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● 1991年5月,国务院发布了《中华人民共和国产品质量认证管理条例》, 全面规定了认证的宗旨、性质、组织管理、认证条件和程序、认证机构、 罚则等。 Regulations of the People’s Republic of China for the Administration of Product Quality Certification was promulgated in May 1991 by the State Council to stipulate the main objective, nature, administration, certification requirements and procedures, certification bodies and penalties, etc.
The Development of China Certification and Accreditation
国家认证认可监督管理委员会 总工程师 刘卫军
Mr. LIU Weijun, Chief Technical Supervisor Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA) 2009年10月13日 Oct.13,2009
Development course
● 1993年2月,《中华人民共和国产品质量法》颁布,明确质量认证制 度为国家的基本质量监督制度。 Law of the People's Republic of China on Product Quality was promulgated in Feb 1993 to specify quality certification as an essential national quality supervision system.
5、中国的认证认可发展与国际同步 In pace with international c源自文库rtification and accreditation
6、当前中国认证认可工作的重点 Highlights and priorities at current stage
Development course
● 1981年4月,建立了第一个产品认证机构, 中国电子元器件认证委员会。 CCEE was established as the first product certification body in Apr. 1981.
● 1983年启动实验室认可制度。 Laboratory accreditation system was launched in 1983.
● 2001年国家认监委成立 CNCA was established in 2001.
● 2003年《中华人民共和国认证认可条例》颁布 Regulations on certification and accreditation of the People’s
● 1989年8月,《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法》颁布实施,明确在进 出口商品领域开展质量认证工作。 Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection was promulgated in Aug.1989 to set up quality certification system in import/export commodities.
Main Structure
1、发展历程 Development course
2、中国现行的认证认可管理制度 Current management system
3、管理和实施机构 Regulatory authorities and implementation agencies
4、中国认证认可主要实践成果 Main achievements
中国认证认可制度逐步进入到法治化轨道。 China certification and accreditation system has gradually entered into a stage ruled by laws and regulations.
Development course
Development course
● 1988年12月,《中华人民共和国标准化法》颁布实施,明确实施质量认 证工作等。 Standardization Law of the People’s Republic of China was promulgated in Dec. 1988 to set up quality certification system.
● 1994年启动认证机构认可制度。 Accreditation of certification bodies was launched in 1994.
● 1995年启动认证评审员注册制度。 Registration of certification auditors was launched in 1995. 此后,中国各类产品认证、体系认证和服务认证以及中国的认可工作 随着中国市场经济发展和中国不断融入国际经济体系之中而不断完善 发展。 Various kinds of certification for product, management system and service as well as accreditation have been constantly improved together with the development of market economy in China and China’s integration into the world economic system.