亚洲各国货币符号国别货币名称货币符号辅币进位制中文英文原有旧符号标准符号中国香港港元HongKong Dollars HK$HKD 1HKD=100cents(分)中国澳门澳门元Macao Pataca PAT.;P. MOP 1MOP=100avos(分)中国人民币元Renminbi Yuan RMB¥CNY 1CNY=10 jao(角)1 jao=10 fen(分)朝鲜圆Korean Won KPW 1KPW=100分越南越南盾Vietnamese Dong D. VND 1VND=10角=100分日本日圆Japanese Yen ¥;J.¥JPY 1JPY=100 sen(钱)老挝基普Laotian Kip K. LAK 1LAK 1LAK=100 ats(阿特)柬埔寨瑞尔Camboddian Riel CR.;J Ri. KHR 1KHR=100 sen(仙)菲律宾菲律宾比索Philippine Peso Ph.Pes.; Phil.P. PHP 1PHP=100 centavos(分)马来西亚马元Malaysian Dollar M.$;Mal.$MYR 1MYR=100 cents(分)新加坡新加坡元Ssingapore Dollar S.$SGD 1SGD=100 cents(分)泰国泰铢Thai Baht (Thai Tical) BT.;Tc. THP 1THP=100 satang(萨当)缅甸缅元Burmese Kyat K. BUK 1BUK=100 pyas(分)斯里兰卡斯里兰卡卢比Sri Lanka Rupee S.Re. 复数:S.Rs. LKR 1LKR=100 cents(分)马尔代夫马尔代夫卢比Maldives Rupee M.R.R; MAL.Rs. MVR 1MVR=100 larees(拉雷)印度尼西亚盾Indonesian Rupiah Rps. IDR 1IDR=100 cents(分)巴基斯坦巴基斯坦卢比Pakistan Pupee Pak.Re.;P.Re. 复数:P.Rs. PRK1PRK=100 paisa(派萨)印度卢比Indian Rupee Re.复数:Rs. INR 1INR=100paise(派士)(单数:paisa)尼泊尔尼泊尔卢比Nepalese Rupee N.Re.复数:N.Rs. NPR 1NPR=100 paise (派司)阿富汗阿富汗尼Afghani Af. AFA 1AFA=100 puls(普尔)伊朗伊朗里亚尔Iranian Rial RI. IRR 1Irr=100 dinars(第纳尔)伊拉克伊拉克第纳尔Iraqi Dinar ID IQD 1IQD=1000 fils(费尔)叙利亚叙利亚镑Syrian Pound £.Syr.; £.S. SYP 1SYP=100 piastres(皮阿斯特)黎巴嫩黎巴嫩镑Lebanese Pound £L. LBP 1LBP=100 piastres(皮阿斯特)约旦约旦第纳尔Jordanian Dinar J.D.; J.Dr. JOD 1JOD=1,000 fils(费尔)沙特阿拉伯亚尔Saudi Arabian Riyal S.A.Rls.; S.R. SAR 1SAR=100qurush (库尔什)1qurush=5 halals(哈拉)沙特里科威特科威特第纳尔Kuwaiti Dinar K.D. KWD 1KWD=1,000 fils(费尔)巴林巴林第纳尔Bahrain Dinar BD. BHD 1BHD=1,000 fils(费尔)卡塔尔卡塔尔里亚尔Qatar Riyal QR. QAR 1QAR=100 dirhams(迪拉姆)阿曼阿曼里亚尔Oman Riyal RO. OMR 1OMR=1,000 baiza(派沙)阿拉伯也门也门里亚尔Yemeni Riyal YRL. YER 1YER=100 fils(费尔)民主也门也门第纳尔Yemeni Dinar YD. YDD 1YDD=1,000 fils(费尔)土耳其土耳其镑Turkish Pound (Turkish Lira) £T. (TL.) TRL 1TRL=100 kurus(库鲁)塞浦路斯塞浦路斯镑Cyprus Pound £C. CYP 1CYP=1,000 mils(米尔)欧洲各国货币符号国别货币名称货币符号辅币进位制中文英文原有旧符号标准符号欧洲货币联盟欧元Euro EUR EUR 1EUR=100 euro cents(生丁)冰岛冰岛克朗Icelandic Krona(复数:Kronur)I.Kr. ISK 1ISK=100 aurar(奥拉)丹麦丹麦克朗Danish Krona(复数:Kronur)D.Kr. DKK 1DKK=100 ore(欧尔)挪威挪威克朗Norwegian Krone(复数:Kronur)N.Kr. NOK 1NOK=100 ore (欧尔)瑞典瑞典克朗Swedish Krona(复数:Kronor)S.Kr. SEK 1SEK=100 ore(欧尔)芬兰芬兰马克Finnish Markka (or Mark) MK.;FM.; FK.;FMK. FIM 1FIM=100 penni(盆尼)俄罗斯卢布Russian Ruble (or Rouble) Rbs. Rbl. SUR 1SUR=100 kopee(戈比)波兰兹罗提Polish Zloty ZL. PLZ 1PLZ=100 groszy(格罗希)捷克和斯洛伐克捷克克朗Czechish Koruna Kcs.; Cz.Kr. CSK 100 Hellers=(赫勒)匈牙利福林Hungarian Forint FT. HUF 1HUF=100 filler(菲勒)德国马克Deutsche Mark DM. DEM 1DEM=100 pfennig(芬尼)奥地利奥地利先令Austrian Schilling Sch. ATS 1ATS=100 Groschen(格罗申)瑞士瑞士法郎Swiss Franc SF.;SFR. CHF 1CHF=100 centimes(分)荷兰荷兰盾Dutch Guilder(or Florin) Gs.;Fl.;Dfl.; Hfl.;fl. NLG 1NLG=100 cents (分)比利时比利时法郎Belgian Franc Bi.;B.Fr.; B.Fc. BEF 1BEF=100 centimes (分)*卢森堡卢森堡法郎Luxembourg Franc Lux.F. LUF 1LUF=100 centimes(分)英国英镑Pound, Sterling £;£Stg. GBP 1GBP=100 new pence(新便士)爱尔兰爱尔兰镑Irish pound £.Ir. IEP 1IEP=100 new pence(新便士)法国法郎French Franc F.F.;Fr.Fc.; F.FR. FRF 1FRF=100 centimes(分)西班牙比塞塔Spanish Peseta Pts.;Pes. ESP 1ESP=100 centimos(分)葡萄牙埃斯库多Portuguese Escudo ESC. PTE** 1PTE=100 centavos(分)意大利里拉Italian Lira Lit. ITL 1ITL=100 centesimi(分)***马耳他马耳他镑Maltess Pound £.M. MTP 1MTP=100 cents(分)1Cent=10 mils(米尔)南斯拉夫南斯拉夫新第纳尔Yugoslav Dinar Din.Dr. YUD 1YUD=100 paras (帕拉)罗马尼亚列伊Rumanian Leu(复数:Leva)L. ROL 1ROL=100 bani(巴尼)保加利亚列弗Bulgarian Lev(复数:Lei)Lev. BGL 1BGL=100 stotinki(斯托丁基)阿尔巴尼亚列克Albanian Lek Af. ALL 1All=100 quintars(昆塔)希腊德拉马克Greek Drachma Dr. GRD 1GRD=100 lepton(雷普顿)or lepta (雷普塔)美洲各国货币符号货币名称货币符号标准符号辅币进位制国别中文英文原有旧符号加拿大加元Canadian Dollar Can.$CAD 1CAD=100 cents(分)美国美元U.S.Dollar U.S.$USD 1USD=100 cent(分)墨西哥墨西哥比索Mexican Peso Mex.$MXP 1MXP=100 centavos(分)危地马拉格查尔Quatemalan Quetzal Q GTQ 1GTQ=100 centavos(分)萨尔瓦多萨尔瓦多科朗Salvadoran Colon ¢SVC 1SVC=100 centavos(分)洪都拉斯伦皮拉Honduran Lempira L. HNL 1HNL=100 centavos(分)尼加拉瓜科多巴Nicaraguan Cordoba CS NIC 1NIC=100 centavos(分)哥斯达黎加哥斯达黎加科朗Costa Rican Colon ¢CRC 1CRC=100 centavos(分)巴拿马巴拿马巴波亚Panamanian Balboa B. PAB 1PAB=100 centesimos(分)古巴古巴比索Cuban Peso Cu.Pes. CUP 1CUP=100 centavos(分)巴哈马联邦巴哈马元Bahaman Dollar B.$BSD 1BSD=100 cents(分)牙买加牙买加元Jamaican Dollars $.J. JMD 1JMD=100 cents(分)海地古德Haitian Gourde G.;Gds. HTG 1HTG=100 centimes(分)多米尼加多米尼加比索Dominican Peso R.D.$DOP 1DOP=100 centavos (分)特立尼达和多巴哥特立尼达多巴哥元Trinidad and Tobago Dollar T.T.$TTD 1TTD=100 cents(分)巴巴多斯巴巴多斯元Barbados Dollar BDS.$BBD 1BBD=100 cents(分)哥伦比亚哥伦比亚比索Colombian Peso Col$COP 1COP=100 centavos (分)委内瑞拉博利瓦Venezuelan Bolivar B VEB 1VEB=100 centimos(分)圭亚那圭亚那元Guyanan Dollar G.$GYD 1GYD=100 cents(分)苏里南苏里南盾Surinam Florin S.Fl. SRG 苏1SRG=100分秘鲁新索尔Peruvian Sol S/. PES 1PES=100 centavos(分)厄瓜多尔苏克雷Ecuadoran Sucre S/. ECS 1ECS=100 centavos(分)巴西新克鲁赛罗Brazilian New Cruzeiro G Gr.$BRC 1BRC=100 centavos (分)玻利维亚玻利维亚比索Bolivian Peso Bol.P. BOP 1BOP=100 centavos(分)智利智利比索Chilean Peso P. CLP 1CLP=100 centesimos(分)阿根廷阿根廷比索Argentine Peso Arg.P. ARP 1ARP=100 centavos(分)巴拉圭巴拉圭瓜拉尼Paraguayan Guarani Guars. PYG 1PYG=100 centimes (分)乌拉圭乌拉圭新比索New Uruguayan Peso N.$UYP 1UYP=100 centesimos(分)非洲各国货币符号货币名称货币符号标准符号辅币进位制国别中文英文原有旧符号埃及埃及镑Egyptian Pound £E.;LF. EGP 1EGP=100 piastres(皮阿斯特)=1,000 milliemes(米利姆)利比亚利比亚第纳尔Libyan Dinar LD. LYD 1LYD=100 piastres(皮阿斯特)=1,000 milliemes(米利姆)苏丹苏丹镑Sudanese Pound £S. SDP 1SDP=100 piastres(皮阿斯特)=1,000 milliemes(米利姆)突尼斯突尼斯第纳尔Tunisian Dinar TD. TND 1TND=1,000 milliemes(米利姆)阿尔及利亚阿尔及利亚第纳尔Algerian Dinar AD. DZD 1DZ=100 centimes (分)摩洛哥摩洛哥迪拉姆Moroccan Dirham DH. MAD 1MAD=100 centimes(分)毛里塔尼亚乌吉亚Mauritania Ouguiya UM MRO 1MRO=5 khoums(库姆斯)塞内加尔非共体法郎African Financial Community Franc C.F.A.F. XOF1XOF=100 centimes(分)上沃尔特非共体法郎African Financial Community Franc C.F.A.F. XOF1XOF=100 centimes(分)科特迪瓦非共体法郎African Financial Community Franc C.F.A.F. XOF1XOF=100 centimes(分)多哥非共体法郎African Financial Community Franc C.F.A.F. XOF1XOF=100 centimes(分)贝宁非共体法郎African Financial Community Franc C.F.A.F. XOF1XOF=100 centimes(分)尼泊尔非共体法郎African Financial Community Franc C.F.A.F. XOF1XOF=100 centimes(分)冈比亚法拉西Gambian Dalasi D.G. GMD 1GMD=100 bututses(分)几内亚比绍几内亚比索Guine- Bissau peso PG. GWP 1GWP=100 centavos (分)几内亚几内亚西里Guinean Syli GS. GNS 辅币为科里cauri,但50科里以下舍掉不表示;50科里以上进为一西里。
爱藏网征购旧纸币,生肖邮票,各种邮票,金银币,大炮筒,连体钞,纪念币等藏品稳步升值的1965年十元人民币1965年十元人民币由中国人民银行发行于1966年1月10日纸币上表现的年号为1965年,它于 2000年7月1日停用,从而退出流通市场,这张人民币的规格为157毫米x72毫米,面值为10元。
Dimensions of CNY70 in mm95 11345www.vishay.Document Number 83751Ozone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operatingsystems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively. Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical design and may do so without further notice. Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Telefunken products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Telefunken against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyTelephone: 49 (0)7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 (0)7131 67 2423Document Number 83751。
C N Y民币是指中国人民银行成立后于1948年12月1日首次发行的货币,建国后为中华人民共和国法定货币,至1999年10月1日启用新版为止共发行五套,形成了包括纸币与金属币、普通纪念币与贵金属纪念币等多品种、多系列的货币体系。
人民币在ISO 4217简称为CNY (China Yuan),不过更常用的缩写是RMB(Ren Min Bi);在数字前一般加上“¥”表示人民币的金额。
Optocoupler, Phototransistor Output, Very High Isolation VoltageDESCRIPTIONThe CNY6XST, the high isolation voltage SMD version optocouplers consist of a phototransistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared-emitting diode in a 4 pin plastic package.The single components are mounted opposite one another, providing a distance between input and output for highest safety requirements of > 3 mm.VDE STANDARDSThese couplers perform safety functions according to the following equipment standards:•DIN EN 60747-5-2 (VDE 0884)Optocoupler for electrical safety requirements•IEC 60065Safety for mains-operated electronic and related household apparatus•VDE 0160Electronic equipment for electrical power installation FEATURES•Rated recurring peak voltage (repetitive)V IORM = 1450 V peak•Thickness through insulation ≥ 3 mm•Creepage current resistance according toVD E 0303/IEC 60112 comparative trackingindex: CTI≥ 475•Moisture sensitivity level MSL4-Follow defined storage and solderingrequirements•Compliant to RoHS D irective 2002/95/EC and in accordance to WEEE 2002/96/ECNote**Please see document “Vishay Material Category Policy”: /doc?99902APPLICATIONS•Solar and wind power diagnostic, monitoring, and communication equipment•Welding equipment•High voltage motors•Switch-mode power supplies•Line receiver•Computer peripheral interface•Microprocessor system interface•Circuits for safe protective separation against electrical shock according to safety class II (reinforced isolation): - for appl. class I to IV at mains voltage ≤ 300 V- for appl. class I to IV at mains voltage ≤ 600 V- for appl. class I to III at mains voltage ≤ 1000 V according to DIN EN 60747-5-2 (VDE 0884) AGENCY APPROVALS•DIN EN 60747-5-2 (VDE 0884) (pending)•UL1577, file no. E76222 system code H, J, and K (pending)•VDE related features:- rated impulse voltage (transient overvoltage), V IOTM = 12 kV peak- isolation test voltage (partial discharge test voltage), V pd = 2.8 kV peakABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITION SYMBOL VALUE UNITINPUTReverse voltage V R5VForward current I F75mA Forward surge current t p≤ 10 μs I FSM 1.5APower dissipation P diss120mW Junction temperature T j100°C OUTPUTCollector emitter voltage V CEO32VEmitter collector voltage V ECO7VCollector current I C50mA Collector peak current t p/T = 0.5, t p≤ 10 ms I CM100mAPower dissipation P diss130mW Junction temperature T j100°C COUPLERAC isolation test voltage CNY64AxxxST t = 1 min V ISO8.2kV RMSDC isolation test voltage CNY65AxxxST t = 1 s V ISO13.9kVTotal power dissipation P tot250mW Ambient temperature range T amb- 55 to + 85°CStorage temperature range T stg- 55 to + 100°C Soldering temperature 2 mm from case, ≤ 10 s T sld260°CNote•Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operational sections of this document. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods of the time can adversely affect reliability.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITION SYMBOL MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT INPUTForward voltage I F = 50 mA V F 1.32 1.6V Junction capacitance V R = 0, f = 1 MHz C j50pF OUTPUTCollector emitter voltage I C = 1 mA V CEO32V Emitter collector voltage I E = 100 μA V ECO7V Collector emitter leakage current V CE = 20 V, I F = 0 mA I CEO200nA COUPLERCollector emitter saturation voltage I F = 10 mA, I C = 1 mA V CEsat0.3VCut-off frequency V CE = 5 V, I F = 10 mA, R L = 100 Ωf c110kHz Coupling capacitance f = 1 MHz C k0.3pFNote•Minimum and maximum values are testing requirements. Typical values are characteristics of the device and are the result of engineering evaluation. Typical values are for information only and are not part of the testing requirements.Note•According to D IN EN 60747-5-2 (see figure 2). This optocoupler is suitable for safe electrical isolation only within the safety pliance with the safety ratings shall be ensured by means of suitable protective circuits.Fig. 1 - Safety Derating DiagramFig. 2 - Test Pulse Diagram for Sample Test According toDIN EN 60747-5-2 (VDE 0884); IEC60747-5-5CURRENT TRANSFER RATIO (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONPART SYMBOL MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT I C /I F V CE = 5 V, I F = 5 mACNY64ST CTR 50300%CNY65ST CTR 50300%CNY64AYST CTR 50150%CNY65AYST CTR 50150%CNY64ABST CTR 80240%CNY65ABST CTR 80240%CNY64AGRST CTR 100300%CNY65AGRSTCTR100300%SAFETY AND INSULATION PARAMETERSPARAMETERTEST CONDITION PARTSYMBOL MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Partial discharge test voltage -routine test100 %, t test = 1 sV pd 2.8kV Partial discharge test voltage -lot test (sample test)t Tr = 60 s, t test = 10 s,(see figure 2)V pd 2.2kV Insulation resistanceV IO = 500 V, T amb = 25 °CR IO 1012ΩV IO = 500 V, T amb = 100 °C R IO 1011ΩV IO = 500 V, T amb = 150 °C (construction test only)R IO 109ΩForward current I si120mA Power dissipation P so 250mW Rated impulse voltage V IOTM 12kV Safety temperatureT si150°CTracking resistance(comparative tracking index)Insulation group IVa CTI475Minimum external tracking (creepage distance)Measured frominput pins to output pinsCNY64ST ≥ 9.5mm CNY65ST≥ 14mmFig. 3 - Test Circuit, Non-Saturated Operation Fig. 4 - Test Circuit, Saturated OperationFig. 5 - Switching TimesSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICSPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Delay time V S = 5 V, I C = 5 mA, R L = 100 Ω, (see figure 3)t d 2.6μs Rise time V S = 5 V, I C = 5 mA, R L = 100 Ω, (see figure 3)t r 2.4μs Fall time V S = 5 V, I C = 5 mA, R L = 100 Ω, (see figure 3)t f 2.7μs Storage time V S = 5 V, I C = 5 mA, R L= 100 Ω, (see figure 3)t s 0.3μs Turn-on time V S = 5 V, I C = 5 mA, R L = 100 Ω, (see figure 3)t on 5μs Turn-off time V S = 5 V, I C = 5 mA, R L = 100 Ω, (see figure 3)t off 3μs Turn-on time V S = 5 V, I F = 10 mA, R L = 1 k Ω, (see figure 4)t on 25μs Turn-off timeV S = 5 V, I F = 10 mA, R L = 1 k Ω, (see figure 4)t off42.5μsTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)Fig. 6 - Total Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature Fig. 7 - Forward Current vs. Forward VoltageFig. 8 - Collector Current vs. Collector Emitter Voltage (NS)Fig. 9 - Collector Current vs. Collector Emitter Voltage Fig. 10 - Leakage Current vs. Ambient Temperature Fig. 11 - Normalized CTR (sat) vs. Ambient TemperatureFig. 12 - Normalized CTR (NS) vs. Ambient Temperature Fig. 13 - Normalized CTR (NS) vs. Forward Current Fig. 14 - Normalized CTR (sat) vs. Forward CurrentFig. 15 - F CTR vs. Collector CurrentFig. 16 - F CTR vs. Phase AngleFig. 17 - Switching Time vs. Load ResistanceSOLDERING GUIDLINESSoldering ConditionThe CNY64AxST, CNY65AxST are lead (Pb)-free devices. They are suitable for reflow soldering. However due to large package size, the peak package body temperature should not go above 245 °C.DrypackD evices are packed in moisture barrier bags (MBB) to prevent moisture absorption during transportation and storage. Each bag contains a desiccant bag.Floor LifeFloor life (time between soldering and removing from MBB) must not exceed the time indicated on MBB label:Floor life: 72 hConditions: T amb < 30 °C, RH < 60 %Moisture sensitivity level 4, according to J-STD-020. DryingIn case of moisture absorption devices should be baked before soldering according to the recommended conditions shown below48 h at 125 °C ± 5 °C, RH < 5%(Not suitable for tape and reel)In case the floor time has not exceeded 10 days the units can be baked in tape and reel according to the following conditions168 h at 60 °C ± 5 °C, RH < 5 %(Not suitable, if the floor time was exceeded by more than 10 days, or the allowed factory condition is exceeded)PACKAGE DIMENSIONS in millimeters FOR CNY64AxxxSTPACKAGE DIMENSIONS in millimeters FOR CNY65AxxxSTPACKAGE MARKING (example)Note•The “T” at the end of the product designation is not marked on the packageTAPE DIMENSIONS in millimeters FOR CNY65AxxxSTREEL DIMENSIONS in millimetersLegal Disclaimer Notice VishayDisclaimerALL PRODU CT, PRODU CT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SU BJECT TO CHANGE WITHOU T NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively,“Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability.Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and/or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein.Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify and hold Vishay and its distributors harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, expenses and damages arising or resulting in connection with such use or sale, including attorneys fees, even if such claim alleges that Vishay or its distributor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.Material Category PolicyVishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereb y certifies that all its products that are identified as RoHS-Compliant fulfill the definitions and restrictions defined under Directive 2011/65/EU of The European Parliament and of the Council of June 8, 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) - recast, unless otherwise specified as non-compliant.Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC conform to Directive 2011/65/EU.Revision: 12-Mar-121Document Number: 91000芯天下--/。
5 橄榄绿 130mm×63mm 西湖 兰花
正面右下方 2000.10.16 10;8 9;/
正面右下方 2001.9.1 10;10 9;/
正面右下方 2002.11.18 9;9 8;/
正面右下方 2004.7.30 /;7 8;8
正面左侧空白处 正面左侧空白处 正面左侧空白处 正面左侧空白处 3 1 1 RMB20 20 长度适当缩短 长度适当缩短 RMB10 10 长度适当缩短 RMB5 RMB1和人民币 5/
1角 19毫米 不锈钢/铝合金 兰花 2000.10.16 圆柱平面
5元 蓝色 长江巫峡
10元 红色 珠穆朗玛峰
50元 蓝色 黄河壶口
100元 红色 井冈山 毛泽东浮雕头像固定水印 黑色全埋式
1角 红色
古钱币满版水印 农民头像固定水印 工人头像水印
2角 红色
5角 红色
11;10 9;8 横号码 正面左下方 正面左侧空白处 3 5 50
第五人民币硬币 直径 材质(05/99) 背面主景 外缘边部滚字 发行时间(99) 丝齿段;段间丝齿数 外缘
1元 25毫米 钢芯镀镍 菊花 RMB 2000.10.16
5角 20.5毫米 钢芯镀铜 荷花 2002.11.18 6,8
第四套人民币纸币 冠字号码颜色 背面主景图案 胶印正背对印图案 水印 安全线
1元 蓝色 长城 模拟团花 古钱币满版水印
2元 蓝色 南海南天一柱 古钱币满版水印
20 棕色 145mm×70mm 桂林山水 荷花 /;RMB20 蓝黑色 140mm×70mm 长江三峡 月季花
10 紫色 135mm×63mm 泰山 水仙花
100 红色 155mm×77mm 人民大会堂 毛泽东 ¥100;RMB100 红色、黑色;黑色、蓝色 绿变蓝 正面右下方 1999.10.1 全埋式 11;10 9;8 正面左下方 正面左侧空白处 3 5 100 长度适当缩短 长度适当缩短 绿色 150mm×70mm 布达拉宫 毛泽东 ¥50;RMB50 /;黑色、红色 金变绿 正面右下方 2001.9.1
帆船版 广发藏品 背景图案:花符 发行时间:1949.1.10 背面主色:绿色 正面图案:帆船 规格:115×56 正面主色:蓝 停用时间:1955.5.10 牧羊版 背景图案:花符
1955年3月1日公布发行的第二套人民币共10种,1分、2分、3分、1角、2角、5角、1元、2元、3元和5元, 1957年12月1日又发行10元1种。同时,为便于流通,国务院发布命令,自1957年12月1日起发行1分、2分、5分 三种硬币,与纸分币等值流通。后来,对1元纸币和5元纸币的图案、花纹又分别进行了调整和更换颜色,于1961 年3月25日和1962年4月20日分别发行了黑色1元券和棕色5元券,使第二套人民币的版别分别由开始公布的11种增 加到16种。1964年4月14日,中国人民银行发布了《关于收回三种人民币票券的通告》,决定从1964年4月15日开 始限期收回苏联代印的1953年版的3元、5元和10元纸币,1964年5月15日停止收兑和流通使用。
01 纪念币
03 版本
02 新版 04 流通
五元人民币是中华人民共和国的法定货币,元是它的最基础单位。其正式的ISO 4217简称为CNY(China Yuan),不过国际上更常用的缩写是RMB(Ren Min Bi);在数字前一般加上“¥”表示人民币的金额。
第三套人民币是1962年开始发行的。当时,我国经过了连续三年经济困难时期,在党中央以"调整、巩固、 充实、提高"八字方针指引下,克服重重困难,大力发展生产,使国民经济开始恢复和发展,国家财政金融状况逐 渐好转。为了促进工农业生产发展和商品流通,方便群众使用,经国务院批准,中国人民银行于1962年4月20日 开始发行第三套人民币。第三套人民币和第二套人民币比价为1:1,即第三套人民币和第二套人民币票面额等值, 并在市场上混合流通。
1、手摸鉴别法 真币纸张有挺度,抖动能 发出很清脆的响声,钞纸油墨层有凹凸感。 假纸张挺度差,纸质松软,抖动的声音比 较沉闷,钞纸油墨层没有凹凸感。
2、眼看鉴别法 真币主要特征:整个票面 的人物、风景、图案、花纹、颜色清晰, 套印、接线准确,水印头像迎光透视,层 次分明,浮雕立体感强,水印造纸中形成 的。 假币主要特征:整个票面颜色浑浊不 清,套 接线不准确。特别是机制图案线条 均是由多色网点组成线条,水印头像是无 色油墨在票面上印成假钞水印的轮廓线, 迎光透视模糊不清,水印系印制后形成。
8、阴阳互补对印图案。票面正面左下方和背面 右下方均有一圆形局部图案,迎光观察,正背图 案重合并组成一个完整的古钱币图案; 9、雕刻 凹版印刷。票面正面主景毛泽东头像、中国人民 银行行名、盲文及背面主景人民大会堂等均采用 雕刻凹版印刷,用手指触摸有明显凹、凸感; 10、横竖双号码。票面正面采用横竖双号码印 刷(均为两位冠字,八位号码)。横号码为黑色, 竖号码为蓝色。
“TJ55”“AZ88”“WL15”“YX86”冠字号码100 元假币具有以下伪造特征: (1)该四种冠字号码假币均为机制胶印假 币。 (2)纸张光滑较脆,在紫外光下无荧光反 应,纸张中无荧光纤维。 (3)固定人像水印模糊不清、无立体感, 为白色油墨在正面印刷而成。
金融机构在办理业务时发现假币,由该金融机构两名以 上业务人员当面予以收缴。对假人民币纸币,应当面加 盖“假币”字样的戳记;对假外币纸币及各种假硬币, 应当面以统一格式的专用袋加封,封口处加盖“假币” 字样戳记,并在专用袋上标明币种、券别、面额、张 (枚)数、冠字号码、收缴人、复核人名章等细项。收 缴假币的金融机构(以下简称“收缴单位”)向持有人 出具中国人民银行统一印制的《假币收缴凭证》,并告 知持有人如对被收缴的货币真伪有异议,可向中国人民 银行当地分支机构或中国人民银行授权的当地鉴定机构 申请鉴定。收缴的假币,不得再交予持有人。
第三套人民币第三套人民币于1962年4月20日发行,共有 1角、2角、5角、1元、2元、5元、10元7种面额、13种版别,其中1角券别有4种(包括1种硬币),2角、5角、1元有纸币、硬币2种。
统一发行第一套人民 币是为迎接全国解放采取的 一项重大措施,它清除了国 民党政府发行的各种货币, 结束了国民党统治下几十年 通货膨胀和中国近百年外币、 金银币在市场流通买卖的历 史,促进了人民解放战争的 全面胜利,在建国初期经济 恢复时期发挥了重要作用。 第一套人民币于1955年5月 15日起停止流通。
基准价是主要货币才有, 如美元、英镑、欧元、日元、 港元等。买入、卖出价是从银 行的角度来看的。你向银行售 汇时,对于银行来说是买入, 叫买入价;你向银行换汇,银 行是卖出,叫卖出价;而计算 外汇牌价时,取两者的平均数, 叫中间价。还有一个叫钞买价 (也叫现钞买入价或钞价), 是你向银行售外币现金的价格。 因为银行买入外币现金的成本周转大于外汇,所以钞买价远低于汇 买价。银行除贷款赚钱外,还赚这卖出和买入外汇的差价。
发 行 简 史
第一套人民币1948年12月1日--1953年12月陆续 发行。 第二套人民币1955年3月1日--1962年4月20日陆 续发行。
第三套人民币1962年4月20日--1974年1月5日陆 续发行。
第四套人民币1987年4月27日--1998年9月22日 陆续发行。 第五套人民币1999年9月28日以后发行。
现钞是具体的、实在的 外国纸币、硬币。现汇指由 国外汇入或从国外携入的外 币票据,通过转账的形式, 入到个人在银行的账户中。 当客户要把现钞转移出境时, 可以通过携带方式或汇出。 但是当客户采取“汇出”时, 由于现钞有实物的形式,银 行必须将其出运至国外,运 输费用将由客户承担,表现 可见现钞不能变成等额的现汇,如 为“钞卖汇买"(客户卖出现 果要把现钞变成现汇,客户将在外汇金 钞、买入现汇)。 额上遭受一定的损失。
1965年10元人民币正面寓意的文案范文模板以及概述1. 引言1.1 概述本篇长文将详细探讨1965年10元人民币正面寓意的文案。
1.2 文章结构为了更好地展现研究内容,本文将按照以下结构组织:第2部分:正文,包括背景介绍、设计特点分析和寓意解读。
1.3 目的本文的目的在于对1965年10元人民币正面寓意进行深入剖析,并揭示其中蕴含的历史价值和时代特征。
2. 正文:2.1 背景介绍:在1965年,中国人民银行发行了一种面额为10元的人民币,正面图案为工农兵三个劳动者形象。
2.2 设计特点分析:1965年10元人民币正面采用了简洁而富有力量感的设计风格。
点字简宋651. 简介点字简宋65是一种盲文字体,用于辅助盲人阅读。
2. 起源点字简宋65起源于中国,由中国盲文协会研发。
3. 特点点字简宋65具有以下几个主要特点:3.1. 简化相比传统盲文字体,点字简宋65采用了一种更为简化的点位表示方法。
3.2. 易学易用点字简宋65的点位规则相对简单,易于学习和掌握。
3.3. 兼容性点字简宋65可以与其他类型的盲文字体兼容。
3.4. 可扩展性点字简宋65具有良好的可扩展性。
4. 使用情况点字简宋65在中国盲文教育和文化领域得到广泛应用。
4.1. 盲文教育点字简宋65是中国盲文教育中的重要组成部分。
4.2. 盲文出版点字简宋65广泛应用于盲文出版物中。
4.3. 盲文互联网随着互联网的发展,点字简宋65也逐渐应用于盲文互联网领域。
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CNY64/ CNY65/ CNY66Document Number 83540Vishay SemiconductorsOptocoupler, Phototransistor Output, Very High Isolation VoltageFeatures•Rated isolation voltage (RMS includes DC) V IOWM = 1000 V RMS (1450 V peak)•Rated recurring peak voltage (repetitive) V IORM = 1000 V RMS•Thickness through insulation ≥ 3 mm•Creepage current resistance according to V DE 0303/IEC 60112 C omparative T racking I ndex: CTI ≥ 200•Lead-free component•Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/EC and WEEE 2002/96/ECAgency Approvals•UL1577, File No. E76222 System Code H,J &K, Double Protection•DIN EN 60747-5-2 (V DE0884)DIN EN 60747-5-5 pending •V DE related features:•Rated impulse voltage (transient overvoltage)V IOTM = 8 k V peak•Isolation test voltage (partial discharge test volt-age) V pd = 2.8 k V peakApplicationsCircuits for safe protective separation against electri-cal shock according to safety class II (reinforced iso-lation):For appl. class I - I V at mains voltage ≤ 300 V For appl. class I - I V at mains voltage ≤ 600 VFor appl. class I - III at mains voltage ≤ 1000 V accord-ing to DIN EN 60747-5-2(V DE0884)/ DIN EN 60747-5-5 pending, table 2, suitable for:Switch-mode power supplies, line receiver, computer peripheral interface, microprocessor system inter-face.Order InformationDescriptionThe CNY64/ CNY65/ CNY66 consist of a phototrans-istor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared-emitting diode in a 4-pin plastic package.The single components are mounted opposite one another, providing a distance between input and out-put for highest safety requirements of > 3 mm.VDE StandardsThese couplers perform safety functions according to the following equipment standards:DIN EN 60747-5-2(V DE0884)/ DIN EN 60747-5-5pendingOptocoupler for electrical safety requirementsIEC 60950/EN 60950Part RemarksCNY64CTR 50 - 300 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN CNY65CTR 50 - 300 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN CNY66CTR 50 - 300 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN CNY64A CTR 63 - 125 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN CNY65A CTR 63 - 125 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN CNY64B CTR 100 - 200 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN CNY65BCTR 100 - 200 %, High Isolation Distance, 4 PIN Document Number 83540CNY64/ CNY65/ CNY66Vishay SemiconductorsOffice machines (applied for reinforced isolation for mains voltage≤ 400 V RMS)VDE 0804Telecommunication apparatus and data processingIEC 60065Safety for mains-operated electronic and related household appa-ratusVDE 0700/IEC 60335Household equipmentVDE 0160Electronic equipment for electrical power installationVDE 0750/IEC 60601Medical equipmentAbsolute Maximum RatingsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedStresses in excess of the absolute Maximum Ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the operational sections of this document. Exposure to absolute Maximum Rating for extended periods of the time can adversely affect reliability.InputOutputCouplerParameterTest conditionSymbol V alue Unit Reverse voltage V R 5V Forward current I F 75mA Forward surge current t p ≤ 10 µsI FSM 1.5A Power dissipation P diss 120mW Junction temperatureT j100°CParameterTest conditionSymbol V alue Unit Collector emitter voltage V CEO 32V Emitter collector voltage V ECO 7V Collector current I C 50mA Collector peak current t p /T = 0.5, t p ≤ 10 msI CM 100mA Power dissipation P diss 130mW Junction temperatureT j100°CParameterTest conditionSymbol V alue Unit AC isolation test voltage (RMS)t = 1 minV ISO 8.2k V Total power dissipation P tot 250mW Ambient temperature range T amb - 55 to + 85°C Storage temperature range T stg - 55 to + 100°C Soldering temperature2 mm from case, t ≤ 10 s T sld260°CCNY64/ CNY65/ CNY66Document Number 83540Vishay SemiconductorsElectrical CharacteristicsT amb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedMinimum and maximum values are testing requirements. Typical values are characteristics of the device and are the result of engineering evaluation. Typical values are for information only and are not part of the testing requirements.InputOutputCouplerCurrent Transfer RatioMaximum Safety Ratings(according to DIN EN 60747-5-2(V DE0884)/ DIN EN 60747-5-5 pending) see figure 1 This optocoupler is suitable for safe electrical isolation only within the safety ratings.Compliance with the safety ratings shall be ensured by means of suitable protective circuits.InputOutputParameterT est conditionSymbol MinT yp.Max Unit Forward voltage I F = 50 mA V F 1.25 1.6V Junction capacitanceV R = 0, f = 1 MHzC j50pFParameterT est conditionSymbol Min T yp.MaxUnit Collector emitter voltage I C = 1 mA V CEO 32V Emitter collector voltage I E = 100 µA V ECO 7V Collector-emitter leakage currentV CE = 20 V , I f = 0I CEO200nAParameterT est conditionSymbol MinT yp.Max Unit Collector emitter saturation voltageI F = 10 mA, I C = 1 mA V CEsat 0.3V Cut-off frequency V CE = 5 V , I F = 10 mA, R L = 100 Ωf c 110kHz Coupling capacitancef = 1 MHzC k0.3pFParameterT est conditionPartSymbol Min T yp.Max Unit I C /I FV CE = 5 V , I F = 10 mACTR 50300%CNY64A CTR 63125%CNY65A CTR 63125%CNY64B CTR 100200%CNY65B CTR100200%ParameterT est conditionSymbol MinT yp.Max Unit Forward currentI F120mAParameterT est conditionSymbol MinT yp.Max Unit Power dissipationP diss250mW Document Number 83540CNY64/ CNY65/ CNY66Vishay Semiconductors CouplerInsulation Rated ParametersParameterTest conditionSymbol MinTyp.Max Unit Rated impulse voltage V IOTM 8k V Safety temperatureT si150°CParameterTest conditionSymbol Min Typ.Max Unit Partial discharge test voltage - Routine test100 %, t test = 1 s V pd 2.8k V Partial discharge test voltage - Lot test (sample test)t T r = 60 s, t test = 10 s, (see figure 2)V IOTM 8k V V pd 2.2k V Insulation resistanceVIO = 500 V , T amb = 25°C R IO 1012ΩV IO = 500 V , T amb = 100°C R IO 1011ΩV IO = 500 V , T amb = 150°C(construction test only)R IO109ΩFigure 1. Derating diagram02550750255075100125150175200T amb (°C )9510922Figure 2. Test pulse diagram for sample test according to DIN EN60747-5-2(V DE0884)/ DIN EN 60747-; IEC6074713930V IOTMV Pd V IOWM VCNY64/ CNY65/ CNY66Document Number 83540Vishay SemiconductorsSwitching CharacteristicsParameterT est conditionSymbol Min T yp.Max Unit Delay time V S = 5 V , I C = 5 mA, R L = 100 Ω (see figure 3)t d 2.6µs Rise time V S = 5 V , I C = 5 mA, R L = 100 Ω (see figure 3)t r 2.4µs Fall time V S = 5 V , I C = 5 mA, R L = 100 Ω (see figure 3)t f 2.7µs Storage time V S = 5 V , I C = 5 mA, R L = 100 Ω (see figure 3)ts 0.3µs T urn-on time V S = 5 V , I C = 5 mA, R L = 100 Ω (see figure 3)t on 5.0µs T urn-off time V S = 5 V , I C = 5 mA, R L = 100 Ω (see figure 3)t off 3.0µs T urn-on time V S = 5 V , I F = 10 mA, R L = 1 k Ω (see figure 4)t on 25.0µs T urn-off timeV S = 5 V , I F = 10 mA, R L = 1 k Ω (see figure 4)t off42.5µsFigure 3. Test circuit, non-saturated operation Figure 4. Test circuit, saturated operation95 10900R G = 50 t pt p = 50 P T= 0.01adjusted throughinput amplitudeI FOscilloscope R L t 1 M W C L d 20 pFI II9510843R G =50t pt p =50T=0.01I F 0Oscilloscope R L ≥C L 20pFΩM 1≤µFigure 5. Switching Times10%I FI C t p pulse duration t d delay time t rrise time t on (=t d +t r )turn-on timet s storage time t ffall time t off (=t s +t f )turn-off time Document Number 83540CNY64/ CNY65/ CNY66Vishay SemiconductorsTypical Characteristics (Tamb = 25 °C unless otherwise specified)Figure 6. Total Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature Figure 7. Forward Current vs. Forward V oltage Figure 8. Relative Current Transfer Ratio vs. AmbientTemperature255075100P –T o t a l P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (mW )t o t T amb –Ambient Temperature (°C )95110030.1110100100000. F -Forward Voltage (V )9611862F I -F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (m A )–30–20–1001020304050607080T amb –Ambient T emperature (°C )9611911C T R –R e l a t i v e C u r r e n t Tr a n s f e r R a t i o r e l Figure 9. Collector Dark Current vs. Ambient TemperatureFigure 10. Collector Current vs. Forward CurrentFigure 11. Collector Current vs. Collector Emitter V oltage11010010000102030405060708090100T amb –Ambient T emperature (°C )9612000I –C o l l e c t o r D a r k C u r r e n t ,C E O w i t h o p e n B a s e (n A)0.11101I –C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t (m A )C I F –Forward Current (mA )10095110120.11101V CE –Collector Emitter Voltage (V )1009511013I –C o l l e c t o r C u r r e n t (m A )CCNY64/ CNY65/ CNY66Document Number 83540Vishay SemiconductorsFigure 12. Collector Emitter Saturation V oltage vs. CollectorCurrentFigure 13. Current Transfer Ratio vs. Forward CurrentFigure 14. Turn on / off Time vs. Forward Current110100I C –Collector Current (mA )9611912V –C o l l e c t o r E m i t t e r S a t u r at i o n V o l t a g e (V )C E s a t0.1110110C T R –C u r r e n t T r a n s f e r R a t i o (%)IF –Forward Current (mA )100951101551015010********I F -Forward Current (mA )209511017t /t -T u r n o n /T u r n o f f T im e (µ s )o f f o n Figure 15. Turn on / off Time vs. Collector Current246I C -Collector Current (mA )109511016058t /t -T u r n o n /T u r n o f f T i m e (µ s )o f f o n Document Number 83540CNY64/ CNY65/ CNY66Vishay SemiconductorsPackage Dimensions in mmPackage Dimensions in mmCNY64/ CNY65/ CNY66Document Number 83540Vishay SemiconductorsPackage Dimensions in mm Document Number 83540CNY64/ CNY65/ CNY66Vishay SemiconductorsOzone Depleting Substances Policy StatementIt is the policy of V ishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution andoperatingsystems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. V arious national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.V ishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively2.Class I and II ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively.V ishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use V ishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify V ishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personaldamage, injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use.V ishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyTelephone: 49 (0)7131 67 2831, Fax number: 49 (0)7131 67 2423。