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1.Can Jenney play the guitar?

A. Yes, she can

B. No, she can’t

C. I don’t know

2.How can Li Hong improve her English?

A. By writing more

B. By listening more

C. By reading more

3.What are they talking about?

A. The rivers

B. The weather

C. The earth

4.Who runs fastest of the three?

A. Mike

B. Jack

C. Bill

5.When will Linda probably come to the party?

A. At 8:30 p.m.

B. At 8:00 p.m.

C. At 7:30 p.m.


6.How many times has Dick been to the West Lake Park?

A. Once

B. Twice

C. Never

7.Where will they go?

A. To the West Lake Park

B. To Nanhu Park

C. To Pinghu Park 听第七段对话,回答第8~9小题。

8.When is Mike’s birthday?

A. April 13th

B. April 17th

C. May 4th

9.What birthday present will the two speakers send Mike?

A. A watch

B. A football

C. A basketball


10.Where is the man’s wife?

A. In Changsha

B. In Beijing

C. In Shanghai

11.Who will look after Tom?

A. His mother

B. His father

C. The woman

12.What do we know about the woman?

A. She likes children

B. She still works

C. She is a teacher 听第九段对话,回答第13~15小题。

13.Why did the woman come back to the store?

A. Because she left her bag in the store

B. Because she forgot to pay for the pears

C. Because she got the wrong bag with her

14.How many pears did the woman buy?

A. Three

B. Four

C. Six

15.What did the man do at last?

A. He paid for the pears for the woman

B. He changed the bag for the woman

C. He returned the bag to the woman



完形填空。通读短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案填空。(共10小题,计10分)Numbers in different countries may have different meanings. In China, some people think that some numbers bring them 16 . Take “8” for example, the Chinese pronunciation of th e number “8” has almost the 17 sound as that of the Chinese character “发[fa:]”, which means making a fortune. So, many Chinese people spend a lot of 18 to get their telephone numbers or car numbers to include this number “8”. They believe without 19 doubt that the number will bring them money.

20 , others don’t believe that numbers have anything to do with good luck. They think such an idea is only an ignorant(愚昧的) and superstitious(迷信的) belief. A number is one thing, and good luck is 21 . They will ask, “ 22 can you ever have any good luck simply because of some lucky numbers, even if you don’t work hard, don’t have good opportunities and don’t get along well with the people around you?”

As for me, I 23 with the latter(后者). Clearly, lucky numbers are only a kind of superstition. Perhaps it holds true for some cases, but often it does not. Numbers can 24 bring good luck to a person at all and our fortune is in our own hands. So, everyone can have a good fortune only if he tries his best. Le t’s always remember “Opportunities are only for the 25 mind” and “No pains, no gains.”

16.A. good luck B. had luck C. failure

17.A. different B. same C. similar

18.A. time B. money C. things

19.A. no B. some C. any

20.A. However B. What’s more C. At last

21.A. other B. the other C. another

22.A. How B. What C. Why

23.A. agree B. disagree C. dislike

24.A. often B. always C. never
