BRO-0008.7 – HVOF解决方案
气体或液体燃料 欧瑞康美科皆可提供!
选择气体燃料系统还是选择液体燃料系 统取决于很多因素,下面我们将帮助您 作出正确的选择: nn喷涂部件的结构和形状 nn基材成分 nn应用的涂层材料 nn要求的涂层厚度 nn适用客户的涂层规范 nn要求的喷涂表面粗糙度 nn要求的抛光表面粗糙度 nn要求的涂层内部应力 nn所需涂层零件数量 nn喷涂区域大小 nn所需要的公用设备(工艺介质,空
夹持装置: 在所有的或几乎是最简易 的手动操作喷涂系统中,夹持装置对喷 枪和工件的移动以及喷枪相对于工件的 位置进行精确控制。
外围设备: 在大多数情况下,安装 HVOF喷涂设备时需要为喷枪提供水冷 却系统,并且常常需要用压缩空气对工 件的温度进行控制。此外,隔音喷涂房 和空气过滤及除尘系统能够对人员和环 境起到保护作用。
特性 涂层性能优异的HVOF先进技术
采用HVOF技术喷涂的涂层具有优异的 性能,甚至超过其它热喷涂工艺涂层, 包括: nn高致密性: 通常情况下涂层的孔隙
率低于2%,有些甚至低到0. 5%。 nn结合强度高: 例如,采用HVOF工
艺制备的典型碳化物涂层的结合强 度超过69 MPA(10,000 PSI),相 同的材料如采用 HVOF工艺制备涂 层,它的结合强度要大大高于采用 其它热喷涂工艺制备的涂层,例如 大气等离子喷涂工艺。 nn最佳的硬度: 12%碳化钨/钴涂层 显微硬度通常为1100至1350 DPH300。 nn改善的韧性: 由于化学特性及其它
石油化工 玻璃制造
泵部件,闸阀,球阀,阀座,排气管,抽油杆,液压杆, 螺旋输送器
SATAjet 4000 喷枪
雾化带 中央湿润区
+稍湿、稍短的喷幅,类似于SATAjet 3000 B RP 1.2 +适合喷涂银底色漆和清漆粉漆 +喷涂速度和油漆流量与1.2 W 一样
SATAjet 4000 B– 每个细节都尽善尽美
坚固的风帽以黄铜制造并且镀铬, 全新QC快速装卸风帽螺纹, 只需1圈便可装卸风帽
(各油漆公司的喷嘴型号建议或有不同,请向油漆公司查询或参考喷嘴建议表格!) 人体工程学设计 + 全新设计的枪体更符合人体手形 + 重量较SATAjet 3000 B轻15% + 改良的低重心设计令操控更灵活及减轻手腕的疲惫 + 可选数字型号,配合RPS 免洗枪壶使用更轻巧
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten, 3 © 2002-2010 - Copyright SATA GmbH & Co. KG, Kornwestheim, Deutschland
SATAjet 4000 B HVLP 1.3 C 2.0 bar / 29 psi
5 cm (2“)
SATAjet 4000 B HVLP 1.3 2.0 bar / 29 psi
4.5 cm (1.77“)
26 cm (10.2“) 27 cm (10.6“)
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten, 9 © 2002-2010 - Copyright SATA GmbH & Co. KG, Kornwestheim, Deutschland
SATAjet 4000 B HVLP
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten, 7 © 2002-2010 - Copyright SATA GmbH & Co. KG, Kornwestheim, Deutschland
瓦格纳尔静电喷涂机EPG-sprint x使用说明书
72 72 72 73 73 74 75 75 75 76 77 80 81 90 91 91 91
订购号DOC 2333350
1 概述
1.1 前言
概述 前言 本使用说明书中的警告、提示和标志 语言 缩写 符合规定的使用 设备型号 符合规定的使用 在有爆炸危险的区域中使用 安全技术参数 可预见的误用 残余风险 标记 防爆标记 允许的设备组合 一般安全提示 经营者安全注意事项 电气装备和运行设备 工作人员资质 安全的工作环境 工作人员安全注意事项 安全处理WAGNER粉末喷涂设备 设备接地 物料软管 清洁 处理粉末涂料 保护装置和监控装置 安全标识 描述 适用范围 技术数据 允许的附件 供货范围 操作元件 正面的操作元件 EPG-Sprint X的背面接口 安装和启动调试 安装/启动调试人员的资质 存放条件 安装条件 连接手动喷枪 连接自动喷枪 接地 粉末涂装设备的接地
适用于粉末喷枪的通 用控制器
50 60
Tri Cor
5 120
12 5.5 3.0 Tri
2Hale Waihona Puke x80480
11 4.5 1.5
10 3.5 0.5
Graco JGA 504 喷涂枪 (吸入 压缩) 使用手册说明书
JGA CONVENTIONAL SPRAY GUN (SUCTION/PRESSURE)IMPORTANT: Before using this equip-ment, read all safety precautions and instructions. Keep for future use.DESCRIPTIONThe standard JGA-504 spray gun is a general purpose, heavy duty, high production spray gun suitable for use with most types of ma-terials. The fluid passageway is plated brass and aluminum. The fluid tip and needle are300 series stainless steel.Halogenated hydrocarbon solvents - for example; 1, 1, 1 - trichloroeth-ane and methylene chloride - can chemically react with the aluminum in this gun and cause an explo-sion hazard. Read the label or data sheet for the material you intend to spray. Do not use spray materials containing these solvents with this spray gun.Important: This gun may be used with most common coating and finishing materials. It is designed for use with mildly corrosive and nonabrasive materials. If used with other high corrosive or abrasive materials, it must be expected that frequent and thorough cleaning will be required and the necessity for replacement of parts will be increased.INSTALLATION 1.Attach the air supply line to the air inlet (26). An air transformer installed as close as possible to the gun will provide filtered and regulated air.NoteWhen larger diameter air hoses are used, it is advisable to use an 8' or 10' "whip end" or a smaller diameter hose at the gun for greater flexibility or movement.2.Attach the suction feed cup or fluid hose to the material inlet.NoteProtective coating and rust inhibi-tors have been used to keep the gun in good condition prior to shipment. Be-fore using the gun, flush it with solvents so that these materials will be removed from fluid passages.OPERATIONMix, prepare and strain the material to be sprayed according to the paint manufac-turer's instructions.Strain material through a 60 or 90 mesh screen.1. Fill the suction or pressure feed cupwith the material. Do not overfill. Make sure that the cup lid vent hole is clear, if using a suction cup.2.Turn on the gun air at the source of sup-ply. Adjust the atomization air pressure to 35 psi.3.Turn on the supply air to the pressure cup if used.4. Open the spreader adjustment valve(10) (Fan) by turning the valve stem counter-clockwise.5. Open the fluid needle adjusting screw (17) by turning counter-clockwise.6.Spray a test area.If the finish is too sandy and dry, the material flow may be too low for the atomization air pressure being used.If the finish sags, there is too much mate-rial flowing for the atomization air pressure being used.Both of the above can be corrected by increasing or decreasing the atomization air pressure or the material flow. Pattern width can be altered by turning the spreader adjustment valve (10), either clockwise to decrease the width or counter-clockwise to increase the width.See Spray Gun Guide SB-2-001 (latest revi-sion) for details concerning set up of spray guns.PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCETo clean air cap and fluid tip, brush exte-rior with a stiff bristle brush. If necessary to clean cap holes, use a broom straw or toothpick. Never use a wire or hard instru-ment. This may scratch or burr holes causing a distorted spray pattern.To clean fluid passages, remove excess material at source, then flush with a suit-able solvent using a device such as the SolventSaver™ (see Accessories). Wipe gun exterior with a solvent dampened cloth. Never completely immerse in solvent as this is detrimental to the lubricants and packings.NoteWhen replacing the fluid tip or fluid needle, replace both at the same time. Using worn parts can cause fluid leakage. See Charts 1 and 2. Also, replace the needle packing at this time. Lightly lubricate the threads of the fluid tip before reassembling. Torque to 15-20 ft. lbs.Do not overtighten the fluid tip.To prevent damage to the fluid tip (5) or fluid needle (11), be sure to either 1) pull the trigger and hold while tightening or loosening the fluid tip or 2) remove fluid needle adjusting screw (17) to relieve spring pressure against needle collar.ENSERVICE MANUAL IMPORTANT! DO NOT DESTROYIt is the Customer's responsibility to have all operators and service personnel read and understand this manual.Contact your local DeVilbiss representative for additional copies of this manual.READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE OPERATING THIS DEVILBISS PRODUCT.Repair Kit KK-5058-2HAZARD CAUSESAFEGUARDSFire Solvent and coatings can be highly flammable Adequate exhaust must be provided to keep air free of or combustible especially when sprayed. accumulations of flammable vapors. Smoking must never be allowed in the spray area.Fire extinguishing equipment must be present in the spray area.Solvent During use and while cleaning and flushing, Wear eye protection.Spray solvents can be forcefully expelled from fluid and air passages. Some solvents can cause eye injury.Inhaling Toxic Certain materials may be harmful if inhaled, or Follow the requirements of the Safety Data Sheet Substancesif there is contact with the skin.supplied by your coating material manufacturer.Adequate exhaust must be provided to keep the air free ofaccumulations of toxic materials.Use a mask or respirator whenever there is a chanced of inhaling sprayed materials. The mask must be compatible with thematerial being sprayed and its concentration. Equipment must be as prescribed by an industrial hygienist or safety expert, and be NIOSH approved.Explosion Hazard - Halogenated hydrocarbon solvents - for Guns with stainless steel internal passageways may be used Incompatible example; methylene chloride and 1, 1, 1 -with these solvents. However, aluminum is widely used in other Materials Trichloroethane are not chemically compatible spray application equipment - such as material pumps, regula- with the aluminum that might be used in many tors, valves, this gun and cups. Check all equipment items before system components. The chemical reaction use and make sure they can also be used safely with thesecaused by these solvents reacting with solvents. Read the label or data sheet for the material you intend aluminum can become violent and lead to to spray. If in doubt as to whether or not a coating or cleaning an equipment explosion.material is compatible, contact your material supplier.General Safety Improper operation or maintenance of Operators should be given adequate training in the safe use and equipment. maintenance of the equipment (in accordance with the require- ments of NFPA-33, Chapter 15). Users must comply with all local and national codes of practice and insurance company require- ments governing ventilation, fire precautions, operation, main- tenance and housekeeping. These are OSHA Sections 1910.94and 1910.107 and NFPA-33.Cumulative Trauma Use of hand tools may cause cumulative Pain, tingling, or numbness in the shoulder, forearm, wrist, Disorders (“CTD’s”) trauma disorders (“CTD’s”). hands or fingers, especially during the night, may be earlysymptoms of a CTD. Do not ignore them. Should you experience CTD’s, or musculo- CTD's when using hand tools, tend to affect any such symptoms, see a physician immediately. Other early skeletal disorders, the upper extremities. Factors which may symptoms may include vague discomfort in the hand, loss of involve damage to increase therisk of developing a CTD include: manual dexterity, and nonspecific pain in the arm. Ignoring early the hands, wrist,symptoms and continued repetitive use of the arm, wrist and elbows, shoulders, 1. High frequency of the activity.hand can lead to serious disability. Risk is reduced by avoiding neck and back. Carpal 2. Excessive force, such as gripping, pinching, or lessening factors 1-7.tunnel syndrome and or pressing with the hands and fingers.tendinitis (such as 3. Extreme or awkward finger, wrist, or armtennis elbow or positions.rotator cuff 4. Excessive duration of the activity.syndrome) are 5. Tool vibration.examples of CTD’s. 6. Repeated pressure on a body part. 7. Working in cold temperatures.CTD’s can also be caused by such activitiesas sewing, golf, tennis bowling, to name a few.The following hazards may occur during the normal use of this equipment.Please read the following chart before using this equipment.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSThis manual contains information that is improtant for you to know and understand. This information relates to USER SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS. To help you recognize this information, we use the following symbols. Please pay particular attention to these sections.NoteInformation that you should pay special attention to.Important safety information - A hazard that may cause serious injury or loss of life.Important information that tells how to prevent damage to equipment, or how to avoid a situation that may cause minor inury.PROP 65 WARNINGWARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.CA PROP65ENSPRAY GUN LUBRICATIONDaily, apply a drop of spray gun lube at trigger bearing stud (28) and the stem of air valve (20) where it enters air valve assembly. The shank of fluid needle (11) where it enters packing nut (9) should also be oiled. Fluid needle packing (8) should be lubricated periodically. Make sure baffle (6) and retaining ring (3) threads are clean and free of foreign matter. Before assembling retaining ring to baffle, clean the threads thoroughly, then add two drops of spray gun lube to threads. Fluid needle spring (14) and air valve spring (19) should be coated with a very light grease, making sure that any excess grease will not clog the air passages. For best results, lubricate the points indicated, daily.A. Trigger PointsB. PackingC. Adjusting KnobsD. Baffle ThreadsE. Air Valve CartridgePARTS REPLACEMENTFLUID INLET GASKET (32) REPLACEMENT INSTUCTIONS1. Remove fluid inlet adapter (34) withappropriate wrench.2. Clean thread sealant from gun bodyinlet threads and seal area.3. Place gasket (32) squarely onto thefluid inlet adapter and push it downuntil it is flat against the shoulder.4. Use medium strength thread sealant(i.e. Devcon 2242 blue, or equal) onthreads before installing fluid inletadapter.5. Torque fluid inlet adapter to 20-25 ft.lbs. and tighten locknut.PARTS REPLACEMENTFigure 1 Air Cap4. Assemble seal to baffle with angledside up as shown in diagram. NOTE:The seal should be a tight fit on thebaffle. If it is a loose fit on the baffle,assure that it is assembled with theangled side up.5. Install baffle on gun.6. Install fluid tip (5) and tighten to15-20 ft-lbs.JGA-4035 Packing Replacement Instruc-tions1. Remove adjusting knob and needlespring from gun.2. Partially withdraw needle from gunbody.3. Loosen packing nut and remove.4. Remove old packing.5. Assemble packing nut to needle.6. Assemble packing in order shownto needle.7. Insert needle all the way into gunbody seating in tip.8. Install needle spring and adjustingknob.9. Thread packing nut into gun body.10. Tighten packing nut in equal incre-ments - no more than1/6 turn at a time.11. After each adjustment, pull needleopen and observe needle closure.12. If needle snaps shut, continueadjusting nut until there is evidenceof needle bind or slow closing.13. Back off packing nut 1/12 turn tothe point where needle snaps shut.Packing nut must remain tightenough to prevent loosening byhand.14. Pull needle several times to verifyneedle snaps shut and check pack-ing nut for looseness.Packing(3 pieces)PackingNutNeedleGun BodyGTI-33 Baffle Seal Replacement1. Remove Fluid Tip (5).2. Remove Baffle (6).3. Remove Seal (7) from baffle.NOTEThe seal is designed to be a tightfit on the baffle. The seal shouldbe able to be removed usingyour fingers. If you are unableto remove the seal using yourfingers, insert a small screw-driver between the outer lip andthe back of the baffle and prythe seal off.ACD BE Chart 1No. onAir CapOrderNo.Air Caps, Fluid Tips, Fluid Needles and ApplicationsAir CapWith Ring(Ref. No. 4)Type ofFluidDeliveryFluidNeedle(Ref. No. 11)Fluid TipsUsed(Ref. No. 5)FluidNeedle(Ref. No. 11)Fluid TipsUsed(Ref. No. 5)Suction Feed Pressure Feed 80MB-4039-80SUCTION GTI-413AV-213-16ORAV-213-189000AV-440-9000SUCTIONORPRESSUREGTI-413GTI-449-12AV-213-16ORAV-213-18765AV-440-765PRESSURE GTI-449-12AV-213-12 777AV-440-777PRESSURE GTI-449-12AV-213-14AV-213-10ORAV-213-12 DeVilbissN o XXAir Cap No.Fluid Tips AvailableTip Size Fluid Tip(Ref. No. 5)Type of FluidDeliveryin.mm0.039 1.0 AV-213-10 Pressure Feed0.047 1.2 AV-213-12 Pressure Feed0.055 1.4 AV-213-14 Pressure Feed0.063 1.6 AV-213-16 Suction Feed0.070 1.8 AV-213-18 Suction FeedChart 2ENInd. Ref. Replacement Parts No. Part No. Description Req.1 --- Air Cap 12 JGA-156-K10 Spring Clip (Kit of 10) 13 GTI-3 Air Cap Retaining Ring 14 See Chart 1 Air Cap & Retaining Ring 15 See Charts 1 & 2 Fluid Tip 16 GTI-425 Baffle Assembly 1•7 GTI-33-K5 Baffle Seal (Kit of 5) 1•8 JGA-4035-K5 Packing (Kit of 5) 19 34411-122-K10 Packing Nut 110 GTI-405 Spreader Valve Assembly 111 See Chart 1 Fluid Needle 1•12 JGS-72-K10 Gasket Kit (PTFE) 2(Kit of 10)13 --- Body Bushing 1•14 --- Fluid Needle Spring 1•15 --- Spring Pad 1 16 MBD-19-K10 Spring and Pad 1(Kit of 10)17 GTI-414 Needle Adjusting Screw 118 KK-5059 Bushing, Spring, Pad and 1Knob Kit•19 --- Air Valve Spring 1•20 --- Air Valve 1 21 --- Air Valve Body 1Ind. Ref. Replacement Parts No. Part No. Description Req.•22 --- U Cup Seal 1•23 --- Washer 1•24 --- Snap Ring 125 JGS-449-1 Air Valve Assembly 126 P-MB-51 Air Inlet Nipple 11/4" NPS(M)27 --- Trigger Stud Screw 128 --- Trigger Stud 129 JGS-478 Stud and Screw Kit 130 --- Trigger 131 JGS-477-1 Trigger, Stud & Screw Kit 1•32 --- Fluid Inlet Gasket (PTFE) 133 --- Locknut 134 --- Fluid Inlet Adapter 135 JGA-4042 Fluid Inlet, Gasket, Nut Kit 1 •36 --- Retaining Clip 1 •37 --- Seal 1 •38 --- Pin 139 GTI-428-K5 Clip, Seal & Pin Kit (5 each) 140 --- Plug 1• KK-5058-2 Gun Repair Kit includes a quantity of necessary parts. Suffixes -K5, -K10 designate kits of multiple parts.Example: JGA-4035-K5 is a kit of 5 packings.ENTROUBLESHOOTING CONDITIONCAUSECORRECTIONHeavy top or Horn holes plugged.Clean. Ream with nonmetallic point. bottom pattern Obstruction on top or bottom of fluid tip. Clean.Cap and/or tip seat dirty.Clean.Heavy right or Left or right side horn holes plugged. Clean. Ream with nonmetallic point. left side pattern Dirt on left or right side of fluid tip.Clean.Remedies for the top-heavy, bottom-heavy, right-heavy and left-heavy patterns:1) Determine if the obstruction is on the air cap or the fluid tip. Do this by making a test spray pattern. Then, rotate the cap one-half turn and spray another pattern. If the defect is inverted, obstruction is on the air cap. Clean the air cap as previously instructed.2) If the defect is not inverted, it is on the fluid tip. Check for a fine burr on the edge of the fluid tip. Remove with #600 wet or dry sand paper.3) Check for dried paint just inside the opening. Remove paint by washing with solvent. Heavy center pattern Fluid pressure too high for atomization Balance air and fluid pressure. air (pressure feed). Increase spray pattern width with spreaderadjustment valve.Material flow exceeds air cap's capacity. Thin or lower fluid flow.Spreader adjustment valve set too low. Adjust. Atomizing pressure too low. Increase pressure.Material too thick.Thin to proper consistency.Split spray pattern Atomization air pressure too high.Reduce at transformer or gun.Fluid pressure too low (pressure feed only). Increase fluid pressure (increases gunhandling speed).Spreader adjusting valve set too high. Adjust.Jerky or fluttering spray *Loose or damaged fluid tip/seat. Tighten or replace. Material level too low. Refill.Container tipped too far. Hold more upright. Obstruction in fluid passage.Backflush with solvent. Loose or broken fluid tube or fluid inlet nipple. Tighten or replace.Dry or loose fluid needle packing nut.Lubricate or tighten. Unable to get round spray Spreader adjustment screw not seating properly. Clean or replace. Air cap retaining ring loose.Tighten.Will not spray No air pressure at gun.Check air supply and air lines.Internal mix or pressure feed air cap and tip Change to proper suction feed air cap and tip. used with suction feed.Fluid pressure too low with internal mix cap and Increase fluid pressure at tank.pressure tank.Fluid needle adjusting screw not open enough. Open fluid needle adjusting screw.Fluid too heavy for suction feed.Thin material or change to pressure feed. Starved spray pattern Inadequate material flow. Back fluid adjusting screw out to first threador increase fluid pressure at tank.Low atomization air pressure (suction feed) Increase air pressure and rebalance gun. Excessive overspray Too much atomization air pressure. Reduce pressure.Gun too far from work surface.Adjust to proper distance.Improper stroking (arcing, gun motion too fast). Move at moderate pace, parallel to work surface. Excessive fog Too much, or too fast-drying thinner. Remix properly. Too much atomization air pressure. Reduce pressure. Dry Spray Air pressure too high.Reduce air pressure.Gun tip too far from work surface. Adjust to proper distance. Gun motion too fast. Slow down.Gun out of adjustment. Adjust.Fluid leaking from Packing nut loose. Tighten, do not bind needle. packing nutPacking worn or dry. Replace or lubricate. Paint bubbles in cup. Fluid tip not tight.Tighten tip to 15-20 ft. lbs.*Most common problem.ENCONDITION CAUSE CORRECTION Fluid leaking or dripping Packing nut too tight.Adjust.from front of gun Dry packing.Lubricate.Fluid tip or needle worn or damaged. Replace tip and needle. Foreign matter in tip.Clean. Fluid needle spring broken. Replace.Wrong size needle or tip.Replace.Runs and sags Too much material flow. Adjust gun or reduce fluid pressure. Material too thin.Mix properly or apply light coats.Gun tilted on an angle, or gun motion Hold gun at right angle to work and adapt to too slow. proper gun technique.Thin, sandy coarse finish Gun too far from surface. Check distance. Normally approx. 6-8". drying before it flows out Too much air pressure.Reduce air pressure and check spray pattern. Improper thinner being used. Follow paint manufacturer'smixing instructions. Thick, dimpled finish Gun too close to surface.Check distance. Normally approx. 6-8". "orange peel". Too much material coarsely atomized. Air pressure too low.Increase air pressure or reduce fluid pressure. Improper thinner being used. Follow paint manufacturer'smixing instructions. Material not properly mixed. Follow paint manufacturer'smixing instructions.Surface rough, oily, dirty.Properly clean and prepare.Troubleshooting (continued)ENWR-103 WrenchContains all neces-sary tip, hose and nut sizes used on or with gun.ACCESSORIES Automotive Quick Connects For HVLPGuns (Air) High Flow Type.HC-4720 Coupler 1/4" NPT(F)HC-1166 Stem 1/4" NPT(M)HC-4419 Stem 1/4" NPT(F)HC-4719Coupler 1/4" NPT(M) /NPS(M)HARG-510 Air RegulatorUse to maintain nearly constant outlet pressure de-spite changes in inlet pressure and downstream flow.HAV-500 OR HAV-501Adjusting Valve(HAV-501 SHOWN)H AV-500 does not h a v e p r e s s u r e gauge. Use to con-trol air usage at gun.40-128 Twin Cartridge, Paint Spray RespiratorNIOSH-Certified (TC-84A-1623 forrespiratory protec-tion in atmospheres not immediatelydangerous to life.Spray Gun LubeSSL-10 (2 oz. bottle)Compatible withall paint materi-als; contains no silicone or petro-leum distillates to contaminate paint. SDS Sheet avail-able upon request.192212 Professional Spray Gun Cleaning KitContains six precision tools designed to effectively clean all DeVilbiss, Binks, Finishline and other brandspray guns.192218 Scrubs ® Hand CleanerTowelsP r e m o i s t e n e d waterless hand cleaner towels for painters, body men and mechanics.JGA-156-K10Spring ClipJoins any single piece DeVilbiss air cap with latest ver-sion retaining ring. H elps prevent part loss and provides easier assembly.TGC-545 (Alum.)2 Qt. Drip Free Suction Cup Cup has a unique, two position valve which permits se-lection of either a drip-free or con-ventional open vent mode.GTI-415 Air AdjustingValve Installs into gun to enable user to con-trol and reduce air usage at the gun. Replaces JGA-132 plug.HAF-507 Whirlwind™In-Line Air FilterRemoves water, oil,and debris from theair line.ENENWARRANTY POLICYThis product is covered by Carlisle Fluid Technologies’ materials and workmanship limited warranty.The use of any parts or accessories, from a source other than Carlisle Fluid Technologies,will void all warranties. Failure to reasonably follow any maintenance guidance providedmay invalidate any warranty.For specific warranty information please contact Carlisle Fluid Technologies.For technical assistance or to locate an authorized distributor,contact one of our international sales and customer support locations.Region Industrial/Automotive Automotive RefinishingAmericas Tel: 1-800-992-4657Tel: 1-800-445-3988 Fax: 1-888-246-5732Fax: 1-800-445-6643Europe, Africa, Middle East, India Tel: +44 (0)1202 571 111 Fax: +44 (0)1202 573 488China Tel: +8621-3373 0108 Fax: +8621-3373 0308Japan Tel: +81 45 785 6421 Fax: +81 45 785 6517Australia Tel: +61 (0) 2 8525 7555 Fax: +61 (0) 2 8525 7575Carlisle Fluid Technologies is a global leader in innovative finishing technologies. Carlisle Fluid Technologies reserves the right to modify equipment specifications without prior notice.DeVilbiss®, Ransburg®, ms®, BGK®, and Binks®are registered trademarks of Carlisle Fluid Technologies, Inc.©2018 Carlisle Fluid Technologies, Inc.All rights reserved.For the latest information about our products, visit 。
SATAjet X 5500喷枪测评
种喷幅扇形,一种是 I 型喷嘴,对应的 漆技师更喜欢有较干中心区的喷幅扇形,
是平行扇形(图 2),另一种是 O 型喷嘴, 这种喷涂方式被称为“操控型”喷涂方法。
图 2 I 型喷嘴的喷幅扇面
图 3 O 型喷嘴的喷幅扇面
如 图 8 所 示 为 SATAjet X 5500 RP 喷 枪, 配 1.3 mm 口 径 O 型 喷 嘴, 喷涂气压 500 kPa,喷涂距离从左至右 依次为 :100 mm、150 mm、210 mm。
2. 实车喷涂测试 为了进一步测试 SATAjet X 5500 在实际工作中的使用表现,我们邀请了 一位来自车间一线,拥有丰富喷涂技术 经验的喷涂技师进行了实车喷涂测试(图 10),并进行了专业点评。 最 后 我 们 来 总 结 一 下 SATAjet X 5500 喷枪在“2019 年度汽保设备行业 10 佳评选”中打动评委的几个技术亮点 (表 1)。
(3)涂料流量 我 们 知 道, 随 着 喷 嘴 口 径 的 增 大, 涂料流量会增加,而 SATA X- 喷嘴系 统与传统喷嘴系统随口径增加涂料流量 的变化规律也有明显区别。SATA X喷嘴系统随着口径的加大,其涂料流量 是呈线性变化的,这一点从上面两张图 片中也有所体现,而传统喷嘴系统的流 量变化则是非线性变化。 2. 全新的空气分流设计 传 统 喷 枪 的 枪 头 内, 都 有 一 个 塑 料空气分流环,需要定期维护保养,并 且 在 对 喷 枪 进 行 清 洗 时, 必 须 先 拆 除 空气分流环,否则无法清洗喷枪头。而
一、准备工作1.1 检查设备使用氧乙炔火焰喷涂枪前,需要检查设备是否完好无损,特别是喷枪与喷嘴、气压表、点火器等部分是否安装牢固、无裂痕或磨损等情况。
1.2 检查环境使用氧乙炔火焰喷涂枪必须确保室内通风良好,没有易燃易爆物品或气体,以防止火灾或爆炸事故的发生。
1.3 选择合适的防护用具在使用氧乙炔火焰喷涂枪时,必须配备符合要求的安全防护用具,包括手套、护目镜、防护服、防热鞋等,以保护操作人员的安全。
1.4 学习操作规程使用氧乙炔火焰喷涂枪前,必须经过相关培训和学习,掌握操作规程、安全注意事项以及应急处理方法等。
二、使用过程2.1 启动喷涂机在使用氧乙炔火焰喷涂枪前,必须确保喷涂机安装正确并通电。
2.2 控制温度和压力使用氧乙炔火焰喷涂枪时,必须控制火焰温度和氧气压力。
2.3 符合规定喷涂时间使用氧乙炔火焰喷涂枪时,操作人员应注意喷涂时间,不得长时间持续喷涂,以防止喷涂过度造成火灾或氧气中毒等危险情况。
2.4 关闭设备操作完成后,必须关闭氧气和丙烷气阀门,并将所有不必要和有危险的设备都切断电源,确保设备处于安全状态。
三、事故应对3.1 发生事故时立即停止操作如果氧乙炔火焰喷涂枪使用过程中发生事故,操作人员必须立即停止操作,确保自身和附近人员的安全,将喷涂机关闭。
3.2 报告事故任何事故都必须及时报告,具体报告方式由公司规定。
3.3 处理事故在氧乙炔火焰喷涂枪使用过程中,如果发生事故,操作人员必须采取合适的措施控制事故,并在危险情况下采取紧急撤离和求援措施。
Doc. 573.349.050Date/Datum/Fecha : 23/01/06Annule/Cancels/Ersetzt/Anula:Modif. /Änderung :零配件目录AVX混气自动喷枪(包含底座,不包含喷嘴喷帽)(⊥) : 涂料仅循环到底座(Ω) : 涂料可以循环到喷枪AVXA :喷枪B:底座C:接头D:喷帽AVX (⊥)# 129.695.000AVX (⊥)# 129.695.050AVX (Ω)# 129.695.100AVX (Ω)# 129.695.150A 喷枪( ⊥) ( Ω)# 129.690.000 # 129.691.000KREMLIN 2 Doc. 573.349.050通用零件序号编号描述数量备注* 1 129.679.907 枪针座固定器组件 12 NCS /NSS 枪针座固定器 13 029.600.106 螺栓 14 150.040.329 密封圈(此编号表示1包,10个/ 包) 2* 5 129.679.905 枪针座(不锈钢)(此编号表示1包,2个/ 包) 16 129.629.922 密封圈(此编号表示1包,10个/ 包) 115171664 2 35Ind. 1 + ind. 5 Ind. 14* 10 129.251.991 密封圈(此编号表示1包,10个/ 包) 411 029.690.001 涂料泄漏检测器 1* 12 129.529.903 密封圈(此编号表示1包,10个/ 包) 1* 14 129.690.050 枪针组件(此编号表示1包,4个/ 包) 115 129.690.039 枪针密封组件 116 909.429.702 白色聚四氟乙烯密封圈 217 NCS / NSS 枪针 1* 18 029.626.200 枪针固定器组件 119 129.400.915 密封圈(此编号表示1包,10个/ 包) 120 029.251.303 枪针固定器紧固螺母 1* 22 129.690.010 活塞组件 123 129.479.910 密封圈(此编号表示1包,10个/ 包) 124 NCS / NSS 活塞 125 909.130.522 黑色密封圈 1* 27 050.313.106 枪针推动弹簧 1* 28 050.313.504 活塞推动弹簧 129 129.690.040 气缸 1KREMLIN 3 Doc. 573.349.05019 23Ind. 18Ind. 222425专用零配件AVX (⊥)序号编号描述数量备注8 129.690.020 不锈钢枪体 1* 9 150.040.328 密封圈(此编号表示1包,10个/ 包) 1AVX (Ω)8 129.691.020 不锈钢枪体 1* 9 150.040.328 密封圈(此编号表示1包,10个/ 包) 2序号编号描述数量备注35 049.030.042 喷枪专用扳手 136 906.300.101 大号刷子 1Ind. 35 Ind. 36序号编号描述数量备注* 129.690.901密封件维修包(包括. 4x2, 9x2, 10x4, 12,16x2, 19, 23, 25, 44,51x2, 72, 75, 79a, 79b 号零件+小瓶润滑脂)1* 表示易损件,使用者应备有库存N C S : 表示不能单独购买KREMLIN 4 Doc. 573.349.050B 底座(流体部分为不锈钢)(⊥) : 涂料仅循环到底座(Ω) : 涂料可以循环到喷枪515043 4940 4542 + 4442 + 444641# 129.690.070 & 129.691.070 # 129.690.080 & 129.691.080底座零配件: 适用于# 129.690.070 & 129.691.070序号编号描述数量备注40 NCS / NSS 底座和嵌入式流体通道 141 933.151.219 螺栓 242 050.261.103 堵头 143 88126 螺栓, M 5x40 444 129.529.907 密封圈(此编号表示1包,10个/ 包) 1涂料进口位于底座侧边涂料进口位于底座后部(⊥)# 129.690.070(Ω)#129.691.070(⊥)#129.690.080(Ω)#129.691.080KREMLIN 5 Doc. 573.349.050底座零配件: 适用于# 129.690.080 & 129.691.080序号编号描述数量备注42 050.261.103 堵头 144 129.529.907 密封圈(此编号表示1包,10个/ 包) 145 NCS / NSS 底座和嵌入式流体通道 146 933.151.275 螺栓 249 88126 螺栓, M 5x40 250 930.151.596 螺栓, M 5x60 251 150.040.328 密封圈(此编号表示1包,10个/ 包)-Ind.51 : Qté = 1 底座: # 129.690.080 有一个涂料孔Qté = 2 底座: # 129.691.080 有两个涂料孔C 接头6361 60616260 62 64序号编号描述数量备注60 905.124.901 快插接头(喷枪开关控制气路)M1/8BSP- T4x6 161 050.102.624 对丝(雾化空气接口)1/4 BSP - 1/4 NPS 162 905.210.303 不锈钢堵头1/4 NPT 163 905.210.602 不锈钢直角弯头(涂料接口)1/4 NPT - 1/2 JIC (# 5 JIC) 264 905.210.502 不锈钢对丝(涂料接口)1/4 NPT - 1/2 JIC (# 5 JIC) 2KREMLIN 6 Doc. 573.349.050附件D 空气帽7172737475Ind. 70* 70 空气帽组件(具体型号查阅下表) 171 029.670.006 空气帽锁紧螺母 172 129.670.075 空气帽密封圈(此编号表示1包,2个/ 包) 173 NCS / NSS 空气帽主体 174 032.670.003 止退弹簧 175 150.040.330 密封圈(此编号表示1包,10个/ 包) 1空气帽编号应用VX 14132.670.020扇幅可以调节—改变雾化和扇幅空气之间的比例VX 54132.670.030For permanent pattern width - antiaderent treat- mentVX 114132.670.040扇幅固定,不可调节VX 14 KHVLP # 132.670.920 VX 114 KHVLP # 132.670.940备注:如想获得一支扇幅可以调节的AVX 喷枪,你必须选择VX 14空气帽,同时你还要在底座上安装扇幅节旋钮。
燃烧器型号:........................................................................................................................................................................ GLSF 自由喷射燃烧器 燃料:.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 油/气 说明:.......................................................................................................................................................................... 圆形火焰,新一代超低排放 氮氧化物还原方式:.........................................................................................................................通过自由喷射混合,带有内部烟气再循环 氮氧化物排放范围 (600°F 空气预热): ............................................................................................................................ 10 ppmv 至 25 ppmv 燃烧空气吸入:......................................................................................................................................................自然、强制、吸入及均衡通风 安装选项:.................................................................................................................................................................................. 顶烧、底烧、侧烧 自然通风热释放范围: ..........................................................................................................................................................顶烧、底烧、侧烧 自然通风热释放范围: .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 MW 至 5.86 MW 强制通风热释放范围:.............................................................................................................................................................. 10 MW 至 110 MW 调节比:................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10:1 典型过量空气范围:.................................................................................................................................................................................10%至25%
涂料喷枪 - 施耐德 2150 AirPro 空气喷枪 使用手册说明书
AirPro®副标题正文SaniForce 1040、1590 、 2150AirPro 空气喷枪先进喷涂技术无论是承接定制产品的车间或者大批量生产设备,AirPro 喷枪均能提供优异的喷涂性能,同时保护环境和操作人员。
• 特殊的气帽和喷嘴设计能优化喷涂性能• 多种系列的喷枪型号能满足各类特殊应用的需要• 轻便的设计,轻松的扣机力,以及人机工程学的手柄为操作人员提供最佳的舒适度• 较少的喷枪零件数有利于减少维护时间和停工时间AirPro 喷枪精饰质量 好 较好 最好传输效率 高 高 中流体流量 低 中 高气流高低低HVLPCOMPLIANTCONVENTIONAL多种产品系列涵盖三种喷涂技术的产品能全面符合你的环保要求,固瑞克公司的 AirPro 喷枪所拥有的适应性和灵活性能适应各种工件和涂料的喷涂需求。
质量优异AirPro 喷涂动态图象采用了能自动分析喷流形状的动态分析技术 – 确保优异的精饰质量。
• 着色剂• NGR 着色剂• 增色剂可提供的喷针/喷嘴规格包括 0.020"、0.030" 和0.040"(0.5、0.8 和 1.0 mm)。
• 清漆• UV 材料• 各种工业涂料常规金属制品AirPro 喷枪是金属零件制造厂和金属表面处理加工厂中达到高质量油漆要求的理想产品。
• 氨基甲酸乙酯• 环氧树脂• 乳胶• 双组份涂料喷针/喷嘴规格包括:0.020" 到 0.110" (0.5-2.8 mm)。
• 瓷漆• 陶瓷• 金属漆高含固量材料硬质合金喷针/喷嘴Triton 喷涂机高效装饰喷涂!优异的精饰质量• 喷涂的零件拥有一致的喷流形状和涂膜。
目前国内外顶吹氧气转炉所采用的喷嘴类型 是多种多样的。按喷嘴形状和特点可分为拉瓦 尔型、 直筒型及单扩张型等; 按喷嘴孔数可分 为单孔及多孔喷嘴;按吹入物质可分为氧气喷 嘴、 氧—燃喷嘴及喷粉料的喷嘴。 • 拉瓦尔喷嘴结构:
• 三孔拉瓦尔结构:
• 单三式喷嘴结构:
• 三喉式结构 :
• 转炉炉膛内的氧气射流, 其初始温度比周 围介质的温度低得多, 当射流与从周围抽 吸的高温介质混合时, 射流被加热。同时, 进入射流的CO 和金属滴要在射流中燃烧放 热, 并使射流的黑度增大而接受周围介质 的辐射热。氧气射流因被加热膨胀, 使射 程和扩张角增大。同时, 氧气的纯度降低。 在热模拟实验中, 将氧气射入1400℃ 的 CO室中, 在距喷孔10-20 个孔径处, 射流 温度达1300-1800℃ ;在距喷孔30-40 个孔 径处则达 2100-2300℃。显然, 这样的高 温是危及炉衬的。
• 高-低-高的六段式操作:,开吹枪位较高, 及 早形成初期渣; 二批料加入后适时降枪, 吹 炼中期炉渣返于时又提枪化渣; 吹炼后期先 提枪化渣后降枪; 终点拉碳出钢。
• 高-低-高的五段式操作:五段式操作的前期 与六段式操作基本一致, 熔渣返干时可加 入适量助熔剂调整熔渣流动性, 以缩短吹 炼时间。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
喷嘴又称喷头或枪头。高压氧气在输氧管道中 的流动速度较低, 一般在60m/s以下, 氧气流 通过喷嘴后, 形成超音速的氧射流, 流速为 500-600m/s , 为音速的二倍左右。喷嘴能最大 限度地将氧气压力能转化为动能获得超音速流股, 借此向熔池供氧并搅动熔池金属液以达到吹炼目 的, 因此, 喷嘴是压力一速度的能量转换器。 采用合理的喷嘴结构是顶吹氧气转炉炼钢的关键 问题之一。
转炉与氧枪冶B051丁玉杰zhuanlu liangang转炉炼钢converter steelmaking一种不需外加热源,主要以液态生铁为原料的炼钢方法。
简史 1856年,英国贝塞麦(H.Bessemer)发明了底吹酸性转炉炼钢法,以后被称为贝塞麦转炉炼钢法。
1948年杜雷尔(R.Durrer)在瑞士采用水冷氧枪垂直插入炉内吹炼铁水获得成功,1952年奥地利林茨(Linz)和多纳维茨 (Donawiz)钢厂建立30吨氧气顶吹转炉车间。
阿尔法拉瓦尔SaniMidget UltraPure旋转喷头烟囊净化器说明说明书
Benefits•40%faster cleaning=more time for production•Saves up to40%of your cleaning cost•Dynamic cleaning performance and360°full wetting•Easy to retrofit traditional spray balls to a more economical solution Standard designDifferent choice of spray patterns suitable for various applications and tank designs,ranging from simple tanks to more complex tanks with structures such as agitator and baffles.The SaniMidget UltraPure is lubricated by the cleaning media.Working principleTheflow of the cleaning media causes the head of the AlfaLaval SaniMidget UltraPure to rotate,and the fan-shaped jets layout a swirling pattern throughout the tank or reactor.This generates the wetting/impact needed for the efficient removal of the residual product; the cascadingflow covers all internal surfaces of the vessel.SprayPattern360°270°up180°down CertificatesQ-doc,Q-doc incl.FAT&SAT and ATEX.TECHNICAL DATALubricant:Self-lubricating with the cleaningfluid Wetting radius:Max.3m Impact cleaning radius:Max.effective1.4mPressureWorking pressure:1-3bar Recommended pressure:2barPHYSICAL DATAMaterials AISI316L(UNS S31603).PTFE* *FDA compliance21CFR§177Clip parts:316 Standard Surfacefinishexterior+Electro polished:Ra0.5µm internal+Electro polished:Ra0.5µmTemperatureMax.working temperature:95°C Max.ambient temperature:140°CWeightclip-on:0.30kg. On pipe:0.55/0.90kg.Connections-Weld-on:1”ISO2037,or DN25DIN11850-R2,or1”BPE US-Clip-on:1”ISO2037,or DN25DIN11850-R1or R2,or1”BPE USCautionAvoid hydraulic shock,hard and abrasive particles in the cleaning liquid,as this can cause increased wear and/or damage of internal mechanisms.In general,afilter in the supply line is recommended.Do not use for gas evacuation or air dispersion.For steaming we refer to the manual.Qualification DocumentationDocumentation specificationEquipment Documentation includes:Q-doc-EN1935/2004DoC-EN10204type3.1inspection Certificate and DoC-FDA DoC-GMP EC2023/2006DoC-EU10/2011DoC-ADI DoC-QC DoCATEX approved machine for use in explosive atmospheres.ATEX Catagory1for installation in zone0/20in accordance with Directive2014/34/EU II1G Ex h IIC85°C...175°C GaII1D Ex h IIIC T85°C...T140°C DaQualification Documentation includesQ-doc+ FAT-SAT -Q-doc-RS,Requirement Specification-DS,Design specification incl.Traceability Matrix-FAT,Factory acceptance Test incl.IQ and OQ-SAT,Site Acceptance Test protocol incl.IQ and OQ for End-User ExecutionFlow Rate Cleaning Radius360°270°U 180°D1251005025754101-00008456713212341321230A: WettingB: Impact cleaningInlet pressureThrow lengthFor clip-on models,the flow rate is increased by approx.0.5m 3/h.Dimensions (mm)Clip-onWeld-onID OD x t ISO:ø25.3mm ISO:ø25x 1.2mm BPE US:ø25.7mm BPE US:ø25.4x 1.65mm DIN Range 1:ø28.3mm DIN Range 1:ø28x 1mm DIN Range 2:ø29.3mmDIN Range 2:ø29x1.5mmType A B E F G Clip-on 133.5ø453015ø4Weld-on120.5ø45Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.How to contact Alfa Laval Contact details for all countriesare continually updated on our website.Please visit to access the information direct.A l f a L a v a l i s a t r a d e m a r k r e g i s t e r e d a n d o w n e d b y A l f a L a v a l C o r p o r a t e AB . 100001877 e n 2107。
On-site industrial gases Nitrogen & oxygen generatorsS A V EM O N EYA SECURE SUPPL Y OF NITROGENAND OXYGENWhether your company is specialized in chemical manufacturing, electronics, laser cutting or food and beverage, a dependable supply of industrial gas is crucial. Compared to the on-demand delivery of gas bottles or tanks, on-site production of gas offers a wealth of advantages ranging from cost savings to continuous availability. Atlas Copco’s advanced nitrogen and oxygen generators offer you the ultimate solution: flexible on-site production of industrial gas at the lowest possible cost.Total lifecycle costInvestment cost4 - Atlas Copco on-site industrial gases | nitrogen & oxygen generatorsMEMBRANE: COMPACT ALL-IN-ONE N 2 SUPPL YAtlas Copco NGM/NGM + nitrogen generators utilize proprietary membrane separation technology. The membrane separates compressed air into two streams: one is 95-99.9% pure nitrogen, and the other is oxygen enriched with carbon dioxide and other gases.Instant supply of nitrogen between 95% and 99.9%The generator separates air into component gases bypassing inexpensive compressed air through semi-permeable membranes consisting of bundles of individual hollow fibers. Each fiber has a perfectly circular cross-section and a uniform bore through its center. Because the fibers are so small, a large amount of fibers can be packed into a limited space, providing an extremely large membrane surface area that can produce a relatively high volume product stream.Outstandingly dry nitrogenCompressed air is introduced into the center of the fibers at one end of the module and contacts the membrane as it flows through the fiber bores. Oxygen, water vapor and other trace gases easily permeate the membrane fiber and aredischarged through a permeate port while the nitrogen is contained within the membrane and flows through the outlet port. Since water vapor permeates through the membrane as well, the nitrogen gas stream is very dry, with dewpoints as low as -40°C (-40°F).O 2 , H 2O & other gasesN 2132123Atlas Copco on-site industrial gases | nitrogen & oxygen generators - 5PSA: RELIABLE AND PROVENBased on Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology, Atlas Copco’s NGP/NGP + nitrogen generators and OGP oxygen generators provide a continuous flow of nitrogen and oxygen at desired purity.Clean and dry compressed air (pressurized)AdsorbentNitrogen (or oxygen) molecules trapped in the adsorbent Oxygen (or nitrogen) molecules passing throughNitrogen gas (pressurized)Oxygen exhaust (depressurized)AdsorbentHigh purity nitrogen supply up to 99.999%Atlas Copco’s NGP/NGP + nitrogen generators use Pressure Swing Adsorption technology to isolate nitrogen molecules from other molecules in compressed air. Oxygen, CO 2, water vapor and other gases are adsorbed. T he result is virtually pure nitrogen at the outlet of the generator. T he NGP/NGP + Series is a very cost-efficient source of nitrogen used in various industries like food and beverage, metal processing, electronics, and many others.For all your oxygen needsThe OGP oxygen generator works in a similar way, using Pressure Swing Adsorption technology to isolate oxygen molecules from other molecules in compressed air to leave high purity oxygen at the outlet of the generator. T he OGP Series provides cost-efficient oxygen for applications such as waste water treatment, ozone production, health care, and the glass industry.Air treatmentAtlas Copco has developed and improved air compression and drying techniques. Whatever your installation, application or qualityrequirements, Atlas Copco can offer the right air treatment solution, including dryers (desiccant, refrigerant, membrane) and filters (coalescing, particle, active carbon).Typical installation: compressor with integrated dryer, pre-filter UD +, Active Carbon T ower QDT , dust filter, receiver, NGP + nitrogen PSA generator, receiver.NGP + (PSA)High quality compressed airOn-site nitrogen and oxygen generation requires the most reliable and efficient compressed air solution. Drawing on our vast experience, Atlas Copco has been leading the industry in compressed air technology for decades.Oil-injected compressorsIntegrated onto the production floor, Atlas Copco’s oil-injected compressors provide a dependable flow of compressed air directly to the point of use. T he GA range even comes with integrated dryer for high quality air. Built to perform in harsh environments, Atlas Copco compressors keep your production running smoothly and reliably: a very economical solution incombination with nitrogen and oxygen generators.6 - Atlas Copco on-site industrial gases | nitrogen & oxygen generatorsAtlas Copco on-site industrial gases | nitrogen & oxygen generators - 7MEMBRANE NITROGEN GENERATORS (NGM, NGM+)Based on innovative membrane technology, Atlas Copco’s membrane nitrogen generators are flexible enough to adapt to your specific applications. And with low operating costs they offer an excellent return on investment.Ready to use• Requires only a supply of dry compressed air.• No specialist installation or commissioning.• Fitted with pre-filtration, pressure gauges and flow meterto ensure accurate system monitoring at all times.Cost savings• Low operating expenses.• No additional costs such as order processing,refills and delivery charges.• Limited maintenance costs.Exceptional convenience• Continuous availability(24 hours a day, 7 days a week).• Risk of production breakdown dueto gas running out is eliminated.Desired purity• Nitrogen supply according to your need:from 5% to 0.1% oxygen content.• Very easy to set up the device forother purity levels.All-in-one• Fully integrated package.• Filters and oxygen sensor as standard.High flow capacityIdeal for applications such as fire prevention, tire inflation, oil & gas, marine, packaging and many more.Long lifetime • No aging.• No heater.• Lasting performance.8 - Atlas Copco on-site industrial gases | nitrogen & oxygen generatorsPSA NITROGEN AND OXYGEN GENERATORS (NGP, NGP+, OGP)Atlas Copco’s NGP, NGP+ and OGP nitrogen and oxygen generators are easy to install and use.They offer the required purity with a high flow capacity, making them suitable for a range of applications.High flow capacityThe wide product range and gas flows exceeding 3,000 Nm³/h(NGP/NGP+) make these generators ideal for a variety ofdemanding applications.Exceptional reliability• Robust design.• Continuous availability (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).• Potential risk of production breakdown due to gas running out is eliminated.Desired purity• NGP/NGP+: nitrogen concentrations from 95% to 99.999%.• OGP: oxygen concentrations from 90% to 95%. Ready to use• Only requires a supply of dry compressed air.• Plug-and-play.• No specialist installation or commissioning.• Fully automated and monitored includingoxygen sensor as standard.• Service-friendly.Cost savings• Low operating expenses.• No additional costs such as order processing,refills and delivery charges.• Limited maintenance costs.Atlas Copco on-site industrial gases | nitrogen & oxygen generators - 910 - Atlas Copco on-site industrial gases | nitrogen & oxygen generatorsSelf-protective monitoring of the feed air quality• Temperature.• Pressure.• Pressure dewpoint.• Automatic feed air blow-off in case of contamination.1Highest quality CMS• High density due to packed bed technology.• Top/bottom equalization.• Protected by dedicated pressure sensor.4Automatic start-up• Minimum pressure valve with bypass nozzle for fast start-up.• Eliminates risk of overflow and CMS damage.3Premium energy efficiencyAir factor (air-to-nitrogen ratio) from 1.8 (95% N 2) to 5.5 (99.999% N 2).2Self-regulation and stable purity• Automatically regulates to the requested nitrogen pressure and purity.• Extremely easy to change purity.• Off-spec nitrogen flushing.8The most complete scope of supply• Nitrogen flow meter as standard.• Zirconia oxygen sensor with a long lifetime.• Outlet pressure reducing valve.• Nitrogen pressure dewpoint sensor available as an option.9Control and monitoring• Remote start-stop.• Modbus, Profibus and Ethernet.• SMART LINK.7Back flow pressurization• In the pressurization phase nitrogen is used instead of air.• No oxygen contamination of the CMS before adsorption phase starts.6The ultimate energy saver• Stand-by mode in case no nitrogen is consumed.• Cycle time modulation algorithm = extended cycle time at low nitrogen demand = reduced air consumption at low nitrogen demand.5ALL -IN-ONE HIGH PRESSURE NITROGEN SKIDThe latest addition to Atlas Copco’s specially developed equipment is the all-in-one high pressure nitrogen skid, a true alternative for liquid nitrogen or bottles. Combining a small footprint, easy installation, high reliability and supreme energy efficiency, this unique nitrogen skid truly stands out.High pressure applications and storage of air, oxygen, nitrogen, helium and argonProducing and storing your own gas supply is the most cost-effective solution while also ensuring your independence from vendors. Atlas Copco’s 200-bar booster delivers the high pressure you need to bottle the gas you generate. It can also be used for applications that require high-pressure air or gases, such as PET bottling or laser cutting. 100% oil-free, the booster avoids any risk of contamination in production environments that demand extreme purity.Ideal for a fluctuatingnitrogen demandThis innovative nitrogen skid lets you store nitrogen at 40 or 300 bar. your production on youraverage nitrogen consumption rather than have your maximum consumptionavailable at all times. initial investment cost and drastically reduces your operating costs.Strong performance• 100% oil-free.• Cooling via internal refrigerant group for +/- 20°C outlet temperature.• Minimal maintenance: extremely low RPM.Flexible use• Compressed air, oxygen, nitrogen, helium or argon up to 200 bar.• Available in 3 to 15 kW.• High pressure generation for direct use and bottling.Energy efficiency• Variable frequency drive through in- and outlet pressure.High reliability• Direct driven engine with gearbox eliminates belt wear.• Closed system prevents any ventilation losses.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS NGM SERIES+FND: Free Nitrogen DeliveryReference conditionsCompressed air effective inlet pressure: 8 bar(g)/116 psi(g).Nitrogen outlet pressure: 6.5 bar(g)/94 psi(g).Ambient air temperature: 20°C/68°F .Pressure dewpoint inlet air: 3°C/37°F .Pressure dewpoint nitrogen: -40°C/-40°F .Unit inlet air quality 1.4.1 according to ISO 8573-1:2010. Minimum refrigerant dryer required to precondition inlet air.Typical nitrogen quality 1.2.1 according to ISO 8573-1:2010.Operating limitsMinimum ambient temperature: 5°C/41°F .Maximum ambient temperature: 50°C/122°F .Maximum compressed inlet air pressure 13 bar(g)/189 psi(g).FND: Free Nitrogen DeliveryReference conditionsCompressed air effective inlet pressure: 7.5 bar(g)/108 psi(g) for NGP, 7 bar(g)/102 psi(g) for NGP+.Nitrogen outlet pressure: 6 bar(g)/87 psi(g).Ambient air temperature: 20°C/68°F.Pressure dewpoint inlet air: 3°C/37°F.Pressure dewpoint nitrogen: -50°C/-58°F.Unit inlet air quality 1.4.1 according to ISO 8573-1:2010. Minimum refrigerant dryer required to precondition inlet air. Typical nitrogen quality 1.2.1 according to ISO 8573-1:2010.Operating limitsMinimum ambient temperature: 5°C/41°F.Maximum ambient temperature: 45°C/113°F for NGP,60°C/140°F for NGP+.Maximum compressed inlet air pressure 10 bar(g)/145 psi(g) for NGP, 13 bar/189 psi(g) for NGP+.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OGP SERIESFOD: Free Oxygen DeliveryReference conditionsCompressed air effective inlet pressure: 7.5 bar(g)/108 psi(g). Oxygen outlet pressure: 5 bar(g)/72 psi(g).Ambient air temperature: 20°C/68°F.Pressure dewpoint inlet air: 3°C/37°F.Pressure dewpoint oxygen: -50°C/-58°F.Unit inlet air quality 1.4.1 according to ISO 8573-1:2010. Minimum refrigerant dryer required to precondition inlet air. Typical oxygen quality 1.2.1 according to ISO 8573-1:2010.Operating limitsMinimum ambient temperature: 5°C/41°F.Maximum ambient temperature: 45°C/113°F.Maximum compressed inlet air pressure 10 bar(g)/145 psi(g).COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.2935 0977 44 © 2017, Atlas Copco Airpower NV, Belgium. All rights reserved.Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.Read all safety instructions in the manual before usage.。
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