第13章 汇率与外汇市场:资产方法 1、汇率为每欧元1.5美元时,一条德国香肠bratwurst 等于三条hot dog 。
其他不变时,当美元升值至1.25$per Euro, 一条德国香肠bratwurst 等价于2.5个hot dog 。
相对于初始阶段,hot dog 变得更贵。
(2)1.579$per pound6、如果美元利率不久将会下调,市场会形成美元贬值的预期,即e E 值变大,从而使欧元存款的美元预期收益率增加,图13-1中的曲线I 移到I ',导致美元对欧元贬值,汇率从0E 升高到1E 。
131-图 7、(1)如图13-2,当欧元利率从0i 提高到1i 时,汇率从0E 调整到1E ,欧元相对于美元升值。
I 'IE 1E $/euroE图13-2(2)如图13-3,当欧元对美元预期升值时,美元存款的欧元预期收益率提高,美元存款的欧元收益曲线从I '上升到I ,欧元对美元的汇率从E '提高到E ,欧元对美元贬值。
如图13-4,利率从i 下降到i ' ,美元对外国货币的汇价从E 提高到E ',美元贬值。
即使美联储稍微降低利率,假如从i 降低到*i (如图13-5),这比人们开始相信会发生的还要小。
同时,由于软着陆所产生的乐观因素,使美元预期升值,即e E 值变小,使国外资产的美元预期收益率降低(曲线I 向下移动到I '),曲线移动反映了对美国软着陆引起的乐观预期,同时由乐观因素引起的预期表明:在没有预期变化的情况下,由利I 'E E 'euro/$E IiE 1E euro/$E rate of return(in euro)0i 1i率i 下降到*i 引起美元贬值程度(从E 贬值到*E )将大于存在预期变化引起的美元贬值程度(从E 到E '')。
克鲁格曼《国际经济学》(国际金融)习题答案要点————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:23 《国际经济学》(国际金融)习题答案要点第12章 国民收入核算与国际收支1、如问题所述,GNP 仅仅包括最终产品和服务的价值是为了避免重复计算的问题。
在国民收入账户中,如果进口的中间品价值从GNP 中减去,出口的中间品价值加到GNP 中,重复计算的问题将不会发生。
其中出售给通用公司的钢材,作为中间品其价值不被计算到美国的GNP 中。
出售给日本丰田公司的钢材,钢材价值通过丰田公司进入日本的GNP ,而最终没有进入美国的国民收入账户。
所以这部分由美国生产要素创造的中间品价值应该从日本的GNP 中减去,并加入美国的GNP 。
2、(1)等式12-2可以写成()()p CA S I T G =-+-。
Chapter 21.Home has 1200 units of labor available. It can produce two goods, apples and bananas. The unit labor requirement in apple production is 3, while in banana production it is 2. a .Graph out the production possibilities frontier:b .What is the opportunity cost of apples in terms of bananas?5.1=LbLa a a c .In the absence of trade, what would the price of apples in terms of bananas be?In the absence of trade, since labor is the only factor of production and supply decisions aredetermined by the attempts of individuals to maximize their earnings in a competitive economy, only when Lb La b a /a a /P P =will both goods be produced. So 1.5 /P P b a =2.Home is as described in problem 1. There is now also another country, Foreign, with alabor force of 800. Foreign’s unit labor requirement in apple production is 5, while in banana production it is 1.a .Graph Foreign’s production possibilities frontier:b .3.Now suppose world relative demand takes the following form: Demand for apples/demandfor bananas = price of bananas/price of apples.a .Graph the relative demand curve along with the relative supply curve:a b b a /P P /D D =∵When the market achieves its equilibrium, we have 1b a )(D D −**=++=ba b b a a P P Q Q Q Q ∴RD is a hyperbola xy 1=b .What is the equilibrium relative price of apples?The equilibrium relative price of apples is determined by the intersection of the RD and RScurves.RD: yx 1= RS: 5]5,5.1[5.1],5.0(5.0)5.0,0[=∈=⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+∞∈=∈y y y x x x ∴25.0==y x∴2/=b P a P e ec .Describe the pattern of trade.∵b a b e a e b a P P P P P P ///>>**∴In this two-country world, Home will specialize in the apple production, export applesand import bananas. Foreign will specialize in the banana production, export bananas and import apples.d .Show that both Home and Foreign gain from trade.International trade allows Home and Foreign to consume anywhere within the coloredlines, which lie outside the countries’ production possibility frontiers. And the indirect method, specializing in producing only one production then trade with other country, is a more efficient method than direct production. In the absence of trade, Home could gain three bananas by foregoing two apples, and Foreign could gain by one foregoing five bananas. Trade allows each country to trade two bananas for one apple. Home could then gain four bananas by foregoing two apples while Foreign could gain one apple by foregoing only two bananas. So both Home and Foreign gain from trade.4.Suppose that instead of 1200 workers, Home had 2400. Find the equilibrium relative price. What can you say about the efficiency of world production and the division of the gains from trade between Home and Foreign in this case? RD: yx 1= RS: 5]5,5.1[5.1],1(1)1,0[=∈=⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+∞∈=∈y y y x x x ∴5.132==y x∴5.1/=b P a P e eIn this case, Foreign will specialize in the banana production, export bananas and import apples. But Home will produce bananas and apples at the same time. And the opportunity cost of bananas in terms of apples for Home remains the same. So Home neither gains nor loses but Foreign gains from trade.5.Suppose that Home has 2400 workers, but they are only half as production in both industries as we have been assuming, Construct the world relative supply curve and determine the equilibrium relative price. How do the gains from trade compare with those in the case described in problem 4?In this case, the labor is doubled while the productivity of labor is halved, so the "effective labor"remains the same. So the answer is similar to that in 3. And both Home and Foreign can gain from trade. But Foreign gains lesser compare with that in the case 4.6.”Korean workers earn only $2.50 an hour; if we allow Korea to export as m uch as it likes to the United States, our workers will be forced down to the same level. You can’t import a $5 shirt without importing the $2.50 wage that goes with it.” Discuss.In fact, relative wage rate is determined by comparative productivity and the relative demand for goods. Korea’s low wage reflects the fact that Korea is less productive than the United States in most industries. Actually, trade with a less productive, low wage country can raise the welfare and standard of living of countries with high productivity, such as United States. Sothis pauper labor argument is wrong.7.Japanese labor productivity is roughly the same as that of the United States in the manufacturing sector (higher in some industries, lower in others), while the United States, is still considerably more productive in the service sector. But most services are non-traded. Some analysts have argued that this poses a problem for the United States, because our comparative advantage lies in things we cannot sell on world markets. What is wrong with this argument?The competitive advantage of any industry depends on both the relative productivities of the industries and the relative wages across industries. So there are four aspects should be taken into account before we reach conclusion: both the industries and service sectors of Japan and U.S., not just the two service sectors. So this statement does not bade on the reasonable logic. 8.Anyone who has visited Japan knows it is an incredibly expensive place; although Japanese workers earn about the same as their U.S. counterparts, the purchasing power of their incomes is about one-third less. Extend your discussing from question 7 to explain this observation. (Hint: Think about wages and the implied prices of non-trade goods.) The relative higher purchasing power of U.S. is sustained and maintained by its considerably higher productivity in services. Because most of those services are non-traded, Japanese could not benefit from those lower service costs. And U.S. does not have to face a lower international price of services. So the purchasing power of Japanese is just one-third of their U.S. counterparts.9.How does the fact that many goods are non-traded affect the extent of possible gains from trade?Actually the gains from trade depended on the proportion of non-traded goods. The gains will increase as the proportion of non-traded goods decrease.10.We have focused on the case of trade involving only two countries. Suppose that there are many countries capable of producing two goods, and that each country has only one factor of production, labor. What could we say about the pattern of production and in this case? (Hint: Try constructing the world relative supply curve.)Any countries to the left of the intersection of the relative demand and relative supply curves export the good in which they have a comparative advantage relative to any country to the right of the intersection. If the intersection occurs in a horizontal portion then the country with that price ratio produces both goods.。
答案提示:5.如果改用Y商品的过剩供给曲线(B国)和过剩需求曲线(A 国)来确定国际均衡价格,那么所得出的结果与图1—13中的结果是否一致?答案提示:国际均衡价格将依旧处于贸易前两国相对价格的中间某点。
Chapter3In1986,thepriceofoilonworldmarketsdroppedsharply.SincetheUnitedStatesisan oil-importingcountry,thiswaswidelyregardedasgoodfortheU.S.economy.YetinTexasandLou isiana1986wasayearofeconomicdecline.Why?ItcandeducethatTexasandLouisianaareoil-producingstatesofUnitedStates.Sowhenthepriceofoilonworldmarketsdeclined,therealwageofthisindustryfellintermsofothergoods.Thismightbether easonofeconomicdeclineinthesetwostatesin1986.2。
Aneconomycanproducegood1usinglaborandcapitalandgood2usinglaborandland.Thetotalsupplyoflaboris100unit s.Giventhesupplyofcapital,theoutputsofthetwogoodsdependsonlaborinputasfollows:Toanalyzetheeconomy’sproductionpossibilityfrontier,considerhowtheoutputmixchangesaslaborisshifte dbetweenthetwosectors.Graphtheproductionfunctionsforgood1andgood2.Q1Q 1(K 1,L 1)Q2Q 2(K 2,L 2)ProductionFunctionforGood1Output10093.9 1009080.7 87.48073.670666057.55038.148.6403025.12010 010 20 30 40 50607080 90100ProductionFunctionforGood2 LaborInputforGood1Output10091.495.51009081.586.78075.87069.360 52.561.850 40 39.830 2010 0110 20 30 40 50607080 90 100LaborInputforGood2Graphtheproductionpossibilityfrontier.Whyisitcurved?Q2Q2(K2,L2)Q2100PPFL2Q1100L1Q1Q1(K1,L1)a.ThePPFiscurvedduetodecliningmarginalproductoflaborineachgood.Thetotallaborsupplyisfixed.SoasL1rises,MPL1falls;correspondingly,asL2falls,MPL2rises.SoPPgetssteeperaswemovedownittotheright.b.Themarginalproductoflaborcurvescorrespondingtotheproductionfunctionsinproblem2areasfollows:c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.Supposethatthepriceofgood2relativetothatofgood1is2.Determinegraphicallythewage rateandtheallocationoflaborbetweenthetwosectors. Withtheassumptionthatlaborisfreelymobilebetweensectors,itwillmovefromthelow-wagesectortothehigh-wagesectoruntilwagesareequalized.Soinequilibrium,thewagerateisequaltothevalueoflabor’smarginalproduct.MPL1P1MPL2P2P2/P122b.Theabscissaofpointofintersectionillustratedaboveshouldbebetween(20,30).Sinceweonlyhavetofindouttheapproximateanswer,linearfunctioncouldbeemployed.c.ThelaborallocationbetweenthesectorsisapproximatelyL1=27andL2=73.Thewagerateisapproximately0.98.ingthegraphdrawnforproblem2,determinetheoutputofeachsector.Thenconfirmgraphicallythattheslopoftheproductionpossibilityfrontieratthatpointequalstherelativepri ce.Q2Q2(K2,L2)Q2slope11002 PPFL2Q1c.100d.L1Q1Q1(K1,L1)e.TherelativepriceisP2/P1=2andwehavegottheapproximatelaborallocation,sowecanemploythelinearfunctionagaintocalculatetheapproximateoutputofeachsector:Q1=44andQ2=90.f.Supposethattherelativepriceofgood2fallsto1.Repeat(a)and(b).3Therelativedeclineinthepriceofgood2causedlabortobereallocated:laborisdrawnoutofproductionofgood2andentersproduction ofgood1(L1=62,L2=38).Thisalsoleadstoanoutputadjustment,thatis,productionofgood2fallsto68unitsandproductionofgood1risesto76unit s.Andthewagerateisapproximatelyequalto0.74.Q2Q2(K2,L2)Q2slope12 slope1100PPFL2Q1d.100e.L1Q1Q1(K1,L1)f.Calculatetheeffectsofthepricechangeontheincomeofthespecificfactorsinsectors1and2.3.WiththerelativepricechangefromP2/P1=2toP2/P1=1,thepriceofgood2hasfallenby50percent,whilethepriceofgood1hasstayedthesame.Wageshavefallentoo,butbylessthanthefallinP2(wagesfell approximately25percent).Thus,therealwagerelative4.toP2actuallyriseswhilerealwagerelativetoP1falls.Hence,todeterminethewelfareconsequenceforworkers,theinformationabouttheirconsumptionsharesofgood1andgood2isneeded.5.Inthetextweexaminedtheimpactsofincreasesinthesupplyofcapitalandland.Butwhatifthemobilefactor,labor,increasesinsupply?4a.Analyzethequalitativeeffectsofanincreaseinthesupplyoflaborinthespecificfactorsmodel,holdingthepriceofbothgoodsconstant.Foraneconomyproducingtwogoods,XanY,withlabordemandsreflectedbytheirmarginalrevenueproductcurves,thereisaninitial wageofw1andaninitiallaborallocationofL x=O x AandL y=O y A.Whenthesupplyoflaborincreases,therightboundaryofthediagramill ustratedbelowpushedouttoO y’.ThedemandforlaborinsectorYispulledrightwardwiththeboundary.Thenewintersectionofthela bordemandcurvesshowsthatlaborexpandsinbothsectors,andthereforeoutputofbothXandYalsoexpand.Therelativeexpansion ofoutputisambiguous.Wagespaidtoworkersfall.W MPLy P yMPL x P xw1w2A BO y O yb.Graphtheeffectontheequilibriumforthenumericalexampleinproblems2and3,givenarelativepriceof1,whenthelaborforceexpandsfrom100to140.Withthelawofdiminishing returns,thenewproductionpossibility frontier ismoreconcaveandsteeper(flatter)attheendswhentotallaborsupplyincreases.L1increaseto90from62andL2increasesto50from38.Wagesdeclinefrom0.74to0.60.ThisnewallocationoflaborleadstoanewoutputmixofapproximatelyQ1=85andQ2=77.5Q2Q2(K2,L2)Q2140100PPFL2Q1100140L1Q1Q1(K1,L1)Chapter41.IntheUnitedStateswherelandischeap,theratiooflandtolaborusedincattlerisingishigherthanthatoflandusedinwhe atgrowing.Butinmorecrowdedcountries,wherelandisexpensiveandlaborischeap,itiscommontoraisecowsbyusingle sslandandmorelaborthanAmericansusetogrowwheat.Canwestillsaythatraisingcattleislandintensivecomparedwithf armingwheat?Whyorwhynot? Thedefinitionofcattlegrowingaslandintensivedependsontheratiooflandtolaborusedinproduction,notontheratiooflandorlaborto output.TheratiooflandtolaborincattleexceedstheratioinwheatintheUnitedStates,implyingcattleislandintensiveintheUnitedStat es.Cattleislandintensiveinothercountriestooiftheratiooflandtolaborincattleproductionexceedstheratioinwheatproductioninthat country.ThecomparisonbetweenanothercountryandtheUnitedStatesislessrelevantforansweringthequestion.2.Supposethatatcurrentfactorpricesclothisproducedusing20hoursoflaborforeachacreofland,andfoodisproducedusingonly5hoursoflaborperacreofland.Supposethattheeconomy’ingadiagramdeterminetheallocationofresources.aLC/aTC (LC/QC)/(TC/QC) LC/TC LC 20TCaLF/aTF (LF/QF)/(TF/QF) LF/TF LF 5TFWecansolvethisalgebraicallysinceL=LC+LF=600andT=TC+TF=60.ThesolutionisLC=400,TC=20,LF=200andTF=40.6LandTCCloth Labor LF Food TFLCN owsupposethatthelaborsupplyincreasefirstto800,then1000,ingadiagramlikeFigure4-6,traceoutthechangingallocationofresources.L800:TC33.33,LC666.67,TF26.67,LF133.33L1000:TC46.67,LC933.33,TF13.33,LF66.67L1200:TC60,LC1200,TF0,LF0.(complspeteeciatlizoan) FoodLand12001000800Cloth0l0l0lbor4.Whatwouldhappenifthelaborsupplyweretoincreaseevenfurther?5.Atconstantfactorprices,somelaborwouldbeunused,sofactorpriceswouldhavetochange,ortherewouldbeunemployment.6.“Theworld’spoorestcountriescannotfindanythingtoexport.Thereisnoresourcethatisabundant—certainlynotcapitalorland,andinsmallpoornationsnotevenlaboris76.abundant.”Discuss.7.Thegainsfromtradedependoncomparativeratherthanabsoluteadvantage.Astopoorcountries,whatmattersisnottheabsoluteabundanceoffactors,buttheirrelativeabundance.Poorcountrieshaveanab undanceoflaborrelativetocapitalwhencomparedtomoredevelopedcountries.bormovement—whichmostlyrepresentsblue-collarworkersratherthanprofessionalsandhighlyeducatedworkers—hastraditionallyfavoredlimitsonimportsformless-affluentcountries.Isthisashortsightedpolicyofarationaloneinviewoftheinterestsofunionme mbers?Howdoestheanswerdependonthemodeloftrade?9.IntheRicardo’smodel,laborgainsfromtradethroughanincreaseinitspurchasingpower.Thisresultdoesnotsupportlaboruniondemandsforlimitsonimportsfromlessaffluentcountries.10.IntheImmobileFactorsmodellabormaygainorlosefromtrade.Purchasingpowerintermsofonegoodwillrise,butintermsoftheothergooditwilldecline.11.TheHeckscher-Ohlinmodeldirectlydiscussesdistributionbyconsideringtheeffectsoftradeontheownersoffactorsofpr oduction.Inthecontextofthismodel,borlosesfromtradesincethisgrouprepresentsthe relativelyscarcefactorsinthiscountry.TheresultsfromtheHeckscher-Ohlinmodelsupportlaboruniondemandsforimportlimits.12.ThereissubstantialinequalityofwagelevelsbetweenregionswithintheUnitedStates.Forexample,wagesofmanufacturingworkersinequivalentjobsareabout20percentlowerintheSouthea stthantheyareintheFarWest.Whichoftheexplanationsoffailureoffactorpriceequalizationmig htaccountforthis?HowisthiscasedifferentfromthedivergenceofwagesbetweentheUnitedSt atesandMexico(whichisgeographicallyclosertoboththeU.S.SoutheastandtheFarWestthant heSoutheastandFarWestaretoeachother)?13.Whenweemployfactorpriceequalization,weshouldpayattentiontoitsconditions:bothcountries/regionsproducebothgoods;bothcountrieshavethesametechnologyofproduction,andtheabsenceofbarri erstotrade.InequalityofwagelevelsbetweenregionswithintheUnitedStatesmaycausedbysomeorall ofthesereasons.14.Actually,thebarrierstotradealwaysexistintherealworldduetotransportationcosts.AndthetradebetweenU.S.andMexico,bycontrast,issubjecttolegallimits;togetherwithculturaldifferencesthatinhibitthe flowoftechnology,thismayexplainwhythedifferenceinwageratesissomuchlarger.15.ExplainwhytheLeontiefparadoxandthemorerecentBowen,Leamer,andSveikauskasresultsreportedinthetextcontradictthefactor-proportionstheory.Thefactorproportionstheorystatesthatcountriesexportthosegoodswhoseproductionisintensiveinfa ctorswithwhichtheyareabundantlyendowed.OnewouldexpecttheUnitedStates,whichhasahighcap ital/laborratiorelativetotherestoftheworld,toexportcapital-intensivegoodsiftheHeckscher-Ohlintheoryholds.LeontieffoundthattheUnitedStatesexportedlabor-intensivegoods.Bowen,LeamerandSveikauskasfoundthatthecorrelationbetweenfactorendowme ntandtradepatternsisweakfortheworldasawhole.Thedatadonotsupportthepredictionsofthetheoryt hatcountries'exportsandimportsreflecttherelativeendowmentsoffactors.89.InthediscussionofempiricalresultsontheHeckscher-Ohlinmodel,wenotedthatrecentworksuggeststhattheefficiencyoffactorsofproductionseemstodifferinternationally.Explainhowthiswouldaffecttheconceptoffactorpriceequalization. Iftheefficiencyofthefactorsofproductiondiffersinternationally,thelessonsoftheHeckscher-Ohlintheorywouldbeappliedto“effectivefactors”whichadjustforthedifferencesintechnologyorworkerskillsorlandquality(forexa mple).Theadjustedmodelhasbeenfoundtobemoresuccessfulthantheunadjustedmodelatexplainingthepatternoftradebetween countries.Factor-priceequalizationconceptswouldapplytotheeffectivefactors.Aworkerwithmoreskillsorinacountrywithbettertechnologycouldbe consideredtobeequaltotwoworkersinanothercountry.Thus,thesinglepersonwouldbetwoeffectiveunitsoflabor.Thus,theonehigh-skilledworkercouldearntwicewhatlowerskilledworkersdoandthepriceofoneeffectiveunitoflaborwouldstillbeequalized.3、经过活动,使学生养成博学多才的好习惯。
第1篇国际贸易理论第2章世界贸易概览一、概念题1>(发展中国家(developing countries)答:发展中国家是与发达国家相对的经济上比较落后的国家,又称“欠发达国家”或“落后国家”。
2>(服务外包(service outsourcing)答:服务外包是指企业将其非核心的业务外包出去,利用外部最优秀的专业化团队来承接其业务,从而使其专注于核心业务,达到降低成本、提高效率、增强企业核心竞争力和对环境应变能力的一种管理模式。
3>(引力模型(gravity model)答:丁伯根和波伊赫能的引力模型基本表达式为:其中,是国与国的贸易额,为常量,是国的国内生产总值,是国的国内生产总值,是两国的距离。
练习题二:Part A: Multiple Choice1. In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, the two countries differ inA) tastes.B) military capabilities.C) size.D) relative availabilities of factors of production.E) labor productivities.2.The slope of a countryʹs PPF reflectsA) the opportunity cost of product S in terms of product T.B) the opportunity cost of T in terms of money prices.C) the opportunity cost of S or T in terms of S.D) Both A and B.E) Both A and C.3. According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model, the source of comparative advantage is a countryʹsA) technology.B) advertising.C) human capital.D) factor endowments.E) Both A and B.4. If Australia has relatively more land per worker, and Belgium has relatively more capital per worker, then if trade were to open up between these two countries,A) the relative price of the capital-intensive product would rise in Australia.B) the world price of the land-intensive product would be higher than it had been in Belgium.C) the world price of the land intensive product would be higher than it had been in Australia.D) the relative price of the land intensive product would rise in Belgium.E) None of the above.5. The Heckscher-Ohlin model predicts all of the following exceptA) which country will export which product.B) which factor of production within each country will gain from trade.C) the volume of trade.D) that wages will tend to become equal in both trading countries.E) None of the above.6. External economies of scale arise when the cost per unitA) rises as the industry grows larger.B) falls as the industry grows larger rises as the average firm grows larger.C) falls as the average firm grows larger.D) remains constant.E) None of the above.7. External economies of scaleA) may be associated with a perfectly competitive industry.B) cannot be associated with a perfectly competitive industry.C) tends to result in one huge monopoly.D) tends to result in large profits for each firm.E) None of the above.8. The simultaneous export and import of widgets by the United States is an example ofA) increasing returns to scale.B) imperfect competition.C) intra-industry trade.D) inter-industry trade.E) None of the above.9. Intra-industry trade can be explained in part byA) transportation costs within and between countries.B) problems of data aggregation and categorization.C) increasing returns to scale.D) A ll of the above.E) None of the above.10. Intra-industry trade will tend to dominate trade flows when which of the following exist s?A) large differences between relative country factor availabilitiesB) small differences between relative country factor availabilitiesC) homogeneous products that cannot be differentiatedD) constant cost industriesE) None of the above.11. The larger the number of firms in a monopolistic competition situation,A) the larger are that countryʹs exports.B) the higher is the price charged.C) the fewer varieties are sold.D) the lower is the price charged.E) None of the above.12. The larger the number of firms in a monopolistic competition situation,A) the larger are that countryʹs exports.B) the higher is the price charged.C) the fewer varieties are sold.D) the lower is the price charged.E) None of the above.DADCC BACDB DDPart B:Short Questions1.ʹThe H.O. model remains useful as a way to predict the income distribution effects of trade.ʹDiscuss.Answer: T he Stolper-Samuelson theorem, one of the basic theorems arising from theHeckscher-Ohlin model yields an elegant demonstration of the fact that changes in product prices (such as will occur when trade is expanded or curtailed) telescopes its effects onto factor prices, so that not only do relative factor returns mirror product prices, but that actual returns to factors may either rise or fall in real terms. Hence, as a policy framework, the disproportionate effect trade may have on real incomes of sectors, such as skilled-labor is quite useful both theoretically and practically (or polemically)2.International trade leads to complete equalization of factor prices. Discuss.T his statement is typically ʹtrue . . . but.ʹ Under a strict and limited set of assumptions, such as the original Heckscher-Ohlin model which excludes country specific technologies; non- homothetic tastes; factor intensity reversals; large country differences in (relative) factor abundances, more factors than goods, and an equilibrium solution within the ʹcone of specializationʹ; then it may be demonstrated that internal consistency demands that the above stated sentence is ʹtrue.ʹ However, the minute one relaxes any of the above listed assumptions one may easily identify solutions, which contradict the factor price equalization theorem.3.If a scale economy is the dominant technological factor defining or establishing comparativeadvantage, then the underlying facts explaining why a particular country dominates world markets in some product may be pure chance, or historical accident. Explain, and compare this with the answer you would give for the Heckscher-Ohlin model of comparative advantage.T his statement is true, since the reason the seller is a monopolist may be that it happened to have been the first to produce this product in this country. It may have no connection to any supply or demand related factors; nor to any natural or man-made availability. This is all exactly the opposite of the Heckscher-Ohlin Neo-Classical modelʹs explanation of the determinants of comparative advantage.。
国际经济学题库(克鲁格曼版)经 2
第三章结合第四章看(着重看理论推理)论述:课本知识+自己观点李嘉图模型比较优势认为国际贸易产生的原因李嘉图的比较优势李嘉图模型的假设是:假设劳动是唯一的生产要素李嘉图模型认为国际间的劳动生产率的不同是国际贸易的唯一决定因素生产效率的不同导致了比较优势的不同结论:一个国家应该出口有比较优势的产品,进口有国内优势的产品,有这样的一个原理去支撑国际贸易产生,也就是说李嘉图模型也是在探讨国际贸易产生的原因要素禀赋模型与李嘉图模型的区别和原因是:区分两者共同的基础:(1)、李嘉图(第三章)(2)、要素禀赋,原则:国际顺序:?首先,说说要素禀赋理论的结论:认为一个国家应该如何参与国际贸易,认为各国间的资源差异(各国要素差异度,差异水平)是产生(国际)贸易的唯一原因(李嘉图模型)生产效率不同比较优势不同国际贸易(要素禀赋理论)要素禀赋的差异(不一样)要素价格(不一样)相对价格(不一样)认为现在中国也还在参与国际贸易,那么她的比较优势和要素禀赋理论哪一个理论更贴近第三章1.单一要素P27:衡量生产效益:单位产品所需要的投入要素A本国生产每单位产品所需要的劳动为5单位,B外国需要3单位,同种产品相对而言外国更有效率,具有比较优势(李嘉图模型不可单独写这个)2.比较优势P30(通过这种形式分析本国该进口或出口什么)假设:a LC/a LW<a*LC/a*LW 或a LC/a*LC<a LW/a*LW也就是说,我们假定本国生产1磅奶酪所需的劳动投入与生产1加仑葡萄酒所需的劳动投入之比小于外国的该比值。
当征收关税时,本国的小麦价格升至PT ,而外国的小麦价格降至P*T (= PT –t) ) ,直至价格差距为t美元为止。
《国际贸易》习题库——克鲁格曼版一、名词解释1、绝对优势2、比较优势3、机会成本4、贸易条件5、要素禀赋6、劳动密集型产品7、资本密集型产品8、技术密集型产品9、规模经济 10、产业内贸易 11、代表性需求12、边际物质产品与边际价值产品13、专门生产要素与共同生产要素14产品生命周期理论15、外汇 16、汇率 17、汇率制度 18、即期外汇业务19、远期外汇业务 20、套利业务 21、一价定律22、国际收支 23、马歇尔一勒纳条件 24、货币贬值的J型曲线效应二、判断以下各题的对错,并说明理由。
5、不存在free lunch,但却存在free trade。
10、我们或许可以通过更为细分化的生产要素定义而解决Leontief Paradox。
练习题五:A E C A D C D D E D A D1.Which of the following statements is the most accurate The law of one price states:A) in competitive markets free of transportation costs and official barrier to trade, identical goods sold in different countries must sell for the same price when their prices are expressed in terms of the same currency.B) in competitive markets free of transportation costs and official barrier to trade, identical goods sold in the same country must sell for the same price when their prices are expressed in terms of the same currency.C) in competitive markets free of transportation costs and official barrier to trade, identical goods sold in different countries must sell for the same price.D) identical goods sold in different countries must sell for the same price when their prices are expressed in terms of the same currency.E) None of the above.2. In order for the condition E$/HK$ = Pus/PHK to hold, what assumptions does the principle of purchasing power parity makeA) No transportation costs and restrictions on trade; commodity baskets that are a reliable indication of price level.B) Markets are perfectly competitive, ., P = MC.C) The factors of production are identical between countries.D) No arbitrage exists.E) A and B.3. Under Purchasing Power Parity,A) E$/E = PiUS/PiE.B) E$/E = PiE/PiUS.C) E$/E = PUS/PE.D) E$/E = PE/PES.E) None of the above.4. In the short run,A) the interest rate can rise when the domestic money supply falls.B) the interest rate can decrease when the domestic money supply falls.C) the interest rate stays constant when the domestic money supply falls.D) the interest rate rises in the same proportion as the domestic money supply falls.E) None of the above.5. The PPP theory fails in reality becauseA) transport costs and restrictions on trade.B) monopolistic or oligopolistic practices in goods markets.C) the inflation data reported in different countries are based on different commodity baskets.D) A, B, and C.E) A and B only.6. The PPP theory fails in reality becauseA) transport costs and restrictions on trade.B) monopolistic or oligopolistic practices in goods markets.C) the inflation data reported in different countries are based on different commodity baskets.D) A, B, and C.E) A and B only.7. A country?s domestic currency?s real exchange rate, q, is defined asA) E.B) E times P.C) E times P.D) (E times P)/P.E) P/(E times P).8. In the short-run, any fall in EP/P, regardless of its causes, will causeA) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputB) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputC) a downward shift in the aggregate demand function and an expansion of outputD) an downward shift in the aggregate demand function and a reduction in outputE) an upward shift in the aggregate demand function but leaves output intact9. In the short-run, a temporary increase in money supplyA) shifts the DD curve to the right, increases output and appreciates the currency.B) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and depreciates the currency.C) shifts the AA curve to the left, decreases output and depreciates the currency.D) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and appreciates the currency.E) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and depreciates the currency.10. Temporary tax cuts would cause:A) the AA-curve to shift left.B) the AA-curve to shift right.C) the DD-curve to shift left.D) the DD-curve to shift right.E) a shift in the AA-curve, although the direction is ambiguous.11. In the short-run, a temporary increase in the money supplyA) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and depreciates the currency.B) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and depreciates the currency.C) shifts the AA curve to the left, decreases output and depreciates the currency.D) shifts the AA curve to the left, increases output and appreciates the currency.E) shifts the AA curve to the right, increases output and appreciates the currency.12. Assume the asset market is always in equilibrium. Therefore a fall in Y would result in:A) higher inflation abroad.B) a decreased demand for domestic products.C) a contraction of the money supply.D) a depreciation of the home currency.E) an appreciation of the home currency.13. What can explain the failure of relative PPP to hold in realityGovernment measures of the price level differ from country to country. One reason for these differences is that people living in different countries spend their income in different ways. Because of this inherent difference among countries, certain baskets will be affected more by price changes given their consumptions basket. For example, consumers in country, X, eats more fish relative to another country. More than likely, the government, upon determining a commodity basket to reflect preference, will have an overwhelming representation of fish in their basket. Any price level change in the fish market will be felt particularly by country X, and their overall price level will reflect this. Thus, changes in the relative prices of basket components can cause relative PPP to become distorted.14. Using a figure show that under full employment, a temporary fiscal expansion would increase output (overemployment) but cannot increase output in the long run.A temporarily fiscal expansion will move the economy from DD1 to DD2, and output increases. A permanent fiscal expansion will also shift the AA curve to the left and down. The nominal exchange rate appreciates, . E decreases.15. Using the DD model, explain what happens to out put when Government demands increase. Use a figure to explain when it is taking place.T he figure below shows the G1 to G2 raises output at every level of the exchange rate. The change shifts the DD to the right. Which in turns increases output to Y2.。
Chapter 61.For each of the following examples, explain whether this is a case of external or internaleconomies of scale:a.Most musical wind instruments in the United States are produced by more than adozen factories in Elkhart, Indiana.b.All Hondas sold in the United States are either imported or produced in Marysville,Ohio.c.All airframes for Airbus, Europe’s only producer of large aircraft, are assembled inToulouse, France.d.Hartford, Connecticut is the insurance capital of the northeastern United States.External economies of scale: Cases a and d. The productions of these two industries concentrate in a few locations and successfully reduce each industry's costs even when the scale of operation of individual firms remains small. External economies need not lead to imperfect competition. The benefits of geographical concentration may include a greater variety of specialized services to support industry operations and larger labor markets or thicker input markets.Internal economies of scale: Cases b and c. Both of them occur at the level of the individual firm. The larger the output of a product by a particular firm, the lower its average costs. This leads to imperfect competition as in petrochemicals, aircraft, and autos.2.In perfect competition, firm set price equal to marginal cost. Why isn’t this possiblewhen there are internal economies of scale?Unlike the case of perfectly competitive markets, under monopoly marginal revenue is not equal to price. The profit maximizing output level of a monopolist occurs where marginal revenue equals marginal cost. Marginal revenue is always less than price under imperfectly competitive markets because to sell an extra unit of output the firm must lower the price of all units, not just the marginal one.3.It is often argued that the existence of increasing returns is a source of conflict betweencountries, since each country is better off if it can increase its production in those industries characterized by economies of scale. Evaluate this view in terms of both the monopolistic competition and the external economy models.Both internal economies of scale (which may lead to monopolistic competition) and external economies of scale could lead to increasing returns.By concentrating the production of each good with economies of scale in one country rather than spreading the production over several countries, the world economy will use the same amount of labor to produce more output.In the monopolistic competition model, the concentration of labor benefits the host country.The host country can capture some monopoly rents. But the rest of the world may hurt and have to face higher prices on its consumption goods.In the external economies case, such monopolistic pricing behavior is less likely since imperfectly competitive markets are less likely.4.Suppose the two countries we considered in the numerical example on pages 132-135were to integrate their automobile marker with a third country with an annual market for 3.75 million automobiles. Find the number of firms, the output per firm, and theprice per automobile in the new integrated market after trade.15.8n X 1c P c AC 2=⇒==−−→−+=+==nS Fb S n bn X F AC P However, since you will never see 0.8 firms, there will be 15 firms that enter the market, not16 firms since the last firm knows that it can not make positive profits. The rest of the solution is straight-forward. Using X=S/n, output per firm is 41,666 units. Using the price equation, and the fact that c=5,000, yields an equilibrium price of $7,000.5.Evaluate the relative importance of economies of scale and comparative advantage incausing the following:a.Most of the world’s aluminum is smelted in Norway or Canada.b.Half of the world’s large jet aircraft are assembled in Seattle.c.Most semiconductors are manufactured in either the United States or Japan.d.Most Scotch whiskey comes from Scotland.e.Much of the world’s best wine comes from France.a. The relatively few locations for production suggest external economies of scale in production. If these operations are large, there may also be large internal economies of scale in production.b. Since economies of scale are significant in airplane production, it tends to be done by a small number of (imperfectly competitive) firms at a limited number of locations. One such location is Seattle, where Boeing produces.c. Since external economies of scale are significant in semiconductor production, semiconductor industries tend to be concentrated in certain geographic locations. If, for some historical reason, a semiconductor is established in a specific location, the export of semiconductors by that country is due to economies of scale and not comparative advantage.d. "True" scotch whiskey can only come from Scotland. The production of scotch whiskey requires a technique known to skilled distillers who are concentrated in the region. Also, soil and climactic conditions are favorable for grains used in local scotch production. This reflects comparative advantage.e. France has a particular blend of climactic conditions and land that is difficult to reproduce elsewhere. This generates a comparative advantage in wine production.6.There are some shops in Japan that sell Japanese goods imported back from the UnitedStates at a discount over the prices charged by other Japanese shops. How is this possible?The Japanese producers employ price discrimination across United States and Japanesemarkets, so that the goods sold in the United States are much cheaper than those sold in Japan. It may be profitable for other Japanese to purchase these goods in the United States, incur any tariffs and transportation costs, and resell the goods in Japan. Clearly, the price differential across markets may lead to such profitable chance.7.Consider a situation similar to that in Figure 6-9, in which two countries that canproduce a good are subject to forward-falling supply curves. In this case, however, suppose that the two countries have the same costs, so that their supply curves are identical.a.What would you expect to be the pattern of international specialization and trade?What would determine who produces the good?QP,CD AC AC External Economics and SpecializationSuppose two countries that can produce a good are subject to forward-falling supply curves and are identical countries with identical curves. If one country starts out as a producer of a good, i.e. it has a head start even as a matter of historical accident, then all production will occur in that particular country and it will export to the rest of the world.b.What are the benefits of international trade in this case? Do they accrue only to thecountry that gets the industry?Consumers in both countries will pay a lower price for this good when externaleconomies are maximized through trade and all production is located in a single market. In the present example, no single country has a natural cost advantage or is worse off than it would be under autarky.8.It is fairly common for an industrial cluster to break up and for production to move tolocations with lower wages when the technology of the industry is no longer rapidly improving—when it is no longer essential to have the absolutely most modern machinery, when the need for highly skilled workers has declined, and when being at the cutting edge of innovation conveys only a small advantage. Explain this tendency of industrial clusters to break up in terms of the theory of external economies.External economies are important for firms as technology changes rapidly and as the“cutting edge” moves quickly with frequent innovations. As this process slows, manufacturing becomes more normal and standard and there is less advantage brought by external economies. Instead, firms look for low cost production locations. Since external economies are no longer important, firms find little advantage in being clustered and it is likely that low-wage locations will be chosen.chapter 81.The import demand equation, MD , is found by subtracting the home supply equation from the home demand equation. This results in MD = 80 - 40 x P. Without trade, domestic pricesand quantities adjust such that import demand is zero. Thus, the price in the absence of trade is 2.2.a.Foreign's export supply curve, XS , is XS = -40 + 40 x P. In the absence of trade, the price is 1.b.When trade occurs export supply is equal to import demand, XS = MD . Thus, using theequations from problems 1 and 2a, P = 1.50, and the volume of trade is 20.3.a.The new MD curve is 80 - 40 x (P+t) where t is the specific tariff rate, equal to 0.5. (Note: in solving these problems you should be careful about whether a specific tariff or ad valorem tariff is imposed. With an ad valorem tariff, the MD equation would be expressed as MD =80-40 x (1+t)P). The equation for the export supply curve by the foreign country is unchanged. Solving, we find that the world price is $1.25, and thus the internal price at home is $1.75. The volume of trade has been reduced to 10, and the total demand for wheat at home has fallen to 65 (from the free trade level of 70). The total demand for wheat in Foreign has gone up from 50 to 55.b.andc. The welfare of the home country is best studied using the combined numerical andgraphical solutions presented below in Figure 8-1.P T =1.7550556070QuantityPrice P W =1.50P T*=1.25where the areas in the figure are:a: 55(1.75-1.50) -.5(55-50)(1.75-1.50)=13.125b: .5(55-50)(1.75-1.50)=0.625c: (65-55)(1.75-1.50)=2.50d: .5(70-65)(1.75-1.50)=0.625e: (65-55)(1.50-1.25)=2.50Consumer surplus change: -(a+b+c+d)=-16.875. Producer surplus change: a=13.125. Government revenue change: c+e=5. Efficiency losses b+d are exceeded by terms of trade gain e. [Note: in the calculations for the a, b, and d areas a figure of .5 shows up. This is because we are measuring the area of a triangle, which is one-half of the area of the rectangle defined by the product of the horizontal and vertical sides.]4. Using the same solution methodology as in problem 3, when the home country is very small relative to the foreign country, its effects on the terms of trade are expected to be much less. The small country is much more likely to be hurt by its imposition of a tariff. Indeed, this intuition is shown in this problem. The free trade equilibrium is now at the price $1.09 and the trade volume is now $36.40.With the imposition of a tariff of 0.5 by Home, the new world price is $1.045, the internal homeprice is $1.545, home demand is 69.10 units, home supply is 50.90 and the volume of trade is 18.20. When Home is relatively small, the effect of a tariff on world price is smaller than when Home is relatively large. When Foreign and Home were closer in size, a tariff of .5 by home lowered world price by 25 percent, whereas in this case the same tariff lowers world price by about 5 percent. The internal Home price is now closer to the free trade price plus t than when Home was relatively large. In this case, the government revenues from the tariff equal 9.10, the consumer surplus loss is 33.51, and the producer surplus gain is 21.089. The distortionary losses associated with the tariff (areas b+d) sum to 4.14 and the terms of trade gain (e) is 0.819. Clearly, in this small country example the distortionary losses from the tariff swamp the terms of trade gains. The general lesson is the smaller the economy, the larger the losses from a tariff since the terms of trade gains are smaller.5. The effective rate of protection takes into consideration the costs of imported intermediate goods. In this example, half of the cost of an aircraft represents components purchased from other countries. Without the subsidy the aircraft would cost $60 million. The European value added to the aircraft is $30 million. The subsidy cuts the cost of the value added to purchasers of the airplane to $20 million. Thus, the effective rate of protection is (30 - 20)/20 = 50%.6. We first use the foreign export supply and domestic import demand curves to determine the new world price. The foreign supply of exports curve, with a foreign subsidy of 50 percent per unit, becomes XS= -40 + 40(1+0.5) x P. The equilibrium world price is 1.2 and the internal foreign price is 1.8. The volume of trade is 32. The foreign demand and supply curves are used to determine the costs and benefits of the subsidy. Construct a diagram similar to that in the text and calculate the area of the various polygons. The government must provide (1.8 - 1.2) x 32 = 19.2 units of output to support the subsidy. Foreign producers surplus rises due to the subsidy by the amount of 15.3 units of output. Foreign consumers surplus falls due to the higher price by7.5 units of the good. Thus, the net loss to Foreign due to the subsidy is 7.5 + 19.2 - 15.3 = 11.4 units of output. Home consumers and producers face an internal price of 1.2 as a result of the subsidy. Home consumers surplus rises by 70 x .3 + .5 (6 x.3) = 21.9 while Home producers surplus falls by 44 x .3 + .5(6 x .3) = 14.1, for a net gain of 7.8 units of output.7. At a price of $10 per bag of peanuts, Acirema imports 200 bags of peanuts. A quota limiting the import of peanuts to 50 bags has the following effects:a.The price of peanuts rises to $20 per bag.b. The quota rents are ($20 - $10) x 50 = $500.c. The consumption distortion loss is .5 x 100 bags x $10 per bag = $500.d. The production distortion loss is .5 x50 bags x$10 per bag = $250.。
CHAPTER 2LABOR PRODUCTIVITY AND COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE: THE RICARDIAN MODELChapter OrganizationThe Concept of Comparative AdvantageA One-Factor EconomyProduction PossibilitiesRelative Prices and SupplyTrade in a One-Factor WorldBox: Comparative Advantage in Practice: The Case of Babe RuthDetermining the Relative Price After TradeThe Gains from TradeA Numerical ExampleBox: The Losses from Non-TradeRelative WagesMisconceptions About Comparative AdvantageProductivity and CompetitivenessThe Pauper Labor ArgumentExploitationBox: Do Wages Reflect Productivity?Comparative Advantage with Many GoodsSetting Up the ModelRelative Wages and SpecializationDetermining the Relative Wage with a Multigood ModelAdding Transport Costs and Non-Traded GoodsEmpirical Evidence on the Ricardian ModelSummaryCHAPTER OVERVIEWThe Ricardian model provides an introduction to international trade theory. This most basic model of trade involves two countries, two goods, and one factor of production, labor. Differences in relative labor productivity across countries give rise to international trade. This Ricardian model, simple as it is, generates important insights concerning comparative advantage and the gains from trade. These insights are necessary foundations for the more complex models presented in later chapters.The text exposition begins with the examination of the production possibility frontier and the relative prices of goods for one country. The production possibility frontier is linear because of the assumption of constant returns to scale for labor, the sole factor of production. The opportunity cost of one good in terms of the other equals the price ratio since prices equal costs, costs equal unit labor requirements times wages, and wages are equal in each industry.After defining these concepts for a single country, a second country is introduced which has different relative unit labor requirements. General equilibrium relative supply and demand curves are developed. This analysis demonstrates that at least one country will specialize in production. The gains from trade are then demonstrated with a graph and a numerical example. The intuition of indirect production, that is "producing" a good by producing the good for which a country enjoys a comparative advantage and then trading for the other good, is an appealing concept to emphasize when presenting the gains from trade argument. Students are able to apply the Ricardian theory of comparative advantage to analyze three misconceptions about the advantages of free trade. Each of the three "myths" represents a common argument against free trade and the flaws of each can be demonstrated in the context of examples already developed in the chapter.While the initial intuitions are developed in the context of a two good model, it is straightforward to extend the model to describe trade patterns when there are N goods. This analysis can be used to explain why a small country specializes in the production of a few goods while a large country specializes in the production of many goods. The chapter ends by discussing the role that transport costs play in making some goods non-traded.The appendix presents a Ricardian model with a continuum of goods. The effect of productivity growth in a foreign country on home country welfare can be investigated withthis model. The common argument that foreign productivity advances worsen the welfare of the domestic economy is shown to be fallacious in the context of this model.ANSWERS TO TEXTBOOK PROBLEMS1. a. The production possibility curve is a straight line that intercepts the apple axis at 400(1200/3) and the banana axis at 600 (1200/2).b. The opportunity cost of apples in terms of bananas is 3/2. It takes three units of labor toharvest an apple but only two units of labor to harvest a banana. If one foregoes harvesting an apple, this frees up three units of labor. These 3 units of labor could then be used to harvest 1.5 bananas.c. Labor mobility ensures a common wage in each sector and competition ensures the priceof goods equals their cost of production. Thus, the relative price equals the relative costs, which equals the wage times the unit labor requirement for apples divided by the wage times the unit labor requirement for bananas. Since wages are equal across sectors, the price ratio equals the ratio of the unit labor requirement, which is 3 apples per 2 bananas.2. a. The production possibility curve is linear, with the intercept on the apple axis equal to160 (800/5) and the intercept on the banana axis equal to 800 (800/1).b. The world relative supply curve is constructed by determining the supply of applesrelative to the supply of bananas at each relative price. The lowest relative price at which apples are harvested is 3 apples per 2 bananas. The relative supply curve is flat at this price. The maximum number of apples supplied at the price of 3/2 is 400 supplied by Home while, at this price, Foreign harvests 800 bananas and no apples, giving a maximum relative supply at this price of 1/2. This relative supply holds for any price between 3/2 and 5. At the price of 5, both countries would harvest apples.The relative supply curve is again flat at 5. Thus, the relative supply curve is step shaped, flat at the price 3/2 from the relative supply of 0 to 1/2, vertical at the relative quantity 1/2 rising from 3/2 to 5, and then flat again from 1/2 to infinity.3. a. The relative demand curve includes the points (1/5, 5), (1/2, 2), (1,1), (2,1/2).b. The equilibrium relative price of apples is found at the intersection of the relativedemand and relative supply curves. This is the point (1/2, 2), where the relativedemand curve intersects the vertical section of the relative supply curve. Thus the equilibrium relative price is 2.c. Home produces only apples, Foreign produces only bananas, and each country tradessome of its product for the product of the other country.d. In the absence of trade, Home could gain three bananas by foregoing two apples, andForeign could gain by one apple foregoing five bananas. Trade allows each country to trade two bananas for one apple. Home could then gain four bananas by foregoing two apples while Foreign could gain one apple by foregoing only two bananas. Each country is better off with trade.4. The increase in the number of workers at Home shifts out the relative supply schedulesuch that the corner points are at (1, 3/2) and (1, 5) instead of (1/2, 3/2) and (1/2, 5).The intersection of the relative demand and relative supply curves is now in the lower horizontal section, at the point (2/3, 3/2). In this case, Foreign still gains from trade but the opportunity cost of bananas in terms of apples for Home is the same whether or not there is trade, so Home neither gains nor loses from trade.5. This answer is identical to that in 3. The amount of "effective labor" has not changedsince the doubling of the labor force is accompanied by a halving of the productivity of labor.6. This statement is just an example of the pauper labor argument discussed in the chapter.The point is that relative wage rates do not come out of thin air; they are determined by comparative productivity and the relative demand for goods. The box in the chapter provides data which shows the strong connection between wages and productivity.Korea's low wage presumably reflects the fact that Korea is less productive than the United States in most industries. As the test example illustrated, a highly productive country that trades with a less productive, low-wage country will raise, not lower, its standard of living.7. The problem with this argument is that it does not use all the information needed fordetermining comparative advantage in production: this calculation involves the four unit labor requirements (for both the industry and service sectors, not just the two for the service sector). It is not enough to compare only service's unit labor requirements.If a ls< a ls*, Home labor is more efficient than foreign labor in services. While thisdemonstrates that the United States has an absolute advantage in services, this is neithera necessary nor a sufficient condition for determining comparative advantage. For thisdetermination, the industry ratios are also required. The competitive advantage of any industry depends on both the relative productivities of the industries and the relative wages across industries.8. While Japanese workers may earn the equivalent wages of U.S. workers, the purchasingpower of their income is one-third less. This implies that although w=w* (more or less), p<p* (since 3p=p*). Since the United States is considerably more productive in services, service prices are relatively low. This benefits and enhances U.S. purchasing power.However, many of these services cannot be transported and hence, are not traded. This implies that the Japanese may not benefit from the lower U.S. services costs, and do not face an international price which is lower than their domestic price. Likewise, the price of services in United States does not increase with the opening of trade since these services are non-traded. Consequently, U.S. purchasing power is higher than that of Japan due to its lower prices on non-traded goods.9. Gains from trade still exist in the presence of nontraded goods. The gains from tradedecline as the share of nontraded goods increases. In other words, the higher the portion of goods which do not enter international marketplace, the lower the potential gains from trade. If transport costs were high enough so that no goods were traded then, obviously, there would be no gains from trade.10. The world relative supply curve in this case consists of a step function, with as many"steps" (horizontal portions) as there are countries with different unit labor requirement ratios. Any countries to the left of the intersection of the relative demand and relative supply curves export the good in which they have a comparative advantage relative to any country to the right of the intersection. If the intersection occurs in a horizontal portion then the country with that price ratio produces both goods.FURTHER READINGDonald Davis. “Intraindustry Trade: A Heckscher-Ohlin-Ricardo Approach” (working paper, Harvard University).Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer, and Paul Samuelson. "Comparative Advantage, Trade and Payments in a Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Goods." American Economic Review 67 (December 1977) pp.823-839.Giovanni Dosi, Keith Pavitt, and Luc Soete. The Economics of Technical Change and International Trade. Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 1988.G.D.A. MacDougall. "British and American Exports: A Study Suggested by the Theory of Comparative Costs." Economic Journal 61 (September 1952) pp.487-521.John Stuart Mill. Principles of Political Economy. London: Longmans Green, 1917.David Ricardo. The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Homewood Illinois: Irwin, 1963.。
国际经济学对于跨国企业和金融机构来说也是必不可少的,它可以帮助企业进行 国际市场分析和战略规划,提高竞争力。
国际经济学还可以帮助政府制定对外经济政策,处理国际经济争端,维护国家利 益和经济安全。
汇率制度:各国实行的汇率安 排,包括固定汇率制度和浮动 汇率制度
外汇政策:国家通过各种手段 干预外汇市场,以影响汇率水 平,实现其政策目标
外汇干预:中央银行直接干预 外汇市场,以影响汇率水平
国际合作:各国在外汇政策上 需要加强国际合作,共同维护
国际经济一体化是 指不同国家之间在 经济上形成的一体 化趋势,通过贸易、 投资、货币等方面 的合作,实现资源 优化配置和经济发 展。
理论内容:如果一个国家对另一个国 家的出口供给量增加,那么另一个国 家对该国的进口需求量也会相应增加。
理论意义:相互需求原理是国际经 济学的基本理论之一,对于理解国 际贸易的机制和影响具有重要意义。
贸易条件定义:指一国出口商品价格与进 口商品价格之间的比率。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
贸易利益概念:指通过国际贸易交换,各 国能够获得本国不能生产或者生产成本太 高的商品和服务。
定义:一个国家在生产某一产品时,劳动生产率高于其他国家,拥有绝对优势。 提出者:亚当·斯密 核心思想:国际贸易的基础在于各国生产成本上的绝对差异。 意义:解释了为什么国家间应该进行贸易,并通过专业化生产来提高生产效率和福利水平。
定义:比较优势理论是由大 卫·李嘉图提出的,它认为在 国际贸易中,一个国家应该 专注于生产那些成本相对较 低、效率相对较高的产品, 而从其他国家进口那些成本
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国际贸易》习题库——克鲁格曼版 、名词解释1、绝对优势 2 、比较优势 3 、机会成本 4 、贸易条件 5 、要素禀赋 6、劳动密集型产品 7 、资本密集型产品 8 、技术密集型产品 9、规模经济 10 、产业内贸易 11 、代表性需求 12、边际物质产品与边际价值产品13、专门生产要素与共同生产要素 14 产品生命周期理论 15、外汇 16 、汇率 17 、汇率制度19、远期外汇业务 20 、套利业务22、国际收支 23 、马歇尔一勒纳条件 二、判断以下各题的对错,并说明理由。
1、 当开放贸易时,所有消费者的境况都会得到改善。
2、 根据简单贸易模型, 在贸易发生之前,如果各国的某种商品价格相同, 这些国家之间就 不会有交换该种商品的动机。
• 3、如果一国中某生产者通过贸易能使自己的境况得到改善,那么,该国中所有的生产者 都会通过贸易来改善自己的境况。
4、在两国间均衡贸易价格条件下,一国对某种商品的过度供给必然与另一国对该商品的过 度需求相等。
5、不存在 free lunch ,但却存在 free trade 。
6、 一国即便在某种商品的生产上具有绝对劣势, 它也可以在该商品的生产上具有相对优势。
7、 根据H — O 理论,一国如果比他国拥有更多英亩的土地,该国便是“土地丰富”的国家。
8、 在成本递增的条件下,各国并不一定要完全专业化于一种商品的生产。
9、 H-O 理论假设各国拥有相同的商品偏好。
10、 我们或许可以通过更为细分化的生产要素定义而解决 Leontief Paradox 。
11、 Stolper-Samuelson 定理认为,贸易将使丰富要素的所有者得到更低的实际收入,同时 使稀缺要素的所有者得到更高的实际收入。
12、 如果各国的生产技术相同,贸易便不会使生产要素价格均等化。
13、 一国的非技术性工人会比技术性工人更加反对贸易自由化。
14、 “大”国可投资发展进口替代产业而不是出口产业,进而改善本国的贸易条件。
15、 按照定义,小国的经济增长将不会使贸易条件发生变化。
16、 青春期是一个“ immiserizing growth ”的好例子。
17、 一国生产要素的增长总会使该国更加自给自足,进而减少对国际贸易的依赖。
18、 一个与外界隔绝的国家一定会降低其公民的生活水平。
19、 产业内贸易在充分竞争性产业中更为盛行。
20、 根据 H —0 理论,各国应进行大量的产业内贸易。
21、 规模经济是指资源的平衡增长导致平均成本上升。
22、 产业内贸易发生的原因包括产品差异化、规模经济以及收入分配效应。
23、 如果瑞士旅行鞋的进口增加,英国皮鞋制造商就会受到损失。
24、 自由贸易总是一种比征收关税更好的政策。
25、 从量关税的优越性之一是其保护价值量与进口商品的价格上涨保持同步。
26、 关税对一个国家来说可能是最优的,但对全球来说不会是最优的。
27、 关税给消费者带来的损失要大于它给生产者带来的收益。
28、 与关税相比,配额给政府官员以更大的管理灵活性。
29、 只要进口许可证是被拍卖的,配额的福利效应就与关税相同。
30、 如果一国政府的税收收入很少,它就会倾向于采用关税而不是配额。
31、 对于进口国来说,自愿出口限制比进口配额效果更差。
32、 自愿出口限制实际上很少是自愿的。
33、 对症规则( specificity rule )认为,关税通常不是纠正一国经济中扭曲的最佳方法。
34、 贸易保护的国防理论和国家荣誉理论基本上是次优的。
35、 如果“ learning by doing ”意味者今天更多的生产会使未来的成本降低,那么最好的 政策就是实行保护性关税。
18 、即期外汇业务 21 、一价定律 24 、货币贬值的 J 型曲线效应36、一些“幼稚产业”永远也不会成熟。
52、名义保护系数大于1 表明政府对消费者利益提供了保护。
三、选择题选择题1.开放贸易给进口商品的消费者带来的收益的绝对值:A. 大于该种商品的国内生产者的损失。
B. 小于该种商品的国内生产者的损失。
C. 正好等于该种商品的国内生产者的损失。
D. 不可度量。
2.以下各项中哪一项不会促进国家间木材的贸易?A. 贸易前各国木材价格相等。
B. 追求利润的木材价格套利。
C. 国家间存在木材供给的差别。
D. 国家间存在木材需求的差别。
3. 消费者剩余是:A. 消费者为了商品的生产而必须向政府支付的东西。
B. 消费者通过支付低于市场价格的价格而得到的收益。
C. 以下状况给消费者带来的收益:消费者购买商品所需要支付的价格低于他们中一些人愿意以及能够为该商品所支付的价格。
D. 消费者可以在各种价格水平得到的收益。
4.在进行贸易后,一国的收入分配会发生如下变化:A. 受到进口品竞争压力的国内生产者受到损失,而出口商品的生产者则会受益。
B. 作为整体的国家会受益,而个人则会受到损失。
C. 消费者受损,生产者受益。
D 收入由消费者转向生产者。
5 如果出口供给比进口需求的价格弹性小,那么:A 进口国将不愿进行贸易。
B 出口国将不愿进行贸易。
C. 出口国将得到大部分的贸易收益。
D. 进口国将得到大部分的贸易收益6.第一位系统地表述比较优势原理的经济家是:A.Bertil Ohlin.B.Eli Heckscher.C.John Maynard Keynes.D.David Ricardo.7. H— O理论说明:A. 相对于其他资源,劳动力比较丰裕的国家并不具有比较优势。
B. 一个劳动力资源对非劳动力资源比率较高的国家,应当减少对国际贸易的参与。
C. 一个非劳动力资源相对丰富的国家将不会从国际贸易中受益。
D. 国际市场的力量将引导各国专业化于生产和出口大量使用其相对丰富要素的商品。
&如果A国可用1个工时生产3单位的X产品或3单位的Y产品,B国可用1个工时生产1 单位的X 产品或1单位的Y产品,假定劳动是唯一的投入,那么:A. A国在两种商品的生产上均具有绝对优势。
B. B国在两种商品的生产上均具有绝对优势。
C. A国在两种商品的生产上均具有比较优势。
D. B国在两种商品的生产上均具有比较优势。
9.对于H—O理论来说,导致不同国家间相对商品价格差异的最主要的原因是:A. 要素禀赋。
B. 国民收入。
C. 技术。
D. 消费偏好。
10.在没有贸易的情况下,一国的消费点:A. 在生产可能性曲线上方。
B. 在生产可能性之上或之内。
C. 在生产可能性曲线上。
D. 位置不可判定。
11.在开放贸易后的短时期内:A. 所有与衰退产业相关的集团都会受到损失。
B. 只有那些更密集地使用于衰退产业的要素才会受到损失。
C. 只有那些更不密集地使用于衰退产业的要素才会受到损失。
D. 只有本国中最为丰裕的要素才会受到损失。
12 墨西哥拥有丰裕的非技术工人,而美国拥有丰裕的技术工人。
在开放贸易后,从长期看,非技术工人的工资将:A 在两国都下降。
B 在美国下降,在墨西哥上升。
C 在美国上升,在墨西哥下降。
D 在两个国家都上升。
13 以下论断中,错误的是:A 消费模式不会影响中性要素的福利收益或损失。
B 消费模式会影响所有要素的收益或损失。
C 消费模式不会影响最为专业化的要素的收益或损失。
D 消费模式不会影响一国整体的福利收益或损失。
14 在下述哪一条件中,要素价格均等化定理将不能成立?A 要素不会在各产业间流动。
B 要素在不同国家中具有不同的生产率。
C 各国均建立贸易壁垒以阻止自由贸易。
D 上述所有3项。
15 “在一个贸易快速增长的国家中,新资本的迅速积累会使该国进口更多的自然资源。
” 隐含于这一论断的定理是:A.Heckscher —Ohlin theorem.B.Stolper —Samuelson theorem.C.Rybczynski theorem.D.Factor-price Equalization theorem.16.如果一国在资本密集型产品的生产方面具有比较优势,且资本增长的速度快于其他投入品(如劳动力)的增长速度,那么,根据贸易理论由此而导致的增长模式为:A. 进口替代。
B. 资本密集型产品和其他贸易商品均衡增长。
C. 出口扩张。
D. 以上三者都不对。
17.“ Immiserizing growth ”的一个必要条件为:A. 国家的增长偏向于出口产业。
B. 外国对该国的出口需求具有价格弹性。
C. 国家的消费偏好高度偏向于出口商品。
D. 贸易在国民经济中比重不大。
18. H―― O理论成功的解释了:A发生于美国之外的产品创新过程和产业的布局与发展。
B. 出口和进口同类产品的国家变得更为重要。
C. 由于在要素禀赋方面的类似性,美国和加拿大之间的贸易在日益增加。
D. 具有不同要素禀赋的工业化国家和发展中国家之间的贸易模式。
19. 以下产品中,哪一种产品最容易经历一个产品生命周期?A. 大米。
B. 电视机。
C. 原油。
D. 矿物。
20. 产业内贸易更容易发生于:A. 富国与穷国之间。
B. 类似的高收入国家之间。
C. 发展中国家之间。
D. 发达国家与发展中国家之间。
21. 以下哪项陈述最为正确?A. 规模经济决定了各国的比较优势。
B. 规模经济不能决定各国的比较优势,而是将现有的比较优势转变为低价格和产出与贸易的扩大。
C. 外部经济可以比内部经济更好地解释比较优势,因为外部经济意味着其他竞争公司产出的扩大。