
故宫 The Forbidden City天坛 The Temple of Heaven颐和园 The Summer Palace长城 The Great Wall北海公园 Beihai Park故宫博物院 the Palace Museum革命历史博物馆 The Museum of Revolutionary History紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Falls龙门石窟 Longmen Cave苏州园林 Suzhou Gardens庐山 Lushan Mountain天池 Heaven Poll大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda华山 Huashan Mountain峨眉山 Emei Mountain西湖 West Lake布达拉宫 Potala Palace滇池 Dianchi Lake杜甫草堂 Du Fu Cottage都江堰 Dujiang Dam鼓浪屿 Gulangyu Islet岳阳楼 Yueyang T ower黄鹤楼 Yellow Crane Tower圆明园 The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan安徽黄山 Mount Huang of Anhui长江三峡 the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River台湾日月潭 the Sun and Moon Lake of Taiwan陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑 Terra Cotta Warriors观前街 Guan Qian Walk Street北寺塔 North Temple Pagoda枫桥 Feng Bridge仓浪亭 Changlang Pavilion木渎古镇 Historic T own of MuDu or Mudu,a Town of Ancient gardens严家花园 Yans Garden灵严山 Lingyen Mountain天平山 Tianpin Mountain.新疆 Xinjiang天池 Tianchi Lake卡纳斯湖 Kanas Lake吐鲁番 Turpan丝绸之路 Silk Road Tour巴音布鲁克草原 Bayanbulak Grassland苏州 Suzhou拙政园 Zhuozheng or the Humble Administrator's Garden狮子林 Shizilin留园 Liuyuan or Lingering Garden沧浪亭 Canglangting or the Surging Wave Pavilion网师园 Wangshiyuan环秀山庄 Huanxiushanzhuang Garden虎丘山 the Tiger Hill枫桥 Fengqiao Bridge盘门 Panmen寒山寺 Cold Mountain Temple角直 Luzhi Town双桥 Shuangqiao Bridges杭州Hangzhou断桥 Broken Bridge西湖 West Lake三潭映月 Three Pools Mirroring the Moon岳飞祠 Yue Fei Temple六和塔 Six Harmonies Pagoda保俶塔 Baoshu Pagoda花港观鱼 Fish Wonder at Huagang Crook西泠印社 Xiling Seal Club黄龙洞 Yellow Dragon Cave灵隐寺 Lingyin Temple or Temple of Soul's Retreat飞来峰 Carved Stone Statues on Peak Flown From Afar 千岛湖 Thousand-Island Lake严子陵钓鱼台 Yan Ziling's Fishing Platform天目山 Tianmu Mountains富春江 Fuchun River桂林 Guilin七星岩 Seven-star Park漓江 Li River骆驼山 Camel Hill花桥 Flower Bridge张家界 Zhang Jiajie桂林山水 Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters十三陵 The Ming T ombs秦始皇陵 The Emperor Qin Shihuang's Tomb天安门广场 Tian'anmen Square人民英雄纪念碑 The Monument to the People's Heroes 毛主席纪念堂 Chairman Mao Memorial Hall人民大会堂 The Great Hall of the People。

1.从跨文化意识角度看旅游景点名称的英译——以衡阳旅游景点名称的英译为例[J], 王再玉;蒋柿红
2.庐山风景区英语导游拾零--浅谈庐山景点名称的英译 [J], 邹德庸
3.生态翻译学视角下杭州西湖景点名称英译解读 [J], 王雪芹
4.体现文化内涵是景点名称翻译的首要原则--浅谈澳门历史城区景点名称的翻译[J], 胡敏
5.体现文化内涵是景点名称翻译的首要原则——浅谈澳门历史城区景点名称的翻译(英文) [J], 胡敏

杭州西湖英文导游词及翻译杭州西湖英文导游词及翻译杭州西湖导游词英文篇一:HANGZHOU---The Heaven on Earth--------By Day Day The Great“It’s the most wonderful place in the world, where makes you feel in the heaven”, the famous Italy traveler Macro Polo describes the HangZhou in his memory. The saying goes that in China---Above is heaven, below is HangZhou. The reputation of HangZhou lies in the picturesque West Lake. The lake is beautiful all year round, and the poet in Song dynasty named DongPo Su highly praised the scenery. Travelling in the West Lake, you can also wander along the street, try the delicious dessert, and purchase some local products.The Su dam and White dam are of the most famous scenic spots in China. They divided the lake into halves, seemed like two fluttering green ribbons, surrounded by mountain and forests with some house lets. There are there islands in the center of the lake: RuanGong, HuXin, and YingZhou.HangZhou is one of the six ancient capitals in China, and it last 2,000 years history. Not only famous for the Natural scenery and Cultural charm, but also for its delicacy, crafts, and calligraphy of historical figures.As the Silk City of China, there are all kinds of silk products; tapestry is the especially beautiful one among them. Other specialties are black-paper-fans, silk umbrella, and West Lake Longjing Tea.Generally, the appropriate time for going sightseeing near the West Lake in HangZhou should be two days, and the travelprovides you with cheerful mood and cultural enjoyment.【原文】杭州---人间天堂意大利的著名旅行家马可·波罗曾这样叙述他印象中的杭州:“这是世界上最美妙迷人的城市,他使人觉得自己是在天堂。

关于旅游景点英语单词:西湖十景Ten Views of the West Lake断桥残雪Melting Snow at Broken Bridge平湖秋月Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake曲院风荷Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard双峰插云Twin peaks piercing Clouds苏堤春晓Spring Dawn at Su Causeway三潭印月Three pools mirroring the moon花港观鱼Viewing Fish at flower harbor南屏晚钟Evening bell at Nanping hill雷峰夕照Sunset glow at Leifeng pagoda柳浪闻莺Orioles singing in the willows新西湖十景Ten New Views of the West Lake宝石流霞Precious stone hill floating in rosy clouds黄龙吐翠Yellow Dragon cave dressed in green满垅桂雨Sweet osmanthus rain at Mannjuelong虎跑梦泉Dream of the tiger spring九溪烟树Nine creeks in misty forest龙井问茶Enjoying tea at dragon well云栖竹径Bamboo-lined path at Yunqi玉皇飞云Flying clouds over jade Emperor hill吴山天风Sky wind over Wu Hill阮墩环碧Ruan Gong islet submerged in greenery孤山Solitary hill楼外楼LOU wailou restaurant英文介绍旅游景点Tibet 西藏Tibet, a rich and beautiful land, is located at the main part of Qinghai-Tibet plateau, south-West frontier of China. The total area of the Tibet Autonomous Region is 1,200,000 square kilometers and its population is 2320,000.The average altitude of Tibet is above 4000 meters.Tibet is the most large and highest plateau in the world.The unique geographical conditions bring its special snow scenery into being.Tibet history,culture,and religion are just as enchanting and colorful.And it may be this combination of the ingenuity of nature,the art of man,and the vicissitudes of history that has endowed the Tibetan people with the strength and fortitude to pursue life and happiness so zealously,fanatically,and unremittingly along a path fraught with difficulties but full of hope.Its antiquated traditional culture and Buddhism of Tibet have formed its unique.Three gorges of Yangtse river 长江三峡Three gorges of yangtse river is a shortened form of Qutang gorge、Wu gorge and west-ling gorge.These three gorges located on middle reaches of Yangtse river,through Chongqing and Hubei province.Three gorges are very grand、beautiful and extremely dangerous.Three gorges scenery spots preserve a lot of places of historic interest and key point of interest such as:Baidi city,old plank road built along a cliff,Huangling temple ,xiao Three gorges,shibao stockeded village,zhangfei temple ,etc.Tourists can be organized together to tour Three gorges thoughChengdu from many places.Several kinds of luxury ship and luxury suites are available.The ship for tour will send out every day.Yunnan Tour 云南It’s a place with full of tempt,fantasy and dreams .The place is Sun-valley,and where it is? In a world of fairy tales or in realities?Lijiang old city,with little bridges,flowing water,friendly peoples ,is a little town in a region of rivers and lakes in area south of yangtse river.It’s typical styles are flowing water and wee ping willow in every families……Without destroyed by modern industrial culture,it’s a natural beautiful place.It’s a paradise,virgin land for tourists.It is “Red Land”Emei mountain 娥眉山Emei mountain is situated in Sichuan province in southwestern China,156 kilometers from Chengdu,spending 1.5 hours through thruway.Since Jin dynasty,it is puxian place where Buddhism rites are performed,and it’s one of four most famous Buddhism mountains,with more than one thousand years of culture.With many mountains in rapid sequence ,age-old trees,natural falls and spring,Emei mountain have wonderful and amusing scenery.Emei mountain is famous tour key point of interest,and has been embodied as World Heritage of nature and culture by UNESCO in 1996.Black Bamboo valley 黑竹沟The scenic spot of Black bamboo valley located in Yi race Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan,its area is 180 square kilometers.With original nature sights,fairy entironment,rare species,attractive sights,Black bamboo valley is sported by many domestic and oversea media,and attracts attentions all over the world.The scenic spot has been accepted as key point of interest of Sichuan province and as natural reserve preserve of Sichuan,and now is applying for national key point of interest and national reserve preserve.Jiuzhai valley 九寨沟In 1978 the State Council approved to Create a national reserve here,to protect the unique ecosystems and precious Wildlife.In 1992,UNESCO accepted the reserve as a World Heritage Site。

旅游景点翻译Travel Destinations Translation (700 words)中国拥有许多令人惊叹的旅游景点,每个景点都具有独特的美丽和文化魅力。
长城 (The Great Wall)长城是中国最有名的旅游景点之一,被誉为世界七大奇迹之一。
故宫 (The Forbidden City)故宫是位于北京市中心的一座古老宫殿,以其丰富的历史和建筑风格而闻名。
西湖 (West Lake)西湖是位于杭州市的一个风景如画的湖泊,被列为世界文化遗产。
兵马俑 (The Terracotta Warriors and Horses)兵马俑是位于陕西省的一个重要考古发现,是一座巨大的古代坟墓。
丽江 (Lijiang)丽江是一个位于云南省的古老城市,被列为世界文化遗产。
桂林 (Guilin)桂林是位于广西壮族自治区的一个美丽城市,被誉为“山水之城”。

Lasting for a long time. 贫贱之交
Friends in tough time.
很多邯郸成语本身就是历史故事的简要概括。 在现代汉语中,这类成语的本意在人们心中已经留 下深深的印记,人们往往使用 它们的喻意来形容某 类现象。在旅游语境中这些形象应该保留还 是舍去 呢?由于邯郸成语文化的唯一性,有时直译形象难 以引起目 标语读者的共鸣,译者可以把喻意作为注 释放在译文后面。这种翻译方法既保留了丰富多彩 的源语文化色彩,又加深了译语读者对原文的理解, 兼顾了源语文化在译语中的构建和译文的流畅。 八仙过海 The eight fairies crossed the sea The eight fairies of Taoism in Chinese folk lore
Windy Lotus in the Winding Courtyard Lotus in Breeze in the Crooked Courtyard Breeze-ruffled Lotus in the Yeast Courtyard Breeze–ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden
BY 张璇
景点名称翻译 ——以西湖十景为例
Three Pools Mirroring the Moon Three Pools Reflecting the Moon Three Pagodas Reflecting Moons Three Pagodas Reflecting Thirty Moons Pools and Pagodas Sharing the Mirrored Moons Santan Yinyue


景点命名探讨———谈“西湖十景”名称之启示作者:严柳来源:《现代园艺·下半月园林版》 2018年第10期“西湖十景”是指浙江省杭州市著名旅游景点西湖及其周边的十处特色风景。
1 景名名称直观,包含景观要素,景如其名,景名合一,让游客感觉名副其实将“西湖十景”的名称、景观要素、景观特色列表分析(见表1),名称很直观,包含景观要素,让游客闻名就知其景点有什么景观。
2 景名名称突出景观特色,令人如临其境,如见其形“西湖十景”在名称就突出其景点的特色,每个听到景名的人几乎不需要专业导游,就知道什么时候赏什么景色(见表1)。

自秦设县以来,已有2 200多年的历史,更有"上有天堂,下有苏杭"的美誉。
(3)禁止作用 [1 ]。
比如,在雷峰塔景区的全景指示牌中(一般设置在景区的总入口处或各景点相交口处,主要用于介绍景区布局以及各景点之间的接线、距离和游览的路线等 [2-4 ]),可以看到Bus Waiting Spot(for the elder&handicapped)字样,用"()"来表示限制的人群,译为残疾人、老人候车处;Stuff Only译为闲人免进,等等。

世界遗产委员会(World Heritage Committee)对西湖的评价是:“数百年来,西湖景区对中国其他地区乃⾄⽇本和韩国的园林设计都产⽣了影响,在景观营造的⽂化传统中,西湖是对天⼈合⼀这⼀理想境界的阐释。
下⾯就来看看⼤名⿍⿍的“西湖⼗景”(Ten Scenes of West Lake)的英⽂说法。
苏堤春晓:Dawn on the Su Causeway in Spring
曲院风荷:Wine-making Yard and Lotus Pool in Summer
平湖秋⽉:Moon over the Peaceful Lake in Autumn
断桥残雪:Remnant Snow on the Bridge in Winter
雷峰⼣照:Leifeng Pagoda in the Sunset
柳浪闻莺:Orioles Singing in the Willows
花港观鱼:Fish Viewing at the Flower Pond
三潭印⽉:Moon and Candlelight Mirrored in the Lake
南屏晚钟:Evening Bell Ringing at the Nanping Hill
双峰插云:Two Peaks Piercing the Clouds。

杭州著名景点之英语介绍,学英语必备Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province and the local political, economic and cultural center. The West Lake is undoubtedly the most renowned landmark, noted for the scenic beauty that blends naturally with many famous historical and cultural sites. Take a stroll along the causeway by the lake; you’ll feel the peaceful ethos of the city and better understand its time-honored fame as 'Heaven on Earth'.杭州是浙江省的省会,也是当地的政治、经济和文化中心。
West Lake (Xi Hu) 西湖'Sunny water waves its glow, Misty rain tricks the hill.Plainly or gaily decked out like Xi Zi, West Lake is always alluring.'水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。
These are the words composed by the famous Song Dynasty poet Su Dongpo (960-1127). In this poem, he compared the West Lake to Xi Zi, one of the four beauties in ancient China. These poetic sentiments depict the charm of the lake which has always been a beautiful and romantic spot since ancient times.这是宋代诗人苏东坡所写的词。

Translation of the names of Chinese scenic spots 景点名称的翻译方法
1. 音译 2. 意译
3. 音意兼译
4. 音意双译
将地点名称直接用拼音标注,是地名翻译中最简 单的一种,也是最常用的一种方法 Shanghai,Hangzhou 但是景点名称的翻译一般不宜简单采用普通地名 单一的音译法 太和殿---Tai He Dian 乾清宫---Qian Qing Gong 雁荡山---Yan Dang Shan。
1.意译:专名和通名均 意译,即意译+意译 a.虎丘 b.十三陵 d.故宫 2.音译兼意:专名音译, 通名意译,即音译+意译 a.太和殿 b.黄山 3音译和意译相结合 a.大观园 b.怡红院
Tiger Hill Ming Tombs the Imperial Palace Taihedian Hall HuangshanMountain Daguanyuan(Grand view garden) Yihongyuan(Happy red court)
12.高山译为 Mountain,如“太行山 Taihang Mountain”或“Mt. Taihang”。比 较小的山、山丘等译为 Hill, 如“万寿山 Longevity Hill”。 13.岛 Island 14.桥 Bridge 再例如:岩(crag, cliff)) 、峰(peak)、石 (stone)、 江(river)、河(river)、溪 (stream)、湖 (lake)、 海 (sea)、池 (pond)、泉(spring )、 岛 (islet, isle,island)

杭州各项英文名景点英文名:西湖十景Traditional Top Ten:苏堤春晓Spring Dwan at Su Causeway平湖秋月Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake花港观鱼Viewing Fish at Flower Pond柳浪闻莺Orioles Singing in the Willows三潭印月Three Pools Mirroring the Moon双峰插云Twin Peaks Piercing in Cloud南屏晚钟Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill雷峰夕照Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow曲院风荷Breeze-ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden断桥残雪Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge新西湖十景New Top Ten:虎跑梦泉Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao Valley龙井问茶Enjoying Tea at Dragon Well九溪烟树Nine Creeks Meandering through a Misty Forest云栖竹径Bamboo-lined Path at Yunqi宝石流霞Precious Stone Hill Floating in Rosy Cloud玉皇飞云Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill满陇桂雨Sweet Osmanthus Rain at Manjuelong Village吴山天风HeavenlyWind over Wu Hill阮墩环碧Ruan Gong Islet Submerged in Greenery 黄龙吐翠Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green其他地名:京杭大运河Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal灵隐寺Lingyin Temple南山路South Hill Road湖滨Lakeside黄龙体育中心Yellow Dragon Sports Centre未来世界Future World Park杭州乐园Hangzhou Park河坊街Hefang Street钱塘江Qiantang River中河立交桥Zhonghe Multidimensional Highway杭州特产:杭州丝绸Hangzhou silk西湖绸伞West Lake silk nmbrella张小泉剪刀Zhang Xiaoquan scissors王星记扇子Wangxingji fans西湖龙井West Lake Longjing Tea西湖藕粉West Lake lotus root powder杭州名菜:干炸响铃Stir-Fried Beancurd Rolls Stuffed with Minced Tenderloin 西湖莼菜汤West Lake Water Shield Soup西湖醋鱼West Lake Fish in Vinegar Sauce南肉春笋Home-made Salted Pork with Spring Bamboo Shoots叫化童子鸡Beggar’s Chicken龙井虾仁Fired Shelled Shrimps with Dragon Well Tea糟烩鞭笋Braised Bamboo Shoots in Wine Sauce东坡肉Dongpo Pork宋嫂鱼羹Sister Song’s Fish Broth鱼头豆腐Fish Head and Beancurd Soup猫耳朵Cat’s Ear(Cat-ear Shaped Noodle)吴山酥油饼Wushan Hill Crisp Cake葱包桧儿Shallot Stuffed Pancake片儿川Pian Er Chuan(Noodles with Preserved Vegetable,Sliced Pork,and Ba mboo Shoots in Soup)。

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宫 (palace), 殿/堂(hall)、 亭(pavilion)、 楼 (tower,mansion)、 阁 (tower, pavilion)、 塔 (pagoda)、 桥 (bridge)、 园(garden)、 庙/寺(temple)、 陵(mausoleum)、 植物园(Botanical Garden)、 故居(former residence)、 纪念馆(Memorial Hall)
Evening bell at Nanping hill
10、三潭印月 Three pools mirroring the moon
Translation of the names of Chinese scenic spots 景点名称的翻译方法
1. 音译 2. 意译
3. 音兼意译
4. 音意双译
c. 专有名词再次修饰 有些专有名词,特别是江河湖海,港湾峡关
等,再次作为修饰成分来限定某个地名和地区时, 往往把前面的专有名词视为一个整体,采用音译 的方法将其译出,然后再加上后面的被限定成分。 例如洞庭湖区:Dongtinghu District, 武夷山自然保 护区Wuyishan Nature Reserve.
西湖十景(Ten Views of the West Lake)
Spring Dawn at Su Causeway
Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard
Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake
如:黄鹤楼: Yellow Crane Tower 龟山: Tortoise Hill

Badaling Great wall
Chengde Summer Resort
a. 单音节专名+单音节通名 在翻译中将两个词全部音译,然后再加上通名
鲁镇 Luzhen Town
the Changjiang River
如东海---the East Sea.
如:黄鹤楼: Yellow Crane Tower 龟山: Tortoise Hill
1)专名音译,通名意译(直译) 茅盾故居 Maodun’s Former Residence
Tian’anmen Square
Heavenly-peace Square
Practise :
意译(free translation)
“从意义出发,只要求将原文大意表达出来;不注意细 节,译文自然流畅即可,意译不注意原作形式包括句 法结构、用词、比喻及其他手段。” • 太和殿 • 乾清宫 • 养心殿 • 象鼻山 • 城隍庙 • 三潭印月 • Hall of Great Harmony; • Palace of Heavenly Purity; • Hall of Mental Cultivation • the Elephant Hill • The Temple of Town God • Three pools mirroring the moon
1.意译:专名和通名均 意译,即意译+意译 a.虎丘 b.十三陵 d.故宫 2.音译兼意:专名音译, 通名意译,即音译+意译 a.太和殿 b.黄山 3音译和意译相结合 a.大观园 b.怡红院
Tiger Hill Ming Tombs the Imperial Palace Taihedian Hall HuangshanMountain Daguanyuan(Grand view garden) Yihongyuan(Happy red court)

旅游景点 Scenic spotsWest Lake 西湖Linying Temple 灵隐寺Yue’s Tomb 岳庙Future world 未来世界Song Dynasty Town 宋城Yellow Dragon Cave 黄龙洞Taizi Bend 太子湾公园Xiling Seal-Engravers’ Society 西泠印社Hangzhou Recreational Park 杭州乐园Oriental Culture Park 东方文化园Households in the Hills 山里人家Kuahu Bridge Cultural Site 跨湖桥文化遗址Renmin Square 人民广场Liangzhu Culture Museum 良渚文化博物馆Spring Dawn ath Su Causeway 苏堤春晓Bamboo-Lined Path at Yunqi 云栖竹径Breeze-ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden 曲苑同荷Sweet Osmanthus Rainat Manjuelong Village 满陇桂雨Autumn Moon over the Clam Lake 平湖秋月Dreaming of Tiger Springat Hupao Valley 虎跑梦泉Malting Snow at Broken Bridge 断桥残雪Inquiring About Tea at Dragon Well 龙井问茶Orioles Singing in the Willows 柳浪闻莺Nine Greeks Meandering Through a Misty Forest 九溪烟树Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor 花港观鱼Heavenly Wind over Wu Hill 吴山天风Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow 雷峰夕照Ruan Gong Islet Submerged in Greenery 阮墩环碧Twin Peaks Piercing the Cloud 双峰插云Yellow Dragon Cave Dressed in Green 黄龙吐翠Evening Bell Ringing at Nan ping Hill 南屏晚钟Clouds Scurrying over Jade Emperor Hill 玉皇飞云Three Pools Mirroring the Moon 三潭印月Precious Stone Hill 宝石流霞。

西湖十景英语导游词【篇一:西湖十景英文】1. spring dawn on the su causeway(苏堤春晓)2. orioles singing in the willows (柳浪闻莺)3. viewing fish at flower pond(花港观鱼)4. winery yard and lotus pool (曲苑风荷)5. evening bell ringing at the nanping hill (南屏晚钟)6. autumn moon over the calm lake (平湖秋月)7. leifeng pagoda in evening glow(雷峰夕照)8. three pools mirroring the moon (三潭印月)9. lingering snow on the broken bridge (断桥残雪)10. twin peaks piercing the clouds (双峰插云)ripping water shimmering on sunny day,misty mountains shrouded the rain;plain or gaily decked out like xizi;west lake is always alluring.these are the words used by the celebrated song dynasty poet su dongpo (960-1127) to describe hangzhous west lake. the west lake scenic zone lies in hangzhou city in northern zhejiang province, encompassing an area of 6 square kilometers. west lake is an elliptical landscape with a water surface of5.66 square kilometers, and a circumference of 15 km. it is nota big lake in terms of its geographical area, but it has a long history and full of sensational legends.history of west lakeoriginally a shallow sea inlet, due to the laying down of silt, the six square kilometers (1483 acres) of water eventually became todays west lake. in middle of the zhenyuan era (785-804), tang dynasty, poet bai juyi came to hangzhou as governor. already as an accomplished poet, his deeds at hangzhou made him a great governor. he realized that the farmland nearby depended on the water of west lake, but due to negligence of former governors, the old dyke had collapsed, the water level of west lake dried out, and the local farmers suffered severe drought. he ordered the construction of a stronger and taller dyke, with a dam to control the flow ofwater, and thus solved the drought problem. the livelihood of local people of hangzhou improved over the following years. now that bai juji had more leisure time to enjoy the beauty of west lake, he visited west lake almost every day. he orderedthe construction of a causeway connecting the broken bridge with the solitary hill, to facilitate walking on foot, instead of depending on boat. then he planted peach trees and willows trees along the dyke, making it a beautiful landmark of west lake. this causeway was later named bai di causeway in bai juyis honour.over two hundred years later, at the beginning of song dynastys yuanyou era (1086-1094), another great poet, su shi (su dongpo), came to hangzhou as governor. by that time, the farmers suffereddrought again, due to overgrowth of the weeds at the bottomof the lake clogging the irrigation ducts. he ordered dredgingof the lake and piled up all the mud into another causeway, in the style of bai causeway, but much wider and nearly three times as long, he also planted willow trees along its banks. this causeway was later named after him as the su causeway. there are six bridges along the 2.6 km su causeway. spring dawn on the su causeway is one of the attractions at the west lake.main scenic places of attractionsan old chinese saying declares, there is heaven above, suzhou and hangzhou below. this is most evident in the west lake area -- the effective, if not geographic, center of hangzhou. the famous scenic spots of west lake include: su causeway, and bai causeway, which have partitioned the lake into inner, outer and back lakes, gushan (the solitary hill), xiaoyingzhou (small fairy island), huxin ting (mid-lake pavilion), ruangong dun (a mount after a provincial governor ruangong), etc.. in combination with the surrounding hills and streams, they make up the west lake beautiful scenery. it is, also covered in luxuriant vegetation, is dotted with myriad of halls, towers, terraces, pavilions, pagodas, grottoes and temples, which were barely visible under the dense foliage of surrounding woods. the lake is embraced by emerald hills covered with lush forests, grotesque rocks, gullies and intriguing streams. they are so colorful and picturesque!1. first is the spring dawn at su causeway, which is a thinstrip of land nearly three kilometers long, covered with peach and weeping willow trees. in spring, with the lakeside sparkling in the morning dew, birds cheerfully chirping among swaying willow branches, the scent of peach blossoms wafting through the air, you‘ll question whether youre in the midst of paradise.2. then comes the lotus in the breeze at crooked courtyard. this typical west lake scene has earned its fame since the southern song dynasty, when the lakeside area with an abundant growth of lotus off its shores was known as crooked courtyard, and was the location of a brewery. people said the smell of lotus flowers and wine blended by the cool lake breezes was intoxicating. nowadays the brewery is gone, and the area has been turned into a big park, but plenty of lotus plants still bloom off its shores. they stand gracefully erect in the lake, as if they knew they had visitors coming to admire their beauty.3. the next listed on the ten scenic itineraries is the autumn moon on calm lake. at the western end of bai causeway is located a lakeside park which houses a stone tablet bearing the etched calligraphy of emperor kangxi of the qing dynasty, which reads: autumn moon on calm lake. the lake is a special place to appreciate the moon and the effect of moonlight on the land. the moon seems especially bright over the waters. the hills look purplish bathed in the moonlight. the best time for nighttime viewing is on mid-autumn day.4. leifeng pagoda is another renowned scenic spot in hangzhou. originally built in the 10th century, leifeng pagoda used to stand in front of jingxi temple on nanping mountain; though failed to stand the test of time, the pagoda collapsed in early 1900s. in 2002, leifeng pagoda was reconstructed; then comes back the typical sunset glow over leifeng pagoda, one of the ten charms of west lake, as the pagoda looks especially majestic when surrounded by the golden hues of the setting sun. with combination of a traditional aesthetic style and modern architecture techniques, leifeng pagoda affords a view of west lake in its entirety.in recent years, the people of hangzhou have selected ten new scenes of the west lake, as well as built a few new attractions –for example a tea museum, a silk museum, etc. the ten newscenes are beautiful, and the new attractions will leave you with a greater appreciation for the area‘s famous commodities. but if you only have a day, it‘s tough to argue with the tried and true.the west lake is like a shining pearl inlaid on the vast land of china, with beautiful scenery, a multitude of historical sites, brilliant cultural relics, and a profusion of native products. legend has it that the west lake was a heavenly jewel fallen to earth. pragmatists insist that it is a mere lagoon on hangzhous western fringe. in any case, west lake is both a great tourist attraction and a high inspiration for artistic creations.【篇二:杭州新西湖十景导游词】新西湖十景:云栖竹径满陇桂雨虎跑梦泉龙井问茶九溪烟树吴山天风阮墩环碧黄龙吐翠玉皇飞云宝石流霞1. 云栖竹径位于五云山南麓的云栖坞里,为林木茂盛的山坞景观,翠竹成荫,溪流叮咚,清凉无比.长一公里的云栖竹径,两岸翠竹成荫,小径蜿蜒深入,潺潺清溪依径而下,娇婉动听的鸟声自林中传出,整个环境幽静清凉,与闹市相比,格外使人感到恰适轻松,赏心悦目.2. 满陇桂雨,西湖秋游,日赏桂夜赏月.赏桂以南山满觉陇最盛.个桂花是杭州的市花.西湖栽培桂花,盛自唐朝.西湖早期诗篇中每每以桂入诗.桂花都是西湖北山灵隐、天竺一带寺庙所植。
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功能对等理论由美国人尤金·A·奈达(Eugene A Nida)提出,所谓“功能对等”,就是说翻译时不求文字表面的死板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等。
以下就是笔者分析的“西湖十景”的通用英译:1.断桥残雪“断桥残雪”作为南宋西湖十景之一,普遍使用的译文是“Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge ”,采取了直译方法,回译过来就成了断裂的桥上的雪,而断桥所示的意思并非断开,而是由于冬日暖阳朝阳的那节桥上的雪融化,形成了对半分局面,这会很大程度上引起译入语接受者的误解。
英译版本是“Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake”,展示了该景点的特色。
3.曲院风荷译者对该景观的翻译是“Lotus Flower in the Breezing Winding Courtyard”,根据历史记载,曲院原为酿酒作坊,因取池中溪水造酒曲,取名为“曲院”。
对此,该景观的英译应体现两方面苏堤以及时节,为大众所熟知的翻译是“Su Causeway in Spring Dawn”,直接展示了名称而忽略了文化特征。
“Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill”中的“ringing”符合原语表达效果,该目的语忠实于原语,并在动态功能上达成对等,没有刻板的追求语言相等。
“Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds”,该英译中的“twin”用的精准,双峰南高峰与北高峰本就属于同一只山脉,只是遇到西湖而分开,但其实质仍相同。
美国旧金山同样有一座“twin peaks”,译入者更容易接收该目的语传达出的内容。
“Leifeng Pagoda in Evening Glow”,对雷锋塔进行音译,阐释了观赏最佳时间。
“Three Pools Mirroring the Moon”在形式上忠实于原语,可是三潭印月主要指的是那三个石塔倒映在湖面上的光,并没有三个湖面。
市面上的英译版本是“Orioles Singing in the Willows”,虽然译文中提及莺啼和杨柳,但是透过这个译文感知的却是相对静态的画面,而杨柳随风飘扬的动感却不见分毫。
英译版本“Viewing Fish at Flower Pond”达到了翻译原则的忠实、可读以及通顺。
“苏堤春晓”在原文中就采用此种方法“Su Causeway in Spring”,可是笔者认为“Su”在此只是不明,因此,应增译为“Su Causeway in Spring (Su is the chief of this area in Song Dynasty and he built it)”或者“Scholar Su Causeway in Spring”。
“断桥残雪”因许仙与白娘子在此邂逅一段爱情,所以笔者认为“broken”可以改作“melting love bridge”3.音译利用译入语的文字符号再现原语词语的发音。
类似于西湖十景中的“曲院风荷”,笔者认为“曲院”就可英译为“Quyuan Courtyard”。
如“雷锋夕照”的英译采用了此类方法,“Leifeng Pagoda”四.结论本文从翻译目的论和功能对等理论出发,以西湖十景为研究对象,运用翻译方法,对旅游景点名称翻译进行研究。
参考文献[1]陈刚.旅游英汉互译教程[M].上海外语教育出版社,2014-03(5):10-26[2]杨贤玉,乔船代,杨荣广.旅游英语比较与翻译[M].武汉大学出社, 2014-06(1):94-96[3]牛新生.关于旅游景点名称翻译的文化反思——兼论旅游景点翻译的规范化研究[J].中国翻译,2013(03):99-104[4]王奕.论旅游景点的名称英译[J].英语广场,2013(11):31-34[5]时悦.跨文化语境下的杭州“西湖十景”名称翻译[J].赤子,2015(08):248-249[6]周京励,陈盈盈.从功能翻译理论角度看汉英文化差异与西湖景点的翻译[J].现代语文(理论研究版), 2012(10):154-156[7]百度文库.西湖十景[EB/OL]./view/46431.htm(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)。