



Package‘superbiclust’October14,2022Type PackageTitle Generating Robust Biclusters from a Bicluster Set(Ensemble Biclustering)Version1.2Date2021-05-26Author Tatsiana KhamiakovaMaintainer Tatsiana Khamiakova<******************>Depends biclust,fabiaImports methods,Matrix,graphics,statsDescription Biclusters are submatrices in the data matrix which satisfy certain conditions of homogeneity.Package containsfunctions for generating robust biclusters with respect to theinitialization parameters for a given bicluster solutioncontained in a bicluster set in data,the procedure is alsoknown as ensemble biclustering.The set of biclusters isevaluated based on the similarity of its elements(theoverlap),and afterwards the hierarchical tree is constructedto obtain cut-off points for the classes of robust biclusters.The result is a number of robust(or super)biclusters withnone or low overlap.License GPL(>=2)LazyLoad yesNeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2021-05-2806:00:02UTCRepository/R-Forge/Project superbiclustRepository/R-Forge/Revision14Repository/R-Forge/DateTimeStamp2014-11-2715:39:2912superbiclust-package R topics documented:superbiclust-package (2)BiclustSet-class (3)BiclustSet-methods (4)combine (4)getStats (5)HCLtree (6)jaccardMat (7)kulczynskiMat (8)ochiaiMat (9)plotProfilesAcrossAllSamples (10)plotProfilesWithinBicluster (11)plotSuper (12)plotSuperAll (13)sensitivityMat (13)similarity (14)sorensenMat (15)specificityMat (16)Index18 superbiclust-package generating robust biclusters form the set of biclustersDescriptionThe package contains a number of functions for computing similarity matrix of the biclusters ob-tained by a variety of methods,initialization seeds or various parameter settings.It uses biclustering output as generated by biclust or fabia.isa2package can be used to generate the biclusters as well, however,a prior conversion is needed to a biclust object by using isa2.biclust()function.The matrix is used for the construction of hierarchical tree based on overall similarity,row similarity or column similarity to obtain cut-off points for the similarity metric of choice.Various statistics are output per bicluster set:a number of a given gene(compound)or gene(compound)set has been present in any bicluster of output or per run.After the tree is cut,the robiust or super biclusters are obtained in a form of biclust object,which can further be used for plotting of biclusters.Biclusters are sub-matrices in the data which satisfy certain conditions of homogeneity.For more details on biclusters and biclustering see Madeira and Oliveira(2004).DetailsPackage:superbiclustType:PackageVersion:0.99Date:2012-08-23License:GPLLazyLoad:yesBiclustSet-class3Author(s)Tatsiana Khamiakova<*******************************>ReferencesMadeira and Oliveira(2004)Biclustering algorithms for biological data analysis:a survey.IEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform.2004Jan-Mar;1(1):24-45.Shi et al.(2010)A bi-ordering approach to linking gene expression with clinical annotations in gastric cancer.BMC Bioinformatics.11.pages477.BiclustSet-class Class BiclustSetDescriptionBiclustSet Class contains the biclustering result in a form:bicluster rows and bicluster columnsObjects from the ClassObjects can be created by calls of the form new("BiclustSet",...).The variety of inputs variety of inputs(isa2,fabia,biclust,...)can be used.SlotsGenesMembership:logical,object of class"matrix",with row membership within a biclusterColumnMembership:logical,object of class"matrix",with column membership within a bicluster Number:code"numeric",number of biclusters in the setAuthor(s)Tatsiana Khamiakova4combine BiclustSet-methods Constructor of BiclustSet objectDescriptionThe method extract relevant information from a variety of biclustering input and constructs a Bi-clustSet objectMethodssignature(x="ANY")signature(x="Biclust")Converts Biclust objects into BiclustSet objectsignature(x="Factorization")Converts FABIA Factorization object into BiClustSetsignature(x="list")Converts a list with biclustering results into BiClustSetSee AlsoBiclustSetExamplestest<-matrix(rnorm(5000),100,50)test[11:20,11:20]<-rnorm(100,3,0.1)test[17:26,21:30]<-rnorm(100,3,0.1)#Run FABIAset.seed(1)FabiaRes1<-fabia(test)#construct BiclustSet object from FABIA outputFabiabiclustSet<-BiclustSet(FabiaRes1)FabiabiclustSetcombine Combine two Biclust objects into oneDescriptionCombine two Biclust objects into oneUsagecombine(x,y)Argumentsx1st Biclust object containing bicluster resultsy2nd Biclust object containing bicluster resultsgetStats5DetailsIf a biclust function returns empty set,joined result contains only results of non-empty and Parameters slots of a"Biclust"object contain information about both biclustering runs. Valueobject of a class BiclustAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaSee AlsoBiclustSetExamples#combine output of two biclust objectstest<-matrix(rnorm(5000),100,50)test[11:20,11:20]<-rnorm(100,3,0.1)test[17:26,21:30]<-rnorm(100,3,0.1)set.seed(1)PlaidRes1<-biclust(x=test,method=BCPlaid())set.seed(2)PlaidRes2<-biclust(x=test,method=BCPlaid())combinedRes<-combine(PlaidRes1,PlaidRes2)summary(combinedRes)getStats Get frequency statistic for the columns and rows membershipDescriptionFor a given Bicluster set,for each row and column in data,compute frequency of apperance withina biclusterUsagegetStats(x)Argumentsx Biclust object containing bicluster resultsValuea list of column and row frequencies6HCLtreeAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaHCLtree Hierarchical structure of bicluster outputDescriptionConstructs and plots hierarchical tree of biclusters output based on the similarity matrixUsageHCLtree(x)Argumentsx Similarity object containing pairwise similarity indices for all biclusters in the outputDetailsThis function operates on a similarity matrix,which is converted to the distance between biclusters according to dist(a,b)=1−sim(a,b),where the smaller the distance,the higher is overlap in terms of rows and columns.The tree is constructed using complete method and plotted.Further,the structure must be explored and robust or super-biclusters obtained after cutting the tree.identify function can be applied to the hierarchical tree to see the partition and get the plots of biclusters. ValuetreeAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaSee Alsosimilarity,plotSuperExamples#compute sensitivity for BiMAX biclusterstest<-matrix(rnorm(5000),100,50)test[11:20,11:20]<-rnorm(100,3,0.1)test[17:26,21:30]<-rnorm(100,3,0.1)testBin<-binarize(test,2)res<-biclust(x=testBin,method=BCBimax(),minr=4,minc=4,number=10)BiMaxBiclustSet<-BiclustSet(res)jaccardMat7 SensitivityMatr<-similarity(BiMaxBiclustSet,index="sensitivity")#construct hierarchical clustering based on the sensitivitiesHCLsensitivity<-HCLtree(SensitivityMatr)plot(HCLsensitivity,main="structure of bicluster solution")jaccardMat Jaccard similarity Matrix for bicluster outputDescriptioncomputes jaccard similarity matrix for biclusters in two bicluster setsUsagejaccardMat(x,y,type=c("rows","cols","both"))Argumentsx BiclustSet object containing row and column indicators of bicluster member-ship,number of biclustersy BiclustSet object containing row and column indicators of bicluster member-ship,number of biclusterstype whether to compute Jaccard index in two dimensions,row dimension or column dimensionDetailsThis function operates on BiclustSet objects and computes pairwise similarity based on the common elements between biclusters.The Jaccard similarity score ja for two biclusters A and B is computedasja=|A∩B| |A∪B|Valuematrix of pairwise Jaccard indicesAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaSee Alsosimilarity,kulczynskiMat,ochiaiMat,sensitivityMat,specificityMat,sorensenMat8kulczynskiMat kulczynskiMat Kulczynski similarity Matrix for bicluster outputDescriptioncomputes Kulczynski similarity matrix for biclusters in two bicluster setsUsagekulczynskiMat(x,y,type=c("rows","cols","both"))Argumentsx BiclustSet object containing row and column indicators of bicluster member-ship,number of biclustersy BiclustSet object containing row and column indicators of bicluster member-ship,number of biclusterstype whether to compute Kulczynski index in two dimensions,row dimension or column dimensionDetailsThis function operates on BiclustSet objects and computes pairwise similarity based on the common elements between biclusters.Kulczynski similarity score ku for two biclusters A and B is computedasku=2|A∩B|1|A|+1|B|Valuematrix of pairwise Kulczynski indicesAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaSee Alsosimilarity,jaccardMat,ochiaiMat,sensitivityMat,specificityMat,sorensenMatochiaiMat9 ochiaiMat Ochiai similarity Matrix for bicluster outputDescriptionComputes Ochiai similarity matrix for biclusters in two bicluster setsUsageochiaiMat(x,y,type=c("rows","cols","both"))Argumentsx BiclustSet object containing row and column indicators of bicluster member-ship,number of biclustersy BiclustSet object containing row and column indicators of bicluster member-ship,number of biclusterstype whether to compute Ochiai index in two dimensions,row dimension or column dimensionDetailsThis function operates on BiclustSet objects and computes pairwise similarity based on the common elements between biclusters.The Ochiai similarity score ja for two biclusters A and B is computed asoc=|A∩B||A||B|Valuematrix of pairwise Ochiai indicesAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaSee Alsosimilarity,jaccardMat,ochiaiMat,sensitivityMat,specificityMat,sorensenMat10plotProfilesAcrossAllSamplesplotProfilesAcrossAllSamplesPlot Gene Expression Profiles Across All Samples of the Original DataDescriptionPlot Gene Expression Profiles Across All Samples of the Original DataUsageplotProfilesAcrossAllSamples(x,coreBiclusterGenes,coreBiclusterSamples)Argumentsx datacoreBiclusterGenesvector of genes belonging to biclustercoreBiclusterSamplesvector of samples belonging to biclusterDetailsThe plot re-sorts the samples by bicluster membership and highlights them in red.Only the genes of a bicluster are plotted.Valueno return value;a plot is drawn to the current deviceAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaSee AlsoBiclustSet,plotSuperAllplotProfilesWithinBicluster11plotProfilesWithinBiclusterPlot Gene Expression Profiles within a(Core)BiclusterDescriptionPlot Gene Expression Profiles within a(Core)BiclusterUsageplotProfilesWithinBicluster(x,main="",sampleNames,geneNames=NULL)Argumentsx expression matrix(of class’matrix’)for the subset of genes and samples corre-sponding to the bicluster under studymain main title for the graphsampleNames names of the samples to be used for annotating the x axis(character vector of length equal to the number of columns of the expression matrix’x’(representingthe bicluster)geneNames names of the genes to be plotted in a legend(character vector of length equal to the number of rows of the expression matrix’x’);only suitable for biclusterscontaining a small number of genesValueno return value;a plot is drawn to the current deviceAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaSee AlsoplotSuper12plotSuper plotSuper Plot gene profiles within biclustersDescriptionFunction for plotting gene profiles for compounds within constructed super-biclusterUsageplotSuper(x,data,BiclustSet)Argumentsx a vector,containing indices of biclusters,to be joined for obtaining the robust biclusterdata matrix,dataset,from which the bicluster results are obtainedBiclustSet a BiclustSet object containing bicluster outputDetailsThis function constructs a robust bicluster from a set of biclusters identified in a hierarchical tree and plots gene profiles for columns in a robust bicluster.Each line represents a gene from a bicluster.The bicluster is saved as Biclust object which can be further plotetd by available functions from biclust package.The information about the number of biclusters used to generate the resulting robust bicluster is saved in Call slot of the object.This information is important to see how often the bicluster has been discovered under different parameter settings(e.g.initialization seeds)Indices used as an input can be obtained by identify function or by cutting the tree.Valuebiclust object containing bicluster and the information about bicluster subset used to generate itAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaSee AlsoHCLtree,plotSuperAll,plotProfilesWithinBiclusterplotSuperAll13 plotSuperAll Plot gene profiles for all samples in the dataDescriptionFunction for plotting bicluster gene profiles for all samples in the dataUsageplotSuperAll(x,data,BiclustSet)Argumentsx a vector,containing indices of biclusters,to be joined for obtaining the robust biclusterdata matrix,dataset,from which the bicluster results are obtainedBiclustSet a BiclustSet object containing bicluster outputDetailsThis function constructs a robust bicluster from a subset of biclusters specified in x argument and plots the expression profilesValuebiclust objectAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaSee AlsoHCLtree,plotProfilesAcrossAllSamplessensitivityMat Sensitivity Matrix for bicluster outputDescriptionComputes sensitivity matrix for biclusters in two bicluster setsUsagesensitivityMat(x,y,type=c("rows","cols","both"))14similarityArgumentsx BiclustSet object containing row and column indicators of bicluster member-ship,number of biclustersy BiclustSet object containing row and column indicators of bicluster member-ship,number of biclusterstype whether to compute sensitivity in two dimensions,row dimension or column dimensionDetailsThis function operates on BiclustSet objects and computes pairwise similarity based on the common elements between biclusters.Sensitivity inclusion score sen of biclusters A and B is computed assen=|A∩B| |A|Valuematrix of pairwise sensitivitiesAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaSee Alsosimilarity,jaccardMat,ochiaiMat,kulczynskiMat,specificityMat,sorensenMatsimilarity Similarity Matrix for bicluster outputDescriptioncomputes similarity matrix for the biclustering output based on one of the pairwise similarity indices of biclusters in a given bicluster setUsagesimilarity(x,index="jaccard",type="rows")Argumentsx BiclustSet object containing row and column indicators of bicluster member-ship,number of biclustersindex similarity index for the biclusters in outputtype whether to perform similarity in two dimensions,"both"(recommended for bi-clustering),row dimension,"rows"(default,requires less computations)or col-umn dimension"cols"sorensenMat15DetailsThis function operates on BiclustSet object and computes pairwise similarity based on the commonelements between biclusters.type variable controls whether similarity index is constructed for allelements,or in one dimension(rows or columns)only.In general,similarity indices for one dimen-sion(row or column)are higher than for two-dimensions.Several options for similarity indices areoffered:jaccard(default),kulczynski,sensitivity,specificity,sorensen and ochiai indices.Valuea"similarity"object containing similarity matrixAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaSee AlsoHCLtree,plotSuper,jaccardMat,kulczynskiMat,ochiaiMat,sensitivityMat,specificityMat,sorensenMat Examples#compute sensitivity for BiMAX biclusterstest<-matrix(rnorm(5000),100,50)test[11:20,11:20]<-rnorm(100,3,0.1)test[17:26,21:30]<-rnorm(100,3,0.1)testBin<-binarize(test,2)res<-biclust(x=testBin,method=BCBimax(),minr=4,minc=4,number=10)BiMaxBiclustSet<-BiclustSet(res)SensitivityMatr<-similarity(BiMaxBiclustSet,index="sensitivity",type="rows")SensitivityMatrsorensenMat Sorensen similarity Matrix for bicluster outputDescriptionComputes Sorensen similarity matrix for biclusters in two bicluster setsUsagesorensenMat(x,y,type=c("rows","cols","both"))Argumentsx BiclustSet object containing row and column indicators of bicluster member-ship,number of biclustersy BiclustSet object containing row and column indicators of bicluster member-ship,number of biclusterstype whether to compute Sorensen index in two dimensions,row dimension or col-umn dimensionDetailsThis function operates on BiclustSet objects and computes pairwise similarity based on the common elements between biclusters.Sorensen similarity score so for two biclusters A and B is computedasso=2|A∩B| |A|+|B|Valuematrix of pairwise Sorensen indicesAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaSee Alsosimilarity,jaccardMat,ochiaiMat,sensitivityMat,specificityMat,kulczynskiMat specificityMat Specificity Matrix for bicluster outputDescriptionComputes specificity matrix for biclusters in two bicluster setsUsagespecificityMat(x,y,type=c("rows","cols","both"))Argumentsx BiclustSet object containing row and column indicators of bicluster member-ship,number of biclustersy BiclustSet object containing row and column indicators of bicluster member-ship,number of biclusterstype whether to compute specificity in two dimensions,row dimension or column dimensionDetailsThis function operates on BiclustSet objects and computes pairwise similarity based on the common elements between biclusters.Sensitivity inclusion score spe of biclusters A and B is computed asspe=|A∩B| |B|Valuematrix of pairwise specificitiesAuthor(s)Tatsiana KhamiakovaSee Alsosimilarity,jaccardMat,ochiaiMat,kulczynskiMat,sensitivityMat,sorensenMatIndex∗biclusteringsuperbiclust-package,2∗similaritysuperbiclust-package,2 BiclustSet,4,5,10BiclustSet(BiclustSet-class),3 BiclustSet,ANY-method(BiclustSet-methods),4 BiclustSet,Biclust-method(BiclustSet-methods),4 BiclustSet,Factorization-method(BiclustSet-methods),4 BiclustSet,list-method(BiclustSet-methods),4 BiclustSet-class,3BiclustSet-methods,4combine,4getStats,5HCLtree,6,12,13,15jaccardMat,7,8,9,14–17 kulczynskiMat,7,8,14–17 ochiaiMat,7–9,9,14–17 plotProfilesAcrossAllSamples,10,13 plotProfilesWithinBicluster,11,12 plotSuper,6,11,12,15 plotSuperAll,10,12,13 sensitivityMat,7–9,13,15–17 show,BiclustSet-method(BiclustSet-class),3 similarity,6–9,14,14,16,17 sorensenMat,7–9,14,15,15,17 specificityMat,7–9,14–16,16summary,BiclustSet-method(BiclustSet-class),3superbiclust(superbiclust-package),2superbiclust-package,218。



基于测试软件详细操作说明书指南本公司发展此套软件时,便以功能完整及使用简单两方向为出发点作研发,希望能以最少的操作程序完成所有的测试动作,因此我们运用大量数据库记录所有测试的条件,并包装成模块使得使用者在测试过程中不须输入大量的测试条件,此点将可达成三项优点 :降低测试者所须具备的测试知识,一但使用者设定完成测试资料后,往后的测试只须叫用,不必重新输入。






Chapter 2 如何安装、删除程序执行\,安装程序便会自动引导使用者完成所有安装动作.以下就各画面做一说明:自动安装相关信息到系统.步骤二:程序开始安装,当此画面出现后则程序安装完成,按下[]键,便完成所有安装动作。






程序删除:重启电脑进入盘直接删除:\ 无须进控制面板卸载Chapter 3 如何完成测试如何进入测试程序在桌面上将鼠标移至右图上连续点击两次(双击)进入程序。



























GL's Voice Quality Testing (VQT) Software说明书

GL's Voice Quality Testing (VQT) Software说明书

818 West Diamond Avenue - Third Floor, Gaithersburg, MD 20878, U.S.A Voice Quality Testing (VQT)(PESQ, POLQA v2.4, POLQA v3.0) OverviewGL's Voice Quality Testing (VQT) software supports the next -generation voice quality testing standard for fixed, mobile and IP -based networks using POLQA v2.4 and v3 (ITU -T P.863), PESQ (ITU -T P.862), PESQ LQ / LQO (P.862.1), and PESQ WB (P.862.2).The VQT fully supports analysis using POLQA ITU version 2.4 algorithm for NB (8000 sampling), WB (16000 sampling), and SWB (Super Wideband) (48000 sampling) in both manual and automated testing. It also supports analysis using latest PESQ ITU release including ITU -T P.862, 862.1 and 862.2 (supports PESQ, PESQ LQ, PESQ LQO, PESQ WB). The optional POLQA v3 (latest version of the POLQA algorithm) supports Full Band Audio Analysis which provides improved scoring for mobile based VoLTE, 5G and OTT applications using EVS and OPUS codecs. This latest POLQA v3 includes analysis which is more sensitive to distortions across the entire audio spectrum. In addition, POLQA v3 supports less harsh analysis of micropauses within the speech, reacts with less sensitivity to linear frequency distortions, and includes a significantly improved and streamlined perceptual model.The VQT software can work either independently, or in conjunction with VQuad ™- Dual UTA HD , or in conjunction with VQuad ™ Probe HD.VQT performs PESQ LQ/LQO/WB, and POLQA (NB, WB, SWB) simultaneously, using two voice files (Reference File and Degraded File) and provides the algorithm results in both a graphical and tabular format. Additional analytical results are displayed as part of the assessment such as MOS, E -Model, Signal Level, SNR, jitter, clipping, noise level, and delay (end to end as well as per speech utterance). All results are saved to file and database for post processing viewing along with sophisticated searching on the results within the VQT application and using the WebViewer ™ (remote and local access).For more details, visit Voice Quality Testing (VQT) Software webpage.POLQA® is a registered trademark of OPTICOM. GL is one of the Test & Measurement manufacturers that has adopted POLQA/P.863 in its Voice Quali-ty Test solution, by obtaining the essential rights to use POLQA® standard, and hereby acknowledge that the images or text references to POLQA used in this document originally copyrights with Opticom.Features• Voice Quality Testing (VQT) using POLQA ver 2.4 (ITU-T P.863), upgraded POLQA ver 3 (ITU-T P.863), and PESQ (ITU-T P.862)• Updates associated with POLQA v3 include redesign perceptual model for Full Band Audio analysis which is validated for VoLTE, 5G and OTT apps (supporting EVS and OPUS codecs)• Provides Active Speech and Noise Levels, Latency, Jitter, Clipping, and Power measurements• Manual or Auto modes of operations with centralized data access• Testing the voice quality over all types of telecom networks - Wireless, VoIP, TDM, and PSTN• Measure the effect of Packet Jitter in VoIP Network• Analyze the Effects of Codec Compression in Wireless Networks• Automatic mode allows the GL’s VQT to execute on a network system• VQT CLI or API is enhanced to fully support both Windows® and Linux for remote operations• Support for Central DB Primary & Secondary IP addresses configuration for backup and redundancy• Remote monitoring with result query and real-time statistics using web based WebViewer™• Real-time mapping of results with GPS option used in conjunction with VQuad™• Full support for IPv6 as well as IPv4 (includes VQT, GL Listener, and VQTCLI)• Enhanced to support Python scripting for Automation and Remote Access of Voice Quality Testing• Playback and display of audio from within VQT software using Goldwave softwarePOLQA v3 Upgrade Enhancements• POLQA v3 Super Wideband (SWB) supports 14kHz to full audio bandwidth up to 24kHz.• Full band analysis improves accuracy in assessment of codecs such as EVS, OPUS, AAC and LC3, as these codecs are used in many OTT applications• With Full band support the discriminative power of POLQA at the upper high quality range of the MOS scale is increased • Current OTT voice services using VoLTE/5G include highly dynamic delay jitter which leads to variations of the duration of very short pauses during speech. POLQA v3 handles these variations with increased precision• POLQA v3 reacts with less sensitivity to linear frequency distortions than POLQA v2.4. This makes measurements less dependent on the frequency characteristics of headsets• Perceptual model of POLQA v3 is significantly improved and streamlinedModes of OperationManual MeasurementThe GL VQT software provides a user-friendly interface to perform manual voice quality assessments using Reference File and Degraded File. The results of the VQT algorithms, POLQA, PESQ LQ/LQO/WB are displayed both in tabular format as well as graphically. All results may be saved to file for post processing viewing along with sophisticated searching on the results within the VQT application.Auto MeasurementVQT can be executed in Auto Mode, which is used when VQT resides on a network computer and point to a single or multiple user-specified network drives/directories. Voice files are recorded to this network drive/directory and GL VQT automatically performs the voice quality algorithms and displays the results. Multiple GL VQT Auto-Measurement sessions may be configured, each session with a unique set of requirements and a unique reference voice file. In addition, it includes an option to analyze 12-bit degraded files in comparison with 16-bit reference files (NB, WB, SWB POLQA). Along with the standard sampling rates, POLQA also supports user-specified Sampling Rate (between 8K to 48K).The user may configure a Rating Criteria for all VQT algorithms as well as the additional analytical results. The rating criteria may be configured for Excellent, Good, Fair, and Poor and the results of the rating criteria may be saved to file for post processing viewing.VQT System statistics provides Algorithm and Rating statistics available for all measurement results.VQT Results Analytical results are displayed as part of the assessment such as POLQA/PESQ MOS, E -Model, Signal Level, SNR, jitter, clipping, noise level, and delay (end -to -end as well as per speech utterance).Voice Quality Testing (PESQ)PESQ provides an objective measure that predicts the results of subjective listening tests on telephony systems. PESQ incorporates many new developments that distinguish it from earlier models for assessing codecs. These innovations allow PESQ to be used with confidence to assess end-to-end speech quality as well as the effect of such individual elements as codecs. The below figure shows VQT PESQ Measurement Results.• VQT PESQ supports analysis of 16-bit uncompressed PCM and WAV files, including NB (8000 sampling) and WB (16000 sampling)• VQT PESQ supports analysis of 8-bit compressed a-Law and mu-Law files• PESQ analysis results include PESQ, PESQ LQ, PESQ LQO, PESQ WB, PESQ Ie, and PESQ per Utterance• PESQ Results also include Signal Level, Noise Level, Delay, Delay per Utterance, and Jitter• Playback and display of audio from within VQT software using Goldwave SoftwarePerceptual Objective Listening Quality Analysis (POLQA), the successor of PESQ (ITU-T P.862) analysis, is the next generation voice quality testing standard for fixed, mobile and IP-based networks. Based on ITU-T P.863 standard, POLQA supports the HD-quality speech coding and network transport technology, with higher accuracy for 3G, 4G/LTE and VoIP networks. Upgrading to 3rd edition of ITU-T P.863, POLQA extends its scope and applicability towards 5G telephony and OTT codecs. The below figure shows VQT POLQA Measurement Results.• VQT POLQA supports analysis of 16-bit uncompressed PCM and WAV files, including NB (8000 sampling), WB (16000 sampling), SWB (48000 sampling)• POLQA supports user-specified Sampling Rate (specify any rate between 8K to 48K)• VQT POLQA supports analysis of 8-bit compressed a-Law and mu-Law files• VQT POLQA supports 12-bit Raw PCM Degraded voice files (NB, WB, SWB)• POLQA analysis results include POLQA MOS, E-Model R-Factor, Signal Level, Noise Level, Delay, and Jitter• VQT optionally supports POLQA v3 for VoLTE, 5G and OTT analysis• Playback and display of audio from within VQT software using Goldwave softwareGL's Voice Quality Test (VQT) POLQA Auto™ is an advanced, automated solution that analyzes thousands of voice files in mere minutes, effectively evaluating the quality of voice communications across various networks, including VoIP, Mobile, and PSTN. This solution utilizes the Perceptual Objective Listening Quality Assessment (POLQA per ITU-T P.863 version 2.4) algorithm, which is widely acknowledged as the industry benchmark for assessing voice quality. The GL VQT POLQA Auto™ application works in conjunction with GL's VQuad™, vMobile™, Voice Analysis Tool (VAT™), Message Automation and Protocol Simulation (MAPS™), orT1/E1 Analysis platforms reducing analysis time and increasing efficiency.The VQT POLQA Auto™ fully supports analysis using POLQA ITU version 2.4 algorithm for Narrowband (NB 8000 sampling), Wideband (WB 16000 sampling), and Super Wideband (SWB 48000 sampling) in automated testing. The tool offers a user friendly interface for automatic operation and generates comprehensive reports that provide detailed information on voice quality metrics such as Mean Opinion Score (MOS), Delay, Jitter, Packet Loss and more. These reports help user to identify issues to improve voice quality. The tool supports a wide range of codecs, including G.711, G.722, AMR, and EVS, making it suitable for testing various types of voice communication.• Analyze thousands of bulk PCM voice files in mere minutes• The Auto Test feature allows immediate analysis of files according to the configured settings upon invocation of the application • Uses POLQA version 2.4 (ITU-T P.863) algorithm for voice quality testing supporting NB 8000 samples, WB (16000 samples) and SWB (8000 samples)• Supports the installation of server software on Windows® PC and the client software on Windows®/Linux® platforms• VQT POLQA Auto™ analysis results include:− POLQA MOS− E-Model R-Factor− Signal Level− Noise Level− Delay (requires simultaneous Send and Record of the voice files)− Jitter− ClippingVQT WebViewer™The results/events associated with VQT (PESQ, POLQA) analysis is sent to the central database and can be queried using the GL VQT WebViewer™ (web browser). Outputs of the query can be displayed in tabular or graphical format while also output to Excel or Text. Results can also be plotted on Google Maps (GPS connectivity is required). For details, visit https:///web-based-client-for-voice-and-data-quality-testing.html webpage. The below figure shows VQT Results plotted on Google Map.• Real-time mapping of results with GPS option used in conjunction with VQuad™• The results can be accessed remotely from a database, queried and displayed in web browser using WebViewer™ either in tabular or graphic formatVQuad™ POLQA EventsAs an option, POLQA can be added directly to VQuad™ software with support for automated testing within the VQuad™ script. In this scenario the degraded voice files remain at the VQuad™ node for analysis and display within the VQuad™ software. The below figure shows VQuad™ POLQA Events.VQT Command Line InterfaceThe VQT Command Line Interface (CLI) is designed to remotely access various application functionalities and thus controlling VQT nodes located at various destinations. The supporting commands helps the VQT users to run the application installed on remote PC, get the connection status, run the analysis, load Auto Measurement configuration, start/stop Auto Measurement, save events captured to file, transfer the events captured to client, get any file from server or even get latest log, and other operations. The VQT CLI is supported on Windows® and Linux systems .VQT with Python APIThe VQT Python libraries provide a range of Python functions which can be used to remotely or locally control these two applications. The VQT library can be used to run automatic and manual VQT tests with custom settings.Python for VQT works by connecting to the existing VQT CLI and using a portion of the CLI commands to run manual and automated VQT tests. Class variables are linked to the settings for each test and can be changed easily.Main Features• Python scripts support accessing and VQT functionalities remotely• Controls VQT nodes located at various destinations• Automation with enhanced Python scripting and remote operation includes traffic generation, call control, and automated scheduling of operationFor complete details, refer to Command Line Interface for remote access webpage.Page 11Buyer’s GuideFor more details, visit Voice Quality Testing (VQT) Software webpage.818 West Diamond Avenue - Third Floor, Gaithersburg, MD 20878, U.S.A---01。





由于作者本人也对TestDirector 了解不够深入,如有错误的地方,还请阅读此文的朋友多批评指正。

2:阅读向导:本文包括四个部分:1.TestDirector7.6(简称TD7.6)系统管理员新增功能操作说明2.TD7.6用户新增功能操作说明3.TD7.6常见问题说明4.TD7.6高级功能说明3:系统管理员新增功能操作说明3.1系统安装3.1.1系统配置服务端配置:服务端配置除了硬盘空间要求提高之外,操作系统还要求必须打WIN2000 SP2。


平台An IBM-PC or compatible with a Pentium® II or III /266 MHz orhigher microprocessor.内存At least 128 MB of RAM memory. For improved performance, 256 MB isrecommended.硬盘大小At least 320 MB of free disk space is required for installing TestDirector on aWeb server (135 MB of free disk space on the system drive, and 185 MB offree disk space for the physical location). Note that if you store yourTestDirector projects on the same Web server, at least another 60 MB of diskspace is required.For Windows NT 4.0, at least another 140 MB of disk spacerequired for virtual memory.For Windows 2000, at least another 190 MB of disk space is required forvirtual memory.操作系统Windows NT 4.0 Server with Service Pack 6aWindows 2000 Server/Professional (with Service Pack 2)web服务Windows NT 4.0 Server with Service Pack 6a: Internet Information Server(IIS) 4.0Windows 2000 Advanced Server/Server/Professional: Internet InformationServer (IIS) 5.0数据库Microsoft AccessOracle: 7.3.4, 8.0.5, 8.1.6, 8.1.7, or 9.0.1.Microsoft SQL Server: 6.5 (requires SQL Service Pack 5a), 7.0, or 2000.Sybase: 11.9 or 12.0 (both work with Sybase 12.0 database client only)客户端配置:最大的变化应该是支持XP做为客户端,TD7.2的时候可是不支持。



微机控制全自动压力试验机软件说明书软件名称:SuperTest版本号:目录1.简介 ............................................................系统简介..................................................................软件简介..................................................................软件安装.................................................................2.界面功能.........................................................菜单.....................................................................用户操作.............................................用户注销.............................................高级参数.............................................软件激活.............................................硬件测试.............................................报表设置.............................................控制方式..............................................工具栏...................................................................试验类型选择.........................................试验选择.............................................报告.................................................力值校准.............................................力值检定.............................................定荷.................................................结束一组..............................................示值显示栏...............................................................载荷.................................................强度.................................................速度................................................. .试验参数区...............................................................试验(件)编号.......................................应力速率(加载速率) .................................试样(件)块数.......................................是否连续试验.........................................延时时间..............................................试验结果区............................................................... .控制按钮区............................................................... .加载曲线图............................................................... .状态栏...................................................................3.试验 ........................................................... .启动系统................................................................. .选择试验类型............................................................. .选择试验................................................................. .填写参数................................................................. .运行试验................................................................. .观察试验过程............................................................. .完成试验................................................................. .查询与打印...............................................................查询.................................................表头设置.............................................打印设置.............................................查看试验详细结果 .....................................打印及预览...........................................4.校准及检定...................................................... .校准主界面简介...........................................................示值显示栏...........................................校准结果.............................................加载曲线.............................................检测参数..............................................校准流程.................................................................开始校准.............................................校准.................................................设定校准结果.........................................打印校准结果.........................................5.高级参数.........................................................界面说明..................................................................基本参数..................................................................阀参数....................................................................PID控制参数 ..............................................................传感器校准值.............................................................6.常规问题解答....................................................1.简介1.1.系统简介系统包括数字伺服阀,高精度传感器,控制器及软件,控制精度高,可靠性好。



微机控制全自动压力试验机软件说明书软件名称:SuperTest版本号:7.2目录1.简介 (4)1.1.系统简介 (4)1.2.软件简介 (4)1.3.软件安装 (4)2.界面功能 (6)2.1.菜单 (6)2.1.1.用户操作 (6)2.1.2.用户注销 (7)2.1.3.高级参数 (8)2.1.4.软件激活 (8)2.1.5.硬件测试................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2.1.6.报表设置 (8)2.1.7.控制方式 (11)2.2.工具栏 (11)2.2.1.试验类型选择 (11)2.2.2.试验选择 (12)2.2.3.报告 (13)2.2.4.力值校准 (15)2.2.5.力值检定 (16)2.2.6.定荷 (16)2.2.7.结束一组 (17)2.2.8.退出 (17)2.3.示值显示栏 (17)2.3.1.载荷 (17)2.3.2.强度 (18)2.3.3.速度 (18)2.4.试验参数区 (18)2.4.1.试验(件)编号 (18)2.4.2.应力速率(加载速率) (18)2.4.3.试样(件)块数 (19)2.4.4.是否连续试验 (19)2.4.5.延时时间 (19)2.5.试验结果区 (19)2.6.控制按钮区 (19)2.7.加载曲线图 (20)2.8.状态栏 (20)3.试验 (21)3.1.启动系统 (21)3.2.选择试验类型 (25)3.3.选择试验 (25)3.4.填写参数 (25)3.5.运行试验 (25)3.6.观察试验过程 (26)3.7.完成试验 (26)3.8.查询与打印 (26)3.8.1.查询 (26)3.8.2.表头设置 (26)3.8.3.打印设置 (26)3.8.4.查看试验详细结果 (26)3.8.5.打印及预览 (26)4.校准及检定 (27)4.1.校准主界面简介 (27)4.1.1.工具栏 (27)4.1.2.示值显示栏 (29)4.1.3.校准结果 (29)4.1.4.加载曲线 (29)4.1.5.检测参数 (29)4.2.校准流程 (30)4.2.1.开始校准 (30)4.2.2.校准 (30)4.2.3.设定校准结果 (31)4.2.4.打印校准结果 (31)5.高级参数 (32)5.1.界面说明 (32)5.2.基本参数 (33)5.3.阀参数 (33)5.4.PID控制参数 (34)5.5.传感器校准值 (34)6.常规问题解答 (47)1.简介1.1. 系统简介系统包括数字伺服阀,高精度传感器,控制器及软件,控制精度高,可靠性好。



Zwick 软件操作说明一启动testXpertII程序二设置机器参数三设置测试参数——向导四 ZWICK万能材料试验机操作步骤(拉伸测试)五安全措施说明六修整七维护保养说明一、启动testXpertII程序1、打开计算机及控制箱上的电源2、双击图标3、单击“打开”将会出现如下图所示,显示所有程序4、双击所选程序5、单击“确定”,进入测试界面打开控制面板上的电源on二、设置机器参数1、单击“试验机”图标,将出现“标准仪器设置”框。

如图所示:上软限位(在程序控制下,横梁所能到达的最高位置,可根据实际情况设定)下软限位(在程序控制下,横梁所能到达的最低位置,可根据实际情况设定)当前工具间距/当前夹具间距(每次更换夹具时,都要将实测的夹具间距离值输入这里)载荷上限(设置载荷的上限位保护,一般为满负荷的120%)载荷下限(设置载荷的下限位保护,一般为满负荷的-120%)标准引伸计(当采用横梁做为位移测量时,选择横梁WN:******,当采用引伸计传感器做为位移测量时,请选择长量程引伸计WN:******)2、点击“扩展”如图所示:2.5N1S WN:170862 (机器编号)和试验机(机器)相连横梁 WN :170862(横梁编号)和横梁相连长量程引伸计(引伸计的名称)和标准引伸计相连当不使用长量程引伸计时,请将标准引伸计和横梁相连,如下图所示力传感器0.5KN(传感器的负荷)和标准传感器相连。




在参数前口里打x 的为选择所需的测试参数,参数前口里没有打 x的未选。



目录第一章简介 (4)一、前言 (4)二、特点 (4)三、控制性能 (4)第二章安装和运行 (6)一、运行环境 (6)二、安装 (6)三、卸载 (9)四、修复 (9)第三章界面操作 (10)一、主窗口 (10)二、力和变型显示板 (12)三、位移显示板 (13)四、曲线显示板 (14)五、控制板 (17)六、刻度板 (23)七、数据板 (24)八、分析板 (27)九、调试参数窗口 (28)第四章试验过程 (32)一、选择试验类型 (32)二、输入试件信息 (32)三、打开历史数据 (32)四、试验操作 (37)五、结果保存 (40)六、数据分析 (40)七、报告打印 (43)第五章系统设置和调整 (46)一、关于试验力过载 (46)二、系统设置 (46)三、选择力传感器和引伸计 (51)四、标定校正 (51)五、硬件调零 (52)六、检定记录 (52)七、控制观察 (53)八、增加试验方法 (54)九、重新注册 (55)十、用户自定义项目 (55)十一、保存调试参数文件 (56)第六章调试工具箱MaxIni使用说明 (57)一、安装和运行 (57)二、使用 (57)第七章程序编制和程序执行 (62)一、用途 (62)二、程序执行 (62)三、程序编制 (63)第八章批量处理MaxBatch使用说明 (70)一、用途 (70)二、安装 (70)三、操作 (70)第九章如何利用Word或Excel打印报表 (76)一、简介 (76)二、安装 (76)三、MaxDoc使用 (77)四、MaxXls使用 (80)第十章如何重新压环检定力传感器 (82)一、察看测量方式和控制方式 (82)二、有手动控制分档测量系统的检定 (83)三、有手动控制不分档测量系统的检定 (84)四、无手动控制分档测量系统的检定 (86)五、无手动控制不分档测量系统的检定 (88)六、注意事项 (91)第十一章错误信息 (92)一、安装时 (92)二、启动时 (92)三、运行时 (93)第十二章AD700/800万能试验卡 (94)一、概述 (94)二、安装和拆卸 (94)三、检测硬件是否正常(PCIADTEST软件使用方法) (96)四、传感器接口定义 (97)第十三章高级自定义报告打印格式 (98)一、为什么要自定义报告打印格式 (98)二、特点 (98)三、art文件 (98)四、srt文件 (106)第十四章使用Micorsoft Excel打印报表 (112)修订2005年8月16日第一章简介一、前言MaxTest程序根据不同的配置参数,适用于不同的类型的材料试验机,如微机屏显万能试验机、微机控制电液伺服万能试验机、微机控制电液比例万能试验机以及微机控制电子万能试验机等。

RESECS 软件使用手册说明书

RESECS 软件使用手册说明书

北京欧华联科技有限责任公司RESECS 软件使用手册北京欧华联科技有限责任公司目录1软件描述41.1Program startup 启动程序61.2File 文件61.2.1Open project 打开任务61.2.2Open MCF file 打开MCF 文件71.2.3Close project 关闭任务81.2.4Save project 保存任务91.2.5Save project as 保存任务为91.2.6Write config files 写程序参数的设置文件91.2.7Select default config files 选择缺省设置文件101.2.8Export data 输出数据101.2.9Exit RESECS 退出RESECS 111.3Basic edit 基础编辑121.3.1General information 综合信息121.3.2Available electrode strings 实用的电极串121.3.3Field geometry 工区的几何参数131.3.4Select electrode configurations /project creation 选择电极装置/创建任务141.3.5External electrode selection 外围电极设置191.4Work edit 工作编辑191.4.1Activate electrode strings /set positions 激活电极串/设置位置201.4.2Recording channel /gain 纪录通道/增益201.4.3Injection timing 供电时间211.4.4Injection voltage 供电电压241.4.5Valid data range 有效数据范围261.5Options 选项271.5.1Data display,measurement and export 数据的显示、测量和输出271.5.2ASCII export ASCII 码输出291.5.3Binary trace export 二进制码输出301.5.4Measure options 测量选项311.5.5Memory 存储321.5.6Backup 备份331.5.7Monitoring 监控331.5.8Plot size 绘图尺寸361.5.9Data display color 文本显示颜色361.5.10Color range 颜色范围371.5.11Screen saver 屏幕保护39北京欧华联科技有限责任公司1.6Monitoring menu 监控菜单391.6.1Activate monitoring 激活监控391.7Tools 工具391.7.1Decoder test 解码器检测391.7.2Convert binary 二进制转换401.8Window 窗口421.8.1Resizing windows 改变窗口大小431.8.2Data window and main button bar 数据窗口和主按键条431.8.3Scope window 屏幕曲线窗471.8.4Pseudosection (PS)and pseudoarea (PA)window 伪剖面(PS)和伪区域(PA)窗491.8.5Keyboard shortcuts for scope,PS and PA windows 伪剖面和伪区域窗的快捷键511.8.6Project info 任务信息521.8.7Electrode layout 电极安排521.8.8Field record 野外纪录532File formats 文件格式552.1RESECS project file folder RESECS 任务文件夹552.2RESECS program file folder RESECS 程序文件夹562.3Multi-channel file 多通道文件572.3.1Input line command letters 输入行命令字母572.3.2Array definition line 阵列定义行582.3.3Information line 信息行592.3.4Multi-channel definition line 多通道定义行592.3.5Example:Multi-channel file 举例:多通道文件602.4ASCII export file ASCII 码输出文件612.5ASCII converted binary trace export file ASCII 码转成二进制码输出文件62北京欧华联科技有限责任公司1软件描述RESECS 的操作系统为Windows 9x (TM)。

Tescomm CoolTest用户手册

Tescomm CoolTest用户手册
无 线 网 络 优 化 专 家
酷测 GSM网测试软件专业版
便携式无线网络测试系统 Ver 1.5
COOLTEST 用户使用手册(1.5 Ver)
泰合佳通 品质保证
Ver 1.5
2 / 74
COOLTEST 用户使用手册(1.5 Ver) 为使您快速高效的使用测试软件,请您详细阅读本手册。 酷测是一款无线网络专用手机测试软件, 软件必须运行专用的测试手机之上, 在您阅读本手 册之前请请注意如下几点: 1、 本手册为《酷测 GSM 网测试软件专业版用户手册》 。 2、 在使用前请详细阅读本手册的第一章《最终用户许可协议》部分的内容。 3、 手机内存与 CPU 处理能力都较为有限,为保证测试软件的高效运行,请不要开启过多 的程序,或是启动占用大量内存的游戏软件等。 4、 当手机内存占用较大时,可重新启动手机,以清空内存。充足的内存是系统及测试软件 高效运行的保证。 5、 如果本手册所述内容与您的手机软件不符,请以手机软件为准,同时可以随时访问官方 ....................................................................................................... 6 1.1 定义 ................................................................................................................................. 6 1.1.1 关于“本软件”、“软件产品”: ............................................................................... 6 1.1.2 关于“使用” ......................................................................................................... 6 1.1.3 关于“用途” .......................................................................................................... 6 1.2 知识产权 ........................................................................................................................ 6 1.3 软件产品许可 ................................................................................................................ 7 1.3.1 授权使用范围 ......................................................................................................... 7 1.3.2 复制、分发和传播 ................................................................................................. 7 1.3.3 转让 ......................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 保证 ................................................................................................................................ 7 1.5 许可终止 ........................................................................................................................ 8 2.产品概述 ...................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 关于酷测 .................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 酷测特性 .................................................................................................................... 9 3.快速入门 .................................................................................................................... 11 3.1 UI 用户界面概述 .......................................................................................................... 11 3.1.1 启动界面 ............................................................................................................... 11 3.1.2 界面布局 ............................................................................................................... 12 3.2 视图窗口 ....................................................................................................................... 16

RESECS Ⅱ高密度电法仪操作软件使用手册

RESECS Ⅱ高密度电法仪操作软件使用手册

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tools 工具 | Decoder test | Convert binary 编码器检测 二进制转换
RESECS 野外操作软件 使用手册
1 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.2.7 1.2.8 1.2.9 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.8 1.5.9 1.5.10 1.5.11 软件描述 Program startup 启动程序 File 文件 Open project 打开任务 Open MCF file 打开 MCF 文件 Close project 关闭任务 Save project 保存任务 Save project as 保存任务为 Write config files 写程序参数的设置文件 Select default config files 选择缺省设置文件 Export data 输出数据 Exit RESECS 退出 RESECS Basic edit 基础编辑 General information 综合信息 Available electrode strings 实用的电极串 Field geometry 工区的几何参数 Select electrode configurations / project creation 选择电极装置/创建任务 External electrode selection 外围电极设置 Work edit 工作编辑 Activate electrode strings / set positions 激活电极串/设置位置 Recording channel / gain 纪录通道/增益 Injection timing 供电时间 Injection voltage 供电电压 Valid data range 有效数据范围 Options 选项 Data display, measurement and export 数据的显示、测量和输出 ASCII export ASCII码输出 Binary trace export 二进制码输出 Measure options 测量选项 Memory 存储 Backup 备份 Monitoring 监控 Plot size 绘图尺寸 Data display color 文本显示颜色 Color range 颜色范围 Screen saver 屏幕保护 4 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 14 19 19 20 20 21 24 26 27 27 29 30 31 32 33 33 36 36 37 39

StorageTek ELS版本7.2 MSP环境初步介绍(版本01)说明书

StorageTek ELS版本7.2 MSP环境初步介绍(版本01)说明书

StorageTekEnterprise Library SoftwareIntroducing ELSVersion 7.2MSP Environment Revision 01Part Number: E49509-01Submit comments about this document to **************************.Introducing ELSE49509-01Copyright © 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related software documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure the safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.PrefaceOracle’s StorageTek TM Enterprise Library Software (ELS) is a solution consisting of thefollowing base software:■StorageTek TM Storage Management Component (SMC)■StorageTek TM Host Software Component (HSC)■StorageTek TM Virtual Tape Control Software (VTCS)■StorageTek TM Concurrent Disaster Recovery Test (CDRT)AudienceThis book presents information for anyone involved in planning for and implementingan ELS solution. This audience could include MIS managers, system programmers,storage administrators, and performance speci alists.E49509-01 • Revision 01iiiiv Int roducing ELS • Revision 01 • E49509-01ContentsPreface iiiAudience iii1.What is Enterprise Library Software? 1ELS Base Software 2HSC 3SMC and HTTP Server 3VTCS 3CDRT 42.How Does ELS Work? 5How Does SMC Work? 6How Does HSC Work? 6How Does VTCS Work? 7How Does CDRT Work? 83.What’s New With ELS 7.2? 9SMC 7.2 Enhancements and Changes 9LCM 7.2 Enhancements and Changes 94.How Do I Find Out More About ELS 7.1? 11E49509-01 • Revision 01vvi Int roducing ELS • Revision 01 • E49509-01CHAPTER1What is Enterprise Library Software?Enterprise Library Software (ELS) is the software solution that enables and managesStorageTek’s Automated Cartridge System (ACS) and Virtual Storage Manager (VSM)hardware.The Modular Libraries are the centerpieces of automated tape because these librariesturn labor-intensive manual tape operations into automated tape. For example, theSL8500 automates cartridge tape mounts and dismounts via HandBot HighPerformance™ robotics. The SL8500 is highly scalable for the short or long term.RealTime Growth™ capability, for example, means you can add more slots, drives, androbotics to handle increased workload (for example, year end processing) withoutdisruption. The SL8500 supports any combination of StorageTek enterprise andmidrange drives, which means that the SL8500 is ideal for consolidating many smallerlibraries into one high-performance system. The SL8500 supports StorageTek’s latestgeneration tape drives, the access-centric T9840D and the capacity-centric T10000C,which also provide the ability to encrypt mission-critical data.Virtual Storage Manager (VSM) is StorageTek's virtual storage solution to the problemof inefficient use of tape media and transports. VSM solves this problem by storingvirtual tape volumes (VTVs) on a disk buffer on the Virtual Tape Storage Subsystem(VTSS). VSM then migrates (and stacks) the VTVs to real automated tape volumescalled multi-volume cartridges (MVCs) that are mounted on Real Tape Drives (RTDs).When needed by the host, if the migrated tape volumes are not VTSS-resident, they areautomatically recalled to the VTSS. The VTSS and VTVs allow VSM to optimize accesstime, throughput, and physical media and transport use. VSM consists of Virtual TapeControl System (VTCS), which is the MVS host software, the portions of ELS thatsupport VTCS, and the VTSS. The VSM5, which is the latest generation VTSS, providessignificantly greater throughput and capacity than its predecessors.The following sections discuss the ELS software components.E49509-01 • Revision 0112 Int roducing ELS • Revision 01 • E49509-01ELS Base SoftwareThe ELS Base Software consists of Host Software Component (HSC), StorageManagement Component (SMC), and HTTP Server, and Virtual Tape Control Software(VTCS) as shown in FIGURE 1-1.FIGURE 1-1ELS Base SoftwareHSC does the following:■Maintains the Control Data Set (CDS), which contains information about the physical and virtual drives and corresponding media in a TapePlex.■Receives requests from SMC for mounts, dismounts, and swaps, and queries and sends these requests to the LMU, which automatically carries out these operations.■Manages Automated Cartridge Systems (ACSs) and the LSMs that comprise ACSs.■Manages error conditions, such as lost cartridges.SMC and HTTP ServerSMC is the interface between Fujitsu’s MSP/EX operating systems and HSC andMVS/CSC. SMC is a required ELS component, and must reside on every MSP host thataccesses automated real tape and/or VSM virtual tape. SMC does the following:■Influences tape device allocation (real and virtual).■Intercepts tape management, and operating system mount, dismount, and swap messages and creates a request for this functions and routes the request to eitherHSC or MVS/CSC.■Coordinates requests among multiple StorageTek TapePlexes. These requests can consist of mounts, dismounts, and swaps, and queries (configuration, volumelookup).A TapePlex is a single StorageTek hardware configuration, usually represented by asingle HSC Control Data Set (CDS).A TapePlex can contain multiple ACSs and Virtual Tape Storage Subsystems (VTSSs).SMC can communicate with any number of TapePlexes, using cross address spacefacilities to communicate with HSC or MVS/CSC running on the same host, andTCP/IP to communicate with HSC systems executing on other hosts.The SMC HTTP server is a component of SMC that manages inbound TCP/IPtransactions from a remote SMC client. Starting and stopping of the HTTP componentis controlled with an SMC command. The HTTP component is normally started only onthe host where HSC is running. For more information, see Configuring and ManagingSMC .VTCSVTCS, which works as an extension to HSC/SMC, does the following:■Influences the allocation of virtual tape drives (VTDs)■Manages the use of VTVs■Manages the migration and recall of virtual volumes■Manages use of real tape media and transports used by VSM.E49509-01 • Revision 01Chapter 1 3The Concurrent Disaster Recovery Test (CDRT) feature is integrated into ELS and canassist customers in demonstrating their business continuance (Disaster Recovery) planto satisfy insurance, regulatory or audit requirements by:■ Allowing ACS and VSM hardware to be shared between both a disaster recovery site and a production site simultaneously without the purchase of additional ACS orVSM hardware.■ Separating a customer-defined portion of existing ACS hardware and tape volume pools for the period of the disaster recovery test to allow concurrent use of ACShardware.■ Supporting a parallel test of customer applications executing simultaneously from a disaster site sharing production data on the separated ACS and/or VSM hardwarewhile concurrently running production processing using production data.■ Allows for easily combining separated hardware back into production use at the termination of the disaster recovery test without interruption of normal productionprocessing.4 Int roducing ELS • Revision 01 • E49509-01CHAPTER2How Does ELS Work?E49509-01 • Revision 015How Does SMC Work?SMC does the following:1.Influences tape allocation based on policies, and on volume and drive characteristicssupplied by HSC/VTCS:For example, the SMC POLICY command can be used to direct scratch allocations toeither real or virtual devices, can select scratch subpools, and can assign amanagement class name that VTCS uses to manage virtual volumes.2. Intercepts MSP mount, dismount, and swap messages and directs them to HSC orVTCS for automation.SMC must execute on every host where tape processing occurs. The ELS servercomponent (HSC/VTCS) may execute on the same MSP/EX host as the SMC, or mayexecute on a separate, remote host. When SMC and HSC/VTCS reside on differentMSP/EX hosts, TCP/IP is used to send requests from the client host to the server host.In order to receive HTTP requests from a remote SMC client, the HTTP componentmust be activated on the SMC executing on the server host.The SMC client/server feature lets you run SMC only on the client hosts andHSC/VTCS and the HTTP server on one or more server hosts. Using the SMCclient/server feature provides the following benefits:■Reduces the number of hosts on which you run HSC/VTCS. StorageTekrecommends that you execute HSC/VTCS on only two hosts (primary and backup).Running HSC/VTCS on fewer hosts reduces CDS contention and eliminates theneed to manage multiple MSP syslog files.■Communicates with multiple HSC/VTCS TapePlex systems representing physically different hardware configurations.■Provides failover capabilities when an HSC is recycled for maintenance.How Does HSC Work?HSC controls the physical tape environment. HSC, responding to requests from SMC,directs an LSM robot or handbot to mount and dismount physical tapes. HSC controlsall other physical tape operations as well, including moves, swaps, and so forth. HSCalso manages the CDS (Control Data Set) where information about the real and virtualtape environments is stored.6 Int roducing ELS • Revision 01 • E49509-01How Does VTCS Work?Each VTSS provides 64 virtual tape drives (VTDs) for VSM2s and VSM3s, and 256VTDs for VSM4s and VSM5s. VTDs emulate F6473K devices. VSM uses the VTDs towrite data sets to virtual tape volumes (VTVs) on the VTSS. The VTSS storage isprovided by a RAID-6+ DASD configuration.VTCS is the software that controls the VTSS hardware. For example, you specify theVTSS’s high and low Automatic Migration Thresholds (AMTs), which control the VTSSspace management/VTV migration cycle. Real tape drives (RTDs) write migrated VTVsto physical multi-volume cartridges (MVCs). VTCS controls RTDs (although HSCprovides mount and dismount services for MVCs), while HSC controls ACS tape drivesthat are not allocated to VSM.If the host requests a mount of a VTV that was migrated to an MVC and is not VTSS–resident, VSM automatically recalls the migrated VTV to the VTSS. FIGURE 2-1 on page 7shows the VTV migration/recall cycle.Note – VSM supports dynamic sharing of RTDs between VTSSs. Note, however, thatwhen VTSSs share RTDs, the VTSSs must have access to all the same hosts.LSMFIGURE 2-1 VTV Migration/Recall CycleE49509-01 • Revision 01Chapter 2 7How Does CDRT Work?CDRT creates a test copy of the production CDS that is used by the DR hosts andtherefore allows two ELS subsystems with two different CDSs to manage the same ACShardware. The CDS reflects changes in the state of tape cartridges and resources in theACS hardware. However, during a DR test using CDRT, the two ELS subsystems usetwo different CDSs, and do not communicate. Thus changes that occur in theproduction CDS are not reflected in the test CDS copy and visa versa. CDRT acts tosegregate the test ACS and VSM hardware from the production ACS and VSMhardware, managing the DR test to ensure the integrity of the production data andminimizing conflicts for tape volumes and ACS hardware resources. Central andfundamental to a successful DR test using CDRT is a valid point-in-time copy of thestate of all tape volumes managed by ACS and/or VSM hardware and the ELSsubsystem. In a tape volume environment, quite often some of this tape volume statedata (metadata) is retained and managed outside of the ELS subsystem and ACS/VSMhardware. Typically, tape volume metadata (i.e. VOLSER, DSN, Expiration date, scratchstatus, real or virtual designation, etc.) is stored in one or more Tape ManagementCatalogs (TMCs), one or more MSP/EX catalogs and the CDS. Ensuring that the state oftape volumes as reflected on host systems is either the same or equivalent on bothproduction hosts and DR hosts, is critical to successful execution of a DR test. Thisconsistency in the state of tape volumes between the production hosts and the DR hostsat the start of the DR test is what allows the parallel processing of customerapplications to assist in validating a business continuance plan. The DR test hostsexercise the segregated hardware while production hosts continue using both the non-segregated and segregated ACS hardware.The DR test hardware is a minimum of one ACS. Optionally, one or more VTSSs may beemployed as DR test hardware. The ACS is shared between the production hosts andthe DR hosts. The DR hosts have exclusive use of any segregated VTSSs during the DRtest. To produce valid point-in-time copies of any TMCs and MSP/EX catalogs, see theappropriate 3rd party software documentation. At the end of a DR test, all data createdfrom the DR test hosts, including the test copy of the CDS is typically discarded and thesegregated hardware is redeployed back to the normal production environment8 Int roducing ELS • Revision 01 • E49509-01CHAPTER3What’s New With ELS 7.2?The following sections describe the ELS 7.2 enhancements and changes.SMC 7.2 Enhancements and ChangesSMC 7.2 provides the following enhancements and changes:•SMC is repackaged. In ELS 7.2, SMC modules are distributed as individual object modules rather than complete load modules. This change makes PTFs smaller andeliminates unnecessary PTF dependencies.•Support for Remote UUI Input and Output Datasets. A new UUI interface is provided to pass non-command line input, or input datasets, to command processeseither locally or across the network. This same facility is also used to direct datasetoutput (that is, non-text, non-XML, and non-CSV output) produced on a remoteserver to be transmitted across the network and physically output on the originatingclient.•ELS 7.2 provides full support for the IBM reusable ASID feature.LCM 7.2 Enhancements and Changes•Enhanced MANAGE PHYSICAL. The MANAGE PHYSICAL statement is enhanced to provide content management for MVCs.• A simpler, more universal method for ELS vaulting is described in ELS Disaster Recovery and Offsite Data Management Guide.•With LCM 7.2, it is now possible to execute LCM from a SMC Only (or remote) client host.•Revised standard reports.REPORT CELLNT, REPORT NONSCRCNT, REPORT SCRCNT, and REPORT SUMMARY now separate raw counts and action relatedcounts, and VTVs are separated from physical volumes.•Revised Custom Reports. Column attributes now include justification (left, right, center).E49509-01 • Revision 01910 Int roducing ELS • Revision 01 • E49509-01CHAPTER4How Do I Find Out More About ELS7.1?Now that you have an overview of ELS 7.1 and what it can do, what’s next? Thefollowing tables describe the rest of the ELS information set by title and contents.TABLE 4-1 ELS Solution BooksThis book......contains the following information...Introducing ELS (this book)Overview of the entire ELS 7.1 solution.Installing ELS Installing all ELS 7.1 mainframe software.ELS Command, Control Statement, and Utility Reference A single, common reference for HSC, SMC, and VTCS.ELS Quick Reference A single, common quick reference for HSC,SMC, and VTCS.ELS Programming Reference Other programming interfaces besidescommands, control statements, and utilities,including the Significant Event NotificationFacility, HSC LOGREC records, all SMF records,HSC User Exits 6, 14 and 15, and HSC LIBGENmacros.Also information on writing programs to theELS Unified User Interface (UUI) and using theUUI to produce XML or CSV output of ELScommands and utilities.ELS Legacy Interfaces Reference Interfaces that are still supported for ELS 7.1 butwhose use is strongly deprecated; to include butnot limited to all other User Exits, HSC PGMI,HSC Batch API, old TAPEREQ format, oldDFSMS interface information.ELS Messages and Codes A single, common messages and codes for HSC,SMC, and VTCS.ELS Disaster Recovery and Offsite Data Management Guide Using ELS for Disaster Recovery (DR) and managing offsite data.E49509-01 • Revision 0111TABLE 4-2 HSC/SMC/VTCS BooksThis book......contains the following information...Configuring HSC and VTCS How to configure these components for bothnew and existing customer sites.Managing HSC and VTCS Managing HSC, including an overview of HSCmanagement tools and periodic and as-neededmanagement tasks.Managing VTCS, including an overview ofVTCS management tools, periodic and as-needed management tasks, and finding andfixing VTCS problems.This book also unlocks the value add in yourVSM system through discussions ofManagement Class and Storage class basics andimplementation scenarios.Configuring and Managing SMC Configuring and managing SMC, includingimplementing and managing device allocation,Tapeplexes, and storage policies.12 Int roducing ELS • Revision 01 • E49509-01。

QSAN XEVO 2.2 软件手册说明书

QSAN XEVO 2.2 软件手册说明书

XEVO 2.2 软件手册2023年四月公告版权©版权所有2023 QSAN广盛科技保留所有权利。





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目录第一章:WinTest软件简介 (1)欢迎使用Win Test7软件 (2)第二章:启动 (2)启动Win Test (2)更改您的项目文件 (3)保存项目文件 (4)打开和保存测试文件 (5)打开和移动Win Test窗口 (6)选择和移动测试组 (6)快速启动清单 (7)第三章:试样预测试的设置 (10)调整电机 (10)预设值 (13)关于预设值 (13)定义预设值属性 (13)定义预设值按钮 (14)使用预设值按钮 (15)第四章:波形设置 (16)基本波形类型 (17)波形幅值方式 (18)周期波形的设置:正弦波,三角波和方波 (20)斜坡波形设置 (22)组合波波形的设置 (24)关于组合波波形 (24)定义组合波波形的一般步骤 (26)创建、编辑和删除组合波 (27)组合波波形的类型 (28)周期性间接组合波 (29)为组合波定义条件逻辑 (32)外部波形选项 (35)A/D运动选项 (36)设置MAPS波形选项 (37)设置MACS波形选项 (37)波形动作 (38)波形动作——停止位置和保持位置 (38)结束动作 (40)可控停止动作 (41)调频模式——IQ调频和手动调频 (42)采用TuneIQ自动调频 (43)关于IQ调频 (43)如何运行IQ调频 (44)IQ调频过程 (48)IQ调频特性 (49)第五章:数据采集设置 (50)关于数据采集 (51)标准实时数据 (52)关于实时数据 (52)设置实时数据采集 (52)逆向数据保持(RDR) (57)配合实时数据设置逆向数据保持(RDR) (58)峰-谷数据采集设置 (59)关于峰-谷数据 (59)设置峰-谷数据采集 (59)Level Crossing 数据采集设置 (64)关于Level Crossing数据采集 (64)设置Level Crossing数据采集 (64)组合块数据采集 (67)关于组合块数据采集 (67)组合块数据采集的数据设置 (69)为特定的组合波定义数据采集 (70)视窗数据采集 (75)保存和导出视窗扫描 (75)在视窗中浏览保存的视窗扫描数据和实时数据文件 (75)第一章Win Test软件简介欢迎使用Win Test7软件Win Test7软件和PCI控制器可以提供数据采集、产生波形以及设备控制等功能。



软件测试仪器使用方法说明书1. 简介软件测试仪器是一种专门用于检测和评估软件性能和功能的工具。


2. 仪器清单在使用软件测试仪器之前,确保您拥有以下仪器和设备:- 软件测试仪器主机- 电源适配器- 连接线(USB、HDMI等)- 控制面板或遥控器(视情况而定)3. 准备工作在开始使用软件测试仪器之前,请进行以下准备工作:3.1 连接仪器将软件测试仪器主机与计算机或测试设备通过适当的连接线连接。


3.2 供电将电源适配器插入软件测试仪器主机的电源接口,并将另一端插入电源插座。


3.3 检查仪器仔细检查软件测试仪器主机和连接线,确保没有损坏或松动的部件。

4. 软件测试仪器操作步骤4.1 打开软件测试仪器按下软件测试仪器主机的电源按钮,或使用遥控器中的电源开关来打开仪器。


4.2 选择测试项目根据需要测试的软件功能或性能,从主界面中选择相应的测试项目。


4.3 配置测试参数进入所选测试项目的配置界面,根据测试需求设置相应的测试参数。


4.4 开始测试确认测试参数设置无误后,点击“开始测试”按钮或使用相应的指令启动测试过程。


4.5 结束测试测试完成后,点击“结束测试”按钮或使用相应的指令停止测试过程。


5. 结束操作在快速开始和停止使用软件测试仪器之后,务必进行以下操作:5.1 关闭软件测试仪器按下软件测试仪器主机的电源按钮,或使用遥控器中的电源开关来关闭仪器。

5.2 断开连接先断开连接线与计算机或测试设备的连接,再将连接线与软件测试仪器主机分离。



sosotest使用手册(实用版)目录1.SOSO 测试简介2.SOSO 测试的安装与配置3.SOSO 测试的使用方法4.SOSO 测试的维护与升级5.SOSO 测试的常见问题与解决方法正文一、SOSO 测试简介SOSO 测试是一款功能强大的测试软件,适用于各种测试需求,如软件测试、硬件测试、网络测试等。


二、SOSO 测试的安装与配置1.下载 SOSO 测试软件:访问官方网站或授权下载站点,下载最新版本的 SOSO 测试软件。

2.安装 SOSO 测试软件:运行下载的安装程序,按照安装向导的提示进行安装。

3.配置 SOSO 测试软件:安装完成后,根据实际需求对 SOSO 测试软件进行配置,如选择测试类型、设置测试参数等。

三、SOSO 测试的使用方法1.打开 SOSO 测试软件:双击桌面上的 SOSO 测试图标,启动软件。





四、SOSO 测试的维护与升级1.定期维护:为了确保 SOSO 测试软件的稳定运行,建议定期对软件进行维护,如检查更新、清理临时文件等。


五、SOSO 测试的常见问题与解决方法1.软件无法启动:可能是因为安装过程中出现错误或系统环境问题,建议重新安装或检查系统环境。


SateTestSYS V3.2软件编辑手册

SateTestSYS V3.2软件编辑手册

目录1.测试程序界面与参数设置 (2)3.测试程序操作 (12)一、 测试程序界面:1.0、双击桌面程序图标SateTestSYS v3.2(如图1所示),打开测试程序,程序自动运行:图12.0、程序运行至用户登录界面,如图2所示:图22.1、正确输入相应的用户名及密码,点击用户登录按钮(提示:密码最多只能输入三次,超过三次密码不正确,程序会自动退出并关闭系统),进入下一界面,如图3所示:图3a 管理员的登录界面图3b 一般用户的登录界面2.2、在图3界面,点击用户管理按钮,可以进行用户管理(此功能只对管理员开放),如图4所示,进入到图4界面时,可以对相应用户进行相关的编辑操作,如增加用户、删除用户等。

图42.3、在图3界面,如需要修改密码(只对当前用户有效),可点击修改密码进行修改,如图5所示:图52.4、在图3界面,如不需要进行其它操作,点击进入系统按钮,直接进入到测试系统测试页的界面,如图6所示:图62.4.1、 在测试系统的测试页,每个区域功能分别如图7标注所示:图72.4.2、1号区域窗口如图7:显示当前测试内容及每步骤的当前测试结果、状态。

2.4.3、2 号区域窗口如图7:包括用户信息:用户名、用户当前权限;UUT 信息:机种名称、产品条码、当前测试UUT/时间、当前在线时间、良品数量、不良品数量、测量总数量以及通过率等。


2.4.4、4号区域窗口,有四个调试工具如图7,详细功能分别如下:A 、直通测试:如按下此按钮,在测试过程中遇到不良步骤,测试程序不会退出,直到测试完毕。


B 、单步测试:按下此按钮,开始测试,程序将进入单步测试模式,如图8所示,也即是说,点击一下确定按钮,就测试一步;在图8界面,还有一个重测当前步骤的复选框,此复选框如选中,只对当前步骤重测一次后,复选框清空,如需再次重测,必须再次选中此复选框。


6、当主手柄所以按键都检测完毕后,我们再开始检测副手柄的按键。首先保证副手柄已经连接上主手柄,交替按下副手柄上的C键Z键,当你按下键的同时,在软件测试页面中 键就会亮起变红。如图五
(图Байду номын сангаас四)
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

微机控制全自动压力试验机软件说明书软件名称:SuperTest版本号:7.2目录1.简介 (4)1.1.系统简介 (4)1.2.软件简介 (4)1.3.软件安装 (4)2.界面功能 (6)2.1.菜单 (6)2.1.1.用户操作 (6)2.1.2.用户注销 (7)2.1.3.高级参数 (8)2.1.4.软件激活 (8)2.1.5.硬件测试............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.1.6.报表设置 (8)2.1.7.控制方式 (11)2.2.工具栏 (11)2.2.1.试验类型选择 (11)2.2.2.试验选择 (12)2.2.3.报告 (13)2.2.4.力值校准 (15)2.2.5.力值检定 (16)2.2.6.定荷 (16)2.2.7.结束一组 (16)2.2.8.退出 (17)2.3.示值显示栏 (17)2.3.1.载荷 (17)2.3.2.强度 (17)2.3.3.速度 (17)2.4.试验参数区 (18)2.4.1.试验(件)编号 (18)2.4.2.应力速率(加载速率) (18)2.4.3.试样(件)块数 (18)2.4.4.是否连续试验 (18)2.4.5.延时时间 (18)2.5.试验结果区 (19)2.6.控制按钮区 (19)2.7.加载曲线图 (20)2.8.状态栏 (20)3.试验 (21)3.1.启动系统 (21)3.2.选择试验类型 (23)3.3.选择试验 (23)3.4.填写参数 (23)3.5.运行试验 (24)3.6.观察试验过程 (24)3.7.完成试验 (24)3.8.查询与打印 (24)3.8.1.查询 (24)3.8.2.表头设置 (24)3.8.3.打印设置 (24)3.8.4.查看试验详细结果 (24)3.8.5.打印及预览 (24)4.校准及检定 (25)4.1.校准主界面简介 (25)4.1.1.工具栏 (25)4.1.2.示值显示栏 (27)4.1.3.校准结果 (27)4.1.4.加载曲线 (27)4.1.5.检测参数 (27)4.2.校准流程 (28)4.2.1.开始校准 (28)4.2.2.校准 (28)4.2.3.设定校准结果 (29)4.2.4.打印校准结果 (29)5.高级参数 (30)5.1.界面说明 (30)5.2.基本参数 (31)5.3.阀参数 (31)5.4.PID控制参数 (32)5.5.传感器校准值 (32)6.常规问题解答 (45)1.简介1.1. 系统简介系统包括数字伺服阀,高精度传感器,控制器及软件,控制精度高,可靠性好。



1.2. 软件简介测控软件采用WINDOWS风格,界面友好,功能齐全,运行稳定,用户操作简单。


1.3. 软件安装插入随机附带软件光盘,打开光盘,按以下步骤操作即可完成软件安装。



2.界面功能2.1. 菜单包括四部分:系统功能、系统设定、试验操作、关于。

2.1.1. 用户操作功能:管理系统操作用户,可以新增,删除“Tester”权限用户,修改“Admin”用户密码。





2.1.2. 用户注销功能:在程序使用过程中完成不同用户间的切换工作。


2.1.3. 联机设置功能:在进入程序后可以重新选择联机参数进行联机。

方法:1. 单击菜单下的按钮,打开联机参数对话框;2. 选择好参数点确定即可进行重新联机。


2.1.4. 高级参数功能:1.设置系统的控制参数,包括控制参数、其他控制参数、PID参数、传感器校准值、破碎判断;2.读取控制器参数,系统软件和控制器控制参数上下校正;3.对参数按需要进行备份和还原。


2.详细的参数介绍及方法见说明书高级参数部分;2.1.5. 软件激活功能:设置控制器的编号;激活软件,以保证软件能长期使用。



2.1.6. 报表设置功能:添加、删除和编辑用户自定义报告格式(包括单打和多打)。






参数名称: 试验拥有的所有可输出参数;参数位置: 试验参数输出到模板报表中的位置,;排列方式: 试验结果为多个数据时的排列方向;间隔: 试验结果为多个数据时数据输出的排列间隔;本组个数: 试验报表可输出的最多试验数量。



(SingoReport设计见:SingoReport 报表)多打设置方法:1添加Excel报表:选中试验选择区试验,单击按钮或单击右键选择,在打开的对话窗口中选择Excel 模板路径,添加完成。




参数名称: 试验拥有的所有可输出参数;参数位置: 试验参数输出到模板报表中的位置,;排列方式: 试验结果为多个数据时的排列方向;间隔: 试验结果为多个数据时数据输出的排列间隔;本组个数: 试验报表可输出的最多试验数量。



3.3 单击保存,完成编辑,。

说明:1.报表编辑过程中不得退出Excel报表程序;2.参数位置允许空白,表示此参数不需输出至报表;2.1.7. 控制方式功能:设置系统的控制方式:自动和手动;方法:1.打开软件,点击菜单栏中的“系统设定”,如无“控制方式”选项,则先打开高级参数.设置“是否具备手动功能”为是,再点击“系统设定”进入控制方式选择窗口;;2.选择按钮完成切换。


2.1.8. 废除上一块数据功能:废除上一块试验数据;方法:在做完一块试验时,发现试验结果不对或其它原因可以点击该按钮进行该次试验结果的删除,删除完可以继续进行试验。

说明:该操作删除的是做完试验的最后一组数据,可以进行多次操作,即一块一块往前删除试验数据;2.2. 工具栏2.2.1. 试验类型选择功能:在抗折抗压试验机中使用,切换水泥抗折和抗压试验。


