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【中文摘要】托尼·莫里森(Toni Morrison,1931-)是迄今为止唯一获得诺贝尔文学奖的美国黑人女作家。作为当代美国黑人文学的领军人物,托尼·莫里森的作品展示了当代美国黑人的生活图景和文化困境,深刻地探讨了在多元文化的环境下黑白两种文化的冲突。本文详细分析了莫里森的第四部小说《柏油娃娃》中的黑人女性雅月(Jadine)和赛若丝(Therese)对待传统的黑人文化和主流社会中白人文化的截然相反的态度,指出在多元文化的现代社会黑人女性这一边缘化的群体必须找到自己的真正的文化身份,才能既保持黑人女性传统文化中的文化特征,又可以吸收白人文化中的精华,走出文化身份的迷途从而更好地融入到多元文化的社会中。目前对该小说的研究主要是从女权主义、叙事技巧、人名及作品意象、神话与黑人族裔文化批评等角度进行的。本文试图从文化身份的角度,剖析黑人女性在文化冲突中对自身文化身份的困惑,抉择与出路。本文的理论意义在于从文化身份的角度分析了黑人群体中通常被忽略的女性群体,关注她们所代表的边缘群体,探讨了在当今多元化的社会中,黑人女性如何才能不断地调整自我,找到自己的文化身份。旨在于为处于文化冲突中和黑人文化内部中困惑不堪的黑人女性找到一条实现自我价值,肯定自我文化身份的途径:在继承和发展黑人女性群体在本族文化中的身份的同时不断地兼收白人文化的优势,彻底摆脱文化身份的困惑从




【英文摘要】As the only American black female writer rewarded the Nobel Prize for literature, Tony Morrison is the frontier of the contemporary African American literature. Her works displays life and cultural dilemma of African Americans, focusing on the conflict between white culture and black culture.This thesis analyses her fourth novel Tar Baby. This thesis compares Jadine’s and Therese’s absolutely different attitudes towards traditional black culture and dominant white culture and points out that the search for the African American women’s cultural identity is a necessity and must in the present multicultural world. Only after settling the puzzlement of cultural identity, the “ancient properties”of black culture is probably passed on to the next generation and simultaneously the excellence of white culture can be assimilated so that black

women can understand their true selves and free themselves from the perplexity of cultural identity. But at present, the study on this novel is mainly centered from the points of feminism, narrative techniques, connotation of names, images, folklores and African American culture criticism etc. From the perspective of cultural identity, this thesis attempts to explore the dilemma of, attitude to and solution to cultural identity for black female being tortured in the conflict between black culture and white culture.Theoretically this thesis illustrates the cultural identity of the long ignored black female group with an emphasis on the marginalized group they stand for and the method to reconstruct their black female cultural identity in order to survive in the multicultural world. The feasible approach to seek out the cultural identity for black female is inheriting the root of black culture and meanwhile absorbing the elite of white culture, trying to build a real bridge between black culture and white culture.This thesis is made up of five chapters. Chapter one introduces Toni Morrison and Tar Baby in brief and presents the critical overview of Tar Baby. Chapter two analyzes the concept of cultural identity and its reflection in this novel. The third chapter explores the question of cultural identity of Jadine
