. $60,000C. $40,000D. $48,00049.Refer to Table 3. If guard uses the double-declining-balance method of depreciation, what is depreciation expense for 20X9?A. $40,000B. $32,000C. $20,000D. $16,00050.Refer to Table 3. If Guard sells the equipment for $20,000 at the end of the four years, the journal entry to record the sale will include all of the following except aA.$20,000 debit to Cash.B.$4,000 credit to Gain on Sale of Equipment.C.$20,000 credit to Equipment.D.$64,000 debit to Accumulated Depreciation.51.Which of the following statements is false?A.Straight-line depreciation can be used for financial reporting or for income tax purposes.B.Double-declining-balance depreciation is the most commonly used method of depreciation in financial reporting.C.The units-of-production method results in higher depreciation in the years when an asset is more productive and lower depreciation in the yearswhen an asset is less productive.D.Accelerated depreciation creates a cash advantage over straight-line because higher amounts of depreciation are deducted on the tax return in theearlier years of an asset’s life resulting in lower taxes paid.52.Which of the following is not accounted for as an intangible asset?A. FranchisesB. GoodwillC. TrademarkD. Research and development 53.Which of the following statements about the statement of cash flows is false?A.Financing activities are not affected by plant asset transactions.B.Depreciation is not a cash flow.C.Amortization of intangibles is added to net income when calculating cash provided by operations.D.The sale of equipment at a loss is recorded as a cash outflow from investing activities.54.From the following list of account balances, calculate the correct amount of55.If Roman company issues their $500,000, 10% bonds payable at a premium,A.the debit to Cash is greater than the credit to Bonds Payable.B.The maturity value is greater than the present value of the interest andprincipal payments.C.the market rate of interest must be less than the contract rate of interest.D.Both A and C are true.56.Sister Company issued bonds payable at a discount and uses the effective-interest method of amortization. Which of these statements correctly describes Sister’s financial statements?A.The carrying amount of the bonds on the balance sheet will decrease each interest period.B.The interest expense each interest period will be greater than the cash paid for interest.C.The interest paid will be a constant percentage of the carrying amount.D.The Discount on Bonds Payable will be added to the liabilities on Sister’s financial statements.57.Greta Corporation has outstanding $600,000 of 5-year,8% bonds payable witha carrying value of $604,000. The bonds are retired at 101.5, 2 years ahead oftheir scheduled maturity date. The journal entry to record the retirement willinclude all of the following except aA.debit to Extraordinary Loss on Retirement of Bonds Payable, $5,000.B.Credit to Cash, $609,000.C.Debit to Bonds Payable, $604,000.D.Debit to Premium on bonds Payable, $4,000.58.When a company reports liabilities on its financial statements: A.the fair market value of long-term debt appears as a part of long-term liabilities on the balance sheet.B.Borrowing and repayment of long-term debt appears as a part of investing activities of the statement of cash flows.C.Deferred credits and deferred income taxes may appear as a part of long-term liabilities on the balance sheet.D.Both operating leases and capital leases are a part of the liabilities section on the balance sheet, and may be either long or short term.Table 4On December 31,20X8, the Orthon Co. reported the following in its comparativeA.8,,000B. 2,000C.1,000D. 50060.Refer to table 4. Assume Orthon had not paid any dividends in 20X5-20X7. In 20X8, Orthon declared cash dividends of $48,000 to both the preferred andcommon stockholders. The total dividend received by the common stockholders was (assuming the number of preferred shares did not change):A. $48,,000B. $28,000C.$38,000D. $43,00061.Refer to Table 4. Assume net income for 20X8 is $66,000, and there are no dividends in arrears. What is Orthon’s return on common stockholders’ equity for 20X8?A.30.8%B. 28.5%C.24.6%D. 22.8%62.Refer to Table 4. Assume that there are no dividends in arrears. What is Orthon’s book value per share of common stock at the end of 20X8?A. $53B. $56.75C. $58D. $71.5063.Which of the following transactions increases stockholders’ equity?A.A two-for-one stock splitB.Issuance of stock at a price above par valueC. A 20% stock dividendD.Purchase of treasury stock above par64.The journal entry to record the distribution of a large stock dividend would include all of the following except:A. Retained Earnings, debitB. Common Stock, creditC. Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par, creditD. All of the above are included in the entry65.Which one of the following statements is true?A. A large stock dividend increases the number of shares issued, but a stock splitdoes not.B. A stock split reduces the market price of the stock, but a large stock dividenddoes not.C. A stock split does not decrease the par value of the stock, but a large stockdividend does not.D. Both stock splits and stock dividends have no effect on total stockholders’equity.66.Olson Inc. purchased 5,000 shares of its own $1 par value common stock for $16 per share. Later, Olson sold 200 shares of the treasury stock for $20 per share.The entry to record the sale of the treasury stock is:A. Cash 4,000Treasury Stock 4,000B. Cash 4,000Treasury Stock 200Paid-in Capital from Treasury Stock Transactions 3,800C. Cash 4,000Treasury Stock 3,200Paid-in Capital from Treasury Stock Transactions 800D. Cash 4,000Common Stock 200Gain on Sale of Stock 3,80067.Which of the following transactions would not be found on the statement of cash flows?A.Declaration of a cash dividendB.Purchase of treasury stock above parC.Issuance of preferred stock at a price above parD.Sale of treasury stock at a price below the cost。