博物馆奇妙夜2片名:博物馆奇妙夜2又名:博物馆惊魂夜2:史密森尼之战/博物馆奇妙夜2:决战史密森尼英文片名:Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian国家/地区:美国区域:欧美出品:发行:20世纪福克斯20th Century Fox类型:冒险喜剧导演:肖恩·列维Shawn Levy编剧:罗伯特·本·加兰特Robert Ben Garant 托马斯·列农Thomas Lennon主演:本·斯蒂勒Ben Stiller 艾米·亚当斯Amy Adams 汉克·阿扎利亚Hank Azaria 罗宾·威廉姆斯Robin Williams 乔纳·希尔Jonah Hill分级:美国PG上映时间:2009年5月22日详细剧情白宫、国会大厦、林肯纪念堂、华盛顿纪念碑...,急匆匆从纽约赶到美国首都华盛顿的博物馆守夜人拉瑞(本·斯蒂勒)却全然无心漫游周边历史名胜。
2、Bla Bla,历史历史,学习学习,改变美国从孩子抓起。
The new night watchman at the museum - Lai Rui博物馆的新守夜人——赖瑞On the first night of work, Lai Rui discovered that the dinosaur was gone.工作的第一个晚上,赖瑞发现恐龙化石不见了。
He was surprised to find that when the last light of the sun disappeared, everything in the Museum came to life.他惊奇地发现,当太阳最后的光芒消失后,博物馆的一切都活了过来。
A series of destructive activities began, with the destruction of the marble corridor by Wang Long and the Huns, while the lions and monkeys were strolling in the showcase.开始了一系列的破坏活动,暴王龙和匈奴王破坏了大理石走廊,而雄狮和猴子则在陈列柜中漫步。
LaiRui silly, do not know how to make the museum back to normal.赖瑞傻了,不知道如何才能让博物馆恢复常态。
At this time, the twenty-sixth president of the United States the statue of Roosevelt suddenly got nervous voice, Lai Rui shocked, but the great help, Lai Rui will probably lose his just hand work, but also to achieve the dream of a dream adventure.这时,美国第26届总统罗斯福的雕像突然发声,吓了神情紧张的赖瑞一大跳,不过有了这位伟人的帮忙,赖瑞很可能不会丢掉他刚刚到手的工作,而且还会实现梦寐以求的历险梦想。
影片的女主人公阿米莉亚· 埃尔哈特, 1897年出生于美国 中西部堪萨斯州. 一战结束后她开始学习飞行。1920年获得 飞行驾照。1928年6月17日,她驾驶一架双翼飞机离开加拿 大东部的纽芬兰省,降落在英国的威尔士,是第一位单 人驾驶飞机不间断飞行跨越大西洋的女性。1935 年,普渡大学向阿米莉亚提供了一架新的全金属制造、拥 有两个发动机的飞机,是当时世界上最好的一架飞机。阿 米莉亚决定驾驶长它环赤道飞行,飞行距离43000公里。 1937年6月1日,飞机载着她和一位导航员离开了迈阿密飞 向赤道。新几内亚到太平洋中部的一个小岛屿豪兰岛可能 是此次航行最困难的一段,要飞行4000公里才能到达目的 地。途中,阿米莉亚发回了一条广播信息,说正在飞向豪 兰岛的直行航线上。随后的广播信号被美国海岸警卫船接 收到:燃料越来越少了、没有找到豪兰岛、根本就看不到 任何的陆地痕迹……7月2日早晨的一条消息发得不完整,然 后就是一片寂静。美国海军军舰和飞机在这一区域搜寻了 15天,什么也没有发现。官方正式宣布阿米莉亚· 埃尔哈特 和佛瑞德· 诺纳“在大海中失踪”。
这里的《哭泣的女孩》(Crying Girl)就是用这样的方法创作出来的,其形象就来自美国 日常常见的连环画。虽然女孩的表情面带忧郁,但作品基本没有什么特别的意思,只是 美国日常生活中一个平常的人物形象。利希滕斯坦的意图就在于“消除作品本身的意 义”,这也是波普艺术的一个特点。类似的画作还有《戴发带的女孩》
• 维纳斯和玛斯的儿子,人们把他想像为即将步入青年的 美少年。他的常用的武器是金弓,他射出的箭从无偏差, 被射中者会备受爱情的煎熬,但这是一种甜蜜的痛苦。 连宙斯也无法抗拒这种神奇的力量,因此爱情被解释为 最可怕、 而又最强大的自然力量 ;所以一直被人们喻 为爱情的象征,他的箭一旦插入青年男女的心上,便会 使他们深深相爱。
பைடு நூலகம்
41、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸 收都不可耻。——阿卜·日·法拉兹
42、只有在人群中间,才能认识自 己。——德国
43、重复别人所说的话,只需要教育; 而要挑战别人所说的话,则需要头脑。—— 玛丽·佩蒂博恩·普尔
44、卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰 难的遭遇里百折不饶。——贝多芬
博物馆奇妙夜2——电影中 的历史
26、机遇对于有准备的头脑有特别的 亲和力 。 27、自信是人格的核心。
28、目标的坚定是性格中最必要的力 量泉源 之一, 也是成 功的利 器之一 。没有 它,天 才也会 在矛盾 无定的 迷径中 ,徒劳 无功。- -查士 德斐尔 爵士。 29、困难就是机遇。--温斯顿.丘吉 尔。 30、我奋斗,所以我快乐。--格林斯 潘。
Leave me alone. Hey, why don't I go tell the little corncob you're here.
Great. Great, that's great. Yeah, thanks.
She called them schemes?
She said it was time you found a fallback.
Are you really moving again?
I don't know. We'll see. I mean….
-All right. What do you wanna be? -A bond trader.
A bond trader?
Yeah, it's what Don does. He took me to his office last week.
That's cool.
You know, you snap, the lights come on. Snap, they come off.
Didrt they already make that?
No, no, that's the Clapper, which, obviously….
Oh, okay, I guess he forgot.
电影《博物馆奇妙夜》经典台词 如果博物馆的展品“活”了会发生怎样有趣的事情呢?
5.you know,you snap,the lights come on.Snap,they come off.snap 你知道,你打一下,灯就亮了.再打一下,就灭了. 6.Easter Island Head:You new dumdum.You give me gumgum. 你是个新笨笨.你就要给我糖糖.
Larry:Okay,you know what?I have no gumgum.Sorry. 好的,但是你知道么?我没有糖糖.对不起. And my name isnt dumdum,my names Larry. 还有我的名字也不叫笨笨,我叫 Larry. Easter Island Head:No,your name dumdum. 不,你的.名字就叫笨笨. Oh,you in trouble,dumdum. 哦,你有麻烦了,笨笨. 7.Jedediah:I dont know.Just pay.Now,stop whining and just take it like a man.
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我哪知道.就是要补偿.现在,别发牢骚了像个男人一样接受吧 8.Octavius:Silence!The Roman Empire knows no boundaries. 闭嘴!罗马帝国没有国界线. 9.“Im made of wax, Larry. What are you made of?” 我是蜡做的,赖瑞,你是什么做的呢? 10.Jedediah:Look,were men.We fight,okay?Thats what we do. 瞧,我们是男人.我们要打仗,好吗?这是我们的天性. 11.Teddy:Tried?That was one night.I didnt build the Panama Canal in one day. 尽力?就这么一晚上你都做不到吗?巴拿马运河也不是我一天就建好 的. 12.eddy:Nothings impossible.If it can be dreamed,it can be done. 一切皆有可能.只要你敢想,就会实现.
《博物馆奇妙夜》英语English:"Night at the Museum" is a film that follows the adventures of Larry Daley, a night guard at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The plot revolves around the magical tablet that brings the exhibits to life at night, leading to chaos and mischief throughout the museum. As the night progresses, Larry must navigate through the live exhibits, including historical figures such as Teddy Roosevelt, Attila the Hun, and Sacagawea, in order to save the museum from impending doom. The film is filled with humor, action, and heartwarming moments as Larry learns valuable lessons about courage, leadership, and friendship.Chinese:《博物馆奇妙夜》是一部讲述的故事,跟随着拉里•戴利,一个在纽约自然历史博物馆担任夜班保安的冒险故事。
-Man: You got it.
-Larry: And when does he want to meet?
-Man: They want Friday morning, 10:00 a.m.
Then let the next little boy or girl have their turn.
-Larry: Okay, where were you born?
-Teddy: Right here in New York City, on Twentieth Street.
October 27th, the year of our Lord 1858.
lord: 上帝
-Man: Blah, blah, blah. History, history. Learning, learning. Changing America, one child at a time.
canceled: 被取消的
-Larry: You can go home. I'm gonna be pretty late, okay.
pretty: 十分
-Man: Okay, boss.
Hello! Excuse me! Unauthorized personnel! If it isn't our very own Mr. Success Story. unauthorized: 未经许可的 personne: 人员
高人碟报:地球娱乐3BD“博物馆奇妙夜合集”之《博物馆奇妙夜2》【电影】原版片名:Night at the Museum 2中文译名:博物馆奇妙夜2其它译名:博物馆奇妙夜2:逃离史密森尼博物馆奇妙夜:史密森尼之战上映时间:2009-05-26(中国大陆)2006-05-22(美国)简介:莱瑞离开了博物馆创建了自己的发明公司,而且业务做得很不错。
而他能否顺利将他那些老朋友们从卡门拉等人的手中救出呢…主演:本·斯蒂勒……………博物馆夜场看守:莱瑞·戴利配音:吴磊艾米·亚当斯…………飞行员:阿梅莉亚·埃尔哈特配音:范楚绒汉克·阿扎利亚………卡门拉配音:王肖兵阿兰·夏巴……………拿破仑配音:桂楠乔·博恩瑟……………阿尔·卡邦配音:刘风比尔·哈德尔…………乔治·卡斯特将军配音:张欣罗宾·威廉姆斯………美国总统:罗斯福配音:程玉珠欧文·威尔逊…………西部牛仔:杰迪戴亚配音:翟巍史蒂夫·库根…………罗马皇帝:屋大维配音:胡平智克里斯多弗·盖斯特…伊凡雷帝配音:倪康瑞奇·热维斯…………博物馆馆长:麦菲博士配音:符冲杰克·切里……………莱瑞之子:尼克拉米·马雷克…………木乃伊:阿赫曼拉派崔克·盖勒…………匈奴王:阿提拉导演:肖恩·利维【光盘】大陆正版为“全区碟”、适用于任何播放环境太平洋影音公司出版二十世纪福斯家庭娱乐提供版权地球娱乐(北京天乐浩世科技文化有限公司)总经销ISBN 695-4-8361-3304-0新出像进字〔2013〕366号国权像字19-2013-0706号新出像进字〔2013〕367号国权像字19-2013-0707号新出像进字〔2015〕131号国权像字19-2015-0091号光盘配置:BD25×1+BD50×2光盘容量:Disc1:21.6G(博物馆奇妙夜)Disc2:32.9G(博物馆奇妙夜2)Disc3:45.5G(博物馆奇妙夜3)【正片】正片片长:1:44:43编码格式:MPEG-4 AVC / 1080p / 24 fps画面比例:2.35:1【音轨】原声音轨:英语(dts 5.1 / 768 kbps)中文音轨:普通话(dts 5.1 / 768 kbps)其它音轨:葡萄牙、西班牙1、俄、西班牙2【字幕】原文字幕:无中文字幕:简体中文其它字幕:葡萄牙、西班牙1、俄、西班牙2【特别收录】无【字幕参考】简体中文字幕【图片参考】更多“实物包装图片”详见《博物馆奇妙夜1》碟报《博物馆奇妙夜2》BD光盘语言选择菜单正片截图片名成功的“莱瑞”复活岛石像西部牛仔 & 罗马皇帝莱瑞之子:尼克林肯纪念堂航天博物馆乔治·卡斯特将军进入“黑白照片”坏人联盟:俄罗斯沙皇“伊凡雷帝”(左)、法国皇帝“拿破仑”(中)、美国黑帮老大:阿尔·卡邦(右)飞行员:阿梅莉亚·埃尔哈特坏人联盟的头领:法老:卡门拉大章鱼丘比特没入围的“坏人”林肯CP爱因斯坦白宫重回“夜班保安”职位你是“阿梅莉亚”的亲戚么?“自然历史博物馆”重新开放!BDinfoIMDb_技术规格【个人评价】抱歉,距离上一篇“博物馆奇妙夜”的碟报确实间隔了很长时间,主要是这两天给自己放了个假。
博物馆奇妙夜英文影评Night at the Museum 2 is plugging an odd gap for family entertainment in the early summer film schedule. Outside the excellent-but-weird Coraline (still on release) and not forgetting The Jonas Brothers 3D Concert Experience (out next week –my eyes already hurt) there’s no major release targeted at children until Ice Age 3 opens on July 1.This puts a reviewer in a bind. I can only recommend Ben Stiller’s comedy sequel in the way I might a burnt sausage when there’s nothing else to eat: it’s not terribly appetising, but it’ll have to do. After all, the notion of waxwork exhibits coming to life and waging war on each other isn’t such a bad recipe for undemanding, sugar-rush esc apism, and the re’s certainly enough boisterous action to keep the kids happy. Also in the plus column, we get some frisky business with a puce-coloured Leviathan squid (surprisingly friendly, when you get to know it) and a pair of Capuchin monkeys who trade subtitled insults and enjoy happy-slapping Stiller. No problems there.The movie is only a let-down when you compare its nimbler predecessor –hardly an immortal classic, but an unpretentious romp which made much better use of Stiller’s seething incredul ity. In case y ou’ve forgotten, he played Larry Daley, a newly-recruited security guard at New York’s Museum of Natural History. Late at night, everything came to life, and watching this furious, disappointed man get chased by a re-animated T-Rex skeleton was giddy fun, not just thanks to the state-of-the-art computer effects.It’s somehow less fun, during this film’s needlessly elaborate set-up, watching Larry pine for his previous job (he’snow a super-successful entrepreneur) and follow his waxy old friends to the Smithsonian Institution, where they are to be stashed in an underground vault and may never see the light of day again. Robin Williams’s sad-faced Teddy Roosevelt explains the situation: without the crucial Egyptian tablet that gives them life, it’s curtains. Down in the basement, a lisping Pharaoh (Hank Azaria) has his own claim on this impressively tacky gold-embossed artifact and announces a routine evil takeover. His batty accent –one of the film’s more striking bits of eccentricity –is pitched somewhere between Quentin Crisp goes bananas and a Spanish gigolo doing a Jeremy Irons impression.Via a contretemps with a jobsworth security guard, played in the film’s one genuinely hilarious cameo by Superbad’s Jonah Hill, Larry must come to the rescue, which me ans ducking and diving beneath every effect and costumed baddie at director Shawn Levy’s disposal. There’s time for an engaging, comparatively highbrow sequence in a chamber of living paintings and sculptures, which has Jeff Koon’s red ballo on dog prancing about, a writhing Pollock, and a Roy Lichtenstein winking at us. The idea isn’t that original –I last remember seeing it in Joe Dante’s Looney Tunes: Back in Action–but it pays off with a full-scale trip inside Robert Doisneau’s most famous photograph. We get a neat black-and-white recreation of Paris boulevard life in 1950, with those eternal kissers briefly pulled apart by Stiller and pals: a nice touch.Still, as this hectic, mechanical, more-is-less enterprise wore on, I began to feel very sorry for Owen Wilson, reprising his role as a thimble-sized Lilliputian cowboy called Jedediah. He spends the first half of the movie trapped in a storage crate, and the second half stuck in the bottom of a gradually filling hourglassenduring Azaria’s taunts. He h as absolutely no chance to act or react amusingly, and neither, really, does Stiller, dutifully tethered to the chaos this time when he was better off being randomly terrorised by minuscule Indians. As for Amy Adams, joining the gang as feisty Transatlantic pilot Amelia Earhart, she remains a welcome presence in any film, and looks absolutely smashing in her tight trousers, so it’s a pity the screenwriters make her comic gifts, too, count for so little.Having to deliver the word 'ace' at the end of every line was never going to make this her most inspired gig, but then she, Stiller, Wilson, and anyone who wants a glimmer of actual style from their family entertainment, deserve quite a lot better than this.2What’s there to say about the seq uel to the first Night at the Museum? It’s a bit of fluff, something to take the kids to where you might be mildly entertained without having to worry about anything offensive where your kids are involved.The story picks up a few years after the first film, with Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) now a successful businessman. He has a knack for infomercial-type inventions and is doing very well –financially anyway. He still visits the museum from time to time to visit with his night-animated buddies, but not as often as he used to. It turns out that most of the museum pieces are being replaced by newfangled holographic projection versions, with the current ones being shipped off to storage at the Smithsonian, to be crated forever.He attempts to intervene but it’s a case of too l ittle, too late – but of course the day is not lost. One thing leads to another and Egyptian prince Kahmunrah (Hank Azaria) is awakened withthoughts of world domination on his mind. In the process we once again meet Robin Williams as T eddy Roosevelt, Owen Wilson as Jebediah Smith the pint sized cowboy, along with new characters General Custer (played well by Bill Hader) and Amelia Earhart (played by the forever cute and perky Amy Adams).This film seemed to be more about the performances than the actual story, and there was an interesting conglomeration of characters here. The oddest of the bunch had to be Hank Azaria as the Egyptian prince… he was quite the odd combination here –being just a bit older than him and with the fact he’s always been known as a comedic character actor, I was struck by how he buffed out for the role. What made it weirder was the fact that for some reason the voice they chose for his character was a bad Boris Karloff impersonation with a lisp thrown in for good measure.Beyond that Amy Adams was perky to the point of annoyance (for me, anyway) but the old style skin-tight pants she wore kind of made up for that (what can I say?). I enjoyed Bill Hader’s performance as Custer and brief cameos by Ricky Gervais and Jonah Hill were bot h quite funny. However as usual (for me) Ben Stiller just seemed… odd. He has a flavor of humor that while I don’t hate it, I just don’t get it and it doesn’t work for me.Thankfully it’s a fairly short film, clocking in well under two hour s. It’s not awfu l, but nowhere near great –kind of take it or leave it film. But if you’re a parent with some little ones and you’re hungry for movies to take the family to without worrying about anything offensive, it’s a good one to go see. For anyone e lse, you’ll need to be a Ben Stiller fan –otherwise it’s a definite rental.I must admit, the idea behind Night at the Museum is very clever. At night at the natural history museum in New York the exhibits come to life and wreak havoc thanks to a mummy's curse. It's up to the new night security guard Larry (Ben Stiller) to keep the chaos from spilling out into the streets of New York and keep the exhibits from perishing in the light of day.Larry is left this task after three longtime night guards, played by legends Dick Van Dyke, Mickey Rooney and Bill Cobbs, are let go. Let's just say they are a little bitter about being let go. They are kind enough to leave Larry an instruction manual but when Larry gets cocky, thinking he knows how to handle this situation, things go from weird to worse.Larry would not have taken this job but his ex-wife Erica (Kim Raver) threatened to take away his son Nick (Jake Cherry) if he didn't find a steady job and place to live. No points for guessing that Nick will get in on the museum madness. You also get no points that the pretty museum tour guide, played by Spy Kids star Carla Gugino, will become Larry's love interest.The best part of Night at the Museum is Robin Williams as President Teddy Roosevelt. Coming to life nightly to ride his horse throughout the museum, Williams' Mr. President is the most helpful of the museum exhibits and of course when it comes to delivering the moral of the story who better than a former President. Of course, Williams can't help but ham it up a little, but you expect that from Robin Williams.Ben Stilller seems at a loss to keep up with the goofy CGI madness of Night at the Museum. Rushed through the exposition, his character is essnetially a deadbeat who nearly loses his kid because he's so lazy. Not exactly a winning character. Once inside the museum, Stiller's Larry vacillates from coward to cocky butmostly just runs around confused and angry.Director Shawn Levy and writers Garant and Lennon hit all of the typical family movie beats, a lesson learned, bathroom humor and a monkey. They also toss in a couple action movie cliches for good measure including a chase scene involving an ancient stage coach and a miniature SUV. Trust me, my description reads far more interesting than the actual scene.2This whole movie is one giant leap into the magical realm of suspended reality that Hollywood is so good at creating. Can museums really come to life? No --- but man, it be cool if they did. Keep your eye out for my favorite (and in my opinion, the funniest) scene from the film in which Larry finally confronts Attila the Hun, who makes a habit of chasing him down and attempting to dismember him each night. Larry squares off against Attila andhis barbaric horde, and proves he's in control by bringing Attila to tears. You have to see it to truly appreciate the humor. I also enjoyed the keys stealing monkey, Dexter, and his crazy penchant for causing Larry a lot of trouble. As far as special features go, this particular disc only has 2 audio commentaries available. If you're wanting more than that in the special features department, you're probably better off purchasing the 2-disc special edition.3The movie is almost exactly as you expected it to be. CG fun, family friendly with a soft conflict and cute resolution. It did everything it was supposed to and felt very formulaic. The movie earned a few giggles out of me, but I am not calling it the comedy event of last year. I think if you have kids this movie would beperfect for them. It is light, cute and has some cool imagination behind it. It had a very Jumanji/Zanthura feel to it, but even lighter still.Some of the CG was very good. Like the Dinosaur that we all saw in the preview. He was awesome. Some of it was not so good, really bad layering and backdrops, it felt very rushed and is very noticeable to the normal movie watcher. It kinda leaves you going hmm, that looks kinda weird. Its not as bad as it could be, but you do see it and makes me wonder, if they ran out of money and had to skim a bit.The movie comes with a truck load of actors in the movie. All of whom did fine. I didn't feel love for anyone, but I wasn't turned off by anything either, this movie did just what it needed to, to get by. [tag]Ben Stiller[/tag] was normal Ben Stiller, doing his normal guy thing. No character, no surprises as far as that goes.I think it's rentable for sure, and if you have kids, its a for sure recommendation. I would think it would still be a good choice to take them to see in the theater, if you are looking for something for them, and don't want to go see Bridge to T erabithia this weekend.4I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this one. Yes it's silly and predominantly a children's movie, but it also had some humor in it for the adults. I guess it reminded me of all the old Bugs Bunny cartoons I grew up watching. I enjoyed them as a child, but watching them again as an adult I saw whole other levels of humor that I never got as a kid. There were a lot of great comedians in this one, too. Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Robin Williams, etc. Stiller takes a job as a night watchman in a museum only to find out that the exhibits come to life after closing. Chaosensues. It's not high drama filled with cutting social commentary, but you'll at least laugh.5I am so impressed that there was no bad language or sex in the movie. I am not sure if the mom had a live in boyfriend or not but if she did they didn't focus on it so your kid may not even pay attention to it. Being a Ben Stiller movie it was not as funny as I expected because I was expecting a laugh all the way through and loud movie but it was a normal comedy. I am giving it a 5 star rating because it had top-notch actors and the creators and actors were able to keep it clean, something rare in the movies.。
博物馆奇妙夜经典句子中英文1. 博物馆奇妙夜经典英语句子5句1 you know, you snap, the lights come on. Snap, they come off.snap:啪的打一下 come on:打亮 come off:熄灭你知道,你打一下,灯就亮了。
2 Do you know what "museum" means?你知道“博物馆”是什么意思吗?It doesn't mean,"Daddy,It's a big Tyrannosaurus thling.Can I touch it's leg?"No!tyrannosaurus:暴龙那不意味着说,“哇,爸爸,好大的恐龙,我能碰它的的脚吗?”不行!3,-Easter Island Head: You new dum-dum. You give me gum-gum.你是个新笨笨。
-Larry: Okay, you know what? I have no gum-gum. Sorry.好的,但是你知道么?我没有糖糖。
And my name isn't dum-dum, my name's Larry.还有我的名字也不叫笨笨,我叫Larry。
-Easter Island Head: No, your name dum-dum.不,你的名字就叫笨笨。
Oh, you in trouble, dum-dum.哦,你有麻烦了,笨笨。
4,Jedediah: I don't know. Just pay. Now, stop whining and just take it like a man.whining:发牢骚我哪知道。
现在,别发牢骚了像个男人一样接受吧5,Octavius: Silence! The Roman Empire knows no boundaries.Roman:罗马 empire:帝国 boundary:边界闭嘴!罗马帝国没有国界线。
博物馆奇妙夜1英文观后感及翻译《博物馆奇妙夜》(Night at the Museum)是一部由美国导演肖恩·利维执导的冒险喜剧电影,该片于2006年上映。
首先是卢瑟福这个警卫的角色,由本·斯蒂勒(Ben Stiller)出演。
五年级博物馆奇妙夜英语阅读理解25题1<背景文章>One night, a young boy named Tom found himself alone in the museum. The museum at night was a completely different world. As the clock struck midnight, the exhibits began to come to life. The dinosaurs' skeletons started to move and shake their huge bones as if they were still alive. The ancient Egyptian mummies unwrapped themselves and walked around, chatting in a strange language that Tom couldn't understand.The paintings on the walls seemed to have a life of their own too. The people in the portraits blinked their eyes and smiled at Tom. The precious jewels in the showcases sparkled even more brightly, as if they were showing off their beauty. Tom was both scared and excited. He walked around carefully, trying not to make too much noise. He saw a knight in armor riding a horse made of stone that suddenly became real and galloped towards him. But the knight just nodded at Tom and rode away.The museum was filled with all kinds of magic that night. Tom knew this was a once - in - a - lifetime experience and he wanted to remember every moment of it.1. What happened when the clock struck midnight?A. Tom left the museum.B. The exhibits came to life.C. The museum lights went out.D. Tom fell asleep.答案:B。
Nightatthe Museum Ⅱ
![Nightatthe Museum Ⅱ](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/63aafb096fdb6f1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c64de2.png)
Nightatthe Museum ⅡDaisy【期刊名称】《新高考(高二语文、数学、英语)》【年(卷),期】2009(000)010【摘要】像影迷对《冰河世纪3》的期待一样,《博物馆奇妙夜2》(Nightat the Museum Ⅱ)继《博物馆奇妙夜1》之后,也有近3年的时间了。
穿越时空的妙不可言,【总页数】3页(P60-62)【作者】Daisy【作者单位】无【正文语种】中文【中图分类】B82-052【相关文献】1.How regional museums form a museum cluster and forge its identity:Take7 Shanghai Science & Technology Museum as an example [J], ;2.National Museum of China Ranked as the Most Popular Museum in theWorld [J], ;3.Social Anthropological Expression by a Museum of Animals--Interpretation of the Yak Museum [J], Liu Jie;4."Overseas Training Programme on Museum Education and Curating"Opens at the Museum of Modern Art in New York [J], Xin Yu; Xu Xiaoliang5.Trial Operation of Chen Lyusheng Museum Group in Yangzhong City Also on Chen Lyusheng''''s Exploration of and Contribution to the Museum Business [J], Xiong Ben因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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latest: 最新的 breakthrough: 重要的新发现
-George: The Glow-in-the-Dark Flashlight!
creator of such indispensable items as the Super Big Dog Bone!
indispensable: 必不可少的 items: 物品
-Man: No, Mr. Daley, not adding. Replacing the old exhibits.
math: 计算
-Tina: that guy called again.
-Larry: Again?
-Man: Lar! Huge news! We got the Wal-Mart meeting.
What are you gonna do?
How are you gonna find it? I'll tell you how. The Glow-in-the-Dark Flashlight!
glow: (无焰的)燃烧
-Man: Well, okay, did you just hear me say "Wal" and "Mart" together?
-Larry: Yeah! I know, it's huge.
-Man: So just take a second to be happy about it.
Night at the Museum Battle II 《博物馆奇妙夜2》
-Larry: What if this was your house? Power's out. Lights are dead.
what if: 假使
Your little ones in their bunk bed down the hall, crying out...
-Larry: Okay, then, you know what? Cancel that pitch for the electric saw thing with the propeller, all right?
cancel: 取消 pitch: 展销 electric: 电的 saw: 锯 propeller: 螺旋桨
-Teddy: Welcome to The Museum of Natural History, where history comes to life! Step up, ask your question.
come to: 到达 life: 活力 step up:走上前去
Then let the next little boy or girl have their turn.
-Larry: Okay, where were you born?
-Teddy: Right here in New York City, on Twentieth Street.
blah: 瞎说
-Larry: That's great. So you're adding some new interactive exhibits?
adding: 增加 exhibit: 展览品 interactive: 互动
bunk:双层床 hall: 走廊
-Man: Mommy! Daddy! Come quick! I'm scared!
scared: 吓坏的
-Larry: You need to get there, and fast.
October 27th, the year of our Lord 1858.
lord: 上帝
-Man: Blah, blah, blah. History, history. Learning, learning. Changing America, one child at a time.
canceled: 被取消的
-Larry: You can go home. I'm gonna be pretty late, okay.
pretty: 十分
-Man: Okay, boss.
Hello! Excuse me! Unauthoriry own Mr. Success Story. unauthorized: 未经许可的 personne: 人员
seriously: 认真的 guard: 守卫 museum: 博物馆
-Larry: That is true, two-time world heavyweight champ George Foreman.
heavyweight: 重量级拳击手 champ: 冠军
-Man: Progress, so they tell me. The future. Behold, Natural History, version 2.0
progress: 发展 future: 前景 behold,: 瞧 version:版本
-Larry: You like that one?
-George: The Unlosable Key Ring!
unlosable: 不易丢失的
-Larry: Oh, yeah, that little chestnut!
chestnut: 栗子
-Man: Coming, honey! Daddy's coming!
-Larry: You'll need a weapon. But first, you'll need a flashlight But you're in the dark! weapon: 武器 flashlight: 手电筒
That's right, folks! I'm Larry Daley of Daley Devices,
folks: 大伙们
没错,朋友们!我是Daley设备的Larry Daley,
and we're gonna spend the nextpaid-programing block rocking your world.
-Tina: Whatever the household crisis, this is Daley Devices. Can I help you?
household: 家用的 crisis: 危急关头
-Larry: Tina, give this back to Stewart. I don't trust his math, okay?
huge: 巨大的
-Larry: No!when?
-Man: Yeah. Three days.
-Larry: Okay, all right. We got a lot of work to do.
没错,你是连续两届世界重量级拳王George Foreman
I was just a regular Joe with a flashlight and a dream.
regular: 普通的
-George: You mean a regular Larry. But what's no joke is you're CEO of Daley Devices, joke: 笑话,玩笑 CEO: 执行总裁,首席执行官