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1,During the whole evening his eyes didn’t stop follow me,(也没停止支使我).

Nor did he order me about

2,Nowadays more and more people(更愿意使用信用卡)than pay in cash.

Prefer to use a credit card rather

3,We must be friendly to others but we must also find ways of (保护自己不被伤害).

Protecting ourselves from injuring

4,Having spent some time in the city ,he had no t rouble (找到区历史博物馆的路).

Finding the way to history museum

5, The sport s meet ,originally due to be held last Friday ,was finally(由于天气不好被取消).

Cancelled due to the bad weather

6,(他们刚坐下)in their seat s in the theater when the curt ain went down.

The moment they settled down

7,They(采取有效措施)to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. Take active measures

8,Last year the advertising rate(上升了20%).

Went up t went y percent.

9,The clothes a person wear may express(他的身份和社会地位).

His st atus and social position

10,(为了挣钱供我上学),mother often t akes on more work than is good for her.

In order to make money to server my education

11,There are other problems which I don’t propose to(目前调查).

Go into at the moment

12,Some ol d people don’t like pop songs become they can’t(忍受如此多的噪音).

They can't tolerate so much noise

13,The new appoint ment of our president(从下学期开始生效). Takes effect from the very beginning of the next semester.

14,Frequently single-parent children(承担一些义务)that the absent adult In the house woul d have served t aken some duties.

Takes on some of the duties

15,I woul d(不会诉诸法律) if I hadn’t been so desperate.

Have not appeal to the law

16,(他的抱负之一)is to become the president of the Mother General. One of his ambitions

17,The product is(物美价廉).

Good in qualit y and low in price

18,The beaut y of the West Lake in Hangzhou is (我无法用语言表达),

More than I can describe in words

19,I have no objection(再听听你的故事).

To hearing your story again

20,(正是由于他太没有经验)that she does not know how to deal with the situation.

It’s is just because she is so inexperienced

21,A healthy life is frequently thought to be(欲开阔的乡村和自家种的食物联系在一起).

Associated with the open countryside and homegrown food

22,If only the committee would approve the regulations and(尽快付诸实施).

Put into effect as soon as possible

23,My father seemed to(没有心情) to look at my school report.

Be in no mood

24,I’d(考虑他的信誉)with other farmers and business people in the community and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.

Take into account his reput ation

25, Thomas Jeff son and John A dons died on July 4th 1826(第五个美国独立日周年纪念日).

The fifth anniversary of American independence

26,In preparing scientific report s of laboratory experiment s a student s
